Esol Practice Grammar 1-2
Esol Practice Grammar 1-2
Esol Practice Grammar 1-2
Who fs It forP
The book is designed primarily, but not exclusively, for adult students studying ESOL at schools
and colleges in the United Kingdom.
It can be used to support topic- and function-based class work. Alternatively, students can use
it for self-study or for their own reference.
The rationale underlying the book is to make grammar accessible, relevant and memorable. This is done
by making use of step-by-step activities and clear contextualized language.
The material takes the Key Grammatical Structures at Entry Levels 1/2 from the Adult ESOL core curriculum
as its basis.
We know that the language profile of ESOL students at or around ‘pre-intermediate’ level is rarely an exact
match for the Adult ESOL core curriculum level specifications. The book therefore attempts to take this
‘spiky profile’ of ESOL classes into account through accessible explanations and graded practice exercises.
The book contains 30 units, followed by grammar notes, a database containing vocabulary notes
and other information, an answer key and a pronunciation key.
The approach used in ESOL Practice Grammar asks students to infer the pattern or rule from context,
rather than making overt statements about the language, to encourage genuine language development
The ‘Use in Context’ section in each unit presents the grammar point through a realistic scenario, usually
a naturalistic dialogue involving characters that ESOL students can identify with. Students are asked to
focus on key elements of the language to help them understand the pattern or rule. Further clarification
is provided by referring the students to appropriate grammar notes at the back of the book.
A set of exercises practising the grammar point follows each ‘Use in Context’. These exercises are designed
to account for differentiation within a class by offering a progressive degree of challenge. Where appropriate,
the final exercise personalizes the grammar point with communicative interaction.
I would like to thank Sue Messenger and the ESOL students and teachers in the Skills for Life Department
at Central Sussex College. Also thanks to Lin for her support throughout.
The writing of a book like this necessarily involves reference to the corpus of published ELT grammar books.
In this respect, I would like to acknowledge in particular the work of R Murphy (CUP) and D Beaumont
David King
am / is / are
the verb be 1
Unit 1: am / /s / are
Circle the correct option.
Match the questions on the left with their answers on the right.
a What’s your name? — 1 I’m a chef.
b Are you English? 2 This is my wife, Nasra.
c Where are you from? \ 3 I’m 31.
d How old are you? \ 4 No, I’m married.
e Are you single? \ 5 It’s 34a Park Street.
f What’s your job? \ 6 I’m from Turkey.
g Who is this? x. 7 She’s Syrian.
h What’s her nationality? 8 My name’s Ismail.
i What’s your address? 9 No, I’m not.
‘‘Hello, my name’s Myra. I (a ______ a student in an English class at the local college. My English
1b)______ very good, but I like my class because my teacher ( c ) _______ very nice! I (d )_______ 36 years
old and I (e )______ from Pakistan. I ( f ) _______ not single, I (g )_______ married. My husband’s name
Our children’s names (k )______ Adel and Answa. They V;_ pupils at the local primary school. They
m )______ good at English - much better than me! We n _ very rich but we (o';______ happy!”
4 Work with a classmate. Talk about yourself, your friends and family. For example:
Unit' Is am / /s / are
there fs / there are / ft fs /
th e y a r e the verb be z
Database \Z
3 ___________ a supermarket.
8 U n it Si th e re is / th e re a r e / i t is / th e y a r e
Look at the picture and make sentences with there is / there are.
c There are some people outside. \ 3 They are very good at English.
d There are some keys on the floor. \ 4 It’s a little shop. It sells cigarettes.
f There’s a post office in the town centre. 6 It’s old and the picture isn’t very good.
Work with a classmate. Talk about the place where you live:
the town, the street, and the house, flat or room.
For example:
Think of your bedroom. Quickly draw the room and the things in it. Show your partner your
drawing and ask and answer questions.
For example:
U n ft 2: th e re fs / th e re a r e / f t fs / th e y a r e
The present continuous
G 7Database I
R a fic i is w o r k in g .
A m ir i s n 't w o r k in g . H e 's
lo o k in g f o r a Jo b .
M a g d a is n 't te a c h in g .
S h e 's m o v in g h o u s e . I t ' s
s u n n y t o d a y . I t i s n 't r a in in g .
Write the ~ing forms of these verbs.
a Naomi___________________________. d Dee.
b Jamie___________________________. e Jan _
a Naomi_______________________________ e Dee____________________________
c A li __________________________________ g Beatriz__________________________
d Malik_______________________________
Q Work with a classmate. Talk about what you are doing at the moment, today, this week.
For example:
/ / you / we / they
p re se n t eim pie I
H a m id : D o y o u w o rk s *
C heng: N o . 1 d o n 't .
H a m id : W h a t d o y o u d o r*
C h en g : I s t u d y E n g lis h .
H a m id : Do you know
Rom anP
C h en g : Y e s. 1 d o . IV e g o
t o th e sam e
c o lle g e . D o y o u
know Jeya an d
H a m id : Y es, 1 d o . A re
th e y h e re to d a y P
C h en g : No. th e y g o t o
w o rk on M o n d ay s
an d W ednesdays.
They w o rk p a r t-
t im e .
N o w d o w e u s e C h e p r e s e n t s im p le r * (p a g e 9 6 )
c I _____ to work.
d I __________ a taxi.
f _______ _________ the cooking at home? Yes, I usually do the cooking at home.
Work with a classmate. Ask and answer questions about the things they usually do.
For example:
1 p re se n t sim ple 2
Database 14
D o e s R a f ic i w o r k ? Y e s . h e
d o e s . Me d r iv e s a t a x i.
W h a t d o e s A m ir d o r * A m ir
d o e s n 't g o t o w o r k . H e
d o e s n 't h a v e a Job . M o s t
d a y s , h e g o e s in to to w n .
W h a t d o e s M a g d a d o r9 S he
t e a c h e s a t t h e u n iv e r s ity .
D o e s i t r a i n a l o t in
E n g la n d P Y e s , i t d o e s .
