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Twenty-Nine Reasons Not To Be A Nice Guy

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In the past five years, the internethas revolutionizedsociety. One areawhich is evolving at warp speed is that of male-female interaction, specifically with regard to with romance and seduction. Discussiongroups have sprung up all over cyberspace, virnrally every major ISP and website offering content in the category. unlike other infonnation, such as sports scoresor stock prices, relationshipadvice is subjective,and politically. In most fora, the femalepoint of view reigns the contentis strongly regulated even, their account berated,harassed supreme,with men who dissentfinding themselves accessterminated and their opinions unwelcome The exceptionto the censorshiprule can be found on IJSENET (AOL keyword: newsgroupsi), a collection of newsgroupsdevotedto every topic imaginable, including seduction. The most popular groups are alt.romance and,but from those groups a spinoff group was created, to deal with the increasing popularity of a man namedRossJeffries and a product namedSpeedSeductionrNr, or SS. Ross's work has becomeso popular that the movie characterplayed by Tom Cruise in Magnolia was based on him. SS currently numbers approximately 40,000 paying customers,and probably three times as many who have heard of the method and put it into practicebasedon the free materialon Ross'swebsiteat In the past few years, ASF has evolved from an SS-only group into a group for playersof all kinds, men who want to have sex with many Foxes, ffid to have it quickly after rneeting. The new information on ASF has sparkedan explosion of websitesand e-mail lists which bring its total audienceto close to 200,000 or more (in my estimate), and which is growing every day. Too many men are getting laid too easily and too often by women who are too beautiful for this explosionto be ignored. The information is high-quality, free of the female-dominated censorshipon the rest of the web, and it is who can scorealmostat will rurning men who never got laid in their lives into superstuds with higher-qualitywomen than they were striking out with previously. My goal here is to explain ASF and its related websitesto those who are not by revealingthe frustrationof the former nice familiar with it, and to captureits essence in which a jerk got laid guys who populateit. The result is a collectionof sinrations while a nice guy would not have. My purposeis to angerthe reader,to once and for all over by Foxes,why he is being screwed explainto the nice guy how he is being screwed seducers of the internetto over, and how he can imitate the behaviilr of the successful solve his problem. The book shouldalso servenotice to Foxes that men are catchingon to your games,ffid many are deciding that being nice is just not worth it.

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Table Of Contents
Foreword Table of Contents

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Introduction Reason # I : Good For One Thing Only Reason #2: Treat Your Soulmate Like A Slut Reason #3: PhonyCompliments Reason #4: SheLikes Babytalk Reason #5: The Changeup Reason #6: It's OkayTo Cheat Reason #7: SexAs A Weapon Reason #8: The Bitch Shield Reason #9: Kino Reason #10: He Says All The Right Things Reason #Il: StreetPickups Reason # 12: The Pivot And Social Proof (Friendly Fox) Reason #13: The Boyfriend Destroyer Reason # 14: LJBF And The Guv Switch Reason #15: The SecretSlut Reason # 16 Indoctrination Reason # 17 : The Looks Screen


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Reason #18: The Pluck Reason #19: The Pivot [n Practice Reason #20: Chick Logic Reason #21: Taking Off Her Shirt . . Reason #22: HeightBigotry Reason #23: The Cockblock Reason #24: Lying Pays Reason #25: The Shit Test Reason #26. EvenWhenYou Win. You Lose Reason #21: American Woman! Stav Awav From Me!! Reason #28 The Dark Side Reason #29: Why Men Are Jerks Endgalne: Anti-Player Methods Seduction

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Wimpy, whingey, whiny men, I'lI never fall for one ogain. Mummy's boys from birth to death, from their first cry, til' their final breath. men, is typical of The above, postedto USENET as an insult to decent,dateless what inspired this book. I have had enoughof seeingwomen get away with taunting men who dare to complain about their behavior, no matter how wrong it is. Hell may hath no fury like a woman scorned, and she may get sympathy and her honor defendedby men who want to get laid but a nice guy scornedis shit out of luck. The man who writes a long post to USENET about how women have mistreatedhim can expect a slew of negativepostingsin response,taunting him for everything from his attitude, to his height, career, or even ttrat he is too nice. Perhapsshe would have preferred OJ Simpson! It is very TOO MCE!!?! difficult to have sympathyfor Foxes, who have more men to choosefrom than anyone, yet who manageto chooseone jerk after another, if they are going to taunt the polite, decent, civilized men they claim to want as weak-mindedwimps who deserveto be walked on. The double standard hasgone on long enough:Foxeswho want nice men are going to have to changethe rules. The way ttre dating game is currently rigged, nice guys get a raw deal almost 100 percentof the time. The debateis eternal: on one side are thosewho are willing to speakthe truth, ffid on the other are those who attemptto deny it. To argue that Foxes do not reward men for behavinglike jerks is just naive. This book is written for nice guys who are wondering why they bother treating women well if they are not onlv not going to be rewarded for doing So, but, as I will clearly denronstrate, actually be punished for doing the right thing by treating them as they are to be treated. supposed The questionarisesof how she could repeatedlyhave sex with a man she claims to despise,while repeatedlyignoring a man sheclaims to want. Either Foxesare terrible judges of men, they are lying about what they want from men, or a combinationof both factors is at work. With this book, I seekto answer all of thesequestions,providing a full understanding of reality to the nice guy in denial, a blueprint for turning into a jerk for the nice guy who is fed up, and using the internetto exchangeseductiontechniques


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and learn how to become a player who takes what he wants insteadof a nice guy wimp who begs for it. One need only examine the outcome of relationshipsto documentthe carnage:65 percent of marriages fail, with wives initiating the divorce 97 percent of the time. Add ffid one-night standsthat breakupsprior to engagement, to this the broken engagements, Foxes thought were relationships,and the rewardsfor being a lying jerk a clear. Want more proof Considerthe top dating complaints: Foxes: The guys I want are all taken or c,heaters or turn out to be jerks. The Foxes I want won't give me the time of day.

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Do the math: Foxes ignore nice guys and run to the lyirg, cheatingjerks. If nice guys really did rule the roost, the jerks would be whining, the nice guys would be happy and not whining, they would not cheat, and everyonebut the jerks would be collectively happier. Are we so self-destructive that we act againstour own interests? No. The problem has two elements:

system explained in Outfoxing The Foxes), or the simple supply-anddemandnightmarecreatedby everyone'sdesirefor perfection,askingfrom the oppositesex far more than they offer. If a Frog wants a Fox, and she wants a Prince, she will be a bitch to the Frog solely because she doesn't want him, just as the Prince will be a jeit< to her for the same reason. Moreover, should the Prince make the mistake of settling temporarily for the Fox, only to find a better offer, and exercisehis right to dump her for the better offer, he is considered a jerk, while a Fox who dumps a Frog for a Prince will cite her need to be happy and how she didn't intend for it to happen. with a realistic view of the sexualmarketplaceand human Someone behavior would understandinstinctively what happensand how to work with nature rather than againstit. They would know who is likely to want them, why, for how long, and if they were able to read their behaviorproperly they would be able to determineif they were fundamentallycornpatible. Instead,we have a sinrationwhere hope, not logic, is our fuel. Insteadof acknowledgingthe inherent opportunism and lack of ethics in the dating game, we hope for the fairy tale that will make it all worthwhile, and point to those who self-reporthappiness as proof that our hope is justified, even when is the exception,not the rule. data indicatesthat happiness

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Women confuse strength and bullying, confidence and cockiness, and gravitate to the conqueringmale who is rude to the world but treats her like a queen. She assumesthat he is treating her better than everyone else becauseshe is special, and does not reallr;ethat familiarity will eventually breed contempt, and she will be treatedmore and more like the rest of the world over time. Still more are dysfunctional due to societal conditioning and their upbringing that they either expect, tolerate, or try to change abusive behavior. The dysfunction can be addictive, with the added problem that once a Fox is in a relationship, over time she becomes increasinglyreluctantto admit shemadea mistake and wastedhowever long she was with him. The nice guy is confronted with a horrible sinration: either he stays the way he is gets rejected, or he turns his behavior aroundobecoming a jerk, and gets what he and wants. Compounding the problem is that Foxes tell complaining nice guys that the problem is in their attitude, that they need to changeit, which is even further approval of the jerk lifestyle because the samenice guy who becomesa jerk winds up pursuedby the very Foxes who used to reject him! This would not happenunless it was his nice qualities they found repulsive. A reward system that gives sex to jerks and which punishes nice men for being nice is going to populatethe world with jerks. Foxeshave the sexualleverageto alter male behavior, and the burden restsupon them to do so by rewarding the behavior they claim to want, and for nice men to shift the burden to the Foxes to prove that they are part of the solution and not the problem.



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Reason #Iz
Good For One Thing And One Thing Only
Want proofl Listen to her say that if a man is only into her body, shewon't want him, but this conflicts with the reality. If she wants him, she will care not if he is a pig who only wants her body, but whether or not she measuresup to his standards. By giving him the power, she acceptshis shallow preferencesas his due, his reward for being the ultimate, strong, confident,alpha-male. As such , he desenesthe best, and she comeson to him like a porn-staror a stripper. Conversely,a Clark Kent-typewho even mentions her body will be called a pervert. It has nothing to do with how a man behaves,but how much respecthe commands. A typical USENET post might read as follows:
How canI get the beautifulwomento respond to my approaches? I comeup andsay hi, and after that I don't know what to do. What can I do to get them interested in talking? Do any of the playersin the group havegood ice-breakers? I'm a newbie and just found this group last week. I think it's great! Help a brother out ou his questto become a player!!


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For copyright reasons,the "posts" you seehere are illustrative, taken from my research and experience,or observation. Note already from this "post" that his first screening processis basedon looks. Does this hurt his chances?Of coursenot. It doesn't stop men with money from winding up with golddiggers,either. Foxes who want money in a man do not usually admit it, and looksdiggerswill not'admit it either. We admit it in our humor, especiallyin sitcoms,where the presence of a Fox leadsto predictablystupid behavior (Spin City is a good example of this). Now for another "post" from a jerk describing what happenswhen he has crossedthe line to where he rs popular with women'.
Get this. guys!! I met sometat chick from biologyclassat the local bar last night aud shewas ALL OVER ME!! I didn't want to be rude or lose my reputation in front of the hottiesI wantedto bang,so I had to be polite. I hatethat!! Don't these warpigsknow that they don't havea chance?Neways,I talk to the warpig and she's askingme what I like. Turns out shehasa boyfriendand wantedto fix me up with her friends!! Sheask-s me what I want and I tell her I don't careas long as she'shot and not a psycho. I askedher why shewantedto fix me up so bad and shesaidthat her and her friends had beenwatchingme for a while and liked my conftdence I'rn is EVERYTHING!! telling you, guys, confidence

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Note here that he's heededthe repeated commentsby women that they want a man to be confident. Their idea of confident is usually cocky, but the reasonthey want it is that they figure a man who can prancearound without self-doubtor fear must have a lot going for him. This has becomelessand lessthe case,as men know that they are beingjudged -l-

by how much confidence they display, and have altered their behavior to mimic true they are also confident that confidence. Nice guys have one strike againstthem, because Foxes will give them a fair chanceand take the time to notice their good qualities. The sirmeFoxes who complain down the road about the men they choose are the ones who reward this silly behavior when choosing. Nice guys lose out becauseFoxes think emotionally, not logically. The jerks everyone else sees as flawed, they see as passionate, misunderstood, in touch with his feminine side (read: he knows how to lie to jerks are illogical and self-centered, get laid), and, most important, because they have a natural kinship with Foxes, who often sharethesetraits. This man is thought worthy becausehe knows what he wants, and with the fakeconfidence act he has convincedthem that he is a man who getswhat he wants. Any Fox he datesshould know that this is the primary reasonhe wants her. The nice guy loses the game at exactly this point because he would never give a response like this regarding his preferences. He would talk about inner beauty, and then reel off a list of character requirementsthat most Foxes simply do not meet. Who are the nice girls? The ugly ones, because they have to be! What Foxes are saying is that you are a nice guy who doesn't deservethe hassleof playing in their league,but here's this nice, unattractive femalejust for you! If this is not an attack on your manhood, I don't know what is. Foxes say attitudeis important, yet a man who explicitly statesa looks preferenceabove all else is not punished,but rewardedfor it, as long as he is consideredworthy. How is it not a bad attitude to be that shallow when your CI-IPID rating is high and a bad one if your rating is low?

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Reason #22
Treat Your SoulmateLike A Slut
The most difficult realizationI ever came to was that even when I wanted a good relationshipwith a Fox, being a player is still the way to go. If I were a jerk dealing with this problem on USENET, I would sound like this:
Recovering AFC here. I havea problem,guys: I do fine when I play the field -- in tact, the chix want me the mostwhen I do that. But this is what I hate:the SECOND I stan caring aboutone of them and tell the othersto get lost, the one I choose dumps me! Don't they want relationships? What'sup with this? I don't wanrto be a player but I don't want to be alone. Is thereany in-between? Don't get me wrong, I love the sex, but I'm beginningto think it was the womenall alongwho are the players. What do you think? In a way this is good for me bcuz it allows me ro be a player and if I want to dump them, all I haveto do is cling!! The most valuable thing I've also learnedfrom here is to next a chick if I can't closewith her immediately.This newsgroup is too good to be true! Keep up the greatpostings, guys!

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A nice guy losesby pinning all of his hopeson one Fox, which she crusheswith the predictability of the sunrise. AFC refers to an averagefrustrated chump, or a man who forms his opinions of dating basedon what Foxes tell him to do. Postersto ASF take pride in losing their AFC tendencies and learning to play the numbers-game that the jerks rely on. Even if 99 out of 100 Foxes rejecta jerk, one will eventuallyspreadher legs for him, and even a Fox who rejects99 out of 100jerks will still get burned once. The postersto ASF consider it very important to close quickly and not waste time, a defensive mechanism built by men who havebeenburnedtoo many times. The term next (asin "nexther") is like the one-and-done rule from Outfoxing The Foxes, wherebyonce a lnan doesn't get what he wants, he moves on, although unlike a Foxhunter, he will often leavea parting shot that baits her into continuingthe banter. I do this occasionally, but recomnend it only as an advancedtechnique,as it is complicated. This "post" reflectsa man who deepdown wantsa monogamous relationship. The your treat soulmate like a slut rule is unfortunate,but necessary. The absoluteworst thing any man could do is to give up his harem because once he does so his chosenone has control, and is likely to abuseit. Have you ever noticed how Foxes complain about boyfriends who won't commit? That's becausethey dump the ones who would commit!! jerk Be a who has ten Foxes, and eachwill want you to chooseher; be a nice guy who wantsany one of the ten, and they eachwill consideryou too clingy. This happens every da)'. yet anyonewho points it out is attackedby both gendersas misogynistic.

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Reason #32
Phony Compliments
Every nice guy hearsFoxes tell them how wonderful they are, and how they will make someonespecialvery happy, yet they don't go out of their way to date them or even fix them up. The nice guy is inclined to believethesewords, while thejerk will not (to him, anythingshort of sex is disrespect evennrally). Note the toleratesuchdisrespect previousexiunplewhere not only were Foxeseagerto fix up a shallowjerk, but evenhis statedlooks preferencedid not deter them. Meanwhile, the man who is what they claim to want is ignored. The conclusionthat Foxes are collectively lying to him is almost impossibleto refute. To solve this problem, the nice guy has to learn how to recognize a phony compliment and shoot it down. Here's a good examplefrom my own life, put into the form of a USENET post:
I don't mind someof the gameschix play wit me, but I hate,hate,HATE it when they try to softenthe blow of rejectionwith a compliment. I rnadea promiseto




I I I A clrick (7.7, Asian)me up aroundl0 and BEGSme to comeover an help her with I somefuckingassignment for her midterm. AFC thatI still am (shit,guys,I gottaget I j.X'*TilJ;:l; -'ilf-'Jili[H:lffifl ;:iJ,:'1il'i'll?l;"J#l,#tiil::il:fl I cheatingon her. Finally I interrupt her and tell her to just dump him and date au honestguy and shetells me shecan't find one. I ask her if shethinks I'm dishonest I I :li.:in,f il-?i;::r::;",^i^^:::"K,1?';,,1,f='l[:;#*
pulls Last night this slrit onrne toputherinherplace.
no, not that! You know what I mean!!" I'm like "Why don't you tell me what you for you?" Shesays"Uh, ult. your great. rnean. You think I'm not good enough you'll rnakea fine boyfriendfor any woman!" Withoutthinking,I shotback "yeah, EXCEPT YOU." ( (


You shoulda seen the look on her face!! I just satthereand shefell apart,blushittg because the next thing I know she's at me. Musta beenmy cynicismor something to sitting in my lap, unzippingmy pants,and we fuck all night. Let that be a lessr.xr all the AFC out here not to take her shit. Showbackbone at all times!!!

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Catchingher in a lie instilled respectin her. What the nice guys fail to realize is that when a Fox wants him, she finds time to be with him, and finds ways to overconre any physicalor mental obstacles.In this caseI was being too civilized, calledher on her bullshit, and conqueredher in the process.



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Like a goodjerk, I made the right aggressive move at the right moment - a move a nice guy wouldn't even think of - and was rewardedwith an open run to the endzone, while a nice guy would have listened to her whine all night and never done more than hang out with her as friends. Nice guys are not trained to recognize opportunitieslike this, and they are conditionednot to challengeFoxes when they lie. I got laid for two reasons:I knew enoughto spot a phony compliment, and wasn't afraid to challengeit. This Fox had rejectedmany decentmen whose only crime was that they weren't smart enoughto seethrough her and act like a jerk, in this casenot with words so much as with cynicism and a direct challengeto her honesty,which she hates,not because it's mean, but because it's usually correct. The phony compliment that she thought I was relationship-worthy was actually a shit test (Reason#25). She truly thoirghtI was worthy only after my response,and her actionsreflectedthis.

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Reason #42
She Likes Babvtalk
Why not? It doesn't require her to think!! Never is the canyon betweenthe nice guy and the jerk so large as it is here. Immediatelyupon flrst contact, the nice guy is polite, civilized, and, as if that weren't enough strikes againsthim, he nontfueatening, He'll ask her politely about herself, have a polite is intelligent and mature!! conversation,tell her about himself politely, and he will /ry to impress her with his in doing so, he will fail, for a reasonI harpedon intelligence. I emphasize fry because rn Foxes: It is not enough for a man to be intelligent to win over a minddigging Fox. Unlesshe is a genius, preferably a creativeand wealthy one, he will have to learn how to use his intelligenceto seduce. This meansmasteringhis technique. A very humorous paradoxis createdwhereby the jerk who treatsher like a child is outsmartingthe Ph.D. who tries to engageher in a mature discussion. The bestexampleI canthink of comesnot from USENET, but from 1991,the first time I studied the rnoves of a player in depth. One specific example standsout. We were at a restaurant,and he beganflirting with the waitress: Him: Hey, how ya' doin? (his patentedpickup line) Her: Not bad. Him: What's vour name? Her: Lisa. Him: Is Lisa relaxed tonight? Her: Not reallv. Him: Lisa looks like she's been working all day. I bet Lisa wishesshe were home alreadv. Doesn't she? Her: Yeah.

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He never neededmore than an intro, as he was gorgeous,wealthy, and always, always playful. This is even more effective than being a jerk in the standardsense no Fox is ever going to hate him for how he treats her. He's still a jerk by because omissionin that he will lie to her abouthis true intentions,but on the surfaceall Lisa will


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see is a playful guy who isn't really thinking about what he's doing, when in reality he is even more calculating than the nervous nic,eguy who is making an honest, sincere approach. Nice men project their own qualities onto the Foxes they meet, and see babytalk as an insult to their intelligence. Although not as flashy as a dramatic confrontation, this example is even more important to digest than the other reasons becauseof its insipidness. By appearing to do nothing, the player wraps up the chessgame at move one, establishingan advantageover the nice guy which gives him a winning position from which checkmateis easy. A disturbingpercentage of intelligent, educated, accomplished Foxes are suckersfor babytalk. The emphasis on playfulness in men demonstratesan unhealthy focus on the short term, which punishes the nice guy, whose strengthsdo not come into play early in a relationship. This is all you need to know about how to seducein a bar, and, unfortunately, anywhereelse. The combinationof playfulnessand childlike behavior is a great shortterm turnon, which will often result in her making a long-terrn decision to build a life with a man whose only demonstratedability was babytalk. Finding the winning move is clear: nice guys don't treat Foxesas if they were children. Maybe it's time they did. There is acnrally a lot of fiction out there which shows nice men getting fed up and assertingthemselves,winning over the Foxes who had been rejecting them by finally displayingbackbone. The downsideis that such a display can be spun as jerk behavior if she is not interestedor who feels her intelligencehas been insulted. Sometimesshe will act like you are out of line to see if you will further hold your ground, and if you do, then she will crumble. It is almost universally agreedamong the ASF regularsthat playfulness is a key to seduction. I should qualify this by saying that this works best with Foxes who are young, unmarried, and have no children, and worst with non-Elites who are divorced, with children, and who have been burned by liars who originally seducedthem with babytalk. This reward system,as it stands,dictatesthat if you are mature, you will have to wait for Foxes to use up their fun years with thefun men, and then come to you to mop up the messtheir lives becamewhile they were out having fun....and aging.

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Reason #52
The Changeup
goes somethinglike this: He gets two chances,you get only one. The exchange


Jerk: Fox: Jerk:

Hey baby,wannafuck?
Never!! Go away, creep!! < slap!) Hey, h.y, hey! I was only kidding! I apologize!!I don't know give me a chance what cameover me...please, to show you I'm not reallv like that.

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Stop!!! If he were not really like that he wouldn't have asked for sex with his openingline! If you wantproof that he is in fact like that, ask yourself if he would have if the she had accepted backpedalled his proposition. With his openingline, he aroused her emotions (though in a negative way), ffid when he realized she was offended, he changed up and approached her again as a sweetheart. In Golf they call this a Mulligon, and the Fox who gives a secondchanceto a jerk after he has revealedhis true colors in this fashion is an absoluteidiot. The nice guy who doesnot realrzethat he is losing his women to men who use the changeupis as much of an idiot. If a jerk can apologizehis way out of a come-onlike this, a nice guy should take that as a wake-upcall to become more aggressive and not care if she is offended. How offendedcould shebe if shewinds up having sex with the jerk after taming him into treating her with respect? It's one thing for a man to make a mistake in approaching,or even to be a little rude, but when he is allowed to be crude and vulgar and still have his record wiped clean, you have to wonder what's going on. The sameFox who is so gracious to the man she claims leastdeserves it is never as forgiving with the decent,honestmen whose lone rnistakewas the failure to dazzleher with an approach,even if he does so by asking her if she wants to have sex the moment he meets her. In an episodeof Alice, Mel proudly spoke of using this approach,going up to a Fox and asking her Your place or mine? Alice quippedback that he probably got his face slapped90 percentof the time, which Mel acknowledged. When askedwhy he approached like that, Mel shot backjust as fast: the other ten percent!! This is,why the numbers-game approach works so well.


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It's Okav To Cheat
Foxes would rather have part of a winner than all of a loser. They complain about men who cheat, but they ignore a simple reality: if men did not cheat, the excess women that the desirable men who cheat maintain would have to settle for less or be alone. The harem mentality kicks in, where she does not care who else he is with, as long as he provides for her. If this doesn't rationalue it for her, she always has denial as a backup plan. Nice men who are told they have to change their attirude to get laid should take a look at the attitude of this fictional ASF poster who gets a harem:
The secretto getting laid is to play the numbers. Even after you find one, keep looking for more hottiesto bang. You haveGOT to do this. Don't worry if one of you with another. IT TURNS THEM ON MORE!!! Let me tell you them catches what happened last weekend-- I thoughtI was gonnaget killed but I wound up with the first threesome of my lit'e!!! Friday night I'm on the bus when I bump into this chick I fucked last month, and she'sstill all smiles. Greetsme with a kiss on the lips and we keeptalking. Man, she was HOT. I wantedto keep fucking her but after a week or so she stopped returningmy calls so it was time to next her. In the meantime I hookedup with a coupleotherchiclcs I met at a party lboth 7s] and staneda "relationship" with oneof tltem (I had to or I wouldn't havegottenany). Anyways,this chick on the bus ancl I are having such a good time I told her to come over tomorrow night, when my "girlfriend" was gonna be out of town. Just my luck, she missesher flight ancl decides to surpriseme! (thatsan understatement!) I'm gettinghot and heavy with the chick from the bus when the door rings. The cltick from the busdoesn'tcarebut Jerury throwsa shitfitwhen shesees us. I tell her I guess it's over hetween us and I'll understand thatsheneverwantsto seeme again and she startsfuming and arguing and somewhere in there she startspicking on the chick from the bus, they get into it, and I won't bore you with the rest of the details he we all woke up laughingthe next morning.



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Granted,she could have killed him, but most Foxesare pretty civili zed. I use this exampleto highlight siruations thatjerks find themselves in which lead to wild sex where nice guys wouldn't even get out of the startinggate. Notice how when caught, the jerk concedes his wrongdoing and is willing to accepthis punishment,because he knows that damagecontrol is impossible. By doing this, he stops feeding her anger, and as her anger at being cheatedon subsides, all that is left is passion,her boyfriend and another half-nakedhottie. This is the stuff porn movies are made of. Literally. I'm sure the directorsof thesefilms do fall into situations like this. Why shouldthey be any different?


Cheatingoccurs most often with a husbandor boyfriend in a long-terrn relationship (beyondthe scopeof ASF but more relevantto the nice guy), with the significantother of his high market value and whatever it is he provides toleratinghis infidelity because for her (usuallymoney, sex, parenting,and the statusthat comeswith family life). The classicexampleis that of Bill and Hillary Clinton, who have remainedmarried and raised a child through years of infidelity on one and possibly both sides (who could blame Hillary for cheating?). The reasonscheatersthrive are many: CUPID. Princeshave more opportunitiesto cheat. An LTR with a Prince is every Fox's fantasy, but only the super-Elite Qan realistically expectthe reality to ever materiabze. A loyal, honest Bill Clinton would make his chosenFox very happy, and in fact the many who have had him usually attack him only for his infidelity. Kings who have haremscould also chooseto be monogirmous, but where would the haremgo? By sacrificingthe securityof being with an honest man, Hillary Clinton is able to marry the cream of the CUPID crop and obtain access to an alpha-male, one of life's winners, a powerful man who will make her appearthe perfect wife on the surface. Pity the nice, decent,non-alphamale who wanted Hillary and lost her to Bill. The question of whether Hillary Clinton's behavioris nice or not will probablybe debated throughout the ages. I think it demonstrates the reward systemvery well. Options. You don't have to be Bill Clinton to build a harem, but it helps! Except for the bottom of the barrel, which cannot lower its standards to get laid, most of us find our leagueand from there we can accumulateas many lovers as we want. Men face the sirme quality/securityproblem that Foxes do, but are quicker to adjustto reality, due to the lack of fairy tales programmed into their minds in their youth. As with job hunting, if you alreadyhave a job you will not. leave unless a better offer comes along, whereas if you are unemployed, you are more inclined to take anything you can get, making you underemployedand very likely to rise to your full market value, especially since having a job makes you more appealingto other employers. In seduction,this processis known as trading up, somethingttrat nice guys wouldn't think of doing, ild why they get stuck with non-Elitesor fail to keep the Foxes they do manageto securein the short-term.

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(see Attitude. If you find yourself in an anti-player seduction thelast equalmen shewould chapter), ask a Fox which of two otherwise - l0-

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choose,and why. The first is nervousbut nice, obviously interested, and awards her his heart immediately, while the secondis distant, slightly cocky, humorous, talks about how he despisesshallow behavior in men, and does not make a move on her. If she smells a trick questionshe'll give the right answer, even though in reality she will usually make the wrong choice. The correct answer is to guy, for the following reasons: choosethe nice-but-nervous I. He wants her sincerely. If he were a cold player, he would not be nervous. Foxes claim to want men who are decent, and they claim not to lie, so we have to conclude that they want a clingy guy who makesthem his world, basedon what they say. He already has a harem. Some players use pivots (see Reason#I2) and don't hesitateto flaunt their popularity, but slimier jerks operate by acting as if they were her perfect man: romantic, charming, and loyal. Sickening, isn't it? Since the jerk is alreadyhaving sex, he is not desperate, not eager,and his date readsthis as a sign of maturity, while the nice guy's sincere interest and natural sexual hunger brand him a desperate loser. Perceptionis reality, unfortunately, and when that is the case,honestmen do not have a chance. The "player" is GAY. Rare, but this is the other explanation for why he would not make a move. Though not relevantto my readers, this is included because ASF players have reported from time to time that they have been thought homosexualfor unintentionallytriggering a Fox's gaydar.



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To argue that cheaterssuffer is oxymoronic. They thrive on their dishonesty, primarily because they preemptany one Fox from having power over them. If one Fox departsthe harem, the cheaterdoesnot care. It is the nice guy who pines over one Fox and thinks that being loyal to her is relevant who pays the price of not getting what he wants. and not even allowing himself other options. I have found that I haveno difficulty developingthree or four relationships at once, eventhough this is not my preference. It is iust much easierto have Foxes to fall back on when one lets me down for whatever reason. Insteadof being disappointed, I jupt pay more attentionto the others. This often causesFoxes who have been ignoring me to return more quickly. This reward system makesit difficult for men not to be temptedto cheat.


