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BBA 4006 Leadership and Team Building (Assignment)

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BBA 4006





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Task 1

Task 2

Task 3

Task 4

Task 5

Task 6



2.0 Body
Task 1

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Most students will have had some developmental experiences ranging from being asked
to head up a group to perform a task or being elected as a class officer to being
appointed to a position in an organization where they will have had to deal with other
individuals, where success will have depended on their ability to get others to perform
and cooperate. These experiences may have taught them the importance of any number
of skills including the importance of clear communications and instructions, ensuring
that all parties are involved in the process and are committed to the outcome, pa\dng
attention to individual members of the group, and giving praise and rewards wherever

Task 2

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People wont follow you, or even pay you much attention, if you dont have strong
values. In our studies, weve asked thousands of people around the world to list the
historical leaders they most admire leaders, who if they were alive today, they could
imagine themselves following willingly. Here are just a few of the names: Susan B.
Anthony, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, Jesus Christ, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King
Jr., Abraham Lincoln, Nelson Mandela, Golda Meir, Mohammed, Eleanor Roosevelt,
Franklin D. Roosevelt, Helen Suzman, Mother Teresa, and Margaret Thatcher. The
entire list is populated by people with strong beliefs about matters of principle. All were
passionate about what was right and just. The message is clear. People are admired
because of their unwavering commitment to principles. They stand for something.
People rightfully expect their leaders to have the courage of their convictions. They
expect them to stand up for their beliefs. When leaders are clear about what they believe
in, they can take strong stands and are much less likely to be swayed by every fad or
opinion poll. Weve all heard the expression Leaders stand up for their beliefs. To
provide a solid platform on which to stand, your beliefs must be clear to you and clearly
communicated to others. When these values are matched by your deeds, then youve
earned the credibility required for others to put their trust in you, to willingly climb up
and join you on that platform, knowing theyll be supported. The persons that I knew
which were also my leaders are Ms. Ong and Ms. Lau in our organization
Task 3

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A transformational leader has the following qualities:

Empowering followers to do what is best for the organization;

She is a strong role model with high values;

Listening to all viewpoints to develop a spirit of cooperation;

Creating a vision, using people in the organization;

Acting as a change agent within the organization by setting an example of how

to initiate and implement change;

Helping the organization by helping others contribute to the organization.

Task 4

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Why I think that some people resist the idea of working in teams is because they just
simply work better by themselves and are a better worker when they are not bothered
and can think about what they are doing. There are some people that rather work in
teams but I personally like working by myself and being able to handle it my way and it
be the right way as well.

How I would deal with their resistance is communication. It is providing information

that directly addresses any missing information or misconceptions, and communicating
about the consequences of accepting and of rejecting the changes. Besides, Education
is providing detailed insights into the issues or problems the change seeks to solve, the
various options considered in the change, and the merits and drawbacks of each.

In addition, marketing is creating and emphasising the opportunity for personal gain,
including, for example, the opportunity for development through stretch assignments.
Moreover, it is providing a place for conflict: providing opportunities for principled
dissent-forums in which objections to current or proposed changes can be voiced,
acknowledged, and, where practical, taken into account when designing organizational
strategies and change actions.8

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Furthermore, providing opportunities is for involvement, either through planning stages

or as part of a pilot-involvement breeds commitment. Next is the Support. It
is including developing key skills required to accept the changes and giving empathetic
encouragement that demonstrates an understanding of the concerns. Lastly,
Negotiationis coming to an agreement that, in exchange for accepting certain aspects of
the change, there can be compromise on other aspects.

Task 5
I think that they mean that experts like to work in teams because they are able to gain
knowledge about something that is going on and to listen to others thoughts and apply it
to wThat they are working on because sometimes they do have good thoughts and great
reasons for doing that as well. What I think if a company creates these teams is to be a
better worker and learn how to work with others and to value other opinions as well.
This pitfall can be avoided by grouping the employee's based upon their skill or who
gets along best with who to be able to see the best
results out of each group.

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Task 6
What I think are some of the most commonly used approaches to handling conflicts is
being able to talk it out and evaluating the problem, seeking a solution to the conflict,
ask advice from the manager in what they would do in this type of situation. The least
common is to jump on someone for no reason, or to just take one person's opinion and
run with it and not listen to what the others might have to say. What you could do to
expand in that area is go take conflict management courses and takes good notes and
listen and learn from others and apply it to the job site and learn how people work and
why they do and say the things they do sometimes and know how far you can push a
person before they break.

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3.0 References

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