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Journey Into The Past English

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Ilya Melnikov
Journey into the past
Clairvoyance at 100% -

The gift of clairvoyance is inherent in every person, but only a few have managed to develop it
in themselves and skillfully use it. Since ancient times, people have resorted to the help of those who
are able to look into the past and predict the future. It is no secret that today clairvoyants, psychics,
and astrologers work in many special services of different countries. They help expose criminals and
are able to obtain secret information that cannot be obtained by conventional means. You, too, can
discover these unique abilities in yourself and learn how to travel into the past. In this you

our book will help.

Briefly about clairvoyance

Clairvoyance is a kind of "astral tube", through which the distance between distant places is
approaching. Astral sound vibrations and astral radiations (from distant objects) are on the way of the
flow of thoughts from object to object.
Communication at a distance (astral tube) is formed by the will and strong desire of the
clairvoyant, as a result of which, with the help of a strong flow of prana, a current of thought of the
necessary strength is formed. But this happens only with strong mediums, for some only will and
desire is not enough to establish an astral connection. In such cases, clairvoyant tools are used (glass
balls, crystals, ink, bowls of water, glasses of clean water, and others). These devices, as it were, are
the eyepiece or the starting point of the "astral tube".

The eyepiece of the astral tube can be an ordinary glass of pure spring water. The glass is
placed on a clean white tablecloth and attention is concentrated in the center of the glass, on the
surface of the water. Stare without blinking or lowering your eyelids for ten minutes. To learn how to
connect at a distance, you need to train twice a day for several weeks. At the end, you can see various
pictures and images of people and events on the surface of the water.

Clairvoyance attacks were also noticed in ordinary people, especially on the eve of any
grandiose events (wars, disasters, earthquakes, etc.), after endured danger and clinical death, as well
as after severe stress. Clairvoyant attacks are especially common in people on the threshold between
wakefulness and sleep, between life and death, in a state of intoxication, in a state of hypnosis or self-
hypnosis, in an extremely exhausted state. Our brain perceives any information, but is not always
aware of it, and only in
moments of danger to life, the brain is restructured using all its resources, which gives a person
additional chances of survival.

Sometimes the ability to foresee the future and see the past opens up after many days of fasting
and prayer. Such clairvoyance is called revelation . The clairvoyance that comes after much meditation
is called enlightenment .

The development of clairvoyance

For many centuries, man has used the five traditional channels to communicate with the outside world.
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world: visual (through it received 75% of all information); auditory (14% of information); tactile (about 6% of information); smell
(almost 4% of information); taste (3% of information). Most information is transmitted through the organs of vision, but a person
does not see with his eyes, the eyes are an information transfer tool for transmitting an image to the brain. The brain processes
the received image and we receive information about the object seen.

And for many millennia, man lacked information. Thousands of years ago, few events occurred in a day in a person’s
life, but now the events that occur in our lives every day are difficult to count. In natural nature, we see how living beings
communicate with each other and with the outside world, and nature shows
us that the range of their communication is much wider than that of a person. A bat feels objects without touching them,
owls see perfectly in the dark, dolphins perceive sounds in a huge frequency range. Why can they do it and we humans can't?
It turns out we can too. People who do not even have such a gift can develop their clairvoyant abilities. This is done through
the development and opening of the "third eye" through the patient practice of prolonged practice. Theosophist Leadbeater
said: "It should not be thought that everyone can learn clairvoyance without a very thorough preliminary preparation." True,
some persistently assure that it is enough for a person to feel kind, reverent, and then all the wisdom of the ages will
immediately pour out on him. But a little bit of common sense is enough to understand the absurdity of such a statement. No
matter how kind
a child is, if he wants to know the multiplication table, he must sit down to work and learn it. And exactly the same thing
must be done in order to learn how to use spiritual abilities. As you improve your skills, you will
see strange pictures and glows, as well as multi-colored circles around objects and people - an aura. Your dreams will
be crisp and clear. You will see many things that will surprise you. Below are some methods and techniques that help develop

called "sixth sense" - clairvoyance.

Exercise "See with your eyes"

This exercise is designed to massage the brain area at the location of the "third eye", which is necessary for the
development of clairvoyance. This exercise should be performed periodically so that your “third eye” develops its purpose.

