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Teacher’s Guide

Nancy Hubley

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Reading Advantage © 2012 Cengage Learning Asia Pte Ltd
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Reading Advantage 1 Teacher’s Guide with audio CD

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2 Reading Advantage 1 Teacher’s Guide


About this Teacher’s Guide ................................................................ 4

Using Reading Advantage

How to Teach a Unit ..................................................................................................... 5

Guide to Question Formats ......................................................................................... 9
Building Students’ Reading Rate ................................................................................ 11

Building Vocabulary

Vocabulary Acquisition ................................................................................................. 12

Vocabulary Activity Bank ............................................................................................... 13
Vocabulary Learning Tips ............................................................................................. 16
Guessing the Meaning of New Vocabulary ................................................................ 18

Unit Notes

Introduction to Unit Notes ........................................................................................... 20

Unit Notes ..................................................................................................................... 21

Unit Quizzes

Introduction to Unit Quizzes ........................................................................................ 45

Unit Quizzes .................................................................................................................. 46
Unit Quizzes Answer Key ............................................................................................. 66


Introduction to Tests ..................................................................................................... 67

Mid-book Test ............................................................................................................... 68
Final Test ....................................................................................................................... 7
Tests Answer Key .......................................................................................................... 76

Score Sheet .............................................................. 77

Glossary .............................................................. 78

Reading Advantage 1 Teacher’s Guide 3

About this Teacher’s Guide

Reading Advantage is a high-beginner to high-intermediate series that helps adult and young adult
learners build their English vocabulary and reading skills through reading passages and accompanying
exercises. Each of the four levels presents 20 nonfiction passages dealing with a variety of topics.
Each level of Reading Advantage limits the vocabulary used in readings according to a basic word
list. Higher levels in the series build on the word lists established in previous levels. In addition,
exercises for each unit recycle vocabulary from earlier units in the book. Thus, students are repeatedly
exposed to vocabulary items throughout the book to ensure their acquisition.
This teacher’s guide is divided into six sections.

Using Reading Advantage

This section contains a four-page walkthrough of a typical Reading Advantage unit. Each section of the unit is
described, and suggested teaching times are given, including suggestions for longer classes. A page on Building
Students’ Reading Rate (page 11) addresses ways in which the teacher can become aware of, and improve,
students’ reading fluency. A Guide to Question Formats (page 9) describes the various question formats in the
Reading Advantage series, and strategies students can use with each format.

Building Vocabulary

A vocabulary acquisition page describes how Reading Advantage addresses current theories of vocabulary
acquisition, and provides references for further reading. A two-page vocabulary activity bank describes ten activities
that a teacher can use in any class to practice and reinforce vocabulary. For students, there are two photocopiable
sections: first, two pages of vocabulary learning tips; and, second, two pages of strategies for guessing the meaning
of new vocabulary, including a list of prefixes and suffixes used in the readings in the book.

Unit Notes

For each of the 20 reading units and four review units, there is a page of teacher’s notes. Page 20 provides a guide
to the content of each of these pages.

Unit Quizzes

This section contains 20 photocopiable unit quizzes—one for each of the units in the book.


There are two tests and an answer key in this section. The Mid-book Test covers Units 1–10, while the Final Test
covers all 20 units of the book.

Scoring Sheet and Glossary

This final section contains a photocopiable scoring sheet on which to record the score of each of your students
for the 20 unit quizzes and two tests. The Glossary defines important terms related to the subjects of reading and
vocabulary acquisition.

4 Reading Advantage 1 Teacher’s Guide


Each of the four books in the Reading Advantage series consists of 20 four-page units, with a review
unit every five units. The answers and notes for the units are provided on pages 21–43.
The following sample lesson plan is provided to show teachers how units in the series can be taught in
a typical 45- to 60-minute reading class. This is not the only way teachers can approach the units, and
the timings are approximate—they can be lengthened or shortened according to the length of your
lesson. Remember to spend a short amount of time at the beginning of each class, before opening
the book, reviewing the vocabulary, and reading from the previous unit. See pages 14 and 15 for
activity suggestions.

Before You Read (5–10 minutes)

Each unit begins with three questions for students to

think about before they read the passage. The questions
typically do not have right or wrong answers. They are
designed to generate discussion that will bring out
vocabulary or ideas useful for students in approaching the
reading material. Depending on class size, the questions
may be discussed as a class or in small groups.
In some cases, questions are directly answered in the
reading. For example, a question may ask when a certain
event occurred. In this case the teacher may tell the class,
“While you are reading, see if this question is answered
in the text.”
Other questions, such as those that ask about student
preferences or experiences, can be used for surveys of
the class. The teacher can count the number of students
sharing a preference or answering the same (yes or no)
and record the number on the board. The results of these
surveys may be compared to information presented in
certain readings.

Target Vocabulary (5 minutes)

In this section, students are introduced to words from the reading that may be unfamiliar to them. Students should
be able to match the words with the definitions provided. The definitions give the meaning of each word in the
context in which it is used in the reading passage.
After giving students time to match the vocabulary items and check the answers, it may be useful to highlight for
students one or more of the following:
Part of speech: Explain how each vocabulary item is defined (as a noun, a verb, an adjective, or an adverb), and
how the word can be used as another part of speech.
Irregular patterns: Certain verbs may change form completely in the past or past participle forms, such as the
verb “sink, sank, sunk.” Students should be aware of such irregular forms in case they appear in the reading.
Alternative meanings: : Vocabulary items are defined according to usage of the items in the readings. However,
certain words may appear more commonly when used with an alternative meaning. Encourage students to record
common alternative definitions in their books. See pages 16 and 17 for ideas on how students can record new
words in a vocabulary notebook.
Ideas for presenting and practicing vocabulary can be found in the Vocabulary Activity Bank on pages 14 and 15.
Information about parts of speech and alternative meanings can be found in the Language Notes section of the
Unit Notes.

Reading Advantage 1 Teacher’s Guide 5

General Tips
Don’t ask, “What does ___ mean?” It is easier for students to provide a word for a given definition rather than
to define a word. Therefore, instead of asking students, “What does zoo mean?”, give the definition yourself
by asking, “Which word in the text means a place where animals are kept to look at?”
• Put words on the board for students to see. During pre-reading discussion, students can come up with
words related to the reading that are not listed as vocabulary items for the unit. Write these words on
the board and leave them up during the class. Such words can be useful to students later, especially
during the discussion at the end of class. Be sure to add these words to the Vocabulary Box (see page 14)
for recycling.
• Don’t make students read aloud the first time they read the passage. The first time students read the
passage they should read silently and record their reading speed. When students read aloud they are
less likely to achieve their natural reading speed, and they are likely to be worrying more about the
pronunciation of the reading than the meaning. If you like to have students read aloud in your class, after
the Idioms or Vocabulary Reinforcement section would be a suitable time.

Reading Passage (5 minutes)

The reading passage and exercises should typically be

done together.

Have students time their first reading of the passage,

and then record their time at the foot of the reading
and also at the back of the Student Book. See page
11 for further guidance on using timed readings to
develop students’ reading fluency.

Target vocabulary items are set in bold to enable

students to see them at a glance.

If students have any questions about the text, ask them

to wait until everyone has finished reading the passage
silently and has written down their reading time. If
there are words that students don’t know the meaning
of, don’t supply the definitions at this time, but write
them on the board and return to them later.

Some of the reading comprehension questions in the

series involve having students guess the meaning of
unknown words from context. Encourage students
to practice guessing the meaning of new words from
context—rather than using their dictionaries—by
requiring them to keep their dictionaries closed until
after they have completed the reading comprehension
questions. For more information on guessing the
meaning of new vocabulary, see the photocopiable
guide on page 18.

Line numbers are provided on the left of the passage to help students refer to specific lines in the reading.

The majority of new words in the unit are assigned as target vocabulary for that unit and introduced on the first
page of the unit. When additional new vocabulary needs to be included in a reading, the meanings are given in
footnotes at the bottom of the page. This vocabulary is intended to be used for understanding of the passage
only. These items are not tested in the review units.

Then have students listen to the audio recording of the passage to check the pronunciation of new words. Track
numbers are given at the top of the page.

6 Reading Advantage 1 Teacher’s Guide

Reading Comprehension Questions (5–10 minutes)

This section includes five multiple-choice questions

that cover the content of the passage in a variety of
ways. Some questions focus on specific details within
the text, while others ask about the overall theme
of the passage, and others require students to infer
information that isn’t stated specifically in the passage.
For more information on the different types of multiple-
choice questions used in Reading Advantage, see
pages 9–10.

The questions in this section can be completed

individually, or by students in pairs or small groups.
Answering the questions individually will allow you
to determine the abilities of individual students, but
on the other hand, answering in pairs or groups will
encourage communication between students and will
provide support for weaker learners.

Students may refer to the reading when answering the

questions. Once all of the students have had time to
complete the comprehension questions, check the
answers as a class. To check the answers, have the
class respond as a group with each answer or call on
individuals to give the answers. Always check to see if
everyone in the class agrees. In cases where students
disagree on an answer, ask students to explain how
information in the reading supports their answers. If the answer is wrong, explain where the correct answer is
supported in the reading. (Answers may be found on pages 21–44 of this Teacher’s Guide.)

Idioms (5 minutes)

Three idioms used in each passage are included in this section. The meaning of each idiom and examples of how
the idiom may be used are presented here. The line in the passage in which each idiom occurs is given in the Unit
Summary box of the Unit Notes (see pages 21–44).
Review the idiom definitions and examples. Provide additional examples for students when necessary. Encourage
students to provide their own examples by eliciting example sentences from the class.
Have students scan the reading again to find where each idiom is used. For teachers using the audio recordings
of the readings, play the recording for the class. As students listen, they can underline the idioms in the text.

Note: At this point, teachers may wish to take a few minutes to allow students to ask questions regarding
vocabulary or difficult sentence structures in the reading. This is also a good time to check comprehension of
specific vocabulary items not covered elsewhere in the unit.
Ideas for presenting and practicing idioms are included in the Vocabulary Activity Bank on pages 14 and 15.
There are several different ways in which students can record idioms in their notebooks, such as drawing pictures,
grouping by similar meanings, or grouping by the same verb (e.g., take, get, keep). For more information on
recording vocabulary, see the photocopiable Vocabulary Learning Tips on pages 16 and 17.

Reading Advantage 1 Teacher’s Guide 7

Vocabulary Reinforcement (5 minutes)

This section includes two parts for vocabulary and idiom

practice. Words and idioms in this section may come
from the current unit or previous units. The first part of
the section contains eight multiple-choice questions in
two formats. Students must either choose the best word
from the choices to fill a blank in the sentence, or they
need to choose a word from the choices that means the
same as the word written in italics in the question. The
second part of the section is a cloze passage, where
learners read the passage and find items from the box
to fill in the blanks. Explain to students that one word in
the box is extra (i.e., not needed). For more information
on the different types of Vocabulary Reinforcement
questions used in Reading Advantage, see pages
Allow students time to answer on their own. Have
them work in pairs to check their answers. As a class,
go over each item to make sure everyone has the
correct answers.

What Do You Think? (5 minutes)

Students are encouraged here to think further about what they have read and to communicate their own ideas
and opinions about the topics presented.
Depending on class size, the questions presented in this part of the unit may be discussed as a class or in small
groups. The questions typically do not have right or wrong answers. They are designed to generate discussion.
Encourage students to ask follow-up questions in their groups rather than just limiting themselves to answering
the questions in the book.
In the case where students first discuss in small groups, have one member of each group report to the class one
interesting point the group discussed.
In addition, or as an alternative, the questions can be used as the basis of a writing activity. See the Unit Notes
(pages 21–44) for further writing activity suggestions.

Suggestions for Longer Classes

If you have classes longer than 60 minutes and need additional material, see:
• the Unit Quizzes on pages 46–65;
• listening and speaking activities in the Unit Notes (pages 21–44);
• writing extension ideas in the Unit Notes;
• extension activities for the Review Units (pages 26, 32, 38, 44).

8 Reading Advantage 1 Teacher’s Guide


A variety of question forms come up in the Reading Advantage series. If you gradually introduce the
skills required to answer each type of question as they appear in Reading Advantage and encourage
students to practice them consistently, you will foster good habits that will reward your students
with better examination performance. Many of the question formats used in Reading Advantage are
similar to those used in standardized exams.

Multiple-Choice Questions

Multiple-choice questions are popular because they

are versatile, objective, and easy to mark. They are
used in Reading Advantage for a range of question
types, in the Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary
Reinforcement sections, as well as Review Units and
Quizzes. Here are some varieties of multiple-choice
Main Ideas
Multiple-choice questions are often used to test
Specific Details comprehension of main ideas either at the paragraph
The simplest type asks for specific information from or whole text level. A common approach to main idea
the reading passage, for example, “Where is Filipe questions is that the correct option is at just the right
Alou from?” level of specificity whereas the distractors are too
specific, too general, or off topic. Main idea questions
Negative Statements are sometimes worded as “Choose the best title.”
A question frequently found in the Reading
Comprehension section is “Which of these sentences
The most difficult type of multiple-choice question
is NOT true?” Sometimes the best way to answer this
in Reading Advantage is inference questions, which
is to eliminate the answers that ARE true. In other
require students to go beyond what is literally given
words, if students can find support for the true answers
and draw conclusions, for example, “Which of these
in the reading passage, then they know that those
sentences would the writer of this passage most likely
options are not the answer. Note that students need
agree with?” (Unit 19)
to occasionally watch out for double negatives—where
there is a negative in both the question stem and the All, every, and none: Sometimes the answer options
option, for example, “Which sentence about the Great will include all of the above or none of the above. When
Sphinx is NOT true? . . . a. It is no longer covered by this happens, all or none of the other three options
sand.” (Unit 2) would work in order for the option to be selected.

True, False, or Unknown

This format, used in unit quizzes and tests, is used to help students clarify what is actually stated in the paragraph,
what is paraphrased or implied, and what is not given or provided. This format is especially useful for discerning
fact from opinion. Here are some simple guidelines to using this format:
True information is given in the passage but it is often paraphrased, or said in other words. Train students to look
for similar meaning, not exact words. In Reading Advantage, vocabulary is often recycled by using synonyms to
stretch the students’ active vocabulary.
If the statement is false, students can find the correct information in the passage and fix the statement. When you
give back quizzes, encourage students to do this.
Unknown means the information is not found in the passage. When students bring background knowledge to
reading a passage, sometimes they think they’ve read something that isn’t actually included.

Reading Advantage 1 Teacher’s Guide 9


Every unit in Reading Advantage has several matching

exercises, for example, in the Target Vocabulary section.
Get students into the habit of crossing out items as they
use them so they don’t use the same item twice. Also,
encourage them to move on to other questions if there
is one that is difficult at first. When they have finished
the others, there will be fewer options left and perhaps
they will be able to make a good choice. In most Reading
Advantage matching exercises and quiz sections,
each item is used only once and there are extra items
that are not used.

Cloze and Gap Fill

In the Vocabulary Reinforcement section, there are

both gap fill (section A) and cloze (section B) sections.
Cloze exercises also occur in the Reading Advantage
tests and quizzes. Encourage students to look at the
words surrounding the gap for collocations and to
think of what part of speech the word needs to be. In
a few cases, students are given an initial letter for a
missing word and must supply the word from memory.
This is done to encourage students to produce new
vocabulary as well as just recognize it. However, in
the grading of unit quizzes, credit should be given
if the word is recognizable even if the spelling is not
exact. This follows practice on a number of
standardized exams.

Wrong Word Out

This type of question is found in the quizzes and review

units. Four vocabulary items are given; three have
something in common, and one is different. To solve
this kind of question, students need to first identify the
common idea, then look for the one that doesn’t match.
Note that the odd word out is distinguished because
of meaning and not for other reasons such as spelling,
or the number of letters, or the pronunciation.

10 Reading Advantage 1 Teacher’s Guide


A major aim of the Reading Advantage series is to increase your students’ reading rate, or reading
fluency,while also ensuring accuracy. A high reading rate is essential to enjoyable extensive reading
outside the classroom. It is also important for taking exams with a reading component. Here are some
suggestions to make your students aware of their own reading rate and to monitor its progress.

How to Do Timed Readings in Class

Using a watch or clock, have all students begin reading

silently at the same time. To time the readings, prepare
time cards to hold up for the class. Cards can be marked
with five-second intervals, as five seconds, ten seconds,
fifteen seconds, up to one minute forty seconds, one
minute forty-five seconds, etc. When students have
finished reading, they can simply look up to see their
times. Have students record their reading times in the
space in the book below the reading, and then in the
chart at the back of the book. Note that the readings
in Book 1 of Reading Advantage are around 230 words
long. The rates on the chart at the back of the book
are based on an average passage length of 228 words.
(The actual word count for each passage is noted under
each reading.)
You may wish to set a class reading rate goal, for
example, by taking the average reading rate at
the beginning of the course and adding a certain
percentage to it. For comparison, the average
reading speed for U.S. college students is 200–250
words per minute, but it would be unrealistic to
expect your students to achieve this speed.


Have students read more than once. Reading fluency can be developed through repeated reading of the same
text. A good time for repeated reading is after finding idioms in the unit’s reading passage, before moving on to
the Vocabulary Reinforcement. At this point in the lesson, have students look back at the unit from the previous
class. For example, on the day the class is doing Unit 14, have them look back at Unit 13 for repeated reading.
This will help to reinforce the vocabulary for the previous unit.
Do a timed reading of the repeated text. Use the time cards to show how long students take to read the passage,
and have students record their new reading time below their old time. Alternatively, set a time for the class to read
(i.e., one minute or two minutes). Have students mark the place in the text they reach by the time limit. Setting a
time limit for reading works well when students read a text three or four times, marking each time the point they
reach by the time limit. Students will be able to see for themselves how their reading fluency is progressing.
For more background information on developing reading rate, you may wish to read Exploring Second
Language Reading: Issues and Strategies (Neil Anderson 1999, Heinle/Cengage Learning).

Reading Advantage 1 Teacher’s Guide 11

Building Vocabulary

Vocabulary Acquisition

It is generally agreed that the key to success in English language learning, particularly in developing good reading
skills, is vocabulary acquisition. Before we explore specific techniques and activities for helping students with
vocabulary acquisition, let’s look at some fundamental principles.
There are three main ways in which we acquire new vocabulary:
1. We can be deliberately taught certain words and idioms.
2. We can pick up new vocabulary through reading and speaking.
3. We can learn certain strategies which aid in guessing the meaning of new words.
All three of these methods are addressed in the Reading Advantage series.
In our first language, we combine these approaches after we have achieved a basic core vocabulary of the most
commonly used words. For beginning and low-intermediate students to benefit from the second and third
strategies, they need to control a basic vocabulary of the most frequently used words or lexical items of English. The
Reading Advantage series aims to provide students with this core vocabulary. Gradually, as students’ vocabularies
enlarge, in the higher levels of the series, strategies increase in significance.
Nation (1990) says that students need to know 95 percent of the words in a passage before they can effectively use
guessing strategies for the 5 percent unknown words. Anderson (1999) suggests that basic vocabulary should be
explicitly taught in conjunction with teaching students other strategies for less frequently encountered items. As the
Reading Advantage series progresses, more emphasis will be placed on inferring meaning through word structure
(such as word roots, prefixes, and suffixes), exploring the role that new vocabulary plays in a specific context, and
developing dictionary skills. The Reading Advantage teacher’s book contains photocopiable vocabulary learning
tips (pages 16 and 17) and a photocopiable guide to guessing the meaning of new vocabulary (page 18), including
a list of suffixes and prefixes in the book.
Research has suggested that it takes an average of at least seven encounters with a vocabulary item for it to be
remembered. To help students remember vocabulary, an important characteristic of Reading Advantage is its
focus on vocabulary recycling. Throughout the book, vocabulary is recycled not only in subsequent passages but
also in the vocabulary reinforcement sections, the unit quizzes, review units, and tests.

