The 13 Original Clan Mothers
The 13 Original Clan Mothers
The 13 Original Clan Mothers
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Discovering the Gifts, Talents, and Abilities of the Feminine Through
the Ancient Teachings of the Sisterhood. Copyright © 1993 by Jamie Sams.
All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this
book may be used or reproduced in any mannner whatsoever without writ-
ten permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical
articles and reviews. For information address HarperCollins Publishers,
10 East 53rd Street, New York, NY 10022.
Aida Hinojosa
who encouraged me to write,
Introduction 1
Talks with Relations
Clan Mother of the First Moon Cycle 30
Wisdom Keeper
Clan Mother of the Second Moon Cycle 50
Listening Woman
Clan Mother of the Fifth Moon Cycle 106
Clan Mother of the Sixth Moon Cycle 126
Gives Praise
Clan Mother of the Twelfth Moon Cycle 240
Conclusion 281
Acknowledgments 315
Note to Readers
For those of you who are reading this book and find it
confusing that so many names are capitalized, I would like
to give a further explanation. In the Seneca language and in
most Native American languages in the original form, cer-
tain words are holy or sacred to Native American People.
These words are always capitalized in our written lan-
Until recently, few Indian writers were published and
those who were, did not have a say as to how the manu-
script was dealt with. HarperCollins has shown respect for
my work, by printing it in our preferred form. For this kind
consideration, I am deeply grateful.
In Native American culture, we see everything as being
alive. Each living thing has a specific role as a teacher and
family member. Everything on Earth, whether stone, tree,
however, see the Eternal Flame of Love that the Great Mys-
tery placed in all of Creation and we honor that spiritual
Knocking at my door,
Through the cracks
In the ancient adobe,
Bringing the spirits
Risen from the bones
Of the Clan Mothers.
I listened.
I heard.
The talking drums and chants
Were riding on the wind.
It was time.
I donned my shawl,
Stole into the night
To dance,
To celebrate,
For the buffalo had returned.
MARCH 26, 1992
December's Moon
Twelfth Moon Cycle
11 1
November's Moon January's Moon
Eleventh Moon Cycle First Moon Cycle
10 2
October's Moon
February's Moon
Tenth Moon Cycle
Second Moon Cycle
/ \
13 3
September's Moon March's Moon
Blue Moon
of Transformation
Ninth Moon Cycle Third Moon Cycle
August's Moon April's Moon
Eighth Moon Cycle Fourth Moon Cycle
7 5
July's Moon May's Moon
Seventh Moon Cycle Fifth Moon Cycle
June's Moon
Sixth Moon Cycle
Keeper of Earth's Needs/ Mother of the and respect those boundaries in others A
Planetary Family How to use our inner potential to become
healed healers
How to understand unspoken the Languages How to SEE THE TRUTH
of Nature Kinship with all life forms and
how to enter the Sacred Spaces of others with
respect How to honor cycles, rhythms, and 5 LISTENING WOMAN
changes of the seasons and weather How A The Mother of Tiyoweh, the Stillness,
to meld with the life force and rhythms in all and Knowing
dimensions, learning the truths of each The Keeper of Discernment and Guardian of
How to LEARN THE TRUTH Introspection A The Interpreter of Messages
from the Spirit World A The Counselor and
Advisor / the Keeper of Hearing
The Protectress of Sacred Traditions How to enter the Stillness and hear our heart's
The Keeper of the Stone Libraries and Earth small, still voice within A How to find and
History A
The Guardian of "the Remembering" understand the Inner Knowing we carry in our
and the Art of Memory A
The Mother Spiritual Essences A
How to listen to the
of Friendship, Planetary Unity, and Mutual viewpoints and opinions of others and the
Understanding voices of the Ancestors A
How to understand
body language and unspoken thoughts / hear-
The Arts of Self-development and Expansion ing with the heart
How to access Planetary Memory, personal How to HEAR THE TRUTH
recall, and ancient wisdom and knowledge
How to understand the wisdom that every life
form holds and missions
its A
a friend and to restore friendship by honoring The Guardian of the Medicine Stories
the viewpoints of all life forms The Keeper of Heyokah Medicine and Humor
How to HONORTHE TRUTH The Teacher Who Teaches Without Pointing a
Finger A
The Preserver of Speaking from
Personal Experience and Truth
The Keeper of Equality and the How to teach through telling stories that con-
Guardian of Justice A How to balance the sacredness
tain lessons
The Fair Judge of Divine Law and the Destroyer with irreverence / using humor creatively A
of Deception A
The Mother of Truth and How to speak from our experience without
Protectress of the Underdog A
The Mother judging others or being self-righteous How A
of Self-determination and Responsibility to be a student in life as well as the teacher,
preserving the wisdom gained
How to find the ability to respond and how to How to SPEAK THE TRUTH
be self-determined A How to feed the
positive, not the negative, by using Divine Law
How to use equality with justice, being 7 LOVES ALL THINGS
accountable for our actions and words A The Mother of Unconditional Love and
How to use personal integrity, ethics, All Acts of Pleasure
and values to find healing solutions The Keeper of Sexual Wisdom and
How to ACCEPT THE TRUTH Self-respect A
The Sensual Lover / the Mother-
Nurturer / the Warmth of the Feminine The A
Guardian of the Needs of the Family
The Seer / Oracle / Dreamer / Prophet How to use respect, trust, and intimacy in all
Keeper of the Golden Door and the Crack in relationships A How to love all aspects of
the Universe A
The Mother of Visions, Dreams, our lives, lessons, sexuality, and physical
and Psychic Impressions A
The Guardian beings A
How to be a loving woman,
of the Dreamtime and the Keeper of nurturing mother, sensual lover, and trusted
Inner Potential friend A How to forgive ourselves and others,
developing acceptance and shunning
How to understand our visions, dreams, feel- criticalness
ings, and impressions A How to enter the How to LOVE THE TRUTH
How to serve others with a happy heart, using How to be our personal best and still be
our healing abilities A How to understand and vulnerable and human A How to keep our
honor the cycles of birth, death, and re-
life bodies and minds flexible and in good health
birth A How to believe
in the miracles of life through advancing and retreating How to A
through our connections to our Spiritual seek and find new paths to growing and
Essences A
How to understand the Plant learning, leading through example A How to
Kingdom and the healing uses of all develop inner strength / How to attract and
parts of plants release
dreams into tangible forms A How to tap How to become our visions and own our
life force,- using energy to build, change, or wholeness A How to release the old Self
manifest our needs A
How to manifest our and step into the realized dream A How to
visions and give them life through our actions honor the process that brought us through the
and artistic talents A
How to create new changes and transformation A
How to mark
from old and how to destroy the limitations to the Rite of Passage into Wholeness and
creativity celebrate the Vision we have become
sisting that I follow the male Warrior way. His insight has
opened my life and path in ways I did not understand at the
time. I honor the greatness of his humility and his desire for
my best interests every time I see women following a male
Medicine way, becoming confused and sometimes taken ad-
vantage of because they have not been trained to respect the
feminine principle in themselves.
Many other female Elders have spoken to me of the
dened that much of the history has been lost during the pre-
ceding generations. I have found great joy in being able to
revive the history, which would otherwise be lost, and to
share our Woman's Legacy with the world. As it was then,
and shall be until we change ourselves from within, the
Legacy of Woman and the Earth Mother is at risk. Our fe-
pieces of this legacy had been passed from the Black Lodges
or Women's Medicine Circles for hundreds of years. The
Beloved Women of the Cherokee, the Clan Mothers of the
Iroquois, the Grandmothers or Wisdom Keepers of the
was first told these stories in Spanish since I did not speak
Kiowa. I was told by Cisi and Berta that as I learned the
lessons of the thirteen steps of the Woman Wheel, more un-
derstanding would come to me. In truth, the spirits of the
one reason that Cisi and Berta would call the camel "the
humpbacked four-legged of the desert who needs no water."
Another example of this is found in the Paiute Tribe, which
holds the Big-horned Sheep as sacred, even though most of
these creatures were killed, like the buffalo, with the com-
ing of European settlers. Petroglyphs of Buffalo and Big-
horned Sheep still speak to our Tribes by carrying the
sacredness of our Ancestors' Medicines.
The Thirteen Crystal Skulls are part of the original
story and Tradition and were also spoken of by four other
Grandmothers of different Tribes. To my knowledge, noth-
ing has been written about the history of these Crystal
Skulls based on Indian oral Tradition or history. I have put
the information on the Crystal Skulls that I received from
Cisi, Berta, and Joaquin's teachings in the part of this book's
life lessons and the gifts each Clan Mother gives to hu-
mankind. In the Americas, the lodges, palaces, and temples
that carry emblems of Turtle are reminders to our modern
world that the legacy of the Sisterhood is still alive. Whether
carved in stone like the Turtle Temples of the Mayans in
the Yucatan, or painted on frescoes in the Toltec and Inca
places of worship, or carved in petroglyphs across North
America, these emblems of Turtle represent our connec-
tions to the Earth Mother and her thirteen different aspects,
womankind, the Clan Mothers can touch and teach each in-
would be too easy for us, as human beings with human lim-
itations, to brag that some of the Clan Mothers' talents be-
longed only to a particular race or genetic line.
not for me to say. was taught that when the Clan Mothers'
bottom, representing the way I see the Spirit World and the
Red Road of the Natural World come together in the heart of
each living thing. Three feathers also represent the balance
of our male and female sides with the center feather holding
the Great Mystery's love.
In September of 1991 on the Autumn Equinox, I went
on my seventeenth Vision Quest with the purpose of com-
pleting some personal healing. Since 17 is my personal sa-
seven generations.
For women in our White Buffalo Tradition, a Healing
Quest supports and protects the role of women as Mothers of
the Creative Force and takes a year of preparation. For the
year prior to going on her Healing Quest, a woman takes a
minimum of three days of silence a month, every month
without fail. These three days of silence and retreat are dur-
ing her Moontime but are not necessarily the full Moontime;
her flow may last longer. If she is past her time of bleeding or
has had a hysterectomy, she can choose to take this retreat
time during full or new moon, depending on which moon
cycle is most appropriate for her rhythms or feelings.
ity to cleanse the womb and stay focused so that her mind
is also cleansed of unneeded chatter. The Moontime is a
time to be filled, fed, replenished, and nurtured. It is not a
time to create any kind of stress for the body, mind, heart,
or spirit. We go into retreat to receive, and anything that
keeps us from receiving is a waste of energy and time.
After a year of taking this special time for the Self, it is
four inches around, were eaten per day because the corn
kept the body heat stored during the night and represented
the element of earth in the body. If corn cakes are not avail-
able, cornbread, corn nuts, or small, fat, homemade corn
tortillas will do. The water and corn do not distract a
woman from the intent of the Healing Quest but rather sup-
port her system so that all four of the Clan Chiefs of Air,
Earth, Water, and Fire are inside her Sacred Space. In her cir-
on the earth and eats the corn to feed her fertility —the ker-
nels or seeds of the future.
