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The document discusses allegations that have been made about David Myatt in the past and analyses one article that made claims about him, finding flaws in its sources and evidence.

Past allegations include claims that Myatt was involved in Satanism or was an MI5 agent.

The analysis finds flaws in the sources used by the anonymous accuser, factual errors made, and that no primary sources or evidence is provided to support the claims.

Covert surveillance photograph of Myatt on his way back from work on farm,

taken by the BBC, 2000

From The Archives

Comments And Lies About David Myatt

Editorial Note: Given recent attacks on Mr Myatt - many of which reproduce

or mention the malicious allegations anonymously made about Myatt from
before 2008 to around 2011 - we reproduce here some articles about Myatt
dating back to 2008, some of which (often in a polemical way) deal with and
counter those malicious allegations. As most of the URL's given in the
articles are defunct we have not included them, but those interested can
view them by following the listed source which we provide
for each article.

We also include a recently written item by ourselves which examines a few of

the malicious allegations and why in our opinion every few years such
allegations about Myatt resurface, usually via the medium of the internet.

As to the reason why we here publish extracts from past internet exchanges
about Myatt, it is the same reason why we recently published extracts from
past internet exchanges about the ONA: "because such exchanges document
in detail for those seriously interested in studying the O9A now or in the
future, and are representative examples of, (a) anti-O9A attitudes, (b)
allegations made about the O9A and about Mr Myatt, and (c) the O9A
response." {1}

It should be noted that our contributions - in texts such as this - are miniscule
compared to the vast number of texts, over a period of ten and more years,
produced and circulated by opponents of Myatt and of the ONA.

Three Wyrd Sisters

2017 ev

David Myatt: Satanic Islamist Or Modern Mystic?

We analyse here a representative sample of the claims, made some years ago
about Myatt by an anonymous accuser in an internet published article {1},
revealing as the analysis does the flaws in the sources used, the factual
errors made, and how the accuser employs propagandistic methods in an
obvious attempt to try and convince readers that his claims about Myatt are
true or at least merit serious consideration.

The analysis shows that the circumstantial evidence he provides is flawed

and that no evidence whatsoever from primary sources is given resulting in
the text being just a collection of assumptions and unproven allegations and
opinions about Myatt made by the anonymous accuser and by others.

That some individuals believe and have believed that this anonymous article
"proves" Myatt's involvement with Satanism reveals just how easily some
individuals can be duped. That the article is anonymous and was not and has
never been published in a peer-reviewed journal, but rather on some internet
site which allows anonymous people to publish libellous and inaccurate
stories, is most revealing.

Given the importance of primary sources in providing evidence of claims,

assumptions, and allegations, it should be noted that primary sources include
direct evidence such as original documents dating from the period under
study, and accounts and works (written, verbal, published or unpublished) by
such individuals whose life or whose writings or whose works form part of
the research. In addition, if such sources – documents or accounts or
writings – are in another language, then it is incumbent upon the scholar to
have knowledge of that language and thus be able to translate such
documents themselves, for a reliance upon the translations of others
relegates such sources from the position of primary ones to secondary ones.

Hence, if an author writes about a person and/or about their works, or about
an event, using only secondary sources – sources containing the opinions, the
interpretations, or the conclusions of others – then the opinion, the
interpretation, the conclusions of that author about such a person and/or
about their works, or about an event, are unauthoritative because

In respect of Myatt and his peregrinations, primary sources would include

Myatt's own writings, including his autobiography Myngath {2}; court
transcripts of his criminal trials; interviews with police officers who have
arrested and interviewed him under caution; documents concerning his early
years in Africa and the Far East; documents relating to his time as a Catholic
monk; documents relating to his conversion to Islam (such as his Testimony
of Faith in Islam signed as it is by the Imam of his mosque and by a Qadi),
documents and letters relating to his involvement with Column 88; and so on.


Editorial Note: The indented items, prefixed with §, are from the article by the anonymous
accuser, with our comments given below the indented item.

 § A printed version of an 'Order of Nine Angles' manuscript,

'Copula cum Daemone' written by D. W. Myatt, is available in a
British Library collection. Yet in later digital editions David Myatt's
name has been removed and the pseudonyms, 'ONA' and 'R. Venn'
is shown as the author.

The catalogue of the British Library does not record such a book written by
DW Myatt. Nor does it record any book, or a text, or manuscript bearing the
title Copula cum Daemone.

The claim is therefore a significant error made by the anonymous accuser.


 § This is Satanist 'Anton Long' discussing 'spastics' on a message

board in 2006.

The anonymous accuser proceeds to give some screenshots from some

obscure internet forum of a posting by some user calling themselves "Anton

The screenshots prove nothing because anyone - even today, let alone ten or
so years ago - can and could join some internet forum and give any name or
use some pseudonym. So all the screenshots show is that some anonymous
user used the pseudonym Anton Long, and since no IP address is revealed
that user could be anyone from anywhere.

In addition, Anton Long has only ever posted material via the internet on his
now defunct (and non-interactive) NexionZero blog {3}, never once deigning
to participate on even established 'satanist' internet forums such as the
600club, for such participation on any forum would have undermined the
mystique he undoubtedly sought to create.

It is a definite possibility that the anonymous accuser himself joined such an

internet forum in order to pose as Anton Long and post fraudulent messages
incriminating 'Anton Long'.


 § More new evidence linking David Myatt to vile Satanist texts has
been published in separate studies drafted by two independent
university academics. 'The Sinister Tradition' by Jacob C. Senholt
and 'Dreamers of the Dark: Kerry Bolton and the Order of the Left
Hand Path, a Case-study of a Satanic/Neo-Nazi Synthesis' by W.R.
van Leeuwen. These reports were published in the form of two
separate M.A. theses. Both of these works are particularly
important in that they expose routine attempts by 'The Order of
Nine Angles' to conceal David Myatt's authorship of incriminating

The passage reveals the anonymous author committing the fallacy of

argumentum verbosium, as if the mention of "independent university
academics" is, without any reading and analysis of their texts, sufficient of
itself to convince readers that proof does indeed exist of Myatt being Anton

1) In the matter of Senholt, and as the ONA has pointed out many times, no
evidence from primary sources is given so that Senholt simply makes
assumptions about Myatt.

a) Senholt claims that out of five different examples of ONA insight roles,
"Myatt has undertaken at least number 1, 3 and 5," with those insight roles
being "Join or form a covert insurrectionary organization, dedicated to
National Socialism," "Convert to Islam and aid, through words, or deeds, or
both, those undertaking Jihad against Zionism and the NWO," and
"Join or form a National Socialist group organization, and aid that
organization and especially aid and propagate historical revisionism."

However, as ONA texts make clear an insight role only lasts for around a year
- at most eighteen months - while Myatt spent thirty years as a neo-nazi
activist, propagating holocaust revisionism, while also (beginning with
Column 88 in the 1970s) being part of covert insurrectionary organizations,
and spent ten years as a Muslim supporting Jihad. These exceptionally long
periods cannot therefore be ONA insight roles.

b) Senholt claims that there are linguistic similarities between the writings of
Myatt and those of Anton Long. However, since he does not provide an
analysis using forensic linguistics or reference the work of an accredited
expert who has done such an analysis of those writings, this is merely a claim
that Senholt makes.

c) Myatt himself, in section titled The Logical Fallacy of Incomplete Evidence

– A Case Study of his 2012 essay A Matter of Honour, {4} provides a detailed
rebuttal of all of Senholt's claims.

For example, in respect of Senholt's claim regarding the use of alternative

dating systems, such as yf, by both Myatt and the ONA, Myatt writes: "The
fact that group A and group B use the same or a similar alternative dating
system is not proof that B is a subset of A, only of borrowing, imitation,
adaptation, and possibly of plagiarism."

For example, in respect of Senholt's claim that Myatt's departure from Islam
(in 2009) coincided with 'Anton Long' writing a plethora of new ONA items,
Myatt writes:

Since Senholt does not give dates, and does not list the items,
before and after this date, this is a rather vague assumption which
also ignores two important facts. First, the vast quantity of
literature I produced from 2006 onwards (following the suicide of
my fiancée) in the form of essays about my Numinous
Way/philosophy of pathei-mathos, letters, poetry, and so on.
Second, Senholt does not discuss the fact that there were and are
several self-confessed satanists (such as the pseudonymous Jason
King) who are of opinion that most if not all of the newer, recent,
items attributed to Anton Long were written by someone quite
different from the 'original Anton Long' associated with the original
ONA (or ONA 1.0 as King described it).

For example, in respect of Senholt's claim that some of Myatt's ideas and
concepts – such as acausality and Aeons and Homo Galactica – are and have
been used by the ONA, Myatt writes:

These concepts date to the early to middle 1970's, evident in such

non-occult writings as Emanations of Urania, and, later on, in my
Vindex – Destiny of the West.

As an early advocate of copyleft, I have never been bothered by

plagiarism or by others using and adapting my ideas and my
'inventions', such as The Star Game. Thus there is use and
adaptation by others, and possibly plagiarism, but no proof of a
direct link.

Myatt also provides many omitted facts and circumstances about his own life
that do not support, and indeed which contradict, Senholt's claims and

For example, Myatt mentions his time as a Christian monk and his writings
praising Catholicism in particular and Christianity in general, writing that
this scenario:

does not fit in with the claim of me being a life-long 'devotee of

extreme ideologies' or being a satanist, so it is ignored. No attempt
was made to use primary sources – to talk to people who knew me
as monk and who could recount my life then, and my autobiography
Myngath where I recount my time as a monk.

No mention is made of my many articles in which I praise

Catholicism or refer to it in a positive way. For example, my
mention of the numinosity of the Latin Tridentine Mass [qv.
Concerning The Nature of Religion and The Nature of The
Numinous Way] and of the sacrament of confession. As I wrote in
Soli Deo Gloria:

"It is my personal opinion that traditional Catholicism,

with its Tridentine Mass and its particular conservative
traditions, was a somewhat better, more harmonious,
expression of the numinous (a necessary and relevant
expression of the numinous), than both Protestantism and
the reforms introduced by the Second Ecumenical
Council of the Vatican, and which reforms served only to
undermine the numinous, to untwist the threads that held
together its 'hidden soul of harmony'."

There is also the small matter of me being married in Church in

accordance with the Christian ceremony of marriage. And the small
matter of writings of mine such as Pathei-Mathos – A Path To

2) In the matter of Leeuwen both Kerry Bolton {5} and the ONA {6}
published articles pointing out the many factual errors, and unproven
assumptions, in the work.

