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TITLE ………………………………………………………………………………………………… i

APPROVAL SHEET ……………………………………………………………………………….. ii

ACCEPTANCE SHEET ……………………………………………………………………………. iii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT …………………………………………………………………………… iv

TABLE OF CONTENTS ……………………………………………………………………………. i

LIST OF TABLES…………………………………………………………………………………… iv

LIST OF FIGURES …………………………………………………………………………………. v

LIST OF APPENDICES ……………………………………………………………………………. vi

ABSTRACT …………………………………………………………………………………………. vii


I INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………………………….. 1

Background of Study…………………………………………………………… 3

Objectives of the Study……………………………………………………….. 4

General Objective …………………………………………………………….. 4

Specific Objectives……………………………………………………………. 4

Conceptual Framework………………………………………………………. 5
Scope and Delimitation of the Study………………………………………… 7

Significance of the Study……………………………………………………… 9

Definition of Terms…………………………………………………………….. 10



Related Literature……………………………………………………………… 14

Related Studies………………………………………………………………… 19


Research Design……………………………………………………………….. 21

Respondents of the Study……………………………………………………… 25

System Design………………………………………………………….............. 25

Method of Scoring……………………………………………………………….. 31

Research Environment…………………………………………………………. 34

Organizational Structure……………………………………………………….. 34

Research Locale………………………………………………………………… 34

HIPO Chart………………………………………………………………………. 35

Database Schema……………………………………………………………… 37


Requirements Analysis and Specification…………………………………… 46

Software Requirements……………………………………………………….. 47

Hardware Requirements………………………………………………………. 47

Cost Benefit Analysis…………………………………………………………... 47



Summary………………………………………………………………………… 51

Conclusion………………………………………………………………………. 52

Recommendations……………………………………………………………… 52

BIBILIOGRAPHY……………………………………………………………………………... 53

CURRICULUM VITAE………………………………………………………………………... 103


Table Page

4.1 Result Tally of the Functionality Test …………………………………………. 43

4.2 Result Tally of System Effectiveness Test …………………………………… 45

4.3 Result Tally of System Implementation ……………………………………….. 46

4.4 Annual Supply Cost of Current and Proposed System …………………….. 49

4.5 Hardware Cost of Current and Proposed System …………………………… 50

4.6 Annual Other Projected Cost of Current and Proposed System …………… 50

4.7 Summary of Current and Proposed System Cost……………………………. 51


Figure Page

1.1 Input – Process – Output (IPO) of the System ………………………………... 6

1.2 Conceptual Framework of the System ………………………………………….. 7

3.1 Current workflow in managing service record in STI Ormoc ………………… 23

3.2 Flowchart …………………………………………………………………………… 25

3.3 Block Diagram of the System…………………………………………………….. 27

3.4 Block Diagram of the SMS notification using SMS gateway ....………………. 28

3.5 How SMS works in GSM network ……………………………………………….. 29

3.6 Process of sending SMS through SMS gateway ……………………………… 31

3.7 System Users Organizational Structure ..……………………………………… 35

3.8 Research Location Map ………………………………………………………….. 36

3.9 Hierarchical Input-Output Process (HIPO) Chart of the System …………….. 37

3.10 User – Employee Schema ……………………………………………………… 38

3.11 Filing Leave and changing approved leave dates schema………………….. 38

3.12 Overtime (OT) Schema …………………………………………………………. 39

3.13 Leave Credits Schema ………………………………………………………….. 39

3.14 Travel Orders Schema ………………………………………………………….. 40

3.15 Announcement Schema ………………………………………………………… 40

3.16 SMS and Notification Schema ……………………………………………….… 41

3.17 Department Schema ………………………………………………… 41


Appendix Page

A Letter to Human Resource Manager ………………………………………… 58

B Transcript of the Interview to the HRMO …………………..………………… 59

C GANTT CHART…………………………..……………………………………... 61

D User Manual …………..………………………………………………………… 62

E Source Codes …………………...……………………………………………... 76




Elizabeth T. Mamasig, December 2018

Eastern Visayas State University, Tacloban City, Leyte, Phil.

Michael B. Batan, Adviser

This study developed an efficient, effective, and user-friendly online class management

system with SMS notification for Abuyog Community College which allows processing of transactions

faster and more convenient than traditional methods. The system automates processing of service

record transactions such as leave, travel orders and overtime online allowing the user to file

applications whenever, wherever and whatever type of device the user wants to use while giving

them the privileged to received updates regarding the status of their application via SMS. The system

was develop using Laravel: a PHP Framework, JavaScript, HTML and MySQL, while Java was used

to develop an API which serves as a gateway for the SMS notification using Huawei Broadband E330

as the GSM Modem. Servers like Apache and WebSocket were used as the server for the website

and system notifications respectively. The result of the evaluation shows that the system is highly

acceptable and is cost-effective.

Keywords: SMS, Service Records, Laravel, Database



Background of the Study

The uses of technology nowadays are indispensable for automating manual transactions.

So many companies are using Automated System in order for their transaction to be fast, smooth-

going, reliable, more secure and hassle-free. The expense of using automated system is just a matter

of clicking and everything is settled. Internet is a very popular kind of technology these days that lots

of people are depending on it in their everyday transactions. There is an online shopping, online

booking, online education, and lots of online transactions which makes every processing more

convenient ever than before. The benefits of using an online transaction is that the user need not to

use papers in processing applications, need not to travel or go directly into the office as all necessary

forms, checklists and requirements are already provided. One can also schedule for an appointment

thus avoiding long waiting during the process. Thus, processing an application online is a great aid

in securing faster and convenient transactions.

According to Pero (2009), cell phones are the most common communication device on the

planet, and Short Message Service (SMS) is the chief channel for companies to offer services, accept

requests, report news, and download binary files over cell phones

SMS is one of the most important media in sending messages through mobile phones and

is widely used for communication as it is fast, easy to use, and affordable. Using SMS in businesses

offers a great role in communicating to their potential and existing customers. One can send

marketing campaign, promotions, announcements, information, etc. about their products, services

and enterprises through SMS with just a matter of time.


