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In Vitro Cytotoxicity and Cell Viability Assays:: Principles, Advantages, and Disadvantages

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Chapter 1

In Vitro Cytotoxicity and Cell Viability Assays:

Principles, Advantages,
In Vitro Cytotoxicity andand
Viability Assays:
Principles, Advantages, and Disadvantages
Özlem Sultan Aslantürk
Özlem Sultan Aslantürk
Additional information is available at the end of the chapter

Additional information is available at the end of the chapter


Cytotoxicity is one of the most important indicators for biological evaluation in vitro stud-
ies. In vitro, chemicals such as drugs and pesticides have different cytotoxicity mecha-
nisms such as destruction of cell membranes, prevention of protein synthesis, irreversible
binding to receptors etc. In order to determine the cell death caused by these damages,
there is a need for cheap, reliable and reproducible short-term cytotoxicity and cell via-
bility assays. Cytotoxicity and cell viability assays are based on various cell functions.
A broad spectrum of cytotoxicity assays is currently used in the fields of toxicology
and pharmacology. There are different classifications for these assays: (i) dye exclusion
assays; (ii) colorimetric assays; (iii) fluorometric assays; and (iv) luminometric assays.
Choosing the appropriate method among these assays is important for obtaining accu-
rate and reliable results. When selecting the cytotoxicity and cell viability assays to be
used in the study, different parameters have to be considered such as the availability in
the laboratory where the study is to be performed, test compounds, detection mecha-
nism, specificity, and sensitivity. In this chapter, information will be given about in vitro
cytotoxicity and viability assays, these assays will be classified and their advantages and
disadvantages will be emphasized. The aim of this chapter is to guide the researcher
interested in this subject to select the appropriate assay for their study.

Keywords: cell viability, cytotoxicity, in vitro assays, advantages, disadvantages

1. Introduction

Viability levels and/or proliferation rates of cells are good indicators of cell health. Physical
and chemical agents can affect cell health and metabolism. These agents may cause toxic-
ity on cells via different mechanisms such as destruction of cell membranes, prevention
of protein synthesis, irreversible binding to receptors, inhibition of polydeoxynucleotide

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2 Genotoxicity - A Predictable Risk to Our Actual World

elongation, and enzymatic reactions [1]. In order to determine the cell death caused by these
mechanisms, there is a need for cheap, reliable and reproducible short-term cytotoxicity and
cell viability assays.

In vitro cell viability and cytotoxicity assays with cultured cells are widely used for cytotoxic-
ity tests of chemicals and for drug screening. Application of these assays has been of increas-
ing interest over recent years. Currently, these assays are also used in oncological researches to
evaluate both compound toxicity and tumor cell growth inhibition during drug development.
Because, they are rapid, inexpensive and do not require the use of animals. Furthermore, they
are useful for testing large number of samples. Cell viability and cytotoxicity assays are based
on various cell functions such as cell membrane permeability, enzyme activity, cell adherence,
ATP production, co-enzyme production, and nucleotide uptake activity [1].

In vitro cytotoxicity and/or cell viability assays have some advantages, such as speed, reduced
cost and potential for automation, and tests using human cells may be more relevant than
some in vivo animal tests. However, they have some disadvantages because they are not tech-
nically advanced enough yet, to replace animal tests [2].

It is important to know how many viable cells are remaining and/or how many cells are dead
at the end of the experiment. A broad spectrum of cytotoxicity and cell viability assays is
currently used in the fields of toxicology and pharmacology. The choice of assay method is
crucial in the assessment of the interaction type [3].

2. Classification of cytotoxicity and cell viability assays

Although there are different classifications for cytotoxicity and cell viability assays, in this
chapter, these assays are classified according to measurement types of end points (color
changes, fluorescence, luminescent etc.).

1. Dye exclusion: Trypan blue, eosin, Congo red, erythrosine B assays.

2. Colorimetric assays: MTT assay, MTS assay, XTT assay, WST-1 assay, WST-8 assay, LDH
assay, SRB assay, NRU assay and crystal violet assay.
3. Fluorometric assays: alamarBlue assay and CFDA-AM assay.
4. Luminometric assays: ATP assay and real-time viability assay.

