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Horticultural Crop Production

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Crop Production


Based on March 2022 version-4 occupational standard

Module Title: Performing Horticultural Crop Production

LG CODE: AGR CRP1 M02 LO (1-4) LG (5-8)
TTLM Code: AGR CRP1 TTLM 0922v4

September, 2022
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Table of contents

Table of contents....................................................................................................................i
Introduction to the module.....................................................................................................1
LO #1- Prepare materials, tools and equipment for horticultural crop production.......................2
Instruction sheet...................................................................................................................2
Information sheet 1...........................................................................................................3
Self-check 1................................................................................................................21
Operation Sheet -1..........................................................................................................22
LAP TEST-1...............................................................................................................24
LO #2- Undertake horticultural Crop production work...........................................................25
Instruction sheet..............................................................................................................25
Information sheet- 2........................................................................................................26
Self-check 2................................................................................................................36
Operation Sheet -2..........................................................................................................37
LAP TEST-2...............................................................................................................37
LO #3- Handle materials and equipment...............................................................................38
Instruction sheet..............................................................................................................38
Information sheet- 3......................................................................................................39
Self-check 3................................................................................................................42
Operation Sheet -3..........................................................................................................42
LAP TEST-3...............................................................................................................44
LO #4- Record and document..............................................................................................45
Instruction sheet 4........................................................................................................45
Information sheet- 4........................................................................................................46
Self-check 4..............................................................................................................49
Operation Sheet -4.......................................................................................................49
LAP TEST-4..............................................................................................................50
Reference Materials............................................................................................................51

Introduction to the Module
This module covers knowledge, skills and attitude requière to prepare materials, Tools and
Equipment for horticultural crop production wok, undertake horticultural production wok, handle
materials and equipments and record and document.

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LG #5 LO #1- Prepare Materials, Tools and
Equipment for Horticultural Crop

Instruction sheet

This learning guide is developed to provide you the necessary information regarding the
following content coverage and topics:
 Identifying and checking inputs, materials, tools and equipment

 Manual handling and techniques for loading and unloading

 Selecting and checking suitable Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

 Identifying and reporting OHS hazards

This guide will also assist you to attain the learning outcomes stated in the cover page.
Specifically, upon completion of this learning guide, you will be able to:
 Identify the required inputs, materials, Tools and Equipment.

 Check insufficient or faulty materials, tools and equipment.

 Use correct manual handling and techniques for loading and unloading to minimize
damage to the load, person and vehicle.
 Select and check Suitable Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
 Identify and report OHS hazards.

Learning Instructions:
1. Read the specific objectives of this Learning Guide.
2. Follow the instructions described below.
3. Read the information written in the information Sheets
4. Accomplish the Self-checks
5. Perform Operation Sheets
6. Do the “LAP test”

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Information sheet 1

Definition of horticulture: -

The term horticulture is derived from two latin words hortus ‘garden’ and colere ‘to cultivate’.
So horticulture is defined as garden cultivation. On the other word, horticulture may define as the
process of cultivating, processing, and sale of fruits, vegetables, nut, ornamental plants and
flowers. Even medicinal plants, beverage plants (tea, coffee), and spices are considered as
horticultural crops.

Horticulture is a sub-sector of agriculture which plays significant role in economy, human

nutrition, gender mainstreaming and employment. Horticultural commodities include fruits,
vegetables, flowers, spices and condiments, which have grown steadily and turn into a major
segment in agricultural trade. Horticulture crops often have high cash value and are intensively
cultivated on relatively small areas. The high cash value of horticultural crops justifies a large
input of capital, labour and technology per unit area of land.

Generally, horticulture is an art as well as a science. It deals with a combination of the botanical
and agricultural aspects of plants. Basic principles of physics, chemistry, and biology are used by
horticulturists to understand and manipulate plant life. Biotechnology is now finding direct
applications in horticulture.

Divisions of horticulture

 Pomology: The word Pomology comes from two wards "pomum" and "logos" ;
"pomum" means fruits and "logos" means knowledge. The scientific study and cultivation
of fruits is called Pomology. On the other word, Pomology may be defined as the science
of growing, storing and processing of fruits is called Pomology.
 Olericulture: Olericulture is one of the branches of Horticulture that deals with the
vegetables. The word olericulture is derived from the Latin word Oleris which means pot

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herb and the English word culture which means cultivation. Thus olericulture means
cultivation of pot herbs.
 Floriculture: Floriculture is a branch of horticulture that specializes in the science of
cultivation of flowers. Flowers are cultivated under protected, semi-protected and field
conditions. Floriculture is a vast field that includes cultivation and production of all types
of ornamentals, viz., croton, cacti, orchids, grasses and bamboos.
 Landscape and nursery industry: - Nursery & Landscape is a discipline of horticulture
concerned with the growing and maintaining landscape plants and related products, the
use of equipment, and landscape design concepts.

1.1. Identifying and checking inputs, materials, tools and equipment’s

Depending on the type of fruit or vegetable, several devices are employed to harvest produce.
Commonly used tools for fruit and vegetable harvesting are secateurs or knives, and hand held or
pole mounted picking shears. When fruits or vegetables are difficult to catch, such as mangoes or
avocados, a cushioning material is placed around the tree to prevent damage to the fruit when
dropping from high trees.

Having the right tools, knowing how to use them and management decisions relating to the
selection of horticultural tools and equipment, choice of practice, market availability, and
availability of storage facilities among others are essential factors which can affect horticultural
operations and production profits in several ways to improve productivity and efficiency, It is
necessary to have comprehensive knowledge of horticultural tools and implement performance.

Horticultural tools can be classified into two categories as either handheld tools or power driven
tools. The main aim of introducing the various horticultural tools and equipment is to enable the
students have deep understanding on different types of tools and equipment used for a variety of
horticultural practices, including nursery establishment and management, grafting/budding, pit
digging and planting, inter-tillage and weed management, training and pruning, fertilizer and
irrigation water application, plant protection, harvesting and handling of fruits.

