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The 13 Original Clan Mothers

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The key takeaways are about discovering talents and abilities of women through ancient teachings of a sisterhood.

The book is about discovering gifts, talents, and abilities of women through teachings of 13 Clan Mothers that represent different moon cycles.

The book discusses ancient teachings that are passed down from two Kiowa grandmothers about feminine wisdom and how to incorporate those teachings into daily life.









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Medicine Cards™ (with David Carson)
Sacred Path Cards™

The Sacred Path Workbook

Other Council Fires Were Here Before Ours (with Twylah Nitsch)


A Division ofHarperCoWinsPublishers
Discovering the Gifts, Talents, and Abilities of the Feminine Through
the Ancient Teachings of the Sisterhood. Copyright © 1993 by Jamie Sams.
All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this
book may be used or reproduced in any mannner whatsoever without writ-
ten permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical
articles and reviews. For information address HarperCollins Publishers,
10 East 53rd Street, New York, NY 10022.

first HarperCollins paperback edition published in 1994

isbn 0-06-250756-7 (pbk)
An Earlier Edition of This Book Was Cataloged As Follows:
Sams, Jamie.
The thirteen original clan mothers : your sacred path to discovering
the gifts, talents, and abilities of the feminine through the ancient
teachings of the sisterhood / Jamie Sams,
p. cm.
isbn 0-06-250759-1 (alk. paper)
1. Women — Religious life. 2. Indians of North America — Religion
and mythology —Miscellanea. I. Title.
BL625.7.S36 1993
299'.7'082—dc20 92-53910
00 01 02 03 04 05«> HAD 15 14 13 12 11

Aida Hinojosa
who encouraged me to write,

seeing my heart's song through my words,

and to the memory of my

Ancestors of the Long Hair Clan

Mary Ross Sams

and her father
John Ross
of the Cherokee.

Note to Readers viii

Night Wind (poem) x

Introduction 1

My Healing Quest Vision of the

Thirteen Clan Mothers' Shields 8

The Beginning of the Legacy of Woman 18

Talks with Relations
Clan Mother of the First Moon Cycle 30

Wisdom Keeper
Clan Mother of the Second Moon Cycle 50

Weighs the Truth

Clan Mother of the Third Moon Cycle 68

Looks Far Woman

Clan Mother of the Fourth Moon Cycle 86

Listening Woman
Clan Mother of the Fifth Moon Cycle 106

Clan Mother of the Sixth Moon Cycle 126

Loves All Things

Clan Mother of the Seventh Moon Cycle 142

She Who Heals

Clan Mother of the Eighth Moon Cycle 164

Setting Sun Woman

Clan Mother of the Ninth Moon Cycle 184

Weaves the Web

Clan Mother of the Tenth Moon Cycle 202

Walks Tall Woman

Clan Mother of the Eleventh Moon Cycle 220

Gives Praise
Clan Mother of the Twelfth Moon Cycle 240

Becomes Her Vision

Clan Mother of the Thirteenth Moon Cycle 260

Conclusion 281

Gathering the Gifts of Woman 28

The History of the Turtle Council House 290

Entering the Council House of the

Thirteen Original Clan Mothers 302

Acknowledgments 315

Note to Readers

For those of you who are reading this book and find it
confusing that so many names are capitalized, I would like
to give a further explanation. In the Seneca language and in
most Native American languages in the original form, cer-
tain words are holy or sacred to Native American People.
These words are always capitalized in our written lan-

Until recently, few Indian writers were published and
those who were, did not have a say as to how the manu-
script was dealt with. HarperCollins has shown respect for
my work, by printing it in our preferred form. For this kind
consideration, I am deeply grateful.
In Native American culture, we see everything as being
alive. Each living thing has a specific role as a teacher and
family member. Everything on Earth, whether stone, tree,

creature, cloud, sun, moon, or human being, is one of our

relatives. We capitalize the names of each part of our Plan-

etary Family because they represent the sacred living ex-
tensions of the Great Mystery who were placed here to help
humankind evolve spiritually. We capitalize Traditions and
Teachings because these words represent the equivalent of
another faith's holy books.

In Tribal Traditions, we do not consider Grandfather

Sun as a deity. We do not worship trees or rocks. We do,

however, see the Eternal Flame of Love that the Great Mys-
tery placed in all of Creation and we honor that spiritual

essence. In the Seneca language, we call it Orenda. This is

the spiritual essence or creative principle called the Eternal

Flame of Love that is found inside of all life forms. There is

only one Original Source and we call that Creative Source,

the Great Mystery.
The Thunder Chief, Hinoh (Heno), is capitalized be-
cause of his role in bringing life-giving waters, without
which we could not survive. Grandfather Sun and Grand-
mother Moon are capitalized because we see them as living

beings. The Great Mystery gave them their missions of di-

viding day from night, bringing light and warmth to our

world, as well as pulling the tides of our oceans. In all cases,

the words that are capitalized are given respect because of

the sacred missions they carry and the extension of the
Great Mystery's love that they represent. We teach that all

life matters and we honor the Medicines of all life forms as

sacred extensions of the Great Mystery's loving plan.


The night wind came crying,

Knocking at my door,
Through the cracks
In the ancient adobe,
Bringing the spirits
Risen from the bones
Of the Clan Mothers.
I listened.

I heard.
The talking drums and chants
Were riding on the wind.
It was time.
I donned my shawl,
Stole into the night
To dance,
To celebrate,
For the buffalo had returned.

MARCH 26, 1992


The Gifts, Talents, and Abilities of the Feminine Principle

December's Moon
Twelfth Moon Cycle
11 1
November's Moon January's Moon
Eleventh Moon Cycle First Moon Cycle

10 2
October's Moon
February's Moon
Tenth Moon Cycle
Second Moon Cycle

/ \
13 3
September's Moon March's Moon
Blue Moon
of Transformation
Ninth Moon Cycle Third Moon Cycle
August's Moon April's Moon
Eighth Moon Cycle Fourth Moon Cycle

7 5
July's Moon May's Moon
Seventh Moon Cycle Fifth Moon Cycle
June's Moon
Sixth Moon Cycle

1 TALKS WITH RELATIONS Dreamtime, go into other realms, and

The Mother of Nature through the Crack in the "Universe How to A
Keeper of Rhythm, Weather, and the Seasons properly use our psychic abilities and gifts
Guardian of the Languages of the Trees, Stones, of prophecy for humanity A
How to use
and Creatures A
The Maker of Relatives / spiritual boundaries, psychic self-defense,

Keeper of Earth's Needs/ Mother of the and respect those boundaries in others A
Planetary Family How to use our inner potential to become
healed healers
How to understand unspoken the Languages How to SEE THE TRUTH
of Nature Kinship with all life forms and
how to enter the Sacred Spaces of others with
respect How to honor cycles, rhythms, and 5 LISTENING WOMAN
changes of the seasons and weather How A The Mother of Tiyoweh, the Stillness,
to meld with the life force and rhythms in all and Knowing
dimensions, learning the truths of each The Keeper of Discernment and Guardian of
How to LEARN THE TRUTH Introspection A The Interpreter of Messages
from the Spirit World A The Counselor and
Advisor / the Keeper of Hearing

The Protectress of Sacred Traditions How to enter the Stillness and hear our heart's
The Keeper of the Stone Libraries and Earth small, still voice within A How to find and
History A
The Guardian of "the Remembering" understand the Inner Knowing we carry in our
and the Art of Memory A
The Mother Spiritual Essences A
How to listen to the
of Friendship, Planetary Unity, and Mutual viewpoints and opinions of others and the
Understanding voices of the Ancestors A
How to understand
body language and unspoken thoughts / hear-
The Arts of Self-development and Expansion ing with the heart
How to access Planetary Memory, personal How to HEAR THE TRUTH
recall, and ancient wisdom and knowledge
How to understand the wisdom that every life
form holds and missions
its A
a friend and to restore friendship by honoring The Guardian of the Medicine Stories
the viewpoints of all life forms The Keeper of Heyokah Medicine and Humor
How to HONORTHE TRUTH The Teacher Who Teaches Without Pointing a
Finger A
The Preserver of Speaking from
Personal Experience and Truth

The Keeper of Equality and the How to teach through telling stories that con-
Guardian of Justice A How to balance the sacredness
tain lessons

The Fair Judge of Divine Law and the Destroyer with irreverence / using humor creatively A
of Deception A
The Mother of Truth and How to speak from our experience without
Protectress of the Underdog A
The Mother judging others or being self-righteous How A
of Self-determination and Responsibility to be a student in life as well as the teacher,
preserving the wisdom gained
How to find the ability to respond and how to How to SPEAK THE TRUTH
be self-determined A How to feed the
positive, not the negative, by using Divine Law
How to use equality with justice, being 7 LOVES ALL THINGS
accountable for our actions and words A The Mother of Unconditional Love and
How to use personal integrity, ethics, All Acts of Pleasure
and values to find healing solutions The Keeper of Sexual Wisdom and
How to ACCEPT THE TRUTH Self-respect A
The Sensual Lover / the Mother-
Nurturer / the Warmth of the Feminine The A
Guardian of the Needs of the Family

The Seer / Oracle / Dreamer / Prophet How to use respect, trust, and intimacy in all

Keeper of the Golden Door and the Crack in relationships A How to love all aspects of
the Universe A
The Mother of Visions, Dreams, our lives, lessons, sexuality, and physical
and Psychic Impressions A
The Guardian beings A
How to be a loving woman,
of the Dreamtime and the Keeper of nurturing mother, sensual lover, and trusted
Inner Potential friend A How to forgive ourselves and others,
developing acceptance and shunning
How to understand our visions, dreams, feel- criticalness

ings, and impressions A How to enter the How to LOVE THE TRUTH


The Healer / Midwife / Herbalist/
Intuitive The Guardian of Leadership and the
Keeper of the Healins Arts Keeper of New Paths
The Singer of the Death Song and Keeper of The Mother of Beauty and Grace and the
the Life and Death Mysteries A
The Guardian of Keeper of Innovation and Persistence The A
the Medicine Roots and Healing Herbs and Role Modelof Health, Physical Fitness, Stamina,
the Servant of Humankind A
The Mother of and Letting the Heart's Desire Take the Lead A
Intuition / All Rites of Passage / Cycles of The Keeper of Personal Impeccability and the
Birth, Death, and Rebirth Guardian of All Forms of Inner Strength

How to serve others with a happy heart, using How to be our personal best and still be
our healing abilities A How to understand and vulnerable and human A How to keep our
honor the cycles of birth, death, and re-
life bodies and minds flexible and in good health
birth A How to believe
in the miracles of life through advancing and retreating How to A
through our connections to our Spiritual seek and find new paths to growing and
Essences A
How to understand the Plant learning, leading through example A How to
Kingdom and the healing uses of all develop inner strength / How to attract and
parts of plants release


The Keeper of Tomorrow's Dreams and Goals The Mother of All Acts of Thanksgiving and
The Guardian of the Needs of the Next Seven Keeper of Abundance
Generations A
The Mother of the Proper Use of The Guardian of Ceremony and Ritual / the
Will / Will to live / Will to survive / Will power Keeper of Magic A
The Mother of Encourage-
A The Keeper of Mother Earth's Resources and ment and the Guardian of Celebration A
the Guardian of Preservation The Wisdom Keeper of the Art of
SHE TEACHES US . . . Giving and Receiving
How to preserve and use our resources with- SHE TEACHES US . . .

out wasting anything A

How to prepare for How to return thanks for the abundance we
tomorrow by planning today / Making and need before it arrives, making space to receive
meeting goals A
How to show concern, it A How to celebrate every victory in life
dependability, and compassion through the with joy —ours as well as the accomplishments
ways we live A
How to properly use our wills, of others A How to use right attitudes to
using our intents to provide for future create magical changes in the Self How to A
generations create abundance through praise,
How to LIVE THE TRUTH giving, and receiving


The Mother ofCreativity / the Muse / 13 BECOMES HER VISION
the Artist / the Creatress The Guardian of Transformation and
The Manifester of Dreams, Who Brings Visions Transmutation
into Reality A
The Guardian of Life Force, The Keeper of the Emergence of Spirit into
Who Teaches Women to Give Birth to Their Physical Form A
The Mother of Alchemical
Dreams A
The Keeper of Survival Instinct and Changes and Rites of Passage into Wholeness
the Mother of the Creative / Destructive AThe Guardian of Personal History,
SHE TEACHES US . . . Becoming, and Myth
How to use our desire to create and bring our SHE TEACHES US . . .

dreams into tangible forms A How to tap How to become our visions and own our
life force,- using energy to build, change, or wholeness A How to release the old Self
manifest our needs A
How to manifest our and step into the realized dream A How to
visions and give them life through our actions honor the process that brought us through the
and artistic talents A
How to create new changes and transformation A
How to mark
from old and how to destroy the limitations to the Rite of Passage into Wholeness and
creativity celebrate the Vision we have become


The story of the Thirteen Original Clan Mothers was

passed to me through the two Kiowa Grandmothers who
were my teachers in the early 1970s. Cisi Laughing Crow
and Berta Broken Bow gave me a legacy, upon which I was
to build my life. As near as we could figure, Cisi was 120
and Berta was 127 years old when I was a young woman of
22. Both of these Grandmothers were born shortly after the

Trail of Tears in the mid- to late 1840s when their families,

along with many others who refused to be enrolled and to

live on reservations, traveled south to the freedom afforded
in the mountains of Mexico. In the past twenty years or so,

the Bureau of Indian Affairs of the United States govern-

ment has tried unsuccessfully to reclaim these families by
offering to enroll them and bring them back to reservations
in the United States.

The Traditions that were allowed to live because of the

refusal of these people to give up their connection to the
Earth Mother are the basis of these stories. I am truly grate-
ful for the wisdom of this Woman's Medicine and for the
strength it took those Native American families to carve

out new lives in a strange land. Because of their persistence,

these Ancient Teachings are still alive today.

I am very grateful that my first teacher in Mexico,

Joaquin Muriel Espinosa, took me to Cisi and Berta, realiz-

ing that I needed to learn Woman's Medicine instead of in-

sisting that I follow the male Warrior way. His insight has
opened my life and path in ways I did not understand at the
time. I honor the greatness of his humility and his desire for
my best interests every time I see women following a male
Medicine way, becoming confused and sometimes taken ad-
vantage of because they have not been trained to respect the
feminine principle in themselves.
Many other female Elders have spoken to me of the

Clan Mother stories of Woman's Medicine but were sad-

dened that much of the history has been lost during the pre-
ceding generations. I have found great joy in being able to
revive the history, which would otherwise be lost, and to
share our Woman's Legacy with the world. As it was then,
and shall be until we change ourselves from within, the
Legacy of Woman and the Earth Mother is at risk. Our fe-

male and male roles in humankind stem from the Thirteen

Original Clan Mothers who emerged as aspects of the Earth
Mother and Grandmother Moon, because all things are born
of the feminine.

To become a fully grown woman, which in Native

American Tradition happens around the age of fifty-two, I

was instructed to work on my personal journey by develop-

ing my personal talents and gifts, using the Thirteen Origi-
nal Clan Mothers as role models. I was taught how to

understand the Medicine of each of these ancient Grand-

mothers and how to relate to each as my teacher. Although

I have many years my majority, have

to go before attaining I

come to love these Clan Mothers who have been my Spirit

Teachers and trust how they speak to my heart. The Clan

Mothers were the Spirit who

Teachers of the female Elders
were my physical teachers in Mexico and have taught many
spiritual lessons to the Medicine Lodges of Women for cen-
turies.The Thirteen Original Clan Mothers represent the
aspects of what I have come to find most beautiful in
woman and in the feminine principle.
These Clan Mothers have taught me to see the beauty
inmy sisters and brothers of all races and creeds. They have
comforted me when I was weary or in pain and have taught
me how to heal myself. Grandmothers Cisi and Berta passed
the gift of knowing the Original Thirteen to me, and now it
is time for me to pass this gift to the Sisterhood of Hu-
mankind. This is not to say that the men of our Earth will
not benefit from these Grandmothers, for the men are also
the children who were born of woman and have a female
side. Now, however, it is necessary for all women to know
the legacy they have been given in order to heal themselves
before they reclaim their roles of healing and nurturing oth-
ers. In this manner, the wounded feminine aspect in women
will no longer need to be hostile, angry, separatist-oriented,

or manipulative in order to cover old pain. From this van-

tage point, women can then present the healed role models
they represent, leading others through example, instead of
through male conquest or competition, allowing our world
to reclaim a new point of balance between male and female.
It was many years after receiving these stories of the
Thirteen Original Clan Mothers that I realized that these
Teachings were common to many Tribes and that bits and

pieces of this legacy had been passed from the Black Lodges
or Women's Medicine Circles for hundreds of years. The
Beloved Women of the Cherokee, the Clan Mothers of the
Iroquois, the Grandmothers or Wisdom Keepers of the

Kiowa, Choctaw, and many others have heard parts of this

legacy. I began to more fully understand how the Dreaming
Circles of Women kept this legacy alive through the sharing
of their visions and dreams.
Although this legacy is not from one particular Tribe or
Nation but rather came to me from my two Kiowa Grand-
mother teachers, it belongs to all of the Children of Earth. I

was first told these stories in Spanish since I did not speak
Kiowa. I was told by Cisi and Berta that as I learned the
lessons of the thirteen steps of the Woman Wheel, more un-
derstanding would come to me. In truth, the spirits of the

Thirteen Clan Mothers have guided and shaped my personal

progress as a woman for the last eighteen years and con-
tinue to teach me as I grow.
I have added some references to one or two of the stories

that have been told to me by other Tribal Grandmothers over

the years, having discovered that all the histories of the
Earth have been very similar. The overall view of the story of
the Thirteen Original Clan Mothers has been shared in the
Black Lodges of Women all across Native America, but the
Indian language words that I have used in this text are of the

Seneca language because it is most familiar to me.

I asked the Thirteen Original Clan Mothers how I could
best present their Medicine Stories. I was told that the Seneca

Medicine Wheel with the Pathways to Peace and the Twelve

Cycles of Truth could give me a blueprint or structure that
would allow people to see the whole picture. I discovered that

truth is found in every Tradition, and sometimes, the blending

of those truths brings further clarity. So I have taken the liberty
of placing the stories of each of the Original Thirteen Clan
Mothers on the Seneca Wheel to show the importance of truth

and peace in Woman's Medicine among every Tribe and Medi-

cine Lodge.
The Twelve Cycles of Truth in our Seneca Teachings
have been assigned to months for simplicity's sake. I have
added a thirteenth Cycle of Truth Be the Truth —in order to
complete the Medicine Wheel of the Thirteen Clan Mothers.
Because of the difference between moon cycles and the cal-
endar months used in our modern world, I have referred to a
moon cycle falling in a certain month. As we all recognize,
moon cycles fall in more than one month, but I have chosen
to adapt the simplest way of conveying each Clan Mother's
essence to our present way of thinking. I prefer that those
who follow the lunar calendar look to those cycles and dates
for the correct moon cycle that each Clan Mother holds.

The shell of Turtle shows us that the Earth Mother

gave us the first lunar calendar. The circle framed in the
center of the shell has thirteen parts and is representative of
the Thirteen Original Clan Mothers and their guardianship
of the thirteen lunar cycles. The Sacred Turtle is the em-
bodiment of the Earth Mother and as Turtle's shell protects
her body, the Thirteen Clan Mothers and their lunar cycles,
depicted on her shell, protect the Mother Planet and all liv-

ing things. It is through connecting to these rhythms and

cycles that this story cannot be considered a traditional leg-
end particular to one Tribe, but I can assure you that it is

Woman's Medicine gathered from all of the places the Re-

membering was held by Grandmother Wisdom Keepers.

The basic story has been unchanged. The only additions on

my part are the descriptive passages and some names of the
Totems of each Clan Mother. Cisi and Berta described some
animals with physical characteristics but did not use the
modern names we know them by. The animals modern 7

names came to me via the Thirteen Original Clan Mother

Spirits speaking to my heart and showing me their Medi-

I have supposed that when an animal became extinct in

one area of the world and was only physically recorded in
petroglyphs, like the camels and mammoths depicted in
North and South America, the oral legends of those crea-

tures continued, but the actual animal became a mythical

beast to those who had never seen one. I believe that this is

one reason that Cisi and Berta would call the camel "the
humpbacked four-legged of the desert who needs no water."
Another example of this is found in the Paiute Tribe, which
holds the Big-horned Sheep as sacred, even though most of
these creatures were killed, like the buffalo, with the com-
ing of European settlers. Petroglyphs of Buffalo and Big-
horned Sheep still speak to our Tribes by carrying the
sacredness of our Ancestors' Medicines.
The Thirteen Crystal Skulls are part of the original
story and Tradition and were also spoken of by four other
Grandmothers of different Tribes. To my knowledge, noth-
ing has been written about the history of these Crystal
Skulls based on Indian oral Tradition or history. I have put
the information on the Crystal Skulls that I received from
Cisi, Berta, and Joaquin's teachings in the part of this book's

Conclusion, called "Entering the Council House of the

Thirteen Original Clan Mothers."

For eighteen years my connection to the Medicine of

the Thirteen Original Clan Mothers has grown inside me.
Each new lesson presented by the Thirteen Clan Mothers
has added to my understanding and has forged the trails to
my personal growth. have chosen to open these teachings

and my personal vision in order to share the map of healing

I have received. These Medicine Stories and Traditions are
my Give-away to human beings everywhere, so that we
may continue to dream the dream, and to dance the Dance
of Creation, bringing inner peace and, therefore, world peace.

My Healing Quest Vision

of the Thirteen
Clan Mothers' Shields

The Medicine Shields of the Thirteen Original Clan

Mothers are a part of the ancient legend that surrounds the

life lessons and the gifts each Clan Mother gives to hu-
mankind. In the Americas, the lodges, palaces, and temples
that carry emblems of Turtle are reminders to our modern
world that the legacy of the Sisterhood is still alive. Whether
carved in stone like the Turtle Temples of the Mayans in
the Yucatan, or painted on frescoes in the Toltec and Inca
places of worship, or carved in petroglyphs across North
America, these emblems of Turtle represent our connec-
tions to the Earth Mother and her thirteen different aspects,

the Original Clan Mothers.

Oral history tells us that each Clan Mother made a

Medicine Shield that represented her talents, strengths, and

abilities. These traits could be called on by anyone who
chose to develop those same gifts within the Orenda of the
Self. Orenda, in the Seneca language, is the Spiritual Essence
that contains the Eternal Flame of Love where the Great
Mystery lives inside all things. The Orenda houses the guid-
ing light and the inner voice that teaches us our potential
and our greatest capacity to love and to be loving.

In ancient times, to call on the spirit of one of the Thir-

teen Wisdom Keepers, a person needed to focus on the iden-

tity and abilities of that particular Clan Mother. To connect
to the spiritual identity of a Clan Mother's Medicine, we
need to Enter Tiyoweh. This discipline is the Indian way of

calming the mind and sitting in the Stillness, to listen or re-

ceive. The ceremony of Entering Tiyoweh is always done

alone, away from the bustle of daily activity. Then, the per-
son uses focus to invite a particular Clan Mother into the
fertile silence of her or his Sacred Space, allowing the purity
of her or his heart to send the unspoken invitation. Since
the Clan Mothers were never physically described, their
Medicine Shields were often used as the focal point, held
gently in the mind's eye. The person seeking the wisdom
held by a Clan Mother was then able to allow the receptive
side of her or his nature to be visited. This visitation was
not from the Spirit World as with an Ancestor's Spirit but
rather was an inward journey that rekindled the flame of
the thirteen aspects of feminine transformation from
within the female side of human nature.
Grandmothers Cisi and Berta were fine teachers and
always told me that the Thirteen Clan Mothers never ap-
pear in the same manner or form to anyone seeking their
counsel. By using the ability to appear as all of the faces of

womankind, the Clan Mothers can touch and teach each in-

dividual in a unique way. This flexibility of form is impor-

tant since equality is one of the foundations of their

teachings. If they appeared in the same form to everyone, it

would be too easy for us, as human beings with human lim-
itations, to brag that some of the Clan Mothers' talents be-
longed only to a particular race or genetic line.

The Thirteen Original Clan Mothers came to walk the

Earth in adult human bodies that did not age. I was never
told why the Earth Mother chose to have her spiritual as-
pects embody the forms of fully grown women, but I sup-
pose that the fragility and mortality rate of children during
the Ice Age could have had some bearing on the decision.
The ability of the Clan Mothers to possess bodies that did
not become ill or age could be legend or could be fact — it is

not for me to say. was taught that when the Clan Mothers'

missions were completed and they disappeared from the

face of the Mother Planet, the Thirteen Crystal Skulls were
left in their places. I have sought to understand their Medi-
cines with my heart, not with my mind. I have been in the
presence of a few of the Crystal Skulls and I know in the

deepest part of my being that they hold the mind-set of the

Earth Mother and the feminine principle on our planet.
Inmy personal eighteen-year process of living with the
Clan Mothers' Medicines, focused on developing my own

abilities as I related to each one individually. For me, the

culmination of this learning process has been in sharing
these teachings through this book and in using my own in-
tuition and creativity to make the Medicine Shields of the
Thirteen Clan Mothers.
These Medicine Shields are actually tiny drums that
represent the heartbeat of the Earth Mother. Coming out of

each drum/shield is the mask each Clan Mother wears for

me to see. Each Medicine Shield has three feathers at the

bottom, representing the way I see the Spirit World and the
Red Road of the Natural World come together in the heart of
each living thing. Three feathers also represent the balance

of our male and female sides with the center feather holding
the Great Mystery's love.
In September of 1991 on the Autumn Equinox, I went
on my seventeenth Vision Quest with the purpose of com-
pleting some personal healing. Since 17 is my personal sa-

cred number, I knew that my intent to reclaim the love

would be honored. I had worked hard, prepared well, and
earned the right to move forward. The rust that had gath-
ered on my spirit from too much work and overextending
myself had left me depleted and the magic of life had faded
a bit. I had committed my love, time, and energy to helping
everyone else and letting myself always be last. Conse-
quently, I contracted cholera in April of 1991 and then dou-
ble pneumonia in May. My body screamed, "No more!" I

knew then that it was time to start reclaiming the love by

committing my Moontimes and days
to taking of silence
that had been forgotten in my flurry of activity.
The messages I received from the Thirteen Clan Moth-
ers during my rest and preparation time made it clear that I
would be given the vision of each of the Clan Mothers 7

Shields and that I was to share my entire process of re-

claiming the love with others. In order for me to do that, I

must explain the way I have been taught Woman's Medicine

before I discuss the making of the Medicine Shields of the
Thirteen Clan Mothers.
Traditionally, in ancient times, women did not go on
Vision Quests. However, the women of the Black Lodges did
go on Healing Quests that were a part of the function of the
Medicine Lodges of Woman. This type of quest is different,

however, from the Warrior Way of doing a Vision Quest


because women hold their visions inside of themselves in

the womb space. On the other hand, men, having demon-
strative natures, must seek their visions through stopping
all activity, food and water, or anything else that would
keep their intellects in the way. To go beyond any limita-
tion, the active male principle must be forced to be still.

Through reaching the female side of his nature, the man is

then ready to receive his vision.

My Elders taught me that women suffer enough during
Moontime cycles, pregnancy, labor, and birth. There is no
reason for a woman to suffer further, to prove her ability to

compete with men, or to place the living treasure she rep-

resents in peril. Women would not place their children or

the Earth Mother at risk, nor would they insist that a child
should suffer to prove that he or she is worthy of love. The
Great Mystery does not ask further suffering or pain of any
woman. Womankind is already doing her part by giving
birth to children, as well as giving birth to the dreams of hu-
mankind, holding the vision of abundance for the next

seven generations.
For women in our White Buffalo Tradition, a Healing
Quest supports and protects the role of women as Mothers of
the Creative Force and takes a year of preparation. For the
year prior to going on her Healing Quest, a woman takes a
minimum of three days of silence a month, every month
without fail. These three days of silence and retreat are dur-

ing her Moontime but are not necessarily the full Moontime;
her flow may last longer. If she is past her time of bleeding or
has had a hysterectomy, she can choose to take this retreat
time during full or new moon, depending on which moon
cycle is most appropriate for her rhythms or feelings.

During the monthly retreats, the woman visualizes

opening her womb to receive the fertilization of the Great

Mystery's love, giving life force to the seeds of her dreams.

She opens herself to receive the Earth Mother's strength and
nurturing to replenish her body. She opens her heart and
mind to receive visions and creativity. Everyone's experi-

ence is different, but these times of retreat are often as pow-

erful as any Vision Quest. The only activities are of one's

own making during the Moontime retreat. No reading, no

television, no recorded music with words, and no artificial

input should intrude. It is fine to sing, drum, dance, return

thanks, create poetry, art, and such, but to fill oneself up
with anything but self-expression, thanksgiving, and/or re-

ceiving can be counterproductive.

Food and water are very important during this time of
cleansing and retreat. Eating lightly and naturally so that
the body has no attention on nourishment is of utmost im-
portance. Hunger and thirst can really block a woman's abil-

ity to cleanse the womb and stay focused so that her mind
is also cleansed of unneeded chatter. The Moontime is a
time to be filled, fed, replenished, and nurtured. It is not a
time to create any kind of stress for the body, mind, heart,
or spirit. We go into retreat to receive, and anything that
keeps us from receiving is a waste of energy and time.
After a year of taking this special time for the Self, it is

clear to a woman that she can trust herself, commit to her-

self, open her receptive side, and be comfortable being
alone. The rewards of this preparation are in finding the joy

of connection to her Orenda (Spiritual Essence), her body's

rhythms, the Great Mystery, her Totems, the Spirit World,
Grandmother Moon, and the Earth Mother.

The way I was taught to conduct a Vision Quest or

Healing Quest for a woman, since women are naturally re-
ceptive, is to never disconnect a woman from the female el-

ements of water and earth. Woman's role is to nurture,

receive, and give birth. Therefore, on a Healing Quest, we
must nurture all parts of the Self, receive the visions, and
give birth to those dreams. A hut, lean-to, or single-person

wigwam is made to sit on the outer edge of the woman's cir-

cle of stones that will represent her Sacred Space for three

days. In the center of her circle is a smaller circle of stones

that she will use for her campfire. This smaller circle for fire
represents the Eternal Flame of Love the Great Mystery
placed inside her Orenda. She will stay up every night and
feed that fire, feeding the fire of Creation inside herself, and
then sleep and dream during the day inside her hut.
A woman on a Healing Quest is given distilled or fresh
natural spring water to keep the tides of her feelings high.
The high tides of feelings bring forth the conductive nature

of her intuition and a watery womb to receive her visions,

giving them life. Just like a woman's fertility cycle, when

the womb has gathered tissue and water in order to make
the right environment for impregnation, the whole body
is supported by the water she drinks. Lack of water in a
woman's body can keep her disconnected from the natural
female elements. Dehydration can also create hallucinations
that do not serve the internal seeds of her visions, causing
them to be dry-birthed. All seeds need water and earth to
sprout, just as the seed dreams humankind need these el-

ements inside a woman's body in order to come to fullness.

Cisi and Berta also insisted on corn cakes being eaten
during the three-day period. Two flat corn cakes, three to

four inches around, were eaten per day because the corn
kept the body heat stored during the night and represented
the element of earth in the body. If corn cakes are not avail-
able, cornbread, corn nuts, or small, fat, homemade corn
tortillas will do. The water and corn do not distract a

woman from the intent of the Healing Quest but rather sup-
port her system so that all four of the Clan Chiefs of Air,
Earth, Water, and Fire are inside her Sacred Space. In her cir-

cle of stones, to assist her in her quest, the woman breathes

the air, feeds the fire, blesses her body with the water, sits

on the earth and eats the corn to feed her fertility —the ker-
nels or seeds of the future.
After three days and three nights of giving thanks,
singing, dreaming, and receiving her vision, the questing
woman completes her journey by opening the East stone of
her circle, saying final prayers of thanksgiving, and return-
ing to camp. It is an honor for those in camp who have
prayed for her success to return to their friend's sacred circle
and retrieve her bedroll, drum, and other items from her
hut.The Medicine Person who held the energy for the
woman who was on the hill now welcomes her by smudg-
ing or smoking her body with sage and cedar, while the oth-
ers are traveling back to retrieve her things. The rest of the

completion process of the Healing Quest is individual, de-

pending upon the attending Medicine Person's preference,
training, and Tradition.
The entire process of taking a monthly Moontime in si-

lence for a year and completing a Healing Quest is a major

commitment to the Self that enables any woman to receive
from the Earth Mother the same quality of healing and nur-
turance she gives to others. Needless to say, this type of

Woman's Medicine teaches women to honor and love them-

selves and their roles in life, how to
and reclaim the magic
of the feminine. After one Warrior Way Vision Quest, fol-

lowed by sixteen Healing Quests, I can attest to the valid-

ity of the nurturing Woman's Way and the changes it has
made in my life. I feel it is time for women to stop suffering
needlessly and to reconnect with the Earth Mother, who is

the source of all acts of pleasure.

Due to the nurturing way I was treating myself during
my preparation time, to receive the joyous visions of the
Medicine Shields of the Thirteen Clan Mothers was effort-

less. I was reclaiming the love of living, of being human, of

being a woman; and I was rediscovering the magic and the

joy that life had never stopped offering me. The shift in my
perceptions brought me back to the ways of the Grand-
mothers, allowing me to feel them again.
"We come from the bones of our Ancestors/' Grand-
mother Cisi's voice said inside my memory. Then remem- I

bered Grandmother Berta telling me that any animal's

bones give us the structure we need in order to learn the

Medicine that particular Creature offers us.

I use animal bones to make spirit dolls that are my own

Kachina-like sculptures of the Ancestors who come to me
in visions. In ancient times, the toys of Indian children were
horses and buffalos made from bones left over from dinner.
That was the reason I decided to revive this traditional art
form. I realized that I could take my own artistic endeavor
further by making bone dolls of the Thirteen Clan Mothers.
It was comforting to think that I would have the Clan
Mother dolls near me during my healing process. The Thir-
teen Clan Mothers came to me one by one, while I gave

them a form by making a doll. As I walked the mountains

and valleys in northern New Mexico, I found many of the

bones I needed, and I traded for some of the others I would

use. Each vertebra bone gave me the forms I needed for the

masks of the Clan Mothers so that no labels could be placed

on their identities. After six or seven dolls had been made,
the spirits of the Clan Mothers instructed me to make bone
masks and to affix each individual mask to the shields. Each
shield represents the Medicine of a particular Clan Mother
as she showed me the face or the mask holding the mystery
of her Medicine. These Medicine Shields have become my
personal map for reconnecting with the Thirteen Original
Clan Mothers and the focal point I use to hear them with
my heart. Every time Grandmother Nisa (Moon) came full,

I was gifted with another piece of the beauty of Womankind

that guided my personal journey in healing.
When we learn about the beauty inside us and com-
plete the lessons of the feminine, we will have owned those
Thirteen Shields of the Sisterhood as our personal protec-
tion and strengths. At that point, we will have become our
visions. After completing these thirteen cycles of transfor-

mation, our next step will be to create new life maps for

humanity, teaching how to use our creativity as healed

healers, without wasting the Creative Force inside us on old
limitations. We will not only be creating from the joy
within us, but we will also be exercising our right to create
effortlessly. When the human struggle, suffering, and pain
are transmuted into the wholeness of planetary healing, the
unified intentions and missions of the Thirteen Original
Clan Mothers will be a reality.

The Beginning of the

Legacy of Woman

After the destruction by fire that ended the First World

of Love, the Thirteen Original Clan Mothers were created as
the healing aspects of Grandmother Moon and Mother
Earth, representing all that is beautiful in Woman. As parts
of the Original Dream, the Thirteen Original Clan Mothers
came to walk the Earth, forming the Sisterhood that bound
all women together as dreaming counterparts in order to
manifest the Original Dream of Wholeness on the physical
plane. These seeds of inner peace were planted in the hearts
of every human's female side. Today, this Original Dream of

Wholeness is being nurtured in the hearts of women world-

wide and is being birthed through their shared visions as
they open their dreams to the light of love and build those
dreams in tangible form.
During the making of this Legacy of Woman Dream,
the feelings that would need to be shared among women in
order for the Human Tribe to heal were sealed in the Earth
Mother's tears. These tears were the Medicine that would
transform the pain created when the First World of Love
was destroyed by greed. The hearts of the Human Tribe had
been wounded, and from those deep and jagged wounds, fear

and separation were born. The Two-legged Children of

Earth no longer trusted one another and feared that they
had been abandoned by the Great Mystery and the Earth
Mother. It was for this reason that the love and compassion
of woman was born.
It was then necessary for the Earth Mother's feminine
aspects to be taken from the Dreamtime and allowed to walk
the physical plane in order for human women to take their

places as nurturers and Mothers of the Creative Source. The

wholeness of woman that had its roots in the Spirit World
and was connected to Earth through the Dreaming Circles of

women, was birthed into the physical world in order to ful-

fill the promise of healing. This healing of the Earth Tribe's
wounds will continue until the Original Dream of the Earth
Mother is restored in the tangible world. Perfect peace and
harmony, respect for all living things, love without condi-
tions, truth as the ultimate guideline, and equality for all are
but a few of the parts of the Original Dream of Wholeness.
Healing begins to take place on our Mother Planet
through this original Council of Women, creating the Legacy
of Woman, and allowing all women to find their roles in the
Children of Earth's healing process. It was through these
Thirteen Clan Mothers that the truth of healing was dis-

covered: When we heal ourselves, others are healed. When

we nurture our dreams, we give birth to the dreams of hu-
mankind. When we walk as loving aspects of the Earth
Mother, we become the fertile, life-giving Mothers of the
Creative Force. When we honor our bodies, our health, and
our emotional needs, we make space for our dreams to
come into being. When we speak the truth from our healed

hearts, we allow life abundant to continue on our Mother

Thirteen Moons pass every time the Earth Mother
completes one rotation around Grandfather Sun. Thirteen is

the number for transformation (although it has been ma-

ligned by many fear-ridden philosophies). As every year is

completed, a cycle of transformation in the growth and

healing process of the Earth Mother's children takes place.
These cycles of healing and enlightenment bring forth the
powerful aspects of the female principle every time Grand-
mother Moon comes full.

From the beginning, as life forms came to inhabit

Earth, there was but one great land mass. This land mass
was originally called Turtle Island because Turtle was, and
is, the most fertile creature on Earth. The Two-leggeds were

given the mission of preserving the fertility of the Earth

Mother, who would provide for all of their needs if they
honored the Sacred Space of all living things in the physical

world. When this mission was neglected, with greed caus-

ing the humans of the First World to rape women and to pil-
lage gold from the Earth Mother's body, the feminine was
defiled. The Thirteen Original Clan Mothers had not yet
manifested but were the Spirit World Guardians of preserv-
ing the fertility of the Earth Mother.
It was during that time of great pain that the Clan
Mothers passed the legacy of honoring woman and preserv-
ing the Earth Mother to humankind. As these Clan Mothers
came to walk the physical plane, they built a Council
House in the shape of Turtle to be a reminder to all women
that in order for the Children of Earth to survive, the

women must honor themselves and their true Mother, the

Earth. These Spirit Ancestors of womankind came to walk
the Earth in order to understand their Medicines, develop-
ing the strengths they needed to meet and overcome the
challenges of being human.
The Thirteen Original Clan Mothers decided to forge
the bonds of Sisterhood that would unite all women as one.
This Sisterhood was based on a bond of blood that marked
the cycles of fertility in women. These cycles of fertility are
based on moon cycles of twenty-eight days between bleed-
ing. To this day, women who live, dream, or pray together
will have their Moontimes or menstrual cycles at the same
time so that their wombs are open simultaneously, allowing
the dreams of humankind to be planted inside and then nur-
tured as a group.
Every woman has the potential to birth the dreams of
the Sisterhood whether she can birth babies or not. The
womb space is the balance point of gravity in the human
form and the power place of the physical realm found inside
the body. Women who have had their wombs removed can
give birth to their dreams and projects without having the
physical organs. The Sisterhood welcomes every woman
who accepts the roles that will honor all women equally
and who will contribute her talents to the whole. Little girls
become women, and a part of this Sisterhood, with the flow
of their first Moontime. These young women mark their

Rites of Passage into the Sisterhood by becoming Mothers

of the Creative Source. In other words, as young women are
educated as to their roles in womankind, they also con-
tribute to the birthing cycle of the dreams that will shape

the future of our planet. The Sisterhood is responsible for

teaching Woman's Medicine to young women before they
mate and give birth to children of their own.
Through Rites of Passage and the education of young
women, the Legacy of Woman is then firmly established in
the hearts and minds of the future generations. Then, the
old patterns of family and planetary dysfunction can be
healed. These were the original aims of the Sisterhood
brought to womankind during the Ice Age that followed the
First World's destruction by fire. From that first Turtle
Council House, all circles, wheels, societies, and clans of
women were given birth. The Medicine Lodges, Dreaming
Circles, Totem Clans, Sisterhoods, and all aspects of honor-
ing the Mother Earth came from these Thirteen Original
Clan Mothers. These Clan Mothers were not of any partic-

ular race, nor did they possess any particular belief systems
that could limit womankind. They were the Mothers of all

races and the healing aspects of womankind who then

birthed the healing potential now present on our planet.
The Knowing Systems that they represent are the Founda-
tions of Truth that allow all women to be the Guardians of
humankind's dream of achieving wholeness.
When these truths were passed to me in my twenty-sec-
ond year of life by my two Kiowa Grandmother teachers, I

asked Grandmother Cisi why the red race had been given the
history of the Thirteen Original Clan Mothers. She told me
that the red race was given the Guardianship of Earth Medi-
cine and the mysteries of the Earth Mother. Grandmother
Berta explained that many pieces to the puzzle of the Sister-

hood were held by wise women of all races, but how those
truths came into being had almost been forgotten as Tradi-

tions changed and eons passed. The blueprint of the first

Medicine Wheel of the Sisterhood was passed orally through

the Black Lodges, Moon Lodges, and Medicine Societies of

Women in Native America in order for the Legacy of Woman
to survive. The original wheel of the Clan Mothers was
based on the thirteen moons of the year and had twelve po-
sitions around the wheel, with the thirteenth in the center.
The Medicine Wheel of the Thirteen Original Clan
Mothers is based on the creed of "Life Unity, a ndEq uality

JQX Eternity." Life is in the East of the Medicine Wheel

where the day is born with the rising of Grandfather Sun.
Life in the East teaches us that each new Sun announces a
new beginning when life abundant is available, asking us to

participate by using all our abilities. Unity is in the South

where faith, trust, innocence, and humility begin the Earth
Walk of physical life and where we all see as children. In the
South, Unity teaches us that unless everyone wins, nobody
wins. Equality is in the West Wheel where all our
of the

dreams are born and all our promises of tomorrow live.

Equality in the West teaches us that our dreams will only
manifest in the future if we honor the equality of every life

form. Eternity sits in the North of the Medicine Wheel, the

place of wisdom, and teaches us that all cycles of change
and all lessons in truth will continue throughout time.
Every lesson of growth brings us closer to wholeness, teach-
ing that our spirits are forever a part of the Great Mystery
throughout eternity.
Each one of the Thirteen Original Clan Mothers holds a
part of the foundation of truth within the Legacy of Woman.
These talents and abilities are woven from the hidden mys-
teries of Grandmother Moon and are reflected through

Mother Earth in the physical embodiment of woman. Each

aspect of the Thirteen Clan Mothers carries a part of the
truth and corresponds to the thirteen moons of the year.

The first moon birthed the ability of learning the truth and
applied that talent to all Relations, all worlds, and all mys-
teries. The second moon brought the gift of honoring the
truth and applied that talent to self-development. The third
moon birthed the ability of accepting the truth and tem-
pered these lessons with taking on the additional responsi-
bilities of justice, self-determination, and balance. The
fourth moon created the ability of seeing the truth in all

realms through dreams, impressions, and prophecy. The

fifth moon gave birth to the talent of hearing the truth in
the physical and spiritual realms, understanding harmony
through listening. The sixth moon brought the talent of
speaking the truth and with it came the lessons of faith and
speaking with humility. The seventh moon birthed the abil-
ity of loving the truth in all things, therefore, loving all

things for the truth held inside. The eighth moon spun the
talent of serving the truth by being of service to others in all

of the healing arts. The ninth moon brought the gift of liv-

ing the truth into being, teaching dependability through liv-

ing the truth today in order to preserve tomorrow for the

unborn generations. The tenth moon gave birth to the tal-

ent of working with the truth, using all aspects of creativ-
ity in order to bring the truth into physical manifestation in

a creative way. The eleventh moon wove the ability of

walking the truth, showing how to lead through example,

how to stand tall and "Walk Your Talk." The twelfth moon
birthed the talent of giving thanks for the truth, being based
in returning thanks for all that is received. Expressing our

gratitude created all ceremonies connected to giving or re-

ceiving the abundant lessons and bounty of life. The thir-

teenth moon came forward to give the gift of becoming the

truth that is the cycle of transformation; the regenerative
nature of completion that then moves to a new beginning
place, in order to enter the next cycle of growth. From these
cycles of truth the Thirteen Original Clan Mothers forged
the Sisterhood and the Legacy of Woman.
Every Clan Mother came to walk the Earth in order to
honor the Legacy of Woman and to make the Sisterhood
strong. As each one of these ancient Grandmothers took her
place in the Sisterhood's Council, she was given a mission.
Each was to develop all aspects of her gifts and abilities in
order to discover her own Medicine. This Medicine would
then be opened to all of womankind through the making of

that Grandmother's Medicine Shield. Every woman who

sought the truth of these Medicines could understand be-
cause each Medicine Shield spoke to her seeking heart
through color, form, and concept. The mystery of each Clan
Mother's Medicine Shield would have to be felt deep inside
each female Two-legged before the Medicine could be called
upon for strength during each woman's personal journey of

Like the Ancient Grandmothers who had walked those

paths of discovering the Self before them, the ensuing gen-
erations of women were never given the answers but merely
given a map, a guideline, allowing them to express their
own uniqueness and to learn their own lessons in their own
ways. The original Medicine Shields of these Grandmothers
have long since vanished, but the Medicine still stands in
unity. As the guiding light of the Sisterhood, the spirits of

these ancient Grandmothers still sit in Council inside the

inner Earth with the light of their Whirling Rainbow Dream
coming forth as the Aurora Borealis.
The gifts that each moon and each Clan Mother repre-
sent contain the abilities of each, as well as how she learned
the lessons of physical life, using her gifts in order to be in
balance while meeting the challenges she faced. The lesson
that still stands before the women of today is one that was
understood in the hearts of every Ancient Grandmother.
That lesson is exemplified through "Life, Unity, and Equal-
ity for Eternity " The Sisterhood was formed in order for
womankind to be able to see all aspects of the Self as equal,

all talents, male and female, as contributing to the whole.

We are being asked to honor the gifts of womankind and to

call on the strength of our sisters in order to discover our-

selves. The circle will come full when every human can see
the beauty within the Self, as well as in all others. The
transmutation of competition, separateness, hierarchy, jeal-

ousy, envy, manipulation, control, selfishness, greed, de-

pendency, old wounds, and self-righteousness must be
accomplished before we come to wholeness. These at-
titudes are the enemies of humankind and are found within
the Shadow-self, rather than outside ourselves.
As more women take their roles in the modern world of
corporations and business, they often find themselves los-
ing touch with the feminine. This is almost expected since
the corporate work force is dominated by men. The role

models of the ancient Clan Mothers can assist these mod-

ern women in maintaining their sense of Self and enable
them to become leaders through example rather than
through competition, backstabbing, or conquest, but the

challenge to accomplish these goals depends upon the

strength of the Sisterhood. Women must support other
women in a way that allows those who chose difficult paths
to learn to call upon their sisters, maintaining the under-
standing of who they are and what they can become. In this
manner we can also support the development of the female
aspect in our male counterparts, and then pass the legacy of
wholeness to all of our children.
The timelessness of the Medicine that each Original
Clan Mother holds will apply to our world no matter how
many generations pass, because these truths are eternal. We
are the Mothers of the Creative Source. The fertile aspect of
our nature comes through being able to nurture the truth
found in our dreams and to feed our dreams, giving them
life, and then to build dreams in the physical world. After
those dreams are birthed, we then are able to share the skills
necessary for others to do the same. This is a part of the
timeless wisdom that our wisewoman Grandmothers of the

Turtle Council House offer us.

In each aspect of the Original Thirteen, we find a part of
the Legacy of Woman that will fuel the fire of our personal
and unified creations. To share that wisdom with our peers
and our daughters is to honor the ceremony called the Give-
away. The Give-away teaches us to share the wisdom that
was shared with us, passing it on so that for eternity, the

Teachings, Traditions, and Medicine will live.

The Legacy of Woman and the bonds of the Sisterhood

will never be broken even though some human beings insist

on standing outside of that circle of love and compassion.
Those who stand outside are not to be hated or shunned.
They are the Children of Sorrow who have never known

their true Mother. They are the product of families torn

apart, riddled with dysfunction, unable to break the chains
that bind them to their pain. Their hearts, which seem hard-
ened, have never known the safety of transformative tears or
loving arms and gentle healing. These children of pain and
sorrow come from such profound woundedness that the
only life they know is one in which they must defend their
viewpoints because they fear that they are unworthy of love.
The Earth Mother loves the wounded, even as they rape
her body and claim material possessions in order to assert
their right to be. She offers them love and rest. Then, she of-

fers to heal their eyes that cannot see, their ears that cannot
hear, and their hearts that cannot understand. The Earth
Mother's waters offer to wash away the memories of an-
guish and personal grief held in human We hear the

voice of our Earth Mother through our female side. Women

are being offered an opportunity to become living exten-
sions of her love, by healing themselves. As healed humans,
we may become pockets of safety where others, still
wounded, can seek the tools to use in finding their own
paths to healing themselves.
As women, we are continually writing the history of
the Legacy of Woman. We cannot men or
point a finger at
each other without owning the pain of past generations who
forgot how to give or teach human compassion. Our own
family trees are filled with teaching situations and with
tragic examples that may have blinded our own Ancestors
to the value of truth as it is found in love. Now, the destiny
of wholeness of the human race falls to the Sisterhood be-
cause all things are born of woman.

The Thirteen Original Clan Mothers are here to teach

us how to become our visions and how to heal each other as
well as our world. The women who have completed all the
lessons on this Medicine Wheel of life have been called
wisewomen, holy women, saints, or goddesses and have
been given a thousand different names. These fully realized
females have appeared in a million or more roles through-
woman is a potential role
out time, and yet, every living
model for humanity. The women who have been recognized
as role models were all born of the Earth Mother and
learned the lessons of her thirteen aspects, the Thirteen
Original Clan Mothers. They are all ancient Grandmothers
who spun the webs of our present world to deliver their
children from the dark night of the soul. They are eternal
and they offer their strength to each of us, female and male,
in the spirit of truth and in the name of love.

All of us, as Two-legged humans of Earth, are being

asked to return to the Ancient Turtle Lodge that exists in-

side the shell of the Self in order to discover and rediscover

the talents we hold. The fertility of our Earth Mother and
All Our Relations depends upon how we heal ourselves.
After we are healed, it is our task to create new maps of how
to use the energy we used to waste on worry, hurry, pain,
grief, and conflict, in order to create a unified world of
peace. We discover the essence of our true Mother's desire
for peace when the h is moved from the end of the word
Earth to the front, spelling Heart.

Mother of Nature talks with her kin,

Stone Person,
Wild Flower,
and Wolf are her friend.

Weaving the rhythms of the seasons,

She rides the Winds of Change,
Opening her heart with gladness,
A shelter from hunger and pain.