Reason #72
Sex As A Weapon
Without question,the datinggamefavors Foxesat all turns. During approach, the marl must win her over, and once she is won over she must be kept won over lest he in his duQ to satisfyher. They want honestyfrom men, but they can't tolerateit when they get it. The Fox who lies is checkmated because a man will either be too stupid to fall for her lies or too mean when he calls her a liar, even if she is. [n practice, the tiebreakeris bravery and intellect, which meansthat the only successful way to deal with a lying Fox is to call her on her bullshit, or refuse to deal with her at all (the smartest option but sometimesthis will cost you great sex). They know they are dishonest,and even though they punish a man who calls them a liar, they also punish the one who does not. Once she is convincedshe has fooled a nice guy, she losesall respectfor him the way Lucy losesrespectfor Charlie Brown every time he tries to kick the football and she pulls it away. The root of female supremacyin the dating game is societal conditioning. Foxes are given every upper hand in the judgment of relationshipconduct. You are supposed to be lucky to be with her, and she is supposed to be a saint for tolerating you. If you don't measureup, you are unworthy, but if she doesn't measure rp, you're a shallow bastard. Is it any wonder that so many nice men becomejerks and eventuallytell this systemto go fuck itselfl Logically, Foxes know that a saneman would not acceptthese rules. and have respectfor men who don't allow themselves to becomepussy-whipped. Nice guys who tolerate this system become like the club that Groucho Marx said he wouldn't want to join becauseit would admit him as a member. A vicious cycle is createdwhereby they are denied sex due to lack of aggression,become agitatedand desperate over being denied,increasing the boost to Foxes'egos, in turn making them more desperate, boostingtheir egosevenmore, and providing absolutelyno incentivefor a Fox to have sex with him, for she is able to get everything she wants simply by stringinghhn along with hope. One of The Rules specificallyadvisesdoing the absolure minimurn. Men will also resort to faking being a badboyif that's what Foxeswant. They are not nice or mean to get laid, but rather chameleonswho will changetheir nature until they find a formula that works. The tolg Obsession by Animotion (1985) summedup - the the attirude: Wo do you want me to be to make you sleep with me? Substance nice guy's calling card is shunnedin favor of style and presentation. It is clear that a Fox is rnuch more responsiveto a good approach than a good m&n She who sits in judgment of a man's every move is one who will wind up with a jerk who has learned how her systemworks and presented himself to score highest. The nice guy takesthe logicol approach,being himself like Foxes advisehim, and he is relegatedto sitting on



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the sidelines, wondering why they never find time for him except to complain about the jerks they reject him for, or when they need a favor from him. Foxhunting toucheson this conceptby acknowledging the futility of pursuit in most cases. If shewantsyou, she will let you know and "pursuit" will be nothing more than a formality, with dating a mere pitstop on the way to the bedroom. The extremesto which sexualhope is used to exploit men is phenomenal. Shehad sex with the football team? Hang in there, buddy, your time will come (by then the football team will have fucked so much ttrat their cocks have fallen off, from wear-andtear or disease).Just keep being patient, let the yearsroll by, and pay no attentionto the jerks who are stealingyour pussy. What the Foxes aren't telling you is that they seethe jerks and players as winners who deservethe prize that is them, while you are an alsoran, a loser, who deserves only basic civility, silent contempt,and a second-class lover. As I have already said, any Fox who truly respects you as a man will either want you for herself, attemptto fix you up with someoneelse, or both! A while back, I imagined a world where men suddenly stoppedpatronizing strip clubs. We would be left with a pile of Foxes who suddenlyhad their income cut off. What would the dancersdo? Lower their prices and improve their product, of course. In poorer countries, you can get a lot more for your money from the local talent, although the crime element tends to increasein influence with poverty (this is basedon second-hand reports). Foxes know not to give away the milk (sex)without making a man buy the cow (marriage);why can'tmen apply the concepttheother way around,refusing to part with anything until their sexual desires are truly met? The bait-and-switchgets tiresome,and it is no wonder Foxes have no respectfor men. The number of men who part with large amounts of money at strip clubs for no true sexual satisfactionservesas a measuringstick for our gender's collective sexualsnrpidity. Foxes who use sex as a weaponcan only be neutralizedby the man who refuses to be teased,and who refusesto be pacified with hope. The next time she tries to string you along with hope, rememberthe words you just read, especially if she is askingyou for a favor, becauseif she doesn't respectyou as a man, you can always withdraw the utility, leaving it to hef to up the ante while freeing up your time until she does. Common senseshould tell you that if she truly wanted you, she would work to reduce any burdenshewas to you, nol overloadyou with chores. This is especially true because in her mind, if she wants you, she will assume other Foxes will also want you, and she will know that if she becomestoo much of a hasslethat you will becomemore likelv to leave her and feel more justified in doing,so. Surf ASF for a while and you will find post after post where attemptedsexual manipulationis either thwartedor turned aroundinto a successful seduction. This "post" is typical:

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t \ I'd beendatingthis bible chick for threemonthsand frankly, I was gettin' kinda tired whenthey'rehot anddon't of waitingfor her to loseher religion. Man its frustrating wannafuck because of God! Nothing againstGod, but isn't he the one who put the desireto fuck into us? Hey, I gottatry that line the next time on a chick I bet it'll work! Newayz,we're hangingin a PERFECTsituationfor a fuck, and she'sgettinginto this chick flick. I startthinkingto myself of what I could do to get her in the mood to fuck and realizeI got a porn movie upstairs,but I figure she'll freak on me if I bring it down. Then I think back to this group and I get the answer:HORROR MOVIES!! Oncemy mind getsgoin' I remember the adviceto be playful, so I stan using the VCR remoteto toy with the movie, fast-forwarding and rewinding over the horing stuff, mocking the characters. She gets pissedat first but then she starts playingaround,andthenI execute the next pan of my plan, tellingher "Let's put on exciting." I didn't realue it at the time but changingmovies gave me something anotherhour to work on her. Turns out she'sone of thosechicksthat getsscared, and halfivaythroughthe movie she'stonguingme. We sit REALLY closefor the restof the flick. I'd tell you how it ended but I don't remember.The next time we lookedup, the movie was over and was blank the screen


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A nice guy would have sat and watched the movie, hoping that somethingwould c l happen. The jerk made somethinghappen. The fatal nice guy mistake this time was indecisiveness, with lack of initiative a closerunner-up. To add insult to injury, the nice guy is going to think logically, that the Fox he is alone with is testing him to see if he would not make a move on her, when in fact she was doing the opposite. In this case, religion was the major barrier, and in the excitementand passionof the horror movie, she forgot her moral values and relied on her more primal instincts,which played right into the jerk's hands. Given time to think about what she was doing, she would have found Jesuswithin seconds and stoppedhis progress. In retrospect,she will rationalize her behavior as somethingthatjust happened.

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The Bitch Shield
The most respected player of ASF is a man known as Mystery. He is a performer and a magician, among other things, and lives the artist's lifestyle, well enoughto pay his bills, it would seem. He claims over eighty conquests, and few disputehis claims. Othersclaim to have seenhim on television. Sinceso many othershave successfully put his methodinto practice, he is worthy of study. Mystery is creditedwith identifying and destroying the bitch shield, the defensemechanismthat the super-Elite have to put up to keep away the jerks (like him) who will hit on anything hot that moves. The problem that theseFoxes make is assumingthat they can't be conned,because, as Mystery loves to prove over and over again, once you analyzehow the stuck-upFox's mind operates, it becomeseasy to conquer it. The bitch shield is an interesting concept that sums up the wall of silence that Foxes put up in front of men, walls which only experienced jerks are accustomed to dealing with. As often happenswith ASF, successful conceptsare expandedupon and perfected into working techniques, and with the bitch shield, this expansion included various methodsof breaking it. Negs (short for negativehits, or playful insults designed to knock her down a peg) evolved into a generalconceptas well, not just somethingto use during the opening. As a writer with a sharp tongue, I have a natural affinity for negs, although I hate having to use them. Sometimes,however, a stuck-upFox has to be knockeddown a peg or two, which is what the neg is useful for. As a Foxhunter,I tend to encounterthe bitch shield when I hit on a Fox who has approachedme, as it makes it more difficult to turn rude or act like I shouldn't have pursued her, but the principle is the salne. Wheneverher opinion of you is slipping, a well-timed neg can savethe dav.

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The following "post" demonstrates rather clearly the power of the neg:
I'rn at a party that's winding down and its just me and thesethreechicksleft. Two are hot (8-9 on the scale)and the third (the host) is a warpig (mayb e a 3-4). This meantI wasn't going to be spending the night thereand I haclto get something going FAST. Of the two 8-9s, one was indifferentto me while the otherwas sending me nottverbals all night but who wouldn't give me an opportunity to approach.I deciderJ it was time for a neg. I walk up to her and tell her that one part of her outfit isn'r color-coordinated. but that I wasn'tgonnatell her which part. This droveher fucking INSANE!! Shestans checkingher look to seewhat's wrong (nothingwas as far as I knew and if it was no guy was gonnagive a fuck with that body), I started laughing,shehit rne onceancl said "Stop!" while the other8-9 stanscrackingup as well. Shewinds up BEGGING

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me to tell her what's wrong with her clothesand I stan playingwith her, telling her like a schoolgirland she needs for her wardrobeto grow up. she dresses Right beforeI startreally gettingto her (I don't want to knock her down too tar), I backedoff, but shewantedto keepgoing. She'stelling me I couldn'thandleher if my life depended me!), andwithoutthinking I get reallycocky and on it (shenegged deliver one more neg that gets her going: "Are you woman enough?" She stans actingreally sexy, playing with her hair, we stop talking and get into nonverbals. Shecomesup closeto me and pulls away thinking I'm going to be teased. I was teased but I wasn't gonnalet her know it, so I just lookedat her cynicallyand said "Y.p, not woman enough"and TURNED MY BACK ON HER and started talking to the other8-9. By now the 8-9 that I negged is furious,but I'm actinglike I don't careand the other one is eating up the attention. I keep playing them off againsteachother and don't let EITHER of themwin. I get reallycockyat thatpoint andsay "Ladies,don't fight over me. First one to slip me your numbergetsto fuck me." I don't evenwait around for an answer,grabbingmy coat to walk out wondering if either of the 8-9s are gonnagrab the bait. The one I neggedcomesup first and slips her nunber into my PANTS pocket,takingsomeextratime to t-eel me up (down?),therrsheputs her other hand in my other pocket,and startshumpingme dry from behind. I break contactafter a minute or so and tell her I gottaget home to get somesleepand that I MIGHT call her, and she says she's not letting go and keepsher handsin my pocket. I say nothing,and shekeepsfollowing me, and I don't do anythingto stop her. We get to my car and I get in, while she rushesto the other side of the convertible and hops into the passenger seat. I almostget into threeaccidents on the way home(couldn'tconcentrate-hehe), we go upstairs,and I havethe wildestsex of my life. Thanksto Mystery for this onefor teaching me the neg,because without it I wouldn'thavegottenanywhere.Chicksare so usedto AFC kissingtheir assthat thev don't know what to do when vou break their state.

Mystery was very clear in pointing out that negsshouldbe reservedonly for stuckup Foxes. You'll know if a neg has worked properly if it makesher made for a second or two and changes her attitude after that. The neg is another exzrmple of how the jerk does somethingthe nice guy would never dream of and winds up getting laid because of it, when he otherwisewouldn't have. All he had to do to make this happenwas pick her form of reverse-psychology apart insteadof complimentingher, a transparent that only an idiot Fox would fall for. If P.T. Barnumwere alive today, he would be gettinglaid a lot. No one ever went broke by appealingto the lack of intellect in America, and no player ever went without pussy for it, either. The bitch shield is understandable, as it is easily the most effective way to keep men at bay, but the positive reaction to what is essentiallypsychologicalabuseis not. When negativebehavior is directly rewardedlike this, it is a slap in the face to every man who is too civilized to engagein it. Foxes often ask me why all of the men they meetarejerks, and I respondwith the simple yet profoundobservation that all of the men

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they allow to "meet" them are jerks, while the nice men who would never abusethem psychologicallyare rebuffed and not even counted. Statisticianscall this sampling bias. The are you woman enough? neg is my own creation, ffid has produced excellent in me and whom resultsfor me. I usually reserveit for Foxeswho are alreadyinterested I want to challenge into performing sexually. The kid-sister approach from Foxes was the inspiration for this post, and while I am not a partygoing player, the methods are transferable to any social environment. Mystery's negs are often very insulting and crude; I prefer to make mine more challenging and taunting, giving her a (sexual) way to reversethe opinion. I might tell a dancershe'snot sexy enoughwhile she is moving, which usually leadsto her dancing sexier, or if she is truly lost, asking me how she can her) dancesexier (I'm happy to choreograph The saving gracesfor the neg are that they show you are not bowled over by the mere presenceof a Fox (backbone),that you observeher as more than a body (even though you are insulting what you observe),that you are playful (the insult should not be vicious and should be delivered almost as a backhanded compliment), and that you are a challenge. Foxes are familiar with what it is like to want what they cannot have they are usually the ones who are what someoneelse wants and cannot have. because Instinctively, they mimic the behavior of the desperate AFC who pursue them, with the role reversal even a bit refreshing. Foxes love challenges to their sexuality, they love passing those challenges, and the men who issue the challengeslove it when the challenges are rnet. Everyonewinds up happy, exceptof coursefor the nice guy who is too much of a wuss to issuethe challengein the first place.

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Reason #9:
Two men meet a Fox for a first date: you (the nice guy) walk up to her, say hi, put your coat down on the chair oppositehers, ffid you begin talking. The jerk walks up, greetsher with a kiss on the cheek,takesher waist with his arm, guidesher into her seat,and then sits down right next to her, on the sameside of the table, establishing them immediately as a couple. By touching her, he has broken a key barrier, corlmunicated to her that he intends to become her lover, and after the first touch is accepted, it becomesthe established behavior throughout the relationship. It also puts her on the spot, requiring her to reject him immediatelyand risk ending the date if she wishes to protest. At the end of the date, he does not have this leverage. They call it kino, short for kinesthetic, is a fancy term for touch. In ASF terminology, kino or getting kino refers to her tolerancefor or receptivity to touch. Kino is the comlnon denominatorin most successful quotedhere, so much so that seductions failure to establishkino in a timely matter is a habit nice men shouldbreak. Where most nice men get tripped up is when their attemptat kino is met with a negativereaction. At a loss for words, they drop the matter and back away, when the aggressive reactionof the player will almost always pay off. To take the dinner example, if she reacts negatively to your kino attempt when guiding her to the table, the reactionmost likely to make her want to go to bed with you is the nice guy's last instinctand thejerk's first. The nice guy would sit across from her at her request(to show her what a gentleman jerk he is), while the might go as far as to sit across from her, excusehimself a few moments later, not come back, not bother telling her he wasn't coming back, and leaveher stranded, even if he drove her there. justification His for such behaviorto himself is that sheproved shewasn't going to have sex with him; to her he will sugar-coat that by sayingshedisrespected him. Humiliated, and challenged few because men have ever stoodup to her like that, shewill work to win him over. Kino itself doesnot seduce. It is a barometerof how well your seductionis going. A long tfuneago, I took a fifty-hour coursein massage (enoughto get certified), and one thing I carry with me to this day is an understandingof touch. I can usually tell if a Fox is receptiveto my touch, and I recornmend other men learn this valuable skill. If she wants your touch she will surrender to it, and the players find out quickly where they stand with a sirnple physical contact, while a nice guy might wait forever looking for solne signal that never is given.


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of typing and not video (yet), it is difficult to conveykino SinceTISENET consists as an idea, even if you explain it. What can be conveyed through the postings is the timing with which kino is initiated, with the ideal timing varying with individual circumstance, due to environment,privacy, opportunity (some Foxes are very good at avoiding kino or making it clear that it is not welcome), courageon the part of the pickup artist (PUA), skill with touch, and the ability to convert kino into actual sex. The more experienced the player, the more quickly he will attemptkino, if for no other reasonthan player can usually tell within seconds of touching to savehis time, since an experienced a Fox if he is going to have sex with her or not. Foxes shouldtake this as a wakeupcall to remember that any touch from a man, no matter how incidental it may appear, is usually indicative of a desire to fuck her brains out. There is nothing againsta nice guy initiating kino, but the notion goes againsthis mindset of waiting for super-bright green lights before proceeding down the road of seduction. Foxes who perpetuallyavoid conflict at all costsare most vulnerableto kino. becausethey have to actively reject tt, whereas with a nice guy all they have to do is minimize his opportunity and not sendhim a signal, which is passive. A pushoverFox who finds herself confronted by aggressivekino can find herself in bed very quickly, because she finds it easierto surrenderto his touch than to fight it. What preventsthe nice guy from pursuing touch is the fear of rejection. Without question, a Fox who ASF reactsnegativelyto kino can be forgotten instantly. Some of the more aggressive playerswill persistwith kino after a rejection,but my experiences in doing so have been decidedly negative. If I were the type to press the issue after one failure, I would intersperse a negativehit to break the ice and challengeher. My brand of kino is a lot different from what you will find on ASF. I am not interestedin using it to create opportunity as much as to close the deal once I have createdan opportunity through Foxhunting. Since I am not a cold-caller, most of the I am in where kino is a possibility involve a Fox who has alreadyexpressed an sinrations interestin me. The advantage this gives me over the player is that if sherejectsmy kino. I can honestlycall her a tease,while she can honestlycall him a creep for moving in too quickly. Having studiedmassage formally in a 50-hour coursein 1990, I becamever\ sensitiveto touch and its power, and have a respectfor it ttrat is not common iunong the a platonic players. Touch is invasiveandshouldbe considered the halfwaypoint between relationship and a first kiss. The songI Wanna Hold Your Hand by the Beatlesis not terribly far removed from the song Me So Horny by Two Live Crew. The onlr is deliveredmore elegantly. A gentleman is nothing differenceis that the first message r)rorethan a patient wolf. , If you are at a loss for what type of kino to use, you could try my favorite \\'eapon:the hsnd massage. Hand massage is perfect date kino becauseshe does not have to removeher clothes, it is easyto learn how to massage a hand (I learnedin a da1 shewill wind up with a ver\ as part of the course),it is not invasive,and if you succeed,

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relaxedhand, a hand which is now perfect for holding, and a body that wishesit felt like her hand did. A foreshadowof ASF occurredin my life almost a decadeago. Had the pickup) which would have group existed, I would have posteda lay report (successful read somethinglike this:
Thank GOD I found this group. I needconstantremindersof ltow Sheeeeeeeeeiiiit! AFc:Masturbation and make more of an effon to break from my past thinking that turned inttr which got me into LIBF land. SaturdayI had a kino breakthrough but as the norrnally, out It staned MET!!! JUST I HAD WOMAN a lay WITH A wouttd and aggressive, more more and got confident, more more and day rolled on I my lif'e! in had I ever up getting laid more easily than when two AFC friends of minding my own business I was sitting at the coffeehouse mine enter and ask me to play a card gameI'd never seenbefore. I figure what the hell I'm not doin' anythingso I grab a java and join the game. We're chatting,. my eye. I ignore fucking aroundlike we alwaysdo, when this 7 walks in and catches her because most of the chicks in this coffeehouse ate stuck up or have BOREFRIENDS(usuallyboth) and being the AFC that I am I don't have the nerve to approachthem anyway so I wind up wasting time and drinking a lot of coffee. This time, however, things just WORKED. Every goddamnfucking thing I did WORKED. And it wasn'r like just anythingwould haveworked. I madettre right moves several times and wound up in bed with her when I didn't think it was guys). possible. Now I think ANYTHING'S POSSIBLE! (gottahaveconfidence her Newayz, the7 sits down to join the gameand we all starttalking. I complimeut her ignoring on her body and clothesbut after that I get into the game. Mayhe I when the garneendedshestuckaroundfor a conversation. bought worked because but I'm still in AFC recovery), her a cup of coffee(yeahI know that's supplication a3d we chatted. We wound up aloneand I askedher if shewanteda hand massage but she said no. to try out what I learned), (I just finisheda $900 classand wantecl We kept talking an hour later she'ssayingshelshungry so I sayme too and ask her tp join rne at Track N' Turt for a bite and a t-ewdrinks (theplaceis right uext to her and we walk there. house).Sheaccepts The tbod was pretty good, and so was the music, so we kept drinking. Alcohtll again. Shegivesme her for me to try the handmassage us up a bit, enough loosened it. I know from the classthat hald this time without complaintand I beginmassaging and I GO TO TOWN. By handmassage it takes 10-15minutesto give a complete the time I'm donewith her shecan't pick up her glassso I startfeedingthe rest of 5er wine to her with my free handwhile holding her handwith the other. I tell her we shouldgo for a walk, and shefollows. We walk like a happycoupledown the srreetand both move in for our first kiss AT THE SAME TIME! From there it's hack to her place,whereI fuck her brainsout all night and leavethe next morning. '

la1 Kino is an area where I actually have professionaltraining and a successful basedupon that training. To this day, I havenever had a seductionthat was more in the spirit ol ASF than this one. There was no strategy, tro Foxhunting, no waiting. no or any bullshit. An accidentalmeeting betweentwo people who normalll timetables., someexcellent don't hop into bed quickly just caughtfire, turned into a date, a massage, sex. and now material for a book! WheneverI feel like attackingthe one-night stand.


I find myself having difficulty doing so becauseof this experience, still one of my favorites. Touch is somethingthat is necessary,although immediate touch is not. Suffice it to say that you generally will not know where you stand with a Fox until you attemptto touch her. If you can handle being rebuffed, and be polite about it (don't ever make a Fox have to apologrzefor refusing your touch), you'll have a tool for seductionwhich is similar to the ability to play the net in tennis. The point usually won't last very long either way after you get aggressive.


Reason #I0:
He SaysAll The Right Things
...&t EruCTLY the rtgfu fimes...but he means nothing to you and you don't know why. This is from a song called Everything You Want, currently popular, and which touchesat the heart of what SpeedSeductionis: words. The reasonshe doesnot know why she is attractedto him is that she is hypnotized, sometimes mildly, sometimes very deeply, with an insidious method of conversational hypnosis known as neurolinguistic programming (NLP) , a popular alternative medicine behavior modificationtool which was cooptedby RossJeffries in 1989and applied specificallyto seduction. Ross has becomean internet cult hero, leading men out of AFC land and into the world of easy pussy, or so the lay reports claim. NLP is sound enoughthat it adds strengthto any man's arsenal,but a magic bullet it is definitely not. Like any method. SS has its flaws and its strengths. One must commendMr. Jeffries on his originality and the intensity with which he defendshis method. While you are trying to irnpressher by being yourself, other men have adopted more aggressive approaches.In the following "post," the SSerapproaches a Fox unde? false pretenses,hypnotizes her by disguising his induction in the form of a poem. manipulates her into a submissivestatewhere her ability to resist has been weakened or eliminated,and with suggestive hypnotic language,commandsher to have sex with him (indirectly). News to nice guys: the only way to competeagainst this without doing covert hypnosisyourself is to expressdisgustat men who do, while educatingFoxes on how to spot this tactic. It is important to note external factors such as those which comprise CUPID (height, money, looks status,etc.) because this will affect every man's results. A man who reports success with a method doeslittle good for the group if he omits mention of the fact that he is a major rock star, for example. A good ASF post will contain informationthat can be put to use by the readerregardless of his externals;to ensurethis. we have to ensurethat the method is responsible for the success and not the man:
It worked!!! I can't believeit but it worked!! I SSed a girl on a BEACH, put her into trance in fifteen minutes,and fucked her right out in the open (no une was aroundandwe were awaytiom the public view). You gottahearhow this happened! I'rn so excited! !! First, thanksto the brothersof the group, especially Mystery, because beforeI got into the SSwith her I brokethe icewith a neg, initiated flufftalk, elicitedher values, spit them back to her (I love the way they tell you what they want to hear and thelt melt when you say it -- how STUPID are they?). We sit down for a "deep passionin life is. Sensingalt conversation" and she asks me what my greatest


opening,I tell her that it's poetry, that I'm just starting out with it, and that I want to maybepublishsomeof it. I haveONE SSpoemmemorized and it's a good thing because and I was able to do so sheaskedme to readher someof mine sometime, for her right then and there. " I havea I use an SS poem I wrote called "Staringinto the eyesof your soulmate. little experiencewith hypnosis and know that eye-contact is a way you can put someone under. I figure I can get her under by having her imaginestaring into her soulmate's eyes, telling her how relaxing it feels, how she's surrendering to the inevitability of connecting to him, and how shefeelslocked into his eyesand unable to look away. Within five minutesshe'sstandingtherewith her jaw dropped,barely awake. I get reallyaggressive hypnosis, andgo into straight tappingher lightly once on the foreheadand saying "If you were to SLEEP NOW you would DREAM OF HIM. " Out shewent like a light as I guidedher down to the sand. The embedded in the poem took her down andthe embedded commands sleepcommandput her out. I gaveher a few suggestions to get her aroused and gentlywoke her up, and shewas more turned on than I've ever seena woman! We fuckedfor aboutan hour and then headedback to her placewhere we finished off the weekend.

Can she be hypnotizedwithout her knowledge? Most definitely. You just saw how. Under the guise of listening to a poem, the SSergave her a full-fledged hypnosis induction that she never saw coming. Can she be made to do things against her will? Does someonewith a blank stare on her face, her jaw dropped, and little awareness of her surroundingssound like someonecapableof soundjudgment? Rape issuesaside, a nice guy is going to have seriousdifficulty competingagainsta man who has learnedhow to use words in such a way as to producea drug-like high. Intelligentmen who read this might think that Foxes do not fall for thesemethods,but they do. The men presentthem in a playful, nonthreatening, hey-let's-do-this-together, fake-intimate mannerwhich Foxes rarely question. Comparethis with the nice guy who asksher for a date: immediately she will be thinking that he wants sex, and her shield goesup. When the spell breaksa few days or weeks later, she wonders why she hooked up with the player in the first place. If Foxeswant to be hypnotized so badly, why don't theyjust walk up to nice guys and ask them to do it? They'd be happy to. That they don't do this meanseither that women aren't aware that they are being hypnotized,or that they want to be hypnotized by jerks instead of nice guys. Either way, they still have no excuse for making the wrong choices.


Reason #II:
Street Pickups
I am not a streetpickup artist, but I've had the occasionalstroke of luck out in public at random. My player buddy from way back when was the masterof this pickup, and tagging along with him I learned a few things, the main one being that in a cold-call environment such as the street, how you look is the dominant factor. ASF people tend to avoid dealing with this reality, as their seductionsare basedprimarily on words and attitude. It only makes sensethat the better you appear in public, the more successful you will be in public, and to this extentmy technique for streetpickupswas to dresswell whenever I go out, something I have since abandonedas I do more of my seductions online. The online seductionis the oppositeof a street pickup in that the first meeting is not a cold call, but a physical confirmation of the expectations createdat a distance. Either the body measures up or it does not, and if it does, no hurdles remain. This is why most first datesfrom an online relationshipresult in sex or a breakup. [n a street pickup, the opposite occurs, with the looks screen cleared first, and compatibility determinedlater. Of the two, I much prefer the online method becausewhile it may for their looks, it takesmuch longer to find out that a goodseemrude to reject someone looking person is garbageinside than it does to learn that an otherwiseworthy lover is sexually repulsive. The false hope of an online love without lust is the lesser evil comparedto an offline lust where the absence of love surfacesslowly over time. One of the player's key advantages over the nice guy is that he operates anywhere. get Let's put to rest the notion that a Fox needs to to know a man before deciding in him. Foxesmakeup their minds instantly, but almost whetheror not she is interested picks one up on the streetseem successfully alwaysin the negative,so the times someone like an accident. The key word here is seem. Streetpickupsare so difficult that they are anything but accidents,and a key ingredient of making them work is to make the pickup look like anything but. Why would a Fox trust a tall, dark stranger she met on the This is a case where nature street? Because he isn't trying to pick her up! specificallya Fox's trusting nature works againstthe honestman and in favor of the liar or rnanipulator. In rny travels with the player I studied,the streetpickup was part, but not all, of his strategy. He would make a point to circulate within the city at the right times and places, but not seek out hotspotsor do somethinghe didn't want to do. He carried wealthy makeseasy(more CUPID himself in the relaxedmannerthat being independently influences),and with his body on display, he immediatelygainedan advantage over his


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are rivals, though only becausethe street plays to his strengths. Such considerations strategic,since not all men are cut out for this risky strategy. The main requirement for a true street pickup artist is a strong stomach for rejection. To this end, ASF has what it calls a crash-and-burn mission, where the specific purposeof the mission is to get rejectedas often as possible. This immersion processis such that a guy can't help but improve, because as a logical creature,he will not make the sirmemistake twice. By the end of the mission, which should number at least a hundred or more blind approachesin neutral public environments, the AFC will usually emergewith a few telephonenumbersacquiredvia the law of averagesor natural talent, and the necessarystrong stomachhe will need for the times in the future when his get rejected more bolder and refined approaches

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As a tributeto the playerI snrdied, I will "post" someof his betteradvice,in his voice. The crash-and-burn missionis self-explanatory and not in needof an example, which would be depressing readinganyway:
Bladehere!! All I can sayaboutthis group is WAY TO GO GUYS!. Hey everyone, SHOW THOSE BITCHES WHO THE BOSSIS. I've been playing chicks since eighth grade, thanksto some really good friends (male)who taughtme the ways of womenearly on. I noticedthis threadaboutstreetpickupsand wantedto show you guys how the gameworks. First, you gottago wherethe pussyis. TIMING is very important. Every hour of the day counts!! If they can't seeyou theywon'thit on you. I'vegot this down to such a science that I can go out and pick up at ANY HOUR OF THE DAY OR NIGHT. In the morningsI walk downtownto the business district where all the office girls go for breakfast and to collecttheir thoughts. After that it's off to the gym whereI know everyone chicksand and find somelonely housewives or student keepin shape.Then it's hackto the business districtfor lunch,and on the way horne I stophy the Penncampus l-3 to checkout the scenery.Besttime for that is between prn when they're eitherat lunch or their day is ending. Around dinnerI'll pop into a campus dining hall if I can standthe food, or maybepop into a happyhour, and at night it's tirneto hit the town and the nightlife. I don't do this everyday, but this is whereyou'll find me at thosetimes. Guyswho go throughtheir dayswithout seeing the opponunity under their nose or who are too scaredto take advantage of the ()pportunity your get Find BALLS, are shit outtaluck. out there,and APPROACH! Betilre I move on to approaching, anothernote on the timing is that during the year there are a lot of special event days like holidays and St. Patrick's that you POSITIVELY,shouldNOT stay homefor, not unlessyou don't want ahsolutely, your pick of a hundred easy, drunkIrishwomenat a St. Patty'sor New Years'party. The major difference here is that you gottapick the right placesto be whereas in your everyday life you neverknow whereyou'll find someone. Now on to the approach. When I'm in a cocky mood I'll approach with a neg, but I don't haveto do that. my want me Clticlcsdig body so they to approach, and all I have to do really is "Hey, ya establish contact. So I use the simple how doin?" openerto get their attention. If they want me, but don't want to approach me, they havetheir chance

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( ( ( are more risky but if they work you get laid and I'm not being rude. Rude openers more quickly. Sinceall your really sayingwith an approachis that you want to get to know her what you say to her really isn't gonnamatter unlessyou're good at fuckingwith her head,which I arnbut as I saidI'm not reallyinto headgames. I just chicksto fuck. like to find gorgeous ( ( (

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I ask for her number so we can talk while if she's a party-girl I ask her to DO something.REMEMBERthis, guys: smartchickslike to TALK, while dumb chicks like to DO STUFF. It took me a while to figure that out but once I did getting

is successful, because she's lf your initial approach then it's time to get aggressive


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whether she's a cheateror in the processof dumping him, and if she is then she might want to fuck or you keep the option of fucking you. My best resultscomewhen I call her THAT DAY, like rigtrt after she getshome. I don't needotherguyshitting on her beforeI get a chance, so I movefastand tilrget



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if I sense she'sinto me I'll just inviteher overfor a movieandfuck her. That'snot really on-topicbut I'm sure you get the ideaby now.


