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03 Dynamics

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F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines



Subject Instructor: Engr. Noli M. Esperas Jr.
Module No. & Title: 3. Dynamics
3. Dynamics
Outline of Topics
1. Force and Interaction
2. Newton’s Law of Motion
3. Types of Forces
4. Applying Newton’s Law of Motion
5. Dynamics Circular Motion

Specific Intended Learning Outcome/s (SILOs)

At the end of this topic, the student should be able to:
• Define force and its interaction
• State the three Newton’s law of motion
• Determine the different types of forces
• Apply Newton’s law of motion on particles in equilibrium and dynamics
• Solve problems in dynamics of circular motion
What causes bodies to move the way that they do? How can a tugboat push a cruise ship that’s much
heavier than the tug? Why is it harder to control a car on wet ice than on dry concrete? The answer of
these and similar questions take us into the subject of dynamics, the relationship of motion to the forces
that cause it.

In this chapter we will use the concepts of force and mass to analyze the principles of dynamics. These
principles are the Newton’s laws of motion. These are the foundation of classical mechanics, also called
Newtonian mechanics.

Lesson 1: Force and Interactions

Force, in common language, is a push or a pull. A better definition is that a force is an interaction between
two bodies or between a body ant its environment. Force is a vector quantity,, you can push or pull a body
in different directions.

When a force involves direct contact between two bodies, such as to launch the basketball or pull the skier,
we called it a contact force, because they arise from the physical contact between two subjects. Figure
shows the three common types of contact forces. The normal force is exerted on a body by any surface
with which it is in contact. Normal means that the force always acts perpendicular to the surface of contact.
The friction force exerted on an object by a surface acts parallel to the surface, in the direction that
opposes sliding. The pulling force exerted by a stretched rope or cord on an object t which it’s attached is
called a tension force. When you tug on your dog’s leads, the force that pulls on her collar is a tension

There are circumstances, however, in which two objects exert forces on one another even though they are
not touching. Such forces are referred to as noncontact forces or action-at-a-distance forces or long-
range force. Examples of noncontact force occur between two magnets and the object pulled towards the
earth due to force of gravity. The gravitational force that the earth exerts on your body is called your

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Figure 1Types of Force

When you throw a ball, there are at least two forces acting on
it: the push of your hand and the downward pull of gravity.
Experiment shows that when two forces act at the same time
at the same point on a body, the effect on the body’s motion is
the same as if a single force were acting equal to the vector
sum of the original forces. More generally, any number of
forces applied at a point a body have the same effect as a
single force equal to the vector sum og the forces. This
principle is called superposition of forces.

We will often need to find the vector sum (resultant) of all the
forces acting on a body. We call this the net force acting on
Figure 2 Net Force
the body:

Example Problem
Three professional wrestlers are fighting over a
champion’s belt. Figure shows the horizontal
force each wrestler applies to the belt, as
viewed from above. The forces have magnitude
F1 = 250 N, F2 = 50 N, and F3 = 120 N, Find the
x and y components of the net force on the
belt, and find its magnitude and direction.

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Practice Problem:
Fur Concurrent forces on the center f mass of a landing airplane. Calculate the resultant force and he angle
it makes with the x-axis

Answer: 1,761lb, 20.5o

Lesson 2: Newton’s Laws of Motion

Newton’s First Law of Motion
Newton’s first law state that an object continues in a state of rest or in a state of motion at a constant
velocity (constant speed in a constant direction), unless compelled to change that state by a net force.

The tendency of a body to keep moving once it is set in motion results from a property called inertia. The
tendency of a body at rest to remain at rest is also due to inertia. It’s important to note that the net force is
what matters in Newton’s first law. For example, a physics book at rest on a horizontal tabletop has two
forces acting on it: an upward supporting force, or normal force, exerted by the tabletop

When a body is either at rest or moving with constant velocity (in a straight line with constant speed), we
say that the body is in equilibrium. For a body to be in equilibrium, it must be acted by zero net force.