Guardian of the needs of the Earth,

Making relatives great and small,
Mother, I see you in the dewdrop,
I hear you in the Eagle's call.
Clan Mother
of the

First Moon Cycle

• ••dO
TALKS WITH RELATIONS is the Clan Mother of the
first moon cycle and is the Keeper of learning the truth.
This Cycle of Truth falls in January and is understood
through finding kinship with all life. Talks with Relations
teachers are the Allies of nature: the Four Winds of Change,
the Cloud People, the Thunder-beings, the Creature-beings,
the Tree People, the Plant People, the Little People (Devas/
Fairies), the Stone People, the Clan Chiefs of Air, Earth,
Water, and Fire, as well as all other life forms. These rela-
tives of our Planetary Family are our teachers as well.
Through Talks with Relations, the Mother of Nature,

we learn that we are all relatives in the Planetary Family.

The Tree People, Creature-teachers, Stone People, Cloud
People, and all other life forms are our Sisters and Brothers.
Our Aunts and Uncles are the Four Clan Chiefs of Air,
Earth, Water, and Fire. Our Mother is the Earth, our Father
is the Sky, and our Grandparents are Grandmother Moon

and Grandfather Sun.

To learn the truth we must open ourselves to the vast
worlds within worlds that make up all of the Great Mys-
tery's Creation. Talks with Relations is the aspect of the

Earth Mother that contains a seeking mind, a willingness to

learn, and an understanding of the rhythm of each life form
or area of Earth being viewed. This first Clan Mother's cycle
is protected by the color orange. Orange carries the Medi-
cine of kinship with all life because it is the color of the
Eternal Flame of Love that the Great Mystery placed in the
hearts of every part of Creation. Anytime we find a feather,
a stone, a flower, or a shell with the color orange in it, the
lessons that Sister or Brother can teach us are the lessons of
making relatives, right relationship, respect and/or kinship

with all life. Through learning the truths found in every life

form within the Planetary Family, we are given the oppor-

tunity to see the similarities between us. We may find that
a flower or a brook can be one of our greatest teachers.
When we accept that everything in our world is alive, we
are able to access the parts of ourselves that have become
numbed or deadened, in order to heal and revive our own
Ki nship spe aks of having right relationships with the
Creative Force, with the Self, with our Orendas or Spiritual
Essences, with our bodies, with family, friends, worthy op-
ponents, and with All Our Relations in every part of the
natural world. These relationships can become loving, pro-

ductive situations that offer us opportunities to exchange

ideas and to learn the lessons of sharing, with unity, in order
to grow in truth.

Talks with Relations is the Mother of Nature who wel-

comes all life forms into her Clan. She sees the beauty of

each and honors the talents each holds. She is the Keeper oj^

Rhythm who teaches us how to find our ow n rhythm, as

well as teaching us how to respect the rhythms of all other

things. In learning the truth, we find that every life form has
a Sacred Space and a rhythm. To enter those Sacred Spaces,
we are forced to learn the rhythm of the life form in ques-
tion. Ifwe learn that rhythm and ask permission, with re-
spect, we can enter the world of those Sisters and Brothers
without disturbing the natural order. Talks with Relations
teaches us those rhythms and how wild creatures are will-
ing to accept some humans without fear and why they run
from others. The acceptance or nonacceptance results from
the human's intent, willingness to respect the rhythm and
Sacred Space of the Creature-being, and/or willingness to
learn the truth about that life form.
Talks with Relations is the Guardian of Weather and
the Seasons, who sees to the needs of Earth. This Clan
Mother understands how to use the Clan Chiefs of Air,

Earth, Water, and Fire to produce the climatic balance nec-

essary for global survival. She teaches human beings that
messing with the forces or the elements is a tricky thing be-
cause every action contains a reaction. The results may not
be readily apparent but they will surely affect the balance of
the Earth Mother's intricate ecology. If a human being is

going to call for water as a Rain Medicine Person, that

human had best be mindful of the amount the soil can han-
dle and how the rain will affect the life forms downstream.
Talks with Relations is the Keeper of these mysteries and
always urges caution so that the rhythms of all life can be

The Making
of Relatives

Talks with Relations marveled at the luxurious green of

the Earth Mother's verdant forests and valleys. The
Great Ice Mountains had not yet traveled this far south and
so parts of the only land mass, Turtle Island, were given a
short reprieve. Life was teeming amid the nooks and cran-
nies of every inch of the sunlit soil and plant growth that
spread before her. She stretched and raised her arms to the
light of Grandfather Sun. "Oh, what a pleasure it is to be
alive/' she whispered to herself.

Just then a movement, sly and barely perceptible,

caught her attention. She slowed her breathing and squatted
low in the sprawling bunch of wild irises and tall cattails at

her feet. Not daring to make a sound, she stilled herself

until her body gave off no perceivable rhythm of its own.

She did not want to disturb the natural occupants of this
forest glen or to keep them from their daily routines, which
would eventually bring them to the brook that ran far to the

left of her hiding place. She was content to wait and see if

the creature that had created the rustle in the undergrowth

would show itself.

It was not long until a tiny red fox peeked around a boul-
der resting at the side of the bubbling brook and dashed for
the water's edge, took a quick drink, and then dashed back to
safety. After deciding it must be safe, despite the strange
smell that wafted in and out with the changing breeze, the

fox returned. As the little fellow drank from the stream, he

occasionally peered around to assure himself that his senses
were not fooling him into complacency. Suddenly, he was so
startled that he became paralyzed when he found himself
looking into the kindest eyes he had ever seen. The eyes
seemed to be attached to a Two-legged human.
"Greetings, Brother Fox/ Talks with Relations said
gently. "I trust that I did not frighten you."
Fox forgot himself and replied spontaneously, "I

thought Iwas the one who was so expert at the art of cam-
ouflage. You ought to be a fox, not a Two-legged! How did
you do it? Oh, you don't have to answer that, I already know
how because I do it myself."
"Well, Fox, may surprise you to know that I have

walked the Earth for many Suns and many Sleeps getting to
know All My Relations," she replied. "It is important for me
to learn the ways of all my children because I am the Mother
of Nature and I must learn the needs of every Creature-
teacher, Plant Person, and Stone Person so I may serve my
family in a good way."
Fox looked at Talks with Relations and saw that she
was telling the truth. He began to wonder how this beauti-
ful and generous Two-legged had happened to choose him to
talk to, but he was afraid to ask. He was taken aback when
her laughter filled the glen with the most melodic, songlike
sounds he had ever heard.
"Oh, Fox," she said, "you are a master of invisibility
but you have forgotten to mask your thoughts. Don't you
know that I have learned the truth held in the hearts and
minds of every living thing? You need not be afraid to ask
me anything. Grouse taught me how to enter the Sacred

Spiral of rhythm in order to be in harmony with all of my

children. In learning the truth about rhythms, I have been
able toweave our thoughts and hearts together so there is

no separation between us."

At that moment, Centipede came scampering down a
log that had fallen across the brook in the last big rain. Her
multitude of legs, rhythmically moving in time, suddenly
seemed to trip upon one another as she tried valiantly to
come to a halt in front of Talks with Relations. Her long
back arched as she pulled up to stop, with her rear end curl-

ing up like a dry autumn leaf before finally coming to a halt.

"My goodness," she whispered, nearly out of breath, "I

thought I heard your sweet laughter, Mother. I'd know that
musical sound anywhere. What a pleasant surprise!"
Fox looked from Talks with Relations to Centipede,
wondering how they knew one another. Then he decided he
had better sit down on the boulder by the brook to sun him-
self. It appeared that this reunion would probably take a
while and his feet had been getting cold while he was stand-
ing in the water, listening to Talks with Relations.
"Centipede, it has been many long moons since we
have spoken. I must thank you for teaching me how to find
my body's center and stride. The long walks to the sea and
to the plains took many Suns and Sleeps, but my arms and
legs were working in harmony. It felt wonderful with every
body part working in rhythm with the other. We can both
remember when I was a mess of arms and legs, tripping over
every pebble and scraping every bush, can't we?" Talks with
Relations said.
Centipede giggled and replied, "Well, I was so happy to
see you again, I nearly rolled down this cottonwood log. I

forget my own Medicine too, when I get excited. I keep on

growing extra legs in my old age and I seem to have to teach
the new ones how to work in unison with the old ones over
and over again/'
Talks with Relations smiled and said, "I certainly un-
derstand how you feel, Many Legs. Setting up the rhythms of

the seasons has been a task as well. The Earth Mother is still
changing her path in the Sky Nation and the Green Moons of
new sprouting grasses are growing shorter while the White
Moons seem to grow longer with more snow and ice."
Fox spoke up and asked, "Is that why so many of the
Creature-beings of the steppes are coming our way?"
Centipede nodded and Talks with Relations agreed.
"You see, Fox, the Earth Mother has given me the task of
learning about the needs of all the Earth Tribe so I may as-

sist her in finding the correct path across the Sky Nation.
Eventually, there will be Four Seasons and Four Winds of

Change that will assist all of us in finding the rhythms of

harmony. The three White Moon s will give us a time of rest
when the Ice-beings will cover the soil. Then the Green
Mjoons will begin, for three cycles, bringingnew life to the
Plant People. Then the three fellow Moons will bring a
time of ripening and fullness. The three Red Moons will fol-
low bringing the time of harvest. The Thirteenth Moon is

the Blue Moon when all the Children of Earth will find their
natural ability to change or transform."
Centipede sighed and smiled, "It will be a good thing to
see, Mother, and all of us will give thanks for the work you
are doing in our behalf."
Talks with Relations was pleased that she was learning
the truth of how to fulfill the needs of all the Children of

Earth and how to understand their Medicines. Life was good

and each new day brought new lessons to be learned, new
truths to explore, and new rhythms to add to the whole. She
was discovering that she made every living thing her rela-
tive when she entered the flow of each relation's rhythms
and listened to the inner drum of the heartbeats of each. Her
mind flew to the memory of how she had first learned that
lesson. As Grandfather Sun's light sent warm orange beams
through her closed eyelids, she drifted to that long-ago
moon and saw Swan drifting across a high mountain lake.

That Sun had been unusually warm. Talks with Rela-

tions had been speaking with Bluejay, who was teaching her
the Medicines and talents of the Standing People. Bluejay
was not talking for the trees, because the Standing People
could talk. Talks with Relations had asked Bluejay to come
with her because his Medicine was using intuition to speak
the truth and in those early days, she was just learning how
to use her human body to sense things. Being a little unsure
of her new skills, she had asked Bluejay to accompany her.
For hours the two friends had sat with the Standing People,
listening as the Wind Chief gently blew through the limbs
of the trees, bringing their voices to life.

Talks with Relations had first experienced human frus-

tration during that Sun. She was able to understand the
Medicine of Aspen, who was the seer and carried observer
Medicine, because her own eyes could see the eye-like
forms in Aspen's trunk every place a branch had discon-
nected and fallen. She was able to feel the Medicine of inner

peace when she sat with her back against Pine's sturdy
trunk. She felt Dogwood's Medicine of balance when she

saw the blossoms, which formed the Four Directions of the

Sacred Hoop. But her intuition was failing her in hearing

and understanding the languages of these Standing Rela-


Bluejay was very kind to Talks with Relations and

called for a break in the lessons. He could see that her frus-
tration was bringing her close to tears.
"How very human she is, and yet, how very inhuman
in her willingness to treat all things with such respect, " he
thought to himself. "I am not afraid to speak the truth to
her because she wants to learn the truth more than any-
thing else. My intuition tells me she must also learn the im-
portance of resting when her body's rhythms are being
pushed beyond must be difficult
their capacity to endure. It

for her, no longer being in Spirit-form, and having to limit

herself to the perceptions of a human body
Bluejay took Talks with Relations down the hill to the
lake and had her sit in the sand along the shoreline, where
clumps of soft green grass stood like hillocks meant for nap-
ping. While she settled her body on a grass-covered rise,
Bluejay told her that he was going to bring a friend to join
them and that she should relax while he was gone.
Talks with Relations was so caught up in her own frus-
tration that she did not hear Bluejay's message, and so her
mind kept on whirling with thoughts of how she could
learn the language of the Standing People. She did not even
notice when Bluejay returned with his friend Swan. Swan
had glided effortlessly across the lake and was floating gen-
tly near the water's edge, patiently waiting. Bluejay finally
started squawking a long tirade of admonitions in order to
get Talks with Relations' attention.

''Well, Swan, we could push her in the lake to wash the

frustration out of her head, or we could call Ostrich to dig a
hole in this sand and then the three of us could bury her
head/ he screeched, but still there was no reaction from
Talks with Relations. Blue jay saw Ostrich down the shore-
line and called to her. While she was trotting over, he con-
tinued his mocking monologue.
"Well, here comes Ostrich. You will be shown how to
bury your head in the sand instead of burying it in needless
frustrations/ Bluejay said loud enough for Ostrich to hear.

Talks with Relations was still lost in her turbulent

thoughts when Ostrich sauntered up and shrugged her
shoulders, wondering what to make of this young, troubled

woman. Swan waited patiently while Ostrich and Bluejay

decided to get the woman's attention. After a conspiratorial
giggle, Bluejay went to rest on a nearby piece of driftwood
and Ostrich bent over and tweaked Talks with Relations 7

nose. Talks with Relations was so startled she cried out

not from pain, for Ostrich had been very gentle, but from
the shock of suddenly seeing two of the largest heavy-lidded
eyes she had ever encountered at close range.
Everyone was laughing uncontrollably except for Talks

with Relations, who was stunned into silence. Bluejay com-

mented that she must have been tied up by her own machi-
nations. Swan replied that Ostrich, whose Medicine was
how to interact with others through communication, could
lend a helping wing now that they had Talks with Rela-
attention. Each comment brought further peels of

laughter until the young woman saw the ridiculousness of

the situation and joined in herself.

In between rolling waves of guffaws, Ostrich explained

to Talks with Relations that when others were not commu-

nicating clearly or interacting in a way that would include
everyone, Ostrich also had the tendency to bury her head.
When even one person was excluded from a group, Ostrich
would imitate those refusing to listen to everyone's ideas by
burying her head in the sand until someone noticed. They
usually noticed when they were confronted with Ostrich's
rear end sticking in the air, giving them an idea of what she
thought of them. In the present situation, Ostrich had not
needed to bury her head because Talks with Relations had
already buried her own head in her frustrations.
The laughter had mood of the af-
definitely changed the
ternoon, and Talks with Relations was now refreshed and
paying attention instead of wondering why human limita-
tions seemed to curtail her natural abilities to simply know.
She was learning the lessons of how to use human senses,
and the laughter felt good as it rolled from her lips and made
her belly jiggle. Her heart was feeling the warmth of friend-

ship and her skin was tingling from the spray of water
Swan's wings had stirred up during the excitement. She de-
cided that it was good to feel the pleasures of a body and was
happy to be alive.
Ostrich and Bluejay watched silently as Swan spoke to
Talks with Relations in a soothing way, gently sliding
across the glassy water creating another change in mood.
"You see how my body curves and my neck slopes and un-
dulates when I move across the water?" she asked. Talks
with Relations nodded in agreement as Swan continued.
"The Water Spirits do not resist the movement of my body.

They assist me in feeling the flow of. their currents as well

as my own. Watch me glide into the lake and watch the
gracefulness of my neck as I show you the Water Dance/ 7

Talks with Relations' body began to be lulled into the

same rhythm as Swan's as she watched. It seemed as if a
small breeze had brought the lapping waves of the Water
Spirits into Talks with Relations' body. She began to drift

and dream as the hypnotic movements of Swan's body

taught her to surrender.
When she awoke, she understood how she could learn
the languages of all living things. She could do more than
observe and feel from her own viewpoint. She had learned
how to surrender her own Sacred Space and Sacred Point of
View, how to ask permission and when it was received, how
to enter the Sacred Space of another and to learn their lan-

She was excited as she relayed her Dreamtime experi-
ences to Swan, Bluejay, and Ostrich. In her dream, she had
flown with Falcon and learned his Medicine of hunting for
solutions. Falcon had taken her deep into the jungles of Tur-

tle Island and had shown her the steaming green realms of

dense vegetation. There, the Earth Mother mirrored the

steam of smoky human confusions and frustrations. To-

gether they had flown through the foggy confusion of the

dream until they could see clearly. The snow sparkled on
far-away peaks as they had viewed the mountaintops of the
jungle below, where the great apes lived among the high-
lands of dense growth.
Gorilla was the wordless storyteller who acted out and
mimicked until the observer could see the solution or point
of the story for himself or herself. In the dream, Talks with

Relations had watched Gorilla while she circled with Fal-

con, seeing the mime from all directions. It was not long
before Gorilla's strong Medicine of communication and
teaching through actions had brought understanding to
Talks with Relations heart. His movements had been funny
at first until she had understood how he was teaching the
others of his Tribe to accomplish a given task. It was then
that she noticed that he had imitated a younger ape in order
to get its attention, then made a game of it so that the
youngster would imitate him.
It became clear to her that Falcon had showed her a so-

lution to her problem. She did not need to feel that she was
separated from other life forms because she had a human
body; she could imitate their habits and see how it felt to
be them. Through imitating the actions of her Creature-
teachers, she could then surrender to the feelings she had
when becoming like them. It did not matter that her teach-
ers were plants, stones, animals, clouds, or Wind and Water
Spirits. Understanding their languages would take time, but
the more like them she became and the more she could un-
derstand how and why their lives were similar to her own,
the easier it would become for her to know how each
species chose to communicate.
Ostrich, Bluejay, and Swan were very happy that Talks
with Relations had broken through the frustration and into
understanding. The foursome retreated to the soft shadows
of the forest with Talks with Relations leading the way. She
was determined to use her newly found understanding to
communicate with her Tree Relations. Until now, she had
merely observed and tried to listen as the Wind Spirits
moved gently through the emerald and jade boughs of the

Standing People. Now it was time to practice and develop

her communication skills.

With all her friends settled around her she began to an-
nounce her intention. "I have learned how to surrender to
the rhythms of the Sacred Space around me, and now, with
permission, I would like to become like a Standing Person/'

she said.

The ancient Pine Tree Person dropped a pinecone that

rolled to her feet as an offering of friendship. She accepted
the Give-away with pleasure. Talks with Relations knelt and
dug a hole in the soft soil and needles, burying her feet up to

the ankles. Then she stood tall and proud and lifted her arms
like branches to the rays of sunlight filtering through the
dense green of the forest. Silence enveloped all of those gath-
ered as she closed her eyes and became a human tree. It was
then that she heard the voices of the Standing People come
from their wooden hearts and speak to hers.

"Our language is heard through the heart, not the ears.

We speak of all we see in a place, for we are the silent ob-

servers of the Earth. Our roots draw deeply from the well of
love found in our Earth Mother's soil and our limbs reach
higher every day to seek the light of Grandfather Sun. We
are the living balance between Mother Earth and Father
Sky, female and male, receiving and giving. Of all life forms,
we are the closest in makeup to the human beings because
we show them how to honor the balance of heaven and
earth within themselves. We show them, through example,
how to be the silent observers of life, how to stand tall, and
how to give and receive."
Though nothing stirred in the forest, no breeze blew
through the boughs of these Tree People, Talks with Relations

heard the voice of ancient Redwood. It pointed out to her

that with her arms arched upward, her body created two cir-

cles. The circles formed a figure eight. The upper circle met
the lower circle in her heart, with the upper one encircling
the Sky Nation and the lower one connecting her to the
center of the Earth Mother. It was as if she were standing on
top of one circle and holding the other one above her, using
her body as the cross-connection between the two.
"These are the two Medicine Wheels of life/' Redwood
said. "The human beings, like the Tree People, have the abil-

ity to be the balance between the earth and sky. When the
Two-leggeds reach for the most they can be, the Sky Wheel
brings the messages of the Spirit World to them through their
human hearts. The Earth Wheel allows the plants, stones,
animals, and elements of nature to be the Earth Mother's
teachers and interpreters of those spiritual messages. Human
beings feel and understand the messages that the Great Mys-
tery sends by observing the actions of the teachers that these

planetary counterparts represent. Meeting in the heart, both

Medicine Wheels show that heaven and earth, the spiritual

and the tangible, are equal and are one. You see, Talks with
Relations, the only true limitation of being human comes
when the heart is closed. When the heart is open, all of Cre-
ation can be accessed and understood. You have become that
balance now and it will serve you well."

The memory of that time and the lessons learned filled

the Mother of Nature's body with a warm feeling, gently
bringing her back to the moment. The orange glow that had
reflected Grandfather Sun's light on her eyelids had changed
to a deeper salmon color, signaling that this Sun was nearly

at its end. She could hear the trout jumping for flies in the

melodious brook. She could smell the first wafts of night-

blooming jasmine and she tasted the moisture that was col-

lecting on the stones at the water's edge. Inside her mind,

pictures of these changes were dancing with hundreds of
other perceptions. She could hear the faint snore of Fox,
who had fallen asleep, and the scratching of Centipede's
many legs against the cottonwood trunk.
Yes, " she thought, "7 have learned well Truth speaks
to me now, inhundreds of ways, through all the senses of
body, heart, mind, and spirit. I can feel the rhythms of the
animals' feet through the soil as they approach the water
for their evening drink. I can feel the light of stars even be-
fore they poke holes in the purple blanket of the early

evening sky. Life sends me flutters of feelings deep in my

belly with every rhythmic change around me and I feel

those changes inside of me, for I am an extension of it all.

With her eyes still closed, Talks with Relations gently

and quietly reached for the Stone Person she had hanging
around her neck by a thong. The rock had a natural hole in
it that had been created by the constant dripping of water
over hundreds of passing Suns and Sleeps. The Stone Per-
son's name was Oneo or Song. This special Medicine Stone
still sang to her and recorded all her heart felt and all she ex-
perienced, reminding her of the history she was creating by
being The natural hole in Oneo's body was a sign that

the rock was a protection stone. Because the hole was cre-
ated by water, the Stone helped Talks with Relations to stay
in touch with her feelings and to be aware if danger was
present. Talks with Relations' body was made of the same

minerals as the rock and therefore helped her stay in tune

with the heartbeat of the Earth Mother.
The Stone People, being the libraries of Earth history,
had been very helpful when she had learned their language.
Through her journeys she had come to understand the mark-
ings on their bodies in much the same manner she had
learned the languages of the Standing People. Through the
Stone People, she had come to understand that all forces in
nature have cycles and that these cycles are present in the
growth of all things. She had been able to review the history
of all that had happened on Earth and she was shown the nat-
ural evolution of all life forms as the stones had recorded it.

The Shell Cousins from the seas had taught her to lis-

ten to the rhythms of the tides and to her own body's cycles.

The Cloud People had shown her the faces and forms of all

things in the natural world. When one of the various Chil-

dren of Earth was in danger, the face of the one who called
for help would take form in the clouds. The Clan Chiefs of

Air, Earth, Water, and Fire had blended and separated in her
presence to teach her the spontaneous forces of creation
found in nature. With this Knowing System firmly rooted in
her heart, Talks with Relations was able to command the
weather, bringing life-giving rains or new lava flows to
maintain the balance needed on the planet.
"Learning the truth is a continuous adventure and
brings with it a constant source of fulfillment, " she mused.
"I have been blessed with the hunger to learn, the joy of
discovery, and the desire to serve my kin. I have learned
the languages of every part of the Earth Tribe. Each day, I

discover the caring and compassion that allows me to learn


more. Life creates more life, and so I will continue to cele-

brate the lessons I have learned, in order to share them
with all my children forever.
Talks with Relations opened her eyes and saw that Day
had quietly passed the Pipe to Night. The Starry Medicine
Bowl of the night sky had produced a quarter moon and the
nocturnal animals were stirring. Centipede and Fox had
faithfully waited for Talks with Relations to return from
Entering the Silence, not moving an inch from their former
places. Grandmother Moon's blue-silver light played on the
crests of the water that flowed across the rounded stones of

the creek bed while the water spirits murmured their

evening traveling song.
When Talks with Relations spoke to her friends, she
whispered, "I am pleased that you waited for me, children.
During my silence, I remembered how much I have learned
about the truths present in every part of Creation and how
much more I can learn as our world continues to evolve/'
Centipede curled herself into a ball and rolled down the
log to be closer to Talks with Relations. "Mother, maybe
your gathering wisdom is similar to my growing legs/ 7
whispered. "I may be growing extra legs because I am be-

coming older and wiser. I suppose that each of our Relations

has some way to measure the distance they travel on this

Good Red Road of life/


Talks with Relations replied, "Yes, Many Legs, we all

have our unique ways to gather wisdom, but the way we
share our languages and our understanding is the key to our
common growth as a Planetary Family."

Fox laughed and wiggled his whiskers before he inter-

jected, "I understand that key, Mother. Fox is the protector


of the Planetary Family because no one can learn the Med-

icines and languages of nature if they can't see what is right

in front of them. All wisdom is camouflaged, like me, un-

less people believe in the invisible world, which only be-
comes visible when they open their hearts to understanding
and learning the truth/
The Clan Mother of the first moon cycle smiled. Being
the Mother of Nature meant that she would follow what-
ever came to her naturally. At this moment, her heart was
so full that it was natural to allow the love in her heart to
spill over into the world, allowing all of the Children of
Earth to know they were not forgotten and that their needs
would always be taken care of.

Talks with Relations had learned the truth about being

in a human body and now it was up to her human children
to discover it for themselves. When each individual Two-
legged opened his or her heart to learning the truths of the
Planetary Family, she would be there to teach them. When
the Human Tribe opened their hearts with respect for all liv-
ing things, she would be there to nurture them into respect-
ing themselves and each other in kind. When the cycles and
seasons brought pain to the human race, she would be the
healing unguent found in the natural world around them.
The intangible world of spirit, found in the tangible
world, was awaiting discovery. Her human children would
be the last to learn these truths. She found joy in the knowl-
human arrogance would one day melt av/ay. That
edge that
Sun would rise when the cycles and seasons brought those
who were willing to give up their pain, home to their hearts.
"Yes, life is good/' she whispered into the star-filled
night, just loud enough for those with open hearts to hear.

Oh keeper of ancient knowing,

Whisper your wisdom to me,
That I may always remember
Life's sacred mystery.

The stories of the Grandmothers,

Brave deeds, great and small,
The progress of the Faithful,
Who answer our Mother 's call.

The cycles and the seasons

That mark our every change,
The rebirth of our visions,
The spirit we have reclaimed.

Here truth is the victor

Of the war that dwells within,
Bringing every human heart
To celebration in the end.
Clan Mother
of the

Second Moon Cycle

WISDOM KEEPER is the Clan Mother of the Second

Moon Cycle and is the Historian of all Earth Records. She
is the Keeper of the Stone Libraries, the Protectress of Sa-
cred Traditions, and the Guardian of the Remembering
and/or planetary memory. She teaches us how to develop

the Self through honoring the truth in all things. February is

her month and gray is the color that connects us to Wisdom

Keeper's moon cycle and her Medicine.
Wisdom Keeper reminds us that all history is kept in
the libraries of the Stone People and that to access that his-
tory, we must hear the voices Rock Tribe who record
of the

the Remembering for the Earth Mother. To honor the truth

of all that has been, we must tap more than human, cultural

traditions or stories. The history of all that has happened on

our planet is forged in stone so that the body of the Earth
Mother can offer tangible records to those willing to learn

the Language of the Stone People who hold her memory.

Wisdom Keeper also honors the truth as it is seen from
each person's Sacred Point of View because all individuals
experience life's events in a different manner. In her wis-
dom, this Clan Mother understands that there is truth in
every life form's journey. In our arrogance, human beings

are the only part of the Earth Tribe to insist that their par-
ticular religion, philosophy, or Tradition holds the only

truth or path to wisdom and understanding. For this reason,

she is also the Mother of Friendship, showing us how to be
a friend how to have friends.
Wisdom Keeper teaches us that knowledge of the ex-

pansive view of the Planetary Family is the key to Self-

development. She shows us how to honor the truth in every
race, creed, culture, life form, Tribe, and Tradition through
seeing the similarities in all. The color gray is nonthreaten-
ing or neutral and represents friendship. Through the color
gray, Wisdom Keeper teaches us how to interact with oth-
ers, always honoring their Sacred Spaces and Sacred Points
of View, we must defend our own view-
without feeling as if

points. As we honor our own truths, we develop our sense

of Self and allow others to do the same. Every new under-

standing of the truths that others carry adds to our personal

wisdom and knowledge, creating further development of
right relationship to All Our Relations as it is experienced
within the Self.

We can call on the Medicine of Wisdom Keeper to re-

store friendship, to help us to honor the truth in all things,

to tap the history of Earth, to assist us in developing the

Self, or to memory potential. Some people born
increase our
during the second moon cycle/month suffer from short-
term memory loss because they have not tapped the gifts or
talents they were given through their natural connection to

Wisdom Keeper. Her Medicine can help the Children of

Earth to heal that loss of memory.
By assisting us in reclaiming the gifts of personal recall,
Wisdom Keeper shows us how to return to a memory and be

able to use any feeling, wisdom, tactile sense, spoken word,

or idea in the memory for our growth. This Clan Mother
teaches us that anything we have ever experienced can be
pulled from our memory banks, at any time in the future, to

support or assist us in our life lessons. Wisdom Keeper pays

attention to detail and shows us how those remembered de-
tails can be used as guidelines to hone our awareness skills

into the Medicine of being totally present in any given mo-

ment. When we are paying attention to the details of the
here and now, we are not lost in worrying about the past or
the future. From the talent of being fully present, we are able
to learn the Art of Expansion through Self-development.

Following the Wisdom Trail

Wisdom Keeper was walking through the dazzling,

sunlit mesas, watching Grandfather Sun's light

dance across the snow-covered monoliths that surrounded

the enchanting desert that lay before her. The Earth Mother
wore a patchwork blanket of red with oranges and yellows,
created by the giant rock formations. The deep shadows,
outlined by the canyons and arroyos, wove pale blues and
lilacs into the whiteness of the Ice-beings, blending with the
greens of Juniper, Cedar, and Pine. The Tree People of the
high desert were content to be the standing connections be-
tween the Earth Mother's many-colored cloak and the bril-

liant blue canopy of Father Sky. Wisdom Keeper was feeling


that same connection of serenity during her morning trek as

she followed the trail that led to a series of secret caves.
These openings in Mother Earth's body were nestled in the
recesses of one of the desert's sacred places called the
Canyon of Time.
When she reached the fork in the trail that would take
her up the rising path to the caves, she spied a flat Stone
Person sitting in the frosty purple shadows of a towering
tree giant named Ponderosa Pine. Wisdom Keeper moved
closer to inspect the surface of the tablelike stone that had
caught her attention. She rounded the trunk of Ponderosa
and patted his enormous form in greeting, carefully step-

ping across an icy mound of melted and refrozen snow. On

the Rock Person's surface was a perfectly frozen snowflake.

The intricate pattern of the snowflake seemed to float above

the blue-gray of the stone's surface.
Wisdom Keeper bent closer, being careful that the
warmth of her breath did not melt the frozen web sus-

pended in the early morning frost. "Oh Snowflake," she

whispered to herself, "what a genuinely rare gift of winter
you are."

The snowflake surprised Wisdom Keeper by answering

her whispered thoughts, causing the Clan Mother's heart-
beat to quicken. "You may call me Ice Web, Mother. When
Grandmother Spider wove the web of Creation, she created

Snowflakes to represent the webs of dreams that would

travel from the Dreamtime to Earth, becoming living, phys-
ical experiences."

Wisdom Keeper had never encountered a talking

snowflake before. In her curiosity, the Keeper of Earth's

Records felt impelled to ask Ice Web further questions in

order to fully understand the roles that the Great Mystery
gave the Ice-beings of winter. "What an extraordinary mis-
sion you have, Ice Web. Will you tell me more about how
your Medicine assists our Planetary Family so that I may
hold that understanding for the Two-leggeds?"
"Of course I will, Wisdom Keeper. I was preserved in
frost so that my passage through your life would not go un-
noticed. You must record the purpose of my role in nature
so that every Child of Earth will know how her or his
dreams and visions aid the spiritual growth of the whole
Planetary Family.
"Mother, every one of the Children of Earth has feel-

ings and dreams according to his or her place in the scheme

and balance of nature. When combined, all of those dreams
and feelings make up the needs of the Children of Earth.
The snowflakes are the messengers of those needs because
our bodies hold the patterns of each individual dream.
When Grandfather Sun's warmth melts our bodies into
water, the feelings of the collected dreams are poured into
the Earth Mother's soil, giving her the understanding of her
children's deepest desires."
Wisdom Keeper was impressed with Ice Web's under-
standing and the simplicity of the Great Mystery's plan to
keep the Earth Mother advised of the needs of her children,
which brought up another question. "Since the streams and
rivers of the Earth Mother's body are the vessels that carry
her feelings in the form of water, are you saying that her
feelings are made up of the combined desires and emotions
of all her children?"

"Exactly! Now you understand why the Snowflake

Tribe's patterns are so important. Due to life's changing
experiences, all of the Children of Earth have new feelings
daily. What each Child of Earth wants in his or her life is

translated into an individual Snowflake Medicine Wheel

that reaches the Earth Mother's heart upon melting," Ice
Web replied. "During the Green and Yellow Moons, those
same feelings come as Raindrops because the seasons are
ripe for the growing of dreams. We are the messengers of
the White Moons because those dreams must be held in
crystallized form until the season of rest and reflection is

over. Then, during the Warming Moons, our frozen patterns

of dreams and visions may thaw, being released into the
"Each snowflake holds the web of life's lessons as it is

woven by one of the Children of Earth. Every member of our

Clan reflects an individual view of the Web of Life as it is

dreamed by someone who lives on our planet. Each life

form in Creation is a part of the whole, but individually,

each one sees life from her or his Sacred Point The of View.

dreams that teach each individual to live life, through mak-

ing choices, comes from the Sacred Space and Point of View
of that person."

Wisdom Keeper smiled because she caught a glimmer of

understanding about her own choice to make the trek to the
secret caves on this frosty morning. The Clan Mother felt
that her encounter with Ice Web was not by chance. She de-
cided to ask a question that could affirm her inner knowing.
"Ice Web, you hold the patterns of my dreams and my
heart's greatest desire, don't you?"

Ice Web answered Wisdom Keeper by complimenting

the Clan Mother on her astuteness and then allowed her to

continue sharing her thoughts.

"To fulfill my mission of being the Guardian of Earth
History, I must travel up this pathway and visit the secret

caves far above us in the Canyon of Time. Inside those caves

the Earth Mother will take me on a journey that will com-
plete my understanding. I will be challenged and will go
through the final Rite of Passage of my training. I must be
willing to test the talents I have worked hard to develop. If

the Earth Mother feels I have successfully completed my

lessons and have the skills to be a Wisewoman, I will take
my role as the Guardian of Sacred Traditions by honoring
the truths I hold. After this Rite of Passage, I will hold the
Medicine of the Remembering of our Planetary Family. The
Medicine of Planetary Memory is the honored truths found
in the Sacred Points of View of every living thing on the
Earth Mother throughout all worlds of time."
Wisdom Keeper understood that Ice Web's designs were
mirroring the dreams, aspirations, and collected Knowing
Systems that the Clan Mother had accumulated during the
earlier parts of her Earth Walk. Now the time was ap-
proaching to open her vision and understanding to others,
sharing her wisdom with the Children of Earth. Ice Web was
set in her path to remind the Clan Mother of the circles
within circles of life forms who would depend upon the wis-
dom she carried and how well she had developed her skills.
Ice Web held Wisdom Keeper's innermost desires in
frozen patterns, so it was not surprising that the snowflake
could tap the Clan Mother's thoughts. Ice Web felt Wisdom

Keeper's anticipation and replied to the Clan Mother's un-

spoken words.
"Mother, the steps you are taking that will complete
your training with this Rite of Passage are very important.
My frozen patterns hold your former dreams, and will melt,
returning to the Earth Mother. You might want to release
those same patterns within yourself before you enter the
caves above the Canyon of Time. In reviewing the steps and
lessons that brought you to this point in your path, you will
free yourself to face the future. The Remembering carries a

Medicine of its own that will allow you to access all of the

places, insights, and situations that have influenced the

woman you have become. In recalling all that has gone be-
fore, you may then place yourself in the here and now, own-
ing the reality of all that you are/
Wisdom Keeper agreed with Ice Web and decided to
take the time she needed to prepare herself before entering
the caves. The Remembering represented more than hold-
ing the Earth Mother's history. It was a vital part of her own
Medicine that could allow her to pass into her next set of

lessons without being caught in past accomplishments or

old patterns. Wisdom Keeper could see the value of allowing
herself to savor each former step of her own passage, feeling
and recording the sense of well-being each had bestowed.
Then she would be able to move forward, claiming her right
to the wholeness she had achieved.
The Clan Mother came from her thoughts, looked to
the sky, and then spoke, "Grandfather Sun's rays are touch-
ing the patterns in your body. The Earth Mother will soon

gather my innermost feelings to her heart as your frozen

form changes to liquid and sinks into the heart of this

Stone Person and then to the soil below. Ice Web, I want to

thank you for being my teacher and sharing your talents

with me. I will leave you here and continue my trek, but
know that my heart will always sing your praises with
Wisdom Keeper began walking up the trail to the
Canyon of Time, bidding Ice Web farewell. Soon she was
traversing the craggy path surrounded by jutting boulders of

rust and amber. Here and there, she greeted the Standing

People who grew on the sheer cliffs of the Canyon of Time.

It was past midday when she reached what appeared to be
the end of the boxed canyon and rounded an outcropping of
rocks that most people would not have noticed. There be-
hind the rocks, a chalky cliff side framed the entrance to the
secret caves. Wisdom Keeper offered a pinch of corn pollen
to the soil at her feet, reverently asking the Spirit Keepers of

the Sacred Caves if she could enter the area. She was given
a sign that her presence was welcomed when a gentle breeze
caressed her face.
She stood silently on the shelflike floor of the upper
canyon looking toward the entrance to the series of seven
caverns, then approached the opening. The seven caves rep-

resented the Seven Sacred Directions of East, South, West,

North, Above, Below, and Within. Wisdom Keeper turned
and knelt before the entrance to the caves and bent, kissing
the Earth. She straightened her spine, remaining on her
knees, and raised her arms to Father Sky, singing a song of
thanksgiving for the opportunity she was being given to
complete her final Rite of Passage. When she had finished
her song of gratitude, she sat in silence in front of the en-
trance to the first cave.

Wisdom Keeper began her process of remembering by

recalling her first experiences of taking a human body and
followed each memory to completion. The Creature-teach-
ers who had aided her during those Suns and Sleeps floated
into her mind, allowing her to review the lessons each had
Pig had taught her the Medicine of using intellect and
reasoning ability. Mouse had taught her how to pay atten-
tion to detail through scrutiny and how to keep herself from
becoming overwhelmed by completing only one task at a
time. Chipmunk had given her the understanding of his
Medicine of respecting the smallest parts of nature through

interrelationship and equality. Chipmunk had taught her

how to see parallels in the natural world and in people's
ideas, showing her the validity in all points of view. Turtle

Dove had taught her how to nurture the dreams of peace and
how to find that peace inside herself. Each of her Totems had
offered her the wisdom they carried in order to teach her how
to make the most of her abilities. She silently thanked each
one and continued recounting the lessons she had learned.
When Wisdom Keeper had finished taking in all of the
goodness of each event in her life and had released the past
with joy, she called to the Earth Mother, asking permission
to enter the first cave. A gentle wind carried a dry leaf from
the tree above into the cave's entrance, beckoning her to
enter. Wisdom Keeper grabbed a handful of soil, touched
that hand to her heart, then tossed the soil over her shoul-
der to signal that she was leaving the outer world and her
earlier earthly experiences behind her. Taking a breath to
fill herself with life manna and to find her inner balance,
she silently slipped into the cave.

The Earth Mother's voice immediately filled her ears.

"Wisdom Keeper, you are now in the cave of the East. The
seeking, male side of your nature that searches for enlight-
enment and clarity lives here and in your human body.
Through these lessons of the East you have gained the abil-

ity to be the Protectress of Sacred Traditions. What have

you learned?"
"Mother, I have sought truth and have learned that all

living things create new Traditions when they honor the sa-
credness found in the individual as well as in the whole of
Creation. I have experienced the clarity of their knowing
when they desire understanding as much as they desire the
breath of life. Now know that all Sacred Traditions are cre-

ated when the individual seeks and finds a way to reconnect

to the Great Mystery's love. I understand that my role of
protecting these Sacred Traditions comes through teaching
our human children how to allow every individual to redis-

cover her or his connection to the Great Mystery for herself

or himself. I must protect the Great Mystery's Sacred Tra-
dition of free will by showing humankind that every indi-
vidual has the right to reconnect to the Maker in her or his
own way. The Orenda of each human should be the guiding
light for that person. The truth of illumination is found
through honoring every person's right to have personal
truths, following the voice of his or her own Spiritual
Essence. I have learned that the Sacred Traditions may be
preserved by ignoring the rigid human rules that evolve
when one human wants others to follow the leader instead
of the voice of truth inside her or his own Orenda."
The passageway from the first to the second cave was il-

luminated, indicating that Wisdom Keeper could continue.


As she stepped into the second cave, the Earth Mother's

voice said, "Daughter of my spirit, this is the cave of the
South. What have you learned that you could trust?"
Wisdom Keeper replied, "I have learned to trust the
truth inside me, Mother. I have learned to trust the inno-
cence of the young and the young at heart. I have learned
that all wisdom, teachings, and history come from the truth
presented in the Sacred Points of View of all life in the nat-
ural world.
"I have discovered that in innocence and humility
there is a great power that transcends self-importance,
which is the mask that humans use to hide their insecuri-
ties and their pain. I have found that faith and trust are the
gifts of forgiveness and that through forgiveness the Human
Tribe can reclaim the wisdom of childlike wonder."
The entrance to the third cave was illuminated and
Wisdom Keeper stepped forward once again. As she ap-
proached the center of the third cave, the Earth Mother's
voice asked, "What have you discovered about the West
Cave's lessons as they apply to being human, my child?"
Wisdom Keeper answered by saying, "I have realized
that the future depends upon the feminine principle in all
things because all things are born of woman. I have come to
know the beauty of nurturing and compassion through giv-
ing birth to those qualities within myself. I have learned
how to hold the seeds of knowing my womb until they
are ready to be shared. I have honored my female body by
only sharing sexual pleasure with those who would treat

my total being with utmost respect. I have learned that the

place of all tomorrows, the West, is a place of darkness

where there is no fear of the unknown because it is like


returning to the Medicine Bowl —womb of the Mother of

all things. I have found the strength of retreat and silence
that taps the feminine power of introspection and receiv-
ing answers. It has been good to understand the art of self-

exploration, because through the feminine principle, I

have learned the wisdom of loving myself/'

The passageway to the fourth cave was illuminated and
Wisdom Keeper took a deep breath as she walked through.
In the Cave of the North, the Earth Mother spoke. "Tell me
what wisdom you have gathered from the North, little

"In the place of healing and gratitude I have discovered
thewisdom of those who have fully experienced human life.
The lessons of their Earth Walks have served them well. I
have learned to be grateful for all opportunities to grow.

Some have been difficult, some joyous, but all have taught
me wisdom because I have learned to seize every opportu-
nity, adding understanding to my Knowing Systems and

compassion to our world. I have learned that healing comes

to those who do not blame life's experiences but rather give
thanks for the growth potential being offered. I have gath-
ered the wisdom that can be gained from personal experi-
ence. I have accepted the healing that has come from right
attitude and I have learned to be deeply grateful for it all."

The passageway to the fifth cave was illuminated and

Wisdom Keeper entered. There she found a petroglyph of
Whale covering the The Earth Mother spoke to her
far wall.

and said, "This is the cave of the Above direction, daughter.

What have you discovered about the wisdom held above?"
Wisdom Keeper did not pause, but replied instantly,
"Mother, I have discovered that our spirits come to Earth

from the Sky Nation, traveling from the Spirit World like
shooting stars. The fire in our hearts is the Eternal Flame of
Love and that fiery essence will one day return to the Starry
Medicine Bowl of the night sky. I have come to understand
the idea of destiny. Every human being has the opportunity
to thank the Great Mystery for the beautiful creation that

he or she individually represents by being his or her per-

sonal best. If we honor the talents and abilities we have
been given, developing those gifts to the fullest, that is ful-

filling destiny. The song of Whale is the Medicine Song

from the Dog Star in the night sky that teaches human be-
ings how to remember their talents, using them to redis-
cover the destiny of wholeness that their spirit holds/
In the silence, the passageway to the sixth cave was
lighted and Wisdom Keeper entered. The Earth Mother's
voice softly echoed, "This is the cave of the Below direc-
tion, daughter. What wisdom have you gathered from this
Wisdom Keeper noticed the ivory tusk of a great woolly
mammoth filling the right side of the cave and smiled in-
wardly as she answered. "The wisdom of the Below direc-

tion is applying all that has been learned to one's Earth

Walk. Like Mammoth, the art of remembering is strong
Medicine. Nothing is ever lost if human beings consider the
information they gather and the life lessons that they expe-
rience sacred enough to commit to memory. Repeating that
wisdom to the generations that follow ensures that the
Teachings will live forever. I have learned that Knowing
Systems are founded in experience, not beliefs. Two-leggeds
must bring the remembering and the wisdom of spirit to the

Below direction and walk it for themselves."


The final passageway was illuminated and Wisdom

Keeper stepped inside the seventh cave. The spirit of her
Totem filled the cave and she sensed the presence of Lynx as
the Earth Mother's voice spoke once again. "This is the
final cave of the Within direction. What have you learned
about the life that lives inside you, my child?"
Wisdom Keeper spoke, "Mother, I have learned that
every living thing has a heart filled with love, desires, dreams,
plans, and great Medicine. For myself, I have learned that
the unspoken wisdom of my heart is like a rare jewel that

allows me to glory in being alive. I have learned only to

share that wisdom when it is asked for. I have learned that
there are no secrets in the universe because all answers
dwell within. Those seeking wisdom can access those se-
crets at any time, if they go inside and seek the light of the
Eternal Flame of Love. Like Lynx, Knower of Secrets, who
guards the silence of inner knowing, the twinkle reflected
in the eyes of any Child of Earth mirrors the hidden fire of

wisdom that dwells within. The mysteries of all worlds can

be accessed through the heart when the seeker is willing to
open and receive."
The Earth Mother spoke once again, "You have learned
many things, my daughter. I am pleased that you have de-
veloped these ways to honor the truth. You have followed
the Wisdom Trail and you have found that the voice of your
Orenda is your constant guide. You have discovered that the
Wisdom Trail always leads to the Within direction —your
heart. The completion of the Seven Sacred Directions of
Wisdom is your final Rite of Passage in understanding
human life. Have you also discovered why these caves exist
above the Canyon of Time?"

"Yes, Mother, I realized that all human beings must ac-

cumulate wisdom over time to mark the cycles and seasons
of growth and change in the tangible world. The experiences
Walk allow every Two-legged to stand on all of
of the Earth

the spokes of the Wheel of Life. In time, when they are

ready to hear the voice of their Orendas, they feel the tug of
their own spirits urging them to grow. Without experiences,
which need time to digest and be fully understood, the

lessons of each direction or spoke would become murky.

The Great Mystery has given us the gift of time so that our
passages and our growth can be fully experienced. The wis-
dom gained, like this cave, is above the Canyon of Time for
it is eternal wisdom that will forever be recorded in the per-
son's Orenda."
The Earth Mother blessed the part of herself repre-
sented in this Clan Mother of the Second Moon Cycle by
surrounding Wisdom Keeper with love. The feeling of com-
pletion and wholeness entered Wisdom Keeper's heart, fill-
ing her with visions of the Whirling Rainbow. A sense of
inner peace flowed through Wisdom Keeper's veins and she
was ready to move from the caves and step into Grandfather
Sun's light, continuing her journey among the Two-leggeds
who she came to serve.

As Wisdom Keeper stepped from the cave, she realized

that one Sleep had passed and that dawn had broken. Grand-
father Sun was filling the world with the colors of a newborn
morning. She raised her arms to the rays of Grandfather's
fiery light and sang her song of greeting and thanksgiving.
Then she knelt and kissed the soil of the Earth Mother's
body. The road had been long, the trials many, but now she

understood why the Great Mystery never tested human be-

ings on their strengths but only on their weaknesses. The

Wisdom Road could only be traveled through experience
trial and error. She had earned the right to be the Protectress
of the Wisdom Road because she had walked it by honoring
the truth in herself.
The Protectress of the meek
Weighs the truth for all to see,
Divine Law, seeking balance,
Setting the spirit free.

And here, amid the chaos

Of earthly trials she stands,
Ready to issue justice,
Compassion in her hands.

She answers when deception

Shows the destructive face
Of human greed and hatred,
Dividing every creed and race.

Keeper of Great Mystery's laws,

Whose guiding ways we seek,
May we accept the oneness of
The truths we hear you speak.
Clan Mother
of the

Third Moon Cycle

• ••CIO
WEIGHS THE TRUTH is the Clan Mother of the Third
Moon Cycle, who teaches Divine Law. She is the fair judge
of human rights, the Keeper of Equality and the Guardian of

Justice. She does not judge our actions by bestowing pun-

ishment but rather teaches us the principles of Divine Law.
The actions we take are based on our decisions. If we decide
to hurt another consciously, we have also made the decision
unconsciously to receive the lessons connected to harming
another. Weighs the Truth teaches us that we are the ones
who in finding and accepting the truth of our actions, must
decide what we will learn in order to make amends for fol-

lowing that crooked trail.

This Keeper of Justice sees all sides of every situation

with clarity and cannot be fooled by half-truths or lies. As
the Guardian of the Underdog, she is not swayed by personal
opinion and obliterates the illusion of class distinction, hi-

erarchy, wealth, supposed power, or popularity. She demands

that justice and equality be applied to every life form in Cre-
ation. By observing the obvious in every situation, this Clan
Mother levels the ideas of self-importance that human
egos out of balance. She instructs us by showing us her own
humility, allowing us to see our arrogance.


Weighs the Truth teaches us that taking on additional

responsibilities is important in developing our self-determi-
nation. This Clan Mother understands the idea of weighing
all sides of any situation in order to determine the truth.
Self-determination can be seen as our ability to respond to
all sides of life, and to all our talents, and accept the truths
found even if we do not like what we have discovered. The
Destroyer of Deception role in our lives shows us that when
we are self-determined, we have accepted the truth of what
gives us joy and are not confused or influenced by what oth-
ers want us to be. We can then respond to our heart's great-
est desire and find happiness through the determination
found in the Self's sense of well-being.
This Clan Mother's moon cycle falls in March and is

connected to the color brown. The rich soil of the Earth

Mother reflects this color and represents the Earth Mother's
connection to Divine Law. The Cycle of Truth that corre-
sponds to the third moon is accepting the truth. Weighs the
Truth teaches us to accept the truth inside us, as well as ac-
cepting the truth of the experiences we encounter in life. If

we look at ourselves with a cold eye, accepting what we

find, the truth of our strengths and our weaknesses can de-
stroy the illusions that limit our potential.
Weighs the Truth teaches us that we do not need to

focus on what is weak or wrong with us but rather on what

is strong and right with us. Divine Law shows us that cause
and effect do rule our universe of polarity. If we feed the

negative by being critical, the shadow side of our nature is

fed. When we praise right action and work to develop the
skills of our talents, our Orendas or Spiritual Essences

Bearer of the
Burden Basket

Weighs the Truth sat in her wigwam, staring at the

earthen walls made of mud and leaves. The support-
ing branches of her circular lodge were made of Birch. Here
and there, a stray piece of white bark caught the reflection of
Grandmother Moon's full face as the light filtered through
the smoke hole in the center of the wigwam's domed roof.