Examples of Leeuwen's factual errors, in respect of Myatt and the ONA,


a) The claim Myatt was born in 1952, when he was actually born in 1950.
b) That assertion that Myatt joined British Movement in 1969, when the
correct date was 1968.
c) The claim that 'the Star Game' was inspired by the Enochian Chess of the
Golden Dawn when, as the comment by the ONA make clear - and as
explained in diverse ONA texts - the Star Game bears no resemblance
whatsoever given its three-dimensional nature; the number and the
transformation of pieces when moved; the alchemical symbolism employed,
and so on.
d) The claim that the ONA Black Mass has similarities with classical accounts
of Black Mass - which alleged similarities he does not enumerate - and which
claim of similarities is easily disproved by comparing accounts of such
historical non-ONA masses with the ONA Black Mass, since the ONA mass is
detailed, comprehensive, a complete ritual, while the historical accounts
Leeuwen references are vague, incomplete. As the ONA note:

"The author makes an assumption common to many academics and

most journalists in assuming that person Alpha or group Gamma
have found inspiration in and from - or copied - accounts contained
in other, older, works; whereas it is also possible that either person
Alpha or group Gamma are merely recounting a similar tradition,
hitherto unrecorded, or that they are recounting a different
unrelated tradition."

e) Leeuwen makes claims regarding Myatt's involvement with Satanism

without proving any evidence from primary sources.
f) As for the Leeuwen article exposing - in the words of the anonymous
accuser - "attempts by The Order of Nine Angles to conceal David Myatt's
authorship of incriminating articles" there is no such expose because there is
no evidence from primary sources regarding Myatt being Anton Long.
Instead, there are unproven assumptions and personal opinion stated as if
they were fact.


 §  Returning to Senholt's thesis, he has this to say about Myatt:

"Myatt’s influence on the ONA is probably the biggest of all, with
Myatt practically developing around 90% of the current order
material available."

Since Senholt provided no verifiable evidence from primary sources that

Myatt was Anton Long or that Myatt wrote the majority of ONA material, this
is personal opinion and unverified assumption.


 § PO box numbers employed to distribute Myatt's neo-nazi

pamphlets, were also used to send out ONA Satanic printed matter.
Nick Lowels discusses this in his book, "White Riot: The Violent
Story of Combat 18" (Milo Books, Bury 2001, p 186-7).

Lowles account of the meeting differs substantially from Myatt's account {7}
so one is left to choose between the two different versions, taking either
Lowles word or that of Myatt. Given that the account of Lowles contains
several factual errors (such as Myatt was at the time living with Moult on a
Shropshire small-holding), given the political agenda of Lowles (at the time
he was working for the anti-fascist Searchlight group), and given his
journalistic-style - especially his use of weasel-words, such as "lamely
commented", was "forced to concede" - Myatt's account rings true.


 § Myatt is a lifelong friend of Cox and is a regular visitor to his

house which is opposite the Reading university campus.

Since no evidence is provided for either accusation, such accusations should

be dismissed.


§ Returning to the ONA manuscript, we also see that it

recommends reading David Myatt's 'Strategy and Tactics of
Revolution' [formerly 'A Practical Guide to Revolution']. This
includes information on how to construct nailbombs.

1) The fact that some group recommends reading some item by a certain
author is not proof of a connection between the two. Groups of every kind,
and individuals, recommend certain authors all the time.
2) The anonymous accuser makes yet another factual error, for the Strategy
and Tactics of Revolution text does not contain information on how to make
nailbombs. Instructions on how to make such bombs were actually given in a
different document, the 13 page one issued in 1993 which announced the
formation of The White Wolves, a group alleged to be allied to Combat 18,
with the anti-fascist group Searchlight claiming (in the July 2000 issue of
their magazine) that Myatt was the author of that document although they
provided no evidence in support of their claim.


§ David Myatt's involvement in Satanism and the influence of his

philosophy of hate on others, is thrown into even sharper relief
when examined in the context of nailbomber, David Copeland.

The beginning of this sentence is a good example of journalistic type

propaganda, with Myatt's alleged involvement in Satanism being blandly
stated as if it was already proven when in truth no one has provided any
evidence whatsoever from primary sources of such involvement.


§ One of the clearest indicators is a simple spelling 'mistake'. David

Myatt's neo-nazi 'Reichsfolk' texts are peppered with a strange
archaic spelling of the word 'develop'.

The anonymous accuser seizes on the fact that Myatt often uses the
alternative spelling of develop - develope - as proof of the fact that he is
Anton Long since some ONA texts also use that alternative spelling.

This is an assumption too far, for as the ONA pointed out years the ONA and
its many followers, and groups such as Reichsfolk, use or otherwise
appropriate, words and terms that Myatt himself uses – such a nexion,
presencing, and acausal, so that their use of the spelling such as develope is
just imitation, by others; a borrowing, possibly deriving from admiration of
the person using it.


The factual errors made by the anonymous accuser in his internet article, the
use of multiple sources which present personal opinion and assumptions as
fact, the lack of any evidence whatsoever from primary sources, the
commission of fallacies such as argumentum verbosium, the use of
fraudulent internet postings, and the silly assumptions of the anonymous
accuser, combine to reveal the article in a true light: as a piece of
propaganda with a specific purpose. Which purpose is to vilify Mr Myatt by
trying to associate him with the ONA.

As for the Order of Nine Angles, they - being "a dangerous and extreme form
of Satanism" {8} - revel in not only such associations with someone whose
exeatic life encompasses violence, terrorism, extremism, and crime, but also
in the notoriety of "being bad" in the real world as the anonymous accuser
certainly believes Myatt to be. In this respect, every accusation made against
Myatt by the anonymous accuser, and by others, is kudos for the amoral
ONA, enhancing their image, their reputation, as practitioners of evil in the
real world.

Thus, the more they revile and seek to demonize Mr Myatt - based on the
assumption that he is Anton Long - the more they hype the "dangerous and
extreme" Order of Nine Angles as being evil.

Now, were they to accept Myatt as now being some reformed extremist,
some modern mystic extolling the virtues of compassion, love, and humility,
then the ONA might have something of an image problem given how so many
seem to believe that, as Senholt wrote, "the role of David Myatt [is]
paramount to the whole creation and existence of the ONA." {9}

That opponents of the ONA and of Myatt do not seem to understand this is
most amusing, for us and our kind.



{1} The source of the offending article, still available on the internet, is
{2} David Myatt, Myngath: Some Recollections of a Wyrdful and Extremist
Life. 2013. ISBN 978-1484110744
{5} In the case of Bolton, some of the errors are mentioned here:
{6} See for example
{7} According to Myatt:

"My meeting with Nick Lowles, then an employee of the anti-fascist

Searchlight organization, occurred in the late 1990's. I had
arranged to meet him at the railway station in Craven Arms,
Shropshire and was there, at the appointed time on the appointed
time, when he arrived accompanied by a rather burley 'minder'.

I mentioned an Inn, some miles away in a nearby village, where we

might agreeably discourse but he - suspicious - declined, and so we
three decamped to his car to drive a short distance away to a
Craven Arms tavern.
So there we sat, me with my Coco-Cola (since I was then teetotal)
and he with his minder with us seated around some nondescript
table. He produced a recording device so as to record our

I found it all rather amusing, as he - like some inexperienced Police

officer conducting an interview with a suspect - bade me answer
question after question, many of which were about the Order of
Nine Angles.

I seem to recall he mentioned post office boxes many times, and

finally honed in on some such a box in Hereford, making the play
that the post office "video-recorded visitors who collected mail." I
smiled, knowing from years of experience of Police interviews that
this was a ruse. But I played along, mentioning that - as I had
previously said - I was doing a favour for a long-standing friend by
collecting and forwarding certain mail.

This calm response of mine seemed to rather annoy him, and

toward the end of our meeting, he - vis-a-vis me being Anton Long -
shouted at me "Why don't you just admit it!". I simply smiled, and
exchanged a knowing glance with his minder, who returned the
compliment. We - I and that minder - seemed two of a similar kind
while Lowles most certainly was not of our pro-active kind.

That Lowles has never released the complete, raw, audio recoding
of our conversion in that Craven Arms Inn is perhaps somewhat
indicative. That he subsequently claimed that I at the time was
living with my friend Richard Moult in Shropshire was somewhat
amusing and perhaps also indicative since - as Special Branch and
MI5 could have confirmed - I was then living with my then wife in a
village near Malvern and had travelled that day by train to Craven
Arms." Source:

{8} Per Faxneld. Post-Satanism, Left-Hand Paths, and Beyond: Visiting the
Margins, in The Devil's Party: Satanism in Modernity, edited by Per Faxneld
and Jesper Aagaard Petersen. Oxford University Press. p. 207.
From The Archives

Mundane Coward Attacks Myatt Again

The mundane Moac [Myatt-Obsessed-Anonymous-Coward] who has spent

years stalking Myatt, has had further attacks of verbal diarrhea, setting up
yet more anti-Myatt blogs, and flooding forums, world-wide, with crazy rants
about Myatt.

The salient features of all these anti-Myatt rants are the following:

1) They are the work of a coward, who makes libelous accusations

anonymously, using the medium of the Internet. When challenged – via
private messages on forums and via private e-mails – to go public and make
the accusations publicly using their real identity, the coward does not reply,
and instead slithers away to hide.

2) They are the work of someone with an unhealthy, psychotic, obsession

with Myatt, who also has an unhealthy, psychotic, obsession with the
so-called London nail-bombings.

3) The rants all contain blatant lies regarding Myatt, lies which anyone of any
sagacity could easily discover, if they took the trouble.

This particular Moac is also quite clearly deranged, and also a good example
of a mundane – someone who hopes that if they repeat lies, rumors, and
accusations, often enough for long enough then other mundanes will believe
them, because it is in the nature, the character, of mundanes to be easily
persuaded and/or manipulated, since (1) mundanes lack the personal
character, the honor, to ignore all rumors and allegations about someone; (2)
mundanes lack the intellectual capacity to think for themselves: to collocate
facts and make deductions from such facts; (3) mundanes are gullible,
prejudiced, and easily persuaded by rhetoric and rants, especially if such
rants use emotive trigger words such as "terrorist", or "nazi", or "satanist",
or "pedophilia"; and (4) mundanes tend to write and speak using
weasel-speak and weasel-words, and generally preface the name of the
person they are writing about with some pejorative term or other.

In general, mundanes react – on the basis of some "gut instinct", or some

prejudice, and/or on the basis of what they have been conditioned, by the
Media, and their governments/the establishment/the system, to believe and

In general, non-mundanes, reason – on the basis of personal knowledge of an

individual, on the basis of facts which they find/discover for themselves, and
on the conclusions they personally deduce from such facts.
The Lies

Let us consider just four examples of the lies that this coward – this deranged
Moac – repeats in his latest rants.