Conceptual Problem
In the classic 1950 science fiction film Rocketship X-M, a spaceship is moving in the vacuum of outer
space, far from any star or planet, when its engine dies. As a result, the spaceship sows down and stops.
What does Newton’s first law say about this scene?

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Conceptual Problem
You are driving a Maserati GranTurismo S on a straight testing track at a constant speed of 250 km/h. You
pass a 1971 Volkswagen Beetle doing a constant 75km/h. On which car is the net force greater?

Newton’s Second Law of Motion

First law of motion tells us that when a body is acted on by zero net force, it moves with constant velocity
and zero acceleration. But what happens when the net force is not zero?

Figure 3 Illustration of Newton's Second Law of Motion

Consider the figure above. Figure 3(a) the puck has zero net force which made it in equilibrium state. It is
constantly moving as a straight direction. In figure 3(b), a constant force was applied at the same direction
of the motion that causes for the puck move faster and faster. In figure 3(c), this time, the force applied is in
opposite direction of the motion, the acceleration is in the same direction as the force in which the puck
move slower and slower.

We conclude that a net force acting on a body causes the body to accelerate in the same direction as the
net force. If the magnitude of the net force is constant, then so is the magnitude of the acceleration. Many
such experiments show that for any given body, the magnitude of the acceleration is directly proportional to
the magnitude of the net force acting on the body.

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The ratio of the magnitude of the net force to the magnitude of the
acceleration is constant, regardless of the magnitude of the net force.
We call this ration the inertial mas, or simple mass, of the body.
Mass is a quantitative measure of inertia characterizes the inertia
properties of a body. Weight, on the other hand, is a force exerted
on a body by the pull of the earth. Mass and weight are related:
bodies having mass also have large weight.

Thus, the Newton’s second law of motion states that if a net external force acts on a body, the body
accelerates. The direction of acceleration is the same as the direction of the net force. The mass of the
body times the acceleration of the body equals the net force vector.

Example Problem
A worker applies a constant horizontal force
with magnitude 20N in a box with a mass of
40kg resting on a level floor with negligible
friction. What s the acceleration of the box?


Example Problem
A waitress shoves a ketchup bottle with a mass
0.45kg to her right along a smooth, level lunch
counter. The bottle leaves her hand moving at 2.8
m/s, then slows down as it slides because of a
constant horizontal friction force exerted on it by
the countertop. It slides for 1.0m before coming to
res. what are the magnitude and direction of the
friction force acting on the bottle?


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Newton’s Third Law of Motion

A force acting on a body is always the result of its interaction with another body, so force always come in
pairs. The force that you exert on the body is n the opposite direction to the force that body exerts on you.
Experiments show that whenever two bodies interact, the two forces the they exert on each other are
always equal in magnitude and opposite in direction.

Thus, Newton’s third law of motion state that if body A exert on body B (an “action”, then body B exerts a
force on body A (a “reaction”). These two forces have the same magnitude but are opposite in direction.
These two forces act on different bodies.

In the statement of the third law, “action” and “reaction” are the to opposite forces we sometimes refer to
them as an action-reaction pair. These forces are not present only on contact force, it also applies to
long-range forces that do not require physical contact.

Example Problem
After your sports car breaks down, you start to push it to the nearest repair shop. While the car is starting to
move, how does the force you exert on the car compare to the force the car exerts on you? How do these
forces compare when you are pushing the car along at a constant speed?

Newton’s third law says that in both cases, the force you exert on the car exerts on you. It’s true that you
have to push harder to get the car going than to keep it going. But no matter how hard you push on the car,
the car pushes just as hard back on you Newton’s third law gives the same result whether the two bodies
are at rest, moving with constant velocity or accelerating.

Example Problem
An apple sits at rest on a table, in equilibrium. What forces asst on the apple? What is the reaction force to
each of the forces acting on the apple? What are the action reaction pairs?


