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Antibody Conjugate Protac

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Antibody−PROTAC Conjugates Enable HER2-Dependent Targeted

Protein Degradation of BRD4
Marıá Maneiro, Nafsika Forte, Maria M. Shchepinova, Cyrille S. Kounde, Vijay Chudasama,
James Richard Baker, and Edward W. Tate*
Cite This: ACS Chem. Biol. 2020, 15, 1306−1312 Read Online

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ABSTRACT: Targeting protein degradation with Proteolysis-

Targeting Chimeras (PROTACs) is an area of great current
interest in drug discovery. Nevertheless, although the high
effectiveness of PROTACs against a wide variety of targets has
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been established, most degraders reported to date display limited

intrinsic tissue selectivity and do not discriminate between cells of
different types. Here, we describe a strategy for selective protein
degradation in a specific cell type. We report the design and
synthesis of a trastuzumab-PROTAC conjugate (Ab-PROTAC 3)
in which E3 ligase-directed degrader activity is caged with an
antibody linker which can be hydrolyzed following antibody−
PROTAC internalization, releasing the active PROTAC and
inducing catalytic protein degradation. We show that 3 selectively
targets bromodomain-containing protein 4 (BRD4) for degradation only in HER2 positive breast cancer cell lines, while sparing
HER2 negative cells. Using live cell confocal microscopy, we show internalization and lysosomal trafficking of the conjugate
specifically in HER2 positive cells, leading to the release of active PROTAC in quantities sufficient to induce potent BRD4
degradation. These studies demonstrate proof-of-concept for tissue-specific BRD4 degradation, overcoming limitations of PROTAC
selectivity, with significant potential for application to novel targets.

P rotein degradation directed by small molecules including

“molecular glues”,1−4 or Proteolysis-Targeting Chimeras
(PROTACs),5−9 is among the fastest growing fields in
broad expression profiles. Tissue-specific degradation could
enable optimization of the therapeutic window and minimize
side effects for broad-spectrum PROTACs, increasing their
chemical biology and drug discovery. In addition to its potential as drugs or chemical tools. However, PROTACs
therapeutic potential, this technology has led to powerful exploiting E3 ligases with restricted tissue distribution have not
chemical tools to probe protein function. PROTACs are been reported to date, and the development of novel E3 ligase
bifunctional compounds composed of a ligand against a ligands remains a significant challenge.
protein of interest (POI) connected to an E3 ligase ligand via a We considered an antibody−PROTAC conjugate as an
suitably designed linker.10 The mode of action of these alternative approach for selective delivery of a broad-spectrum
molecules relies on their ability to bring the POI and E3 ligase PROTAC into specific cell types, by analogy to antibody−drug
into proximity, triggering directed polyubiquitination and conjugates (ADCs). ADCs have gained momentum as
subsequent proteasome-mediated degradation of the POI, in anticancer therapeutics, since they allow delivery of a cytotoxic
a manner that is catalytic, with respect to the PROTAC.11 payload specifically to cancer cells, minimizing undesired side
PROTACs have been reported against a wide range of different effects.25 ADCs can enhance therapeutic monoclonal antibod-
targets playing important roles in biology, and particularly ies, such as trastuzumab (Herceptin) or pertuzumab
cancer, including Estrogen Receptor (ER),12 Androgen (Perjeta).26 For example, the ADC T-DM1 ado-trastuzumab
Receptor (AR),13,14 BET-bromodomain proteins,15,16 and emtansine (Kadcyla) has been approved by the United States
various kinases.17−21 Recently disclosed safety and pharmaco-
kinetics data for two orally bioavailable PROTAC candidates
(ARV-110 targeting AR, for the treatment of prostate cancer, Received: April 15, 2020
and ARV-471, which is an ERα degrader for breast cancer Accepted: April 27, 2020
therapy) in a phase I clinical trial prefigures the potential of Published: April 27, 2020
these compounds.22−24 Nonetheless, although numerous
reported PROTACs are highly efficient degraders, they are
generally not tissue-specific, since they exploit E3 ligases with

