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Icon of Evil?

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Icon Of Evil?

O9A: The Nine Angles


Some of the reasons why David Myatt is, for many antinomians, an icon of antinomianism {1} have been enumerated
in various recent texts {2} and which reasons include:

§ His writings in support of National Socialism, and in particular his 1984 text Vindex - Destiny of the West,
{3} his post-1998 text The Vindex Mythos, {4} and his post-1997 writings about his non-racist, 'ethical
National-Socialism' which formed the weltanschauung of his Reichsfolk group. {5} These writings include his
heretical disbelief in and rejection of what has come to be known as holocaustianity, which public rejection is
now illegal in many Western nation-States.

§ His association, by others, by antifascists and since 2018 by the Establishment with the Order of Nine
Angles leading to him being described as one of the twenty most dangerous extremists in the world. {6}

§ His support during his Muslim years of bin Laden, the Taliban, and 'martyrdom operations', with one of his
writings supporting the Taliban found among the possessions of bin Laden and now in CIA archives. {7}{8}

§ His post-2012 pagan philosophy of pathei-mathos with its rejection of the authority of the nation-State in
favour of individual, a private, judgment and the virtue of personal honour. {9}

In addition, there are also:

(i) his post-2002 campaign to bring National Socialists and jihadi Muslims together in order to fight what he
regarded as their common enemies; {10} and

(ii) the application by others of his mystical and pagan philosophy of pathei-mathos to the real world {11}
which has angered savants of the Establishment since such an application deconstructs modern, invented,
denotata such as "racism" and "hate-speech" used to support the Establishment belief that multiculturalism
must be supported with public dissenters often jailed.

Any one of the above would be sufficient for the Establishment and its savants to condemn Myatt in our modern era of
pervasive nation-States with their laws enshrining their idées fixes enforced by police and by the Courts, who operate
through a hierarchical chain-of-command of supra-personal obedience.

But, when considered together, they explain the decades-long disinformation and propaganda campaign against, and
denigration of, Myatt by antifascists and since 2018 by the Establishment, as well as their desperate and so fair failed
attempts, to 'prove' that he is or was 'Anton Long' of O9A fame, its founder and author of most of its early manuscripts
and texts. {12} Which attempts now include 'deepfakes' such as a photograph of an alleged NATO soldier with an
assault rifle with an image of Myatt deepfaked onto it in imitation of a well-known and genuine 2014 photograph:
Yet even if probative evidence was discovered that Myatt was the original 'Anton Long', did found the O9A, and did
author its early manuscripts and texts, it would not affect his status as a modern icon of antinomianism given his many
other antinomian deeds and writings. Indeed, it might fascinate some ordinary folk and academics as well as enhance
his status among many modern antinomians as a rebel in revolt against all facets of the Establishment especially if
they appreciate the O9A for what it was and is {13} and not what the Establishment has made it appear to be: some
sort of evil 'boggle' which children and impressionable young adults can be warned about.

Thus we would not be surprised if antifascists and other savants of the Establishment, given their fears and fantasies
regarding such heretical individuals as Myatt, are already planning a book or a series of articles or podcasts with a title
such as Icon Of Evil. For such an antinomian, exeatic, adult life, such a variety of antinomian deeds, and such a variety
of antinomian writings, as have been remunerated above, would certainly seem to merit such a title by such
propagandists and savants.

In some ways such a title would reveal much about the authors, much about their attachment to the Establishment,
much about their defamation of Myatt and the O9A, and much about the zeitgeist of the Establishment, since the O9A
has its own antinomian definition of evil based on the etymon of the word: 'ubils', a 'going beyond' or a rejection of the
established, the accepted, norm or norms. {14}

With the mass media awash with Establishment propaganda and disinformation, with 'deepfakes' and Artificial
Intelligence (AI) forgeries proliferating in this digital age in order to discredit people and groups, and with the security
services contracting individuals to produce forgeries {15} the honourable, the cultured, are returned to the ancestral
way of only judging a person through a long-term personal knowing of them and their deeds, and of scholarly research
using primary sources as a means to rationally assess a group or a philosophy or an event.

River Isis Collective

June 2023 ev

{1} Our use of the term antinomianism, and of other terms such as Establishment and savants, are explained in
Appendix I, below.

{2} For example, in David Myatt And The O9A,


{3} A facsimile of the 1984 printed text is at



{5} Many of Myatt's writings about non-racist National-Socialism are collected in


{7} The writing is The Significance of the Taliban for the Muslim Ummah. (i) CIA bin Laden archive: (ii) Link to CIA archive version of Myatt's text:
/22zb4389 (iii) Myatt's original at

{8} Regarding supporting bin Laden and 'martyrdom operations' see In Reply to Sheikh Salman b. Fahd al-Oadah,

{9} An overview of Myatt's philosophy is available in The Mystic Philosophy Of David Myatt,

{10} The campaign is outlined (pp.142ff) in the 2006 book The Enemy of My Enemy; The Alarming Convergence of
Militant Islam and the Extreme Right by Professor George Michael, published by University Press of Kansas.

