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06 Work, Energy, and Power

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Republic of the Philippines


F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines


EN PHYS 1 – PHYSICS FOR ENGINEERS Period: 1st Sem. AY .2020-2021

Subject Instructor: Engr. Noli M. Esperas Jr. Course and Year: Petition
Module No. & Title: 5. Work, Energy and Power Time Allotment: Week 6 (3hrs)
5. Work, Energy and Power
Outline of Topics
1. Work Done by a Force
2. Work-Energy Theorem and Kinetic Theorem
3. Power

Specific Intended Learning Outcome/s (SILOs)

At the end of this topic, the student should be able to:
 Understand Work and Energy
 Calculate the work done by a force
 Understand and discuss Work-Energy Theorem and Kinetic Theorem
 Solve problems regarding the Work-Energy Theorem
 Understand the concept of Power
 Solve problems involving power

A significant difference between our civilization and that of the ancients is our extensive utilization of
energy sources other than the muscles of men and animals. Many early advances in physics were made by
men who were trying to understand and control sources of energy and apply them to men’s tasks. As the
study of physics has advanced, energy has continued to be a principal concern, playing such a crucial role
that physics has been called the “science of energy and its transformations”.

Lesson 1: Work Done by a Force

In the second chapter, we have discussed that displacement, s is a vector whose magnitude is the shortest
distance between the initial and final positions of the object. The force f, is a push or pull. Force and
displacement are the two essential elements of work. Work is defined as the magnitude of the force times
the magnitude of displacement.

The equation W=Fs indicates that the unit of work is the unit of force times the unit of distance, or the in SI
units. One newton-meter is referred to as a joule (J), in honor of James Joule (1818–1889) and his
research into the nature of work, energy, and heat.

The definition of work as W=Fs does have one surprising feature: If the distance s is zero, the work is zero,
even if a force is applied. Pushing on an immovable object, such as a brick wall, may tire your muscles, but
there is no work done of the type we are discussing. In physics, the idea of work is intimately tied up with
the idea of motion. If the object does not move, the force acting on the object does no work.

Example Problem 1.1

Find the work done by a 45.0-N force in pulling the suitcase in the figure at an angle of 50 for a distance of

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F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines



Practice Problem 1.2

The weight lifter in the figure a is bench-pressing a barbell whose weight is 710 N. In part b of the figure, he
raises the barbell a distance of 0.65 m above his chest, and in part c he lowers it the same distance. The
weight is raised and lowered at a constant velocity. Determine the work done on the barbell by the weight
lifter during (a) the lifting phase and (b) the lowering phase.

ANSWER: 460J; -460J

Practice Problem 1.3

The figure shows a 120-kg crate on the flatbed of a truck

that is moving with an acceleration of +1.5m/s2 along the
positive x axis. The crate does not slip with respect to the
truck as the truck undergoes a displacement whose
magnitude is 65 m. What is the total work done on the
crate by all of the forces acting on it?


Lesson 2: The Work–Energy Theorem and Kinetic Energy

Kinetic Energy

The kinetic energy KE of an object with mass m and speed v is given by

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The SI unit of kinetic energy is the same as the unit for work, the joule. Kinetic energy, like work, is a scalar
quantity. These are not surprising observations,
because work and kinetic energy are closely
related, as is clear from the following statement
of the work–energy theorem.
Work Energy-Theorem

The relationship that relates work to the change

in kinetic energy is known as the work–energy
theorem. This theorem is obtained by bringing
together three basic concepts that we’ve
already learned about. Refer to the figure.

First, we’ll apply Newton’s second law of motion, which relates the net force F to the acceleration a of an
object. Then, we’ll determine the work done by the net force when the object moves through a certain

Finally, we’ll use one of the equations of kinematics, to relate the distance and acceleration to the initial and
final speeds of the object.

The result of this approach will be the work–energy theorem.

Example Problem 2.1

The space probe Deep Space 1 was launched October 24, 1998, and it used a type of engine called an ion
propulsion drive. An ion propulsion drive generates only a weak force (or thrust), but can do so for long
periods of time using only small amounts of fuel. Suppose the probe, which has a mass of 474 kg, is
traveling at an initial speed of 275 m/s. No forces act on it except the 5.60x10-2-N thrust of its engine. This
external force is directed parallel to the displacement, which has a magnitude of 2.42x109 m. Determine the
final speed of the probe, assuming that its mass remains nearly constant.