Harvesting bags with shoulder or waist slings can be used for fruits with firm skins, like citrus
and avocados. They are easy to carry and leave both hands free. The contents of the bag are
emptied through the bottom into a field container without tipping the bag. Plastic buckets are
suitable containers for harvesting fruits that are easily crushed, such as tomatoes. These

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containers should be smooth without any sharp edges that could damage the produce.
Commercial growers use bulk bins with a capacity of 250-500 kg, in which crops such as apples
and cabbages are placed, and sent to large-scale packinghouses for selection, grading, and

Figure1. Materials, tools and equipments

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Figure 2 Functions and descriptions of materials, tools and equipment

Check all materials, tools and equipment

Checking and reporting of faulty and insufficient materials of all type is the first step
Check all the tools and equipment’s before use, ask question like:-
 Are all the materials functional and sufficient in number?
 Are all clean of any contaminants?
 Check and report to your supervisor how much of the materials he/she provided in the list are
functional and how much of them are faulty.
 Are the functional tools and equipment’s sufficient enough to the horticultural crop work
with the available labor power?
 After reporting the faulty and functional materials your supervisor will guide you what to do
if there is insufficiency of material for that particular horticultural crop work.

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To identify all materials used in horticultural crop works and separate faulty once follow the
following steps:
a. Use a list of materials provided by your supervisor and then classifies the materials
according to their purpose as materials used during land preparation, cultivation or
harvesting, etc. Your supervisor will provide you with list of materials used in horticultural
b. Know the name of the materials listed in your supervisors list
c. Go to horticultural crop store or plant science department material store and identify all the
materials physically one by one
d. Describe the use or purpose of each material
e. Check wear and tears of each material
f. Separate a materials which doesn’t have best match with handle, broken, have hole on
containers, not sharp/can be easily broken, or can’t function relative to the purpose of the
work or any other unspecified reasons.
g. Count the number of faulty, functional or material that can be maintained very easily.
h. Finally report to your supervisor the categories of material based on their purpose, the total
number of each category, the number of faulty materials and also if the functional materials
are sufficient in number for the intended horticultural crop.

1.2. Manual handling and techniques for loading and unloading

To do the horticultural crop work we need to properly prepare the working materials in a
working area for this purpose materials should be transported from where they are stored to the
working site. In this regarded, the required type and their sufficient number is already decided by
the supervisor, hence these materials will be counted and will be loaded on a transporting vehicle
and in the working site these materials will be unloaded.

Proper handling of the items or materials during loading and unloading

We already separated faulty materials not to be transported to working area, However while
loading and unloading, we should take the necessary care not to break, holing, etc. and not to
make any of these materials faulty for the next time work, by properly handling materials. We
can prolong the time of service they can give and also minimize the cost of buying new materials

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in replacement to faulty once. Therefore the care we should take during loading and unloading
includes the following does and undoes.
 Do not throw materials from ground on to the vehicle( Can be any transporting system)
 Do not throw materials from vehicle on to ground
 Hold and place materials one by one rather than making more than one or two
 When placing materials on the vehicle place them in stable position
 Place materials on ground in stable position
 Place similar materials together on the vehicle while loading and on ground when

Taking care of vehicle (may be any transporting system) is mandatory during loading and
unloading. As already mentioned in the above topic, if materials will not be loaded properly, it is
not only the materials that will be affected but also the vehicle as well. If we through materials
from ground on vehicle we could break the glasses of the vehicle, we might hurt the loading
surface and lead to fast depreciation of the vehicle. We might also create a problem when
unloading materials improperly.

The first principle in loading and unloading materials is hold the material properly in both hands,
Keeping balance and safely placing the materials on vehicles or on ground, For these purpose, at
least two or more people are necessary one or more on the vehicle and one or more on ground.

1.3. Selecting and Checking Suitable Personal Protective Equipment’s (PPE)

PPE, as defined by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). OSHA is
“specialized clothing or equipment worn by an employee for protection against injury by blunt
impacts, chemicals, infectious materials etc.

Types of PPE Used

 Gloves – protect hands
 Overall– protect skin and/or clothing

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 Masks and respirators– protect mouth/nose and respiratory tract from airborne infectious
 Goggles – protect eyes
 Face shields – protect face, mouth, nose, and eyes
 Ear protectors- protect ear
 Steel capped boots/shoes protect legs

Factors Influencing PPE Selection

When you are selecting PPE, consider three key things

I. Type of exposure anticipated-such as:-

 Splash/spray versus touch
 Category of isolation precautions
II. Durability and appropriateness of the PPE for the task:-
III. Fit: - PPE must fit the individual user, and it is up to the employer to ensure that all
PPE are available in sizes appropriate for the workforce that must be protected.

Dos and Don’ts of Glove Use

 Work from “clean to dirty”
 Limit opportunities for “touch contamination” - protect you, others, and the environment
 Don’t touch your face or adjust PPE with contaminated gloves
 Don’t touch environmental surfaces except as necessary

Change gloves
 During use if torn and when heavily soiled (even during use on the same patient)
 After use on each patient

Key Points about PPE

 Do before going to worksite
 Use carefully – don’t spread contamination
 Remove and discard carefully, after finishing work
 Immediately perform hand hygiene

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Sequence for Removing PPE
 Gloves
 Face shield or goggles
 Gown
 Mask or respirator

Hand Hygiene
 Perform hand hygiene immediately after removing PPE.
 Wash hands with soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand rub

Checking suitability of personal protective equipment

Checking involves many things such as the checking in faultiness of the personal protective
equipment, checking the size, and checking the sufficiency in number of the materials for the
available work force. If one of these is missing based on the level of the risk that occurs the
expected risk could occur. Therefore don’t precede a job until the problems with the PPE will be
solved. The size of PPE should be fit with your size, if the PPE is faulty it should be maintained
or a new one should be provided, and if the number is not sufficient only people with the PPE
should work the job.

Providing OHS requirements according to workplace information

Any work in the agricultural or horticultural industries may be dangerous in some way. It is
important to know about your workplace’s occupational health and safety procedures. As an
employee you have a responsibility to:

 Follow your workplace’s occupational health and safety procedures

 Follow manufacturers’ guidelines for machinery and equipment
 Respond to a situation where someone is put at risk of injury (as long as you do not
endanger yourself)
 Report any incidents or situations which cause you or other people injury, or put you or
others at risk.

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Environmental issues

In agricultural and horticultural workplaces hazards including dust, noise, chemicals, machinery
and organisms can affect the health and safety of workers and other people in the surrounding
environment. Examples are wind-borne chemical drift, chemicals getting into water supplies and
drainage and dust blowing into a neighbor’s premises. Horticultural workers should recognize
their duty of care to others and ensure that no harm is caused to off-target sites or downstream
properties, and those that work there.