According to Michael, for "Myatt the principal advantage of an open alliance with Islam it its ability to strike at the
nerve center of the new world order." (p. 148)

{11} (i) Applying Myatt's Philosophy To The Real World,

s-Philosophy-To-The-Real-World (ii) Deconstructing Antifascism, Refounding Western Paganism,

{12} Regarding failed attempts, see (i) Antifascist Hatred, Propaganda, And Prejudice,
/document/649019739/Tropes-Of-Prejudice-And-Of-Hatred (ii) Author Profiling In The Case Of Mr Myatt, (iii) Modern Tale Of An Antifascist

{13} The O9A was for a minority, and covertly still is for a few, an Occult, hermetic, and pagan philosophy concerned
with the individual adventure for Lapis Philosophicus - for wisdom - by means of an arduous seven fold way involving
Grade Rituals such as those illustrated in Appendix II.

{14} The antinomian usage is explained in The Order Of Nine Angles And The Question Of Evil,

{15} An amusing example of their occasional ineptitude in the rush to produce propaganda is the forged internal
'Islamic State' letters by Asaad Almohammad in 2019. He was a senior research fellow at the government supported
Foreign Policy Research Institute of George Washington University.

The forgeries were reproduced in the New York Times in 2019 since they were then considered genuine and used in a
report by the Establishment policy group the Combating Terrorism Center at the West Point Military Academy who
coincidently in 2022 produced a propaganda report full of disinformation about the O9A, qv. Hypocrisy, Propaganda,
And The Downfall Of The Establishment,

Appendix I



Defiance of, or opposition to, the customs, the beliefs, the authority of the modern nation-State with its idées fixes
which include the idea that the nation-State through its government, its institutions, and its laws is the ultimate
authority and judge of what is 'right' and 'wrong', not the judgment of the individual, and which supra-personal
authority can and should be enforced by the nation-State through a police force or a law-enforcement agency, through
the Courts, and if necessary through its armed forces all of which operate through a hierarchical chain-of-command.

Modern antinomians include some anarchists and nihilists; some adherents of Left Hand Path Western Occultism; and
some adherents or followers or advocates of what are deemed by modern nation-States to be 'heretical', deprecated,
or are outlawed, such as 'historical revisionism', National Socialism, and even what some American States have now
outlawed such as access to abortion, the promotion of homosexuality in schools and in books, and performances by
'drag artists'.


By 'the Establishment' is meant the institutions and the people who have the power, the means, and sufficient savants,
to (i) influence and to shape 'public opinion' on matters political, economic, military, and social, and (ii) to enforce their
zeitgeist, their power, their judgment, their opinions, upon the people and if they deem it necessary on other peoples,
other governments, in other nations through the use of military force or sanctions.

The Establishment thus includes politicians and the incumbent government and often the 'political opposition', large
often multinational business enterprises, the mainstream Media (especially national newspapers and television and
now internet news media and outlets), well-funded special-interest advocacy groups both political and business-
orientated; established academics whose work has featured in mainstream publications, and so-called 'independent' or
'freelance' journalists whose work appears in or is cited by the mainstream Media.

Lapis Philosophicus

Lapis Philosophicus means the "jewel of the alchemist", since the term Philosophicus means an alchemist not, as is
commonly said, a philosopher, just as lapis (qv. λίθος τῶν σοφῶν) when used in Latin alchemical texts means "jewel"
and not "stone".

The term Lapis Philosophicus (post-classical Latin, c. 13th century; qv. Byzantine Greek: λίθος τῶν σοφῶν) pre-dates
the term lapis philosophorum and was used by early writers on alchemy such as Raymund Lully, and by the
Elizabethan Oxford classical scholar John Case in a book entitled Lapis Philosophicus, Sive Commentarius In Octo Libros
Physicorum Aristotelis, published in 1600 CE. The term was also used by Isaac Newton in a handwritten manuscript
entitled Lapis Philosophicus cum suis rotis elementaribus, MS 416, in Babson College's Grace K. Babson Collection of
the Works of Sir Isaac Newton, currently housed in the Huntington Library, San Marino, California. It should be noted
that Newton illustrates a septenary system, not a qabalistic one of ten spheres, and that he uses the terms femina and
masculina which O9A esotericism refer to as the muliebral and the masculous.

O9A aural tradition relates that λίθος as a jewel, or precious stone, was attested by Herodotus, who in The Histories,
Book II, 44, wrote, in reference to "the sacred Temple of Heracles", ἣ δὲ σμαράγδου λίθου λάμποντος τὰς νύκτας

Also, as noted in English–Greek Dictionary: A Vocabulary of the Attic Language by S. C. Woodhouse, published by
Routledge & Kegan Paul in 1910, λίθος as 'jewel' was used by Plato in Phaedo 110δ-ε: ὧν καὶ τὰ ἐνθάδε λιθίδια εἶναι
ταῦτα τὰ ἀγαπώμενα μόρια, σάρδιά τε καὶ ἰάσπιδας καὶ σμαράγδους καὶ πάντα τὰ τοιαῦτα: ἐκεῖ δὲ οὐδὲν ὅτι οὐ
τοιοῦτον εἶναι καὶ ἔτι τούτων καλλίω.