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Example Problem
A stonemason drags a marble block across a floor by pulling on a rope attached to the block. The block is
not necessarily in equilibrium. How are the various forces related? What are the action-reaction paris?
Why, then does the block move while the stonemason remains stationary?


Lesson 3: Types of Forces

Fundamental Forces
1. Gravitational Force
Aside from three laws of motion, Newton
also provided a coherent understanding of
the gravitational force. Newton’s law of
Universal Gravitation states that every
particle in the universe exerts an attractive
force on every other particle. A particle is a
piece of matter, small enough in size to be
regarded as a mathematical point. For two
particles that have masses m1 and m2 and
are separated by a distance r, the force
that each exerts on the other is directed
along the line joining the particles and has
a magnitude given by:

The symbol G denotes the universal gravitational constant, whose value is found experimentally to be

Weight is also computed according to this law

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2. Strong Nuclear Force Electroweak Forces

The strong nuclear force plays a primary role in the stability of the nucleus of the atom.

3. Electroweak Force
The electroweak force is a single force that manifests itself in two ways. One manifestation is he
electromagnetic force that electrically charged particles exert on one another. The other manifestation is
the so-called weak nuclear force that plays a role in the radioactive disintegration of certain nuclei.

Non-Fundamental Forces
1. Normal Force
The normal force is one component of the force that a surface exerts
on an object with which it is in contact – namely, the component that
is perpendicular to the surface.

2. Frictional Force
When the object moves or attempts to move along the surface, there
is also a component of the force that is parallel to the surface. This
parallel force component is called the frictional force, or simply

Figure 5 Microscopic view of surface in contact

Surfaces that appear to be highly polished can actually look quite Figure 4 Normal Force
rough when examined under a microscope. At these contact points
the molecules of the different bodies are close enough together to exert strong attractive intermolecular
forces on one another, leading to what are known as “cold weld”. Frictional forces are associated with these
welded spots, but the exact details of how frictional forces arise are not well understood.

There are two types of frictional force: static and kinetic. The magnitude Fs of the static frictional force can
have any value from zero up to a maximum value F smax, depending on the applied force. In other words, F s
≤ Fsmax. The equality holds only when Fs attains its maximum value, which is

Where μs is the coefficient of static friction, and FN is the magnitude of the normal force.

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The kinetic friction opposes the relative sliding motion. If you have ever pushed an object across a floor,
you may have noticed that it takes les force to keep the object sliding than it takes to get it going in the first
place. In other words, the kinetic frictional force is usually less than the static frictional force.

Where μk is the coefficient of kinetic friction, and FN is the magnitude of the normal force.

Example Problem
A skier is standing motionless on a horizontal patch of snow. She is
holding onto a horizontal tow rope, which is about to pull her forward.
The skie’s mass is 59kg, and the coefficient of static friction between the
skis and snow is 0.14. what is the magnitude of the maximum force that
the tow rope can apply to skier without causing her to move?


F = Fsmax = μsFN = μsmg = (0.14)(59 kg)(9,81 m/s2) = 81N

Practice Problem
A sled and its rider are moving at a speed of 4.0 m/s along a horizontal
stretch of snow. The snow exerts a kinetic frictional force on the runner
of the sled, so the sled sows down and eventually comes to a stop. The
coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.050. what is the displacement x of the

Answer: 16m

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3. Tension Force
Forces are often applied by means of cables or ropes that are used
to pull an object.

In the situation such in the figure, we say that the force T is applied
to the box because of the tension in the rope. The word tension is
commonly used to mean the tendency of the rope to be pulled
apart. In accordance with third law of motion, the box applies a
reaction force to rope. The reaction force has the same magnitude
as T but is oppositely directed. In other words, a force –T acts on
the left end of the rope, and tend to pull it apart.

