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Chapter I

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Background of the Study

School principal is a primary leader in a school building. A good leader always leads by

example. A principal should be positive, enthusiastic, have his hand in the day-to-day activities

of the school, and listen to what his constituents are saying. An effective leader is available to

teachers, staff members, parents, students, and community members. He stays calm in difficult

situations, thinks before acting, and puts the needs of the school before himself. An effective

principal step up to fill in holes as needed, even if it isn’t a part of his daily routine.

The role of the principal covers many different areas including leadership, teacher

evaluation, and student discipline. Being an effective principal is hard work and is also time-

consuming. A good principal is balanced within all her roles and works hard to ensure that she is

doing what she feels is best for all constituents involved. Time is a major limiting factor for

every principal. A principal must become efficient at practices such as prioritizing, scheduling,

and organization.

School principals setting are recognized as leaders and managers who have a great role to

impact on the livelihood of their schools by setting the tone and ethos of teaching and learning

activities (Clarke, 2012; Naidu et al., 2008). Effectiveness of teaching and learning programs

come to be measured through learner academic achievement with the expectation that school

principals are the vital instrument towards enhanced instructional delivery in their schools. Their

mode of operation together with their School Management Teams members (SMTs), senior and
master teachers, as well as subject heads in ensuring good curriculum delivery was of a pivotal

nature towards improved learner results (Naidu et al., 2008). Agasisti et al. (2012) in their study

on whether managerial characteristics of school principals had influence on performance of

learners established that there are a number of attributes to such a phenomenon. In executing

their managerial characteristics, principals needed to draw clear goals, visions and missions

guiding their schools, plan school activities and provide guidelines to achieve those plans,

respect and respond to the wishes of the school population, renege from being dictators while

leading school organizations, network for the school and make timeous contacts. Principals were

furthermore expected to consult with all relevant school stakeholders, accept new ideas, and

encourage teamwork in order to initiate constructive changes.

For effective teaching and learning activities to take place, principals were expected to

motivate their co-workers while creating leadership geared towards improved teaching learning

activities (Agasisti et al., 2012; Farah, 2013). Up and above the managerial characteristics,

management styles, participation in decision-making, assessment practices, teachers’ behavior,

and parents’ involvement were among others in assisting school initiatives to improve learner

academic achievement. Similar findings were made by Steyn (2005) in his study on the influence

of African Educational Research Journal Vol. 8(2), pp. 183-193, May 2020 DOI:

10.30918/AERJ.82.20.042 ISSN: 2354-2160 Full Length Research Paper educational leadership

in inviting schools. The two studies shared their commonalities pertaining to principals having a

clear vision, creating a school culture and school environment that supported teachers, and

stimulation of teachers’ effort to enhance their teaching performance. Collaborative working

relations among teachers, and commitment also emanated as trivial aspects that contributed to

high learner academic achievement (Agasisti et al., 2012; Steyn, 2005).

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to find out instructional leadership of the principals of Datu Paglas


1. What are the profile of school principal in terms of;

a. Age

b. Sex

c. School

d. Length of Service as Principal/school head

2. What are the instructional leadership of the respondents for the improvement of their


3. What is the implications of the respondents instructional leadership of a school

principal for the improvement?

Theoretical Framework

Manasse (2015) carried research on improving condition for principal effectiveness:

Policy implication of Research. The Summary of the work indicated that effective principal

are likely to have a clear source of their own strengths and weaknesses, high energy

levels, strong communication skills, an analyzed approach to problem solving, human

relation skills and a high tolerance for stress which directly related to characteristics of

effective schools described as: strong administrative leadership, climate conducive to

learning, worldwide emphasis on skills, high teacher expectations for students‟

achievement and systematic monitoring of pupils‟ performance. Ayeni and Akinfolarin

(2014), carried research on assessing principals coordinating and controlling strategies for

effective teaching and quality learning outcome.

Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework consists of the independent variable’s profile such as age, sex,

name of school of principal. In addition, the dependent variables consist of time management,

benefactors and academic achievement of students in Datu Ibrahim Paglas Memorial College.

Independent Variables Dependent Variables

Instructional School
Leadership Development

Fig. 1. Schematic representation of the variables

Null Hypothesis

There is a relationship between instructional leadership of the principals / school heads

and school development.

Scope and Delimitation of the study

This study was delimited or determine the leadership approach of the school principals in

Datu Paglas Municipality. It is delimited only to the instructional leadership and its implication

to the development of their respective schools.

Significance of the study

The result of this study will generated informative data and served as significant basis for

the following:

School administrators. The result of the study could be a data-base for the establishment of a

standardized school for online learning basis

School principal. oversee all higher-level operations in a school. They create a safe learning

environment and set performance goals both for students and teachers, and oversee the process

so that those goals are attained.

Stakeholders. anyone who has an interest in the success of a school or school system. They are the

parties that are either directly or indirectly affected by the success of an education system. This includes

government officials, school board members, administrators, and teachers.

To the future researcher. This research title will be the basis of the next researchers to get information

for the success of their research.

Operational Definition of Term

Achievement. This was the result of the high proficiency of the students.

High-Poverty Students- students who participate in the federal free or reduced lunch

Instructional Leadership- this are the directive leadership focused on curriculum and

instruction leading to successful change in school improvement or school effectiveness.

Leadership. This are the school heads/ principal’s ability to do things for the betterment

of their respective schools.

Principal- the leader in a school setting.

School Development. This was the school’s physical development as well as the learners

and the teachers within it.

Value Added Gains- The minimum standard of expectation that students will gain a

year’s growth for a year’s instruction in each subject area.

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