Exercise can be performed in the supine position, but only with eyes closed until
the very end of the exercise.
Find a secluded corner where only you are, and no one distracts you
from occupation.

Turn off your phone and remove any items that might distract you. Dim the light, making it not so
bright. Close your eyes, try to look them "to the end" up and
"to the end" down. Close your eyes, try to look them "to the end" to the right and "to the end" to the left. Perform
the exercise, without straining, eight to twelve times. With your eyes closed, very slowly, draw a circle with your
eyeballs in a clockwise direction. With your eyes closed, very slowly, draw a circle with
your eyeballs counterclockwise. Mentally look straight ahead, then, as it were, in the center, in the very middle

your head, at the end, look back.

Continue to sit (lay down) with your eyes closed for another ten to fifteen minutes.
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Feel your body. It is best to

perform the “seeing with your eyes” exercise in the morning or in the first half of

Exercise "We look with the skin"

Before you start the exercise, do a bioenergy recharge of your body and do the self-hypnosis exercise: “I
can easily, freely, without difficulty feel the color of the square. All temperature changes will be perceived by the
palm of my hand, and the brain will automatically give me the finished result. It is better to start training with
ordinary squares. Cut out three multi-colored squares (white, black, red) from cardboard or paper. Put the white
and black square side by side.
Close your eyes and relax the palm of your right hand. Raise your palm to a height of eight centimeters
above the squares. Hold it over one square, then
abruptly move it to another square. Analyze and compare
your feelings. Above the white color, you will feel something akin to the morning
coolness. Above the black

weak warmth.
Learn to easily identify with your eyes closed these sensations and their relationship with
Remember how the skin of your palm reacts to color. Practice on
one of the recognizable colors by asking someone to place one or the other square at your fingertips.
Having learned to accurately identify two
colors, add another one to it - red. Place it under your palm and try for four to five minutes to remember
your feelings. Fix them in the archive of your memory. You can use the self-hypnosis formula: “I can easily
determine the color with my
palm, remember the sensations of the hand that is stored in my memory, compare and give an exact

A way to develop clairvoyance from a Himalayan Yogi

This way of developing clairvoyance is derived from a Himalayan yogi. The method is simple and extremely
effective. Your eyes, namely their back, will be a mental monitor in this exercise, on which everything that you
want to see will be displayed. It can be events from the distant past or the upcoming future. Visions can be directly
related to both you and other people.

Recommendations before performing the main exercise: Every day,

after you go to bed and already lie down in bed, carefully examine the inside of the eyelids: fancy lines, all
sorts of stains and “clouds”. With your eyes closed, peer at what you see in front of you on your psychic monitor.
You can do this exercise at any time, the main thing is that you are calm and relaxed at this time and are not in a

Try to master the state of complete immobility. When the body is completely motionless, the movement of
energy begins. The energy flows along the lines of force of the body to the brain and affects the nerve centers
responsible for the paranormal perception of actual reality. To better master the state of complete immobility, sit
in a comfortable chair or lie down on a bed. The back should be straightened, the head should lie without a pillow.
Relax completely. Learn to control the muscles of the body. Do not allow yourself the slightest movement, even
the smallest parts of the body. Maintain complete stillness
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let only your breathing work, and not a single muscle move. Exercise control over everything, but
without unnecessary stress. Your body is relaxed, still, and you are completely calm. For the first time,
a few minutes will be enough, then every day, the time can be slightly increased. Remember that
perseverance and patience are the keys to success in any endeavor.

Exercise "Hypnographic Images"

Sit down, enter a state of complete immobility. The only movement is

your breath.
Relax completely, calm down, even out your breath and close your eyes. Carefully
consider everything that you see on the back of the eyelids (hypnographic images). Now look
ahead as if you are sitting in a
movie theater waiting for a movie, staring at a blank screen. Blurry and indistinct lines, stains,
delicate shapes appear
on your screen. Pay close attention to all forms and every movement that occurs before

with your eyes.