U nit 5: he / she / i t 17
Write the he, she and it forms of these verbs by adding ~s or ~es.
work w o rk *
How do we say the verbs ending in ~s or ~es? Complete the verbs from Practice 1 in the
correct category.
one sound
two sounds
three sounds
f ______
Unit?S: he / s h e / ft:
“When I take people to the airport I get up at 5 o’clock, but I usually get up at 7 o’clock. I usually work in the
city centre. I have a quick breakfast, drive into the city centre and start work at about 8 o’clock. I usually have a
coffee break at about 10.30 and I go to a cafe for lunch at 1.00.1take about 45 minutes for lunch. I finish work
at about 6.00, but when it is busy I work late and I get up later the next day. Sometimes I don’t get home until
10.00 and I don’t have dinner. I like my work. It’s very interesting. ”
Now complete the text about Rafiq’s typical day using h e ...
(e )__________________ into the city centre and (?)_______________ work at about 8 o’clock.
about 6.00 but when it is busy (k )______________ late and (T)_______________ later the next day.
Sometimes m ______________________ home until 10.00 and ( n ) ___________________ dinner.
Now write a short paragraph about a friend or family member using the third person. Use the
paragraph about Rafiq as a guide.
For example:
^he w ^iArtJIy ^ e .t£ wp 7 . 3 0 , *he. \\<k$ b r e ^ k - f ^ t & o 'c lo c k : <M\d leA ve .£ th e .
how ^e. 3.l£.
Work with a classmate. Ask and answer questions about a friend or someone in your family.
For example:
Unit 5: he / she / IV
a Imperatives
s\ I /y
Now do we use fmpersitfveeP (p a g e 9 7 )
71 Complete these sentences with the verbs the man uses in the conversation.
to the traffic lights._______ over and________ the second road on the right.
c Please to answer / answer these questions. g Please you fill / fill in your personal details.
What are these people saying? Match the pictures with the sentences.
1 Tick the relevant boxes. 2 Don’t go near the dog. 3 Put the mixture in a bowl.
7 Do not exceed the stated dose. 8 Get me some eggs, please. 9 Turn off your mobile phones.
“Qo home and a ) _____ straight to bed. ( b . ______ in bed for the next 24 hours, ( c ) ____________
if you still have a headache, (d) ______________________ one of these tablets every three hours, ( e ) _lots of
water but (? )______________ anything solid for 24 hours, ( g ) _____________ to work for a week.
Work with a classmate. Ask for and give directions to places on the map. Ask about
the post office, supermarket, car park, cinema, cash point, newsagent’s, chemist’s
and railway station.
For example:
B: Go straight down this road. Turn left at the end and walk to the traffic lights.
Cross over and take the second road on the right. Don’t take the first road.
The post office is on the left.
f t
Univ 6t Im peratives
Question words
To ask about things generally: W hat? Jan and Magda are talking.
Look at the words in green.
1 To ask about places:________ ?
Jan: What kind o f music
2 To ask about age, numbers or
do you like?
‘in what way’: _______ ?
Magda: I like most kinds.
3 To ask about people or things if there Jan: Who's your
is a small choice: _______ ? favourite singer?
Magda: Enrique Iglesias.
4 To ask about times:_______ ? Jan: Whose iPod is th at?
(or What time?)
Magda: It's my boyfriend's.
5 To ask about people:________ ? VJhy do you ask?
Jan: No special reason.
6 To ask about who things belong to: _
a How old are / have you? e Which time / When does your class start?
c How/ Who much does it cost? g How often / What times do you go to the cinema?
Match the questions on the left with their answers on the right.
Some of these questions are right and some are wrong. Tick ( / ) questions that are right.
Correct any mistakes.
Work with a classmate. Ask and answer questions about your life.
For example:
Could I make an
appointment to
see the doctor
this afternoon,
When do we use
Receptionist: Just a moment.
can / carft / couldP Now about 3.30?
(p a g e 9 7 ) Jeya: Sorry. I carft make
that. Is there a later
Receptionist: Mm. The doctor
Complete the examples in these sentences. could see you a t
1 We use can to talk about present ability - 1 c*a 4M5. or 5.20?
speak. Jeya: I can't make 4M5 but
The negative is can’t - _________ write. I could come a t 5.20.
To ask a question we use can you - _________ Receptionist: OK, Mrs. Perera,
speak English? we'll see you then.
The form of can / can’t (cannot) / could / couldn’t does not change.
I /You /We /They can/can’t (cannot)/ speak English.
He / She / It could / couldn’t write very well.
g I’m sorry that the dentist doesn’t could / couldn’t see you yesterday afternoon.
What are these people saying? Use Could you...? or Could I...?
2Z U n it Qi c a n / carft~ ( c a n n o t) / c o u ld / c o u ld r ft
Work with a classmate. Ask and answer questions with can and could.
For example:
B: No, I can’t.
B: Yes, we could.
Circle the correct form.
d Have you got the time, please? Yes, I have got /have,
f Has she got a mobile phone? No, she hasn’t / hasn’t got.
Hc.V ^ o t b^ck^che.. a
U nit 9: have g o t 31
32 Unit 9t have g o t
c A: _______________ a house?
B: Yes, she _________ . ___________ a nice house.
d A: _______________ a garden?
B: No, it __________ a garden.
e A : _______________ a girlfriend?
B: No, I __________ .
f A : _______________ an iPod?
B: No, he _________ .
g A : _______________ flu?
B: No, they__________ .
Complete these sentences with the correct form of have ( ’ve) / haven’t / has ( ’s) / hasn’t g o t
d He’s not very well. He_______ a bad cold but I don’t think he _______ flu.
Work with a classmate. Ask and answer questions. Ask about family, things you
have, shopping you need or illnesses you have.
For example:
A: No, I haven’t.
U nit 9: have g o t
70 some / any
q u a n tity 1
^ D a t a b a s e 11
Cheng:_____ , we do.
g Don’t get some / any more apples. We don’t need some / any.