On this warm night, she had no need for a fire and was
content to sit in Tiyoweh, the stillness. It was comforting to
know that she could call on Birch's Medicine of discovering
truth, here in the stillness of her seeking heart. Snowy
Owl's spirit was with her on this night while she had to
make a decision regarding justice. One of the ghostly white
pieces of birch bark seemed to reflect Owl's image across
the circular space of her hut. Weighs the Truth was com-
forted by Snowy Owl's Medicine of eliminating lies and
deception. Owl was a Wisdom Keeper. His spirit had ac-
companied her since the early days of her Earth Walk, earn-
ing her trust and friendship through the trials, challenges,
and tribulations they had shared.
On this summer's Sleep, during the full moon, Weighs
the Truth was confronted with a situation that would test
all of her abilities in order for justice to be found. Two
women from the Tribe had come to Weighs the Truth five
Suns past to ask for a judgment. Running Water had accused
Blue Goose of taking more than her share of the communal

food stores. Blue Goose had accused Running Water of being

nosy, passing rumors, and not keeping her eyes and ears out
of the Sacred Space of others. Weighs the Truth had passed
the four Suns and Sleeps required for her to smoke the situ-
ation. On the rising of Grandfather Sun, the Clan Mother
would issue her decision in front of the Tribal Council.
To see beyond the smoke-filled illusions of this difficult

situation, Weighs the Truth had approached the East Direc-

tion on the dawning of the first Sun of her decision-making
process. She had offered her Pipe to Grandfather Sun and
had asked for clarity and spiritual enlightenment. Then she
had returned her thanks for the gift of clear seeing and feel-

ing that the East Wind would send her, doing so before the
actual message arrived, thereby making the space for that

message in her heart. Next, she had loaded her Pipe and sat

in Tiyoweh, the smoke the spirits of each Rela-

stillness, to

tion that had been asked to come into the tobacco. With
each puff, she felt the Medicine and strengths of the spirits
of the East come into her body. The smoke from the Pipe
wafted toward the Sky Nation, creating a stir in the East
Wind, bringing the clarity she sought. The East Wind re-

minded her that when clarity was sought with uncondi-

tional love, the light of Grandfather Sun would illuminate
the seeker's ability to embrace the expansive view without
When the purple sage-blossom blanket of the night sky
settled itself across the Sky Nation on that first Sleep,

Weighs the Truth was given further illumination as she

watched the Starry Medicine Bowl. Later, during her sleep-

time, her dreams were filled with more visions and enlight-
ening facts regarding Blue Goose and Running Water.

During the dawning of the next Sun, she repeated her

ritual, inviting the spirits of the South to show her what she
could trust about the situation and the women involved.
That evening, again, she watched the night sky for portents

and signs. Her dreams spoke to her of the lessons of inno-

cence and humility that needed to be learned in this matter.

When dawn broke on the third Sun, Weighs the Truth
took her Pipe to the ridge of Sacred Mountain, repeating her
Spirit-calling Ceremony. This time she called to the West
Wind, asking for the strength to go within and seek the an-
swers that would bring a fuller understanding of the omens
she had seen and the messages she had received. The West
Wind was asked to show Weighs the Truth how her decision
would affect the future of the two women, their Tribe, and
the unborn generations yet to come. In the evening that fol-

lowed, Weighs the Truth was again given the answers she
sought during her observance of the night sky and her sleep-
time dreams.
The fourth dawn brought the North Wind's Spirit-calling
Ceremony and Weighs the Truth stood on the edge of the
ridge of Sacred Mountain, asking for wisdom. The gratitude
she felt for was sent to the
the answers already received
Great Mystery, as she added her thanks for the wisdom yet
to come. Weighs the Truth asked for healing to come to all
concerned and that the goodness of Divine Law found in
this lesson would enrich the lives of all observers. Then she

gave thanks for the opportunity that this situation had af-

forded her to further develop her own skills of accepting the

truth in herself and in others.
Weighs the Truth sat in her wigwam reflecting on the
signs she had found in the Starry Medicine Bowl of the

night sky this evening and all of the messages of the past
four Suns and Sleeps. She called on the Spirit of Snowy Owl,
who guarded the Above Direction of her Sacred Space, and
asked for his spirit to manifest in the lodge. Then she called
upon Weasel, who guarded the Below Direction of her Sa-
cred Space. Last, she called upon Crow, the Guardian of Di-
vine Law who was the protector of the Within Direction of
her heart. In the stillness, with the night vision she found
by sitting in darkness with her eyes wide open, she waited.
She saw a spirit come forth to perch on the branch that
stuck out from the mud walls. Several branches were built
into the wigwam's earthen walls, creating hooks for hanging
household items, leggings, pouches of dried food, and Med-
icine Bundles. Owl picked an empty branch, hooted a greet-
ing, and then waited for the other Totem Spirits to arrive.
Weasel took his place on top of a stump that the Clan

Mother used as a table and silently greeted her with a nod.

Crow's spirit entered the smoke hole at the top of the wig-

wam, perching on a branch across the lodge from Snowy

Owl. Crow cawed a greeting, signaling that the four friends
were all present and ready to begin their Powwow.
Weighs the Truth was grateful for the Totem Spirits who
had come to assist her in making her final decision regarding
Running Water and Blue Goose. She showed her Totems the
respect she held for their wisdom by offering each one her
outstretched palms, signaling through sign language that she
was grateful and willing to receive their counsel.

Crow began by reminding all present that Divine Law

was the balance found in every natural part of the Great
Mystery's Creation and not in the laws made by humankind.

Together, these four friends would have to find the answers

that would preserve the justice of Divine Law, as well as the
fairness that would bring balance to the lives of all con-
cerned. Crow asked Weasel to ferret out the truth. Since he
was the detective of the creature kingdom, Weasel could use
his Medicine of guile, stealth, ingenuity, and observing the
obvious to bring the truth to light.

Crow asked Owl to use his Medicine of wisdom, dis-

cernment, and destroying deception to aid the group in see-

ing the whole truth. Owl's natural call in the wild was
always asking "who," but he invariably discovered the an-
swers to where, when, how, why, and what as well. Snowy
Owl was able to find answers to all of those questions be-
cause he could easily spot the difference among a truth, a
half-truth, and a lie. Time passed as the four friends consid-
ered the puzzling question of how justice would best be
Weighs the Truth's Totem Spirits stole into the darkness
when all of the facts had been reviewed, allowing her to once
again sit in the stillness. She then positioned her body like

the great lizard, called Crocodile, in order to tap his Medi-

cine of digesting and assimilating the truth. Like the great

lizard of the rivers, she took her meal of thoughts below the
waters of her personal feelings and ingested each morsel of
truth in order to integrate all she had learned. As the Clan
Mother rested on her belly in her sleeping robes, she sent her
spiritual umbilical cord from her navel deep into the Earth
Mother's body. The fibers of light that comprised the umbil-
ical cord sent streams of warmth into her body from deep
within the earth while she dreamed of various solutions.

In her dream, she rode the back of the black-and-white

striped pony called Zebra. Zebra reminded her of his Medi-
cine that nothing was final or absolute in the natural
world, nothing was just light or dark, black or white. As
she rode through the dream, she passed through plains of
windswept golden grasses and mushroom-shaped trees
whose branches formed domed silhouettes against the hori-
zon. Faster and faster she rode through the dreamscape until
the stripes on Zebra's body blurred into a mass of radiant

light, melding with her own hair, which blew freely in the

wind, and her body, which had become a living extension of

the galloping form of her Four-legged companion. Suddenly,
the dreamscape changed and the two found themselves in
another setting.
Zebra came to a halt in front of a fern-filled grotto

where clean, pure water tumbled over a limestone shelf into

a clear pool below. Weighs the Truth dismounted, listening

to the waterfall. The grotto was sprinkled with tiny blue
flowers and orange Indian Paintbrush. She noticed some-
thing moving behind the stream of water. Raccoon emerged,
eyes sparkling inside of her black bandit's mask, smiling as
if she had expected the Clan Mother's arrival.
"Hello, Mother. It has been a long time since we have
looked into each other's eyes. I can see that you have fared
well," Raccoon said.

Weighs the Truth felt warmth of Raccoon's greeting

deep inside her belly, as she moved forward to greet her old
friend. "My heart is full, Little Bandit," replied the Clan
Mother. "It is good to look into your eyes again. What words
of wisdom do you have for me now?"

"Well, Mother, I am still the protector of the underdog,

the weak, frail, and elderly. My Medicine becomes stronger
every day while greed and inequality continue to capture
the hearts of the Human Tribe. I have come to tell you that
when you make your decision with the rising of Grandfa-
ther Sun, you may want to consider the rights of those who
were depending upon the communal food stores but were
not taking their share, in order to leave more for the others.
These members of your Tribe have been planting, gathering,
and storing as much as the others, but in their meekness
and humility, they have chosen to provide for others in need
by taking less than their share."
Raccoon had revealed the missing piece to the con-
frontation between Blue Goose and Running Water —the
rights of those who were inadvertently affected by the ac-
tions of both women would have to be considered. In her
dream, Weighs the Truth could see Zebra snorting and paw-
ing the ground, catching her attention. Zebra whinnied and
then spoke up, "Nothing is ever black and white, is it,

The dream faded, causing Weighs the Truth to move her
body, disengaging herself from the dreamscape, returning her
thoughts to the warmth in her belly that was being fed to her
by the Earth Mother. The umbilical cord of light fibers
blended all the feelings she had encountered during the four
preceding Suns and Sleeps with the wisdom gathered from
her Spirit Totems as well as the reminders collected in her
dream. Together, the mass of feelings, impressions, facts, and
wisdom whirled inside of the Clan Mother's belly, giving her
a great deal to digest before the rising of Grandfather Sun.

Weighs the Truth reviewed Running Water's accusation

in detail. Running Water had said that Blue Goose had
taken more than her share of the food that had been planted,
tended, gathered, and stored by all members of the Tribe. If

Blue Goose had hoarded more food for her family than was
her rightful share, the Clan Mother was concerned with the
deeper issue of why Blue Goose would have done such a
thing. Weasel had shown Weighs the Truth the pain that
Blue Goose held in her heart, having lost her child to star-

vation two winters before. Owl had seen through the de-
ception that Blue Goose had tried to employ when she
accused Running Water of being nosy in an effort to hide her
fears of being caught and of losing another child to starva-
tion. Blue Goose had been wounded and had not been able
to heal the loss of her child, because she blamed herself for
not having gathered enough food for her family.
Running Water was another matter. True to her name,
her laughter was like the melodies made by running streams
and brooks, but her weakness was in running to tell on oth-
ers, no matter how small the assumed offense. It was true
that Running Water did not keep her own counsel or her
eyes and ears to herself. Sacred Space was maintained in
tribal living conditions by observing a certain amount of po-

liteness. This rule for happy living was a good one that re-

quired every member of the Tribe to avert their eyes when

the personal lives of others could be viewed. Anything that
was inadvertently overheard in passing was considered priv-
ileged information, not to be repeated, out of respect for the
Sacred Space of another.
Running Water was certainly a busybody in most in-

stances and out of her need to be noticed and acknowledged


had created several problems in the past. Her behavior

stemmed from never having been recognized as a child, liv-
ing among a family of many children, with parents too busy
trying to provide for the physical necessities, to nurture the
emotional needs of the youngsters. During her childhood,
Running Water had developed a tattletale personality, find-
ing that she could get attention if she behaved herself and
used a self-righteous attitude to point out the offenses of
others. But the kind of attention Running Water received
was avoidance and mistrust. In her own confusion about
whether or not she was getting noticed, Running Water had
effectively cut herself off from true friendships.
Blue Goose was acting from old pain and fear Running ;

Water was acting from woundedness and a need to be loved

or recognized. Each woman sat on one side of the Great
Smoking Mirror, projecting what each supposed was the
truth into the smoke-filled illusion that could confound the
most astute observer. Weighs the Truth took the nurturance
she needed from the spiritual umbilical cord she had sent
from her navel into the Earth Mother's body and let go of
the problem, sleeping until dawn.
Just before midday, Weighs the Truth changed her
buckskins and donned her The doeskin of her re-

galia had been tanned and then worked with charcoal and

tallow, producing the blackened hides from which she had

fashioned the dress, leggings, and moccasins. The Clan
Mother reached behind the mud-fashioned shelf in her wig-
wam and brought forth a special bundle. Carefully, she un-
wrapped the Crow mask that she had carved so long ago and
looked into its face. Each black feather on the Crow mask
had been affixed with a glue that Weighs the Truth had

made from the hooves of Buffalo, slivered and boiled in

water. She had spent two moons in the creative process and
was pleased with the results even now, so many winters
The bill on the mask was yellow, symbolizing that Di-

vine Law was dispensed with unconditional love, like the

yellow of Grandfather Sun. The eyes on the mask were red,
representing the faith held by the Keeper of Divine Law,
who knew that accepting the truth was an act of humility.
When Grandfather Sun was at the zenith of his journey
across the blue Sky Nation, Weighs the Truth sat down in
full regalia in the midst of the Tribal Council. Running
Water and Blue Goose sat in front of the Clan Mother, en-
circled by the Elders who composed the Wisdom Keepers of

the Tribe. Beyond this circle were all of the other members
of the Tribe, silently waiting for the proceedings to begin.

The words of thanksgiving were spoken by Weighs the

Truth, giving gratitude for the opportunity of sharing and
healing presented in the situation at hand; then burning
sweetgrass was passed, so the smoke would cleanse any bit-
terness or negativity the group might hold against the two
women asking for justice.
Weighs the Truth began by saying, "I have reached a de-
cision in this matter after the four Suns and Sleeps required
by Tribal Law to accomplish my task in a good way. I have
consulted the Totem Spirits, the Starry Medicine Bowl of
the night sky, the Four Winds of Change, the Ancestors, the
Four Clan Chiefs of Air, Earth, Water, and Fire, and Swen-
nio, the Great Mystery. I have been fed by the Earth Mother
and blessed by the Sky Father. I have seen the hearts of

these two women and found the solution I feel is necessary

to bring healing and balance back to our Tribe/

"Blue Goose took more than her share of our food

stores because she was afraid of losing another child to star-

vation. She carries the self -blame of a mother who felt help-
less when death took her baby. Although she was driven by
shame and fear, this was selfish behavior that did not con-
sider the rights of those who worked equally hard to create
the winter stores that we all depend on. For Blue Goose to
walk the Beauty Way must return the extra por-
again, she

tion she took. Then she must go to the woods to gather dou-
ble the amount she secretly pilfered from our Tribal stores.
The berries, wild tubers, nuts, and greens that she gathers
are to be equally distributed to every family who lost a
loved one to hunger in the last Starving Moon. When this
task is completed, Blue Goose will spend one Sun with each
family, sharing the story of her loss and hearing the story of
the loss that each family experienced. During the next thir-
teen moons, Blue Goose will care for different children who
lost their parents to starvation. During each moon cycle,

she must treat as her own each child that she tends.
"Running Water spoke out of turn when she tattled on
Blue Goose, not respecting the natural right of every Tribal
Member to determine for himself or herself what is correct
behavior based on his or her Sacred Point of View. Running
Water is to accompany Blue Goose as a silent companion,
assisting her in gathering and when she visits each grieving
family. Running Water is not allowed to speak during the
time she assists Blue Goose, nor is she ever to speak of what
she heard or saw, at any time in the future. For the next thir-
teen moons, Running Water will not speak at all; she will
listen. She will assist Medicine Woman and me during heal-
ing and counseling sessions, but she is forbidden to speak of

anything she sees or hears, at any time in the future. Both

women will reappear before this Council in thirteen moons.
Da naho, it is decreed/ 7

The thirteen moons passed quickly and the Tribal

Council convened again. Weighs the Truth sat in her Crow
regalia in the center of the circle, asking Blue Goose to
speak of what she had learned on her healing journey.
"I have learned that every member of this Tribe has suf-
fered losses, Mother. I have shared my grief and theirs
equally and I have come to realize that we work together for
a reason. Unity, sharing, and caring for one another is the
strength that binds us together as one. I have given away my
fear of scarcity and have discovered the faith that once
eluded me. I am no longer afraid of growing old alone if my
children die, traveling to the Spirit World. I have made
peace with myself and no longer carry the blame or shame
that clouded my understanding. I have extended my family
beyond the boundaries of blood kin and have loved every
child who needed me. Through their loss of relatives, each
grieving adult and child has shared with me a common bond
that was created by setting aside our sorrows, finding the
joy, comfort, and understanding of each other's company."
Weighs the Truth thanked Blue Goose and asked Run-
ning Water to speak of the lessons she had learned during
the past thirteen moons. Running Water had not spoken
since the last time she faced this Tribal Council and her dis-
comfort was apparent. She struggled to get a rasping word to
escape her throat in vain. A few moments passed as she
tried again, finally finding her voice.

"These thirteen moons have changed my attitude, my

path, my understanding, and my sense of self. I want to

express my gratitude to you, Mother. Through listening to

the stories of others, I have seen and heard the story of my

own passage from woundedness into healing. I have learned
gentleness and compassion for myself by being caring and
nurturing toward others. I now understand the folly of my
former need to be recognized as a worthwhile person. I felt

worthless because I my own potential or tal-

had never seen
ents, I had only experienced the critical voice in my head that

told me I was never good enough. Because I believed I was not

worthy of being loved, I harmed others by insisting they fol-

low a path made of the same painful rules that I had imposed
on myself. I learned compassion from Blue Goose and the
others who shared the pain in their hearts. I learned how to
move past my resentment of the judgment you pronounced
thirteen moons ago. I have been privileged to share in Medi-
cine Woman's healing arts and in your fairness, common
sense, counseling ability, and compassionate wisdom. For
these gifts and the healing of my heart, am truly grateful."

Weighs the Truth's heart was filled. Trills of celebration

and keening cries of victory filled the morning air, express-
ing the rejoicing of the Tribal Members. Everyone had seen
the changes in the two women and had waited expectantly
for this day. The Beauty Way had been restored to the Tribe
without unjust punishments or decisions that could have
split them apart. The balance of Divine Law had been
served. Each woman had accepted the truth of her actions,
finding ways to support and heal the old pain that had cre-

ated those crooked was good and the abundance

trails. Life

found in this caring Tribal family was in balance again.

Weighs the Truth saw that Running Water and Blue
Goose had learned the value of Sisterhood by coming

together in diversity. Both women had been forced by their

own actions to rely on the other, to see their similarities,
and to go beyond their judgments to find a common bond.
From that understanding, a friendship had sprung, making
sisters of the former enemies. Running Water had discov-
ered the first true friendship of her life and Blue Goose had
healed her fear of abandonment.
Weighs the Truth sent gratitude to Swennio, the Great
Mystery, for the lessons she had learned about being the
Bearer of the Burden Basket. The Clan Mother no longer felt
burdened by her role of dispensing justice. She realized that
every Two-legged carries the burden of being responsible for
her or his own actions. To grow, every human being picks
the lessons he or she needs to learn, adding the experiences
to the Burden Basket he or she carries on his or her Earth
Walk. The responsibility of accepting the truth of those
lessons is left to the individual, determining whether that
person feels encumbered or freed by the experiences.
From that Sun, Weighs the Truth would always be re-
minded that Crow holds the caw that rides the winds to all
nations. " Divine Law will bring life abundant to All Our
Relations if we feed our goodness and starve the shadow
that is fed by old pain. Only then will humankind accept
the truth, understanding that the Great Mystery created all

Two-leggeds to Walk in Beauty as living vessels of love."

Mother, teach me how to see
The shining lights of stars,

The faces of the Ancestors,

In worlds both near and far.

Show me how to welcome

The visions appearing to me,
Seeing the truth in detail,
Unraveling each mystery.

Walk me through the Dreamtime

Of altered time and space,
That I may share those visions
With every creed and race.

Doorkeeper of all dimensions,

I seek your Medicine ways
Of how to earth my visions,
Seeing truth, inside me, today
Clan Mother
of the

Fourth Moon Cycle

• ••30
LOOKS FAR WOMAN is the Clan Mother who is the
Guardian of the Fourth Moon Cycle, which falls in April.

The full spectrum of pastel colors is connected to this Clan

Mother's cycle because she carries the Medicine of Prophecy,
seeing the truth in all colors. She is the Doorkeeper of the
Crack in the Universe and the Golden Door of Illumination

that leads to all other dimensions of awareness. She stands

at the Crack in the Universe and safely guides all human
spirits taking Dreamtime journeys into the other realms
and then, back home, being present and fully conscious of

their bodies.
This Clan Mother is a Seer, an Oracle, a Dreamer, and
a visionary. She teaches us the validity of our impressions,
dreams, visions, and feelings as they exist within our inner
potential. Looks Far Woman instructs humankind on how
to unravel the symbols found in psychic impressions. She
shows us how to see the truth in every vision we receive in
the tangible and intangible worlds. In her wisdom, Looks Far
Woman assists every seeker in finding the seeds of personal
and planetary prophecy that the Great Mystery planted in-

side all human beings. She knows that all Two-leggeds can
access the ability to see the truth in all dimensions, if they

seek the light of the Eternal Flame of Love and if they are
willing to receive the visions that come when the heart is

Looks Far Woman understands that all possibilities and
probabilities exist in the future. She teaches us that tangible
events are only manifested through each individual's freely
made decisions. Every human being has the ability to use
the information found in sleeptime dreams and/or Dream-
time waking visions to change the course of her or his per-
sonal experiences. Looks Far Woman sees all potential
truths, as well as how an individual will ignore or take heed
when omens or portents appear. Looks Far Woman is will-

ing to teach humankind how to see those truths by using

their own abilities, but she will not give pat answers on
what the future holds for any individual.
Looks Far Woman shows us how to observe everything

around us and how to remember every detail. This Clan

Mother enjoys teaching us how to recall anything we have
seen in order to reconstruct useful information. Looks Far
Woman instructs us how to distinguish between the tangi-

ble and intangible parts of what we see when we have de-

veloped second sight or the ability to see in both worlds at

once. When we fine-tune this talent of second sight, she
teaches us how to know which vision is true prophecy and
which vision is just a probability. In the final development
of this Clan Mother's lessons, human beings are able to
fully understand any signs, portents, omens, or symbols pre-
sented to their awareness.
Looks Far Woman presents the lesson of respecting
boundaries by showing us that it is not okay to look into an-
other person's Sacred Space unless we are asked by that

individual to do so. She shows us the pitfalls of looking too

far, too soon, by reminding us that we can destroy the beauty
of themoment. When we forget our ability to use free will,

by forecasting what a future outcome will be, we can trap

ourselves into projections, expectations, and a loss of poten-
tial opportunity. The lessons we refuse to experience will
usually catch up with us later, in another form. Looks Far
Woman shows us how to observe each opportunity, knowing
when to follow that path and when to choose another road.

Our personal clarity depends upon our ability to observe the

obvious, allowing us to then make personal choices in order
to alter our Sacred Paths and grow. This Clan Mother tells us
how to see the truth in all of life's situations.

Doorkeeper of the
Crack in the Universe

Looks Far Woman sat in the darkness of the cave, gazing

into the inky water of her blackened Medicine Bowl.
The firelight flickered, sending waves of light across the
water's surface. She felt herself being drawn into her own re-

flection, as her eyes mirrored bottomless wells and the

water seemed to part, revealing another level of unfath-
omable space. Stars appeared in the indigo vastness that
emerged from the silent water, allowing her to send her
spirit traveling into the universe that was appearing before
her eyes.

She sailed inside her Orenda, cloaked in the Spiritual

Essence, moving into the world within worlds being opened
for her to view. The passing of planets, stars, comets, swirling

energy, and other heavenly bodies made her feel at one with
Creation. She could see the movement of the Great Mys-
tery's breath as new worlds were exhaled into the void of
deep space. She traveled on, taking in every marvel of the
Starry Medicine Bowl of the night sky.

She passed millions of campfires nestled together,

forming an arch across the Sky Nation. She watched the
spirit forms of the Ancestors, holding council around the
campfires of stars. She watched as they saluted her passing
by raising their hands in greeting. Some Spirit Warriors rode

with her on their ghostly white horses as far as the next

camp, others followed, running on the winds.
Looks Far Woman absorbed every new vista that
crossed her line of vision. The light of a thousand suns lit

the surfaces of passing planets. Radiant colors and hues

bounced back from the planetary bodies, creating a feast for

her eyes. In the far distance, the Clan Mother could see
what appeared to be a lightning storm. Fire Sticks crashed

upon one another, battling in the mulberry-colored void,

drawing her ever closer to the erratic, silent explosion of
zigzag dancing forms.
In the middle of the circle of Fire Dancers, she saw an
emerging vision. The appearance of a crack, motionless
amid the dancing lightning bolts, brought her focus to the
center of the raw, creative forces displaying their dance be-
fore her. She heard the voice of the Earth Mother: " Looks

Far, you are seeing the Sacred Fire of Creation. Trust, follow
the flow, see, and know. The Crack in the Universe holds

the Golden Door of Illumination that leads to all other lev-

els of awareness. You have traveled into the vastness of the

worlds within your own Spiritual Essence, your Orenda.

The worlds within worlds that comprise the Sacred Space of

your own being are awaiting your discovery. You will be the
Keeper of the Door that leads through the Crack in the Uni-
verse of opposites. Through exploring the Orenda, each
member of the Human Tribe will discover and reclaim their
ability to see the truth of oneness/'

The voice faded and Looks Far Woman journeyed fur-

ther into the crackling, explosive dance of the Sacred Fire

before her. She felt no burns as her spirit form moved
through the fiery lights, reaching the timeless abyss inside
the Crack in the Universe. The emerging form of the Golden
Door reflected its blinding golden light, sending rays of light

through her spirit form, lighting the darkness of the deepest

part of the crack's inner chasm. She waited as the Golden
Door moved forward, coming to rest in front of her.
The voice of the Earth Mother gently spoke to her
heart. "Daughter of my spirit, here you will stand for all

time, showing others how to see the truth within them-

selves and within all things. To grow beyond human limi-
tation, all Children of Earth must face their limitations and
hesitations. They will come to you and see the truth within
themselves through your limitless eyes. If they are willing
to giveaway their illusions, they will pass through the
Golden Door into their next level of understanding. If they
fear their own potential, they will return to the place within
themselves that gives them comfort, until they are ready to
grow. The art of seeing the total truth of the vastness of the

Orenda, and seeing the truth of all of the worlds that exist

within the creative force of that Spiritual Essence, can be

overwhelming. Many cycles of the Wheel of Life are re-

quired before that level of seeing the truth is attained. Many

will come, many will turn back, many will falter and then
move through the Golden Door, but you must hold the door
open for all who have the courage to see/'
Looks Far Woman understood the words spoken by the
Earth Mother and cherished the role she was given. The
blinding light of total truth illuminated every part of her
Spiritual Essence as she moved through the Golden Door,
seeing all of the potential in Creation, allowing it to be in-
delibly written in her heart.

When the Clan Mother returned her consciousness to

her body, the timelessness of her journey ended. Hundreds
of moon cycles had passed during Looks Far Woman's final

Rite of Passage, discovering the truth inside the worlds

within worlds. The water in her Medicine Bowl had evapo-
rated, the ashes of her fire had returned to the earth of the

cave's floor, the dripping of lime water had grown new rock
formations, but her ever-young body was the same. She had
returned from the Crack in the Universe, ready to serve her
human children by teaching them how to see the truth.

Looks Far Woman realized that her ability to see the

truth would need to be honed into tiny glimpses to match
the capacities of her individual human children. She was
grateful that she had learned how to see the truth through
the eyes of others. This talent of seeing through another's
eyes gave her the ability to duplicate each individual's level
of seeing truth without overwhelming her or him. She had

learned how to show her human children the illusions pres-

ent in their paths, gently leading them through every cycle
of growth and change.
Looks Far Woman understood the value of never miss-
ing a step on the Great Medicine Wheel of Life. Some would
try to move too fast and burn up their human bodies, oth-
ers would allow fear to keep them from their natural
progress, but Looks Far saw the truth in compassion and
was willing to nurture every Two-legged through the
process of spiritual evolution. The Great Mystery was not
to be solved, and that same mystery existed in every part of

Creation, allowing the beauty of each life form to manifest

in its own time.

Looks Far Woman intended to help others observe the

obvious lessons found in the natural world and apply those

truths to themselves. The Creatures could show the Two-
leggeds how to use their physical bodies and personality
traits to survive and earn longevity. Then it would be pos-
sible toshow the Two-leggeds how to master the life force
in those bodies, by showing them the truth of discovering
the creative forces of natural elements that made up their
human forms. Through seeing these truths, humankind
could then grasp the expansive picture presented by their
spirits. They would come to understand that all things, in-
cluding themselves, contain living spiritual forms.
After the lessons of life force were learned, the Human
Tribe could learn to Enter the Stillness in order to discover
the secrets of the spirit and the potentials found in explor-
ing the nontangible worlds. Every lesson of the realms of
spirit could be accessed through nature. The spirits of every

life form in the natural world were ready and willing to be-
come teachers for the Two-leggeds who sought their guid-
ance. The worlds of truth represented in every circle of

Relations would lead to new Medicine Wheels of experience

in the worlds within worlds.

Looks Far Woman could see the patterns of spiritual
evolution as they spiraled out before her, creating the prob-
able future of the Human Tribe. It made her heart glad to
feel how her role in the Earth Tribe's evolution could assist
the growth potential of her human children and all life

forms. Seeing the truth was an ever-evolving talent that

brought further understanding of the Great Mystery and
how all things were constantly growing and changing inside
the Original Source.

Looks Far Woman passed many winters rediscovering

the miracles of life on the Mother Planet. She showed her
human children how to observe the changes in the weather,
how to divine through the natural elements, how to read
the faces of the Cloud People, and how to understand the
messages that were presented in their lives. She taught her
human children how to read the gifts of life force found in
every part of nature as signposts to guide them on their in-

dividual Sacred Paths.

Learning how to see was not an easy task for some hu-
mans. These stubborn Two-leggeds insisted that if they
could not see the whole truth in a glance, the truth was not
there. Looks Far Woman was not concerned that some hu-
mans were willing to look and others were not. Fear of the
unknown troubled the Human Tribe because they had not
developed the ability of seeing the truth in all lessons. In her

deep compassion, Looks Far Woman nurtured the fearful

and gently guided them through a multitude of healing

steps that allowed them to release their fears by only look-

ing as far as they were ready to see.
One Sun, while Looks Far Woman was spending some
time in solitude, a young boy came stumbling up the rugged
path that led from the hot springs to her cave. Carrying his
sister's bruised, limp body in his weary arms, he explained
that his sister had been raped, beaten, and left to die by trav-

eling hunters. He laid the girl's body at Looks Far Woman's

feet. He wanted to know if his little sister would ever return
from Eternal Land. Her unseeing eyes were wide open and
the grimace of terror still locked her jaws as if she had been
frozen in time. The girl had passed fourteen winters, but it
was doubtful she would last another Sun. She had not spo-
ken, eaten, taken a drink, or moved since he found her. He
had traveled for three Suns and Sleeps, bringing the girl to

Looks Far Woman, who was his last hope.

Looks Far Woman hid her feelings as she examined the
girl. The Clan Mother looked past her own feelings of anger

and heartbreak to see if the girl's spirit had been broken for-

ever. The light of the Eternal Flame was weak inside the
child's Orenda but it flickered and sputtered each time the
boy spoke to her.

Looks Far Woman worked to keep the girl, who was

named Star Fire, from losing touch with life. She was afraid
that Star Fire's spirit would slip through the Crack in the
Universe, and she would forget who she was, wandering
into Eternal Land without a hope of ever returning. Star
Fire's brother, Little Eagle, followed the Clan Mother's in-
structions. He gathered the cupped lava rocks that served as

lamps, filled each with dried grasses dipped in melted pine

sap, and then placed the bowls around the edge of the hot
springs that bubbled at the rear of the caves that Looks Far
Woman called her home. Little Eagle worked quickly, start-
ing a fire and lighting the lamps. Together, they lifted Star

Fire into the water, supporting her body so that it would

float in their arms.
Looks Far Woman sang to Star Fire's spirit, the girl's

body being relieved of any stress while it floated in the

warm mineral waters that simulated the safety of the
womb. Although Looks Far Woman was present and aware
of what she was singing, the child in her arms, and the pres-

ence of Little Eagle, she was also aware of the part of herself
that was standing at the Crack in the Universe, making sure
that Star Fire's spirit did not wander away. At times like this

one, the Seer was grateful that she could easily master see-
ing the many levels of awareness in the tangible and intan-
gible worlds simultaneously.
Many moons passed while Little Eagle and Looks Far
Woman worked with Star Fire, slowly bringing the girl's

spirit back from the edge of Eternal Land. The Clan Mother
insisted that Little Eagle stay by his sister's side during the
healing process because his voice offered Star Fire a way to
grasp something familiar, giving her a pathway through the
void that was created by the violation. The brutality of Star

Fire's trauma had shattered her sense of being, tearing a hole

in her Sacred Space, allowing fragments of her spirit to ex-

plode, abandoning the girl's senses inside the vastness of the
void. In darkness, without her Spiritual Essence intact, Star

Fire's connections to the tangible world, her recovering

body and broken mind, were minimal.

Looks Far Woman traveled into the void regularly, col-

lecting shattered fragments of Star Fire's spirit. Every Sun
and Sleep, the Oracle guided the shards of spirit back into
the girl's Orenda. Looks Far Woman placed a Medicine
Wheel of Stone People and Medicine Bundles around Star
Fire's body to contain the portions of the child's spirit in a

constructed Sacred Space until enough of the girl's essence

was collected to bring her back from the void. Little Eagle

and Looks Far Woman waited and watched, spoke and sang
to Star Fire; then they returned thanks, sending love to the

Great Mystery every time a tiny bit of progress was made.

The Sun finally dawned when Star Fire's eyes lost their

glazed stare and flickered with recognition when her big

brother greeted her. She had been eating and drinking for
some time but had had no awareness of herself or those who
attended to her needs. Looks Far Woman realized that the
healing process would continue for many moons, but the
crisis of losing Star Fire's spirit was now over.

Slowly, Star Fire began to trust Looks Far Woman, as

the Clan Mother took the girl through a multitude of small
healing steps on the path back to wholeness. Through learn-
ing to take care of her personal hygiene, feeding herself,
talking about her feelings, walking in nature, and learning
to feel safe, Star Fire firmly rooted herself in the tangible
world of family life. Laughter would come to the girl's lips

when she shared in Little Eagle's antics, making fun of the

standoff he had seen in the glen between the Bear and the
Honey Bee. The passage of moons had worked its Medicine,
allowing Star Fire to share in the happy routine of Looks Far
Woman's life. Little Eagle and Star Fire, having lost their
parents, stayed with Looks Far Woman for many seasons.

From time to time, other humans would seek the Clan

Mother's wisdom, traveling far distances to hear what
Looks Far Woman had to The day came when it was

time for Little Eagle to move on, having found a mate

among a band of visiting Two-leggeds. Star Fire was sad-

dened by Little Eagle's departure, but she had adopted Looks
Far as her mother, feeling that the caves and springs were
now her home. Little Eagle and his mate promised that they
would return to visit the two women who were part of their
kin. Star Fire, having no desire to live with a mate or have
children, had decided to train with Looks Far Woman in
order to develop her natural abilities as a Seer and a
Upon Little Eagle's departure, Star Fire began her train-

ing in earnest. Looks Far Woman tested her adopted daugh-

ter when they went on Medicine Walks, telling the girl to

shut her eyes from time to time and to describe in detail

everything she had seen during the preceding moments.
When visitors came to the two women's fire, Star Fire
would be tested on the observations she had made during
the visitors' stay. Through seeing these obvious truths in
the tangible world and being able to recount every detail,
Star Fire honed her ability to see. After completing these
lessons, the Clan Mother began instructing Star Fire in how
to use the blackened Medicine Bowl filled with water, gaz-
ing into the inky pool to see beyond the tangible.
Looks Far Woman understood the keen abilities that

Star Fire possessed. Every Two-legged who had survived the

shattering of the luminous Qgg that held their Sacred Points
of View could access other realms, because fragments of
their spirits had journeyed into the Void of Creation. The

process of becoming a Seer or a Dreamer would test Star

Fire's strength to confront and to go through the memories
of trauma that would be encountered in the visions that ap-
peared. This part of any abused human's healing process
was a delicate one that could be very frightening, but Star
Fire was strong now. Many moons passed as the young
woman challenged and bested the nightmares of the past,
moving beyond the shadowy remnants of her former pain,
clearing the feelings that could inhibit her ability to see

Looks Far was proud of her adopted daughter's progress.

The girl had passed twenty winters and was becoming a tal-
ented Seer. Often, when visitors would arrive, asking for
help in finding a lost child or for some clue to a mysterious
illness, Looks Far Woman would instruct Star Fire to look

for answers. The girl's clarity was a rare gift and reflected

the caring Looks Far Woman had taken in training the

young Seer.

From time to time, Looks Far Woman would recall the

early lessons that had led herbecome the Doorkeeper of
the Crack in the Universe. The Earth Mother had taught
Looks Far Woman to read the faces of the Cloud People and
see the source of an illness buried deep in a patient's body or
mind. As a young Dreamer, she had learned to travel on the
winds with Dragonfly, using Dragonfly's Medicine, break-
ing through the illusions of the tangible world, to retrieve
information. When Looks Far Woman had learned to use
the blackened Medicine Bowl, she had called upon Swan's
Medicine to surrender to the flow of the Dreamtime, enter-
ing the parallel worlds of reality. Lizard's Medicine of
dreaming solutions and visioning taught her the way to

access the expansive dream of worlds within worlds. She

called upon Mole's Medicine of seeing in the dark and being
able to travel under the earth when she was looking for
items that may have been buried. When Looks Far Woman
felt the presence of evil, she called on the Medicine of
Flicker the Woodpecker. Flicker carried the strongest pro-
tection against the shadow and evil. The young Oracle
would allow her spirit to ride the back of Panther when she
sought the truth of future events, because Panther carried
the Medicine of leaping fearlessly into the Void of the Un-
known. Panther's yellow eyes saw with clarity, being the
color of Grandfather Sun, even in the nothingness of empty
space. These Spirit Totems were Looks Far Woman's teach-
ers and Allies in the natural world, assisting her in her con-
tinuing quest to see the truth in all realms.
With Eagle's help, Star Fire had retrieved the passion
that illuminated her ability to see. Eagle's lofty ideals al-

lowed the girl to know that she carried the ability to reclaim
the wholeness she had once felt before her violation. Each
time Star Fire brought a part of herself home to her Sacred
Space, Eagle gifted her with new spiritual clarity, bringing

her to the place where Looks Far Woman could finally take
her through the Crack in the Universe safely.
Looks Far Woman entered the cave when the fading
light of Grandfather Sun was painting the outside world in
brilliant hues of vermillion. She looked at Star Fire, tending
a small twig fire, and broke the silence. "Daughter, the time
has come for you to travel beyond the realms you have jour-

neyed through. Go and purify yourself in the bubbling water

of the hot springs, then meet me in the cavern where we use

the Medicine Bowl to seek vision."


Star Fire nodded, then unhurriedly made her way out of

the cave. Having total trust in her teacher and adopted
mother had instilled a sense of safety in the girl. Looks Far
Woman marveled at the young Dreamer's balanced attitude
of acceptance. Star Fire had maintained her relationship to

the Earth Mother and tangible reality as well as her under-

standing of the intangible by using Dolphin's Medicine of

how to use the breath in order to tap the available energy,
life force, or manna. Like Looks Far Woman, the young Or-
acle could journey beyond the physical realms and, upon re-

turning, properly use the breath to bring her body functions

into balance again.
While Star Fire prepared herself for the journey, Looks
Far Woman sat with her memories. The Clan Mother re-

called every step on her own path that had honed the skills

she now possessed. She reviewed the hours she had spent
learning to focus her mind on one location so that she could
propel her spirit to that place within the Dreamtime. She
looked at the lessons she had mastered by stilling her
thoughts and following glimpses of vision until they re-

vealed whole pictures of truth. She remembered her frus-

trations and her triumphs along the arduous path of

becoming a Seer until she felt complete within her being.

She would also achieve a wholeness of her own during Star
Fire's passage.

Looks Far Woman recalled the Earth Mother's words of

encouragement when she had learned how to master the

gifts she had been given. The Earth Mother had blessed
Looks Far Woman by passing her this Medicine of seeing
the truth. Now, Looks Far Woman was responsible for giv-
ing those same skills to all of the Human Tribe. If Star Fire

was successful and made it through the Crack in the Uni-

verse, Looks Far Woman's final Rite of Passage would be
complete. The Clan Mother would know that she had im-
peccably trained another woman, who would then be re-
sponsible for passing the Medicine to others. The caring,
patience, and tender guidance Looks Far Woman had shown
in helping Star Fire develop her gifts would bring luster to
the whole Human Tribe. Star Fire's success would signal
that Looks Far Woman's circle of experience was complete
and that Seer and Dreamer Medicine would be available to
humankind throughout time.
Looks Far Woman was ready to face the future, having
reviewed the past and released it in order to see the truth of
the here and now. She stood up and walked with silent de-
termination to the place in the giant cavern where the next
turn in her Sacred Path would be revealed.
The two women sat in the vision cavern, peering into

the blackened Medicine Bowl. The surface of the water was

lit by the flames of their twig fire. Star Fire would be jour-

neying alone, but Looks Far Woman would observe the girl's
effort by using her talents as a Seer.

Star Fire melded her consciousness with the water and

fire seen in the Medicine Bowl by focusing without blink-
ing. Gently, she surrendered her mind to the flow of the life

forces of the elements of fire and water, using the fire to

burn away her random thoughts and water to cleanse her

total being of the need to control the journey. She continued
by bringing the Earth Mother's magnetism from the soil be-

neath her into her body's center of gravity, her womb. With
the breath, she brought the element of air into her lungs and
used the life manna to stabilize her bodily functions. Finally,

she opened her heart and gave over, surrendering to the love
of the Great Mystery. The connection was now complete,
combining the Clan Chiefs of Air, Earth, Water, and Fire
with the raw Creative Potential of the Great Mystery, meld-
ing these natural forces with Divine Love inside her Orenda.
Through limitless space, Star Fire traveled on a beam of
love, beholding the dreamscapes of earlier journeys as she

crossed the vast expanse of the Void. Much time passed as

she sailed through the Dreamtime, finally reaching unfa-
miliar territory. The Bow of Beauty stood before her, glit-

tering in the light of stars. The golden bow was inlaid with
pearls, representing pearls of wisdom, and with rubies, glis-

tening in the reflected golden light. The Bow of Beauty

spoke to Star Fire: "Child of Looks Far Woman, the arrow of
your spirit form can be mounted upon my bowstring and
shot into the Void if you possess the faith reflected in the

red of these precious stones inlaid in the arc of my bow.

Like yourself, through living with the grit of human life, the
Oyster produces the pearls of wisdom that have brought you
this far on your healing path. Are you ready to travel far-
Star Fire agreed and her spirit form was shot by the Bow
of Beauty into the Void of the Unknown. Blazing colors flew
past her, blurring the dreamscape, as she traveled far and
fast into the new realms of the Dreamtime. When her vision
cleared, she saw the erratic dance of lightning bolts far in

the distance. The silent storm of raw creative force drew her
forever forward, drifting easily, seemingly being pulled by
her own fascination. Suddenly, as she drew very close to the
Fire Stick Beings crackling silently before her, she spied an

apricot light that reminded her of the rising of Grandfather


Sun. The radiant apricot color lightened into shades of but-

tercup and sunflower yellows, revealing a large chasm as
space seemingly split in the center of the burnished golden
orb. A figure appeared in front of the enormous crack in
space, faintly outlined in purest gold. As the figure took on
more substance, Star Fire was drawn closer until she could
see the face of the spirit form.
The welcoming arms of Looks Far Woman encircled
the girl's spirit form as she felt all the love in the universe
course through her being. Together they watched the Golden
Door of Illumination appear, rising from the Crack in the
Universe. Looks Far Woman stood aside and questioned her
daughter with eyes filled with compassion. A blinding light
appeared inside Star Fire's spirit form in the place where her
heart resided in her human body. The Eternal Flame of Love
blazed with a passion for living inside the girl's dreaming
body, signaling that she had forgiven those who had
wounded her and had seen the truth of how that pain had
served her by opening her to the gifts she now held. She had
become a healed healer who had passed through the dark
night of the soul to reclaim the love. Her connection to the
Creator and to all life was complete. Star Fire nodded to her
mother and allowed the light of love, beaming from her
heart, to draw her through the Crack in the Universe.
The visions that every human encounters on the other
side of the Golden Door, through the Crack in the Universe,
are the reflections of joy that exist beyond the illusions of

physical sorrows. In that other world, we are shown how to

use the energy that we once used to heal ourselves, to expe-
rience the joy of human life. The worlds within worlds are

opened to every Two-legged who chooses to travel beyond

the pain that limits our ability to see the truth.
Looks Far Woman will always stand at the Crack in the
Universe, holding the Golden Door of Illumination open for
those who have the ears to hear, the eyes to see, and the
hearts to understand.
Echoes of the Ancestors
Ride the Winds of Change,
Voices of the Creatures
Calling out my name.
Singing spirits on the breeze,
The crashing of waves to shore,
The pounding of Earth Mother's heart
Teach me what to listen for.

In stillness, before dusk and dawn,

Hidden messages are set free.
Like the chants of my people,
Their rhythms speak to me.
My ears can hear this music,
And my heart can understand.
Clan Mother of Tiyoweh,
I am yours to command.
I listen for your whispers
On a course you will chart,

Searching for the still voice

That lives within my heart.
Clan Mother
of the

Fifth Moon Cycle

LISTENING WOMAN is the Clan Mother of Tiyoweh,

the Stillness, whose moon cycle falls in the month of May.
The color connected to her moon is black and represents
seeking an answer. Her Cycle of Truth is hearing the truth.
This Clan Mother teaches us how to enter the Silence and
how to listen to the ever-present messages of nature, our
hearts, the Spirit World, the viewpoints of other humans,
the Creature-teachers, and the Great Mystery. In Seneca
Tradition, Entering the Silence is called Tiyoweh (Tie-yo-
whey), which is translated as the Stillness. Once a person
can access the Stillness and can hear the small, still voice
within, that person has the potential to realize personal
wholeness because she has accessed the voice of inner

Listening Woman teaches us to listen to all of the view-

points represented in our world in order to learn the har-
mony that can be found through allowing each life form to
have its Sacred Point of View. This Clan Mother teaches us
that we will never learn or expand if we do not listen to
what is being said. She shows us the crooked trail of having
to talk all the time,- when we are talking, we are not listen-
ing. When we ignore or cut off the voice of another person

who is telling us something we don't want to hear, we may

be stopping our own growth. Many wounded people in our
world do not want to hear the truth because they feel that it

hurts them. The willingness to listen to the truth about

oneself when it is delivered with loving compassion is a
great talent and can heal old wounds.
Listening Woman has the ability to hear more than the
words of her human children, even when they are afraid to
speak the truth of how they feel. This Clan Mother listens
to others with her heart, as well as with her ears. She can
hear the unspoken heart's desires of her human children, as

well as their unspoken fears. She can hear the nonverbal

languages of the animals, plants, and stones as well as the
voices of the Ancestors, coming from the Spirit World. Lis-
tening Woman's talents are derived from her ability to be to-

tally still, to take in all the impressions she can gather, and
then to formulate a concept of the whole.
Listening Woman teaches us how to discern whether
people are speaking the truth by listening to the inflections
and feelings contained in their words. She shows us that
many humans do not know how to express their personal
truths because they deny their true feelings. Some humans
may lie to cover their fear of retribution or punishment;
some people tell lies to feel included or important. But all

people who speak untruths are detectable if we develop the

art of listening. Showing compassion for those who feel

they must lie is a sign of spiritual maturity. The person who

lies is wounded. The untruthful people of our world are only
lying to themselves, because they have not heard the voice
of their Orendas or Spiritual Essences. To live in total truth

is to know the light of the Eternal Flame of Love.


Listening Woman hears every thought, senses every

feeling, and receives every impression in Tiyoweh, the Still-

ness. She uses her gift of prophesy based on the information

she collects. The Clan Mother of Tiyoweh can foretell the

probable future, showing us our potentials to follow the

BeautyWay or the crooked trail. She sends us warnings
when we are off balance and encouragement when we are
walking with grace. The omens, portents, signs, and guide-
posts of life come to us because Listening Woman has heard
our hearts, our spoken intent, our unspoken desires, or our
needs. The messengers she sends our way are the Allies of
Nature, the Ancestor Spirits, the Creature-teachers, and/or
the voices of our Orendas.

Entering the Stillness

Listening Woman remembered the first human experi-

ence she went through when she came from the spirit
world to walk the Earth. Many, many moons had passed
since then, and yet the sweetness of that first moment was
alive in her memory, giving her comfort amidst the all-con-
suming tasks she faced being an adviser and counselor to
her human children. Her senses drank in the smells and
sensations of that long-ago time, allowing her to float back
into the precious memory of her first awakening.
Listening Woman came into her human form in a giant
cavern where the blackness was complete. Even with her

eyes open, she was surrounded by total darkness and vast

nothingness. She did not know that her human eyes could
encompass the beauty of the natural world. She was en-
veloped in the scent of damp earth, a faint, acrid smell of
growing rock formations, and the clean, sweet perfume of
her own body. In the darkness, she felt her human flesh for
the first time, reveling in the sensations of smooth skin and
pliant, well-formed muscles. She touched her head and was
surprised at how her hair softly covered her shoulders,
falling below her hips like a mantle to protect her from the
chill of the cavern.

With each movement of her body, she felt other tex-

tures. Tiny grains of pebblelike sand covered the surface be-

neath her, gently rubbing her legs. She heard moisture
dripping from the ceiling above, giving delight, as a drop or
two hit her skin, sending new sensations through her body.
The soft roundness of her belly and breasts was very differ-

ent from the strong muscular legs that curled beneath her
torso while she sat on the cavern's floor. Her fingertips

traced the line of her lips and she noticed that they were full
and soft, the texture of the skin being different from the
chin beneath or the cheekbones above.
As she fingered the curve of her eyes, she gave a start
when she realized that the eyelids were coverings used to
protect the sensitive round orbs beneath them. One eye wa-
tered, cleansing itself from her unknowing touch, sending a

tear coursing down her cheek. She noted the unfamiliar sen-
sations of discomfort and wetness as a part of her discovery.
She made a mental note that some parts of this human form
were very sensitive and would need to be handled with care.

As Listening Woman continued her discovery by touch-

ing her neck, she felt the strong, lean curve of the graceful
pedestal that held her head above her body, noticing that
there were solid structural protrusions just beneath the skin
in the back. The skeletal forms of her spine that gave her
flesh a frame felt angular in comparison to the firm smooth-
ness of the muscles that covered them. Her fingertips
moved up the side of her neck and she felt the shell-like ap-
pendages of her ears.

In the deep darkness of the cavern, the Guardian of

Inner Knowing could hear the slightest movement of her

hands, the gentle rasp of her breath, the dripping of water

droplets, and the rustle of her legs against the cave's floor

when she shifted her body's position. She drank in every

sound as she moved and touched her feet, toes, ankles, and
shins, marveling in the magnificence of the human form
she had inherited.As Listening Woman stretched her body
and found the ways in which she could position her form,
she discovered gurgles coming from the organs within her
torso. A slight ache in the middle of her belly resounded
with a rumble that echoed through the cavern. She was con-
cerned with the new development and silently sent her
thoughts to the Earth Mother.
"Mother, I do not understand this sound and the ache
in my middle. I feel like something is missing, and yet I

know that the Great Mystery created these beautiful hu-

man forms in wholeness. What do I need to learn?
The Earth Mother's voice filled the mind and heart of
Listening Woman as she answered her daughter. "These
sounds are a part of the human body, child. Sometimes

these gurgling noises mean that the body is digesting the

fuel that is needed to give the body strength. At other times,
the rumbles mean that the body needs sustenance to main-
tain its stamina. You are feeling the ache because there is a
hunger for the food your body needs.
Listening Woman sat in the Stillness, feeling the ache
deep in her belly, and listened to the accompanying sounds
to become familiar with the language of her body's needs.
She asked the Earth Mother how she could feed the form
that housed her spirit. The Earth Mother spoke to her
daughter, explaining that a basket of food had been placed in
the cavern very close to the Clan Mother and that by using
her sense of touch, Listening Woman could find it and feed

The Keeper of Introspection began to grope the space

around herself in a circular motion, encountering the basket
of food a short distance away. She felt the textures of each of
the food substances while the Earth Mother told her how to
taste and chew and swallow. The sounds of eating were very
different, depending upon the choice of foods she made.
Some sounds were softer, allowing her to hear the swirl of
her tongue over the juicy flesh of a ripe peach. When she bit
into a carrot, the loud crunch of her teeth against the firm-
ness of the vegetable echoed in her ears and filled the empti-
ness of the cavern with waves of startling sounds. Listening
Woman was amazed by the volume of the noises and
paused, afraid to continue or swallow.
The gentle laughter of the Earth Mother filled the Clan
Mother's sense of inner knowing, relieving her trepidation.
The Earth Mother's joyous assurance that all was as it
should be gave the Clan Mother a desire to crunch louder.