Pay close attention to the images, their forms, their changes, how and where they move.
Gradually, you will enter a state of light trance, from which you can get out of any sharp movement of
the body.
Look further, but without straining. Your state should be contemplative. If you do not fall asleep
in twenty minutes, the images appearing on your screen will take on a more distinct image and form.
As you continue training, the images will
become clearer. If the hypnographic images that appear on your screen are
as real as in life, then your session has been successful, and you can ask various questions to
your subconscious and get answers to them.

Many clairvoyants use borderline states between sleep and wakefulness. Try to relax before you
go to bed and track the moment when sleep comes to you.

As you fall asleep, pay close attention to what happens to your consciousness and how it
changes. This is difficult to do, but if you persist, you will definitely succeed. When you can recognize
the intermediate state, then try to fall asleep with the question that interests you and constantly mentally
repeat it.
In a borderline state, you may receive an answer to your question in the form of a vision, word,
or thought. If it does not work the first time, then, as a rule, after several attempts, it succeeds. If you
want to know what will happen to you in the future, go to sleep saying to yourself the exact date and
year whose events interest you. The same goes for the past life. If the question is related to a specific
person, then you need to clearly imagine his image.

Exercise "Look into the past"

This lesson will take a lot of time, twenty-five minutes thirty. During the exercise, complete rest
is required. The exercise can also be performed lying down, but there is a high probability of falling
asleep and not quite consciously accepting the information. Our body is used to falling asleep when it
takes a horizontal position and this habit is very difficult to break. Sit comfortably in a straight-backed
chair. Put on quiet and calm relaxation
music so that it serves only as a pleasant background
and does not distract you.
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Light candles or dim the lights. Relax,

sit back, close your eyes. Enter the basic state of
"relax the mind." Float lazily in the void, the mind
completely relaxed. Mentally draw in front of you four numbers
"2013" - the current year. Imagine these four huge numbers hanging in the
vast dark sky right in front of you. After imagining this picture, start counting back. Imagine
a clock,
with a dial made up of dates and years. Turn the clock hands back to the time when you
were three years old. Your consciousness is still relaxed. Go through these numbers and enter
the area of information that is hidden under

four-digit image.
Mentally say: "My family this year." You will find yourself in the past, at the time when you
were five years old. You will see your family, learn about the relationship between relatives and
people close to you. You will see all your relationships with your parents, sisters and brothers,
relatives and friends in kindergarten, so clearly, even if you did not remember them and were not
aware of them. You can see some details that you didn't even know about. Do not
analyze, just look and perceive the picture of your childhood. Give yourself a
mental command to return to the clock face when you have seen enough
picture of your past. Set
the dial to the year 10,000 BC. Again, mentally go through the
numbers and say: "I am this year." Your mind is completely clear and
relaxed. Don't analyze anything. Just watch and remember. Remember events, remember
nature, remember people
and collect facts. After you look at life before our era, mentally return to the dial

and put the real year on it. Return

to the present. This condition is mandatory. Set the clock
hands to the current year. We have it - 2013, mentally go through
through it and say "I am today and now, I am this year." Open
your eyes. Write down what you see.
You cannot leave the "Look into the Past" exercise, where you observed the past, without
making a return to the present. Otherwise, your consciousness will start to work more slowly. It
may seem to you that time seems to have slowed down for you and your thoughts have become
more primitive. A person, plunging into his past, as if trying on his own consciousness, and it has
not yet had the experience of all your reincarnations in the future. This sometimes happened to
beginner clairvoyants. They forgot to return from the past and began to solve already solved
problems in the second round. They did not have time to do anything in the present. Keep an eye
on the time that is set on the dial of your virtual clock and do not forget to return the hands to the
present time at the end.
If you saw that some situation in the past was not resolved, you will have the opportunity to
solve it consciously and thereby remove all negative consequences. Maybe in one of your past
lives you will find a hidden talent that you can use today. For example, you were a famous writer.
Try to develop your past talent now and you will be amazed at the effect. You will remember your
craft and will be very popular in the present tense, words and sentences will easily and gracefully
fall on paper.

Great people of the past and clairvoyance

In the past and in history, there are many names of celebrities who have been helped by
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clairvoyant ability. It should be noted that it is impossible to become a great personality and
reach any heights without revealing one's inner and hidden abilities.