2 This is Amir’s fridge. Write some or any. (See Database 11, pages 110-112.)
U n it 10x som e / a n y
Here is Amir’s street. Write sentences using some or any and the words given.
a There are
b There are
c There are
d There aren’t
e There aren’t
f There aren’t
q There aren’t
5 Work with a classmate. Ask and answer questions with some or any.
Talk about things like shopping, where you live, and your family.
For example:
// Database 11
Complete these sentences. Use examples from Ling and Cheng’s conversation.
1 With nouns we can coun t we use taw M^Ay?________________ eggs shall we get?
We use________ for a large quantity. I want to make_________ of cakes.
We use________ or not_________ for a small quantity. Only_________.
We don’t need________ .
Complete the questions using the words from Exercise 1. In some cases, more
than one word is possible.
Write one word in each space - much, many, lot, few or little.
Work with a classmate. Ask and answer questions with How much and How many.
Look at Exercise 2 and Exercise 4 in this unit.
For example:
& Database S, II
l-lo w d o w e m a k e p lu r a ls P (p a g e 9 7 )
Complete these examples. Some of the answers can be found in the yellow box.
5 Some nouns have special plurals: man - > ___ , person - > ________, child - > ___
umm pen
a watch I mouse
b lady m sandwich
c day n egg
d knife o church
e tooth P week
f trousers q milk
g weather r shorts
h bag s camera
i bank t family
j box u gentleman
Some of these sentences are right and some are wrong. Tick ( / ) sentences that are right.
Correct any mistakes.
Look at the pictures and circle the correct plural form to complete the phrases.
Work with a classmate. Think of ten nouns and then ask your partner to write the plurals.
12/Database 4,14
Jasmeena is a university
teacher. She works a t Sussex
University. The university is in the
1 We use a before a noun. The noun is not special: <k student,____ flat.
5 We use the when the noun is special or we know the person, place or thing:
_________ flat is near________college.___________________________ is in
_______________________. ____________________is in __________________ centre.
Write a or an.
a bus
f Hamid lives in an nice house. An house has three bedrooms and the garden.
3 Match the two parts of each sentence. Write a, an or the in each space.
___ sea.
____ hospital.
____ restaurant.
____ airport.
____ bird.
4 Jeya and Deva are in a snack bar. Complete the conversation with a, an or the.
Assistant: OK, I’ll bring__________ sandwich over to you when it’s ready.
3 Work with a classmate. Write down ten nouns. Ask your partner to tell you if we use a, an or the.
48 Unitr 13: a / a n / th e
the d efinite a rtic le
EDPatabaee 3, 6
but now I live in England. My
address is 35 Hurst Road. Crawley,
stations and airports jitee&aft&w zcJs'
not fa r from Gatwick Airport. I
schools and colleges countries
study English a t Central Sussex
towns and cities college subjects
College. I like living in the United
We don’t usually use the before:
s t r e e t * ^rvd ro^d^: 35 Hurst Road
____________________ ; Islamabad, Crawley Now read what Hamid says about food.
____________________ ; Pakistan, England Look at the green words.
____________________ ; Gatwick Airport
____________________ ; Central Sussex College "/ don't e a t meat. I like fish and I
have a lot o f fru it and vegetables.
____________________ ; English
I don't think the food in England
There are a few exceptions to these rules
is very good. The children here eat
(see page 98): for example, the United Kingdom.
a lot o f salt, f a t and sugar"
1 We don’t usually use the when we talk about things or people generally:
me(k±, f ___ t, v_________ , s______ , f ______, s______ .
2 We use the when we talk about specific things or people: -the. -Tood in England,
Unit the
b Can you turn off the. television, please? h My favourite hobby is ____ shopping.
d What do you usually have for ___ breakfast? j ______ weather in Yorkshire is wonderful.
Now work with a classmate. Ask and answer questions about your answers to Exercise 4.
For example:
Work with a classmate. You should each choose one general subject from A and talk
about it for 30 seconds. Then talk about a special subject from B.
& Database \2
-Cj5- When do we use this / that / these / thoseP
m (p a g e 9 3 )
1 For things and people near to us, we use for one thing or person and______
for two or more things or people.
2 For things and people not very near to us, we use _ for one thing or person
and_________ for two or more things or people.
i I like this / that car over there on the other side of the road.
Surinder works with old people in a care home. Write the correct word: this / that / these / those.
Can you help me with ±W\$ coat? a Are ___________ your glasses?
b Can you get me stick? c Would you like some of_ soup?
d Aren’t ___________e You need to take f It’s time for you to take g Can you get me
3 Write the best word - this, that, these or those - in each sentence.
b Which picture do you prefer - ________ one here or _________ one there?
f I’d like one of ________ large screen televisions but I haven’t got enough money.
g Please fill in form here with your name, address and details.
i Here you are. Can you post_______ letters for me, please?
4 Quiz* Work with a partner. Think of ten things (or people!) you have with you,
near you and around the room to practise this, that, these and those. Show or point
to the things and ask your partner to name them. (Make sure you use this and these
for things that are near to you and your partner!)
For example:
A: What’s this?
B: This is a watch.
e Pronouns
® - How do we u s e personal pronoune“
F (p a g e 9 3 )
Write the correct word: my, your, his, her, our or their.
d I’m giving my address to everyone in the class and they are ail giving me
0 Work in a group. One student collects two objects from the others in the group.
The first student then asks the others questions with pronouns.
A: Is it his?
17 AcUecttves
fc 7Database Z
2 We use adjectives after am, is or are: He is ____ and_________________ , and after look(s).
feel(s). sound(s). smell(s) or taste(s): He looks_____ . He feels_____ .
t a l l / i s / He He.
c not / am / happy / 1
4 Look at the pictures. Choose words from the box to make sentences.
5 Work with a classmate. Choose someone in the class to describe to your partner.
Describe them using adjectives. Can your partner say who it is?
For example;
A: She is tall. She’s got long, brown hair. She’s wearing a red sweater, a white shirt and blue jeans.
How do we use adverbsP (page 93—99)
1 We use adverbs after most verbs - understand easily (wdersteftd-easy), speak English clearly
(speak^tezr, speak clearly Eng11517).
