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STM, ITM and Stages of ME - JKA

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Introducing to SGM, STM, ITM and

Stages of ME
J. K. Aravind
Senior Geologist
Petrology Division
Geological Survey of India
Training Institute
“Field work is not always a fashionable geological
activity, but it remains as the life blood of Earth
science. It is the only sound way of discovering
reality, making observations which stimulate the
mind and which lead to the postulation of better
models, whose predictions can subsequently be
tested by further geological and geophysical
Ramsay, J.G., 1997
The field is where the truth resides. Models are essential
figments of imagination which must be tested by
observation. Those who do no field work and do not gather
data will never understand ‘Geology’

John Dewey, FRS

Mission I: Baseline GeoScience Data
• Baseline means Ground Surveys
• Ground Surveys consist of
• Systematic Geological Mapping (SGM) at scale 1:50,000
• Specialized thematic mapping (STM) at scale 1:25,000
• Integrated Thematic Mapping (ITM) at scale 1: 25,000
• National Geochemical Mapping (NGCM) at scale 1:50,000
• National Geophysical Mapping (NGPM) to carry out the land gravity
and magnetic surveys at scale 1:50,000.
Geological mapping
2 About 99% mapable area of
the country has already been
covered on 1:50,000/1:63,360
Some inaccessible parts yet
to be mapped include :
1. A few areas of NER,
2. Northwestern Himalayas in
J&K and Uttarakhand,
3. Jarwa / Sentelenes inhabited
islands of Andaman &
3 Nicobar,
4. Abujhmar Plateau of
Chhattisgarh and Maharashtra
Systematic Geological Mapping (SGM)
• SGM is the most fundamental and basic mapping programme
adopted by Geological Survey of India in last few decades the country
has been covered.
• Out of the total mappable area of 3.146 million sq. km. of the
country, 3.119 million sq. km. has been covered till March, 2021
bringing the total coverage to 99.15%.
• The data generated through SGM has immense application in
exploration and other activities.
• The data generated through this mapping activity has helped to build
up the knowledge base and data base for National Geo-scientific
Systematic Geological Mapping (SGM)
• The SGM knowledge base has been providing the baseline data to
earth science related socio-economic activities and programmes of
the Nation.
• The areas which have not been covered under SGM are the
inaccessible terrains of the northeastern parts of the country in the
States of Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Manipur and
Meghalaya, the mountainous terrains of the Northern Himalayas in
the States of Jammu & Kashmir and Uttarakhand, the Jarwa/Sentineli
- inhabited islands of Andaman & Nicobar, and the Abujhmar Plateau
of Chhattisgarh and Maharashtra.
Specialised Thematic Mapping

STM Programmes are taken up to

resolve certain problems:

✓Tectonic set-up
✓Crustal evolutionary trend
✓Metallogeny / Ore localization
✓Environmental analysis
✓Natural hazard recognition &
risk management

STM helps in refining & updating

the existing geological knowledge
Specialized Thematic Mapping (STM)
• Scale 1: 25000 or larger
• It involves collection of multidisciplinary data, and is backed by
advanced laboratory studies.
• STM plays a pivotal role in natural resource prognostication through
generation of spin off preliminary mineral investigation programmes
(mostly G4 stage).
• Till March, 2021, an area of about 0.349 million sq. km. (including
31,111 sq. km. area mapped in FS 2020-21) have been mapped.
(Obvious Geological Potential)

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Concept of OGP

• Out of the total area of India, 6.88 lakh sq km has been identified
as mineral prognosticated area or Obvious Geological Potential

• A regular area, surrounding the irregular-shaped OGP area of 8.13

lakh sq km is termed as the Extended OGP area for convenience.

6/14/2023 12
Obvious Geological Potential Area

6,88,187 sq. km.

Geological potential (OGP) map of India covering five
belts of 6.88 lakh sq km area
(18 mineral commodities - 2020)
Total area of the 3.28 m.Sq.Km
Indian Peninsula 1.90 m.Sq.Km
area (without
Deccan Trap)
Extra Peninsula 0.50 m.Sq.Km
Indo gangetic 0.70 m.Sq.Km
Extended OGP 0.688 m.Sq.Km
Au Bauxite area delineated
BM Graphite after
Co W
Diamond & PS Mo surveys
Fe Ore REE
Mn Li
Cr Baryte
Geological Potential Area is delineated through use of all
Ni FM Baseline Geoscience data generated by GSI.
Geological Potential Areas (OGP-2020)

National Geochemical Mapping
(1:50,000 scale)

➢ GSI has initiated National Geochemical Mapping programme (NGCM) in FS 2001-2002.