The Keeper of Discernment found the feelings inside of

herself that told her it was all right to continue; so she

crunched down on the bite of carrot and made the loud
echoes again and again, filling the cavern with the sounds of
enjoyment that came from relishing the sweet taste of the


Listening Woman noticed that her body was no longer

groaning and that the feeling of something being missing
was gone. A new feeling of fulfillment had replaced the
emptiness, and she noticed the contentment and sense of
well-being that flooded her body. She kept the basket near
her in case the rumbles started again, because she had no
idea how often her new body would need food. She returned
her attention to the sounds and sensations found in the ob-
sidian blackness of the cavern.
The stillness was interrupted by the reverberating
sound of liquid dripping from the ceiling of the cavern and
hitting a large pool of water behind her. The Earth Mother
urged her to find her sense of direction by noting where the
sounds came from and to follow the splashes until she
reached their origin. The Clan Mother crawled toward the
drip and splash noises until she felt the same kind of wet-

ness she had discovered when the tear had rolled down her
cheek. The Earth Mother explained that the liquid was
water and did not taste salty like the tear from Listening
Woman's eye. This sweet water was used to quench thirst, a

dryness, and was essential to her human body.

Listening Woman learned how to cup her hands and
take the water to her lips and drink. The accompanying
sounds were not unlike the gurgles she had heard coming
from hunger. The Clan Mother discovered that she could

make different noises when she lapped the water, slurped,

or swallowed. The echoes of each sound filled the pregnant
void with a myriad of resounding waves of vibrations, giv-
ing Listening Woman a multitude of new noises to experi-
ence. At one point in her process of reaching into the water,
the Clan Mother encountered a small stone. She pulled the
Stone Person from the pool and felt the solid form, noticing
that it was much harder than the bones of her body and
larger than the pebbles that covered the floor of the cavern.

When the Stone Person spoke to her in the same way that
the Earth Mother had spoken to her inner knowing, Listen-
ing Woman was so startled that she dropped the Stone Per-
son into the pool of water with a resounding splash.
The Stone Person continued to speak to her, explaining
that he was a friend. Groping in front of her to retrieve the
rock, Listening Woman found herself making all sorts of
strange noises. Her breath started to come in harder gusts
and she could hear the pounding of her heart as she franti-

cally felt below the water's surface for the friend she had
dropped in her moment of surprise. The Stone Person
guided her hands to his resting place and then began to ex-
plain how he could aid her in the further discovery of her
gifts, talents, and abilities.

"I am a Rock Person who holds the libraries of all that

has passed on the Earth Mother. Together, we can approach

the outside world, learning what you need to experience in

order to fulfill your mission. You have already begun that

journey by learning the language of your body's needs, how
to hear the Earth Mother's voice, and how to listen to my
words. Here in the darkness, you are beginning to develop
the skills of understanding that make up the many levels of

sound without sight, taste and touch without visual con-

tact, and feelings without outside confusing influences.
These first encounters with your abilities of perception will
allow you to hear the truth in every situation you encounter
in physical The darkness of the Void of the Unknown

will be comforting to you and the answers you seek will

come through your ability to hear them."
Listening Woman's breath came in soft, even rhythms
as she held her new friend to her heart. The Keeper of Dis-
cernment felt a kinship and a trust between herself and the
Stone Person, who called himself Hagehjih, Old Man. In his
ancient form Listening Woman found the comfort of a kin-
dred spirit, because her own Spiritual Essence was as old as
the Earth Mother and Grandmother Moon, who were cre-
ated in the Spirit World by the Great Mystery. Old Man un-
derstood the Clan Mother's desire to find out all that she
could about her humanness and the things she needed to
master on her path to wholeness.
That friendship had been the beginning of her journey.
The long-ago memory and how much she had grown with
Old Man's assistance, created a chain of pictures and sensa-
tions that flooded Listening Woman's mind and senses. She
recalled her first experience with light and the gentle steps
thatOld Man had insisted that she take when they emerged
from the cavern. Old Man had introduced her to Ant, who
had taught her the Medicine of patience. Ant had spoken of
the wisdom of taking the time needed for her eyes to adjust
to the light that filtered into the cavern. The brightness of
the outside world grew as the Clan Mother and Old Man
spent one Sun and Sleep closer to the entrance of the cave,
allowing Listening Woman to keep her hearing abilities

intact while she blended her talent of listening with the

new experience of sight. Her excitement at seeing new col-

ors and forms nearly got the best of her in those first sighted

moments. The urge to rush into discovery had to be cur-

tailed for her to maintain physical, emotional, and spiritual
Now, many moons later, Listening Woman was happy
that she had honored the wisdom and harmony that had al-

lowed her to emerge from the cavern into the outside world
in a balanced way. Her mind returned to another memory of
the progress she had made during the winters she had
learned about the other Two-legged humans she would share
the world with during her journey on the Red Road of life.

In those early times when she encountered other human

beings, Listening Woman was able to develop her gifts of
inner knowing because humans had not yet developed
speech. The Human Tribe spoke Hail-oh-way-an, the Lan-
guage of Love. This nonverbal language expressed the heart
of any matter a Two-legged needed to communicate. In si-

lence, the observer had to watch and note the expressions,

movements, and feelings being shared by the one who was
communicating. To receive the wholeness of any message,
the listener had to focus on the person communicating
without interjecting or interrupting. Listening Woman had
mastered the art of hearing the Language of Love and often-
times heard the thoughts of others through her ability to ac-
cess their inner knowing as well as her own.
The Clan Mother remembered how she had been able
to teach others the same talent of understanding the voice
of another's heart and how the Human Tribe had benefited

in those early times. Since then, the Earth Mother had com-
pleted many rotations around Grandfather Sun and the Chil-

dren of Earth had grown and changed — some for the better,
some for the worse. The progression of human spiritual evo-
lution was a concern to Listening Woman because she had
witnessed the truth and she had witnessed the crookedness
that some verbal language had brought forth in those who
wanted to hide the misaligned truths of their intentions.
Greed and desire for control had given birth to forked

tongues and double meanings in the spoken word. Her tal-

ents had naturally been honed into precision during the

course of her encounters with individuals who spoke with
the seeming sincerity that masked their hidden agendas.
Listening Woman had developed the gift of being a true
observer by entering the Stillness of her own being and hav-
ing no preconceptions while she listened to others, observ-
ing every movement of their bodies and every crescendo or
cadence of their voices. The Clan Mother could easily see if

the speaker was nervous, hiding something, or merely shy.

Over the passing of seasons, Listening Woman earned her
role of being the Keeper of Discernment. Every feeling of
warning that issued forth from her navel, the feeling center
of the body, sent shock waves through her sense of well-
being and allowed her to discern who to trust and with
whom she needed to exercise caution. Many of her lessons
had been hard earned; she had been forced by circumstances
to pay attention to actions rather than words. This form of
observing took a deeper concentration and focus, as the
Clan Mother delved farther into listening to her heart's im-
pressions of the speaker in front of her. It had been during

one of those particularly difficult situations that Listening

Woman had been blessed with hearing the voice of her

Orenda, her Spiritual Essence.
The bitter cold of that winter Sun had made it almost
impossible to relax into Tiyoweh, the Stillness. Listening
Woman had nearly decided that the time was not right for
her to hear the stories of the two men who had asked for her
advice. The winter winds pressed through any tiny opening
in the hides that covered the entrance to the cavern of the
Tribe she was with, creating unwelcome wafts of cold that
sent every muscle into tense knots. The Clan Mother knew
that she risked becoming short tempered with the men and
that she might have a difficult time discerning their shivers
from the telltale signs that usually allowed her to perceive
hidden meanings or untruths. She knew that in meeting
with these two men, she would have to stretch her capacity
to hear the truth, listening to their inner thoughts and un-
spoken intentions.
During the time that the three spent together, the Clan
Mother listened with her whole being, sensing the urgency
of the situation as well as the impatience of one of the men.
The viewpoints of the men differed greatly, making each
certain that the other was incapable of understanding. The
Guardian of Introspection took the time she needed before
saying anything and told the men that they would meet
again during the following Sun.
After the men left her fire, Listening Woman felt con-
fused by all she had heard, the gestures of each man, and the
way the bitter cold had robbed part of her focus. As she sat

gazing into the flames of her twig fire, she closed her eyes

and felt deep inside her own being. A feeling of warmth

roused itself from the stillness and poured though her like
golden honey, sweet and rich. The Clan Mother felt herself

expanding beyond the limits of her human form and then

beyond the walls of the cavern the Tribe called home. In the
stillness, she heard a faint whisper, a voice she did not rec-
ognize. The orange flames flickered with light and shadow
against her closed eyelids as she followed the whisper into
the grayness that bordered her senses. The journey took her
into the blackness of the Void of the Unknown, beyond the
boundaries of her perceptions. The voice grew clearer and
more animated the closer she traveled to the sound.
A light began to emerge in the darkness of the Void,

leading Listening Woman to a brilliance she had never en-

countered before. The light was made of multicolored

bursts of flame that changed with the cadence of the voice

that spoke from the center of the fire. Listening Woman felt
a lump rise in her throat and tears sting her human eyes as
she discovered the voice of her Orenda. She had ventured
beyond her human form, yet she could feel every emotion
and subtle change in her body. She heard the sound of her

throat trying to swallow, the crackling of the twig fire, the

almost imperceptible sob caused by her joyous tears, and
the voice of her Spiritual Essence.
In her state of heightened awareness, the Clan Mother
understood all of the steps of her passage and how each and
every lesson had brought her to this moment of personally
realized wholeness. The voice of her Orenda was the wel-
coming voice that signaled that she had come home to the
true Self. An overwhelming rush of emotions rocked her

body with feelings of gratitude, satisfaction, permanence,

humility, wonder, nurturance, belonging, achievement, and
the desire to know more. She was taken aback by the beauty
of the Eternal Flame of Love that held the Orenda's voice,
dancing in her mind's eye.
In a heartbeat, she was aware of the Earth Mother's nur-

turance of her physical form and the Great Mystery's lov-

ing protection of her Spiritual Essence.The two worlds of
spirit and of tangible substance had become one inside her

Orenda. She heard the harmony of Creation issue forth from

the center of her being, singing the music found in all

spheres of life. Every life form had a melody intricately har-

monizing with all of the others.
There was no room for discord in the symphony of

sounds that flowed through her perceptions. Her heart,

body, mind, and spirit had a new sense of wholeness. Noth-
ing seemed too far or too great to encompass, as her ability
to hear every voice in Creation grew stronger inside her
The desire to have every human being share in her ex-
perience was interrupted by the voice of her Orenda. "Self of
myself, you are expressing the Creator's desire of unlimited
joy. You are blessed with the generosity of spirit that wants
all others to find this inner knowing. Until each human
being has walked the paths to wholeness that you have
walked, they cannot fully understand the ecstasy and bliss
of your experience. Every being must be given the opportu-
nities that they need in order to find their individual paths
home, to the true Self. Listen to their hearts and guide them
in ways them to know that they may accomplish
that allow
the tasks of homecoming for themselves."

Listening Woman asked the voice of her Orenda if there

were some way that she should direct her human children,

and the voice of her Orenda replied. "Teach them how to

listen to the voices of the natural world. Call upon Hawk,

who is the messenger that carries those words of wisdom, to
assist you in showing the Two-leggeds how to listen. Teach
them the compassion of Ant, whose Medicine is patience
and the wisdom of Armadillo whose Medicine shows them
how to keep the feelings and troubles of others out of their
Sacred Spaces by using boundaries. Show the human be-
ings the listening abilities of Rabbit and how he teaches his
Medicine of not listening to unrealistic fears. Point out the
Medicine of Mockingbird, who teaches Two-leggeds the gift
of recalling and repeating all they have heard. Call upon
Ferret to use his Medicine of ferreting out the answers by
using deduction and reason. Porcupine can assist your chil-
dren by teaching them the Medicine of faith and innocence.
They will need to have faith in their paths, their abilities,
and their connections to the Great Mystery, as well as the
kind of innocence and humility that keeps the limitations
of skepticism and arrogance from daunting their progress."
Deep inside her heart, Listening Woman recorded all

that the voice of her Orenda had shared with her. The
Guardian of Introspection understood that she had com-
pleted her final Rite of Passage, which reflected her personal
realization of wholeness. Her next step on the Great Medi-
cine Wheel of Life would be teaching her human children
how to hear and interpret the messages they received. The
roar of the Sea Lion resounded in her memory, reminding
her that she could call on the abilities of the Seals and Sea
Lions to teach her human children the Medicine of riding

the waves of their emotions and feelings in order to discover

all facets of themselves. Through trusting their feelings, her
human children could learn the many levels of discernment
necessary for hearing the truth.
Listening Woman had learned many lessons during that
Sun of bitter cold and fiery feelings of wholeness. Then she
had applied the new understanding to the two men who had
asked for her counsel. She had taught the two men how to
see the harmony of the other's viewpoint by making them
stand in the position of the other, pretending to voice the
opposite viewpoint until they respected the other's opinion.
Those earlier events seemed so very long ago. During
the generations that followed, Listening Woman had grown
and continued to develop her As if they were rare

Medicine Objects, she quietly put away her precious mem-

ories, wrapping them in Tiyoweh, using the Stillness like a
Medicine Bundle to hold the sacred remembrances of her

Now, it was time for the Clan Mother to enter Tiyoweh
and listen to the words of a young woman who was strug-

gling to understand her dreams and the messages she had re-

ceived. As Grandfather Sun rode low in the Sky Nation,

Listening Woman helped the young dreamer to interpret the
symbols and spoken wisdom she had gathered from her vi-
sions. Listening Woman showed the younger woman how

to ask herself leading questions that would enable her to

find her own answers. The tools that the Clan Mother used
sparked understanding, always asking the young woman to
think, to remember, to feel, and to honor the still, inner
voice that insisted that the dreamer hear the truth inside
her own heart.

Listening Woman would listen to the girl and then ask,

"How did that make you feel?" or "What did that Creature
seem to be teaching you?"
In every instance, when a person seeking counsel felt

safe and like she or he was really being heard, the inner
knowing would shine forth. Listening Woman found herself
becoming a reflector for those seeking assistance, always
recognizing that at some point all of her children needed to
be reassured. Some were frightened of the Stillness, others
were afraid of the darkness of the Void, still others were
scared of what they might hear because they had been deny-
ing the truth inside themselves.
Each member of the Human Tribe was an individual
who had to follow the path to wholeness that suited him or
her, but all of the Human Tribe would have to discover
inner hearing before those paths would reach the wholeness
they sought. Hearing the voice of the Orenda was the man-
ner in which all humans would eventually realize their po-
tentials. Without that ability to listen to their hearts'

desires and inner truths, they were lost. Listening Woman

taught them that the first step on every individual path was
learning to listen to their bodies and to each other with re-
spect. Later, they were taught the skills of listening to na-

ture; then, how to hear and interpret the unspoken messages

of the natural world and the voices of the Ancestors that
rode on the winds. Further along the path to wholeness, the
Children of Earth learned how to listen to their own spoken
words, comparing what they actually said to the truth found
in the Orenda's voice. This step was a weeding-out process
that struck at the heart of the limitations and illusions
found along the Red Road of human life.

As Listening Woman reviewed the skills she had been

able to pass along to the Children of earth, the fluttering of
her heart caught her attention. She focused on the flutter
and found the voice of her Orenda, filled with love. A shud-
der went through the Clan Mother's body as the voice spoke:
"The Children of Earth will heal their wounds and find
the same joy that you have cradled in your heart, self of my-
self. Theremore inner peace available with each passing

season because more members of the Human Tribe are dis-

covering the way home. The love is returning. As that flow
of life increases, and the Two-leggeds find the Eternal Flame
of Love inside of themselves, Hail-oh-way-an, the Language
of Love, will return. They will once again be able to hear the

pureness of each other's hearts and understand the harmony

of Creation that the Great Mystery has given as a legacy of

peace. All life forms will live together as one and will sup-
port all others without judgment or exception. Listen. Can
you hear it?"

As the voice of her Orenda faded, Listening Woman

heard the faint murmurs of the breeze, building in pitch,

climbing the ridges across Sacred Mountain, encircling the

Earth Mother. The voices of the Ancestors rode the Winds
of Change, whispering to all who could hear.
"Now is the time of the return of White Buffalo. It is

time to set aside your fears and to join us in the quest for

wholeness and unity. Children, call to this Grandmother

who can teach you the harmony of your heart's inner peace.
Listening Woman hears your call and stands ready to show
you how to discover the way. Listen for the soft falling foot-
steps of your Ancestors amid the pounding of White Buf-
falo's hooves, and know. Know that every night we light the

homecoming fires across the great expanse of the Sky Na-

tion. In Tiyoweh we wait. We send you our ancient whis-

pers to mark the Harmony Trail back to your heart's home/'

Listening Woman sat in the Stillness and listened. The
emerging voices that were calling her name came as no sur-
prise. The time for humans to listen and to reach for spiri-

tual wholeness, discarding separation and limitation, had

finally arrived.

Tell me a story, sweet Mother,

Of the Ancestors and their days,
Of how they walked with beauty,
Learning the Medicine Ways.

As you relate the stories,

I am allowed to see
The importance of every lesson
And how it applies to me.

Through another's example

I share the laughter and the tears.

Through another's experience

I learn how love can conquer fear.

Together we can journey

Through those other times,
Reclaiming all the wisdom
Of the legacies left behind.
Clan Mother
of the

Sixth Moon Cycle

• ••GO
STORYTELLER is the Clan Mother of the moon cycle that
falls in the month of June and is represented by the color
red. Storyteller teaches us to have faith, to be humble, and
to stay young at heart by keeping our innocence intact.

These are some of the Medicines found in the color red. The
Sixth Cycle of Truth guarded by this Clan Mother is speak-
ing the truth. Storyteller teaches her human children how
to speak from their hearts, always saying what they mean,
in a truthful, clear, and concise manner. This Clan Mother
is the teacher of truth and the pathfinder who shows us the
faith we need to find our way through the illusory forests of
our own confusions. Storyteller teaches us that speaking
the truth is the basis of the Oral Tradition that keeps uni-
versal, timeless wisdom alive. The hard-learned lessons that
have guided other human beings safely down the Red Road
of physical life apply to all humans because they are based

on eternal truths.

Storyteller teaches us how to use humor to dispel our

fears and how to balance the sacredness with irreverence.
When we can laugh at our humanness and our silly at-

tempts to preserve our limitations, we will have conquered


the self-created demons that bind us to high drama and our

need to create constant upheaval. Through listening to the
stories of others and how they handled the lessons pre-
sented on their paths, we are able to gain perspective on our
own Rites of Passage on Earth.
This Clan Mother is Heyokah Medi-
also the holder of
cine, tricking us into growth through laughter. The Heyokah

can show us how to achieve the wholeness our Orenda's de-

sire, by going through the back door or contrary side of any
lesson. The Spiritual Essence, or the Orenda, sees beyond
human tunnel vision and can work with Heyokah Medicine
to push us beyond our stubbornness. The Heyokah will
clown around, giving us subtle lessons that we can reflect

upon or ignore. Storyteller can also weave a story that em-

bodies the characteristics of a person's life lessons without
pointing a finger at the individual. The Heyokah personality
of Storyteller then tricks the listener into safely seeing his
or her situation through the eyes of an observer, instead of
having to confront the issue head-on.
Storyteller uses the gifts of wisdom presented by the
Ancient Ones, now in spirit, to present the truths that
helped those Ancestors. When truth has been used to solve
life's problems or challenges, those truths are to be shared
with future generations. Storyteller and her moon cycle are
connected to the color red because blood is red. The wisdom
of all human Ancestors and their lessons are coded in the
DNA of the blood. In Traditional Indian Medicine, the blood
has always been acknowledged as the river of life that flows
through our bodies, allowing us to claim the knowing held
by the wise Elders who came before us. Only in modern

times have scientists discovered that the DNA carries the

genetic imprint, but they have not discovered that the col-
lective mind and human race can be accessed
spirit of the

through the patterns of DNA in every human cell and in the

Storyteller allows every listener to hear the stories of
how others found truth in their lives. Through the words of

truth she speaks, this Clan Mother teaches us to know how

to speak from our personal truths and from our Sacred
Points of View when we are asked for an opinion. When we
are not asked to make a comment, she teaches us to listen

without having to add our unwanted advice. The Guardian

of the Medicine Stories reminds us that speaking the truth
never hurts another if it is done with love and if we do not
include the projections of self-righteousness or the petty
judgments we often use to criticize ourselves. Speaking the
truth is an art that never includes judging another. Pointing
a finger at another always leaves three fingers pointing back
at the accuser. This kind of judgment never allows the per-
son who is the target of the criticism to find the truth for
himself or herself. Like Storyteller, a person wishing to
speak the truth without pointing a finger can share a story
of how he or she learned a lesson or passed safely through a
crisis. This Teacher of Truth reminds us that people who
are passing half-truths, breaking the trust of a confidence,
or being rumor factories are doing so because they are
wounded. Because of their inability to speak the truth even
to themselves, they project the lies and illusions inside their
woundedness on to the nearest human reflection or situa-
tion they can find.

The Telling of Tales

Storyteller looked into the faces of the children who had

gathered around her to listen to the stories she would
share with her Tribe's Council of Wee People. The fire was
reflected in the expectant faces of the little ones, giving Sto-
ryteller an audience The love they felt for
of rapt admirers.

Storyteller came from the way the Clan Mother treated

them with respect. Storyteller had taught the preceding gen-
erations of many Clans and Tribes that the children were
full-grown spirits in tiny bodies, hence the Council of Chil-
dren became the Council of Wee People.
The night sky was moonless, bringing thousands of
stars into view. This Sleep began the new moon cycle of the

Ripening Moon. The Starry Medicine Bowl of the night sky

gave everyone a sense that something spectacular was about
to happen. The breeze carried the sweet perfume of Mimosa
blossoms that dangled from the branches of the Tree People
who encircled the Clan Mother's lodge. Lightning Bugs
danced in the air around the tall cattails, wild mint, and red
clover-lined brook that snaked through the camp. Occa-
sionally Fireflies would flicker and twinkle in the warm
summer night.
Storyteller decided that it was a perfect time to share
how Firefly got his blinking light. The children
the story of
who made up the Council of Wee People were entranced by
the Clan Mother, the stars, and the dancing Fireflies, trying
to decide what was more interesting to their curious minds.

"Naweh Skennio, thank you for being healthy/' Story-

teller began with the traditional greeting that brought the
children's wandering attention back to her. The little ones
knew that this greeting was the formal sign that they were
to settle down, to be very still, and to listen without inter-

rupting. Storyteller only told short stories to this Council of

Wee People because the youngest children, who had passed
only three summers, had much shorter attention spans than
the older ones who were also a part of the council. When a
child passed his or her eleventh summer, the boys moved to

the Young Warriors Council and the girls joined the Coun-
cil of the Butterfly, which prepared them for their budding

and blossoming transformation into womanhood.

Storyteller cleared her throat and began her tale. "Many,
many long moons ago, the Firefly was known by another
name. He was a star and his name was Forgets to Twinkle.
This little brother was a part of the Great Star Nation and
lived with his Seven Sister Stars, who are still shining
brightly there, in the sky." Storyteller pointed to the seven
stars inside the constellation of the Great Buffalo, showing
the children where to look.
"The Seven Sister Stars held the Seven Sacred Direc-
tions of East, South, West, North, Above, Below, and Within,
teaching all of us in the Human Tribe to honor the abun-
dance that the Great Buffalo brings to us from every direc-
tion. Forgets to Twinkle was always sad because his sisters

had the missions of holding the Seven Sacred Directions for

the Great Buffalo and he wasn't sure what his mission was.
He was so very sad that sometimes he let his light fade
away and that is how he earned his name of Forgets to

"One Sleep, when Grandmother Moon was showing

her Full face, Forgets to Twinkle asked her for permission to
leave the Sky Nation and go nearer to the Earth Mother to
discover more about his purpose in life. Grandmother Moon
said that Forgets to Twinkle could go, but that he should be
The Earth Mother's
careful not to go too close to the Earth.
magnetism could hold him and keep him from coming
home. Forgets to Twinkle agreed that he would pay atten-
tion and only travel where it was safe.
"On the first Sleep, Forgets to Twinkle traveled through
the Sky Nation until he was hanging in the clouds above Sa-
cred Mountain. His heart was very happy because he could
see all of the Little Sisters and Brothers of the Creature
Tribe playing in the moonlight. He shouted down to Brother
Coyote and asked if he could join in the play. Coyote was
known by all of the other animals as the Trickster, but little

Forgets to Twinkle did not know anything about any of the

Children of Earth because he had never been anywhere but
the Sky Nation. Trickster Coyote shouted back that he
would be delighted if his Little Star Brother wanted to play

with him, but Coyote thought Forgets to Twinkle was too

far away.
"Forgets to Twinkle thought a moment and then de-
cided tocome closer, dancing in the sky while Coyote danced
with him on the Earth. Coyote started talking to the Little
Star Brother very softly, making Forgets to Twinkle come
closer to hear what the Trickster was saying. Softer and
softer words of friendship brought the Little Star out of the
sky until he was floating just over Coyote's head."

Storyteller paused for just a moment, allowing all the

children to wonder what would happen next. When she had

every wide-eyed face glued to hers, she raised her voice in

increments, finally shouting at the scary part, "Then that
mean old Trickster grabbed Forgets to Twinkle and gobbled
him up!" The children gasped and some squealed, forgetting
their manners for a moment.

"Well, I suppose that all of you know how terrified For-

gets to Twinkle was when he found himself inside of the
Trickster's belly. He was so upset, he forgot to twinkle and
did not know how in the world he was going to get out

"Around the same moment that Coyote gobbled up the

Little Star Brother, Grandmother Moon looked down and
noticed that Forgets to Twinkle was nowhere in sight. She
looked and looked but could not see her Little Star Brother
anywhere. Because she was concerned, she sent the Stars-
with-Tails, who were her scouts, out to look for Little
Brother. In those ancient times, the Comet People were
messengers who could come and go from the Great Star Na-
tion. These Stars-with-Tails searched high and low for Little

Brother without any luck in finding him.

"Inside the Trickster's belly, the Little Star Brother was
frightened, but heknew that he had better start remember-
ing all the wisdom his Seven Sisters had taught him or he
would never see them again. After a long while, he finally
remembered why he was called Forgets to Twinkle. He had
always been afraid that his light was not as pretty as his sis-

and so he would only blink a little light here and there.
Now that he was trapped inside Coyote's belly, he decided
he had better trust his ability to shine brightly. He huffed
and puffed and sent all of his light into his little star body,
lighting himself and shining as brightly as he could.

"The Trickster suddenly found that the trick was on

him when his whole furry body lit up like Grandfather Sun.
Coyote ran and ran, trying to hide from the Comet scouts
that Grandmother Moon had sent to find Little Brother. The
Trickster had seen the Stars-with-Tails circling the prairies,
looking for Forgets to Twinkle. Old Coyote had thought he
could trick the Star Scouts as easily as he had tricked Little
Brother. Now the slippery Trickster was so bright that there
was no place he could run to or hide without the Star Scouts
finding him. In a panic, the Trickster opened his mouth and
spit Little Star Brother out and then ran away.
"The Stars-with-Tails spread the news to the Cloud
People, who told the Thunderers, who told the Fire Sticks
that the mean old Trickster needed a taste of his own
Medicine. The Sky Nation was filled with the Little Star

Brother's angry Relations who gathered the storms, filling

the Cloud People with Raindrop People and Ice-beings who

could wet and punch Coyote with their water and ice bod-
ies. Hinoh, the Thunder Chief, belched his rolling roar, and
the Thunderbird flapped his giant wings, bringing such
enormous sounds that the Trickster stood quaking in fear.
"Meanwhile, Little Star Brother was trapped in the
Earth Mother's magnetism. He could not move from the
ground and go home. He was still shining brightly so that
his Sky Relations could see where he was, but no one could
rescuehim because they would be caught in the Planetary
Mother's magnetism as well. He called out to the Earth
Mother and asked her to release him and waited for her

"The storm was moving across the land, giving the

Trickster a chance to run as he finally found his paws and

started to dodge the pellets of ice and freezing rain. Light-

ning bolts crashed around him and one Fire Stick hit him, fi-

nally catching his tail on fire. Coyote ran and ran, trying to

think how he could trick the Sky Relations and make them
leave him alone.
"Little Star Brother finally heard the Earth Mother
speak amid the sounds of the Thunderers. Her voice trav-
eled on the raging winds that accompanied the storm his
Relations had made. 'Forgets to Twinkle, you are going to
have to live with the Children of Earth now. If I release my
magnetism, you will be able to go home, but all of my chil-
dren will fall off the earth and go flying into the sky. You are
responsible for forgetting to pay attention to Grandmother
Moon's advice and warning. There is no way that I can help
you without hurting my other children. You must stay here
with us and decide what kind of creature you would like to
"Forgets to Twinkle was sad but he knew that the Earth
Mother was right. He had not paid attention and had been
tricked into ignoring Grandmother Moon's warning. He
wanted to be a part of the Sky Nation and to see the world
from above as he had always done when he lived with his
Seven Sisters. He knew that he would never again forget to
shine his light brightly, because he wanted his Sky Rela-
tions to know where he was and that he remembered his
family. He decided to tell the Earth Mother that he wanted
to be a flying creature who could shine like a star. The Earth

Mother agreed and changed him into a flying Creepy-

crawler of the Insect Tribe. She put a tiny star in his tail so
that he could twinkle at his Sky Relations, reminding all

other Little Brothers and Sisters in the Great Star Nation


what could happen to them if they did not pay attention to

the wisdom of their Elders.

"Even now, if Coyote hears thunder or sees a Firefly, he

will run away in fear. The Trickster remembers that the Fire
Sticks caught his tail on fire and that he had to jump into a
pond to put it out. Some people say that the Fire Sticks and
Thunder Beings counted coup on Coyote, bringing victory
and honor to Little Star Brother. That is how Forgets to
Twinkle earned the name Lightning Bug. His Firefly tail

lights up to remind Coyote of the only Relations that ever

outtricked the Trickster by catching his tail on fire. When

Firefly's tail lights up, we Two-leggeds are reminded to let

our Medicine shine and to keep a twinkle in our eyes so the

Trickster cannot fool us into following the crooked trail."
All of the children sat with open mouths or wide eyes,

gaping at Storyteller, savoring the richness of Little Star

Brother's story.
Older sisters and brothers came by to gather the wee
ones back to the lodges to make ready for the Sleep Man.
They had all heard Storyteller tell the tale of the Sleep Man
and knew that after a nightly story, the Sleep Man would
come to sprinkle sleep-sand in their eyes. If the children
were still awake, the Sleep Man would be angry and their
dreams would not be happy dreams. If they were settled for
the night, the Sleep Man would bring happy dreams to the
little ones. Everybody wanted happy dreams and so the
Tribe never had a problem getting the children tucked into
warm sleeping robes and off to Dreamland.
Storyteller watched as the Wee Council departed with
parents and older siblings. Their tiny voices said, "Naweh,
Aksot, o'gadenetga do, thank you, Grandmother, I had fun."

The Clan Mother acknowledged the thanks and farewells

and prepared to retire to her lodge.
She sent her silent thanks to the Great Mystery for the

enrichment that the children brought into her life and the
gifts she was able to pass to the little ones, giving them a
strong foundation for growth.
She was brought from her thoughts when she heard the
howl of Wolf, who always walked beside her in spirit. Her
Totem gave her the ability to create new paths for learning
and teaching. The pack of timber wolves who lived above
the river in the hills had been her friends over the many
Ripening Moons when her Tribe came to live by the river.

Often, she had observed their hunting and their play when
she visited the upper meadows. She raised her voice to
salute her brothers and sisters, returning their greeting with
a howl that matched their own. The Clan Mother's greeting
was answered again, signaling that the Sleep Man was beck-
oning Storyteller to rest and refresh her body so that she
could dream the joys to be found in the coming Sun.
Later, when Storyteller was nestled in her sleeping
robes, she dreamed of Magpie, who was sometimes called
the Little Black Eagle. In her dream, Magpie was riding the
back of Buffalo, feasting on the insects that had collected in
Buffalo's fur. The black and iridescent midnight blue of
Magpie's feathers shone in the sunlight, flashing amid the
white touches of feathers gracing her wings and tail. In the
dream, Magpie told of her Medicine, which was the talent
of relieving the pain of others. Little Black Eagle taught Sto-
ryteller that discomfort was a warning that showed change
in the body. Magpie told Storyteller that some Two-leggeds
were not willing to go through any kind of discomfort be-

cause they did not understand that chills and fevers were
the body's way of shedding limitation. After the Human
Tribe understood the lessons of growth found through the
challenges of discomfort, Magpie would send her spirit to

remove the discomfort and pain. Like her namesake, Eagle,

Magpie showed Two-leggeds how to find freedom. Eagle
taught the freedom of the Spirit, and Magpie taught how to
allow the spirit's understanding and freedom to enter the
Storyteller was the listener in her dream, just as the

children were her listeners during her waking hours. The

Keeper of Humor nearly woke herself when she laughed
while listening to Magpie harping about her cousin from the
tropical regions of Turtle Island. Magpie described the
Winged Cousin as having the biggest beak imaginable and
bright-colored feathers. Because the cousin's beak was so big
compared to her body, she was known for having her nose in
everyone else's business, but in fact she noticed everything
that could bring harm. Little Black Eagle called the cousin
Toucan and said that this cousin's Medicine was the warn-
ing system of the jungle. Toucan sometimes visited the
dreams Human Tribe who lived far, far away in order
of the

to make them more observant. When trouble or danger was

near, Toucan would fly through the jungle in the tangible
world or send her spirit flying through the Dreamtime, call-

ing out a warning to those who needed to heed the danger


Magpie nearly always followed Toucan, flying through

dreams, showing human beings how to avoid the painful

lessons found by not being aware of the warning signs and

dangers along the Red Road of life. Little Black Eagle told

the Keeper of the Medicine Stories how her big-beaked

cousin's warnings could teach human beings to be aware of

situations that could strip them of their physical well-being.

Toucan sent a warning in life-threatening situations, re-

minding unwary daydreamers that paying attention could

save them from being physically harmed. Since Toucan
lived in a very distant part of Turtle Island, Magpie was in-
troducing the Clan Mother to Toucan's Medicine through
the dream, giving Storyteller the knowledge of Toucan's
Medicine so that she would have his protection if she ever
needed it. Storyteller thanked the Little Black Eagle for the
introduction and for the lessons she had discovered in her
When Storyteller awoke, she discovered that Grandfa-
ther Sun's light had not yet graced the morning sky and so
she lay in silence, reflecting on the Medicine she had re-

ceived during the night. Story after story filled her head
with new ways to share the wisdom that had been presented
to her. The Clan Mother felt a sense of newness as she
smelled the dew-covered plants on the morning breeze. Sto-
ryteller listened to the water song of the river running near
her lodge and was content. The Oral Traditions would con-
tinue to live, as long as those who spoke their eternal truths
passed them from generation to generation, giving the
human children of Earth a way to understand their lives.
She was happy that she was a part of the oral legacy and that
the Creature-teachers were willing to share their Medicine
with her so that she could pass that Medicine on through
the tales she told.
The Guardian of the Medicine Stories closed her eyes
for a moment and saw the spirit of her new friend, Toucan.

Silently, she allowed her thoughts to ask Toucan if the

Winged One had sent her spirit for a reason or was just
greeting the Clan Mother on this new Sun. Toucan spoke to
Storyteller, whispering a message that would always be a
part of the Keeper of Humor's memory.
"Mother, I have come to tell you that many changes
will befall the Two-leggeds during the passage of worlds. My
warning is twofold. If the Children of Earth forget to laugh
at themselves, they will perish from the actions they take
when seriousness strangles their sense of play and laughter.
The Human Tribe needs to be shown how to use humor to

diffuse potentially painful or destructive situations. If they

forget how to balance the sacredness with the irreverence,
the joy of living will be lost.

"The second part of my warning concerns the keeping

of Oral Traditions. When a Medicine Story has been passed
to many generations and contains truth, those wise ways
will support humans in their growth throughout time. To
allow those stories to die would be an injustice. The Chil-
dren of Earth will change and some will lose their connec-
tions to the natural world. If only through their dreams, the
Medicine Stories will keep them connected to the rest of

the Planetary Family. Any person who can speak the truth
by telling a tale that will give listeners a way to reflect on
their lives without pointing a finger will carry my Medicine
of warning. If the warnings allow those listening to come
back into balance, unity will be achieved."
Storyteller thanked Toucan for her twofold warning
and then showed her feathered friend how well she had
heard the message by replying, "So, my big-beaked sky sis-
ter, I am to remember that if we do not pay attention to the

wisdom found in the telling of tales, we may find ourselves

showing our tails to the world!"
Storyteller and the spirit of Toucan laughed and laughed.
The sunlight had broken through the predawn grayness.
The stern warnings had been taken to heart and understood.
The warnings of the hard lessons found in imbalance re-
flected human pain and sorrow, but laughter had counted
coup on the dark clouds that stood as human limitations,
seemingly hiding the joys that could be found in being
human. Storyteller understood and was willing to face the
future with her children, always being mindful that each
human being had to find these truths for herself or himself
in order to pass through the spirit's evolution. She knew
that her stories would be a comfort to the weary on the Sa-
cred Path, and for that reason she would give them away
so that speaking the truth of wisdom and the Sacred
Traditions would never die.
Mother, show me how to love

Beyond my human fear,

Teach me all the joys of life
Behind the veil of tears.

Let me find the pleasure of

A lover's gentle hands,
Let me know the wisdom of
Respect without demands.

Oh, Keeper of Forgiveness,

Teach me how to see
Beyond the petty judgments,
Supporting human dignity.

I will learn your Medicine

Of Mother, lover, friend,

Teaching others how to love

And broken hearts to mend.
Clan Mother
of the

Seventh Moon Cycle

LOVES ALL THINGS is the Clan Mother of the Seventh

Moon Cycle and the month of July. The color connected
with her Medicine is yellow and her cycle represents loving
the truth found in all life forms. She teaches us the wisdom
of compassion and how to be a loving woman and nurturing
Loves All Things is the Keeper of Sexual Wisdom and
shows us that every action of physical life is as sacred as our

spiritual growth because they are the same. When we be-

have as if all acts are sacred, there is no judgment. This Clan
Mother teaches us to love our bodies and to honor the plea-
sures of being human. She shows us that breathing, eating,
walking, playing, working, observing a sunrise, making
love, and dancing are all acts of pleasure given by the Earth
Mother to human beings. She asks us to do everything in
life with a happy heart. In her wisdom, Loves All Things
teaches us that we can find the joys of physical life, without
trying to escape our pain through becoming addicted to false
pleasures or compulsive behavior patterns.
Loves All Things is the Guardian of Unconditional Love
and is connected to Grandfather Sun. Like Grandfather's
sunlight, which shines on everything without withholding

warmth or life-giving sustenance, this Clan Mother loves all

her children equally. Loves All Things uses a form of un-

conditional love to show us that she does not judge our be-
haviors. She is willing to love us enough to allow us to go
through the hard self-imposed lessons that are the conse-
quences of following the crooked trail. Having to experience
the consequences of our unloving actions may not give us
pleasure, but remembering and avoiding those pitfalls in the
future will always bring us back into balance. This Clan
Mother holds the wisdom of allowing and does not smother
her children or impose rigid rules. She uses her ability to
allow us to go through the hard life lessons on our own but
is always waiting to nurture our disappointments and mend
our broken hearts.
Loves All Things teaches that every action in life is

equal because the reaction is equal to the original deed. If

we are good to our bodies, our bodies are healthy and good
to us. If we nurture and respect we will command
that same respect and nurturing from others. If we lie to
ourselves, others will lie to us in kind. If we think positive
thoughts, good things will happen to support our attitudes.
Ifwe apply the love of truth to all things, we find ways to
know and love the Self. This Clan Mother instructs us in a
way that applies the concept of free will in its purest form.
Her foremost understanding is that we will evolve, no mat-
ter what happens. Healing and growth may take many cy-

cles of the Medicine Wheel, but she is willing to love us

unconditionally through all those Rites of Passage until we
love ourselves enough to break the patterns of self-induced

The freedom found in loving the Self without condi-

tions is the talent that makes Loves All Things the Guardian
of Children. She allows children to develop loving self-

expression, encouraging them to be their personal best. This

Clan Mother uses the child's love of discovering life as the

guideline for raising the young. She teaches the child within
us to accept love, to give love, to find ways to love the self,

and to love the truth above all else.

Loves All Things is the Mother-Nurturer, a sensual

lover, the Keeper of All Acts of Pleasure, and the Guardian
of Sexual Wisdom. This Clan Mother embodies the attri-

butes of the devoted friend who sees the strength of our per-
sonal Medicine, as well as our weaknesses, accepting both
sides without judgment. Patiently, she supports us in our
growth process by pointing out our talents, urging us to
grow. Loves All Things ignores our unwillingness to use the
talents we have at hand, because she understands that one
day, on our personal healing paths, we will find it in our-

The Sacredness of Love

Loves All Things felt a warm shudder move up her body

when she relaxed in the light of Grandfather Sun. It felt

wonderful to gather that golden warmth into herself and to

let her body absorb the goodness of Grandfather Sun's

unconditional love. Loves All Things turned the palms of

her hands upward to collect the sunbeams as if they were
the amber nectar from precious tropical flowers. While the
water spirits of the running river sang her a song, she was
reminded of the multitude of simple pleasures that could be
experienced in a human body. The bubbling rush of water,
undulating over the round stones in its path, gurgled a con-
tinuous greeting.An occasional spray of tiny water droplets
showered her feet with new sensations while she took in
every perception her human senses could encompass.
Loves All Things smelled the rich perfume of wet soil

at the river's edge mixed with the many fragrances of wild

flowers and blooming herbs. The faint scent of wild green
onions coming from the shaded woods behind her reminded
her of the many savory foods the Earth Mother freely of-
fered. The smell of moist fallen leaves in the undergrowth

carried with it the faint odor of blooming berry and grape

vines, promising an abundant time of gathering during the

ripening moons. She reveled in the perpetual goodness that

being human offered.

Loves All Things opened her eyes a crack to gaze at the

sunlight and the rainbow prisms it reflected through the lat-

tice created by her eyelashes. The brilliant, effervescent col-

ors danced around her line of vision, giving her yet another
pleasure to enjoy. She could see the reflections of colors
caught in the moisture of the perspiration on her skin. She
noticed that water, like feelings, could reflect any subtle nu-
ance in the changing play of light and shadow. She remem-
bered how she had been amazed by the extensive and varied
sensations she had encountered when she first embodied

her human, female form. She had been like Hummingbird

then, tasting everything that the flowers of human experi-

ence offered, flitting from one to another in total delight.

Once she had watched Hummingbird dart and taste all

the different nectars he found flowering in a woodland

meadow. She decided that the world was to be savored with
the same joy. Those early days had taught her the Medicine
that Hummingbird offered and that same attitude of love
and joy had continued to shape every experience in her

Earth Walk. Loves All Things silently sent her thanks to the
smallest of all winged creatures, who hummed the song of
letting the joys of life chase away negativity and fear. Lost
in her feelings, the relaxed Clan Mother barely noticed that
she was following the colors of a sunbeam through her eye-
lashes and into a sparkling set of memories that reminded
her of the joys and the trials she had discovered on the Good
Red Road.
She remembered how she had been initiated into sexu-
ality, learning the pleasures of coupling, in a field of corn
poppies and soft green moss. The day had been a warm one
filled with the sounds of her own pounding heart and the
calls of thrushes and larks. The birds were circling, then
diving into the meadow to feast on wild grass seeds and
grains. She was walking next to a man who had touched her
heart deeply during the past few moons. Together they had
explored the surrounding foothills and had shared many
fires. He had protected her, had provided their fires with
food to cook, and had shown her the respect due a female.
This man knew that every woman was an extension of the
Earth Mother and that to harm a woman in any way could

bring the consequences of scarcity to all the Children of

Earth. The night before, as they sat by a fire, he had spoken
to her of the responsibility of pleasuring a woman in a way
that would teach and preserve the joys of coupling.
Loves All Things had discovered that being near this
man brought many new and curious feelings. Her body
would react in the strangest ways if their hands should in-

advertently touch or if their eyes should meet. She did not

know how to gauge the flood of emotions or the rush of
blood that would set her face on fire. She was innocent of

the quickening drumbeat of her heart and the warm gush of

heat coursing up her thighs. Feathered Dog, the man at her
side, was very different from the other men she had en-

countered. None them had ever made her feel this way.

The attraction she felt for Feathered Dog gave her a sense of
longing and excitement, but she did not know how to deal
with the flood of emotions that overwhelmed her when she
was with him. Some feelings were extremely pleasurable
and others bordered on aching pains of longing. She was
confused because she did not understand what she was
longing for. Sometimes it was difficult to breathe when he
placed his arm over her shoulder or smiled when looking
deep into her eyes.
The mating dance had lasted three moons, leaving
Loves All Things enthralled with the sensuality of touching
and feeling nurtured. The pitch of intimacy had grown dur-
ing that time as she and Feathered Dog had shared their in-
nermost thoughts but not their sleeping robes. Today, in the

field of corn poppies that radiated all the salmon-rose colors

of a newborn Sun, she would open herself to her man in a
new way.

Feathered Dog had earned his name because he carried

the Medicine of Feather, symbolizing a messenger of spirit,

and Dog, who taught the value of serving humankind with

loyalty. This man embodied the three Medicines needed in
any relationship: respect, trust, and intimacy. Feathered
Dog understood the importance of building a strong foun-
dation of mutual respect that then gives birth to trust. He
knew that when trust and respect are present in any rela-

tionship, intimacy and the sharing of the heart's desires can

bloom, rooted in fertile ground. In his wisdom, Feathered
Dog had allowed Loves All Things the time she needed to
experience building this foundation for their relationship.
From this strong and caring base of togetherness, the sexual

attraction had naturally evolved.

Loves All Things recalled every gentle caress of that
day long ago and relived the beauty and sacredness of that
first coupling. She had been given a gift that was the Earth
Mother's desire for all her children: discovering the plea-
sures of human sexuality without guilt, fear, or pain. Over
the next few years, Loves All Things and Feathered Dog
shared all of the joyous pleasures of life and love in their
mated union.
The happy experiences shared with her mate and the
birthing of their children had taught Loves All Things the
joys of nurturing and being nurtured. Through the sexual
Rites of Passage shared with Feathered Dog, she had become
the Keeper of Sexual Wisdom. Through mothering their off-
spring, she had rediscovered the world through the eyes of
her children. The wonder of life and the excitement of being
alive had allowed her to master the art of being a warm and
sensual woman and a nurturing, understanding mother. Her

heart filled with overflowing love as she remembered the

goodness life had given her through her daughter and three
strong sons.
Saying good-bye to Feathered Dog had been difficult

when he passed into the Spirit World. She experienced more

pain when she buried her children and their children, after
watching them all grow old while she still carried a body
that did not age. Loves All Things had developed a resent-
ment during those passing winters that brought forth one of
her hardest lessons in human life. The Earth Mother had
never said that any of the thirteen aspects of herself would
find being human an easy task, but Loves All Things had
conveniently forgotten the consequences of having a human
body that did not die. She resented the fact that she was left

to enjoy the pleasures of being human while she buried her

loved ones and they went to live in the Other Side Camp of

the Spirit World.

The Clan Mother was tested time and again when her
resentment would thwart the feelings of joy that she could
have experienced had she given the negativity away. She
found it hard to love the truth that she was immortal, and
harder still to love the life around her while she was griev-

ing the love she had shared in the past. Loves All Things
wanted her family back. She wanted to recapture the play-

ful Medicine of her daughter, Little Otter, to fill those

lonely times when the shadow of resentment darkened her
path. The Earth Mother spoke to Loves All Things, remind-

ing her of the Medicine carried by Otter, her daughter's

namesake. The Clan Mother was not ready to reclaim the
balanced Woman's Medicine of being an adult who was

young at heart, playing or working with the same inno-

cence and delight. She could not see the value of reclaiming
the balance needed in her life by accepting what had passed
and, like a child, deciding to live the happiness of the pres-
ent. Loves All Things was focused on all the love she felt

she had lost, forgetting to notice the gifts of renewal and

abundance she was being offered through the Earth Mother's
Loves All Things found herself judging all acts of life as

never being enough to fill the growing hole in her heart. She
insisted on living in the past and forgot the joy she had once
found in being alive. She marched for many Suns and Sleeps
to visit the sea, where she intended to share her salty tears
of regret and remorse with the ocean. Once she arrived at

the home of endless water, she tossed herself into the brine

wanting to die, forgetting that this, too, was impossible. As

her body sank beneath the frothy waves, she was stung by
Eel, making her humiliation complete. Dragging herself to
the sandy dunes, she screamed in pain and started to accuse
herself of all of the victimlike tendencies she had gathered
during her shadowy passage into sorrow.
Loves All Things began blaming herself for never grow-
ing old; she blamed her family for being human; she blamed
the Earth Mother for giving her the experiences of pleasure

and now this intolerable pain. She ranted and raved, sending
her disgust and revulsion to the Four Winds as she cried out
in her anger.The growing red welt on her leg where Eel had
stung her reflected the rage she was feeling toward herself
and toward the world. She was furious that such love and
such pleasure had carried any consequences. Loves All

Things had intended to live life seeking nothing but ulti-

mate happiness. There was not supposed to be another, up-

setting side to human experience. Life with pain was not
fair. She was helplessly unable to stop the sorrowful exis-

tence she abhorred, even by trying to take her own life.

Lost in her own misery, Loves All Things noticed noth-

ing around her until a gale brought crashing waves and the
sound of the Thunderbird's wings slammed her back into
the moment. Hinoh, the Thunder Chief, had sent the Thun-
derbird with his clapping rolls of thunder to teach Loves All
Things how her own feelings had affected the balance in
nature. She heard the voice of Hinoh, as he bellowed into
her ears.
"Daughter, you have created these icy winds because
your heart has grown cold. You have forsaken your name
and brought your own wrath to bear on the other Children
of Earth who depended on you for love and nurturing. In
your anger, you have created a storm that will send many to
their deaths, and yet you have learned nothing of the

scarcity you bring when you refuse to love. You, too, must
weather the storm that you have brought forth and you
must see for yourself the kind of pain you have created in-

side your body and how that pain can harm the natural
As soon as Hinoh's voice faded, Loves All Things was
struck by a crashing wave of water that dragged her body
into the raging sea. Down she went, being tumbled and
rolled by the onslaught of pummeling waves. Spinning amid
the currents, being tossed to and fro, she slipped into the
darkness of her own unconsciousness and self-pity. The last

thing she remembered was that something was very, very

The burning sensation in her leg and the unpleasant
smell of rotting flesh brought Loves All Things to her
senses. She struggled to get her stomach under control but
wretched anyway. Salt water poured from her mouth as she
felt her insides knot and release,, time and again. When she
could finally prop herself up on a nearby boulder, she was
amazed by the wreckage around her. The beach was covered
with the bodies of all sorts of who had died in the
storm. Silent tears etched their way down her cheeks as
Love All Things took in the horror of her own creation. The
wreckage in front was wrought by her compulsive
of her

self-pity. She had come to a place within herself where she

hated who and what she was.
After Feathered Dog had died, she had fed her self-pity

by taking lovers whom she did not love. She had used them
for the pleasure they could give her. She had broken some
hearts along the way and had fallen into projecting her own
pain onto others by denying how her actions were literally
destroying all of the lessons of respect, trust, and intimacy
that had been her mate's Medicine. Now she had come to
this piteous ebb: the beach filled with broken bodies, litter-

ing the sands around her.