2 We do not use adverbs after am, is or are (or feel, look, sound, taste, smell) - it’s not bad (its-ftdtwefl).
clear cleAriy
a slow b quick
c happv d careful
e quiet f anarv
g fast_______________________h bad____________
i good_______________________j hard
k heavv I dangerous
m serious n safe
o strong
Some of these sentences are correct and some are wrong. Tick (✓) the ones that
are right and correct the mistakes.
a I read E n g l i s h _________________________________________
b I write in E n g l i s h _________________________________________
c Id r i v e _________________________________________
d Ic o o k _________________________________________
e I can s w i m _________________________________________
f I play t e n n i s _________________________________________
g I ride a b i c y c l e _________________________________________
h Iw o r k _________________________________________
i Is t u d y _________________________________________
Work with a classmate. Ask and answer questions about Exercise 3 above.
You can ask questions with How do y o u ... ? or with Can y o u . . . ?
For example:
& Database 16
in /(jn y at Friday
b / don’t usually work__ the weekend, but I work___ Saturday mornings when we are very busy.
Look at Ling’s diary. Then writs in. on or at to complete the sentences on the next page.
Monday Thursday
6 .0 0 p.M. College. 6 .0 0 a .m . W ork: A t £iA£>erM a rk e t:
7 . 3 0 p.M. FHm A t M u ltip le .*
Tuesday Friday
S .O O a .m . W ork. A t & .O O Me.Al A t the. ChirvA
£iAperMArlce.t Q a rd e .*
Wednesday Saturday
6 .0 0 p,.M. College. 3 .0 0 N a o m I £ w e .d d i^
Eve.i\ii\^ - we.ddir^ p a r t y
11.O O a.m. M e.e.t ii\ L o i\d o i\
c __ Thursday___ half past seven___ the evening she’s going to see a film.
d She’s having a meal at the China Garden__ Friday________________ 8 o’clock___ the evening.
Write a diary for next week. Write something for each day. Then work with a classmate. Ask and
answer questions about different times and days.
For example:
B: / start work at 8 o’clock and finish at 1 o’clock. I’m coming to college at 5.30 in the evening.
Monday Thursday
Tuesday Friday
Wednesday Saturday
[£7 D atabase 17
\ i/ ^
How do we use in, on and at? for placesr
9 (page 9 9 )
c He’s i n / o n / a t a taxi.
a floor?___________________________________________
b street?___________________________________________
c number?___________________________________________
e college?___________________________________________
f classroom?___________________________________________
g workplace?___________________________________________
5 Work with a classmate. Ask and answer questions about the places where you live,
work and study. Also ask about friends and family.
For example:
B: In a flat.
l& Database 10
Look at the town plan on the previous page. Answer the questions correctly.
Work with a classmate. Look at the town plan again for 30 seconds. Cover the plan
and ask and answer these questions. Don’t look!
g Excuse me, can you tell me where the post office is, please?
Unit S
ZliM ore prepositions o f place 71
Where are these things in Ismail’s office? Write m e word on each line.
Think of your kitchen. Quickly draw the room and the things in it. Show your partner your
drawing and ask and answer questions. Then do the same for other rooms and for
your workplace.
For example:
'if .
f - Now do we use prepositional phrasesP
(p a g e 9 9 )
He goes t o work (tpe work). He gets____ work. He goes_____ bed (pfe bed).
He’s always____ time. He is _____ the phone. He travels__ __ business. She goes to work___ foot.
She gets ____ the bus. She is _____ holiday. There is nothing______ the television.
He goes to work____ car (p& car). She goes to work_____ bus.
He is ____ work (tpe work). She works_____ home (pie home).
She reads___ bed (pie bed)
No preposition:
He usually gets home late.
b He’s at 2 train.
She goes to home / ^oeThom^ a t 5.30. d He normally works home / works at home,
a She gets to home/gets home at 6.00. e They usually go to the bed / go to bed early,
b I goto work / go work every day. f I get on the train / get on train at Victoria Station.
Choose one preposition from the box to complete the sentences. One sentence
has no preposition.
JU T on on in at by
c I never get__ home before 8.00 in the evening. f I’m the bus at the moment.
Work with a classmate. Ask and answer questions using prepositional phrases.
Ask about going to work, getting home, being at home, travelling, television or holidays.
For example:
> 3
& Database 17
green words.
listen t o me, belong_me, write_______ me,
talk ___ me, speak_____ me
wait____ me, ask someone___ something, thank someone____ something
pick someone___ (collect), hurry____ , get ____________ (out of bed), clean__, tid y _
wash___ (dishes)
come___ (hurry up), go ____ (continue), depend____ someone
switch ___ / off, turn ____ / off, put ____ / off, take_____ / off (clothes)
Some verbs + prepositions have different meanings:
look _______ = take care of, look ________= read, look ________- try to find
g What time do you want me to pick you for / down / up this evening?
She always me for helping her. d We could have a picnic but it ______ on the weather.
a He never_____ . up after a meal. e She______ up her flat every evening after work.
b This switch _____ off all the electricity. f That mobile phone_____ to Magda.
c She____ to her parents every week. g He never_______ off his hat in class.
a Come______ / Please walk faster. e At work, do you have to put_____ a suit for meetings?
b Can you ask your boss_______ more money? f Don’t forget to thank them____ inviting you to lunch.
Work with a classmate. Write seven questions you can ask your partner using
the verbs + prepositions in this unit. Ask and answer the questions.