Further Reading

For teachers interested in the theory and practice of vocabulary acquisition, the list below will provide a good
starting point.
Anderson, Neil (1999), Exploring Second Language Reading: Issues and Strategies, Heinle/Cengage Learning
Flower, John (1994), Phrasal Verb Organiser with Mini-Dictionary, Language Teaching Publications/
Cengage Learning
Gough, Chris (2000), English Vocabulary Organiser, Language Teaching Publications/Cengage Learning
Lewis, Michael (Editor) (2000), Teaching Collocation, Language Teaching Publications/Cengage Learning
Nation, I. S. P. (1990), Teaching and Learning Vocabulary, Heinle/Cengage Learning
Nation, I. S. P. (2001), Learning Vocabulary in Another Language, Cambridge University Press
Schmitt, Norbert (2000), Vocabulary in Language Teaching, Cambridge University Press
Wright, Jon (1999), Idioms Organizer, Language Teaching Publications/Cengage Learning

12 Reading Advantage 1 Teacher’s Guide

Vocabulary Activity Bank

Below are 10 activities you can use in class to present and practice vocabulary. Here are some
general tips:
• Go over the instructions carefully. Stop the class and explain again if there seem to be problems.
• Use a variety of group sizes. Sometimes have students work as individuals.
• Whenever possible, make the activities learner centered, for example, by having groups work in
smaller groups rather than as a class, or by choosing a student to take the role of the teacher and
conduct the activity.
• Mix language skills and types of activities to cater to different learning styles.
• Create a manageable number of groups so that you can circulate and monitor.


This old favorite promotes both fluency and accuracy. Divide the class into two competing
teams who take turns presenting and answering vocabulary questions. The presenting
team draws short lines on the board, each line representing a letter in a word. The goal
is for the other team to guess the answer correctly before 10 tries “hangs” them. Each
incorrect guess becomes one more line on a graphic drawn on the board. Start numbering
from the base.
Scoring can be done in several ways. When a team answers correctly within the limits, they
get one point and they present next. If they can’t answer within 10 tries, the presenting
team gets five points and another turn to present. The traditional diagram for this game is
a person hanging, but if this image makes you or your students uncomfortable, then use
another illustration, such as the spider, instead.


The goal of Bingo is to form a straight line of five squares on a board of five squares across by five squares down.
Lines can be made horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.
To start, either hand out blank grids or ask students to draw them on a blank piece of paper. The game works best
when the vocabulary is limited to a common set of words, such as words and idioms from the last five units. Have
students write words in the boxes without looking at other students’ cards. A leader (this may be the teacher or
other students) then calls out definitions, synonyms, antonyms, or examples of words. Students mark a box if they
have the word. The first to get a straight run calls BINGO and is the winner. If you have a large class and want to
allow discussion, you can have more than one student per card.

Word Strings

Have the class form a circle. Say a word. The next person has to say a different word that starts with the last letter of
the previous word. No repeats are allowed, so students must listen carefully. This game focuses students’ attention
on the spelling and pronunciation of word beginnings and endings (especially reduced forms and homonyms such
as threw/through).

Reading Advantage 1 Teacher’s Guide 13

Balderdash/Call My Bluff

Write 10 items on small pieces of paper and fold the papers. Divide the class into 10 groups and have each group
select one piece of paper. Each group then writes three definitions for the item on their paper, of which only one is
correct. Teams then take turns presenting their definitions to the rest of the class. The first team to identify a false
definition gets a point—if they can provide a correct definition. In order for a team to win the point, the definition
must be corrected. If a team identifies a correct definition as incorrect, then their team loses a point.

Idiom Charades

Choose 15 vocabulary items—this game is easiest with idioms—and write them on pieces of card, one for each
card. Number the cards. Have students work in pairs, each pair drawing a card. The pair has two minutes to think
how to act out the idiom without speaking. The pairs act out their idioms in order, with the ones holding card
one going first. Appoint a timekeeper. If the class can guess the idiom within a minute, the presenting pair gets
a point.

Memory Test

Take 16 identical small pieces of card for each group of five to seven players. Distribute the blank cards to each
group. Assign a unit to the group and ask them to write eight new vocabulary items or idioms on the cards. They
then write synonyms on the other eight cards. Have each group pass their set of cards to another group. Have
a student in each group shuffle the cards and place them face down on a table in four rows of four cards. Each
student picks up two cards. If they match, s/he may keep them. If they don’t, the cards are replaced, face down,
and another student takes a turn. This continues until all pairs of cards are identified. The person with the most
cards is the winner. Time permitting, groups can exchange cards with each other.

This game is sometimes known as Pelmanism.

Picture Hunt

In this game, teams race to find examples of words starting with particular letters in a picture or photo dictionary.
Use categories where there are large sets of examples, such as food, clothing, classroom items, etc. The team tries
to find items starting with each letter of the alphabet. The winner is the team that completes the alphabet first or
has the greatest number of examples.

The Vocabulary Box

A good technique for choosing vocabulary to be reviewed is to use a Vocabulary Box. As new vocabulary
items arise in the lesson, write them on the board. At the end of the lesson write each item on a separate small
piece of paper, and then put these pieces of paper in a cardboard box. Whenever you have time in a lesson
for vocabulary review, choose cards at random from this box to provide items for review. Review the words
regularly by asking students for definitions, spelling, synonyms, or use in sentences. Over a period of weeks,
as students come to know an item thoroughly, it can be removed from the box.

14 Reading Advantage 1 Teacher’s Guide

Twenty Questions

In this game, students choose a card from the Vocabulary Box, and keep the word on it secret from the rest of the
class. The other students try to guess the item by asking questions that can be answered with “yes” or “no.” For
example: Is the word an adjective? Does it start with sch? Does it have three syllables? Does it mean the same thing
as “horrible”? If someone gets the answer within twenty questions they get a point and a chance to present the
next word. If the answer is not guessed within 20 questions, the presenter gets five points and another turn.

Writing and Acting Scripts

Divide students into small groups. Provide each group with a list of vocabulary items, or cards from the Vocabulary
Box. Ten items for each group would be enough. Make sure each group has different words. Have groups work
together to create a short dialog or play which includes all the words on their list. When they are finished, have
them act their dialog out for the class. See Review Units 11–15 (page 38) for more information.

Defining and Guessing in Pairs

Provide students with a list of words. Students work in pairs, and take turns defining their word to their partner,
without using the word itself. See Review Activities Units 16–20 (page 44) for more information.

In addition to these activity ideas you may wish to adapt some of the vocabulary learning techniques on
pages 16–17, for use as classroom activities. For example, provide students with a vocabulary item or theme
from one of the units, and have them work in groups to create a Word Map of associated items.

Reading Advantage 1 Teacher’s Guide 15

Vocabulary Learning Tips

The best thing you can do to improve your English is to increase your vocabulary. Here are
some suggestions:

Keep a Vocabulary Notebook

Buy a notebook and write down new words and idioms that you want to remember. There are different ways of
organizing your notebook. Here are some suggestions:

a) Label pictures

b) Word maps

c) List words with definitions and examples

d) Note words that go together—collocations

16 Reading Advantage 1 Teacher’s Guide This page may be photocopied. Cengage Learning © 2012
Flashcards are a great way to learn new vocabulary. Make them on thick paper by cutting the paper into cards of
the same size. Here is an example of a flashcard:

Your flashcards might look the same as this, or they might have more information. Other things you can write on
the back of your flashcards are: pictures, translations in your own language, opposites, words that mean the same,
and memory aids (see Other Tips).
Remember: Carry your flashcards around with you and when you have free time, look at them and test yourself. You
can use them alone, or with a friend. Exchange flashcards with a friend and test each other!

Other Tips

Read, read, read One of the best ways to enlarge your English vocabulary is to read for fun. Read (easy) magazines
and books in English outside class. The best place to start is with Graded Readers. Ask your teacher for some
Use an English/English dictionary To learn more about new words in your notebook, use a dictionary. Try to find
an English/English dictionary that’s written for learners. One example is Heinle’s Basic Newbury House Dictionary
of American English. In addition to the meaning of the word, a good dictionary for learners should show you other
information such as the pronunciation, the part of speech, and example sentences.
Keep a list of prefixes and suffixes In your notebook, keep lists of prefixes and suffixes and their meanings (see
page 19). Make lists of words that contain the same prefix or suffix.
Label things Put small signs or labels on common, everyday things around your home.
Use memory aids A memory aid (also called a mnemonic) is a way of remembering a word by making a connection
in your brain. For example, if you want to learn the idiom keep an eye on someone, meaning “to watch someone
carefully,” you might picture someone holding an eye and putting it on someone’s shoulder, so they can watch
them carefully. The stranger the picture is, the more you will remember it!
Another memory aid is to find a word in your own language that sounds like the new English word and make a
connection. For example: a Japanese student learning the English word knee, meaning the joint in your leg, might
think that knee sounds like the Japanese word ni, meaning two. She could then picture someone with two large
knees. Remember to make the picture unusual to make it easier to remember. Picture two really, really big knees!
Try to find English words that sound like words in your own language.

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Cengage Learning © 2012 Reading Advantage 1 Teacher’s Guide 17
Guessing the Meaning of New Vocabulary

The one best thing you can do to improve your English is to increase your vocabulary. Here are some
suggestions: No one knows all the words they come across. Even native speakers often find unknown
words. Of course, as you build your vocabulary, you’ll know more words. In the meantime, here’s a
strategy or plan that you can use to guess the meaning of the new words. Follow the steps 1–5.

1. Even if you can’t understand the word, can you bread.” This is the definition of pumpernickel. Here are
understand the rest of the sentence? some other ways in which definitions may be given in
Example: The man ran snorkily to the top of the hill, the sentence:
and then ran down the other side.
Here is a strategy or plan that you can use to guess the
In this sentence snorkily is an unknown word (it is not a meaning of new words.
real word). You can see that it is probably an adverb (Strategy is a noun that has a similar meaning to plan.)
because it follows a verb (ran) and ends in -ily,
but you don’t know what it means. However, you Light and dark are antonyms (opposites).
don’t need to know what it means to understand
the idea of the sentence. Keep reading the rest The number of vegetarians—people who don’t eat
of the passage and come back to the word when meat—is growing every year.
you’ve finished. Remember, you don’t have to (“People who don’t eat meat” is the definition of
understand every word to understand the meaning of vegetarians, so a vegetarian is “a person who doesn’t
a passage. eat meat.”)

If you need to know the meaning of the word to 4. Can you see a word you know inside the unknown
understand the passage, try the next strategy. word?
Example: That shop sells expensive underwear.
2. Can you guess the meaning of the word from In this sentence underwear is the unknown word. You
the other words in the sentence, or from the know that underwear is a noun (it follows the adjective
sentences before and after? expensive). You also know that it is something that a
Example: I climbed up on the horse and sat on the shop sells and that it can be expensive. Look at the
saddle and then picked up the reins. We word underwear carefully. You can see that it contains
started to ride! the words under and wear. From this you can guess that
In this sentence there are two new words, saddle and it is something that you wear and that it is something
reins. From the sentence you can see that a saddle is a that goes under. You can guess that underwear is the
noun because it follows the word the and has the word word for clothes you wear under your other clothes.
and after it. Also, you can tell it is something that you
Be careful—this strategy doesn’t always work (e.g.,
can sit on and that it is on a horse. From this you can
understand doesn’t mean “to stand under something”),
guess that saddle is the name of the seat on a horse
but it is often useful.

Reins is more difficult. Again, you know that it is a noun 5. Does the word have any prefixes and suffixes that
because it follows the word the and is followed by a can help you?
period. Also, because it ends with -s it is probably plural. Example: T  he students in the class were
You can tell from the sentence that they are something uncontrollable.
you can pick up and that they are probably connected With the word uncontrollable in this sentence, you can’t
to a horse, so you can guess they are the pieces of rope tell exactly what part of speech it is. It could be a noun
or leather used to control a horse (correct) but you aren’t (e.g., The students were girls.); it could be an adjective
completely sure. However, you can still understand the (e.g., The students were young.); or it
sentence without understanding the word, so keep could be a verb (e.g., The students were hit.).
reading the passage.
However, if you look at uncontrollable carefully, you can
see the word control inside. Perhaps it has the meaning
3. Is the meaning of the word given in the
of control. After control you can see the suffix -able,
which means “able to be,” so controllable means
Example: L ast night I bought some great “able to be controlled.” Then, you can see the prefix
pumpernickel, a kind of dark bread. un-, which means “not” or “the opposite meaning,”
In this sentence, the word pumpernickel is a new word. before the word controllable. So you now know that
Look at the words after the comma, “a kind of dark uncontrollable means “can’t be controlled.”

18 Reading Advantage 1 Teacher’s Guide This page may be photocopied. Cengage Learning © 2012
Here are some more examples:
This new glass is unbreakable.
(It can’t be broken.)

The bus was full of preschoolers.

(Pre- means “before,” -er means “someone or someone who is or does something,” -s makes the plural of most
nouns. Preschoolers are young children who don’t go to school yet.)

Here is a list of prefixes and suffixes that appear in the reading passages of Reading Advantage Book 1.

Prefix Meaning Examples
centi­ a hundredth (1/100) centimeter
co­- doing something together coworker
dis- the opposite disappear, discover
kilo- a thousand kilogram, kilometer
milli­- a thousandth (1/1000) millimeter
un­- not, the opposite meaning unusual, unsuccessful
vice- second-most important vice-president

Suffix Meaning Examples
-al used to make an adjective from a noun traditional, original
-an / -ian added to a place name to mean “from that American, Roman, Christian
place”, added to a famous person’s name to
mean “following the ideas of that person”
-ence / -ance added to some adjectives to make a noun difference
-er (after an adjective) more smaller
-er / -or someone or something that does something teacher, visitor
-est the most (added to an adjective) oldest, fastest
-ful full of, containing successful, beautiful
-ion / -sion / -tion used to make a noun from a verb competition
-ist a person who does a kind of work artist, scientist
-ity used to make a noun from an adjective popularity
-ize / -ise used to make a verb from an adjective or standardized
noun, “to become or to make something ___”
-ly used to make an adverb from an adjective completely, slowly
-ous used to make an adjective from a noun dangerous, famous

Note: The rules about using suffixes are complicated. Words that use them should be learned case by case.

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Cengage Learning © 2012 Reading Advantage 1 Teacher’s Guide 19

For each of the 20 units in Reading Advantage, there is a page of notes.

The Listening and Speaking Extension

The Unit Summary lists the target provides an activity related to the
vocabulary and idioms for that theme of the unit to provide in-class
unit. The number of the line on speaking practice. If you don’t want to
which each idiom first occurs is practice speaking with your class, many
provided in parentheses after of these activities could be modified for
the idiom. homework writing tasks.

The Unit Summary

lists the target
vocabulary and
idioms for that unit.
The number of the
line on which each
idiom first occurs
is provided in
parentheses after
the idiom.

Language Notes
give further
information about
vocabulary found in
the units. These
notes include points
such as synonyms
and antonyms,
points of potential
confusion, recycling
of earlier vocabulary,
and alternative
definitions of
previously taught
Background Information gives Internet
references for further reading on the topic.
The Writing Extension gives Interested students may be able to use these
suggestions for writing references for further reading practice on the
activities linked to the theme topic. However, these sites are not aimed
of the unit. These activities specifically at students of English as a Foreign
can be done in class or may Language, and many students may find the
be assigned for homework. ungraded language difficult.

There is also a page of notes for each of the four review units (pages 26, 32, 38, 44). Each review unit notes page
contains the answers for the review activities, as well as a suggested extension activity.

20 Reading Advantage 1 Teacher’s Guide


For general guidelines on how to teach a unit, see pages 5 to 8.

For suggestions on ways to present and practice vocabulary and idioms, see pages 13 to 19.

Unit Summary
Suggested approach:
Some other big cats are tigers, leopards, and cheetahs . . .
They live in Africa and Asia in the wild, but I’ve seen them
Target Vocabulary Idioms in zoos . . . Other big cats have spots and they don’t have
manes . . . For other big cats, it’s not so easy to tell the males
bite, male, female, go without (2), tell (things) and females apart.
collar, popular, strong apart (6), without question

Listening & Speaking Extension
Target Vocabulary: 1. b; 2. a; 3. e; 4. c; 5. f; 6. d
Without question often appears in a set phrase to
Reading Comprehension: 1. d; 2. c; 3. d; 4. c; 5. b
describe something at one extreme or another: “This
Vocabulary Reinforcement: A) 1. c; 2. c; 3. b; 4. a;
is, without question, the best/worst (something) I have
5. a; 6. d B) 1. female; 2. collar; 3. strong; 4. bite;
5. go without ever (verb)!”
Note that it is used to express a strong opinion and that
Language Notes the phrase can appear at the beginning of the sentence
or later.
 opular is a common word used in many different 1. Write the set phrase on the board using the words in
ways. Have students work in pairs or small groups parentheses. Give some examples for those words.
and list all the associations they can think of, such
as popular music, popular film star, etc. Note that Sample statements: This is, without question, the
popular is often used with very, the most, or the least. worst movie I have ever seen! Without question,
Have students compare their lists. this is the best game the team has ever played. Elicit
 ite is used as both a verb and a noun in the unit. Ask other ideas from the class.
students to use the word both ways. 2. Note that a natural response to such a strong
• A collar usually refers to a part of clothing or a piece statement is to agree or disagree. Help students with
of leather or metal put around an animal’s neck. Do a “I disagree” or “I think so, too.”
quick survey of collars on clothes worn by people in the
room to reinforce the term. Note that when a person 3. H
 ave one person use the phrase to express an
wears a metal ring around their neck, it is a necklace, not opinion. Then have the other person react by
a collar. agreeing or disagreeing. Then that person uses the
 uring appears as an answer in the cloze passage. It’s phrase to express an opinion.
a good time to remind students that it means “within
the time of something” and give examples: during his
lifetime, during the war, during the exam. Emphasize Background Information
that during is used for something that goes on for
a while, not just for a moment. In the cloze exercise,
it is used to refer to dry times that could go on for For more information on lions and other large felines
months or even years. go to the Discovery Channel’s lesson plans on big cats
Writing Extension ultimateguide-bigcats/ where you’ll find helpful ideas
to get discussions started. Other sites for big cat
Have students make a journal entry. They should answer wcom/animalsbig-cats/, Big Cats Online at http://animal.
the following questions: What other big cats do you, http://www.
know? Where are they found? What do you know about, and The Tiger Information Center:
them? What do they look like? For other big cats, is it
easy to tell the males and females apart?