As she touched the angry welt on her leg, Eel's voice fil-

tered through the lapping waves, reaching her waterlogged

" Loves All Things, listen to me, hear me with your
heart. I am the conductor of love, this is my Medicine. The
electric bolts of my sting were not meant to harm you. The

shock was necessary to show you that sometimes through

pain, love can be reclaimed. If you will accept my Medicine,
I may be able to help you."
"Why would anyone want to help me, Eel? I have
nearly destroyed myself and all of those whom I pledged to
love before I came to walk the Earth/ 7

Eel replied: "I have not forgotten the true meaning of

love, Mother. knows no boundaries, finds no faults, and

waits not on time to make it right. The fire of Grandfather

Sun mixes with the water of the Earth Mother inside of me.
I choose to be the conductor of the unconditional love of
both. Can't you accept their love and mine?"
Loves All Things sobbed as she nodded, feeling like she
was being given the opportunity to come home to who she
really was. The Clan Mother fully realized that she had pun-
ished herself and everyone around her while she walked
with the shadow. More than anything, she now wanted to

reclaim the love, releasing the darkness of blame and fear.

Eel felt the change in the Clan Mother's heart and contin-
ued to speak.

"Loves All Things, to reclaim the abundance you once

had in your life, you must cross a bridge that you create be-

tween the shadow side of your nature and your loving heart.
The bridge may appear to you like a rainbow because it re-

flects all of the beautiful colors found in life. The bridge is

made of forgiveness and spans the abyss of human fear, bit-

terness, hatred, and jealousy. Those hurtful emotions are

adopted when the heart is broken, mask the pain.
in order to
You must cross that bridge willingly. To make that journey,
you must drop all negative judgments and/or blame you

have about yourself and/or any other person, place, event,

location, or idea that you have ever experienced.
Loves All Things mind was suddenly flooded with the

memories of blame, shame, regret, wrongdoing, and sense-

less pain she had caused herself and others. Forgiving all

those things would be an unbelievably challenging task, but

she realized that she must start somewhere to reclaim the
love that had once been her guiding light. She spent many
Suns and Sleeps walking by the seaside, washing away the
shadowy side of her nature. She felt every emotion, without
letting herself be drawn into them again. Slowly, she ob-

served a change in her sense of well-being and practiced

finding something she could love about herself and the
world around her. She whispered words of thanksgiving

every time she encountered a new breakthrough, destroying

the chains of heartbreak that had bound her to a lifeless ex-
istence. The aliveness began returning, as she fortified each
forward step in her healing process by thanking the Great
Mystery for the gift of life.

Her changed attitude toward the world around her

brought back the vibrancy of the colors in nature that had
come to seem so lackluster. When she swam beneath the
waves, the coral reefs were treasure troves of creatures who
sought her company, reflecting the rainbow colors of the
bridge that forgiving had created in her life. As she reached
out to life once again, the eight arms of Octopus taught her
that she was enveloped with love, in all directions, as long

as she desired it. The purple ink that Octopus sprayed

into the water to protect himself from preying marauders
showed Loves All Things that the color purple, representing

gratitude and healing, was also her protection against the

shadow's destructive nature. As long as she returned thanks
for every healing step she took, the healing would continue.
Every so often, a gray day would bring foggy memories
of the past into Loves All Things' experience. At first, she
resisted the thoughts that brought up the fear of her shadow
side, but unlike her past solution, which was denying the
existence of her troubled mind, she confronted the memo-
ries by finding ways she could have solved those past situa-

tions. Her newly developed skill of being grateful for every

lesson in life kept her from returning to the reckless behav-
ior that had once forced her to use pleasure as an escape,
numbing everything into oblivion. Loves All Things was
learning to be accountable for her actions, realizing that
every time she fed the positive side of a challenge by look-
ing for ways to express her natural ability to love all experi-

ences equally, she could easily find needed solutions. She

noticed that the opposite, negative reaction would also
make her accountable by throwing her into old feelings of
unworthiness that made her want to run and hide from life.

Soon the day came when Loves All Things was confi-

dent that she was ready to walk among her fellow human
beings without reflecting her past upon them. She started
out on her trek, moving through foothills and valleys, tra-

versing forests, and crossing streams. In the dawn light, on

the sixth Sun of her journey, she woke to the sounds of

thirsty Deer taking a drink. Loves All Things intently

watched Deer as she nudged her fawn toward the embank-
ment of moss growing close to the brook. Loves All Things
fought back the tears welling in her eyes as memories of Lit-
tle Otter, her daughter, surfaced in her mind. Her little girl

had first learned to walk on moss-covered knolls near a

brook very similar to the one in the clearing. Deer felt the
Clan Mother's anguish and turned, speaking to Loves All
"You are the Mother of All Acts of Pleasure, Loves All
Things, and yet you have forgotten to be gentle with your-
self. You would be kind and caring to me and my fawn, but
you are merciless toward yourself. We creatures have heard
of your torment and of your healing and we have rejoiced in
your progress. I was sent to cross your path, reminding you
of the tender and sensitive gentleness of my Medicine, not
so that you will apply that comforting calmness to others
but so you will stop being so hard on yourself. In all ways
but one, you are human. The fact that you will not experi-
ence the aging and death of your body does not mean that
you have to push yourself beyond the capacities of other hu-

mans. Sweet Mother, there is no fault in being human. Your

feelings will always be a part of you, they will never vanish,

but it is not wrong to touch them from time to time with

You have crossed the bridge of forgiveness and
now you must rediscover the way to be gentle with your-
self. Finding the balance between strength and gentleness is

a delicate matter. You may call on my Medicine anytime

you need me."
With those words, Deer and Fawn were gone. The forest
enveloped them, leaving Loves All Things to her thoughts.
The words spoken by Deer had bolstered the Clan Mother's
resolve to find the tenderness with herself that she needed
in order to carry on. In gentleness, Loves All Things sent her
words of thanksgiving to all of her creature children and to
the Great Mystery. Then she washed in the stream, ate

some berries, and looked toward the pathway, starting her

trek once again.
Two moons later, she reached an encampment of Two-
leggeds who were busy demonstrating all of the hurtful ac-
tions that humans could inflict on one another. She realized
that her time with them would test everything she had
learned. This lesson in lifewould provide Loves All Things
with the opportunity to walk through the final Rite of Pas-
sage of loving the truth in As the Keeper of For-
all things.

giveness, she would be called upon to show these members

of the Earth Tribe how to heal their hearts. The challenge of

completing the task that had been placed in her path

brought up fleeting thoughts of wanting to run from her
mission, but instead she gave thanks for this opportunity
for growth.

Every time a member of this band of humans tried to

pass rumors to the Clan Mother about someone else, she

countered with a comment about the positive nature or
traits of the person being talked about. When someone was
feeling dejected, she was the first to show gentleness and
loving encouragement. When a man was on the rampage,
spitting anger at those nearest to him, she chased the clouds

away by teaching how all anger is really directed at the self.

Forgiving the self for being human or for depending on an-

other to do the things one should have taken care of on his
or her own usually dissolved the anger instantly. Winters
passed, and new generations of this Tribe were born, learn-
ing the gifts of forgiveness, gentleness, and love that Loves
All Things freely offered.
Loves All Things traveled to different Clans and Tribes,
sharing the experiences of her Earth Walk and the wisdom

she had gathered through her healing process. She taught

young women to respect their bodies and to nurture their

children. She shared the lessons of sacred sexuality (respect,

trust, and intimacy) with the young men, who would then
use their understanding of sexual wisdom and relationships
to form lasting bonds with their mates. The Mother-Nur-
turer taught the children how to enjoy the pleasures of
being human by loving the coldness on their feet when
standing in a mountain stream or by savoring the steaming
aroma of a hot stew as much as its delicious flavors. The
senses were to be honored and respected, because those
skills of perception gave humankind the pleasures of life.

Through example, Loves All Things showed her human

children that every act of physical life was sacred. When it

was approached in a loving and meaningful way, nothing

having to do with sexuality was judged as dirty or wrong by
the Keeper of Sexual Wisdom. The Mother of All Acts of
Pleasure taught that the functions of the human body were
honored natural processes that kept the body healthy and
full of life. She showed the young adults the way male bod-
ies gave from the genitals and received through the heart
and how the female body received through the genitals and
gave from the heart. When a female and a male stood face to
face, this process of giving and receiving created a circle be-

tween the two. If one or the other was cold, unfeeling, or

afraid, the circle was not allowed to complete itself. When
this type of disconnection occurred, it was time to find out
which of the three points of respect, trust, and intimacy had
been lost.

For the circle of sexual sharing between male and fe-

male to be restored, both partners had to be willing to open


themselves to giving and receiving. This sacred bond could

only be achieved if mutual respect, trust, and intimacy
formed the foundation that supported their love. Loves All
Things taught her children that coupling was a physical
form of communication between humans that represented
the male and female sides of each individual. If the individ-
ual was unhappy with himself or herself, that feeling was
then used to fracture the person's internal sense of whole-
ness, forming a barrier to the sharing that could be experi-
enced with another. Through loving the self and through
forgiveness, healing the heart's hurts could take place.
When one was able to forgive the self, it was much easier to
forgive others for insensitive words or unconscious actions.
Loves All Things reviewed her own path of joy, pain,

self-destruction, and ultimately, forgiveness and healing,

every time she watched another human being go through
similar lessons. Each time she saw herself in another, the re-
assuring pleasure of being able to direct her energy in a pos-
itive fashioncame forth. She had become a healed healer
through facing her shadow with love. When she had learned
to love the truth found in every lesson in life, she had
learned to love the part of herself that had driven her nearly
to destruction. She could own her name now because she
did love all things. She had put aside the shadow's need to
be critical of the self and others and had donned the ability
to love the truth in every person on every spoke of the

Wheel of Life. She had gained the compassion of a once-

tormented woman who had loved and lost, nearly losing

herself in the process. She had walked in the moccasins of

every brokenhearted Two-legged who had been hardened by


pain, and through experience she had learned to reclaim the

precious gift of love.

Loves All Things had learned that salty tears were the
beginnings of transformation and that through these drop-
lets of anguish, the waters of forgiveness began to flow. The
Clan Mother of the Seventh Moon Cycle had come to un-
derstand that healing begins with forgiving the self for the
could-have-beens and should-have-beens found on the Good
Red Road. Compassion was born from the hurts of the Clan
Mother's life, and in gently finding compassion for herself,

her healing was accomplished. The road back from her pain
and into the light of love had been a long one, but the re-
stored pleasure she found in life was worth the effort. The
sounds of the river at her side brought her from her memo-
ries and helped her focus on the pleasurable warmth moving
up her arms from her open hands.
The rainbow colors of Grandfather Sun filtering through
her eyelashes displayed curious images of human forms
dancing. Loves All Things felt a tug on her heart as she rec-
ognized Feathered Dog, Little Otter, and her three strong
sons, dancing in the rainbow lights. In her vision, the Earth
Mother called to Loves All Things, letting her know that
her Earth Walk was complete.
A deafening hum filled her ears and she was floating
over the river. When the Clan Mother looked down again,
she caught her own reflection in the glassy waters of a still
pond. She had become Hummingbird and was flying on the
streaming light of a sunbeam. Upward she traveled, travers-
ing the deep cornflower blue of space, until she passed
through a flaming wall of fire, being propelled into the body

of Grandfather Sun. The fire had burned away her Hum-

mingbird body and once again she transformed into her
female human form and found herself in the arms of Feath-
ered Dog.
As the circle of their love was made complete through
the reunion of their hearts, the two lovers became one daz-
zling star. The burning star flew from Grandfather Sun and
took its place in the Sky Nation. For six moons, the star of
love lights the twilight sky and is called the Evening Star;
then for the following six moons, the star of love appears at

dawn and is called the Morning Star.

Through the story of Loves All Things and Feathered

Dog, we are enabled to see both sides of our natures. That
wholeness is reflected in the bird of love and joy who knows
that there is no separation in the human spirit, except the il-

lusions we impose upon Hummingbird hums

now and flies in circles because he knows the lovers secret 7

to love all things is to love every reflection of who and what

you are.
Mother, sing me a song
That will ease my pain,
Mend broken bones,
Bring wholeness again.

Catch my babies
When they are born,
Sing my death song,
Teach me how to mourn.

Show me the Medicine

Of the healing herbs,
The value of spirit,
The way I can serve.

Mother, heal my heart

So that I can see
The gifts of yours
That can live through me.
Clan Mother
of the

Eighth Moon Cycle

SHE WHO HEALS is the Clan Mother of the Eighth Moon
Cycle in August and is the Guardian of serving the truth.
She Who Heals serves the Children of Earth by being the
Keeper of the Healing Arts, Mother of All Rites of Passage,
Guardian of the mysteries of Life and Death, and Singer of

the Death Song. She is a midwife, herbalist, Medicine

Woman, spirit healer, and teacher of the cycles of the Earth

Walk. Her color is blue, representing intuition, truth, water,

and feelings.

As Guardian of the Healing Plants and Roots, she is

closely connected to all of the Plant Spirits who comprise

the Tribe of all things green and growing. This Tribe is

sometimes called the Earth Blanket Tribe because together

the Plant and Tree People form the covering that protects
the Earth Mother's soil from erosion and keeps the cycles of
regeneration in balance. She Who Heals is the Keeper of all

the healing uses of every plant in the Earth Blanket Tribe.

She knows which parts of each plant to use in her healing
remedies as well as how and when they are to be gathered.
As Keeper of the Life and Death Mysteries, she wel-
comes new spirits into the world when they take their

human bodies. When an individual Earth Walk is complete,

she sings the beings who are Dropping Their Robes, or
dying, into the Spirit World. She also serves the Children of
Earth by sewing their cuts, setting their bones, birthing
their babies, and doctoring their bodies and spirits during
their Earth Walks.

She Who Heals is also the Keeper of the growing cycles

of the Medicine Wheel and all Rites of Passage. She teaches
us the steps of gestation, birth, growth, death, and rebirth.
She shows us how the Great Medicine Wheel of Life turns,-

when to fight for when to let go, when to allow our spir-

its to make the choice, and how to accept death as another

step that leads to rebirth. She Who Heals invests every
human being she teaches with the ability to drop fear of
death and accept the change as a new adventure in living.
Whether the death is the end of a relationship, the end of a
job, or the end of physical life, she shows us how to see be-

yond the illusion of finality and to celebrate each turn in

the road as another step that leads to wholeness.
This Eighth Clan Mother is the embodiment of the fem-

inine principle that serves the Children of Earth in truth by

assisting them through the healing process of being human.
She sees their Orendas or Spiritual Essences come inside
their bodies at birth. She sees the illnesses created when
they lose connection to their Spiritual Essence during their
lives. She helps them reconnect to the Eternal Flame of Love
when they decide to heal their physical forms and continue
walking the Earth. She shows them how know when
their missions on the Earth are complete and when they are
ready to move on by becoming one with the Orenda and

preparing for rebirth in the Spirit World. Her Medicine Story

is one way we can understand the vastness of the wisdom
she freely gives us all.

The Turning of
the Medicine Wheel

Beads of sweat trickled down her face as She Who Heals

kneaded the knotted muscles in the calves of the

woman in labor stretched before her. The birthing cave was

echoing with the keening cries and mourning trills that
floated in from the mass of women gathered outside, bury-
ing their dead. It was the time of the Starving Moon, the last

moon cycle before the Earth Mother shook off her blanket
of snow and ice and welcomed the new shoots of green

If it had been any other time, the frail Sister in front of
her would have had the strength to go through this ex-
hausting labor. As it was, her Clan had not had fresh meat
in many Suns and the pregnant women and their unborn ba-
bies had suffered along with the others. She Who Heals
wished that the mourners would move a little farther away
from the birthing cave, because their voices were implying
to her laboring charge that there was no reason to bring new
life into the world of hunger that surrounded them. The last

of the food store of tubers, grains, and berries had been used

four Sleeps ago along with one stringy squirrel who was too
weak to avoid the hunters.
The children and the Elders had been the first ones to
die during the last of this moon's cycle. She Who Heals had
fulfilled her duties during that time when none of her heal-

ing herbs could prevent starvation and none of her talents

could give them the strength to fight for life. She had
learned the lessons of serving others in many ways since
she had taken a human body. Still, she grieved when one of
her children lost the will to live.

Distractedly she added a handful of twigs to the fire at

her side and gave thanks for that small handful of warmth
that had been gathered far from the birthing cave, at such a
great expense, by those who traveled with empty bellies.

The hollow eyes of Squash Moon, the laboring mother, im-

plored her for some comfort and reassurance. She responded
by gently wiping Squash Moon's brow and giving her an en-
couraging smile. She could not give any more herbs to ease
the labor because Squash Moon's belly was empty and the
remedy could send her into eternal sleep. She Who Heals
needed Squash Moon to help with the labor by fighting for

the life of her unborn baby, but the Medicine Woman real-
ized that this was one of the times that the choice of life and
death was in the hands of Swennio, the Great Mystery, and
in Squash Moon's will to live.

She Who Heals smiled at Squash Moon and gently took

the laboring Mother's hand, feeding her strength as another
onslaught of contractions began to wrack the young
woman's body. She Who Heals realized that Squash Moon's
connection to her own Orenda was the only hope for

mother and child. If Squash Moon could connect to her Spir-

itual Essence, the Great Mystery could feed her the strength
she needed. Without that precious connection, her starved
body would succumb and her spirit's connection would
have to be made when Squash Moon reached the Other Side
Camp in the Spirit World. She Who Heals put on her stoic
mask of support, never letting Squash Moon see the painful
concern and helplessness she felt.

The burial of the family members who had starved

must have been completed because the mourning trills had
mercifully stopped. During the Starving Moon, the bodies
were deeply buried in snow, preventing them from becom-
ing food for wandering carnivores. Until the ground was
thawed enough for the Planetary Mother to finally receive
the dead into her earthen breast, the ice mounds in back of
the lodges served as temporary burial cairns. It was difficult
to use the last reserves of life force to bury the dead, but this
band of the Human Tribe was willing to endure the hard-
ship for their loved ones. The silence was a signal to She
Who Heals that two women would soon be returning to the
birthing cave to assist her with the tasks at hand. The labor
had already been a long one, but the Keeper of the Medicine
Roots had insisted that the other two women go and say
good-bye to their relations who had Dropped Their Robes.
Between labor pains, She Who Heals began to think of
how many generations she had brought into the world and
how many she had sung over into the Spirit World. In the
beginning, it had been necessary to teach these human chil-
dren the purpose of mourning. She remembered how the
mourning wails and trills had relieved those grieving family

members in the early winters of her Earth Walk. It was easy

to recall the way in which the songs of mourning had re-

moved the burden baskets of grief from the shoulders of the

families of the dead. She had watched the letting go that oc-
curred when the mourners were allowed to express their
sorrow and she had observed the spirits of their loved ones,
who used those wails of grieving like bowstrings to direct
the arrows of their spirit forms onto the Blue Road. It

seemed like long ago, but allowing the truth of the pain in

their hearts to be expressed had served her children well.

She Who Heals traveled farther into her memories
while her body, with its confident and caring mask in place,
instinctively attended to Squash Moon's needs. Her abilities

as a midwife were impeccable, derived as they were from

hundreds of births, patience, compassion, and her talent for
taking charge and never showing panic no matter how des-
perate the situation. If her total attention was needed, the
voice of her Orenda would bring her from her memories
into instant readiness.
Pictures of long-ago moons flashed across her mind,
bringing memories of Harvest Feasts, weddings, births,
deaths, Council Fires, Rites of Passage celebrations, and
nights spent around the lodge fireswhen stories were told.
The faces of all the Two-legged human Tribes and Clans she
had known and the special times they had shared whirled
before her while the flickering of her twig fire reminded her
that she must add another handful of fuel, lest it grow cold.

Among the harvest basket of memories, one picture

began to emerge, taking She Who Heals into another time.
She had spent many passing cycles of snows and ripenings
learning the healing missions of each root, leaf, and flower

of the Plant Tribe. Although she had come to walk the earth
in an adult body that did not age like the other Two-leggeds,
she had felt younger then, due to her lack of experience.

Every lesson taught to her by the Green and Growing Tribe

was a tribute to Plant Nation's desire to assist their Human
Relations in surviving.
She recalled Badger's lessons on using the Medicine
Roots and the assistance given when She Who Heals en-
countered her human with a broken bone. The Clan

Mother smiled inwardly when she remembered how Badger

had shared her Medicine of taking charge and aggressively
showing competence in difficult situations. Badger never
once showed aggression toward another, except when she
was protecting the weak or injured from some outside hos-
tile force. Mother Badger had shown She Who Heals how to
use the ability of taking charge to get any task done with
drive and vigor. Badger taught She Who Heals how to com-
petently complete anything with efficiency, never wasting
time or energy.
Badger had introduced many other Creature-beings to
She Who Heals in those early days. Through Aardvark's
Medicine of prolonging life, She Who Heals had learned the
secrets of longevity. When she met Stork, she was shown
the Medicine of easing labor and giving birth. Stork showed
her how woman's body so that the laboring
to position a
mother would not fight the rhythms of pain but could put
aside her fears and then allow the flows of her contractions
to bring her child forth.

Memory after memory came forward as reminders of

the passage of She Who Heals into knowing how to serve
her children. The Medicine Woman felt the deep gratitude

her heart held and sent that thanks to each of her teachers as
her memories brought them forth one by one. She silently
thanked Osprey, who by breaking the bones of his prey had
shown her his Medicine of breaking and setting bones. She
sent her heart's gratitude to Beetle, who had shown her the
process of healing and rebirth through his Medicine of re-
generation. Beetle had shown her how all things are regen-
erated into other forms and that nothing in the universe is

ever lost. New plants grow from the soil fertilized by de-

cayed fallen leaves, new suns are born from the dust of ex-

ploded stars, new cells are grown mend wounds of the

flesh, and the Orenda is eternal, taking many physical forms
throughout time. These lessons were the foundation that
gave She Who Heals her inner strength, and she was honored
to be able to share those skills to serve her children.

Snake had taught her how to transmute poisons, nega-

tivity, and limiting ideas to shed the skin of the old. Snake
had also taught her the art of using tiny amounts of poi-
sonous plants to render a person or animal immobile while
she set a bone or sewed an open gash. Her patient's body
would then transmute the poison and be stronger because of

it. Snake had shown her the wonders of life force and its

flows in the body. Together they had explored the spirit's

ability to heal and the mind's ability to thwart or compel

the healing process. Snake's Medicine of transmutation was
another gift to be grateful for, because it had served her well
over the years.
She Who Heals stirred from her thoughts and brought
her attention back to the birthing cave. Squash Moon was
weaker than before; when the contractions came, a groan
would barely escape the laboring mother's lips. She Who

Heals knew that something had to be done or the labor

would soon come to a halt, leaving mother and child help-
lessly stranded in the Void or slipping into the Eternal Land.
She Who Heals began to vigorously massage Squash
Moon's body as she silently sent her plea for the lives of her

charges to the Earth Mother and Swennio, the Great Mys-

tery.As she turned her eyes upward, the midwife noticed
her own Totem hanging from the top of the birthing cave.
The upside-down face of Bat changed as he slowly opened
his eyes and gazed into the face of She Who Heals. Without
stopping her hands from caressing Squash Moon's arms and
legs, She Who Heals listened for Bat's voice as it spoke to
her heart.
"Mother, we are not alone in this cave/' Bat said. "Look
at the far corner and see who is watching your efforts."
Near the top of the cave, She Who Heals spied a pale
blue light. She recognized a spirit form like the ones she had
The Medicine Woman was relieved
seen during every birth.
and extremely happy. The Orenda of the child waiting to be
born was in the birthing cave. This was the sign that She
Who Heals had been waiting for. The child's Orenda was
ready to enter the soft spot of its new body the moment the
baby's head crowned the birth canal. The Keeper of the
Healing Arts had seen the miracle of spirit taking form a
thousand times or more and was always filled to exaltation

when she experienced it again.

She Who Heals glanced back to Squash Moon and saw
that the massage was helping the mother-to-be maintain
some small connection to her body, but she was wavering in
and out of consciousness and needed to be more aware of
what was occurring. The midwife moved into a position

where she could support Squash Moon's shoulders, raising

her head and cradling the half-conscious girl in her arms.
She Who Heals began to hum a sweet tune that comforted
Squash Moon. Intermittently, the midwife squeezed the
hands, then the arms of her charge to urge the life force to
flow into them. After a moment or two, Squash Moon
opened her eyes and whispered, "Am I dead?"
She Who Heals replied, "No, little mother, you are not
dead. Someone is here to see you and so you must pay close
The labor pains had stopped and it was imperative that
Squash Moon be revived enough for her body to continue
the birthing process. She Who Heals began to speak to
Squash Moon in a stronger voice that commanded the girl's

attention. "You see, little mother, the spirit of your unborn

baby is here in the cave and you must open your heart to
hear it."

A flicker of fiery recognition briefly flashed across

Squash Moon's face as she summoned as much life force as

she could before whispering, "Please help me, show me how
to see my child's spirit, Mother."
She Who Heals felt a wave of relief flow through her
limbs as she directed Squash Moon's eyes to the far corner
of the birthing cave's ceiling. She Who Heals began to be-
lieve that maybe there was some hidden resource still

buried deep inside the mother-to-be that would bring them

all through this precarious moment of life and death.
The Medicine Woman began describing what she saw
and how the pale blue spirit form moved until Squash Moon
could see it as well. Then She Who Heals talked Squash
Moon into the silence where she could actually hear the

voice of her unborn child. She Who Heals was able to hear
the voice of the child's Orenda as clearly as Squash Moon
did when the voice spoke to its mother's heart.
"You my mother, Squash Moon, but will be
are to be I

your teacher as well. We must begin our journey together in

this moment before my birth. You have forgotten how to

connect to your Orenda and how to pull the strength you

need from the Great Mystery. I have come to remind you of

the time before your own when you knew that con-
nection well. If you whisper your own name and picture
what that name means, you will rediscover your personal
Medicine. That set of gifts is held in trust inside your
Orenda, awaiting your discovery."
"Squash Moon, Squash Moon, Squash Moon," the
young mother whispered to herself.

Pictures of the yellow-orange squash blossom floated

through the mother-to-be's mind, transforming itself into

a harvest moon brimming with golden light. The scene

changed and the harvest moon took on the qualities of a
lovely woman bathed in the light of flowing melon- and
salmon-colored rays. Upon the head of the dream woman
was a wreath of autumn leaves and ripened wheat, woven
with yellow buffalo grasses and wild green mustang grapes.
Purple berries and wild pink primroses spilled from the
wreath, interwoven with clusters of orange berries gathered
from the mountain ash tree. In the woman's arms, she held
a basket woven of river reeds and pine needles. Coming
from the basket was another light whose pale blue rays
danced across the face of the smiling woman of the moon.
Once again the vision transformed itself as the woman then
reached inside the basket and cupped the blue ball of light

and brought it came from the

to her heart. Lightning bolts
ball of energy and connected the Earth Mother and Sky Fa-

ther, below and above the dream woman. Radiant beams of

light of all colors encircled the vision and Squash Moon

could feel the Great Mystery's love reaching for her from
the dream.
At that exact moment, Squash Moon felt a burst of life

explode inside her own heart. She inhaled with a gasp, as

rivers of bubbling energy shot through her tired limbs. She
could feel pulsating waves of warmth bring her nearly life-

less body back from the brink of the Eternal Land. Her
amazed eyes looked from the face of She Who Heals to the
Orenda of her unborn child. Tears of joy spilled from her
eyes onto her cheeks and her face began to show some color.

She Who Heals smiled and gently rocked Squash Moon in

her arms, allowing the rhythm to encourage the girl's body
to bring the contractions back into play so the baby could be
As if on cue, the two women who had mourned their
dead parted the hides hanging at the cave's entrance and en-
tered. They had washed the soot of mourning from their
faces and smudged their bodies with cedar smoke as She
Who Heals had instructed, leaving their thoughts of death
outside the birthing cave. Clear Lake and Has Courage took
their places beside She Who Heals as the Medicine Woman
gently stroked Squash Moon's distended belly with circular
motions, moving in the direction of the sun's path across
the sky. She Who Heals then motioned for Clear Lake to
support Squash Moon's shoulders while the midwife moved
in front of the mother-to-be to stroke her belly from the









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Gives Praise Wisdom Keeper


Setting Sun Woman <y ms Urn


i t 4i u


Loves All Things She Who Heals


Jamie Sams
Becomes Her Vision was taken aback by the beast appearing
before her eyes. A giant Rainbow Lizard with eyes of flame
and the wings of Condor came crashing through the
Great Smoking Mirror, shattering the surface
as if it had been made of solidified smoke. In the
eyes of flame, the good and evil of the world parted,
and all illusions were shattered, revealing
the purity of the Eternal Flame of Love.

The descendant of giant Rainbow Lizard still

walks our Earth to remind us how to

shatter the illusions, and receive
the Eternal Flame of Love.

After a few moments of massaging Squash Moon's

belly, She Who Heals grabbed her rattle and shook it over
the belly in the same sun's path circles. The Medicine
Woman began to sing the song of the Bat to restart the con-


Bat Mother hear me as I sing

In the cave of this one's womb,
Out of the darkness you must fly
To bring this child forth soon.
River of life, waters come forth,
Ease the way for this babe.

Bat Mother, symbol of rebirth,

Release what has been stayed.

Over and over she sang the chant while she kept look-
ing to the top of the birthing cave. At the end of the seventh
who had been watching the scene below while
refrain, Bat,

hanging upside down like the child in Squash Moon's

womb, took flight and dodged through the hides at the

cave's entrance. She Who Heals placed her hand over

Squash Moon's navel and felt the beginning rumble of a
contraction that brought with it the breaking waters, flow-
ing from the mother-to-be's womb. The Medicine Woman
smiled because Bat had given her a sign that her song had
reached the Seven Sacred Directions. When Bat flew, She
Who Heals knew that the baby would be born.
This was the beginning of the hardest part of labor and
She Who Heals was grateful that the near-starvation had not
caused Squash Moon to lose her child through a dry birth.
The waters of life had broken much later than usual, but

under these circumstances, later had been a blessing. If the

waters had broken earlier, the Sun and Sleep and second Sun
of Squash Moon's intermittent labor could have killed both
mother and child.

Grandfather Sun would be rising again soon, bringing

the grueling labor to a joyous close. Clear Lake and Has
Courage were working as diligently as She Who Heals when
the baby's head came into sight. Squash Moon was being
held in a squatting position, allowing the Earth Mother's
magnetism to draw the child to its Earth Walk. Squash
Moon cried out in wonder rather than pain when she saw
the Orenda of her child enter the soft spot in its skull. With
the next push, the baby's body turned and the shoulders
were released. The hips gently followed without effort. She
Who Heals caught the child and whispered, "We have a girl,
Squash Moon."
The young mother was relieved and happy when the
baby girl sounded an echo through the birthing cave, letting

the world know that she had arrived with a fine voice. She
Who Heals cut the cord, washed the child in the water made
from melted snow that Clear Lake had prepared by the twig
fire, and then wrapped the baby in soft furs, placing her next
to Squash Moon. Has Courage began kneading Squash
Moon's belly to release the afterbirth, while Clear Lake took
the birthing robes out to be buried in the snow.
She Who Heals began to think about Squash Moon's
mate, Grey Stag, who had been killed by a stampeding
Musk Ox four moons before her time to give birth. Squash
Moon had been taken into her sister's lodge, but now that
sister and all her family were dead from starvation. The
Medicine Woman made a decision. Squash Moon would

come to live at her fire. She was always given plenty of meat
by the hunters in exchange for her services and so there was
no reason not to enlarge her family circle with the young
mother and newborn girl-child.

She Who Heals was about to tell Squash Moon of her

decision when Has Courage passed by, handing the washed

umbilical cord to the Medicine Woman before she walked
out into the snow to bury the afterbirth at the foot of Grand-
mother Mountain. She Who Heals took a minute to tightly
wrap the umbilical cord into a circle, then hung it on the
deer antler perched near the fire to dry it out. Later, the fully

dried cord would be placed in a pouch made of hide and then

would be sewn tightly inside the tiny Medicine Bundle for

good. The Umbilical Medicine Pouch would belong to the

newborn child and would be a constant reminder of her
physical connection to the Earth Mother and her spiritual
connection to the Sky Father. None of the Children of Earth
feared being alone or orphaned when they carried their um-
bilical cord over their hearts, because they understood that
the physical cord was replaced with a spiritual umbilical
cord that kept them connected to their true Father and
Mother as long as they walked the Earth.
Squash Moon called the name of She Who Heals and
the midwife moved to her side. "Healing Mother, I am going
to name my little girl Earth Blanket because her Orenda
showed me her Medicine as she was born. It is her wish that
you become her teacher as she grows tall. Earth Blanket has
reminded me that the cycles and seasons always change and
that from the snows of the Starving Moon, the green blan-
ket of the Earth Mother is born. This child is the promise of
spring who has taught me faith. She told me that faith is the

Robin who sings of flowers while the Earth is still blanketed

in snow. Earth Blanket explained to me that her birth,
which is her first Rite of Passage, has been a Rite of Passage
for me too because I reconnected to my Orenda and to the
Great Mystery. I thank you for bringing us both through the
birthing process, Healing Mother/ 7

She Who Heals was touched by Squash Moon's words

and shared her decision to bring them both to live at her

fire. The Medicine Woman had known about the lessons

that Earth Blanket had taught her mother, but hearing them
expressed, as they were experienced and understood, gave
the Guardian of the Healing Arts further joy.

She Who Heals, Squash Moon, and her newborn were

surrounded with delicious aromas of sizzling meat as Has
Courage entered the cave. An Elk had fallen from the cliff of
Grandmother Mountain to the base, where he was discov-
ered by Has Courage when she went to bury the placenta.
Has Courage cooked many strips of meat and carried them
to the birthing cave so the women could fill their bellies.

The women knew that it was very important to eat

small amounts and to chew well, lest the dinner be rejected
by their stomachs. After the meal, it was Earth Blanket who
wanted to be fed, sending a warning cry that she would not
be forgotten. She Who Heals smiled as Earth Blanket suck-
led at her mother's breast. The Clan Mother returned to her
thoughts as she imagined how life would be for little Earth
Blanket. Like the Green and Growing Tribe, this child
would learn the cycles of life, death, and regeneration by be-
coming a sister to the Plant and Tree People. She would
learn the healing uses of all parts of every plant. She Who

Heals would teach Earth Blanket the way to birth babies,

mend bones, sew cuts, and heal wounded spirits.

Earth Blanket would have to be taught the ways of the
spirit even though her Orenda knew them before she was
born. Forgetting was almost always a part of the human life
process, but reclaiming the Remembering was one of the

most important Rites of Passage during any human's Earth

Walk. It would be a joy to experience Earth Blanket's pas-

sage into womanhood and her tapping of the memories that

would bring her Orenda fully into her body.

The Eternal Flame of Love was the guiding light of every

life form's Orenda. When and how each Two-legged redis-

covered her or his connection to the Creative Source was up
to the individual. Birth always brought growth, change,

death, and rebirth as the Great Medicine Wheel turned.

Every cycle and spoke on the wheel brought the lessons that
allowed all of the Human Tribe to find meaning in their
lives. The will to continue and to learn more was fueled by
the Orenda and the spirit's connection to the Great Mystery.
Through the Medicine experienced this day, Squash
Moon and Earth Blanket had reclaimed their connections to
the life force found in their Spiritual Essences. Because of
those connections, Bat had flown from the birthing cave and
had called to Elk to sacrifice his body in order that the stam-
ina and persistence of his Medicine could be shared with
this band of human beings. The relationships between the

caring members of the Planetary Family were strong again.

From near-starvation and death, this Clan of Two-leggeds
had been reborn, because one among them had fed her faith
with the Eternal Flame of Love found in her Orenda.

She Who Heals sang a song of thanksgiving for the mir-

acles of this day and for the miracles that awaited them all

on the Good Red Road of life. She was reminded again of the

seasons and reasons that brought opportunities for growth

and change. Through every turn of the Medicine Wheel,
change was always present. The eternal, undaunted human
spirit would forever sing the song of life, growth, death, and
rebirth inside the bodies of those Two-leggeds who chose to
change or heal. She Who Heals saw a bright future for the
Human Tribe just beyond the horizon, in her mind. The
Clan Mother of the Healing Arts gave thanks for the time
she was given to know and understand these Children of
Earth. She found joy in knowing that after her Earth Walk,
her spirit would always be available for those who had the
courage to reach out to her, healing their broken bodies,
minds, or The Medicine Wheel would turn, life

would continue to grow and change, death would bring re-

birth, and she would assist that healing process until the

end of time.
Keeper of tomorrow's dreams,
Mother of the star-filled night,

Show me how to live my truth

And bring my dreams to light.

Teach me how to use my will,

Living the truth I find within,
Discovering all the parts of me
Where light and shadow blend.

Let me sing the song of future

With concern for what will be,
Upholding all of nature's laws
For creatures, stones, and trees.

Mother, I see you in the sunset

And I hear you in the rain.
You teach me inner knowing
Through your heart's sweet refrain.
Clan Mother
of the

Ninth Moon Cycle

SETTING SUN WOMAN is the Keeper of Tomorrow's

Goals and Dreams. She is the Clan Mother of the Ninth
Moon Cycle, which falls in September and is connected to
the color green. Green is the color of will; Setting Sun
Woman shows us how to properly use our wills to insure

the abundance of the future. She teaches us that the will to

live, the will to survive, the will to be impeccable in pre-
serving the Earth Mother's resources are paramount parts of

our Earth Walk.

This Clan Mother teaches us how to live the truth and
sits in the West of the Medicine Wheel. The West direction
is the home of the feminine principle, the Earth Mother, the
setting sun and night sky. The abilities we gain from learn-
ing the lessons of the West are concern, dependability, nur-
turing, inner knowing, achievements, and goals. The West
is sometimes called the Looking- within Place because the
feminine principle is naturally intuitive and is willing to be

As the Guardian of Unborn Generations, Setting Sun

Woman gives us many lessons on how to use only what we
need. She teaches us the sacredness of using every part of

anything we harvest; never wasting anything usable. This

Ninth Clan Mother shows us how we can depend upon the
Mother Earth to provide for our needs if we are also de-
pendable children who honor and give thanks for that abun-
dance. She shows us how to provide for the next Seven
Generations by saving seeds for next year's planting. She is

the Keeper of Preservation and the Guardian of all species of

seeds, plants, creatures, and stones. She guards against the
extinction of any part of our Planetary Family by allowing
those species that would naturally transmute to evolve into
the forms that are more adapted to the world's conditions.

Setting Sun Woman teaches us how to go within and

find our personal truths. This Clan Mother shows us how to

meet the future without fear because we have taken steps

daily to ensure a bright tomorrow. The darkness of the night

sky is the Starry Medicine Bowl or womb of the feminine

principle that holds all of the potential of our future. The
stars are points of light that represent the Sacred Fire of our
dreams. When we find our personal truths in the darkness
inside ourselves, we determine which visions we will bring
to Earth in manifested form. Setting Sun Woman walks
with us across the Milky Way, which is comprised of the
campfires of the Ancestors. When we travel with her, we re-
discover the ancient truths of preservation and inner know-
ing that guided thosewho walked the Red Road before us.
Through Setting Sun Woman, we rediscover the universe as
it lives inside our Spiritual Essences. This discovery of
worlds within worlds teaches us that we are not our bodies,

but that we are vast beings and that our bodies exist inside

of the limitless space of our Orendas.


Evening Star,

Promise of Tomorrow

Setting Sun Woman sat on a cliff overlooking the ocean,

peering at the tide pools below. The tide pools nestled in

the jagged rocks housed hundreds of life forms that sent re-

flections of bright colors up through the water when

touched by the sun. Grandfather Sun's light was strong be-
cause he had nearly reached the zenith of his path across the
Sky Nation. The smell of salty brine and washed-up ocean
plants permeated Setting Sun Woman's senses and she took
a deep breath to fill her lungs with salty air. The rhythms of

the tides soothed her senses, with an occasional crashing

wave bringing her thoughts home to her heart.
The path down the cliff to the water's edge was one she
had traveled many times, but in her present reflective mood
she preferred the expansive view from high above the sea.
She had passed many winters in her Earth Walk and had
learned much about having a human body. Still, she was
fascinated by the feelings she could touch inside herself
when she sought the ocean's shore. The waves, moving to
the sand and running back to the sea in an endless rhythm,
were like gentle fingers caressing her spirit, filling her with
a sense of well-being.

A vulture circled the cliff to her right, giving her a

memory of how he had come to find his mission on the
Earth. Although he was not very pleasing to those who

feared death, he carried important Medicine in the Clan

Mother's understanding. Vulture was a good teacher for the
Children of Earth because he wasted nothing. He picked the
bones of those who had Dropped Their Robes or died, leav-
ing no part to rot. Vulture was happy with his Medicine,
which taught the Children of Earth the idea of waste not,
want not. Setting Sun Woman followed her memory to an-
other time, recalling one of her greatest lessons, which had
changed the course of her Sacred Path. She reflected on that
other time as her thoughts drifted like the tides into that

The dense forest gave way to a rolling set of hills that

were covered in wild flowers of every color, proudly show-

ing their little faces above the deep emerald blanket of
clover that covered the Earth Mother's sensuous form. Set-
ting Sun Woman was standing on the crest of a hill, looking
to the West, waiting for Grandfather Sun's light to fade as
the Pipe was passed to the evening sky and Grandmother
Moon. It was a time of stillness when the little flowers
began to nod, some closing their petals, making ready for

rest. The brilliant colors of sunset were fading to pastels,

giving the hills far off, near the southern horizon, robes of
deep purple to cover them while they slept.

In the distance, Setting Sun Woman could hear Frog

singing his Medicine Song, signaling to all listening that it

was time to cleanse the activities of this Sun in order to re-

freshand replenish themselves during the coming Sleep.

The Clan Mother could smell the marshy vapors of the
pond down in the meadow as the cooling soil wafted the

Earth Mother's perfume her way. Frog was not singing his
rain song and the Cloud People had traveled to other camps
in their Sky Nation home. The sky would be clear during

this Sleep, and the Earth would be alive with all her Chil-
dren who sought the darkness to hunt or prowl.
Wata-jis, the Evening Star, would soon poke her head
through the purple sage blossom blanket of the night sky.
Setting Sun Woman always relished the moment when her
sister Wata-jis appeared, signaling the emergence of the

Starry Medicine Bowl in all of its glory. When the Star Na-
tion came awake after sleeping during the brightness of

Grandfather Sun's journey across the sky, Setting Sun

Woman could see the forms of some of her Totems outlined
in the Sacred Fire of the stars. Bear lumbered across the Sky
Nation while the world slept, teaching everyone his Medi-
cine. In the darkness, he reminded the Children of Earth to

go within, reflecting and introspecting. His raw strength

and huge form spoke of the benefits of retreat and hiberna-
tion. The Mountain Ram also traveled the heavens, travers-
ing the peaks and valleys of purple space. This big-horned
sheep was the keeper of tenacity and the willingness to
meet challenges head-on. The Medicines of these two Crea-
ture-teachers had served Setting Sun Woman well during
her Earth Walk and she anxiously sought the star forms of
these Totems, returning her thanks to them every time the
inky darkness covered the sky.
Setting Sun Woman came from her thoughts, peering at

the place in the sky where Wata-jis would appear. She raised
her voice in song, sending her heartfelt welcome to the star
she called sister.

Hi-nay, hi-nay, Wata-jis,

Hi-nay hi-nay Wata-jis,
Ya-ta-hey, Ya-ta-hey
Dey-whey-no-de, no-way,
Dey-whey-no-de, no-way,
Wata-jis, Wata-jis.

Greetings, Greetings, Evening Star,

Greetings, Greetings, Evening Star,
I greet the fire spirit in you.
We are sisters, you and I,

We are sisters, you and I,

Evening Star, Evening Star.

As Setting Sun Woman finished her song, Wata-jis's

fiery face poked through the night sky's robe, twinkling
with fiery light. The Clan Mother was always in awe of the

Evening Star's sparkling form, but on this night, Setting Sun

Woman saw a spirit canoe moving on a river of fog, coming
toward the Earth. The blue streak of light from Wata-jis lit

the crests of the fog-river's waves, rocking the canoe until

it slid to the Woman's feet.
Earth at Setting Sun
The luminous form of the canoe was made of milky
moonlight and opalescent star fire. Setting Sun Woman saw
that no one was paddling the spirit canoe and wondered if
she should get inside. She peered over the canoe's edge,
looking into the bottom, and discovered a child laced inside
a cradleboard, nestled in white fur robes, peering back at

her. The baby smiled and looked directly into the Clan
Mother's eyes. Setting Sun Woman realized that this was no
ordinary child and finally found her voice. "Thank you for

being/ she said, formally greeting the child in the cradle-
The child replied by smiling and then spoke, "I am the
child of tomorrow, Setting Sun Woman. I have come in this

spirit canoe, sent by the Evening Star. I have traveled on the

trail of campfires lit by the Ancestors that some Children of

Earth will one day call the Milky Way. I have come to show
you the hidden feelings of future that you hold in your
Setting Sun Woman was standing in the stillness, notic-

ing that the sounds of the night creatures had ceased. She
took a breath and then asked, "What shall I call you?"
"Iam Wata-jis, the Evening Star, your sister."
Setting Sun Woman saw the twinkle in the girl-child's
ebony eyes and was filled with an inner knowing that re-

laxed her. She could see that this child was a gift from the
Starry Medicine Bowl and that there was only loving intent
in the child's eyes.
The child began speaking again as the Clan Mother lis-

tened. "I am wrapped in the Cradleboard of Creation,

Mother. If you are willing to carry me on your back, you
will begin to understand the many purposes of your Earth
Walk. I am the promise of all the tomorrows that will ever
be. All dreams of wholeness and harmony are embodied in
me. I represent every spirit that will travel from the breath
of the Great Mystery to the Womb of Creation called the
Starry Medicine Bowl and then to Earth to be born as
human Two-leggeds."
Setting Sun Woman reached into the spirit canoe and
lifted the Cradleboard of Creation with care. Gently she
pulled the harness across her shoulders and settled the child

securely on her back before she spoke. "Wata-jis, I thank

you for coming to be my teacher. What do you want me to
do now?"
A giggle escaped the tiny girl's lips and then she replied,
"We are going to play a kind of game, Mother. Do you no-
tice that you cannot see me but that my weight is like a re-
minder, always present but not seen?"
"Why, yes, it does seem that way. I can already see that
the children of the future are like that. I cannot see them be-
cause they have not been born, but I always consider their
needs. They will need food, shelter, fire, water, air, fertile

soil, and the companionship of All Their Relations."

Wata-jis continued, pleased with the Clan Mother's

quick reasoning. "Mother, what senses must you use when
you cannot see me?"
"I must hear your voice, feel your weight, smell the fra-

grance of your sweet hair, and allow my body to align with

your rhythms, anticipating your movements so that we can
walk in balance as I carry your cradleboard."
Wata-jis smiled. "Those are the same abilities that

human Children of Earth must develop in order to prepare

for the future, Mother. They must sense the weight of fu-

ture generations' needs in order to find harmony and bal-

ance now. If they waste the precious resources of the Earth

Mother, there will not be an abundant future for the gener-
ations yet unborn. As the Human Tribe learns to carry the
Cradleboard of Creation as an unseen part of themselves,
there will be no separation between the present and the
future. All that is needed for survival on the Good Red Road
will naturally be there, because everyone alive today will

take responsibility for the needs of the next Seven Genera-

Setting Woman asked, "Evening Star, what if some
members of the Human Tribe forget these Teachings?"
"Unfortunately, that time will come, Mother. The
Medicine of Elk will give the persistence and stamina
needed for the Faithful to continue guarding the needs of fu-

ture generations. We may also call upon the Medicine of

Opossum and strategy.

to assist the Faithful in planning
Two-leggeds must be flexible and willing to grow and
change for the future. The needs of some will be confused
with the desires of others to own material possessions.
Some will adopt greed and wish to control the masses.
Every human being will have the opportunity to meet those
challenges by rediscovering inner knowing. The solution
will fall into your hands. You are the Clan Mother of the
West who can assist the meek and faithful Children of Earth
by showing them how to go within."
Setting Sun Woman agreed with Wata-jis and added her
own thoughts. "I noticed that you were nestled in the
snowy fur robes of the Great White Bear. Those robes are
very sacred to me. The Bear has taught me how to enter the
cave inside myself and to find my own truths. Through
those lessons I am able to live my truth every Sun and
Sleep. If every Child of Earth could find that same inner
knowing, we would assure the future generations of a legacy
of harmony and life abundant."
"That's right, Mother, we could also teach them the
lessons of the humpbacked traveler of the deserts. Camel
shares his Medicine of conservation and proper use of

resources even in situations of scarcity. One of the gifts of

inner knowing is knowing how and when to use available
resources. The Bear lives on stored fat when she hibernates,
the Camel lives on stored water when he travels the deserts,
and the Human Tribe lives abundantly when they gather
and eat just what they need."
Setting Sun Woman understood the lessons of preparing
for tomorrow. The resources of the Earth Mother would
abundantly serve the Children of Earth if they learned to
conserve them.
"Mother, you know that I am the Evening Star, but did
you know that I am the Promise of Tomorrow because I am
also the Morning Star during six moon cycles?"
Setting Sun Woman was startled by Wata-jis's revela-
tion. "Why no, I did not know that," she replied.
"I become the Morning Star and ride the currents of the
sunlit morning sky. For eight days during the thirteen moon
cycles, I am not seen in morning or evening. It is during that
time that I go into the void of the Great Medicine Bowl of
the night sky to be reborn. I travel the Sacred Spiral of the
Eight Powers, visiting the East, Southeast, South, South-
west, West, Northwest, North, and Northeast. I live for one
Sun and Sleep in each of those directions, learning the steps
of transformation that will teach me how to change my
path and focus.
"The Sacred Spiral leads from one Medicine Wheel of

experience to the other. If we were to look at a wheel lying

on the ground and another one a few feet directly above it in

the same position, we would see two different circles of ex-

perience. The void in between the two is made of thin air,

but there is an imaginary spiral of steps formed by each


direction's lessons. All life forms walk those spiral stairs

when they are ready to evolve into their next set of life's ex-
Setting Sun Woman thought a moment and then said,

"Are you saying that each flower that buds and blooms and
then sheds its petals would, at the end of its cycle, then go
through eight Suns and Sleeps of lessons before moving to
its next experience?"
"Yes. The Spiritual Essence of every living thing moves
through that Sacred Spiral for eight Suns and Sleeps before
beginning the next life cycle. It can be a time of reviewing
the past, counting the lessons learned and the victories
achieved. It can be a time of preparation and planning as well
as a time of saying good-bye to the past and greeting the fu-

ture. Many of the Human Tribe forget this period of comple-

tion, reaching their next set of life's experiences either
unprepared or out of balance. They encounter many difficul-
ties when they do not honor the Void and the Sacred Spiral."
"Wata-jis, when you go through the Sacred Spiral, what
happens to you?"
"I reconnect to my Orenda and let go of the past by
being grateful for all that I have learned. I see the spiral
around me because I am in the center of my Sacred Space,
but I also see the steps formed by each direction of the spi-
ral inside of myself. In the night sky, as the Evening Star, I

am living the feminine side of my nature. In the void of the

spiral, I am all and nothing—pure spirit. After eight days, as

the Morning Star, I live the masculine, demonstrative side

of my nature. The Directions of the Eight Powers inside the
spiral teach me that am both feminine and masculine.