After three days and three nights of giving thanks,
singing, dreaming, and receiving her vision, the questing
woman completes her journey by opening the East stone of
her circle, saying final prayers of thanksgiving, and return-
ing to camp. It is an honor for those in camp who have
prayed for her success to return to their friend's sacred circle
and retrieve her bedroll, drum, and other items from her
hut.The Medicine Person who held the energy for the
woman who was on the hill now welcomes her by smudg-
ing or smoking her body with sage and cedar, while the oth-
ers are traveling back to retrieve her things. The rest of the
mation, our next step will be to create new life maps for
ular race, nor did they possess any particular belief systems
that could limit womankind. They were the Mothers of all
asked Grandmother Cisi why the red race had been given the
history of the Thirteen Original Clan Mothers. She told me
that the red race was given the Guardianship of Earth Medi-
cine and the mysteries of the Earth Mother. Grandmother
Berta explained that many pieces to the puzzle of the Sister-
hood were held by wise women of all races, but how those
truths came into being had almost been forgotten as Tradi-
The first moon birthed the ability of learning the truth and
applied that talent to all Relations, all worlds, and all mys-
teries. The second moon brought the gift of honoring the
truth and applied that talent to self-development. The third
moon birthed the ability of accepting the truth and tem-
pered these lessons with taking on the additional responsi-
bilities of justice, self-determination, and balance. The
fourth moon created the ability of seeing the truth in all
things for the truth held inside. The eighth moon spun the
talent of serving the truth by being of service to others in all
of the healing arts. The ninth moon brought the gift of liv-
fers to heal their eyes that cannot see, their ears that cannot
hear, and their hearts that cannot understand. The Earth
Mother's waters offer to wash away the memories of an-
guish and personal grief held in human We hear the
• ••dO
TALKS WITH RELATIONS is the Clan Mother of the
first moon cycle and is the Keeper of learning the truth.
This Cycle of Truth falls in January and is understood
through finding kinship with all life. Talks with Relations
teachers are the Allies of nature: the Four Winds of Change,
the Cloud People, the Thunder-beings, the Creature-beings,
the Tree People, the Plant People, the Little People (Devas/
Fairies), the Stone People, the Clan Chiefs of Air, Earth,
Water, and Fire, as well as all other life forms. These rela-
tives of our Planetary Family are our teachers as well.
Through Talks with Relations, the Mother of Nature,
with all life. Through learning the truths found in every life
each and honors the talents each holds. She is the Keeper oj^
things. In learning the truth, we find that every life form has
a Sacred Space and a rhythm. To enter those Sacred Spaces,
we are forced to learn the rhythm of the life form in ques-
tion. Ifwe learn that rhythm and ask permission, with re-
spect, we can enter the world of those Sisters and Brothers
without disturbing the natural order. Talks with Relations
teaches us those rhythms and how wild creatures are will-
ing to accept some humans without fear and why they run
from others. The acceptance or nonacceptance results from
the human's intent, willingness to respect the rhythm and
Sacred Space of the Creature-being, and/or willingness to
learn the truth about that life form.
Talks with Relations is the Guardian of Weather and
the Seasons, who sees to the needs of Earth. This Clan
Mother understands how to use the Clan Chiefs of Air,
The Making
of Relatives
left of her hiding place. She was content to wait and see if
It was not long until a tiny red fox peeked around a boul-
der resting at the side of the bubbling brook and dashed for
the water's edge, took a quick drink, and then dashed back to
safety. After deciding it must be safe, despite the strange
smell that wafted in and out with the changing breeze, the
thought Iwas the one who was so expert at the art of cam-
ouflage. You ought to be a fox, not a Two-legged! How did
you do it? Oh, you don't have to answer that, I already know
how because I do it myself."
"Well, Fox, may surprise you to know that I have
walked the Earth for many Suns and many Sleeps getting to
know All My Relations," she replied. "It is important for me
to learn the ways of all my children because I am the Mother
of Nature and I must learn the needs of every Creature-
teacher, Plant Person, and Stone Person so I may serve my
family in a good way."
Fox looked at Talks with Relations and saw that she
was telling the truth. He began to wonder how this beauti-
ful and generous Two-legged had happened to choose him to
talk to, but he was afraid to ask. He was taken aback when
her laughter filled the glen with the most melodic, songlike
sounds he had ever heard.
"Oh, Fox," she said, "you are a master of invisibility
but you have forgotten to mask your thoughts. Don't you
know that I have learned the truth held in the hearts and
minds of every living thing? You need not be afraid to ask
me anything. Grouse taught me how to enter the Sacred
the seasons has been a task as well. The Earth Mother is still
changing her path in the Sky Nation and the Green Moons of
new sprouting grasses are growing shorter while the White
Moons seem to grow longer with more snow and ice."
Fox spoke up and asked, "Is that why so many of the
Creature-beings of the steppes are coming our way?"
Centipede nodded and Talks with Relations agreed.
"You see, Fox, the Earth Mother has given me the task of
learning about the needs of all the Earth Tribe so I may as-
sist her in finding the correct path across the Sky Nation.
Eventually, there will be Four Seasons and Four Winds of
the Blue Moon when all the Children of Earth will find their
natural ability to change or transform."
Centipede sighed and smiled, "It will be a good thing to
see, Mother, and all of us will give thanks for the work you
are doing in our behalf."
Talks with Relations was pleased that she was learning
the truth of how to fulfill the needs of all the Children of
peace when she sat with her back against Pine's sturdy
trunk. She felt Dogwood's Medicine of balance when she
not from pain, for Ostrich had been very gentle, but from
the shock of suddenly seeing two of the largest heavy-lidded
eyes she had ever encountered at close range.
Everyone was laughing uncontrollably except for Talks
ship and her skin was tingling from the spray of water
Swan's wings had stirred up during the excitement. She de-
cided that it was good to feel the pleasures of a body and was
happy to be alive.
Ostrich and Bluejay watched silently as Swan spoke to
Talks with Relations in a soothing way, gently sliding
across the glassy water creating another change in mood.
"You see how my body curves and my neck slopes and un-
dulates when I move across the water?" she asked. Talks
with Relations nodded in agreement as Swan continued.
"The Water Spirits do not resist the movement of my body.
She was excited as she relayed her Dreamtime experi-
ences to Swan, Bluejay, and Ostrich. In her dream, she had
flown with Falcon and learned his Medicine of hunting for
solutions. Falcon had taken her deep into the jungles of Tur-
tle Island and had shown her the steaming green realms of
lution to her problem. She did not need to feel that she was
separated from other life forms because she had a human
body; she could imitate their habits and see how it felt to
be them. Through imitating the actions of her Creature-
teachers, she could then surrender to the feelings she had
when becoming like them. It did not matter that her teach-
ers were plants, stones, animals, clouds, or Wind and Water
Spirits. Understanding their languages would take time, but
the more like them she became and the more she could un-
derstand how and why their lives were similar to her own,
the easier it would become for her to know how each
species chose to communicate.
Ostrich, Bluejay, and Swan were very happy that Talks
with Relations had broken through the frustration and into
understanding. The foursome retreated to the soft shadows
of the forest with Talks with Relations leading the way. She
was determined to use her newly found understanding to
communicate with her Tree Relations. Until now, she had
merely observed and tried to listen as the Wind Spirits
moved gently through the emerald and jade boughs of the
With all her friends settled around her she began to an-
nounce her intention. "I have learned how to surrender to
the rhythms of the Sacred Space around me, and now, with
permission, I would like to become like a Standing Person/'
she said.
the ankles. Then she stood tall and proud and lifted her arms
like branches to the rays of sunlight filtering through the
dense green of the forest. Silence enveloped all of those gath-
ered as she closed her eyes and became a human tree. It was
then that she heard the voices of the Standing People come
from their wooden hearts and speak to hers.
servers of the Earth. Our roots draw deeply from the well of
love found in our Earth Mother's soil and our limbs reach
higher every day to seek the light of Grandfather Sun. We
are the living balance between Mother Earth and Father
Sky, female and male, receiving and giving. Of all life forms,
we are the closest in makeup to the human beings because
we show them how to honor the balance of heaven and
earth within themselves. We show them, through example,
how to be the silent observers of life, how to stand tall, and
how to give and receive."
Though nothing stirred in the forest, no breeze blew
through the boughs of these Tree People, Talks with Relations
cles. The circles formed a figure eight. The upper circle met
the lower circle in her heart, with the upper one encircling
the Sky Nation and the lower one connecting her to the
center of the Earth Mother. It was as if she were standing on
top of one circle and holding the other one above her, using
her body as the cross-connection between the two.
"These are the two Medicine Wheels of life/' Redwood
said. "The human beings, like the Tree People, have the abil-
ity to be the balance between the earth and sky. When the
Two-leggeds reach for the most they can be, the Sky Wheel
brings the messages of the Spirit World to them through their
human hearts. The Earth Wheel allows the plants, stones,
animals, and elements of nature to be the Earth Mother's
teachers and interpreters of those spiritual messages. Human
beings feel and understand the messages that the Great Mys-
tery sends by observing the actions of the teachers that these
and the tangible, are equal and are one. You see, Talks with
Relations, the only true limitation of being human comes
when the heart is closed. When the heart is open, all of Cre-
ation can be accessed and understood. You have become that
balance now and it will serve you well."
at its end. She could hear the trout jumping for flies in the
the rock was a protection stone. Because the hole was cre-
ated by water, the Stone helped Talks with Relations to stay
in touch with her feelings and to be aware if danger was
present. Talks with Relations' body was made of the same
The Shell Cousins from the seas had taught her to lis-
ten to the rhythms of the tides and to her own body's cycles.
The Cloud People had shown her the faces and forms of all
Air, Earth, Water, and Fire had blended and separated in her
presence to teach her the spontaneous forces of creation
found in nature. With this Knowing System firmly rooted in
her heart, Talks with Relations was able to command the
weather, bringing life-giving rains or new lava flows to
maintain the balance needed on the planet.
"Learning the truth is a continuous adventure and
brings with it a constant source of fulfillment, " she mused.
"I have been blessed with the hunger to learn, the joy of
discovery, and the desire to serve my kin. I have learned
the languages of every part of the Earth Tribe. Each day, I
are the only part of the Earth Tribe to insist that their par-
ticular religion, philosophy, or Tradition holds the only
Following the Wisdom Trail
Medicine of its own that will allow you to access all of the
Stone Person and then to the soil below. Ice Web, I want to
rust and amber. Here and there, she greeted the Standing
the Sacred Caves if she could enter the area. She was given
a sign that her presence was welcomed when a gentle breeze
caressed her face.