© 2020 American Chemical Society

1306 ACS Chem. Biol. 2020, 15, 1306−1312
ACS Chemical Biology Letters

Figure 1. (A) Proposed mode of action of an antibody−PROTAC conjugate, resulting in HER2-dependent protein degradation. (B) Structures of
compounds 1 and 2. (C) Overall structure of Ab-PROTAC 3. (D) LC-MS analysis of trastuzumab-NGM-PROTAC conjugate (Ab-PROTAC 3)
and the deconvoluted ion series mass spectrum. Observed mass of 152 010 corresponds to full antibody modified with four NGM-BCN-PROTAC
molecules, where all NGM moieties are hydrolyzed to maleamic acids (expected: 152 008); 76 005 corresponds to the isomeric form in which the
hinge cysteines are bridged in an intrachain manner (expected: 76 004). (E) Hydrolytic stability of Ab-PROTAC 3 determined by liquid
chromatography−mass spectroscopy (LC-MS).

Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of (see Figure 1A). Given that bromodomain containing protein
metastatic HER2 positive (HER2+) breast cancer, following 4 (BRD4) is a potentially attractive target in inflammation and
treatment with trastuzumab and taxanes.27,28 Nonetheless, to cancer, because of its role in transcriptional dysregulation,32 we
date, only a few ADCs have received FDA approval for were interested in exploring the potential of a trastuzumab−
commercialization, since many of these new therapeutics have BRD4 degrader conjugate to achieve cell-type-specific BRD4
failed during clinical trials, because of intrinsic limitations such degradation in a breast cancer cell model. We selected
as uptake into nontargeted cells. The main challenge for ADC PROTAC 1 for a proof-of-concept study (Figure 1B). This
development is related to dose-limiting toxicities (DLTs), compound is an analogue of BRD4 degrader MZ1, which has
which are frequently reported, even at suboptimal therapeutic been reported to achieve complete degradation of BRD4 at
doses, resulting in a poor balance between therapeutic efficacy 100 nM, following 4 h of treatment.15 PROTACs of this class
and off-target toxicity of these drugs.29 Another drawback of feature BET bromodomain ligand JQ1 as a targeting element
ADCs is the low quantity of payload typically delivered into for BET-containing proteins (such as BRD4) linked to a ligand
tumors, meaning that the payload must be extremely cytotoxic, for von Hippel−Lindau protein (VHL), which is a key
which can be dose-limiting.30 We considered that a PROTAC component of an E3 ligase complex involved in the regulation
could be an ideal ADC payload, since it benefits from catalytic of hypoxia.33 While our manuscript was in preparation, other
degradation activity driven by substoichiometric target engage- examples of antibody-based targeted protein degradation were
ment, delivering extended and potent target degradation from disclosed by Dragovich et al., including the delivery of
a low dose of compound.31 Estrogen Receptor alpha (ERα) degraders selectively to
We hypothesized that a trastuzumab-PROTAC conjugate targeted cells34 and selective delivery of an anti-CLL1-(GNE-
platform could achieve selective delivery of a PROTAC and 987) conjugate in a model of chronic lymphocytic leukemia
direct protein degradation specifically in HER2+ cells. Such a (CLL).35 In the latter study, the authors report a new BRD4
conjugate would bind HER2/neu receptors, inducing endo- degrader (GNE-987) with picomolar potencies toward BRD4
somal internalization and lysosomal release of active PROTAC degradation in EOL-1 AML cells, as well as in cell viability
ACS Chem. Biol. 2020, 15, 1306−1312
ACS Chemical Biology Letters