1) The coward states:

"the rank and file members of ultra Right 'Combat 18', concurred
with the Left leaning authors of anti-fascist magazine,
'Searchlight'and pitched Satanist Myatt straight out of the door."

The facts are that Searchlight made accusations about Myatt and Occultism
in April 1998, and Myatt remained involved with C18 for a further six
months, and remained a close friend of Steve Sargent, one of the founders of
C18, for several more years. Since, at the time of the accusations Myatt
himself was the leader of C18, the statement by the deranged Moac is clearly
absurd. Furthermore, no genuine National-Socialists at the time believed the
accusations anyway, since they were made by the zionist Searchlight
organization, and the few individuals who did believe, and who repeated,
such zionist-made and zionist-sponsored accusations were either
zionist/Searchlight stooges, or mundanes pretending to be National-

The facts are that Myatt only left C18 when he converted to Islam in
September 1998, and that Searchlight provided no evidence whatsoever for
its accusations regarding Myatt's involvement with satanism.

2) The coward – the deranged Moac - states that Eddy "Morrison formed a
close political allegiance with David Myatt initially, but learned the hard way
about Myatt and his Satanist friends." The deranged Moac then goes on to
reproduce Morrison's version of some events, without giving Myatt's own

The facts are given in Part One of Myatt's Autobiographical Notes:

(begin quote)

Recently, a former political associate of mine – Eddy Morrison – has

written his version of some events which occurred in and around
Leeds between the years 1972 and 1974. Since his version of
events differs from the reality I remember it is only fitting that I
present here "my side of the story".

It should be noted that – despite some personal and political

differences between myself and this person – I steadfastly defended
him for well over ten years, often praising his commitment and
dedication to "the Cause". In the 1980's I had occasion to defend
and praise him to John Tyndall, then leader of the BNP. This led
Tyndall to comment: "your loyalty to him is commendable…" Yet I
was to learn that this person – or Street Soldier as he styled himself
– had also been in contact with Tyndall, and "warned Tyndall about
me", having sent copies of newspaper articles about me containing
unproved and dishonourable allegations of involvement with
Satanism. Tyndall was one of the very few people, over the past
three decades, to have the honour, the decency, to ask me in person
for "my side of the story"…

At this time I had the unpleasant duty of rooting out and

expelling a small bunch of "Satanists" who thought that
tying our White Nationalism with their weird cult
practices would get us front page publicity. It did! But
although they say any publicity is good publicity, it isn't
always. I had to take a bunch of our inner core harder
members and eject about seven of these Cult people from
our membership and ban them from our HQ. It was a pity
as one in particular whose name I have mentioned earlier
was a stalwart founder member. Why he went off the rails
I'll never really know, and expelling him was painful but
very necessary. (Memoirs of a Street Soldier.)

There was no small "bunch of satanists": just one newspaper article

which made sensational claims about me. I had in my naivety
decided to give an interview (my first) with a journalist to talk
about our new NS movement, the NDFM. I briefly mentioned how it
might be possible for chaos to be created by subversive means, and
subversive groups, as a prelude to a revolution which an NS
movement could take advantage of, just as I made one passing
reference to having a theoretical interest in "the Occult" and to
having considered investigating it further. The journalist promised
to let me read his final copy before it was published and several
photographs of me were taken, with him suggesting I hold
something to do with the Occult, which I again naively did. Our
conversation lasted for about half an hour, during which he took a
few notes (it was not recorded).

I assumed in my innocence that he would simply recount what I

had said. Of course he neither showed me the article before
publication, nor printed what I said, except for one short sentence
about causing chaos. The whole article was a fabrication, designed
to be sensationalist and to discredit me. This whole episode was to
be a very interesting, worthwhile, experience for me: a learning
from experience, as Aeschylus wrote.

In addition, here, as elsewhere, Eddy Morrison seems rather

forgetful. All he did was call round to my garret accompanied by
one other NDFM member whom I knew well. Morrison – standing
well away from me when I, as almost always, answered the
downstairs door, armed – then announced his "expulsion" of me. I
did not care – for I was then planning to return to Africa, and enlist
in the Rhodesian Army, having already made contact with someone
there. So I said nothing, and Morrison went away. This "expulsion"
lasted only about six weeks, after which it was "business as usual".
Without my violent activism, my public speaking, my fanaticism,
the NDFM had become moribund.

(end quote)

Thus, the facts are that Myatt continued to be involved with the NDFM – and
with Morrison – for over six months after such unproven accusations were
made, and the association only ended (as did the NDFM itself) when Myatt
was sent to jail, again, for violence.

3) The coward – the deranged Moac – states that "David Myatt, 'Anton Long'
has published large quantities of illegal hate material. Many of these texts
incite others to carry out acts of murder."

The facts are that – under pressure from the influential Board of Deputies of
British Jews – Myatt was arrested in 1998, by Detectives from Scotland Yard,
on suspicion of incitement and conspiracy to murder. Even after a three-year
long and international investigation involving the Police forces and security
agencies of several countries, Scotland Yard could not find sufficient
evidence, and the charges against Myatt were dropped.

Thus, the facts are that if Myatt had indeed published such hate material,
and had indeed incited murder, the Police would have found some evidence,
and he would have been prosecuted in a Court of Law.

It should also be noted – and this is of particular importance, considering the

accusations – the Police, despite their three year long and international
investigation, also failed to find any evidence that Myatt was Anton Long.

4) The coward – the deranged Moac – states that Myatt is "a lonely
diminutive man…" whereas the fact is that Myatt has a plethora of close and
intimate friends, world-wide, and is five foot nine inches in height, average
for men of his generation.

The Boasts

Among the many boasts that the coward – the deranged Moac – makes, are
the following:

1) The coward – the deranged Moac – vainly boasts that the spelling of the
word develope "proves" that Myatt is Long, since this Moac has miraculously
found this particular spelling in works by both the Myatt, and by the ONA.

However, it has obviously escaped the notice of this particular mundane that
the ONA and its many followers, that Reichsfolk, use or otherwise
appropriate, words and terms that Myatt himself uses – such a nexion,
presencing, and acausal.

Thus, the use of the spelling develope is just imitation, by others; a

borrowing, possibly deriving from admiration of the person using it.

2) The coward – the deranged Moac – vainly boasts that "Myatt has no real
support for his strange ideas…"
This is, quite clearly, laughable, given the fact that Myatt's writings have
been translated into Swedish, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, German,
Norwegian, Polish, Finnish, Serbo-Croat, and other languages; and also given
the fact that, for example, a young woman, living in America, writes that:

" People still think of, talk about, and follow David Myatt… even if
he was a Nazi Thug… even if he was a Muslim… Even if he denies
being a Satanist publically. There are still thousands that know
Myatt, thousands that look up to him, in whose minds he is a

and given that someone, in Sweden, wrote that:

"David Myatt… has taken many forms, and I will give no further
introduction to this man of changes, I will leave the judgment to
you, the judgment of a man with visions and dreams, the judgment
of a man that acted according to his will, and manifested his words
in action, a man of progress. One of the few truly interesting men
alive today, and one of the few who has a vision of the change
needed to bring this world back on it's feet… Many things can be
said about Mr. Myatt, but one thing is for sure, he is an utterly
interesting and fascinating man."

There are dozens of similar quotes about Myatt, from people all over the

The Conclusion

It is difficult to ignore the tremendous sense of pathos which characterizes

this lonely diminutive figure – the jealous, the deranged, Moac.

Yes, indeed – for this Myatt obsessed anonymous coward does seem to be not
only jealous of Myatt, his accomplishments, and his influence, but also to
project his/her own inadequacies onto Myatt, for surely this particular Moac
is a lonely, friendless, diminutive figure, whose rants have little or no
influence, except in the fantasy world of this particular Moac, who writes
using weasel-words and who uses the mundane art of often prefixing Myatt's
name with some pejorative term or other, and suffixing Myatt's name with
some other pejorative term or some assumption.

It is also not difficult to conclude that all these rants, all these tirades, about
Myatt by this particular Moac only serve to increase interest in Myatt himself
– to provide Myatt with more followers, and to give Myatt and his works even
more influence.


From The Archives

Even More Comments About Myatt and Anton Long

Introductory Note: The following item – taken from an article written [c. 2009] by an
Australian member of the ONA – presents one person's very interesting, and insightful, view
of David Myatt, aka Anton Long (for it is my view, also, that "Anton Long" is a pseudonym
used by Myatt).

I have had the temerity to insert a few of my own comments, to either elucidate some point
of interest, or to offer my own opinion when I consider it warranted, given my personal
knowledge of either the matter in question, and/or of Myatt himself.

120 yf

The Last Word From One Of THEM (v.1)

Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions, I really do appreciate
it. I have a lot to ask you, having been reading and thinking about the work
published on Lulu and our private correspondence for quite some time. I
guess my first question is – have you ever met Anton Long?

Hi Mark, not a problem.. and no. Not in person. Only as an idea.

An Idea?

Sure. I think there are still a lot of people unsure as to why David refuses to
be seen as Anton Long despite all the evidence that's been produced to
favour an obvious conclusion.

When I first began my walk with the ONA in 2000, all I initially wanted, was
to travel to Shropshire and meet and train with the enigmatic Grandmaster. I
even tried to send the ONA a letter asking for admission into the Order. It
was returned though, the box must have been closed by then. However, the
older I got, and the more involved I became in living the Sinister Way – the
more insight I gathered, all kinds of previous preconceived idea I had about
Satanism began to fall away. There's a big difference in a magical path from
the outside than there is on the inside. Mine has been charged with a feeling
of dynamism and excitement, and so I'm lucky, but it's not like you can
subsist forever on mystical nonsense, if you want to get anywhere you have
to have a big dose of realism, and that comes with trying to follow something
like the Sinister Path. The insights revealed are not necessarily the one's you
expect. And slowly I began to feel that Anton Long, whom I eventually linked
with Myatt, was something/someone other than what it/he appeared, and
that AL, was actually created for something. Something deeply profound and
something beyond the Mythos being weaved.