She stood silently on the shelflike floor of the upper
canyon looking toward the entrance to the series of seven
caverns, then approached the opening. The seven caves rep-
Dove had taught her how to nurture the dreams of peace and
how to find that peace inside herself. Each of her Totems had
offered her the wisdom they carried in order to teach her how
to make the most of her abilities. She silently thanked each
one and continued recounting the lessons she had learned.
When Wisdom Keeper had finished taking in all of the
goodness of each event in her life and had released the past
with joy, she called to the Earth Mother, asking permission
to enter the first cave. A gentle wind carried a dry leaf from
the tree above into the cave's entrance, beckoning her to
enter. Wisdom Keeper grabbed a handful of soil, touched
that hand to her heart, then tossed the soil over her shoul-
der to signal that she was leaving the outer world and her
earlier earthly experiences behind her. Taking a breath to
fill herself with life manna and to find her inner balance,
she silently slipped into the cave.
living things create new Traditions when they honor the sa-
credness found in the individual as well as in the whole of
Creation. I have experienced the clarity of their knowing
when they desire understanding as much as they desire the
breath of life. Now know that all Sacred Traditions are cre-
"In the place of healing and gratitude I have discovered
thewisdom of those who have fully experienced human life.
The lessons of their Earth Walks have served them well. I
have learned to be grateful for all opportunities to grow.
Some have been difficult, some joyous, but all have taught
me wisdom because I have learned to seize every opportu-
nity, adding understanding to my Knowing Systems and
from the Sky Nation, traveling from the Spirit World like
shooting stars. The fire in our hearts is the Eternal Flame of
Love and that fiery essence will one day return to the Starry
Medicine Bowl of the night sky. I have come to understand
the idea of destiny. Every human being has the opportunity
to thank the Great Mystery for the beautiful creation that
• ••CIO
WEIGHS THE TRUTH is the Clan Mother of the Third
Moon Cycle, who teaches Divine Law. She is the fair judge
of human rights, the Keeper of Equality and the Guardian of
Bearer of the
Burden Basket
On this warm night, she had no need for a fire and was
content to sit in Tiyoweh, the stillness. It was comforting to
know that she could call on Birch's Medicine of discovering
truth, here in the stillness of her seeking heart. Snowy
Owl's spirit was with her on this night while she had to
make a decision regarding justice. One of the ghostly white
pieces of birch bark seemed to reflect Owl's image across
the circular space of her hut. Weighs the Truth was com-
forted by Snowy Owl's Medicine of eliminating lies and
deception. Owl was a Wisdom Keeper. His spirit had ac-
companied her since the early days of her Earth Walk, earn-
ing her trust and friendship through the trials, challenges,
and tribulations they had shared.
On this summer's Sleep, during the full moon, Weighs
the Truth was confronted with a situation that would test
all of her abilities in order for justice to be found. Two
women from the Tribe had come to Weighs the Truth five
Suns past to ask for a judgment. Running Water had accused
Blue Goose of taking more than her share of the communal
ing that the East Wind would send her, doing so before the
actual message arrived, thereby making the space for that
message in her heart. Next, she had loaded her Pipe and sat
tion that had been asked to come into the tobacco. With
each puff, she felt the Medicine and strengths of the spirits
of the East come into her body. The smoke from the Pipe
wafted toward the Sky Nation, creating a stir in the East
Wind, bringing the clarity she sought. The East Wind re-
time, her dreams were filled with more visions and enlight-
ening facts regarding Blue Goose and Running Water.
ritual, inviting the spirits of the South to show her what she
could trust about the situation and the women involved.
That evening, again, she watched the night sky for portents
lowed, Weighs the Truth was again given the answers she
sought during her observance of the night sky and her sleep-
time dreams.
The fourth dawn brought the North Wind's Spirit-calling
Ceremony and Weighs the Truth stood on the edge of the
ridge of Sacred Mountain, asking for wisdom. The gratitude
she felt for was sent to the
the answers already received
Great Mystery, as she added her thanks for the wisdom yet
to come. Weighs the Truth asked for healing to come to all
concerned and that the goodness of Divine Law found in
this lesson would enrich the lives of all observers. Then she
gave thanks for the opportunity that this situation had af-
night sky this evening and all of the messages of the past
four Suns and Sleeps. She called on the Spirit of Snowy Owl,
who guarded the Above Direction of her Sacred Space, and
asked for his spirit to manifest in the lodge. Then she called
upon Weasel, who guarded the Below Direction of her Sa-
cred Space. Last, she called upon Crow, the Guardian of Di-
vine Law who was the protector of the Within Direction of
her heart. In the stillness, with the night vision she found
by sitting in darkness with her eyes wide open, she waited.
She saw a spirit come forth to perch on the branch that
stuck out from the mud walls. Several branches were built
into the wigwam's earthen walls, creating hooks for hanging
household items, leggings, pouches of dried food, and Med-
icine Bundles. Owl picked an empty branch, hooted a greet-
ing, and then waited for the other Totem Spirits to arrive.
Weasel took his place on top of a stump that the Clan
Crow's spirit entered the smoke hole at the top of the wig-
lizard of the rivers, she took her meal of thoughts below the
waters of her personal feelings and ingested each morsel of
truth in order to integrate all she had learned. As the Clan
Mother rested on her belly in her sleeping robes, she sent her
spiritual umbilical cord from her navel deep into the Earth
Mother's body. The fibers of light that comprised the umbil-
ical cord sent streams of warmth into her body from deep
within the earth while she dreamed of various solutions.
light, melding with her own hair, which blew freely in the
The dream faded, causing Weighs the Truth to move her
body, disengaging herself from the dreamscape, returning her
thoughts to the warmth in her belly that was being fed to her
by the Earth Mother. The umbilical cord of light fibers
blended all the feelings she had encountered during the four
preceding Suns and Sleeps with the wisdom gathered from
her Spirit Totems as well as the reminders collected in her
dream. Together, the mass of feelings, impressions, facts, and
wisdom whirled inside of the Clan Mother's belly, giving her
a great deal to digest before the rising of Grandfather Sun.
Blue Goose had hoarded more food for her family than was
her rightful share, the Clan Mother was concerned with the
deeper issue of why Blue Goose would have done such a
thing. Weasel had shown Weighs the Truth the pain that
Blue Goose held in her heart, having lost her child to star-
vation two winters before. Owl had seen through the de-
ception that Blue Goose had tried to employ when she
accused Running Water of being nosy in an effort to hide her
fears of being caught and of losing another child to starva-
tion. Blue Goose had been wounded and had not been able
to heal the loss of her child, because she blamed herself for
not having gathered enough food for her family.
Running Water was another matter. True to her name,
her laughter was like the melodies made by running streams
and brooks, but her weakness was in running to tell on oth-
ers, no matter how small the assumed offense. It was true
that Running Water did not keep her own counsel or her
eyes and ears to herself. Sacred Space was maintained in
tribal living conditions by observing a certain amount of po-
liteness. This rule for happy living was a good one that re-
galia had been tanned and then worked with charcoal and
the Tribe. Beyond this circle were all of the other members
of the Tribe, silently waiting for the proceedings to begin.
vation. She carries the self -blame of a mother who felt help-
less when death took her baby. Although she was driven by
shame and fear, this was selfish behavior that did not con-
sider the rights of those who worked equally hard to create
the winter stores that we all depend on. For Blue Goose to
walk the Beauty Way must return the extra por-
again, she
tion she took. Then she must go to the woods to gather dou-
ble the amount she secretly pilfered from our Tribal stores.
The berries, wild tubers, nuts, and greens that she gathers
are to be equally distributed to every family who lost a
loved one to hunger in the last Starving Moon. When this
task is completed, Blue Goose will spend one Sun with each
family, sharing the story of her loss and hearing the story of
the loss that each family experienced. During the next thir-
teen moons, Blue Goose will care for different children who
lost their parents to starvation. During each moon cycle,
she must treat as her own each child that she tends.
"Running Water spoke out of turn when she tattled on
Blue Goose, not respecting the natural right of every Tribal
Member to determine for himself or herself what is correct
behavior based on his or her Sacred Point of View. Running
Water is to accompany Blue Goose as a silent companion,
assisting her in gathering and when she visits each grieving
family. Running Water is not allowed to speak during the
time she assists Blue Goose, nor is she ever to speak of what
she heard or saw, at any time in the future. For the next thir-
teen moons, Running Water will not speak at all; she will
listen. She will assist Medicine Woman and me during heal-
ing and counseling sessions, but she is forbidden to speak of
low a path made of the same painful rules that I had imposed
on myself. I learned compassion from Blue Goose and the
others who shared the pain in their hearts. I learned how to
move past my resentment of the judgment you pronounced
thirteen moons ago. I have been privileged to share in Medi-
cine Woman's healing arts and in your fairness, common
sense, counseling ability, and compassionate wisdom. For
these gifts and the healing of my heart, am truly grateful."
• ••30
LOOKS FAR WOMAN is the Clan Mother who is the
Guardian of the Fourth Moon Cycle, which falls in April.
their bodies.
This Clan Mother is a Seer, an Oracle, a Dreamer, and
a visionary. She teaches us the validity of our impressions,
dreams, visions, and feelings as they exist within our inner
potential. Looks Far Woman instructs humankind on how
to unravel the symbols found in psychic impressions. She
shows us how to see the truth in every vision we receive in
the tangible and intangible worlds. In her wisdom, Looks Far
Woman assists every seeker in finding the seeds of personal
and planetary prophecy that the Great Mystery planted in-
side all human beings. She knows that all Two-leggeds can
access the ability to see the truth in all dimensions, if they
seek the light of the Eternal Flame of Love and if they are
willing to receive the visions that come when the heart is
Looks Far Woman understands that all possibilities and
probabilities exist in the future. She teaches us that tangible
events are only manifested through each individual's freely
made decisions. Every human being has the ability to use
the information found in sleeptime dreams and/or Dream-
time waking visions to change the course of her or his per-
sonal experiences. Looks Far Woman sees all potential
truths, as well as how an individual will ignore or take heed
when omens or portents appear. Looks Far Woman is will-
Doorkeeper of the
Crack in the Universe
energy, and other heavenly bodies made her feel at one with
Creation. She could see the movement of the Great Mys-
tery's breath as new worlds were exhaled into the void of
deep space. She traveled on, taking in every marvel of the
Starry Medicine Bowl of the night sky.
her eyes. In the far distance, the Clan Mother could see
what appeared to be a lightning storm. Fire Sticks crashed
Far, you are seeing the Sacred Fire of Creation. Trust, follow
the flow, see, and know. The Crack in the Universe holds
Orenda, and seeing the truth of all of the worlds that exist
cave's floor, the dripping of lime water had grown new rock
formations, but her ever-young body was the same. She had
returned from the Crack in the Universe, ready to serve her
human children by teaching them how to see the truth.
life form in the natural world were ready and willing to be-
come teachers for the Two-leggeds who sought their guid-
ance. The worlds of truth represented in every circle of
and heartbreak to see if the girl's spirit had been broken for-
ever. The light of the Eternal Flame was weak inside the
child's Orenda but it flickered and sputtered each time the
boy spoke to her.
ence of Little Eagle, she was also aware of the part of herself
that was standing at the Crack in the Universe, making sure
that Star Fire's spirit did not wander away. At times like this
one, the Seer was grateful that she could easily master see-
ing the many levels of awareness in the tangible and intan-
gible worlds simultaneously.
