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Can ChatGPT Write A Good Screenplay

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André Rodrigues <foxdanger@gmail.


Can ChatGPT Write A Good Screenplay?

Noam Kroll <> Sun, 29 Jan 14:35
Reply-To: Noam Kroll <>
To: André <>

Can ChatGPT Write A Good Screenplay?

By now you've all heard about ChatGPT - the AI powered platform

that  exploded in popularity this month. 

You can use ChatGPT to answer just about any question, but perhaps
its greatest strength is the ability to write and edit huge amounts of

text instantaneously.

Naturally, I couldn't help but wonder what would happen if ChatGPT

were tasked with developing a feature length screenplay idea...

So I tried it out - Not because I want to outsource my writing (that

would completely defeat the purpose for me), but to get into the
"mind" of AI and see how it approaches the writing process.
The Story Template

I asked ChatGPT how to best use it to write a screenplay, and

requested a template that filmmakers can fill in to generate a story.

This is what it said, unedited:

Here's a simple template to help you generate a screenplay with ChatGPT:

Step 1: Define the genre

Provide the genre of your screenplay, for example: "sci-fi", "romantic comedy",


Step 2: Define the protagonist

Provide a description of the protagonist, including: name, age, occupation,

personality, and goal.

Example prompt: "My protagonist is named Sarah, she is a 30-year-old

detective and is determined and sarcastic. Her goal is to solve a string of

murders in the city."

Step 3: Define the antagonist

Provide a description of the antagonist, including: name, age, occupation,

personality, and motivation.

Example prompt: "The antagonist is named John, he is a 40-year-old wealthy

businessman with a manipulative and cruel personality. He is motivated by his

desire to maintain his power and control over the city."

Step 4: Define the conflict

Provide a description of the conflict between the protagonist and antagonist.

Example prompt: "The conflict is that Sarah is investigating the murders that

John is behind, and John will stop at nothing to keep his involvement a secret."

Step 5: Define the setting

Provide a description of the setting, including: time, location, and tone.

Example prompt: "The story takes place in present day New York City and has

a dark and suspenseful tone."

Step 6: Generate story beats and plot points

Provide ChatGPT with a prompt asking it to generate plot points and story

beats to advance the story.

Example prompt: "Please generate five plot points that will escalate the conflict

between Sarah and John and bring the story to a climax."

Story Ideation
Based on the response above, ChatGPT has made it clear which

details it needs to tell a story (protagonist, antagonist, etc.)

To fully test the capabilities of the AI, I asked ChatGPT to fill in the
blanks for me, rather than giving it my own input.

This was my prompt:

"Come up with 5 different story ideas for feature films in the family drama

genre. Write a short description of each concept, which should do the

following: Define the genre, define the protagonist, define the antagonist,

define the conflict, define the setting."

ChatGPT responded with 5 story ideas, and I picked one at random.

Here is the idea it created:

"The Inheritance" - Family Drama. Protagonist: Lily, a 50-year-old widow

Antagonist: Her sister-in-law, who is greedy and deceitful. Conflict: After the

death of her husband, Lily discovers a hidden family secret and must fight for

her fair share of the inheritance. Along the way, she must navigate family

politics and confront her sister-in-law's manipulative ways. Setting: A wealthy

estate in the countryside.

Beat Sheet
The next step in my usual writing process is to turn a concept into a

beat sheet, so I asked ChatGPT to do the same thing.

I specifically prompted it to write a beat sheet based on the synopsis

above (which it generated), and to use the Blake Snyder beat sheet as

a template.

His beat sheet contains 15 story beats, which I pasted into ChatGPT

as a reference. These were the results:

1. Opening Image: Lily standing alone at her husband's funeral, surrounded

by her in-laws and their wealth.

2. Set-Up: Lily's life as a 50-year-old widow, who devoted her life to her

husband and has limited connections outside of her in-laws.

3. Theme Stated: Lily overhears a conversation between her in-laws, who

discuss how wealth can corrupt and cause family rifts.

4. Catalyst: After the funeral, Lily discovers a hidden family secret about a

large inheritance left by her husband.

5. Debate: Lily struggles with whether to fight for her fair share of the

inheritance or to let her in-laws handle it.

6. Break Into Two: Lily decides to fight for her fair share, determined to

uncover the truth and assert her rights.

7. B Story: Lily forms a relationship with a lawyer who helps her navigate

the legal system and stand up to her sister-in-law.

8. The Promise of the Premise: As Lily delves deeper into the family's

history and the inheritance, she discovers new information and confronts

her sister-in-law's manipulative ways.

9. Midpoint: Lily achieves a victory in court and feels confident in her

pursuit of the inheritance.

10. Bad Guys Close In: Lily's sister-in-law retaliates by revealing further

family secrets that threaten to undermine Lily's case.

11. All is Lost: Lily's legal victory is overturned, and she feels hopeless and


12. Dark Night of the Soul: Lily reflects on her life and her relationships,

realizing the true meaning of family and what truly matters to her.

13. Break into Three: Encouraged by her lawyer and a newfound sense of

purpose, Lily decides to continue her fight for the inheritance, driven by a

desire to honor her husband's legacy and secure her future.

14. Finale: Lily uses her newfound strength and knowledge of the family's

history to outwit her sister-in-law and secure her fair share of the


15. Final Image: Lily standing on the steps of the wealthy estate, smiling and

surrounded by her family, with a sense of closure and a brighter future


I decided to end the process at the beat sheet, but could have

continued it further. The next step would be to flesh out the 15 beats
to 40 beats, and then to write each beat out as a scene.

But for the purpose of this experiment, the results from the beat sheet

were clear enough to draw some initial conclusions.

My biggest takeaway: AI is great at thinking big picture, but poor

at creating specificity and nuance. At least for now...

In other words, it can write in clichés and tropes, but sorely lacks the
emotional depth and originality that a great screenplay needs.

That said though, I tried a similar experiment about a year ago with

another platform and didn't get anywhere near these type of results.

As the technology matures, it's very possible ChatGPT will be able to

write a truly compelling screenplay. We're just not there yet.

At this point, it's probably best used as a springboard to inspire new

ideas, or see which clichés it will generate that you should avoid.

Personally, I'm sticking to pen and paper. The process is the reward,

and using AI to write on my behalf is no different than using a ghost

writer, which I also have no interest in.
But it's always fun to see what's on the horizon and keep a finger on

the pulse... 

That's it for today. See you next Sunday!

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