PD Essay Paper PDF
PD Essay Paper PDF
PD Essay Paper PDF
(EDU 630)
School management can be defining as main system for professionally functioning
schools, and contains applications like registration, enrollment, attendance, scheduling. The
information of a student like student information, examination management, teacher and children
attendance, managing fees and accounts, library management also under the school management.
The management in school just likes a backbone to whole system in a school. In recent years,
there are many improvement in the educational system such as differentiation in the expectations
school environments from the school, increasing student discipline problems and many other
unpredicted situations have caused educational organizations face various organizational crises
(Sagır, Ercan & Sahin, 2013).
Although there are many arise issues and crisis, one of the major responsibility of
managing body of a school is to create a suitable environment for the teachers, students and other
staff in order to whole system going smoothly. Therefore, it is the responsibility of head teacher
as the manager of primary school and principals as the manager of secondary school to design
the physical environment of the classroom for optimal learning create positive environment for
learning, establish and maintain rules, effectively deal with problems, effective usage of
communication strategies and understand the development of the students (Kamarulzaman. K,
The education system in Malaysia is not excluded for its own problems and issues all this
while. Education cannot be separated from school. Formal education starts from here and thus
building the reputation of our entire education system. It is from the root that we have to go to in
order to curb the problems that come along the way. As we know that most of our schools are
government-funded schools. Both primary and secondary schools encountered many similar
management issues. As a learning institution, one of the main issues is the management of school
managers especially where their leadership and governance is concerned. So, the management
itself is depending to the central system which is the Ministry of Education framework. The
framework itself was established to ensure all government schools in entire country have equity
and equality in the school management without any discrimination. So, the roles of the school
management are to ensure that they follow the framework provided with driven of 11 shifts to
ensure the education objective successfully achieved by ethically.
Referring to the current issues in our education, I would like to point out several issues
regarding the system, in which I analyzed deeper into several aspects most common in our
education nowadays. I looked at this subject matter at the root of the problem which is the school
system itself. The problem that comes with it is mostly all about willingness, capability and
availability. I will classify the most common duties, responsibilities and crises according to their
priorities in school. One of the biggest issues that school administrators face all around the world
is the huge number of paper-based processes that are integral to their very existence. In most
cases, it is common to see schools being immensely burdened by the huge amount of manual
process and paperwork that they have to undertake on a regular basis.
Both primary and secondary schools are faced tons similar management issues. As an
institution of education, one of the main issues is the management of school managers especially
related to leadership and efficiency of their skill to handle the whole school. Apart from this,
Santrock (2001) the school managers of learning organization are responsible in establishing the
safe and comfortable condition learning environment in schools in the context of class size and
equipment. In addition, the classrooms where teaching and learning happen need to be managed
effectively. Therefore, it is the responsibility of head teacher as the manager of primary school
and principals as the manager of secondary school to design the physical environment of the
classroom for optimal learning create positive environment for learning, establish and maintain
rules, effectively deal with problems, effective usage of communication strategies and
understand the development of the students.
Leadership of a head master and principal can be observed when they organize and
ensure every small organization in the school working according to the scope of professional.
For example, a head teacher has to ensure that canteen staff sell healthy and affordable price of
foods for students. The cleanliness of the canteen also must be priority. The head teacher and
principal also have to be realistic and wise in making decision that fit the best with school
condition. They are expected to take more active roles in ensuring that staff has an opportunity to
participate in decisions and actions in curriculum and instructional development and planning.
As a leader, they responsible to provide school staff with opportunities for decision making
(Pashiardis, 1993). Reviews by Othman (2001) concluded that leadership is necessary to initiate
and maintain school improvement. Leadership is not simply about the quality of individual
leader although this is, of course, important. It is also about the role that leaders play, their style
of management, their relationship to the vision, values and goals of the school, and their
approach to change.
In an effective school there should be a clearly articulated school mission and vision. The
other challenges that happen among school management is lacking of sense unity among the
teachers. A short study done by Kamaruddin and Bhasah (2004) has shown that a large majority
of teachers work individually in implementing assessment, enforcing rules and policies in school.