2.1. Dye exclusion assays

The proportion of viable cells in a cell population can be estimated in various methods. The
simplest and widely used one of the methods is dye exclusion method. In dye exclusion
method, viable cells exclude dyes, but dead cells not exclude them. Although the staining
procedure is quite simple, experimental procedure of large number of samples is difficult
and time consuming [4]. Determination of membrane integrity is possible via dye exclusion
In Vitro Cytotoxicity and Cell Viability Assays: Principles, Advantages, and Disadvantages 3

method. A variety of such dyes have been employed, including eosin, Congo red, erythro-
sine B, and trypan blue [5, 6]. Of the dyes listed, trypan blue has been used the most exten-
sively [7–10].

If dye exclusion assays are used, following factors must be considered (i) lethally damaged
cells by cytotoxic agents may require several days to lose their membrane integrity, (ii) the
surviving cells may continue to proliferate during this time, and (iii) some lethally damaged
cells are not appear to be stained with dye at the end of the culture period, because they may
undergo an early disintegration. Factors (ii) and (iii) may cause an underestimate of cell death
when the results of the assay are based on percent viability expression [11–13].
Dye exclusion assays have unique advantages for chemosensitivity testing. They are compar-
atively simple, require small numbers of cells, are rapid, and are capable of detecting cell kill
in nondividing cell populations. Further investigations into the possible role of these assays
in chemosensitivity testing are warranted [11]. However, none of these dyes is recommended
for use on monolayer cell cultures but rather they are intended for cells in suspension; thus
monolayer cells must first trypsinized [6].

2.1.1. Trypan blue dye exclusion assay

This dye exclusion assay is used to determine the number of viable and/or dead cells in a cell
suspension. Trypan blue is a large negatively charged molecule. Trypan blue dye exclusion
assay is based on the principle that live cells possess intact cell membranes that exclude this
dye, whereas dead cells do not. In this assay, adherent or nonadherent cells are incubated
with serial dilutions of test compounds for various times. After the compound treatment,
cells are washed and suspended. Cell suspension is mixed with dye and then visually exam-
ined to determine whether cells take up or exclude dye. Viable cells will have a clear cyto-
plasm, whereas dead cells will have a blue cytoplasm [14, 15]. Number of viable and/or dead
cells per unit volume is determined by light microscopy as a percentage of untreated control
cells [15, 16].

Advantages: This method is simple, inexpensive, and a good indicator of membrane integrity
[17], and dead cells are colored blue within seconds of exposure to the dye [18].

Disadvantages: Cell counting is generally done using a hemacytometer [19]. Therefore, count-
ing errors (~10%) could be occurred. Counting errors have been attributed to poor dispersion
of cells, cell loss during cell dispersion, inaccurate dilution of cells, improper filling of the
chamber and presence of air bubbles in the chamber [17].

While the staining procedure is quite simple, it is difficult to process large number of samples
concurrently, particularly where the exact timing of progressive cytotoxic effects is required
[4]. Furthermore, trypan blue staining cannot be used to distinguish between the healthy cells
and the cells that are alive but losing cell functions. Therefore, it is not sufficiently sensitive to
use for in vitro cytotoxicity testing. Another disadvantage of trypan blue is toxic side effect of
this dye on mammalian cells [20].
4 Genotoxicity - A Predictable Risk to Our Actual World

2.1.2. Erythrosine B dye exclusion assay

Erythrosine B, also known as erythrosine or Red No. 3, is primarily used as food coloring
agent [20, 21]. Erythrosine B has already been introduced as a vital dye for counting viable
cells. Principle of this dye exclusion assay is similar to trypan blue dye exclusion assay prin-
ciple. Although erythrosine B is an alternative bio-safe vital dye for cell counting; it is not
widely used to count viable or dead cells.
Advantages: It has benefits such as low cost, versatility, and bio-safety [20].
Disadvantages: Its procedure is time-consuming and labor-intensive. Moreover, potential
disadvantages include contamination of reusable cell counting chamber, variations of hemo-
cytometer filling rates, and inter-user variations [20].