Many moons passed while Little Eagle and Looks Far
Woman worked with Star Fire, slowly bringing the girl's
spirit back from the edge of Eternal Land. The Clan Mother
insisted that Little Eagle stay by his sister's side during the
healing process because his voice offered Star Fire a way to
grasp something familiar, giving her a pathway through the
void that was created by the violation. The brutality of Star
and Looks Far Woman waited and watched, spoke and sang
to Star Fire; then they returned thanks, sending love to the
The girl had passed twenty winters and was becoming a tal-
ented Seer. Often, when visitors would arrive, asking for
help in finding a lost child or for some clue to a mysterious
illness, Looks Far Woman would instruct Star Fire to look
for answers. The girl's clarity was a rare gift and reflected
lowed the girl to know that she carried the ability to reclaim
the wholeness she had once felt before her violation. Each
time Star Fire brought a part of herself home to her Sacred
Space, Eagle gifted her with new spiritual clarity, bringing
her to the place where Looks Far Woman could finally take
her through the Crack in the Universe safely.
Looks Far Woman entered the cave when the fading
light of Grandfather Sun was painting the outside world in
brilliant hues of vermillion. She looked at Star Fire, tending
a small twig fire, and broke the silence. "Daughter, the time
has come for you to travel beyond the realms you have jour-
called every step on her own path that had honed the skills
she now possessed. She reviewed the hours she had spent
learning to focus her mind on one location so that she could
propel her spirit to that place within the Dreamtime. She
looked at the lessons she had mastered by stilling her
thoughts and following glimpses of vision until they re-
neying alone, but Looks Far Woman would observe the girl's
effort by using her talents as a Seer.
neath her into her body's center of gravity, her womb. With
the breath, she brought the element of air into her lungs and
used the life manna to stabilize her bodily functions. Finally,
she opened her heart and gave over, surrendering to the love
of the Great Mystery. The connection was now complete,
combining the Clan Chiefs of Air, Earth, Water, and Fire
with the raw Creative Potential of the Great Mystery, meld-
ing these natural forces with Divine Love inside her Orenda.
Through limitless space, Star Fire traveled on a beam of
love, beholding the dreamscapes of earlier journeys as she
tering in the light of stars. The golden bow was inlaid with
pearls, representing pearls of wisdom, and with rubies, glis-
the distance. The silent storm of raw creative force drew her
forever forward, drifting easily, seemingly being pulled by
her own fascination. Suddenly, as she drew very close to the
Fire Stick Beings crackling silently before her, she spied an
tally still, to take in all the impressions she can gather, and
then to formulate a concept of the whole.
Listening Woman teaches us how to discern whether
people are speaking the truth by listening to the inflections
and feelings contained in their words. She shows us that
many humans do not know how to express their personal
truths because they deny their true feelings. Some humans
may lie to cover their fear of retribution or punishment;
some people tell lies to feel included or important. But all
Entering the Stillness
ent from the strong muscular legs that curled beneath her
torso while she sat on the cavern's floor. Her fingertips
traced the line of her lips and she noticed that they were full
and soft, the texture of the skin being different from the
chin beneath or the cheekbones above.
As she fingered the curve of her eyes, she gave a start
when she realized that the eyelids were coverings used to
protect the sensitive round orbs beneath them. One eye wa-
tered, cleansing itself from her unknowing touch, sending a
tear coursing down her cheek. She noted the unfamiliar sen-
sations of discomfort and wetness as a part of her discovery.
She made a mental note that some parts of this human form
were very sensitive and would need to be handled with care.
ness she had discovered when the tear had rolled down her
cheek. The Earth Mother explained that the liquid was
water and did not taste salty like the tear from Listening
Woman's eye. This sweet water was used to quench thirst, a
When the Stone Person spoke to her in the same way that
the Earth Mother had spoken to her inner knowing, Listen-
ing Woman was so startled that she dropped the Stone Per-
son into the pool of water with a resounding splash.
The Stone Person continued to speak to her, explaining
that he was a friend. Groping in front of her to retrieve the
rock, Listening Woman found herself making all sorts of
strange noises. Her breath started to come in harder gusts
and she could hear the pounding of her heart as she franti-
cally felt below the water's surface for the friend she had
dropped in her moment of surprise. The Stone Person
guided her hands to his resting place and then began to ex-
plain how he could aid her in the further discovery of her
gifts, talents, and abilities.
ors and forms nearly got the best of her in those first sighted
lowed her to emerge from the cavern into the outside world
in a balanced way. Her mind returned to another memory of
the progress she had made during the winters she had
learned about the other Two-legged humans she would share
the world with during her journey on the Red Road of life.
in those early times. Since then, the Earth Mother had com-
pleted many rotations around Grandfather Sun and the Chil-
dren of Earth had grown and changed — some for the better,
some for the worse. The progression of human spiritual evo-
lution was a concern to Listening Woman because she had
witnessed the truth and she had witnessed the crookedness
that some verbal language had brought forth in those who
wanted to hide the misaligned truths of their intentions.
Greed and desire for control had given birth to forked
gazing into the flames of her twig fire, she closed her eyes
that the voice of her Orenda had shared with her. The
Guardian of Introspection understood that she had com-
pleted her final Rite of Passage, which reflected her personal
realization of wholeness. Her next step on the Great Medi-
cine Wheel of Life would be teaching her human children
how to hear and interpret the messages they received. The
roar of the Sea Lion resounded in her memory, reminding
her that she could call on the abilities of the Seals and Sea
Lions to teach her human children the Medicine of riding
Now, it was time for the Clan Mother to enter Tiyoweh
and listen to the words of a young woman who was strug-
gling to understand her dreams and the messages she had re-
safe and like she or he was really being heard, the inner
knowing would shine forth. Listening Woman found herself
becoming a reflector for those seeking assistance, always
recognizing that at some point all of her children needed to
be reassured. Some were frightened of the Stillness, others
were afraid of the darkness of the Void, still others were
scared of what they might hear because they had been deny-
ing the truth inside themselves.
Each member of the Human Tribe was an individual
who had to follow the path to wholeness that suited him or
her, but all of the Human Tribe would have to discover
inner hearing before those paths would reach the wholeness
they sought. Hearing the voice of the Orenda was the man-
ner in which all humans would eventually realize their po-
tentials. Without that ability to listen to their hearts'
peace. All life forms will live together as one and will sup-
port all others without judgment or exception. Listen. Can
you hear it?"
time to set aside your fears and to join us in the quest for
• ••GO
STORYTELLER is the Clan Mother of the moon cycle that
falls in the month of June and is represented by the color
red. Storyteller teaches us to have faith, to be humble, and
to stay young at heart by keeping our innocence intact.
These are some of the Medicines found in the color red. The
Sixth Cycle of Truth guarded by this Clan Mother is speak-
ing the truth. Storyteller teaches her human children how
to speak from their hearts, always saying what they mean,
in a truthful, clear, and concise manner. This Clan Mother
is the teacher of truth and the pathfinder who shows us the
faith we need to find our way through the illusory forests of
our own confusions. Storyteller teaches us that speaking
the truth is the basis of the Oral Tradition that keeps uni-
versal, timeless wisdom alive. The hard-learned lessons that
have guided other human beings safely down the Red Road
of physical life apply to all humans because they are based
on eternal truths.
The Telling of Tales
the Young Warriors Council and the girls joined the Coun-
cil of the Butterfly, which prepared them for their budding
the Great Buffalo and he wasn't sure what his mission was.
He was so very sad that sometimes he let his light fade
away and that is how he earned his name of Forgets to
and so he would only blink a little light here and there.
Now that he was trapped inside Coyote's belly, he decided
he had better trust his ability to shine brightly. He huffed
and puffed and sent all of his light into his little star body,
lighting himself and shining as brightly as he could.
ning bolts crashed around him and one Fire Stick hit him, fi-
nally catching his tail on fire. Coyote ran and ran, trying to
think how he could trick the Sky Relations and make them
leave him alone.
"Little Star Brother finally heard the Earth Mother
speak amid the sounds of the Thunderers. Her voice trav-
eled on the raging winds that accompanied the storm his
Relations had made. 'Forgets to Twinkle, you are going to
have to live with the Children of Earth now. If I release my
magnetism, you will be able to go home, but all of my chil-
dren will fall off the earth and go flying into the sky. You are
responsible for forgetting to pay attention to Grandmother
Moon's advice and warning. There is no way that I can help
you without hurting my other children. You must stay here
with us and decide what kind of creature you would like to
"Forgets to Twinkle was sad but he knew that the Earth
Mother was right. He had not paid attention and had been
tricked into ignoring Grandmother Moon's warning. He
wanted to be a part of the Sky Nation and to see the world
from above as he had always done when he lived with his
Seven Sisters. He knew that he would never again forget to
shine his light brightly, because he wanted his Sky Rela-
tions to know where he was and that he remembered his
family. He decided to tell the Earth Mother that he wanted
to be a flying creature who could shine like a star. The Earth
enrichment that the children brought into her life and the
gifts she was able to pass to the little ones, giving them a
strong foundation for growth.
She was brought from her thoughts when she heard the
howl of Wolf, who always walked beside her in spirit. Her
Totem gave her the ability to create new paths for learning
and teaching. The pack of timber wolves who lived above
the river in the hills had been her friends over the many
Ripening Moons when her Tribe came to live by the river.
Often, she had observed their hunting and their play when
she visited the upper meadows. She raised her voice to
salute her brothers and sisters, returning their greeting with
a howl that matched their own. The Clan Mother's greeting
was answered again, signaling that the Sleep Man was beck-
oning Storyteller to rest and refresh her body so that she
could dream the joys to be found in the coming Sun.