Lesson 4: Applying Newton’s Law of Motion

Free Body Diagram
Newton’s three laws of motion contain all the basic principles we
need to solve a wide variety of problems in mechanics. Free body
diagram is a diagram showing the chosen body by itself, “free” of
its surrounding, with vectors drawn to show the magnitudes and directions of all the forces applied to the
body by the various other bodies that interact with it.

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Particle in Equilibrium
A body is in equilibrium when it is at rest or moving with constant velocity. Newton’s first law of motion
applies when a particle is in equilibrium, the net force acting on it – that is, the vector sum of all the forces
acting on it – must be zero:

We must often use this equation in component form:

Problem-Solving Strategy
1. Select an object(s) to which the equations of equilibrium are to be applied
2. Draw a free-body diagram for each object chosen above include only forces acting on the object,
not forces the object exerts on its environment
3. Choose a set of x, y axes for each object and resolve all forces in the free-body diagra into
components that poit along these axes
4. Apply the equations and solve for the unknown quantities.

Example Problem
A traction device is used with a foot injury. The weight of the 2.2 kg object creates a tension in the rope that
passes around the pulleys. Therefore, tension forces T1 and T2 are applied to the pulley on the foot. The
foot pulley is kept in equilibrium because the foot also applies a force F to it. This force arises in reaction to
the pulling effect of the forces T1 and T2. Ignoring he weight of the foot, find the magnitude of F.


Example Problem
An automobile engine has a weight W, whose magnitude is W = 3150N. this engine is being positioned
above an engine compartment. To position the engine, a worker is using a rope. Find the tension T 1 in the
supporting cable and the tension T2 in the positioning rope.

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Practice Problem
A jet plane is flying with a constant speed along a straight line, at an angle of 30 o above the horizontal. The
plane has a weight W whose magnitude is W = 86,500N and its engines provide a forward thrust T of
magnitude T = 103,000N. In addition, the lift force L and the force R of air resistance act on the plane. Find
L and R.

Answer: 74900N; 59800N

Dynamics of Particles
We apply Newton’s second law of motion on bodies on which the net force s not zero. These bodies are not
in equilibrium and hence are accelerating. The net force on the body Is equal to the mass of the body times
its acceleration:

We most often use this relationship in component form:

Example Problem
A supertanker of mass m = 1.50 x 10 8 kg is being towed by two tugboats. The tensions in the towing cables
apply the forces T1 and T2 at equal angles of 30o with respect to the tanker’s axis. In addition, the tanker’s
engines produces a forward drive force D whose magnitude s D = 75 kN. Moreover, the water applies an
opposing force R, whose magnitude is R = 40 kN. The tanker moves forward with an acceleration that
points along the tanker’s axis and has a magnitude of 0.002 m/s 2. Find the magnitude of the tensions T1
and T2.

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Answer: 1.53 x 105 N

Example Problem
A truck is hauling a trailer along a level road. The mass of the truck is m 1 = 8,500 kg and that of the trailer is
m2 = 27,000 kg. the two moves along the x-axis with an acceleration of ax = 0.78 m/s2. Ignoring the
retarding forces of friction and air resistance, determine (a) the tension T in the horizontal drawbar between
the trailer and the truck and the (b) the force D that propels the truck forward.

Answer: 21000N; 28000N:

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Practice Problem
A flatbed truck is carrying up a 10o hill. The coefficient of static friction between the truck bed and the crate
is 0.350. Find the maximum acceleration that the truck can attain before the crate begins to slip backward
relative to the truck.
Answer: 1.68 m/s2

Example Problem
Block 1 (mass m1 = 8.00 kg) is moving on a frictionless 30.0o incline. This block is connected to block 2
(mass m2 = 2.0 kg) by a massless cord that passes over a massless and frictionless pulley. Find the
acceleration of each block and the tension in the cord.
Answer: 5.89 m/s2; 86.3 N

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Lesson 6: Dynamics Circular Motion