Occupational health and safety (OHS) risk

Safety in the horticultural Industry: Strategic approaches to reducing farm injury risk are
multifaceted and include:
 Identifying elimination and substitution options
 Improving design and engineering solutions
 Administrative or work practice solutions, including education and skills development
 Identification of requirements for personal protective clothing and equipment
 Identification of incentives for adoption of improved systems
 Ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements for supply of safe plant and equipment
and safe operation in the farm workplace.

While providing the support there are possible risks that may endanger your health and safety,
the dangers could be those which cause physical injury during land preparation, loading,
unloading, mounting different plowing implements to tractors, etc.

In agricultural crop work support, there are jobs or activities that might harm your health and
safety, hence you need to take care of those hazards by using the appropriate personal protective
equipment, and by taking all the necessary care as it has been said “prevention is better than
cure”; even sometimes the risk may not be cured letting the person to die. Great care should be
taken when transferring chemicals from its main container to spraying equipment’s.

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1.4. Identifying and Reporting Occupational Health Safety (OHS) Hazards

Occupational health and safety (OHS) is concerned with health and safety in its relation to work
and the working environment.

Aims of occupational health

Occupational health should aim at:-
 The promotion and maintenance of the highest degree of physical, mental and social well-
being of workers in all occupation.
 The prevention amongst workers of departures from health caused by their working
 The protection of workers in their employment from risks resulting from factors adverse to
 The placing and maintenance of workers in an occupational environment adapted to his
physiological and psychological capabilities.
 To summarize the adaptation of worker to man and of each man to his job.

Hazards associated with horticultural crops production

These may be introduced into fresh fruit and vegetable products at numerous points in the
production chain as a result of bad agricultural practices. Hazards associated with production
flow that could be harmful to the consumer.

There are four main types of hazards associated with horticultural crop products
 Biological
 Chemical
 Physical
 Ergonomical

 Biological hazards

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 Micro-organisms, such as bacteria, viruses, parasites toxic or poisonous plants, or animal
materials are often referred to as biological hazards. Some fungi are able to produce toxins
and also are included in this group of hazards.
 Micro-organisms able to cause human disease may be found on raw produce. Sometimes
they are part of the fruit or vegetable micro flora as incidental contaminants from the soil,
dust and surroundings. In other instances they get introduced onto the produce through poor
production and handling practices, such as the use of untreated manure, the use of
contaminated irrigation, water, unsanitary handling practices etc.

 Microbiological risk reasons for occurrence

 Slurry spread  Inadequate pre-harvest container and
 Pathogens present (or numbers too equipment cleaning
high)  Harmful and domestic animals
 Contamination from livestock and  Inadequate temperature control
human sewage during storage
 Waste water  Decaying matter (Poor stock
 Salmonella (pathogenic bacteria) management)
 Poor quality control at harvest  Parasitism
 Poor waste management
 Chemical hazards
 Chemical contaminants in raw fruits and vegetables may be naturally occurring or
may be added during agricultural production, post-harvest handling and other unit
operations. Harmful chemicals at high levels have been associated with acute toxic
responses and with chronic illnesses.

 Examples of chemical hazards:

Pesticides (insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, rodenticides etc.)

Heavy metals
Oils and grease
 Chemical hazards risk reasons for occurrence
 Residues of non-approved pesticides

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 Wrong pesticide selection
 Incorrect dosage (concentration)
 Harvest interval not observed
 Poor calibration of sprayer
 Sprayer drift
 Inadequate cleaning between uses
Contamination of produce due to pesticide storage conditions
Spillage of pesticides on produce
Use of contaminated water to mix spray
Oils, grease and fuel contamination
Inappropriate use of produce containers to store pesticides, fertilizers or oil
Lack of inspection and servicing equipment
Heavy metals

 Physical hazards (foreign bodies)

 Examples of physical hazards include
Residual soil and stones found on fruits and vegetable
Packaging remaining from harvesting (wood, metal, etc.)
Packing materials and storage facilities, e.g. packaging plastics and
Foreign matter collected during harvesting
Glass and sharp objects
Personal effects: jewels, hair, pens
 Physical hazards risk reasons for occurrence
 Soil presence in finished products
 Machinery
 Dirty packaging materials
 Inadequate inspection of field equipment and packing facilities
 Inadequate maintenance of containers and machinery
 Discarded rubbish, e.g. bottles, cigarette butts
 Inadequate cleaning schedule
 End product contains: jewelers and pieces of clothing
 Staff untrained in personal hygiene
 Inappropriate working clothes

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 Ergonomic hazards

Ergonomic (human engineering) is a way of thinking and planning work so that it is organized to
suit the abilities and needs of the people doing it. Despite progress in technology, there is still a
lot to be done before machinery and equipment increasing with the wide spread use of various
display units and inspection work are designed for use by people. As a result of poor design, for
example, people often suffer from lower back pain and injury to muscles and joints, visual
problems are increasing with the wide spread use of various display units and inspection work .

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Written test
Self-check 1

Name…………………………………………… ID………………………… Date…….

Directions: Answer all the questions listed below.

Test I: Choose the best answer and encircle on it (2 marks each)

1. The scientific study and cultivation of fruits is called -------------------------.
A. Horticulture B. Floriculture C. Olericulture D. Pomology
2. The budding knife is an important hand tool of a gardener, which consists of folding
blade and handle with two edges.
A. True B, False
3. Which one of the following is not true about the principle of loading and unloading
materials is--------------------
A. Hold the material properly in both hands
B. Keeping balance
C. Safely placing the materials on vehicles or on ground
D. Place different materials together on the vehicle or ground

Test II: Answer the following questions briefly and accordingly

1. What is horticulture (2 marks)
2. Write the steps to identify all materials used in horticultural crop works and separate
faulty once (4 marks)?
3. What are the three main types of hazards associated with fresh produce (3 marks)?
A. --------------------------- B. -------------------------- C. ---------------------------------
4. Write the correct Sequence for removing personal protective equipment’s (PPE) (2 marks
Note: Satisfactory rating -19 marks Unsatisfactory rates- below 19 marks

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You can ask your teacher for the copy of the correct answers

Operation Sheet -1

1.1. Techniques of identification of materials, tools and equipments

A. Materials, tools and equipment’s

i. Flip chart (color print pictorial v. Pen

display of PPE) vi. Trowel

ii. Personal protective equipment’s vii. Spade

viii. Rake
iii. Water and soap
ix. Seed
iv. Note book
x. Fertilizer, etc.