2.2. Colorimetric assays

Principle of colorimetric assays is the measurement of a biochemical marker to evaluate meta-

bolic activity of the cells. Reagents used in colorimetric assays develop a color in response
to the viability of cells, allowing the colorimetric measurement of cell viability via spectro-
photometer. Colorimetric assays are applicable for adherent or suspended cell lines, easy
to perform, and comparably economical [22, 23]. Commercial kits of colorimetric assays are
available from several companies and generally experimental procedures of these assays are
available in kit packages.

2.2.1. MTT assay

MTT (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2–5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide) assay is one of the most

commonly used colorimeteric assay to assess cytotoxicity or cell viability [24]. This assay
determines principally cell viability through determination of mitochondrial function of cells
by measuring activity of mitochondrial enzymes such as succinate dehydrogenase [18]. In this
assay, MTT is reduced to a purple formazan by NADH. This product can be quantified by
light absorbance at a specific wavelength.

Advantages: This method is far superior to the previously mentioned dye exclusion methods
because it is easy to use, safe, has a high reproducibility, and is widely used to determine both
cell viability and cytotoxicity tests [18, 25].

Disadvantages: MTT formazan is insoluble in water, and it forms purple needle-shaped crystals
in the cells. Therefore, prior to measuring the absorbance, an organic solvent such as dimethyl
sulfoxide (DMSO) or isopropanol is required to solubilize the crystals. Additionally, the cyto-
toxicity of MTT formazan makes it difficult to remove cell culture media from the plate wells
due to floating cells with MTT formazan needles, giving significant well-to-well error [18, 26].

Additional control experiments should be conducted to reduce false-positive or false-negative

results that caused by background interference due to inclusion of particles. This interference
could lead to an overestimation of the cell viability. This can often be controlled by subtrac-
tion of the background absorbance of the cells in the presence of the particles, but without the
assay reagents [18, 26].
In Vitro Cytotoxicity and Cell Viability Assays: Principles, Advantages, and Disadvantages 5

2.2.2. MTS assay

The MTS assay (5-(3-carboxymethoxyphenyl)-2-(4,5-dimethyl-thiazoly)-3-(4-sulfophenyl) tet-

razolium, inner salt assay) is a colorimetric assay. This assay is based on the conversion of a
tetrazolium salt into a colored formazan by mitochondrial activity of living cells. The amount
of produced formazan is depend on the viable cell number in culture and can be measured
with spectrophotometer at 492 nm.
Advantages: Previous studies suggest that the MTS in vitro cytotoxicity assay combines all
features of a good measurement system in terms of ease of use, precision, and rapid indication
of toxicity [27, 28]. MTS assay is a rapid, sensitive, economic, and specific in vitro cytotoxicity
assay. Performance of this assay is very competitive to other toxicological tests. This assay pro-
vides ideal properties for cytotoxicity measurement because it is easy to use, rapid, reliable,
and inexpensive. Therefore, it can be used for onsite toxicological assessments [27, 29–31].
Disadvantages: The level of absorbance measured at 492 nm is influenced by the incubation
time, cell type, and cell number. The proportion of MTS detection reagents to cells in culture
also influences the measured absorbance level. Previous studies suggested a linear relationship
between incubation time and absorbance for short incubation times up to 5 hours [29, 32, 33].
Therefore, proper incubation times for this assay are 1–3 hours.

2.2.3. XTT assay

A colorimetric method based on the tetrazolium salt XTT (2,3-bis(2-methoxy-4-nitro-