Uniform Circular Motion
When a particle moves in a circular path with constant speed, the particle’s acceleration is always directed
toward the center of the crcle (perpendicular to the instantaneous velocity). the magnitude a rad of the
acceleration is constant and is given of the speed v and the radius R of the circle by:

The subscript “rad” is a reminded that at each point the acceleration s radially inward toward the center of
the circle, perpendicular to the instantaneous velocity. this acceleration is often called centripetal
acceleration. We can also express the centripetal acceleration arad in terms of the period T, the time for
one revolution:

In terms of the period, arad is:

Uniform circular motion, like all other motion of a particle, is governed by Newton’s second law of motion.

Example Problem
The wheel of a car has a radius of 0.29 m and is being rotated at 830 revolutions per minute (rpm) on a tire-
balancing machine. Determine the speed (in m/s) at which the outer edge of the wheel is moving.


Example Problem
A sled with a mass of 25 kg rests on a horizontal sheet of essentially frictionless ice. It is attached b a 5 m
rope to a post set in the ice. Once given a push, the sled revolves uniformly in a circle around the post. If
the sled makes five complete revolutions every minute, find the force F extend on it by the rope.


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Example Problem
An inventor designs a pendulum clock using a bob with a mass m at the end of a thin wire of length L.
Instead of swinging back and forth, the bob is to move in a horizontal circle with constant speed v, with the
wire making a fixed angle β with the vertical direction. This is called a conical pendulum because the
suspending wire trace out a cone. Find the tension F in the wire and the period T (the time for one
revolution of the bob)

Example Problem
A sports car is rounding a flat, unbanked curve with radius R. if the coefficient of static friction between tire
and road is μs, what is the maximum speed vmax at which the driver can take the curve without sliding?


Banked Curves
When a car travels without skidding around an unbanked curve, the static frictional force between the tires
and the road provides the centripetal force. The reliance on friction can be eliminated completely for a given
speed, however, if the curve is banked at an angle relative t the horizontal, much in the same way that a
plane is banked while making a turn.

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Example Problem
The Daytona 500 is the major event of the NASCAR (National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing)
season. It is held at the Daytona International Speedway in Daytona Florida. The turns in this oval track
have a maximum radius (at the top) of r = 216 m and are banked steeply, with θ = 31o. Suppose these
maximum radius turns were frictionless. At what speed would the cars have to travel around them?



Physics 9th Edition by Cutnell, et. al.

Sears and Zemansky’s University Physics with Modern Physics Technology Update 13 th Edition by Young, et. al.

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EN PHYS 1 – PHYSICS FOR ENGINEERS Period: ___________________

Name of Student: ____________________________________________Course and Year: __________
Schedule (Time and Day): _____________________________________Final Rating: ______________
3. Dynamic
Direction: Accomplished and submit only the assessment task on the next delivery of learning materials.

Assessment Task:
Force and Interaction
1. Workmen are trying to free an SUV stuck in the mud. To
extricate the vehicle, they use three horizontal ropes, producing
the force vectors shown in the figure. (a) Find the x and y
components of each of the three pulls. (b) Use the components
to find the magnitude and direction of the resultant of the three

Figure 6 Problem 1

2. A man is dragging a trunk up the loading ramp of a mover’s truck. The ramp has a slope angle of
20o, and the man pulls upward with a force F whose direction makes an angle of 30 o with the ramp.
(a) How large a force F is necessary for the component F x parallel to the ramp to be 60N? (b) How
large will the component Fy perpendicular to the ramp then be?

Figure 7Problem 2

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3. Two dogs pull horizontally n ropes attached to a post; the angle between the ropes is 60 o. if the dog
A exerts a force of 270N and dog B exerts a force of 300N, find the magnitude a=of the resultant
force and the angle it makes with dog A’s rope.

Newton’s Law of Motion

4. A 68.5 kg skater moving initially at 2.40 m/s on rough horizontal ice comes to rest uniformly in 3.52s
due to friction form the ice. Hat force does friction exert on the skate?

