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#pragma region Libraries

// Libraries
#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_PWMServoDriver.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <NewPing.h>
#include <PENO_Library.h>
#include <HX711.h>
#pragma endregion

#pragma region Variables

#pragma region Declarations global variables
// Declarations global variables
unsigned long t = millis(), dataPrev = millis(), prev_arm = millis(), dataPrev2 = millis();
long delData = 0, delData2 = 0;
int r = NULL, g = NULL, b = NULL;
int distance = 0;
bool posLock = false, startSequence = true, distance_on = false;
String commando, parameters;
bool dataConfirmed = false;
bool finished = false;
//Only used when the color sensor is not used
String box = "placeholder";
const bool withWifi = true;
const bool withColor = false, test = false;
const int SERVO_FREQ = 50, SERVOMIN = 84, SERVOMAX = 375;
const float full = 5, zeroHeight = 12.5, armLength = 24.5, initialDistance = zeroHeight - full,
fullInterval = full / 3;
const String startsequence = "CMDS/";
const String stopsequence = "/CMDEND/";
const String startsequenceSetup = "SETUPB/";
const String stopsequenceSetup = "/SETUPE/";
const float breakOff = 0.9;
#pragma endregion Declarations global variables
#pragma region Declarations motor variables
// DC variables
uint8_t DC1 = 12;
uint8_t DC2 = 10;
short DCSpeed = -50;
unsigned long prevDC = millis();
long delDC = 0;

//Conveyor belt servo variables

const uint8_t belt1 = 12, belt2 = 13;
bool beltOn = false, beltWay = false;

//Left-Right servo variables

const uint8_t ServoLR = 9;
//Initial value
int currentAngleLR = 90, goToAngleLR;

//Up-Down servo variables

const short fixedAngle = -18;
long delArm = 0;
const uint8_t UD_Servo = 8;
//Initial value
int currentAngleUD = 55, goToAngleUD, passedGoToAngleUD;
#pragma endregion
#pragma region Declarations bean and sensor variables
//Color sensor variables
const uint8_t CS0 = 6, CS1 = 7, CS2 = 8, CS3 = 9, CSOUT = 13;
bool colorOn = true, colorStart = true;

//Sonar variables
const byte TRIGGER = 46, ECHO = 47;
const int MAX_DISTANCE = 400;

//Scale variables
const int LOADCELL_DOUT_PIN = 28;
const int LOADCELL_SCK_PIN = 44;
const float calFac = -401050 / 200;

//Bean variables
const int angleBox1 = 25, angleBox2 = 85, angleBox3 = 140;
const int angles[3] = {angleBox1, angleBox2, angleBox3};
int angleWhite = NULL, angleBrown = NULL, angleBlack = NULL;
int angleBox;
String box1 = "", box2 = "", box3 = "";
int colorBox1[3] = { 0, 0, 0 }, colorBox2[3] = { 0, 0, 0 }, colorBox3[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };
const int WHITE[3] = {48, 82, 88};
const int BROWN[3] = {55, 105, 110};
const int BLACK[3] = {65, 117, 123};
float weightWhite = 0, weightBrown = 0, weightBlack = 0, weight = 0;
String chosenColor = "";
double currentWeight = 0;
#pragma endregion
#pragma endregion Variables

//Initialise ultrasonic sensor values


// Global variable for the use of PWM functions

Adafruit_PWMServoDriver pwm = Adafruit_PWMServoDriver();

//Variable for weight sensor

HX711 scale;

void setup()
#pragma region Main setup
// NIET AANPASSEN ------------------------

pinMode(25, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(25, HIGH);


// Setup
pinMode(DC1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(DC2, OUTPUT);
//colorSetup(CS0, CS1, CS2, CS3, CSOUT);

//Initial value setup

pwm.setPWM(15 - ServoLR, 0, map(currentAngleLR, 0, 180, SERVOMIN, SERVOMAX));
pwm.setPWM(15 - UD_Servo, 0, map(currentAngleUD, 0, 180, SERVOMIN, SERVOMAX));
#pragma endregion Main setup