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PracticeProblem 2.2

A 58-kg skier is coasting down a 25 slope, as the figure shows. Near
the top of the slope, her speed is 3.6 m/s. She accelerates down the
slope because of the gravitational force, even though a kinetic frictional
force of magnitude 71 N opposes her motion. Ignoring air resistance,
determine the speed at a point that is displaced 57 m downhill.

ANSWER: 19m/s

Practice Problem 2.3

The 200-kg steel hammerhead of a pile driver is lifted 3.00 m above the top of
a vertical I-beam being driven into the ground. The hammerhead is then
dropped, driving the I-beam 7.4 cm deeper into the ground. The vertical guide
rails exert a constant 60-N friction force on the hammerhead. Use the work–
energy theorem to find (a) the speed of the hammerhead just as it hits the I-
beam and (b) the average force the hammerhead exerts on the I-beam. Ignore
the effects of the air

ANSWER: 7.55m/s; 79kN

Lesson 3: Power
In many situations, the time it takes to do work is just as important as the amount of work that is done.
Consider two automobiles that are identical in all respects (e.g., both have the same mass), except that one
has a “souped-up” engine. The car with the “souped-up” engine can go from 0 to 27 m/s (60 mph) in 4
seconds, while the other car requires 8 seconds to achieve the same speed. Each engine does work in
accelerating its car, but one does it more quickly. Where cars are concerned, we associate the quicker
performance with an engine that has a larger horsepower rating. A large horsepower rating means that the
engine can do a large amount of work in a short time. In physics, the horsepower rating is just one way to
measure an engine’s ability to generate power. The idea of power incorporates both the concepts of work
and time, for power is work done per unit time.

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The average Power, P is the average rate at which work W is done, and it is obtained by dividing W by the
time t required to perform the work.

We can also define average power as the rate at which energy is changing, or as the change in energy
divided by the time during which the change occurs:

An alternative expression for power can be also obtained, by dividing the time t to both sides of the
equation Work = Force x Distance.

Where is the average speed.

Since work, energy, and time are scalars, power is also a scalar. The unit in which power is expressed is
that of work divided by time, or a joule per second in SI units. One joule per second is called a watt (W), in
honor of James Watt (1736–1819), developer of the steam engine. The unit of power in the BE system is
the foot-pound per second (ft-lb/s) although the familiar horsepower (hp) unit is used frequently for
specifying the power generated by electric motors and internal combustion engines.

1 horsepower = 550 foot-pounds/second = 745.7 watts

Example Problem:

A car, starting from rest, accelerates in the +x direction (see figure). It has a mass of 1,100 kg and
maintains an acceleration of +4.60 m/s2 for 5.00 s. Assume that a single horizontal force (not shown)
accelerates the vehicle. Determine the average power generated by this force.

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Practice Problem 3.2

A 50.0-kg marathon runner runs up the stairs to the top of Chicago’s 443-m-tall Willis Tower, the tallest
building in the United States. To lift herself to the top in 15.0 minutes, what must be her average power
output? Express your answer in watts, in kilowatts, and in horsepower.

ANSWER: 0.323hp; 241W

Reviewed and Approved by


EE Department Head


Physics 9th Edition by Cutnell, et. al.

Sears and Zemansky’s University Physics with Modern Physics Technology Update 13th Edition by Young, et. Al
College Physics 5 Edition by Weber, et. al.

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EN PHYS 1 – PHYSICS FOR ENGINEERS Period: ___________________

Name of Student: ____________________________________________Course and Year: __________
Schedule (Time and Day): _____________________________________Final Rating: ______________
6. Work, Energy, and Power
Assessment Task:
Direction: Accomplished and submit only the assessment task on the next delivery of learning materials.

I. Work Done by a Force

1. You push your physics book 1.50 m along a horizontal tabletop with a horizontal push of 2.40 N while the
opposing force of friction is 0.600 N. How much work does each of the following forces do on the book:
a) your 2.40-N push,
b) the friction force,
c) the normal force from the tabletop, and
d) gravity
e) What is the net work done on the book?