Figure. Materials and tools on flip chart

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B. Procedures

1. Use a list of materials provided and then classifies the materials according to their
purpose during land preparation, cultivation or harvesting, etc.

2. Know the name of the materials listed in your supervisors list

3. Go to horticultural crop store and identify all the materials physically one by one

4. Describe the use or purpose of each material

5. Check wear and tears of each material
6. Separate a materials which doesn’t have best match with handle, broken, have hole on
containers, not sharp/can be easily broken, or can’t function relative to the purpose of the
work or any other unspecified reasons.
7. Count the number of faulty, functional or material that can be maintained very easily.
8. Finally report to your supervisor the categories of material based on
 their purpose,
 the total number of each category,
 the number of faulty materials and also
 if the functional materials are sufficient in number for the intended horticultural

1.2. Techniques for loading and unloading

A. Materials required
 Vehicle or any transporting system  Ladder

 Personal protective equipment’s  Boot

 Goggle
 Hand cart
 Hat
 Water and soap.
 Glove
 Lifter

B. Procedures

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1. Go to the store and check that the different agricultural crop work materials are already there
the vehicle provided and you are also ready to load materials by
2. Wearing the suitable personal protective equipment’s.
3. Then group yourself in pair of two person or more persons.
4. Open the back or the side of the carriage for easy loading if necessary, for loading the
materials you should take care of the vehicles glasses or the vehicle could be carriage and a
5. Let one person or one group be on the vehicle and the other group on ground.
6. Let the group on ground take materials from store and give it for his counterpart on the
vehicle, note material should be taken one by one, or if suitable two by two or more if
7. Let the group or person on the vehicle receive the material from the person on the ground
and place it on the vehicle. Note the materials should be placed orderly and safely, by note
throwing the materials on the vehicle.
8. Finally close the back side of the carriage and move to the site of agricultural crop work or
unload the materials
9. Use the same procedure above for unloading

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Performance Test

Name………………………………. ID……………………………..

Time started: ________________________ Time finished: ________________

Instructions: Given necessary templates, tools and materials you are required to perform the
following tasks within 1 hour. The project is expected from each student to do
Task-1 Perform identifying and preparing materials tools and equipment’s

Task -2 Perform loading and unloading in horticultural crop work practices

LG #6
LO #2- Undertake Horticultural Crop
Production Work

Instruction sheet

This learning guide is developed to provide you the necessary information regarding the
following content coverage and topics:
 Undertaking horticultural crop work
 Observing and applying workplace policy and procedures
 Maintaining a clean and safe work site

This guide will also assist you to attain the learning outcomes stated in the cover page.
Specifically, upon completion of this learning guide, you will be able to:
 Undertake horticultural crop work in a safe and environmentally appropriate manner
according to workplace guidelines.

 Observe and apply workplace policy and procedures in relation to workplace practices,

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handling and disposal of materials

 Maintain a clean and safe work site.

Learning Instructions:
1. Read the specific objectives of this Learning Guide.

2. Follow the instructions described below.

3. Read the information written in the information Sheets

4. Accomplish the Self-checks

5. Perform Operation Sheets

6. Do the “LAP test”

Information sheet- 2

2.1. Undertaking horticultural crop work

2.1.1. Factors that affect horticultural crop production

Favorable agro climatic conditions

I. Environmental factors

It includes: - Temperature, Relative humidity, Solar radiation, Wind velocity and direction
Evaporation etc.

 Solar Radiation: solar energy is the source of energy for all physical processes taking place
in the atmosphere. The intensity, quality, duration and direction of light affects plant growth
and development.

 Duration of light: This is a considerable importance for the farmer in selecting a crop
variety. The length of the day has greater influences than light intensity.

Plants can be classified as:

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Short day plant: which develop and produce flowers normally when the
photoperiod is less than a critical maximum (<12 hours of illumination)

Long day plants: which develop and produce flowers normally when the
photoperiod is greater than a critical minimum (>12 hours of illumination).

Day- neutral plants: which are found to be unaffected by photoperiod.

E.g. tomato, cotton, etc.

Note: The relative length of day and night not only influence flowering but also affect the
processes like initiation of leaves and tillers.

 Direction of light: shoots, roots and leaves show different orientation to the direction of

 Temperature: It is the degree of sensible heat or cold within the atmosphere. The
instrument that measures temperature is called thermometer. It depends upon latitude,
altitude, proximity to the sea, prevailing winds, etc. it decreases in general from the equator
towards the poles. Every plant community has its own minimum, optimum and maximum
temperatures known as their cardinal temperatures. The temperature below the minimum
and above the maximum limits is lethal to the crop growth and development.

In general, Influence of temperatures on crop plants are:

 seed germination
 crop growth and development
 pollination
 seed setting & ripening

 Wind: is the movement of air in a horizontal direction over the surface of the earth.

It affects plant growth and development mechanically and physiologically. For good wind
pollinating plants bright sunny weather with gentle wind for good seed set required.

 Rain fall: The amount and distribution of rainfall influences the crops considerably. Crops
differ in their requirement of rainfall. Excess rainfall is detrimental to crop growth as it
affects soil fertility and productivity

 Excess amount of rainfall results in:-

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Flooding water logging

Soil erosion

Favors diseases and insect pests

 Rainfall analysis helps in taking decisions on:-

Time of planting Time of harvesting

Irrigation scheduling Leveling effect

 Relative humidity: It is defined of the ration between the actual quantity of water vapor in a
given volume of air and the amount of water vapors could be held by that mass of air at the
same temperature and under the same atmospheric pressure. It is expressed in percentage. In
general, relative humidity has an influence on:

 Leaf growth: Under high amount of relative humidity, turgor pressure will occur due to
less transpiration. Moderately, ample relative humidity can favor leaf growth
 Photosynthesis: When relative humidity is low, transpiration increases causing H20
deficient in the plant which causes partial or full closer of stomata and increase its
resistance/blocking the energy of Co2. Thus, photosynthesis is affected.
 Pollination: When relative humidity is high pollen may not be dispersed from anther.
Moderately, ample air humidity is favorable to seed set in many crops–provided soil
moisture supply is adequate.

 Pests: High relative humidity favors incidence of insect pests and diseases.

 Grain yield: Very high or low relative humidity is not conducive for grain yield.

II. Topography and soil factors

A. Topography

Topographic features or landscape of an area such as degree of slope and soil types has a marked
effect on crop growth. Relatively level topography or plain has a distinct advantage in producing
field crop by favoring mechanical field equipment. Thus, land selected for producing field crop
should be flat or gentle slope.