5-sulphophenyl)-5-carboxanilide-2H-tetrazolium, monosodium salt) was first described by
Scudiero et al. [34]. While MTT produced a water-insoluble formazan compound which
required dissolving the dye in order to measure its absorbance, the XTT produces a water-sol-
uble dye. The procedure of XTT is simply for measuring proliferation and is therefore an excel-
lent solution for quantitating cells and determining their viability. XTT is used to assay cell
proliferation as response to different growth factors. It is also used for assaying cytotoxicity.
This assay is based on the ability reduction of the tetrazolium salt XTT to orange-colored forma-
zan compounds by metabolic active cells. Orange-colored formazan is water soluble and its
intensity can be measured with a spectrophotometer. There is a linear relationship between the
intensity of the formazan and the number of viable cells. The use of multiwell plates and a spec-
trophotometer (or ELISA reader) allows for study with a large number of samples and obtaining
results easily and rapidly. The procedure of this assay includes cell cultivation in a 96-well plate,
adding the XTT reagent and incubation for 2–24 hours. During the incubation time, an orange
color is formed and the intensity of color can be measured with a spectrophotometer [34, 35].
Advantages: XTT assay is speed, sensitive, easy to use, and safe method. It has high sensitiv-
ity and accuracy [35].
Disadvantages: XTT assay performance depends on reductive capacity of viable cells with
the mitochondrial dehydrogenase activity. Therefore, changes of reductive capacity of via-
ble cells resulting from enzymatic regulation, pH, cellular ion concentration (e.g., sodium,
calcium, potassium), cell cycle variation, or other environmental factors may affect the final
absorbance reading [34, 35].
6 Genotoxicity - A Predictable Risk to Our Actual World

2.2.4. WST-1 assay

WST-1 (2-(4-iodophenyl)-3-(4-nitrophenyl)-5-(2,4-disulfophenyl)-2H tetrazolium monoso-

dium salt) cell proliferation assay is a simple, colorimetric assay designed to measure the
relative proliferation rates of cells in culture. The principle of this assay is based on the con-
version of the tetrazolium salt WST-1 into a highly water-soluble formazan by mitochondrial
dehydrogenase enzymes in the presence of intermediate electron acceptor, such as mPMS
(1-methoxy-5-methyl-phenazinium methyl sulfate) [36]. The water-soluble salt is released
into the cell culture medium. Within incubation period, the reaction produces a color change
which is directly proportional to the amount of mitochondrial dehydrogenase in cell culture
and thus, the assay measures the metabolic activity of cells.
To perform the assay, the WST-1 reagent that is ready-to-use is added directly into the media
of cells cultured in multiwell plates. The cultures are then given 30 minutes–4 hours to reduce
the reagent into the dye form. The plate is then immediately read at 450 nm with a reference
reading at 630 nm [37].

Advantages: It is easy to use, safe, has a high reproducibility, and is widely used to determine
both cell viability and cytotoxicity tests. Furthermore, phenol red indicators in cell culture
medium do not interfere with the dye reaction. Because the colored dye which produced at
the end of experiment is water-soluble, it is not required a solvent and additional incubation
time [37].
Disadvantages: The standard incubation time of WST-1 time is 2 h. Whether one-time addi-
tion of WST-1 can reflect the effect of the testing agents at different time points on the trend of
relative cell viability is still unclear [37].

2.2.5. WST-8 assay

WST-8 assay is a colorimetric assay for the determination of viable cell numbers and can
be used for cell proliferation assays as well as cytotoxicity assays. WST-8 (2-(2-methoxy-
4-nitrophenyl)-3-(4-nitrophenyl)-5-(2,4-disulfophenyl)-2H tetrazolium, monosodium salt), a
highly stable and water-soluble WST, is utilized in Cell Counting Kit-8 (CCK-8). It is more
sensitive than WST-1 particularly at neutral pH [37]. Because of the electron mediator,
1-methoxy PMS in this kit is highly stable, and CCK-8 is stable for at least 6 months at the
room temperature and for 1 year at 0–5oC. Since WST-8, WST-8 formazan, and 1-methoxy
PMS have no cytotoxicity on cells in the culture media, same cells from the previous assay
may be used for additional experiments.