Later, when Storyteller was nestled in her sleeping
robes, she dreamed of Magpie, who was sometimes called
the Little Black Eagle. In her dream, Magpie was riding the
back of Buffalo, feasting on the insects that had collected in
Buffalo's fur. The black and iridescent midnight blue of
Magpie's feathers shone in the sunlight, flashing amid the
white touches of feathers gracing her wings and tail. In the
dream, Magpie told of her Medicine, which was the talent
of relieving the pain of others. Little Black Eagle taught Sto-
ryteller that discomfort was a warning that showed change
in the body. Magpie told Storyteller that some Two-leggeds
were not willing to go through any kind of discomfort be-
cause they did not understand that chills and fevers were
the body's way of shedding limitation. After the Human
Tribe understood the lessons of growth found through the
challenges of discomfort, Magpie would send her spirit to
ceived during the night. Story after story filled her head
with new ways to share the wisdom that had been presented
to her. The Clan Mother felt a sense of newness as she
smelled the dew-covered plants on the morning breeze. Sto-
ryteller listened to the water song of the river running near
her lodge and was content. The Oral Traditions would con-
tinue to live, as long as those who spoke their eternal truths
passed them from generation to generation, giving the
human children of Earth a way to understand their lives.
She was happy that she was a part of the oral legacy and that
the Creature-teachers were willing to share their Medicine
with her so that she could pass that Medicine on through
the tales she told.
The Guardian of the Medicine Stories closed her eyes
for a moment and saw the spirit of her new friend, Toucan.
the Planetary Family. Any person who can speak the truth
by telling a tale that will give listeners a way to reflect on
their lives without pointing a finger will carry my Medicine
of warning. If the warnings allow those listening to come
back into balance, unity will be achieved."
Storyteller thanked Toucan for her twofold warning
and then showed her feathered friend how well she had
heard the message by replying, "So, my big-beaked sky sis-
ter, I am to remember that if we do not pay attention to the
we are good to our bodies, our bodies are healthy and good
to us. If we nurture and respect we will command
that same respect and nurturing from others. If we lie to
ourselves, others will lie to us in kind. If we think positive
thoughts, good things will happen to support our attitudes.
Ifwe apply the love of truth to all things, we find ways to
know and love the Self. This Clan Mother instructs us in a
way that applies the concept of free will in its purest form.
Her foremost understanding is that we will evolve, no mat-
ter what happens. Healing and growth may take many cy-
guideline for raising the young. She teaches the child within
us to accept love, to give love, to find ways to love the self,
butes of the devoted friend who sees the strength of our per-
sonal Medicine, as well as our weaknesses, accepting both
sides without judgment. Patiently, she supports us in our
growth process by pointing out our talents, urging us to
grow. Loves All Things ignores our unwillingness to use the
talents we have at hand, because she understands that one
day, on our personal healing paths, we will find it in our-
The Sacredness of Love
ors danced around her line of vision, giving her yet another
pleasure to enjoy. She could see the reflections of colors
caught in the moisture of the perspiration on her skin. She
noticed that water, like feelings, could reflect any subtle nu-
ance in the changing play of light and shadow. She remem-
bered how she had been amazed by the extensive and varied
sensations she had encountered when she first embodied
Earth Walk. Loves All Things silently sent her thanks to the
smallest of all winged creatures, who hummed the song of
letting the joys of life chase away negativity and fear. Lost
in her feelings, the relaxed Clan Mother barely noticed that
she was following the colors of a sunbeam through her eye-
lashes and into a sparkling set of memories that reminded
her of the joys and the trials she had discovered on the Good
Red Road.
She remembered how she had been initiated into sexu-
ality, learning the pleasures of coupling, in a field of corn
poppies and soft green moss. The day had been a warm one
filled with the sounds of her own pounding heart and the
calls of thrushes and larks. The birds were circling, then
diving into the meadow to feast on wild grass seeds and
grains. She was walking next to a man who had touched her
heart deeply during the past few moons. Together they had
explored the surrounding foothills and had shared many
fires. He had protected her, had provided their fires with
food to cook, and had shown her the respect due a female.
This man knew that every woman was an extension of the
Earth Mother and that to harm a woman in any way could
countered. None them had ever made her feel this way.
The attraction she felt for Feathered Dog gave her a sense of
longing and excitement, but she did not know how to deal
with the flood of emotions that overwhelmed her when she
was with him. Some feelings were extremely pleasurable
and others bordered on aching pains of longing. She was
confused because she did not understand what she was
longing for. Sometimes it was difficult to breathe when he
placed his arm over her shoulder or smiled when looking
deep into her eyes.
The mating dance had lasted three moons, leaving
Loves All Things enthralled with the sensuality of touching
and feeling nurtured. The pitch of intimacy had grown dur-
ing that time as she and Feathered Dog had shared their in-
nermost thoughts but not their sleeping robes. Today, in the
ing the love she had shared in the past. Loves All Things
wanted her family back. She wanted to recapture the play-
never being enough to fill the growing hole in her heart. She
insisted on living in the past and forgot the joy she had once
found in being alive. She marched for many Suns and Sleeps
to visit the sea, where she intended to share her salty tears
of regret and remorse with the ocean. Once she arrived at
the home of endless water, she tossed herself into the brine
and now this intolerable pain. She ranted and raved, sending
her disgust and revulsion to the Four Winds as she cried out
in her anger.The growing red welt on her leg where Eel had
stung her reflected the rage she was feeling toward herself
and toward the world. She was furious that such love and
such pleasure had carried any consequences. Loves All
scarcity you bring when you refuse to love. You, too, must
weather the storm that you have brought forth and you
must see for yourself the kind of pain you have created in-
side your body and how that pain can harm the natural
As soon as Hinoh's voice faded, Loves All Things was
struck by a crashing wave of water that dragged her body
into the raging sea. Down she went, being tumbled and
rolled by the onslaught of pummeling waves. Spinning amid
the currents, being tossed to and fro, she slipped into the
darkness of her own unconsciousness and self-pity. The last
The burning sensation in her leg and the unpleasant
smell of rotting flesh brought Loves All Things to her
senses. She struggled to get her stomach under control but
wretched anyway. Salt water poured from her mouth as she
felt her insides knot and release,, time and again. When she
could finally prop herself up on a nearby boulder, she was
amazed by the wreckage around her. The beach was covered
with the bodies of all sorts of who had died in the
storm. Silent tears etched their way down her cheeks as
Love All Things took in the horror of her own creation. The
wreckage in front was wrought by her compulsive
of her
by taking lovers whom she did not love. She had used them
for the pleasure they could give her. She had broken some
hearts along the way and had fallen into projecting her own
pain onto others by denying how her actions were literally
destroying all of the lessons of respect, trust, and intimacy
that had been her mate's Medicine. Now she had come to
this piteous ebb: the beach filled with broken bodies, litter-
Eel felt the change in the Clan Mother's heart and contin-
ued to speak.
tween the shadow side of your nature and your loving heart.
The bridge may appear to you like a rainbow because it re-
Soon the day came when Loves All Things was confi-
dent that she was ready to walk among her fellow human
beings without reflecting her past upon them. She started
out on her trek, moving through foothills and valleys, tra-
Loves All Things had learned that salty tears were the
beginnings of transformation and that through these drop-
lets of anguish, the waters of forgiveness began to flow. The
Clan Mother of the Seventh Moon Cycle had come to un-
derstand that healing begins with forgiving the self for the
could-have-beens and should-have-beens found on the Good
Red Road. Compassion was born from the hurts of the Clan
Mother's life, and in gently finding compassion for herself,
her healing was accomplished. The road back from her pain
and into the light of love had been a long one, but the re-
stored pleasure she found in life was worth the effort. The
sounds of the river at her side brought her from her memo-
ries and helped her focus on the pleasurable warmth moving
up her arms from her open hands.
The rainbow colors of Grandfather Sun filtering through
her eyelashes displayed curious images of human forms
dancing. Loves All Things felt a tug on her heart as she rec-
ognized Feathered Dog, Little Otter, and her three strong
sons, dancing in the rainbow lights. In her vision, the Earth
Mother called to Loves All Things, letting her know that
her Earth Walk was complete.
A deafening hum filled her ears and she was floating
over the river. When the Clan Mother looked down again,
she caught her own reflection in the glassy waters of a still
pond. She had become Hummingbird and was flying on the
streaming light of a sunbeam. Upward she traveled, travers-
ing the deep cornflower blue of space, until she passed
through a flaming wall of fire, being propelled into the body
you are.
Mother, sing me a song
That will ease my pain,
Mend broken bones,
Bring wholeness again.
Catch my babies
When they are born,
Sing my death song,
Teach me how to mourn.
SHE WHO HEALS is the Clan Mother of the Eighth Moon
Cycle in August and is the Guardian of serving the truth.
She Who Heals serves the Children of Earth by being the
Keeper of the Healing Arts, Mother of All Rites of Passage,
Guardian of the mysteries of Life and Death, and Singer of
and feelings.
when to fight for when to let go, when to allow our spir-
The Turning of
the Medicine Wheel
moon cycle before the Earth Mother shook off her blanket
of snow and ice and welcomed the new shoots of green
If it had been any other time, the frail Sister in front of
her would have had the strength to go through this ex-
hausting labor. As it was, her Clan had not had fresh meat
in many Suns and the pregnant women and their unborn ba-
bies had suffered along with the others. She Who Heals
wished that the mourners would move a little farther away
from the birthing cave, because their voices were implying
to her laboring charge that there was no reason to bring new
life into the world of hunger that surrounded them. The last
of the food store of tubers, grains, and berries had been used
four Sleeps ago along with one stringy squirrel who was too
weak to avoid the hunters.
The children and the Elders had been the first ones to
die during the last of this moon's cycle. She Who Heals had
fulfilled her duties during that time when none of her heal-
her side and gave thanks for that small handful of warmth
that had been gathered far from the birthing cave, at such a
great expense, by those who traveled with empty bellies.
the life of her unborn baby, but the Medicine Woman real-
ized that this was one of the times that the choice of life and
death was in the hands of Swennio, the Great Mystery, and
in Squash Moon's will to live.
seemed like long ago, but allowing the truth of the pain in
of the Plant Tribe. Although she had come to walk the earth
in an adult body that did not age like the other Two-leggeds,
she had felt younger then, due to her lack of experience.
her heart held and sent that thanks to each of her teachers as
her memories brought them forth one by one. She silently
thanked Osprey, who by breaking the bones of his prey had
shown her his Medicine of breaking and setting bones. She
sent her heart's gratitude to Beetle, who had shown her the
process of healing and rebirth through his Medicine of re-
generation. Beetle had shown her how all things are regen-
erated into other forms and that nothing in the universe is
ever lost. New plants grow from the soil fertilized by de-
cayed fallen leaves, new suns are born from the dust of ex-
it. Snake had shown her the wonders of life force and its
voice of her unborn child. She Who Heals was able to hear
the voice of the child's Orenda as clearly as Squash Moon
did when the voice spoke to its mother's heart.
"You my mother, Squash Moon, but will be
are to be I
the time before your own when you knew that con-
nection well. If you whisper your own name and picture
what that name means, you will rediscover your personal
Medicine. That set of gifts is held in trust inside your
Orenda, awaiting your discovery."