Figure 2. (A) Expression of HER2/neu receptor and BRD4 protein in the cell lines used in this study: Western blot analysis of HER2/neu, BRD4,
and β-actin on cell lysates from MCF-7, MDA-MB-231, SK-BR-3, and BT-474 cells. (B) Representative frame from immunofluorescence
microscopy images of HER2− MCF-7 and HER2+ SK-BR-3 cells labeled with a primary anti-HER2 antibody and stained with a secondary AF488-
conjugated antibody (green). Nuclei were stained with DAPI (blue). (C) Monitoring of BRD4 degradation properties of PROTAC 1 in MCF-7,
MDA-MB-231, SK-BR-3 and BT-474 cells. Western blot analysis of BRD4 and β-actin after treatment of cells with PROTAC 1, or control
compounds. Cells were incubated with PROTAC 1 for either 4 h in the medium before harvesting cell lysates (“4 h incubation”), or for 1 h
followed by washout (“washout”), which consisted of removal of the medium, washing with PBS, the addition of fresh medium, and harvesting 23 h
later. (D) Ab-PROTAC 3 induces selective degradation of BRD4 in HER2+ cell lines, in a dose-dependent manner: Western blot analysis of BRD4
and β-actin following treatment of MCF-7, MDA-MB-231, SK-BR-3, or BT-474 cells with Ab-PROTAC 3, or control compounds. Cells were
incubated with Ab-PROTAC 3 for either 4 h in the medium before harvesting cell lysates (“4 h incubation”), or for 1 h followed by washout
(“washout”), consisting of removal of the medium, washing with PBS, the addition of fresh medium, and harvesting 23 h later. (E) Structure of
BRD4 degrader 4 used as a positive control to gauge BRD4 degradation. (F) BRD4 degradation by Ab-PROTAC 3 is proteasome-dependent:
Western blot analysis of BRD4 and β-actin after treatment of SK-BR-3 and BT-474 cells with Ab-PROTAC 3 or control compounds in the
presence or absence of proteasome inhibitor bortezomib (BTZ). Cells were incubated for 2 h with BTZ or PBS (pH 6.9), followed by 1 h of
treatment with Ab-PROTAC (3). A washout was performed on the wells treated with Ab-PROTAC 3, and cells were harvested 23 h after washout.

ACS Chem. Biol. 2020, 15, 1306−1312
ACS Chemical Biology Letters

Figure 3. (A) HER2+ SK-BR-3 cells were treated with Alexa488-conjugated Ab-PROTAC (AF488-3) (100 nM) for 1, 4, 8, and 24 h (all post-1-h
washout). Cells were then labeled with LysoTracker DeepRed (50 nM, 30 min). Shown is a representative frame from live imaging of cells via
confocal microscopy. Scale bar = 20 μm. (B) HER2− MCF-7 cells were treated with AF488-3 (100 nM) for 30 min, followed by incubation with
LysoTracker DeepRed (50 nM) for an additional 30 min. Shown is a representative frame from live imaging of cells via confocal microscopy. (C)
Quantification of AF488-3 colocalization with LysoTracker DeepRed. The Pearson’s correlation coefficient is shown for various incubation time
points in SK-BR-3 cells; data are mean + the standard error of measurement (SEM); n = 6 cells. Statistical analysis was performed by one-way
ANOVA, followed by Tukey’s multiple comparison test (triple asterisk symbol (***) denotes P < 0.0001; “ns” = nonsignificant).

studies performed with different leukemia cell lines. reduction, trastuzumab was reacted with dibromomaleimide
Furthermore, with the aim of improving the pharmacokinetics 13, and overnight incubation at pH 8.5 buffer facilitated
properties of this compound in vivo, the derivatization of this quantitative hydrolysis to the desired serum stable maleamic
degrader into an antibody−degrader conjugate was described. acids (see Figures S1 and S4 in the Supporting Information).
This involved the conjugation of GNE-987 to a CCL1 Azido-PROTAC 2 was installed via SPAAC (20 equiv 2 at
antibody through a disulfide-bearing linker that was attached to 22 °C, 4 h, pH 6.9), affording Ab-PROTAC 3 with a
GNE-987 via a carbonate bond. A single IV administration of PROTAC−antibody ratio (or drug:antibody ratio, DAR) of 4
the conjugate to mice with HL-60 AML xenografts provided (see Figures 1C and 1D). Denaturing LC-MS analysis shows
dose- and antigen-dependent tumor regression. two isomeric DAR 4 disulfide bridged conjugates, consistent
Our conjugation strategy required attachment of the with the precedent for such ADCs.39 ELISA confirmed full
PROTAC to trastuzumab through a triazole moiety. We retention of antibody binding activity (see Figure S5 in the
decided to take advantage of the free hydroxyl group on the Supporting Information). Pleasingly, we found that 3 shows
VHL ligand moiety of 1 to tether an azido-PEG linker. This excellent stability, with 98.8% of 3 intact after 4 h of incubation
hydroxyl group in 1 is essential for binding to VHL;36,37 hence, (PBS, pH 7.4, 37 °C), and up to 83.5% after 24 h of incubation
attaching an antibody linker to this position via an ester (see (see Figure 1E, as well as Figure S3 in the Supporting
Figure 1B, as well as Scheme S1 in the Supporting Information).
Information) would effectively cage PROTAC activity until it We examined the biological activity of 3 against two HER2
is released intracellularly during lysosomal digestion of the negative (HER2−) breast cancer cell lines (MCF-7 and MDA-
conjugate. Thus, our tool compounds PROTAC 1 and azido- MB-231) and two HER2+ breast cancer cell lines (SK-BR-3
PROTAC 2 were synthesized as reported in Scheme S1. and BT-474), selected based on HER2/neu receptor and
Antibody−PROTAC conjugate 3 was synthesized by BRD4 expression levels determined by Western blot and
rebridging the interchain disulfide bonds of trastuzumab with immunofluorescence (see Figures 2A and 2B) and the con-
next-generation maleimides (NGMs), giving access to firmed capacity of free PROTAC 1 to degrade BRD4 in each
constructs with controlled PROTAC loading and robust of these cell lines under the same conditions selected for
serum stability, ensuring PROTAC release solely via hydrolysis testing Ab-PROTAC 3 (Figure 2C). The different BRD4
of the cleavable ester linker.38−41 A novel dibromomaleimide- degradation profile of PROTAC 1 among HER2+ and HER2−
strained alkyne linker 13 (Scheme S2A in the Supporting phenotypes is most likely related to different expression levels
Information) was used for convenient synthesis of 3 by copper- of BRD4 across these cell lines.42,43 Each cell line was treated
free strain-promoted azide−alkyne cycloaddition (SPAAC), with vehicle (PBS), antibody (trastuzumab), or positive
precluding any risk of copper contamination (see Scheme S2B control 4 (Figure 2E), or with increasing concentrations of
in the Supporting Information). Following disulfide bond Ab-PROTAC 3. BRD4 degrader 4 was used as a positive
ACS Chem. Biol. 2020, 15, 1306−1312
ACS Chemical Biology Letters