5. A box rests on a frozen pond, which serves as a frictionless horizontal surface. If a fisherman
applies a horizontal force with magnitude 48N to the box and produces an acceleration of
magnitude 3 m/s2, what is the mass of the box?

6. A crate with mass 32.5 kg initially at rest on a warehouse floor is acted on by a net horizontal force
of 140N. (a) what acceleration is produces ? (b how far does the crate travels in 10s? (c) what is its
speed at the end of 10s?

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Types of Forces
7. A woman stands on a scale in a moving elevator. Her mass is 60 kg. and the combined mass of the
elevator and scale is an additional 815 kg. Starting from rest, the elevator accelerates upward.
During the acceleration, the hoisting cable applies a force of 9410 N. what does the scale read
during the acceleration?

8. A 81kg baseball player slides into second base. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the player
and the ground is 0.49. (a) what is the magnitude of he frictional force? (b) if the player comes to
rest after 1.6s, what was his initial velocity?

9. A toboggan slides own a hill and has a constant velocity. the angle of the hill is 8 o with respect to the
horizontal. What is the coefficient of kinetic friction between the surface of the hill and the

Application of Newton’s Law of Motion

10. A picture frame hung against a wall is suspended by two wires attached to its upper corners. If the
two wires make the same angle with the vertical, what must this angle be if the tension in each wire
is equal to 0.75 of the weight of the fame?

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11. Find the tension in each cord in the figure. If the weight of the suspended object is w.

12. A man pushes on a piano with mass 180kg so that it slides at constant velocity down a ramp that is
inclined at 11.0o above the horizontal floor. Neglect any friction acting on the piano. Calculate the
magnitude of the force applied by the man if he pushes (a) parallel to the incline and (b) parallel to
the floor.

13. A 125 kg rocket has an engine that produces a constant vertical force of 1720N. inside this rocket, a
15.5 electrical power supply rests on the floor. (a) find the acceleration of the rocket. (b) When it has
reached an altitude of 120m, how hard does the floor push on the power supple?

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14. A 8kg block of ice, released from rest at the top of a 1.5 m long frictionless ramp, slides downhill,
reaching a speed of 2.5 m/s at the bottom. (a) What is the angle between the ramp and the
horizontal? (b) What would be the speed of the ice at the bottom if the motion were opposed by a
constant friction force of 10N parallel to the surface of the ramp?

15. A light rope is attached to a block with mass 4kg that rests on a frictionless, horizontal surface. The
horizontal rope passes over a frictionless, massless pulley, and a block with mass m is suspended
from the other end when the block are released, the tension in the rope is 10N. (a) Draw two free
body diagrams, one for the 4kg block and one for the block with mass m. (b) What is the
acceleration of either block? (c) find the mass m of the hanging block. (d) How does the tension
compare to the weight of the hanging block?

Dynamics of Circular Motion

16. A flat (unbanked) curve on a highway has a radius of 220m. a car round the curve at a speed of
25m/s. (a) What is the minimum coefficient of friction that will prevent sliding? (b) Suppose the
highway is icy and the coefficient of friction between the tires and pavement is only one-third what
you found in part a. What should be the maximum speed of the car so it can round the curve safely?

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17. In another version of the “Giant Swing”, the seat is connected to

two cables as shown in the figure, one which is horizontal circle
at a rate of 32 rpm. If the seat weighs 255N and an 825N person
is sitting in it, find the tension in each cable.

Figure 8Problem 17

18. A small button placed on a horizontal rotating platform with diameter 0.320m will revolve with the
platform when it is brought up to a speed of 40rppm provided the button is no more than .15m from
the axis. (a) What is the coefficient of static friction between the button and the platform? (b) how far
from the axis can the button be placed, without slipping, if the platform rotates at 60rpm?

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Student’s Corner
Write your feedback and learning in the lesson.

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