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Land with steep slope will later leads to erosion problem. In the absence of favorable slope, one
can use the sloppy land for producing field crops, if and only if, the landscape allows
construction of conservation structure to minimize the erosion, that would otherwise, leads to
heavy erosion after eliminating the original vegetation of the land. Therefore, it is highly
recommended that do not produce field crops on land with a steepness of more than 15% without
any effective method controlling soil erosion. Generally topography is associated with land
cultivation difficulties, soil erosion, and poor transport networks and facilities. Horticultural crop
production can be mechanized, depending on the topography of the land used.

B. Soil factors

Soil factors are another very important condition for producing field crops. Most of the crops
perform well on deep, fertile, well drained soils with a moderate PH range.

Soil fertility and plant nutrients

Soil fertility: - the inherent capacity of the soil to supply nutrients to plants in suitable proportion
and adequate quantity to produce crops of economic value and to maintain the health of the soil
without deterioration.

Soil productivity: - the capacity of the soil to produce crops with a specific management system
and is expressed in terms of yields.

Essential plant nutrients

 Plants need 20 elements for their growth and development.

 Macronutrients: - C, O, H, N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S.

 Micronutrients: - Fe, Mn, B, Z, Cu, MO and Cl.

2.1.2. Steps of good horticultural crop work

Horticultural works should be conducted on appropriate instructions and direction.
In agricultural crop work there are a serious of steps that must followed by the workers. The
farmers must conduct those steps in order to get a good result. The steps include:
A. Site selection D. Managing crops
E. Harvesting
B. Land preparation
F. Grading
C. Seed sowing /Planting
G. Packaging

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H. Loading-unloading and Transporting I. Storing

A. Site selection

Site selection is the process of examining multiple options and assessing their relative advantages
and disadvantages. Site selection comes after the needs assessment is completed. If you select a
site before the need’s assessment, you may compromise on key design aspects due to site
limitations. Site selection is the single most important factor in horticultural crop production
and can make a pronounced difference on how well and abundantly fruit will grow. Planting
location can have a significant effect on potential production.

Land availability, land use, public sentiment and other community issues can have dramatic
influence on site selection. In any site selection process, local involvement and judgments
regarding the relative significance of selection criteria are important.

B. Land preparation

Land preparation is clearing and removal of bushes on the surface of the land, this is performed
differently, but the two main practices are, one or two ploughing followed by harrowing, ridging
and mulching. The size of the land, costs and machines available dictate the methods to use for
land preparation.

Figure 3. Ploughing of lands

i. Seed sowing

Seed sowing is defined as placing the seed in soil to germinate and grow into plant, but planting
is putting the plant to propagules in soil for growing plants. Propagules are seedlings, roots,
tubers, leaves, or cuttings.

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ii. Weeding
The act of removing wild plants from a place where they are not wanted
Methods to control your weeds

iii. Mowing and Cutting- Mowing and cutting can decelerate the production of seed
and can limit the growth of weeds

iv. Weed Pulling

v. Stabbing

vi. Mulching

vii. Tilling

viii. Soil Solarisation

ix. Flooding

C. Soil fertility and plant nutrients

 Soil fertility: - the inherent capacity of the soil to supply nutrients to plants in suitable
proportion and adequate quantity to produce crops of economic value and to maintain the
health of the soil without deterioration.

 Soil productivity: - the capacity of the soil to produce crops with a specific management
system and is expressed in terms of yields.

Essential plant nutrients

 Plants need 20 elements for their growth and development.

 Macronutrients: - C, O, H, N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S.

Micronutrients: - Fe, Mn, B, Z, Cu, MO and Cl. Good agricultural practice(GAP) related to soil
fertility improvement include:

 Maintaining soil organic matter through mulching title

 Higher organic matter in the soil creates porous soil and improves the aerations.
 Organic matter improves soil moisture.

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 Soil organic matter acts as buffer against adverse environmental effects such as
higher temperature and drought.

ii. Crop rotation

Definition: Crop rotation is the practice of planting different crops sequentially on the same plot
of land to improve soil health, optimize nutrients in the soil, and combat pest and weed pressure.
 Planting crops with different requirements in rotation, such as leguminous and cereals, also
intercropping deep-rooted crops with shallow-rooted ones.

iii. Aerate the soil

 Aeration – by double digging, adequate ground cover and mulching provides both soil
micro-organisms and plant roots with much needed oxygen to breathe.
 Provide drainage- Too much water can cause serious damage to the soil and plants; by
applying mulching, adding humus to the soil and ridging can help prevent water logging.

iv. Protect the land from soil erosion and degradation

 Practices that can help to protect against soil erosion and minimize the loss of topsoil are
strongly encouraged such as:

 Terracing  Planting tree hedges and shelter

 Conservation tillage belts
 Planting bunch grasses  Planting perennial crops such as
fruit trees with cover crops.

v. Application of organic and inorganic fertilizer

Definition: Fertilizers are generally defined as "any material, organic or inorganic, natural or

synthetic, which supplies one or more of the chemical elements required for the plant growth."
Most fertilizers that are commonly used in agriculture contain the three basic plant nutrients:
nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.

Depending on the source of materials, fertilizers can be divided into two categories:

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Organic fertilizer- Application of compost, manure and other organic fertilizer in a
recommended amounts, timing and methods are appropriate to agronomic and
environmental requirements. Raw materials used for the production of organic
fertilizers include:
 Animal manure
 Post-harvest material
 Organic waste

Inorganic fertilizer: application of nutrients which is manufactured or synthetic

fertilizer in a recommended amount, time and methods. These include: UREA, DAP,
NPS etc.

D. Irrigation

Irrigation is the process of applying water to soil, primarily to meet the water needs of
growing plants. Water from rivers, reservoirs, lakes, or aquifers is pumped or flows by
gravity through pipes, canals, ditches or even natural streams. Applying water to fields
enhances the magnitude, quality and reliability of horticultural crop production.

The main methods of irrigations are

Surface irrigation- Water flows over the soil by gravity.

Sprinkler irrigation- applies water to soil by sprinkling or spraying water droplets

from fixed or moving systems

Drip/micro irrigation- applies frequent, small applications by dripping, bubbling or

spraying, and usually only wets a portion of the soil surface in the field.