"Squash Moon, Squash Moon, Squash Moon," the
young mother whispered to herself.
less body back from the brink of the Eternal Land. Her
amazed eyes looked from the face of She Who Heals to the
Orenda of her unborn child. Tears of joy spilled from her
eyes onto her cheeks and her face began to show some color.
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Becomes Her Vision was taken aback by the beast appearing
before her eyes. A giant Rainbow Lizard with eyes of flame
and the wings of Condor came crashing through the
Great Smoking Mirror, shattering the surface
as if it had been made of solidified smoke. In the
eyes of flame, the good and evil of the world parted,
and all illusions were shattered, revealing
the purity of the Eternal Flame of Love.
Over and over she sang the chant while she kept look-
ing to the top of the birthing cave. At the end of the seventh
who had been watching the scene below while
refrain, Bat,
the world know that she had arrived with a fine voice. She
Who Heals cut the cord, washed the child in the water made
from melted snow that Clear Lake had prepared by the twig
fire, and then wrapped the baby in soft furs, placing her next
to Squash Moon. Has Courage began kneading Squash
Moon's belly to release the afterbirth, while Clear Lake took
the birthing robes out to be buried in the snow.
She Who Heals began to think about Squash Moon's
mate, Grey Stag, who had been killed by a stampeding
Musk Ox four moons before her time to give birth. Squash
Moon had been taken into her sister's lodge, but now that
sister and all her family were dead from starvation. The
Medicine Woman made a decision. Squash Moon would
come to live at her fire. She was always given plenty of meat
by the hunters in exchange for her services and so there was
no reason not to enlarge her family circle with the young
mother and newborn girl-child.
on the Good Red Road of life. She was reminded again of the
end of time.
Keeper of tomorrow's dreams,
Mother of the star-filled night,
but that we are vast beings and that our bodies exist inside
Evening Star,
Promise of Tomorrow
the jagged rocks housed hundreds of life forms that sent re-
giving the hills far off, near the southern horizon, robes of
deep purple to cover them while they slept.
Earth Mother's perfume her way. Frog was not singing his
rain song and the Cloud People had traveled to other camps
in their Sky Nation home. The sky would be clear during
this Sleep, and the Earth would be alive with all her Chil-
dren who sought the darkness to hunt or prowl.
Wata-jis, the Evening Star, would soon poke her head
through the purple sage blossom blanket of the night sky.
Setting Sun Woman always relished the moment when her
sister Wata-jis appeared, signaling the emergence of the
Starry Medicine Bowl in all of its glory. When the Star Na-
tion came awake after sleeping during the brightness of
the place in the sky where Wata-jis would appear. She raised
her voice in song, sending her heartfelt welcome to the star
she called sister.
her. The baby smiled and looked directly into the Clan
Mother's eyes. Setting Sun Woman realized that this was no
ordinary child and finally found her voice. "Thank you for
being/ she said, formally greeting the child in the cradle-
The child replied by smiling and then spoke, "I am the
child of tomorrow, Setting Sun Woman. I have come in this
Earth will one day call the Milky Way. I have come to show
you the hidden feelings of future that you hold in your
Setting Sun Woman was standing in the stillness, notic-
ing that the sounds of the night creatures had ceased. She
took a breath and then asked, "What shall I call you?"
"Iam Wata-jis, the Evening Star, your sister."
Setting Sun Woman saw the twinkle in the girl-child's
ebony eyes and was filled with an inner knowing that re-
laxed her. She could see that this child was a gift from the
Starry Medicine Bowl and that there was only loving intent
in the child's eyes.
The child began speaking again as the Clan Mother lis-
when they are ready to evolve into their next set of life's ex-
Setting Sun Woman thought a moment and then said,
"Are you saying that each flower that buds and blooms and
then sheds its petals would, at the end of its cycle, then go
through eight Suns and Sleeps of lessons before moving to
its next experience?"
"Yes. The Spiritual Essence of every living thing moves
through that Sacred Spiral for eight Suns and Sleeps before
beginning the next life cycle. It can be a time of reviewing
the past, counting the lessons learned and the victories
achieved. It can be a time of preparation and planning as well
as a time of saying good-bye to the past and greeting the fu-
When I ride the night sky, I go within and seek the truth of
from Wata-jis.
ting Sun Woman gazed at the horizon where the ocean met
the sky and gave thanks for the human children who had re-
discovered the Looking-within Place.
The Keeper of Tomorrow's Dreams was drawn from her
thoughts as Walrus waddled onto the beach below and
croaked a greeting. Setting Sun Woman laughed because she
had just been sternly reminded not to allow negativity to
invisible smoke that the Sacred Pipe had been passed from
day to night. The sunbeams that had carried the human
words of thanksgiving to the Great Mystery during the day
were now giving that sacred duty over to the beams of light
• ••dO
WEAVES THE WEB represents the creative principle
within all things. Her moon cycle falls in the month of Oc-
tober and is connected to the color pink. Working with the
truth is her Cycle of Truth. She teaches us how to use our
crafts and art to create our ideas and dreams in the physical
world. Through using our hands, we show our willingness
to be of service to All Our Relations.
Weaves the Web is the Guardian of the Creative Force
in all things. She helps us express our creativity in a positive
manner and use the energy available to us. This Clan
Mother is also the Keeper of Life Force and instructs us to
create health, to manifest our dreams, to develop and use
our talents, and to access our spiritual potentials.
The Clan Mother of the Tenth Moon Cycle is the
Mother of the Creative and Destructive principles; she
shows us when to destroy limitations and create anew. She
also teaches us when to nurture our creations, because she
is the Keeper of Survival Instinct. When our physical, emo-
tional, mental, or spiritual survival is at risk, Weaves the
Web shows us how to tap into the life force to grow beyond
ative spark is called the Eternal Flame of Love and lives in-
Weaves the Web, like Grandmother Spider who wove
the web of the universe, teaches us how to weave the web of
our experiences. She shows us how every circle we create
grows to touch the circles created by all other life forms.
The webs we create can trap us, if we do not create them in
truth. We are asked by this Clan Mother to work with and
for the truth in order to manifest a world dream that all liv-
Grandmother Spider
Came Down
Weaves the Web scooped the rich white clay from the
river's embankment below the chalky bluffs and
placed the lumps of alabaster earth into her river reed bas-
ket. The leaves of the scrub oak had turned bright red in
contrast to the yellow pollen that clung to the deep forest
green of the surrounding cedars. The leaves of these Stand-
ing People would bring forth many colors when added to her
oven to fire the bowl she would create from the clay. She
would climb the limestone cliffs to gather the flat-leafed
cedar and red-orange oak leaves, but she was happy to do it.
the tall forests covered with vines and chirping birds and
would have no idea where her wanderings had taken her.
Weaves the Web had a natural ability to retrace her trek by
looking into her basket and working with the gathered ob-
jects that she had placed in a specific order. She could begin
with the last object she had gathered and walk back to the
area where she found it; then one by one, the locations of
her collected bounty would take her back to familiar sur-
roundings. From those often-traveled locations the Clan
Mother could easily find her way home.
Weaves the Web used the bark, berries, tubers, leaves,
and mosses she gathered in the same way Grandmother Spi-
energy and saving a little extra for lean times. In the early
seasons of her Earth Walk, the Clan Mother had learned to
pack dried fruits, tubers, and meat in underground storage
holes, saving the food for use in the winter. Squirrel was
once again preparing for the coming snows.
Weaves the Web noticed that Mother Beaver and her
clan had made ready for the coming White Moons because
they were busy stopping the river's flow, adding saplings to
the dam they had built across the inlet, just downstream
from where she was digging The changing tempera-
ity a few excellent places to keep her things. She could even
fire her pots in a blowhole that had a natural chimney
through the limestone roof, high above the cave's entrance.
Winter came with all its blustery glory. The northern
winds exhaled the snows in swirling patterns, covering
everything with glistening Ice-beings and downy snowflake
blankets. Inside the cavern, Weaves the Web was happy and
warm. Each new Sun brought new ideas and the continued
One Sun, after the first few snows had blanketed the
Earth Mother in her white robes, Weaves the Web awoke to
find the most exquisite spider's web she had ever seen, cov-
ering the opening of a blowhole. In the center of the web
was a most unusual spider, completely white except for one
red spot on the upper portion of her body. Weaves the Web
marveled at the unusual appearance of her eight-legged
friend. Spiders did not usually appear during the cold of
winter. Perhaps the warmth of the cavern had brought her
visit, was doubtful. Weaves the Web thought it was a
but it
that would hold the flesh and realities of all life forms in
Weaves the Web asked Spider if she had a special mes-
sage. She was startled by the Creepy-crawler's answer echo-
traced her steps across the cave, lit a fire, and filled the bowl
with melted snow. It was not long before her efforts brought
the vision of three Two-leggeds stumbling through the snow
at the edge of a forest. One larger and two smaller forms
The vision
struggled against the pounding winds of a storm.
changed and Weaves the Web saw the smiling faces of two
children —then nothing.
That night Weaves the Web dreamed she was seining
for food in the sea and as she looked down into her woven
net, she spied a starfish. It was an unusual starfish, colored
could use when they tapped into the Clan Chiefs of Air,
Earth, Water, and Fire and then mixed those elements with
the Creative Force of the Great Mystery. Starfish showed
Weaves the Web how the Clan Mother had employed that
same use of energy in making her crafts and in the ingenu-
ity she had used in fashioning the cavern into a warm home.
Starfish whispered to the Clan Mother's heart, "Weaves
the Web, you have used your creativity to fill your life with
beauty, but you have become lonely. The hidden desire in
your heart is weaving a dream that can change that alone-
ness, if you pay attention. The abundance of creative talent
that you possess can be shared with others if you give birth
to your dream of having a family/ 7
but she could not pull her senses away from the dream. She
tried to wake up, struggling with her desire to remember, but
as the dreamscape changed, she went even deeper into the
pictures being presented. The Keeper of Survival Instinct
trance with the hides, pulling the rocks over the bottom of
the skins to anchor them, she saw, not far from the trail that
not usually there. Thinking that some lost creature had bro-
ken its leg and could provide her with fresh meat, she
grabbed her flint knife and braved the foggy grayness of
predawn. Upon reaching the mound, she placed her fur-
wrapped foot on the side and gently nudged it to see if the
animal was still alive. After a second, firmer nudge, the
Guardian of Creativity heard a human groan. The next few
moments were spent in a furious endeavor to dig the body
out of the snow.