Reading Advantage 1 Teacher’s Guide 21

UNIT 2 Ramen

For general guidelines on how to teach a unit, see pages 5 to 8.

For suggestions on ways to present and practice vocabulary and idioms, see pages 13 to 19.

Unit Summary Writing Extension

Target Vocabulary Idioms The passage talks about ramen as a kind of invention.
What other foods might be considered inventions?
instant, meat, pour, at all (3), come up with (8),
Have students brainstorm a list of foods and then
spread, fancy, all kinds of (14)
vegetable choose one to write about. They should try to answer
the following questions: When was the food invented?
Where is it popular? What is in it or what is it made of?
Answers What is the student’s opinion about the food?

Target Vocabulary: 1.b; 2. e; 3. a; 4. f; 5. c; 6. d Suggested approach:

Reading Comprehension: 1. a; 2. c; 3. a; 4. c; 5. d One food that was invented a long time ago is bread.
Bread is popular all around the world…
Vocabulary Reinforcement: A) 1. a; 2. b; 3. b; 4. d;
5. c; 6. a B) 1. instant; 2. pour; 3. spread; 4. fancy;
5. traditional

Language Notes Listening & Speaking Extension

•Instant may be used as an adjective or as a noun. The task is to describe how to cook ramen.
The adjective form has the meaning “right away” or
“without waiting.” The meaning of the noun is a very 1. T
 ell the class that someone who has never cooked
short unit of time. or eaten ramen will visit them. This person would
• The words pour and poor are homonyms. They are like to learn how to make ramen. Students must be
pronounced the same way. able to explain the steps involved in cooking and
eating ramen.
• Students may be more familiar with using the verb
spread with foods like butter, jam, and peanut
2. Ask students to work in small groups of four or five.
butter. The usage in the passage is related to a wider
Each group discusses the process and selects some-
acceptance of ideas, products, or influences. It might
one to demonstrate to the visitor. Then the class
be helpful to take some time to discuss current trends
takes turn listening to the demonstrators.
that are spreading from country to country, such as
technology, procedures, educational methods, etc.
 ancy is commonly used in American English to
mean “special” or “better than ordinary.” In British
Background Information
English, the verb fancy can be used to mean “want”
or “desire.” An archaic usage of fancy as a noun has
For further information on the history of ramen,
the meaning of “a dream” or “an idea.”
Momofuku Ando, or the Nissin food company, try
• The idiom at all has a negative sense and is used Nissin’s Instant Ramen Museum website http://www.
to emphasize the words “none” or “not.” To help Another museum
students get a feel for how the phrase emphasizes in Japan offers online information regarding ramen
these negative words, have the class consider the at For general
following examples: “How many students got a information about ramen from an English-language
perfect score on the test?” “None at all!” “Do you website, try
mind helping me?” “Not at all!” history-ramen-noodles.html.

22 Reading Advantage 1 Teacher’s Guide


For general guidelines on how to teach a unit, see pages 5 to 8.

For suggestions on ways to present and practice vocabulary and idioms, see pages 13 to 19.

Unit Summary Writing Extension

Ask the students to brainstorm about a famous building

Target Vocabulary Idioms
or monument in their country. Why is this place well
bell, lean, sink, tower, as soon as (6), fall apart (12), known? Have small groups of students design and
mistake, straight figure out (8)
write a travel brochure about a famous building. Here
are some of the things they should include: What is
the building and where is it? What is special about
this place? Why should visitors come to see it? What
suggestions do you have about their visit? Give your
Answers opinion and say why you feel this way.

Target Vocabulary: 1. d; 2. e; 3. f; 4. a; 5. c; 6. b
Suggested approach:
Reading Comprehension: 1. b; 2. b; 3. c; 4. a; 5. b You should come and visit . . . because . . .

Vocabulary Reinforcement: A) 1. b; 2. d; 3. c; 4. a;
5. d; 6. b B) 1. straight; 2. leans; 3. mistake; 4. tower;
5. as soon as
Listening & Speaking Extension

The task is to describe a dream trip to a famous place.

1. P
 retend that there is a contest for free air tickets
Language Notes
for four people in the class to go anywhere in
the world.
• Three of the new vocabulary words are best explained
2. A
 sk students to work in small groups and discuss
by miming: lean, sink, and straight. Sometimes lean
where they’d like to go and why. Each group will
implies that part of your weight is supported by
have only two minutes to make a presentation about
the thing you’re leaning against. The word is often
why they should win the tickets.
collocated with against so it’s a good way to introduce
this combination. Straight could be presented as a
contrast to bent or curved.
Background Information
 s soon as has a sense of immediacy. In fact, in British
English, immediately could be used synonymously Check for a teacher’s
with as soon as. The phrase means directly or guide from a public television program on the Leaning
without delay. No time elapses between one thing Tower. This has a special section on rescuing world
and the next action. As soon as Jane got home, the monuments including the Sphinx (Egypt), Windsor
phone rang. It happened the moment she walked in Castle (Britain), and Borobudur (Indonesia). A website
the door. with information about other monuments around the
• The idiom figure out implies that there is a puzzle or a Leaning Tower can be found at
problem that needs to be solved. en/miracles-square/the-square/miracles-square.html.
You can also find information about UNESCO’s World
Heritage program at

Reading Advantage 1 Teacher’s Guide 23


For general guidelines on how to teach a unit, see pages 5 to 8.

For suggestions on ways to present and practice vocabulary and idioms, see pages 13 to 19.

Unit Summary Writing Extension

Target Vocabulary Idioms Ask the students to write about communicating with a
pet in their journals. What kind of pet is it? How do they
certain, language, at all (3), come up with (8),
communicate with the animal? Give an example of a
owner, plus, researcher, all kinds of (14)
train case where the animal understood what people were
saying. How can you tell?

Suggested approach:
Answers My pet . . . understands what people say. For example, . . .

Target Vocabulary: 1. c; 2. f; 3. a; 4. b; 5. d; 6. e
Reading Comprehension: 1. b; 2. b; 3. a; 4. b; 5. b
Listening & Speaking Extension
Vocabulary Reinforcement: A) 1. d; 2. a; 3. b; 4. d;
5. c; 6. b B) 1. researchers; 2. certain; 3. out of; 4. Plus;
Divide the class into two parts and have them debate
5. language
whether animals can “talk.”
1. Team A will take the position that some animals, like
Language Notes birds and certain primates (monkeys and apes), can
actually use language. Team B will argue that only
people can really use language.
• The adjective certain can have two meanings. As used
in the passage, it means “specific” or ”particular”. It 2. Ask students to talk together and come up with some
can also mean “sure“ or “positive“. See the following ideas to support their position.
examples: I am looking for a certain color. I am certain 3. H
 ave each team select two spokespeople to
she will come. represent them. Everyone else becomes the
• Two of the target vocabulary words in this unit are audience.
kinds of people formed by adding “-er” to verbs: 4. T
 hen the teams each have two chances to put forth
owner and researcher. This is a good opportunity their point of view. Turns are arranged A, B, A, B.
to discuss “-er” suffixes. Ask the class to brainstorm 5. A
 t the end, the audience votes on which team was
other examples of people formed by verbs with this most convincing.
suffix (farmer, player, teacher, etc.).
• Students are probably familiar with the noun train, but
not as familiar with the homonym used in this unit. Background Information
Take some time to discuss different kinds of animals
that can be trained (or can’t be trained) to help Check
students remember this particular meaning of train. 2008/03/animal-minds/virginia-morell-text to read an
• There are two common phrasal verbs formed with article about a researcher who worked with a talking
think and a preposition: think about and think of. Help bird. For information about another smart collie, see the
students distinguish the difference in meaning website
between these two phrasal verbs. Consider examples smartest_dog_world_record_set_by_Betsy_101491.
such as the following: Let’s think about the problem htm. Various articles related to animal intelligence and
before we make a decision. I could not think of his animal communication can be found at http://www.
name when I saw him.

24 Reading Advantage 1 Teacher’s Guide

UNIT 5 Twenty-First Century Books

For general guidelines on how to teach a unit, see pages 5 to 8.

For suggestions on ways to present and practice vocabulary and idioms, see pages 13 to 19.

Unit Summary Writing Extension

Have students write about a book that they recently read.

Target Vocabulary Idioms
Ask students to describe the physical book rather than
device, electronic, rather than (5), click on (8), tell about the story. They should answer the following
feature, file, probably, choose from (15) questions: How large or thick was the book? Was it a
traditional hard back or paperback? Was the paper used for the
inside pages thick or thin? Did they notice anything
special about the letters or design of the pages?

Answers Suggested approach:

I read a book called The Bronze Bow. This was a paperback
book, but it was larger than a usual paperback. The paper
used for the pages was a little thick and heavy. The size of the
Target Vocabulary: 1. a; 2. e; 3. d; 4. f; 5. c; 6. b letters on the pages was also larger than usual. All of these
Reading Comprehension: 1. c; 2. a; 3. b; 4. a; 5. b features made the book…

Vocabulary Reinforcement: A) 1. a; 2. c; 3. c; 4. d;
5. b; 6. a B) 1. electronic; 2. devices; 3. file; 4. features; Listening & Speaking Extension
5. click on
The task is to get students to re-tell a scene from a book
they have read.
Language Notes 1. First, survey the class to ensure that most students
can think of a story to talk about.
• Popular (Unit 1) is recycled in the first paragraph of the 2. Tell the students that they should think of their favor-
ite scene (you might have to explain this term) from
passage and in answer choices for the first reading
the story they have in mind. They will each have one
comprehension question.
minute to tell others in their group about the scene.
• Collar (Unit 1) is recycled in the vocabulary 3. Ask students to work in small groups of four or five.
Each group has a timekeeper who makes sure that
reinforcement activities. Three idiomatic expressions
the storyteller stays within the time allowed.
go without, tell apart, and without question (Unit 1)
are also recycled in the vocabulary reinforcement 4. After one person tells a scene from a story, time is
allowed for questions before another person has a
turn. The person who just had a turn as storyteller
becomes the timekeeper.
• Feature is usually used to talk about something that is
different or easily noticed. For example, features may 5. The activity continues until each person has had a
chance to describe a scene from a story.
refer to parts of a person’s face or special things that
a device can do.
Background Information
• Traditional things are valued because of their long
history. Describing things in this way does not imply There are many websites that list famous or
anything negative, whereas something described as recommended books for young readers. A list
old-fashioned would imply a negative meaning. of the top 100 novels of all time can be found
 ile usually refers to computer data these days. Students interested in finding a list of books
recommended for studying for college entrance
Another meaning of file relates to a paper folder that
exams might want to check out
holds documents related to each other.
/23628.html. The Association for Library Service
• Click on is used as an idiom in this unit to mean “to to Children provides lists of award-winning books
choose or select on a computer screen.” The word for children including Newbury, Caldecott, Notable
click can also be used without the preposition on for Books winers. Their lists can be found at http://www.
the same meaning. Click on the start button. Click the
start button. awardbooks.cfm.

Reading Advantage 1 Teacher’s Guide 25



A. 1. spread; 2. electronic; 3. train; 4. file; 5. popular; 6. sink; 7. bell; 8. pour; 9. vegetable; 10. female
B. 1. without question; 2. figuring out; 3. all kinds of; 4. devices; 5. popular; 6. rather than; 7. researcher,
8. think about
C. 1. d; 2. a; 3. e; 4. b; 5. c; 6. g
D. Across: 3. owner; 4. fancy; 6. straight; 8. tower; 10. male Down: 1. feature; 2. instant; 5. bite; 7. collar;
9. meat

Extension Activity: Word Maps

A word map is a diagram used to show the relationships map below the animals box is largest, then the main
between a word or idea and other related words subcategories are next largest (air, land, water, working
or ideas. Word maps are a great way for students to animals, pets, wild, etc.). For the individual animals,
review and reinforce vocabulary related to a topic. In such as horse, elephant, and so on, no box is needed.
this review unit, your students will practice making a Copy the example animals map below onto the board,
word map. The best way to explain how to do this is but rather than copy the words from the page, elicit
by drawing one on the board. The main topic or idea is them from the class.
written in a box or circle in the middle of a blank piece Have students work in small groups to complete
of paper, and related words radiate outwards from the word maps. Some suggested topics are: books, food,
center. Look at the example word map, on the key word buildings, pets, etc. Alternatively, elicit starting topics
of animals. from the class. There are no “right answers” for word
As you draw lines, your map will start to look like a maps or webs. After groups have made one, have
spider’s web. You can also draw some lines darker and them compare theirs with another group, and add any
thicker than others to show that some connections interesting words they learn to their own map.
between words are more important than others. If any interesting new words arise, write them on the
Different sizes of box or circle can be used to show board, and possibly add them to the Vocabulary Box
categories and subcategories. For example, in the word (page 15).

26 Reading Advantage 1 Teacher’s Guide

UNIT 6 Valentine’s Day

For general guidelines on how to teach a unit, see pages 5 to 8.

For suggestions on ways to present and practice vocabulary and idioms, see pages 13 to 19.

Unit Summary Writing Extension

Ask the students to design a Valentine’s message, or if

Target Vocabulary Idioms
this might be embarrassing for your students, another
message, gloves, all of a sudden (Did You kind of card. It could be a traditional card, but it could
celebrate, festival, Know?), fall in love (1), also be something such as a Web message. Have
belief, underwear at first (3) students consider: Who is it for? What do they want to
say? What kind of message do they want (e.g., funny,
romantic, serious, etc.)?

Answers Listening & Speaking Extension

Target Vocabulary: 1. b; 2. c; 3. f; 4. d; 5. e; 6. a If there’s a picture, does it add to the verbal message?

Reading Comprehension: 1. a; 2. b; 3. c; 4. c; 5. b Ask students to speak about festivals they know.
Vocabulary Reinforcement: A) 1. d; 2. b; 3. d; 4. b; 1. H
 ave students work in small groups of four or five.
5. c; 6. c B) 1. fall in love; 2. festival; 3. celebrated; Each group should think of a festival they know
4. gloves; 5. messages about. As soon as they have decided on a festival,
write the name of that festival on the board. Other
groups will have to come up with different festivals.
This encourages groups to focus quickly so they get
Language Notes their first choice.
2. W
 ithin each group, students should share what they
• It’s assumed that the students are familiar with the know about the festival: its history, when and where it
is celebrated, who celebrates it, how it is celebrated,
word romantic. Many will be, but it’s best to check
and the other things that are connected to the fes-
before you start the lesson since the preliminary
tival. They should prepare to act out this festival in
questions use the word, as do the reading
front of the rest of the class.
comprehension questions.
3. E
 ach team has two minutes to present their festival.
First, they mime what goes on in the festival and the
• There’s potential confusion between the words
rest of the class tries to guess what it is. Then they
celebrate and festival because they are often
briefly explain the highlights of the festival.
associated. Check that students understand that
celebrate is a verb whereas festival is a noun, meaning
Background Information
a kind of event. It’s a good time to ask about festivals
that they know.
For the history of the greeting card, see http://
• You can connect all of a sudden with at first by or
eliciting time idioms used so far in the book and their
asp. For background information on the reading
synonyms. For example, now and then and as soon as.
in the quiz, visit
Use a diagram and sort the idioms in several ways: by uk_news/642175.stm. This site is good for the
something that happens all at once, something over Holi festival in India:
a longer time, by where you’d use them in a sentence, holifestival.html. A site with information and activities
etc. Try to elicit many synonyms so the students can related to holidays designed for English learners is
make connections with what they already know. found at

Reading Advantage 1 Teacher’s Guide 27

UNIT 7 The Taj Mahal

For general guidelines on how to teach a unit, see pages 5 to 8.

For suggestions on ways to present and practice vocabulary and idioms, see pages 13 to 19.

Unit Summary Writing Extension

Target Vocabulary Idioms Ask the students to write a reaction piece in which they
say what kind of person Shah Jahan really was.
beside, bury, cruel, as for (13), find out (11), take Was he romantic or cruel? Why do you think so?
history, marble, roof, part in (12)
Suggested approach:
In my opinion, Shah Jahan was a really romantic person
because . . .


Target Vocabulary: 1. c; 2. f; 3. d; 4. a; 5. e; 6. b Listening & Speaking Extension

Reading Comprehension: 1. c; 2. a; 3. b; 4. c; 5. c
Use categories in a class competition to help students
Vocabulary Reinforcement: A) 1. c; 2. b; 3. d; 4. b;
make connections between new vocabulary items. This
5. a; 6. a B) 1. buried; 2. roof; 3. history; 4. find out;
kind of activity also helps to activate prior knowledge
5. cruel
and integrate it with recent learning.
1. Come up with about ten categories for the vocabulary
Language Notes words and idioms. Some examples: buildings,
animals, subjects (e.g., history), clothes, two- or
three-part verbs, words to describe people, etc.
• To present the word roof and contrast it with ceiling,
draw a picture on the board. A roof is on the top of a 2. Divide the class into two teams. Explain that you will
building, outside, while a ceiling is inside a room. alternate between teams for each category. You will
give the category and ask for appropriate words.
• Note that bury can refer to putting anything in the
Students must listen because words can only be used
ground (such as buried treasure). You can bury
once. If a word is repeated, the other team wins for
something under other things as well. That paper was
that category.
buried under all the things on my desk.
3. K
 eep going between the two teams. When one team
• The phrasal verb find out is used with an object that
can’t produce an acceptable word, the other team
may be a phrase or a clause starting with “that.” She
gets the point for that category. At the end, the team
found out his name. He found out that he was about
with the most points wins.
to lose his job. When a pronoun is used as the object
following find out, the pronoun will appear within the
phrasal verb. I don’t know how she found that out. Background Information
Tell me when you find it out.
• As for usually signals a contrast or a shift of topic. In Check for an award-winning
the reading, there’s a shift from what Shah Jahan did online virtual tour. The Taj Mahal and other famous
after building the Taj Mahal to his own burial. Snow buildings can be explored at http://www.greatbuildings.
White married the prince and lived happily ever after. com/buildings/Taj_Mahal.html. See
As for the dwarfs, they went back to their home in for background
the forest. information on the news item featured in the unit quiz.

28 Reading Advantage 1 Teacher’s Guide

UNIT 8 A Computer Problem

For general guidelines on how to teach a unit, see pages 5 to 8.

For suggestions on ways to present and practice vocabulary and idioms, see pages 13 to 19.