2. A factory worker pushes a 30.0-kg crate a distance of 4.5 m along a level floor at constant velocity by pushing
horizontally on it. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the crate and the floor is 0.25.
a) What magnitude of force must the worker apply?
b) How much work is done on the crate by this force?
c) How much work is done on the crate by friction?
d) How much work is done on the crate by the normal force? By gravity?
e) What is the total work done on the crate?

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3. A 75.0-kg painter climbs a ladder that is 2.75 m long leaning against a vertical wall. The ladder makes a angle
with the wall.
a) How much work does gravity do on the painter?
b) Does the answer to part a depend on whether the painter climbs at constant speed or accelerates up the

4. A 0.800-kg ball is tied to the end of a string 1.60 m long and swung in a vertical circle.
a) During one complete circle, starting anywhere, calculate the total work done on the ball by
i) the tension in the string and
ii) gravity.
b) Repeat part a for motion along the semicircle from the lowest to the highest point on the path.

5. A boxed 10.0-kg computer monitor is dragged by friction 5.50 m up along the moving surface of a conveyor
belt inclined at an angle of 36.9° above the horizontal. If the monitor’s speed is a constant 2.10 cm s, how
much work is done on the monitor by
a) friction,
b) gravity,
c) the normal force of the conveyor belt?

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II. Kinetic Energy and the Work Energy Theorem

1. Adult cheetahs, the fastest of the great cats, have a mass of about 70 kg and have been clocked running at
up to 72 mph.
a) How many joules of kinetic energy does such a swift cheetah have?
b) By what factor would its kinetic energy change if its speed were doubled?

2. About 50,000 years ago, a meteor crashed into the earth near present-day Flagstaff, Arizona. Measurements
from 2005 estimate that this meteor had a mass of about 1.4 x 108kg (around 150,000 tons) and hit the
ground at a speed of 12km/s.
a) How much kinetic energy did this meteor deliver to the ground?
b) How does this energy compare to the energy released by a 1.0- megaton nuclear bomb? (A megaton bomb
releases the same amount of energy as a million tons of TNT, and 1.0 ton of TNT releases 4.184x109 J of

3. You are a member of an Alpine Rescue Team. You must project a box of supplies up an incline of constant
slope angle  so that it reaches a stranded skier who is a vertical distance h above the bottom of the incline.
The incline is slippery, but there is some friction present, with kinetic friction coefficient k. Use the work–
energy theorem to calculate the minimum speed you must give the box at the bottom of the incline so that it
will reach the skier.

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4. A little red wagon with mass 7.00 kg moves in a straight line on a frictionless horizontal surface. It has an
initial speed of 4m/s and then is pushed 3.0 m in the direction of the initial velocity by a force with a magnitude
of 10.0 N.
a) Use the work–energy theorem to calculate the wagon’s final speed.
b) Calculate the acceleration produced by the force. Use this acceleration in the kinematic relationships of to
calculate the wagon’s final speed. Compare this result to that calculated in part a.

5. A sled with mass 8.00 kg moves in a straight line on a frictionless horizontal surface. At one point in its path,
its speed is 4m/s after it has traveled 2.50 m beyond this point, its speed is Use the work–energy theorem to
find the force acting on the sled, assuming that this force is constant and that it acts in the direction of the
sled’s motion.

III. Power

1. How many joules of energy does a 100-watt light bulb use per hour? How fast would a 70-kg person have
to run to have that amount of kinetic energy?

2. On December 27, 2004, astronomers observed the greatest flash of light ever recorded from outside the
solar system. It came from the highly magnetic neutron star SGR 1806-20 (a magnetar). During 0.20 s,
this star released as much energy as our sun does in 250,000 years. If P is the average power output of
our sun, what was the average power output (in terms of P) of this magnetar?

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3. A tandem (two-person) bicycle team must overcome a force of 165 N to maintain a speed of Find the
power required per rider, assuming that each contributes equally. Express your answer in watts and in

4. Your job is to lift 30-kg crates a vertical distance of 0.90 m from the ground onto the bed of a truck.
a) How many crates would you have to load onto the truck in 1 minute for the average power output you
use to lift the crates to equal 0.50 hp?
b) How many crates for an average power output of 100 W?

Student’s Corner
Write your feedback and learning in this lesson.

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