In a survey conducted by Nielsen (2013), SMS is the most used data service in the world

and more than 4.2 billion people are texting worldwide according to MBA Online, 2015. The world

will send 8.3 trillion SMS messages this year alone – 23 billion per day or almost 16 million per minute

based on a research by Portio Research. While according to TextEngine, 2018, surveys reported

about 400 million text messages are sent by Filipinos every day or 142 billion a year. Dubbing

Philippines as the “texting capital of the world.” SMS also took off dramatically in the Philippines

because of the affordability of the service compared to expensive Internet access. In 2016, about

43.5% of Philippine residents accessed the internet based on recent poll conducted by Internet Live

Stats. Text Engine reports that there is growing demand in the Philippines for SMS internet search


STI or Systems Technology Institute - College Ormoc is one of the institutions in Leyte that

provides high quality education especially in the field of Information Technology. The institution also

pioneered in using high-technology devices and gadgets and is also using some online apps in the

academe. But some of its administrative operation, rely solely on the use of excel and manual

processing of every transaction. Thus, it is consuming a lot of time, is not very convenient and is not

maximizing the use of technology which is already present in the institution. One of the administrative

operations that need to be online are processing leaves, overtime, and travel order. These processes

are related to the service record management which would benefit to the employee if implemented.

Thus, with the advent of computer technologies, the use of websites and the widely used

SMS in almost every industry, there is a need for this institution to convert their manual transactions

into an online transaction to make the processing more convenient, efficient and less-time

consuming. The need to utilize the existing technologies in providing a better and smooth processing

in filing their leaves, overtime and travel order provides the compelling reason to conduct this study.

Background of Study

STI-College Ormoc does the paper-based transactions in filing for an application of leaves,

travel, and overtime. The application should be filed two or three days before the actual date, which

may cause for an employee to forget that there should be a schedule of filing these forms. Sometimes

the employees fail to do so leaving them nothing but to cancel the supposed to-be-scheduled leave.

The problem encountered is that there is no way of finding out if the application is approved or not

by just visiting the personnel office or waiting for someone to deliver the message. Another thing is

that one should ask directly the personnel office in inquiring how many credits are left to them. This

kind of transactions is kind of hassle and lots of time are wasted. It also does not support an

environment-friendly setup because all operations are paper-based. The institution as what

mentioned in the latter, are using high-technology devices so why not utilized those things in

providing better-quality processing.

Taking into consideration that electronic data processing is in demand and is very popular

nowadays, the proponent took this opportunity to develop an online processing of applications

mentioned above. This study focused mainly on applying internet technologies in processing

applications, viewing leave credits and a portal related to service record of STI-College Ormoc’s

employee. It aimed on providing easy, secure and faster way in querying and processing service

record-related matter. It also allowed the Employee to receive updates via text messages (SMS

Notifications) regarding the status of their applied leaves, overtime, and travel orders. This would

help converting the manual transactions into an automated one without having to solely rely in one

device or be access in one place but also even if they are out of the premises.

Objectives of the Study

General Objective

The study aimed to develop an online service record management system for STI-College

Ormoc with SMS notification.

Specific Objectives

This study specifically would like to attain the following objectives:

1. Design a secure service record management system.

2. Develop an efficient and effective database suitable for the system.

3. Design and develop a user-friendly interface.

4. Develop a module that will allow filing and approval/disapproval of leaves, overtime, and

travel order.

5. Develop a module that allows sending of SMS to:

5.1. School Administrator – for those filed application by the employee

5.2. Employee concerned – for those approved / disapproved application

6. Develop a system that allows viewing and generating of the following services online:

6.1. Filed/approved/disapproved leaves

6.2. Leave credits

7. Test and evaluate the acceptability of the system.


Conceptual Framework

Laravel is a good tool for developing a website as it follows the MVC Framework and it has

a very clean code. It is also a great tool for communicating with an API that could be helpful in

implementing SMS in a website. The problem encountered with the current system of STI in dealing

with service records could be lessened by developing a website that uses Laravel and Java for the


Online service record management system deals with processing transactions online. The

user can access the system providing all the credentials are correct. It enables accessing the system

by various user levels namely system administrator, school administrator, faculty and staff, and

human resource manager. Each user level is assigned with specific role. System administrator is

responsible for managing user accounts and SMS. School administrator has the same authorization

with the faculty and staff only that they are one-step higher capable of approving and disapproving

service record request. Whereas, the HR has all the access of the system except for approving and

disapproving service record request and user registrations. Special SMS notification feature is used

in the system wherein (a) every time a request is approved/disapproved, the person who applies for

it will receive a message regarding the status of the request, and (b) the School administrator or

supervisor (for overtime) will also be notified if there are filed applications. Faculties and staffs are

only allowed to view and file an application. All of them however, are allowed to update their account

and profile. Whereas, only the System Administrator, School Administrator and the Human Resource

Manager are allowed to post announcements.

The illustration in Fig. 1.1., shows the Input-Process-Output of the proposed system. It

shows the three categories in the system. The items in the left box are the necessary inputs for the

systems. The box in the middle contains the different processes with response to the user’s input

and the last box provides output for the said processes.

Figure. 1.1. IPO of the System


The conceptual framework of the system is shown in Fig. 1.2.

Figure. 1.2. Conceptual Framework of the system

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The Service Record Management System is designed to cater the needs of employees of

STI College Ormoc with regards to managing service record online. Anywhere, the user can file an

application related to service record, be it in mobile, personal computer, tablet or laptop. The

proposed system contains the following features:

• Login module, for ensuring the security of the system.

• Menus related to service record such as leave, travel order and overtime, user management,

employee, department, SMS notification, about, and Reports Generation.

• Registered users are allowed to file leave, travel order, and overtime online.

• Only the School administrator is allowed to approve or disapprove an application related to

leave, travel order and overtime.

• An SMS notification will be sent to the employee notifying them the approval or disapproval

of their filed application.

• An SMS notification will also be sent to the School Administrator every time an employee

filed an application.

• A notifier is also included in the system every time action has been made such as updating

leave credits, approving/disapproving request, etc.

• The HR may be able to change the leave dates of an approved application prior to School

administrator’s instruction.

• The HR is also the one who is responsible for auditing the actual time of the filed overtime

of an employee.