Therefore collegiality and collaboration among the teachers can only be seen at certain occasions
in school but for academic purposes is seen to be less favorable. The teachers tend to do their
own way to work and there lack of cooperation of them. This scenario is happening most of
schools in Malaysia. According to Mukhtar and Musliza (2004), pointed out the importance of a
sense of unity such as cooperation, effective communication, and shared goals were given less
attention although they agree on its importance. This happen is because sharing vision in
uplifting the school’s aspiration among the teachers is not internalised. So, the school
management has to find out the best solution to ensure all teacher shared vision and goals and be
more cooperative to build a good working atmosphere.
The Star Online that published on 22 Jul 2018 also stated that professional development
for educators has been a key enabling factor for transformation in education as it involves
transforming their knowledge into practice for the benefit of their learners. The development of a
technology-driven world has raised many challenges to conservative teaching and learning in
traditional classrooms. Strategies are formed to strengthening and empower teachers and school
leaders, with close collaboration with the Education Performance and Delivery Unit (PADU).
Professional development for educators has been a key enabling factor for transformation in
education; it involves transforming their knowledge into practice for the benefit of their learners.
Various aspects must be considered to develop educators’ competencies for 21st century
teaching and learning. These include knowledge, beliefs, and design thinking capacities of the
educators and school leaders. The teachers in school should utilize all the programs that being
line through Ministry of Education and school management itself in order the increase the
professionalism as an educator.
The other challenge or issue rise from school management is related to students’
academic achievement does not meet expectation result. Positive expectation of student
achievement, particularly amongst teachers and parents, is one of the most important
characteristics of effective schools (United States Department of Education, 1989). A large
number of studies in several countries have shown a strong relationship between high
expectations and effective learning (Mortimore, 1995). This is concerning teaching and learning
and it depends on quality teachers who are always aware of the instructional requirements and
know that students are expected to meet high academic expectations. At this point, we need to
look at teacher education as we believe it can maintain and promote successful learning
outcomes. High expectations have also been described as a “crucial characteristic of virtually all
effective schools” (Levine & Lezotte, 1990).
The current academic achievement seems decreasing and need to be concern. This
situation can be proven by the result in PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment).
As for PISA where Malaysia had participated in 2009 and 2012, the results obtained for science
placed Malaysia’s students in rank 53 among the 74 countries that participated. These results
were below the international average. Further analysis from KPM (2013, p. 3-12) stated that for
science, Malaysian students “have very limited scientific knowledge that can only be applied to a
few familiar situations. They can present scientific explanation that follows explicitly from the
given evidence but will struggle to draw conclusions or make interpretations from simple
investigations.” This was a wake-up call for the Malaysian government to do something with
regards to improving the quality of science and mathematics teaching in the country.
Same goes to the English language issues in Science and Mathematics that had been
abolished since there are reported the students unable to understand the subjects matter in the
English. Since the implementation being abolish, the teaching and learning is replaced with
Bahasa Malaysia. However, since some of the parties looked the good side learning Science and
Mathematics in English, the Ministry of Education constructed a program which is Dual
Language Programme (DLP). This program allowed teaching and learning in those subjects
happen in English and the textbook provided also in English. Harian Metro Online on January
2018 reported that the schools that involve the DLP are reach 1303 schools in entire Malaysia.
However, my question is how about the other schools that did not involve in this program could
encourage their students in English literacy and fluency? I know that the intention of new
program is good which provide opportunity to school which language that will be used in
teaching and learning for Science and Mathematics. However, my concern here is the unequal
implementation of the way subject matter deliver could provide different outcomes and it also
could lead in inequality of opportunity for students to get the best education.