People who succeeded in something and became famous, sometimes without realizing it,
used their hidden reserves, their superpowers. Many famous people of the past, and indeed of
the present, have studied this subject, explored various magical practices that allow you to see
through walls and receive reliable information from the past, present and future.

Now it is no secret that many intelligence agencies of different countries are hiring
clairvoyants, psychics, astrologers to help expose criminals and obtain secret information that
cannot be obtained by conventional means.
As an example, the great Russian clairvoyant Gurzhdiev worked for several special
services at the same time during the World War.
Many well-known healers use their gift to determine the diagnosis of the patient - "X-ray -
diagnostics with their own eyes." And the well-known
dream of the chemist Mendeleev. His table of chemical elements is used all over the
world. Jane Dixon, an American
clairvoyant who bore the title of Washington's official clairvoyant, even managed to predict
the attack on President Kennedy, as well as other important events in political life. Her unique
abilities have saved the lives of many people. She became famous for the fact that many
American politicians predicted success.

While still at the age of two, little Jane discovered a wonderful gift. One day, she stood up
for her brother, whom his parents forbade to kick the ball, believing that it harmed his studies.
Little Jane told her mother that her brother's name would be entered in the book of the best
football players in America, which happened later. At first, her parents did not really believe her,
but when she suddenly could declare who would come to visit them and what kind of gift they
would bring, what they would do to her for her birthday, or that rabbits were running away from
the neighbors from the cage, everything about the wonderful girl quickly spread around the
district. When Jane was eight years old, the famous gypsy fortune-teller, looking at the girl’s
hand, said: “Your daughter will become a famous prophetess. I have never seen such lines as
hers, ”and then gave the girl a crystal ball. Jane peered into the ball and began to describe
nature, the shocked gypsy said: "You see my distant homeland, so I give you this ball."

The ball, at first, was only a toy for Jane, but her mother often told her: "Since God has
given you such a gift, you must use it for the benefit of people." And the only time Jane broke
the covenant was when she won a Lincoln car in the lottery. This was the only case when she
used her gift for the purpose of personal enrichment.
Great people used her gift: presidents, politicians, businessmen. She predicted a collapse
in the next election to Winston Churchill, to which he confidently declared: “This cannot be.
England has never let me down." However, Jane Dixon was right again.

She predicted the imminent death of President Roosevelt, as well as the surrender of
Germany in late April or early May, and that Hitler would die. All predictions came true. Long
before the election, she "promised" the same high position to H. Truman, D. Eisenhower,
D. Kennedy and R. Reagan. She told Mahatma Gandhi the exact date and cause of his death,
and Jacqueline Kennedy predicted her marriage to Aristotle Onassis and prophesied the
presidency to R. Nixon in 20 years, which happened.
It is known that the terminally ill President Roosevelt asked the fortuneteller: "What will be
the relationship between America and Russia after World War II?", To which she replied that in
the end they would be allies. She, in her crystal ball, saw everything. She predicted that the
Soviet leader, Malenkov, would be replaced in two years by "a man from
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oblong face, green eyes "and the fact that a shiny ball launched into space in the Soviet Union
will circle the planet more than once. And when she was asked how she knew this, she
answered: "From God." In December
1966, she amazed everyone with her prediction of the death of American astronauts
preparing to fly to the moon. It happened exactly as she said: “On the floor of the cabin of the
ship lies something thin and shiny, like foil. If a tool falls here, or someone steps on with their
foot, then the foil will break through, and the irreparable will happen. I see a capsule with living
people, enveloped in fire and smoke "...
The soothsayer willingly visited hospitals, where she predicted to sick people their future
fate, and very reluctantly went to various symposia, where she was invited. The American
Jane Dixon also predicted the future that awaits Russia in the twenty-first century: “The
natural disasters of the early 21st century and all the global disasters they caused will affect
Russia the least, and they will affect Russian Siberia even less. Russia will have the opportunity
for rapid and powerful development. The hopes of the World and its revival will come precisely
from Russia.”
She never hid her gift, she did not consider it her merit and protested when she was
praised. America's famous soothsayer died in January 1997 at the age of 79. Here is a short list
of famous clairvoyants of
the past: Evangelist John, author of Revelation; Gautama Buddha; Simon, preacher in the
Temple of Jerusalem; Anna, a humble servant of God. Simon and Anna together visited Mary
with Christ in the temple and extolled him as the liberator of their people; Pharaoh Amenophis
the fourth, named Akhenaten, who introduced monotheism in ancient Egypt - the worship of
only one God; Saint Teresa, an extraordinary mystic and one of the most significant women in
Europe; Emmanuel Swedenborg, eighteenth-century philosopher and theosophist, who
described the "spiritual world" in his writings; Nostradamus, the clairvoyant of the Renaissance,
whose predictions still excite the minds of many generations; Prophet Isaiah, who predicted the
liberation of the people of Israel from Babylonian slavery and the new rise of Jerusalem to glory;
Leo Tolstoy, Russian writer and mystic, whose aspirations for truth and holiness have become
an example for many; Vanga is a great predictor of modernity.