Unit Summary Suggested approach:

I use a computer more than a laptop. The computer I use is
in . . . I usually use the computer for…
Target Vocabulary Idioms
avoid, bare, lap, notice, instead of (2), show up (8),
protect, toasted in one spot (10)
Listening & Speaking Extension

Students work in small groups and talk about

Answers health- related problems connected with computer
use. Then they challenge other groups to think of how
Target Vocabulary: 1. e; 2. d; 3. f; 4. b; 5. c; 6. a a health problem might develop and what to do if it
does develop.
Reading Comprehension: 1. d; 2. a; 3. d; 4. a; 5. a
Vocabulary Reinforcement: A) 1. c; 2. a; 3. d; 4. d; 1. Have the class work in small groups. They talk about
5. c; 6. c B) 1. instead of; 2. bare; 3. toasted; types of health-related problems and make short
4. avoid; 5. protect; 6. show up notes about the information they know. Give some
examples: eye problems, wrist problems, back
problems, weight problems, etc.
Language Notes 2. Decide randomly which group will go first. The
first group asks about one kind of health problem.
• Point out to students that the homophones bare and Any other team can answer as long as they can talk
bear may sound alike, but they have different spellings about that health problem for one minute. They can
and very different meanings. say how it might develop, what kind of symptoms
people might have, what to do after the problem
• The word notice is used as a verb in the passage. This develops, or how to avoid the problem. When that
same word may be used as a noun without any change team finishes, other teams can speak on the same
in form. The meaning of the noun is associated with topic, but they can’t repeat any information given
some kind of message or letter. It is easy to notice by the previous team. The last team to contribute
the difference between the two animals. The notice information successfully for one minute gets to ask
on the wall by the stairs described a new policy at about the next kind of health problem.
the school.
3. T
 he winning team of the previous round asks
• Toasted typically refers to a food that is cooked. The about a completely different health problem. The
verb toast can also mean to be recognized or saluted same rules about contributing new information
in a ceremony with raised drinks. A possible slang and not repeating information hold. The team that
meaning for this word relates to someone or something participates successfully the most times wins.
that is doomed to destruction or is already destroyed.
The next level of the video game is really hard; your
player is toast. Our team was toasted in the first round of
the competition. Background Information
• Instead of can be used in the same way as rather than
An online article describing toasted skin syndrome can
(Unit 2).
be found at
syndrome/. Check
Writing Extension au/bhcv2/bhcarticles.nsf/pages/Computer_related_
injuries for useful information about computer-related
Students should write in their journals about a how health issues. Information specifically related to children
they use computers or laptops. Which do you use more and repetitive stress injury from over computer usage
often? Where do you use it? How long do you usually is posted at
use it for at one time? ergonomics.html.

Reading Advantage 1 Teacher’s Guide 29

UNIT 9 The Mobius Band

For general guidelines on how to teach a unit, see pages 5 to 8.

For suggestions on ways to present and practice vocabulary and idioms, see pages 13 to 19.

Unit Summary Writing Extension

Target Vocabulary Idioms Ask the students to write about a process that they
know well, such as brushing teeth or leaving a message
band, connect, prove, in other words (13), kind of on an answering machine. Tell them that they should
strange, surface, twist (14), turn into (16) describe this common process as though they are giving
directions to someone from a very different culture who
is totally unfamiliar with the process.

Listening & Speaking Extension
Target Vocabulary: 1. c; 2. d; 3. a; 4. b; 5. f; 6. e
Reading Comprehension: 1. c; 2. b; 3. b; 4. a; 5. c Have students work in pairs to make Mobius bands.
Vocabulary Reinforcement: A) 1. a; 2. c; 3. b; 4. d; Review the markers that are used for sequence such
5. c; 6. a B) 1. twist; 2. band; 3. surface; 4. prove; as first, second, next, after that, then, and finally.
5. strange Note that next, after that, and then can be used in a
different order.
1. Follow the reading passage step by step. This time,
Language Notes have them number the steps.
2. E
 ach person explains the steps of making and
marking a Mobius band as the other person listens.
• Surface is best explained by demonstration. Have
The listener checks the sequence and prompts the
students identify the surfaces in your classroom and
speaker if there are any problems.
in other areas students are familiar with (e.g., desks,
whiteboard, the floor, the playground). Review marble 3. Then the partners swap roles.
and skin from earlier units and perhaps introduce
words for other common surface materials such as
wood, plastic, and metal.
• The idiom in other words is usually used for clarification, Background Information
in a similar way to i.e. (id est—Latin for that is). This
presents a good opportunity to review idioms that Go to
appear at the beginning of sentences. Idioms used as mb.html for more on Mobius bands. See http://www.
discourse markers, such as at first and as for feature in for links
the Unit Quiz for this unit. Draw students’ attention to that show geometrical shapes as forms of art. Drexel
those followed by commas. University sponsors The Math Forum (http://mathforum.
• Kind of is used in several ways. As two separate words org/pow/) where Problems of the Week (PoWs) are
preceded by “the,” it is synonymous with “the type designed to provide creative, logical challenges for
of” or “the sort of” as in: Maria is the kind of person elementary and high school students.
who would do anything to help you. In colloquial
English, the two words are often run together and
pronounced “kinda.” The expression is an informal
substitute for “rather” or “quite.” Lynn is kind of shy,
but she likes to go to parties.
• If you have time, there are many stories and legends
that use the idea of turn out. For example the frog
that turned out to be a prince. The fairytale tradition is
rich in such stories. What examples can your students
think of?

30 Reading Advantage 1 Teacher’s Guide

UNIT 10 A Computer Problem

For general guidelines on how to teach a unit, see pages 5 to 8.

For suggestions on ways to present and practice vocabulary and idioms, see pages 13 to 19.

Unit Summary Writing Extension

Target Vocabulary Idioms Ask the students to write about what they would do
if they were trapped in an elevator. How would you
dangerous, shout, end up (doing something) manage? What do you usually have with you that you
terrible, tired, trapped, (11), get in (5), get out of (6) could use to get help? How would you feel? What would
weak you do if your cell phone didn’t work?

Suggested approach:
If I were trapped in an elevator, I’d use my cell phone to call . . .
Answers If that didn’t work, I’d . . .

Target Vocabulary: 1. d; 2. e; 3. c; 4. f; 5. a; 6. b
Reading Comprehension: 1. d; 2. a; 3. b; 4. b; 5. c
Listening & Speaking Extension
Vocabulary Reinforcement: A) 1. b; 2. d; 3. c; 4. a;
5. b; 6. c B) 1. terrible; 2. got in; 3. trapped;
4. shout; 5. ended up The students will work in groups of five to seven students
and tell stories using positive and negative vocabulary.
1. D
 ivide the class into small groups. Ask each group
Language Notes to form a circle.
2. Within the circle, one person starts to tell a story
• Terrible has many synonyms and antonyms, including about a stressful or exciting experience. The lead
the synonyms horrible or awful and the antonym person provides one sentence that must contain a
wonderful. Find out which ones your class knows. positive (terrific) or negative (terrible) word.
Make a list of positive and negative terms and then 3. The next person in the circle must repeat the first
discuss which ones you’d use in certain circumstances. sentence and expand the story by adding a line,
Use a scale on the board to show degrees of good again using a descriptive adjective.
and bad. 4. The story goes around the circle until everyone has
had a turn and an ending has been developed.
• Note that lift is more commonly used than elevator
in British English. Are your students familiar with the 5. If there is time, groups can tell their story to
other groups.
English words for other ways to travel up and down
within a building? Steps are typically outside a building
while stairs are inside. Are the students familiar with
the word escalator?
Background Information

• You can connect end up with the idiom presented In a number of countries, there has been a movement
earlier turn out. Both are used in a situation that to shorten the traditional 40-hour work week. France,
ends differently than originally planned. We planned for example, has implemented a 35-hour work week.
Supporters believe that by working shorter hours and
a picnic, but we ended up at the zoo. At first, we
having the weekend free, workers will have a lot less
thought we’d have a picnic, but as it turned out, we
stress. They also think that a shorter work week will
ate in a restaurant. A synonym is finish up. allow workers to spend more time with their families.
An additional benefit would be that a shorter work
• You could use the idioms in this unit as an opportunity week should provide employment for a greater number
to introduce idioms and other collocations containing of people. See
the word get, including: get on, get up, get out, get ilo/press-and-media-centre/press-releases/lang--en/
down, and so on. Many of these are covered in later WCMS_082827 for coverage of this topic and the
units in the Reading Advantage series. issues involved.

Reading Advantage 1 Teacher’s Guide 31



A. 1. underwear; 2. connect; 3. prove; 4. trapped; 5. shout; 6. strange; 7. message; 8. beside; 9. cruel;
10. twist
B. 1. At first; 2. take part in; 3. end up; 4. found out; 5. celebrate; 6. instead of; 7. history; 8. gloves
C. 1. f; 2. d; 3. b; 4. a; 5. g; 6. e
D. Across: 1. weak; 4. shout; 7. band; 8. tired; 9. belief; 10. toasted Down: 2. avoid; 3. marble; 4. skin; 5. terrible;
6. bare

Extension Activity: Student-designed Tests

Students can learn a lot by making up their own review need to prepare the test on the other piece of paper
tests and giving them to other students. Here’s a quick by hiding the words they have chosen to test. There
and easy way to review the new vocabulary and idioms are two ways this can be done. If correction fluid
from Units 6 through 10. Students will need to close (white out, Tipex®, Liquid Paper®) is available they
their textbooks for this activity. can use that. Alternatively, they can use a dark marker
or pen and completely cover the word(s).
1.Before the class, make two photocopies each of the
reading passages in Units 6–10. 5. Number each of the spaces from 1 to 10.
2. Divide the class into five groups and give each group 6. Now have each group pass their test to another
two copies of one of the readings from Units 6–10. group. Ask them each to write the numbers 1 to 10
One copy is for the group to make notes on, and the on a piece of paper. Then see if they can write the
other copy will become the finished “test” that they missing words next to the numbers. Go over the tests
will show to other students. with them and point out any problems. Of course,
students’ books should be closed throughout this
3. Have each group choose ten words or idioms from
entire activity.
the reading that they want to test, and circle them
or mark them with a highlighter. It’s up to the group 7. W
 hen a group has finished their test, have them
whether to test the whole idiom or just part of it. check their answers with the group that prepared
Sometimes it’s better to only leave out one of the the test.
words so that their classmates have to pay attention
8. Continue by having the tests pass to another group
to the other words near the gap or space.
until all groups have taken all the tests. By the
4. Now change to the unmarked paper. After each time you finish, the class will have reviewed all the
group has decided which words to leave out, they vocabulary.

32 Reading Advantage 1 Teacher’s Guide

UNIT 11 Women’s Sumo

For general guidelines on how to teach a unit, see pages 5 to 8.

For suggestions on ways to present and practice vocabulary and idioms, see pages 13 to 19.

Unit Summary Writing Extension

Target Vocabulary Idioms Have students make a journal entry. They should answer
the following questions: Who are your favorite athletes?
assistant, athlete, let go of (1), hand out (6),
Why do you like them? What do you know about them?
compete, international, grow in popularity (14)
major, prize What sports do they compete in? What is your favorite
sport to watch? Why?

Suggested approach:
Answers One athlete I really like is . . . I like him (her) because . . . He
(she) competes in . . . I also like . . . My favorite sport to watch
is . . . because . . .
Target Vocabulary: 1. d; 2. a; 3. c; 4. f; 5. b; 6. e
Reading Comprehension: 1. b; 2. d; 3. d; 4. a; 5. b
Vocabulary Reinforcement: A) 1. c; 2. d; 3. c; 4. a;
Listening & Speaking Extension
5. b; 6. d B) 1. let go of; 2. athletes; 3. hand out;
4. assistant; 5. international
Have students play a game of twenty questions (see
page 14). Demonstrate for the class first.
Language Notes 1. Choose a famous athlete, and have the class ask you
yes/no questions to guess who the person is. Sample
• The words assistant and athlete in this unit refer to questions: Are you American? Are you a man? Are
people. The annotated word governor also refers to you alive? Were you born in Hong Kong? Have you
a person. Using the suffixes -ant and -or/-er, see if won any major competitions?
students can think of other English words that refer
2. Elicit some other questions from the class, and write
to people, like owner, researcher, servant, attendant,
them on the board.
director, actor, etc.
3. After the class guesses who you are thinking of,
• Compete is a target word in the unit. The word
divide them into groups and have them play the
competition also appears in the passage. Have
game within their groups. They can think of any
students practice changing verbs into nouns by
person, not just athletes.
adding the -tion suffix: connection, information,
addition, etc.
• In order to reinforce the idea of major sports Background Information
competitions, have students brainstorm about other
sports. What are the major competitions in those For more information on women’s sumo wrestling as
sports? Some ideas to suggest are the Summer and a possible Olympic sport, see the following New York
Winter Olympics, the World Cup (soccer), the Super Times article
Bowl (American football), Wimbledon (tennis), the sports/19iht-SUMO.html. Another article related to the
Stanley Cup (hockey), etc. growing popularity of this sport can be found at http://
• Various kinds of prizes may be awarded in different
A website with information related to a wide variety of
athletic competitions. Which of these prizes are
martial arts, including women and sumo, can be found
students familiar with: money, trophies, medals, at
ribbons, titles?

Reading Advantage 1 Teacher’s Guide 33

UNIT 12 Studying Abroad

For general guidelines on how to teach a unit, see pages 5 to 8.

For suggestions on ways to present and practice vocabulary and idioms, see pages 13 to 19.

Unit Summary Writing Extension

Target Vocabulary Idioms Tell the students that they will write a letter to a friend
(real or imaginary) who is studying abroad. The purpose
apply, enter, fee, form, no matter (5), fill out (16),
of the letter is to ask questions about what they would
graduate, require save time/money (15)
need to do to study in the same place. Where is the
place? What kind of a course or program is it? What
do you have to do to get into it? What do you have
to do before you go and what do you do in the other
Answers country?

Target Vocabulary: 1. c; 2. e; 3. d; 4. a; 5. b; 6. f Suggested approach:

I’m writing to ask some questions about your studies in . . .
Reading Comprehension: 1. c; 2. b; 3. a; 4. d; 5. d Could you please tell me about your program and what you
had to do to get into it?
Vocabulary Reinforcement: A) 1. c; 2. b; 3. b; 4. a;
5. c; 6. d B) 1. no matter; 2. graduate; 3. forms; 4. fee;
5. enter

Listening & Speaking Extension

Language Notes 1. The students will work in groups of five to seven
and come up with strategies for preparing to study
• Ensure that your class understands that the term abroad.
abroad means a foreign or different country. Do they
know students who have gone abroad to study? 2. Divide the class into small groups. You provide
each group with the name of an English-speaking
• The target vocabulary in this unit presents a good country such as the United States, Britain, Australia,
opportunity to introduce suffixes. Write the words Canada, New Zealand, etc. Each group has a
requirement, application, graduation, and entrance different country.
on the board and ask students how these words
are different in meaning. Then write improve 3. W
 ithin each group, students discuss what they need
(improvement), publish (publication), celebrate to do to study in that country. In particular, what
(celebration), prepare (preparation), connect do they know about entrance requirements and
(connection), and translate (translation) from earlier
units and have the students transform them into the 4. After about five minutes, each group chooses a
noun forms in parentheses. representative who will present to the entire class.

• Sometimes students confuse fee with free. Point out

that the “r” makes a big difference!
Background Information
• Graduate implies more than just finishing school. It
normally means that you earn a qualification such as a
There are many excellent Internet sites for students
degree, diploma, or certificate. Ask what qualification
interested in studying abroad. A good general site that
your students will earn when they graduate.
provides links to many others is Dave’s ESL Cafe at http://
• Save time/money can be extended to saving energy The major examination
or anything else that is valuable. Form can also mean boards also provide information. For TOEFL, see http://
“the shape or structure of something,” or “a kind or and for IELTS go to http://www.ielts.
type of something.” org/default.aspx.

34 Reading Advantage 1 Teacher’s Guide

UNIT 13 The Salt Palace Hotel

For general guidelines on how to teach a unit, see pages 5 to 8.

For suggestions on ways to present and practice vocabulary and idioms, see pages 13 to 19.

Unit Summary Writing Extension

Target Vocabulary Idioms This writing extension is a group exercise. Divide the
class into groups of four. Each group is going to create
block, cave, desert, show the way (11), over
a Dream Hotel and produce a brochure about its
disappear, furniture, time (5), made out of (2)
palace main features. If possible, show some travel brochures
to students before they start so they can see what is
expected. Here are some things to consider: Where is
it? What’s it like? Is it special or unique in some way?
Answers What can people do there? How do they travel there?
Are guides available?
Target Vocabulary: 1. c; 2. e; 3. d; 4. b; 5. a; 6. f
Suggested approach:
Reading Comprehension: 1. d; 2. c; 3. b; 4. a; 5. c For the holiday of a lifetime, stay at . . . Since it’s in the
Vocabulary Reinforcement: A) 1. b; 2. b; 3. d; 4. a; middle of the desert, you arrive by . . . It’s twenty kilometers
from the nearest town . . .
5. c; 6. c B) 1. Palace; 2. desert; 3. made out of;
4. blocks; 5. furniture

Language Notes Listening & Speaking Extension

• In the Before You Read section, point out the word This listening/speaking activity is an extension of the
memorable and elicit its meaning. Can the students writing activity in this unit.
see another word they know within this word?
1. Have students in each group prepare a spoken
(e.g.,memory, remember) This is a good technique
for guessing the meaning of new words in context. presentation for the hotel they have prepared a
brochure for.
• This unit provides a good opportunity to discuss
deserts around the world. Students are probably 2. E
 ach group will appoint a speaker (or speakers) who
familiar with the Sahara and the Gobi, but may not will present their hotel to the class.
know others. An extension activity might involve
having students use maps or atlases to identify other 3. The class listens to each presentation, then votes on
deserts. which hotel sounds most attractive.
• Two useful words appear in this unit that are not part
of the target vocabulary list: unique and guide. Point
out that unique means “one of a kind” and therefore
cannot be used with a modifier such as very. Guide Background Information
can be a person (noun), a verb, or a noun modifier
(e.g.,guide dogs for the blind).
A Web search of the keywords “salt palace hotel”
• Show the way implies that someone is lost or unfamiliar
with an area. Can you show me the way is a useful should turn up a selection of sites offering tours to the
expression for students who are studying abroad and Salt Palace Hotel, including color photographs. See
need to ask for help. for a virtual tour of the Palm
• Made of can be used to mean made out of. Islands project described in the Quiz. To find other
• The prefix dis- used in disappear is a common one, exotic holiday destinations, search a search engine,
meaning not. Other examples include disadvantage, such as Yahoo ( or Google
disallow, disapprove. Can your students come up Directory (
with any others? Travel/), under the travel category.

Reading Advantage 1 Teacher’s Guide 35

UNIT 14 Lizards

For general guidelines on how to teach a unit, see pages 5 to 8.

For suggestions on ways to present and practice vocabulary and idioms, see pages 13 to 19.