For example:
B 7Database I, IS
'9 ' Now do we use 1/lceP (pagelOO)
1 We can use like to talk about things we enjoy or feel good about using Do you like?
‘‘b o you like. English food?” “Yes, I ____ . ”
3 We can use like to describe people, places or things using (What) is it like?
“______________________ in your country?” “It’s hot and sunny. ”
1 Enjoy (Do you like?) 2 Offer (Would you like?) 3 Description (Is it like?)
c Would you like to see a film tonight? EH d Do you like watching football? EH
e What’s the weather like today? EH f What music does your sister like ? IE]
g What’s your sister like? EE h Why don’t you like your class? EH
i Where would you like to go? EH j What music would you like to listen to? EH
k What’s your house like ? 3
Match the questions on the left with their answers on the right.
b Would you like anything more to eat? 2 It’s got two bedrooms and a nice view.
f What kind of music do you like ? 6 No, it isn’t. It’s very different.
g What’s your new flat like ? 7 Not really. I’m more like my mother.
h Are you like your father? 8 Yes, if there’s a good programme on.
b A: Do / Would you like getting up early? B: It’s OK. It isn’t a problem for me.
c A: Do / Would you like to go out this evening? B: No, I’d prefer to stay in.
d A: Do / Would you like the summer or the winter? B: I love the summer.
What is it / are they like? Write one word on each line to complete these questions
and answers.
Work with a classmate. Ask and answer questions. Find out what your partner enjoys
(do you like?), make offers (would you like?) and ask for descriptions (is it like?).
For example:
Now do we use was, wereP (page lOO)
you were
he/she/it wasn’t
they were
80 U n it 25: w as / w ere
I$ a s y were very tired last night. d Marilyn Monroe was / were a famous film star.
a You was / were late for work today. e We was / were in Manchester last weekend,
b The film wasn’t / weren’t very good. f There wasn’t / weren ’t anything in the fridge.
c Was / Were there lots of people at the party? g Who was / were your last teacher?
I were at college yesterday evening. d Was you tired after your journey?
a My mother were pleased to see me. e Did she was happy in her country?
b The weather weren’t sunny on holiday. f Did they was busy yesterday?
c The shopping bill didn’t was correct. g Were Jan in class on Wednesday?
Work with a classmate. Think of five questions using was and were to ask and answer.
For example:
& Database 16
There are three different ways of pronouncing past ~ed endings. Complete the
past forms of these verbs. Then say them aloud.
(A d/) waited Av e 1 11 d /
wait -> w^i'te.d visit -» start-*
need ^ hate -* decide -*
study -» studied copy ->
(/d/) loved A A v d /
love loved live -* phone ->
arrive -> die -* move -»
close call ^ clean
try-* -tried reply -* play ^ stayed
stay -*
0;/) watched An d f t /
watch -* w a tch e d n/as/7 -> crash -*
finish -» w alk-* talk ->
work pick -* cook-*
help -* like -* Stop -* £-top>p>ed
Some of these sentences are correct and some are wrong. Tick ( / ) the ones that are
right and correct the mistakes in the other sentences.
A: Did she like her present? B: Yes, shed id. She likad it very much.
a A: Did you study English at school? B: Yes, I _________. I _________ it for two years.
b A: Did the train arrive on time? B: Yes, it _________ . It _________ a little early.
d A: Did he help you with your English? B: Yes, he__________ . He__________ me a lot.
e A: Did you talk to your family on the phone? B: Yes, I ________ . I _________ to them for
15 minutes.
a A : _________ you _________ her last night? B: No, I didn’t phone her.
Work with a classmate. Ask and answer questions in the simple past.
Use work, live, study, stay, play, watch, enjoy, arrive, phone, walk and talk.
For example:
C 7Database 16
w - Now do we use Irregular verbs In the
Simple paS&P (p a g e 101)
2 In neaative sentences, we use didn't + verb. I back until one this morning.
Look at the word chain, find the verbs and write the correct past form of each verb.
a A: Did you speak to your family on the phone? B: Yes, I _____ to my parents.
b A: Did you _____ _ about the exam? B: Yes, I knew about it.
Complete these conversations using the past forms of the verbs in the box. You can use each
verb more than once.
A: you ____ out on Sunday? B: No, I ______ all morning. I ______ up late, a
bath and then I my homework. /. to bed early.
Work with a classmate. Ask and answer questions, for example, about your last
holiday, what you did yesterday, last weekend.
Unit 27: Irregular vertrs ■
Present? continuous / will (worft’) /
going t o fu tu re
& Database 1
a Bye! 1 I’m not sure. I’ll phone you later and tell you.
e It’s very hot in here. 5 Sit down. I’ll get you some water.
g Can I see the doctor this morning? 7 I’ll give you an appointment for 9 o’clock.
3 Deva is going into hospital for an operation. Complete the questions and answers
about the arrangements using the present continuous.
Jeya: When are you having your operation? Deva:/m tavirv^ it on Wednesday.
Jeya: When are you going into hospital? Deva: I___________in on Wednesday morning.
Jeya: Who is picking up the children from school? Deva: My sister____________ up the children.
Jeya: Who is looking after the children? Deva: Rafiq_____________ after them.
Jeya: When_____ you _________ home? Deva: I’m coming home on Thursday afternoon.
Jeya: When_____ you ________ back to work? Deva: I’m not going back to work for two weeks.
4 Work with a classmate. Ask and answer questions about future actions,
intentions and plans.
\« /
Now do we use must / mustn't / have to?
(page 10l)
g I didn’t must pay for the coffee because my friend paid for me.
Match the questions on the left with their answers on the right.
d How many tablets must 1take? 4 No, I didn’t have to - it was free.
e Do you have to work at the weekends? 5 Yes, you have to phone your mother.
h Did you have to pay for your course? 8 You have to take three a day.
U n ft 2 9 t m u s t / m u s e rfv / h a ve to
Write one word on each line to complete these questions and answers.
a A: Are you ready for your interview? B: Yes, I Mi^-t go, I _______ be late.
b A: How often___ you ______ to see the dentist? B: I _____ to go every three months.
d A : _____ you __________ get any shopping? B: Yes, I ____ get some eggs and milk.
e A: Did you _______ wear a uniform when you were at school? B: No, I __________ to.
f A : ____ you _________ _ get up early yesterday? B: Yes, I _________ get up at 5 o ’clock.
Work with a classmate. Ask and answer questions using must, have to and had to.
Ask about things you have to do, places you have to go and things you had to do in
the past, for example, when you were at school.
For example:
Now write a short paragraph about your daily life using must, mustn’t and have to.