Advantages: WST-8 is not cell permeable, which results in low cytotoxicity. Therefore, after
the assay, it is possible to continue further experiments using the same cells. Furthermore, it
produces the water-soluble formazan upon cellular reduction, which would provide an addi-
tional advantage to the method by allowing a simpler assay procedure and not required an
extra step to dissolve the formazan [28].
Disadvantages: An important consideration is that reduction of assay substrates is impacted by
changes in intracellular metabolic activity that has no direct effect on overall cell viability [15].
In Vitro Cytotoxicity and Cell Viability Assays: Principles, Advantages, and Disadvantages 7

2.2.6. LDH (lactate dehydrogenase) assay

LDH (lactate dehydrogenase) cytotoxicity assay is a colorimetric method of assaying cellular

cytotoxicity. LDH Cytotoxicity Assay Kit can be used with different cell types not only for
assaying cell-mediated cytotoxicity but also for assessment of cytotoxicity mediated by toxic
chemicals and other test compounds. The assay measures the stable, cytosolic, lactate dehy-
drogenase (LDH) enzyme quantitatively. This enzyme releases from damaged cells. LDH is
an enzyme that is normally found within the cell cytoplasm. When cell viability reduced
leakiness of the plasma membrane increase and therefore LDH enzyme is released into the
cell culture medium. The released LDH is measured with a coupled enzymatic reaction that
results in the conversion of a tetrazolium salt (iodonitrotetrazolium (INT)) into a red color
formazan by diaphorase. In the first step, LDH catalyze conversion of lactate to pyruvate and
thus NAD is reduced to NADH/H+. In a second step, catalyst (diaphorase) transfers H/H+
from NADH/H+ to the tetrazolium salt 2-(4-iodophenyl)-3-(4-nitrophenyl)-5-phenyltetrazo-
lium chloride (INT), which is reduced to red formazan [38, 39].
The LDH activity is determined as NADH oxidation or INT reduction over a defined time
period. The resulting red formazan absorbs maximally at 492 nm and can be measured quan-
titatively at 490 nm.
The detergent Triton X-100 is commonly used as positive control in the LDH assay to deter-
mine the maximum LDH release from the cells. In addition, well-known membranolytic par-
ticles such as crystalline silica can be used as a positive control in LDH assay [40].
Advantages: Reliability, speed, and simple evaluation are some of characteristics of this assay.
Because, the loss of intracellular LDH and its release into the culture medium is an indicator
of irreversible cell death due to cell membrane damage [38, 41].
Disadvantages: The major limitation of this assay is that serum and some other compounds
have inherent LDH activity. For example, the fetal calf serum has extremely high background
readings. Therefore, this assay is limited to serum-free or low-serum conditions, limiting the
assay culture period (depending on your cells’ tolerance to low serum) and reducing the
scope of the assay as it can no longer allow determination of cell death caused under normal
growth conditions (i.e. in 10% fetal calf serum). At a minimum, you should always first test
the assay with an unused aliquot of the media you intend to use and compare the reading to
that from media lacking supplements (e.g. straight DMEM) [42].

2.2.7. SRB (Sulforhodamine B) assay

SRB (Sulforhodamine B) assay is a rapid and sensitive colorimetric method for measuring
the drug-induced cytotoxicity in both attached and suspension cell cultures. This assay as
first described by Skehan and colleagues was developed for use in the disease-orientated,
large-scale anticancer drug discovery program of the National Cancer Institute (NCI) that was
launched in 1985. SRB is a bright pink aminoxanthene dye with two sulfonic groups. Under
mildly acidic conditions, SRB binds to protein basic amino acid residues in TCA-fixed (tri-
chloroacetic acid) cells to provide a sensitive index of cellular protein. SRB assay is also used
to evaluate colony formation and colony extinction [43].
8 Genotoxicity - A Predictable Risk to Our Actual World

Advantages: The SRB assay is simple, fast, and sensitive. It provided good linearity with cell
number, permitted the use of saturating dye concentrations, is less sensitive to environmental
fluctuations, is independent of intermediary metabolism, and provided a fixed end point that
is not require a time-sensitive measurement of initial reaction velocity [43]. Reproducibility
of this assay is high.
Disadvantages: It is important to obtain and maintain a homogeneous cell suspension.
Cellular clumps/aggregates should be avoided for high assay performance.