Sub irrigation- where the water table is raised to or held near the plant root zone
using ditches or subsurface drains to supply the water

E. Pest management

Pest management is an important component of crop production. Pests can have a detrimental
effect on horticultural operations by affecting the quantity, quality and ultimately, the
marketability, of the crops grown. A pest is any animal, insect, weed or disease etc. that attacks a
crop. Control methods may include:

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 chemical control – using pesticides and insecticides to control pest animals

 Physical control – using mechanical tools, equipment and machinery to capture, exclude
or destroy pest animals

 Biological control – using animal-specific diseases to control pest animal populations or

protecting livestock with guardian animals.

 Cultural control- methods of pest management include use of resistant varieties, tillage,
mulching, hand weeding and hoeing, pruning, trapping and hand picking of insects and
weeds, and the use of physical barriers such as row covers and sticky bands.

F. Harvesting

Harvesting is the operation of gathering the useful part or parts of the plant. Harvesting
time is the final stage of fruit development and determines the fruit quality. It is important
to harvest fruits and vegetables at the proper stage of maturity in order to maintain their
storage quality, as well as their nutrient quality and freshn ess for prolonged period of
time.  Maturity index for fruits and vegetables are described in the following:
 Skin color  Size
 Optical methods (measure the degree  Aroma
of maturity of fruits based on the  Leaf changes
chlorophyll content of the fruit which  Abscission
is reduced during maturation).  Firmness
 Shape

2.2. Observing and Applying Workplace Policy and Procedure

Agriculture is one of the risk full occupations for human health and safety. People are always
exposed to health risks and injuries because agricultural practices involve tools and equipment’s
that may cut and create wounds and injure body and harmful chemicals such as pesticides.

 Occupational health and safety is a discipline with a broad scope involving many
specialized fields. In its broadest sense, it should aim at the promotion and maintenance of
the highest degree of physical, mental and social well-being of workers in all occupations.

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 The prevention among workers of adverse effects on health caused by their working
 The protection of workers in their employment from risks resulting from factors adverse to
 The placing and maintenance of workers in an occupational environment adapted to
physical and mental needs.
 The adaptation of work to humans.

In other words, occupational health and safety encompasses the social, mental and physical well-
being of workers that is the “whole person”.

2.3. Maintaining a clean and safe work site

Identification of work plays are a central role in people's lives, since most workers spend at least
eight hours a day in the workplace, whether it is on a plantation, in an office, factory, etc.
Therefore, work environments should be safe and healthy. Yet this is not the case for many
workers. Every day workers all over the world are faced with a multitude of health hazards, such

 Dusts  noise
 gases  vibration
 bad smell  Extreme temperatures.
 smoke

Work-related accidents or diseases are very costly and can have many serious direct and
indirect effects on the lives of workers and their families. For workers some of the direct
costs of an injury or illness are:

 The pain and suffering of the injury  The possible loss of a job
or illness  Health-care costs.
 The loss of income

It has been estimated that the indirect costs of an accident or illness can be four to ten times
greater than the direct costs, or even more. An occupational illness or accident can have so many
indirect costs to workers that it is often difficult to measure them. One of the most obvious

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indirect costs is the human suffering caused to workers' families, which cannot be compensated
with money.

Written test
Self-check 2

Name…………………………………………… ID………………………… Date…….

Directions: Answer all the questions listed below.

Test I: Choose the best answer and encircle it. (2 marks each)
1. Which one of the following is not true bout maintaining soil organic matter through
mulching to undertake horticultural crop work?
A. It creates porous soil C. It improves the aerations
B. It improves soil moisture D. It creates compaction of soil
2. Which one of the following is the first step to undertake horticultural crop work/
A. Site selection C. Seed sowing /Planting
B. Land preparation D. Harvesting

Test II: Answer the following questions briefly and accordingly

1. Write the three main raw materials used for the production of organic fertilizers (3
A. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
B. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
C. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2. List at least 4 different practices that can help to protect against soil erosion and minimize
the loss of topsoil (4 marks)?

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Note: Satisfactory rating – 11 marks Unsatisfactory rates- below 11 marks

You can ask your teacher for the copy of the correct answers

Operation Sheet -2

2.1. Techniques for undertake horticultural crop work

A. Materials and equipment’s

 Flip chart (color print pictorial  Water and soap

display of tools and equipment)
 Note book
 Various materials, tools and
 Pen
equipments for different activities
 Fertilizers and compost
 Personal protective equipment’s
 chemicals

B. Procedures

 Carefully follow the instruction given by your instructor

 Check the site is suitable or not for the horticultural crop production activities.
 Check the presence of materials, tools and equipments in the store and they are ready to
 Apply less hazardous chemicals and calibrate with the recommended rate amount
 Record your observations (based on the checklist)
Performance Test

Name………………………………. ID……………………………..
Time started: ________________________ Time finished: ________________

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Instructions: Given necessary templates, tools and materials you are required to perform the
following tasks within 2 hours. The project is expected from each student to do
Task -1. Perform horticultural crop work

` LG #7
LO #3- Handle materials and equipment

Instruction sheet

This learning guide is developed to provide you the necessary information regarding the
following content coverage and topics:
 Storing waste materials in designated area

 Checking tools, equipment and machinery

 Cleaning and storing materials, equipment and machinery

This guide will also assist you to attain the learning outcomes stated in the cover page.
Specifically, upon completion of this learning guide, you will be able to:
 Store waste material generated during horticultural work in a designated area
 Check tools, equipment and machinery for wear/damage, and prepared for storage
according to workplace policy and procedures
 Clean and store materials, equipment and machinery.

Learning Instructions:
1. Read the specific objectives of this Learning Guide.

2. Follow the instructions described below.

3. Read the information written in the information Sheets

4. Accomplish the Self-checks

5. Perform Operation Sheets

6. Do the “LAP test”

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Information sheet- 3

3.1. Storing waste materials in designated area

Definition of terminologies
Handling: is the action of one that handles something or a process by which something is
handled in a commercial transaction especially the packaging and shipping of an object or
material (as to a consumer)

Disposal: is defined as getting rid of or giving away or a device installed in the drain of a kitchen
sink to grind up garbage that is then flushed down the drain.

Materials should be handled in a safe manner and disposed properly after and before work.
It should be:-
 Stored

 Transported and

 Cleaned

Horticultural works create much kind of wastes, among those wastes crop residues and waste
pesticides and chemicals take the leading part. Crop residues have good advantage if we properly
manage them where as waste pesticides and chemicals have hazardous effect on environment,
microorganisms, plants and animals.