• The user may update and can view their profile in the My Profile menu and can change

username and password applicable for next login.

However, the following are the limitations of the proposed system:

• Received SMS’s will be ignored by the system.

• As per the institution’s guidelines, the employees are all required to file their applications 2

or 3 days prior to the date of vacation leave and travel orders, however the system did not

include trappings for these for the purpose of flexibility since there are leaves and travel

orders that are urgent. Thus, it still requires user intervention for this matter.

• An approved leave dates can still be change given that it is advised by the School

Administrator, however changing could only be done by the HR, therefore employee must

still go to the HR for this matter.


• User of the system are only the employees of the institution but only the regular / full-time

employees can have a user account.

• Internet is required to use the system (if outside the premises)

• Sending SMS notification will be failed if the GSM Modem is not connected or the SIM being

use has no load.

• The user can access the system via mobile and tablets but through browsers only. There is

no mobile app available.

Significance of the Study

Automation system is essential nowadays for faster and a more convenient way of processing

transactions. It supports ease and efficiency of working as the data is always present when it is

needed. With this system, the management of service record will have the advantage of convenience

and efficiency in filing leaves, overtime, and travel order. It will ease out the tedious manual

transaction and it also supports the environment-friendly setup. The system will help reduce or

eliminate record redundancies, costs for record storage equipment and supplies and will increase

usable office space through elimination of unnecessary file storage.

This system is beneficial to the following user:

1. Institution/STI. The proposed study will convey the role of technology in daily transaction.

The institution will have a better way of managing service records. It will also lessen the use

of papers when filing for a request and will also provide timely access to information.

2. School Administrator. Approving the request will be done online and can do it at their most

convenient time and place. SMS notification will also remind them of pending application

that need to be approved.


3. Human Resource Manager. Monitoring and managing service record related matter will be

convenient for the part of HR Manager since almost all the information needed are available

in the system. It’s easy to track the leave credits available for each employee and can easily

monitored those employees that are on travel and on-leave for a particular time.

4. Employee. Online system would be beneficial to the faculty and staff because filing any

service-related application will become easier and hassle-free. SMS notification is also an

advantage in knowing the approved file or not. It can also save time because the service

record- related information can be found easily when you need it.

Definition of Terms

To ensure the understanding of the concepts and technical terms used in this study, the

following terms are herein defined.

API. Stands for "Application Programming Interface." An API is a set of commands,

functions, protocols, and objects that programmers can use to create software or interact with an

external system. It provides developers with standard commands for performing common operations

so they do not have to write the code from scratch. An API in this paper was used in sending SMS

to the employee’s number.

Bootstrap. A free front-end framework for faster and easier web development. It includes

HTML and CSS based design templates that gives you the ability to easily create responsive designs.

Bootstrap was used to beautify the design of the website and to make it look more attractive.

Client. Individual host where the different users can access the server using internet

technology. A client can access the site through their mobile phones, tablets and laptop given that

they are connected to the internet.


CSS. Stands for Cascading Style Sheets wherein it describes how HTML elements are to

be displayed on screen, paper, or in other media. CSS saves a lot of work and it can control the

layout of multiple web pages all at once. CSS was used to enhance the look of the website

Database Schema. A Database Schema was designed in order to know the database

structure of the system. It contains the data and their relationship to every entity of the system.

Flowchart. A flowchart shows the visual representation of the sequence of steps and

decisions needed to perform a process in the system.

GSM Modem. A GSM modem is a specialized type of modem which accepts a SIM card,

and operates over a subscription to a mobile operator, just like a mobile phone. In this paper, the

GSM Modem used is the Huawei Mobile Broadband E303.

HTML. This was used to describe the structure of the Web pages using markup designed in

the system.

Input-Process-Output (IPO). The IPO contains the structural framework of different inputs

needed by the system, the process which corresponds to the inputs and the output of the process

based on the given inputs of the user.

Java. Programming language that was used in developing the SMS notification.

JavaScript. (often shortened to JS) is a lightweight, interpreted, object-oriented language

with first-class functions, and is best known as the scripting language for Web pages, but it's used in

many non-browser environments as well. It is a prototype-based, multi-paradigm scripting language

that is dynamic, and supports object-oriented, imperative, and functional programming styles. This

was used for client-side validation.


jQuery. Allows the author to "write less code, do more actions" which contains JavaScript

library. The purpose of jQuery is to make it much easier to use JavaScript on the website.

Laravel. A powerful MVC PHP framework used to develop the web applications. Laravel

was created by Taylor Otwell.

PHP. The primary scripting language used in developing the system through Laravel


Server. In this paper, it refers to the computer where the website will be installed and can

be accessed by the client.

SMS Center. SMSC. Is in charge of storing and forwarding messages to the mobile station.

The GSM modem uses Globe as its service provider.

SMS Gateway. This enables the computer, the website specifically, to send SMS text

messages to the employee’s cell phone number. The SMS Gateway translates the message sent,

and makes it compatible for delivery over the network to be able to reach the recipient.

SMS Notification. A notification sends to the employee if the request has been

approved/disapproved and to the school administrator if there are filed applications through SMS.

Three-Tier Architecture. A design which was used in the system wherein the client interacts

with application software deployed on a separate server, and the application server interacts with a

database that is also located on a separate server.

WebSocket. The WebSocket API is an advanced technology that makes it possible to open

a two-way interactive communication session between the user's browser and a server. With this

API, you can send messages to a server and receive event-driven responses without having to poll

the server for a reply. In this paper, it was used as the server for sending system notifications to the

users of the system.



This chapter present literatures and studies that are helpful in attaining the objectives of the

proponent. The following literature and studies were accessed from books and other published

materials, local and foreign, as well as the internet in order to fill in knowledge-gap of the proponent.

These materials present the synthesis of the theoretical and conceptual framework to fully

understand the research to be done and what particular methods and tools are best use in

implementing the study.

Related Literature

In a study conducted by Parkar,, (2016) of Department of Computer Engineering,

Rajendra Mane College of Engineering and Technology, India with a title of “Utilization of Laravel

Framework for Development of Web Based Recruitment Tool”, authors have implemented a general

recruitment tool by considering all the activities or recruitment process. The tool is very functional,

automatic and reduces paperwork. It also makes the recruitment process centralized. And the use

of Laravel framework enhances the development process, provides security from different external

attacks and also helps for fast application development.