You have to remember that Myatt was born in the 1950's – and men born
back then had a completely different outlook on the world than someone
born in the 70's. AL was also born into a life that involved a lot of travel – a
lot of realism and seeing the world as it really is. And I think from this, the
persona of Long developed. For me, Long is the personification of an "idea",
and I don't mean the term "idea" lightly, the phrase "External Wraith or
Manifestation developed to represent an Outer-formed, Inner-felt
Development of a Unique Perennial Pagan Ethos based on a scrutiny of
Sacred Geometry from a Way of Living that garners experience directly from
many of the forms given great worship as means and guides by Humanity to
alter an Ingrained Ethos" is probably better than "idea". Even his name,
"Along" is synchronous with the underlying aims of the ONA, which are so
often misunderstood, generally by a) people who have never devoted
themselves to actually living its Tradition for themselves and remain on the
outside theorizing from what is written down and disseminated; moreover
who expect and believe in some predetermined outcome or objective result
from such a way of Living which I assure you is never the case and that each
Initiate learns differently even though they utilize the same base core system
and b) believe that the concept of the ONA has only one layer and is related
"as is" via its manuscripts and own admissions – and which, is most definitely
not the case: with a perception in tow that the ONA is represented "as is" via
its manuscripts: the ONA can only appear as a contradiction of extreme
complexity. The secret to perceiving the ONA lies in living and experiencing
the practical means and methods relayed for oneself, the alchemy of which
results in drastic alchemical magical and philosophical changes, unique to
each Initiate; for only then is the necessary internal groundwork laid to
understand the extreme simplicity of the ONA.

For me, Long is a species of free-floating consciousness with great power to

create significant changes; an embodiment of the archetype Satan, yes;
partly through his tremendous promethean tenacity to live the way he has
and understand so much by himself; and partly because of his emphasis and
development of the dis-connected unification of acausal consciousness
between all beings; but a consciousness more unrestricted than the box
"Satan"; a unique embodiment of personality that I have not seen in my thirty
years of living in any other human being. Some people sometimes show me
some aspects of that consciousness: but AL is the first and only man I've
encountered whose essence has deeply affected who I am and what I try to
do with my life. Aside of course, from the character of Satan.

Why do you think Long is Myatt, like evidence-wise?

Well, assuming, loosely, that Myatt does not have his material written out by
someone else before he releases it, Myatt and Long both use long strings of
commas to break up sentences in a very similar way, as does 'Julie Wright'.

[Comment by RS: Personally, I can't see much, if any comparison, between the style of the
voluminous writings of Myatt/Long, and the few articles, about Myatt, written by Ms Wright.
One might also refer to her pseudonymous article, "A Personal Encounter With DWM".]

My experience has taught me that people, artists especially, are very

particular about language when they write. Due to the audio inflection they
hear in their head, they write a certain way, to express how they hear
conversation, where pauses, when/how emotion, and so on play out in a
conversation and in how people interact with one another; also in what
details are captured and which are omitted, in the breadth of vocabulary, for
example. All these are particulars that can't help but emanate the consistent
underlying structure of how language is understood and perceived in its
conveyance by the writer. Their Iambic Pentameter is the same too.

Myatt writes so much that to consistently maintain any conscious focus to

disrupt that style of writing would be too much of a strain to keep up –
moreover, Myatt is probably not aware of, or recognizes the impossibility of
cleaning up, the "linguistic" trail he leaves behind. The word 'fastly' rather
than quickly is idiosyncratic, as is the consistent "misspelling" of 'past' with
'passed', the omission by both AL and DM of ornate description, as though
the style of prose adopted for the Deofel Quintet coloured everything written
since… it's my opinion that Myatt wants people to know he is AL. And damn
right, AL is the best thing to happen to Satanism in the last four decades.

What the hell is Iambic Meter?

So far as I understand it, it's a fancy way of indicating the measure of both
the mathematical and poetic rhythm or spacing in verse and the overall
measure of meter to which they flow. Eminem and Dr. Seuss are two great
examples for this. When reading Dr. Seuss, for instance, there is an impulse
to insert an extra syllable in some lines to give more order and poise to the
prose, which often seems stilted because it is missing a syllable in a place
that interrupts the smooth rhythm of the prose. On the other hand, Eminem
is a wordsmith whose masterful use of rhythm is a powerful example of
correct Iambic (Penta) Meter or perfectly measured verse. As is the Haiku
poem, which uses five syllables, then seven syllables, then five again, a style
favoured in Japan.

Going back, what do you mean Anton Long was created for something?

I mean that AL is a deliberate magickal creation. There are powers and

actions granted via a channel emanating a certain personality that AL can
perform, but which David Myatt, cannot. Likewise, actions and stances that
ONA, can perform and hold: as a separate entity: which David Myatt cannot.
All because of the different codes of conduct each possess, or more
accurately that he has given them the power to possess.

THEM have come along and penned Liber Dabih at an extremely fortuitous
time, because over the years, each of Myatt's lived forms have been treated
superficially, seen simplistically as snapshots which described Myatt, and
each form with its own attached tirade of ignorant outside observation and
commentary. And one of Myatt's most infamous actions was a conversion to
the Islaamic faith much to the chagrin and disgust of many pro-National
Socialist circles: who, never really understood why Myatt was seen to be
joining them in the first place, at all. At this time, like all his other forms,
Myatt's Islaamic learning can now be placed within a fair context. I think
Myatt is genuine about using Islaam to attack the Magian, it is a role that
makes a lot of sense from the perspective put forth by both AL and DM about
championing Heresy.

Yet Myatt's recent tally of shape-shifting confessions have brought him to a

place where his over-arching concern is for the level of suffering needlessly
endured by the promulgation of forms, illusions and divisions that man-made
abstractions have the power to do, and a deep sadness that humanity has
learnt or is in danger of learning, nothing from its past five thousand years;
and thus that all forms such as National Socialism, Militant Coups, Islamic
Fundamentalism, etc, should no longer play a part; but, he is caught
irrevocably in-between Knowledge and Time.

While he Knows/Lives with these profound integrated discoveries of suffering

and the Numinous Way intimately as David Myatt: the struggle to do nothing
and the struggle to do something clearly rages within. As Myatt, he can do
nothing to try and change the flow and precession of suffering – for Myatt is
Above Time: but as the ONA, as Long, he can actively continue to struggle
against the odds of the Times (Long is the means by which David can
manifest In/Against Time) we live in by using a variety of forms, the complete
ONA being one of these, to infuse the consciousness, the deep learning of
David Myatt, into the world through the Seven-Fold Sinister Way. Thus not
just the results of his learning, but also the way in which he set about
teaching himself.

Obviously, the idea that Myatt has split personalities for this theory is
appealing, but it would be incorrect. Myatt's personalities are not split: and
from his point of view, and mine, there is no differentiation between the two
men and the plethora of other manifestations which each serve different
purposes for Myatt: which emanate from one consciousness; but which
consciousness is Acausal not Causal. Thus Myatt feels himself, rightly, a part
of you, a part of me, a part of something greater, and is moved to express it,
i.e. the Numinous.

[ Comment by RS: My view of this matter of Myatt's Numinous Way - and hence of "the
question of suffering" - is that there is no Myattian "inner, personal struggle". Instead, there
is the insight, the wisdom, and the practicality, of a genuine Mage.

This Numinous Way is thus a deliberate creation of Myatt's, albeit one arising from his
personal thinking and his personal life-experience. That is, from his esoteric quest, from
Initiate to Master of The Dark Arts, and then beyond.

Why a deliberate creation? To further his long term, Aeonic, aims because - as Anton Long
makes clear in his autobiographical MS Emanations of a Mage - it will take centuries, if not a
thousand years or more, for us as species to evolve into a new, and higher, type of being.
Until then, there will be a variety of human types, with many clinging to the old ways of the
Old Aeon, and these types will all have to be appealed to, manipulated, changed, evolved,
infected with sinister memes - or culled.

There is, therefore, in my view no dichotomy, no personal inner struggle, between Myatt
propounding his own Numinous Way, and between either Myatt - as Anton Long -
propounding the sinister disruptive strategy of the ONA, or Myatt - as Abdul Aziz Ibn Myatt -
propagating radical Islam. It's just a genuine Mage at work, on a variety of levels, and
creating and using a variety of causal forms to achieve specific, and sometimes long term,

As Anton Long states, while a Mage, a true Grand Master/Mistress of the darker esoteric
Arts, "has perceived the acausal reality behind and beyond all limited causal forms, and
hence experienced, understood and felt the essence from which such things as The
Numinous Way arise, there is still an inner imperative to produce, to affect, to cause, to
bring-into-being, Change, despite such suffering as may be caused: because that imperative
and such Change are not only part of causal life but one essence of a true Mage. And it is a
Mage who knows what is necessary, on all levels (exoteric and esoteric), to bring such
Change into causal being... Thus is a true Mage an enigma to those lacking empathy and
esoteric insight, and thus may a true Mage appear, to those un-evolved ones still imbued
with the forms of the Old Aeon, as a contradiction, onto whom they project some -ism or
some category in a vain attempt at understanding..." ]

So, okay, do you want to meet Anton Long?

No… I don't think that it is necessary to do that anymore. Long is a part of

my consciousness, a fellow wanderer who feels that awful sadness I have felt
with the world and whose own life via the vehicle of the ONA has influenced
me profoundly. People who have that feeling have nothing to say to each
other – they're already connected.

What is your impression of David Myatt?

My impression? I perceive a gentle man and a gentleman, doing what he can

to make the world a better place. But we're at a point in time where you have
to literally smash someone over the head with a shovel to change their ways.
I also believe that Myatt's age is having an influence on his recent mindset –
and that ONA's forms are currently exhibiting a potent mixture of wisdom
and fatalism – possibly due to an acute awareness on his part of his
approaching mortality and the amount of time he has left to complete his
Wyrd or achieve what he set out to do.

[ Comment by RS: I would say - a mixture of wisdom and practicality, due to an awareness of
what is necessary. His age is irrelevant, except that he has over four decades of practical
exoteric and esoteric experience of the sinister. Also irrelevant is any "awareness of
approaching mortality" - for such causal mortality has no meaning for someone, such as a
genuine Mage/GrandMistress, who know both the causal and the acausal for what they are,
and who are aware of what awaits in the causal for those who have ventured far enough
along our sinister causal path.

Certainly, he is the archetypal English gentleman - well-mannered, polite, reserved in public,

and honourable. But as for him now being "gentle", well, according to my info his last
serious fight was only a couple of years ago, a fair fight with a much younger man over a
woman, and in which successful fight he suffered some broken ribs, although as the cliché
goes, "you should have seen the other bloke..."

Notice that I said "as for him now being gentle..." For he has a long history of violence, going
back to his youth; has served two terms of imprisonment for violence, and been arrested
nearly a dozen times for violent offences, which included conspiracy to murder. he was also
once held on remand in Armley prison because the Police believed he might threaten or
intimidate witnesses for the prosecution.]
Would you say his involvement in extremist Islaam is making the world a
better place?

