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Factored Neural Language Models

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Factored Neural Language Models

Andrei Alexandrescu Katrin Kirchhoff

Department of Comp. Sci. Eng. Department of Electrical Engineering
University of Washington University of Washington

Abstract Though this may be sufficient for applications that

use a closed vocabulary, the current trend of porting
We present a new type of neural proba- systems to a wider range of languages (esp. highly-
bilistic language model that learns a map- inflected languages such as Arabic) calls for dy-
ping from both words and explicit word namic dictionary expansion and the capability of as-
features into a continuous space that is signing probabilities to newly added words without
then used for word prediction. Addi- having seen them in the training data. Here, we in-
tionally, we investigate several ways of troduce a novel type of NLM that improves gener-
deriving continuous word representations alization by using vectors of word features (stems,
for unknown words from those of known affixes, etc.) as input, and we investigate deriving
words. The resulting model significantly continuous representations for unknown words from
reduces perplexity on sparse-data tasks those of known words.
when compared to standard backoff mod-
els, standard neural language models, and 2 Neural Language Models
factored language models.
w n−2 |V| rows
d columns
P(w | w ,w )
t t−1 t−2

1 Introduction M
Neural language models (NLMs) (Bengio et al., w n−1
V = vocabulary
d = continuous space size
ih W
2000) map words into a continuous representation
space and then predict the probability of a word Figure 1: NLM architecture. Each word in the context maps
given the continuous representations of the preced- to a row in the matrix M . The output is next word’s probability
ing words in the history. They have previously been distribution.
shown to outperform standard back-off models in A standard NLM (Fig. 1) takes as input the previ-
terms of perplexity and word error rate on medium ous n − 1 words, which select rows from a continu-
and large speech recognition tasks (Xu et al., 2003; ous word representation matrix M . The next layer’s
Emami and Jelinek, 2004; Schwenk and Gauvain, input i is the concatenation of the rows in M cor-
2004; Schwenk, 2005). Their main drawbacks are responding to the input words. From here, the net-
computational complexity and the fact that only dis- work is a standard multi-layer perceptron with hid-
tributional information (word context) is used to den layer h = tanh(i ∗ Wih + bh ) and output layer
generalize over words, whereas other word prop- o = h ∗ Who + bo . where bh,o are the biases on the
erties (e.g. spelling, morphology etc.) are ignored respective layers. The vector o is normalized by the
for this purpose. Thus, there is also no principled softmax function fsof tmax (oi ) = P|Ve | i o . Back-
k=1 e k

way of handling out-of-vocabulary (OOV) words. propagation (BKP) is used to learn model parame-

Proceedings of the Human Language Technology Conference of the North American Chapter of the ACL, pages 1–4,
New York, June 2006. 2006
c Association for Computational Linguistics
ters, including the M matrix, which is shared across uous space if they co-occur with the same (subset of)
input words. The training criterion maximizes the words. But similarity can also be derived from word
regularized log-likelihood of the training data. shape features (affixes, capitalization, hyphenation
etc.) or other annotations (e.g. POS classes). These
3 Generalization in Language Models allow a model to generalize across classes of words
bearing the same feature. We thus define a factored
An important task in language modeling is to pro-
neural language model (FNLM) (Fig. 2) which takes
vide reasonable probability estimates for n-grams
as input the previous n − 1 vectors of factors. Dif-
that were not observed in the training data. This
ferent factors map to disjoint row sets of the ma-
generalization capability is becoming increasingly
trix. The h and o layers are identical to the standard
relevant in current large-scale speech and NLP sys-
NLM’s. Instead of predicting the probabilities for
tems that need to handle unlimited vocabularies and f1

domain mismatches. The smooth predictor func- P(c t | c t−1,c t−2 )