➢ Total OGP (Obvious Geological Potential)

Area 5.71 lakh sq km 6.88 lakh (2020)
National Geophysical Mapping
(1:50,000 scale)
National Geophysical Mapping
(1:50,000 scale)

➢ GSI has initiated National Geophysical Mapping programme

(NGPM) in FS 2001-2002.

➢ Density of data collection is one station per 2.5 sq km.

➢ Total OGP (Obvious Geological Potential):

Area 6.88 lakh
1. To Generate Gravity and Magnetic Data
2. To Prepare Gravity (1mGal contour
interval) and Magnetic (50 nT contour
interval) anomaly maps on 1:50,000 scale.
3. To Delineate the sub-surface features and
favorable zones for locating new mineral
potential zones by integrating with multi-
earth science data.
• Eliminating contribution of all other
factors other than Geology to these fields
by applying suitable corrections-
• Converting the geophysical anomalies in
to geological and structural signatures
• Extrapolating and Interpolating the
common signatures to unseen/unknown
• Estimating the depth persistence of
geological bodies
• Modelling the crustal architecture
• Identification of ore environment
Mineral Exploration Strategies

1. UNCOVER (India) Projects – 25,000 to 30,000 across cratons

2. Regional Mineral Targeting (RMT) projects – 3000 to 6000
covering various fertile geological belts
3. G4 stage exploration – 100 to 720
4. G3 Stage exploration – less than 1 to 5
5. G2 stage exploration – less than 1 to 2

Regional Exploration
UNFC stage of G4 is being carried out mainly by GSI and further promising
blocks are developed through G3 & G2 stage of exploration.
The geological assessment (G) as per UNFC norms has four codes in order of increasing details:

Exploration (G1)

Exploration (G2)

Exploration (G3)

Survey (G4)

➢ In general, mineral exploration begins from G4 stage (prospect scale) with an area of about 10 km x 10 km.
➢ As per the MEMC norms, some area upgraded to G3 and subsequently a few to G2 / G1 based on the geological
potentiality established during the successive stages of exploration.
➢ Each stage generate resource data with a clearly defined degrees of geological assurance.

Reconnaissance Survey (G4)

➢ Means the systematic process of identifying areas of enhanced mineral

potential on a regional scale based primarily on results of regional
geological studies.
➢ The objective is to identify mineralized areas worthy of further
investigation towards deposit identification.
➢ Estimates of quantities (during exploration phase) should only be made,
if sufficient data available.
➢ Estimated quantities associated with a potential deposit is based
primarily on indirect evidence.

G4 (Reconnaissance Survey) Collection and consultation of all baseline reports
of target area (General Geology, STM, NGCM,
Work Components: NGPM etc.) Regional traverses.

Aerial Reconnaissance: Remote sensing, airborne geophysical

surveys etc.
Analysis of all baseline reports, overlaying of
Geological survey: Large Scale Mapping around 100 sq km on maps (Geology, STM, NGCM, NGPM etc. in 100
1: 10,000/ 12,500 scale. sq. km.)

Work Flow
Geochemical Survey: i) Grab, chip sampling (ii) Recording of
broad geomorphology, drainage etc.
LSM of ~100 sq. km. on 1:12,500. collection of PS,
Geophysical Survey: Ground Geophysical survey. PCS, SSS, BRS etc. & Lab study. Selection of area
for trenching, pitting, scout drilling etc. (~1 to 5
Technological: i) Pitting/Trenching: one or two to expose sq. km.)
mineralized zone at ideal location ii) Scout drilling: A few
boreholes to know the existence of mineral iii) Sampling:
Regional and random chip samples. Narrowing down target block by interpretations based
on chemical results, structure, geophysics etc. Trenching
Petrographic and mineralogical studies: To determine (25 to 50 cu. m), Pitting ~30 to 50 nos, channel sampling,
principal rock types, mineral assemblage, identification of groove sampling, dense stream sediment sampling etc.
mineral of interest. Suggested for G3 stage, if the block is promising.

Synthesis of all available data / concepts.

General success varies depending on the mineral commodity
Detailed Exploration (G3, G2 & G1)

➢ Currently, Government agencies, Composite Prospecting cum Mining Lease

holders are involved in detailed exploration.
➢ UNFC stages of G2 is being carried out by GSI, MECL, State Govts, PSUs,
mainly on the basis of G3 stage exploration areas.
➢ Auctioning of PL cum ML blocks as per the MMDR Act-2015, expected to
enhance detailed exploration programmes in India by lease holders.