When I ride the night sky, I go within and seek the truth of

my free will and my will to show my gifts to the world. As

the Morning Star, I bring all those personal truths to light,

sharing what I am with all those who seek the breaking

Setting Sun Woman understood. "Both sides of our na-
tures are present in your journey. The West direction is the
feminine and the East is the masculine. In the Absence of
the eight Suns and Sleepswhen you are not seen in the Sky
Nation, you show humankind the way to connect to the
Orenda. Your lesson to humankind is how to balance the fe-
male, male, and divine energy of the Great Mystery that
lives in all things, is it not?"
"Yes. Ishow the infinite possibilities found in the
number 8. When humankind develops the understanding of
how the Spirit World and the tangible world form two Med-
icine Wheels, they will find that the two are really one in-
finite set of lessons."

Setting Sun Woman saw the goodness the Great Mys-

tery had placed in every part of Creation and was thankful
that her role in the expansive plan had brought Wata-jis into
her path. The Cradleboard of Creation not only held the po-
tential of the unborn children of all tomorrows but also had
given every child the ability to express a female and a male
side no matter what gender the child's body was. All of her

human children would be able to express their personal

wills, because all Children of Earth carried the potential to
be guided by their Orendas. Like Wata-jis, the Evening Star,

the promise of tomorrow lived inside of every human being.

The Earth Tribe could be assured of a bright future by bal-

ancing both sides of their natures with the Spiritual Essence


that connected them to their infinite capacity to create to-

morrow by living in harmony today.
Setting Sun Woman felt Wata-jis shift her weight in the
cradleboard and release a little sigh. The Clan Mother gen-
tly removed the cradleboard and rocked Wata-jis in her arms
for a moment. The child's eyes were fluttering and growing

heavy. Setting Sun Woman smiled, noting that even a child

woven of starlight needed sleep. She kissed the child's

cheek and silently promised to keep the lessons she had

learned close to her heart. The Sleep Man had sprinkled
sand over the baby's eyes, sending her into the realms of
happy dreams. Setting Sun Woman tucked the cradleboard
into the robes of the Great White Bear, nestled in the bot-

tom of the spirit canoe. Before stepping back, the Clan

Mother slipped a sleeping wild flower into the baby's lacing,
trusting that the fragrance would fill the child's dreams and
senses with memories of their time together.
Slowly the spirit canoe was lifted by moonlit hands
formed of the starshine coming from the Evening Star. The
spirit canoe entered the river of light and vanished into the
night sky, leaving Setting Sun Woman feeling wistful. She
perceived the sounds of her night traveling creatures as they
started to prowl again. The occasional hoots and howls of
her nocturnal children comforted her and gave her a sense
of company. As the Clan Mother turned to walk toward the
lodge she had built on the edge of the forest, she saw a white
reflection out of the corner of her eye. She turned and faced
the direction of the light. There was the robe of the Great
White Bear resting on the clover and wild flowers —a gift

from Wata-jis.

Setting Sun Woman lifted the robe and placed it across

her shoulders, shedding tears of joy and gratitude. She
looked to the place in the sky where Wata-jis had been be-
fore. The fiery light of the Evening Star sparkled in recogni-
tion and then disappeared and reappeared as if reminding
the Clan Mother of both sides of its nature. Receiving and
giving were both sacred ways of finding balance. Meeting
the future needs of the next Seven Generations depended on
the ability to go within and walk in balance every living
moment. The robe of the Great White Bear of the West rep-
resented the spirit of all species of bears on the planet. Set-
ting Sun Woman would always remember the lessons found
in Bear's cave and would nestle in the white fur robe every
time she retreated into herself.

That special memory had carried Setting Sun Woman

through many troubling seasons as the Children of Earth
had weathered the greed in some human hearts. She felt the
ocean breeze on her bare arms and thought of how the
bright-colored Finned Ones, swimming in the tide pools
below, were the colors of the Whirling Rainbow of Peace.
The common goal of the Earth Tribe was to reclaim the
legacy of harmony and peace that the Great Mystery placed
inside all life forms. Inner peace is found inside the Self. Set-

ting Sun Woman gazed at the horizon where the ocean met
the sky and gave thanks for the human children who had re-
discovered the Looking-within Place.
The Keeper of Tomorrow's Dreams was drawn from her
thoughts as Walrus waddled onto the beach below and
croaked a greeting. Setting Sun Woman laughed because she
had just been sternly reminded not to allow negativity to

slip into her thoughts regarding the future. Walrus is the

Creature-teacher who reminds humans of the cycles and
changes in life. This big-tusked creature of the ocean's edge
carries the Medicine of altering actions and feelings in
order to interact with the changes life offers. Setting Sun
Woman understood: it was time to keep her eyes on the
goal, not on the waywardness of the Human Tribe. Their

growth is by trial and error. Sooner or later, all human Two-

leggeds will seek to understand their feelings and find the
Cave of Bear.

The sea's tides change with the passage of Suns and

Sleeps, the seasons, Grandmother Moon's cycles, and
weather. The Clan Mother saw how the waters of the Earth

Mother reflect the human journey as well. When the

Human Tribe allows the flow of life to set the rhythm, like
the tides, instead of fighting each new wave of experience,

harmony is found through subtle adjustments. The pound-

ing waves of stormy seas that wreck the shoreline reflect

the imbalance found in human stubbornness and rigidity.

Setting Sun Woman understood that the natural examples

of how to
worlds within worlds are endless reflections of
live in harmony. She looked forward to the day when this

same inner knowing would be claimed by all her human


Grandfather Sun was putting the light to rest, painting

the sky with the colors of harvest leaves. Setting Sun
Woman watched until the flaming mass of his pumpkinlike
body touched the horizon, sinking into the sea. She was
feeling the stillness of eventide when she heard the Wind
Chief hiss as if the fire of Grandfather Sun's body had
melded with the waters of the Earth Mother, signaling with

invisible smoke that the Sacred Pipe had been passed from
day to night. The sunbeams that had carried the human
words of thanksgiving to the Great Mystery during the day
were now giving that sacred duty over to the beams of light

coming from the Starry Medicine Bowl of the night sky.

Setting Sun Woman stood and raised her arms to the

Sky Nation and returned thanks for all that she had experi-
enced during that Sun. She greeted the falling robe of the

night sky and imagined the Cradleboard of Creation resting

in her hands, being offered to the heavens. Wata-jis ap-
peared, as if to receive the cradleboard from Setting Sun
Woman's outstretched arms. The Clan Mother felt the bond
of Sisterhood between herself and the Evening Star. That
bond was forever strong, because it was woven with love
and made of the fibers of tomorrow's promises.
Gossamer threads of life hold me,
Perched between Earth and Sky,
Weaving the web, dreaming the dream,
Through the two worlds I will fly.

With you as my muse, Mother,

I create the substance of dreams,
Allowing the artist within me
To fashion my life with esteem.
I mold the clay of experiences
Into a sacred Medicine Bowl,
Capturing the essence of living
As it sings deep in my soul.
Your secrets of creation, Mother,
Have taught me when to destroy
The chains that have bound me,
Limiting the expression of my joy.

You have taught me how to labor,

Giving birth to the visions within,
Setting them free like silver arrows,
Kindling the fire of Creation again.
Clan Mother
of the

Tenth Moon Cycle

• ••dO
WEAVES THE WEB represents the creative principle
within all things. Her moon cycle falls in the month of Oc-
tober and is connected to the color pink. Working with the
truth is her Cycle of Truth. She teaches us how to use our

hands to create beauty and truth in tangible forms. Pink is

the color of creativity. Weaves the Web shows us how to use

crafts and art to create our ideas and dreams in the physical
world. Through using our hands, we show our willingness
to be of service to All Our Relations.
Weaves the Web is the Guardian of the Creative Force
in all things. She helps us express our creativity in a positive
manner and use the energy available to us. This Clan
Mother is also the Keeper of Life Force and instructs us to
create health, to manifest our dreams, to develop and use
our talents, and to access our spiritual potentials.
The Clan Mother of the Tenth Moon Cycle is the
Mother of the Creative and Destructive principles; she
shows us when to destroy limitations and create anew. She
also teaches us when to nurture our creations, because she
is the Keeper of Survival Instinct. When our physical, emo-
tional, mental, or spiritual survival is at risk, Weaves the
Web shows us how to tap into the life force to grow beyond


this stagnation. She is an artist, a creatress, and the muse

who beckons and inspires us to create the beauty found in
our heart's desire. Through making something tangible and
filling that creation with beauty, we are shown that the
stuff of dreams can be expressed, giving form to our visions.
She is the Clan Mother we turn to when we are afraid of
failure or lack self-expression.

When we follow the steps necessary to bring our

dreams to life, Weaves the Web shows us how to use the life
force found in the four elements of air, earth, water, and fire.

We learn how to mix these elements with the creative

essence that is our gift from the Great Mystery. This cre-

ative spark is called the Eternal Flame of Love and lives in-

side our Spiritual Essences. When the desire to create is in

place, we are then able to make the decision to be. We then
give form to our Spiritual Essences or Orendas through self-

Weaves the Web, like Grandmother Spider who wove
the web of the universe, teaches us how to weave the web of
our experiences. She shows us how every circle we create
grows to touch the circles created by all other life forms.
The webs we create can trap us, if we do not create them in
truth. We are asked by this Clan Mother to work with and
for the truth in order to manifest a world dream that all liv-

ing things can share. A web that is created in greed will

eventually trap and devour the one who wove it because it

was woven too tightly to allow giving, receiving, and shar-

A web woven too loosely, without care, lacks the crafts-

manship that is necessary to make it strong and durable. A

web woven from fear will attract the lessons needed to over-
come that fear. A web woven from the love of creating and

the desire to share the abundance caught in the web's silvery

fibers is a web that will endure until the dream is fulfilled.

Weaves the Web is Mother we turn to when

the Clan
we need the skills to make our dreams real. She shows us
how to take the actions necessary to tap our creativity and
go with the flow. Giving birth to our dreams is always ac-
complished by having the desire to create, deciding to cre-

ate, and taking the actions necessary by using the flow of

life force to give birth to the dream in the tangible world.

Grandmother Spider
Came Down
Weaves the Web scooped the rich white clay from the
river's embankment below the chalky bluffs and
placed the lumps of alabaster earth into her river reed bas-
ket. The leaves of the scrub oak had turned bright red in
contrast to the yellow pollen that clung to the deep forest
green of the surrounding cedars. The leaves of these Stand-
ing People would bring forth many colors when added to her
oven to fire the bowl she would create from the clay. She
would climb the limestone cliffs to gather the flat-leafed
cedar and red-orange oak leaves, but she was happy to do it.

Weaves the Web found such a joy in making objects of

beauty and experimenting with new designs that she often
lost herself in the creative process. Sometimes when she
was out walking on the land, she would find herself deep in

the tall forests covered with vines and chirping birds and
would have no idea where her wanderings had taken her.
Weaves the Web had a natural ability to retrace her trek by
looking into her basket and working with the gathered ob-
jects that she had placed in a specific order. She could begin
with the last object she had gathered and walk back to the
area where she found it; then one by one, the locations of
her collected bounty would take her back to familiar sur-
roundings. From those often-traveled locations the Clan
Mother could easily find her way home.
Weaves the Web used the bark, berries, tubers, leaves,
and mosses she gathered in the same way Grandmother Spi-

der used the silvery threads of her web. It made no differ-

ence if the Mother of Creativity traveled in a circle or in a

way back to her
straight line, she could always find her
camp. Each location where Weaves the Web gathered some-
thing from the land contained a spot where she had con-
nected her creative threads of self-expression with the living
plants, earth, or stones of sunlit forest. The Clan Mother al-
ways left a gift for the spirits of the forest when she took
something for her own use. The loving exchange, showing
gratitude, left a trail through the lush growth that formed a
homecoming trail back to her camp, nestled in the lime-
stone outcroppings that towered over the river's bend.
As Weaves the Web dug more clay from the embank-
ment, using a sharp piece of stone as a hand tool, she saw in
her mind's eye the Medicine Bowl she would fashion from
the clay. The enjoyment she felt when she used her hands to

make pots coursed through her arms, bringing her a sense of

satisfaction that made the hard work of digging the clay
seem easy. The hole carved by spring runoff that gaped like

an open mouth in the slanting ridge reminded Weaves the

Web that the Earth Mother would need to be fed after shar-

ing the cloud-colored clay with her Two-legged daughter.

Weaves the Web had carried several large stones down the
bluff to place inside the orifice where she had dug her clay.

Squirrel scampered down the trunk of a pecan tree on

the other side of the river, exposing his nut-laden cheeks to
Weaves the Web. He tried valiantly to give the Clan Mother
a smile without spitting out the pecans. Weaves the Web
giggled at Squirrel's predicament, thinking of the lessons he
had taught her through his natural Medicine of gathering

energy and saving a little extra for lean times. In the early
seasons of her Earth Walk, the Clan Mother had learned to
pack dried fruits, tubers, and meat in underground storage
holes, saving the food for use in the winter. Squirrel was
once again preparing for the coming snows.
Weaves the Web noticed that Mother Beaver and her
clan had made ready for the coming White Moons because
they were busy stopping the river's flow, adding saplings to
the dam they had built across the inlet, just downstream
from where she was digging The changing tempera-

tures were a sign to the Clan Mother that it was time to

gather all the materials she would need to keep busy during
the winter when her activities were limited by the biting
White Winds of the north. She had filled her food stores,
gathered herbs for cooking and medicinal purposes, and
tanned the green pelts needed for a new parka, and now she
was collecting the supplies she would need to make usable
implements for her life in camp.
She silently thanked Mother Beaver for showing her
how to use her time to build or make things during periods

of long inactivity. Beaver was the keeper of Builder Medi-

cine, who showed humankind how to keep busy by being
productive, bringing their visions and dreams of a better life

into reality. The Tribe that walked through the Clan

Mother's forest in summer following the trail to their
Ripening Moons Gathering was always happy to trade with
the artist because her creations were so unusual. Weaves
the Web always had a storehouse of handmade toys, bas-
kets, clothing, clay pots, and cooking utensils finished by
the time the snows had been replaced with clear green
shoots of new undergrowth. By the Moon of Ripening
Berries, the Clan Mother had bartered for the items that
would fill her own needs, assuring her that she could meet
the challenges of living alone during the falling snows.
Every Moon of Falling Leaves, Weaves the Web would
see which raw materials were available and would plan all of
the things she could make during the time her Creature
friends would be hibernating. The clay she was now digging
would be a part of her cache of art supplies, as would the
leaves she intended to gather later before Grandfather Sun
went down. For the next two moons, the Clan Mother would
complete her gathering and store all her needed supplies in
the cavern she called home. The blowholes in her cavern cre-
ated by the Earth Mother's metamorphic growth and cooling
cycle in ages past had provided the Clan Mother of Creativ-

ity a few excellent places to keep her things. She could even
fire her pots in a blowhole that had a natural chimney
through the limestone roof, high above the cave's entrance.
Winter came with all its blustery glory. The northern
winds exhaled the snows in swirling patterns, covering
everything with glistening Ice-beings and downy snowflake

blankets. Inside the cavern, Weaves the Web was happy and
warm. Each new Sun brought new ideas and the continued

joy of whittling, making pots, fashioning dolls from old

bones, basket weaving, or sewing hides into clothing. Weaves
the Web put her love and expertise into each item she made
and in so doing, gave each creation the gift of life and pur-
pose, similar to the way the Great Mystery gave life and pur-
pose to all of Creation. She looked forward to the coming
days of trading during the Ripening Moons that would bring
her a way to share her artistic endeavors with other Two-
leggeds. Just imagining the expressions of joy that would
light up their faces after the trade was completed warmed her
heart even now in the deep cold of winter. The ones she
traded with would never show how much they liked some-
thing before a trade was complete, fearing the barterer would
ask too high a price, but afterward the gleam in their eyes
was a welcome reward for the Mother of Creativity.

One Sun, after the first few snows had blanketed the
Earth Mother in her white robes, Weaves the Web awoke to
find the most exquisite spider's web she had ever seen, cov-
ering the opening of a blowhole. In the center of the web
was a most unusual spider, completely white except for one
red spot on the upper portion of her body. Weaves the Web
marveled at the unusual appearance of her eight-legged
friend. Spiders did not usually appear during the cold of
winter. Perhaps the warmth of the cavern had brought her
visit, was doubtful. Weaves the Web thought it was a
but it

sign from Grandmother Spider, who wove the web of the

universe. Grandmother Spider was the special creature that
the Great Mystery had chosen to weave the original webs of
the tangible world, making a skeleton of concentric circles

that would hold the flesh and realities of all life forms in
Weaves the Web asked Spider if she had a special mes-
sage. She was startled by the Creepy-crawler's answer echo-

ing as a voice inside her human thoughts.

"I have been sent from Grandmother Spider to tell you
that you have created many things of beauty and have
woven a new web of experience because your heart has ex-
pressed the desire to share that creativity with others. Use
your new Medicine Bowl and seek the visions that will re-

flect the desires hidden within your heart. Seek answers to

what is coming into the web you have woven out of your
hidden desires. Trust that you have chosen well and that
your dreams will be fulfilled."

Weaves the Web went to the far corner of her cave

where she kept her Medicine objects to retrieve her latest

creation. The bowl was hard-fired and blackened with

smoke from the leaves she had gathered. Here and there
were flecks of color from trace minerals in the clay. She re-

traced her steps across the cave, lit a fire, and filled the bowl
with melted snow. It was not long before her efforts brought
the vision of three Two-leggeds stumbling through the snow
at the edge of a forest. One larger and two smaller forms
The vision
struggled against the pounding winds of a storm.
changed and Weaves the Web saw the smiling faces of two
children —then nothing.
That night Weaves the Web dreamed she was seining
for food in the sea and as she looked down into her woven
net, she spied a starfish. It was an unusual starfish, colored

a brilliant purple-red. Starfish spoke to her and told her that

its body represented the creative life force that Two-leggeds

could use when they tapped into the Clan Chiefs of Air,
Earth, Water, and Fire and then mixed those elements with
the Creative Force of the Great Mystery. Starfish showed
Weaves the Web how the Clan Mother had employed that
same use of energy in making her crafts and in the ingenu-
ity she had used in fashioning the cavern into a warm home.
Starfish whispered to the Clan Mother's heart, "Weaves
the Web, you have used your creativity to fill your life with
beauty, but you have become lonely. The hidden desire in
your heart is weaving a dream that can change that alone-
ness, if you pay attention. The abundance of creative talent

that you possess can be shared with others if you give birth
to your dream of having a family/ 7

The Clan Mother was startled by Starfish's revelation,

but she could not pull her senses away from the dream. She
tried to wake up, struggling with her desire to remember, but
as the dreamscape changed, she went even deeper into the
pictures being presented. The Keeper of Survival Instinct

knew on some level of consciousness that she needed to sur-

render and follow the dream vision in order to understand
why she had not allowed the feelings of being alone to sur-
face. She sighed in her sleep and then plunged into the wa-
tery world around her. Fathoms of ocean traveled past as she
slipped beneath the waves, discovering that she could
breathe under the dream water. When she reached the ocean
floor, Starfish, riding on her shoulder, whispered to her again.
"Weaves the Web, you are immersed in the watery
womb of the Earth Mother. Here you can give birth to your
dreams and allow yourself to be reborn in the process. You
never allowed the aloneness to surface because you were
busy giving life to your other creations."

The Clan Mother focused her attention on her womb

and saw all the pent-up feelings she had hidden from herself
with her desire to create. She wanted children. She wanted
to share the toys she had made and to teach the young to
use their imaginations, allowing them to create to their
hearts content. She wanted to share the wisdom she carried
regarding every human's ability to create as much as her or
his imagination would allow. Children knew how to make
that kind of magic and so did Weaves the Web. A deep cry
rose in her throat as she screamed her loneliness into the
water. Suddenly, the Clan Mother felt a movement in her
belly. She had the urge to spread her legs and push hard. She
allowed her body to do the work, and a big iridescent bubble
came from her womb into the water and rose to the surface.
She caught a brief glimpse of bright eyes and two smiles
looking back at her. Her body jerked involuntarily and she
woke up.
It was an unusually chilly predawn and so she decided
she would make a big fire to warm her shivering body.
There was no use in trying to go back to sleep. She looked at

the blowhole where Spider had been and was astonished to

discover the figures of three Two-leggeds woven into the

outer edge of the web. Spider was gone. The fire was having
trouble getting started because a draft was coming into the
cavern from around the hides that covered the entrance.
The Clan Mother threw a heavy robe around her shoulders
and stumbled to the doorway.
When Weaves the Web tried to cover the cave's en-

trance with the hides, pulling the rocks over the bottom of
the skins to anchor them, she saw, not far from the trail that

led to her home, a large mound covered in snow that was


not usually there. Thinking that some lost creature had bro-
ken its leg and could provide her with fresh meat, she
grabbed her flint knife and braved the foggy grayness of
predawn. Upon reaching the mound, she placed her fur-
wrapped foot on the side and gently nudged it to see if the
animal was still alive. After a second, firmer nudge, the
Guardian of Creativity heard a human groan. The next few
moments were spent in a furious endeavor to dig the body
out of the snow.
Upon reaching a nearly frozen Buffalo Robe, Weaves the
Web cast it aside and found the blue body of a woman shel-

tering two The Clan Mother bent close and lis-

tened, realizing the woman was no longer alive but was now

walking in the Spirit World. She tried to reach beneath the

frozen mother to see if the children were still breathing. She
wrestled with the frozen arms of the woman's body and
pulled a boy of four summers into her arms and then his
older sister. She placed both children on her robe and covered
them with two smaller robes that had been beneath them,
keeping their bodies from lying directly on the frozen snow.
She fought and tugged, dragging her load up the trail to

the cave. The bodies of the children were ice cold, but they
were breathing. She returned her thanks to the North Wind
for not bringing more snow and for the lives of her tv/o
charges. She had covered the woman's body, but she would
have to return later to bury the body deeper to keep it from
being food for wandering carnivores. Finally she reached the
hides at the cave's entrance. The fire blazed brightly, giving
all three people the warmth they desperately needed.
Amid whimpers and moans, Weaves the Web worked
diligently to rub the life back into the children's half-frozen

limbs. The Clan Mother was reassured that the children

would recover by the smiling faces she had seen in her two
visions, but she hurriedly continued to administer her heal-

ing salves, stopping only once to hang a pot of stew over the

After the children had been rubbed, fed, and then

tucked in extra heavy sleeping robes, the Clan Mother
rested. Tiny sighs and moans came from the Buffalo Robes
nestled near the fire. Assured that the children were asleep
the Keeper of Survival Instinct donned her fur parka and
went to bury the children's mother in the fading light. Later,

bone-weary, after stoking the fire for the night, she col-
lapsed into a dreamless sleep, but had some part of herself
still listening to make sure the children were all right.

Sound of Rain was a young summers who

girl of eleven
found comfort in being with Weaves the Web. From the first
instant that the girl resigned herself to the fact her mother
was in the Spirit World, she began calling the Clan Mother
"aunt." This term of endearment was the way tribal chil-

dren showed respect for their Elders, acknowledging ex-

tended family as well as blood kin. Sun Behind the Clouds,
her little brother, had only passed four summers but was
precocious, bold, and interested in everything he came into
contact with. The little warrior was fascinated with the
things his new aunt could do and the way she included him
in all the activities of life inside the cavern.
Weaves the Web was overjoyed with the company of

her new niece and nephew. The children were always look-
ing for ways they could assist in the daily routine. Sound of

Rain was very creative and willing to talk about the ideas
that poured from her imagination when she was learning

how to make things. Sun Behind the Clouds was a quick

learner and was the quieter of the two, hiding his bright

smile behind an unusually thoughtful manner. Together the

three would spend hours making new and wonderful toys,

clay pots, and paintings, as well as participating in stories

and games. Weaves the Web felt that she had been given a
gift that made her life complete. The children had replaced
their sense of loss with a magical world that filled every
passing Sun with new games, fun, and a sense of family, liv-
ing with an aunt who cared for them very deeply. The
storms of winter howled and groaned outside the cavern,
but inside the fire was warm, the food was plentiful, and the
loving new experiences seemingly inexhaustible to the two
little ones.
Weaves the Web assisted Sun Behind the Clouds in
making a child-sized shield out of rawhide and a tiny set of

arrows to go with a little bow. The young warrior would

spend hours at the back of the cavern, shooting the giant

Four-leggeds that the Clan Mother had painted on the walls

of the cave. Sun Behind the Clouds would silently stalk his
prey, hiding behind the boulders scattered here and there
along the limestone floor; then he would pretend he was a
fully grown hunter who was capable of downing the Buffalo
or Elk with one arrow. Often he would mimic hauling the
meat home to his aunt and sister. Weaves the Web always
thanked Sun Behind the Clouds for his prowess and for the
imaginary meat he brought to their fire. In a very serious
manner, she would ask the little warrior what great Four-
legged he had downed that day and he would name the crea-
ture. The aunt would then teach the boy how to apologize
to the beast, giving thanks to the creature's spirit for the

food provided, and then she would show the boy how to re-
lease the animal's spirit. Every time Sun Behind the Clouds
brought fresh invisible meat home, Weaves the Web would
cook some dried meat from her stores for the evening meal.
Sound of Rain was impressed with her aunt's ability
to support both children's vivid imaginations. The Clan
Mother encouraged any kind of creativity that either child

cared to employ when playing, making things, or helping

with chores. If the children could find an easier or more
self-expressive way of doing something, Weaves the Web
was happy to go along. The Clan Mother showed both her
charges how to work with their hands and how they could
create a beautiful life in the same manner they created
crafts of beauty. She showed them how to take care of ma-
terials, how to be proud of their handiwork, and how to put

love into everything they created. She reminded both chil-

dren ofhow the Great Mystery had put love into every life
form and how they, as Two-leggeds, were asked to continue
that legacy of loving creativity.
Weaves the Web taught the children that every painted
symbol had meaning to an artist and that every color had a
significance when an artist created an object of beauty. The
Medicine Story behind each pot or toy gave those items a
mission or something to teach a Two-legged who looked
upon those creations. The self-expression of the artists who
created the items always reflected how those craftspeople
felt about themselves, how well they had developed their
skills, and how they saw the world around them. Weaves
the Web became a muse for the two children, always urging
them to use their imaginations and reasoning powers by
putting their creativity into workable methods that would

allow the pictures in their minds to match the crafts or

playthings they made.
Sound of Rain was a striking example of how quickly
a child could learn to become as skilled as an adult. The
girl's keen ability of observation and repetition astounded
Weaves the Web. The young girl's imagination and sense of
self shined through every new endeavor she undertook and
then accomplished. Weaves the Web could clearly see from
the way Sound of Rain used her materials and took
painstaking efforts to make and paint pots that the girl
would become a masterful artist and craftsperson. Symbols
were delicately and precisely painted by Sound of Rain's

unswerving hands, guided by the girl's natural sense of pro-

portion and composition.
Weaves the Web realized that her heart's hidden desire
had brought the dream of having loving, artistic children

into her life. As the Warming Moons approached, the Clan

Mother found herself weaving future dreams that included
her niece and nephew, sharing the magic of creating a life

full of rich potential. Daily, Weaves the Web returned

thanks for the fullness she felt in being privileged to observe
the children's growth and joyful self-expression. She forgot
what it had been like to pass winters alone and in silence,
with only her pots, crafts, and toys for company.
One Sleep during the Warming Moons, the voice of the
Earth Mother permeated Weaves the Web's dreams. "Daugh-
ter of my spirit, hear my voice. The gift you have given
yourself in the form of these two children is a gift of the
Dreamweaver, Grandmother Spider. You will nurture these
children into adulthood. You will share their exuberance
and their tears. You will find yourself reflected in them, as

you observe them passing through the cycles of growth and

change. These memories are the living treasures that every
mother carries inside her heart. While they grow, the chil-

dren will also use their creativity to test your authority, to

test your wisdom, and to test your resolve. Know that they
need a firm hand, as well as a loving aunt who teaches
them how to destroy limitation through using their self-

expression and creativity/'

The Clan Mother thought of all the times she had
shown the youngsters how to make something new from a
pot or a toy that did not turn out as it should. Creation and
destruction could always be re-invented if one used imagi-
nation. Weaves the Web took the Earth Mother's words of

wisdom to heart, making note in the remember all

dream to

she heard and perceived. Then the Earth Mother continued.

"You have birthed your heart's hidden desire through
weaving your dreams with the invisible webs of the Cre-

ative Force, daughter. You have created a loving family cir-

cle that will touch the circles of every other life form when
life's experiences are shared. When your hoops of creation
come together with the circles of life's experiences created
by others, new ideas and creativity are available to everyone
who is Sun Behind the Clouds is a living
willing to share.
extension of the male side of your nature and Sound of Rain
is a reflection of the female part of yourself. As you love

them into adulthood, you will be creating the patterns of

self-expression and webs of creativity that will serve them
throughout their Earth Walks. Through their experiences
you will be able to see how your own creativity can meld
with theirs to manifest the dreams you have shared in com-
mon. Teach your children well, Weaves the Web, and you

will show others how the spirit of the artist living inside
every human can fashion a world that respects the creativ-
ity that the Great Mystery placed inside all living things/'

As the Earth Mother's voice faded, Weaves the Web

found herself riding through her dream on the back of Chee-
tah. Cheetah's Medicine of accomplishing tasks with speed
and agility brought the Clan Mother visions that seemed to
fly through her mind's eye as if in fast motion. Images of
showing the children how to accomplish new tasks, avoid-

ing the laziness and procrastination that comes from lack of

inspiration, flashed through the Clan Mother's mind. The

future would be good, the horizon was bright with possibil-
ities, and Weaves the Web had found an unlimited source of
inspiration, seeing the world through the eyes of Sound of

Rain and Sun Behind the Clouds.

Weaves the Web silently thanked the Great Mystery for

allowing her to express the beauty found in being a Mother

of the Creative Force. Her path would grow and change,
along with the lives of her children. Every object she had
ever created was an extension of her love and self-expres-
sion, each having a purpose and a mission of serving. Her
children would find their own purposes and missions
through their individual forms of self-expression. As the
Keeper of Survival Instinct, the Clan Mother realized that
she had created a way for the wisdom and love she carried in
her Orenda to be passed on, surviving the tests of time, be-
cause she had woven a web of creation that allowed her
to give life, longevity, and permanence to her manifested
You walk in beauty, Mother,
Allowing all to see
The glory of Great Mystery
That sets your spirit free.

Guided by the bliss inside you,

Walking it through your deeds,

Never needing another's approval,
Your heart's truth takes the lead.

With focus and directness

You teach me how to walk,
Balancing thought and action
Instead of misusing talk.

I stand straight in your presence,

I my head up high,
With my feet rooted in Mother Earth,
My arms embracing Father Sky.
Clan Mother
of the

Eleventh Moon Cycle

Off 90
WALKS TALL WOMAN is the Clan Mother Novem-

ber's moon cycle, who teaches us how to Walk Our Talk.

Her Cycle of Truth is walking the truth and is connected to
the color white. Through the color white, we learn magne-
how to use authority and will properly. Walks Tall
tism and
Woman shows the Children of Earth how to lead through
example instead of insisting that others follow the leader.

This Clan Mother teaches us how to change life's situations

through taking action ourselves, not depending on others to
do it for us.

Walks Tall Woman teaches us how to be proud of our

accomplishments through self-esteem, not self-importance.

She shows us that the more we refine our skills, the happier
we are with ourselves. Walks Tall Woman understands that
actions always speak louder than words and that when we
are living examples of our philosophies, we are walking our
personal truths. When we walk with truth, there is no need
to fear what others think of us. Reputation is based upon in-

tegrity and inner knowing, not on the opinions of others,

who may be jealous or insecure about themselves. Walks
Tall Woman teaches us that it is through our relationship to


the Great Mystery and to life that we know and honor our
selves and our spirits.

This Eleventh Clan Mother is the Guardian of Leader-

ship and the Keeper of New Pathways. She shows us the
value of leading through example, being our personal best,
and exploring all our options, and the importance of inno-
vation. If there more appropriate or more efficient way
is a

to do something, Walks Tall Woman will apply those new

ideas to her Earth Walk, to see if the new way will assist her
in Walking Her Truth. Through this Medicine, she has
earned the right to be the Mother of Innovation. This type
of innovation does not destroy the Traditions of the past but

rather adds new truths to those Traditions, giving the an-

cient ways of the Ancestors new growth potential.
The Eleventh Clan Mother is also the Mother of Perse-

verance and Stamina, who teaches us the value of health.

The needs of our physical bodies and the use of exercise to
make them strong are part of her teaching. Walking tall and
in truth is exemplified by our ability to be graceful and to
find the point of gravity in the human form. To do this we
must use the natural flexibility of the human body. Walks
Tall Woman shows us that we must be flexible enough to
allow others to follow their paths. A healthy mind will sup-
port the body's health. A mind riddled with half-truths and
negativity can thwart the body to the point where disease is

created. Walks Tall Woman shows us how to honor the

body's needs by balancing physical activity, proper atti-

tudes, good eating and sleeping habits, and hygiene.

Walks Tall Woman also teaches us that we can perse-
vere, meeting our goals when the body is healthy. Stamina
comes from treating the body with care. To use persistence

in a proper way, we are taught how to be tenacious, using all

our gifts of health, attitude, self-reflection, and spirit to

meet challenges head-on. Walks Tall shows us how to keep

our eyes on the goal, our feet on the path, and the truth in
our hearts, never waiting for another to do it for us. Lead-

ing through example by being personally responsible in

thought, action, and deed is the way we find the Medicine of
Walking Our Talk. Our challenges are to be willing to drop

our fears of taking action and to balance our work activities

with rest, relaxation, and retreat.

Scouting the
Trail of Truth

Walks Tall Woman could hear the sound of wind rush-

ing past her ears and the thundering of her heart, fill-

ing her whole body. She saw the passing blur of green as she

ran across the meadow to the forest's edge. Entering the for-
est, she slowed her pace a bit, lithely dodging the brambles
without breaking a twig or disturbing the undergrowth.
Swiftly and silently she traversed the deep woodlands, push-
ing toward her goal.
The chirping of the Winged Ones suddenly stopped and
Walks Tall came to a soundless but abrupt halt. When her
heart slowed its drum-shattering rhythm, she could hear
the faint, stealthful sounds of a large Creature-being coming
from somewhere near her. Cautiously she turned, raising

her head to look into the treetops. Her gaze was met by
piercing golden eyes. The great cat was perched, poised, and
ready to jump from the stout limb of Sycamore. Walks Tall
Woman mustered the courage she needed to gaze back into
those unwavering eyes, showing her natural boldness, even
when she was confronted with Mountain Lion's prowess.
For reasons unknown to Walks Tall, Puma simply sat on the
branch and showed no further interest in the woman below.
The Mountain Lion began licking her paws and preening.
Walks Tall was not going to wait to see what would
happen next. She bolted through the glen and continued her
journey with great haste. Soon she had once again hit her
stride, allowing her body to find its natural balance and cen-
ter of gravity. Never once did she stumble or displace a twig
as her feet seemingly flew across the floor of the primeval
forest. She cut through the outlying scrub and made her way
to a path strewn with wild violets and strawberries that ran
along the edge of the woods by a shallow river. Walks Tall
Woman took the river in three leaps, sending sprays of
water flying in every direction as she lithely bounded up the
opposite shore covered with goldenrod and red clover.
The Clan Mother knew that she was hitting the home-
stretch and poured all her strength into her powerful legs.
She ran and ran, crossing the corner of a prairie filled with
wild golden grains, bounding up the last hill. The incline
was difficult to traverse but the Mother of Perseverance met
the challenge by changing her strides, breathing more
deeply despite the ache in her chest, pushing her body to ad-
just to the new rhythms she had created on the home-

When Walks Tall Woman reached the summit she was

greeted by the astonished faces of the people of the Water
Clan that she had wintered with. Grandfather Sun then
passed a quarter of his journey across the Sky Nation before
another runner appeared. This was a summer game of con-

structive competition and comradeship, and the Clan

Mother had used the race to teach the Water Clan many
other lessons about stamina and perseverance.
That night around the communal fire, with stars twin-

kling and bellies full from feasting, Walks Tall Woman took
the opportunity to speak. Because she was known as a

woman of few words, the members of the Water Clan lis-

tened intensely to her. Walks Tall Woman told them about

the value of finding alternate paths through the forest, new
ways of approaching their daily tasks, and how she was able
to win the race because she had scouted the trail, making a
new, shorter route to use during the footrace. Now that the
Warming and Planting Moons had passed, she offered to
teach the humans of the Water Clan how she could move
through any terrain without disturbing as much as a leaf.
The hunters and trackers had been unsure of letting a
woman teach them the skills they were usually taught by
other males, but the Clan Mother hadwon the footrace, and
therefore had won the bet that she could beat all the men
who entered the contest. The amazed men began to look at
Walks Tall Woman in a new way. Some were even happy
that she could teach them new skills that would surely
stand them in good stead at the Harvest Festival when all
the Clans of their Tribe gathered to return thanks for the
abundant harvest.

Walks Tall Woman worked with the men of the Water

Clan all summer moons. They spent time
through the
watching her each day, learning new skills as she showed
them how to make the most of the actions they set in mo-
tion. The Clan Mother showed the men how Antelope

when hunted on the plains used grace and balance to bound

through tall grasses. Her students practiced on the balls of

their feet to create a spring in their steps and change their

running gaits. Together, using Antelope's Medicine of grace,
readiness, and taking action, they practiced walking the
length of fallen logs that would roll, making the students
adjust their balance every few feet. The Water Clan men
found the body's center of gravity in their hips and learned
to use their inner vision to make their bodies lighter by see-
ing themselves as Antelope, who could spring forward,
seemingly fly through the air, and land lightly without a
Walks Tall Woman continued the training, teaching the
arts of changing stride, using the intent to propel the body,
understanding the body's rhythms in motion, and scouting.
Never once did the Clan Mother try to show that she was
superior to the men. She was always encouraging and sup-
men did not
portive in her teaching role, insuring that other
belittle the ones who were bold enough to try a new skill for

the first time.

Walks Tall Woman taught the whole Clan how action
counts double when one is honing new skills. Even the
smallest children were imitating their Elders by finding new
ways to assist in the chores that were necessary to keep
camp life moving smoothly. The Mother of Innovation was

pleased that the youngsters had scouted new ways to be pro-

ductive, as well as finding new games that included all of

the children. The women were elated that their men came
back to the lodges each sunset smiling and feeling self-

assured about the accomplishments made during each Sun.

With every member of the Clan making ready for the gath-

ering and the competitions, only Walks Tall Woman noticed

that the usual gossip and petty arguments had stopped.
When everyone was productive, they were happy and did
not have the desire or the time to waste on idle chatter.
Walks Tall Woman had worked hard preparing the
Water Clan for the games to be held at the Tribe's gathering.

The Mother of Perseverance's talents paid off when the

Water Clan took the lead, counting coup on the other as-

tonished Clans of their Nation. For her efforts, the men of

the Water Clan presented the Clan Mother with a horse.

Walks Tallwas deeply touched by the gesture because
horses were rare in those times. Most Clans and Tribes had
a dozen or so horses for more than a hundred human beings,
with most possessions and packs being carried by their
faithful dogs.

The Clan Mother decided to accept the gift by speaking

a few words about the Medicine of Horse. She explained to
the Water Clan that the power of Horse's Medicine was in
the proper use of gifts, talents, and abilities. Horse taught
Two-leggeds to balance the gifts of the tangible and intangi-
ble worlds. Like Horse, Two-leggeds were being taught to be
of the Earth and to be at one with the wind. When the two
worlds came together, balance was attained, allowing hu-
mans to see the beauty of spirit living and working through

their physical forms. In that balance, physical and spiritual

power could be used. Horse taught how to use will, en-
durance, authority, and talents in a proper manner without
abuse or misuse. Walks Tall Woman thanked the men of
the Clan for their gift and returned thanks to the Great
Mystery for their combined successes and all of the new
skills they had attained. She was particularly grateful for
the letting go of the fear of taking action and learning new
skills that could have robbed them of their victories at the
The Moon of Red Leaves followed, bringing many new
lessons to the Water Clan. After the harvest and gathering
of wild foods from the forest, the Clan prepared for the com-
ing winter. The spirit of victory was still keeping the Clan
productive, with the reminders of those innovative ways of

accomplishing tasks still fresh in their minds, but Walks

Tall Woman sensed an unsettling change. The subtle shift
was not apparent to the members of her Clan, but the

Guardian of Leadership was very aware that something was

amiss. The become clearer before the
situation needed to
proper solution could be applied, so Walks Tall Woman
watched and waited, continuing her own activities but not
speaking until the time was appropriate.
The brilliant colors of sunset were painted on the
leaves by Mother Nature, carrying with them the first frosts
that signaled the approach of winter. Walks Tall Woman
walked to the forest to be alone and to ponder the ways she
could help the Children of Earth through the changes that
could rob them of having the right attitudes toward life. The
bickering had begun again among the women, and the men
were disgruntled. Spats had replaced the former comrade-

ship of the Yellow Moons of summer between the children.

Walks Tall Woman lay her body down on a bed of bright

fallen leaves and allowed Grandfather Sun's light to warm

her skin. This rare time of inactivity and reflection took her
into a state of heightened awareness where she was riding
Horse through a Dreamtime landscape on the open plains.

Faster and faster they galloped as her body became a liv-

ing extension of her steed. Woman's head was
Walks Tall
bent forward, her hair mingling with the mane of her Four-
legged companion, named Runs with the Winds. Together
they rode through the steppes of golden, windswept grasses
as she urged the stallion forward with a slight pressure from
her knees. The forests of the foothills drew closer as she
melded her spirit with the stallion's powerful rhythms and
strides. Her perceptions changed and she saw through Runs
with the Winds' eyes. The shape shifting was complete as
Walks Tall Woman melded with her galloping companion,
feeling the power of four legs thundering across the distance,

closing in on the foothills. A surge of energy flowed through

her body as together they approached thewooded hills.
Runs with the Winds came to a halt among the trees of
the forest and the magical spell was broken as Walks Tall
Woman's perceptions returned to her human form. The ex-
uberance and overwhelming feeling of intense power still
coursed through her veins as she dismounted. When she
tethered the stallion to graze, she felt as if she were being
watched. Walks Tall Woman followed her feelings and
gazed up into the branches of a sturdy oak just in time to see
Mountain Lion pounce, coming to rest gracefully at her feet.
Quickly, she looked toward her stallion, finding him unin-
terested in the great cat. She was startled by the horse's

behavior, but in the Dreamtime there was no threat be-

tween creatures, so she relaxed.
Mountain Lion spoke and caught her by surprise.
"Mother, you have walked with me since the beginning of
your physical life, but it is only now that you have slowed
down enough for me to be able to speak to you. Have you
forgotten my Medicine of leading through example!"
Walks Tall Woman was stunned and speechless for a

moment. "What do you mean, Puma? I walk in balance and

always allow my actions to speak for my intentions. Have I
forgotten to perform some duty or to take some action that
would show others the integrity of my walk?"
"No, Mother, you have been a fine example to your
children. You have taken the You have al-
actions needed.
ways been compassionate, caring, and forthright. You have
showed your children new paths and innovative ways of
correcting wrong attitudes and how to follow their heart's
desires,- but you have not balanced action with the strength
of inaction. You have been so busy doing, you have forgot-
ten to take the time you need to reflect and regroup your
thoughts, dreams, and energy. This is the first time during
your Earth Walk that you have rested and released enough
of your need to be a perfect example, to let down the barri-
ers that keep you from being human."
Walks Tall Woman sat on the ground in stunned si-

lence, realizing that Mountain Lion was right. The tears she

had been holding for all the winters of her human life began
to flow and sobs racked her body until she could utter no
sound, trying to get her breath. The multitude of sorrows

she had felt when she was frustrated or hurt by the actions

of others had been buried in the snows of her frozen heart.

Walks Tall Woman was ready to release the illusion that she
needed to be superhuman. In her efforts to be an impeccable
example, she had masked her human needs with action.
The drive and ambition to be her personal best had led her
down a lonely trail that insisted she never show her feel-

ings. She had placed all of her spiritual experience outside of

herself, never allowing time-out for the lessons to be felt

and integrated as a part of her humanness. When she finally

caught her breath and the tears had been exhausted, Moun-
tain Lion continued.
"Leading through example is a Beauty Trail, Mother. If

you are being an example human beings, it is nec-

to other

essary to show them that being human is not to be judged as

having weaknesses. Allowing the tears to flow is the first

step in transformation. Making mistakes is the way that

skills are honed to precision. You have mastered persever-

ance, you have mastered innovation, you have mastered

taking action; now it is time you make the commitment to
allow yourself to become a female, feeling, human being.
That vulnerability is a strength, not a weakness. Buried
deep inside of you is the truth you have feared. You felt that
if you slowed down and took a retreat when you needed it,
the truth would be able to catch up with you. That truth is

that you are human/'

Puma waited a moment for her words to reach the Clan
Mother's heart before she continued. "You have developed
your stamina, your excellence, your ability to comfort oth-
ers, but you are frightened to death of being comforted your-
self. When you can allow yourself to show vulnerability by

trusting another, you will have finally learned to trust your-

self. When you push yourself beyond your endurance, run-

ning from the truth of your humanness, the signal you send
to the world is not the one you think you are sending. You
tell others that you are untouchable when you keep moving
from early morning to late at night. You fear Tiyoweh, the
Stillness, because you are afraid to confront the fears and
criticism of your Shadow. That Shadow-self would love to
tell you that you are not worthy of rest, pleasure, or a life

that includes true friends who respect your humanness and

a supportive mate who will love you for who you are, not
the deeds you accomplish.
Walks Tall Woman felt the tears of transformation run
like slow-moving, lazy rivers down her cheeks. The truth
had taken root in her heart and the impregnated seed of

change had been planted in her womb. It would gestate

until it was time in the future for the Clan Mother to give
birth to her new, more vulnerable self. She quietly sat and
reflected on the words Mountain Lion had spoken before
she asked a question. "How can I be an example to other
women, Mountain Lion, when I have to learn these lessons

for myself?

"You are the Mother of Innovation, Walks Tall Woman.

In the present world of time, woman has come to take the

role of nurturing others. A balance must be found. The

Earth Mother is ready and willing to nurture her daughters
but her daughters must insist on taking the time they need
to receive that nurturance themselves.
"You have taught your human children that the place
of gravity in the human form is in the pelvis. For men, that
space is where their testicles were housed before puberty.

For females, that space is the womb. As Mothers of the Cre-

ative Force, women must understand their role of nurturing

the seeds of all of tomorrow's dreams for the Planetary Fam-
ily as well as birthing new generations of children. To ac-
complish this task, every woman must commit to herself to
take the time she needs to retreat during her menstrual
flow, when her womb is open to the light.
"This special Moontime is when the Earth Mother
feeds all women if they are willing to spend three Suns and
Sleeps during their flows in total silence, becoming the re-

ceptive vessels of love created by the Great Mystery. During

the other days of their flows, they can be with their sisters,
sharing experiences, handcrafts, and inner thoughts. During
their Moontimes, women have the power to claim any
available energy in their midst because their wombs are
open to receive. This is one new Tradition that you can start

for the Human Tribe that will also serve you in discovering
your own humanness."
Walks Tall Woman saw the possibilities of creating a
new Woman's Tradition that would allow all women to find
balance. She understood that some of the bickering was
probably caused from exhaustion, and that because women
did not take the time to be refueled with the Earth Mother's
loving energy, they were often bound by old, cranky, and
petty habits that took root in the moments when they were
overtired. A broad vista of opportunity spread before the
Clan Mother in her dream. The Dreamtime always seemed
to provide parallel ways to change old and limiting habits,
and Walks Tall Woman was now still enough to access
those opportunities. As the Mother of Persistence returned
from her realizations, Mountain Lion spoke to her again.

"There has never been a time when you showed mercy

toward yourself, Walks Tall Woman. You have enjoyed being
active and have masked your Shadow well. The Shadow has
shown you no mercy by driving you beyond all that is hu-
manly possible. You have made promises that have actually
forced you into the Shadow's keeping. You have not abused
your leadership ability by hurting others, but you have
abused the trust other women placed in you as a role model.
You have set an example that would break the back of any
beast of burden. Donkey carries his Medicine of shouldering
his load of responsibility, but he also knows how to refuse
and become stubborn when the burden is too much. There
is great inner strength to be found in showing mercy to your-

self and in allowing yourself to be an example to other

women by showing them that all humans are worthy of rest

and pleasure. The example you set through making time for
your needs will liberate you and every other woman who
looks to you for guidance. The excuse that you do not have
the time or the space to be nurtured will harm more people
than yourself, giving the Shadow the upper hand."
Mountain Lion waited for Walks Tall Woman to take in
her words before she continued. "Do you remember the day
you passed me in the forest, running like a prairie grass
fire?" The Clan Mother nodded in affirmation and Moun-
tain Lion spoke again.
"I was standing on a branch, watching you as you cut
through the bracken and undergrowth. Iwas not surprised
because I had seen you scouting that trail earlier. I won-

dered you would run from the Totem who protected you,

and sure enough, you did. The other runners would be a

long time in catching up with you, but still you had to run

on, making sure that you would outshine all others in an

embarrassing, overachieving manner. You showed no mercy
toward yourself or toward the dignity of your male counter-
parts. I licked my paws and showed you that you could slow

down, but you were single-minded and my example was

lost on you.
" Skunk could teach you a lesson, Walks Tall Woman, if

you would take the time to listen. Skunk's Medicine has to

do with reputation and the ability to attract or to repel
what you need in your life. You have been so worried about
your reputation of taking action that you have attracted the
unmerciful Shadow-self and have repelled the inner voice
that cries out for you to take the rest you need. Like Skunk,
the whole situation stinks, Mother.
Walks Tall Woman broke her seriousness and laughed
at Mountain Lion's description of the smelly set of circum-
stances. The tension was relieved and the Clan Mother for-

got to berate herself for a moment and to blame herself for

her overachieving drive. Walks Tall Woman tried to shake
off her shame as she made the firm decision to be merciful
toward herself and thus give her sisters permission to be
kind to themselves, through her example. She asked Moun-
tain Lion a final question she trusted would expel the heavi-
ness in her chest that had caused her to breathe shallowly
for many moons.
"I am tired of being my only support system and being
afraid to trust and be vulnerable. Mountain Lion, when I

find the merciful part of myself and take my retreats and

times of silence, will you be my companion and Ally?"
Mountain Lion stretched and yawned, then replied, "I
have always walked with you, Mother. You were just too

busy to notice. You were afraid to be still and alone with

yourself, so you could not hear my voice. Nothing will
change in my devotion to you and to your spiritual growth.
We are Sisters and are bound together by the bonds that
make all females kin. Grandmother Moon shows her full

face to illuminate our hidden fears as well as our strengths.

In the Moontime cycle, we find our balance, confront our
Shadow-selves, share our joys and sorrows, and then face
the world as Sisters of the heart/
Walks Tall Woman was deeply touched and tears began
to flow again, as she was drawn from her Dreamtime vision
back to the tangible world by someone licking the real tears

from her face. She opened her eyes and saw the physical em-
bodiment of Mountain Lion, licking her cheeks and reas-
suring her that the vision had been The Guardian of real.

Leadership placed her hand gently on Mountain Lion's neck

and caressed her Sister's soft fur. Mountain Lion's green-
gold eyes pierced Walks Tall Woman's heart and the final
barrier came crashing down when the Clan Mother saw the
softness and vulnerability of her own face mirrored in
Mountain Lion's eyes. There was the face of the merciful
self, being comforted by a Creature-teacher of the wild.
Mountain Lion placed a paw on Walks Tall Woman's
chest, forcing the breath the Clan Mother had been holding
in apprehension out of her lungs. Mountain Lion did not let

up until Walks Tall Woman gasped; then the giant cat

moved to lie at the Clan Mother's side. Walks Tall Woman
took the deepest breath she remembered taking in many
winters and felt the life force explode inside her, bringing a
new sense of relaxed comfort to her weary, emotionally
spent body.