In a paper entitled “Sentinel Web: Implementation of Laravel Framework in Web Based

Temperature and Humidity Monitoring System” by Alfat and Triwiyatno (2015) of Dept. of Electrical

Engineering and Isnanto of Dept. of Computer Engineering, Diponegoro University Semarang,

Indonesia it is stated that the performance of information technology infrastructure is influenced by

environmental parameters, such as temperature and humidity and therefore there is a need to

precisely monitor and handle such parameters. The study uses Laravel MVC framework to fasten

web development, and was employed as scripting method and object-oriented-based UML.

Yu (2015), of Nankai University Binhai College, China conducted a study about “Design and

Implementation of Web Based on Laravel Framework” to address the problem regarding the

traditional framework design methods in designing web, resulting in large limitations, time-consuming

and other issues relating to web-based designing and implementation. It is stated that Laravel make

the development process standardized, processing some non-business logic relationship

automatically. This paper designs and implements a simple Laravel model, which achieved

automated processing for part of the design. The experimental and simulation proved, web design

based on Laravel framework, has scalability and robust scalability so as to improve the developing


In a study conducted by Al-Zoubi (2009), of Universiti Utara Malaysia, with a title “Mobile-

Based Notification System for University’s Events”, it has successfully designed and developed a

notification system in order to be used by the University to send notifications direct to the staff mobile

phones via SMS and thus helps in ensuring that the notification is delivered to all interested staff.The

successful implementation of the notification system in University provides the university a reliable

and convenient inter communication channel.

Pero (2009), said that billions of mobile phone users worldwide use Short Messaging Service

(SMS) messages every day, and most of them are familiar with their basic features: very short

messages that can be sent from one mobile phone to another. But SMS messaging is not limited to

that. It is also very popular for automated services that let a mobile phone user to interact with a

computer system. In his book he further explains how SMS Messaging works which guides the

proponent in fulfilling the study. It is stated that networks have servers specifically dedicated to

providing the SMS service to their customers; each of these servers is called an SMSC, which stands

for SMS Center. In order to send an SMS message, a mobile phone interacts with an SMSC in its

network, which receives the message and routes it. The message is routed through a sequence of

SMSCes until it gets to an SMSC that can deliver the message to the recipient phone. However,

there are also countries who have advanced internetworking agreements such as the UK wherein

the SMSC sender can send directly to the recipient without rerouting the SMS through a sequence

of SMSCs. SMS billing depends on the country and the network. In GSM networks, the standard

behavior is for users to pay to send an SMS message, but to receive them for free; in CDMA networks

(e.g. in the US) users often pay both to send and to receive an SMS message, so that for every SMS

sent, two users are charged. In this study, the proponent uses a GSM since it is the network that are

being used in the Philippines.

Lombardi (2015), exposed the details behind using the WebSocket Application programming

Interface (API). It was defined here that a WebSocket is an event-driven, full-duplex asynchronous

communications channel for the web applications. It has the ability to give you real-time updates that

in the past one would use long polling or other hacks to achieve. The primary benefit of using

WebSocket is to reduce the resources needed on both the client and the server. It is further stated

that WebSocket uses HTTP as the initial transport mechanism, however the communication doesn’t

end after a response is received by the client. Using the WebSocket API, you can be freed from the

constraints of the typical HTTP request / response cycle. This also means that as long as the

connection stays open, the client and server can freely send messages asynchronously without

polling for anything new.

Matt Stauffer (2017) in his book “Laravel: Up and Running” explained some of the reasons

why using a Framework is better when writing web applications. The benefit of using a framework in

general is that someone has made decisions not just about individual components but also about

how those components should fit together. He further stated that it’s easy to see the benefits of using

individual components, or packages that are available to PHP developers. With packages, someone

else is responsible for developing and maintaining an isolated piece of code that has a well-defined

job, and in theory that person has a deeper understanding of this single component than you have

time to have. Frameworks like Laravel prepackage a collection of third-party components together

with custom framework “glue” like configuration files, service providers, prescribed directory

structures, and application bootstraps.

The best frameworks will not only provide you with a solid foundation, but also give you the

freedom to customize to your heart’s content. The author also stated that the two most strongly

communicated values of the framework are to increase developer speed and developer happiness.

You only need to read through the Laravel marketing materials and READMEs to start seeing its

values. Taylor Otwell, founder of Laravel, uses light-related words like “Illuminate” and “Spark”,

“Artisans”, “Elegant”, also “Breath of fresh air”, “Fresh start” and finally “Rapid”, “Warp speed”. This

is how he define Laravel Framework. He has also described the “Artisan” language as intentionally

contrasting against more utilitarian values.

The concept of targeting developers is clear across Laravel materials. “Happy developers

make the best code” is written in the documentation and is promoting developer’s happiness as their

primary concern rather than secondary, has had a huge impact on Laravel’s style and decision-

making progress. Where other frameworks may target architectural purity as their primary goal, or

compatibility with the goals and values of enterprise development teams, Laravel’s primary focus is

on serving the individual developer.

Today, technologies are available that enables the realization of high-performance and cost-

effective communication systems for many application areas. This is what was stated by Hartmann,

Bettstetter, Vogel, and Eberspacher on their book “GSM – Architecture, Protocols and Services”, 3rd

edition. Using current wireless communication systems, the most popular of which is GSM (Global

System for Mobile Communication), people have freedom to not only roam within a network, but also

between different networks, and that they can communicate everywhere. except in the spot with no

GSM coverage, with almost everybody at any time, as long as they can pay for the phone bill.

The authors further stated that if there is one major aspect still missing in order to make our

wireless experience flawless, it is the large gap between data rates available through wireless

services and those available through wired services, such as Digital Subscriber Line (DSL). This and

the limited capability of data representation at the mobile terminal is one of the main challenges for

future developments in wireless communication.

In the case of terminal mobility, the subscriber is connected in the network in a wireless way,

through of which radio or light waves, and can move with their terminal freely, even during a

communication connection. The degree of mobility depends on the type of mobile radio network. In

digital mobile communication GSM, terminal mobility is the predominant issue. Wireless

communication has become possible with GSM anywhere in the world. GSM technology contains

the essential intelligent functions for the support of personal mobility, especially with regards to user

identification and authentication, and for the localization and administration of mobile users.