#pragma region Data setup

//Loop repeats as long as the data is not confirmed
while(!dataConfirmed && !test)
String command = checkwifi();

if (command.length()>0)
commando = command.substring(0,command.indexOf('/'));
parameters = command.substring(command.indexOf('/')+1);
if(commando == "beans")
chosenColor = parameters;
else if(commando.startsWith("gewicht"))
weight = parameters.substring(7, parameters.length()).toFloat();
if(chosenColor == "black")
weightBlack = weight;
else if(chosenColor == "brown")
weightBrown = weight;
else if(chosenColor == "white")
weightWhite = weight;
else if(commando == "verify")
dataConfirmed = true;

//This will only be called if the color sensor is not used

while(!(box == "1" || box == "2" || box == "3"))
box = Serial.readString();

if(box == "1")
goToAngleLR = angleBox1;
angleBox = angleBox1;
else if(box == "2")
goToAngleLR = angleBox2;
angleBox = angleBox2;
else if(box == "3")
goToAngleLR = angleBox3;
angleBox = angleBox3;
#pragma endregion Data setup

weight = 150;


void loop()
distance = realDist(sonar.ping_cm(), currentAngleUD);
currentWeight = measureWeight();
t = millis();

#pragma region color setup

if(startSequence && withColor)
//Move to position
currentAngleLR = angleServoControl(ServoLR, goToAngleLR, currentAngleLR);

//Scanning colors
r = redPW(CS2, CS3, CSOUT);
g = greenPW(CS2, CS3, CSOUT);
b = bluePW(CS2, CS3, CSOUT);

//Assigning color values to different boxes


if(box1 != "" && box2 != "" && box3 != "")

if(chosenColor == box1)
goToAngleLR = angleBox1;
angleBox = angleBox1;
else if(chosenColor == box2)
goToAngleLR = angleBox2;
angleBox = angleBox2;
else if(chosenColor == box3)
goToAngleLR = angleBox3;
angleBox = angleBox3;
startSequence = false;
angleServoControl(ServoLR, goToAngleLR, currentAngleLR);

//Changing angles
if(box1 != "" && box2 == "" && box3 == "")
goToAngleLR = angleBox2;
else if(box1 != "" && box2 != "" && box3 == "")
goToAngleLR = angleBox3;
#pragma endregion color setup
#pragma region fullfilling order
else if(!finished)
currentWeight = measureWeight();
goToAngleUD = !(currentWeight >= breakOff * weight) ? angleVert(goToAngleUD) : goToAngleUD;
goToAngleLR = angleHor(currentAngleLR);
delData = t - dataPrev;
delArm = t - prev_arm;
delData2 = t - dataPrev2;

currentWeight = measureWeight();
//Print the current weight

//Sending the data if the data delay is exceeded

if(delData >= 500)
dataPrev = millis();

if(delData2 >= 15000)

goToAngleUD = 20;
passedGoToAngleUD = passedAngle(goToAngleUD);
currentAngleUD = angleServoControl(UD_Servo, passedGoToAngleUD, currentAngleUD);
dataPrev2 = millis();

passedGoToAngleUD = passedAngle(goToAngleUD);

if(currentWeight >= breakOff * weight)

if(delArm >= 10000)
prev_arm = millis();
goToAngleUD = 20;
passedGoToAngleUD = passedAngle(goToAngleUD);
beltOn = false;
else if(delArm >= 5000)
goToAngleUD = angleVert(goToAngleUD);
passedGoToAngleUD = passedAngle(goToAngleUD);
beltWay = false;
beltOn = true;

if(currentWeight >= weight && !finished)

beltWay = true;
beltOn = true;
goToAngleLR = 90;
DCSpeed = -50;
goToAngleUD = 25;
passedGoToAngleUD = passedAngle(goToAngleUD);
continuousServoControl(belt1, !beltWay, beltOn);
continuousServoControl(belt2, beltWay, false);
currentAngleLR = angleServoControl(ServoLR, goToAngleLR, currentAngleLR);
currentAngleUD = angleServoControl(UD_Servo, passedGoToAngleUD, currentAngleUD);
beltOn = false;
finished = true;
goToAngleUD = angleVert(goToAngleUD);
passedGoToAngleUD = passedAngle(goToAngleUD);
beltOn = true;