control across these studies as a reference point for maximal internalized into distinct intracellular compartments, presum-
degradation of BRD4. Cognizant of the stability of Ab- ably early and late endosomes upstream from lysosome
PROTAC 3 at physiological pH (above), we incubated cells trafficking for degradation, and partially colocalized with
either for 4 h in a serum-free medium, or for 23 h following 1-h LysoTracker DeepRed labeled lysosomes (see Figures 3A
preincubation and subsequent washout (24 h). BRD4 and 3C). After 8 h, AF488-labeled compartments colocalized
abundance was analyzed by SDS-PAGE, followed by Western extensively with lysosomes (Figures 3A and 3C); similar results
blot analysis (Figure 2D), showing that Ab-PROTAC 3 were seen without conjugate washout (see Figure S8 in the
selectively degrades BRD4 only in HER2+ cells while leaving Supporting Information). Note that, upon lysosomal digestion
BRD4 intact in HER2− cells. 100 nM Ab-PROTAC 3 for 4 h of Ab-PROTAC 3, the free active PROTAC 1 must be
delivered almost-complete BRD4 depletion only in HER2+ cell released and then access the nucleus to trigger BRD4
lines. Significant BRD4 degradation was also observed at 50 degradation. MCF-7 cells expressing very low levels of HER2
nM, whereas no degradation was detected at any of the receptor were unable to uptake AF488-3 under the same
concentrations tested in HER2− cell lines. Furthermore, just 1 conditions (Figure 3B), consistent with resistance of these cells
h of incubation with Ab-PROTAC 3 produced significant to Ab-PROTAC-mediated BRD4 degradation.
degradation of BRD4 24 h after treatment in HER2+ cells, In summary, we have developed a new example of
suggesting that the construct achieves sufficient internalization antibody−PROTAC conjugate by linking azido-PROTAC 2
into HER2+ cells within the 1-h treatment period to deliver a to dibromomaleimide-strained alkyne-functionalized trastuzu-
potent dose of PROTAC 1. In the case of cells lacking HER2/ mab through a triazole moiety leading to Ab-PROTAC 3
neu receptor surface expression, 3 is unable to undergo HER2/ bearing four molecules of PROTAC. This site-selective
neu mediated internalization; hence, no degradation was conjugate directs proteasomal BRD4 degradation in HER2+
observed. We note that BRD4 degradation was not observed in cells, following HER2-dependent internalization, lysosomal
any experiment in which cells were treated with native trafficking, and active PROTAC release. Our studies
trastuzumab. In the case of washout experiments with SK- demonstrate a new antibody−PROTAC system for antigen-
BR-3 cells (Figure 2D), the minor variations in BRD4 band specific targeted protein degradation through antigen-depend-
intensity are attributed to variation in loading, as supported by ent delivery of a PROTAC, broadening the scope of the Ab-
quantitation of the Western blot data (Figure S7 in the PROTAC technology and providing the basis for the
Supporting Information). The results of these experiments development of antibody−PROTACs for the degradation of
deliver proof of concept for selective HER2/neu-mediated a variety of different targets. We conclude that Ab-PROTACs
PROTAC delivery. have the potential to overcome traditional limitations of
We next determined whether BRD4 degradation induced by targeted degraders and ADCs by combining the key advantages
Ab-PROTAC 3 is proteasome-dependent, as expected for of each modality: the catalytic potency of PROTACs with the
tissue specificity of ADCs.