For example:
I ta v e -ho ^ e t up A"h 7 o'clock.. I be. I<vte -for school.
& Database Z
\ i/
How do we make and use comparative
" adjectivesP ( p a g e 1 0 l)
1 The comparative form o f short adjectives (one syllable) is usually formed by adding ~er.
hard -» ta rd e r, warm -» ________ .
For some adjectives, the final consonant is doubled: big -> _______ .
3 The comparative form o f longer adjectives of two, three or four syllables is formed by using
more + adjective: comfortable -> _________________ , expensive -> ______
___________, beautiful __________________ .
Write the comparatives of the words in the box in the correct column.
Jja p p f important hot dark old serious fat near angry young comfortable
dangerous sad heavy careful slim short interesting friendly easy fit
Look at the information about two students. Write sentences to compare Jan with Roman.
c Jan speaks good English. Roman doesn’t speak English well. Jan speaks________ English_______
Work with a classmate. Ask and answer questions. Ask how your partner’s life
compares with life in his or her country. Ask about how they compare with someone
else in their family.
For example:
A: Do you think life is better in this country?B: In some ways it’s better, for example we are richer.
A: Is your sister older than you? B: Yes, she’s three years older than me.
Grammar notes
6 Imperatives
The imperative is formed by using the infinitive without ‘to’, for example:J & q t f g o .
We use imperatives for:
• instructions: Take two tablets three times a day.
• orders: Send them an e-mail.
• directions: Turn left at the traffic lights.
• invitations and offers: Please come in. Have another biscuit.
7 Question words
Note the word order for making questions:
• present continuous: Am I going?/Are you / w e / they going? /Is h e / she / it going?
• present simple: Do I/you / w e / they go? Does he / she / it go?
4 have got
We never use have got for activities: I’m having a good time. (Lhave got a good time:)
British English uses have got more than American English, for example:
• British English: A: Have you got a pen? B: Yes,! have.
• American English: A: Do you ha ve a pen? B: Yes, I do.
Grammar notes
\S a / an / the: articles
We use a/an when we talk generally: Would you like an apple? (There are many apples on the plate, please take one.)
We use the when there is one special thing or person we are talking about: Would you like the apple? (There is one
apple on the plate.) We can also use the with plural nouns: The trains in France are really fast.
In English we usually use a/an and notone: I’ve got a house. (D^-goi-em-hrm^) We usually use one in answer to
How many? - I’ve got one car (not two).
16 Pronouns
1 me my mine
we us our ours
18 Adverbs
Regular adverbs are formed using adjective + ly: clear -> clearly.
• Adjectives ending with ~y change to ~ily: easy -» easily, angry -* angrily, heavy -» heavily hungry -» hungrily
• Adjectives ending with ~ful change to-fully: careful -> carefully, beautiful -» beautifully
Irregular adverbs: good -> well
Grammar notes
• These adverbs are the same as the adjectives: fast -» fast, late /ate, early -> early, hard hard
• Notice that the adverb hardly means very little:
He works hard = He works a lot. He hardly works = He works very little.
in on at
months, seasons, years, part of a day, days, dates times, the weekend, night,
the morning, the at the moment
afternoon, the evening festival holidays (Christmas)
Note: We say in the morning, but on Tuesday morning, at night but on Friday night.
20 Prepositions o f place: in / on / a t
in on at
22 Prepositional phrases
to on by at in
23 Verbs + prepositions
Some verbs are normally followed by prepositions:
• to: listen, belong, write, talk, speak
• for: wait, ask (someone) for (something), thank (someone) for (something)
• on: switch on/off, turn on/off, depend on, rely on
Grammar notes
Some verbs + prepositions have special meanings. These are phrasal verbs or expressions. For example:
• up: pick (someone) up, hurry, get, clean, tidy, wash
• on: come, go, put on/take off
Some phrasal verbs can be followed by different prepositions with different meanings, for example, look: look after =
take care of, look at = watch, look for = try to find
24 Uses o f like
We normally use the verb to like in the simple form: Do you like?/ / like / / don’t like (UmJrktfig).
We can also use the verb to like with ‘would’ to make an offer - Would you like? - or to say what we want - I’d like
(I’d like to go for a coffee.)
In the sentence ‘What’s (is) it like?’ the word like is not a verb and it has a different meaning. It means ‘similar to’. We
use What’s it like? to ask someone to tell us how something is, to describe it. So, ‘What’s the weather like?’ is asking
how the weather is, not if you enjoy it. The answer is, for example, ‘It’s hot and sunny’, not, 7 like the weather’.
We can also use like to ask about people, for example:
• A: What’s your brother like ? B: He’s tall and friendly.
• A: Are you like (similar to) your brother? B: No, my brother and I are very different.
Negative Questions
1 went 1didn’t (did not) go Did 1go?
You went You didn’t go Did you go?
He / She / It went He / She / It didn’t go Did he / she / it go?
We went We didn’t go Did we go?
They went They didn’t go Did they go?
30 Comparative adjectives
Adjectives ending consonant + vowel (a,e,i,o,u) + consonant: double the consonant to make the comparative:
big bigger, hot -» hotter, sad -> sadder, fat -» fatter, fit -> fitter
Two-syllable adjectives: some add -er, for example: quiet -» quieter. But most comparatives are with more:
more modern, more careful, more peaceful.
In the house
We do: the housework, the cooking, the washing-up, the cleaning, the washing, the ironing,
the shopping (we go shopping), the decorating.
We do exercise, sport (sports).
We go jogging, running, swimming, cycling, riding, to the gym, fishing, racing.
We play football, tennis, volleyball, cricket, baseball, basketball.
H o b b le s
We do gardening, DIY (the painting and decorating), painting.
We go to the cinema, the theatre.
We use the computer, we watch television, we listen to the radio.
do go
^ o r t , the.
102 Dattabaee
2 A cU ectfves
Adjective Comparative Opposite adjective Comparative
Database 103
3 Britain
104 Database
^ The cafe
Match the pictures and the words.
a mug of tea a black coffee a milkshake a chicken salad sandwich a cheese roll a cappuccino
a baguette with egg mayo a muffin an orange juice a toasted sandwich a jacket potato a piece of cake
Database 105
5 Clothes
Match the pictures and the words.