Upon reaching a nearly frozen Buffalo Robe, Weaves the
Web cast it aside and found the blue body of a woman shel-
the cave. The bodies of the children were ice cold, but they
were breathing. She returned her thanks to the North Wind
for not bringing more snow and for the lives of her tv/o
charges. She had covered the woman's body, but she would
have to return later to bury the body deeper to keep it from
being food for wandering carnivores. Finally she reached the
hides at the cave's entrance. The fire blazed brightly, giving
all three people the warmth they desperately needed.
Amid whimpers and moans, Weaves the Web worked
diligently to rub the life back into the children's half-frozen
ing salves, stopping only once to hang a pot of stew over the
bone-weary, after stoking the fire for the night, she col-
lapsed into a dreamless sleep, but had some part of herself
still listening to make sure the children were all right.
her new niece and nephew. The children were always look-
ing for ways they could assist in the daily routine. Sound of
Rain was very creative and willing to talk about the ideas
that poured from her imagination when she was learning
learner and was the quieter of the two, hiding his bright
food provided, and then she would show the boy how to re-
lease the animal's spirit. Every time Sun Behind the Clouds
brought fresh invisible meat home, Weaves the Web would
cook some dried meat from her stores for the evening meal.
Sound of Rain was impressed with her aunt's ability
to support both children's vivid imaginations. The Clan
Mother encouraged any kind of creativity that either child
cle that will touch the circles of every other life form when
life's experiences are shared. When your hoops of creation
come together with the circles of life's experiences created
by others, new ideas and creativity are available to everyone
who is Sun Behind the Clouds is a living
willing to share.
extension of the male side of your nature and Sound of Rain
is a reflection of the female part of yourself. As you love
will show others how the spirit of the artist living inside
every human can fashion a world that respects the creativ-
ity that the Great Mystery placed inside all living things/'
Off 90
WALKS TALL WOMAN is the Clan Mother Novem-
the Great Mystery and to life that we know and honor our
selves and our spirits.
our eyes on the goal, our feet on the path, and the truth in
our hearts, never waiting for another to do it for us. Lead-
Scouting the
Trail of Truth
ing her whole body. She saw the passing blur of green as she
ran across the meadow to the forest's edge. Entering the for-
est, she slowed her pace a bit, lithely dodging the brambles
without breaking a twig or disturbing the undergrowth.
Swiftly and silently she traversed the deep woodlands, push-
ing toward her goal.
The chirping of the Winged Ones suddenly stopped and
Walks Tall came to a soundless but abrupt halt. When her
heart slowed its drum-shattering rhythm, she could hear
the faint, stealthful sounds of a large Creature-being coming
from somewhere near her. Cautiously she turned, raising
her head to look into the treetops. Her gaze was met by
piercing golden eyes. The great cat was perched, poised, and
ready to jump from the stout limb of Sycamore. Walks Tall
Woman mustered the courage she needed to gaze back into
those unwavering eyes, showing her natural boldness, even
when she was confronted with Mountain Lion's prowess.
For reasons unknown to Walks Tall, Puma simply sat on the
branch and showed no further interest in the woman below.
The Mountain Lion began licking her paws and preening.
Walks Tall was not going to wait to see what would
happen next. She bolted through the glen and continued her
journey with great haste. Soon she had once again hit her
stride, allowing her body to find its natural balance and cen-
ter of gravity. Never once did she stumble or displace a twig
as her feet seemingly flew across the floor of the primeval
forest. She cut through the outlying scrub and made her way
to a path strewn with wild violets and strawberries that ran
along the edge of the woods by a shallow river. Walks Tall
Woman took the river in three leaps, sending sprays of
water flying in every direction as she lithely bounded up the
opposite shore covered with goldenrod and red clover.
The Clan Mother knew that she was hitting the home-
stretch and poured all her strength into her powerful legs.
She ran and ran, crossing the corner of a prairie filled with
wild golden grains, bounding up the last hill. The incline
was difficult to traverse but the Mother of Perseverance met
the challenge by changing her strides, breathing more
deeply despite the ache in her chest, pushing her body to ad-
just to the new rhythms she had created on the home-
kling and bellies full from feasting, Walks Tall Woman took
the opportunity to speak. Because she was known as a
the children. The women were elated that their men came
back to the lodges each sunset smiling and feeling self-
lence, realizing that Mountain Lion was right. The tears she
had been holding for all the winters of her human life began
to flow and sobs racked her body until she could utter no
sound, trying to get her breath. The multitude of sorrows
she had felt when she was frustrated or hurt by the actions
Walks Tall Woman was ready to release the illusion that she
needed to be superhuman. In her efforts to be an impeccable
example, she had masked her human needs with action.
The drive and ambition to be her personal best had led her
down a lonely trail that insisted she never show her feel-
for myself?
for the Human Tribe that will also serve you in discovering
your own humanness."
Walks Tall Woman saw the possibilities of creating a
new Woman's Tradition that would allow all women to find
balance. She understood that some of the bickering was
probably caused from exhaustion, and that because women
did not take the time to be refueled with the Earth Mother's
loving energy, they were often bound by old, cranky, and
petty habits that took root in the moments when they were
overtired. A broad vista of opportunity spread before the
Clan Mother in her dream. The Dreamtime always seemed
to provide parallel ways to change old and limiting habits,
and Walks Tall Woman was now still enough to access
those opportunities. As the Mother of Persistence returned
from her realizations, Mountain Lion spoke to her again.
dered you would run from the Totem who protected you,
from her face. She opened her eyes and saw the physical em-
bodiment of Mountain Lion, licking her cheeks and reas-
suring her that the vision had been The Guardian of real.
their presence. The lesson stung but forced the Clan Mother
to realize how many ways she had sabotaged herself. She
had been too independent and aloof.
prised by her Sister's tears of joy and relief, and their hugs of
GIVES PRAISE is the Clan Mother of the Twelfth Moon
Cycle, who teaches us how to be grateful for everything we
experience in life. In returning thanks, we are shown how to
make space in our lives for future abundance. Gives Praise
teaches us to see how we are healing through every lesson
we encounter on the Good Red Road. This Clan Mother re-
ter, and the love of friends and family are blessings. If a few
of these basic privileges were taken away, human beings
would quickly understand their importance. Gives Praise
points out the crooked trail followed by those who have for-
gotten these blessings and who only want to fill their empti-
ness with material objects or pretended wisdom that will
never make them happy or whole.
The Twelfth Clan Mother shows humankind that
magic is no more than a change in consciousness. Right at-
Dancing the Dance
of Celebration
ives Praise stood outside the Turtle Council House,
who was coming for a Naming
waiting for the family
Ceremony. The Clan Mother had rejoiced when one of the
members of her Tribe had delivered twins during the two
moons past. The tiny boy and girl were given names by the
mother in the first moments after birth, but the inner
names or spiritual names were to be given by a wisewoman.
The feasting that would follow the Naming Ceremony was
the Tribe, who celebrated their arrival with open arms and
best intentions.
Gives Praise turned, surveying the surrounding area,
admiring all of the lush green grasses and wild flowers that
covered the land around the Turtle Council House. Gives
Praise could see the rolling hills on the other side of the
high meadow, the tall standing pines, and the sloping mead-
owlands that led down to the high mountain lake. The
Council House looked like a giant turtle walking in deep
grass, coming down the hills toward the water. The domed
roof was made of sod and covered with large flat stones, giv-
Mother Planet.
The twins would have a wonderful time as they tested,
tasted, touched, and smelled the natural world around
them. Gives Praise could imagine what it would be like to
the Council House were a sure sign that she was healthy
and vital, letting any observer see that the birth of twins
had been taken in stride. Twilight Moon's radiant smile
flashed across the closing distance between the young
mother and Gives Praise. The Clan Mother could sense the
pride and joy Twilight Moon felt as she continued the jour-
ney to the Council House to properly start the twins on the
path of spiritual wholeness. The Naming Ceremony would
assure that her little boy and girl would find protection on
their spiritual journeys while their physical growth was
monitored by two loving parents and a family full of doting
three smoke holes, one above each fire and the third one of-
fering light in the area where the women sat with the
babies. Gives Praise lit a braid of Sweetgrass and smoked all
bless her with a name that will carry and uplift her spirit at
all times during her Earth Walk. This Clan Mother asks that
the Spirits of Nature who will be the child's devoted teach-
erscome into this lodge so that they will know her inner
name and honor it for all the Suns and Sleeps of her human
life, bringing comfort and courage until it is time to Drop
Her Robe and return to the Other Side Camp of the Spirit
World. For these requests, this woman gives thanks and
praises the Beauty Way, followed by all the spirits called
into this Sacred Lodge/
The girl child gurgled and cooed as if she understood
and then began looking at something invisible hovering
above her. Gives Praise felt and saw the spirits who came to
honor the life of this child, circling the four gathered. The
Guardian of Ceremony and Ritual was pleased to see that
sured the young mother that all was as it should be and that
the spirits who had gathered were benevolent and kind.
The Clan Mother watched as every spirit gathered, filed
past the tiny girl, and blessed the child's spirit by touching
her Orenda or Spiritual Essence. Then, Gives Praise felt the
baby's spiritual name form inside the inner knowing of her
heart, and like a bubble, the name rose from her heart to her
lips, spilling into the lodge like the sound of clear water.
"Twilight Moon, the Ancient Ones have blessed your
daughter with a name that she will be known by in the
Spirit World. She shall be called Pipe Song and the Raven is
her protector. Pipe Song is the song that flows through the
smoke of All Our Relations, bringing oneness with all
around her. Through her ability to live her life, like the song
thing and would make a fine leader and Medicine Man for
his Tribe. Like his sister, this little brother was one of the
A gust of wind flew down the smoke holes over the two
fires at the ends of the lodge and created a burst of flame
Moon. Gives Praise reached over and
that startled Twilight
patted the young mother's hand to reassure her that all was
well, then briefly closed her eyes to look into her own heart.
The emergence of a fiery ball in the center of the Clan
Mother's heart quickened her pulse and caused her to take a
deep breath. The smell of wood smoke wafted through the
children. She felt that the abundance in her life was due to
the guidance and loving encouragement of the Clan Mother
who sat in front of her, sharing one of the most precious mo-
ments in the young mother's life.
bling Crane/
It was true that the girl had looked like a
crane with long skinny legs and full lips that always seemed
to be pursed in a pout that held back a flood of lonely tears.
The only person who ever saw those tears was Gives Praise.
The Clan Mother's heart had gone out to the child, knowing
that she had no relations who would comfort her. Twilight
that there was a safe place to come to let her tears flow. The
Keeper of Magic showed Twilight Moon how to count every
blessing and how to be grateful for every lesson of life.
Sometimes Gives Praise cringed when she heard the bless-
ings Twilight Moon gave thanks for. Hearing her thanking
Swennio, the Great Mystery, for the passing of a Sun when
nobody purposely tripped her or stripped Twilight Moon of
her sense of self with cruel remarks, caused the Clan Mother
to feel the hurt still deep inside the child. The Clan Mother
continued to give Twilight Moon loving encouragement and
praise for every accomplishment the girl mastered.