I don't believe Myatt actually converted to Islaam. He may have demonically

lived the role, but the same underlying messages in his NS writings are the
same underpinnings in his Islaamic stuff. It's just different wrapping paper.
Despite all the outer appearances put forth, I don't believe his heart is in it
and as I said to someone else, I think Myatt's dream of space colonization
underpins all of the forms he has taken on, that ONA is his grounding
principle, and that all of his efforts revolve around his faith in the Order to

I have to ask, is THEM really an ONA Nexion?

The short answer is yes.

From my point of view based on ONA's definition on what a nexion is and

what I discern ONA are – how THEM carries on and extends the qualities
relating to those definitions: qualifies THEM to present itself as a genuine
nexion of the ONA. And that is not to say that my understanding of a nexion
is the only, or the right, one.

Before many others, we understood Myatt and the underlying nature of his
work beneath the sensationalism of his involvement in this or that form – we
were not in thrall to the forms he took, and did not react emotively as he
changed through them. We have remained cold and detached watching Myatt
work. We understood what he is doing and subsequently could work out what
he was doing. We empathize deeply with that work and have vowed to
further it (We each took the Initiation Oath in Naos as a serious element of
our devotion to the Sinister Quest and the ONA). But we should not be
misunderstood as being the same as ONA, because we are not, we are an
extension Offspring.

Insofar as THEM understands the ONA and the reasons relating to the
propagation of it as a whole and a large number of its parts, re: Dark Gods,
Star Game, Culling etc, THEM do claim to represent the ONA from Australia,
and not, necessarily, as a Satanic group.

We have the experience and understanding to teach aspects and the spirit of
the Seven-Fold Way – Whether or not this connexion is "officially" recognized
by the ONA is irrelevant: all the important work is performed in the shadows
and with hints anyway….

…. The genius behind ONA is or must be nearing his 60th birthday; and
noticeably his attitude has changed as his insight has grown: esp as regards
the Numinous Way. And of this attitude, I am in agreement: having come to
many similar conclusions myself. The nature of the challenge imposed by the
Times for Satanism has certainly changed as has the solution to meet that
challenge. Where some see an overt stand as ultimately required in a militant
force, coup or army as the right way to conduct Satanic affairs, we do not
necessarily agree.
            [ Comment by RS: Myatt has always supported the use of violent force; and he still
does, as is quite clear from his recent Jihadist diatribes and his continuing support for Al
Qaida and the Taliban, a support quite evident in articles of his such as "The Aims of Al
Qaida" and "In Reply to Sheikh Salman bin Fahd al-Oadah".

It is also quite clear from Anton Long's recent ONA writings (dated 120 Year of Fayen),
particularly those about "sinister tribes". In his most recent one, he writes "we will use
whatever means we can and whatever means we desire and which are necessary to establish
our feral tribes..." (quoted from "Whose Gonna Run This Town Tonight?" which incidentally is
the title of a song by Jay-Z and Rihanna.)

Myatt's sinister strategy regarding force is, in my view, four fold. First, there's the ONA,
particularly using such causal forms as sinister, feral, urban tribes to disrupt The System
from within. Second, there's practical Jihad by radical Muslims against what he and others
have called "the New World Order". Third, there's training some sinister individuals to go
out into the word as perform such practical roles as "assassins". Fourth, there's the mythos
of Vindex, to try and inspire someone to take up arms against the capitalist New World
Order, whether in Europe, America, or elsewhere in the world.

Myatt also has said, very recently, that our "Dark Imperium" can only be created by the
downfall, the destruction of the Old Order, and this can only be done by force. ]

Our understanding is from experience, that change, is very slow and takes a
long time: and, that to implement changes, requires patience, wisdom, and
patience. Every day we diffuse our Satanic insights into the people in the
world around us: every few days, THEM is changing the perspective of
someone to enable them to see what we see. Slowly, but surely, we are
making gradual, imperceptible, invisible changes via our conduct, via our
personalities, via our understanding of magic and of change; in the world:
that are being rooted in the consciousness as living thriving ideas and
practices. Changing them from the inside permanently not tacking on a
badge or uniform temporarily on the outer. THEM are performing the long
arduous and often unrewarding implementation of genuine alchemical black
magick in the tradition of the ONA with a view to creating a tradition in
Australia that gives this country a truly Sinister History. Others will come,
and go – but we will persevere against all odds through the next three
decades, quietly completing our experiment. Mark my Words.

Having, for instance, shared many of the same intense quiet moments with
Nature as Myatt, and been an avid proponent of the ONA for almost a
decade, I believe I recognize and thus empathise deeply with what he is
doing. But, with such an enormous volume of work available presented from
so many stages of his life, it is easy to come in to it at any stage and think
one is reading Myatt's most recent insights.

The pressing underlying crux of David Myatt is a tightrope between

extremes, a balanced fulcrum that has its own self-righting equilibrium
between sharing the awesome wisdom of the Numinous Way that people
might stop, listen, grow, and mature from being inspired by the peaceful
acausal symbiosis achieved from exhausting the (ultimately illusory)
possibilities of so many forms that promise to guide a person; and having
taken them each to their conclusion found still, something lacking. And the
explosive destructive elements of Myatt's nature.
Remember, that the people most likely to make a change in the world, those
with a pathological dislike or even hatred for the Status Quo such as those on
the fringe of the neat slots that society tries to put people in, and those who
have been deeply wronged by the current or prevailing powers or ethos, that
is to say, the same people who will gravitate toward unorthodox measures
and paths to fight, combat, and dream of using to conquer the Injustice, the
Absurdity, the Arrogance of the Century and its Keepers -having the qualities
of militancy, aggression, readiness for war, struggle to understand, to know
for themselves, to right wrongs, to crusade for mankind or even oneself that
one finds in all manner of defiant beings, are not rare, moreover they are the
type of beings who gravitate toward something just like, the ONA. And
perhaps they will even call themselves a Satanist.

And yet, while the flutes of peace wax lyrically, the talk and suggestion of
War as an answer from someone in a highly influential position draws us (and
parts of humanity listening to Myatt) closer, perhaps unintentionally on his
part, toward the type of typical Religious Armageddon that will inevitably
repeat the centuries of bloodshed that seem so lamented by Myatt: viz. in a
struggle that will involve real violence, real bombs, real guns, real deaths, in
order to enact the ideal of the "Numinous Way".

           [ Comment by RS: "Lamented by Myatt" only in his particular intentional role as
mystic philosopher of the Numinous Way. More correctly, possibly, we should say
"lamentfully understood" (as Myatt writes) - "by those who currently and in the future
possess a certain personal character and that developed empathy that will be evident in the
evolved human being of the future, when the Old Order has been destroyed and we have
ventured to seed ourselves among the star-systems of our Galaxy and thus have established
many new cultures most of which are diverse from each other and which express the ethos
of their own specific clan or tribal way of life..." ]

While I have always been able to see the innate hypocrisy built into language
that unfortunately is a part of Any form, any single idea put down which
spawns an immediate shadow, I have to ask as one of THEM, as someone
with my own distinct identity and understanding of the forces in play by
many people: is how this is going, the right way? Is this the only way? Must
people be shocked into awakening? Is WAR the only way to cause Change?
And do I support this?* I cannot help but see a clever engine of National
Socialism prevalent in what I see being laid out by Myatt: A soft sweet tune
that preludes the beating of war drums and the annihilation of flesh.


From The Archives

David Myatt – Embarrassing New Picture

An embarrassing new picture of David Myatt has emerged, exposing David

Myatt as a mystical philosopher preaching compassion, empathy, love,
tolerance, and personal honor.

In a shocking blog - – former neo-nazi and

ex-Jihadist ideologue Myatt writes at length about his pathei-mathos, and
describes himself, in terms redolent of tracts such as The Cloud of
Unknowing, as a foolish failure:

” I am such a fool; such a failure, in evolutionary terms, in the

perspective of the Cosmos. Here I am, entering the sixth decade of
my life, having spent the last forty years seeking experience and
wisdom and having, in that time, made so many errors, mistakes,
and been the cause of much suffering, personal and otherwise…..

There is no excuse for this failure of mine, year following year –

although of course I have always made excuses for myself, as
failures often do. Wordy, moral-sounding, inexcusable excuses
almost always of the unethical “the end justifies the means” kind.

No excuses – because from sorrow, from personal tragedy, I felt,

dis-covered, the unethical nature of all abstractions, be they
deemed political, religious, or social…”

The links below explode the mythology surrounding David Myatt, and
document the mystical and ethical philosophy – called The Numinous Way –
he has developed over the past ten years, which philosophy is based upon a
desire for a cessation of suffering.

A former political opponent of Myatt – Nosferatu Baggins, editor of the

anti-fascist magazine Dimlight – said, last night: “I don’t believe a word of it.
Although I’ve never bothered to read any of Myatt’s writings about this
so-called Numinous Way, and have never read any of his poetry or his
published letters, either,  I’m sticking to my view that he’s a dangerous,
sinister, man who should not be approached as he always carries a weapon
and has been known to cull his enemies, although since he lives in a fantasy
world of his own he’s basically harmless. This new blog of his is probably
some kind of ploy to support the warped neo-nazi satanic theories he
undoubtedly still believes in, although it’s true I haven’t got any evidence for
this opinion of mine…..”

The notorious Moac – who has stalked Myatt for years – was unavailable for
comment last night at his home in Broadmoor.




Here’s a quote about David Myatt that the Moac (the Myatt-obsessed
anonymous coward) has no answer to, and which is very relevant, given the
obsession this and other MoacS seems to have with David Myatt as Satanist -

” Is Myatt an agent provocateur, a shit-disturber who can’t settle

upon a radical philosophy, something more, or something less? It’s
difficult to assess motive, but consider that he has been arrested
numerous times for such things as writing and disseminating
“practical terrorist guides” on suspicion of conspiracy to murder.
These cases have always been dropped due to “lack of evidence.”
Does he enjoy protection? The record is suggestive that he does.
And if it appears so, then we should ask the next question: Why?

Myatt may seem to have flitted from one politico-religious

philosophy to another, but there is a terrible thread of continuity
and rigour through his life and writings that suggests he is much
more than a disingenuous provocateur. Naziism and Islamicism
have served, in turn, as modalities of disruption for what remains
at core an occult working to sow general chaos and division – the
necessary passage of “Helter Skelter” to break down the Old Order,
before the founding of the New.

So again: whose interests are served by there being a David Myatt?