2.2.8. NRU (neutral red uptake) assay

The neutral red uptake (NRU) assay is also one of the most used colorimetric cytotoxicity/
cell viability assay. This assay was developed by Borenfreund and Puerner [44]. This assay
was based on the ability of viable cells to take up the supravital dye neutral red. This weakly
cationic dye penetrates cell membranes by nonionic passive diffusion and concentrates in the
lysosomes. The dye is then extracted from the viable cells using an acidified ethanol solution
and the absorbance of the dye is measured using spectrophotometer.
Neutral red uptake depends on the capacity of cells to maintain pH gradients through the ATP
production. At physiological pH, net charge of the dye is zero. This charge enables the dye to
penetrate the cell membranes. Inside the lysosomes, there is a proton gradient to maintain a
pH lower than that of the cytoplasm. Thus, the dye becomes charged and is retained inside
the lysosomes. When the cell dies or pH gradient is reduced, the dye cannot be retained. In
addition, the uptake of neutral red by viable cells can be modified by alterations in cell sur-
face or lysosomal membranes. Thus, it is possible to distinguish between viable, damaged,
or dead cells [44]. Lysosomal uptake of neutral red dye is a highly sensitive indicator of cell
viability. The assay can quantitate cell viability and measure cell replication, cytostatic effects
or cytotoxic effects depending on the seeding density [45]. Absorbance is measured at 540 nm
in multiwell plate reader spectrophotometer.
Advantages: NRR assay is a good marker of lysosomal damage. Also, speed and simple eval-
uation are some advantages of this assay.
Disadvantages: It has been reported that the NRR assay is either minimally or not at all affected
by natural factors, such as temperature and salinity, but is mainly influenced by pollutants [46].

2.2.9. CVS assay (crystal violet assay)

Adherent cells detach from cell culture plates during cell death. This feature can be used for
the indirect assessment of cell death and to determine differences in proliferation rate upon
stimulation with cytotoxic agents. One simple method to detect maintained adherence of cells
is crystal violet assay. In this assay, crystal violet dye binds to proteins and DNA of viable
cells, and thus, attached cells are stained with this dye. Cells lose their adherence during cell
death and are subsequently lost from the population of cells, reducing the amount of crystal
violet staining in a culture. Crystal violet assay is a quick and reliable screening method that
is suitable for the examination of the impact of chemotherapeutics or other compounds on cell
survival and growth inhibition [47].
In Vitro Cytotoxicity and Cell Viability Assays: Principles, Advantages, and Disadvantages 9

Advantages: Crystal violet staining is a quick and versatile assay for screening cell viability
under diverse stimulation conditions [48]. However, it is potentially compromised by pro-
liferative responses that occur at the same time as cell death responses. Therefore, chemi-
cal inhibitors of caspases and/or of necroptosis may be incorporated into the assay [49, 50].
Alternatively, molecular studies (e.g., overexpression or knockdown) can be performed to
more specifically address the nature of cell death [51].
Disadvantages: Crystal violet assay is insensitive to changes in cell metabolic activity.
Therefore, this assay is not appropriate for studies used cell metabolism affected compounds.
While crystal violet assay is suitable for the examination of the impact of chemotherapeutics
or other compounds on cell survival and growth inhibition, it is not able to measure cell pro-
liferation rate [51].

2.3. Fluorometric assays

Fluorometric assays of cell viability and cytotoxicity are easy to perform with the use of a fluo-
rescence microscope, fluorometer, fluorescence microplate reader or flow cytometer, and they
offer many advantages over traditional dye exclusion and colorimetric assays. Fluorometric
assays are also applicable for adherent or suspended cell lines and easy to use. These assays
are more sensitive than colorimetric assays [52–54]. Commercial kits of fluorometric assays are
available from several companies and generally experimental procedures of these assays are
available in kit packages.