The list is endless: Moses, Krishna, Christ, Rama, Maria Duvall, Danton Brinky, Mavis,
Max Handel, Edgar Cayce, Mohammed, and many many more.

Journey into the past

Since clairvoyance is inherent in any of us, people involved in any magic, one way or
another, cannot do without it. People who are engaged in their spiritual development develop
the gift of clairvoyance in themselves. A person who has chosen a spiritual path in his life needs
clairvoyance as a tool. Without such a gift, a person leading a spiritual lifestyle will not see his
path, will go astray, get lost, therefore, in all magical rituals, clairvoyance in all ages was
considered the main ritual. It was believed that, due to their spiritual organization, it is much
easier for women to penetrate beyond the brink of reality, but men also cannot move along the
right path without this ability.

The gift of clairvoyance has been used in the spiritual and magical traditions of all peoples
of the world. The most ancient magical rite is shamanism. Shamans were specially trained,
developing the ability to "clearly see" the world as it is. Constantly developing a state of trance
in themselves, shamans got in touch with the beings of the subtle world and the subtle
perception of the world. They began to see the gods, the aura of people, animals, objects, to
see the spirits of people and animals. In their travels through
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shamans could see clots and flows of energy, the energy structure of reality and could change
it in the subtle worlds. Shamans could make a change in the energy structure of the world,
since energy is subject to change, and it is much easier to make changes in it than in the
existing physical world. Shamans thus saw the diseases of people and could cure them, they
brought back lost animals and people who had lost their memory. Shamans could even change
natural phenomena, but first they had to see all this, since any actions carried out blindly would
not lead to success. Often, when choosing a future shaman, they chose a person who had very
vivid, imaginative dreams or could perceive waking visions. This meant that a person
already had the initial signs of clairvoyance and it would be much easier to work with him and
develop his abilities. In ancient Egypt, clairvoyance was also given great importance. The adept,
before becoming a
soothsayer and beginning his studies, prayed, meditated and fasted for many days in the
silence of the temple. The secrets of the universe were revealed to him, vivid visions visited
him, the gods spoke to him. The adept, relying on his intuition, learned to feel the truth, to find
the only true path among many temptations and doubts. He was led through the understanding
of the Arcana of the Tarot, so that he himself tuned his subconscious to understanding the
world. At the end, the adept was taken through death, his soul left the body, and he "saw" the
world as it really is. When the soul of the adept returned to the body, the true vision of the world
remained with him forever.

In Greece, clairvoyance was also given great importance and great attention. People from
all over the world went to the Delphic oracle for predictions. In Delphi there was a majestic
temple of the god Apollo, among whose attendants were Pythia - girls - virgins. Behind, behind
the temple, there was a gorge. In pairs, from this gorge, the virgins were introduced into a
trance state, and through their mouths, the god Apollo brought the visitors everything they
wanted to know and gave the advice they came for. Pythia answered a variety of questions
regarding the future. These could be questions about political power, about state affairs, about
the outcome of wars, about future children, about success in business, about happiness in
personal life, about their herds.
Depending on what the Pythians answered, farmers, generals, statesmen, housewives
made decisions. They believed in the predictions of the Pythia unconditionally. At the end of the
existence of the Temple of Apollo, one of its Pythia predicted the death of the city of Delphi
itself. That is what happened in the end. The Byzantine
emperor Julian sent the doctor and scientist Oribasios to the oracle of Delphi with the
question: “Can Constantinople help Delphi in any way?”, which fell into decay under the
onslaught of Christianity. The soothsayer gave the Byzantine envoy an answer full of gloomy
forebodings: “To tell the king: the rich palace of the god has collapsed and lies underground.
Apollo has no more home here." The prediction came true. In 398 BC, the Temple of Apollo at
Delphi was destroyed and destroyed. Pythagoras and his school also considered clairvoyance
to comprehend the world and its divinity. To discover the abilities of the teachers of the
Greek theological schools, theatrical mysteries were staged, during which skits were played
about the meaning of human life and the fall of the human soul.