Unit Summary Writing Extension

Target Vocabulary Idioms Students will write their opinions on the difference
between certain kinds of animals as pets. First have the
active, during, hurt, take a bath (3), care for (2), students brainstorm animals that people keep as pets,
noise, pet, scratch do not mind (5)
such as dogs, cats, birds, fish, etc. Then ask students
to think of examples of different kinds of each animal.
Answers For examples, they might think of German shepherds,
collies, and poodles for dogs. Then have students write
Target Vocabulary: 1. b; 2. e; 3. a; 4. d; 5. c; 6. f about the good or bad points about each of these.
Reading Comprehension: 1. a; 2. a, 3. a; 4. d; 5. a
Suggested approach:
Vocabulary Reinforcement: A) 1. d; 2. d; 3. a; 4. b; Two kinds of dogs that people keep as pets are… I think
5. b; 6. b B) 1. care for; 2. scratching; 3. noise; German shepherds are good pets because… Poodles are
not good pets because…
4. active; 5. hurt

Language Notes Listening & Speaking Extension

• The passage describes lizards that are active during The students will work in small groups to discuss
the day and at night. Ask the class to brainstorm other differences between different species of pets.
animals they know that are active at these times of
1. First, they should make a list of animals and kinds
of animals in each category, as in the writing activity
• Review adverbs and adverb phrases related to time. above.
The adverb during is presented in this unit. Other
2. N
 ext, students think of good and bad points about
adverbs and adverb phrases from previous units
each kind of animal under the category that the
include as soon as, all of a sudden, and at first.
group chooses. Each group should focus on one
• The correct usage of the word hurt may give students category of pets.
trouble. In the passage, it is used as a transitive verb.
Chameleons do not hurt their owners. However, it 3. W
 hen groups are ready, have them explain their
can also be used as an intransitive verb. My leg hurts. points to the rest of the class. See if other groups
Have students practice making sentences using the can add to or refute the points suggested by each
verb hurt both ways. group.

• Take a bath is a target idiom in this unit. It is also

Background Information
possible to say have a bath. In both cases, the article
“a” is required in the phrase.
A good source of information on various kinds of lizards
• A number of phrasal verbs can be created by pairing that are commonly kept as pets can be found at http://
care with a preposition. See how many of the following Information related to exotic
phrasal verbs your students already know: care for, pets, amphibians and reptiles in particular, is available
care about, care to, and take care of. through the Smithsonian at the link http://vertebrates.
• The verb mind can have two very different meanings. Data regarding
The passage presents this word with the meaning exotic pet ownership in the US is available at http://
“think of as annoying.” Bearded dragons do not mind
people holding them. Another meaning is “watch petstates.htm.
or take care of.” Please mind the store while I go
to lunch.

36 Reading Advantage 1 Teacher’s Guide

UNIT 15 The Mona Lisa

For general guidelines on how to teach a unit, see pages 5 to 8.

For suggestions on ways to present and practice vocabulary and idioms, see pages 13 to 19.

Unit Summary Suggested approach:

I’d like to tell you about some special things in the museum
in my city. The most famous painting is . . . It is about . . .
years old and people like it because . . .
Target Vocabulary Idioms
hide, museum, said to be (3), go well (3), of
portrait, steal, all time (1)
valuable, visitor Listening & Speaking Extension

1. Either download from the Internet and print five or

six famous paintings of people or borrow a book of
famous paintings from the library. Have the students
Target Vocabulary: 1. c; 2. d; 3. b; 4. a; 5. e; 6. f work in groups to make up a story to tell about the
Reading Comprehension: 1. d; 2. b; 3. b; 4. c; 5. c paintings. Most students will not know the actual
Vocabulary Reinforcement: A) 1. c; 2. d; 3. a; 4. c; background of the paintings, but that doesn’t matter.
5. b; 6. a B) 1. said to be; 2. of all time; 3. visitors; For this exercise, the more imaginative story, the
4. stole; 5. hidden better!

Language Notes 2. Divide the class into groups of four or five students.
Give each group a picture of a painting.
• Museums do not only contain art, such as paintings,
but can also contain things such as ancient objects 3. The students have about five minutes to invent a
from archaeological excavations, traditional objects story about the painting. Who is it? What happened
used in daily life, and collections of certain kinds of before this painting was made? How did the artist
objects. know about this? Why was the painting made?
• In the target vocabulary for Unit 15 are two verbs with 4. Then the groups take turns telling their story. At the
irregular past forms: hide and steal. This presents a
end, the class votes on the best story.
natural opportunity to go back through the vocabulary
given thus far and identify other irregular verbs. You
might want to divide the class into teams and see
which team can accurately identify the most irregular Background Information
verbs, including those in the idioms.
•The idiom said to be implies a certain degree of A Web search on Leonardo da Vinci will turn up many
uncertainty, not fact. It often refers to general public sites devoted to his life and art.
opinion. Mumtaz Mahal was said to be Shah Jahan’s The Internet and encyclopedias are full of information
favorite wife. about famous artists and their works. http://www.
• You could point out to students that the suffix -er (or is a good starting point. In addition,
-or) from visitor refers to “one who does something.” there have been some excellent educational television
• Review other idioms involving the word go, such as programs about art history, notably the one by Sister
go without, go badly. Wendy. See
for further details.
Writing Extension The reading in the quiz is based on Tracey Chevalier’s
Girl with a Pearl Earring (Harper Collins, 1999), which
is available worldwide in paperback. It is readable by
For this unit, students will write a letter to a penfriend
and tell about a famous work of art in their own country. intermediate students.
It may be a painting, sculpture, or a historic monument. The Guinness Book of Records (http://www.
The letter should give some background about the provides a great deal of
work of art and tell why it is famous or important. fun practice for the idiom of all time.

Reading Advantage 1 Teacher’s Guide 37

REVIEW UNITs 11 - 15


A. 1. bury; 2. furniture; 3. visitor; 4. hide; 5. assistant; 6. valuable; 7. portrait; 8. disappear; 9. scratch;
10. surface
B. 1. said to be; 2. desert; 3. athlete; 4. no matter; 5. required; 6. caves; 7. entered; 8. prize
C. 1. d; 2. e; 3. c; 4. a; 5. g; 6. b
D. Across: 1. apply; 5. museum; 7. steal; 9. active; 10. international Down: 2. popularity; 3. compete; 4. fee;
6. palace; 8. during

Extension Activity: Writing and Acting Dialogs

A good way to review material is to do something 3. The first thing students must decide is who the two
different with it. The main focus of the Reading people are going to be. Then, where the conversation
Advantage series is reading, but this activity requires will take place. What background does the audience
students to write a dialog and then act it out for the rest need so they can make sense of the conversation?
of the class. What will the personalities of their characters
be like?
1. D
 ivide the class into five groups and assign each 4. When each group has written out a script, have them
group one of the Units 11 to 15. try reading the parts with several different people.
Have each group decide who will perform each role
2. E
 xplain to students that they are going to write a before the rest of the class.
script involving at least two people (but more if they
like). Students may use the topic or theme of their 5. Have groups take turns presenting their dialogs.
Make sure each group describes the setting or
unit, but they don’t have to. Encourage them to use
context before they start.
their imaginations. However, their script must include
all the target vocabulary items, including the idioms 6. After each dialog, encourage other members of the
from their assigned unit. class to ask the actors questions.

38 Reading Advantage 1 Teacher’s Guide

UNIT 16 Breakfast

For general guidelines on how to teach a unit, see pages 5 to 8.

For suggestions on ways to present and practice vocabulary and idioms, see pages 13 to 19.

Unit Summary Suggested approach:

When I looked at my breakfast log, I realized that I usually
eat the most for breakfast on . . . During the week, I was on
the go all the time and only had coffee and . . .
Target Vocabulary Idioms
actually, ancient, on the go (14), long ago (7),
recipe, serve, take off (11)
traditionally, war Listening & Speaking Extension

Take advantage of the introduction of more time

vocabulary and idioms to give students a chance to
discuss differences between how something was done
long ago and how it is done now. You or the class can
Target Vocabulary: 1. b; 2. a; 3. e; 4. c; 5. f; 6. d choose the topics, but food and exercise are good ones
Reading Comprehension: 1. d; 2. a; 3. a; 4. a; 5. a to start with.
Vocabulary Reinforcement: A) 1. b; 2. a; 3. d; 4. b;
5. c; 6. d B) 1. actually; 2. long ago; 3. ancient; 1. D
 ivide the class into three groups, A, B, and C.
4. recipe; 5. on the go
2. In the first round, group A gets to say everything
they can think of about how something was done
Language Notes in the past (good past tense practice!). Group B tells
how it is done now. Group C compares the two for
differences and similarities. Brainstorm discourse
• Discuss types and names of meals as these differ from
country to country. In America, dinner usually refers markers such as: by contrast, on the other hand,
to the evening meal, but in some places the biggest however, actually, etc.
meal of the week is Sunday dinner which is held at
3. After the class has gone through one topic (e.g.,snack
midday. In England, tea is both a meal and a drink.
food), rotate groups and discuss another topic (e.g.,
• Traditional and ancient present a good opportunity physical fitness). This time Group B gets to talk about
to check on their opposites: modern and recent. the past, Group C deals with the present, and Group
Ancient is reserved for very old things, whereas long A compares the two.
ago refers to the past when exact dates are either not
known or are not important to the context. 4. If you have time, move on to a third topic, rotating
• The idioms on the go and take off are informal the group assignments.
expressions meaning busy and quickly grow in
Background Information
• Help students understand historical sequence by
using a timeline to show the relationship between
events in the reading. There is a common saying, “Eat breakfast like a king,
lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper.” Is there
• Serve has an alternative meaning in tennis, meaning
an equivalent in your students’ countries?
to hit the ball to start play.
A good source for recipes for breakfast foods is http://
Writing Extension aspx. For those students interested in making their
own breakfast cereals, http://www.makingyourown.
Students should keep a breakfast log for a week. In is a good
their notebooks, each student notes what she/he ate starting point.
for breakfast, when, where, and why. Before students pyramid.html provides information on the food pyramid
hand in their logs, they should look through them and (a guideline to what kinds of foods are necessary for a
write a summary of the patterns they see there. healthy diet).

Reading Advantage 1 Teacher’s Guide 39

UNIT 17 The World Cup

For general guidelines on how to teach a unit, see pages 5 to 8.

For suggestions on ways to present and practice vocabulary and idioms, see pages 13 to 19.

Unit Summary Writing Extension

Have students work in small groups to design posters

Target Vocabulary Idioms
for their favorite sports teams. What is the most
beat, final, match, record, turn attention to (1), make it important thing about the team? What are their colors?
score, tournament to (11), come up against (4)
Do they have a mascot (a team symbol or pet)? Who
are the most important players? Display the posters on
the walls.
Answers Build on the writing task by playing twenty questions
(see page 14). Each team has a turn as the focal group.
Target Vocabulary: 1. d; 2. c; 3. a; 4. e; 5. f; 6. b
Reading Comprehension: 1. d; 2. b; 3. d; 4. c; 5. a
Vocabulary Reinforcement: A) 1. a; 2. b; 3. d; 4. d; 5. c; Listening & Speaking Extension
6. a B) 1. beaten; 2. match; 3. made it to; 4. tournament;
5. scoring 1. Just before their turn, the team can choose to be
any sports personality. They don’t necessarily have
to choose someone from the team they previously
Language Notes designed posters for.
2. T
 he other class members ask yes/no questions.
 inal can easily be extended to finally. It’s a good
Did he play for Manchester United? Was his wife in
chance to review the other time markers, e.g., first,
a band?
then, next, and so on. Explain that they are typically
used at the beginning of sentences (and therefore 3. If the correct individual is guessed within 20
capitalized) and followed by a comma. They mark questions, another team comes on. If after 20
transitions between major points so finally should questions the identity of the sports personality is still
signal the last major point. Finally, the tie score was not clear, the team gets another turn with a different
broken by a sensational goal by the home team. personality.
• Note the distinction between match, which refers to a
single game, and tournament or competition, a series
of games.
Background Information
• In the definition of turn attention to, ensure that
Some soccer websites: the soccer site of the popular
students understand focus. You might want to use an
sports network ESPN
analogy with a camera’s focus.
soccer/ and the FIFA, the world soccer association
• Come up against is used informally. Contrast come The official World Cup website
up against with come up with (Unit 2). Mention some is Students
other three-part verbs and have students guess the interested in the English Premier League should
meanings. Examples include look down on and get visit http://www. The Union of
away with. European Football Associations’ website is http://www.
• Explain the differences between million (a thousand
thousand), billion (a thousand million), and trillion
(a million million).
• Elicit other sports-related vocabulary from your
students, e.g., lose to, win, defeat, kick off, victory,
and so on.

40 Reading Advantage 1 Teacher’s Guide

UNIT 18 Blood Types

For general guidelines on how to teach a unit, see pages 5 to 8.

For suggestions on ways to present and practice vocabulary and idioms, see pages 13 to 19.

Unit Summary Writing Extension

Ask students to make a journal entry about their blood

Target Vocabulary Idioms
type, and what they think it means for their personality.
cheerful, curious, be a hit (15), lose weight
generous, honest, (15), carry out (something)
Suggested approach:
original, outgoing (7) My blood is type . . . According to the passage, this means
that I am . . . I agree/disagree with
this. I think . . .


Target Vocabulary: 1. e; 2. a; 3. f; 4. b; 5. d; 6. c
Reading Comprehension: 1. d; 2. b; 3. d; 4. a; 5. d Listening & Speaking Extension
Vocabulary Reinforcement: A) 1. a; 2. d; 3. c; 4. a;
5. b; 6. c B) 1. carried out; 2. curious; 3. original; Divide the class into two teams and have a debate
4. hit; 5. lose on what causes personality traits. One side will take
the position that personality is inborn, determined by
genetic factors such as blood type. The opposite side
Language Notes will argue that environment and experiences (such as
upbringing and culture) are much more important.
• Curious, outgoing, generous, honest and original are
all adjectives that apply to people. Ask students to 1. Select one person to be a moderator who will keep
find other adjectives from the target vocabulary of time and order.
previous units. They should come up with strong (1),
cruel (7), strange (9), terrible, dangerous, and tired (all 2. E
 ach team gets to participate in a general discussion
Unit 10). Ask the class to sort words by positive and for about five minutes. During this time, they make
negative connotations. notes of the most important points and choose two
people to represent the rest of the team.
• Use be a hit to review take off and popular from
previous units. 3. Toss a coin to decide which side goes first. Each team
• When introducing lose weight, discuss some of the gets two rounds. At the end, the rest of the class
other words used for overweight and underweight decides which team had the stronger argument.
people. Which are colloquial and which are more
formal? Which are polite and which are rude?
Polite examples include heavy and slim. Impolite
examples include fat and skinny.
Background Information
• Ask what else students can lose. Examples include:
objects, one’s temper, one’s mind, one’s way.
For more information about blood types, transfusions,
• In the context of this unit, carry out is collocated with and giving blood, see http://www. or the
research project. Note that it is quite different from American Red Cross:
the literal meaning. Compare Joe’s carrying out the give/. For more information on the (alleged) connection
garbage with Joe’s carrying out cancer research. You between blood type and personality, do an Internet
can also carry out a procedure. search for “blood types and personality.”

Reading Advantage 1 Teacher’s Guide 41

UNIT 19 Reality TV

For general guidelines on how to teach a unit, see pages 5 to 8.

For suggestions on ways to present and practice vocabulary and idioms, see pages 13 to 19.

Unit Summary Writing Extension

Target Vocabulary Idioms Ask students to find out how popular reality TV shows
are among their family and friends. Students should
define, guide, the tip of the iceberg (14),
ask their family and friends to tell them the names of
performer, program, focus on (15), track down
script, talent (18) any reality TV shows that they have recently watched.
Students can write about the results of their “research”
individually, or they can compile their results in small
Answers groups and write about which shows are most popular
among the people the group surveyed.
Target Vocabulary: 1. b; 2. c; 3. f; 4. d; 5. e; 6. a
Suggested approach:
Reading Comprehension: 1. a; 2. d; 3. a; 4. d; 5. c I was surprised to find that most of my friends watch . . . I
talked to X people, and . . . Y people said they watch . . .That
Vocabulary Reinforcement: A) 1. d; 2. d; 3. c; 4. b; is a show that I watch as well!
5. a; 6. c B) 1. define; 2. guide; 3.talent; 4. tip of;
5. tracking down
Listening & Speaking Extension
Language Notes
1. Divide the class into groups of four or five students.
 he passage mentions the idea of talent shows as Have them choose their favorite reality TV program
a type of reality TV show. Ask students about any and prepare a brief skit or play from it.
personal experiences they have had participating in
2. As each group performs the skit, the others try to
or watching school talent shows.
guess what program it is. List the programs on
• Contrast the meaning of program in this unit to the the board.
meaning of program for computers, which many
student may also be familiar with. 3. When all have finished, discuss what’s good and bad
about each program.
• The word performer is an example of a word derived
from the root perform. Have students brainstorm
sentences using other words derived from the same
Background Information
root: perform, performance, and performing (as an
For a comprehensive listing of reality TV shows (past
• Compare the phrasal verb focus on with pervious and present) see
vocabulary and target idioms related to seeing or realitytvworld/allshows.shtml. The website links to
looking at in this series such as tell apart, (Unit 1), pages with information about each of the shows listed.
notice (8), and turn one’s attention to (17). Another site with current news articles related to reality
• It may be helpful to have students create a mental TV shows is at Current
picture of an iceberg as a means to reinforce the articles related specifically to reality TV programs in the
target idiom. You might even draw an iceberg on UK can be found through
the board showing a small part above the water line reality.
with a much larger part of the iceberg below the
water line. This will help students visualize a concrete
situation in which a large part of something is not seen
(or mentioned).

42 Reading Advantage 1 Teacher’s Guide

UNIT 20 Rodeos

For general guidelines on how to teach a unit, see pages 5 to 8.

For suggestions on ways to present and practice vocabulary and idioms, see pages 13 to 19.

Unit Summary Writing Extension

Target Vocabulary Idioms Follow on from the What Do You Think questions and
have students write their opinion about whether rodeos
competition, cowboy, all year round (9), show off or other animal shows are cruel. Ask them to support
event, saddle, tie (5), all over (Did You Know?) their opinions.
(up/ down), wrestle
Suggested approach:
I think it’s cruel/OK to wrestle bulls in rodeos because . . .

Target Vocabulary: 1. e; 2. c; 3. a; 4. d; 5. b; 6. f
Listening & Speaking Extension
Reading Comprehension: 1. d; 2. b; 3. b; 4. c; 5. d
Vocabulary Reinforcement: A) 1. b; 2. a; 3. c; 4. b;
5. d; 6. a B) 1. came together; 2. cowboys; 1. As a review for this last unit in the book, divide the
3. showed off; 4. events; 5. wrestling students into small groups and have each group
create word maps (see page 26) for related words
about competitions.
Language Notes
2. Competitions will appear in the center of the map
• Point out that competition is a general term. All kinds and other competitions mentioned in the book will
of athletic games, matches, and tournaments come radiate out. Some examples are animal shows (which
under this category. Review the word tournament,
and other vocabulary from Unit 17. would have rodeos, horse races, and bird shows as
• Wrestle also refers to two people fighting each other subsets), sports competitions, and beauty contests.
without weapons such as sumo wrestling in Japan. The specific vocabulary for each one is listed with it.
• Wrestle has a silent “w” and starts with an “r” sound.
See if students can think of other words with this 3. A
 fter each map is finished, have a spokesperson from
spelling, e.g., write, wrong, wrinkle, wrench, wreck. each group explain the map to the class.
• You can recycle connect in association with tie. The
place where two ropes or strings are connected is
called a knot.
Background Information
• Events happen on a schedule. Some of them occur
all year round.
There are several good Internet sites on rodeos,
•S  how off can have a negative connotation when
including, the women’s
someone displays skills or belongings too much.
professional rodeo association site http://www.wpra.
Then the person can be called a “show off.” Sandy
com/, and the website for the International Professional
drives dangerously. He’s a real show off.
Rodeo Association
• In Reading Comprehension, question 1, make certain Information related specifically to rodeos in Japan can
that students understand origin as a place where be found at
something started or came from. Origin is the root of
the word original.
• Elicit idioms containing the word all (all year round),
such as all the time, and all of a sudden.
• A calf is a baby cow, and a bull is a male cow. What
other words can students come up with for male,
female, and baby animals?