G3 (Preliminary Exploration)
Consultation of G4 report and other relevant
Work Components: literature. Study of target block for mineralization and
collection of surface samples for petrography, ore-
Geological Surveys: i) Mapping on 1:5000/ 2,000 or larger microscopy, chemical analysis etc.
scale ii) Linking of prepared maps with topogrid iii) Assessment
of lithology, structure, surface mineralization, analysis of old
workings etc. Preliminary petrographic and ore-microscopic
Geochemical Survey: Geochemical sampling rock type wise, studies.
Initiation of Geophysical Survey.
soil survey.

Work Flow
Geophysical Survey: Detailed ground geophysical work,
borehole logging. Detailed Mapping by Total Station Survey Instrument
Technological: i) Pitting/trenching to explore mineralized zone (1:2000 / 1:1000 scale) with 1m contour interval.
Ground Geophysical Mapping on the same scale.
ii) Drilling borehole spacing as per MEMC, 2015: Gold & PGE Trenching, Pitting and collection of BRS, PCS, SSS.
200 - 100m or closer interval. Interpretations and borehole planning/ drilling.

Sampling: Litho geochemical sample from a well known

section, pit/trench and core sampling.
Core logging, borehole geophysics, laboratory analysis
Petrographic and mineralogical studies: Study of host rock of of core samples etc. Preparation of borehole sections,
the deposits and alteration zone, determination of phase in cross and longitudinal sections, level plans etc. and
Resource Estimation. Suggested for Composite License
which minerals occur and mineralogical studies (ore
or G2 stage, if the block is promising.
microscopic, XRD, EPMA etc), identification of oxidized and
primary zones.
G2 (General Exploration)
Consultation of G3 report and other relevant
Work Components: literature. Borehole planning according to the nature
of mineralization and as per MEMC, 2015. Trenching,
1.Geological Survey: Mapping on 1:1,000 or larger scale with Pitting & Drilling.
triangulation points, linking of prepared maps with topogrid
and assessment of lithology, structure, mineralization.
2.Geochemical Survey: i) detailed litho geochemical survey, Core logging. Processing of core samples and
channel sampling from fresh mineralized rocks exposed by submission for chemical analysis, EPMA, SEM, XRD etc.
trenching/pitting, ii) recording of deleterious elements and by

Work Flow
product elements.
3. Geophysical survey: i) Borehole geophysical survey ii)
special survey for problem solving.
Geophysical well logging, sampling (bulk, chip, core
4.Technological : i) Systematic pitting / trenching, ii) Drilling etc). Laboratory analysis of cores. Understanding and
interpretation of Geophysical data sets.
Borehole spacing as per MEMC, 2015: Gold & PGE 100 - 50m
or closer interval.
5. Sampling: Systematic pit/trench and core sampling iv) Bulk
sampling, if necessary
Better define ore body shape, size, grade, mineral
6. Collection of geo-environmental parameters. beneficiation studies etc. Preparation of borehole
sections, Cross and Longitudinal sections, Level plans
7.Petrographic studies. and Resource estimation. Suggested for Mining License
or G1 stage, if the block is promising.
8.Beneficiation test.

Preliminary Exploration (G3) General Exploration (G2) Detailed Exploration (G1)
Narrowing down areas of General Exploration involves Detailed Exploration involves
promising enhanced mineral the initial delineation of an the detailed three‐dimensional
potential. identified deposit. delineation of a known deposit.

The objective is to identify a The objective is to establish the Size, shape, structure, grade,
deposit which will be the target main geological features of a and other characteristics of the
for further exploration. deposit, giving a reasonable deposit are established with a
indication of continuity and high degree of accuracy.
providing an initial estimate of
size, shape, structure and
Quantities estimated for the Quantities estimated for the Quantities estimated for the
deposits are with a low level of deposits are with a moderate deposits are with a high level of
confidence. (medium) level of confidence. confidence.

➢ GSIs teams are engaged in mineral targeting projects (Craton scale to Mineral
District scale followed by Prospect scale and Deposits scale) by using its baseline
geoscience and mineral exploration data.
➢ Deposit discovery is becoming a challenge all across the globe. In this regard,
geoscience agencies have to look for concealed and deep seated deposits as
majority of near surface deposits have already been developed.
➢ GSI is evolving with time by applying new developments in mineral targeting
methodologies in collaboration with national and international geoscience agencies,
especially for covered and Greenfield Regions to enhance the rate of mineral deposit
➢ In order to keep the supply of potential G4 stage mineral exploration blocks,
concentrated efforts are being made by taking up Data Integration and Regional
Mineral Targeting Projects.

धन्यवाद / Thank You

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