Bottom lins: it's a NUMBERS GAME. Don't worry about how often you get rejected because sooneror later you won't be. Onceyou get the hang of it and get your movesdown it'll be as naturalasbreathing to you. Find them,talk to them,get their number,talk to them somemore, do something, make a move, fuck. Pretty you your sirnpleprocess figure moves. once out

Nice guys will say that this doesn't work, but the Foxes he wants are usually pick them up on the street. Hope is not spending time with guys like this who sometimes reality, ild as much as you might hope that Foxes are more evolved or intelligent than what the players pick up, I'm sad to report that these are the very samegood Foxes, Foxes who either specificallywant to be played, want to tame a player, or just want to havefun with a guy who won't cling to them, act needy, bore them, or have a real fear, curiosityrelationship.EmotionsFoxesthrive on - passion, drama,excitement, are in full force during the brief but intenseinterlude with the player. The three-month barrier is a key one, as theseshort-termprincesseemto turn back into frogs as if on cue. with the spell sometimesbreaking earlier. Foxes are not quick to admit io letting men into their life this way, ffid this is a large part of why the nice guys have such difficulty figuring it out. It was not until I startedtalking to men in depth about how they operatedthat I uncoveredtactics like this. The player I studied was fascinatedby my fascinationwith him, and turned his life into an open book for me. For two months. I was privy to his thoughts,emotions,and his




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filled with sexy, begging,teasing,or desperate answeringmachine, which was constantly pass. messages from his groupies, all wanting to be the one chosenfor the backstage Why the excitement? Civilized Foxes who make such a point of convincing us they want the opposite of this man go rushing into his arms when we are not looking. Despitethe incredible disrespect to the nice guy who wishesthat he would be given the time of day by the Fox who has not more than a few secondsof civility for him, yet who would alter her scheduleat any time of the day or night just to be with a jerk, who would not care if he was cheating, and who functions as his loyal submissivewithout his even having to ask. Becausehe is what she calls a winner, she gives him the power, the power to do anything he wants, the more outrageoushis demandsthe better, since she seesthem not as a burden, but as an opportunity to serve her prince, and an hon0r. Comparethis to the chore she finds it to be in the company of lesser men, men who are polite and civilized, hard-working, honest, loyal, but who are not exciting enough to make them feel as specialas the player. Fourteenyou're4he-only-one cards, please. The other player I studiedin depth was a man who went by the name of Ricardo, whom I met one stormy night after ducking into a coffeehouse to avoid the rain. Ricardo was sitting alone at a chessboard, studying opening moves, a habit that only the most seriousor tournamentplayersdevelop. I assumed he was a tournamentplayer and since I am also one (with an expert rating), I introduced myself. It turned out he was a beginner and was trying to learn how to win a specific opening that a friend of his was beatinghim with. We begantalking and I gavehim my standard three-hourchesslesson, a form of intellectualtorture that causes 90 percentof my students to never want to play chessagain, while the remaining ten percentmove on to dominatethe players who used to beat thern. Ricardo passedhis first lessonwith flying colors, ffid becamea regular student. I learnedduring the first lessonwith Ricardo that he was a player, and as a student of seductionI was interestedin how he operated. His demeanorwas passive.his look that of a poet or musician, his hair in a ponytail, his voice soft and controlled, and the completeabsence of a temper, which he reservedonly for life-threatening situations. He was a martial artist who.wasvery tough, but a new-ageman in all respects. To Foxes, if he was the ultimate sensitivealpha-male. To rival men, he was a nightm&re, because just you and he wanted the sameFox, you were shit out of luck. On the other hand, he was the perfect pivot (see Reason#12), especiallysince I would distract his attention from the Foxes who wanted it, making me the roadie that his groupieshad to go through in coffeehouses, chooseyour male opponents to get to the rock star. If you play chess, carefully. for seduction lessons for six months or so. He Ricardo and I traded chesslessons would constantly invite me to parties, but I declined all of his invitations, choosing knowledge. The insteadto hang with him alone, picking his brain for his accumulated


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report I will "post" for him in this book recountshis pickup approach,as nonthreatening as Mystery' s negs are intimidating, perfect for his style of establishinga minor foothold and letting the Fox's natural desire for a man like him causeher to crumble into his arrns. The pussy-whipped exterior and vicious, alpha-maleinterior inspiredme to coin the phrasesezsitive cavemon to describe him:
I see this group and I'm amazedat all the negativeand aggressive energy around here. I know that somewomen respondvery well to thesetactics,but they aren't going to be the womenyou want. What'smore is that you don't haveto be rude to get your point acrossor to get h,erto think of you as more than a friend. You just have to be SMART and OPPORTUNISTIC. And vou have to understand how women think, not just a f'ewgame-playing sluts. I becamea PUA after my fiance dumpedme a few yearsago. I was livid that the woman I loved could turn around and stab me in the back, and I wanted to get revenge. No one mattered to me anyway,so I went from AFC to player oventight. My background in actinganda job as a bartender in NYC taughtme more than I ever treeded to know aboutthe pickup, and now I was going to put it into practice. I just staned approachingone woman after another in a maruter as nonthreatening as possible. If I can get her talking for a few minutes,after showinga genuineinterestin what sheis saying,I ask her if she'dlike to join me for a cup of coffee. Most of the time she'll think I'm trying to get in her pants(okay,I am) and rejectme. At this point I use this againsther, telling her that she had the wrong idea, that I was having a rough day and wantedsomepleasantconversation, but I understand how she f-eels sincemen hit on her all the time. Most of the time shefeelsstupidand tries to fix the damageby going for coffee or giving me her number. Now the trap is set and I do NOTHING but be her friend for a little while, telling her to call me if sheever needsto talk, and neverhitting on her. The ernotional roller-coaster hasher rejecting me in the beginning, and realizingthat I really am never going to pursueher. Shewins up wonderingif she's nor sexy enouglttor me, and when she sees all the otherwomen I'm popularwith shestarts thinkingmaybesheshouldhavelet me comeon to her or not rejected me. Not long after that, she'll hegincoming on to me, and when I ignoreher, just like the group kltows.shewantsme evenmore. As otherguysfall out of favor with her I moveup evelt funher in her eyes,and finally shecrashes and throws herselfat me. I'd surrunarve the process as this: approach, converse, ask for coffee,get rejectecl, tell her you weren'thittingon her, become friends,be niceto her, showher you're desirable,and let naturetake her to you. If you're normal, intelligent,halfivay popular,and you know ltow to be her dreamboyfriendwithout ever committingto her, she'll be yours. The challenge of not hitting on her and your popularityand knowledge and understandirlgof women all combine into something they find irresistible.It's a little hard to get staned, but onceyou do, it snowballs.

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Ricardowasoneof themaininspirations of theFoxhunting system, havingput into practicea lot of what CUPID and my research had taughtme. I knew how to find rhe Foxeswho were likely to want me, but knowingwhat to do with thernwas another matter. Ricardo showed me the ins andoutsof how Foxes process information, andhou'


using his knowledgeto tailor to presentinformation knowing how it will be processed, the presentation in content and sequenceto achieve his desired result. He was a Foxhunterwith a player's edge. I met Ricardo at the tail end of his player days. He was actually in a fledgling relationship when I met him, and he had confided in me that he had cheatedon his girlfriend a few weeks earlier. I had to sit through a dinner with hirn and his lover, saying nothing while hearing her go on and on about what a loyal man he was and how once a man finds the right woman he settles down. Privately, I let him know my with what he was doing, becomingincredibly brazeneven, askinghim why dissatisfaction I couldn't ask his lady out if he could cheat. I did not want her, but the realizationthat a player like him could keep severalFoxes off the market at one time, made me realize that the reward system was messedup. It was not his fault for taking advantage,but it was an alarm to me to raise my game to his level or be left out in the cold. Guys like Ricardo make excellentboyfriends, for as long as they last. They go in with good intentions,unless they are in revengemode like he was after his broken engagement, and when they finally do settle down their wives tend to be very happy. The problem is that a jerk can make his harem happy, but once he is tamed he can only satisfy one, and he is no longer on the market, leaving the surplus for the new players that they will make the samemistakeswith, avoidingthe lessernice guys, ffid never quite able to tamethe bad boys. If I were a femalecountry music singer, I'd title a songDon't Want The Nice Guys, Can't Tame The Bad Boys, and maybe have a charted single. Once Ricardo knew I was becomingan anti-player,he could seethe weakness of his loose lips, and began closing up about his infidelity.. Either he becameloyal to his girlfriend. or he just knew not to talk about what he did with me out of fear of it getting back to her. Ricardo's descriptions than of femalebehaviorwere as or more condemning the typical putdowns the ASF players use, but lacking in the vulgarity and crudeness which makes the latter group so easy to attack. On the surface, his behavior is very lies a chameleon who knows how to blend into any civilized and social, but underneath social situation, ingratiatehimself into the lives of his targets, and get what he wants without anyone ever realizing he wanted it in the first place. Such mastery of social situationswas anazrng to watch on a daily basis as I did that year. When I asked Ricardo why he was successful,he attributed it to his femalecentered,socially active lifestyle, his interestsin things most men overlook but which Foxes love (like cooking, wine, cheese, the arts, coffeehouses, and so forth), using how they think to his advantage (as demonstratedby pursuing for friendship and letting himself be pursued by them through Foxhunting-type techniques), but most of all his acting background. He was an admittedchameleon,and he was good at it. He gave a piece of advice to me which he shouldhave beengiving to thoseFoxes he seduced, and tlrat is that the eyes are NOT the mirrors of the soul.

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Ricardo pointed out the obvious: that you cannotread a man's heart by staring into his eyes. If you could, the acting industry would grind to a halt. A trained actor can manufacture emotions, and if he knows what Ricardo knew about which emotions to produce at which times, he will be able to provide an emotionalmagic ca{pet ride that is not genuinebut which they enjoy. The nice guy never knows what hit him because he is relying on simplehonestyto seduce. Even when operatingnonaggressively in a hostile environmentlike a big-city street,he still manages to pull of pickups. That takesa level of talent in a player that I had never seenpreviously and have not seensince.


Reason #I2z
The Pivot And Social Proof (Friendly Fox)
Here is an area which is a tailor-made opportunity for the nice guy. Formal credit for my discoveryof the pivot conceptgoesto someone I knew growing up, a man called Boards, who earnedhis name with his incredible ability to catch way-out-of-his-league Foxes on the rebound. He had perfectedthe anti-player seductionmethodsyou seein the final chapter. At 5'7", with terrible eyesight,skinny (in his youth), he wasn't a dream man by any standards. He did have a good job, a brain, was always highly respectful, and was friends with men who got laid (that's called drafting rn Foxes) . Where he turned into a vicious seducer,however, was with a Fox who trusted him as a friend for just dumpeda jerk. Whateverhe did, I didn't want to hear aboutit. I didn't years...and have to. The details were not important, as it was obvious how he operated. Boards understoodthe importanceof timing, being with her when shewas most receptiveto him. Another method that Boards used a great deal was thepivot. His favorite pivot was a Fox named Belle, who looked like a Barbie Doll come to life with four times the chestsize. Boardstold me that it would never fail ttrat after having lunch with Belle, he would wait around the dining hall reading a paper, ffid other Foxes would opproacft him. Being seenwith a Fox made him more popular. As it nrrns out, the pivot concepthas floated around seductioncircles for decades,but until recently it was consideredonly worthy of a footnote. The idea of buildittg an entire seductionmethod around pivots was my creation,built in part out of necessity, as I prefer to avoid risk and rejectionwherever possible. It's not the most aggressive approach, but if you use it properly, it will solve your love life problemswith ease,even if you aren't Mr. Excitement. The value to this for a nice guy who can't otherwisecompeteis nearly infinite. Your chanceswith a pivot improve because you are not hitting on her, and your chanceswith other Foxes improve because you are seenwith her. Toss in the reduced dating costs and you have a dangeroustriple threat, making strong use of a Fox who would otherwisenot want you, using her to attractother Foxes, and cutting your expenses while putting you in the sameenvironment,with the sameFox, a lot less pressure,and a much betterreputation. Her vestedinterestin deflectingyour sexualattentionis strong. Ratherthan trust her to fix you up with her lessdesirablefriends, you can let her attract her peers to you. Nice men do not manipulate, but perhapssometimesthey should. Nice men forgive manipulation,yet don't extendthemselves the sameconsideration. Of Foxhunting's contributionsto ASF, the pivot is the one which has caughtfire. It has spawnedseveralperipheraldiscussions abouthow social proof works, ffid how to use the concept to seduce. One such poster, a man identifying himself as "Soren

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Kirchner, " took the pivot concept sideways, with something he called the phantom girffiend. In doing so, he took a conceptI touchedon in Foxes (the FantasyFox) and expandedit to the point where it is now a powerful weapon. I am opposedto the use of the phantom girlfriend proper becauseit is deceptive, and it tends to drive away the Foxes I want, who value loyalty. I much prefer the use of pivots to conveydesirability, and with an available Fox, I don't beat around the bush and just pursue her. Either strategyis sound; your preferenceis a matter of taste. Pivots, phantom girlfriends and social proof expose a Fox's lies about being satisfied with her lover by treating them as if they were the truth. You show up with your pivot, she talks about her great guy, she seesyou having fun with your pivot, and she is boxed in. Even the phantom girlfriend techniqueshould require only one lie, to get the first Fox, after which she is no longer a phantom. Nothing turns a Fox on'like a man who is committed to his relationships,even if getting him for herself meanshe'd have to cheaton or dump his partner, which would theoretically turn him into a jerk, but which would be forgiven becauseshe rationalizesit as a necessary evil to bringing her together. More chick logic at work. Nice men have an advantage with pivots because they usually have no difficulty accumulating them. Pivots give the nice guy a use for theseFoxes, who sense the sudden. ( just lack of interest from the nice guy who has made lemonadefrom the lemons. The effect is compounded because he is no longer at odds aboutwhat to do with her. Sooner or later, his behavior will convey her reduced standingin his mind, and that triggers the challengeresponse, which could go as far as a direct attemptto seducehim. Thanks to the internet, and the collaborative efforts of ASF, men are finally piecing together the entire puzzle of how Foxes think. When I see the.successof the ASF posters, I'm remindedof Joe Gibbs' comment on the no-huddleoffenseand how he dismantledit: It appears unbeatable at first glance, but when you break it down, it is not that dfficult to stop. Gibbs' RedskinscrushedBuffalo in the 1992 Super Bowl, and signalledthe end of the no-huddle fad that had begun sweepingthe NFL. He knew that he couldn't be doomed to lose no matter what he did, and designeda winning strategy. The men of ASF havedonethe samething with seduction, dissecting the tacticsusedby Foxesto gain the upper hand, and using countermeasures to swipe the advantage. The Foxes have not yet responded,as most are still dismissiveof the idea that men not only are not being fooled by thern, but are now turning the tables with techniquesthey learn from the internet. Previously, an AFC would get stoodup and fall to pieces;today, he just asks the group what to do, and when two dozen men tell him to ignore her for a week and screw ten other Foxes, he resistshis urge to cave in, and with his resolve, createsan excellent Returning Fox scenario,known to ASF as a takeaway, or a reversal of her negativeopinion.

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simple concept. This "post" demonstratesthe amazng power of this arnazulrgly sinceshecan Fox, course with and of another A Fox copsan attinrde...untilsheseeshim no longei sting him, suddenly she wants him to have her number and spend time with him:
Hey guys,just checking in. Beendown in the dumpslatelywithout much time to do PU. Told myselfto get back in the gameas it had beena few weekssinceI fucked a chick and a few dayssince['d eventalkedto one. I headdown to the coffeehouse tor someJavaand flirting with the HB I know hangsout thereevery Thursdaynight. but it was cancelled scheduled She'smaybean 8.7 or so. They hada poetryreading place quieter was than usual. so the the HB after checkingher out for a while. I work up the courageto finally approach (about I openwith a slight neg the book shewas reading)and shegivesrne the yourand go back to my table. I look. I ejectsincetherewasn't any oppornrnity a-creep the attention of a coupleof HB (9.2,9.'7) startwriting somepoetryand this attracts who comeup to me andaskme what I'm writing. I tell them it's a poemI'm working and grabsa up to the bookshelf on and they ask me aboutpoetry,as the 9.2reaches and fluff talk, I get minor kino compilation. We get into somegood conversation going with the 9.7, and we're havinga greattime. About 5-10 minutes later, GUESS WHO pops over to my table all smiling and and triendly? The 8 .7, of course. She puts her hand on me ahnostimmediately me off. Newayz, placesherselfdown next to me, dislodgingthe 9.7 which pisses we're all havinga greattime (the 9.2even boughtme a doublecap!),and the 8.7 startsteasingme in front of the other two. I give her a vibe like I'm not into her (tlnnks to her earlier rebuffl, and before I can say anything she writes her number down and givesit to me. An hour laterI get #s from the9.2and9.7 as we're all I don't want to ruin my progress. leaving,andfrom thereI ejectimmediately because pivots and socialproof. I I want to ask her abciut I call the 8.7 a day later because thatsaidwomenwantyou more on the internet tell her I've beenreading a newsgroup when you're with otherwomen. Shedidn't evendeny it!! Fuck, man, the yearsI wastedpining over one chick thinking she would respectthat and now I leant the opposite!!Wherewas this NG when I was 16? Shit, we gottatell the world that the rulesare changing and WE are now the onesiu control!!!!

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Social proof is common to all human interaction. How otherstreat a personoften dictateshow we treat them. It is illogical, but convenient,to acceptpublic opinion, even thought are so great. Foxes claim not to think alike, when the rewards for independent yet they are willing to rubber-stampeach other's opinions. The sameman they ignore when he is alone, they suddenlyshow interestin if they seehim with anottlerFox. A vicious cycle is created,where popularity with one Fox feedson itself, and multiplies to the point of absurdity. This is why you will see a player with hundreds of fernale contactsof all kinds, and a nice guy left out in the cold. Nice guys don't make use of social proof and pivots, while players do this instinctively. Now that they know this, the nice guys can adjust their behavior accordingly. One Philadelphiamillionaire who is still dating Foxes in their twentiesas


he is approachingeighty, takes social proof to its logical extreme, refusing to go out how a man is treated anywherewithout a female escort. This is a good policy, because when he goes out is usually a function of whether or not he is alone, and the body of his treatmentby going out date if he is not. Why shouldhe subjecthimself to second-class alone? It's one thing to go through one's everyday activities alone, but to live the of a date in your compiuryis just stupid for the nightlife without a date or the appearance man. reputation-conscious to social proof The nice guys who say they wouldn't want a Fox who responded and pivots or manipulation in general have to rcalize that often these are otherwise excellentwomen! It's not like they do this consciously. Simple efficiency tells them that when a man is popular with Foxes, there is usually a good reason,if not his looks, which are obvious, then his brains, status,wealth, or sexual skill. The problem with social proof is that Foxeswind up cheatingoff of eachother's exams,with no one knowing the works can answersin the first place. Men who becomeaware of how the phenomenon specificallyexploit it by getting the ball rolling with a pivot or go all the way with the phantomgirlfriend.

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Reason #L3:
The Bovfriend Destrover
A nice guy stopspursuing when he hearsa Fox has a boyfriend, while a jerk does not. Worse yet, she will often becomeintrigued by the jerk's persistence, mistakinghis aggressive, numbers-game approachwith a speciallevel of interestin the real her. Her chick logic tells her that he must want her badly if he is ignoring her boyfriend, while in reality he's just a squirrel trying to get a nut. The intensity, interest and passionhe conveysto her are all fake, but this does not matter. Why, why , why does this happen? In a word: drama. Foxes love drama,, and being the center of attention. They also like pitting men againsteachother (more drama), and there is always the chancethat the jerk could be a better man that she might dump her guy for. The longer he staysin the game, the better his chances,and even when he fails, when he pulls back, she may take the lead and keep the drama going. Once she gets that far, reason flies out the window and her love life is on a crash course with the daytirnetalk shows. The boyfriend destroyerrefers to an SS patterndesigned by RossJeffries to cause a Fox to turn againsther lover. NLP is used to get her to feel trappedand smothered, and is cornbinedwith having her imagine how it would feel to be free of the entrapment, moving rn a new direction (which soundslike "nude erection" and is supposed to arouse her subconscious,though I don't know if that really.happens), and he attempts to hypnotizeher with words disguisedas opinions. If the relationshipis faltering, boyfriend destructionis powerful; if not, it can backfire. Soren's phantomgirlfriend approachis superior, because the risks are reduced,while the rewards remain intact. The boyfriend destroyerhas evolved from its roots into a general ASF concept. Regardless of how it is delivered, her lover is consideredan obstacleto be removed. With SS, this is done with a pattern, while a player will do it with social proof and pivots, and a Foxhunter with one-and-done, letting the clock tick until she is available andior until she returns. Which strategy works best for you depends on your your goals, and whatwould fit bestin the contextof your overall approach. temperament, It is much better not to have an established connectionwith a Fox until she is without a man in her life. I have had good resultslejecting even friendshipswith Foxeswho were taken. Ratherthan destroyher relationship,which will dissolveon its own if it is weak, I would just use her as a pivot and let the clock tick until shewas available. The furthest I usually go with this method is an ex-boyfriend destroyer, whereby I will questionher logic in selectingbad men, letting her know with words or by logical implication that I think she would be better off with me.


In the event you find yourself the boyfriend and want to prevent being destroyed, worry not about the other men, but about yourself. If you keep a Fox happy, she will usually not stray back into the snakepitand risk a real disaster. The Foxier she is, the more this is likelv to be true for a few reasons: l. As a super-Elite,she has more men to choosefrom than any other classof female: Her ability to selectamongher vast choicesis usually not up to p&r, making her more likely to make a mistake;



Her desirability makes her a prime targetfor players,muchthe way a fat bank accountmakesa man a prime target for business con artists; You maynot be in her league, but who is? Don't worry about being her inferior, becauseto her all men are, and we tend not to differentiate muchbetween thosewho are beneath us.
Once she has found a man that she feels safe with, she is not going' to want to return to steps1-4 above.



There are no guarantees.You don't belong in a relationshipuntil you can handle anything, including her leaving you without warning. Unfortunately for Foxes, the type of man who can handle their departureis the one who doesn't care she was there in the first place, but it is always preferableto be cold and distantinsteadof too clingy. Since so few of us focus on fundamental compatibility(explainedin the last chapter),our lovers have becomeinterchangeable almost to the level of householdappliances. We have to have one at all times, but we don't really scrutinize what we have or select it very carefully. As long as it works, for now, we do not concern ourselvesmuch beyond superficialselection. In an environmentlike that, boyfriend-destroyer methodswill work very well.


Reason #I4z
LJBF And The Guv Switch
Another Foxhunting technique: the guy switch occurs when a Fox: 1. Rejects you on the grounds that she has a boyfriend; Dumps the boyfriend; Acquires a new boyfriend without notifying you or giving you a chance in between.


If you are in (let's) just (be)friends (LIBF) territory, and you are hanging around hoping for a reversal of fortune, give up when you see her move on from her current man to another man. The odds of successplummet at this point from drawing to an inside straight to drawing to an inside straight-flush. You will not know if you have moved up from #2 in her life to #l until this happens. Foxhunters circumvent the problem by using an LJBFox as a pivot, but even then for your own information keep an eye on what she does after she breaksup. One variation of the guy switch which favors you occurs when she goes through men like water. Then, if you hang around long enough, your turn will come, and soon after, so will you.


To becomea true player, set the table for your departureafter the guy switch with a dialoguealong theselines: Her: Me: Her: Me: Her: Sorry, I have a boyfriend. can we just be friends? On one condition. What's that? You go out with me once if you ever break up. You got a deal!


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Usually, she will forget the promise, figuring that a "best effort" will suffice for the fixup, and since sheknotvs she won't be breakingup with her boyfriend, she won't have to make good on the date. She's placatedyou, and has you whipped. If you play along while secretlyusing her as a pivot while waiting for the guy switch, the odds that her relationshipwill end increaseover time. When this happens,do not remind her of

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her promise to date you, but insteadjust stop talking to her. She'll get the hint soon enough,put two and two together, and contact you in order to reestablishthe friendship. here If you hold your ground, usually she can be seduced. Working to your advantage is that shewill havejust endeda bad relationship(do good onesend?), shewill be on the market, and rejecting you will cost her a friendship. Your bargainingpower will never be higher, which makes this the ideal moment to make your move. The guy switch works best if Guy #2 rs the wrong man. It's bad enoughfor her to go through a breakup, but to lose her emotional support or any other utility she's with geming from you ups the anteconsiderably. What this will alsodo is raisethe stakes Guy #2, becausechoosing him will have cost her your friendship. If the second relationshipfails, shewinds up evenworse off than shewould have beenif you had been there to console her. This is undoubtedly manipulative and cruel, but what are you dealing with here? A Fox who deniesyour sexuality,use you as an emotionaltampon, ridicules you behind your back to her girlfriends as not man enough, and who would suddenly complain if you started looking after your own interests? Being a nice guy is great, but being met halfuay is also essential. another Ricardo, the player mentionedin the chapteron streetpickups, deserves mention here. Like a Foxhunter, has masteredthe art of using LJBF. His plausibleany deniability approachwhere he pretendshe's not after a date in the beginningerases thoughtsa Fox may have about his courageor desirability, and from there when they get ro know him as a friend they just steadily heat up. What Ricardo proves is something my own Foxhunting confirm ed: LJBF works to your advantage if you let it. The key is to make sure she knows you are not acceptingLJBF out of desperation.

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What this chapter says about LJBF says a lot about the way Foxes think. It is much the way banks think, offering money to whomever they believe needsit the least. The pleasant,civilized social environmentsin which we interact are actually cutthroat environmentswith a caste system where Foxes hand out the colored dots. False advertisinglaws cannot be enforcedover somethinglike this, but anyonewho tells you ignorant. that what you see is what you get when socializingis either lying, delusional,, or all tfuee. While you think you arejusthanging out and making innocentconversation. Foxes are taking the liberty of determining your social ranking based upon factors as arbitrary or irrelevantas what their looks peersthink of you. I'm remindedof celebrities who are more famous for being famous than for whatever it was that put them in the spotlightto begin with.