Finally, in the sixteenth summer of her life, Twilight
Moon began to blossom. The gracefulness that had evaded
her during her younger years suddenly bloomed, giving the
young woman the reward of learning to believe in the magic
of life. All of Gives Praise's lessons of returning thanks in
growing up. The birth names she had chosen for the twins
reflected aspects of herself and her mate, Dancing Fire. She
named her son Sun on Fire and her daughter Rising Melon
Moon. These were the names that would be used by the
Tribe, identifying the twins on their Earth Walks.
will bless and enrich all circles of life maintained by All Our
Relations. We return thanks for the celebration of being liv-
ing, breathing human beings who have been given all we
will ever need through the abundance of our Earth Mother.
Our grandparents, Grandfather Sun and Grandmother Moon,
have blessed this occasion by showing us their faces, danc-
ing together in the evening sky. The twins will grow like
these sky dancers, bringing Good Medicine to our Tribe in
different but equally beautiful ways. As we dance and cele-
BECOMES HER VISION is the Guardian of All Cycles of
Transformation and is the Clan Mother of the Thirteenth
Moon Cycle. She is the Emerging Spirit Keeper who teaches
the Children of Earth how to bring their Spiritual Essences
ing thing has a place in Creation and because all are given
be all things and nothing takes away the labels that limit
The Dream Comes
to Walk the Earth
turb her inner calm as he laid her to rest on the back of Con-
dor, the largest Winged One in the natural world.
ern that led to the Inner Earth. Condor took his role as the
Creature-guardian of the Whirling Rainbow Dream. His
Medicine of life, unity, and equality for eternity shone forth
as he delivered the cocoon that held the promise of that fu-
had dreamed the same thing, and yet, neither could place
those unfamiliar eyes that pierced the darkness with an all-
sion realized that she was to use her own Medicine to create
the emerging vision of her true Self and that the Great Mys-
tery had given her the free will that she needed to accom-
plish that task. She was the Creatress of the truth she would
become, and that truth lived inside of her Orenda.
she turned to face Loves All Things as she walked from the
seventh moon cycle position to stand in the center of the
circle and present her gift. Becomes Her Vision was touched
and her heart was filled to overflowing by the embrace that
allowed her to feel the unconditional love that poured from
the heart of Loves All Things. Thanking her loving coun-
terpart for the hug, she gazed down at the gift while Loves
All Things retreated.
"This yellow metal has caused much grief among the
Two-leggeds, but that crooked trail was caused by their mis-
May this golden metal represent the love we need to find for
our humanness. To love the truth, we must see every life
form as a reflection of ourselves, loving all the truths it rep-
her Sister's hands. When She Who Heals was back in her
place, her voice permeated Becomes Her Vision's inner
knowing. Even through the mists, the iridescent blue shell
of Beetle radiated its hues.
selves and then serve others by showing them the tools they
need to do the same. Every life form has the potential to
heal and to be reborn. Developing intuition shows all living
can be and that effort is a rare gift. The purple of this but-
terfly wing contains my Medicine and yours. It reminds us
teenth Clan Mother had seen in the vision of the mask that
she would one day wear emerged from the mirror like flam-
ing orbs ofsome giant beast. A booming voice came from the
Great Smoking Mirror. The smoke shifted again and then
disappeared, enveloping Becomes Her Vision with a sense of
heightened awareness as the Great Smoking Mirror spoke.
"Look into the eyes of the Feathered Serpent! This
Creature is the Keeper of the Whirling Rainbow Dream of
Wholeness. In these dragon eyes of fire, you will see the
truth of all that has been and all that will ever be."
Becomes Her Vision was taken aback by the beast ap-
pearing before her eyes. A giant Rainbow Lizard with eyes of
flame and the wings of Condor came crashing through the
Great Smoking Mirror, shattering the surface as if it had
been made of solidified smoke. In the eyes of flame, the
good and evil of the world parted and all illusions were shat-
tered, revealing the purity of the Eternal Flame of Love. Be-
comes Her Vision was drawn inside the fire until she
became the brilliant flame inside of all things. She turned to
see the giant Lizard take flight, circling and circling the
Medicine Wheel until it became a whirling rainbow, en-
compassing all of the natural world.
When Becomes Her Vision found the presence of mind
to look around, all of her Sisters were gone. In her confusion,
terfly turned, Becomes Her Vision could see all colors, could
feel the presences of all life forms, could hear all the
rhythms of life harmonizing. Butterfly closed its wings and
then opened them, revealing a Crystal Skull. Thirteen
times, Butterfly opened and closed its wings, giving birth to
the Crystal Skulls of the Thirteen Clan Mothers.
The Becomes Her Vision saw But-
vision changed and
terfly transform into the shape of a beautiful shimmering
woman. Slowly, the radiant form drew her into itself, and in
the next heartbeat, she was inside the glittering body of
light, looking at her hands as they began to change into
that the Great Smoking Mirror was right, there was only
one woman and only one man on the Mother Planet, but
each had billions of faces.
Becomes Her Vision sings to the hearts of all of the
Children of Earth, reminding them of the promise of the
Gathering the Gifts of Woman
involved with the high drama and pettiness that has kept us
from achieving human harmony when we are busy working
on becoming our personal visions.
dividual is responsible for seeing her or his own hurt and for
finding away to heal it without making the other person re-
sponsible for that pain. This is the way of the feminine nur-
turing principle: going within, finding the problem, and
remedying it through nurturing the self.
business unless they were asked to. The respect for an-
other's Sacred Space was of utmost importance even if she
or he were not behaving properly. The only time anything
was brought before one of the Council of Elders was when
a tribal Law had been broken that would affect the survival
of everyone.
one, a call from the Earth Mother went out to all women of
the human race. This plea has been echoed through the cen-
turies in the hearts of women everywhere and still reflects
this story takes place in the days when the Earth was new
and the steam from her cooling body made tropical envi-
ronments where the Children of Earth wandered naked,
without shame. Great reptiles and mammals roamed the
Earth, feasting on the lush vegetation. The human Children
of Earth knew no lack because there was food growing in
greed that had been born of the fear of scarcity. When the
weight of winter brought ice, cold, and hunger, those who
robbed the yellow metal were able to buy food from the
hoarders. The hoarded fruits and tubers that had once been
freely given by the Plant People were now used as a means
to create inequality and control. Greed caused many to
starve and others to follow a crooked path, digging for gold
to pay for food in order to survive.
World's imbalance."
And so it was that the dream visions of the Thirteen
ate through unity and how they could work together to pass
the combined legacy of wholeness to humankind.
As Grandfather Sun rose for the third time, the dream
focused on the lessons of the West. The place of all tomor-
rows, the West or Moon Direction, brought forth the vision
of equality that was necessary for the future of wholeness to
be assured. By honoring the talents and Sacred Spaces of all
for eternity as the lesson of each was fully learned. The wis-
dom of all that had been revealed and how each Rite of Pas-
their feet during the four Suns and Sleeps of dreaming began
to pulse and change form. The heart of the Earth Mother
began to emerge as a living, new-flaming sun, deep within
the Inner Earth. This heart-fire began to beat a different
rhythm that would allow All Our Relations to feel the con-
stant love and deep connection to their true Mother.
The Clan Mothers stood around that pulsing heart and
became a part of it once again. The fire of love that each car-
ried traveled up and out of the Inner Earth to create the Au-
rora Borealis. These rainbow lights sent forth the promise
that the Whirling Rainbow Dream was in progress and that
the Earth would never again be destroyed by fire. The colors
of the Aurora touched the Sky Nation and signaled the be-
ginning of the lessons of healing the world. The Human
and join the others when she became the realized dream,
taking a human form.
Later, the reunited Clan Mothers would build the first
Mother's choosing.
Cisi and Berta told me that just before it was time for
the one great land mass of Turtle Island. The central section
Cisi told me
some replicas of the Thirteen Crystal
Skulls were made by humans over the centuries to bring
pretended power to certain cultures or spiritual sects. The
result was disastrous since those societies were seeking to
control others through fraudulent means and supposed spir-
ituality. The leaders of the religious cults of various civi-
lizations who sought to enslave the populace through
hierarchy, patriarchy, or matriarchy had forgotten the orig-
its modern discoverers, have felt that its origin must be an-
other planet or civilization from the stars.
The Stone People are the libraries of Earth and hold all
records of the Earth's true history. There are two reasons that
was half below the soil and half above, representing the
marriage of the Natural World and the Spirit World, Mother
Earth and Father Sky, the female and male principles. Inside
the Turtle Council House, where the skulls were first
tal Skulls were lost when the oceans reclaimed parts of the
land on the east and west coasts of North, Mezzo, and South
America at the end of the Third World. My teachers said
that the Earth Mother had chosen to ensure that some of
the Crystal Skulls would forever be in her keeping, away
from her destructive human children. These Elders told me
that many humans would dream of the Crystal Skulls and
become a part of the Whirling Rainbow Dream of Peace but
that only those who had earned the right, through connect-
ing to the Thirteen Original Clan Mothers, would become
the Guardians of the actual Crystal Skulls.
Many people on our planet believe that they are con-
nected to the Crystal Skulls through visions they have had
or through spiritual messages they have received. Some be-
How to Contact the
Thirteen Original Clan Mothers
ings, your body, your spirit, your dreams and visions, and
your sense of Self. Inside your Sacred Space, you have a Sa-
cred Point of View that is determined by all that you are and
all that you have experienced.
The Sacred Point of View is fed like a fetus by a spiritual
or nontangible umbilical cord. Each person has thousands of
spiritual fibers that extend into the world from the navel.
When the person is open and ready to feel life, these sensory
threads spread out like rays of the sun. When a person is
cal cord, it may knot up, stopping the life force from enter-
ing the body and sometimes causing terror stomach or
From this place near the navel that we call the Vibral
Core, humans sense all things through patterns, rhythms,
or vibrations. Inside our bodies, our thoughts, feelings, sen-
sations, and perceptions combine to form our individual Sa-
cred Points of View. Every life form's Sacred Point of View is
comprised of personal likes, dislikes, opinions, feelings,
lights dance as they are reflected from the top of each Crys-
tal Skull.
each end of the lodge. Above these fires that represent the
light of both worlds, the natural and the spiritual, are smoke
holes. The smoke holes signify the open doors in both
worlds where the illusions and confusions are allowed to es-
holding the door open for just a while longer. They know
that some will Drop Their Robes, others will procrastinate
until the door is closed, but some of their children will be
his family and every part of each animal for Good Medicine.
I also give thanks for our deep bonds of friendship over the
"I consider The 13 Original Clan Mothers to be among the most important
books of our times." — KEN CAREY, author of Return of the Bird Tribes
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