PROTAC-mediated degradation. Cells were incubated with
vehicle (PBS), positive control 4, or 100 nM Ab-PROTAC 3
in the presence or absence of proteasome inhibitor Bortezomib METHODS
(BTZ). Western blot analysis of cell lysates confirmed that Experimental procedures are described in detail in the Supporting

proteasome inhibition prevents Ab-PROTAC 3-mediated
BRD4 degradation in both HER2+ cell lines (Figure 2F).
Receptor-mediated antibody internalization has been ex- ASSOCIATED CONTENT
tensively studied through different approaches, including *
sı Supporting Information

radiolabeling, fluorescence microscopy, flow cytometry, or The Supporting Information is available free of charge at
cytotoxicity assays.44−47 Among these, confocal microscopy
with fluorescently tagged antibodies allows antibody local- Supplementary figures and schemes; materials and
ization upon internalization across different cellular compart- methods for chemical synthesis and bioconjugation,
ments, such as endosomes or lysosomes, and, hence, is a cell-based experiments, and microscopy studies; com-
commonly used technique. Trastuzumab internalization and pound characterization data and NMR spectra; Ab-
intracellular compartmentalization using this method has been PROTACs_Suppl_info (PDF)

previously studied, evidencing endosomal internalization of the
HER2/trastuzumab complex.48 Taking these precedents into AUTHOR INFORMATION
account, we aimed to investigate the trafficking of Ab- Corresponding Author
PROTAC 3 in live cells by confocal microscopy to confirm Edward W. Tate − Department of Chemistry, Imperial College
internalization and further analyze the fate of our conjugate London, London W12 0BZ, United Kingdom;
within the intracellular environment. For these studies, we 0000-0003-2213-5814; Email:
used a fluorescently labeled AlexaFluor488-Ab-PROTAC
(AF488-3) (see Scheme S2 and Figure S4 in the Supporting Authors
Information) synthesized by treating construct 3 with Marı ́a Maneiro − Department of Chemistry, Imperial College
AlexaFluor488-NHS ester (10 equiv, 22 °C, 2 h, pH 7.4), London, London W12 0BZ, United Kingdom;
resulting in conjugate AF488-3 with an average fluorophor- 0000-0001-6229-9157
e:antibody ratio (FAR) of 3.8 (see Figure S6 in the Supporting Nafsika Forte − Department of Chemistry, University College
Information). HER2+ SK-BR-3 cells were incubated with 100 London, London WC1H 0AJ, United Kingdom;
nM AF488-3 for 1 h, and cells were then washed and imaged at 0000-0002-8550-160X
1, 4, 8, and 24 h time points to study conjugate trafficking (see Maria M. Shchepinova − Department of Chemistry, Imperial
Figure 3A). At 1 h, AF488-3 was observed on the cell surface, College London, London W12 0BZ, United Kingdom;
whereas after 4 h of incubation, AF488-3 was already partially
ACS Chem. Biol. 2020, 15, 1306−1312
ACS Chemical Biology Letters

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J. L., Zinn, N., Grandi, P., Shimamura, S., Bergamini, G., Faelth- Savitski, M., Bantscheff, M., Cox, C., Gordon, D., Willard, R. R.,
James Richard Baker − Department of Chemistry, University Flanagan, J. J., Casillas, L. N., Votta, B. J., den Besten, W., Famm, K.,
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The authors declare the following competing financial Receptor (ER). J. Med. Chem. 62, 1420−1442.
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Francis Crick Institute (London, U.K.) for providing the cell
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