Crop residue
Crop residue is defined as the vegetative crop material left on a field after a crop is harvested,
pruned or processed. As much as possible farmers are encouraged to work crop residues back
into the soil or compost them for use as a soil amendment. Recycling crop residues helps prevent
erosion and preserve or improve soil quality.

Hazardous (waste pesticides)

Special waste is waste which has hazardous properties and is subject to additional controls to
protect the environment and human health. Examples of special waste include: waste pesticides
and chemicals which have hazardous properties; waste oils from farm machinery.

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Materials handling in agriculture is concerned with the movement and handling of materials and
products in a systematic manner from point of origin to destination. Movement may be in any
direction horizontal, vertical or any combination of the two. Handling of agricultural materials
and products is important, not only because of the work involved, but also because of its effect
on costs, product quality and management. Materials handling costs account for as much as 25
percent or more of the total production cost for certain agricultural crops. These costs can be
lowered with efficient materials handling systems in which the components are integrated to
provide a smooth flow of materials.

The tools, equipment’s, and materials should be returned to store on completion of the work after
they have been cleaned and checked. Any dirt (soil, and other) adhering with the tools and
equipment’s should remove before storage. Similar tools should be stored separately without
mixing with other tools which help you to identify easily. During performing work, some tools,
equipment’s and materials can be broken, detached the handle from the main part, so such
damaged tools should be maintained if the problem is simple. The broken tools should be
identified and store alone until maintained. When materials are broken highly and not be
maintained by other experts, they should be disposed of according to supervisor’s instruction.

III.2. Checking tools, equipment and machinery

The tools, equipment’s, and materials should be returned to store on completion of the work after
they have been cleaned and checked. Any dirt (soil, and other) adhering with the tools and
equipment’s should remove before storage. Similar tools should be stored separately without
mixing with other tools which help you to identify easily. During performing work, some tools,
equipment’s and materials can be broken, detached the handle from the main part, so such
damaged tools should be maintained if the problem is simple. The broken tools should be
identified and store alone until maintained. When materials are broken highly and not be
maintained by other experts, they should be disposed of according to supervisor’s instruction.

3.3. Cleaning and storing materials, equipment and machinery

Cleaning is the removal of dirt and organic substances from surfaces of tools and equipments. A
clean and organized work area is essential to any agricultural mechanics project. Knowing where

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to find tools, supplies and materials will save time and useful in maintaining the proper inventory
of tools and materials. A work place area that is cluttered and disorganized will not only be
unsafe, but also will hinder the proper maintenance of tools and equipment. A disciplined
approach to daily cleaning and organizing will save time and effort in the long run and help
ensure that accidents are prevented.

Starting the gardening season off right requires a thorough check of your garden equipment.
Ideally it should be cleaned and evaluated after each use but we all know that doesn’t always
happen. Rust, broken parts and dull blades are an inevitable part of using these helpful

Consistent horticultural tool care is more effective when the equipment is stored in favorable
conditions. Garden tools should be stored indoors where possible, in a clean dry environment.
They should be stored upright or hanging where air can circulate freely.

You should invest in good waterproof covers for items that must be stored outdoors due to lack
of storage, such as lawnmowers. Caring for garden tools can be money and time saving chore
when done on a biannual schedule.

Written test
Self-check 3

Name…………………………………………… ID………………………… Date…….

Directions: Answer all the questions listed below.

Test I: Choose the best answer and encircle on it.(4 point)

1. Horticultural works create much kind of wastes, among those wastes crop residues and
waste pesticides and chemicals take the leading part. (1 mark)
A. True B. False

Test II: Answer the following questions briefly and accordingly (4 marks)
1. Write the advantages of crop residues regarding to soil fertility, if we manage properly?

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Note: Satisfactory rating - (5 marks each) Unsatisfactory rates- below (5 marks each)

You can ask your teacher for the copy of the correct answers

Operation Sheet -3

3.1 Techniques of storing waste materials in designated area

A. Materials tools, and equipment’s

 Flip chart (color print pictorial  Shovel

display of tools and equipment)
 Water
 Spade  Note book
 Pen
 Wheel barrow

B. Procedures
 Select waste material’s storage site
 Prepare waste material’s storage
 Store waste material’s properly
 Record your observations (based on the checklist)
 Report your work

Performance Test

Name………………………………. ID……………………………..

Time started: ________________________ Time finished: ________________

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40 of 56 Ministry of Labor and Skills Level I September,
Instructions: Given necessary templates, tools and materials you are required to perform the
following tasks within 1 hour. The project is expected from each student to do

Task-3.1 Perform handling materials and equipment

LG #8
LO #4- Record and document

Instruction sheet 4

This learning guide is developed to provide you the necessary information regarding the
following content coverage and topics:
 Reporting problems or difficulties.

 Recording and reporting materials, equipment and machinery condition

 Reporting work activities and outputs

This guide will also assist you to attain the learning outcomes stated in the cover page.
Specifically, upon completion of this learning guide, you will be able to:
 Report problems or difficulties in completing work to required Standards of the industry.

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 Record and report materials, equipment and machinery condition after work.

 Report work activities and outcomes in Standard format.

Learning Instructions:
1. Read the specific objectives of this Learning Guide.

2. Follow the instructions described below.

3. Read the information written in the information Sheets

4. Accomplish the Self-checks

5. Perform Operation Sheets

6. Do the “LAP test”

Information sheet- 4

4.1. Reporting problems or difficulties

Reporting is informing all information related to the work to a person who concerns about. It
helps to the supervisor and other concerned persons to know the standard of the work and at what
level the work activities are found and also help to supply solution by concerned people if
problems are there.
There are a number of problems occurred during horticultural crop production, of which some of
them are as follows:

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a. Faultiness of the tools and equipments e. Lack of materials, tools and
equipments during the work
b. Lack of materials for maintaining tools
and equipments f. Lack of agricultural inputs,

c. Lack of personal protective closes g. Loss of tools and equipments during

the work
d. Unsuitability of personal protective
closes h. Damage to the vehicle etc.

The problems occurred during undertaking crop work should be reported to the supervisor so that
there will be solution for the coming work cycle.

A. Documenting and recording relevant information

Record-keeping and documentation are important processes that facilitate:

 Continuity of care
 Accountability  facilitate communication
 Service improvement  to provide relevant client information
 to conduct evidence-based research

What should be documented?