Reading Advantage 1 Teacher’s Guide 43

REVIEW UNITs 16 - 20


A. 1. ancient; 2. cowboy; 3. cheerful; 4. traditionally; 5. curious; 6. guide; 7. outgoing; 8. recipe; 9. talent;
10. original
B. 1. all over; 2. match; 3. all year; 4. scores; 5. talent; 6. tournaments; 7. final; 8. sporting
C. 1. c; 2. g; 3. d; 4. a; 5. f; 6. b
D. Across: 4. saddle; 6. war; 9. tie; 10. event; 12. attention; 14. honest Down: 1. program; 2. make; 3. generous;
5. define; 7. actually; 8. beat; 11. serve; 13. focus

Extension Activity: Defining and Guessing in Pairs

This activity requires students to work in pairs and used in the definition, but they can use synonyms,
supply definitions of words to their partners. antonyms, or examples. Student B will try to guess
the item.
1. Before class, label ten pieces of paper: 16A, 16B,
17A, and so on, up to 20B. On each piece of paper
4. When Student B guesses A’s first word, then s/he
write three target vocabulary items and two idioms
takes a turn defining the first word on her/his list. The
from that unit, making sure that A and B for each
same rules apply.
unit contain different items. (Since each unit presents
nine new items, add an idiom to the list from Units 5. Pairs take turns going through the list until they have
1–15.) Each list should have five items. Make enough used all the vocabulary items. Note any words that
copies of your lists for everyone in the class to have students had problems defining or guessing. Write
one list. these words on the board.
2. Divide students into pairs and give each pair the A
6. Pairs should then find another pair who has fin-
and B lists for a single unit. Don’t let students see
ished and swap lists with them and start again. The
their partner’s list. Students will take turns defining
activity should continue until all pairs have done five
words from their list to their partner.
different lists.
3. S
 tudent A will begin by giving a definition of the first
word on his/her list. The word on the list cannot be 7. Go through any difficult vocabulary on the board.

44 Reading Advantage 1 Teacher’s Guide


There are 20 unit quizzes—one for each of the units. Each quiz is divided into two sections, each
consisting of five questions, for a total mark out of 10. The format varies from unit to unit, but
following are the kinds of activities found in the quizzes.

Part 1

Match the words and definitions

Five definitions and six vocabulary items are provided, and students need to match the correct vocabulary item with
each definition. To make the activity more challenging, there is always one more vocabulary item than definition.

Complete the passage

A cloze passage is provided, with five missing words and phrases. Students need to choose the appropriate word
or phrase for each space from the ones provided. Again, an extra item is given.

Complete the sentences

In this multiple-choice activity, there are five sentences, each with a missing vocabulary item. Students must choose
the appropriate item from the four options.

Find the different word

Students have to identify which one of four words is different in meaning from the others.

Find the same meaning

Similar to “complete the sentences,” but this time, students need to identify which one of the four choices has the
same meaning as the underlined portion of the sentence.

Part 2

Read and answer

Students read a passage, or other material, which is thematically linked to the reading passage in the unit, and
then complete an activity based on the passage. The activity may require students to:
• decide whether each of the five statements about the passage is true or false.
• decide whether each of the five statements about the passage is true, false, or unknown.
• answer multiple-choice questions about the passage.
• write short answers to five questions.

Organize the paragraph

Students look at several sentences and have to number them in order to make a coherent passage. To help
students to get started, some of the sentences have already been numbered.

Complete the passage

This activity is the same as the “complete the passage” activity type in Part 1.

For more information on question types in Reading Advantage, see Guide to Question Formats on pages 9 and
10. For convenience in keeping track of students’ scores on the tests, as well as the unit quizzes, a photocopiable
scoring sheet is provided on page 77.

Reading Advantage 1 Teacher’s Guide 45

UNIT 1 Quiz

Name: Score: / 10 = %

Part 1: Match the words and definitions

Write a word or phrase from the box next to each definition below. One is extra.

    strong     tell apart      female      collar     popular     bite

1. well-liked by many people

2. to cut with the teeth
3. something around the neck
4. big and with a lot of power
5. to see the difference between things

Part 2: Read and answer

Read the sign and decide if the statement is true or false. Circle your answer.

1. true   false       The lions in this zoo are from India.

2. true   false       The males weigh more than the females.
3. true   false       Both males and female lions have manes.
4. true   false       Young lions are called “prides.”
5. true   false       The lions in this zoo eat twice a day.

46 Reading Advantage 1 Teacher’s Guide This page may be photocopied. Cengage Learning © 2012
UNIT 2 Quiz

Name: Score: / 10 = %

Part 1: Complete the sentences

Decide which word or phrase is best for each space. Circle the letter of your choice.

1. You can this soup into the sink. It is old and no good now.
 a. spread b. copy c. add d. pour
2. My mother enjoys working in the garden where she grows .
a. meat b. noodles c. vegetables d. ramen
3. This store looks very . It must sell expensive things.
a. cheap b. fancy c. dried d. instant
4. The food is not spicy . You should put more pepper in it.
a. after that b. all kinds c. at all d. at that time
5. At first, there were only mice on one island, but they to other islands on boats.
a. spread b. poured c. chose d. waited

Part 2: Read and answer

Read the passage and decide if the statement is true or false. Circle your answer.

All ramen noodles are not the same. Two ways that noodles may differ are by type and shape.
Ramen noodles come in three types: fresh, dried, and instant. Fresh ramen noodles are made just
before they are cooked. These kinds of noodles can be found in fancy ramen restaurants. These days,
some food companies make fresh ramen noodles to sell in stores. These noodles can be found in
stores where cold foods are kept. People who buy them should keep the noodles cold until they are
ready to use them.
Dried and instant ramen noodles, on the other hand, can be kept for a long time on a kitchen shelf.
They do not need to be kept cold. At first, it may be hard to tell the difference between dried ramen
and instant ramen. Read store packages carefully. Dried ramen takes a little longer to cook than
instant ramen.
There are several different shapes for ramen noodles. Most people think of long, thin, curly noodles
as ramen. However, ramen noodles can also be straight and fat or ribbon shaped. The straight ramen
noodles are often found in thick soups. Thin, curly ramen noodles are used in thinner soups.

1. true   false       All ramen noodles have the same shape.

2. true   false       Fresh ramen noodles need to be kept cold.
3. true   false       People can buy fresh ramen noodles in stores.
4. true   false       Thin, curly noodles are not really ramen noodles at all.
5. true   false       Straight ramen noodles are used in thin soups.

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UNIT 3 Quiz

Name: Score: / 10 = %

Part 1: Find the different words

One of the four words or phrases is different from the other three. Circle the letter of your choice.
Example: a. meat    b. device    c. bread     d. cake
You can eat meat, bread, and cake, but you can’t eat a device.

1. a. build b. sink c. fall d. lean

2. a. click on b. tell apart c. worry about d. choose from

3. a. popular b. successful c. well-liked d. straight

4. a. tower b. bell c. building d. apartment

5. a. figure out b. have an idea c. come up with d. fall apart

Part 2: Read and answer

Read the passage and decide if the statement is true or false. Circle your answer.

Some popular places to visit are built by people. Other famous places are created by nature. For
example, in the northeast of the United States, there was a famous rock on a high mountain that
looked just like an old man. He had lots of hair, a big nose, and a beard. People called him “The Old
Man of the Mountain” and every year more than a million people came to look at him. Scientists think
that the stone face had been there for about 17,000 years.

In May 2003, there was very bad weather near the Old Man of the Mountain. There were very high
winds and the temperature was very cold. The sky was so cloudy that people couldn’t see the stone
face for many days. As soon as the storm was over, people looked for the Old Man and they couldn’t
see him. They discovered that he had fallen apart. The stones that made his face sank down the
mountain. A number of scientists climbed up to see if they could repair the stone face, but they had
to give up. They figured out that the damage from the weather was just too bad.

1. true   false       The Old Man of the Mountain was built by people.
2. true   false       The stone face had a large collar around its neck.
3. true   false       About 17,000 visitors a year saw the Old Man of the Mountain.
4. true   false       During the storm and after it ended, people couldn’t see the stone face.
5. true   false       Scientists think high winds and cold caused the Old Man to fall apart.

48 Reading Advantage 1 Teacher’s Guide This page may be photocopied. Cengage Learning © 2012
UNIT 4 Quiz

Name: Score: / 10 = %

Part 1: Find the same meaning

Decide which word or phrase means the same as the underlined word or phrase. Circle your choice.

1. Julie took time to teach her pet bird to eat out of her hand.
a. found b. remembered c. heard d. trained
2. A famous magazine wanted to write a story about the scientist’s experiment.
a. researcher’s b. owner’s c. tower’s d. zoo’s
3. Peter never takes time to decide what to get at the restaurant. He always orders the same thing.
a. figures out b. thinks about c. falls apart d. comes up with
4. I don’t know which country the woman was from nor which way of speaking she used.
a. toy b. age c. language d. name
5. Are we meeting on Sunday night for certain?
a. as soon as b. probably c. for sure d. at all

Part 2: Organize the paragraph

Number the sentences 2–6 in the correct order to make a paragraph.

7 The body language and sounds that dogs use tell us a lot about their emotions.

How do researchers and pet owners know for sure that dogs have emotions?

Without question, pet owners and many researchers think dogs do.

1 Do animals like dogs have emotions?

They just look at the body language of dogs.

Plus, think about the sounds that dogs make when they are scared.

For example, a dog holds his head and tail a certain way when he is happy.

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UNIT 5 Quiz

Name: Score: / 10 = %

Part 1: Complete the passage

Use words or phrases from the box to complete the passage. One is extra.

    click on     choose from     device     feature     probably     traditional

Rather than just being a (1) that makes calls and sends text messages, many phones today let people
use the Internet, too! One nice (2) of these phones is the touch screen. You just use your finger to
(3) things and move up or down on Web pages. Today, there are lots of different Internet phones to
(4) , but I will (5) wait another year or two before I buy one. They will just
keep getting better!

Part 2: Read and answer

Read the passage and answer the questions. Circle the letter of the best answer.

E-book Club
Do you own a device for reading e-books? Do you prefer reading on it rather than reading from
traditional thick, heavy novels?
Join our school’s new E-Reader Club!
No need to buy files for the books we will read. Our club only reads free novels. Click on our club’s
homepage to download the book of the month.
Do you want to learn more about our club? Come to our next meeting in the library!
Meeting time: Tuesday, July 13 at 7:30 p.m.

1. The meeting is about . . .

a. choosing the best devices. c. books they read together.
b. using features on a website. d. changing books into computer files.
2. Who will go to the meeting?
a. students b. teachers c. writers d. librarians
3. When is the meeting?
a. this Thursday b. next Tuesday c. on June 13 d. at 7:30 a.m.
4. This advertisement does not say . . .
a. what time the meeting is. c. which book they will talk about.
b. where the meeting is. d. why you should go to the meeting.
5. People who go to the meeting should . . .
a. buy the file for the book. c. sign up on the club’s website.
b. read one novel each week. d. have an e-reader device.

50 Reading Advantage 1 Teacher’s Guide This page may be photocopied. Cengage Learning © 2012
UNIT 6 Quiz

Name: Score: / 10 = %

Part 1: Complete the passage

Use words or phrases from the box to complete the passage. One is extra.

festivals     belief     celebrate     all of a sudden     at first     traditional

Greeting cards are a popular way to (1) holidays. Often they are sent for birthdays, but people
also send them for (2) such as Christmas or Valentine’s Day. Printed cards have been used for 150
years, but electronic greeting cards or “e-cards” took off (3) as the Internet became popular. Some
people found it strange (4) , but now they send cards that sing and dance on the computer screen.
Companies that only made (5) cards before are now making both printed cards and e-cards.

Part 2: Read and answer

Read the passage and answer the questions. Circle the letter of the best answer.

In 2000, The British Museum announced they had the oldest Valentine card written in English. They
discovered the Valentine message in papers that the museum bought in the 1930s. They showed it to
the public in an exhibit on 1,000 years of English literature.
The old Valentine tells an interesting story. In 1477, a woman named Margery Brews sent a Valentine
message to John Paston. The two had fallen in love and were engaged to be married. At that time,
the woman’s family gave money to the man at marriage. John wanted more money than Margery’s
family could afford. Margery asked her mother to talk to her father about this, but he said no. In the
Valentine, Margery told John he should love her and protect her. She said that money was not as
important as love. It turned out that the story had a happy ending. Margery and John married and
lived happily with their two children.

1. The best title for this story is . . .

a. Two Old Valentines c. John’s Love Message
b. Love, Not Money d. Love in the Museum
2. When was the message written?
a. 2000 b. 1000 c. 1930 d. 1477
3. At the time of the Valentine message, Margery and John . . .
a. were engaged. c. had two children.
b. were married. d. gave each other money.
4. In the second paragraph, the word he refers to . . .
a. John Paston. b. John’s father. c. Margery’s father. d. Valentine.
5. The Valentine message said that . . .
a. John should take care of Margery. c. love wasn’t as important as money.
b. the family should celebrate. d. Margery should give up John.

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UNIT 7 Quiz

Name: Score: / 10 = %

Part 1: Find the same meaning

Decide which word or phrase means the same as the underlined word or phrase. Circle the letter of your

1. My sister loves to read books about things that happened in the past.
a. beliefs b. festivals c. history d. translation
2. Birds can often be seen standing on the top of a building.
a. roof b glove c. bell d. file
3. When Martin learned the exam results, he was very happy.
a. turned out b took part in c. gave up d. found out
4. Tom Sawyer looked for money and treasure that was put into the ground.
a. sunken b buried c. improved d. invented
5. In fairy tales, witches are not kind and hurt other people.
a. cruel b intelligent c. popular d. successful

Part 2: Read and answer

Read the passage and decide if the statements are true, false, or unknown. Circle the letter of the best

End of Taj Tourist Project

Agra, India, June 24 A huge tourist project near the Taj Mahal has been stopped. Workers are not
taking part in the 33-million-dollar project any more. The shopping mall with shops, restaurants, and
cinemas was designed to give visitors everything they needed near the Taj. They would not need to
shop in the city of Agra. Now the government has called off all work on the project because it could
hurt the famous building.
Shah Jahan built the Taj Mahal 400 years ago as a tomb for his favorite wife. It is beside the Jumna
River. Conservationists, people who protect the environment, say that the project would move the river
away from the Taj. This would hurt the base or bottom of the famous building. The marble building
might fall apart and then tourists would not come to visit it. The Taj Mahal is the most important tourist
attraction in India. India’s economy would be badly hurt if the Taj is damaged.

1. true   false   unknown       Work continues on the Taj Mahal tourist project.
2. true   false   unknown       The project would cost more than $30,000,000.
3. true   false   unknown       Agra city is five miles away from the Taj Mahal.
4. true   false   unknown       Changing the river could make the Taj Mahal fall apart.
5. true   false   unknown       Tourism is the most important part of India’s economy.

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UNIT 8 Quiz

Name: Score: / 10 = %

Part 1: Find the different words

One of the four words is different from the other three. Circle the letter of your choice.
Example: a
 . gloves b. collar     c. roof     d. underwear
You can wear gloves, a collar, and underwear. A roof is part of a building.

1. a. bare b. go without c. nothing at all d. covered

2. a. hours b. hands c. lap d. mouth

3. a. burned b. cooked c. avoided d. toasted

4. a. notice b. bury c. point to d. see

5. a. choosing another b. in one spot c. instead of d. rather than

Part 2: Organize the paragraph

Number the sentences 2–6 in the correct order to make a paragraph.

This syndrome is not a problem inside a person’s body.

7 Just put something between your lap and your laptop to protect your skin.

The problem is a strange burn in one spot on a person’s lap.

If you do, you might get toasted skin syndrome.

1 Don’t sit with a hot laptop on your bare legs.

As the name suggests, it is a problem with a person’s skin.

Toasted skin syndrome is easy to avoid.

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UNIT 9 Quiz

Name: Score: / 10 = %

Part 1: Complete the sentences

Decide which word or phrase is best for each space. Circle the letter of your choice.

1. It’s easy to your computer to the Internet.

a. bet b. turn into c. take care of d. connect
2. Can you that the story about Johnny Depp is true?
a. dream b. prove c. twist d. celebrate
3. Jeff has such a(n) sense of humor. It’s hard to understand his jokes.
a. strange b. intelligent c. sudden d. popular
4. There’s marble on the of the cupboards in our kitchen.
a. roof b. surface c. tower d. band
5. Most people thought Ben was lucky to have won the prize.
a. stand out b. straight c. kind of d. come true

Part 2: Complete the passage

Use phrases from the box to complete the passage. Two are extra.

  all of a sudden around the world as soon as in other words at first as for by accident

(1) people make a number of things with paper. (2) , they fold paper into
shapes. In Japan, people fold paper to make paper birds and flowers. (3) , it may seem difficult.
(4) you watch someone else, it becomes easier. Then you have to practice yourself to become
good at it. (5) , you can turn paper into something beautiful. Don’t give up! Keep trying and you’ll
figure it out.

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UNIT 10 Quiz

Name: Score: / 10 = %

Part 1: Complete the passage

Use words from the box to complete the passage. One is extra.

    terrible       trapped      taste      dangerous      sudden      bite

Without question, many animals are (1) and can hurt you if you are not careful. Now and then, you
hear of someone who works at a zoo who is (2) in a cage by accident. All of a (3) ,
a hungry animal could (4) the zookeeper and it could turn into a (5) problem.
Luckily, this kind of thing doesn’t happen very often.

Part 2: Read and answer

Read the passage and answer the questions. Circle the letter of the best answer.

Miners work under the earth to collect coal. They have dangerous jobs because occasionally the earth
sinks or falls apart. When this happens, miners are trapped underground. They are buried. If they don’t
have air to breathe, food to eat, and water to drink, they will die. They cannot go without any of these
things for long, but the first is the most important. It is difficult to figure out where miners are and reach
them in time. Trapped miners dream of being free and don’t give up.
In August 2010, 33 miners went to work in a mine in Chile. All of a sudden, there was a terrible
accident. A wall broke apart and rocks and dirt filled the mine’s exit. At first, people thought
all the miners died. However, after working for 17 days, people at the surface learned the miners
were still alive! Luckily, people on the surface figured out where the miners were and dug a hole
to send them food and water. Later, they gave them messages from their families. Many people
took part in helping to save them. After 69 days, they finally brought the tired miners to the
surface alive.

