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Study Guide Dna Rna No Virus

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Study Guide - DNA, RNA, protein, Viruses Name _____________________

Please use this study guide as you prepare for the test, it will be very helpful to you. If you
need help on this chapter, please let me know. I am available after school most days, and
before school at 7:10 each morning, unless I have a meeting. Please schedule a time with me
during class hours so that I know to expect you.

1. DNA is made up of subunits called _____________________________________. The

primary function of DNA is to store and transmit your


2. What are the three parts of a nucleotide?

a)_____________________________ b)_____________________________


d) DNA stands for ______________________________________________.

3. What type of bond forms between the nitrogen base pairs? ___________________________

4. Fill in this chart to show how DNA differs from RNA.


a) sugar: ___________________________ sugar: ________________________

b) Bases: adenine, guanine, cytosine and e) Bases: adenine, guanine, cytosine, and
_________________________ ____________________________

adenine pairs with thymine f) adenine pairs with _____________________

c) guanine pairs with ________ g) guanine pairs with ______________

d) _________________stranded h) ______________________stranded

stays inside the nucleus i) _______________________the nucleus

Important note: compare the differences!

5. DNA Replication:
a) Purpose: To go from one ________ strand to two identical _______ strands.

b) Replication starts using the enzyme ______________________ which straightens out the double
helix and opens the strand.

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c) Replication continues when the enzyme DNA _____________________ brings in nucleotides that
are complementary to the opened DNA side.

d) The enzyme helicase breaks the DNA strand where two _____________________________

are joined, specifically at the ________________________ bond between them.

Replication ends with two identical DNA strands.

6. If the strands are NOT identical, this is a problem! If copied incorrectly, this could lead to:

a) ____________________ a disease of uncontrolled cell growth

b) ____________________ general term for a change in the DNA pattern

c) incorrect __________________ synthesis- when sequences of amino acids are incorrect because
the DNA code is wrong.

7. What is a gene? A gene is an instruction for a trait denoted by a sequence of ________

contained on one of your 46 _____________________, which are contained inside the

__________________ of the cell. Important Note: Your DNA pattern gives you your traits!

8. What are the three forms of RNA?

i) ___________ (a strand of RNA made by using DNA as a pattern- it carries the genetic code to
the ribosome where it is translated into a sequence of amino acids)

ii) ___________ (ribosomes are made of this type of RNA plus proteins)

iii) __________ (brings an amino acid to the ribosome)


9. Transcription: A strand of _______ is used to make _________.

This occurs in the _________________ of the cell. The strand of mRNA leaves the

______________ and aligns itself with a ______________________ (cell part that makes proteins).

10a. Translation: During translation, a strand of _____is translated into

_______________________ at this cell part: ________________ & the _______ brings the
amino acid.

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10 b. Summarize the flow of genetic information:
From: __ __ __ to __ __ __ __ to __ __ __ __ to ________________ ________________.

11. A group of 3 nucleotides in mRNA that specifies an amino acid is called a

___________________________. This is read at the ribosome.

12. One side of the tRNA molecule has an ___________________ (set of three

nucleotides opposite to mRNA) and the other side has an ____________________ that you
got from the proteins you ate and broke down.

13. What happens when the tRNA anticodon attaches to the codon on mRNA? (That is, what
is released, and where does it attach?)

14. Consider this sequence of nucleotides in a strand of DNA: CTA GCG TAG TTA
What is the complementary strand of DNA?

15. Consider this sequence of nucleotides in a sense strand (or coding strand) of DNA:

a) What sequence of mRNA will be made from it?

b) Using the mRNA chart in your textbook or packet, what amino acids will be
arranged by the ribosome?

c) If you had the anticodon GGU, what amino acid would be brought to the ribosome?
Remember, you must first convert it to mRNA language (a codon) before you look up the amino acid since the chart
in your text is a messenger RNA chart!

Be prepared to do many examples like this one!

16. You have a polypeptide sequence of two amino acids: aspartic acid and glutamic acid.
Give a valid DNA sequence that could have produced these two amino acids. There are
several answers to this question.

Hint: look up aspartic acid & glutamic acid in the mRNA chart, get the mRNA code, turn it into DNA code.

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17. What is transformation?

18. Briefly describe the following three types of DNA mutations:

a. nonsense

b. missense

c. silent

19. You are responsible for everything discussed in class. Also, you are responsible for
knowing the answers to homework questions.

20. Don’t confuse TRANSformation TRANScription and TRANSlation. They sound the same,
but are very different processes.

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