It is also illustrated in the book the fundamental components of a GSM network. A user

carries a Mobile Station (MS), which can communicate over the air with a base station, called Base

Transceiver Station (BTS) in GSM. The BTS contains transmitter and receiver equipment, such as

antennas and amplifiers, as well as a few components for signal and protocol processing.

Information Organization is defined by Waseem Afzal in the book “Management of

Information Organizations” as the organizations that engage in all or one of the activities involving

acquisition, organization, preservation, processing, recording, creation, assimilation, packaging, re-

packaging, presentation, dissemination, transfer, and access of information. The definition points to

the functions that are performed by many information organizations. As an example, in a library,

libraries acquire information (books, journals, etc.), organize it through the process of classification

and cataloging, create access points for information resources, create new information by producing

bibliographic records, produce subject guides and transfer this information to potential and current

users. This definition helps the proponent to clearly understand what record management system is

and apply some of the idea with regards to managing records in employee services.

Related Studies

Lumauag (2016), developed a School Even Notification Through SMS (SENT SMS) which

is beneficial to students, teachers, and parents in receiving first-hand information from the school

right into their mobile phone. SMS notification, allows the students to be notified with the upcoming

events of the school, changes, in schedule of events, and suspension of classes due to bad weather.

Teachers can be notified also with regards to the schedule of meetings, emergency meetings, and

deadlines of requirements. And parents will also be informed about the school activities and be aware

of the activities of their children in school.

Olaleye, (2013), has successfully designed and developed an enterprise class mass

SMS mailing system that support multiple users as well as multiple SMS gateways, providing a

unified interface and common set of features across many SMS gateways which prevent vendor

lock-in as users can choose among multiple SMS vendor gateways. It is also stated that the use of

SMS as effective means of personal communication has expanded the market of text messaging.

Business, government offices and even television shows now use this service since SMS is the

quickest way to get a message through from one entity to another. The SMS technology has

facilitated the development and growth of text messaging. SMS has unique advantages that other

non-voice services do not have. It provides a very convenient method of exchanging small bits of

information between mobile users.

Whereas, Navaz, (2013) developed a Human Resource Management System which

basically concerned with managing the administrator of Human Resource Department in a company.

It merges HRM as a discipline and in particular its basic HR activities and processes with the

information technology field, whereas the programming of data processing systems evolved into

standardized routines and packages of enterprise resource planning software. This paper aimed to

reduce the effort of administrator to keep daily events such as attendance, projects, works,

appointment, etc.


This chapter presents the research method that was used by the proponent in developing

the proposed system.

Research Design

The researcher uses the waterfall model as a system development prototype, wherein it

more emphasizes on the logical progression of steps and due to its straightforward processes, which

includes a step-by-step method to be followed. It involves six different stages namely system

engineering, analysis, design, coding, testing and integration, and operation and maintenance. Each

of different tasks involved and allows changes in the design later as process in going on, the waterfall

approach lends itself well to alterations early in the life cycle. The model was chosen since it easily

adapts to any changes when the client and proponent has some changes to the specification. It is

also well-suited for the proposed system since it focuses on a Milestone and date – focused

paradigm. Since there is a clear, concrete and well understood stages defined, it’s simple to develop

a time line for the entire process and assign particular markers and milestone for each stage and

even completion. The said model is fitted to a project that needs deadlines. The different stages are

further discussed below.

In the Systems Engineering phase, the proponent visited the proposed institution in order to

identify the problems they are currently experiencing with their institution. The proponent also

determines the possible solution in order to improve the current system used in managing the service

record of the employee. In this stage also, the objectives are set and the different requirements that

will be helpful for developing the system are gathered.


The next stage is the Systems Analysis wherein the system is analyzed in order to properly

generate the models and business logic that will be used in application. This involves gathering

different requirements through observation and by interviewing the employees of STI. A thorough

observation is conducted in order to fully analyze the process of requesting leaves, travel order and

overtime and to fully understand the downside of using the traditional method of transacting records,

see Fig. 3.1.

Figure 3.1. Current work flow in managing service record in STI Ormoc

The proponent was able to gather enough data and resources that lead to the conclusion of

developing an Online Service Record Management System with SMS Notification. The flowchart of

the system is presented on Fig.3.2. This stage also maintains a strong communication level with the

clients to ensure the clear vision of the project. The other thing that was conducted in this stage is

identifying the different tools and software that will be used in developing the system.
Figure 3.2. Online Service Record Management System with SMS Notification Flowchart


Respondents of the Study

There were eighteen (18) respondents, that is 43% of the total number of employees of STI

– College that were randomly selected who gave their response to the evaluation form. Out of these

eighteen (18) respondents, one (1) of them is the Human Resource Manager, one (1) School

Administrator, one (1) IT technician, seven (7) staffs, and eight (8) faculties.

System Design

Since the basic requirements were all gathered, the objectives of the study were clearly

defined and the business logic were analyzed and generated then the proponent now proceeds to

the next phase which is the System Designing. It comes after a good understanding on the client’s

requirements. This is where the proponent designed a system to satisfy the objectives set in the

previous chapters. It includes designing the system architecture wherein the proponent uses a three-

tier client-server architecture which is illustrated at Fig. 3.3.


Figure 3.3. Block Diagram of the System based on Three-tier Client-Server Architecture

The system architecture for the SMS notification contains three main areas / modules: (1)

SMS Gateway (2) Client Application and (3) HTTP Interface / Gateway. This modular design allows

the system to be easily modified and extended. The illustration was shown in Fig. 3.4. wherein

different modules do not affect the overall system since it can be linked and removed from the HTTP

interface. In the illustration, the system receives data via a client application using HTTP. The SMS

Gateway using API translates the message sent, and makes it compatible for delivery over the

network to be able to reach the recipient’s number through the GSM Modem.