In every school does not escape from facing disciplinary problem among the students. A
study done by Sabu (2005) has shown that the majority agree that some schools have not
achieved a conducive and safe environment for students. This is based on several incidents that
shocked the nation recently. Previously on June 2017, Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia
(UPNM) naval cadet Zulfarhan Osman Zulkarnain, 21, died after he was allegedly tortured and
burnt with an iron by fellow students. Even the accident is happen in higher education, but when
we looked back that the bullying scenario is trigger starting in early age. Through The Star
Malaysia on 23rd January 2018 share that The Education Ministry reported 3448 bullying cases
in 2016, up from 2825 in 2014. While not all cases end in murder, the effects of bullying are still
horrific, including mental health issues, suicidal tendencies, and social isolation. Salina (2002)
noted that secondary school students are involved in loafing, free socializing, extortion, fighting,
theft, rape, murder and lately black metal culture. However, a survey conducted by
Kamarulzaman. K., (2006) found out that 70% still believed that our schools are still able to
maintain an orderly and safe climate in teaching and learning.
Talking about disciplinary problem, the school management and teachers also facing new
challenges related to students’ parents. This is due to the parents having been expressing concern
that their children are being unfairly disciplined by teachers. And now with social media making
up the situation, the general perception is that the matter is getting from bad to worse. Actually,
only a small percentage of schools have experienced violent discipline problems but the general
perception among the public is that something has gone drastically wrong in this aspect. I believe
that discipline teacher try their best in inculcating moral values and instructing their students on
how to behave through innumerable lessons. There also SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) for
disciplining students those teachers must be follow. However, there are some parents debated on
the punishment in school; hence the Education Ministry reminded teachers to obey the SOP
during handling disciplinary cases.
There is now a trend among parents, especially from the upper class of society, to
demand for the abolition of corporal punishment in favor of counseling for their children.
Therefore, with parents not showing exemplary behavior as law-abiding citizens, and seeking
special treatment for their pampered children. In the past, such children could be expelled or sent
to reform schools. At best, principals who trapped in between roles and parents, usually make
permission from the district education office to transfer hard-core or problem students to other
schools. The challenge is faced by teachers where they need to control and build good value of
students but the parents nowadays too pampering their children. No wonder if there raise cases
that young generation lack of their respect and low of morality. So, parents and society, together
with the Education Ministry, ought to all put up a concerted effort to instil discipline in schools.
Students are encouraged to participate in learning process and engage in extra-curricular
activities provided by the school. The study also found that majority of parents believes that
residential and controlled schools have an orderly and pleasurable learning environment. Steps
have been taken by MOE to keep an orderly and pleasurable learning environment in schools by
appointing school counselors and discipline teachers in every school. Today all school in
Malaysia has set up counseling services and disciplinary board to overcome disciplinary issues to
look of the students. For serious offences the students will be placed in rehabilitation centers.
The school management must be looked forward to this issue to ensure school has an orderly and
conducive environment.
The other issue faced by school management is related to teaching effectiveness. The
core activity of schools is teaching and learning and matters relating to the school teachers.
These would appear to be obvious activities in an effective school but research suggests that
schools differ greatly to the extent in which they concentrate on their primary purpose. Othman
(2001) noted that school effectiveness is clearly dependent upon effective classroom teaching.
Similar conclusions about the importance of teaching and learning at the classroom level are
evident in the review by Creemers (1994). A number of studies have shown that correlations
between focus on teaching and learning and school and teacher. An important part of operating a
school is keeping a track of how well the teachers are doing and evaluating how effective they
are being in their work. With proper evaluation of teachers, a school can improve to a significant
extent as well.
Teacher appraisal has always been a rather contentious and sensitive issue among
teachers. The teacher evaluation exercise is necessary to determine the competency of teachers
for promotion and upgrading exercise to a better pay scale. It is a form of incentive and reward to
hard working teachers who display excellence and dedication in their job. It is not easy to
evaluate the effectiveness of a teacher, whether he is an excellent teacher with potential or a
mediocre teacher. More often than not, in the past and the present, the evaluation exercise has
brought about much dissatisfaction and frustration among colleagues when a few selected
teachers in schools were awarded excellent evaluation grades. Samuel Suresh through The Star
Online published on 2 Sep 2018 suggested on classroom should have closed-circuit television
cameras (CCTV) in the classroom. The CCTV will ensure that teaching and learning is
maximized in the classroom. The CCTV recordings can be viewed for teacher evaluation. The
suggestion is beneficial to the school management as it is easier to evaluate the teachers through
CCTV instead attend to the class. In addition it could monitor the students discipline in the class.