106 Datat*ase
7 Colours
white yellow orange red purple brown blue green grey black
a United Kingdom
b France
c Spain
d Portugal
e Italy
f Switzerland
g Poland
h The Netherlands
j Estonia
k Germany
I Greece
q Argentinian r Indonesian
10 Directions to places
Write these words and sentences in your own language.
We use these verbs when we give directions:
___ — * *
over under
aUl Uoo
it n
Uy / 1loaf IIUaLlu
J l^ H
opposite in front of behind
Database 104
IVe use these expressions (write these words In your own language):
as far as __________ until/ till __________ left __________ right__________ on the left __________
ft Food shopping
Write the words in your own language. Match the pictures to the food.
no Dsrtzabaee
melon □
Dsttaba s e 111
12 Furniture
1Write the letters in the correct boxes.
Database 113
a wardrobe b bed c bedside table d lamp e dressing table f mirror g chest of drawers
h basin i taps j shower k bath I toilet /W.C. m bidet n towel rail o stool
114 Datsat&se
13 Health
Write these words and sentences fn your own language.
Medicine can be:
syrup, medicine Take one 5mI spoonful of this medicine before meals.
ointment, lotion, cream Apply this ointment to the affected area as needed.
The face
head hair ear eye eyebrow nose lips teeth chin cheek neck throat
The body
--------------------------- m
116 Database
a pain in my s i d e ______________________
W J o bs
1Do you know what these people doP Write the Jobs in your own
accountant ____________ administrator ____________ architect ________
Database 117
15 Numbers
Cardinal numbers
1,000,000 a million
Ordinal numbers
c 40 d 22
e 105 f 97
q 15.000 h 432,000
i 337 1 3rd
k 31st 1 12th
m 42nd n 101st
o 03/03/2003 P 14/07/1982
1€> V e r b s
Regular verbs
/id / Id / It/
Irregular verbs
infinitive simple past past participle infinitive past participle |
17 Verbs + prepositions
for ask for (something), thank (someone) for (something), wait for
in believe in
120 Datatzase
Phrasal verbs
up clean up make clean and tidy
get up get out of bed
hurry up be quick
look up find information in a book or on the Internet, etc.
pick up collect someone from somewhere
tidy up clean and make order in a place
wash up wash the dishes
on come on be quick
go on continue
at look at watch
13 The weather
Sun wind rain and cloud
The sun’s shining. It’s sunny. It’s a sunny day. It’s dry.
IVrfte the words In the correct places on the scale.
122 Dsrtzabase
Unit 1
Question J Answers
Are you happy? Yes, 1am.
Are you single? No, I’m not.
Are you single? Yes, lam.
c 6
f 1
i 5
Unit 2
A 1 There are 2 They are 3 There’s 4 There’s
B Yes, there are.
No, there aren’t.
a6 b5 c7 d8
e3 f 1 92 h4
Unit 3
lam (I’m) I’m not learning English.
You are (You’re) You aren’t working.
He is (He’s) He isn’t looking fora job.
She is (She’s) She isn’t movina house.
It is (im It isn’t rainina.
We are (We’re) We aren’t shopping.
They are (They’j e ) Thev aren’t studvina.
Unit 4
1study 1do not (don’t) study English.
You work You do not part-time.
(don’t) work
We go We do not to the same college.
(don’t) ao
They go They do not to work.
(dojTt) go
Unit 5
He drives He does not (doesn’t) drive a taxi,
He has He does not (doesn’t) have a job.
Answer key
2 one sound: drives, goes, flies, lives, moves, does, reads, learns, cries, comes, buys, takes
two sounds: studies, carries, listens, washes
three sounds: finishes
lit 6
B 1 Turn 2 walk 3 Cross A take 5 Don’t take
2 a 2 b 7 c 9 d 1
e 4 f 3 g6 h 5
i 8
lit 7
A 1 Where 2 How 3 Which 4 When 5 Who 6 Whose 7 Why
2 a 9 c 5 d 6
e 7 g3 h 1
i 8
4 a //ow old are you? b What do you do? / What’s your job ?
c Mtai / time do you get up? d What do you have for breakfast?
e l/V/70 do you live with? f Why do you want to learn English?
g Which colour do you prefer? h How do you spell your name?
i How often do you work? j Whose car is that?
5 a / b Whose car
c I4ta7 does d /
e Where is
Unit 8
A 1 I can’t; Can you 2 can; Can I; I can’t make; I could come
a Could you post this letter, please? b Could I use your phone, please?
c Could you repeat your address, please? d Could you turn down the television, please?
e Could I borrow your dictionary, please?
Can you speak a third language? Can you play the guitar?
Can you ride a camel? Can you ride a bike?
Can you cook? Can you make a cake?
Can you draw?
Answer key
Unit 9
A We’ve / They’ve / I’ve got; Have we got; I’ve / We’ve got; It’s got
B 1 Have; got; have 2 Has; got; hasn’t
Unit 10
A 1 some; some; some 2 any; any 3 any 4 some; some; Yes
Unit 11
A 1 With nouns we can count, we use how M<*Ay? How MdAy eggs shall we get?
We use (k l o t for a large quantity. I want to make l o t of cakes.
We use -few or not M ^ y for a small quantity. Only <k -few.
We don’t need M^rvy.