Figure 3.4. Block Diagram of the SMS notification using SMS gateway

Khan, S.D (2012) in bibliography, briefly explained how SMS work in GSM network, and was

served as a reference in the process of sending an SMS to the employee’s cellphone number. In

GSM network, SMSC (SMS Center) is responsible for handling the SMS operations. When a mobile

generates a message, it first reaches the SMSC. SMSC then routes the message to its destination

via Base Station / Tower. The process is illustrated in Figure 3.5, which was taken from the

Figure 3.5. How SMS works in GSM network

This process comes after the commands was successfully performed by the SMS gateway,

shown in Fig. 3.6. Fig. 3.6 shows the different commands involve in processing SMS through SMS

gateway in order to successfully send a message. Each command has required timeouts which may

vary from standard, long and very long maximum time execution before considering SMS sending is

failed. Possible causes of sending failure may include but not limited to: (a) device may be used by

other applications, (b) network issue, and (c) the sim has no load. Those commands must

communicate with the GSM modem, before it is successfully sent to the recipient’s cellphone

number. In order for the steps to continue, the GSM modem must give the expected reply to the SMS


To send SMS messages, one should first place a valid SIM card from a wireless carrier into

the GSM modem, which is then connected to a computer. After connecting the GSM modem to a

computer, you can control the modem by sending instructions to it using the SMS gateway. SMS

gateway instructions includes AT (Attention) commands. The following are the AT Commands used

by SMS gateway to communicate with the GSM modem before sending the message to the SMSC

which re-route the message to the recipient’s number.

1. ATZ is used to check the interaction between the computer and the module. It returns

‘OK’ if the device is properly installed, otherwise an ERROR will occur.

2. AT+ CMGF = 1, (command name in text: Message Format) this is used to select the

operating mode of the GSM modem which takes one parameter, that can be either 0 or

1 which refers to SMS PDU mode and SMS text mode respectively. SMS PDU mode is

the default mode if it is implemented on the mobile device but since the system uses a

computer to send a message, then the parameter is 1.

3. AT+CSCA, this command is used to configure the GSM Modem SMS center address.

4. AT + CMGS is used to send the SMS message to the recipient’s number. This should

return a ‘>’ character as a reply so that the actual message can be send (step 5) with a

ctrl-z at the end of the string.


Once the user-interface, database and the system architecture design has been settled,

then comes the Coding stage, wherein the actual construction process of the detailed specification

during the design stage. The actual source code was written in this stage using PHP 7.2.8 with

Laravel as the framework for the server-side scripting language, JavaScript, ajax and jQuery for the

client-side. The researcher uses Java in developing the API of the SMS notification through Huawei

Broadband E330 for the GSM Modem. The backend of the system uses MariaDB, formerly known

as MySQL and Apache as the server which are both included in the XAMPP cross-platform. The

user interface was designed using the following software HTML 5, CSS, and Bootstrap 3.4.

The software mentioned were used in implementing all models, business logic, service

integrations that were specified in the prior stages.

The proposed system was presented to the end-users which are the employees of STI-

College Ormoc to validate if it meets the client requirements and the objectives set in the testing

stage. In this phase, comments and suggestions were gathered in order to improve the system. The

acceptability test of the Service Record Management system with SMS notification was conducted

by randomly selecting 43% of the STI –College Ormoc’s employee. The results of the evaluation can

be seen on Chapter IV of this paper.

The system will be deployed in the client’s office during the operation stage. Followed by

the maintenance stage which will be conducted when the system is already deployed in a live

environment. Ensuring that a periodic maintenance will be carried out so that the system will not

become obsolete. This will includes replacing old hardware, if necessary, and continuously

evaluating system’s performance. It will also provide the latest updates for certain components to

make sure it meets the right standards and the latest technology to face the current security threats.

Method of Scoring

The following scale was used by the respondent in order for them to evaluate each of the

criterion in the evaluation form:

Rating Interpretation

5 Strongly Agree

4 Agree

3 Undecided

2 Disagree

1 Strongly Disagree

And the following mean range was used to identify the functionality of the system based on

the frequency of rating for each of the criterion in the evaluation form.

Mean Description

4.51 – 5.0 Very Functional

3.51 - 4.5 Functional

2.51 – 3.50 Moderate

1.51 – 2.50 Slightly Functional

1.0 - 1.5 Not Functional

The formula used in getting the mean of each criterion is ∑ Frequency of each rating * Rating

and the Total Rating is the sum of all means divided by the total number of criteria.

Whereas, the following mean range was used to identify the effectiveness of the system

based on the frequency of rating for each of the criterion in the evaluation form.

Mean Description

4.51 – 5.0 Very Effective

3.51 - 4.5 Effective

2.51 – 3.50 Moderate

1.51 – 2.50 Slightly Effective

1.0 - 1.5 Not Effective


Research Environment

Organizational Structure

Figure 3.7. System Users Organizational Structure

The illustration above shows the organizational structure of the system users. All clients are

managed or moderated by an administrator on which the system will be installed. System

Administrator is responsible in dealing administrative management of the system like configuration,

maintenance, updates and other technical aspects of the system. And the three user levels are the

clients and are dependent to the server.

Research Locale

The proposed system was conducted at STI-College Ormoc Campus, 3rd flr. Building

Centrum Mall, Aviles St., Ormoc City, Leyte. Figure 3.8 shows the location map of the institution.

Figure 3.8. Research Location Map

HIPO Chart

The illustration on the next page shows the Hierarchical Input - Process – Output (HIPO)

chart of the Online Service Record Management System with SMS notification. The user must first

login the system and depending on the privileged of the user they will have access to the different

feature of the system.


Figure 3.9. HIPO Chart of the proposed System


Database Schema

The following illustrations shows the database schema of each relation of the proposed


Figure 3.10. User-Employee Schema

Figure 3.11. Filing Leave and changing approved leave dates schema

Figure 3.12. Overtime (OT) Schema

Figure 3.13. Leave Credits Schema


Figure 3.14. Travel Orders Schema

Figure 3.15. Announcement Schema


Figure 3.16. SMS and Notification Schema

Figure 3.17. Department Schema



This chapter discusses the outcome of the study Online Service Record Management

System with SMS Notification for STI-College Ormoc. It includes the presentation of the results and

explanation of the information gathered from the institution. The problems encountered in the current

manual transactions were identified and the solution to those problems were defined. To avoid

dealing with the current problems of using manual transactions, the proponent developed an Online

Service Record Management System with SMS Notification that would help them ease out the

tedious process in managing service records, allowing the employees to transact faster and in a

convenient manner, and be updated with regards to the status of their applications.