Σ |Vk | rows
tion learned by NLMs can provide good generaliza- 2
fn−2 k

d columns
tion if the test set contains n-grams whose individ- 3
fn−2 P(w t |c t )

ual words have been seen in similar context in the 1

fn−1 M
training data. However, NLMs only have a simplis- 2 W
fn−1 W
tic mechanism for dealing with words that were not
ih ho
observed at all: OOVs in the test data are mapped
Vk =vocabulary of factor k
d = continuous space size

to a dedicated class and are assigned the singleton Figure 2: FNLM architecture. Input vectors consisting of
probability when predicted (i.e. at the output layer) word and feature indices are mapped to rows in M. The final
and the features of a randomly selected singleton multiplicative layer outputs the word probability distribution.
word when occurring in the input. In standard back- all words at the output layer directly, we first group
off n-gram models, OOVs are handled by reserv- words into classes (obtained by Brown clustering)
ing a small fixed amount of the discount probabil- and then compute the conditional probability of each
ity mass for the generic OOV word and treating it word given its class: P (wt ) = P (ct ) × P (wt |ct ).
as a standard vocabulary item. A more powerful This is a speed-up technique similar to the hierarchi-
backoff strategy is used in factored language models cal structuring of output units used by (Morin and
(FLMs) (Bilmes and Kirchhoff, 2003), which view Bengio, 2005), except that we use a “flat” hierar-
a word as a vector of word features or “factors”: chy. Like the standard NLM, the network is trained
w = hf1 , f2 , . . . , fk i and predict a word jointly to maximize the log-likelihood of the data. We use
from previous words and their factors: A general- BKP with cross-validation on the development set
ized backoff procedure uses the factors to provide and L2 regularization (the sum of squared weight
probability estimates for unseen n-grams, combin- values penalized by a parameter λ) in the objective
ing estimates derived from different backoff paths. function.
This can also be interpreted as a generalization of
standard class-based models (Brown et al., 1992). 5 Handling Unknown Factors in FNLMs
FLMs have been shown to yield improvements in
In an FNLM setting, a subset of a word’s factors may
perplexity and word error rate in speech recogni-
be known or can be reliably inferred from its shape
tion, particularly on sparse-data tasks (Vergyri et
although the word itself never occurred in the train-
al., 2004) and have also outperformed backoff mod-
ing data. The FNLM can use the continuous repre-
els using a linear decomposition of OOVs into se-
sentation for these known factors directly in the in-
quences of morphemes. In this study we use factors
put. If unknown factors are still present, new contin-
in the input encoding for NLMs.
uous representations are derived for them from those
4 Factored Neural Language Models of known factors of the same type. This is done by
averaging over the continuous vectors of a selected
NLMs define word similarity solely in terms of their subset of the words in the training data, which places
context: words are assumed to be close in the contin- the new item in the center of the region occupied by