Is he is own man – or men – or does he belong to someone else? Or
is it something else – an intelligence service perhaps… ”[/quote]

Source – Jeff Wells, Rigorous Intuition blog, August 2005

Thus, in this type of scenario, Myatt is alleged to be some kind of 5GW

operative – someone who:

” …..does ‘spooky action at a distance’ - who is acting on behalf of

those “powers-behind-the-scenes” that like to use chaos, and
especially socalled “terrorist attacks”, as a pretext for increased
government control, increased surveillance, and government
tyranny. That is, such an operative is a new version of the
traditional “spook” – someone who works alone and is ruthless.”

Thus, the MoacS obsession with Satanism and Myatt is irrelevant, for
Satanism might well be a smokescreen, a cunning ploy, designed to throw
people off the scent, which scent leads us to Myatt as State asset.


From The Archives

Allegations and Lies About David Myatt Exposed


Over the past two decades a number of individuals have developed a hatred
of and an obsession with David Myatt to the extent that they have
persistently spread rumors about him and made various accusations against

One such individual was a young Zionist who deigned to call himself, among
others things, Omnipitus, and who literally spent years trying to defame
Myatt. One of his many allegations was that Myatt never really converted to
Islam, and was still a neo-nazi. The nemesis of this Zionist came when, in
August of 2006, he decided to post his accusations about Myatt on the
Islamic Awakening forum -

This led to a somewhat spirited debate with various Muslims, and with
contributions from Myatt himself. In respect of the accusation that Myatt
wasn’t a real Muslim, the most succinct reply, from a Muslim, was the

” ibn myatt is a MUSLIM and omnipitus2006 is a KAAFIR. That

much is evident!”

Faced with such replies, the Zionist ran away, never to be heard from again.
Perhaps this had something to do with some Muslims – enraged by some
comments the Zionist made about Islam, and the Prophet, Muhammad –
tracking him down to his home in Canada.

Another such Myatt hating individual was Gerry Gable, who (and without any
evidence) in the 1980's informed on Myatt to the Police, fingering him for a
murder. Gable then, in the 1990's – with his influential friend Micheal Whine
– made a complaint about Myatt to the Metropolitan Police, alleging, among
other things, that Myatt had incited murder. On both occasions, Myatt was
interviewed by British Detectives, and on the latter occasion, was arrested
and became the subject of an international investigation, lasting three years,
involving the FBI, Interpol, and the Canadian Police. On both occasions, the
matter was dropped because there was no evidence, just malicious

Gable also published, in a magazine he owned, many articles about Myatt in

which he made various allegations about Myatt (such as Myatt was a
Satanist) without ever once providing any evidence. In addition, for some
years following Myatt’s conversion to Islam, Gable told anyone who would
listen that in his opinion Myatt’s conversion was fake and Myatt was still a
neo-nazi and also a Satanist.

However, in fairness, it should be stated that Gable has – since 2003 – made
no comments about Myatt, and seems to have finally accepted that Myatt’s
conversion to Islam was genuine.

Another such Myatt hating individual was, and is, Tom Raspotnik (aka the
Rev Nev Blackwood) who grandiloquently described himself as the “the
world leader of theistic Satanism”. Raspotnik also spent years ranting about
Myatt, and even went so far as to offer a USD $10,000 reward for
information regarding Myatt’s whereabouts. In addition, he claimed – for
several years – to have a letter from Myatt, the publication of which, he
asserted, would “destroy Myatt’s credibility”. Yet, despite being repeatedly
asked, he has never dared to published this fictitious letter.

However, since the on-line publication of Raspotnik’s home address by some

Satanists Raspotnik had publicly insulted, Raspotnik seems, for the moment
at least, to have lost interest in Myatt, although it appears that he recently
(October 2010 CE) offered another USD $10,000 reward for information
regarding the whereabouts of another Myatt-hating stalker (the Moac – see
below) whom he seemed eager to contact and join forces with, perhaps to
form some sort of world-wide anti-Myatt pinky alliance.

Another Myatt hating individual was, and is, the anonymous stalker
nicknamed the Moac – the Myatt Obsessed Anonymous Coward – who has
spent the last three years anonymously posting literally hundreds of rabid
rants about Myatt on diverse Internet forums and message boards, setting up
dozens of anti-Myatt blogs, and repeating various malicious allegations about
Myatt [...]

Moac Lies and Allegations

Since this Moac, using a variety of usernames, re-posts his accusations every
couple of months – even though all his accusations have been disproved,
many times – it seems apposite to collect here the various allegations and
lies, and their rebuttals, of this particular Moac, and which collection of lies
and their exposure can serve as a useful archive for future reference.

What is of especial interest about the Moac is that he has never dared –
despite being repeatedly asked – to make his accusations on the Islamic
Awakening forum, where his accusations would face serious scrutiny from
Muslims and even from Myatt himself. Instead, the Moac prefers to make
anonymous posts on various Internet forums, making the same accusations
month after month, and year after year.

Moac Lie – David Myatt is not and never has been a Muslim
Response: This is just your own untenable and biased person
opinion, which you never ever dare post on the Islamic Awakening
forum where Myatt is a member and where Myatt’s Muslim friends
can tell you what they think of your opinion.

Why have you never dared to voice this view of yours on the IA
forum? Because you know your view will be exposed for the lie it is.

For Myatt is accepted as a Muslim by Muslims – and also by well

known people such as Professor Robert S. Wistrich (one of the
world’s leading authorities on anti-Semitism) and by writers such
as Martin Amis.

Furthermore, Myatt issued, over ten years ago, a copy of his

Testimony of Faith in Islam, signed by two respectable Muslim
witnesses from his local Mosque, and verified by the Islamic

So, your claim is quite laughable… Especially given the following

reply on the IA forum to a similar allegations made some years ago
now: “ibn myatt is a MUSLIM and omnipitus2006 is a KAAFIR. That
much is evident!”

Moac Lie – David Myatt ‘Anton Long’ Is A Police Informer

Response: And your evidence for this malicious anonymous

allegation is what – exactly?

You have no evidence. You never post any evidence – you just make
malicious accusations, which you repeat time after time (the
despicable cowardly Magian Big Lie Technique) in the hope that
the sheeple, or some sheeple, will believe such accusations.

It is interesting that you’ve never, in over three years of posting

rants about Myatt, answered the following simple question - Is or
was Myatt a covert MI5 operative – yes, or no?

Why have you never answered this simple question?

Moac Lie – David Myatt is a confirmed Satanist

Response: And your evidence for this malicious anonymous

allegation is what – exactly?

Again, you have no evidence. Only hearsay, rumor, and a desire to

believe such things. There is no actual evidence that Myatt is, or
was, a Satanist. No one has ever produced any such evidence, in
over three decades.

No, wait – you previously stated you have statements made by two
University students – students, note, not academics – who wrote
essays in which they repeated such hearsay and rumors.
No, wait – you also have statements made by a few others who
state that, in their personal opinion, Myatt is a Satanist. Great stuff
– keep it going, for even if you have a million such personal
statements, they would be irrelevant. That you cannot comprehend
this simple fact, reveals your mundane character and your personal

No, wait – you also claimed that because Myatt’s name appeared as
co-author on a few books published in the 1980's by some obscure
publisher (who produced only around a dozen copies anyways of
said books) it must mean that he’s a Satanist, even though you
have no proof that the publisher did not use his name in vain.

It seems you also somehow forgot that Myatt, in the 1980's and for
a few years, ran a honey-trap operation, based on an Occult group,
for the purposes of “infiltrating certain individuals into various
positions in society”, and of “obtaining confidential information”,
and for other nefarious spooky purposes. Given that Myatt was
trained – as a member of Column 88 – in subversion, infiltration,
assassination, sabotage, and other such stuff, and given that
Column 88 was part of NATO’s clandestine Gladio stay-behind
network, this gives a rather different “spin” on such limited Occult
involvement in the 80's, and leads us to ask (yet again) the question
you have never answered, which question is: Do you believe that
David Myatt is, or was, a covert MI5 operative, Yes, or No?

Why have you never – in your hundreds of posts or on any of our

dozen or so blogs – answered this one simple question about

Moac Lie – This thread has caused David Myatt a considerable amount of

Response: Au contraire! All your Myatt posts serve only to do three

things. (1) Create more interest in the life and works of David
Myatt. (2) Create more interest in the Order of Nine Angles, and
add to the sinister mystique of the ONA. (3) Reveal you for the
obsessive, and disturbed, Myatt-hater that you are.

Do you seriously believe that Myatt – “the staunch advocate of

Jihad, suicide missions, killing Jews, and an ardent defender of bin
Laden” – is bothered by what one dirty kaffir says or writes? Or
even what a hundred or a thousand dirty kuffar say or write? If you
do believe he’s bothered, then you are even more deluded than I
give you credit for. I imagine that Myatt just laughs, and says
something like the following Al-Qaeda du’a:

ْ ‫ َﻭ‬،‫ َﻭﻻ ُﺗ َﻐ ِﺎﺩ ْﺭ ِﻣ ْﻨ ُﻬ ْﻢ ﺃَ َﺣﺪًﺍ‬،‫ َﻭ ْﺍﻗ ُﺘ ْﻠ ُﻬ ْﻢ َﺑَﺪﺩًﺍ‬،‫ﺍﻟﻠﻬ ﱠﻢ ﺃَ ْﺣ ِﺼ ِﻬ ْﻢ َﻋَﺪﺩًﺍ‬

‫ﺍﺟ َﻌ ْﻠ ُﻬ ْﻢ‬ ُ

‫ﻳﻦ‬ ِ ‫ ﺃَِﺫﱠﻟ ًﺔ َﺻ‬،‫ِﻴﻦ‬

َ ‫ﺎﻏ ِﺮ‬ َ ‫ﺍﻟﻤ ْﺸ ِﺮﻛ‬
ُ ‫ﻮﺩ َﻭﺍﻟﱠﻨ َﺼﺎﺭﻯ َﻭ‬ ِ ‫ِﻋ ْﺒ َﺮ ًﺓ َﻷ ْﻣ َﺜﺎﻟ‬
ِ ‫ِﻬ ْﻢ ِﻣ َﻦ ﺍﻟ َﻴ ُﻬ‬
Moac Lie – Anton Long, has hacked BBC Ouch Forum accounts and is
stealing data from disabled people. He then arranges for the victims to be
attacked by local yobs.

Response: And your evidence for Anton Long hacking such forum is
what – exactly? You have never ever given any evidence at all. You
just make malicious accusations, which you repeat time after time
(the despicable cowardly Magian Big Lie Technique) in the hope
that the sheeple, or some sheeple (aka mundanes), will believe
such accusations.

And your evidence for Anton Long (or anyone) stealing data is what
– exactly? Yet again, you have never ever give any evidence at all.
You just blandly make the allegation. Anonymously, of course.