The festivities lasted for several days and were held in blessed and quiet corners of nature
and luxurious temples. Participants in performances and spiritual festivities fasted and prayed
for a long time. During their chants and esoteric dances, they saw visions of the subtle worlds,
they began to hear voices and see spirits.
In Christianity, great importance was attached to the appearance of God, signs and
prophetic dreams. There are many such stories in the Bible. The most striking event from the
Bible can be considered the story of an angel who flew to Mary about her future divine son. The
Bible itself is also written on the basis of the visions of the apostles. Christianity believes that
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such visions are achieved by the right way of life, constant prayers and fasting. The direct opposite,
the main rival of
Christianity - witchcraft - also actively used and is currently using clairvoyance. Without
clairvoyance, no medium, magician, witch can perform a single ritual. In the traditions of witchcraft,
it is necessary to see and distinguish the colors of the aura of people, animals and other objects
very well. Herbs that are actively used in rituals are also selected with the help of clairvoyance.
The gift of clairvoyance helps witches heal, divine, speak and weave spells. Witches also use
incense and trance states to develop their clairvoyant skills.

Witchcraft has survived to this day, it spilled over into the New Age movement. In movement
there is a constant set of practical exercises for the development of clairvoyance. These exercises
are on the list of knowing yourself and your capabilities - the first.

At the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth, science began to
take an interest in clairvoyance. Scientists have conducted various experiments, investigating the
phenomenon of clairvoyance. Until now, it has not yet found a scientific method to prove the
existence of clairvoyance and explain this phenomenon, since science studies real physical
worlds, the area of the spiritual world is not accessible to it, it does not look into it. But in the end,
science recognized the existence of "true vision - clairvoyance." In the world of scientists, their
own hypothesis was even created to explain such phenomena. For example, it is believed that in
the physical world there is an information energy field, and the human brain is a kind of receiver
that receives information from there, but at the same time the person dies, and his brain ceases
to function - the person ceases to exist in this physical world.
Scientists cannot give a clear explanation and interpret the memories of some people about
their past lives and give a scientific explanation for leaving their body, at moments of clinical death.
There are scientists who attribute such human abilities to Einstein's theory of relativity or to the
field of quantum physics. Oddly enough, but it was these scientists who, in their theories, were
closest to the truth. Now scientific methods are approaching the presence of a soul in a person
and the fact of its immortality, the presence of the soul's instruments of perception and memory.
Experiments were carried out on weighing the soul, and as it turned out that its weight is several
grams - these are all scientific ways of approaching the phenomenon of clairvoyance. The spiritual
approach does not involve the study of the mechanism of clairvoyance, but its real experiences,
visions and, as a fact, the achievement of specific results.

The state of "Head is light and free from thoughts"

Choose any subject. Your attitude to the subject is not

values (let it be a colorful ball).
Concentrate your attention and look at the center of the subject. Take it yours
gaze completely.
Do not think about anything, just absorb the image of the ball into
yourself. When an extraneous thought arises, close your eyes and try to clearly and clearly
reproduce what you see. This will allow you to prolong the state of emptiness - without thoughts.
If a thought arises, open your eyes and again focus all your attention on
colorful balloon. Again, close your eyes when a distracting thought appears.
Regular exercise will significantly strengthen memory, not lose
train of thought, enhance the brightness of the imagination and clearly follow the intended goal.

