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DLL - English 3 - Q3 - W4

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School: DepEdClub.

com Grade Level: III

GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: File created by Sir LIONELL G. DE SAGUN Learning Area: ENGLISH
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: MARCH 6 – 10, 2023 (WEEK 4) Quarter: 3RD QUARTER



A. Content Standard Developing Reading and Writing Weekly Test

B. Performance Standard .Oral Language .Reading Comprehension Grammar Vocabulary and Concept
C. Learning Competency/Objectives Follow and explain process. Identify cause and effect based on Use personal pronouns.(eg. Increase vocabulary through
Write the LC code for each. EN3OL –IIId-1.16.3 stories read. I,you,he,she,it,we,they) synonyms and antonyms.
EN3RC –IIIa-b-2.13 EN3V –IIIb-d-13

Story: A Monster Who Came Cause and Effect Using Personal Pronouns Synonyms and Antonyms
To School
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages CG p.43 -44 of 170
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR)portal
B. Other Learning Resource powerpoint Powerpoint,strips of papers Powerpoint, activity cards
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Cause and Effect Personal Pronouns
presenting the new lesson
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson Unlocking/Vocabulary & Link-lines-in Mix and Match of pictures What is school?
Concept Development Say: Let us have the SAY DO- DON’T through relying personal
Say: Let us be energized by game. Say DO if the line I will read or pronouns.
playing the HAND-MIND illustration I will show is a good thing
WORD game. Say R U L E S. to be done in school and Don’t if it is
All R, U, L ,E , S will form the not. Ready?
groups. I will walk at the corridor.
(Note: Each group will be I will chew gum during class hours.
given five (5) sets of jumbled I will attend class regularly.
letters inside the envelope. I will be attentive during class
The sets of letters are discussion.
numbered from one to seven. I will leave my desk clean and
If you hear the word THINK, orderly.
listen for the clues about the
word. If you hear the word GO
-start arranging the letters
and if you hear the word
STOP- say the word.)
- Imagine a school with a
monster, what do you think
will happen?
C. Presenting examples/Instances of the . Before the reading time Show powerpoint or video about Make your own poem about
new lesson begins, the teacher assigns personal pronouns. school which have synonyms
some pupils for the role play and antonyms.
of some story parts.) Present a video about synonyms
The Monster Who Came to and antonyms?
D. Discussing new concepts and What do you think will the If you chew gum during class, what What is the video/powerpoint all - What a makes a sentence
practicing new skills # 1 teacher feel when she sees a will happen? about? noticeable?
monster in school? If you run at the corridor, what will
If you attend class regularly, what
will happen?
E. Discussing new concepts and What do you think would the Cause and Effect Chart
practicing new skills # 2 monster do? Cause
Original File Submitted and
Formatted by DepEd Club The monster took so much space at the bus.
Member - visit
for more The Monster screamed loudly.

While the teacher was reading a story,

Monster laughed and shouted.

At rest time, the monster pulled children’s hair.

F. Developing mastery (Note: In envelopes, each The following exercises will help
(leads to Formative Assessment 3) group should receive 2 pairs you gain greater understanding
of sentence strips. Pupils’ about how personal pronouns
answers should be posted in work. Choose the best answer to
the Cause and Effect Chart.) complete each sentence.
Sample sentence 1._________ often reads until
strips: late at night.
You forget to return a
borrowed book from a Mary
_2._________ is running up and
down the stairs.
She feels hurt and avoids The cat
you. She
My brother
_3._________ is from Ireland.
My friend
This souvenir
4.Have __________ got a dog,
5. We enjoy the roses so much.
__________ really liven up the

G. Finding practical application of (Note: Have the pupils decide Group the pupils into three.Provide Groupings. Group them into three.
concepts and skills in daily living on what they should draw or an activity for them. I –Synonyms
role play an assigned story II –Antonyms
part.) III –Synonyms or Antonyms

H. Making generalizations and What lesson did you learned How do we know the cause and What is personal pronouns? What did you learned today?
abstractions about the lesson today? effect on the sentences?
I. Evaluating learning Refer to Activity 216. Refer your pupils to Activity 218 . Complete with the subject .Provide an activity about
personal pronoun synonyms and antonyms.
1. My name is Sue. (Sue)
_________ am English. And this is
my family.
2. My mum´s name is Angie.
(Angie) _________ is from
3. Bob is my dad. (My dad)
_________ is a waiter.
4. On the left you can see Simon.
(Simon) _________ is my brother.
5. (Sue and Simon) _________
are twins.
J. Additional activities for application or Cut pictures why a child Draw what happen when a class .Research about personal Review your lessons for the
remediation become a monster in school. always absent. pronouns. coming test.

A. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?

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