//Adjusting servo angles

currentAngleLR = angleServoControl(ServoLR, goToAngleLR, currentAngleLR);
currentAngleUD = angleServoControl(UD_Servo, passedGoToAngleUD, currentAngleUD);

//Adjusting conveyor belt and wheel speeds

continuousServoControl(belt1, beltWay, beltOn);
continuousServoControl(belt2, beltWay, beltOn);
delDC = t - prevDC;
if(delDC >= 5000)
prevDC = millis();
#pragma endregion fullfilling order

#pragma region Functions

#pragma region Motor functions
// servoNr is a number corresponding to the port the servo you want to control is connected to
// angle is a number in degrees to which the servo-motor has to move
short angleServoControl(byte servoNr, short angle, short currentAngle)
if(currentAngle < angle)
for(;currentAngle < angle; currentAngle++)
pwm.setPWM(15 - servoNr, 0, map(currentAngle, 0, 180, SERVOMIN, SERVOMAX));
else if(currentAngle > angle)
for(;currentAngle > angle; currentAngle--)
pwm.setPWM(15 - servoNr, 0, map(currentAngle, 0, 180, SERVOMIN, SERVOMAX));

return currentAngle;

// servoNr is a number corresponding to the port the servo you want to control is connected to
void continuousServoControl(uint8_t servoNr, bool way, bool on)
short clockOrCounter;

clockOrCounter = servoNr == belt2 ? (way ? 200 : 400) : (way ? 400 : 200);
clockOrCounter = !on ? 300 : clockOrCounter;
pwm.setPWM(15 - servoNr, 0, clockOrCounter);

// Speed is a value between -100 and +100 that roughly corresponds to the actual speed
// The actual speed is 1 of 5 values: CCW fast, CCW slow, stationary, CW slow, CW fast
// -50, 0 and 50 are the switch values for the speeds
void DCControl(int8_t speed)
if (speed < -50)
analogWrite(DC1, 255);
analogWrite(DC2, 255);
else if (-50 <= speed < 0)
analogWrite(DC1, 255);
analogWrite(DC2, 0);
else if (0 < speed <= 50)
analogWrite(DC1, 0);
analogWrite(DC2, 0);
else if (50 < speed)
analogWrite(DC1, 0);
analogWrite(DC2, 255);
#pragma endregion Motor functions
#pragma region Processing functions
// This method is used to assign angles to different colors
void colorAngleAssignment(short angle)
case angleBox1:
box1 = beanAssignment(r, g, b);
angleWhite = angleAssignment("white", angle, angleWhite);
angleBrown = angleAssignment("brown", angle, angleBrown);
angleBlack = angleAssignment("black", angle, angleBlack);
case angleBox2:
box2 = beanAssignment(r, g, b);
angleWhite = angleAssignment("white", angle, angleWhite);
angleBrown = angleAssignment("brown", angle, angleBrown);
angleBlack = angleAssignment("black", angle, angleBlack);
case angleBox3:
box3 = beanAssignment(r, g, b);
angleWhite = angleAssignment("white", angle, angleWhite);
angleBrown = angleAssignment("brown", angle, angleBrown);
angleBlack = angleAssignment("black", angle, angleBlack);

// To calculate the angle of the Up-Down-servo
short angleVert(short currentAngle)
if(distance > 15)
return currentAngle - 20;
else if(distance == 5)
return currentAngle;
else if(distance > 5)
return currentAngle - 1;
return currentAngle + 1;

// To calculate the angle of the Left-Right-servo
int angleHor(short currentAngle)
if(angleBox - currentAngle >= 0)
return angleBox + 8;
else if(angleBox - currentAngle < 0)
return angleBox - 6;