This chapter also contains the different parameters of the proposed system such as the

hardware and software requirements that will be needed during the deployment of the system, and

the cost benefit analysis for a more transparent benefits of using an online system. In the same

manner, an overall analysis was done to present the overall flow of the proposed system. This will

also show that the proponent is aiming to improve the services and transactions of the current system

by developing an online system that will give the employees of the institution the benefit of having a

convenient, faster, paper-less and hassle-free transactions.


In order to test the functionality and effectiveness of the proposed system, a survey was


Table 4.1
Result Tally of the Functionality Test

Functionality Mean Description
5 4 3 2 1
1. The system is functional through the use
18 0 0 0 0 5.0 Very Functional
of PC's, mobile phone, laptops and tablets

2. The system gives error messages that

16 2 0 0 0 4.89 Very Functional
clearly tell me how to fix problems
3. The information (such as on-screen
messages) provided with this system is 13 5 0 0 0 4.72 Very Functional

4. It is easy to find the information I needed

16 2 0 0 0 4.89 Very Functional
(such as leave credits)

5. Filing leaves, travel orders and overtime

18 0 0 0 0 5.0 Very Functional
are easy and fast.
6. The organization of information on the
18 0 0 0 0 5.0 Very Functional
system screens is clear
7. I like using the interface of this system 18 0 0 0 0 5.0 Very Functional
8. The system successfully sends SMS
18 0 0 0 0 5.0 Very Functional
9. This system has all the functions and
18 0 0 0 0 5.0 Very Functional
capabilities I expect it to have
10. Overall, I am satisfied with the
18 0 0 0 0 5.0 Very Functional
functionality of the system
Total 4.95 Very Functional

Table 4.1. shows the combined responses of the participants coming from STI-College

Ormoc. Based on the result, 100% of the participants said that the system is functional through the

use of Personal computers, mobile phones, tablets and laptops. Whereas in terms on providing error

messages and the information they needed with regards to service record management, 11% says

that the system doesn’t clearly give messages with regards to fixing problems encountered in the

system and not all the information was included in the system, while 89% believes that the system

is very functional in giving instruction on how to fix the encountered problem in the system and

information they needed are given in the system. Another thing is that 78% of the population stated

that the system is also very functional in providing an on-screen message that would be helpful for

them in using the system while 28% of them believes that the on-screen messages are not enough

to give clear information on how the system should function. Furthermore, in other aspects of the

system, the result clearly indicates that the system is very functional.

To sum it up, the proposed system is acceptable in-line with its desired functions since the

total interpretation was “Very Functional”.


Table 4.2.
Result Tally of System Effectiveness Test

Effectiveness Mean Description
5 4 3 2 1
1. I can effectively complete my work using 18 0 0 0 0 5.0 Very Effective
this system
2. I am able to complete my work quickly 18 0 0 0 0 5.0 Very Effective
using this system
3. I am able to efficiently complete my work 18 0 0 0 0 5.0 Very Effective
using this system
4. I believe I became productive quickly 18 0 0 0 0 5.0 Very Effective
using this system
5. The information is effective in helping me 15 3 0 0 0 4.83 Very Effective
complete the tasks and scenarios
6. It was simple to use this system 17 1 0 0 0 4.94 Very Effective

7. I feel comfortable using this system 18 0 0 0 0 5.0 Very Effective

8. It was easy to learn to use this system 18 0 0 0 0 5.0 Very Effective

9. The interface of this system is pleasant 18 0 0 0 0 5.0 Very Effective

10. Overall, I am satisfied with the system 18 0 0 0 0 5.0 Very Effective
Total 4.98 Very Effective

Table 4.2. shows the result of the evaluation in terms of the effectiveness of the system. In

the table, it clearly shows that most of the aspects of the system are very effective in dealing with the

transactions involving service record management system and that the system enables the

employee to become more productive, effective and efficient in completing their task. Furthermore,

the respondents feel comfortable to use the system as it is easy to use and that the interface is

pleasant which leads it to as a very effective tool rather than using the traditional method of managing

service records. However, 17% of the population believes that the information is not enough to help

them become more effective in completing the tasks and scenarios. While 83% believes that the

information given in the system is very effective which makes it easy to complete the tasks and other


Overall rating shows that the system is very effective in dealing service records.

Table 4.3.
Result Tally of System Implementation

Would you recommend the full implementation of this YES NO UNDECIDED

system to your institution? 17 0 1

As shown in Table 4.3, 94.44% of 18 respondents recommended that the system must be

implemented in their institution while 5.56% was still undecided whether the system should be

implemented on their institution or not. Based on the result, it implies that majority of the respondents

agreed that the system must be implemented in their institution.


Requirements Analysis and Specification

A letter request was sent to the Human Resource Manager Office of STI-College Ormoc,

Ms. Myra E. Sia, asking for permission to conduct a study and gather data from the institution’s

service record management. A series of interview were conducted with their Human Resource

Manager and their IT Administrator, Mr. Roel Daniot (for the technicalities). The current service

record management workflow, sample travel order, overtime and leave forms were gathered and

analyzed to fully grasp the pharmacy processes and to identify the flaws in their current system used.

Suggestions and recommendations from both the Human Resource Manager and IT Administrator

were also considered.

The proponent also made use of the internet, books, journals and other related studies to

gather more data and information on how things should function, to gain some insights with regards

to developing the system especially in the SMS notification, to better understand on what resources

are highly recommended in developing the system and to have a good understanding on how things

should be processed. After gathering all the necessary information, the proponent started to evaluate

the data, identify the problems, providing solution to those problems, and identifying the requirements

in order to developed the online service record management system. A series of test were conducted

to fully identify errors during the development and to check whether the functions of the system are

suitable enough to addressed issues in the current transactions being practiced in the institution. It

is also needed to ensure that the system is running smoothly, efficiently and fully functional. A time

table was also defined by the proponent that were followed during the development of the system.