2 With nouns we can’t count we use how Mwch? How Mwck milk shall
we get? We use <k l o t for a large quantity. We need (k l o t , so get a couple of big
bottles. We use lit t l e , or not Much for a small quantity. Just<k l i t t l e . We don’t
use Muck
1 How m uch?/ a little: money; time; coffee; petrol; orange juice; cash; sugar; information;
English; sport; cola; meat; exercise; salad
How many? /a few: lessons; times; students; children; tables; oranges; pounds; sports;
onions; flowers
Unit 12
A 1 cars; streets 2 buses 3 babies; boys 4 wives
5 men; people; children 6 sunglasses 7 traffic
Unit 13
A 1a 2 an; an 3 an hour 4 university
5 The; the; The university; the countryside; The office; the city
aa b an c a da e an
f a g an h a i an j a
k an 1 a ma n an o an
Pa q a r a s an
Unit 14
A towns and cities; countries; stations and airports; schools and colleges;
college subjects
B 1 fruit; vegetables; salt; fat; sugar 2 The children
a - b - c - d The e -
f The g The h - i -
k The I - m The n-
a- b the c - d -
e The f - g The h-
i - j The k - I the
Unit 15
A 1 this; these 2 that; those
Unit 16
Subject Object Possessive
You’ve got a flat. lt belongs to you. It’s vour flat. It’s yours.
He’s got a flat. It belongs to him. It’s his flat. It’s his.
She’s got a garden. It belongs to her. It’s her garden. It’s hers.
We’ve got a house. It belongs to us. It’s our house. It’s ours.
They’ve got a house. It belongs to them. It’s their house. It’s theirs.
Answer key
1 a He b She cI d We e They
Unit 17
A 1 blue; old; new
2 tall; good-looking; happy; good
Unit 18
A 1 slowly; badly; easily 2 well; fast; hard
5 a5 c 1
d6 f 3
Unit 19
a on b in c on d in e at
f in g at h in i in j on
k at I at m on n on
2 a at; at b at; on c in d at e on
3 a at; in b at; in; on c On; at; in d on; at; in e On; at; in; on
f On; at; in
Unit 20
1 a 3 c 6 d 8 e4
f 1 h 5
2 a in b in c in d on e at
f in g on h at i at
3 a on b in c in; in d at e on
f a ti
Unit 21
1 a Yes, it is. b Yes, it is.
c No, it doesn t It goes under the bridge, d No, there isn’t. It’s in front of the bank.
e No, it isn’t.It’s next to the chemist’s. f Yes, it is.
g No, it isn’t.It’s on the right. h Yes, it is.
i No, it isn’t.It’s behind the supermarket, j No, it isn’t. It’s behind the bank.
Unit 22
1 a3 b7 c8 d6 e1 f5 g4 h2
3 a by b at c- d on
e in f on
Unit 23
1 a to b for c to d up
e on f off g up h after
3 a on b for c on d to
e on f for g up
Unit 24
A 1 do 2 Would you like 3 What is it like
1 1 d, f, h
2 b, c, i, j
3 a, e, g, k
a3 c8 d6 e1
f 4 h7
3 a Do b Do c Would d Do e would
Answer A c e y
4 a is (’s); like; It is (It’s) b What are; like; They are / They’re c What was; like; It, was
d What was; like; It was e (What’s) What is; like; He is (He’s)
Unit 25
A 1 weren’t; was; were; weren’t 2 Were; Was; Were; Were
a My mother was pleased to see me. b The weather wasn’t sunny on holiday.
c The shopping bill wasn’t correct. d Were you tired after your journey?
e Was she happy in her country? f Were they busy yesterday?
g Was Jan in class on Wednesday?
Unit 26
A 1 started 2 didn’t come 3 Did; study 4 did
2 a / by c enjoy d /
e He didn’t live f did you finish g/
Answerkey 135
Unit 27
A 1 went; saw; met; flew 2 didn’t get 3 Did; have A did
2 a spoke b know
c did; got d did; do
e Did; didn’t understand f Did; did;didn’t drive; went
3 a had; did; go; went; did; do; saw; made; went; swam
b did; do; didn’t do; went; saw; Did; go; slept; got; had; did; went
Unit 28
A 1 ’II; go; won’t; ’II see 2 ’re going to have; ’m going to stay
3 are; doing; ’m meeting; are; coming; ’m taking
1 a 4 b6 c 1 d5 e3
f2 g7
Unit 29
A 1 must /have to; must/have to 2 don’t have to 3 mustn’t 4 didn’t have to; had to
2 a3 b7 c 1 d8
e6 \2 g5 h4
4 a mustn’t b do; have; have c have to; must d Do; have to; must
e have to; didn’t have 1 Did; have to; had to
Unit 30
A 1 warmer; bigger 2 busier 3 more comfortable; more expensive; more beautiful 4 better; worse
5 than; than
3 a taller than b more serious than c better; than d works harder than
e is more careful than f is happier than
1.1 Do: the cooking, the housework, homework, the cleaning, exercise, the washing
Go: swimming, jogging, fishing, travelling
a T-shirt, jeans, belt, socks, trainers b blouse, sweater, skirt, tights, slippers
c shirt, tie, jacket, trousers, shoes
8.1 a 7 b5 c 10 e 12
f 1 g 11 h 6 j 5
k 9 I 4
9 .2 September 9; January 1; December 12; March 3; July 7; February 2; October 10; August 8; April 4;
June 6; November 11; May 5
11.1 Meat:
a chicken b lamb c turkey d pork, ham, bacon
e veal f beef
a banana b lemon c blackberry d strawberry
e peach 1 cherry g fig h apple
i grapes j dates k apricot I pear
m orange n pineapple o melon p raspberry
a broccoli b onion c cauliflower d lettuce
e cabbage f potato g peas h tomato
i avocado j beans k leek I cucumber
The face
a head b hair c eye d nose
e teeth f lips g eyebrow h ear
i cheek j chin k neck I throat
The body
a shoulder b back c stomach d bottom e hand f groin g knee
h ankle i toe j chest k elbow I side m arm n wrist
o thumb p finger q leg x foot
I is b bed
e get d do
ce cat f fun
A sun g go
D hot h house
U foot, put k cat
9 apply 1 look
m man
Long vowels n no
P pound
a: arm, calm r run
i: we, see s sit
u: who, you t talk
d: four, saw V van
31 bird, learn, word w will
z zebra
Diphthongs tf chip
ei day, they X loch
ai five, why IJ ring
ji boy, point 0 think
au home, no a this
au house, now J she
19 ear, here 3 decision
ea hair, where J yes
U9 poor, tour
aia fire
aua flower
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