the subset. For example, proper nouns constitute a per text that has been morphologically annotated and
large fraction of OOVs, and using the mean of the disambiguated (Hakkani-Tür et al., 2002), thus pro-
rows in M associated with words with a proper noun viding information about the word root, POS tag,
tag yields the “average proper noun” representation number and case. The vocabulary size is 67510
for the unknown word. We have experimented with (relatively large because Turkish is highly aggluti-
the following strategies for subset selection: NULL native). 400K words are used for training, 100K
(the null subset, i.e. the feature vector components for development (11.8% OOVs), and 87K for test-
for unknown factors are 0), ALL (average of all ing (11.6% OOVs). The corpus was preprocessed by
known factors of the same type); TAIL (averaging removing segmentation marks (titles and paragraph
over the least frequently encountered factors of that boundaries).
type up to a threshold of 10%); and LEAST, i.e. the
representation of the single least frequent factors of 7 Experiments and Results
the same type. The prediction of OOVs themselves
is unaffected since we use a factored encoding only We first investigated how the different OOV han-
for the input, not for the output (though this is a pos- dling methods affect the average probability as-
sibility for future work). signed to words with OOVs in their context. Ta-
ble 1 shows that average probabilities increase com-
6 Data and Baseline Setup pared to the strategy described in Section 3 as
well as other baseline models (standard backoff tri-
We evaluate our approach by measuring perplex- grams and FLM, further described below), with the
ity on two different language modeling tasks. The strongest increase observed for the scheme using the
first is the LDC CallHome Egyptian Colloquial Ara- least frequent factor as an OOV factor model. This
bic (ECA) Corpus, consisting of transcriptions of strategy is used for the models in the following per-
phone conversations. ECA is a morphologically plexity experiments.
rich language that is almost exclusively used in in- We compare the perplexity of word-based and
formal spoken communication. Data must be ob- factor-based NLMs with standard backoff trigrams,
tained by transcribing conversations and is therefore class-based trigrams, FLMs, and interpolated mod-
very sparse. The present corpus has 170K words els. Evaluation was done with (the “w/unk” column
for training (|V | = 16026), 32K for development in Table 2) and without (the “no unk” column) scor-
(dev), 17K for evaluation (eval97). The data was ing of OOVs, in order to assess the usefulness of our
preprocessed by collapsing hesitations, fragments, approach to applications using closed vs. open vo-
and foreign words into one class each. The corpus cabularies. The baseline Model 1 is a standard back-
was further annotated with morphological informa- off 3-gram using modified Kneser-Ney smoothing
tion (stems, morphological tags) obtained from the (model orders beyond 3 did not improve perplex-
LDC ECA lexicon. The OOV rates are 8.5% (de- ity). Model 2 is a class-based trigram model with
velopment set) and 7.7% (eval97 set), respectively. Brown clustering (256 classes), which, when inter-
polated with the baseline 3-gram, reduces the per-
Model ECA (·102 ) Turkish (·102 )
dev eval dev eval plexity (see row 3). Model 3 is a 3-gram word-based
baseline 3gram 4.108 4.128 6.385 6.438 NLM (with output unit clustering). For NLMs,
hand-optimized FLM 4.440 4.327 4.269 4.479 higher model orders gave improvements, demon-
GA-optimized FLM 4.325 4.179 6.414 6.637
NLM 3-gram 4.857 4.581 4.712 4.801 strating their better scalability: for ECA, a 6-gram
FNLM-NULL 5.672 5.381 9.480 9.529 (w/o unk) and a 5-gram (w/unk) were used; for Turk-
FNLM-ALL 5.691 5.396 9.518 9.555 ish, a 7-gram (w/o unk) and a 5-gram (w/unk) were
FNLM-TAIL 10% 5.721 5.420 9.495 9.540
FNLM-LEAST 5.819 5.479 10.492 10.373
used. Though worse in isolation, the word-based
NLMs reduce perplexity considerably when interpo-
Table 1: Average probability (scaled by 102 ) of known words lated with Model 1. The FLM baseline is a hand-
with unknown words in order-2 context optimized 3-gram FLM (Model 5); we also tested
The second corpus consists of Turkish newspa- an FLM optimized with a genetic algorithm as de-

# Model ECA dev ECA eval Turkish dev Turkish eval
no unk w/unk no unk w/unk no unk w/unk no unk w/unk
1 Baseline 3-gram 191 176 183 172 827 569 855 586
2 Class-based LM 221 278 219 269 1642 1894 1684 1930
3 1) & 2) 183 169 178 167 790 540 814 555
4 Word-based NLM 208 341 204 195 1510 1043 1569 1067
5 1) & 4) 178 165 173 162 758 542 782 557
6 Word-based NLM 202 194 204 192 1991 1369 2064 1386
7 1) & 6) 175 162 173 160 754 563 772 580
8 hand-optimized FLM 187 171 178 166 827 595 854 614
9 1) & 8) 182 167 174 163 805 563 832 581
10 genetic FLM 190 188 181 188 761 1181 776 1179
11 1) & 10) 183 166 175 164 706 488 720 498
12 factored NLM 189 173 190 175 1216 808 1249 832
13 1) & 12) 169 155 168 155 724 487 744 500
14 1) & 10) & 12) 165 155 165 154 652 452 664 461
Table 2: Perplexities for baseline backoff LMs, FLMs, NLMs, and LM interpolation
scribed in (Duh and Kirchhoff, 2004) (Model 6). to both open and closed vocabularies.
Rows 7-10 of Table 2 display the results. Finally, we Acknowledgments
trained FNLMs with various combinations of fac- This work was funded by NSF under grant no. IIS-
tors and model orders. The combination was opti- 0326276 and DARPA under Contract No. HR0011-
mized by hand on the dev set and is therefore most 06-C-0023. Any opinions, findings and conclusions
comparable to the hand-optimized FLM in row 8. or recommendations expressed in this material are
The best factored NLM (Model 7) has order 6 for those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect
both ECA and Turkish. It is interesting to note that the views of these agencies.
the best Turkish FNLM uses only word factors such References
as morphological tag, stem, case, etc. but not the
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