Moac Lie – BN Village is a fake Afro-Caribbean message board, used for ID

theft. Set up / hi-jacked, by Neo – Nazi, David Myatt

Response: And your evidence for such accusations is what –

exactly? Yet again, you have never ever given any evidence at all.

We are just supposed to “take your word” for it, I guess :)

Moac Lie – Black British Forums ( blackpresence ) is another phony message

board run by neo-Nazi Anton Long for the purposes of data theft

Response: And your evidence for such accusations is what –

exactly? Yet again, you have never ever given any evidence at all.

If we are to believe your many similar accusations, Anton Long is

master computer cracker (note: it’s, correctly, cracker, not
“hacker”) – who surely should be accorded celebritycracker status.

Since you’ve also claimed “he’s hacked your computer”, we have to

wonder why he hasn’t sent “local yobs” (or neo-nazi thugs) after
you and “intimated you” or otherwise dealt with you (and here,
culling comes to mind), which he would surely do were he as
vicious and evil as you claim and were he to have, as you claim,
bands of local yobs at his beck and call. Or could it be – could it just
be – that your claims are just fantasy?

Even if he hadn’t – yet – cracked your computer – if he was as

skilled in computer cracking as you claim then he would surely, by
now, after all these years have tracked you down…

But perhaps he does, after all, know who you are and where you
are and is just playing games with you since you, by your obession
with him, create more interest in him and his works and thus are
useful propaganda, a useful mundane (or kaffir) who currently
serves his fiendish plan.
Moac Lie – Do not click on any of “Raffy’s” links. They all lead to sites used
for I.D. theft. I’ve had my computer attacked frequently when browsing the
‘David Myatt’ hate sites

(1) Yet again, you give no evidence at all for such ID theft. How did
you know it was ID theft? Did you have some anti-virus/anti-
hacking software installed? if so, what? Give excerpts from your
logs. Give the URL’s of the links you claim led to such theft. And so
on. You never give any details – which leads us to believe it’s just
another of your malicious, anonymous, allegations.

(2) What are the URL’s of these so-called “hate sites”?  Why are
they “hate sites”? Given examples of why they are “hate-sites”. You
never ever give such details – which leads us to believe these are
just more of your malicious, anonymous, allegations.

(3) Why have you never reported these alleged ID theft’s to the
Police? Is it because they’re all in your mind?

Moac Lie – The ‘ David Myatt ‘ hate-site has clearly demonstrated its
involvement in the Kerri Delacruz assault.

(1) What is the URL of this so-called hate-site? You never give a
URL. Why not?

(2) Why is this unknown site a “hate site”? Given examples of why
it is a “hate-site”. You never ever give such details – which leads us
to believe these are just more of your malicious, anonymous,

(3) What is the evidence linking this so-called (unknown) hate-site

to Kerri Delacruz? You have never given any link – no evidence at at

(4) Why have you not reported your allegations to the Police?
Which leads us to believe these are just more of your malicious,
anonymous, allegations.

(5) You once, years ago, claimed that you had reported your
suspicions about the Kerri Delacruz assault to the Police. You were
then asked for a PIN (Police Incident Number) – which you could
not supply. Instead, you made the feeble excuse that “the Police
weren’t interested” in your suspicions, which – as any serving
British Police officer or lawyer will tell you – is a ridiculous
statement, since they take such assaults on or harassment of such
people very seriously.

That you made such a ridiculous (and indeed contemptible)

statement surely proves that your anonymous allegations are just
malicious allegations.
(6) That you have publicly – and anonymously (as always) – used a
known case of assault on a disabled person to further your
anti-Myatt agenda is totally contemptible, and reveals your true
nature. In fact, the Police should be investigating you for such
contemptible behaviour and for your harassment of Myatt. Perhaps
they are, and one day you’ll have to answer for your years of
stalking and your malicious allegations.

Moac Lie – ‘Anton Long ‘ is a Satanist, a nazi with a history of violence and
organizes gangstalking which targets vulnerable disabled people. He
organized attacks on a disabled woman suffering from cancer


(1) Gangstalking? And your evidence for such allegations are what
– exactly? You have never presented any evidence at all.

(2) Targets vulnerable disabled people? And your evidence for such
allegations are what – exactly? You have never presented any
evidence at all.

(3) He organized attacks on a disabled woman suffering from

cancer? Give dates, details, evidence. You have never presented
any details or any evidence at all.

In summary, these are just more anonymously made allegations

which you repeat time after time (the despicable cowardly Magian
Big Lie Technique) in the hope that the sheeple, or some sheeple,
will believe such accusations.

Moac Lie – David Myatt kicked out of Combat18 after allegations that
Satanists were using the organization as a front for child molestation

Response: And your source for this malicious allegations is what,

exactly? You don’t give one!

No, wait – you once in another of your rabid posts about Myatt, a
few years ago now (2007), gave the source as a 1997 issue of a
tatty little photocopied zine produced by a nazi bonehead and
called Redwatch, which tatty little photocopy blandly stated that
“Satanists are dirty scum who use this bullshit as a front for child
molestation…” At the time of the article, Myatt was heavily
involved in Combat 18, and remained so for over a year. Indeed,
according to Professor George Michael, Myatt took over the
leadership of Combat 18 the following year when Charlie Sargent,
the previous leader, was jailed for murder.

So, your assertion is just a lie. Myatt was never “kicked out of
Combat 18″ as you claim – instead, he remained a member and
even took the organization over, and only left when he converted to
Islam in September 1998.
That you quote some scrawling by some nazi bonehead in some
photocopied smear-sheet is interesting and shows the true worth of
your so-called “sources of information” about Myatt.

Moac Lie – Reams of evidence that Myatt has lied about his non-involvement
with Satanism are given in the links below..

Response: Your links lead to items where people give their personal
opinions about Myatt. Quoting the opinions of others about a
person is not evidence. That you believe it is, shows your
desperation and lack of reasoning.

Even the notorious Searchlight article about Myatt, in April 1998 –

which you love to quote from – contains just speculation and the
personal opinion of the author. No evidence is ever given for any of
the allegations made. For instance, the allegation that Myatt is
Long; for instance, the allegation that Myatt was friends with Vik
Norris. Just blandly stating that “they were friends” without
producing any evidence is just using smear tactics.

I might as well claim that you – the Moac – are friends with
notorious paedophiles and rapists, and are desperate to try and
keep your identity secret in case your criminal past and psychiatric
history come out.

Anyways, no one in C18 took those Searchlight allegations

seriously – they were laughed at, and were considered just more
Zionist propaganda and disinformation. One C18 member even
quoted that famous line from Hitler, that it’s an honor to find
yourself smeared by your Jewish enemies, and that if you wake up
in the morning and don’t find yourself smeared in the Jewish media
then you hadn’t made good use of the previous day!

Moac Lie – [Evidence ] including two recent academic studies from

Scandinavia and New Zealand,

Response: They are not academic studies – they’re essays by

students at Uni submitted for dissertations, and contain no
evidence, only assumptions and the repetition of allegations that
others have made.

By all means post the so-called *evidence* from these essays which
you believe back-up your own allegations.

By the way, the *textual evidence* that Senholt claims backs up his
assumption that Myatt is Long is so un-academic as to be
laughable. It’s not based, for instance, on any forensic
documentation analysis of contested documents, or on any
accepted literary forensic technique, but instead is just Senholt’s
personal opinion based on his own reading of certain texts.

That you seem to believe that it is more that just someone’s

opinion, yet again shows your lack of reasoning and your reliance
on dubious sources and your silly use of the appeal to authority
logical fallacy.

I repeat – in over thirty years no one has ever produced any

evidence for either Myatt being a Satanist, or for Myatt being
Anton Long. All we have are smears, rumors, and allegations.

Moac Lie – Interviewed by police and the RSPCA on charges of animal

cruelty. Myatt’s notorious cat strangling incident.

Response: Myatt was indeed interviewed by the Police and the

RSPCA in 1974, but about an allegation someone made against
him. What you fail to mention is that both the Police and the RSPCA
concluded that the allegation was pure journalistic invention, a
smear designed to discredit Myatt, who at the time was heavily-
involved in the notoriously violent neo-nazi group, the NDFM, and
who had, the previous year, been released from prison after serving
a prison sentence for violence.

Moac Lie – David Myatt kicked out of another nazi group by leader Eddie

Response: That you resort to quoting some piece written in some

rag – in this case written by the notorious drunkard Morrison,
whom John Tyndall described as:

“a specimen who has constantly ratted on everyone who

has posed trust in him, and always in an atmosphere of
shady plotting and intrigue.”

Strange that you rely on the opinions of such people. The quote,
BTW, is from Tyndall’s Spearhead mag April 1983, which was titled
The Wanderings and Posturings of the Pathetic Eddy Morrison.

BTW, Myatt published his own recollection of this Morrison story in

both his Autobiographical Notes (first published in 2003) and his
autobiography, Myngath (2010).

Moac Lie – Myatt is a weak little coward

Response: That you make this accusation anonymously is very

interesting. Here are some some verified facts about Myatt’s life,
mostly taken from the Wikipedia article about Myatt:

^ acted as Jordan’s bodyguard at meetings and rallies

^ imprisoned twice for violent offenses in connection
with his political activism
^ recruited and trained by the clandestine NATO
stay-behind paramilitary group Column 88
^ was the founder and first leader of the National
Socialist Movement of which David Copeland was a
^ founded the neo-nazi organization the NDFM in Leeds
in the 1970's which was known for its violence
^ took over the leadership of Combat 18 in 1998, when
Charlie Sargent, the previous leader, was jailed for
^ arrested by the elite Police unit SO12 of Scotland Yard
on suspicion of conspiracy to murder
^ called – by one of the most eminent world authorities
on anti-Semitism – a staunch advocate of “Jihad, suicide
missions and killing Jews… and an ardent defender of bin

Now, that’s certainly an active, violent, and interesting, life – which includes
several leadership positions of violent groups, and which life is redolent of
his real character. Myatt has even challenged several individuals to a duel
with deadly weapons, and been involved in numerous violent street fights
and confrontations. He has studied and trained in the martial arts, and
several of his detractors (for example, journalist Nick Ryan) have described
him as amartial arts expert.

In contrast, who are you? What have you done?

It seems that you’re just jealous, and that it’s you who is the weak little
coward since all you seem to do is anonymously post allegations about
someone on the Internet and don’t even have the balls to post on the Islamic
Awakening forum.



From The Archives

Stalking Myatt:
Tales of a Nazi Hacker (And More)

In addition to the recent spate of anonymous posts on Internet forums

pretending to ask for information about “David Myatt and Islam“, there has
been, for several years, other anonymous posts about Myatt, to Internet
forums, with titles like “A Nazi Hacker”.