However, with the current economic status I’m sure that it cannot be done for entire school in
this country unless the installation cost for CCTV funded by parent-teacher association.
Teacher population in Malaysia was around 423 000 people of which 70% are female
teachers (KPM, 2014). The minimum qualification for teachers in Malaysia is an undergraduate
degree (S1); teacher education for primary school level are conducted by teacher institutes which
is called ‘maktab’ which is supervised directly by the Ministry of Education; whereas for
secondary school teachers carried out by 13 faculty of education at various public universities
under the Ministry of Higher Education. The question right now is; are the teachers not good
enough to teach young generation nowadays?
For my opinion, the requirement level of education for teachers are good and sufficient
for them to transfer the knowledge on the subject field but the teachers need more emphasizing
on teaching techniques to make the learning process better and more interesting. This is
supported by Bybee and Fuchs (2006) that emphasized on the need to reform the teaching to
make it more relevant to the challenges of the new century. Currently, there are plenty of
programs that prepare to the teachers in order to improve their teaching skills and pedagogy
method parallel with current advancement of technology. The programs such as LADAP or in-
service training which is program that intended to enhance teacher’s professionalism. So, the role
of school management is to ensure all teachers in school join the programs that Ministry of
Education had planned.
The common issues that face by school management are related to class size. According
to Carson and Badarack (1989), small class size is far better off and it is associated with the
increased in students’ performance. A study was done by Kamaruddin and Bhasah (2004)
indicates that the occurrence of small class size school is very rare in Malaysia except for
residential schools and science stream classes. However, many studies indicate that a small sized
class of below 20 students has been proven to be advantageous and efficient. The average
number of students in a class for primary school is about 35 to 45 students meanwhile for
secondary school is about 35 to 50 students (Kamarulzaman. K, 2006). The numbers of students
in a class in several schools in Tanjong Malim, Perak that reported by researcher is quite huge
and this would effects the achievements of the students since the there are many students in
Teachers face difficulties in providing fully attention to every student if there are too
many students to handle. This is supported by previous research Monks, J. and Schmidt, R.
(2010) reveals that class size and student load primarily influence student outcomes by altering
certain aspects of courses that students find beneficial and helpful in learning. For example, large
class sizes and higher student loads are correlated with less critical and analytical thinking, less
clarity in class presentations, and lower ratings on the instructor’s ability to stimulate student
interest. However, how the school management could help to minimize the class size, while the
numbers of students in a school are huge? This obstacle seems a dilemma to the school that have
many learner with limited space area in the school. However, the initiative that had been taken is
having by two sessions of schools.
These double-session schools time-share the same building and take turns to occupy the
school building. One is the morning session which started approximately 7.40 a. m. and finished
till 1 p. m and for the afternoon session is started on 1.10 p. m. until 6.40 p. m. However, in the
context of school management, it seems would provide extra and double workload to the school
staff as the session is double. Having double school sessions mean that the school having two
way managements that need to be in the same roof. In this school the same headmaster manages
both the sessions with the help of 3 deputies and an afternoon supervisor. So, the role of school
management especially the administrative extended their time of work until 6.40 p. m to cover
both sessions. However, with a good leader which is principal or head master, the school going
smoothly even there are double management to be handle.
A good school management is more concerned with cultural practices than pedagogical
practices to students and families than other schools or the educational status quo. A good school
management also could disruptive of bad cultural practices. These include intolerance based on
race, income, faith, and sexual preference and apathy toward the environment. It was found that
effective school has a great impact on educating the citizens. Although effective schools is no
longer a new concept in Malaysia since it was introduce in 1995 but the development and
realization towards it is still in the infancy stage and a long way to be translated into effective
strategies. Hence, the Ministry of Education should be more proactive with the implementation
of effective schools in Malaysia. The important point that I want to highlight here is that these
characteristics can be used to describe the issues rise in the school management that sometimes
are not visible to the public. This writing also emphasized on how the Ministry with the good
management of school overcome the issues with splendidly. Better management in schools really
can improve life for students, parents, teachers and other school staff. And this country is doing
much better than is often realized.
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