1. The best title for this story is . . .

a. A Miner’s Accident c. Dreams Came True
b. A Dangerous Job d. A Cruel Message
2. Where was the accident?
a. underground b. on the surface c. underwater d. beside a wall
3. What is most important to trapped miners?
a. water b. air c. work d. food
4. After the accident, people did not know any miners were alive until over . . .
a. 17 hours later. b. several days later. c. 10 days later. d. two weeks later.
5. The lesson of this story is that you should . . .
a. not do dangerous work. c. eat a good lunch at work.
b. never give up hope. d. learn to swim.

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UNIT 11 Quiz

Name: Score: / 10 = %

Part 1: Match the words and definitions

Write a word or phrase from the box next to each definition below. One is extra.

     hand out     international     let go of     major     popularity     prize

1. allow to go away
2. between two or more countries
3. give to many people
4. one of the largest
5. something a person wins

Part 2: Read and answer

Read the passage and answer the questions. Circle the letter of the best answer.

Welcome to Valencia SumoMania IX!

HOTEL : Grand Palace Hotel is the official event hotel for SumoMania IX
AIRPORT : Transport from the airport and to the airport is free with event registration.
ENTRY FEE : SumoMania IX registration is free if you stay at the official hotel.
TEAM COMPETITION: Deadline for registration is March 1. After March 10, athletes on your team cannot be
changed. Countries can register to compete with one male and one female team. An
added fee of 50 euros must be paid by countries registering two teams. The maximum
number of athletes allowed for each team is three.
APPLICATION FORM : Please contact us for an application form for athletes and teams.
PARTY :T he SumoMania IX party after the award ceremony is free for all athletes, referees, and
For further questions, please email us:

1. This competition is for…

a. female sumo wrestlers. c. male and female athletes.
b. male sumo wrestlers. d. only athletes from Valencia.
2. What do those competing in the event need to pay for?
a. the party c. hotel rooms
b. registration for one team d. transportation to and from the airport
3. When will the event take place?
a. all year c. March 10
b. March 1 d. after March 10
4. Which of the following is true about the team event?
a. Teams are limited to two people. c. Teams may have six people on them.
b. Teams can have two or three people. d. Teams must include men and women.
5. Which event related to SumoMania IX will happen last?
a. event registration c. the award ceremony
b. team competitions d. the party

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UNIT 12 Quiz

Name: Score: / 10 = %

Part 1: Complete the passage

Think of words to fill the spaces. The first letter of the word is given to you. Try to spell the words

Before you go abroad to study, you must (1) a or ask for admission. The university will

usually ask you to fill out a (2) f or paper with lots of information. Often there is a

(3) f which you must pay. Some countries (4) r or say you need a special visa to

study there. When you finish your studies, you will (5) g . Your family will be proud of you.

Part 2: Read and answer

Read the passage and decide if the statement is true, false, or unknown. Circle your answer.

Most colleges and universities in English-speaking countries ask new students to take language
examinations before they enter. No matter how many exams you have taken in your home country,
it’s good to prepare for standardized exams like the TOEFL® and IELTSTM. Some students take special
classes or they take part in study groups. These students figure out ways to improve their score and
avoid making silly mistakes on the exam.

Intelligent students don’t just depend on luck to be successful. They prove that they can put their
education to good use.

1. true   false   unknown       You will probably need to take a language exam before you study in an
English-speaking country.
2. true   false   unknown       According to this article, you don’t need to do any special preparation for
TOEFL® if you’ve taken lots of exams in your home country.

3. true   false   unknown        Some students in Japan take the TOEIC® exam.
4. true   false   unknown        Study groups help students get higher scores.

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UNIT 13 Quiz

Name: Score: / 10 = %

Part 1: Choose the best answer

Choose the best answer for each question. Circle your choice.

1. What are palaces often made out of?

a. rubber b. gloves c. furniture d. marble
2. How can a guide help you in a strange place? A guide can . . .
a. stand out. c. show the way.
b. work out. d. put something to good use.
3. If something happens during a 10-year period, it happens . . .
a. over time. b. off and on. c. all of a sudden. d. at first.
4. When something you like vanishes so that it doesn’t exist anymore, it . . .
a. graduates. b. disappears. c. ends up. d. twists.
5. Which item is NOT true about deserts?
a. They’re hot and dry. c. They’re found around the world.
b. They have a lot of sand. d. They have many trees.

Part 2: Read and answer

Read the passage and answer the questions. Circle the letter of the best answer.

Dubai, March 16 The world’s largest man-made islands are beside the city of Dubai in the Persian
Gulf. These islands are in the shape of palm trees. They are so huge you can see them from space.
The government knows that tourists from all over the world will come to Dubai to enjoy both the
desert weather and the Palm Islands. Bridges for cars and buses, in addition to a train, connect the
islands to Dubai.
The islands are made out of blocks of stone taken from the bottom of the sea. Big ships dug up the
blocks and then buried them again in the new shape. Over time, beautiful fish have come to live
around the islands. Without question, the Palm Islands have turned into popular places to visit.

1. true   false   unknown      The Palm Islands are ready for tourists now.
2. true   false   unknown      According to the passage, if you were looking at Earth from space you would be
able to see the islands.
3. true   false   unknown       The islands are popular with tourists who like cool holidays.
4. true   false   unknown       The hotels on the islands will hold 5,000 people.
5. true   false   unknown       You cannot travel to the islands by car.

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UNIT 14 Quiz

Name: Score: / 10 = %

Part 1: Find the different words

One of the four words or phrases is different from the other three. Circle the letter of your choice.

1. a. bite b. care for c. hurt d. scratch

2. a. dog b. lion c. pet d. roof

3. a. quiet b. shout c. noise d. bell

4. a. active b. athletic c. fancy d. moving

5. a. fill out a form b. take a bath c. brush one’s hair d. wash your hands

Part 2: Organize the paragraph

Number the sentences 2–6 in the correct order to make a paragraph.

7 The water is only for drinking.

Get a large glass box and put dirt and rocks in it.

The first thing you need is a place to keep your new pet.

It does not need a lot of water because bearded dragons don’t take baths.

1 It is easy to care for a bearded dragon.

Along with a home, your bearded dragon will require food and water.

This glass box will be the home for your bearded dragon.

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UNIT 15 Quiz

Name: Score: / 10 = %

Part 1: Complete the sentences

Decide which word or phrase is best for each space. Circle the letter of your choice.

1. T
 here’s an exhibition of Monet’s paintings in the .
a. tower b. palace c. museum d. portrait
2. That small gold collar with the diamonds is very .
a. terrible b. valuable c. huge d. cruel
3. W
 e’re not sure, but a number of men are hidden in the cave.
a. said to be b. buried c. trapped d. put to good use
4. G
 uides help museum visitors by them the way around.
a. matching b. translating c. discovering d. showing
5. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is one of the most famous musicians .
a. of all time b. all of a sudden c. now and then d. no matter

Part 2: Complete the passage

Use words and phrases from the box to complete the passsage. Three are extra.

  prove    took care of    fee    roof    stolen    message    portrait    hidden     

Girl with a Pearl Earring is said to be one of the most successful art novels of all time. It is about a young girl who
worked for the famous Dutch painter, Vermeer. The girl (1) the artist’s studio and lived under
the same (2) with the rest of Vermeer’s family. Vermeer’s wife had many children and was too
busy to help her husband. Vermeer was painting a (3) of a rich lady. He asked the young girl to
model for the painting. He told her to wear one of his wife’s valuable pearl earrings. By accident, the wife found
out and was very angry. She thought that the young girl had (4) her earring. It took many years to
(5) that she hadn’t taken it without permission.

60 Reading Advantage 1 Teacher’s Guide This page may be photocopied. Cengage Learning © 2012
UNIT 16 Quiz

Name: Score: / 10 = %

Part 1: Find the same meaning

Decide which word or phrase means the same as the underlined word or phrase. Circle your choice

1. T
 here were many wars in ancient history.
a. now and then b. of all time c. off and on d. long ago
2. This is my grandmother’s old recipe.
a. valuable b. female c. traditional d. required
3. In fact, it is said that Leif Ericsson discovered America long before Columbus did.
a. As for b. Actually c. No matter d. Suddenly
4. Sometimes salad is given after the main meal.
a. served b. chewed c. bitten d. tasted
5. Maria wanted to try a new way of doing things at work, but her idea wasn’t used much by other people.
a. didn’t take off b. didn’t mind c. wasn’t on the go d. wasn’t filled out

Part 2: Read and answer

Read the passage and answer the questions. Circle the letter of the best answer.

People around the world eat different things for breakfast. However, in some places, what they eat
depends on whether it is an ordinary day or whether a special festival is being celebrated. For example,
in Belgium and Holland, the everyday breakfast is meat and cheese sandwiches served with strong
coffee. On holidays, people have time for pancakes and waffles. Many British people enjoy a full
breakfast of meat, eggs, beans, and mushrooms on the weekend. They drink tea with it.
In other countries, people eat the same thing every day, all year round. In China and Thailand, a
rice soup called congee is popular at breakfast. Chinese people prefer to drink tea with it. In Latin
countries such as Spain and France, people usually have a light breakfast of bread and coffee, even
if it is a holiday.

1. The main idea of the first paragraph is that . . .

a. people eat more on weekends. c. Holland is famous for cheese.
b. breakfast is different around the world. d. people eat the same thing everyday.
2. Which is NOT part of a traditional British breakfast?
a. meat b. beans c. mushrooms d. waffles
3. The main idea of the second paragraph is that . . .
a. people in Spain eat a special breakfast on holidays. c. many people eat the same thing for breakfast every day.
b. Chinese people drink a lot of tea. d. breakfast is different on holidays.
4. Congee is made out of . . .
a. rice. b. beans. c. bread. d. cheese.
5. In which countries do most people drink coffee at breakfast?
a. Holland and England c. Spain and Belgium
b. China and Thailand d. Belgium and Britain

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UNIT 17 Quiz

Name: Score: / 10 = %

Part 1: Find the different words

One of the four words or phrases is different from the other three. Circle the letter of your choice.

1. a. mistake b. win c. beat d. score

2. a. at first b. enter c. final d. begin

3. a. match b. record c. game d. tournament

4. a. fight b. play c. come up against d. come up with

5. a. now b. history c. ancient d. long ago

Part 2: Complete the passage

Use words and phrases from the box to complete the passage.Two are extra.

  record     no matter     make it     final     score     tournament      come up against     

Can you imagine what it would be like to (1) your own sister in one tennis (2) after
another? That’s what it’s like for the talented Williams sisters. Serena and Venus Williams often (3)
all the way to the (4) match and have to play against each other. They remain good friends
(5) who wins.

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UNIT 18 Quiz

Name: Score: / 10 = %

Part 1: Complete the passage

Think of words to fill the spaces. The first letter of the word is given to you. Try to spell the words

1. Van Gogh was an o artist because he painted in an imaginative way.

2. My cat is very c . She is interested in finding out about everything.
3. You can trust Anna. She is very h and always tells the truth.
4. The publishers hope that the new book will be a h and will sell many copies.
5. No ice cream for me, thanks. I really need to l weight.

Part 2: Read and answer

Read the passage and decide if the statement is true, false, or unknown. Circle your answer.

People inherit their blood type from their parents. If both parents have the same blood type, the
baby will have that type too. If parents have different blood types, the baby will have the one that is
dominant. In biology, dominant means the type that is stronger than the other type, which is called
In addition to the four blood types, blood is also classified as Rh positive or Rh negative. Once in
a while, a baby will look blue at birth because it has a different Rh from its mother. Doctors have to
quickly carry out a transfusion so the baby has blood that is good for it. If this goes well, the baby’s
skin will change to the normal color and the baby will be healthy.

1. true   false   unknown       If both your parents have type O blood, you can have type B.
2. true   false   unknown      When parents have different blood types, the baby will have the dominant one.
3. true   false   unknown       Blood is only classified into the four types.
4. true   false   unknown       “Blue babies” are often born to young mothers.
5. true   false   unknown       Doctors give the mothers of “blue babies” a transfusion.

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UNIT 19 Quiz

Name: Score: / 10 = %

Part 1: Find the different words

One of the four words or phrases is different from the other three. Circle the letter of your choice.

1. a. generous b. honest c. curious d. cruel

2. a. carry out b. fall apart c. perform d. do

3. a. take off b. be a hit c. focus on d. go well

4. a. program b. show c. tournament d. war

5. a. do not mind b. figure out c. track down d. find out

Part 2: Read and answer

Read the passage and answer the questions. Circle the letter of the best answer.

On Stage
Want to make your own TV show?
Have you got a talent or an idea that can keep people interested for at least eight hours?
On Stage is a new program open to anyone who thinks he or she is worth watching. If you are a
performer with a good act or interesting idea, you could be On Stage!
Notice: we said you can do anything! Use your imagination! Think big! But don’t do anything that will
get us in trouble.
To find out more, call or click on the link below to fill out a form with your contact details. On the form,
tell us what you plan to do On Stage for eight hours. or call 688-160-7446

1. What is the name of the reality TV program?

2. How long should a performer plan to do something for the show?
3. What does the advertisement suggest people do?
4. What information should be included on the form to fill out?
5. What is not allowed on the show?

64 Reading Advantage 1 Teacher’s Guide This page may be photocopied. Cengage Learning © 2012
UNIT 20 Quiz

Name: Score: / 10 = %

Part 1: Find the same meaning

Decide which word or phrase means the same as the underlined word or phrase. Circle your choice.

1. I need to get a new seat for my horse.

a. roof b. saddle c. recipe d. portrait
2. The contest will happen next weekend.
a. celebrate b. event c. script d. attempt
3. Could you help me join together the ribbon on this birthday present, please?
a. rope b. allow c. tie d. guide
4. In parts of Arabia, it stays dry and without rain for the whole year.
a. of all time b. now and then c. off and on d. all year round
5. Students come to this university from around the world.
a. all over b. on the go c. quite a few d. application forms

Part 2: Complete the passage

Use words and phrases from the box to complete the passage. Three are extra.

           no matter how       show off      around the world      without question
all of a sudden       at first       kind of           long ago

(1) there were no rodeos. Then in the 1800s, cowboys in Arizona came up with competitions to
prove their skills. (2) these shows were just for the cowboys themselves. Later, the public was
invited to attend for a fee. The idea quickly took off and, (3) , rodeos were taking place all over the
United States. The idea of rodeos then became popular (4) . Today, people in many countries are
able to see horse riders (5) their amazing skills.

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Cengage Learning © 2012 Reading Advantage 1 Teacher’s Guide 65
Unit Quizzes Answer Key

For general guidelines on promoting good test-taking strategies, see pages 10–11.
Note that true is abbreviated as T, false as F, and unknown as U in the answer key.

Unit 1 Unit 11

Part 1: 1. popular; 2. bite; 3. collar; 4. strong; 5. tell apart Part 1: 1. let go of; 2. international; 3. hand out; 4. major; 5. prize
Part 2: 1. F; 2. T; 3. F; 4. F; 5. T Part 2: 1. c; 2. c; 3. d; 4. b; 5. d

Unit 2 Unit 12

Part 1: 1. d; 2. c; 3. b; 4. c; 5. a Part 1: 1. apply; 2. form; 3. fee; 4. require; 5. graduate

Part 2: 1. F; 2. T; 3. T; 4. F; 5. F Part 2: 1. T; 2. F; 3. U; 4. T; 5. F

Unit 3 Unit 13

Part 1: 1. a; 2. c; 3. d; 4. b; 5. d Part 1: 1. d; 2. c; 3. a; 4. b; 5. d
Part 2: 1. F; 2. F; 3. F; 4. T; 5. T Part 2: 1. T; 2. T; 3. F; 4. U; 5. F

Unit 4 Unit 14

Part 1: 1. d; 2. a; 3. b; 4. c; 5. c Part 1: 1. b; 2. d; 3. a; 4. c; 5. a
Part 2: 1: 7; 3; 2; 1; 4; 6; 5 Part 2: 7; 3; 2; 6; 1; 5; 4
Unit 5 Unit 15

Part 1: 1. device; 2. feature; 3. click on; 4. choose from; Part 1: Unit 14 Part 2: 1. c; 2. b; 3. a; 4. d; 5. a
5. probably Part 2: 1
 . took care of; 2. roof; 3. portrait; 4. stolen; 5. prove
Part 2: 1. c; 2. a; 3. b; 4. c; 5. d
Unit 16
Unit 6
Part 1: 1. d; 2. c; 3. b; 4. a; 5. a
Part 1: 1. celebrate; 2. festivals; 3. all of a sudden; Part 2: 1. b; 2. d; 3. c; 4. a; 5. c
4. at first; 5. traditional
Part 2: 1. b; 2. d; 3. a; 4. c; 5. a Unit 17
Unit 7 Part 1: 1. a; 2. c; 3. b; 4. d; 5. a
Part 2: 1
 . come up against; 2. tournament; 3. make it;
Part 1: 1. c; 2. a; 3. d; 4. b; 5. a 4. final; 5. no matter
Part 2: 1. F; 2. T; 3. U; 4. T; 5. U
Unit 18
Unit 8
Part 1: 1. original; 2. curious; 3. honest; 4. hit; 5. lose
Part 1: 1. d; 2. a; 3. c; 4. b; 5. b Part 2: 1. F; 2. T; 3. F; 4. U; 5. F
Part 2: 3; 7; 5; 2; 1; 4; 6
Unit 19
Unit 9
Part 1: 1. d; 2. b; 3. c; 4. d; 5. a
Part 1: 1. d; 2. b; 3. a; 4. b; 5. c Part 2: 1. On Stage; 2. (at least) eight hours; 3. Use their
Part 2: 1. Around the world; 2. In other words; imagination/Think big; 4. Contact details and what you
3. At first; 4. As soon as; 5. All of a sudden plan to do; 5. anything that will get the show in trouble
Unit 10 Unit 20
Part 1: 1. dangerous; 2. trapped; 3. sudden; 4. bite; Part 1: 1. b; 2. b; 3. c; 4. d; 5. a
5. terrible Part 2: 1
 . L ong ago; 2. At first; 3. all of a sudden;
Part 2: 1. b; 2. a; 3. b; 4. d; 5. b 4. around the world; 5. show off

66 Reading Advantage 1 Teacher’s Guide

Introduction to Tests

This section contains two tests—a mid-book test covering Units 1–10 and a final test covering the
whole book. Each test contains 50 questions over four pages and is expected to take about an hour.
The test answer key is provided on page 76, and each question is worth two points, for a total mark
out of a 100.
Tests are divided into four sections.