They lay side by side until the full face of Grandmother

Moon rose high in the purple blanket of the Sky Nation. In
the magnificent light of the full moon, a cloud changed
form to show Walks Tall Woman the seeds of transforma-
tion that her tears had planted in the tangible world. She
had returned from the Dreamtime to begin a new Tradition
for women that would serve all of her Sisters until the end
of time. The Cloud Person shape-shifted into the form of a
quetzal, reminding the Mother of Innovation that Quetzal
carries the Medicine of the totally free, uninhibited spirit

who is willing to express all aspects of the Self. If caught

and caged, Quetzal dies.

Walks Tall Woman thought of the cage she had created

for herself and how the Shadow-self had placed a strangle-
hold on her freedom to express her needs and to trust that
others would understand her humanness. The cloud form of

Quetzal also reminded her that it was time to lead other

women through Quetzal's example. In Walking Her Talk,
the Clan Mother would never again impose her own limita-
tions or impossible expectations on another human being.
The uninhibited freedom found in accepting her humanness
without judgment would light Walks Tall Woman's path.
She had discovered the strength found in retreat and the
wisdom of letting go.
Mountain Lion stayed with her through the night and
allowed the warmth and comfort of a true Ally to be under-
stood. When Grandfather Sun rose to shine his light on all
of his children, Walks Tall Woman went back to camp. She

was greeted by all of the members of the Water Clan as if

she had never been absent. They had not been concerned be-
cause she had only projected the invincible side of herself in

their presence. The lesson stung but forced the Clan Mother
to realize how many ways she had sabotaged herself. She
had been too independent and aloof.

During the next few Suns, Walks Tall Woman called a

Council of Women and was vulnerable enough to tell her
story and let go of the former untouchable self. She was sur-

prised by her Sister's tears of joy and relief, and their hugs of

thanks shocked her into further realizations. Many were

grateful for the new example she was setting. Others took
her aside and gave her gifts they had made to celebrate her
Rite of Passage. Some Sisters were eager to share their fears
that they could never live up to her former example, while
others spoke of the resentment they had carried when the
Clan Mother had been used by complaining husbands as an
example to chastise them. Those days were very healing to
all of the women of the Water Clan, creating new bonds of

Sisterhood that would continue.

The Council of Women came together as one, as equals,
in a circle, each having a single vote. Through unity, they
decided how to run their Moon Lodges, assuring every
woman of having her time for retreat. Each woman would
cover the responsibilities of a friend while the other was
on her moon. Grandmothers committed to watching the
young, while aunts and sisters volunteered to cook and see
to the fires. The Sisterhood of the Moon Lodge was formed
during that long-ago season of changing leaves, leaving a
legacy to all women that would form bonds of undying trust
throughout the coming worlds.
Walks Tall Woman marveled at the changes in herself
and the strength she found in the Medicine of her Sisters. In

discovering herself, she had unwittingly gained a large fam-

ily and support system. The Mother of Innovation under-
stood that some new ways of living could create Traditions
that would serve all of humankind. She sang her song of
gratitude to the Earth Mother and to Grandmother Moon,
understanding for perhaps the first time what it was like to
be a strong leader and a vulnerable woman.
Now, Walks Tall Woman listens for the voices of her
Sisters who are learning the lessons of Walking Their Talk.
With compassion, she waits for some to slow down and for

others to let go of their fears and take the actions needed to

take charge of their lives. Her heart remains open and her
spirit is now filled with the tender mercy she learned and
earned through the painful lessons of her own passage.
Through example, the only conquest she teaches is the con-
quest of the Shadow-self. Like Quetzal, she beckons her
Sisters to express the freedom of who they are and to fol-

low their hearts

desires, discovering those heart dreams
through the strength they find in retreat. Walks Tall Woman
whispers to women everywhere that the nurturance and
support of the Sisterhood and the Earth Mother are available
to any woman who is willing to honor her right to be by
making the commitment to herself.

Thank you, Mother, for teaching me

To my heart in praise

Filling my spirit with gladness

For the blessings of the Beauty Way

You have taught me how to sing,

How to rejoice, dance, and drum,
And how to show my gratitude
For the abundance that will come.

You have shown me the magic of

A change in the mind and heart,
An attitude made of the wisdom
That celebration of life imparts.

I sing the truth of thankfulness

When I greet Grandfather Sun,
Then send my love to Mother Earth
For the life force that makes us one.
Clan Mother
of the

Twelfth Moon Cycle

GIVES PRAISE is the Clan Mother of the Twelfth Moon
Cycle, who teaches us how to be grateful for everything we
experience in life. In returning thanks, we are shown how to
make space in our lives for future abundance. Gives Praise
teaches us to see how we are healing through every lesson
we encounter on the Good Red Road. This Clan Mother re-

minds us to be grateful for the challenges we are given, no

matter how difficult, since they show us how to develop our
inner strength.
The Twelfth Cycle of Truth is giving thanks for the
truth. The moon cycle of this Clan Mother falls in Decem-

ber. The Medicines of Gives Praise and of the color purple

are healing and gratitude. Through this Guardian of Ritual

and Ceremony we rediscover the importance of setting aside

time for celebrating the gifts in our lives. When we show the
Great Mystery that we are thankful for all that life gives, we
are completing the circle of blessings we have received.
Gives Praise reminds us that habitual ritual performed by
rote and without a happy heart does not show gratitude and
cannot bring healing into our lives. For instance, saying
grace over a meal in the same manner each time, does not
express true gratitude and can become meaningless.

Gives Praise teaches us that sharing our abundance is

another way that we can keep our lives flourishing. As the

Mother of Abundance, Gives Praise instructs us in the value
of giving as well as receiving. She reminds us that we are to
be grateful for what we are able to give away as well as being
thankful for the gifts of life we receive. In this manner, the

circle of giving and receiving is created, allowing us to

share. The simple joys of the Earth Walk are gifts we often
take for granted. The warmth of Grandfather Sun, the abil-
ity to breathe, our health, free will, clean water, food, shel-

ter, and the love of friends and family are blessings. If a few
of these basic privileges were taken away, human beings
would quickly understand their importance. Gives Praise
points out the crooked trail followed by those who have for-
gotten these blessings and who only want to fill their empti-
ness with material objects or pretended wisdom that will
never make them happy or whole.
The Twelfth Clan Mother shows humankind that
magic is no more than a change in consciousness. Right at-

titude and a change of heart have created more miracles in

people's lives than all the sorcery ever performed through-

out time. When Gives Praise was learning the lessons of
being human, she discovered that celebrating life and being
grateful for everything one encountered created a comple-
tion. Then the Wheel of Life could turn again, creating new
abundance, new experiences, and further joy. Tangible re-
sults always follow thoughts. Negative thoughts and fears
will magnetize difficult life lessons. Discovering the truth
that negativity robs us of our joy and learning how to

change those patterns can shift the experience. This Clan

Mother teaches us that being grateful for the truth found in

our lives gives us the right attitudes and produces miracu-

lous healing and new paths to follow. Because of her dis-
covery, Gives Praise earned the right to become the Keeper
of Magic, showing us how a change in perception, attitude,
or consciousness can create magic and miracles.
Gives Praise encourages all Children of Earth through
praising what is best in their natures. She shows us that
when we celebrate who we are and give thanks for the lives
we are leading, we then open our hearts to continue the
healing process of being human. The truth we find in every
experience of our spiritual evolution marks a forward step
on our individual Pathway of Peace. Giving thanks for every
victory we achieve and encouraging others by praising and
being grateful for their victories ensures the continued
movement of humankind toward unity.

Dancing the Dance
of Celebration

ives Praise stood outside the Turtle Council House,
who was coming for a Naming
waiting for the family
Ceremony. The Clan Mother had rejoiced when one of the
members of her Tribe had delivered twins during the two
moons past. The tiny boy and girl were given names by the
mother in the first moments after birth, but the inner
names or spiritual names were to be given by a wisewoman.
The feasting that would follow the Naming Ceremony was

open to all Tribe Members but the ceremony itself would

only be attended by the Clan Mother, the twins, and their
natural mother.
names were never spoken out loud
Spiritual or inner
and only the mother of the child was allowed to hear the
name the Clan Mother or Wisewoman bestowed, in order to
protect the child's vulnerable Sacred Space from harmful
trickster spirits. The inner name was the way human
that a
being would be recognized in the Spirit World. Any spirit
who called a Two-legged by a name other than the secret
spiritual name was not to be trusted. The Ancestors' spirits

and the spirits of the Totems, who were allied to hu-

mankind by offering assistance, always used the person's

secret name to make contact.
This Sun of celebrations would begin the twins' con-
nections to the Spirit World. Gives Praise had spent much
time in Tiyoweh, the Stillness, looking at the Orenda of
each child. Each one of the twins had a different set of tal-

ents and abilities, as well as unique and individual Spiritual

Essences. The boy child was guarded by the spirit of Jaguar,
whose Medicine was secular and spiritual leadership poten-
tial. The little boy had the potential to become a great Chief

and the added ability to carry the talents of a Medicine Man.

The girl child was guarded by Raven, the Keeper of Magic,
who sought the Void of the Unknown to effect change. To-

gether, these special twins could accomplish great things for

the Tribe, who celebrated their arrival with open arms and
best intentions.
Gives Praise turned, surveying the surrounding area,

admiring all of the lush green grasses and wild flowers that
covered the land around the Turtle Council House. Gives

Praise could see the rolling hills on the other side of the

high meadow, the tall standing pines, and the sloping mead-
owlands that led down to the high mountain lake. The
Council House looked like a giant turtle walking in deep
grass, coming down the hills toward the water. The domed
roof was made of sod and covered with large flat stones, giv-

ing the appearance of the turtle's shell. The turtle's head

was made of an enormous stone that had been carved to
accent the eyes, but the natural shape was exactly like the
head of the sea tortoise. Gives Praise took in all the beauty
around her and returned thanks for the glorious vistas of the

Mother Planet.
The twins would have a wonderful time as they tested,
tasted, touched, and smelled the natural world around
them. Gives Praise could imagine what it would be like to

be born into such a world, blessed and cursed with such a

tiny helpless human body. She often thought of how she had
come to walk the Earth in her already adult body that would
stay forever young. "It must be difficult to experience grow-
ing up in a human form, " she mused, "and yet, it could be
a wonderful time of discovery and loving experience given
the right environment. " She decided to follow the twins
growth and to put herself in their places in order to capture
the lessons of a childhood she had never experienced.
When Twilight Moon came walking up the path from
the lake, bringing her twins bundled on the front of her
chest in fur-lined hides, Gives Praise observed the young
mother's light step and bright countenance. Twilight Moon
had a good sense of balance and the extra weight of the
babies seemed to bolster her rather than weigh her down.
The long strides the young woman made along the path to

the Council House were a sure sign that she was healthy
and vital, letting any observer see that the birth of twins
had been taken in stride. Twilight Moon's radiant smile
flashed across the closing distance between the young
mother and Gives Praise. The Clan Mother could sense the
pride and joy Twilight Moon felt as she continued the jour-
ney to the Council House to properly start the twins on the
path of spiritual wholeness. The Naming Ceremony would
assure that her little boy and girl would find protection on
their spiritual journeys while their physical growth was
monitored by two loving parents and a family full of doting

The two women gingerly embraced, making sure not to

crush the twins, and Gives Praise assisted Twilight Moon in

untying the halters that held the babies against the young
mother's chest. As Gives Praise looked into the eyes of the
tiny infant boy, she was pleased to find an open-eyed, level
stare gazing back at her. The child was already living up to

his Jaguar Medicine. Gives Praise smiled and nodded, then

reached for the girl child. The ebony eyes of the little girl

sparkled in the early morning light, mirroring a hidden

magic that did not waver in the sunlight. Gives Praise
laughed when the infant girl half closed one eyelid in an in-
voluntary wink.
A descending path had been cut in the meadow to allow
access to the interior of the Turtle Lodge. The shell roof was
above the earth but the oval-shaped council room was
below. Inside two fires, one at either end, gave off a wel-

coming warmth. Gives Praise had Twilight Moon sit facing

her on the fur robes that had been placed in the center of the
lodge. The light from Grandfather Sun filtered through

three smoke holes, one above each fire and the third one of-

fering light in the area where the women sat with the
babies. Gives Praise lit a braid of Sweetgrass and smoked all

four of them to bring in the spirits of childlike sweetness be-

fore she spoke.

"On this Sun, we come before the light of Grandfather

Sun's love as it enters the body of the Earth Mother, lighting
our ways. This Guardian of Ceremony gives thanks for the
health and life of Twilight Moon, who will nurture these
two littles ones during their Earth Walks. These women
thank Swennio, the Great Mystery, for the gift of life and
breath and for all the goodness that can be found on the
Good Red Road. These mothers here thank Yeodaze, the
Earth Mother, for the abundance she freely gives to support
ourhuman ways. We return thanks to the Creature-teachers
who guard the spirits of these twins and have offered to
be Totems for the babies. This one, who seeks answers,
humbly asks that the Ancestor Spirits guide her in finding
the inner names of these two little ones so that they may be
recognized in the Spirit World."
Silence fell in the lodge and Grandfather Sun's light

briefly flashed as if a cloud had rolled away, bringing an il-

luminating beam of light into the circle created by the two

women and the twins. Gives Praise smiled and then closed
her eyes as if she was looking into her own heart, being en-
lightened by the flash of love that Grandfather Sun had sent
through the opening in the roof. Gives Praise laid the girl

child in a hollowed-out log filled with soft rabbit pelts and

"This Wisewoman asks that the spirit of this baby girl

be recognized by the Ancestors and that the Ancient Ones


bless her with a name that will carry and uplift her spirit at
all times during her Earth Walk. This Clan Mother asks that
the Spirits of Nature who will be the child's devoted teach-
erscome into this lodge so that they will know her inner
name and honor it for all the Suns and Sleeps of her human
life, bringing comfort and courage until it is time to Drop
Her Robe and return to the Other Side Camp of the Spirit
World. For these requests, this woman gives thanks and
praises the Beauty Way, followed by all the spirits called
into this Sacred Lodge/
The girl child gurgled and cooed as if she understood
and then began looking at something invisible hovering
above her. Gives Praise felt and saw the spirits who came to
honor the life of this child, circling the four gathered. The
Guardian of Ceremony and Ritual was pleased to see that

Twilight Moon had sensed the change as the spirits entered

the lodge and was trying to cover her nervousness by pat-
ting the little boy she held to her shoulder. Gives Praise as-

sured the young mother that all was as it should be and that
the spirits who had gathered were benevolent and kind.
The Clan Mother watched as every spirit gathered, filed

past the tiny girl, and blessed the child's spirit by touching
her Orenda or Spiritual Essence. Then, Gives Praise felt the
baby's spiritual name form inside the inner knowing of her

heart, and like a bubble, the name rose from her heart to her
lips, spilling into the lodge like the sound of clear water.
"Twilight Moon, the Ancient Ones have blessed your
daughter with a name that she will be known by in the
Spirit World. She shall be called Pipe Song and the Raven is

her protector. Pipe Song is the song that flows through the
smoke of All Our Relations, bringing oneness with all

things. This oneness, found through the song of the Pipe, is

the magic that allows Two-leggeds to change and open

themselves to the miracles of human life that come from
right attitude. This girl child will be an example for those

around her. Through her ability to live her life, like the song

of oneness that comes from the Pipe, others will observe

ways that they can touch the magic of life that comes when
humility and thankfulness are present/
After returning thanks for the blessings given to Pipe
Song by the Ancient Ones and thanking the Spirits of Na-
ture for coming to be a part of Pipe Song's ceremony, the

Clan Mother gave all who had gathered permis-

the spirits
sion to go on their ways. When the Turtle Lodge was
cleared, the Wisewoman handed Pipe Song to her mother
and took the boy child into her arms. As she met his bold
stare, Gives Praise was struck by the knowing gaze of the
infant. It was as if he could see through her body and into
the vastness of her Orenda. This child was not afraid of any-

thing and would make a fine leader and Medicine Man for

his Tribe. Like his sister, this little brother was one of the

Ancestors who had returned to continue the next turn of

the Medicine Wheel by walking in human form once again.
As the Wisewoman placed the tiny boy in the log cra-
dle, his little hand reached for the Clan Mother's finger,

making a fist, holding it as if he intended to keep the Mother

of Abundance's attention. The Wisewoman reached out
with her mind and tried to connect to the intent sent her
way by this Ancestor in a tiny body. As their minds met in
the melding of their Sacred Spaces, she heard his thoughts.
" Grandmother, I have come to teach my people the im-
portance of balancing their spiritual paths with the roles

they choose to walk in life. I intend to be a living example

of a man who has balanced his reasoning powers and good
judgment with the spiritual receptivity of the feminine
principle. Will you assist me in this journey and be my
Gives Praise answered the Ancient One in the baby
body with a nod, allowing the warmth in her heart to course
through her hand and into the tiny fist that held her finger.
Then she began the same ceremonial thanksgivings used
with his sister's naming, inviting all of the boy's Spirit Al-
come into the lodge. When all were gathered,
lies to the
Wisewoman began her requests to the Great Mystery.
"Swennio, Great and Eternal Mystery, thiswoman here
asks that you bless the path of this Ancient One who has re-
turned. This Wisewoman requests that my influence in this
child's life be helpful, caring, and nurturing, supporting his
intent in this Earth Walk. This Clan Mother thanks the
Earth Mother for the gift of his body, which will carry this
child's spirit through the many summers of his life. This
humble servant asks that her heart be blessed by the An-
cestors, who have chosen the spiritual name of the boy. May
those Ancestors find this woman's heart pure and send that
name for her heart to understand and for her lips to speak."

A gust of wind flew down the smoke holes over the two
fires at the ends of the lodge and created a burst of flame
Moon. Gives Praise reached over and
that startled Twilight
patted the young mother's hand to reassure her that all was
well, then briefly closed her eyes to look into her own heart.
The emergence of a fiery ball in the center of the Clan
Mother's heart quickened her pulse and caused her to take a
deep breath. The smell of wood smoke wafted through the

lodge, the reflections of light from the smoke holes danced,

and the walls made of the Earth Mother's body,
of the lodge,

gave off a rich perfume. The smell of moist soil mingled

with the straw and leaves that were compressed into each
mud brick surrounded the infants, signaling the love being
sent as a blessing from the Planetary Mother.
Gives Praise opened her eyes and said, "Twilight Moon,
the Earth Mother and the Ancestors have blessed your boy
with a spiritual name. His path will reflect the Medicine he
carries and he will be recognized in the Spirit World by the
name of Talking Arrow. The arrow is the symbol of the path
of truth, perfectly balanced for flight, directed toward a goal.
This boy will grow tall and will speak with truth on his
tongue. Talking Arrow will lead the people through exam-
ple, as he uses his Medicine to heal and his wisdom to show
others how to give thanks for the truth in their lives. To-
gether, your children will have many opportunities to show
our Tribe how to follow the Beauty Way."
Twilight Moon sat in the stillness of the moment, tak-
ing in all that the Clan Mother had said. Her babies would
need to be nurtured and loved in a way that would support
the development of their abilities. The young mother's
mind was filled with memories of her own childhood and
how she had passed through the uncertainty of growing up.
She remembered all the discomforts of those adolescent
years andhow she felt so out of place among the other
young women of the Tribe. Then, she had believed that she
would never find a mate or have children. Now, she had be-
come the mate of a strong, brave, and gentle man who loved
her deeply, and she was proudly sitting in the Turtle Coun-
cil House at the Naming Ceremony of her two beautiful

children. She felt that the abundance in her life was due to
the guidance and loving encouragement of the Clan Mother
who sat in front of her, sharing one of the most precious mo-
ments in the young mother's life.

Gives Praise was having the same thoughts as she re-

membered how the path of life had changed for Twilight

Moon. As a young girl, Twilight Moon had been all elbows

and eyes. No matter how hard the girl had tried to be grace-
ful, she had fallen over her own feet, knocking over every-
thing in her path. She was made fun of unmercifully by the
other girls her age who had dubbed Twilight Moon, " Stum-

bling Crane/
It was true that the girl had looked like a
crane with long skinny legs and full lips that always seemed
to be pursed in a pout that held back a flood of lonely tears.

The only person who ever saw those tears was Gives Praise.

In the fourteenth summer of Twilight Moon's life, she

had run to the forest after one particularly cruel name-
calling session when she was not included in other girls'

games. Gives Praise had found the girl sobbing uncontrol-

lably with her arms wrapped around a giant cottonwood.

The Clan Mother's heart had gone out to the child, knowing
that she had no relations who would comfort her. Twilight

Moon's mother had Dropped Her Robe, leaving her earthly

form to walk in the Spirit World, in the third summer of the
girl's life. The child's father had married a widowed woman
with three daughters who were the beauties of the Tribe,
leaving the rearing of his own daughter to his new wife.
Twilight Moon's new mother was not a mean woman but
was prideful and constantly boasting about the talents of

her three eligible daughters, never giving a word of encour-

agement to her lonely stepdaughter.

Growing up in a lodge full of seemingly perfect stepsis-

ters had taken its toll on Twilight Moon's self-esteem, par-

ticularly when tribal Law dictated that adolescent girls were

not supposed to worry their fathers with anything. Women
were responsible for the traditional training of the females
in the Tribe. Being ignored or occasionally spoken to as an
afterthought, coupled with the degrading remarks passed by
three stepsisters when adults were not present, had created
an empty and nearly unbearable life for Twilight Moon.
The Giver of Encouragement found the situation to be a
challenge. Gives Praise took Twilight Moon into her heart
that day in the forest and spent many passing seasons nur-
turing the girl's broken heart, showing her how to regain the
magic of life. In the beginning, the Clan Mother held and
rocked the girl, know that someone loved her and
letting her

that there was a safe place to come to let her tears flow. The
Keeper of Magic showed Twilight Moon how to count every
blessing and how to be grateful for every lesson of life.
Sometimes Gives Praise cringed when she heard the bless-
ings Twilight Moon gave thanks for. Hearing her thanking
Swennio, the Great Mystery, for the passing of a Sun when
nobody purposely tripped her or stripped Twilight Moon of
her sense of self with cruel remarks, caused the Clan Mother
to feel the hurt still deep inside the child. The Clan Mother
continued to give Twilight Moon loving encouragement and
praise for every accomplishment the girl mastered.
Finally, in the sixteenth summer of her life, Twilight
Moon began to blossom. The gracefulness that had evaded
her during her younger years suddenly bloomed, giving the
young woman the reward of learning to believe in the magic
of life. All of Gives Praise's lessons of returning thanks in

order tomake space for the abundance found in the Beauty

Way had come to fruition. In learning to give thanks, Twi-
light Moon had also learned to make space for and to re-

ceive the blessings sent her way. The magic of becoming a

self-assured young woman was brought to fullness through
the compassionate and caring guidance of Gives Praise. The
nights of silently crying herself to sleep were a thing of the
past. Twilight Moon had become a young woman full of

willowy grace, exhibiting a strength within herself, her con-

nection to her Orenda and the Great Mystery. Out of her
former pain, the girl had developed a sensitivity for the feel-

ings of others that gave her a gentleness that attracted every

young warrior in the Tribe.

It was no great surprise to Gives Praise when the

Chief's son, Dancing Fire, brought seven horses and ten buf-
falo robes to Twilight Moon's father and asked for her hand.

There was something very special about the young woman

that now caused others to turn and look in admiration
when she passed. The imprint of old pain was transformed
into much more than her physical beauty. True to her
name, an inner light shone from Twilight Moon's eyes.
Grandfather Sun's peach-colored rays at sunset and the sil-

ver light of the rising form of Grandmother Moon blended

inside the young woman's Orenda.
When the twins were born, Twilight Moon saw her
children as the manifestation of the blessings that she had
been grateful for, nurtured inside her body like seeds of the
future during the years it had taken her to heal the hurts of

growing up. The birth names she had chosen for the twins
reflected aspects of herself and her mate, Dancing Fire. She

named her son Sun on Fire and her daughter Rising Melon
Moon. These were the names that would be used by the
Tribe, identifying the twins on their Earth Walks.

The memories of the journey that had led to this Nam-

ing Ceremony in the Turtle Council House were noted and
honored by both women. Twilight Moon's story represented
the potential of the human spirit. Those Two-leggeds who
knew how to have faith and be grateful for every blessing
and lesson of life created the space to receive the Great Mys-
tery's abundance. The gradual shift in Twilight Moon's at-

titude during her years of emotional pain gave birth to a

dream of fulfillment that would bring continued happiness
throughout her Earth Walk.
Gives Praise spoke, bringing both women from their

memories and into the special feeling of the moment.

"These women give thanks to All Our Relations for the

gifts of abundant life brought by the Great Mystery. These

women, as Mothers of the Creative Force, humbly ask for

the continued blessings of life and breath so that our love

may be felt in the lives of these twins. This Clan Mother
gives thanks for the opportunity to share this rare
and for the blessings bestowed by all the spirits who will
guide the ways of these children. This Wisewoman gives
thanks for the Good Medicine that the Creator placed inside
the hearts of these family members and for the way those
gifts of love will touch everyone around them for the length

of their Earth Walks. Da nahoe, it is said."

The two women finished the Ceremony by sitting in
Tiyoweh, the Stillness, saying their personal words of
thanksgiving in silence. Then each woman carried a twin

and walked clockwise around the Turtle Lodge, stopping at

each Clan Mother's Shield. The twins were ritually intro-

duced to the gifts that each Clan Mother carried and were
blessed by the presence of each Clan Mother's Crystal Skull,
which held the spiritual lessons and wisdom that each of

the Thirteen Clan Mothers could impart.

When Twilight Moon and Gives Praise emerged from
the Turtle Council House with the twins, Dancing Fire was
waiting. The beaming father took his daughter from Gives
Praise and walked with his family and the Wisewoman
down the path to the lake. The ceremonial grounds had
been prepared and all members of the Tribe had worn their
best ceremonial buckskins for the occasion. Elk, deer, and
buffalo meat roasted over open fires and the sweet smells of

pumpkin and berry soup wafted through the air. Roasted

corn and wild tubers were being served by the women into
long, hollowed-out log bowls along with steamed squash
and wild greens. The dance grounds were cleared and the
Powwow drums lined the circle, awaiting the eager Tribe
Members who would express their joy for the family
through dancing.
After a full Sun of feasting, the last rays of Grandfather
Sun touched the western horizon of the Sky Nation, bring-
ing all of the glorious colors of twilight. In the eastern sky,
Grandmother Moon had already risen to face Grandfather
Sun. Like two dancers offering to share hearts and hands,
the sun and moon blessed the occasion with the same heav-
enly display they had shown the Human Tribe on the
evening that Twilight Moon was born. Gives Praise was not
the only one to notice the significance of the portents found

in the Great Star Nation. Dancing Fire's father, the Chief

named Bear Shield, silently watched the celestial grand-

parents of the Human Tribe as they shared the dance of

their combined lights.

Bear Shield spoke these words, announcing to his Tribe

the prelude to the dancing: "We have gathered here to cele-
brate the births and beginnings of the spiritual lives of my
grandchildren.As with every new addition to our Tribe, we
thank the Great Mystery for the newborn generations that
represent the continuation of life. We trust that their lives

will bless and enrich all circles of life maintained by All Our
Relations. We return thanks for the celebration of being liv-
ing, breathing human beings who have been given all we
will ever need through the abundance of our Earth Mother.
Our grandparents, Grandfather Sun and Grandmother Moon,
have blessed this occasion by showing us their faces, danc-

ing together in the evening sky. The twins will grow like
these sky dancers, bringing Good Medicine to our Tribe in
different but equally beautiful ways. As we dance and cele-

brate this new beginning, let us be reminded of the precious

gift of life and how our celebration shows the Earth Mother

and Sky Father our gratitude. Da Nahoe."

Cries of happy celebration and the rhythm of the Tom-
toms began calling the dancers to the dance. The men entered
the circle first as the protectors of the women, children, and
elders. As always, the men scouted ahead to secure a safe trail
for the others to follow. Then the women came forward,
some with cradleboards on their backs, allowing their infants
to feel the rhythm of Earth Mother's heartbeat through the

beat of the drums. The children followed, and the Elders


took their places of honor around the circle, representing

the years of wisdom that held the Tribal Circle together in
unity, as one large, extended family.
Gives Praise stood next to Bear Shield, admiring the
dancers and the way each one expressed his or her gratitude
through steps or dips. Deep into the night, the fires lit the
happy faces of the dancers. It seemed as if the whole world
were sharing the gladness of this night of happy hearts. The
Clan Mother, who was the Guardian Ceremony and Rit-

ual, looked at her tribal children and saw the goodness in

each and every one. She silently returned thanks for the
blessing that the Great Mystery had placed in her keeping.
The Wisewoman held the knowledge that every Ceremony
and Ritual was cause for celebration and that every celebra-
tion was a way to give gratitude back to the Maker of All
Things. When her human children opened their hearts to re-
turn thanks, they also opened their hearts to receive and
claim the joys of the Good Red Road.
Twilight Moon touched the Medicine pouch around her
neck, which was made
moose hide and turkey feathers.

The young mother was remembering how she had re-

claimed her true self through understanding Moose's Medi-
cine of self-esteem and later through Turkey's Medicine of
how to release and give away her pain. Twilight Moon's
faithful gratitude had brought to her the life she had always
dreamed of, mate who honored who she
finding a loving
was. Having seen the sky dance of Grandfather Sun and
Grandmother Moon, Gives Praise was assured that the two
strong children being honored with this celebration would
bless the Tribe by continuing the legacy of love and mutual
respect begun by their parents.

The Clan Mother looked to the Great Star Nation and

saw a Cloud Person drifting close to the light of Grand-
mother Moon. As Gives Praise noticed that no other clouds
graced the Sky Nation, the lone cloud changed into the
form of the Clan Mother's Totem, Buffalo. The billowy,
white cloud Buffalo walked in front of the full face of

Grandmother Moon, touching Gives Praise in a profound

way. The White Buffalo signaled to the Clan Mother that
her gifts to Twilight Moon of encouragement, nurturing
praise, and love had created the fertile, magical ground for
the seeds of a lonely little girl's dreams to be brought to har-
vest. Tears of gratitude spilled from the Wisewoman's eyes,
allowing the Clan Mother to receive the thanks being sent
to her from the Great Mystery. The Great White Buffalo of
abundance was showing her that throughout time, her lov-
ing gifts could restore the lost magic to the lives of those
human beings who were willing to show gratitude for the
unseen miracles of life yet to come.
The waking dream comes to life

And lives her vision through me.

Emerging from the chrysalis,

She sets her healed heart free.

Mother of the seeds of change,

Who nurtures them as they grow,
You planted a dream in my heart
To illuminate all that I know.

You taught me how to give away

My fear of becoming the dream,
Showing me how to walk my truth,
Reclaiming self-love and esteem.

As become all that I am,


Then together we shall fly,

The spirit of transformation
Reflected in Condor's eye.
Clan Mother
of the

Thirteenth Moon Cycle

BECOMES HER VISION is the Guardian of All Cycles of
Transformation and is the Clan Mother of the Thirteenth
Moon Cycle. She is the Emerging Spirit Keeper who teaches
the Children of Earth how to bring their Spiritual Essences

or Orendas into their physical forms in order to become the

living vessels of love that the Great Mystery intended.
Through becoming their personal visions and using their
talents for the whole, the members of the Human Tribe can
then claim the Fifth World of Peace and Illumination as
their own.
Becomes Her Vision is the Mother of Change, who
teaches us how to go through every lesson and cycle of
transformation in order to spiritually evolve. She shows us
the importance of staying on our chosen paths and not being
drawn into the limiting illusions that could destroy our per-
sonal visions. This process of change transforms the human
body, heart, mind, and spirit from a finite sense of Self into
an infinite, universal, creative extension of the Great Mys-
tery's love. When this transforming change occurs, human
beings can fully understand the Orenda, finding that our
Spiritual Essences are vast and are an extension of the Great
Mystery. Inside the Orenda is a body, heart, mind, and spirit

that comprises a whole human. Until all of the parts come

into balance, owning the vastness of the total, there is not

a full understanding of how the Great Mystery's Eternal

Flame of Love lives inside of every human's potential.
Becomes Her Vision teaches us that we are all and
nothingness and that all worlds exist inside us as well as
outside us. This Clan Mother tells us that every time we
transform, becoming our visions, we are then shown a new
vision and a more expansive point of view. The spiral of the

evolving spirit continues to take us from one level of un-

derstanding to the next Medicine Wheel of experience and
is eternal. For this reason, Becomes Her Vision is also the
Guardian of Personal Myth. The history of each spirit com-
prises a personal legend that marks the Rites of Passage into

wholeness. Every decision we make and every goal we

choose is how we determine the content of our personal
myths. Since every spirit's path is a Sacred Path made up of

that spirit's desire to be, we see the uniqueness of every in-

dividual represented in her or his personal myth. Every liv-

ing thing has a place in Creation and because all are given

free will, the unified whole is made up of the combined per-

sonal paths of all living things. Becomes Her Vision keeps a

record of every choice made by each life form in Creation,

noting how those choices alter and/or assist each individ-
ual's path to wholeness.
Becomes Her Vision teaches the Human Tribe that the
ultimate transforming vision is the decision to simply be.
During our spiritual evolution we tend to place labels on
who or what we want to become. We usually discover that
we do not need labels; we can become our visions by being
who and what we are at any given moment. The decision to

be all things and nothing takes away the labels that limit

our sense of wholeness. All of Creation lives inside and out-

side of every human being. Becomes Her Vision shows us
that we are all extensions of the Great Mystery's dream, as
well as tangible, living examples of the visions that we have
created to express the Self.

Becomes Her Vision reminds all of her human children

that the dreams they hold for themselves grow and change
with every decision made and every lesson learned. The
evolving dream is constantly present in our lives. We are
who and what we are being at any given moment in time. As
we make the choices that alter the course of how we mani-
fest our dreams, we express our individualities. This unique-

ness is a part of the Great Mystery's plan for wholeness.

When every individual walks the Earth as a realized dream
of his or her spiritual and human potential, the Whirling
Rainbow Dream of world peace and spiritual illumination
will be complete. Becomes Her Vision is the Guardian of the

Prophesy of Wholeness, who assists humankind in mani-

festing that Whirling Rainbow Dream.

The Dream Comes
to Walk the Earth

Becomes Her Vision sat in the foggy realms of the Dream-

time, waiting for her Twelve Sisters to complete the
first lessons of their Earth Walks. From time to time she

was presented with a vision of the lessons each had learned

so that she could share in their feelings and their experi-
As each lesson was completed in the tangible world,
Becomes Her Vision took the essence of each of her Sister's
gathered lessons ofwisdom deep into her heart. She savored
each feeling and experience, making note of the precious
and rare opportunities that she was being given to learn all
of the lessons that her Sisters had completed during their
first Rites of Passage, understanding their humanness
through their Earth Walks.
As the stings and disappointments of their human sor-

rows penetrated her senses, Becomes Her Vision was forced

to look at her own fears about taking a human body. She had
briefly come into a human form when all of the Thirteen
had dreamed together, finding their roles and creating their
bond of Life, Unity, and Equality for Eternity, but she had
returned to the Dreamtime alone. The Earth Mother had ex-
plained to Becomes Her Vision that the combined gifts, tal-
ents, and abilities of all of her Sisters would need to be

understood and completed before she could come to walk

the Earth as Womankind's realized dream.
During the time she was to spend alone in the formless
and timeless spaces of the Thought World, Spirit World, and
Dreamtime, she would have to integrate every feeling, idea,
and experience that every one of the other Twelve Clan
Mothers had completed as if it had been her own. The only
thing that kept Becomes Her Vision from giving into her
fears was the knowing that if her Sisters had empowered
themselves and had conquered the lessons of being human,
so could she.The massive store of information and feelings
that was presented to Becomes Her Vision had been filtered

through her memories of the sensations of having had a

physical form for one brief moment in time. It was easy for

her to remember the exaltation of the Whirling Rainbow

Dream or the bond of Sisterhood created by the Thirteen
Sisters, but it was very difficult to feel the pain and sorrow,

even when it was mixed with her Sisters later successes.


Becomes Her Vision understood that the bitter had to

be taken with the sweet when she was chosen as one of the
thirteen aspects that would represent the Earth Mother's
unconditional love for humanity. All of the Thirteen Clan
Mothers were given the particulars of what it meant to be

human before they took human bodies. They all chose to

make their Earth Walks with their eyes wide open. The
Earth Mother had not spared her daughters any of the de-
tails of human life. The Earth Mother had been very careful
to instruct her thirteen aspects in the arts of changing their
perspectives in order to restore beauty to any difficult sit-

uation. Becomes Her Vision could see how easy was to it

get caught up in the storm of human emotions and drama

by observing the difficult lessons her Sisters had walked
Now that all of the lessons of her Twelve Sisters' first

Rites of Passage were completed, Becomes Her Vision was

to weave a cocoon for herself in order to take all that had
been experienced into her total being as a Knowing System.
Inside the chrysalis, the visions of the passages of the others
would be fully experienced by the Thirteenth Clan Mother.
Becomes Her Vision was the catalyst that would trans-
form all of the poisons of pain and sorrow into new under-
standings, translating all beliefs and illusions into a healing
Knowing System. From her human body, which would be

formed inside the cocoon, Thirteen Crystal Skulls would be

born. The Orendas of all twelve other Clan Mothers would
merge into her own, combining the Thirteen Spiritual
Essences into wholeness. The Thirteen Crystal Skulls
would then be fashioned to hold the Knowing Systems of
the Earth Mother and the Female Principle for humankind
until the end of time.

Becomes Her Vision wrapped herself in the gossamer

threads of Grandmother Moon's light, allowing Grand-
mother Spider to weave them into the webs of a cocoon
when the spirit chrysalis was brought from the Dreamtime
into the tangible world. When the cocoon was made physi-
cal, Hinoh, the Thunder Chief, carried the precious bundle
in his arms across the Sky Nation, protecting the daughter
of the Earth Mother from harm. As a Warrior Chief of the

Sky Nation and Brother of the mighty Thunderbird, his

honored role of protector was seen by hundreds of human
beings. To the Two-leggeds watching the sky, it seemed as if

an enormous cloud formation had embodied a giant warrior

who carried a cradleboard in his arms as he glided across the
broad expanse of periwinkle space without another cloud in
sight. The Cloud-warrior's form was illuminated by the
bright golden rays of Grandfather Sun's light, creating a vi-
sion that signaled amomentous event to those humans who
could read the omens in the sky.
Inside the cocoon, Becomes Her Vision was sleeping,
nestled in a cradleboard made of downy clouds. The inner
journey had begun for the Thirteenth Clan Mother as soon
as the chrysalis had come into the magnetism of the Earth

Mother's force field, drawing the Mother of Personal Myth

closer and closer to her Earth Mother's heart. Hinoh could

feel the serenity of his sleeping charge through the fine

woven webs of her cocoon and was very careful not to dis-

turb her inner calm as he laid her to rest on the back of Con-
dor, the largest Winged One in the natural world.

Condor was equally careful as he spread his mighty

wings for flight, carrying Becomes Her Vision around the
girth of the Planetary Mother and finally into the giant cav-

ern that led to the Inner Earth. Condor took his role as the
Creature-guardian of the Whirling Rainbow Dream. His
Medicine of life, unity, and equality for eternity shone forth
as he delivered the cocoon that held the promise of that fu-

ture world of peace into the cavernous heart-space of the

Earth Mother.
Moons passed while Becomes Her Vision dreamed of
Moth, hovering close to the Eternal Flame of Love. Using
Moth's Medicine of bringing the intangible of spirit into the
tangible world, she fed the light of spirit into the forming
human body that she had nestled in her chrysalis. Flamingo
came into her dreams, bringing its Medicine of opening the
human heart, allowing the Clan Mother to accept the Eter-

nal Flame into her being, developing the talents of compas-

sion and unconditional love. The clucking of Hen sang her
further into his core, teaching her to tend the unhatched
eggs of her own Medicine while she nested inside the co-
coon. Gazelle came to teach her surefootedness, allowing
her to vanquish the last remnants of her uncertainty and
fear. Leopard bounded through her chrysalis visions, show-
ing her the Medicine of understanding the patterns that
lead to self-mastery that would allow her to learn from
and to master all the wisdom that her fellow Clan Mothers
had made available. Each one of the Creatures that would

become her Totems when she walked the Earth generously

shared their Medicines with Becomes Her Vision while she
grew into the awakened dream.
Some time around the eleventh moon of her passage,

Becomes Her Vision was visited by Butterfly, who signaled

the final stages of the Clan Mother's Rite of Passage. Be-
comes Her Vision realized that the time for emergence from
her cocoon was nearly at hand. Butterfly spoke to the
Mother of Transformation, teaching her all of the secrets of

the process of transformation that would enable the Clan

Mother to teach others the art of transforming and changing
their lives.
Together, Becomes Her Vision and Butterfly saw the
mask that the Clan Mother would one day wear when she
sat in Council with the other Twelve Clan Mothers. The
mask was in the form of a butterfly
central part of the
whose antennae were made of feathers. Sprouting from be-
neath the four fragile wings of Butterfly were Condor's
mighty wings, giving support for his little insect Sister's del-

icate form as she rode on his shoulders. On each side of

Butterfly's body, where it rested on the broad back of Con-
dor's wings, were two large, fiery eyes, emerging from the

Becomes Her Vision and Butterfly had never seen eyes

They both thought it curious that they
like those red orbs.

had dreamed the same thing, and yet, neither could place
those unfamiliar eyes that pierced the darkness with an all-

knowing directness, set aflame. The two friends decided

that it was time to allow the understanding of that part of
their dream to emerge in the Clan Mother's inner knowing

during the final stages of development, before Becomes Her

Vision emerged.
The Mother of Change was aware of the components
that made up every particle of Creation, and so she called
out to the Clan Chiefs of Air, Earth, Water, and Fire to assist
her on the journey that she would undertake. The Clan
Chiefs told Becomes Her Vision that this journey would not
be outside of herself and into the Dreamtime; this journey
would take her into the very core of her own being. They ex-
plained that the Four Elements would be melded according
to her thoughts and that their direction would come from
her ability to focus on the vision that would transform her
into the truth. With fuller understanding, Becomes Her Vi-

sion realized that she was to use her own Medicine to create
the emerging vision of her true Self and that the Great Mys-
tery had given her the free will that she needed to accom-
plish that task. She was the Creatress of the truth she would
become, and that truth lived inside of her Orenda.

Becomes Her Vision had lost track of anything so unim-

portant as time, and so she traveled into the vastness of her
Orenda for an everlasting moment that could actually have
been in between the in-breath and the out-breath of her own
body's respiration. Once inside her own imagination, she
saw herself on an open plain covered with low-hanging fog.

She stood inside a circle of Sacred Stones that comprised a

giant Medicine Wheel. She faced the first moon cycle posi-
tion of the Wheel and saw her Sister, Talks with Relations,
smiling back into her eyes. Talks with Relations walked for-

ward through the fog and came to embrace Becomes Her

Vision in the center of the Medicine Wheel. In silence,

Talks with Relations presented her Sister with a gift and

then returned to her place on the outer edge of the Medicine
Becomes Her Vision looked into her hands and saw that
she had received a beautiful orange, fan-shaped, flat shell,
suspended from a leather thong. As she placed the necklace
around her neck, the voice of Talks with Relations echoed
in Becomes Her Vision's heart.
"This shell is a symbol that teaches us to listen to the
voices of all that we have made kin. Through them, we will
always find the wisdom of the natural world. Through hear-
ing their rhythms and the rhythms of our own feelings, we
come to learn the truth about ourselves and All Our Rela-
tions in the Planetary Family. " Becomes Her Vision sent her
thanks to her Sister through hand signals and then turned to
the second moon cycle position.
Her second Sister, Wisdom Keeper, came forward and
embraced her, handing her another gift in total silence. Wis-
dom Keeper's eyes shone on her thirteenth Sister, sending
her love, before she returned to her original place on the
outer rim of the circle. When Becomes Her Vision saw the
gray feather in her hand, she smiled to herself, hearing at
that same instant the voice of her second Sister inside her
own being.
"This gray feather is the symbol of friendship that
teaches us how to honor the truth in all things by being a
nonthreatening presence in the lives of others. The feather
holds the Medicine of high ideals, and like the straightness
of the quill, the path of truth will open before us, giving
direction, when we honor the truth in all things. From
learning how to honor the truth in every Sacred Point of

View, true wisdom is gained, understood, remembered, and

then kept in sacred trust for all time/'
Weighs the Truth approached when Wisdom Keeper's
voice had faded, embracing her Sister and lightly placing her
gift in Becomes Her Vision's hands. Weighs the Truth's radi-

ant smile washed over her thirteenth Sister, bringing further

joy. Silently, the Mother of Justice returned to her place on
the Wheel and her voice filled Becomes Her Vision's senses.
brown stone to remind you of the
"Sister, this gift is a

soil of our Earth Mother and your connection to her.

Through our connections to the Earth Mother, we become

self-determined and can find the acceptance we need to
weigh the truths of human life. By placing the Stone Person
in one hand and leaving the other hand empty, you can
weigh the wisdom of the tangible world with the weight-
lessness found in the Spirit World. Through balancing the
two, you will be able to accept the truth."
Becomes Her Vision paused, taking in the full under-
standing of the words of her Sister, Weighs the Truth, and
then she faced the position of the Fourth Clan Mother,
Looks Far Woman. When this Sister approached, as silent as
the others, Becomes Her Vision was taken by the sparkle in
her Sister's eyes. A light shone forth, making Becomes Her
Vision understand the gleaming essence of Looks Far
Woman's ability to see. They embraced and the gift was
given to Becomes Her Vision. Looks Far Woman retreated to
her place in the circle.

"This pastel blue mineral represents the gift of prophecy

that comes from clear seeing. Like the color of the water
that holds our feelings, this mineral can assist you in feeling
the truth in what you see. By seeing the truth, Sister, you

can discover your inner potential, understand your dreams,

and trust the truth of your feelings and impressions/ 7

Looks Far's voice faded and Listening Woman appeared

with a hug and a gift. Becomes Her Vision understood more
about this fifth Sister's gifts and Medicine because she had

been able to hear the voices of her other Sisters inside of

herself. This newfound ability was the beginning of realiz-

ing her personal wholeness. Listening Woman's voice re-

sounded with clear bell-like tones inside Becomes Her

Vision's mind when she spoke.
"You listen well, Sister. My gift to you is this rare black
shell that comes from the seas of our Mother. In its dark-
ness, it reminds you that the Void of the Unknown is not to
be feared but can be accessed and understood through lis-

tening to the voice of your Orenda. Through the voices of

the Ancestors and All Our Relations you will hear the truth
and find wholeness."
Becomes Her Vision smiled in thanks as Listening
Woman returned to her fifth moon cycle position on the
Medicine Wheel. Then out of the mists came Storyteller,

the Sister of the sixth moon cycle, bearing another Give-

away for Becomes Her Vision. They embraced and Becomes

Her Vision looked at her gift while Storyteller returned to
her place. Storyteller's resonant, unmistakable voice rang
inside of Becomes Her Vision's being, explaining the Medi-
cine of her Give-away.
"It is said that the red color of these flower seeds was
created when the birth blood and placentas of the first gen-
eration of the Human Tribe were returned to the soil of the
Earth Mother. These seeds are my Give-away to you, my
Sister, so that you may always be reminded of the seeds of

faith that keep us at one with the Great Mystery. Through

the lessons of humility, faith, and innocence, we are given

the strength to speak the truth."

Becomes Her Vision sent thanks to her Sister, Story-
teller, through the gratitude beaming from her heart. Then

she turned to face Loves All Things as she walked from the
seventh moon cycle position to stand in the center of the
circle and present her gift. Becomes Her Vision was touched
and her heart was filled to overflowing by the embrace that
allowed her to feel the unconditional love that poured from
the heart of Loves All Things. Thanking her loving coun-
terpart for the hug, she gazed down at the gift while Loves
All Things retreated.
"This yellow metal has caused much grief among the
Two-leggeds, but that crooked trail was caused by their mis-

understanding. They believed it was Grandfather Sun's love

made tangible and that whoever had the most metal was
loved more than the others. I give it to you as a reminder of
the unconditional love we must have for the misguided and
the wounded who harm others. It is easy to love the life
forms who love us back, but it is difficult to love ourselves.

May this golden metal represent the love we need to find for
our humanness. To love the truth, we must see every life
form as a reflection of ourselves, loving all the truths it rep-

Tears stung Becomes Her Vision's eyes as she recalled

the life that Loves All Things had led and how her Sister
had discovered the wisdom of unconditional love. She took
a breath and turned to see She Who Heals approaching with
her Give-away.They greeted each other with a warm em-
brace and Becomes Her Vision accepted the Give-away in

her Sister's hands. When She Who Heals was back in her
place, her voice permeated Becomes Her Vision's inner
knowing. Even through the mists, the iridescent blue shell
of Beetle radiated its hues.

"My gift is a reminder that all things return, cycles

change, and so do we. The ability of the human spirit to be
reborn from the seeming destruction of dire circumstances
teaches us that healing is always possible. We learn to serve
the truth when we remember wisdom by healing our-

selves and then serve others by showing them the tools they
need to do the same. Every life form has the potential to
heal and to be reborn. Developing intuition shows all living

beings how to access those abilities of inner knowing and

intuitive healing within themselves."
Setting Sun Woman walked from the ninth position on
the Medicine Wheel and stood before Becomes Her Vision,
offering her Give-away to her thirteenth Sister. Becomes
Her Vision took the gift, hugged her Sister, and sent her
thanks, allowing Setting Sun Woman to return to her origi-
nal place on the Medicine Wheel.
"This green bundle of Sage is the reminder of how to
properly use our wills. The Plant People understand that
they can depend on the Earth Mother, and that is one lesson
they teach us. We must learn how to become dependable by
providing for future generations through our human actions
and though tfulness. This ability to be concerned teaches us
how to live the truth today and provide for tomorrow."
Becomes Her Vision understood her Sister's words, sent
her thanks, and turned to face Weaves the Web as she came
to stand in the circle's center. Weaves the Web handed her

Sister a pink flower, smiling as they embraced, and turned

to walk back to her tenth position on the Wheel.
"This bloom was once a seed, waiting for the waters of
Creation and the loving sunshine to release its creative po-

tential, while it rested in the Earth Mother's body, im-

mersed in warm darkness. The pink is for creativity and the
blossom reminds us that through using our hands to fashion
objects of beauty, we are really showing ourselves how to
use our creativity to manifest our dreams, allowing the buds
of our visions to blossom. Through work, we become the
builders of those tangible dreams and can create much
beauty in our world. Using all of our creativity teaches us
how to work with the truth."
Walks Tall approached as Weaves the Web's voice
faded. She hugged Becomes Her Vision and smiled as she
handed her Sister the eleventh gift and received an unspo-
ken thank-you through Becomes Her Vision's expressive
eyes. Walks Tall returned to her place in the circle while Be-
comes Her Vision gazed at the Give-away in her hands. The
white piece of bone had been carved by Walks Tall and con-
tained many patterns and designs.
"These are the patterns of magnetism that can teach us
what to keep and what to give away. We learn how to walk
the truth by seeing which patterns of experience we have
drawn to ourselves. When we have difficulty on the Red
Road, we are being asked to see how the patterns of our talk
may have magnetized a difficult situation. This bone gives
us the Medicine of structure. We can always change de-
structive patterns if we release our limitations, maintaining
the structure we need to Walk Our Talk."

Becomes Her Vision nodded, remembering how Walks

Tall Woman had discovered these truths by her hard-earned
life lessons, and sent her Sister another nod of thanks for
sharing those lessons. Gives Praise had waited silently
while Becomes Her Vision finished her unspoken commu-
nication with Walks Tall. Becomes Her Vision turned to
Gives Praise and was thrilled by the celebratory hug and
knowing smile that greeted her. Gives Praise lifted her eyes
to the Sky Nation and held her hand up toward the heavens
to offer thanks before she placed the gift she held into her
Sister's hand. Then the Twelfth Clan Mother turned to walk
back to her place on the Wheel of Life. Becomes Her Vision
was admiring her gift when the voice of Gives Praise en-
tered her field of awareness.
"This gift is a reminder of the celebration of life that

you represent and the personal thanks that I want to express

You have worked hard to become all that you

to you, Sister.

can be and that effort is a rare gift. The purple of this but-
terfly wing contains my Medicine and yours. It reminds us

of the transformation you are undergoing and the gratitude

for your Rite of Passage that is found in the color purple.