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Reason #I5:
The Secret Slut
The secretslut is my term for somethingASF posterstalk about a lot: the goodgirl on the surface who is waiting for the conqueringmale to exposeher for the slut she is underneath. She is the most difficult of all Foxes to deal with, becauseshe sends highly deceptivesignals. Players who stumbleupon this little seductiongoldmine are rewardedwith some of the best sex of their lives. Nice guys who are unaware of how the secretslut works can wastedays, weeks,months, or evenyears wondering why such a nice girl who thinks the world of him simply won't have sex with him. In the secret slut's fantasy,he just knows she is a slut. In reality, he guesses,but she doesn't know the difference. A long time &go, a friend of mine namedPaul told me about a card-trick he uses when he wants to leave an impression. He has someone pick a card, look at it, and put it back in the deck. Then he has them shuffle the deck mix up the cards any way they want, without looking, to remove any possibility of trick handling of the cards. He then declaresthat he's going to pick your card out of the deck as if by magic. In my case, he picked the wrong card, and when I laughed at him he shruggedit off by saying that it was a luck trick, that works only Il52nd of the time, but when it works, it dazzles. To understandthe secret slut, think of it as this card trick with the only difference that you get laid if you pick the right card, and that your odds of being right are closer to l015 percentthan l-2 percent. Secretsluts are one pocket of the Fox populi where supply-and-demand favors the men. One factor I have become very sensitiveto in the course of my researchand writing is learning to differentiate when a method is working becauseit is strong, or whether it works because there are more Foxes who want it used than men who are able to use it on them. Dominance and submission(d/s) is a lifestyle that the secret slut enjoys, and while there are more female submissivesthan male dominants, the who don't tell you they are submissiveoufirumberthe dominantswho can submissives recognizethis even more. In other words, if you play the secretslut gameproperly, you get laid. As time wears on, this will not hold as true because more and more men will supply themselves meet to the demand. How do you spot a secretslut? ffte first step is to screenout the obvious sluts, or the teaseswho are overt on the surfacebut who put the walls up when challenged. A secretslut is more likely to be a good girl in every respecton the surface,and the only way shewill admit her true nature is if you draw it out of her, a processwhich requires several challenges,, culminating in her admissionthat you had her pegged all along,

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followed by her quick surrenderto you. The key to making this happen is to break the ice, with the ice being her good-girl shield. This is done with the seductionequivalent of throwing a football into the end zaneon third-and-one. The are you wom&n enough? neg is designedto flush out a secret slut without insulting her, but there are many other

Psychic/palm readings. You can suggestthat she is not the good girl the world thinks she is, that she wishes she could be more open with her wild side, and so forth. This is especiallypowerful becausenot only do you open Pandora'sBox (literally!), but you convince her in the processthat you have magical powers. Foxes say all the time that nice guys don't produce magic for them. The proper term for magic, of course, is illusion, which sendsa direct, brutal message to nice guys that a pleasantillusion is preferable to something less exciting, but real. This gimmick is catching on fast because every man who tries it reports success. It will be a while before the sexual marketplacecatchesup. Attitude. Guys like Mystery aren't out for blood, but his techniques are useful to those who are. Put her on the spot, invade her space,give her self-esteem a knock, and when sheproteststhat she's too nice to be treated.l that way, tell her you know it's all an act, andhold your ground. If you're wrong, nothing will happenexcepther being offendedby you, but if you're right, she'syours. All yours. Body, mind, and soul. At that very instant, shehasbecomeyour submissive, your pet, your sexualtoy, at your service, all day, all night, for as long as you deem her worthy of keepingaround. You become a keeper of the slut's secret, part of an inner-inner circle which usually will consistonly of you. You function as the invisible wall she has which keepsthe nice guys and others too stupid to seethe real her as you had guessed. The numbers-gamerequirement for this approach shouldgo without saying(but it doesn'tjust in case). Letting her know you're dominant. A secret slut who knows you are dominant but thinks you either don't want her or don't know she's submissivewill becomevery excited, often wanting to show you the real her so that you can take commandof her. She will do so subtly, slowly upping the anteuntil she has inspired you to make her your pet. By playing along with her denial, you create a pleasurableinternal conflict which causes her to becomeirrcreasinglyfocusedon you and arouseduntil shecan no longer standit. Once you learn to recognizethis response, and what to do when this happens,seductionwill become extremely easy. Indirect seduction methodssuchas thosediscussed in Foxes work excellently. Tell her stories about what you do to other Foxes. or what vou want to do to

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your next Fox (if you aren't into lying), ild she will often inject herself into the fun. A secretslut will never admit to being one until you call her one. If she tells you she is one without provocation,then she's a pretenderwho will top from the bottom, or PAD, what I call passive-aggressive domination. Submissives have a decidedpreference for strong men, ffid many get off on exploiting the inexperienceor weaknessthat many dominant men have. A truly dominant male knows the difference and tests specifically to screen out the fakes. A secret slut tests men not by feigning obedience, but by feigning lack of desire to submit, weedingout all but the doms who know, or thosewho guess. A guesser who knows how to spot the secretslut, but this could becomesomeone is not as sure for the pet as finding a master who already knows what he is doing. , A truly submissiveFox will be more concernedwith her own happiness and not into playing gzrmes to hurt men. The men who do not qualify, she does not tease,but ignores. The key word here rs secref, a word she brings to life in a very sexy way. One annoying characteristicof the secret slut is her general contempt for all men but the few who conquer her. Men who could conquerher are offended by her thinking they can't. and thosewho can't sensea stuck-upattitudebut cannotpinpoint the source. When a nice guy is tauntedby a Fox about what a wimp he is, this is usually done with the idea of getting him angry, or taking out her anger against some jerk who has mistreatedher. Foxes are just like that: while they demandto be treatedwith respectat all times, they can be amazingly abusivepsychologically. I am taunting the nice guys here as a wake-up call, to demonstrate that the polite, civil treatmentthey think of as respectfulis anything but. If you have ever seenher act cold to you and then overtly friendly to a jerk in your presence,rcalize that she has just disrespected you mightily. She shouldn't be punishedfor it in public, since she's still beenpolite to you, but if you can't hear the screirms of omissionthat say you arenothing to her, you're deaf and blind. One area most relationship experts never touch on is what causesa Fox to detenninewhether or not a man is a winner. We have a paradox: if you beg for her approval like a nice guy, you will be rejected,but if you take the reins, she surrenders. The numbers-game approachthat nice guys eschewis anothermissing ingredient from their repertoire. Nice men are conditionedto want one Fox at a time, for the right reasons,and wind up falling into unrequitedlove with a secretslut, not what he clairnsto want, not anything he can handlein bed, and who is not able to tell him where he is rnakinghis mistake, which is misinterpretingher manipulative,passive-aggressive, conquer-meselectionprocessthat has her telling him what a nice girl she is up until the very molnent she wears her master's collar. If this makes you ffigry, goodll Do something about it! What makes many Foxes like being dominated is that they are the ones with the true power in this world. So few men ever challengethem that the ones who do stand

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out. I suspectthis is going to lessenin the future, as more of them realizethat the men they encounterare not true dominants, and are just using another cannedpickup system to get into their pants. She will choosefrom multiple mastersthe one she finds most few Foxeshave that choice,but desirablefor other reasons. Due to supply-and-demand, this is changingrapidly. The watering-downof talent and intensity is a natural byproduct of proliferation to the masses. Thosewho invent somethingare alwaysgoing to be more talented,more passionate about their inventions,and more qualified to use them than all but a few copycatswho help evolve the discovery. I have someexperience with d/s, and while the sexualroleplay is intense,for most (roleplay submission). Lifestyle d/s involves a longpeopleit is a brief experimentation term commitment to a partner, and to the lifestyle itself. My experiencewith hypnotic seductionhas d/s offshoots, but these are accidental. Many secret sluts fall into the wanting to be completelydominatedin the bedroombut categoryof roleplay submissives, treated as an equal otherwise. It's a very difficult balancing act ttrat few men can pull off for very long. The upside, of course, is that you have a sexualservantwho will do anything you want her to. What you do with her is up to you. I will now "post" a recent hypnotic phone seduction. This Fox, a 2l year-old dancer, was a textbook subject. Nice guys should pay attention for how the situation.l developed,and where they would not have done what I did and conqueredher mind:
This report is about a pet I conquered over the phone through hypnosis. Phone hypnosisis idealfor initiatingd/s because shecanbe wild while still feelingsafe. If shelikeswhat you do, there'splentyof time to meetandrepeat the performance live. (takinga prof.essional It helpsto be on the level of a stage hypnotistif you're serious you'll ever make, plus practicing,readingbooks and courseis the best investment listeningto tapeswill help a lot). If you know what your doing you can broachthe properly,makingher morelikely to give you an opportunity suhject her, to hypnotize you dazzle andwhenyou get thatopportunity, her by makingher feel incredible, and you are as a hypnotist, wantingto experience it againand again. The more talented yourselffrom the increasing the easierit will be to separate numberof rnenwho try to hypnotizebut who really don't know what they are doing. This Fox (abouta 9.5) I met online talked on the phone, and somewhere in the I asked her if sheliked hypnosis.Turnedout shehad a lifelongfantasy conversation her. I knew and askedme -- no, BEGGEDme -- to hypnotize of beinghypnotized I hadan eagersubject so this wasgonnahe easy. I alsoknew shewould askme over and over until she was practicallyunderat the IDEA, so I let her chill for a while thinking I wasn't gorun do it. A day or two later sheaskedme againand shewas ripe, so I told her I would. , I neverhad a subject me as rnuchas this one did. I had her put on the sexiest assist outfit in her closet,light a candle,and havea small drink of wine to loosenup (this (including going to the bathroom) is optional). Shetook careof any business so that shewouldn't be distracted oncewe began. I told her to get comfortable by relaxing with her legsuncrossed, her armsat her sides, andthephonecradled so thather anns were free. I then told her to release her breathing, letting go of it and letting her

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body do it for her like when shesleeps. Mixing in commands to her body to relax, feeling her outfit releaseits sexualityinto her body as she breathed,regulatingher breathingvrith commands, andhavingher eyesstareat the candle,shewent deepinto trancevery quickly and passed the "point of release" where the hypnotist'scontrol is genuine,like that of a stagehypnotist. Onceshe releases, it's time to switchmy inductionfrom inducingto deepening and guiding her mind towardsorgasm. The processis similar to what a stagehypnotist does with his audience, but is more intimateand inten-se in a comfortable,private, one-on-one session. I took her through deepening routines,including a "hroken count" where shecountsdown from a numberI stan her at, resumingthe countat my numberwhenevershehearsme intemrpt, tying the count to imagery of her locking my eyes, our eyes connected as if by laser beam, me looking up and her body suddenly rising, a magiccarpet floatingunderneath her body, my eyesreleasing their grip, her body falling onto the magic carpet,and as she countsdown she t'eelsthe carpetsinking a yard towardsthe eafth, while if shecountsup or is interrupted with a higher number,the carpetrises. I took her throughan extended brokencount,giving her the keywordsor triggersof stuck, where she remainsstuck on a number, counting the samenumber over and over again,until shehearsthe word unstuck,at which point sheresumes her count urrtil the next corrrmand or interruption. Firnlly, I use the keyword random to conquerher mind, telling her it becomes more andmore difficult to remember more than a few secondsinto the past, and that she can no longer keep track of her counting. If she'sbeenproperlyrelaxedand induced to this point, shewill lose all controlright abouthere. From the randomnumbers I told her she'dget moreturned on as shecounted(this is calleda sexycounting technique that I teachto womenwho use hypnosis it's easyto learn),and that shewould lose evenmore control because (alsotook a few chances her volumeso I could hearher more clearly).I to regulate then instructedher to inform me eachtime she cameand kept track with my owu c0unt. At this point, shewas GONE and LOVING IT. It was like her mind was on a yo-yo and I was holding the string. The hypnosis was a complete and I took her success, throughthecounting exercises a bit more,puttingher temporarily to sleep, andgiving her sometrigger commands so that shecould reenterthe stateat a later tfune. The triguersI gave her were words comhinedwith the snapof a finger, eachof which phrase. First I installeda would sendher deeperinto tranceand causea response general trigger of Lucy LovesHypnosisl(Lucy is not her real name),which is easy phraseof "I am relaxed." Therr to execute, with the response and a true statement, pet I told her anytimesheheardthe word shewould respondby sayingthat shewas pet; whensheheardthe word hypnotized a well-trained shewould respond by saying "l am not evenawareI am hypnotized"; her to say "I am a wellthe word s/z/ caused trainedslut," and so forth (sheis, afterall, a secret slut and the term is not an insult or meantas one). Oncethe triggerswere installed,shelost completecontrol, and was ready for her sexualtriggers, I gaveher a rathersimpleone,tellingher thatanytimesheheardme saya word with in it and snapped the word come embedded my fingers, shewould climax. Using phrases relued andcome-pletely like come-pletely be-come-ing come-fortable, comepletely aroused,shewent into auto-orgasm modeand camea total of thirteentimes. I woke her up quickly, sayingsimplyyou can wakeup now (no needfor an extended wakeup),and whenshecameto shefelt incredible.Shethentold me shewas wetter

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A trained hypnotist who is a dedicatedFoxhunterwill have little difficulty working the gimmick to perfection. I'm sure more than a few male stagehypnotists chosetheir professionfor that very reason. They have status,talent, training, ffid an endlessstream of subjectsto select from. They don't have to approach or use their shows to find subjects,because the secretsluts will come to them. It is much easierfor a secretslut to begin revealing herself through an innocentconversation about a topic like hypnosis than to reveal her secretdirectly. What preventsher from revealingherself is the same thing that prevents the nice guy from pursuing her: she doesn't want men who do not know what she wants without her having to ask, and nice guys make the mistake of asking her directly or analyzing her behavior at face value. The result is a clear mismatchwhich favors the jerk. As the popularity of hypnotic seductionincreases, the level of talent required for it to be effective is going to rise considerably. Seriousstudy and practice will one day be a necessityif current trends are any indication. Ross Jeffries has proven with speed seduction that the demand for male hypnotists, even the watered-down ones that his courseworkproducesrelative to the professionals, far exceeds the supply. The point of socialization, where secret sluts who want to be hypnotized (a way of releasing. responsibility) will have their choice of hypnotist, instead of reacting instinctively to every one who enterstheir lives, as many do now.
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To hypnotize a Fox, you need to understandthe principles of hypnosis, why it works, but most of all you need to know how to perforrn an induction, how to tell how deepshe is in trance, how to achievemaximum control over her mind during the session (if you don't,, someoneelsewill), and it helps to install triggers so that she can go under againmore quickly shouldshedesirea repeatperformance. The amateurhypnotistswho achievelight tranceswith Foxes are successful now only because the overall supply of quality hypnotistsis low. The rule for hypnotic seductionis simple: strongesttrance wins. How strong that trance needs to be is determined by her exposure to other hypnotists,their talentlevel relativeto yours, and your secretslut's appetitefor hypnosis. which in a minddigger is going to be huge. If you are a nice guy and you've ever had that you-just-don't-get-it look from a secretslut, this is what you don't get. This is the greatmystery, the great experience that of this? Not as a citizen, but she thinks you cannotduplicate. Is she a bad girl because she could level the playing field by letting the nice guys in on the secret,especiallysince the bad boys learn it quickly. [n the absence of this, Foxes could be more honestabout why they don't want the nice guys, or, as a last resort, frustratednice guys can make a conscious decisionto becomeplayers and reap the rewards. Thanks to ttre internet,this last option is being chosenin record numbers.


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I was in my twenties when I first uncovered a secret slut. [n a w&y, the handpickup was typical of this, although that was more of an accident betweentwo massage frustrated AFC than typical of either of our character. I have found repeatedlythat the mere mention of hypnosisto a secretslut works a lot like a bell on one of Pavlov's dogs. It is hypnotic in and of itself, like a commandshehas beenwaiting to hear all of her life. When you encounter this, if you are skilled, you have an easy way to seducewithout being rude, by displaying your hypnotic talents. The creativity of your approach will intrigue her, and the experience will blow her mind away. If you act like a skilled hypnotist and Foxhunter and let your subjectsbeg you rather than being active like the speed seducers, you will be dealing with the highest-quality Foxes who are most interestedin you and most eager to go under. The leaderof the hypnotic seduction movementfor now would be Wendi Friesen, hypnotherapist a California with a wild side who has made it her personalmission to bring erotic hypnosisto the public. Her website,, offers a book/tape set called Hypnotize Your Lover that is a perfect introduction to hypnosis in general and its erotic applicationsin particular. Wendi is not shy with the media or with hypnosis, and has carved out a fine erotic niche for herself. Nice guys who are put off by the aggressionof SS and player methods might want to check out her website as an alternative. I do not expect nice guys to confront secret sluts, but they should keep the possibility in the back of their mind that they are dealing with one. If they are, pursuit over any length of time will not work, and unlesshe wants to conquerher, he should find greenerpasturesbecause he will get nowhere, be rejectedin the firmest but most polite of ways, ffid will be shut off from any sexualinteraction.bythe invisible wall that only the dominant male knows how to knock down or walk around. That the wall exists at all shouldtell nice guys in no uncerlainterms that they are misjudginga large percentage of Foxes, and in doing so, costingthemselves an awful lot of sex.

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Reason #16:
A big part of the ASF culture is accepting the education process. Part of that processinvolves asking the elder statesmen of the group for advice and commentseven when you think you know the answer. This is similar to the practice of tournament chessplayers to record their games , analyzingthe moves in post-mortemswhich can be very animated, with even grandmastersdisagreeingon the correct move. In the finest all over the tradition of academicresearch,the original pu{poseof USENET, seducers world share their secretsfreely with the newbies. When the number of men who are listeningas if E.F. Hutton had risen from the dead and were talking himself approaches amillion, as it may in a few years, the rules of dating wind up rewritten. This is already beginning to happen. The force is almost impossibleto stop. Men constantlystumbleupon ASF or its related websites,or mine, or another, they are told that they can read or purchasethe answers to their questions, and guess what? They can. The demand for quality information is so great that any author who stepsup to the plate right now will make a profit, with the potential of fame and fortune awaiting them down the road if their work catcheson. The free information catchesfire almost instantly, as there is no price or distribution barrier. Newsgroup visitors now have the benefit of several free websites which archive the posts, sometimesorganizingthem by topic into a curricula. My main contributionsto thesearchivesare the pivot and returningFox theories,both of which are very useful to players. It was not my intent to help playerswith pivots, but I shouldhave seenthat coming. gaveway to Reaganomics, The liberalismof the 1960s and 1970s and athere-areno-victims, my-shit-never-stinks-and-yours-better-not attitudethat hasput us into the law of thejungle. We advertise ourselves as compassionate, but we aren't. Foxesespecially have taken their natural power and enhancedit to the point where they can treat a nice guy like absolutedirt, he won't fight back, and he will still want her or even ask for more if he thinks it will pleaseher. The tough-loveapproachis truly justified here, as nice guys just have their head in the sand. They take all kinds of crap from Foxes, for all of the wrong reasons. A Fox who senses that he won't retaliatewill often become even more abusive. They have unlimited,access to muscle, so they can attackand insult guy problem without fear. One aspectof the nice that is rarely spoken about is that Foxes are often nice to violent men because of fear, or even worse, because they want to make use of the goon, justifying his violent behavior by saying that the targets(i.e., men shedoesn't like) deserved it.


One thing players do is instill sexual respect. This can be done any way (even Ricardo accomplished it with his tame approaches).The nice guy who allows a Fox to ignore his sexuality might as well let her cut his bal"lsoff. Establishing yourself as a sexualcreatureearly on helps a lot, because onceshegetspasther disgustthat you're just anotherpig, she will have to deal with you as such if she wants to keep interacting with you. Just as men do things they don't want to do to be with Foxes, the reversealso happens. A musician who is getting laid left and right and refuses to accept an LJBF presentstwo choices:have sex with him and be part of the music, or write him and his music off. Groupies have shown through their behavior that they are willing to pay the price. In this case,being a jerk doesn'tget the musicianlaid, but it allows him to ensure that being a musician getshim laid by being a jerk, so the gimmick would be credited with an assist. A nice guy refuses to see a Fox who acts innocent as something other than what she appearsto be, and she rejectshim because she figures he is clueless. The player's posture is more defensive, oriented towards preventing her from giving him shit, but that's only a step away from full-fledgedjerkhood. Men who talk about respeclshould raise red flags, because what happens when they are disrespected is often highly unpleasant. A Fox who wants respectshouldchoosea nice guy, but she often finds that a turnoff. It is difficult to blame men for beingjerks when the jerks are rewardedwith sex and the honestmen are punished. It is up to Foxes to changethe reward systemif they want male behavior to change. ASF indoctrination formally begins when a lurker loses his ASF virginity and introduceshimself to the group. A typical introductorypost might read as follows:
Hey guys. I'm a newbieAFC hereandwant to share my storywith everyone. Like many here,I've beenwalkedon by womenall my lif-e,and only recentlydid it dawn on rne that there had to be sornething betterout there. This NG is the greatesr thing I've seenin my lif-e!!! All the experts makethis placethe bestadvicesireon the net and its FREE! Who needs courses and bookswhenwe haveall this!! Newayz,my nirmeis Rob, and I'm26 yearsold. Justgot out of a relationship with a 6.5-1 who I thoughtwas the bestI cando. Recently I just got a job at a technology firm and the! got the hottestofficegirls ['ve everseen! I don't want to makea move on any of thembeforeconsulting the masters hereand as I get to know themI'll post updates and seekcomments. Help me out as much as you can!! Doesnel no how to useSS in the workplace?I want to be carefulnot to cause any harassment problemsor accusations if shecatches onto what I'm doing. What about negsor kino? Also, can someone explainto me the terminologythey use here'/ I think I got most of it, but what doeseverything mean? WherecanI tind the archives yttu always talk about? Oh, and what is the lounge and why do you need a password?

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I havecovered mostof the ASF terminology already, so a repeatisn't necessary. The loungerefersto the privatesections of the related websites wherethe ASF regulars -47 -


who get along with each other go to speakprivately. This affords them the benefit of trading secretsamong themselveswithout letting the public caprtaltze. It is very smart practically, and the seriousplayersare alreadyseeinghow discretionis at times the better part of valor. The loungesalso contain picture sectionswhere the players post actual pictures of their actual conquests,and file sectionswhere the truly daring can upload audio or video recordingsof them engagedin various activities. I have never felt the need or desire to participate in the lounges, and as a commercial publisher I am thought of as a bit of a sellout, even though I publish a mass of free advice and information. That's life on the internet. however. Once the newbie player has made a commitment to the lifestyle, he is expectedto ask, listen, implement,report, modify, and persistuntil his mission is accomplished.He completely from the notion of waiting for a specialFox, embracingthe numbers detaches gamewhereby he continuallypursuesFoxesuntil he finds one who saysyes. Sooneror later he will find one, and when he does,that Fox will be ignoring a nice guy who is just like the newbie player used to be, proving directly that the negative change in attirude leadsto a positive changein sexualoptions. Afier his first mission, the newbie reports back to the group, documentinghis mission with analysis, seeking comments,criticisms, and anything that will help him ' ( along on his quest. A typical newbie mission post might look like this:
with a report. It's 3:00 a.m. and Hey guys,I'm backaftermy first newbiemission I'm kinda drunk so forgive me if I ramblea little. Man, I can't believewhat a little change in attitude will do. I dropped my nice guy act and just started being rule cqnfident,a little cocky, playful, and if I saw a HB I followedthe three-second her immediately. and approached Went to a club down by the dockswhich is known to attracta wild crowd, but when I got there it was pretty dead,at leastfor the guys, mustabeenthree of us for every next to the gne of them. This 7.3 (blonde,about 22) is standing by the pay-phone rcstroomand givesme a smileas I passhy. I smileback, say hi and keepwalking there'sa four-set,all to seeif shefollows. I keepwalking out by the dancefloorand HB (9.0. 9.6, 8.6,8.2) and as usualthey'reall ALONE. All the AFC wallflowers the tnomentandwalk up. so I seize are STARINGat themtoo SCAREDto approach, on the 8.6 Mysterysaidto ignorethe target(the9.6) in a grouppickup, so I focused jukebox The flufftalk. initiating and on the the about song them asking anclthe 8.2, whiclt 8.6 getting from the kino minor I was suddenly and 8.2 bailed immediately broke off when she had to use the bathroom. They invited me to join their table, which meantI was IN. This is the first time in my life that I've ever sat down at a HB table, and a four-setat'that! I seethe socialproof factor kicking in and the OTHER HB in the club are checkingme out, while someAFC are fuming because anyone. What losers!!! they didn't havethe balls to approach to fluff I try to elicit somevalues,but the music is loud so I keepthe conversation my points. I pulledmy chair closerttr with a little kino hereandthereto emphasize andwe were the 8.6 who satdown next to me whenshegot backfrom tlte bathroom, ( (


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ableto havea conversation as long as we practically whispered in eachother'sears, which was cool. Beforecoming to this NG, I would have frozenby now, but the more progressI made,the more confidentI got. I kept up the playful, confident,and mysteriouspersona,toying with the 8.6 and at one point she knoclcsme out of my chair (almost) by askingme if I'm a player. WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU SAY TO THAT? Should I deny it or let her think I know what I'm doing. I couldn't think of what to say and froze up. DAMN!! Next time I'll havethe answerthanksto all of you though and that's why I keep coming back to post. The eveningwrappedup and we headedfor the exit. The 8.6 walked right next to me and we paused outsidefor a cigarette while talking aboutwhat a greateveningwe had. I useda line from this NG and askedher how we could continuethis another time, and she immediatelyreachedinto her purseand wrote her number down on a rnatcltbook, which she handedme. I put the matchbookin my back pocket so I wouldn't accidentally throw it away like I did onetime. I wantedto kiss-close witlr her, but the AFC took over a bit so I just took her handand kissedthat instead.She LIKED IT!!! When do you think is a good time to call her? How long should I wait? I was thinking of just forgetting her for a bit and calling her but she might hook up witlr someone else. I dunnowhat to do therebut I was proud of myself for puttingthis NG into practicethe way I did. I didn't kiss-close like Mystery (well I did sorta), but I felt CONFIDENT for the first time and FUN TO BE AROUND. Socialproof helpsthat a lot cuz onceyou get pastthe shields and you hook up in convowith a HB the rest of them want to know what's up. Then you relax and things kick into gear and it's like you were neveran AFC! I got rejected several othertimeswhen I went out but tonight this NG just CLICKED and things fell into place. I know I'll get betteras time goeson but this was a real confidence-booster!

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Call it The Making Of A Jerk. Foxes would have nice guys believe that the reward system is an accident, but is it? How many' times do they have to enter relationships because of approachesunder false pretense, fake confidence, a kino invasion, fluff talk, and the numbers game before they wake up? This is not the way to find the man of your dreams! The young Fox I hypnotrzed in the secret slut example wouldn't even considera long-term relationshipat this point. In her words, she'syoung, attractive,and wiurts to have fun. Not once does it occur to her that those are reasons for her to searchfor a good husbandnow, ild not to wait until she is a shell of her tonner self. Just as men have difficulty dealing with having to be alpha-males to have rneaningful an)/ choices,Foxeshaveto confront the reality that they don't havethe luxury of waiting until they are 30-35 in order to settledown. Once shehits 25, and evenwhen she lrits 2l ,, her market value begins to decline as the next generationblossoms. ASF taughtme as clear as anythingever has that Foxes go out of their way more than any man could ever dream of to avoid decentmen and to reward jerk behavior. Sometimes they do so actively, out of attractionto thejerk, and a lot of the time they do so passively,by rigging the game in the jerks' favor without even being aware that they are doing so. They do this by respondingonly to aggressive approaches, allowing jerks protecl (namely to them from other man nice guys who might warn them that they are

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trusting the wrong men), and from there they use isolation, entertainment.head games. and every trick you see in this book to close the deal sexually. Passivecreaturesthat they are, the Foxes fall into a routine which has the jerks on center stagein their lives. creating the drama they crave, while the decentmen are exiled to the sidelines.kept under glass in caseof emergency. The indoctrination process documents the player's evolution: a newbie AFC becomesa newbie PUA, he makes progress,reports back, gets feedback,makes more progress,and the cycle repeats until he getslaid once,perfectshis movessomemore, and truly conquersthe opposite sex. How Foxes or nice men can ever expect things to change when sex is the reward for being a jerk and masturbation the punishment for being a nice guy is beyond me. Compare the progressmade during indoctrination to the nice guy's progress,which will often be nothing or negative. ASF and its websitescry out to the nice guy perpetually, showing him where he is going wrong, inviting him to join the chosen men that Foxes deem worthy., and to turn the meat market into a complimentary,all-you-can-eat buffet. After the newbie mission is successful, he usually finds himself on the right track but stumbling in a key area. A typical post might read as follows:
Help me out guys!! I've got my movesdown, but I haveproblemsKEEPING MY FOOT ON THE GAS PEDAL. When I'm a hardass the womencan't get enoughof me, but onceI makeprogress I turn back into an AFC and then I get shit on again. I don't evenneedreal help because I KNOW what the fucking problemis. So why can't I fix it!! Are thesechichsusing SS on me or somethin? Last week I usednegsto pick up this 9.3, got the # and a kiss-on-the-cheek close (doesthat count?),and I call her. Her fucking ROOMMATE answers the phone, SCREENSme, and tells me she's not there. She asks me if I want to leave a rnessage andI getpissed.In a cynicalvoice,I said"Yes,I'd like to leave a message. Tell her I can takea hint." Then I hung up. TEN MINUTES LATER shefucking calls me back and saysshewas at the storeand why did I think shewas lying? I told her to hangup if all shewantedto do was fight with me and she'slike no what's up and could we hangout. I tell her to meetme at Lucky's at 8:00 sharpand to "dress well." Sheshowsup HOT!!! We go to sit down at a tableand I wantedher to sit next to tne and shedid for a second but then shegot up for a minute to go to the bar and when she came back she sat down acrossfrom me!! BITCH!! MAJOR disrespect and the beginningof the end. Next thittg I know her two UG friends show up and one sits down next to her while the otherstarts flining with me. FUCK!!! I couldn'tfuckingSTAND it!! I should haveejectedwithout sayinga word and let her comeback to me but like the fucking AFC I still am I spend a BORINGeveningchatting with the cockblockwhile the 9.3 starts letting three guys fight for her attention. At least I could have circulated aroundthejoint as therewere a f-ewHB therebut I was back in AFC modeand there was no savingthe evening. I headout aroundl1 and stop at another club down the street,but nothing was happening there. What a fucking wasteof an evening. '(

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by letting the cockblocks I'm learning that you can't supplicate(here I supplicated interfereand not calling her on inviting them) or you'll blow all your progress. you all the time. If shedidn't Don't listento what womensay, they like to shit-test want to fucking be alone with me, why the FUCK did she come at all? Fucking chick logic. I'm beatand gottago to bed nite all.