2.3.1. alamarBlue (AB) assay

alamarBlue assay is also known as resazurin reduction assay. The alamarBlue assay is based
on the conversion of the blue nonfluorescent dye resazurin, which is converted to the pink
fluorescent resorufin by mitochondrial and other enzymes such as diaphorases [53].
Resazurin is a phenoxazin-3-one dye and cell permeable redox indicator that can be used
to monitor viable cell number with protocols similar to those utilizing the tetrazolium com-
pounds [55]. It is known to act as an intermediate electron acceptor in the electron trans-
port chain between the final reduction of oxygen and cytochrome oxidase by substituting
for molecular oxygen as an electron acceptor [52]. It is a nontoxic and cell permeable com-
pound. Color of this compound is blue and it is nonfluorescent. After entering cells, resazurin
is reduced to resorufin. Resorufin is red in color and highly fluorescent compound. Viable
cells convert continuously resazurin to resofurin, increasing overall fluorescence and color of
the cell culture medium. The quantity of produced resofurin is related to the number of viable
cells. Ratio of viable cells can be quantified using a microplate reader fluorometer equipped
with a 560 nm excitation/590 nm emission filter set. Resofurin can also be measured by absor-
bance changes, but absorbance detection is not often used because absorbance detection is less
sensitive than fluorescence measurement.
The incubation period required to generate a sufficient fluorescent signal above background
is usually about 1–4 hours, depending on metabolic activity of the cells, the cell density per
well and other conditions such as the culture medium type [54].
10 Genotoxicity - A Predictable Risk to Our Actual World

Advantages: alamarBlue (resazurin reduction) assay is relatively inexpensive and more sensi-
tive than tetrazolium assays. Also, it can be multiplexed with other methods such as measur-
ing caspase activity to gather more information about the cytotoxicity mechanism.
Disadvantages: Fluorescent interference from test compounds and the often overlooked
direct toxic effects on the cells are possible [54].

2.3.2. CFDA-AM assay

CFDA-AM (5-carboxyfluorescein diacetate, acetoxymethyl ester) is another fluorogenic dye

that is used for cytotoxicity determination. It is indicator for plasma membrane integrity. The
dye CFDA-AM is nontoxic esterase substrate that can be converted by nonspecific esterases of
viable cells from a membrane permeable, nonpolar, nonfluorescent substance to polar, fluo-
rescent dye, carboxyfluorescein (CF). The conversion of CFDA-AM to CF by the cells indicates
the integrity of plasma membrane, since only an intact membrane can maintain the cytoplas-
mic milieu which is needed to support esterase activity [56].

Advantages: CFDA-AM and alamarBlue assays were shown to be applicable in parallel on

the same set of the cells, since both are nontoxic to cells, require similar incubation times, and
can be detected at different wavelengths without interferences [56–58].

Disadvantages: Fluorescent interference from test compounds is possible.

2.3.3. Protease viability marker assay (GF-AFC assay)

Measurement of a conserved and constitutive protease enzyme activity of viable cells is used
as a good indicator of cell viability. A cell permeable fluorogenic protease substrate (gly-
cylphenylalanyl-aminofluorocoumarin; GF-AFC) has been recently developed to selectively
detect protease activity that is restricted to viable cells [59]. The GF-AFC substrate can pen-
etrate viable cells. In these cells, cytoplasmic aminopeptidase activity removes the gly and
phe amino acids to release aminofluorocoumarin (AFC) and produce a fluorescent signal pro-
portional to the number of viable cells [54].

When cells die, this protease activity is rapidly loss. Therefore, this protease activity is a selec-
tive marker of the viable cell population. The signal generated from this assay approach has
been shown to correlate well with other established methods of determining cell viability
such as an ATP assay [54].

Advantages: It is relatively nontoxic to cells in culture. Also, in opposite to exposure of cells to

tetrazolium, long-term exposure of the GF-AFC substrate cells results in little change in via-
bility of cells. This assay is suitable for multiplexing with other assays, because at the end of
the assay, cell population remains viable and can be used for subsequent assays. Furthermore,
the incubation time is much shorter (30 min-1 hour) compared to 1–4 hours required for the
tetrazolium assays [54].
Disadvantages: Fluorescent interference from test compounds is possible.
In Vitro Cytotoxicity and Cell Viability Assays: Principles, Advantages, and Disadvantages 11

2.4. Luminometric assays

Luminometric assays provide fast and simple determination of cell proliferation and cyto-
toxicity in mammalian cells. These assays can be performed in a convenient 96-well and 384-
well microtiter plate format and detection by luminometric microplate reader [54, 60, 61]. A
remarkable feature of the luminometric assays is the persistent and stable glow-type signal
produced after reagent addition. This attribute can be harnessed to produce both viability
and cytotoxicity values from the same well [59]. Commercial kits of luminometric assays are
available from several companies and generally experimental procedures of these assays are
available in kit packages.