Primary Sources

Primary sources include contemporaneous manuscripts, letters, diaries, memoirs, personal journals, interviews,
speeches, and other materials individuals used to describe (i) events in which they were participants or observers, and
(ii) ideas or creations - such as a philosophy, music, literature, or art-work - which they were responsible for.

The criteria of scholarship are: (i) a detailed, meticulous, unbiased original research on and concerning a specific topic
or topics or subject undertaken over a year or more in duration and involving primary source material; (ii) an ability to
be able to read primary sources in their original language; and (iii) a rational assessment of the knowledge acquired by
such research, with such conclusions about the topic, topics, or subject being the logical result of the cumulative
scholarly learning so acquired.

If the researcher cannot read primary sources in their original language and has to rely on the translations of others
then their conclusions are not original and not scholarly just as if they commit logical fallacies - such as argumentum
ad verecundiam - then their conclusions are also not scholarly.


The systematic dissemination of information, especially in a biased or misleading way, in order to promote a political
cause or point of view or zeitgeist.


Savant is O9A terminology for someone who is supine and who thus appeases or who soothes their master or masters,
often by agreeing with them or doing their bidding. The master of many savants in the modern West is the

The usage is from the Icelandic sefa. Another Icelandic term used by the O9A is kunnleik, from Old Norse, which
implies not knowledge per se, but acting on, -leik, or using, a detailed knowing of a particular thing, or using, acting on,
a knowing of a particular person through a personal acquaintance with them.

Appendix II

The Seven Fold Way

Three O9A Grade Rituals

External Adept

Find an isolated hill - or a desert area - miles from any human habitation which affords an unobstructed night-time view
of the stars and on the night of the new moon just after sunset and with a clear sky lie on the ground. The task is to lie
still until sunrise without moving or falling asleep. Afterwards write an honest account of what was felt and thought
during those night-time hours. Since the task is to lie still without moving or falling asleep then failure is moving and/or
falling asleep.

Internal Adept

The rite exists in two forms, one lasting three months, the other six months, and it is up to the candidate to decide
which one they will undertake, and whether or not they (i) will build their own shelter and procure their own food by
fishing, hunting, and gathering, or (ii) take a tent and sleeping bag and purchase on a monthly basis such food supplies
as may be needed from a locality situated at a suitable walking distance (c.10 miles). Whatever length of stay or
means of shelter and food is chosen the candidate can only take what they can carry on their own back.

The task is to live alone in an isolated, wilderness area for the specified period with no contact with the outside world
(except the little necessary if monthly supplies of food have to be bought) and without any modern conveniences (save
for a tent and sleeping bag if required), with no means of measuring time (such as by a clock or watch), using only
candles [housed in a lantern] for night-time illumination, and having no communication devices (such as a mobile
telephone) and no means of reproducing music or any other form of entertainment.

The rite is to live in such a simple way for the specified period, and it recommended that the candidate keep a journal
to record their thoughts, feelings, and imaginings.

The Rite Of The Abyss

The rite begins at the first full moon following the beginning of a propitious alchemical season – in the Isles of Britain
this was traditionally the first rising of Arcturus in the Autumn. The rite, if successful, concludes on the night of the
following full moon.

The rite ideally occurs in an isolated underground cavern where or near to where water flows, and in which location the
candidate dwells alone for the whole lunar month, taking with them all that is required for the duration of the rite.
Ideally, the water should be suitable for drinking. If such an underground cavern cannot be found, then a suitable
alternative is an isolated dark cave – with, if necessary, its entrance suitably screened to avoid an ingress of light. The
only light is from candles (housed in a lantern) and the only food is bread and cheese. The food and/or the water
required for the duration can be either brought by the candidate at the beginning of the rite, or provided and left
(without any contact being made) on a weekly basis by a chosen member of their family kindred or by their mentor if
they have one.

No means of communication with the outside world should be brought; no timepiece, mechanical or otherwise, is
allowed; and no modern means of reproducing music nor any other means of personal entertainment are allowed. The
candidate should arrange for a trusted person to enter the cavern at the next full moon to return them to the world of
living mortals. This traditional rite has no structure, and simply involves the candidate living alone in such a location
for a lunar month and trusting a member of their family kindred or their mentor to inform them when the rite is over.

Grand Master / Grand Mistress

The rite involves the candidate achieving a difficult feat of mental and physical endurance which involves walking, in
difficult, isolated terrain, a distance of 300 miles in 15 days carrying appropriate equipment and occasionally buying
food en route using monetary savings. This journey is planned to end at or near a site chosen by the candidate and
which site the candidate has an empathy with.

The candidate is then to reside alone at or near this site for a period from some three months - in northern climes, from
Equinox to Solstice or Solstice to Equinox - during which time they should be engaged in some esoteric or creative or
artisan task or tasks suited to their interests and abilities with the completion of such a task or tasks at the end of
those months signifying the end of the rite.

The Seofonfeald Paeth, pp.13ff

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