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ASF players are mostly regular guys who have been walked on a bit too much. One thing that is clear is that many of them are not thrilled with what they have to do in order to get laid, and who can blame them? When the same man who is rejected as a nice guy is treatedlike royalty when he loseshis civility, how can we expecthirn to put up with that? They might as well just drop the charadeand tell men that this is what they want. The lack of honesty in what Foxes claim to want and how they reward negative behavior while punishing positive behavior is what createsthe problems they complain about. If nice guys could fix the problem, they would, but they can't put a gun to a Fox's head and make her treat men respectfully, or to pursue the men who have the qualities they say they value but which they ignore while having sex in the parking lot of a club with some player who just imposed himself on her, cracked a few jokes, dropped a few names, ffid used social proof and a pivot to challengeher into seducing him away from the others. This is not love. This is not a searchfor a soulmate. This is slut behavior, plain and simple, and any nice guy who deniesit even when he seesit firsthand is going to have a lot of problemsbecause until he acceptsreality, he is going to lose out on a lot of pussy. When I surf other newsgroupson USENET, I find female-oriented discussions where men who speak freely about this are criticized, ostracized, shunned, insulted, taunted,by both genders,ffid even shouteddown with ridicule, essentially proving that Foxes are psychologicallyabusiveand that AFC men defendthem in the hope of getting on their good side or out of fear of getting on their bad side. If you move from groups,the bias becomes IISENET to moderated discussion with anti-female unbearable, postingsdeleted,the posters'accounts terminated,and the resulting "discussion"an AFC paradisewhere Foxes rule, men beg, and nice guys are told not to changea thing despite miserableresults, to keep up hope that things will turn around, and one day they will meet that mythical right woman, who makesall the pain worthwhile. On ASF, the men presenttheir problerns,are given solutions,and put them into practice. In doing so they have createda movementlike no other. The final step of indoctrinationusually comeswhen a player posts about how he has difficulty reconciling all of the sex he's getting with the jerk he has to act like in order to get it. He sayshe wants to settledown, and while he is encouraged to, he rarely finds that special Fox who can tame him into a loyal boyfriend. This is called the ConcessionFox techniquein Foxes, and is yet another example of how all a jerk has to do to get a better relationship than a nice guy is to change, with no penalty and even somecredit for having beena player. This is like the drug addictsin professionalsports who recover from addiction and wind up profiting from repairing the damage they


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inflicted to begin with! If Foxes wanted nice guys, they would selectnice guys in the first place. It is obvious that they are less interestedin seekingout a nice guy to begin with, and are more interestedin the drama createdby the challenge of turning a jerk back into the man she never wanted. Compulsivegamblersare said to live in denial. Specifically, they are in denial records,relying on memories they don't keepaccurate abouthow poorly they do because of the occasional winning bet to sustain themselves through the losing which they dollars football bettor can easilylose a few thousand normally experience.A recreational guy nice can & a year and convince himself that he is breaking even, and in seductior, convincehimself that the occasionalaccidentalvictory or lay is fate finally mrning in his favor, not the aberrationit almost always is.

a a a Before you go criticizng ASF, keep in mind ttrat jerks were getting laid long before it. For a nice guy to wind up an ASF legend,a lot has to happen. ASF is the last I stop on this road, not the first. Men who are not already fed up with failure and a beginningto doubt their belief that Foxesare nice are the oneswho are ASF-prone. Like I born-agatn zealots,the regulars approachthose who are desperate,out of answers,who a feel a need to belong, take them in, make them part of a family, without them ever having to leavehome, and most important, they are given advicewhich helps them solve .a their getting-laidproblems. The player lifestyle, with its easyanswersand quick sexwith a hotties,is difficult to resist. I a It is by the very Foxes who wind up used that the seedsof ASF were planted.
Take this "post" from alt.romance,written from the female perspective,to a nice guy who just rambled on about how he was twenty-six years old and still a virgin:
Hey girls, anotherbitterboyjoins the ranks of AR!! Bet he's a short, fat, balding, loserwho's still living at home watchingSpringer. unemployed I got news for you, loserboy,it's your ATTITUDE that is preventingyou frotn wussthatwomenavoidfor the REAL gettingwomen. You're nothingbut a spineless aboutit!! man. What's wrong, are you bitter? Stopwhining and DO something I'rn sick of thesecowardswho can't talk to a woman in real life thinking that just THEY can't get laid that womenare evil. Womenare GREAT!! If wttrnett because dumpedon you in the pastyou needto takea look at what you did to DESERVEit, creep! If you think womenare so bad, why don't you try men! I bet you'd look really good with a nice long DICK shovedup your ass!!





If a Fox ever dressedyou down like that, how would you react if your only crime kicks in, and the nice was treatingher with respect? After a while, learnedhelplessness he is still going to wind up guy realizes that no matter how nice he is to ttre rattlesnake, bitten. The combinationof socialbias which holds Foxesharmlessfor their conductand men accountablefor theirs, ild the tendencyof men to ignore bad behavior in the hope that it will change into good behavior, is sufficient to make life for the nice gu)'


absolutelymiserable. Moreover, the scornednice guy who actually takesthe advice of this "post" will see ASF as the right move. He will take action, changehis aftinrde, giving Foxes what they want, but making it so they do not want what they get. You-can't-get-laid tauntsare unforgivable. They tell men that sex is a contest,that getting laid most often by the best-lookingbodies determinesthe winner, and that if you do not get laid you are a loser that somethingmust be wrong with. This would only be true if Foxes always made the right choicesin men, which most of the time they do not. We wind up with them claiming to be able to judge men while misjudging almost every man they meet, rejecting the men they should be with, playing pornstar for the men they should be avoiding, and lecturing the men that they wrongfully reject as convincingly as a 400-poundperson lecturing a competitive bodybuilder on how to stay in shapethrough eating right and exercise. problem even Foxes have is keepingmen sexuallysatisfied. They A fundamental are better at looking after their own needs than concerning themselveswith his. They believe if they are a little sexy that this is good enough, and rarely maximize their true sexual potential. Those few who do make the effort to truly satisfy men are rewarded with their pick of the lot, more loyalty than most Foxes will ever know, and the true appreciation of men who are relievednot to be punishedfor being men, for having sexual desires, and for appreciatingthe fine female form. Foxes who don't measureup to princes' higher sexual standards put the blame on the male elite for having them, yet their own fairy-tale expectationsare thought of as their birtlright. The double-standardis nauseating,and createsa dearth of truly desirable Foxes, making it difficult for all but the alpha-males to reliably be able to secureone. As ASF matures, the indoctrinationprocessbecomesmore efficient. With the relatedwebsitescatalogingthe methods,newbiesare broughtup to speedquickly on how to think and behave,what to say, and when to say it. As if assimilated by the Borg, they turn from caring. decentmen into misogynisticplayers who lose respectfor individual women but who respect all women, in the Bill Clinton senseof the word, and who developthe necessary distanceand attitudeto draw Foxesinto their lair. The Foxeshave no one to blame but .themselves,for had they not dumped on the men prior to indoctrination,, they would have been able to savethe nice guys they suddenlydeem so valuable.

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Reason #L7:
The Looks Screen
Ask a Fox if shewould be with her lover if all he caredaboutwas how shelooked and how often she had sex with him, and she will say no. Ask her lover why he is with her, and unless she is within earshot,he will usually say it is her body and the sex. Nothing drives this point home more clearly than ASF: men want looks and sex (and youth), and for this shallow sin they are not punished. The insistence by Foxesthat men ignore or minimize the one thing they want most is absurd. Insteadof just acceptingthe fact that they are sexually desirable to all men and using ttrat desirability to choosethe man who is best for them, Foxes require men to deny the truttr,,acting as if looks did not matter, highlighting their other qualities, with the reward for his focus away from looks and sex being more sex with a better-lookingFox than he has ever had in his life. Recently,I havebecomevery sarcastic with Foxesaboutthepower of their beauty. I point out the tendencyfor them to reward men for pretending not to want their body, sarcastically adding that they should considerthemselves lucky that men haven't caught onto this yet, or they might lie in order to get laid. Talk to any Fox who is exiting a bad relationshipand her most common reasonfor breakingit off will be that sherealizedshe was being usedfor looks and sex. Despitethis, she will not changeher flawed selection process, ffid if you want her to consider you as a lover, often you have to lie. A minority of Foxes take the oppositeapproach,rewardinghonesty,so I cannotsay that all of them reward lies, but far too many do. Even thoseFoxes who do value honestyhave to be able to detectdishonesty,which is anotherexampleof how naturecan punisha nice guy even when a Fox is well-intentioned. The bias extendsway beyond sex into every area of life: her lovers want her for her body, but so do her friends. She'll insist that her AFC groupiesare good men, not like that, that they like her for her personality,but if you measurethe behavior of the AFC (or read their confessions on ASF) you reahzequickly how Foxesinspire friendship just as easily as they inspire sexual interest, and beyond that, they are elevatedto a celebrity statuswhich makes it possiblefor them to cruise through life on looks alone. This must remain unspoken, for the man who dares to speak the truth is hated, having struck the ultimate raw nerve. Few Foxes are mature enoughto confront this reality. Many have never known anything other th,anbeing young and beautiful, and do not learn the cruel looks lessonsuntil much later in life, when their insight and the maturity that comeswith it are useless,because they are no longer desirableto the men they used to take for sranted.


While Foxes are allowed to screenmen for shallow reasons,even looks, and especiallyheighf, which is as bigoted as it gets, sincea man cannotchangewhat he was born with. That they also want men to be brilliant, successful,and popular in addition to being tall and good-looking rules out most men immediately. By contrast, men are very honestabouttheir preferences, with eachother, evenwith Foxes, but rarely are they fully honest. Men will acknowledgebeing men and appreciatinga Fox, but they act as if they wind up with them by accident, when in fact they are practicing somethingvery slimy called slithering basedon qppearance. The processis so subtle that Foxes do not pick up on it, and even when it is pointed out to them they prefer to remain in denial. Foxes are unable to move through society without being approachedby men at all rurns. Their professionaland personalrelationshipsconstitutea minefield where the next approachor passis right around the corner, the net result being that they can find a man anytimethey want. This creates two typesof Foxes: thosewho alwayshave a boyfriend, and those who are single by choice. A Fox who remains alone for any length of time is a picky creature, ffid must be treated much differently from the ones who have their replacements lined up before their current relationship ends. Players know to avoid Foxes who screencarefully, and nice guys shouldlearn to avoid thosewho do not. The times nice guys do wind up with Foxes, it is usually only after they have wised up enough to take some time to evaluate their potential mates and do so correctly. Such good fortune is rare, but it does occur. A broken clock is right twice a day, and even a compulsivegambler wins a bet every now and then. Usually, however, the race is to the swift, the fast-movingplayers of ASF. Nice guys are conditionedto respeclFoxes, and part of that respectis not to think of them primarily as sexual objects, even when they think that way themselves. In theory, he is not supposed to care that his nice, loyal girlfriend doesn't fully turn him on, becauseit would be wrong of him to put unrealistic pressureon her. Even a minor offense to her sensibilities is enough to throw him into a guilt-ridden apology fit, displaying his lack of backbonefor her to see, and to reject in favor of the man who challengesher that she is not woman enough. It could not be any clearer that looks screens are not punished,that even when a man valueslooks aboveall else, that he pays no penalty and, as with. the other reasonsin this book, is sexually rewarded for being shallow. This raisesthe recurring questionof why Foxes reward the very behaviorthey yet again. claim to despise The effects of deflection away from emphasis on a Fox's body has other consequences. She is more likely to find,men agreeingwith everythingshe says(except for the jerks who know not to do this), telling her how intelligent and interestingshe is, and convincingher on a constant basisthat her opinionsmattermore than thoseof others, her desiresare more importantto fulfill, that in every possibleway, her shit simply does not stink. She finds herself treatedlike a piece of meat at the most unexpected of times in elevators, walking down the street, at the superTnarket, or anywhere she goes.

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Being by herself can be dangerous, as a number of men who go over the edge find themselves fixating on Foxesout of warpeddesireor hatred, sometimes raping, stalking, or evenkilling them. While the protectivebehavioris excusable, for the most part Foxes becomestuck-upbecause it's easierto keepeveryonebut a few trustedindividualsat bay. The problem lies not with the wolves in the darknessbut insteadwith that trusted few, who slipped through the cracks and fooled her into thinking they are different. Seeing a Fox insist that a shallow player is a sensitivegentlemanis enoughto make a nice guy vomit repeatedly. The insistence on a man not being too into a Fox's body is difficult to bear. No matter how ridiculous it is on the surface,the denial continues. The true motives surface indirectly: a Fox needsa job, and suddenlyten men are hiring; she needsan apartment, and suddenly they need roommates, and rent is optional! On the darker side, if she mentionsthat shedoesn'tlike a man, she'll haveoffers of protection, to havethe problem taken care af, sometimesthrough violent means. The Foxier the damsel in distress,the more inspired the chivalry cavalry is to help her. I have seenfirsthand where Blutos and wannabe Prince Charmings tie such behavior to the body of the recipient of their assistance.One incident which sticks out in my mind involved a bartenderwho was big on defending Foxes, but whom I caught one time yelling at an older non-Elite who had no physical inspiration left. It was one of the most patheticsights in my life. Had he . ( ever addressed a Fox that way he would have been risking severephysical harm. Men guard Foxes much the way they guard large amountsof money. Nice guys are very forgiving of the punishmentthey are dealt when a Fox lets a jerk who only wants her body and usesher for sex gets years with her, while the nice guy gets platitudesabout one day finding his soulmatb. She considersher relationship as ideal, what the nice guy should strive for, yet what she thinks is a deep, spiritual connectionwith her boyfriend is often nothing more than her being on the wrong end of an ASF lay report. The Fox who revealsthat she was cheatedon for the past ten years and didn't know it should remind herself that her faulty selectionprocessplaced the cheaterabovethe nice guy sherejected. One questionI use to taunt divorced Foxeswith is How can I be more like your ex so I can con a.fine young woman like you used to be into having sex? Such negs are effective becausethey get the point across in a sardonicsoundbitetypical of one that Foxes themselves love to use on men. Media portrayalsof nice guys shit on by Foxesfurther conditionour looks biases. On Family Matters, Steve Urkel spendsyears chasingdown Laura Winslow, while on A Different World, Dwayne chases' Whiteley and gets her after years of unrequited pursuit. Readers from my era rememberJoanierebuffing Chachifor severalseasons on Happy Days before finally giving in, causing Chachi to be so excited at finally getting his chancethat he threw an apron up in the air as he walked out of Big Al's, burning down the restaurant. In each case, the alleged nice guy had his attention fixated on a Fox, and given the way each was treated, it would appear that looks were all that
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of her looks them. How is it a good ttring when a nice guy wants a Fox because attracted questions but my answers, have no easy but a shallow thing when a player does? These position is that Foxes are society's prizes, ffid should be awarded to the men with the best character. Rarelv is this the case. ,rr.. guy who marries or dates a Fox for a long while, usually The occasiorru, someonewith a great deal going for him, often financially, is cited as proof ttrat nice guys win in the end. My research,experience,and observationhave indicated that even on the nice guy's home turf, the long-term relationshipor marriage, he loses. If you want a great example of how this works, take a look at the Ted Nugent Behind The Music specialon VH-1. You'll find Ted, one of the top alpha-males of the 20th century or any era, retiring from a career of what he now calls a sex addiction and settlipg comfortably into the live of a devoted husbandand father. The messageto nice guys is that it is okay to sow your wild oats as long as you turn nice in the end. If you know from statisticsthat you are not going to catch a Fox's eye by being nice until you are older, then it suitsyo to put off being the AFC until you yourself are mature. Otherwise, you will wind up like me, waiting for the right young Fox (as in 18-21 years old) to marry, and not having a chance with anyone in your target market until you approach thirty. Young nice guys suppresstheir looks preferencesa great deal in the mistaken belief that it will improve their chances. If they hold out and remain single past college, as their career takesoff, they developenoughexperience and alpha-malecharacteristics to make them a solid beta-male, a Richie Cunningham type any Fox would be proud to introduceto her parentsas their new son-in-law. Fonzie can marry anytime he wants, but as soon as he does he becomesa spineless version of Fonzie. Men like Fonzie and Ted Nugent tend to marry only after they find it more difficult to keep playing the field, and since relationshipsare new to them, they often becomevery devotedhusbands. In doing so, they give just enoughcredibility to the belief that every Fox can tame a badboy, when in fact few can. Those who do often admit to being drawn to the challenge, while those who fail to tame often expressregret and feel used. This is impossibleto avoid when a hundredFoxes want to marry one player, as was certainly the casewith Nugent. Many jerks are men who experienced nothing but rejection through college, who found a subpar lover to tide them through their lean years, and who found their popularity soar as they continued their education, their income rise as they enteredthe workforce, and their desirabilityto the oppositesex appearto materializeout of nowhere. Foxeshave afirazrng statusradar, moving ,ayear or so aheadof a man's rise up the career ladder. Part of the emphasis on status, especially from the golddiggers, involves recognizingpotential and giving credit for it. This is why male college studentsfind getting laid regularly for the first time in their lives: their CUPID rating gets themselves a boost becauseof their dreamsand inability to be thought of as a true failure for several years into the foreseeable funrre.


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At first, desirable young adult men are often grateful to have ttre attention of Foxes. When they realue what is motivating the attention, they take a step back, wondering why they should feel grateful that suddenlythey are mature enoughor wealthy enough to be consideredworthy of the same Foxes who had treated them poorly for years. With the shoe on the other foot, they often turn the tables, playing the field mercilessly, taking what they want without regard for anything but their own desires, much as had been done to them before they made it, and to them, turnabout is fair play. Moreover, the prince seesas phony the suddenlywarm behaviorof the Foxes, motivated not by any genuine interest in him, but by the same opportunism they used to criticize him for having when in fact his problem was that he simply did not measureup. To the victor belongsthe spoils. Solutionsto society'slooks hangupsare few and far between. Nice guys are faced with the choice of admitting that they are as shallow as the jerks, or settling for somethingless than they want, while the Foxes will never be able to escapebeing sex Fox, just that they objects. It's not that men do not appreciate a brilliant, accomplished, will still judge her on her sexuality. Shecan have all the brains and stanrsshewants, but the men will simply not care. This leads intelligent Foxes to seek out intelligent men, lovers who appreciate only to learnthat most intelligentmen prefer to haveless-intelligent their minds more. To a Fox not wise in the ways of the world, I have a lot more to offer than to someone like ChelseaClinton, who has seenmore of the world at her young age than I probably ever will. Men like to be appreciated and needed. Being nice does not mean having to settlefor less than a Fox. It doesmean that you will have a more difficult time acquiring one, but it can be done. Being goodlooking yourself is a good place to start, with nature and nurture playing equal roles. You can't control nature,but you can do your bestto look as good as possiblegiven what you were born with. The large majority of men are nowherenear their looks peaks,and the men who take the time to pay attentionto this and other CUPID factors are rewarded. Since you don't have to be a jerk to raise your CUPID rating, if you are looking for an alternativethat lets you remain nice and honestwhile still having a chanceof getting what you want, this is the answer for you. Until Foxes change how they deal with their beauty, nice men are stuck with having to adapt in some fashion to avoid being shut out. Putting up looks screensis effective, but in doing so many nice guys will considerthat jerk behavior and avoid it. I think it's time they stoppedpunishingthemselves so badly and admittedtheir sexuality, and what they want. Whether or not a ryan is nice should be measuredby how he acts in nonsexualsiruations,not his genetically-wiredlooks preference. He cannot control what nature has programmed into him, and making him apologize for that nanrre while not doing the same for the jerks who are not only shallow, but dishonestabout it, is wrong and leads Foxes to the emotionally slaughteringarrns of the wrong men.


Reason #I8:
The Pluck
You would think that a stripper eorning two grand a weekcould afford somedancelessons.- Me
Strippers are compatible with me in that many of them are minddiggers, a lot of them like hypnosis, but their lifestyle is such that I find myself relating much beler ro professionallytraineddancers,particularly thosewho like middle-eastern dance. That's just a personalpreference. Although any Fox hasthe potentialto be a stripper, especially in private, this reasonis devotedto the professional variety, the oneswho make excellent livings teasingdesperate men out of their money. Mystery is the only ASF regular who hastruly conquered strippers,claiming eight to his belt already,a numberprobably closer to a dozenby now. A few of his poststalk abouthow he seduces strippersby going into their clubs and acting like a fellow performer who just wandered in and is friends with the DJ, but pulling this off is beyond the capability of most men. The nice guy who wants to seducea stripper has a tricky time ahead. The golden rule of lucking into a relationship with a stripper is to meet her away her club. I knew one nice guy with money and the player mentionedearlier who from were able to successfullyexecute the pluck, or picking up a stripper at her club and bringing her home. The lifestyle of the typical nice guy is not suitedfor strippersunless they are looking to get out of the business, or are very discreet(which is rare), but in the short-term, thesefactors do not come into play. We are told by dancersall the time that plucks are not possible,yet I know of severalon a firsthandbasis,ffid severalmore from news stories which demonstrate that the right man, or the right amount of money, can catch lightning in a bottle. Nice guys who have no interestin strippersshould still give this reasona clear look because the degreeof difficulty of a pluck is higher than almost anything. Nice guys who meet strippers away from their clubs should take the Foxhunting approachand say that they don't date strippers. This might lead to her challengefetish being triggeredand she'll have to seduce you out of your viewpoint. Shouldthis happen to you. hold your ground for a little bit before caving in to make it look legitimate. On the other hand, if you want to try your lqck in a strip club, it is best to know what and rvhatnot to do before your first trip into one. In the courseof my research,I visited area strip clubs for several months off and on, with different amountsof money, different attirudes.and pretty much the samelacklusterresults, with a few exceptions. I am not suitedto plucking, althoughif I went to the clubs long enoughI could seewhere it would happento me. Since I can operatein other environments,and seducestrippersI meet

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away from their clubs, I have no need to wastemy time and money trying to executea pluck. Still, it is the ultimate pickup challenge. Since strip clubs are basedon fantasy, is it unethical to turn the tableson a stripper and becomeher farrtasy? A player, Foxhunter, nice guy, or any man who even daresto attempt a pluck has to respect the enormity of the task. Nothing should be taken for granted, ffid he will have to be on his guard at all times. Even then, a lot can go wrong. and if he picks a toxic stripper, a lot more can go wrong. I don't considerit a negative that I never did fully executea pluck, becausethe lifestyle is one I find abhorrent. The Foxhunter in me would be more inclined to just take a job at a club and let nature take its course, not work against the grain by being the ultimate loser in her eyes: the customer. The strip club is a microcosm of gender relations: the alpha-malesare the club bosses, who are rumored to get free sex as a perk of being in the business or working in a high-rankingposition. The beta-males who help to keep the are the wealthy customers place in business. It's said that thesemen don't get laid for their money, but one has to wonder if that's really true. Strippers I talk to say that for anywhere from $300.001,000.00,it is usuallypossible to get them to losetheir religion temporarily. Long-term. a man has to be worth about $250,000.00or more to have a realistic shot at keepingher happy, and he should be worth ten times that, so that he could blow that much a year on her and not touch the principal. The rewards of a pluck are not worth it given the effort required to achieveit. If you happen to be on a CUPID mission, becomegreat-looking, wealthy, and achieve status,you'll be able to pick up strippers,but you'll also be able to pick up dancerswho have more sexual ability and no lifestyle problems. Drugs, high-risk behavior, and criminal activity surround this corner of the nightlife, and it's not really somethingthe nice guy is going to want in most cases. What appeals to him is the easy access he gets to Foxesfor a few extra dollars, with the lure that maybe,just maybe, he'll wind up with a pluck. Many strippershavemadenice livings leadingtheir customers on as expensively with deadly results. as possible,sometimes In one of the most well-known casesof a well-intentionedgood-girl rewarding a jerk and punishingthe nice guys. Stephanie Rabinowttz,amain-line Philadelphia lawyer. married her youthful sweetheart,Craig. Craig told Stephanieand her farnily that he wanted to start a businessselling medical supplies,and designeda scirm for borrowing money from Stephanie,her family, and their friends. Stephanie never knew anything was wrong with the marriage, butunder Craig's nice exterior was a man living a doublelife. The money he had raised for his business went not to building it, but to a stripper who went by the name of Summer, and danced at Deliloh's Den (2nd and Spring Garden. Philadelphia and

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Summer and Craig provide a textbook example of what not to do at a strip club if you are a customer and exactly what to do if you are a stripper. Leading him on, expensively, Summer took Craig for every dollar he could stuff into her g-string, extendingtheir relationship beyondthe club, taking money from him for rent, health club on the memberships, expensiveclothes...nothingwas too good for Summer. Stephanie, just given Rabinowitzes' was daughter,she aging, and just other hand, had birth to the not enough for a winner like Craig, who was not only getting laid by his wife, but probably by Summer as well. A customerwho spendsthat kind of cash will stop the gravy train if the dancer doesn't come across. One look at Summer and another at Stephaniehighlights his differential inspiration. The game lasteduntil the money ran out, and Craig, who had been whipped into a perpetual stateof sexualfrery by Summer,got desperate.He took out a $1.5 million life-insurance policy on Stephanie, killed her by strangling her in the bathtub in an attemptto collect the bounty, and coveredhis crime by telling police shedrowned. Right before trial, he admitted to a morol disconnect that led him to not fully understandright and wrong, which made sex with Summer more important than his wife and his child, and which led him to murder Stephaniein cold blood. In return for his confession,for which the city of Philadelphia thankedhim, Craig received a life term in prison, which he is now serving. In an interview over a year after his incarceration,he said he still missed Summer. Summer, who is dancing under another name at another area club, spokehighly of Craig, probably to easehis time in prison more than as a reflection of any genuinesentiment. To Summer, Craig was a successful businessman who treatedher like a queen. That she was taking blood money never became apparent to her until after the fact. Many lnen like Craig spendmoney on her, and the more they spend,the better they are treated. Or so they think. What Mystery, the first player I snrdied, and my wealthy friend who married a stripper prove, the best way to get sex with a stripper is to spend nothing on her at the club. Money spent is money gone. Having money but not spendingit like a Fox being sexy and refusing to have sex. Your bargainingpower is highest before you spend your money, not after. Expectationsof sexual gratitude or loyalty from a stripper who has alreadypocketedyour money is foolish. Having money is an advantage. but not if you give it away. Most players who wind up with strippersthey meet at clubs either meet them at regular dance clubs, through friends, or by working at the clubs themselves. A true pluck is rare without money or drugs beipg involved. Choreography and hypnosiswere the onlv two gimmicks that sparkedenoughinterestin the strippersI met where it would have evelt becomepossible. After one attemptat contactwith a stripper outsideher club u'hich did not materialize (to teach her hypnosis), ffiy researchtime was up and my n'lone\ found better uses. It makes very little sensefor me to choosean exotic dancer *'ith a large male following when I can isolatea dancerwho is into me and me alone, or

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me imd only a few rivals. I get all the looks benefits,an easierconquest,betterdancing, and the samesex. The rules I presenthere in the form of a pluck report which could come from any clubs. Lower-classstrip clubs, or what I ASF player are designedfor the higher-class call skank bars, are places where Foxhunters can make out like bandits, but you won't want to. I went to a skank bar once on a Friday night and was offered two numbers, one by a Fox who was beautiful, young, new in town, and wantedto learn hypnosis(there's that gimmick again). I declined both offers though I was never more popular in a strip bar than with the skanks, who hadn't seen a guy in a suit in forever I guess. At the larger clubs, pickups don't happen so easily, becausethe dancers don't want to be rescuedfrom the environment the way the skanks do. Plucks from skank bars do not count.