Exercises for the development of clairvoyance in the New Age movement

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Below is a set of exercises for the disclosure of clairvoyance. They should be performed in
a strictly defined sequence, in the way they are located. First you need to calm your mind, gain
complete control over your attention. The first exercise helps to set yourself up as a receiver for
receiving information from the universe information bank. The next stage is the development of
external clairvoyance, in order to learn to see the energy structure of people, plants, animals,
objects, nature. Further, the transition to internal clairvoyance, here are considered exercises for
working with the past and for working with the future, a small exercise in telepathy is given. The
last stage of clairvoyance is the acquisition of knowledge. At the very end, one fortune-telling
practice is given so that the principle of the work of clairvoyants with fortune-telling tools is clear.

These exercises will help you get to know a truly multifaceted, endless and beautiful in its
grandeur, hitherto unknown world. You will plunge into the world of sensations and discoveries,
significantly expand your horizons and your capabilities. Learn to interact and understand this new
world. And having learned to interact and carefully change the energy lines of space, you will be
able to regulate your future, manage your affairs, success and luck. You will be able to see what
awaits you in the next phase of your life.

Basic exercise "Relax the mind"

In everyday life, we are all in a hurry and in a hurry, worry, think about business, children,
parents, family. Our stream of thoughts is inexhaustible, our consciousness is literally clogged
with them. The constant internal monologue that we have with ourselves creates chaotic throwing,
and sometimes good confusion in business. In our thoughts, we immediately try to sort out several
problems, start doing one, drop the second and forget about the third. The exercise is aimed at
ensuring peace in our minds, streamlining our thoughts, giving our minds a rest, so that later we
can concentrate and make an important decision. Peace of mind gives us peace of mind. We stop
worrying about minor problems. The exercise will bring us into a state of harmony, which is
necessary for finding happiness, success and peace of mind. Exercise will help bring peace to the
soul and thoughts, as well as the body. In this state, all problems are solved, and insight descends
on a person. The chaotic thoughts that wander in our minds create confusion in the head and
create obstacles and blocks throughout the body. Hence, negative emotions and unresolved
problems arise. The result of such emotions is illness, poor health, depression. Having put things
in order in our thoughts, having created peace in the soul, in our thoughts we relax our body and
the blockers that bind it dissolve and leave. Performing the exercise itself already carries a certain
amount of luck, if you are calm in mind, your soul and body are in harmony and you are ready to
perceive knowledge, then do the exercise.

Find a calm, quiet place where no one will disturb you. As a result, the exercise can be
performed anywhere (in household chores, in communication, at work, in public transport, etc.).

Sit down, calm your breath and relax as much as possible. Close
your eyes. Try
to get all thoughts out of your head and not think. Don't have an internal dialogue
with yourself, keep quiet inside. There must be complete silence in your mind.
If it doesn’t work the first time, clear your mind with a strong-willed decision, even
if it is a little violent.
Now remove the tension that is caused by a volitional decision, stop thinking,
completely relaxing the mind.
Emerging thoughts slowly develop in space. Let them dissolve and
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they sound quieter and quieter until they dissolve completely.

Also dissolve the emerging images in space so that they don’t remain and
The image of a loved one or an angry boss, as well as a coveted
a box of perfume, in a French boutique, let it also disappear without a trace. Your mind
must be pure and empty. Each time the exercise will
get better and better. You will only need patience. When your consciousness is completely free and
relaxed, you will not see or hear anything, you will be in the boundless ocean of time (eternity) and not
even remember your name. You will realize yourself as a tiny part of the universe, an immortal being,
whose possibilities are endless. This state must be remembered and taken as the base.

Exercise "Attention under control"

The exercise is aimed at developing control over attention. With a chaotic and uncontrolled stream
of thoughts, we spray our attention and do not do a single thing with full dedication. When trying to "see
clearly" our dispersed attention does not allow us to choose a certain frequency correctly, and we receive
a lot of unnecessary, incoherent and completely useless information from the information space. A
question specifically asked in the information space will bring an equally specific and complete answer
from there. For the clairvoyant process to be successful, your mind must be absolutely clear and focused
on a particular issue.

Gaining control over attention is useful in everyday life, and not just in clairvoyance. By constantly
doing the “Attention under Control” exercise, you will soon see that it has become easier and more
effective for you to solve emerging problems, perform various actions faster and better, and begin to enjoy
every moment of your life to the fullest. And this is already a stable platform for continuous luck.