The healing that all human beings can expect along the Red
Road of physical life is available when they celebrate life
and give thanks for the truth.
"Every one of your Sisters on this Medicine Wheel is

grateful for the combined lessons that we have shared with

you. At one time or another, all human women will stand

on every spoke of this Wheel of the Sisterhood. Every male

Two-legged who chooses to heal the female side of his na-
ture will follow. Every human has the ability to become her

or his vision through the healing lessons found in the Thir-

teen Aspects of the Earth Mother. For this Medicine, we are
truly grateful/
As the voice of Gives Praise faded, Becomes Her Vision
saw the fog clear. Behind what had appeared to be fog was
the Great Smoking Mirror. The fiery eyes that the Thir-

teenth Clan Mother had seen in the vision of the mask that
she would one day wear emerged from the mirror like flam-
ing orbs ofsome giant beast. A booming voice came from the
Great Smoking Mirror. The smoke shifted again and then
disappeared, enveloping Becomes Her Vision with a sense of
heightened awareness as the Great Smoking Mirror spoke.
"Look into the eyes of the Feathered Serpent! This
Creature is the Keeper of the Whirling Rainbow Dream of
Wholeness. In these dragon eyes of fire, you will see the
truth of all that has been and all that will ever be."
Becomes Her Vision was taken aback by the beast ap-
pearing before her eyes. A giant Rainbow Lizard with eyes of
flame and the wings of Condor came crashing through the
Great Smoking Mirror, shattering the surface as if it had
been made of solidified smoke. In the eyes of flame, the

good and evil of the world parted and all illusions were shat-
tered, revealing the purity of the Eternal Flame of Love. Be-

comes Her Vision was drawn inside the fire until she
became the brilliant flame inside of all things. She turned to
see the giant Lizard take flight, circling and circling the
Medicine Wheel until it became a whirling rainbow, en-
compassing all of the natural world.
When Becomes Her Vision found the presence of mind
to look around, all of her Sisters were gone. In her confusion,

she began searching for them, walking toward the remnants

of the Great Smoking Mirror that lay shattered on the
ground. As she peered at the scattered shards, she caught her
own reflection in the hundreds of pieces of looking glass.
The vision of her face changed time and again as she saw
each of her Sisters smiling back at her in turn. Something
was emerging inside her awareness, while a voice whispered
to her from far away. As she gathered strength, the voice of
her Orenda pierced through the Clan Mother's confusion,
speaking to the Guardian of Personal Myth's heart.
''Self of myself, you are now ready to become the truth.

All of your Sisters are other reflections of yourself. The

smoke-filled illusion that you are separate hasnow been
shattered. Look inside of your being and share with me
what you perceive, by acknowledging that we are all one."
Becomes Her Vision saw the chrysalis that she had
been wrapped in begin to open inside of the cavernous Inner
Earth. It was all happening inside of her. She was stunned as
she watched the emergence of a butterfly made of crystal-

clear gossamer threads of light. In every position that But-

terfly turned, Becomes Her Vision could see all colors, could
feel the presences of all life forms, could hear all the
rhythms of life harmonizing. Butterfly closed its wings and
then opened them, revealing a Crystal Skull. Thirteen
times, Butterfly opened and closed its wings, giving birth to
the Crystal Skulls of the Thirteen Clan Mothers.
The Becomes Her Vision saw But-
vision changed and
terfly transform into the shape of a beautiful shimmering

woman. Slowly, the radiant form drew her into itself, and in
the next heartbeat, she was inside the glittering body of
light, looking at her hands as they began to change into

human flesh. The sensations of physicality were intoxicat-

ing as her flesh became whole, housing all of her knowing,
her feelings, and her heart —pounding with unconditional
love. The former chrysalis expanded into the vastness of
space, encompassing earth and sky. The opening chrysalis
was woven from Becomes Her Vision's Orenda. Her Spiri-
tual Essence continued to grow beyond the expanse of her
human vision, connecting her to all worlds that existed

within the Great Mystery.

Becomes Her Vision became the truth of the awakening
dream. She walked the earth and found the other Twelve
Clan Mothers, patiently awaiting her arrival. She opened
her vision to them and shared the events of her Rite of Pas-

sage.The Thirteen Sisters traveled to the site where the

Earth Mother had directed them and found a Medicine
Wheel that had a Crystal Skull sitting on each of the twelve
stones that formed the outer circle, and one sitting on the
stone in the center. It was on that site, in the center of Tur-
tle Island, that the Thirteen Clan Mothers built the Turtle
Council House.
Becomes Her Vision walked the Earth as the realized
dream for two worlds of time, while she and her Sisters
shared their Medicines with all of humankind. The Mother
of Change learned Walk would
that the lessons of her Earth
continue, but she had been given a foundation upon which
to build her experience. Her chrysalis dream had shown her

that the Great Smoking Mirror was right, there was only
one woman and only one man on the Mother Planet, but
each had billions of faces.
Becomes Her Vision sings to the hearts of all of the
Children of Earth, reminding them of the promise of the

Whirling Rainbow Dream and their roles in manifesting

that vision. She can be called on to assist any Child of Earth

who seeks the light of the Eternal Flame of Love in order to

be the truth and become her or his vision. As the Keeper of
Spirit Emerging into Form, she teaches us how to bring the

truth of the unlimited Spiritual Essences of our Orendas

into our human bodies, accessing our unified, unlimited po-
tential to create a dream that all living things can share.
Becomes Her Vision's song of wholeness reminds us:
"You are — the moment you decide to be."

Gathering the Gifts of Woman

To continue weaving the web of the Sisterhood and

make it strong, we must first honor the two bylaws that are

Native American Traditions protect the women and never
do anything that would hurt the children. These are the un-
written laws that kept the Tribes in the Americas strong for
hundreds of years. In modern times, we could translate these
two laws into meaning that the Planetary Family is restored
when the women can feel safe anywhere and anytime. When
that occurs, the nurturing of children's dreams is taken care
of by women who have become extensions of the Earth

Mother and thus Mothers of the Creative Force. Through

the nurturing of healed women, the spiritual health and
well-being of the next seven generations is assured.
The Sisterhood grows strong when every woman sees
every other woman as an equal part of the whole. There is

no room for pecking order in a circle of women. "Life,

Unity, and Equality for Eternity" is the foundation for the

harmonious circle of the Sisterhood. Every woman is asked
to do her part by developing her gifts, talents, and abilities.

Each woman is acknowledged for the work she contributes

to the whole. Every woman is her own judge; the truth of
her actions and the integrity of her words is the model she
uses as she leads through example. Each woman is required

to face the limitations, fears, and challenges within herself

and to heal those parts of her self in order to become the liv-

ing personification of her personal vision.

When each woman honors her Self, more raw, creative
energy is available to be used by the whole to effect changes

in the way humankind reacts to life. When women are no

longer lost, asking others to tell them what they should do
or how they should live, there will be great changes in our
world. This is not to say that the friendships and bonds of
women are not to be used; on the contrary, the support of
other women who have walked the same path is para-
mount. This kind of support is based in truth and delivered
with caring —without projections or judging another. That
kind of support is healthy and productive, when other
women create a safe space in which to share personal

thoughts and offer alternatives in a respectful way. The Sis-

terhood always supports every woman who is willing to sur-

mount her own challenges in order to grow.
Any woman who has taken care of business by becom-
ing strong and her personal best is already standing in the
Turtle Council House with the Thirteen Original Clan
Mothers. How she continues to develop her talents depends
on her smokey illusion of the
desire to see through the
Great Smoking Mirror. The Mayans say, "I am another one
of yourself/' Through the Great Smoking Mirror we can

look at every life form in the tangible world as representing

some gift, trait, or talent that also is own
a part of our
makeup. When we look beyond the smokey illusions, we
can travel past our hesitations and limitations, finding that
every one of the Thirteen Clan Mothers is a part of the per-
son we are. Some of those skills may not be fully developed,

but they are available to us if we decide we want to use

them to grow further.

One way we can balance the male and female sides of

our nature is through developing our skills, putting our-
selves out in the world in order to make a difference in the
lives of others we encounter. Through example, we can
show others how to love unconditionally, be their personal
best, drop the need to control or belittle, and show compas-
sion. The Legacy Woman does not have to include the

former hurts that have set women against women, women

against men, or caused women to destroy themselves
through sabotage. The way out of these crooked trails is pro-
vided by the Thirteen Original Clan Mothers. When we ac-
knowledge the traits of the Original Thirteen as gifts we can
find and develop within ourselves, we have many goals to
accomplish and plenty of work to do. There is no need to get

involved with the high drama and pettiness that has kept us
from achieving human harmony when we are busy working
on becoming our personal visions.

To gather the gifts of the Thirteen Original Clan Moth-

ers and to develop them as our own, we must see other
women as role models. This is not to put the women who
have developed a certain gift on a pedestal, because they too
are human and will fall. Every human being is perfect in her
or his imperfections and has a right to learn through trial

and error. In admiring woman uses the gifts

how another
she has developed, we can then see how she handles situa-
tions in her life. It may not be how we would do it our-
selves, but it gives us one alternative to look at without
judging it as right or wrong. Being the observer of several
women who have certain gifts that we want to develop

within ourselves can give us a multitude of new ideas and

ways to approach life.

The practice of learning through observing is the way

that Native American Tribes have taught Clan or family
members to develop their skills for centuries. We are only as
accomplished as those we choose as our role models or
teachers. When a child showed some
a skill or talent of
kind, the family would go to the Tribe Member who was the
very best at that particular thing and ask if the child could
learn from that person. This ensured that the child would
learn from the best teacher available and it was the unspo-
ken duty of that teacher to make sure that the student
equaled or surpassed the abilities of the teacher. When this

was accomplished, the reward belonged to both the teacher

and the student for a job well done. There was no jealousy
or envy or holding back of some information or technique
that would make the teacher superior. That kind of selec-

tive teaching was practiced only when separation divided

the Indian Nations after the Trail of Tears.
Today, there are many ways to find role models. We can
find the information or resources we need through books,
seminars, schools, or libraries. We can make it our priority
to develop new ways to look at our lifestyles and our envi-
ronment. We can decide to live in a way that shows respect
for the Earth Mother and All Our Relations. We can learn

through observing our neighbors. We can develop skills

through sharing or helping another accomplish a task. We
can ask that the right person or situation be put in our paths
so we can observe alternatives. Everything in life is our
teacher and everything is alive. The discovery of that alive-

ness is the adventure that life offers us on a minute-to-

minute basis. Our main task is to be aware of every mo-
ment in order to take advantage of the opportunities
To gather the gifts of woman, we must be aware of
everything in the tangible and intangible worlds. The role
models we need are represented in all life forms, not just in
women. The feminine principle is present in all things and
in the natural world is balanced with a positive male role
model, giving us the blending we need to find in ourselves.

The receptive observer is the feminine aspect of gathering

the information of how to develop a skill. The willingness
to take the actions necessary to accomplish that task be-
longs to the demonstrative male principle. Observing and
listening, making sure we understand, and then taking ac-

tion is the balanced path to developing any talent or ac-

complishing any goal.
Saying no to anything that is inappropriate or harmful
for ourselves or another is one form of taking action. The re-
fusal be a party to pettiness is another way to take action,
through nonaction. When we think enough of ourselves to
respect our Sacred Spaces and our bodies, we choose the ac-
tivities that support right action. When our opinion of our-
selves is low, we tend to be drawn into situations that
ultimately inflict physical, mental, or emotional harm on
some part of our beings. These wrong actions come from
woundedness. It is then necessary to heal the part of our-
selves that is willing to accept any interaction with others
as a substitute for self-esteem. In our desire to be liked or
admired, we often set aside the standards that we have

found will support our growth. The lessons of this crooked

trail are hard ones that fall like an avalanche of broken
dreams, further wounding the Self. It is the male/demon-
strative side of our nature that is willing to risk saying no to
protect the Self's identity. It is the nurturing female side
that is willing to receive any kindness or attention, even if

the consequences are not readily seen.

The wounded male side of our nature may insist that

we constantly defend, battle, or compete with others to

show our worthiness, instead of working together in a sup-
portive way. These reflections of self-importance are seen
through the Great Smoking Mirror, making us aware of the
pain they have caused in this Fourth World of Separation. If

we are constantly defending our right to be, we are defend-

ing a deep wound to our sense of Self.

Self-esteem is reclaimed when the feminine principle of

nurturing the Self is practiced, instead of expecting our
sense of wholeness to come from our relationship to an-
other person. When we care enough for ourselves to take the
time we need to give to the Self, we will feel complete.
When we feel love for the Self, we will then draw another
person to us who can add his or her sense of wholeness to
the relationship. The union of two people who have devel-
oped the skills of self-reliance and self-esteem is one that
will stand the tests of life's experiences.
This type of healing, provided by the Great Smoking
Mirror, applies to every human relationship. When two
wounded people become friends, the relationship will in-

variably produce a common ground that will provide many

lessons. They may mirror their common weaknesses, lack
of understanding, or inflexibility to one another. They could

provide a support system for one another or reflect how one

is growing and the other has fear of change. In every in-

stance, no matter how the situation presents itself, each in-

dividual is responsible for seeing her or his own hurt and for
finding away to heal it without making the other person re-
sponsible for that pain. This is the way of the feminine nur-
turing principle: going within, finding the problem, and
remedying it through nurturing the self.

The male principle is then used to affect or change the

patterns that caused the person to draw those lessons to the
Self. The actions that created the problem are habits that
can be broken. If a person always goes along with another's
decision and is angry about it later, the anger is really with
the Self. If a person is afraid to speak up when something
seems amiss, the unexpressed resentment will strangle the
These and other habits that are limiting can be changed
if we use the feminine principle of observing the obvious in
ourselves. It is far easier to see the wrong behavior in an-
other than it is to see our own refusal to take right action.
We do not need to insist that others do it our way, but we do
need to insist upon honesty within the Self in order to sup-

port our own well-being. Personal integrity changes as the

person grows and develops. It would be unfair to insist that
everyone follow one set of rules.
The rigidity within belief systems that makes one faith
the true faith and all others false is one of the mainstays
causing the Fourth World of Separation to be so destructive.
In the Indian Way of the Ancestors, if a person received a
dream or vision about a particular way to perform a task,
ceremony, or healing, it was never questioned because it

was between that person and the Great Mystery. If people

chose to dress differently or follow any course of action that
did not hurt others, it was accepted as their way of doing
things and was not judged. For the most part, families living
in a tribal situation did not stick their noses in anyone else's

business unless they were asked to. The respect for an-
other's Sacred Space was of utmost importance even if she
or he were not behaving properly. The only time anything
was brought before one of the Council of Elders was when
a tribal Law had been broken that would affect the survival

of everyone.

We gather the gifts of woman when we allow all per-

sons to make their own choices about who and what they
want to be and then allow them to find a path that suits
their personality and unique way of learning those skills.

These are the gifts of the good mother who refuses to

smother her children but instead gives responsibility ac-

cording to each child's capacity. This manner of allowing a

child to develop the ability to respond from his or her sense

of integrity ensures that the children will become self-

reliant. The purity of the loving feminine principle is based

in unattached guidance giving proper boundaries and at the

same time providing a fertile ground for developing the

seeds of potential. The Thirteen Original Clan Mothers
allow every Child of Earth the opportunity to become his or
her potential in this same way.
We can no longer separate the female and male princi-
ples within ourselves, because one without the other will
leave us stranded on the shores of the future without the
means to become our personal visions. Gathering the gifts

of woman and bringing those gifts home to our hearts


means acknowledging both sides of our nature and invest-

ing both sides with goodness. Negative judgments will di-
vide the natural marriage of our thoughts (feminine) and
actions (masculine) that give us the abilities we need to ac-

complish our goals.

The Sisterhood has been given the task of being the

bridge from the Fourth World of Separation into the Fifth

World of Peace and Enlightenment. The chasm we are being

asked to cross can only be bridged with forgiveness. We all

desire the abundance of the Fifth World, but to receive it we

must for-give. We are being asked to give of ourselves, to
forgive ourselves and others, and to allow the abundance of

wisdom to flow. Our greatest potential lies within and can

be found through forgiving, creating the bridge across the
abyss of our woundedness. We are standing at that point in
time now.
Every human being who accomplishes the task of be-
coming her or his personal vision will become a role model
for others, whether she or he is aware of it or not.The more
we gather and the more skills we develop,
gifts the more en-
lightenment we are able to share with others. This is the
road to the Fifth World of Peace, and the Thirteen Original
Clan Mothers are the Guardians of that path to wholeness.
The time has never been more fertile. The dreams of hu-
mankind are nestled in the hearts that are ready to heal the
old pain and become the living vision of Life, Unity, and
Equality for Eternity.

The History of the

Turtle Council House

Many thousands of moons ago when Turtle Island was

one land mass and the Children of Earth lived together as

one, a call from the Earth Mother went out to all women of
the human race. This plea has been echoed through the cen-
turies in the hearts of women everywhere and still reflects

the Earth Mother's purest desire for women to take their

roles as the Guardians drbeauty, harmony, equality, and
In those ancient times, women were uncertain of their

roles, and yet they strove to give of themselves in order to

preserve the Legacy of Woman on their Mother Planet. It

was a time before the religions of the later-established Ma-

triarchy would worship the Great Mother. The beginning of

this story takes place in the days when the Earth was new
and the steam from her cooling body made tropical envi-
ronments where the Children of Earth wandered naked,
without shame. Great reptiles and mammals roamed the
Earth, feasting on the lush vegetation. The human Children
of Earth knew no lack because there was food growing in

abundance and all of the Children of Earth lived in har-

mony. It was a time that the Grandmothers call the First

World of Love, and the light of Grandfather Sun was the

symbol of the constant love that guided the Original People,

the Human-beings. The Earth Tribe called Human-beings

knew no separation because male and female were honored
as equals. For the Human-beings, there was no battle be-
tween the genders, because each sex had equally important
roles in Creation and both joyously performed their tasks in
a loving and good way, supporting all other humans, crea-
tures, and plants.
As the rotations around the sun passed, each of these
yearly orbits was marked by thirteen cycles of Grandmother
Moon. As new generations were born, the love freely given

to all life forms by Grandfather Sun became a source of

comfort that marked day from night, Sun from Sleep. His
golden light of love brought warmth, because at that time
humankind did not understand the mystery of fire or how
to contain it. warmth and nurturing ability of the
Like the
mothers of humankind and the protective, providing roles
of the fathers of the Human Tribe, Grandfather Sun's Sacred
Fire warmed the hearts of all the Children of Earth.
The five humans lived in harmony
races of Two-legged
and honored the differences between them as being unique
aspects of beauty for many hundreds of generations. The
yellow, red, brown, white, and black races of Two-leggeds
were not fearful of a scarcity that they had never known. All
of their needs were abundantly taken care of until greed
changed the orbit of the planet. Something was wrong, very
wrong. The Earth Mother could no longer maintain her bal-
ance as she traveled across the Sky Nation, circling Grand-
father Sun. Slowly she was losing her balance, slipping off
her path, and every wobble worried her more. The gold that
held her internal guidance system and revolving relation-
ship to the sun was being removed by her human children.

It was during this time of subtle climatic change that

jealousy began to rear its ugly head and fear clutched the
hearts of the Two-leggeds. Food was not as plentiful as it

had been before, because the seasons began to evolve, mak-

ing changes in the fruit-bearing cycles of the Plant People.
The races of humankind began to seek others who looked
like their own particular race, causing the first separation of
the Tribe called the Human-beings. These Two-leggeds
began to believe that Clans or families of the same race
should be formed to protect their food stores for those of the
same skin color. Grandfather Sun loved all his children
equally, without exception, and his heart was saddened by
this Crooked Trail that his human children had taken.
The separation continued as gold was chipped from the
Earth Mother's body and hoarded. Confused human chil-

dren believed that gold was the manifested, collected light

of Grandfather Sun's love. They believed that Two-leggeds
who possessed the greatest amount of this precious metal
would rule the others in the Human Tribe. The yellow race
of Two-leggeds began to enslave the other races until greed
had finally destroyed the ideas of equality that had invested
the First World with unconditional love. The male Human-
beings were physically strong and began to hunt and hoard
the food in order to dominate the females, creating further
separation and woundedness.
Misunderstanding of Grandfather Sun's Sacred Fire and
the color yellow that represented the Eternal Flame of Love
and Light caused the misuse of gold and deterioration of the

First World's original intent. The Earth Mother could no

longer stand the cries of her children, who had become the
Children of Sorrow because love was lost. The First World

would have to be destroyed by the same Sacred Fire of un-

conditional love in order to purify the Mother Planet for a

new beginning. The Sacred Fire of Love had been replaced

by gold metal, becoming an all-consuming fire of greed,
ownership, and control.
Grandmother Moon spoke to her daughter, the Earth

Mother, and brought forth an idea from deep within her

heart. "Oh, my daughter, do not grieve for that which can-
not be changed. There is much love and compassion inside
you that can be used to heal the broken hearts of these Chil-
dren of Sorrow/
The Earth Mother lifted her voice to question the wise
Grandmother who wove the tides of her oceans with the
feelings of human beings. "Speak to me of the healing my
human children need, Moon Mother, for my heart is heavy
and my senses are reeling with their pain."
"Daughter, I would speak to you of yourself. You hold
all that is good within the feminine. You carry the model of

wholeness for all women inside your heart. It is time for us

to create the parts of you that will express the hidden

human potential. Each time my face comes full one aspect
of the feminine healing potential will be revealed. Each of
these thirteen parts of the dream of wholeness will be spun
of gossamer thread made of my silver light and will move
from the Dreamtime into the manifested world to walk the
Earth. They shall become the Thirteen Original Clan Moth-
ers, who will be the foundation of the Legacy of Woman.
They will hold the Sacred Hoop intact through all the com-
ing worlds. Each will be the Guardian of the secrets of one
moon cycle and Keeper of the Mysteries of Woman. Every
Clan Mother will represent another part of your spirit and

will work in harmony with the others. Together they repre-

sent your Medicine and your truth. It is through this Medi-
cine that womankind will once again find the strength of
equality. Pass this legacy to your human daughters so that
all life may come back into balance/

The Earth Mother's heart was gladdened as she and

Grandmother Moon set out to spin the threads of woman.
The shimmering fabric of woman was delicate and yet eter-
nally durable, light, and free of form. The individual pat-
terns of the Thirteen Clan Mothers would emerge from this

woven light, one at a time, as each of the next thirteen

moons passed. The spirit of each would be called forth from
the heart of Yeodaze, the Earth Mother, when Grandmother
Moon's full light brought forth the hidden feelings, desires,
and characteristics of each Cycle of Truth. All women
would be called Yeo, after Yeodaze, the Earth Mother, and
would find their roles through accessing the teachings of
the Thirteen Original Clan Mothers. These Thirteen Clan
Mothers of humankind would walk the Spirit World and
then take their places together as human beings when the
manifestation of these magical womankind creations was
During the Clan Mothers' creation process, Swennio,
the Great Mystery, smiled upon Mother Earth and Grand-
mother Moon, for their hearts were pure. The Great Mys-
tery saw the wisdom in a new beginning. The Earth had
been raped and defiled by those who would rob her body of
the element of gold. These pockets of golden ore guided
Mother Earth's lifeforce and maintained her body's connec-
tion to Grandfather Sun. The Two-leggeds had chosen a
crooked path that had changed the life flow within their

Mother Planet by robbing the golden ore. Mother Earth's

body no longer followed the same path across the Sky Na-
tion and continued to dangerously wobble and tilt. These
changes in her path caused shifts in the weather that
brought the Four Seasons into being. With the changing sea-
sons came the unexpected scarcity of food. All of Earth's
Children had to adapt to the shifts in climate. These para-
mount shifts in the quality of life added fuel to the fire of

greed that had been born of the fear of scarcity. When the
weight of winter brought ice, cold, and hunger, those who
robbed the yellow metal were able to buy food from the
hoarders. The hoarded fruits and tubers that had once been
freely given by the Plant People were now used as a means
to create inequality and control. Greed caused many to
starve and others to follow a crooked path, digging for gold
to pay for food in order to survive.

The Earth Mother sent a decree into all parts of Crea-

tion that was heard by those who listened with their hearts.
"I am giving birth to a legacy that will bring forth the best
in all of humankind/ she 7
cried out. "Never again will the
beauty of the feminine aspect be hidden from those who
seek Grandmother Moon's light or my gift of nurturing and
physical strength to guide their paths. I will give all women
of Earth the Medicine they need to birth their children and
their collective dreams. Then together with these daugh-
ters, I will reverse the pattern of fear that has wounded the
hearts of all my children. My promise to the Plant People
and Stone People, the Winged Ones, Finned Ones, Four-
leggeds, and Creepy-crawlers is that my compassion and
love will be present in the Two-leggeds called Yeo, woman.
It may take some time and help from other Relations in the

Planetary Family, but woman will find her way, reclaiming

for every living thing the love that was lost during this First

World's imbalance."
And so it was that the dream visions of the Thirteen

Original Clan Mothers became flesh and were nestled in the

heart of the Earth Mother deep inside the Inner Earth. The
fire consumed the Above World as the flaming purification
was followed by ice. Together, these cleansings represented
the fire of greed and the hardened hearts that had grown
cold from lack of loving compassion. The Clan Mothers, as
aspects of the Earth Mother who had taken human bodies,
gathered together to dream the vision of the coming worlds
when all would be made new. The dream came out of
this Dreaming Circle was later called the Whirling Rainbow
Dream. It brought the promise of future wholeness that
would manifest during the Fifth World of Illumination and
The Clan Mothers laid their new human bodies on the
Earth in a circle, with their feet to a fire, allowing their bod-

ies to act as the spokes of their human Medicine Wheel. For

four Suns and four Sleeps they dreamed. On the first Sun,
they dreamed of the illumination that came from the East
and how to better understand the opening of the Golden
Door that leads to all other levels of imagination and aware-
ness. They dreamed of the lessons of the coming worlds and
of how each woman could contribute her talents to make
those future worlds full of harmony, truth, equality, and
peace. Each Clan Mother's vision was different, for she was
given a unique way in which to understand her personal
Medicine. The understanding of life and of the breath of life

that supports all human beings as they move through their


Earth Walks permeated the senses of the dreaming women,

giving them a wisdom of the Knowing Systems they would
use in the physical realm.
The dreaming continued into the second Sun, when the
visions changed to the lessons of the South. Each woman
saw the way that she could use her personal faith to assist
in breaking the behavior patterns that had placed the
Human Tribe in bondage. The magic of innocence and
childlike wonder, celebration, and playfulness filled their

dreams with joy as they were shown the pleasures of phys-

ical life. Each woman was given a deep appreciation of the

simple things that made the Earth a place of beauty. The
dreaming continued and the lessons of humility and the
consequences of self-importance came into view. Each Clan
Mother was shown the abundance that the group could cre-

ate through unity and how they could work together to pass
the combined legacy of wholeness to humankind.
As Grandfather Sun rose for the third time, the dream
focused on the lessons of the West. The place of all tomor-
rows, the West or Moon Direction, brought forth the vision
of equality that was necessary for the future of wholeness to
be assured. By honoring the talents and Sacred Spaces of all

life forms as well as each other, the circle was enveloped

with a feeling of unity while the beauty of each woman's
part of the whole was revealed. The preservation of Tradi-
tions and the abundance of the Mother Planet came into
view as each woman saw her role as a Guardian of fertility
and truth. The ability to go within her own heart and to
know her truth in order to make balanced decisions became
a part of the Whirling Rainbow Dream. The function of

Grandmother Moon's cycles and how each woman could


find those rhythms within herself whirled through the vi-

sions of every Clan Mother. The events that would come
later in the story of humankind were revealed as the
Whirling Rainbow Dream brought visions of a blending of
the Human Tribe far in the distant future. The peace and il-
lumination that had been present in the First World of Love
would return when the Earth Tribe had completed its

lessons through trial and error.

The final revelation of completion, when all would be
healed, had brought the dawning of the next Sun. Grandfa-

ther's light covered the Above World in rose-tinted glory

once more. The dream then turned to the North and showed
the Clan Mothers that life, unity, and equality would last

for eternity as the lesson of each was fully learned. The wis-
dom of all that had been revealed and how each Rite of Pas-

sage brought all things closer to wholeness was implanted

in the wombs of all Thirteen Clan Mothers. There the
dream would grow and flourish in the warm darkness of
their womb spaces, places of balance and vision, the inner

Medicine Bowls of these Whirling Rainbow Grandmothers.

The North vision then presented the lesson of gratitude,
allowing each woman to return thanks from her heart for

the vision of wholeness that had been received.

The seeds of the future had been planted in the here and
now. The dreams of every human Child of Earth were hon-
ored as necessary parts of the whole. These Grandmothers
of humankind were forever pregnant with the lessons, the
challenges, and the aspirations of the Children of Earth. The
dreams Our Relations were tied within that Sacred
of All

Dream Hoop of Wholeness that would one day come into


manifestation. These future dreams and lessons would be

birthed when was right for the Earth's Children
the time
to learn and gather the wisdom. The Rites of Passage, or
change, that would mark the birth of each vision had taken
root in the present. Each set of life lessons would unfold as
it was called forth by the Human Tribe's desire to alter their
paths, changing and growing in unity.
The inner knowing and vision that each Clan Mother
held would rest inside of her heart. The dream of who she
was and what her talents represented was nestled within
her womb. The opening of those visions would come when
the purification of the Above World was complete. In the
following Suns and Sleeps, it would be necessary to give
birth to the promise held in the Whirling Rainbow Dream,
so that the promise of the lights of wholeness could be seen
all over the world. The fire that had provided warmth for

their feet during the four Suns and Sleeps of dreaming began
to pulse and change form. The heart of the Earth Mother
began to emerge as a living, new-flaming sun, deep within
the Inner Earth. This heart-fire began to beat a different
rhythm that would allow All Our Relations to feel the con-
stant love and deep connection to their true Mother.
The Clan Mothers stood around that pulsing heart and
became a part of it once again. The fire of love that each car-
ried traveled up and out of the Inner Earth to create the Au-
rora Borealis. These rainbow lights sent forth the promise
that the Whirling Rainbow Dream was in progress and that
the Earth would never again be destroyed by fire. The colors
of the Aurora touched the Sky Nation and signaled the be-
ginning of the lessons of healing the world. The Human

Nation would need to learn each lesson on the Medicine

Wheel in order to claim the completion of spiritual whole-
ness. The love of the Earth Mother was present in every col-
ored beam that danced across the indigo, star-studded
blanket of the Sky Nation. The dancing colors heralded the
message that the Earth Mother's legacy of Life, Unity, and
Equality for Eternity had been passed to the Thirteen Clan
Mothers. The Sisterhood had been formed. The mission of
carrying the Legacy of Woman and the lessons of wholeness
to the Children of Earth could now begin.
When the purification of the Above World was com-
plete, twelve of the Thirteen Clan Mothers emerged from
the Inner Earth with those faithful humans who had chosen
to repopulate the Above World. Becomes Her Vision would
wait in the Dreamtime until her twelve sisters had com-
pleted their first Rites of Passage, collecting their lessons
and taking their experiences into her understanding. Then,
Becomes Her Vision would go through her Rite of Passage

and join the others when she became the realized dream,
taking a human form.
Later, the reunited Clan Mothers would build the first

Turtle Council House that would house the Sisterhood.

Half of the oval house was to be built below the soil so that
the darkness of the womb within would be filled with the
rich perfume of the Earth Mother's breath. The domed roof
was to be covered with mud and leaves and stones that
would form the shell of Grandmother Turtle. The arms,
legs, head, and tail of Grandmother Turtle were to be
sculpted in soil and covered with tiny Stone People. The fu-
ture Council House would be built on a site of the Earth

Mother's choosing.

There was much to learn about being human. The Rites

of Passage each Clan Mother passed through would then
allow the Earth Mother to fully understand her human chil-
dren in a good way, through feeling the human experiences
of her thirteen aspects. The Earth Walk of each Clan Mother
brought many winters of wisdom, and finally triumph, as
Becomes Her Vision became the realized dream of the

Legacy of Woman, allowing the Thirteen Sisters to become

united as one.
The Turtle Council House stood for many worlds of
time while the Clan Mothers taught their human children
the love of the Earth Mother. Every Clan Mother had a body
that did not age like those of the Human Tribe. When it was
time for the Thirteen Mothers to return to the center of
Inner Earth without their bodies, the Turtle Council House
disappeared from the face of the Earth. Then the Human
Tribe was forced to use the tools they had been taught by
the Clan Mothers to become the living examples of truth

that the Great Mystery had created them to be.

We do not need an archaeologist to search for the re-

mains of the Turtle Council House in the Four Corners area

of North America. Now the Turtle Council House can be
accessed through our hearts. The Thirteen Original Crystal
Skulls hold each Clan Mother's library of wisdom and their
spirits are always available to us when we enter Tiyoweh,
the Stillness. Today, the symbol of Turtle is a reminder of
the fertile legacy that we are being asked to reclaim for All
Our Relations.

Entering the Council House

of the Thirteen
Original Clan Mothers

When I was passed the stories of the Thirteen Original

Clan Mothers by Grandmothers Cisi and Berta, I was told
that the gifts of the Clan Mothers would forever be a part of
the Earth. I was taught that any Two-legged could access the
wisdom held by these Grandmothers of the Turtle Council
House if she or he had an open heart and a desire to tap into
the feminine principle. The aspects of the Earth Mother and
Grandmother Moon that took form as the Thirteen Clan
Mothers are found in every living thing, in all seasons, and
in every location on our planet.

Cisi and Berta told me that just before it was time for

the Thirteen Clan Mothers to Drop Their Robes and return

to the heart of the Earth Mother without their physical bod-

ies, the Thirteen Crystal Skulls were made. These Crystal

Skulls represented the wisdom that was gathered by the
Clan Mothers and included all of the love and talents that
formed the Legacy of Woman.
I was taught that before the separation of Turtle Island
into continents and before the golden ages of various cul-
tures that have made up the Fourth World of Separation,
each one of the Crystal Skulls was housed in a place where

women gathered to share Medicine. I was taught that most

of these sacred sites were in the center or middle section of

the one great land mass of Turtle Island. The central section

of Turtle Island is presently called North and South Amer-

ica and did include parts of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

Cisi told me
some replicas of the Thirteen Crystal
Skulls were made by humans over the centuries to bring
pretended power to certain cultures or spiritual sects. The
result was disastrous since those societies were seeking to
control others through fraudulent means and supposed spir-
ituality. The leaders of the religious cults of various civi-
lizations who sought to enslave the populace through
hierarchy, patriarchy, or matriarchy had forgotten the orig-

inal intent of the Thirteen Clan Mothers. Life, Unity, and

Equality for Eternity is the Legacy of the Sisterhood that in-
cludes all people and life forms.
Berta told me that the Crystal Skulls were made in the
form human skulls to represent the collected wisdom

found in the human potential. The Earth Mother, who is a

living being, holds this wisdom because of the passages of

her Thirteen Aspects, the Clan Mothers, into human forms.

Berta explained that because of the Earth Mother's
mind-set, no outside influence could harm the crystal li-

braries held in the skulls. The consciousness contained in

the Crystal Skulls does not include the human fears that
can draw negative influences. Berta said that through the
ages, any person who sought to use the Crystal Skulls for
evil ends was a fool.The center of each skull contains the
reflection of the Great Smoking Mirror. The smoke-filled il-
lusion in front of the mirror is that anyone could send any
intention, good or bad, to another person without having it

boomerang back. The purity and clarity of these clear

quartz skulls merely reflects any intention sent back to its

point of origin. The joke is on the sender in every case be-

cause the only reflection seen in the Skull's crystallized
form is the face of the sender. As the Mayans say, "I am an-
other one of yourself."
Cisi and Berta both said that even if one of the Thirteen

Crystal Skulls were destroyed by human hands, the total in-

formation is held in every one of the thirteen. The wisdom
of how all things are interrelated is kept in these living li-

braries. This set of records also includes how the Earth

Mother is related to every other heavenly body in our solar

system, galaxy, and universe. It is no wonder that some

people who have telepathically connected to one of the orig-
inal skulls, now known as the Mitchell-Hedges skull after

its modern discoverers, have felt that its origin must be an-
other planet or civilization from the stars.
The Stone People are the libraries of Earth and hold all

records of the Earth's true history. There are two reasons that

quartz crystal was the stone substance used to fashion these

The first is that the Earth Mother's body contains an

enormous amount of quartz, which she uses to maintain

clarity and focus. All quartz on Earth contains the solidified

memory, feelings, and cycles of the Mother Planet's evolving

process. Because of the connection of quartz to the element
of water, you might say that the internal feelings and
thoughts of the Earth Mother are transmitted through these
pockets of quartz. Her sense of timing and rhythm are trans-
mitted from these quartz crystals in much the same way
that crystals are used inside of some watches and clocks in
our modern world to regulate accuracy.

The second reason is that originally in the Turtle Coun-

cil House, light was reflected under the base of the skulls
and would form a rainbow of color through the top of the
skulls. The Aurora Borealis comes from the top of the Earth

Mother's head, or North Pole, representing the Whirling

Rainbow's promise of world peace. The Whirling Rainbow
Dream is the prophecy of all races, all nations coming to-
gether in the Fifth World of Peace that we are now begin-
For the human Children of Earth, the skulls are a re-

minder that the Thirteen Original Clan Mothers dreamed

the Whirling Rainbow of Peace at the end of the First World
of Love when they were inside the subterranean caverns of

Earth. Later, when the Turtle Council House was built, it

was half below the soil and half above, representing the
marriage of the Natural World and the Spirit World, Mother
Earth and Father Sky, the female and male principles. Inside
the Turtle Council House, where the skulls were first

housed, the sunlight came through the holes in the walls

and illuminated each Crystal Skull, sending the combined
consciousness of the Clan Mothers into the interior of the
Today, one of the original Crystal Skulls, the Mitchell-
Hedges skull, which was discovered in the early 1900s, is

being displayed and is traveling to many museums and for-

eign countries. In the interior of Mexico, I have been in the
presence of two more of the originals —one that is guarded
by an ancient Toltec and Aztec Medicine Society and an-
other that is in the competent hands of a family of healers.
These are not the Crystal Skulls that were once in muse-
ums. My other teacher, Joaquin Muriel Espinosa, told me

that the Crystal Skulls that have been placed in museums

(like the one that was later stolen in Mexico City) are not
originals but rather replicas that do not hold the records or

mind-set of the Clan Mothers.

Joaquin, Cisi, and Berta all told me stories of how some
of the original Crystal Skulls were housed in Mayan, Toltec,
Aztec, and Inca, as well as other North American Indian
tribal centers. These stories told of how a few of the Crys-

tal Skulls were lost when the oceans reclaimed parts of the
land on the east and west coasts of North, Mezzo, and South
America at the end of the Third World. My teachers said
that the Earth Mother had chosen to ensure that some of
the Crystal Skulls would forever be in her keeping, away
from her destructive human children. These Elders told me
that many humans would dream of the Crystal Skulls and
become a part of the Whirling Rainbow Dream of Peace but
that only those who had earned the right, through connect-
ing to the Thirteen Original Clan Mothers, would become
the Guardians of the actual Crystal Skulls.
Many people on our planet believe that they are con-
nected to the Crystal Skulls through visions they have had
or through spiritual messages they have received. Some be-

lieve that they are supposed to rediscover the actual skulls.

If this was the truth, in fact, those people would have been
guided to the actual places where the existing Original
Skulls are being kept by the human beings who hold the
honored roles of Guardianship. My Elders told me that
every human being is connected to the Thirteen Original
Clan Mothers and that when a person is ready for that level
of spiritual experience, the dreams of the Crystal Skulls, the

Whirling Rainbow, or the Clan Mothers will come to them.

This form of initiation is merely an entry point into the
Medicine Wheel of the Clan Mothers that will give each in-

dividual the right to begin learning the lessons available.

The paths to wholeness that are formed by each Clan
Mother's spoke on the Medicine Wheel are filled with
lessons about developing personal abilities and may take
many years to complete.

I was taught how to focus on those lessons and how to

persist in my personal growth by Cisi, Berta, and Joaquin.
They taught me these seven points of wisdom that I would
like to share with you.

1. There are no rules on how to grow or change.

2. All self-imposed rules or judgments are limiting


3. The Great Mystery cannot be solved, so don't try.

4. Everything you seek can be found inside of you.

5. Laughter and irreverence dissolve the illusions and

the fear.

6. Unseen worlds exist within the tangible and can-

not be separated.

7. You are, the moment you decide to be.

I feel that I could write an entire book on those seven

lessons and so I will leave it to each individual to find un-
derstanding for herself or himself.

The manner in which each person contacts the Thir-

teen Original Clan Mothers is up to that individual. The fol-
lowing exercise can assist those who would like to try it in
theway I show others. To take this journey, you must first

understand some basic principles.

How to Contact the
Thirteen Original Clan Mothers

To enter the realms where the Thirteen Clan Mothers

live, we must first seek the loving gifts that they repre-
sent inside of ourselves. The Orenda or Spiritual Essence
holds those gifts in infinite readiness inside the Sacred
Space of each individual. The question of how to define the

Sacred Space is answered with our imaginations.

If you can imagine a sphere around you with your body
in the center, you will have discovered your Sacred Space.
The circle forms the equator of the bubble that stretches
above your body into the sky and below your body into the
Earth Mother, creating the union of physicality and spirit.

The Sacred Space encapsulates all your thoughts and feel-

ings, your body, your spirit, your dreams and visions, and
your sense of Self. Inside your Sacred Space, you have a Sa-
cred Point of View that is determined by all that you are and
all that you have experienced.
The Sacred Point of View is fed like a fetus by a spiritual
or nontangible umbilical cord. Each person has thousands of

spiritual fibers that extend into the world from the navel.
When the person is open and ready to feel life, these sensory
threads spread out like rays of the sun. When a person is

tired, hurt, vulnerable, or ill at ease, these same filaments

can twine together to become a thickly knotted umbilical
cord of light. The relaxed umbilical cord can then be at-
tached to the Earth Mother when the weakened person lets
go enough to receive the Earth Mother's healing or energy. If

the person is not aware of how to use this spiritual umbili-

cal cord, it may knot up, stopping the life force from enter-
ing the body and sometimes causing terror stomach or
From this place near the navel that we call the Vibral
Core, humans sense all things through patterns, rhythms,
or vibrations. Inside our bodies, our thoughts, feelings, sen-
sations, and perceptions combine to form our individual Sa-
cred Points of View. Every life form's Sacred Point of View is
comprised of personal likes, dislikes, opinions, feelings,

thoughts, and/or experiences. Unfortunately for the Human

Tribe, we have also adopted hearsay, rumors, fears, the opin-
ions of others, and preconceived notions in our Sacred
Points of View. That is one reason why the people of our
human race have such a hard time finding personal truths.
Our Sacred Points of View are often buried under the opin-
ions we have adopted from others when we did not seek or
what was true for ourselves. These adopted untruths
make up the mental matter and chatter that keeps us from
respecting our own Sacred Spaces and Sacred Points of View.
For this reason alone, it is oftentimes difficult for some
people to quiet the mind and enter the Silence or Stillness
inside their Sacred Spaces.

My Grandmother Twylah taught me that the Sacred

Space can be found in between the in breath and the out
breath. Holding the breath to the count of ten allows us to
stop the outer world and to open the door that leads to the
inner world of the Self. I developed a way to get to that place

within myself so I can connect to my Orenda (Spiritual

Essence). By inhaling, holding the breath for a moment,

then exhaling, I can calm myself and enter the Stillness.

Then I listen to find the small, still voice of love within my

heart. The voice of the Orenda, which always speaks from
love, stops the outer world's chaos from impinging on my
senses. In this place of quietness that exists within myself,
I am able to find the Eternal Flame of Love from the Great
Mystery that feeds the voice of my Spiritual Essence. In my
body, it is located in my heart, but it may be located in a dif-
ferent place for others.
The Orenda is an extension of the Creative Source or
Great Mystery. The feeling of connectedness and loving
compassion is always there. There is no fear or pain present,

just a sense of peace. Getting to that place is a skill like any

other and takes practice. For a while, during the develop-
ment of this skill, a person may simply encounter a feeling
of finding that safe space and the Stillness. Later, through
developing Swan's Medicine of surrendering, a person may
begin to hear the inner voice that always speaks the truth
with unconditional love. This place inside the Self is where
the Thirteen Original Clan Mothers live. The Turtle Coun-
cil House is the spiritual Self's place of heightened aware-
ness and total receptivity and the seat of the female

It may take practice for some people to let go, getting

rid of the adopted mess of chatter that has been collected

from others over the years. This mental dusting and house-
cleaning is necessary to clear the Sacred Space of other lim-
iting viewpoints. Once this clearing is done, the feeling of

total connection and inner peace is earned and found. The

next step is finding the feelings, ideas, and viewpoints that
belong to the true Self. All of these true parts of the Orenda
that are reclaimed will have a very positive influence on any
individual's life.

The Orenda, or Spiritual Essence of who we are, hears

the call to wholeness and then sends the invitation to those
whose hearts are open. We must stop our worldly activities
and retreat to hear the Orenda's voice. It is an open invita-
tion and no judgments are made by the Great Mystery or
the Clan Mothers if that Child of Earth is not ready. All
members of the Earth Tribe will eventually find their ways
back home to the loving arms of the Earth Mother, even if
coming home means nestling in the Earth Mother's soil
after death. For those who want to feel the joy on the other

side of physical pain and sorrow, the Turtle Council House

is open now.
We enter the Turtle Council House every time we sit in
silence and listen in order to receive. Hanging on the walls
inside the Council House, we can see the Thirteen Medi-
cine Shields of the Clan Mothers, and next to each shield we
can see a Crystal Skull illuminated from the captured sun-
light being funneled through the holes in the earthen walls.
The ceiling of the Council House is arched like the inside of
the Turtle Mother's shell, and there above, the rainbow

lights dance as they are reflected from the top of each Crys-
tal Skull.

There are two small ceremonial fires, one burning at

each end of the lodge. Above these fires that represent the
light of both worlds, the natural and the spiritual, are smoke
holes. The smoke holes signify the open doors in both
worlds where the illusions and confusions are allowed to es-

cape, when we find clarity through the Eternal Flame of the

Orenda or Spiritual Essence. In the center of the highest

point in the turtle-shell-shaped roof is a removable circle of

thatch that can be opened to the sunlight or to the Medicine

Bowl of the night sky. Below this opening is where a person
seeking entry would stand, creating the third fire. This fire

is unseen because it lives inside the seeker's heart and is

only brought to a blazing point through the seeker's recon-

nection to the Eternal Flame of Love. Rediscovering that
fire is accomplished through the male, demonstrative side
of our natures. Then, receiving it and giving it a home in the
heart is the role of the female principle.
The Wisewomen who have carried the knowledge and
wisdom of the ages sit outside on the grass-covered ground,
encircling the Council House in an enormous wheel. They
are softly singing and giving thanks for another Child of
Earth who has chosen to come home. Their voices are as
one and provide the strength and support needed to stand in
the light of total truth and be healed of the pain found in
human illusions.
The Thirteen Original Clan Mothers, whose greatest
desire is to see every Child of Earth reclaim the love and
inner peace, are calling to all of the Human Tribe. The
strength each Child of Earth needs in order to come home is

found inside the Orenda where the Sacred Hoop of connec-

tion to the Great Mystery and all life is never broken. The
Sisterhood provides the support needed to find that connec-
tion and the pathway home to the true Self. The silvery

webs of the Whirling Rainbow Dream have never been

stronger. There is a life net of loving compassion waiting for
those who have the courage to face the woundedness and re-
claim the love. Our hearts will be cradled in a homecoming
tear, our become at one with our bodies, and we
spirits will

will own the wisdom that we hold in our hearts. We are

being asked to become our visions and to use our talents so
that together we can create the living dream of world peace.
The gentle winds of change are stirring in the Four Di-
rections to bring the homecoming songs of the Wisewomen
to all nations, all races, all creeds. The Rainbow Dream is
alive and dancing. The Creature-beings are showing us the

road of rediscovering the sacredness of being human. The

Stone People are offering to teach us how to retrieve the
records of all that has been and the prophecy of all that will
be. The Standing People and the Plant People offer us shel-
ter and food for the body and spirit. The Lodge Fires of the
Ancestors light our way to the stars by spanning the Great
Medicine Bowl of the night sky. The silver horn of Grand-
mother Moon reminds us that our Orendas fill the Medicine
Bowls of our hearts with love; and yet, for some, it is not
enough to see these gifts the Great Mystery gives all of the
Earth Mother's Children because they are blinded by false
needs and old pain.
Patiently, the Thirteen Original Clan Mothers observe
this picture of the Earth Tribe, just as if Grandfather Sun
had painted it in the evening sky. The Clan Mothers wait,

holding the door open for just a while longer. They know
that some will Drop Their Robes, others will procrastinate
until the door is closed, but some of their children will be

bold enough to reach beyond their limitations and ask to be

welcomed home. These are the final days of the Fourth
World of Separation. The truth of reclaimed love lies beyond
the human illusion of fear. The door to the Turtle Council
House is open for those who remember and are willing to
stand on every one of the thirteen spokes of transformation
that support the Medicine Wheel of the Sisterhood. The
Legacy of Woman will then be fully reclaimed— Life, Unity,
and Equality for Eternity.

Becomes Her Vision, the Thirteenth Clan Mother,

speaks to every Child of Earth and softly whispers these
words that the Great Mystery put inside the Eternal Flame
of Love: "You are, the moment you decide to be."


I would like to express my deep appreciation to the

people who have supported the completion of this project
by assisting me in gathering the needed materials for mak-
ing the Shields: Sue Woolery, Bird Woman, who tends many
beautiful Winged Ones and has graciously shared the feath-

ers of those birds, and Rick Woolery, who has provided me

with many feathered pelts and wings, always respecting the
spirits of the Bird Tribe in a good way by using the meat for

his family and every part of each animal for Good Medicine.
I also give thanks for our deep bonds of friendship over the

years and the loving compassion they have shown me dur-

ing hard times.
I would like to thank Sharon (White Arrow) and Ralph
Akers for making the small drum-shields that have been
made into the Medicine Shields of the Thirteen Clan Moth-
ers. I am grateful for their continued support and friendship,
as well as for the manner in which they walk their personal
Medicine Paths.
To the staff of HarperSanFrancisco, I owe a deep debt
for their continued support of my work. For their sensitivity
and encouragement in presenting some of the viewpoints
found in the Indian Way of Life, Woman's Medicine, and my
personal understanding, I thank all of you.

Special thanks to my editor, Barbara Moulton, who

gave me the space to go through my final Rite of Passage by
writing this book, allowing me to become my vision. You
have become a sister, a friend, and a midwife who assisted
me in giving birth to the Legacy of Woman. Throughout the
eighteen years of pregnancy that it took for me to pass
through the lessons of these Thirteen Clan Mothers, I often
wondered how I would be able to share the wisdom passed
to me by Cisi and Berta. You have earned your Medicine
name, Dreamweaver, because through your understanding
of the Grandmothers' dream, it now taken form,
has being
shared with the sisters and brothers who walk the paths
that lead to wholeness. My heart is full.



Jamie Sams, a member of the Wolf Clan Teaching Lodge, brings us a

powerful new method for honoring and incorporating native feminine wisdom
into our daily lives. Combining a rich oral tradition
—passed on to her by two
Kiowa Grandmothers, Cisi Laughing Crow and Berta Broken Bow—-with the
personal healing and guidance she has experienced through her female
Elders, Sams created The 13 Original Clan Mothers. Each of the Clan
Mothers reflects a particular teaching, relates to a cycle of the moon, and
possesses special totems, talents, and gifts that can help each of us cultivate
our own personal gifts and talents.

"I consider The 13 Original Clan Mothers to be among the most important
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I SBN 06-250756-7
Front cover illustration: Eric Donelan
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