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In this "post,''a'genius" combines the pluck: all pickuptechniques to execute

I did it guys!! I PLUCKED a stripperfrom her club!! Never thought it would happen, by accident, but I'll take it. Shewas HOT! Fucking and it kindahappened INCREDIBLE!! Let me tell you how it all happened: I'm at the mall eatingmy dinner when thesetrvo 9s I met at a party a week ago sit down next to me. One sits acrossand the other next to me, with soms immediate getsup to get somefood, andwhile she'sgoneher tiiend starts kino. The oneacross flirting with me. Kino getsheavyand by the time her friend getsbackwe look like is up, so a couple. Sheeventeases us, askingwhenthe weddingis. My confidence " get a goes. I get cocky and say "depends how tonight They both blush and on wickedlook in their eyes. "Reallynow!" says"my" 9, while the otherone movesa little closer. "Anclwhat pray tell did you havein mind? I tell the other9 that she'll haveto hearaboutit orr the phone tomorrow and could she pleaselet us get going on our date. My caughtthem offg;uardand they liked it! The other 9 stopscockblocking decisiveness and ejects, leaving my new "girlfriend" and I to get to know each other. I know from this NG that I'm already homewith her and I relax completely, readyto let the eveningunfold. We're driving aroundin my car (herswas left at the mall), and she saysshehas to go to the bathroom. At the nextexit is a STRIPCLUB, and I point to her, laughing. "Let's go!" she says,but I can't tell if she'sexcited or by the club, the bathroom, both. As we're rushingin (timewas becoming a SERIOUSfactor),I ask her if she wantsto just usethe bathroomor get a table,and shelooksat me for a second, says "get a table!" and rushes on. When shecomesbackto my table,I tell her I ordered her a glassof wine and beerfor myself(I don't like gettingtoo drunk too early since it slowsme down). can't taketheir eyesoffmy table. They realvel Soonas shesits down the dancers noticethemlookingso they stop,but theymakea point of stopping by andwhenthey quick do they aren't to bum for tips or rush offlike I thoughtthey would. I felt more like I was at a regularbar or club. No wonder HB love going out! They get treated like fuskingROYALTY. Socialproof was in full e-f-f-e-c-tthis time as well because

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loser,but shelookedbetterthan if I had gonetherealoneI'd havebeenjust another almost all of the dancersand she was with ME. looks. We hangfor aboutan hour, andmy dategivesme oneof thoseit's-time-to-go few more She'salso in a hurry. I don't want to supplicate so I tell her to chill out a just with that I speed minutes,and shewaits,but impatiently.SinceSHE supplicated it up a bit and we headout backto the parkinglot. As we're walking, shegrabsrne CLOSE,touches for you." I askher a few privateplaces, and says"I havea surprise what and shewon't tell me, but when we get to the car I seeone of the dancers tiom the club waiting for us. I don't know how she pulled that off and I don't want to know hut my first pluck and first threesome is worth a mention out here. My advicefor going to strip clubs: Bring a date!! Obviouslyshewas bi or shewouldn't have wantedto stay. Expert hot advice:bring a datewho could work at the club because shecan get the dancers without you having to do the work. Don't tip because if they want you they won't care and if you do tip they'll just want more. Let them danceall they want for you in anythingbut your date. Dou't stay long and touch you but don't act interested gonnahappenthe dancerwill want to catchyou betore either because if something's you leave, since she can get distracted performingon stageor called over to the couchesor champagne rooms. Remember when you go in with a datethey already know you're desirable, so you don't haveto impress them. Ignoringthem irnpresses thernmore.


If this sound easy, it shouldtell you something:players always make it look easy and narural. Had he gone out with the idea of the pluck in his head, it probably wouldn't have happened. Also note the key maneuverat the mall cafeteriawhere he ditched the cockblock so he could be alone, a bit ironic given how the evening ended up. His ditching of the cockblock was correct, because he knew he had one sure thing and didn't want it deteriorating. Only at the tail-end of my strip club visits (all alone, none with dates or even pivots) did I begin to learn how to work the hypnosisgimmick. Occasionally,a stripper would ask me to hypnotize her in the club, but I quickly surmised that this would not work well, becausethey have to remain in control in their environmentsand their guard will go up naturally, preventingthem from enteringa really deep trance. I did manage to get one under briefly on my own and that led to a rather inexpensiveand long ($10.00 for a half-hour, during which she came six times), but when I started lapdance using the energy of the club, I made somereal progress. This next "post" is basedon an experience I had at anotherclub right after the failed phone-number pluck (I probably actedtoo slow by not asking her to meet me right after her shift). Here, I put a dancer under in a very creative way, with the help of anotherdancer:
For guys who know hypnosisreally well and want something to try at strip clubs, here'sa cute trick I'm developing that has a lot of potential. Instead of thinking of SSingor hypnotizinga danceryourself,you canuseonedancerto hypnotizeanother! I did this by going to a local club with my pendant aroundmy neck (it's a crystal),


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enteringthe club at a time when it wasn't too busy, so they noticedme more quickly (and are hungrier for tips). love being I order a long-islandiced teaand tip the bartender a few bucks(bartenders get most of the money),and when a dancer(9.1) stops tippedwell sincethe dancers by sheasksaboutmy pendant. I tell her I use it to do hypnosisat parties,and she gets interested. I then tell her that I teachhypnosisto dancersand she gets more interested. She asks what I teach and I tell them it's how to hypnotize with movement. Sheasksme if I could teachher or hypnotizeher and I told her the club was a bad placebut if shegot me anotherdancerto help I might be able to pull it off. Shebails for a second and comesback with as closeto a 10 as I've seenin weeks. Shewas PERFECT for the role of decoyherebecause shehad an exotic look. I tell the 9.1 to work the club for a while and let me talk to the 10, so I canget her ready. I tell the l0 what to do and shelikes the plan. Turns out she'sbi and has a thing for the 9.1. PERFECT!!! The l0 leaves to go up on stage, and the 9.1 returns at her signal. Sheasksme what I'm going to do, and I told her to just relax, listen,and watchas the 10 comeson stase. The l0 startsout dancingnonnally,but shequickly isolates on the 9.1 I tell the 9.1 not to take her eyesoff the 10 at all, and that she'sgoing to like what she seesand become very relaxed. I guideher into the chair next to me and tell her to mentally draw a triangle on the body of the l0 between her eyesand her navel, and to let her eyesmovealongthe triangleas if theywereball bearings movingalonga track. Her immediately eyesloosened with my commands and I beganusingkino in combination to get her readyto drop. Onceshewas into a blank stare,her eyes glazed, watching the l0 on stage,I useda stagehypnosistrick, tappedher fbrehead, and said "you haveto sleepnow!" SheDROPPED!!! I kepther underuntil the l0 camebackand said "she'sall yours." We had somefun with her beforeI woke her up with the suggestion that shewould perform like an animalin heatfrom now on, and that she'd

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it dicln'tcost me more thanthe $10 or so in extratips plus the $5 cover charge. I didn't try tbr a pluck because I wasn't up for it and didn't want to ruin the success I had achieved.

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Now it's pretty clear where Craig went wrong. His only drawing card was his money, and when that ran out, he was finished (as was Stephanie, unfortunately). This is why I advise Foxhuntersnot to use money to get laid until they have reachedtheir magic number, or the amountat which they can live nicely off investmentreturns without touching their principle. At a minimum, this would be about $250,000.00,while at a maximum, onceyou get past$10 million, you're probablyokay. Bill Gatescould easily' retire, toss $100.00 bills at strippersevery minute for the rest of his life, and wouldn't even begin to touch his. Sincebillionairespatronizestrip clubs, your money is going to look like chump changein comparison. Once you have enoughto pay her more than the club can without hurting your nest egg, you can execute a pluck almost any time you want, because no stripper in her right mind who liked and trusted you would rather dance in a club with all its risks than to just take the money from you. In the absence of such wealth, the other ways to seduce are with your looks, brains, personality, or a combinationof all three. Attitude and seductiontechniques like thosein ASF complete the picture.

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If you go to a strip club, don't expectto get laid unlessit's for money or drugs. From what I'm told, drug dealers are very popular in the clubs, as are those connected to organized crime, who often are friendly with those who run the clubs. Not all clubs are like this, but the perception has existed for a while, and I'm sure there is truth to it in some places, while in others there is not. I do know that being rich or violent or connected to the underworld won't work againstyou, and that should say somethingabout the prospects for the nice guys. If you have a stripper who is repelled by the environment,she might be open to you. Otherwise,you'll need somethingspecialand different to offer her. or vou aren't likelv to attract her attention at work.



Reason #I9z
The Pivot In Practice
If there is one techniqueevery nice guy should learn, it is how to use pivots. If you are going to be spendingmajor platonic time with Foxes, you might as well use that time to your benefit. Nothing accomplishes this like the pivot. On the one hand, I am pleased to have seenmy Friendly Fox creationexplodeinto ASF theory (it is universally acceptednow), but on the other, I get annoyedwhen I seeplayers using it to run up the score. The original purposeof the pivot was to level the playing field for the nice gqy, not to give the jerk yet another advantage. The burden is on the nice guys to heed the warning and start using pivots themselves. There is nothing wrong with building your rep. Avoiding premature loyalty to one Fox and circulation will usually cure your isolationproblems. Foxes like male friends anyway because they do not hit on them. At some point, Foxes are going to have to stop reacting to pivots. It's too easy for men to win the game this way. For the time being, until the market digests this simple concept, the near-surefireway for any man, no mater how inadequatehe thinks he may be, to become popular with women is to acquireone quality pivot to get the ball rolling. You need not become a jerk to make use of this. In Foxes.,I outline a few scenarios where pivots can easily be acquired: l. Utihty Foxes. A utility Fox is one who relies on you for some form of utility, such as free car repair, computerhelp, etc. If you keep the fake-positive attitudemost of the time, and one day you wind up in a conversation with your utility Fox about your love life and how you want it to improve (preferably right before sheneedsthe utility), she will often agree to function as your pivot. Fear of loss of the utility will be the true motivation, but on the surfaceshe'll just say she'sdoing it because you're sucha nice guy (we have to bribe them to call us nice, apparently). You neednot ask her directly. Justgo out ds friends and let nature take its course, as explained in Foxes. Preemption. As a workaholic, I have snagged more than one date by waiting for a Fox to ask me why I never go out. The simple reply that I don't want to go out without female cornpanybecause it hurts my reputation often provokes a responsethat she can fix the problem. Even without the pivot angle, this is still my preference, because I considersocializingalone to be a waste of time. I don't have several hours a night to build a social circle, and want what little time I do spend going out to be used productively. With



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preemption, you can explain how the pivot works to Foxes, how players use it, and how you feel you have to in order to level the playing field. 3. LIBF. The old standby: "I promise not to make a move on you." Cute, isn't it? She thinks he's a gentleman when in fact he's Kasparovusing her as a pawn. Poeticjustice, especiallyafter he has used her successfullyto build his rep, she wants him, and he no longer needsher.

As a nice guy, you have two choices:go out alone and face ridicule, or bring along a pivot and be popular. As the pluck exampleindicates, pivots are powerful. Even when bisexualityis not involved, being seenwith a Fox gives you a sealof approvalthat looks, brains, or money cannotbuy, because you've alreadyachievedthe objectivesthat having thosethings is supposed to help you achieve. You becomean instantwinner, and since everyoneloves a winner, you becomemore and more of one as your popularity begins to feed on itself. Creatinga pivot post is easy,but for this ASF-styleexplanation,I'll pull up an old story that Boards told me, in the voice he would use if he were posting himself:
Hey guys. Love the group. Somesuggestions: keepthe reponsON-TOPICand cut the flaming. No onegivesa rat's assaboutanythingbut what they canuseto get laid here. In that spirit, I will makemy only postto this group. I'm not a bigtimeplayer like you guys. Natureonly blessed me with a strongmind. I'm 5'7", scrawny, but well-educated, from a good family, and I move in somepretty interesting circles. They call me "boards"because the only time I get laid.bythe beautiful womenI want is on the rebound.If a manhits,cheats, lies, ordoessomething elseto get dumped, I'rn the guy shecallsand criesto. After a while of beingan emotional tampon,I beganto learnhow to takeadvantage of this. I'm not onefor bullshitso I'm not going to strokeher ego or lie to her to get laid, but I will let her tell me what went wrong so I can eat it up. I tell thern what they shouldlook for in their next guy, and off I go into LIBF land. Sometimes I can lay them on the rebound, but I don't haveto. I like the oneswho breakup with a new guy etery two weeksbecause I make friends with their new guys, sincethey want my approval after I show them what they do wrong. The guys are usually really desirable quick friendswith me, which opens and become up a world of other women. Do this a few timeswith the right pivotsand your socialcirclewill literally explode. Beingaccepted your status by alpha-males improves right beforea woman's you as part of the in crowd. eyes,and shejust accepts I usea lot of the otherstuff in this group, like negs(sarcastic (great ones),massage fitr rehounding because they're alwaysstressed after a breakup),social proof and pivots, althoughI'm not much for approaches. For that I haveonepivot who helps rnea lot - Belle. Bellecan't sayenough goodthingsaboutme andanyone who likes her, male or female,winds up liking me. She likes me because I neverhit on her


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of andknowledge ^ goodtoiend, shelikesmy intellect andbecause T]:,|t ilfl.1.r" me, for anyHB to everapproach is NO reason Belleis proofof thisis because there

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with her. It's stupidnot to havepivots cvcr]ln()reeurious.and I'm inclinedto agree when you use them it makesyour life a lot easier. hecause at \'()ur disposal

his Fox harem, and rebounding Boardsusedpivots of both gendersto accumulate to closethe deal. It u'orked for him. [n 1988, he met a strongsub-Elitehe becamea couple with an hour after meeting, they married shortly after that, and as far as I know they are still married. Boardsdid what most men with low CIJPID ratings, which is to find one Fox *'ho valueshis strongpoints (i.e., his brains and status),and not let go. A plal,ercan replacehis sourceof sex at will; someone like Boardshas a more difficult time. He succeeds as a nice guy because he knows his strengthsand plays to them, and was Lhepriman inspirationfor the anti-playermethodsdescribedat the end of the book. Boardssho*'edmore backbonethan even the hardcoreplayers in that he refusedto back down fronr his vieu's that Foxesdump all over nice guys, and his debateskills were so superb that it \\'as easier to placatehim than argue. I do not know of any man who nroreu'irh lessthan Boards. accomplished you can spendall of your free time accumulating If you are trulv pivot-conscious, and using them. Screenvour pivots for beautyand how much time they spendwith you, keepingas man) as )'ou can around. For the man who has not yet seduceda Fox, it is if you developyour'seduction the ideal steppingstone.especially so that you technique presented pivots. can capitahzeon the opporrunities Boards the went to by the ultimate he knew as a pivot of someform or other, but he had to because extrerne,using ever\''one he had little to break the ice with otherwise. The extent to which you will have to compensate sociallv throughpivots will be determined by your CUPID rating.


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Chick Logic
Logic is a wreath of prery flowers that smells very bad Spock

Chick logic is the processby which Foxesjustify their behavior and their choices not doing so entailsthe risk of rejectionand of men. Men agreewith chick logic because even ostracization. The following "post" is taken from a one-night stand I had a while techniqueexplainedin Foxes to refute her chick back, where I used the reverse-timetable logic and score the lay:
This lay repoft is simplebut it's typical of how chick logic works. I havethis first major, cute,abouta6.6, with a l0 mind), and it's datewith a Pennchick (science going real well. We get back to her placeand I wind up massaging her on the couch. The inevitablesex issueis raisedand shestartstelling me shehas to wait beforeshe psychology hops into bed with a guy. I decideto try a little reverse on her and tell her that I agreewith her, and that we shouldwait a YEAR. This threw her off-guard so much to the point that we were in bed fifteen minuteslater. Fucking chick logic! I love it!!

Her chick logic was suchthat once I showedher I was willing to wait for sex, she had no need to withhold it from me any longer. She wanted to have sex anyway, and in her mind that was all the excusesheneeded. Chick logic is a valuabletool for the player that surfacesin almost every ASF discussion. One surprisingexampleis the number of playerswho were able to get laid when the Foxes they wanted found out they were not after a relationship! They didn't want to break his heart, but once they learnedthat all he wanted was sex, that was all they cared about! Nice guys lose out on a lot of great sex with Foxes who either do not want to hurt them or who fear being judged morally inferior. Chick logic in cOnversation can be maddeningto the nice guy. He knows that uhen it's usedon him that usually she is either lying or just plain stupid, and either one uill tick hirn off. When shehooksup with an equallyillogical, stupidplayer (so srupid but he gets laid anyway), his frustration intensifies. He doesn't want to confront her, because he has beentaught that this is rude, but unlesssomethingchanges,he knows he \\on't be getting laid for a long time. The only thing left to changeis himself, and when he reaches that point of realizatron, it's off to ASF he goes, with yet anothernice guy hirins rhc dust as a new jerk emerges.

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Reason #2I:
Taking Off Her Shirt
jerk behavior. More and more Nice men usedto think that Foxesmerely tolerated evidenceis surfacing that they not only tolerate it but seek out and reward rt. One post that struck me on ASF was about a man whose pickup technique was to somehow convinceFoxes he just met in bars to remove their shirts. I've actually seenthis myself at somelocal college bars, but figured it was spontaneous.That a Fox would removeher shirt on the spur of the moment is one thing, but for it to be planned all along by some jerk is incredulous. For it to work saysa lot about how Foxes think. Another application of this techniquewith better chancesof a lay resulting would be the good, old-fashionedskinny-dip. As the player who posted about the shirt man in the bars pointed out, once you are in the right environment with a Fox, even in public, you can sometimes get her to remove her clothing. It becomelogical, then, to consider ways of arranging a skinny dip. Hanging by water on a wann summer night would thus be ideal, with certain climatesmore conducivethan others. I gave this techniquereason statusbecauseit shows how far apart players are in their thinking from nice guys. They plan situationswhere Foxes literally strip for them, and make it appear spontaneous. As an objective observer, Foxes have no difficulty seeingthrough a transparenttechnique,but when they are drunk at a club, they often get wild. Note how they put themselves in positionswhere they know they are going to get wild, so fhe nice guy has to concludethat this behavior is actually in their nature and that it's up to the men to bring it out of them When Foxes ralk about wanttng exciting, playful,, spontaneousmen, this is what they are referring to a lot of the time. The reality behind their descriptions is often enoughto make the nice guys want to puke, but what can be done about it? I would like to report that the number of decent Foxes is greater than the number who are removing their clothesfor near-strangers in bars, but I also know that I am much more likely to be just able to get a Fox I met to go skinny-dippingwith me than to keep her in a long-terrn relationship. The sex supply for playerson all levels is far greaterthan it is for the nice guys.


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Height Bigotry
One has to admire the audacity of Foxes sometimes:a man who judges them on the basisof their bodies is thought a shallow pig who is only after one thing, yet they can rule out all men under six feet tall and write it off as a mere preference. He is admonished to look beyond the surface,to what she has inside, which, as we all know, is what counts. On USENET, and every other message board I've ever postedto, others will make the occasional post which dealswith height bigotry, as most of the other men who post are either tall and don't care about the issue, or they're short and not in the mood to endure being tauntedthat the only reasonthey are posting is that they are bitter and short. Consequently,I have wound up as a torchbearer of sorts, the rare tall man who sticks up for his short brothers, a man who at 6'2" is immune to the you're just you sre shorf arguments. bitter because Your height and her height bigotry will not change, but you can use it to your advantagebecauseFoxes have no real justification for it other than the same casemen try to make for being into looks. Anytime you broach the subject, she will want you to changeit, because there is no way shecan legitimatelydefendher preference, excepton the sameshallowgroundsmen have beenusing to justify their selectionprocessfor eons. Men can even gain the upper hand here by pointing out that their looks preferencesare basedon factorswhich can be regulatedby behavior(suchas weight), whereas hersjudge 'That a man on the basis of something he was born with. a looks bias in men is considereda problem while a worse bias in reverse is not speaksvolumes to how conditionedwe are to the double standard. Foxes have told me that I should be thankful I am tall, and from a practical standpoint,I am. My life definitely has beenmade easierdue to my height. I know of many sinrationswhere I have been treatedwith more respect,including job interviews, becauseI was taller. For short-term relationships,it's a good thing, becausethose attractionsare superficialin nature, and any advantage I can gain over my rivals is good for me. When it comesto the long-term, however, any advantage I gain by being tall is offset by the fact that the only Foxes my height helps me with are height bigots, and I'd rather have a Fox who wasn't one. Among height bigots, the only Foxes I will considerlong-terrnare thosewho restrict their bigotry only to sexualselection,and who give rnen equitabletreatmentotherwise,suchas in employmentor a nonsexualsiruation. The tme male equivalentof a height bigot would be a breast bigot, or a man who wants a Fox on the basis of her chest size. Since breast-size is somethingone is born with. and since I do not want my children coming from a body that is any part silicon,

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I tend to do best with Foxeswho are not big-chested, because they are overlookedby the chestbigots due to somethingI really do not care about. I have nothing againsta large cheston a Fox, but it is not vital to turning me on, and factoring it out of my preferences expandsmy menu. Foxes can find many quality men simply by dropping their height requirement. The ASF field reportsdemonstrate heightpreferences.Short playersreport having to make more of an effort. and the taller ones confirm this with their greater success. Mystery is 6'5", and many of the otherswho are most successful are over 6'. Those who are between5'6 " and 6' are within one standarddeviation of the mean American male height, with the most common result being that they have to make minor adjustmentsdue to lack of height, but that their menu remains large enough that their seduction techniquecompensates. Where the problemsbegin to surfaceis with men who are shorterthan 5'6". where the supply of Foxes who are 6" shorterand who are not after a height trophy (extreme height bigots are heightdiggers)dries up. The typical bride is 6" shorterthan her grooffi, which leavesfew Foxesunder 5'for the men who are under5'6" . Ask a Fox to justify her heightpreference, and she will usually cite taller men as being more manly. a betterprotector, or somethingshejust wants, but can't really figure out why. It is only if a short man doesn't back down after hearing the usual platinrdes that he will seeher true feelings,along with a heapinghelping of insults, including taunts that he has short man's attitude, a complex abouthis height, and the worst lie of all: that it is not his height. but his afinde abouthis height that is causinghim problems. Even Foxes who openly admit that they won't date short men somehowthink that there is no bias The best way to overcomeany type of discriminationis to remove yourself from it. For a short man,,this would meantaking a long-terrnapproach,because finding a new partner is never going to be easy. If monogzrmy does not suit you, be preparedfor an uphill battle. The Artist Formerly Known As Prince is all of five feet tall, and has had more success with Foxes than any player, regardlessof height. Perhapssome Foxes reject him for being short, but his incredible strength in other areasmakes it so people do not noticehis height. On a lesserscale,Michael J. Fox is 5'4" and has never lacked for attention, using his mind, sense of humor, training as an actor, and status to compensate.

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Reason #23:
The Cockblock
Even players have problems sometimes. The cockblock refers to someonewho establishes himself or herself as a deliberateobstacle to your getting laid. Nice guys and jerks alike encounterthis, where well-meaning "friends" of the pickup target interfering with their rop, destroying the pickup opportunity. Sometimes this is because the cockblockdoesn't want you hitting on her friend, but just as often it is the result of her being jealous of the attention her better-looking friend is receiving. Cockblocks are annoying, and give the jerk yet anotheradvanhge, because he does the correct thing and stopsthe world until the obstacleis removed, while the nice guy doesnothing. Note the stripper example where the first thing the player did was remove the cockblock even though things were going well. In a recent case of a Fox I met online, I had to laugh when her friend started discouraging her from talking to me without even bothering to get to know me. The friend was online the next day and I askedher if it was her personalmission to keepgood men out of her friend's life, and that I didn't appreciate being badmouthed by someone I had never met. I wound up dating her friend anyway, but I could seewhere her friend would have kept shier men than myself away or slowed them down. Nice men don't want to be rude to cockblocks, and often wind up killing golden oppornrnitiesbecause they fail to assertthemselves. Male cockblocksare usually AFC friends, but it's the female variety that causesthe true damage. Playerson ASF point out how cockblocks work, interrupting conversations, dragging their friends away from you, badmouthingyou in the bathroom, and are always on the lookout for this cancer, eradicatingit whenever they find it, while the nice guy lets the tumor grow until his chancesdie. ASF has penetratedthe American male consciousness becauseof its incredible ability to answer any situationquickly enoughto help the player on an ongoing and asneeded basis. Insteadof.being criticrzedfor their goal of getting laid, they get practical, helpful answersgrounded in pickup theory. Nice men who rely on fate to drop a Fox into their lap should take note. Theseplayers are working for what they want, spending ntanv hours sfudying theory, and many more putting that theory into practice.

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Lying Pays
Factoring out the clearly abusivemen for a moment, most Foxes considera man who lies a jerk. Confront a Fox with her mistakesin choosingliars in the past, and she will usually defend herself by saying somethinglike but at least I got rid of him when Ifound out. Unfornrnatelyfor her, shegot rid of him after he got what he wanted(sex), and before she got what she wanted (commitment). This is akin to a restaurantgetting rid of a customerafter he has eatenthe meal but before he has paid the dinner check. Lying turns ever),rule of relationships upside-down,because when a liar and an honest m&n want the same Fox, the liar will win every time. The reason for this is simple: Foxesdo not check for honesty. Until they check, and until they can handlehonesty,the jerks' lies will remain unpunished,while nice guys continueto get the shaft. Nice gu),slose out to liars because liars are not restrictedby truth or ethics. A liar caninvenf zur1,fi1ing he is lacking, while your honestman is stuck with the plain old truth. Liars haveno qualmsaboutusing Foxesfor sex, mistreatingthem, or doing anythingelse that the power they give to the lie allows them to. Pausefor a moment and contemplate what Foxestell nice guys who are lied to, used, or otherwisemistreated: Don't blame all womenfor the actions of one. A Fox burned by a liar will use that experienceto justify intensescreeningof future men, with a processthat weedsout nice guys even more efficiently because they don't now how to bypassthe screens. On the other hand, a man who is burned is supposed to come back for more with a smile on his face, and without complaint. much like Charlie Brown kicking the football even when he knows that Lucy is going to pull it away. Be careful not to respondto this by saying it was more than one because she will put the blame on you as the common denominator. My rebuttal is that one need not have beenhit by a car to know not to play in traffic. Wat did you do to deseme being treated like shit? Chick logic: she wouldn't hurt a man who didn't somehowdeserue rt. She loves a jerk, he hits her, and she figures she wouldn't have been hit if she hadn't done somethingwrong. She gives the abuserthe power, and doesn't question him the way she would a nice guy that shehas no respectfor. She views the abuser's treatment of her as a barometer of her self-worth, but amazingly, when a decent, honestman comesaround and treats her well, she never acceptshis opinion, at least not until she has been sufficiently damagedby abuse.

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It's 1,sw fault for allowing it. This is a great one: it's Charlie Brown's he should have tault that Lucy pulled the football away from him because point, but valid have a kick it. Both sides known better than to attempt to the ultimate fault still lies with Lucy and not Chuck. The problem here is that the only step a man can take to not allow himself to be harmed is to stop trusting her, and if he does that, suddenly she wants to win him back over, changehim back into the man she was treating like shit and rejecting, just as Lucy becomessweetwhen she wants Chuck to trust her yet again. The only time he has the upper hand is when he behaveslike a jerk and refusesto kick the football, not trusting Lucy due to past experience. Ever wonder how she recognizesthe signs of a burned man so easily? It's becauseshe has inflicted it in the past Tell the above to a Fox who has been lied to, and she will say that you are blaming the victim. Complain to her about being lied to, and she will crrticize you for he being a victim. It's a true no-win sinrationthat puts the nice guys at a disadvantage: has to be honest,put himself in a position to be lied to, and not complain if he winds up betrayed. His lack of sexual experienceworks againsthim, becausehe usually won't know how to turn her or, she will sense this, dismiss him as a lover, and their he doesn'tknow how to get where he wants to go and she conversations will stall because has no desire to take him there. She then wants to repel him, and to do so she starts lying, because she correctly presumes that he can't handlethe truth or turn her on in any way. Nice guys complain that they cannot give Foxes what they want unless they are dishonestabout their desires. Actually, they can, but to do so they have to play the game, and she cavesin. The only alternativeto this is honesty,ffid that's not secret-slut somethingwe seemto be ready for. The words of Jack Nicholson's characterin A Few GoodMen ring loud: YOU CAN'T HAMLE THE TRUTH! ! Can you? Do you really want to know that the innocent, sweet Fox who treats you like a kid brother is really playing pornstarfor a lying jerk? Do you really, really, reolly want to know that the Fox who told you to wait for six months while she makesup her mind on whether you are worthy of a date is out {here spreadingher legs for a man who treated her as just a number and a slut? My experience with men who are confrontedwith reality is that they react emotionally and angry, because it is not what they want to believe. That it's ttre trutlt seelnsto matter not at all to them, because that is not how the world should be. It may be wrong, but it is reality. Jerks are much more in touch with reality than most nice guys. and as a result they get laid a lot more. Foxes despisecluelessmen, as demonstrated by the secretslut example. Foxeswant honestmen, but they punishhonestythe few times they get it. If they truly wanted honesty as they claim, they would not dive into a relationship with a superficiallyattractiveman andhopehe is honest,but they do. A Fox swept off her feet

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ignoresobvious red flags. Warn her that she'sbeing usedfor sex and lied to, and you'll get one of the standarddismissalsabout being a bitter loser who can't get laid and is jealous of her prince, who will sit by, snickeringat what a loser you are, and after she is done with you, will continueto laugh at you while they have sex. The final insult of the guy switch from one liar to anothermakes it very difficult for a nice guy to sit by and do nothing during this process,but it's what they do. Men are better off ceasingall contactthan acceptinga one-sidedLJBF. Maybe you can't convince every Fox to stop talking to liars, but you can avoid those who do for refusing to respectyou as a man, which often instills respectwhile saving you time. If she has sex a hundred times with a liar in one year, and can't find time to evendateme, she'sgarbageand I'm betteroff withouther. I've broken off mapy friendshipsor buddingrelationships when I felt shewas giving too much respectto a jerk and not enoughto me. Without pressuring,sometimes without even notifying, I let her know with words and actionsthat I don't like her rewardingthis behavior, and I consider her to be a jerk just like the men. This has to be done with timing and tact, to mintmize the bitterness argument. [t's also best if you don't display any anger, but instead disappointment and cynicism that she is like the rest. This setsup for a returning Fox scenariowhen she finally tires of the liar, and wants to make a statement to herself that she is maturing, by treatingme with respect. As long as you don't let her return on the basisof words alone, but require actionsinstead,this will benefit you. Another simple reason that lying pays with Foxes is they &re natural liars themselves. By dismissing their dishonestbehavior as aberrational,men enable it. Notice how often Foxes bond quickly with men who put down other men, or how they will screw over thosethey don't like (who desemeit, of course), ffid so forth. The old saying that like attracts like applies. Who among men hasn't been lied to, at the most unexpectedof times and for the most irrational of reasons? Lying is often used as a shit test, but it goes beyond that. Of all the reasonsFoxes give for lying, the one that they feel justifies it the most but which is actually the worst reason,is to spare his feelings. It's not that they aren't trying to sparehis feelings when they lie about why they reject him, or vrhat they truly think about him, but insteadthat the reasongiven is yet another lie in and of itself!! Foxes do not lie to spare your feelings ; they lie to sp&re their own image. Does she really want to tell him that he's not tall enough, not exciting or wealthy enough, not enoughof a jerk, not sexy enough(like they ever gave him the chanceto be sexy), that she'd be embarrassed to paradehim around as her boyfriend, or anything along these lines? Of coursenot. Instead,she actsas if she finds nothing wrong with him, leaving his fatal flaw intact, and to add even more insult to the injury, she reassureshim with platinrdes.