2.4.1. ATP assay

ATP (adenosine tri-phosphate) represents the most important chemical energy reservoir
in cells and is used for biological synthesis, signaling, transport, and movement processes.
Therefore, cellular ATP is one of the most sensitive end points in measuring cell viability [62].
When cells damaged lethally and lose membrane integrity, they lose the ability to synthetize
ATP and the ATP level of cells decreases dramatically [54, 63]. The ATP assay is based on the
reaction of luciferin to oxyluciferin. Enzyme luciferase catalyzes this reaction in the presence
of Mg2+ ions and ATP yielding a luminescent signal. There is a linear relationship between the
intensity of luminescent signal and ATP concentration [61] or cell number [64].

The ATP assay chemistry can typically detect fewer than 10 cells per well, and therefore, it has
been widely used 1536-well plate format.

Advantages: ATP assay is the fastest cell viability assay to use, the most sensitive, and is less
prone to artifacts than other viability assays. The luminescent signal reaches steady state
and stabilizes within 10 min after addition of reagent. It does not have an incubation step
for conversion of substrate into colored compound. This also eliminates a plate handling
step [54].
Disadvantages: The ATP assay sensitivity is usually limited by reproducibility of pipetting
replicate samples rather than a result of the assay chemistry [54].

2.4.2. Real-time viability assay

Recently, a new approach is developed to measure viable cell number in real time [60]. In this
assay, an engineered luciferase derived from a marine shrimp and a small molecule prosub-
strate is used. The pro-substrate and luciferase are added directly to the cell culture medium
as a reagent. The pro-substrate is not a substrate of luciferase. Viable cells with an active
metabolism reduce the pro-substrate into a substrate, which used by luciferase, to generate
a luminescent signal. The assay can be performed in two formats: continuous read and end-
point measurement. In the continuous read format, the luminescent signal can be repeatedly
recorded from the sample wells over an extended period to measure the number of cells in
“real time” [54, 60].
12 Genotoxicity - A Predictable Risk to Our Actual World

Advantages: This assay is the only assay which allows to real-time measurement of cell viability/
cytotoxicity. The rapid decrease in luminescent signal following cell death enables multiplexing
this assay with other luminescent assays that contain a lysis step that will kill cells. The decrease
in luminescence following cell death is important to eliminate interference with subsequent
luminescent assays [54, 60].
Disadvantages: A limitation of the real time assay results from the eventual depletion of
pro-substrate by metabolically active cells. Generally, the luminescent signal generated cor-
relates with the number of metabolically active cells. However, the length of the time the
luminescent signal will be linear with cell number will depend on the number of cells per
well and their metabolic activity. Therefore, it is recommended that the maximum incubation
time to maintain linearity should be empirically determined for each cell type and seeding
density [54, 60].

3. Conclusions

A broad spectrum of cytotoxicity and cell viability assays is currently used in the fields of
toxicology and pharmacology. An ideal assay for in vitro viability and/or cytotoxicity deter-
mination should be a rapid, safe, reliable, efficient, and time- and cost-effective. It should
not interfere with test compound. The choice of assay method is crucial in the assessment of
the interaction type. The assay may change the interpretation of the compound interaction.
Therefore, the assay method should be chosen with caution, considering the mechanism of
action of the test compound [3]. Tissue or cell type used in the study also affects the perfor-
mance of cytotoxicity and/or cell viability assays. Therefore, before choosing an assay for
study, different methods should be tried and compared. If it is possible, more than one assay
should be used to determine cytotoxicity and/or cell viability in in vitro studies. Thus, reliabil-
ity of the obtained results would increase.


The author would like to thank Asst. Prof. Tülay AŞKIN ÇELİK for her helpful advice in this

Author details

Özlem Sultan Aslantürk

Address all correspondence to:

Department of Biology, Faculty of Art and Science, Central Campus, Adnan Menderes
University, Aydın, Turkey
In Vitro Cytotoxicity and Cell Viability Assays: Principles, Advantages, and Disadvantages 13


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