These other posts make the absurd claim that some neo-nazi (or some
neo-nazi Satanist) is hacking into the computers of “vulnerable” and/or
“disabled” people, and stealing personal information about them. Sometimes
Myatt is directly named in these posts; sometimes not, although if he is not
directly named then links are given to biased articles about or concerning
Myatt, which articles usually make the usual unproven allegations about
“involvement with Satanism” and so on. Occasionally, these anonymous posts
claim that the writer “has contacted the Police” about the hacking, and that
the Police don’t take him/her/it seriously. The posts have appeared on forums
as diverse as those about Billy Brag, those to do with “Black politics”, and
those to do with education such as the “Association of Jewish Sixth Formers”.

Occasionally, there have been responses to these anonymous posts, with

some respondents taking the ludicrous – and always unsubstantiated – claims
seriously, and with some realizing they are the posts of a troll, a stalker, or
someone with an obsession, with personality problems or some kind of
personality disorder.

The total lack of evidence given for the allegations made, directly or
indirectly, against Myatt is one of the most obvious features of not only these
anonymous posts, but also of the many journalistic articles about Myatt
which have regularly appeared and which do regularly appear in
newspapers, in periodicals, and on the Internet. More often than not, the
allegations revolve around alleged involvement with Satanism, although
quite why anyone these days would find such now rather common-place
activities startling, heretical, outlandish, or mildly salacious or even
interesting, is never explained. Which is why, I suppose, the new anonymous
stalker is trying a new angle – of “a nazi hacking the computers of disabled
people”. Shock; horror; gasp! Hold the front-page! Let’s make a new BBC
Panorama special!

It seems likely that all these anonymous posts about “David Myatt and
Islam”, and about a “Nazi hacker”, are by one and the same person, given
the content, the style, the attempts at being clever, and their placement on
varying, and world wide, forums. The content almost always includes links to
the above mentioned biased Internet articles about Myatt.

It also seems likely that we can expect more such posts by the anonymous
person, for this person obviously has a serious obsession with Myatt, and
obviously has either some personality disorder or some psychological
problem, or – like Myatt’s infamous Zionist stalker – is intent, because of his
own religious and/or political views, on trying to somehow discredit Myatt by
such anonymous posts.

Perhaps there is only one Myatt stalker out-there in cyber-land: the “original
Myatt stalker” (®Trademark) – a.k.a the obsessive Zionist – who has now
branched out, and is trying some new anti-Myatt angle. Perhaps there are
now two stalkers, the original one, and this “new Myatt stalker”
(®Trademark) who is addicted to posting stories about Myatt and who,
obviously deluded, sees himself/herself/itself as rather clever by inventing
stories about a Nazi hacker and by pretending to ask for information while
repeating unproven allegations about Myatt.

Personally, my view is that there are now two Myatt stalkers. But perhaps
some more will join this select and always anonymous group, and they will
get together to widen the scope of their allegations. How’s about: “David
Myatt is an alien from Outer Space”? Or: “Myatt is a vampire and regularly
sucks the blood of his victims?” Too outré? OK, how’s about: “Myatt the
secret MI5 agent”? Oh, sorry, that’s already been done. Well, then, how’s
about: “Myatt the secret cat-burglar”? Or: “Myatt the drug-dealer”. Or even:
“I was Myatt’s sex slave and the freaky fiend had a passion for three women
in a bed…”

But what does seem clear from these regular anonymous posts which have
been regularly occurring for at least seven years is that there are disturbed
maladjusted people “out there” who take cowardly advantage of the Internet
to anonymously spread their delusions, their fantasies, their prejudices, their
unproven allegations – and the lies of others – about Myatt. Part of the
human condition, I suppose. Potential opfer, anyone?


            The following item about Myatt – under various titles including David
Myatt and Islam – has been appearing on many, mainly political, forums,
world-wide, within the last month, and is posted under various user names.

So far, there have been about fifteen forums infested with this message, all of
which messages are identical, which certainly does indicate a concerted
campaign of disinformation by (probably) just one individual who has a
rather unhealthy obsession with Myatt.

I say “disinformation” because the person makes a rather silly pretense of

doing some “research” and asking for information about Myatt, stating that
“the only information from independent sources that I can find is…” and then
gives links to two sites which are far from being “independent sources”. One
is a conspiracy site by a conspiracy nut; the other is a political organization
which has been posting various unsubstantiated allegations about Myatt for
over twenty years, and which is itself rumored to be linked to Britain’s MI5
(see the Wikipedia article about this “Searchlight” group for more info).

It is a silly pretense about asking for information about Myatt, because:

Anyone who’s seriously interested in the relationship that may exist

between some Muslims and the far Right would have found and read
Professor Michael’s book about the subject – The Enemy of My Enemy:
The Alarming Convergence of Militant Islam and the Extreme Right –
which provides some good info.

Anyone who’s seriously interested in David Myatt would have found the
Wikipedia article about him

which provides a fairly balanced overview of the man, and gives

references for further research.

The person also makes at least three factual errors in his two short
paragraphs. The errors are:

(1) “he announced to the world”. Wrong – Myatt kept quiet about it for
nearly two years.
(2) “It made quite an impact in the UK press at the time”. Wrong. It went
unnoticed until two years later, after Myatt featured on BBC Panorama
program about Copeland. Even then, there were only a few articles about
(3) “since then I have heard nothing”. Wrong. Like I said, he missed the
full page article in The Times newspaper, and Myatt’s Q&A session on
Sheikh Qaradawi’s website, and Myatt’s interesting article “From
Neo-Nazi to Muslim” which has appeared on many Islamic websites,
including recently one in the UK, and one in Thailand.

The sources given by this obvious cyber-stalker are clearly hostile ones
despite the stalker writing “I don’t think either of them is a hostile source…”
[regarding Searchlight, see the upcoming article “David Myatt and
Searchlight” which will appear on this blog soon].

It is possible that the offending author of the offending post is the young
Canadian-based Zionist who has a Myatt obsession and who has been
stalking Myatt for over seven years.

I reproduce the item in question as it has appeared on such forums, complete

with links.

The Offending Post

I am interested in the relationship between Muslim extremism and the far


A few years ago a guy called David Myatt announced to the world that he
was converting to the muslim faith. Up to that point he had a strong
involvement with various neo-nazi political groups. It made quite an
impact in the UK press at the time, but since then I have heard nothing.
The only information from independent sources that I can find is this:

and this:

Please help out if you can find anything else on this.

I haven’t put any gaps in my links because I don’t think either of them is
a hostile source. If there are any problems, will the Moderator please get
in touch and I will change them.
Update and Addendum

As reported above, an anonymous person has been posting dozens of

messages to forums, world-wide, pretending to be doing some “research”
into either David Myatt or into cooperation between Muslims and neo-nazis.

I write “pretending”, for the reasons given above, but to summarize: the
obvious intent of this new stalker is to try to discredit Myatt by posting links
to biased articles containing unproven allegations against Myatt while
claiming that he/she “can only find” the posted “independent” links which
are far from being “independent”.

In a new twist, the stalker posted an even more obsequious message that
usual on an Islamic forum, giving the “usual two biased links”, as before, but
added a quote from a forged item – questioning Myatt commitment to Islam –
the like of which quote the zionist stalker (famous for his failed attempts to
discredit Myatt on the Islamic Awakening forum) has posted several times

This post – like some of the other posts by the new stalker – drew the
attention of a certain Myatt fan: someone who finds Myatt’s life interesting
and respects his conversion to Islam. So, the fan replied to the stalker’s
message on the Islamic forum, pointing out that the new stalker was possibly
the zionist who had insulted the Prophet, Muhammad (which insult, many
Muslims believe, carries the death penalty for Muslims and non-Muslims
alike) and who had been stalking Myatt for around seven years.

This reply elicited an excited response from the new stalker: “I am so

cross…Why is he stalking me?” he wrote, trying to deflect attention from his
own stalking of Myatt by accusing the Myatt fan of stalking him, a familiar,
and rather cry-baby, tactic which the “old” zionist stalker had also tried to
use on numerous occasions, on Usenet and elsewhere. Obviously the new
stalker forgets that he is the one who posted dozens of messages about
Myatt, under various, different, user-names, pretending to ask to
“information”, perhaps believing that he/she is being very clever by posting
what they believe is a “cleverly crafted” message.

The stalker also accused the Myatt fan of being Myatt, another common ruse
employed by obsessives in cyberspace obsessed with getting their obsession

Here is one of the replies by the Myatt fan (who for some conspiratorial
reason often uses the user-name raffy) to the reply by the person who does
seem to be rather obsessed with Myatt in a somewhat negative sort of way.

Anyone of any sagacity can see right through your “polite request” for
info – as I pointed out in my first reply to your initial post.

Instead of answering the points I made about your post being just a trick
to spread malicious rumors and allegations about Myatt, you now just use
the tired old Usenet-type tactic of making accusations against me, of
trying to shift the focus away from your factual errors, of which there are

So, what about the many factual errors contained in your original short

Thus, I repeat my points:

1) If you really are doing some serious research, then you would have
found far more than the two spurious so-called “independent” items you
linked to. Items such as books by Professor Kaplan, and Professor

2) If you had done even some preliminary, elementary research you would
have found that Myatt did not “announce his conversion” to the world, as
you claimed.

3) What about your error that “It made quite an impact in the UK press at
the time…”? It went unnoticed for almost two years.

4) What about your error that “since then I have heard nothing…” ? Like I
wrote, you missed the full page story in The Times newspaper; you
missed Myatt’s question and answer session on Sheikh Qaradawi’s
website. You missed an awful lot more.

5) What about your erroneous claim that the two sources you could find
(obviously your Google or Yahoo searches are very different from mine)
are “independent”? They are not independent in any shape or form. One
makes the claim – without providing any evidence – that Myatt was/is an
MI5 agent, and one is a political organization which even many on the
Left in Britain find somewhat dubious because of its (alleged) links with
MI5 and its past divisive actions within the Left. The people at
Searchlight are just part of The Fourth estate: they do not deal in facts,
but in innuendo, smear, allegations and assumptions.

As for the allegation that Myatt is MI5, this has now been taken further,
with claims that he’s a 5GW operative (wow!) – but again, proof is
lacking. It’s just assumption.

So, the conclusion is – due to all these errors and mistakes – that your
post is just a ruse to spread unsubstantiated allegations about Myatt. If it
was not, you would at the very least have given some other links which
balanced the biased view of Searchlight – which, BTW, never presented
any evidence for their allegations, ever.



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