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\\'hen u'ill nice guys start asking why a Fox is right for a jerk but not for him, or uh1 tre liars never have to wait long before finding a lover? What she believesbut ne\ er adrnits is that life is divided into winners and losers, and that being honestand pla) ing bv the rules is for losers. This is not surprising,given that the rules are bent for of ethicsmight considerit wrong to do her all the time. A man who actuallyhas a sense this for her, while a jerk who wants to get in her pantsand who has no ethicswill alter fate in her favor without breaking a sweat or batting an eye. If you want to check a Fox's honestyand ethics, ild get a preview of how your breakup will go down, get her talking about people she doesn't like and see how she treats them. If she brags to you about lying to others, you can be pretry sure she's bragging to others about lying to you. Foxes are amazng when it comes to not making this connection, for they think they are so special that a man who lies to others wouldn't dare lie to them, but they are usually just fooling themselves, which they find out eventually. Smart Foxes find this out earlier than later. If you don't take a standagainst the first lie, you are inviting them to lie to you as a matter of course,which is not good. If Foxes are going to behavethis woy, they cannotturn around and complain when men take countermeasures.ASF spawnedfrom male frustration at being manipulatedand mistreated. Overcompensation in turning the tables is a natural, though primal response. If Foxes are going to rig the game in favor of jerks, men, who want sex, are going to behaveas they perceivethey have to in order to get laid. The ASF explosionin the past year, and the malignant growth of websites which derive material from the group, is evidencethat a seriousmovement is afoot. The men may be jerks now, but there was a time when they were honest. It is only after being lied to one too many times that they turn the tablesand show the Foxes how the game can be played. One trick that ASF exposedfrom lying Foxes that I had never heard of involves their taking phonenumbersfrom one man and giving them to the next who asksfor them, or collecting them and never calling. How can nice men do nothing in the face of this? It's one thing to be nice if they respondin kind, but when they lie through their teeth, rrrock.and ridicule you becauseyou are nice, it's time to draw the line. How dare those decentmen approachthem politely, respecttheir privacy by offering their number, and take them on their word that they will call! How dare they!! No good deed or nice guy goesunpunished, and nothing is going to change until Foxesstoppunishingmen for being nice. and men start punishingFoxes for being dishonest. I-lntil the affectedpartiestake action to irnprove their situation, nothing will change. If the Foxes take action, the net result is more nice guys on the planet, while if it is left up to the men to change,then the populationof jerks will explode. ASF and its websites say that the latter is playing out much more than the former. just how bad the honestycrisis in relationships I wonder if Foxesreally understand is. No matter how many are lied to, each Fox thinks her man is not lying to her, even

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though her selectionprocessalmost guarantees that she will wind up with a liar. Even when a liar is exposed,shewrites it off as a mistake,doeslittle to fix the problem, many times making it worse when she tries to fix it, moving from one liar to the next until her looks go, or until she marries a man she winds up divorcing after giving him the best years of her life. If I were willing to settle for leftovers and damagedgoods, I would have little difficulty finding even a Fox. Once their market value has decreased, once they have had to confront real life on more than an entertainmentlevel, ffid once they realizedthat the smooth-talkers they thought were princeswerejust faking it, they decide that a nice guy is worth getting to know. While I appreciatebeing wanted, it is not a compliment of any kind for a Fox to give her best years and her first children to a man who does not deservethem, and then expecting me to rebuild Humpty Dumpty. Crime pays in love, and Foxes are the ones who make it pay. This should infuriate nice gu,vs, and it does. The problem nice guys face is that they have no recourseor even ways of complaining about the way things are without being attacked as bitter losers who were burned and cannot get laid. These taunts only reinforce their notion that Foxes are cruel, that lying pays, ild sooner or later they read enough handwriting on the wall that they start lying themselves, perpetuatingthe cycle. Foxes say they want men to stop lying to them, but they continueto reward dishonestywhile punishinghonesty. They say sex is not a scoring contestyet they brand a loser any man . ( who cannot get it at the moment, and even many who can. They say looks are not importantbut the pivot and height bigotry prove otherwise. What women say they want and what they reward are polar opposites. The typical ASF player may appearto be cruel. but he only becamethat way after exhausting all of his other options. Foxes go even a step further with men, thinking'that the ugly truth about who they are is something besthidden from the nice guys, in part because it would make them look bad, but also becauseit would crush the nice guy to hear that she really thinks he is a dickless wonder, but that he's good to keep around as a girffiend. Moreover, they concludethat the jerks cannotbe lied to because they might get mad and retaliate. The reward for abusivebehavioris nauseating, with nice men being lied to because they won'[ jerks retaliate,and being treatedwith respectout of fear. Until nice men start speaking up en masseabout this, and hold their ground, nothing will change. What bothersme personally is that no matter how often he is lied to, no matter how blatantly, and no matter how obvious it is that the Fox he insistsis sweetand innocentis actually a secret slut, he just can't accepther dishonestyor the idea ttrat her characterisn't completely pure. Men like this make life miserablefor other men, because they are traitors to both their own gender and to the truth. When a Fox lies to a man, she expectshim to just get over it, tells him it was his fault for trusting her, leaving him to stew in his betrayal. When a player lies to a Fox. he becomespublic enemy #1, and the woman-scorned reaction kicks in. The doublestandard is incredible. Nice men are too bothered by guilt to handle being caught in betrayal,and would actually feel bad about hurting someone to get laid. Playersare not

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restricredbl such silly things as conscience and can say or do anything they need to in in the past, order to get laid. The sexualrevolution is to blame for a lot of this, because got a nran had to walk down the aisle before he laid, and for him to win that honor from a For. he had to have somethinggoing for him, althoughif he was a cheater,she would otten stick out a lovelessmarriage for the sake of convenience,financial support, and reputation. In the final analysis, Foxes have to be held completely accountablefor lying men because they are the oneswho continueto tolerateand reward them even when presented with evidence, or alternatives to the player. Hearing what they want to hear and believing what they want to believe is more important to them than whether or not what they are hearing is true. When askedspecificallyhow they can tell their man is honest, a Fox will begin by protesting that sheTus/knows, and when it is pointed out to her that this is impossible, she will concedethat she does not know for sure, but that at some point you have to trust. Trusting a man becausehe used patterns from a website is stupidity, but calling the Foxes snrpid for doing this is a way to wind up retaliated against. They complain about a problem they create, ask for the truth, get mad when they hear it, and refuse to changetheir behavior even when the solution is obvious. The psychologists have a tenn for people like this: beyond help. By ttre time most Foxes wake up and rcalize what they are costing themselves,it is too late, for their looks, youth, and purity are all but gone.


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Reason #252
The Shit Test
The shit tests I talked about earlier can take many forms:

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done, or what ASF calls next. The theory is that she can't be too interestedif she's willing to blow him off, so he should just write her off and leave it to her to up the ante upon her return. This is a common shit test where you pass if you do the jerk thing and do not call her again, and you fail if you act like a nice guy and call, assuming she must have forgotten to keep in touch.

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he thinks he and saysnothing because he's just been severelydisrespected, with will be punishedfor complaining. Playersdon't concernthemselves the punishment, and through ASF have learned to temper their righteous .l anger just enough to get their point across without going over the edge. This is the attinrde that Foxes are obviously looking for when they give a shit test like this, and many postersreport quick reversalsafter they pass the test. Bringing a friend along on a date. A true player would walk away in the opening minutes unless a threesomewas on the horizon, while a nice guy would "enjoy" a lovely platonic evening at his expensefor all three. As with other shit tests, this one can only be passedwith an immediate and which most nice men either wouldn't think of giving, or correct response, to bite back the rattlesnake. even if they would, they are too well-mannered eject the cockblock. If you aren't aiming for a threesome, Timetables. As you've seenrepeatedly,once shedecidesthat you are who she wants to have sex with, she'll put out. A Fox who truly wants you is not going to leave you on the market. The nice guy loses double to this maneuver becausehe thinks she is taking her time to judge him properly, when in fact she'sjust keeping the upper hand or using him while stringing him along. Jerks don't tolerate this treatment, and don't hesitateto let Foxesknow that they won't be playedlike the AFC they are usedto dealing with. Pivots and letting her know that you have other options are efficient ways of getting her to reduceor releasealtogetherany timetable shehas set for vou. In Foxes.I wrote about the reversetimetable, where you turn the




tables, telling her that he takes even longer to make up his mind about having sex. The Chick Logic example(Reason#20) demonstrares this. Lame excuses. When shewants somethingshe will move heavenand earth to make it happen. Her failure to do so, to allow banal obstaclesto get in the way of somethingshe insistsshe wants to do, is a major red flag. One excuseis fine if her overall treatmentof you is not suspect,but be very careful with how much you tolerate. Always keep in mind what Foxesdo for men that they respect (like Mystery), and if her behavior doesn't measureup, just don't tolerateit. Be especiallycautiouswhen you notice a Macy's Excuse Parade. The key to recognizng the shit test is to ask yourself if she would treat her favorite male movie star as she did you, and if the answer is yes, monitor how long it takesfor her to make it up to you, and to what lengthsshe goes. This will tell you what she thinks of you. Too many men have been too whipped, for too long, by too many Foxes because they refuse to call them on their shit. The players who do this wind up cleaningup becausethey are the only men display backbone. It is obviously incorrect for her to mistake your tolerancefor weakness,but that is chick logic for you. How often did Spock get laid, anyway? Before you write off shit tests as cruelty, they do serve one purpose, and that is to seehow much shit you can protect her from, or how much you would be willing to take from others as a couple on her behalf. Her chick logic reasoningis that the man who won't take her crap will not take crap from others, and will be a more desirable partner as a result. What she doesn't take into accountis that the only thing a shit test proves is how he will react to her crap. A decent, honest, civilized, ffid evolved man may be very tolerant with a Fox he's consideringmarrying, yet ferociouswith outsiders when the nest is attacked. The next time a Fox gives you crap, take it as a test, pass the test, and then decline the prize, at least at flrst, to see if she ups the ante. Let her know that respect is a two-way street, and you don't appreciate having your manhoodtested. If you're a Foxhunter,use one-and-done and wait for her to return, requiring sex or somethingof strong value as the price of admission for her to reenter your life. If you insist on renraininga nice guy, rememberthat there's a differencebetweenbeing nice and being stupid.arld that while you can alwaysbe civilized, you won't let her walk all over you. You are ro blame for allowing it, but only on a practical level. If the only mistakeyou e\ er tuake is trusting her, you shouldnot be punishedfor that. If you are punished,take the ne\\' inf onnation about her negative character and adjust your future behavior accordingl)'by ignoring her and refusingto take further shit. You don't have to dish out anr shit in retaliation,as shamefor being fooled by someone beginsaccruingthe second time. not the first.


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Shit testsare part of the overall covert selectionprocesswhich has Foxesactivel-r screeningout decentmen. As such, it is one of the primary causesof the jerk problenr that they complain aboutbut never do anythingto solve. If passingone is a sign that 1'ou are worthy, giving one is a sign that she is unworthy. Players will not reject a Fox them, not her rnind or her body is what impresses she gives shit tests,because because getting evils to the pussythey want, and her character. They seetheseflaws as necessary they are right. Men do not lose their ethicseasily, but seeingFoxes who have no ethics makesit much easierfor them to do so without guilt. As I have said a few dozen times already. if they thought lying men were jerks, they wouldn't be having sex with them. and if they,thought honesty was so important, they wouldn't be so quick to trust what they want to hear to be true, even when it soundstoo good to possibly be. The compulsive-gambler accountingsystemthat has one honestgesturefrom one Fox offsetting dozensor even hundredsof lies has got to go. A Fox lying in a sexual snapping. He can write off relationshipwill hurt a nice guy as badly as a bungee-cord one or two lies, but when it is perpetual, he cannot deny forever what is really happening. ASF is always there, calling him, using the lure of the Fox revealinghow she really thinks and behaves,and sooneror later his sexualurges dominatehis thoughts, getting laid becomesmore important than how he gets laid, and after his indoctrination. Foxes then pop out of the woodwork asking he is never quite the same. The concession him why he felt the need to change, and why he won't give them a chanceand change back, as if being nice for years wasn't enoughof a chancein the first place.



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Even When You Win. You Lose
Ever been told that one day you'll find someonewho makes all the crap you had to endure worthwhile? Don't buy it. I bought into this when I was eighteenyears old and waiting for that nice young Fox to settle down with and start a tamily. I was too young, not establishedenough (for golddiggers), not mature enough, or just about anything but the truth, which is that I was too nice. I bought into feminist propaganda that kept the biases from the pre-civil rights era intact, despite their claims of wanting equality. As a reward for my kindness, I wound up lied to a number of times, and am still waiting for that wife. I have no trouble finding short-terrncompatibility, but most Foxes lack the ethics to sustaina long-terrn pairing. Once I realized that Foxes act differently from how they say they act, I beganthe researchprocesswhich has led to both my books, and to the creation of CUPID, my compatibility formula. Aside from any other profit motive for researchingand writing, my mission is to educateyounger men in the ways of the Fox so that he does not have to waste years before waking up the way I did. The internet didn't exist in the 1980s, and men, especiallyyoungermen, were left to their own devicesto learn how to seduce. The information superhighwayof that ERA consistedof Playboy and Penthouse. What happens to the typical AFC over the course of his life can be best sunrmarizedwith the following life progressionfor the typical nice guy, contrastedwith that of the jerk: Age Nice Guy Jerk

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Gets laid like a bandit, gets rejectedby the oppositesex. At best, respect. Sometimes beatsup on he hears that things will get better, to nice guys, sometimesat the request pacify him with false hope. of the oppositesex. 18-22 Has l-2 relationships, usually by accident,with non-Elites,who have the upper hand from start to finish. lr-3t) Gets a job, careerprospects begin looking good, gets the occasional lover, but has to beg for everything and pay through the nose. Gets laid like a bandit, has a Fox harem wanting to tame him and get him to settledown. Joins frat. Spendsparents' money. Gets a job from a frat brother, money, a car, and gets laid like a bandit.

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Loses his looks, ages,makesmore money, settlesfor leftovers and damagedgoods, or, if he can afford it, golddiggers'

Dates lB-24 year olds who like older, controiling men. Risesto managementdue to take-no-shit attitude. Divorces wife for trophy if married. Gets laid like a bandit.


Too old. Renounces previous ways and settlesdown with gorgeous young model, with whom he raises a familv. When I first went online a little over five years ago, I was surprised to find so many women hitting on me. I was never the super-outgoing type, but something was causing them to want to talk to me. At first, I took it as a compliment, but when I noticed what 95 percentof thesewomen had in common, I realized what was going on: l. 2. 3. They were over thirty; They were divorced, usualrywith ex-husband probrems;and They had children.


Too old. Renounces previous ways and runsoff with a 19 year_old waitress who takespity on him.

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on the alt'romance newsgroup, females who fall into the above category are referred to as leftovers and damigei goods. Arrogant in their youth when they are ar their sexiest,many Foxes spendttreirpii-r years*iltrt loser afterioser, marry the wrong man' wake up after so many years of mistreatment, leave the marriage, and find themselves back on the martet, ten years older, ignored by the players who are only into Iooks, and get a rude awakeningabout their ,.",lii market value. 'it . charming assholes who would sweet-talk them all night in their youth suddenly want no part of them, and they turn their attention to the nici guys they had been ignoring forever. How a nice guy reactsto being offered the dinner check for a bad boy,s buffet taken during her youth dependson the man. Some are grateful to finally not be rejected, while othersare offendedthat they waited so long to wise up. The former Fox often has problems adjusting, still thinking she has the ufper hand, and only after a few brutal remindersdo they begin to adjust their expectations, if they are smart. The onesmy age who are on the market have very little clue of what they are up against. They want their past mistakesforgotten, they want to be treated as if they *br.-rtill twenty-one,never married, and with no children' but it. is almost impossibie to build a relaiionshipwith them for many reasons,including:


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Her children will alwayscome first. I do not mind this, but it takes awaythe,childfree yearswith her thatthejerk enjoyed. It alsosays that he deserves to have children and have them raised while I -84-

deserveonly to raise anotherman's child. I refuse to ever accept being cuckoldedthrough divorce.


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Her children may not like me becauseI'm not their father, and frankly, I don't blame them becauseit is natural for a child to want its natural parents. The man who takes on children which are not his will have all of the responsibility and none of the authority of a natural parent. She has already been married and raised a family. If you are divorced yourself, you're exempt, but I pity the single man who waits for years to take sloppy secondson a car that has a quartermillion miles on it put there by someother driver. If it were my car it was old, when it was new, I wouldn't tlrow it away just because young, it new, fast memories of when was a car would and the satisfy me even if it didn't go as fast as it once did. To ask me to take anotherman's memoriesand build on them just isn't possible.


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I used to wonder why older divorceeshook up with younger men, but through my researchI reahzedthat it was the samedynamic that yields Dudley Moore/SusanAnton type height odd-couples. A Former Fox is past her prime, while younger men have not yet reachedtheirs. She is much more likely to overlook their lack of financial security, career accomplishments,and even maturity in return for having a grateful, loyal companion. Long-term problemsarisewhen her lover approaches twenty-five and thirty that his suddensexualsuccess was not an accident,but a product of his age, advancing career,and increasingmarket value. As he's realizing this, his older woman turns into an old woman. In the fifteen yearsfollowing the typical weddingday, the man's rnarketvalue will usually rise, while the bride's beginsplummeting. Foxes marry right before their stock is about to drop and right before his is about to rise. The First Wives' Club explained to its audiencethe syndromeof the successful man dumping his first wife for a trophy lralf his age. Many a young Fox have tragically married men who think forever means until you are forQ, the kids are raised, and your looks are gone, not learning of their misukesuntil it is too late. Nice men who endure romantic torture early in life should be rewarded later in lit-e. If a jerk is worth a gorgeous year-oldbride, then a nice guy should virgin,,eighteen not settlefor anything less. This is especiallytrue of men who have takenthe trouble to becomeexceptionallyappealing, and who sometimestake a while to forget their past rejectionsand acceptthat they are now the onesin the driver's seat,just as the leftovers and damaged goods don't fully understandhow far their sexual market value has plumrneted.

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Reason #272
American Woman! Stav Awav From Me!!
The Guess Who's biggest hit, remade recently by Lenny Kravitz, exudes a sentimentgrowing among a segmentof the American male population so fed up with the its searchoverseas. The typical mailselectionin its home country that it has expanded order bride customer is betweenthe ages of 25-45, well off, and lacking in the jerk qualitiesthat American Foxesdesireso badly. After yearsof rejection,he learnsof sure placesor responds things overseas, to personalads, or in somecases,travels there.on vacation, and make outs like a bandit. Two men who post regularly to ASF and USENET have spoutedoff regularly about the flaws of Americans, and the advantages of ignoring them altogetherin favor of superior imports from Russia,The Philippines, and anywherethat feminism hasn't entirely taken hold. In the following post, a man called DB has an exchangewith a woman over his decision to marry abroad. DB has endured a lot of criticism for his decision, and exposedanother female darkside, provoking taunts from Americans that he has to go overseas he is not good enough. DB countersthis criticism by stating,correctly because for the most part, that American Foxes make horrible choices in men when they are young and most attractive, and only when they are no longer able to get by on their looks, and no longer wantedby the jerks, do they turn into decenthuman beings,but by the time they do they are sexuallyworthless,old, often divorced, with children, and not something a self-respecting or desirable man would take for his first wife. As a man who haspatientlywaited for a wife sinceage eighteen,I would be inclined to agreewith him. I'm willing to have lessseriousrelationships to passtime while waiting for my soulmate, but for men who want to start a family, it is insanity to play a mating game that is rigged againstthem. American men thrive overseas America is wealthier than almost any other because country in the world. A man who earns an average salary here and who can offer American cttizenshipto a Fox in a war-torn, poor country is going to be treated like a king by her. If he is smart, he will not let on that this is his objective, he will travel to their countries, observethem in their own environment, and not work with marriage agencies,which is where the horror storiesyou hear about tend to originate. It makes perfect senseto expand one's dating cirple to include the globe, especiallygiven the financial superiorityof the averageAmerican man. It seems that American Foxesaren't too thrilled with their new competition,as the exchangeindicates:
> > The first is confirmed by the number of bitter divorceeswith kids around. > >Had they chosen goodmates they'd still be married.



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>Ah. so a grown woman is not capable of choosing a partnerforherselfl > Perhaps she shouldconsultyou first for approvalon her dates? Whatpart of thatdidn't you AS I SAID, if shehadn'tchosen so badly,she'dnot be divorced. understand?

DB is pointing out the number of American Foxes who marry young and insist they have tound the perfect man, only to get a rude awakeningdown the road, yet who expect the romantic equivalentof a Mulligan, with a new prince, even if their market value has been cut to ten percent of what it once was, ffid they have another man's children in tow. American men are so popular overseasthat at almost any age they could find a young Fox with little difficulty. Dianne knows this, and has very little solid ground to standon:
> > And yes, many of us can spot the ConfidentExcitingAssholes a mile away, > > like the slimy little weaselmy cousinmarriedand later (predictably) > > divorced. > So'/ Why do you care? It is her life. Let her live her life how she >wants. You live your life how you want. You don't needall this hate ) and angeragainstotherpeople. They don't carethat you hatethem, > it doesn'thurt themafterall, only you.

I don't hateanyone, silly one. goods,beforeturning And it doesmatterto me, because I was willing to settlefor damaged to Asianwomen. As Ray hasstated so well, Americanwomenwastetheir bestyearson assholes, because they car).rea.sonably sure that they can find somedesperate nice guy later in life. goodswon't havethat option anymore,and will If rnoremen marry overseas, the damaged years younger girls will seethis and not act the siuneway. Hopefully spendtheir alone. just oneman from settlingfor leftovers Besides, goods,by rnaking if I can save and damaged him awareof benerchoicesoverseas. it's all worth it. DB


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ConfidentExcitingAssholes are those smooth-talkingliars that Foxes gush over. DB mocks them quite well with his label, which points out that Foxes definition of a confident. exciting man is his definition of an asshole. DB is also correct when he says that super-arrogance is a trait found more often in America than overseas. He cites feminism as the cause,but I cite America's wealth. Foxes in poorer countriescan't afford to be sruckup, while their American counterparts can. The selectionprocessis the sameall over the world, but his standingis much higher abroad. A caution to men who Foxhunt overseas:it's risky. Check the news for more information. On the other hand, the mere threatof the Foreign Fox is useful as leverage.

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The Dark Side
Forget ASF if you want to seejust how evil some Foxes really are. Pay a visit (ASDV), or sometime to, (ASM) if you want the stuff daytime talk shows are made of. The saddestof the nice guys can be found in this group, usually after age thirty, after their wife has left them for anotherman (or Fox or couple), taken the kids, filed for divorce, made false allegationsof abuse,and lifted a large chunk of their assets and future income pay for new lover. her new life and to ASF has sparked a minor gender war, but some civility is maintainedbecause dating is a recreational activity. Where the major battle is being fought is in the other newsgroupS, which are highlighting a growing anti-feminist sentimentamong men. Men who are in favor of gender equality are finding that their tolerance of feminist causesis being pushedto the limits by women who want not only equality, but supremacy. What percentageof rape allegationsare false? Feminists acknowledgea low number, usually around five percent, while men's groups claim it's closer to fifty percent. My personalguessas a statistician would be thirty percent,but there is no way to know for sure. What we do know is that DNA technology has allowed for the reopeningof a number of rape caseswhere a man behind bars was releasedonce the DNA evidencein the casewas examined. The following USENET post (from highlightsjust how disturbing some female behavior can be. With society so protectiveof Foxes, and envirorunent so quick to believetheir allegations,this has createda downright dangerous for the men. To wit:
A womanhasalleged that four men--among them,her ex-boyfriend andhis father-in-law--of found at the scene doesn't breakinginto her homeand rapingher. Troubleis, DNA evidence if they exist, haven't beerr rnatcheither of their DNA profiles (the other two "suspects", weren't found either! No signsof semenon her, either. caught),plus their fingerprints to the woman,whoseidentityis beingwithheldaccording Ah, but here'sthe best part--ttris presented thesetypes of.cases, tapesallegingthat the accused Gkrbe'spoliciesconcerning her after he'd beencharged,so they revokedhis bail and lockedhim up. Thett, contacted faked were found to havebeenFAKED! And the womanpresented up()nanalysis--the tapes THREETIMES!! once...not twice...but tapes...not fake evidence? No!! Has she been chargedwith Has she been chargedwith presenting this guy--have they beendropped, to commit perjury? No!! The charges against attempting

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despiteno DNA evidencelinking him to the allegedrape and the fact that the victim has ou presented tltreeoccasions deliberately doctoredevidence?No!! "The questionremains: How long will this allegedvictim be allowedto abusethe systeln ---RobertA. George,defense hefore she herself is incarcerated?" attorneyfor the accused.


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Many men have had their lives ruined by such false allegations,and a backlashis developing,especiallyamongfatherswho are sick of beingportrayedas absent deadbeats when the reality is that it is often the mother who is turning the children againsthim and denying his accessto his own children. A number of men do not meet their financial support obligations, but this is also in part to the unrealistic expectationsof the system on a man's income. You can blame the men all you want for getting into a bad marriage and having children, but you can't get blood from a stone either. Destroying a child.'s father after a divorce is no way to help it heal, yet this is what many ex-wivesdo. Men do it as well, but this is a book about female behavior, not male behavior. Foxes often claim to be morally superior to men, and caseslike this show the oppositeto be true. Whether it is a false rape or abuseallegation,or evenjust standinga man up for a date, men learn over time that the number of bad apples out there is a lot greater than they would haveus believe. Is it any wonder that men stop trying to impressFoxes, stop caring if they win them over, and adopt a fuck-it attinrde? Once they have their new attitudein place, Foxes suddenlytake an interest,and this further rewardsjerk behavior. To criti cvzemen for doing what has been done to them for years is difficult, just as rewarding bad behavior with sex makes it impossibleto stop. If all that is waiting for the nice guy at the end of the rainbow is a false rape or abusecharge,and the loss of his money, and what is waiting for the players is a harem, the choice betweenbeing a nice guy or a jerk becomes clear. Foxes who complain aboutjerks so much should stop enablingthem. How does this enablingtake place? [Jpon approach,by requiring men to be confidentto the point of cockiness or even obnoxiousness, in the initial conversation, by auditioningthem and requiring them to be exciting and witty, in dating, by requiring them to behave like a player and not show sincereinterest,and in all situationsby respondingto socialproof, eimmicks, tricks, SS, hypnosis,and anythingelsethat finds its way onto ASF. Nice rnen also needto stop enablingFoxes by being their friends no matter how badly they are shit on. b1' misinterpretingtheir behavior, by learning to acceptthe reality that most Foxes are selfish,dishonest,shallow, manipulative,childish, and actually respect jerks more thur they do, and by refusingto evenassociate with thoseFoxeswho do not respectthem as nlen. Much better is to spendyour soqial time with Foxes who respectyou enough to date )/ou or serve as your pivots than it is to waste it with thosewho will use you to \ our tace and mock you behindyour back. The absence of any meaningfulchangein the \\ a\ Foxes act necessitates a change in the way the nice guys act, the sooner the hette r.