Part 1: Vocabulary (25 questions) Part 3: Read and answer (10 questions)

These follow the format of the corresponding activity a. Read the passage and decide if the statement is
type in the unit quizzes. (see page 45). true, false, or unknown. (5 questions)
a. Match the words and definitions. (10 questions) b. Circle the letter of the best answer. (5 questions)
b. Find the different words. (5 questions)
c. Find the same meaning. (10 questions)

Part 2: Complete the passage (5 questions) Part 2: Scan for information (10 questions)

This is a cloze passage where students find the words In this part, there are a number of short “classified ad”
or phrases to fill five gaps in a passage. type readings, and students are required to scan these
for information to answer 10 short-answer questions.
For convenience in keeping track of students’
scores on the tests, as well as the unit quizzes, a
photocopiable scoring sheet is provided on page 77.

Reading Advantage 1 Teacher’s Guide 67

Mid-book Test

Name: Score: / 50 = %

Part 1: Vocabulary

A. Match the words and definitions

Find the word for each definition in the box. Three words are extra.

shout lap female device toasted tired file

message festival straight surface bell collar

1. in a line and not to one side or the other

2. cooked just enough to be a little brown

3. metal object that makes a nice sound when you ring it

4. a machine or tool

5. a happy time when people celebrate

6. data that is saved together in one place

7. the top of your legs when you are sitting down

8. to speak or yell very loudly

9. the top or outside part

10. sleepy or weak

B. Find the different words

One of the four words or phrases is different from the other three. Circle the letter of your choice.

11. a. terrible b. dangerous c. cruel d. fancy

12. a. marble b. gloves c. collar d. underwear

13. a. twist b. remember c. lean d. sink

14. a. shout b. bite c. bury d. eat

15. a. click on b. avoid c. choose d. select

68 Reading Advantage 1 Teacher’s Guide This page may be photocopied. Cengage Learning © 2012
C. Find the same meaning
Decide which word or phrase means the same as the underlined word or phrase. Circle your choice.

16. People wanted Galileo to show that it was true that the Earth went around the Sun.
a. notice b. prove c. celebrate d. pour

17. It’s a little bit cruel to make horses race twice in one day.
a. kind of b. instead of c. without question d. for sure

18. I feel terrible because I think I wrote a wrong answer on the exam.
a. message b. meat c. owner d. mistake

19. Did you come up with that idea by yourself? Or did someone help you?
a. make higher b. tell about c. think of d. spread around

20. At races, it’s difficult to see the differences between the runners without numbers.
a. fall apart b. show up c. tell apart d. take part in

21. How do I put together a hands-free headset with my cell phone?

a. lean b. protect c. click on d. connect

22. Women’s suits are on the third floor. You can walk up the stairs or take the lift.
a. elevator b. surface c. tower d. roof

23. David learned about the race in the newspaper.

a. found out b. took off c. won d. fell apart

24. It was raining when Sandy entered the taxi.

a. started b. got in c. turned into d. got out of

25. My arms and legs were warm, but the wind made my bare face cold.
a. trapped b. instant c. unprotected d. not certain

Part 2: Complete the passage

Use words and phrases from the box to complete the passage. One is extra.

    band         as for         as soon as         probably         in other words          dangerous

Andy Lee won’t forget last April 17. The day got off to a bad start when he was late to work and had to drive fast.
(26) he got on the main highway, Andy saw a dark cloud. Within minutes the cloud turned into
a strange funnel shape. (27) , Andy knew the cloud was a (28) storm called a
tornado, or twister. He thought that he should (29) get off the road and wait for the storm to pass.
Luckily, the tornado passed beside him and didn’t hurt him at all. (30) being late to work, Andy’s
boss was happy that he got there safely.

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Part 3: Read and answer

New York, August 17 Kim Jones planned a birthday party for her boyfriend Sam Phillips last Thursday night after work.
However, the evening turned out differently than either of them had expected. In the late afternoon a huge electricity
blackout hit seven northeastern states and three provinces in Canada. Just after four o’clock, a time when millions of
people leave their offices and head home, the electricity stopped, so elevators and the subway systems in large cities
like New York and Toronto didn’t work. Flights could not land or take off at major airports. As soon as most people
found out about the blackout, they put their cell phones to good use and called their families to let them know where
they were.

Kim works on the 70th floor of an apartment tower in New York. She had just left her office and was trapped in an
elevator on the 65th floor. At first she was worried. She called Sam and discovered what had happened. He told her
not to lose hope. Then Sam remembered that his friend Joe also worked high in that building, so Sam called him.
About five o’clock, Joe and some other workers figured out that they could get Kim out of the elevator through
its roof. Kim still ended up having to walk down a lot of stairs, but that wasn’t so terrible. Kim felt tired, but she
also felt lucky. When she got down to the street at eight o’clock, she found Sam waiting for her. A number of their
friends were there too. As for the birthday party, it turned into a picnic by candlelight because the city went without
electricity for several days. Sam said he’d never forget it.

A. Read the passage and decide if the statement is true, false, or unknown. Circle your answer.

31. true   false   unknown       A blackout means it is dark, without electric lights.

32. true   false   unknown       People in seven northwestern states had a problem.

33. true   false   unknown       Elevators and subways did not run, but airports worked as usual.

34. true   false   unknown       Kim works for an electronics company on the 70th floor of the tower.

35. true   false   unknown       Kim had to walk down 65 floors of stairs.

B. Now circle the letter of the best answer.

36. The best title for this passage is . . .

a. Dark Night in Toronto c. A Change in Plans
b. The Long Walk Home d. Trapped in the Subway

37. Many people finish work at . . .

a. 3 p.m. b. 4 p.m. c. 5 p.m. d. 7 p.m.

38. When did people call their families?

a. at five o’clock c. at eight o’clock
b. before the blackout d. just after the blackout

39. How did Kim feel in the beginning?

a. worried b. tired c. strong d. terrible

40. Which one is NOT true?

a. Some friends came to the party. c. Sam forgot his birthday.
b. The party started after eight. d. There was no electricity that night.

70 Reading Advantage 1 Teacher’s Guide This page may be photocopied. Cengage Learning © 2012
Part 4: Scan for information

Read the question and figure out what you need to know. Then quickly look at the advertisements and find
the answer. Write a short answer in the space.

41. Where can you see historical pictures of India?

42. How many steps are there to the top of the tower?

43. When are the classes for dogs and cats?

44. Can you walk to see the safari animals?

45. What is “intelligent” at the Magic Show?

46. What can you make at the Children’s Museum?

47. How much money can a person save by doing three pet-training classes rather than just one?

48. What building is on the same street as the City Art Museum?

49. When does the Magic Show end?

50. Can a family climb the bell tower on Saturday?


Pet Training Class

Rather than use electronic
devices, train you pet the
traditional way!
Basic skills class
Fun tricks class
Advanced skills classin
Pet training please
add “Every Saturday”
above price info:
Every Saturday
$40 for 3 weeks

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Cengage Learning © 2012 Reading Advantage 1 Teacher’s Guide 71
Final Test

Name: Score: / 50 = %

Part 1: Vocabulary

A. Match the words and definitions

Find the word or phrase for each definition. Three words are extra.

guide athlete beat enter gloves script noise

cowboy message form score define match

1. clothing you wear to keep your hands warm

2. make a point in a game or competition

3. go into

4. things or people that go well together

5. something you can hear

6. information given in a short note or spoken

7. someone who does sports

8. give the meaning of

9. a paper with questions that you can fill out

10. do better than or win against

B. Find the different words

One of the four words or phrases is different from the other three. Circle the letter of your choice.

11. a. female b. male c. girl d. woman

12. a. required b. popular c. outgoing d. well-liked

13. a. competition b. match c. tournament d. recipe

14. a. final b. end up c. at first d. last

15. a. all over b. on the go c. international d. spread everywhere

72 Reading Advantage 1 Teacher’s Guide This page may be photocopied. Cengage Learning © 2012
C. Find the same meaning
Decide which word or phrase means the same as the underlined word or phrase. Circle your choice.

16. The teacher wants each student to look at only one famous person for the class’s next essay.
a. compete with b. fill out c. focus on d. carry out

17. You can’t just read books in order to become a great performer. You have to practice your talent.
a. visitor b. actor c. owner d. assistant

18. Rather than having pictures painted, these days most people have their photograph taken in studios.
a. portraits b. fees c. recipes d. types

19. Christmas is a happy event that people celebrate on December 25.

a. festival b. belief c. program d. record

20. My aunt Lucy is very kind and loves to give presents.

a. is active b. is original c. is cruel d. is generous

21. I can’t find my favorite CD. Where did you put it so I can’t find it?
a. record it b. steal it c. serve it d. hide it

22. Tom did the best in the tournament. He won the top award.
a. a major part b. first prize c. the best record d. a valuable thing

23. The team got all the way to the final game in the tournament before they were beaten.
a. iceberg b. war c. match d. competition

24. From the beginning to the end of the lesson, everyone was taking notes about what the teacher said.
a. all year round b. making it to c. long ago d. during

25. Some small stores ask employees to hand out advertisements to people on the street.
a. give b. make c. take d. steal

Part 2: Complete the passage

Use words and phrases from the box to complete the passage. One is extra.

      of all time     no matter where     turn my attention     actually     going without     talent

Without question, my cell phone is my favorite item. I cannot dream of (26) it for even one day.
(27) , I use my phone for text messaging these days more than for calling. I don’t mind typing
long messages, either. I have a good typing (28) with my thumbs. I like text messaging because
then I don’t have to (29) to my cell phone every time I get a call. (30) I travel, I
always have it with me.

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Part 3: Read and answer

One of the great questions of all time still has scientists taking part in discussions: What happened to the land
called Atlantis? Long ago, the ancient Greek philosopher Plato wrote about Atlantis. He said that long before
his time it was a beautiful land near Europe. Historians believed that it was a very wealthy place with palaces and
traditional culture. All of a sudden it disappeared. Ancient people thought it sank into the sea. Over time, a
number of scientists have attempted to look for it.

Now, some scientists believe that the Greek island of Santorini may be the lost Atlantis. Today, Santorini is a
circular island in the Aegean Sea with a huge hole in the center filled with sea water. However, 3,500 years ago it
looked very different. Then it was a round island with a tall volcano in the middle. Today, Santorini has 13 villages
and about 6,000 people, but in the past it had cities and perhaps even more people. Starting in 1967, researchers
started to carry out a big dig on Santorini. They were curious about what was underground. They found part of
a city with apartment buildings full of furniture as well as streets and water systems. They also found quite a few
colored paintings and portraits on the walls of houses. In 1999, the diggers discovered some valuable gold art
showing a female calf.

Researchers figured out that this city beside the sea was buried by a terrible explosion of the volcano. Hot lava
and ash suddenly came out of the volcano and buried the roofs of the city. To this date, scientists have not found
the bodies of any people trapped there. They think that in the final days before the volcano blew the island apart,
the people were successfully able to get out. Although Santorini is said to be the lost Atlantis, no one has proved
it yet. Today tourists from around the world come to see the museum and wonder if Santorini is actually the lost
Atlantis. Without question, it is a very beautiful place despite its strange history.

A. Read the passage and decide if the statement is true, false, or unknown. Circle your answer.

31. true   false   unknown       In the past, people believed that Atlantis sank into the sea.

32. true   false   unknown       Plato tracked down a man who lived on Atlantis.

33. true   false   unknown       Today Santorini has a volcano in its center.

34. true   false   unknown       The paintings were painted by young children.

35. true   false   unknown       Santorini is popular with visitors from all over.

B. Now circle the letter of the best answer.

36. The best title for this passage is . . .

a. Greek Islands b. A Famous Volcano c. An Ancient Museum d. Has Atlantis Been Found?

37. In the last sentence of the second paragraph, diggers means . . .

a. young men. b. young women. c. archaeologists. d. artists.

38. The dangerous volcanic event took place . . .

a. in 1967. b. 3,500 years ago. c. 6,000 years ago. d. The passage doesn’t say.

39. What happened because of the volcanic event?

a. The ancient city was buried. c. The museum disappeared.
b. A terrible war started. d. Visitors from around the world were trapped.

40. What was NOT found in the dig?

a. furniture b. portraits c. water systems d. a golden collar

74 Reading Advantage 1 Teacher’s Guide This page may be photocopied. Cengage Learning © 2012
Part 4: Scan for information

Read the question and figure out what you need to know. Then quickly look at the advertisements and find
the answer. Write a short answer in the space.

41. What time is the final soccer game?

42. What number do you call for soccer information?

43. What can you win at the rodeo?

44. What film star can you see on Saturday night?

45. Who should join the club at the library?

46. How much money can you save at Grandview Mall?

47. When can you get ready for exams?

48. How much does it cost to apply to the community college?

49. What can children do on Saturday morning?

50. Which night of the week do the Lizard Lovers meet?


Lizard Lovers Club

Wednesday nights 7:30
Grandview Library
conference room A
Valuable information for pet owners

Come find out more about these

great pets that are growing in

Actor of the week:

Johnny Depp

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Cengage Learning © 2012 Reading Advantage 1 Teacher’s Guide 75
Tests Answer Key

Mid-book Test

Part 1: Vocabulary

A. 1. straight; 2. toasted; 3. bell; 4. device; 5. festival; 6. file; 7. lap; 8. shout; 9. surface; 10. tired;
B. 11. d; 12. a; 13. b; 14. c; 15. b;
C. 16. b; 17. a; 18. d; 19. c; 20. c; 21. d; 22. a; 23. a; 24. b; 25. c

Part 2: Complete the passage

26. as soon as; 27. in other words; 28. dangerous; 29. probably; 30. as for

Part 3: Read and answer

A. 31. true; 32. false; 33. false; 34. unknown; 35. false;
B. 36. b; 37. b; 38. d; 39. a; 40. c

Part 4: Scan for information

41. City Art Museum; 42. 439; 43. every Saturday; 44. no; 45. a/the device; 46. a Mobius Band;
47. $5/five dollars; 48. The Grand Cinema; 49. 11:30; 50. no (not with young children)
Each item counts two points for a score of 100%.
Final Test

Part 1: Vocabulary

A. 1
 . gloves; 2. score; 3. enter; 4. match; 5. noise; 6. message; 7. athlete; 8. define; 9. form; 10. beat
B. 11. b; 12. a; 13. d; 14. c; 15. b;
C. 16. c; 17. b; 18. a; 19. a; 20. d; 21. d; 22. b; 23. b; 24. d; 25. a

Part 2: Complete the passage

26. going without; 27. actually; 28. talent; 29. turn my attention; 30. no matter where

Part 3: Read and answer

A. 31. true; 32. false; 33. false; 34. unknown; 35. true;
B. 36. d; 37. c; 38. b; 39. a; 40. d

Part 4: Scan for information

41. 2 p.m.; 42. 368-6061; 43. a (valuable) saddle; 44. Johnny Depp; 45. pet owners; 46. 20-40%;
47. weeknights 7-9 p.m.; 48. no fee/nothing; 49. watch a rodeo show; 50.Wednesday)
Each item counts two points for a score of 100%.

76 Reading Advantage 1 Teacher’s Guide

Score Sheet

Name: Unit Quizzes Tests

Student Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 mid final

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Cengage Learning © 2012 Reading Advantage 1 Teacher’s Guide 77

Here are some words that you’ll find often in the Reading Advantage series, and some other words
related to reading and vocabulary acquisition. Understanding these words will help you gain more
from the series.

affix  part that is attached to the beginning (prefix) or end (suffix) of a word that change the
meaning or the part of speech. The word that results is called a derivative, meaning it
came from a root or base word.

antonyms words with opposite meanings. Examples: tall – short, up – down

background what learners already know about a subject. Pre-reading activities help students to use
their background knowledge of a topic.

base word another word for root. For example, dangerous has the base word danger.

bilingual bilingual dictionaries translate meanings from one language to another (see

compound word  word formed from two or more root words. Examples of compound words: bus stop,
fireplace, rocking chair.

connotation an additional meaning a word has besides its central meaning (denotation). For example,
spinster has the meaning of “an unmarried woman,” but it has the connotation of an
older woman, and many young unmarried women would find it strange to be called a

content words words that carry meaning when the word is used alone, such as nouns, verbs, adjectives,
and adverbs (see function words)

cloze a classroom activity or testing format where some words are left out and replaced by
blanks. You can make a cloze by leaving out every nth word (every seventh word, for
example) or only certain kinds of words such as verbs or current vocabulary items.

collocations words that are often found together, for example, commit murder, or carry out research,
or perform surgery

definition the meaning of a word

denotation the central meaning of the word (see connotation)

derivative a word formed by adding a prefix or suffix

ellipsis words left out from the text that are understood in the context, for example, “Mary went
shopping last weekend, but Jill didn’t (go shopping).” (see reference, substitution)

formal language that you would use in a professional or work situation (with a superior), rather
than with friends (see informal)

function words  ords that have little meaning alone but are used to show grammatical relationships,
such as pronouns (she, he, they), articles (a, an, the), and conjunctions (and, but, so)

gist the general meaning of a reading passage

homonyms words that look the same but mean something different. Polish (meaning from Poland)
and polish (to shine) have different meanings.

78 Reading Advantage 1 Teacher’s Guide This page may be photocopied. Cengage Learning © 2012
homophones words that sound the same but are spelled differently. Red the color sounds just like read,
the past tense verb. Note that read has two different sounds, depending on whether the
verb is present or past tense.

idiom a group of words that means something as a group that differs from the meanings of the
individual words, such as keep an eye on, put up with, over the moon

inference figuring out what is meant in a reading by going beyond just what the words say

informal language you would use with people you feel comfortable with, such as close friends or
family (see formal)

lexis the vocabulary of a language (rather than grammar)

mental lexicon the way words are stored in the brain so they can be used and connected with other words or

mnemonics memory aids

monolingual literally, “one language,” used for English–English dictionaries (see bilingual)

nonlinear a reading passage that isn’t prose, for example, timetables and advertisements.

post-reading done after students have read the passage (see pre-reading)

prediction what you think is going to happen before you read a passage

prefix a letter or group of letters that are added to the beginning of a word to change the
meaning of the word, for example, pre-, post-, un-, ex- (see affix, suffix)

pre-reading done before students have read the passage (see background, post-reading)

reference using pronouns to refer to people, things, or events that were mentioned in another
place in the text, for example, “John took the cup and put it on the table.” (see ellipsis,

recycling using a vocabulary item again. Research shows that students don’t remember vocabulary
unless they have to use the items over and over.

root the basic part of a word, which may appear on its own (danger, color, take, fire) or may
take affixes (dangerous, colorful, retake) or form a compound word (fireplace, fireman)

scanning looking quickly at a text for specific information such as dates or facts

skimming looking quickly at a text to get the gist or general meaning

substitution the use of a word to take the place of the thing being discussed, for example, “I don’t
want that pen, I want the other one.” (see ellipsis, reference)

suffix a letter or group of letters that are added to the end of a word to change the meaning of
the word, for example, -er, -est, -ization, -ful (see prefix, affix)

syllables the smallest sound units of words. Dictionaries show syllables. For example, caterpillar
has four syllables: cat·er·pil·lar.

synonyms words or idioms that have a similar meaning. Note that similar and same are different.
For example, some words are more formal than others. Some synonyms have different

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