 History and needs of customer.

 Services provide.
 fees charged and subsidies received
 Client outcomes

C. Best practices for documentation

To ensure consistency, it is best to bear in mind the following when documenting case notes:

 Concise.
 Relevant information in appropriate detail,
 Accurate.
 Up-to-date.
 Meaningful.
 Internally consistent.

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Notes should be structured according to a preset format

4.2. Recording and reporting materials, equipment and machinery condition

Definition of terminologies
Recording is the state or fact of being recorded or something that records: such as, something
that recalls or relates past events or an official document that records the acts of a public body or
officer and an authentic official copy of a document deposited with a legally designated officer.

Reporting is the presenting of news in newspapers, on radio, and on television, etc. in an honest
way and impartial political reporting.

Crop reporting is the description of the crop in the growing stage, mentioning the present
condition involving yield status and pest management with comments for improvement.

Documentation is the act or an instance of furnishing or authenticating with documents. It is the

use of historical documents or conformity to historical or objective facts.

Workplaces rely on large amounts of information from many different sources to operate
effectively. Most of that information is recorded either manually (on paper) or electronically (on
computer). Work schedules, product catalogues, orders and receipts, time sheets and memos are
all examples of written information, or records, found in most workplaces.
The Golden Rules for working with recording documents are:

 write clearly and legibly

 do not rush
 fill out documents following appropriate SOPs, policies and procedures
 use the right document for the job
 if in doubt - ASK for advice
 do not guess
 process and file documents in the appropriate manner
 Keep waste paper bins well away from desktops - documents have a habit of falling!
 use paperclips sparingly - papers come apart and extra pages may be picked up by the clip
Use staples not pins (ouch!).

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4.3. Reporting work activities and outputs

Work activity is the systemic entity of purposeful, cooperative human action, where several
actors work in an organized way upon a shared object of work to transform it into an intended
outcome, by using different kinds of means of work and means of cooperation and coordination.

A work report is a formal document that discusses information about a specific topic related to an
aspect of your job. Most work reports are addressed to a particular audience, such as a manager.
Depending on the type of work report, you may be given a report brief that outlines what you
should include in your report.
How to write a work report

 Identify your audience.

 Decide which information you will include

 Structure your report.

 Use concise and professional language

 Proofread and edit your report.

Once the hazards are identified it should be recorded. The record should include the type crop
work, how the risk occurs, and the likely solution, etc. The table below can serve as a recording
format, or you can make a better recording format.

No Type of crop work activity The type risk Possible solutions

Man Environment Man Environment

On completion of crop work out comes like productivity, production, strengths of production,
weaknesses of production, and problems of production should be reported to you supervisor
according to instructions and formats given from the supervisor. The work outcomes can vary
depending on objective; it can be fruit, seeds, leafy parts, stem parts, flowers, lawns, etc.
Reporting work out come helps you to get feedback by your supervisor so that you can leave

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your weakness and encourage your strength. It also helps the supervisor to get full information
about the production. The reporting format may vary but it can be as follows:

No Work outcomes Productivity Production Problems Expectations

(kg/hectare) (kg/hectare)

Written test
Self-check 4

Name…………………………………………… ID………………………… Date…….

Directions: Answer all the questions listed below.

Test I: Choose the best answer and encircle on it (2 marks each)

1. Reporting work out come helps you to get feedback by your supervisor so that you
Can leave your weakness and encourage your strength.
A. True B. False
2. The removal of dirt and organic substances from surfaces of tools and equipment’s is
refers to -----------.
A. Waste materials C. Composting
B. Cleaning D. Mulching

Test II: Answer the following questions briefly and accordingly (2 marks each)
1. Tools and equipment should be stored and disposed according to:
i. ---------------------------------------------
ii. --------------------------------------------

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iii. --------------------------------------------
Note: Satisfactory rating - (10 marks each) Unsatisfactory rates- below (10 marks each)

You can ask your teacher for the copy of the correct answers

Operation Sheet -4

4.1. Methods of recording and reporting work activities and out puts

A. Materials, tools, and equipment’s

 Flip chart  Note book

 Marker  pen

 Ruler

B. Procedures

 Observe the work activities carefully

 Record the problems or difficulties
 Record and report materials, equipments and machinery according to their functionality
 Report work activities and outputs

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Performance Test

Name………………………………. ID……………………………..

Time started: ________________________ Time finished: ________________

Instructions: Given necessary templates, tools and materials you are required to perform the
following tasks within 1 hour. The project is expected from each student to do

Task-4.1 Perform recording and documenting the work activities

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Reference Materials


Abraham, T. E., K. C. M. Raja, V. P. Sreedharan, and H. S. Nathan, Some quality aspects of a

few varieties of cassava, J. Food Sci. Techno. 16:237 (1979).
Botanga, M., Biotechnology and cassava processing in Africa, Food Technol. 49(1):86 1995).
Booth, R. H., Storage of fresh cassava (Manihot esculenta) II. Simple Storage technique, Exp.
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Krishna N. (December1, 2006)
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Cassava Newsletter 8:4 (1980).
Salunkhe, D. K., and B. B. Desai, Cassava, in Postharvest Biotechnology of Vegetables, Vol.
II, CRC Press,
Scherry, R. W., Manioc: A tropical stuff of life, Econ. Bot. 1:20 (1947).

Web Addresses

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2022 (accessed 2022) (accessed date 02/09 2022)


Ministry of Labor and Skills wish to extend thanks and appreciation to the many
representatives of TVET instructors and respective industry experts who donated their time and
expertise to the development of this Teaching, Training and Learning Materials (TTLM).

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The experts who developed the learning guide

No Name Qualifi Educational Region Phone number E-mail

cation background
1 Tilahun MSc Biotechnology Amhra(3) +251-918726766
2 Gosa Shura MSc Horticulture Oromia +251-923041032
3 Degefa MSc Soil science Oromia +251-913440464
4 Bayisa MSc Agronomy South west 0921434086
Abeshu Ethiopia
5 Berhanu BSC Plant science South west 0922182673
Asefa Ethiopia
6 Fikadu BSc Plant science Afar 0917363367
7 Wendimu BSc Plant science Oromia 0911266570
8 Yimam BSc. Plant science Oromia 0913624360
9 Eyaya MSc Agronomy Afar +251-921944452
10 Taka MSc Horticulture Oromia +251917210371

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11 Elias BSC Horticulture Oromia +251946706670

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