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Reason #292
Why Men Are Jerks
Men are not jerks. Not at first, at least. It's only after somethingI call the line in the sand game Foxes play that drives after they are, but because men to distraction, that they becomeuncaring, not because trying their best and failing to live up to the unrealistic expectationsof the one they truly love, they reahze that their feelings never matter, only her agenda. Now if they are wealthy or handsomeor something that Foxes want, they will always be treated like kings. For averagemen it is much different. goods after they have been Whereasmen tend to not want leftoversand damaged ruined by bad-boy behavior, women are the opposite:they don't want a man IINTIL he has been hurt badly, tt which point they will notice his anger and ask something ingeniouslike You are angry at women, aren't you?, or Why do you hate women?,, when the answer is blatantly obvious. plague this psychodrama: Three unansweredquestions l. Why does she wait until he has had his heart smashedto show compassion?If shewantedhim to not give up, why doesn't shefind a man who hasn't been destroyedyet? This type of man is the polite, nice-guy that Foxes say be patient to; in other words, they ignore him when he is whole and wait until he is shatteredto express which really isn't compassion in most cases. compassion, Why does the Fox he truly loves not appreciateit? The answer women give is not valid: You picked the wrong one. The wrong ones don't wear labels; and they are never the wrong ones in the beginning. In fact, they are quite nice until they have gotten what they wanted, at which point they turn into a bitch, not caring if they hurt the man becausethey are done with him and once he no longer suits their purposes. This makes him jaded, especially when he considershow well the players do with the wrong ones. How can she tell men to trust her and then blame men for trusting if that trust is violated? If he sayshe doesn't trust her, she saysYou have to trust, yet if he has been burned, she saysIt was your fault for trusting; you allowed yourself to get hurt. I suggestFoxes show



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their trust in humanity by walking through a bad inner-city neighborhoodat2:00 a.m. on a Friday night with $5,000.00in cash on display if they think trust is so important. Eventually, the nice guy learns not to open up, and to be jaded, cynical, and distant. This of course is smart behavior that makes him attractive. They reallu;e he is onto them, and he becomes a challengeto get closeto, plus a dissidentto win back over. It's the sitmereasonpolitical candidates spendtime campaigningto win over voters from the oppositeparty. Then the game-playingbegins, with her pretending to be interested in order to get him to let his guard down, the more he refusesthe more she will trv. and insist that he hos to trust her, etc., etc. If he lets his guard down, he returns to the situation above and gets burned. The longer he resists this urge, the more intriguing he becomes,for he is finally displaying strengthand passion. This perceptionof strengthhooks her, and she obsesses over him while ignoring the nice men who haven't yet reachedthis point. There you have it: only a true ierk (actually a man who has been burned one too many times and refusesro get -by burned again) will keep her interest. He isn't a naturaljerk; he was made that *uy the trust-and-burncycle. Foxes like to put themselvesin impossible situations with a man, to test his resolve, and hope and pray that the if he passesthe test that he will just forgive and forgive her shit test, no matter how calculatedand awful the behavior. In casJswhere he has beenburned by anotherFox they use a cute transitivetrick to accomplishthis: the one who hurts you will say I don't care and the ones who (pretend to) care will say 1 didn't hurt you. The man has absolutelyno redressfor his anger, and no choice but to let the crimes againsthim go unpunished. The only reliable alternativero sucking it up and being a glutton for punishment is to become a player. A man who daresto complain about this systemis written off as bitter with a bad attinrdeand rejected. That's anotherrepetitionof the cycle because he opensup his true feelings, as he is SUPPOSEDto do, and is punishedfor it if the rruth is not whar she wants to hear. On the other hand, if he stopscaring, stopsletting his desirescontrol his emotions,stopsgoing out of his way for Foxes,'andstopsgiving them the benefit of the doubt, they will forever try to change him back into the man they ignored in the first place. The true love Foxes seek is important to them to the point where they risk heartbreak,but to many it is simply not worth the risk, especiallywhen one can have incrediblesex with Foxes and no emotionalprice to pay. A Fox is not a man and cannot understand that he will only take so many chances before he becomesa jerk, and when jerkdom he will rule her gendersexuallyfor the rest of his life. he finally achieves

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This touches on the other reasonsmen becomejerks: they get tired of denying their sexuality, tired of worrying about whether or not Foxes will approve of them, they stop trying to hide their desires,stop caring about how anyonereactsto them, start caring only aboutwhether they get laid or not, and the Foxes seethis as a display of manhood, somethingworthy of a sexualreward. The emphasis on feelingsis also correct: Foxes go with what feels good now, even when they talk about wanting long-term happiness. They violate their own selectionprinciples by overreactingto somethingthe jerk says, somethingthey think setshim apart from other men, but which in reality was something that he knew would make her feel good and more likely to want to fuck him. In the final analysis,men are jerks because it pays to be that way. Few men are inherently evil. If Foxes offered sex to the man who fed the most hungry, housedthe most homeless,or provided the most free medical care to the sick, men would be lining up to savethe world. They use their sexualinfluencefor selfishpurposesinstead,such as having others attacked on their behalf, or taking the material things for themselves insteadof those less fornrnate. In dating, the samething happens,with a man constantly finding himself at a fork in the road where acting like a nice guy will doom the relationship, while acting like a jerk will get him immediate sex. Until ttrat reward systemchanges, until Foxes stop trusting everythingthey hear that they want to believe, until they start getting turned on by honesty and decencythe way they get turned on by height, money, and physical strength or status, it will not change. Don't hold your breath.

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Anti-Plaver SeductionMethods

Many of the men who post to ASF point out that for years they were nice guys who got screwed over, that one day they got fed up with being mistreated, found the newsgroup, began asking questions,pieced the puzzle together, got laid more than they ever have before, and never looked back. As they comparenoteswith other players, the mysterious qualities about Foxes ttrat made them impossible for most men to figure out began to unravel. Men like Mystery showed how you can work even hostile social situationsto your advanhge, and just about every regular contributor would add a trick here or there that had been used on him, only to find responsesfrom several men that they had experienced the samething. The conclusionof my researchinto the nice-guy/jerkdebatecomesdown in favor of what I call anti-player seduction. Within that framework, nice guys can be anything from aloof and distant to whining and complaining, and they can still competeon equal footing with the players. The teenagers playacall it playa-hating, with accomplished hatasachievingdegree(Ph.D.) status. The playa-hatais a one-womanplaya, as cool as the players, but he useshis cool for good, rather than evil. A future Fox ttrat I know of was cheatedon for severalmonths by a Ph.D. who made a big point of talking about soulmatesand loyalty, proving that even reputednice guys can be players in disguise. With even civilized behavior suspect,what is the nice guy to do? The anti-player methods in this chapter are my recommendationfor putting the rest of this book into practice. My conversations with Foxes about this book and its contentshave been arnazrng. Identifying the nice-guy problem from all its anglestook me fifteen years and was more difficult than designingFoxhunting. In Foxes,I was presentingmy personalseduction method,telling rnenhow to becomedesirable,how to interpretfemalebehavior,and how to create and maximize seduction opportunity. Since it was my method, ild since Darwinism's rules are so clear, once I had the systemdown in my head, putting it on paper was simplicity. The nice-guy problem was not so easy to tackle prior to ASF. Fen'jerks had ever previouslyoutlinedtheir seduction methodsin suchdetail that I could undersLand how they think. Even after ASF, I was wrestling with the definition of nice gu)' andjerk, attemptingto documenta,problem for a group of people I couldn't even classif'\'. I decided finally that for thesepurposes,a nice guy is one who behavesin a \\'a) \'ou would expect Foxes to prefer over jerk behavior. The nice guy problem is identified here as the sexualprice men pay for doing the right thing.

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Foxes argue that nice men should not care about looks and sex, or even how poorly they are treated. Their declarationof ethics is an invitation to Foxes to betray him, because a nice man wouldn't fight back evenwhen harmed,nor would he careabout such shallow considerations as how his lovers look, or how easily or how often they put as a jerk, out. In their minds it is perfectly logical to caterto a jerk's looks bias because how she looks mattersto him, while a nice guy isn't supposed to care. She can mistreat him without fear of retaliationbecause she believesnice guys are not vindictive, or too weak, and as such it is their lot in life to tolerate the psychological abuse and pigeonholingthat a jerk wouldn't put up with for even one minute. The price for being a nice guy is not gettinglaid while getting respect,and for being a jerk it is losing respect while getting laid. Since our respectdrive is not as strong as our sex drive, the rewards for being a jerk are too strong for most men to resist Like all problems, this one has to be attackedat its root, which I have identified as the looks screen(Reason#17). Looks screens are not nice, so the nice guys wind up taking the wrong path at the fork in the road, giving equal credibility and value to Foxes and non-Elites alike, approachingseductionwith the attitude that looks count, but only a little, that it is okay as long as a woman is not repulsive to him, and that if he winds up with a Fox, it is okay, as long as he didn't pursue her becauseof how they look. Players take the opposite approach, treating non-Elites as if they do not exist, or as consolationprizes if they do exist, restricting their interactionand building their social universe on a foundation of beauty. If you want to seehow this works in practice, try accumulating ten pivots, approachas often as you have to in order to accomplishyour goal. For the first group of five pivots, do not factor in looks, but make sure the second group consistsof five Foxes. What you will find is that you have built two foundations for your love life, one which cannothelp but yield a Fox, .while the other cannothelp but find you a nice woman who appreciates you, because you aren't somejerk who discards her for not being good-lookingenough. With the looks screen,you have a small number of players isolating on an even smaller number of Foxes, hitting on them constantly,all soundingalike, but making it just a matter of time before one slips throughthe cracks,removing a Fox from the market with ruthlessefficiency. She becomestaken, unavailable,for a period as brief as a few weeks or months or as long as a twenty years or until her looks are gone, and the nice guys never know what hit them. The numbers-game approachcauses the jerks to hit on an unlimited number of Foxes, while the nice guys gravitate towards more realistic options, with the end result being that both will be successful eventually, with the jerk getting the Fox for no other reasonthan this is the leaguehe choseto play in. As I tell Foxhuntersall the time, a looks screenis critical because you are literally wasting your time with anyonewho does not measureup physically. If nice guys say this is shallow behavior, they should ask themselves why they care about losing out in the first place. I would counter this myself by saying that nice men deserveFoxes more than jerks do, on principle, and that being nice has nothing to do with wanting a Fox.


In theory, a Fox rules out shallow men, but in practice, she practices denial, convincing themselvesthat her man is not like other men, that he wants her for much rnore than her body, even when it is obvious that she is wrong. The player enables her denial by emphasizing her special qualities,and she validateshis enablingby using him as proof that she has a great mind or personality. She requires him to lie in order to get into her pants, effectively screeningout men who are not willing to lie to get laid. In a typical ASF scenario,a Fox is chosenafter passingthe looks screen,is approached under pretext designedto make her think it is destiny or fate, and she refuses to punish either the screenor the pretext, resulting in punishmentfor men who don't use either tactic, for they do not reap the rewards. Shewinds up perpetuallytaken by one looksdiggingplayer after another, with the nice men never getting a chancebecause the jerks are working ten times harder to win her over. This doesnot even accountfor the Foxeswho seekout the jerks, detnonstrating that evenwhen nice men are notpunisheddirectly, they are punished by nature and the reward system. The looks screensetsthe tone for a player's entire love life. His world becomes place a wherenon-Elitessimply do not exist. Oncethe critical shallowtest is passed, he relatesnormally, becoming friends with some Foxes, flirting with others, and being rejected. Everything he doeswith women is done with a Fox, while everythingthe nice guy does is done with a non-Elite. The screenis silent, undetectable on the surface,and unchallenged. Some Foxes will accusea man of wanting only their body, but how can you prove this? The player has the plausibledeniability of being able to say that he was not like that at all, that he was offended,and as he bails out, not only has the Fox fallen for his lie, but she feels gutlty for calling him on it! There is a poetic justice in seeing a sruck-upFox treatedlike the dirt shetreatsnice guys as, but this doesnot help the nice guy who wants to get laid. As I move into my thirties, the picture of how bad things were for me in my twenties emerges. Former Foxes who never would have given me the time of day suddenlystart calling me their soulmate. I ask them about their first marriages,and in retrospect they find their youthful behaviorhorrid. Their ex-husbands, and the men they dated before, all had looks screens,all denied them, and only over time did it become apparent. By the time they caught on, the liars had been rewarded with sex, creating punishment by naturefor the nice man. The key moment in the development of my antiplayer seductionmethodsoccurredwhen I beganpointing out to Foxes that even if they are well-intentioned,as they surely are when they get married, unlessthey know how to spot a liar,, their intentionsmean nothing. I also point out that nature can punish nice Illen through suppl'yand demand,for if she is a truly great person as she claims, she is going to break many more hearts, because more men will want her without being able tt) hare her. Follow this up with a light joke about how we need to clone her a few rnillion times to satisfythe demand,and you make excellentprogress.


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If nature is the criminal, and not Fox stupidity, the nice guy can justify becoming a jerk by saying that nature made him do it. Foxes can critrcrze him for giving into the his weakness, turning I'msystem,andhe can evenagreewith themwhile acknowledging so-bad into a running gagwhere his behavior is mock-criticrzed as it is being rewarded. Even the threat that a nice guy will become a jerk is enough to instill respect. For the nice guy, the critical shift in his thinking is to decide that he has as much or more of a right to a Fox than his lying rivals, and that his being of good characterdoes not make him any lessappreciative of physicalbeautyand sex. The burden is shiftedto the Foxes to stop rewarding bad behavior and to start rewarding good behavior. The Fox who like a call-girl and complainsabouta bad relationshipfinds herselfaskedwhy shedressed went to a singlesbar to selecthim. If she really wantednice men, why didn't shehead for the local collegephysicslibrary instead?The answers to this questionrevealthe most surprisingcausesof the nice-guy problem: he's too good for her, The nice-guy problem has two solutions: l. A nice man can stay nice, and wait for the day Foxes throw themselvesat him becausehe is nice. Look for drunk Foxes stripping in the physicslibrary when this happens. He can turn into a jerk and get laid within a few weeks, sometimes quicker, ffid once he gets laid he will keep getting laid, unlesshe turns back into a wimp.

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This is the menu. Men are not the oneswith the ultimate selectionpower. Short of changingtheir behavior,they have to rely on Foxesto rnakebetterchoices. It is much easier to change yourself than to change another person, which fully explains the popularity of ASF and its relatedwebsites. Talk is cheap,ffid after a while the platitudes and false promisesring hollow for the nice guy, who seeksthe practical resultswhich ASF delivers so reliably. He may not find his soulmate,but at least he will no longer starvesexually. Having beennice for up to a decadeor longer, he figures that it's time to stop being a sucker and to start doing what Foxes obviously want him to do. His angerat being mistreatedis often compounded by his initial success as a player, because it confinns what he suspected all along about his good nature working againsthim. He developscontemptfor Foxes,justifying his increasinglysuccessful dishonestseductions by pointing to the reward system and the extendedchancehe gave Foxes to keep him nice. Once over the line, he rarely looks back until he has perfectedhis techniqueand worked out his anger, at which point if be is smart he will claim a concession Fox for himself and settledown. In the process,he will have burned hundredsof Foxes, some of whom will use his behavior to justify perpetuating the vicious cycle. Afier the looks screen, the next punishmentby nature that nice guys have to endureoccurswith kino. Jerks initiate kino and act as if it is nonsexual,while nice guys

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are too scared to do this. The kino wall is powerful, and until a man learns to break through it, he will rarely be able to make progresseven with the best of opportunities. Once the player has establishedan advantagewith kino, what usually remains is one or her. The nice guy never at which point he has conquered two shit tests,which he passes, knows what hit him, thinking he did nothing wrong and that sex was not meant to be. For this to change, Foxes would have to reject men who attempt kino, and treat all kino every man as a sexualadvance. If they do so silently, this is effective,but if they accuse who touchesthem of trying to seducethem, they are overplaying their hand and giving the jerk a way out. Foxes should insteadrequire the player to live up to his claims of not wanting sex, andjust allow nothing to happen. Most players who are confrontedwith a shield of this nature will eject quickly after making one or two attemptsto bypassit. If the looks screen, the kino, ffid the shit tests weren't enough to seal the nice guy's fate, the numbers game is the final nail in his coffin. On a percentagebasis. players fail a great deal, as much as 99 percent of the time. Cynical observersseethe massiverejectionand assume that he is not gettinglaid. His strong stomachfor rejection he just keepsapproaching until he succeeds. a harem, because allows him to accumulate Even a .100 hitter in baseballwill hit a home run eventually. Mystery said that he in an evening, usually landing three or four numbers, never averagestwelve approaches minutes on an entire approach, ejecting if he fails to close. more than fifteen spending For fifteen minutes, whichever Fox he is talking to is special to him, and if she puts out or indicatesthat she will put out, she remains special until he no longer needsher. Mystery demonstrates why most Foxeswho are sweptoff their feet wind up breakingup within three months and on the market perpetually. The anti-player is a Foxhunter with a player's edge, who can seducejust as powerfully, just as quickly, but who has chosento continueto play the game clean. I have yet to seea personathat Foxes have a greaterrespectfor. This approachsatisfies the intelligenceto seethroughher shit testsand other lies, all of her major requirements: the passionand skill required to turn her on, the honestyto admit you want her in large part because of how shelooks, and the good character to treat her right despiteall of this, and not to use your powers of seductionmaliciously. If she tauntsyou for being alone, \ ou can point to ASF as an answerto that problem, and then refute her by sayingyou'd rather be alone than with the wrong person, and you'd rather be alone than have to lie ro get laid. You can quickly point out that you have optionsto get laid, but that you are also picky. and that you are not preoccupiedwith relationships. Once you conquerthe barriers to seduction,for short or long term, what is left is decidingand getting what you want. If you are like most men, you want a Fox who is li-l-l \ears old, unmarried, and with no children, for a long-term relationship. This Jcrnographic is in the highestdemand,and as such it is most difficult to seduce. Women ,.r hr''do not meet all of thesecriteria (I use 18-21for age) are what I call empty-netters, hc;ausethey'are easy to scoreupon. There is a direct correlationbetweendegreeof


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the easierthey are to satisfy,and the the lower your requirements, difficulty and success: less incentiveyou have to put forth a full effort to seduce. As I get older, I have chosen Foxes, but and concession to keep my difficulty high and not settlefor the empty-netters many men do this. Among my peersare severalmen who have settleddown with former Foxes, some who are divorced with children, ffid who have excellent relationships. There is nothing wrong with doing this, but as a Darwinist I would rather raise my market value than lower my expectations. This is a personalchoice every man has to make. One of the cruel twists of gender bias is that men are expectedto lower their just as they begin to meet higher ones, as if it were okay for a Fox to reject a standards 16 year-old geek for not being mature, but to then turn around and chide him at24 fot being picky. your Foxhunting,you will find it much easier With anti-playermethodsenhancing to break down walls and bitch shields,to win argumentsabout relationshipsand gender behavior. and change the rules a bit, as Foxes see a point of view that they cannot you can apply Foxhuntingand work pigeonholeor refute. Whateveryour requirements, only within thoseFoxes in your league(a CUPID screenas opposedto a looks screen), establishinga beautiful inner circle, and letting nature take its course from there without the screenever being apparent. In the extreme exampleof a strip club DJ, the natural courseof his work will put him into favorableproximity to so many Foxes that his entire abusers, social circle will consist of seductiontargets, many of whom are substance just him as a human regular Foxes who earn a lot of money and see or nymphomaniacs, being, superiorto the loser clientele. Most strip club DJs get the benefit of having a few minutes of private time in the booth with dancersas they are about to go onstage. The are so incrediblethat they go beyonddescription. Listen to the way strategicadvantages strippersdescribe different DJs and you can see how some men know how to exploit opportunity, while othersdo not. Even when you do everything right, no matter what your approach,the rules of the game are difficult to escape. This was made clear to me once again not long ago, when on the sameday I met two Foxes, one online and one offline that I had beentalking to online. The first (the offline one) was sickeninglycompatiblewith me, and obviously ttre better long-term selection. In my mind, I choseher. Since shehad shown sufficient get-together interestover the phoneto want to meet me for coffee, and we had a pleasant that was rushed because she is very overworked. As usual, my analysis of our compatibility meant nothing, and her bias towards rejecting men on sight kicked in, althoughshe never fully rejectedme. As far as I could discern, she was hung up on an ex-boyfriendshe spokehighly of and was still friendly with. What I would learn almostas this book was going to presswas that she had been for and her demands battling an eatingdisorder, a product of her youth and inexperience, perfectionin her body, which did not appearto be too thin when I met her, but I had not examinedher that closely. I realized that nice men are confronted with this problem all with secretsluts, but more often with secretdysfunctionals. On the the tirne,,sometimes

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that surfacelay behaviorthat was well surface,shewas strongand confid:nt, yet beneath her brilliant mind. Achie ng sex or a relationshipwith such a Fox is extremely beneath difficult. Even with long-term corrrp&tibility,her mind is thinking only in the short-term (hence the extreme eating behavior), and she is not open to hearing what she needs to hear. She rewards men who enableher dysfunction, by providing emotional support while allowing her to avoid confronting her problems. The sameproblem occurs with Foxes who are drug addicts, alcoholics, or spendingaddicts who will come to rely so heavily on their enablers natural. Even if a man has sex with that sex with them becomes her, once she heals she will lose respectfor his caprtaltzing on her illness, or she will overreactwith sexualgratitudeat his helping her recover. It was impossiblefor this Fox to see me as a long-terrn compatible male worth taking the time to relate to, becauseI was not meeting her short-termneeds Comparethis Fox with the2l year-olddancerI hypnotized. Her AOL profile was arrogant and teasing, and I sent her an IM which opened with two words: pathetic profile. I told her that most profiles like her are createdby men or ugly women, and that if she were truly sexy she wouldn't be advertisingit on AOL unlessshe chargedfor her services. We banteredfor a while, ffid sadly, I was rewarded for what could not be called a nice approach. Certainly I had the right to questionher profile or challengeher to back up her bold claims, and when she did (with severalpictures), we settledinto a nonnal conversation.I hadjust returnedfrom the unsuccessful datewith the foodchucker and was annoyed at how anytime I find someoneI could have a good relationship with and whom I would be loyal to, my analysiswas overridden. For now, I was contentto just be a player, and consequently I went straightfor the end zone. Her hypnosisfantasy met my hypnosisability and producedinstantchemistry. There was never any real longterrn potential, but who needsthat if you can be a player and find one Fox like her after another? That I was only out for short-terrnsexualenjoymentdid not matter, and making progresswas easieras a result. I did nothing wrong with either Fox, although I got the date with the first one by treating her more like the dancer, and lost her when I startedtreating her like sornething other than a sex object (I did not require her to begin the date with kino or a kiss, like I usuallydo with online dating). We were friendly, buthow can you comparefriendship to sex? I like a good female friend, but if she can turn into a slut for other men, jerks, then I feel like I have as much right to get my turn at bat, so to speak, especially especiallyif I am willing to stay with her for the long haul. I had not given her my heart. but it was very clear to me that we were compatible. With the dancer, I knew betterthan to downplay the lust factor, and the resultswere superior. In the spaceof one da) . I had watchedthis very book come to life in a good and a bad way. Regardingmy age preference,ffid my rejection of empty-netters,if I were an opportunistic author, I would choose a nice 26 year-old Fox, divorced, with a few children. and paradeher aroundas my loyal wife, be a model husband,use that to sell -99-







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lots of books, say the right things (at exactly the right times!), play the media game, and live happily ever after while feeling unfulfilled when the world is not watching. Instead, I refuseto settle,eryoy moderatesuccess with the most desirableclassof femaleon earth, and work constantlyto improve my CUPID rating and my technique so that I can keep for rnyself one of life's trophies. This strategyhas left me alonemore often than I have to be, but I would not trade it for anything else, becauseI have seen too many men ruined by societal pressureto want what they should want, to date whom others think they should date, and not to look after their own interests. The empty-netterswho pursue me are fine relationship prospectsnow, but they were finer ones when they were younger. Most of them are silencedwhen I ask them how old they were when they begandating their ex-husbands, with the answerrevealing that the only way I could ever have had them before they made the biggest mistake of their lives is to havedatedthem when they were betweenthe agesof 18-21in most cases. After they are humbled, the empty-netters,the former Foxes I now so cruelly call leftoversand damagedgoods,want me to suddenlyforget a decadeof insultsto my male ego' and settlefor them as if they were doing me a favor. After fifteen yearsof research into figuring out why the game works as it does, after thousandsof interactions with Foxeswith good and bad results,after waiting patientlyfor a young, beautifulwife, I am content not to cash in unless it is for somethingbetter than I have ever found before. I know that nice men are conditionednot to think of Foxes as sexualtoys, but it is what they are. It is how the jerks treat them, and what they function as for them. Why not you? Why not now? Will it make you any lessnice to have a one-nightstand? It won't make her any lessnice, because her doing it with other men doesn't bother you. As every player learnseventually,long-termis the way to go, because it is a lot of work to seducea stranger. It is much better to find a quality relationshipwith a super-Elite, with its averageof 150-200 sexual encounters a year. To pick up that many Foxes is almost impossible, and incurs severemedical and emotional risks. Knowing how to conquerFoxes does not mean you shouldhave to spendyour life doing it. just how great the rewards are for lying, imagine If you really want to understand for a momentthat you had HIV. In a large majority of cases,you could get laid by lying about your status,ild not get laid by being honest. This appliesto other STDs as well. I've often wonderedhow 95 percentof us could claim that we would never sleepwith someone who had an STD, yet almosthalf of us windup infectedwith one. Having had the misfortune of catching one (herpes)in my youth, I know firsthand the price of having a scarletletter. My choicesare to lie and get laid, but be a true jerk (and break the law in many states),or to tell the truth and cost myself the most attractiveoptions. One of the reasons I studiedseduction techniques in suchdepth was because I had to. Not only did I have to seducea Fox, I then had to accountfor the percentage of conquests who would refuseto have intercourse upon learningof my condition. This has


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of seduction,and in a cruel twist of causedme to focus more on the nonsexualaspects fate, I find myself often seducinga Fox and knowing that it won't matter once she finds out. It is not the death of my sex life, as there are Foxes who acceptherpes,but it does impact my menu and the quality of what I wind up with. Fortunately for my readers,if they are not infected, they will achievemuch better resultswith my methodsthan I could. If you have an STD, the time to tell your lover is after shehas decidedto have sex with you and before you actually have sex. This wny, your condition is not factored into her decision, yet you still will not put her at risk. It is easy to lose respectfor Foxes when I let them reach the point where I know they wouldn't have askedme about STDs, and where they are thankful once I tell them. My reward for being honest? Loss of sex. For someonein my condition, having perfect seductiontechniqueis essentialto createthe for the STD rejectionsto not matter. It is a horrible experience to overflow necessary lose sex to an STD, but it is a gratifying experienceto know that I can seducethe superElites, with my failures causedby a medical condition, not any flaw in my personality or sexualabilitv. What most of you find difficult - getting a Fox to want to have sex with you is somethingI find very easy. Where my difficulty comes is after she has made that decision. If you use thesetechniques,and achievemy results, you will have no sexual barriers left. This w&y, you won't have to learn the secretsof seductionthe hard way, like I did, you can practice safe sexualbehavior, stay clean, and enjoy what it is I lost to youthful stupidity and older honesty. Without the motivation of a barrier like herpes to overcome,most men will not be inspired to refine their techniquethe way I had to. The motivation required to digest two books is a lot less than that required to spendhalf your life performing the researchthat went into them. The bottom line with all you have read here and all you will read on the internet, in other books, and experiencein your life, is that the connection that Foxes make an prerequisitefor lovemaking,whetherone hour, one day, one week, one month, absolute one year. or even one decadeafter meeting, is more often artificial than not. Artificial connections rule the dating createdunder pretextwith ulterior motivesandhiddenagendas game. Men who systenatically make themselves externally desirableas measuredby CLIPID. and who understand the strategyand tacticsof seduction,are the oneswho wind up with the most sex. Those who are willing to lie, cheat, or do and say anything in order to get laid are alwaysmore successful.Being nice is its own reward, because sex sureisn't one. In theory, the nice guy shouldn't care that his lovers will be unattractive or nonexistent. In theory, he should not care how poorly he is treated,and should accept it as a part of being nice. In practice, one has to ask oneselfwhy it is wrong for a man to become mean but perfectly okay for a Fox. The rules governing proper male behavior. applied to Foxes, would disqualify all but a handful from relationship consideration due to lack of character. Let a man openly admit to lying in the past. and




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he will forever have to prove he has changed. Let a Fox betray her ex in the worst of ways, and nice guys will be lining up to redeemher as surely as Charlie Brown will try to kick the football. It is easy to dislike or distrust Foxes after seeingtheir two-faced nature. If you do feel either of these emotions, they can easily be kept to yourself via a polite wall which you make difficult to knock down or move around. Where nice guys fail most with Foxes is that they never quite understandthat it is okay to be aloof and distant if one takesthe stepsnecessary to appeardesirablewhile doing so. A jerk in a bar by himself won't appeardesperate. He also will take stepsto rectify the situation or changehis planson the fly. Surely we've all seenmen who walk into a room, survey it, declarethat it's a dead social environment,and leave, as if anyonecared whether or not they were entertained. Compare this with the nice guy who will walk into the same environment, not question its rigor mortis, and spend the entire evening in the mortuary without complaint. This is especiallytrue of nice-guyclusterswho sendloud messages to Foxes to ignore the entire group. Sad as it is, your male friends are a reflection on you. When putting this book and Foxes into practice, reserve the philosophical discussions for low-percentage sinrations. If you have a high-percentage situationlike a Fox who has approachedyou and left you with a clear opportunity, caprlalizeon the opportunitybefore you do anything else. It is with the Foxes who put up bitch shields, LJBF, or who otherwise do not think of you sexually that discussing relationships becomesa powerful gimmick. It is very difficult for a Fox to argue with documented, reproducablesuccess,and the message to her that you have the option of losing your religion and becoming a numbers-game player becomesvery clear. In what appearsto be an instinctiveresponse, many Foxeswill switch from stuck-upto placatingmode, still doing as little as they have to in order to stay on your good side, but realuzrng that they have to up the ante, andfast, or they will lose you as a friend, with the worst part being that you won't even care. The next chick logical step from this point is to see you as desirable and begin pursuingyou. If you are familiar with ASF techniques, you will have little difficulty closing the deal. Nice guys will never win the war againstthejerks until they challenge the negative genderstereotypes which have all men paying for the sins of alpha males. Foxes have dominated the discussionsof romantic injustice so thoroughly that even men accept scathingindictmentsof their genderas absolutetruths. Reversethe genderswith any of thesecriticisms and the standardreply is to not judge all Foxes on the basisof a few or none, with insult addedto injury via the advice to be thankful you did not get to lay the superrnodel, because shewould havewound up hurting you in the end. With alpha-males who mistreat their lovers, Foxes still obsessover changing them. For just about any situation,it is presumed that a man shoulddo the right thing, while a Fox shoulddo what is best for her, almost without regard for morals. Until we begin with a level playing field, men will continueto have to bat with two strikesagainstthem on the first pitch.

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