Software Requirements

• Web Browser (Chrome, Firefox, etc)

• XAMPP (Apache and MySQL Server)

• Windows 7 or higher

• WebSocket (NodeJS Server)

Hardware Requirements

1 Personal Computer (Server)

1 Broadband Stick / GSM Modem with Sim
1 Printer (for printing reports)

Cost Benefit Analysis

One of the factors considered to test the feasibility and effectivity of the study is the cost

benefit analysis. Cost Benefit Analysis presents the positive and negative aspects of the study in

terms of common unit – money. It was used to project the possible hardware, supply and other cost

of the proposed system and are compared to the cost of the current system used in order to present

the desirability of the project. The following tables shows the hardware, annual supply and other cost

of both current and proposed system.


Supply Cost

The supply costs were tabulated based from the price list of the institution’s supplier which

includes ShopKo and PC Tools. The following items were used by STI in managing service records,

which involves manual transactions and physical storage of the records.

Table 4.4.
Annual Supply Cost of Current and Proposed System

Supply Cost
Qty Amount
Current Proposed Unit Unit Price Current Proposed

Long Bond Paper 25 15 reams 349.00 8,725.00 5,235.00

Newsprint Paper Long 30 10 reams 199.00 5,970.00 1,990.00

Sign Pen 20 10 pcs 66.25 1,325.00 662.50

Correction Tape 20 10 pcs 35.00 700.00 350.00

Stapler 4 2 pcs 120.00 480.00 240.00

Staple Wire 40 10 boxes 49.00 1,960.00 490.00

Ink (Black & Colored 20 10 bots 275.00 5,500.00 2,750.00

Folder Long 100 50 pcs 7.00 700.00 350.00

Stabilo Marker 40 10 pcs 36.75 1,470.00 367.50

Total Cost 26,830.00 12,435.00


Hardware Cost

Table 4.5.
Hardware Cost of Current and Proposed System

Hardware Cost
Qty Unit Amount
Current Proposed Unit Price Current Proposed

Personal Computer 2 - pc 38,900.00 77,800.00 -

Epson L120 Printer 2 1 pc 6,439.00 12,878.00 6,439.00

Personal Computer
(Server) - 1 pc 38,900.00 - 38,900.00

Broadband Stick - 1 pc 1,750.00 - 1,750.00

Total Cost 90,678.00 47,089.00

The table above shows the tabulation of the current cost of the Hardware used by the

institution in the manual process of managing their service records. The price lists are based from

the institution’s supplier which is the PC Tools.

Other Cost

Table 4.6.
Annual Other Projected Cost of Current and Proposed System

Other Cost
Amount / mo. Current Proposed
Internet Subscription 2,500.00 30,000.00 30,000.00
Web Hosting 579.00 - 6,948.00
Load (Postpaid Plan) 599.00 - 7,188.00
Total Cost 30,000.00 44,136.00

Table 4.6 shows the annual cost of other technologies / item that will be used during the

implementation of the system and the current technology cost that the institution is paying. The

proposed price list is based from the Globe Internet Subscription, Godaddy WebHosting, and Globe

Postpaid Plan.

Summarizing the costs incurred shown in Tables 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3, it shows that there is a

significant difference between the current and proposed system. Based on analysis, hardware cost

shows 48.07% decreased from the current system, 53.65% decreased for the annual supply cost

and though there are other cost for the proposed system it still shows that there is a huge benefit if

the system will be implemented in the institution as the overall annual cost of the proposed system

is decreased by 29.73% from the current system.

Table 4.7.
Summary of Current and Proposed System Cost

Annual Cost
Current Proposed Difference
Supply Cost 26,830.00 12,435.00 14,395.00
Hardware Cost 90,678.00 47,089.00 43,589.00
Other Cost 30,000.00 44,136.00 (14,136.00)
Total Cost 147,508.00 103,660.00 43,848.00


This chapter presents the summary of all the activities done during the making of this study.

It also includes the conclusion of the study and the recommendations for future use to make the

study more effective and maximize its features.


Online Service Record Management System with SMS notification for STI College Ormoc

was successfully developed. The study aimed on converting the current manual transactions in

managing service record into an online transaction. Problems were defined and objectives were set

after gathering all the data. It has successfully achieved all the set objectives of the study: (1) Design

a secure service record management system (2). Develop an efficient and effective database

suitable for the system. (3) Design and develop a user-friendly interface. (4) Develop a module that

will allow filing and approval/disapproval of leaves, overtime, and travel order (5) Develop a module

that allows SMS notification for those approved and/or disapproved applications. (6) Develop a

system that allows viewing of all filed applications, and leave credits online. And (7) Test and evaluate

the acceptability of the system.

To successfully attain those objectives different methods were used. The researcher made

use of descriptive research method, made use of observation, interview and internet research in

order to gather necessary data, and the instruments for data gathering were observation and

interview. A waterfall model approach was also used as a system development prototype.

Meanwhile, in the development stage, analytical tools were used such as Block Diagram,

Conceptual Framework, Input-Process-Output (IPO), and System Flowchart. Software like XAMPP,

Atom – as the IDE, PHP, Laravel, Java, MariaDB (MySQL), JavaScript, jQuery, HTML, CSS,

bootstrap, and WebSocket were also used. Huawei Mobile Broadband E303 was used in sending

SMS Notification through GSM network.

A series of test were also conducted to ensure the smoothness, effectiveness and efficiency

of the system and a cost-benefit analysis was done to determine the cost-effectiveness of the study.


The study was able to successfully develop an Online Service Record Management System

with SMS notification for STI College Ormoc with efficient and effective relational database

management system, design a user-friendly graphical user interface. The system was able to

provide multi user access feature. Managing employee’ s record and leave credits, processing

application for leave, travel order and overtime were improved and converted into an online-based

transaction. The system was tested and evaluated by the end users and the result showed that they

are very satisfied with the system and consider each feature as very important. The system is also

beneficial in terms of money unit since based on the cost-benefit analysis, overall annual cost of the

proposed system is decreased by 29.73% from the current system. Thus, using the proposed system

will give a satisfiable benefit to the institution.


It is highly recommended that the system should be deployed in the institution. And to add

other features to the system that is not only limited to service record management and develop a

mobile app of the system.




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