It often happens that a woman goes with a loved one to nature. The young man orders an excellent
meal to take away, amuses her with conversations, gives her marvelous wild flowers, thinks up all sorts of
amusements. The woman at this time thinks about the fact that the child was left at home with her mother,
that she had unfinished knitting left, that she would have to do laundry and cleaning, and that there was
an unfinished translation of the article. That I need to go to the store tomorrow and buy another tights, that
I need to run into the workshop and pick up boots from repair, that I need to borrow money from a friend

After a great picnic in the fresh air, the woman realizes that the day did not give her pleasure, and
what happened, she remembers little, as a result - disappointment. And the reason for this is distracted
attention. Thinking about many other things and problems that need to be solved in the near future, we do
not notice our present. The smells of a wonderful summer evening and a beautiful morning, the reflection
of the stars in our beloved eyes, the pleasant taste of wine and the sparkle of a gift ring - all this escapes
our attention and makes our life less fulfilling and happy. The proposed exercise can be done in many
ways, using external vision and internal vision. Taking any thought or emotion, you can control your

First way. Place

a vase in front of you. Enter
baseline. (Exercise "relax the mind"). Relax your mind without closing your
eyes. Concentrate all your attention on the
vase. Consider it without thinking. There is complete
emptiness and silence in your
mind. You just look at the vase and
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only her.

There are no thoughts about family, work, children, problems in my head.

Drive away from yourself various associations associated with the vase (shape, color, pattern) Concentrate on the vase
and do not
let go of it for as long as possible.

The second way.

Close your eyes.
Enter baseline. (Exercise "relax the mind"). There are no images or thoughts in your mind.
By willpower, call up in your imagination the image of an object, for
Concentrate your attention on it and do not let the image go anywhere. Don't let the book change its size,
shape, color. Do not allow any thoughts into your mind. Leave only the image
of the book and your
concentrated attention.
Drive away from yourself all associations associated with the book. Keep your
attention on the book for as long as possible.

The third way. Enter

baseline. (Exercise "relax the mind"). Free your mind from all images and thoughts.
Mentally say the word "consciousness." Concentrate your mind on this
thought. Do not allow yourself any thoughts and
associative images. After thirty or forty seconds, mentally say
the word "consciousness" again. Make sure that again you do not have any thoughts
and associative images,

associated with this word.

Fourth way. The method

allows you to control all emotions. By force of will, attention is kept on some emotion and the whole emotion is fully
experienced. First you need to name this emotion. It should be remembered that you need to train only on positive emotions,
negative emotions destroy a person. Enter the basic state (Exercise "Relax the mind"). Mentally say the word "delight." It will
be our positive emotion. Enjoy the emotional experience of rapture
without thoughts, without images. Feel your delight. Again, mentally say the word "delight"
if you feel a decline in positive emotions. Feel with feelings, and not with mental analysis, how great your joy is ...
Mentally say the word "tenderness." Feel everything that this word means to you, without thoughts, without
images. Mentally say the word "good
luck." Try to keep your attention on one emotion for as long as you can, or until you get bored (if you have mastered
method so well). Remember the desired state.

Prayer for the development of clairvoyance

With the help of prayer, you will be able to see not only physically, but also spiritually. She
will help you discover this gift or enhance it.
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To enhance the ability to clairvoyance, it is necessary to bring a pure quartz crystal to

your “third eye”, which is located between the eyebrows and read this prayer: “Divine light,
enter my third eye and fill it with illumination, clarity and the ability to see under covers.
Mighty Apollo, I thank you for opening my third eye! Archangels Haniel, Jeremiah, Raphael and
Raziel, I thank you for your magical Divine energy and help my spiritual vision! Victorious Horus,
thank you for placing your eye in front of mine so that I can see as multidimensionally as you!
Beloved Kuan Yin, I thank you for sending the energy of your third eye into mine so that I can
see love in everything and everyone! Precious Sulis, thank you for invoking the power of my
clairvoyant energy! I thank you all for opening me completely so that I can see the truth, beauty,
light and eternal life!”

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