// For assigning RGB values to the boxes
void colorAssignment(short angle)
case angleBox1:
colorBox1[0] = r;
colorBox1[1] = g;
colorBox1[2] = b;
case angleBox2:
colorBox2[0] = r;
colorBox2[1] = g;
colorBox2[2] = b;
case angleBox3:
colorBox3[0] = r;
colorBox3[1] = g;
colorBox3[2] = b;

// Assigning boxes to bean colors
String beanAssignment(int R, int G, int B)
float deviationWhite = 0, deviationBrown = 0, deviationBlack = 0, minimumDeviation;
int RGB[3] = {R, G, B};
String color;

for(byte i = 0; i <= 2; i++)
deviationWhite += pow(RGB[i] - WHITE[i], 2);
for(byte i = 0; i <= 2; i++)
deviationBrown += pow(RGB[i] - BROWN[i], 2);
for(byte i = 0; i <= 2; i++)
deviationBlack += pow(RGB[i] - BLACK[i], 2);
minimumDeviation = minimum(deviationWhite, deviationBrown, deviationBlack);
if(minimumDeviation == deviationWhite)
color = "white";
else if(minimumDeviation == deviationBrown)
color = "brown";
color = "black";

return color;

// Assgining angles to the colors corresponding to the box they are in
int angleAssignment(String color, short angle, short colorAngle)
int retAngle = NULL;

if(colorAngle == NULL)
if(color == box1)
if(angleBox1 == angle)
retAngle = angleBox1;
else if(color == box2)
if(angleBox2 == angle)
retAngle = angleBox2;
else if(color == box3)
if(angleBox3 == angle)
retAngle = angleBox3;
retAngle = colorAngle;

return retAngle;
// Function to measure the weight
float measureWeight()
return scale.get_units();

// Function to calculate the amount of beans in the box
void calculateQuantity()
byte amount, box;
float currentHeight;
if(angleBox == angleBox3)
box = 3;
else if(angleBox == angleBox2)
box = 2;
else if(angleBox == angleBox1)
box = 1;

currentHeight = currentLevel();

if(currentHeight > 2 * fullInterval)

amount = 3;
else if(currentHeight > fullInterval)
amount = 2;
amount = 1;

sendQuantity(box, amount);
#pragma endregion Processing functions TODO: angleHor, angleVert
#pragma region Wifi functions
// Functions for sending data to the application
void fromMonitorToApp(String message)
sendWifi("MonitorToApp/" + message);

void sendWeight(String weight)

fromMonitorToApp("Weight: " + weight);

void sendQuantity(byte pile, byte quantity)

fromMonitorToApp("Quantity: " + String(pile) + "," + String(quantity));

// Function for decoding signals sent from the application
String checkwifi()
String command = "";

while (Serial2.available())
command = Serial2.readString();
if(command.indexOf(startsequence) > 0)
command = command.substring(command.indexOf(startsequence) + startsequence.length());
command = command.substring(0, command.indexOf(stopsequence));
//Checking if it is a setup command
else if(command.indexOf(startsequenceSetup) > 0)
command = "";
command = "";

return command;
#pragma endregion Wifi functions
#pragma region Helper functions
// Helper function for calculating the level of hte beans
float currentLevel()
//Processing & Output
return zeroHeight - (distance - sin(goToAngleUD / 180 * PI) * armLength);

// Minimum helper function
float minimum(float x, float y, float z)
if(x <= y && x <= z)
return x;
else if(y <= x && y <= z)
return y;
return z;

// Helper function to calculate the real distance
float realDist(float dist, short angle)
return dist * cos(angle / 180 * PI);

// Helper function to convert the servo angle into the actual angle
short passedAngle(short angle)
return angle + 39;

// Helper function for sending data over wifi-signal to the application
void sendWifi(String message)

// Helper function for wifi setup
void displayESP32Setup(String command)
command = command.substring(command.indexOf(startsequenceSetup) + startsequenceSetup.length());
command = command.substring(0, command.indexOf(stopsequenceSetup));
#pragma endregion Helper functions
#pragma endregion Functions

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