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M Ed 1st Year Question Papers Psychology

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Time: 3 Hours

Maximum Marks: 80

The candidate shall limit their answers precisely within the answer- book (40
Pages) issued to them and no supplementary / continuation sheet will be issued.
Note: Attempt five questions in all. Select one question from each and Question
No. 1 which is compulsory .All questions carry equal marks.
Que. 1 Write the short notes on each of the following :a) Contribution of Educational Psychology in Education.
b) How to identify Foster Cognitive Abilities ?
c) Group dynamics.
d) Personality inventories as measure of Personality.
e) Significance of Transfer of Learning.
Que.2 Critically examine Experimentation as method of enquiry in Educational
Psychology in respect of procedure, design, control and limitations.
Que. 3 (i) What are the socio-emotional characteristics of adolescents ?
(ii) Discuss four significant problems of adolescents in Higher Secondary stage.
Que. 4 Critically examine educational implications of Learning theories based on

Que.5 What is learning ? State various factors which affect learning.

Que. 6 (i) Discuss various features of Psycho-analytic approach of Personality as
advocated by Freud.
ii) Briefly examine any one Indian Theory of Personality.
Que.7 What are the educational implications of measuring interests and attitudes
ii) Suggest measures to enhance creativity of learners.
Que.8 Discuss the nature of Mental Health. What are the characteristics of
mentally healthy individual ? How can a teacher promote mental health in the
classroom ?
Que.9 What is the nature of defence mechanism ? Discuss compensation and
escape as defence mechanism.

Time: 3 Hours

Maximum Marks: 80

The candidate shall limit their answers precisely within the answer- book (40
Pages) issued to them and no supplementary / continuation sheet will be issued.
Note: Attempt five questions in all. Select one question from each and Question
No. 1 which is compulsory .All questions carry equal marks
Que. 1 Write Short notes on the following:a) Concerns and scope of Educational Psychology
b) Identification and fostering of Cognitive Abilities
c) Types of ground formation in the Classroom
d) Characteristics of Adjustment mechanisms
e) Significance of socio- emotional climate in the Classroom.
Que. 2: (a) What are the Principles of Development ?
(b) Discuss the emotional significance of PIA GAT Theory of
Que. 3 (a) Discuss the significance of Observation as medium of Inquiry in
Educational Psychology.
b) What are the contribution of Educational Psychology towards Education ?

Que. 4(a) Discuss HULLS Needs Reducation Theory alongwith examples.

(b) Briefly state concept formation and problem solving as viewed by
Que. 5 (A) Briefly describe the educational significance of transfer of learning.
(B) What are the Principles of Stimulus Response Theories ?
Que. 6 Explain the concept of Personality. Write a detailed note on Maslows
Theory of Personality.
Que. 7 What is creativity ? What are the methods of enhancing creativity among
Que. 8 (a) What are the characteristics of Projective Techniques ?
(b) Discuss Rating Scales as measure of Personality.
Que.9 (a) Discuss principles of Mental Hygiene.
(b) What are the common forms of Neurosis ?

Time: 3 Hours

Maximum Marks: 80

The candidate shall limit their answers precisely within the answer- book (40
Pages) issued to them and no supplementary / continuation sheet will be issued.
Note: Attempt five questions in all. Select one question from each and Question
No. 1 which is compulsory .All questions carry equal marks.
Que. 1 Write the short notes on each of the following :a) Main concerns of Education Psychology.
b) General Characteristics of Adolescence.
c) Educational Implications of Thorndike Connectionism.
d) The concept of Values and Value Types.
e) Principles of mental hygiene.
Que. 2 Describe Piagets Cognitive Development Theory. Discuss the two main
educational implications.
Que. 3 (a) Describe four main important factors which influence the process of
Human Development during childhood and adolescence.
(b) Discuss the two main educational implications of the theory of Burner.
Que. 4 (a) Explain Gestalt Theory. Describe its two important educational

(b) Describe various types of Transfer of Learning. Explain the Identical Element
Theory of Transfer of Learning.
Que.5 (a) Write a note on importance of Interpersonal relations.
(b) Describe the influence of Teacher characteristics of the socio-emotional
climate of the classroom.
Que. 6 (a) Individual Differences are mainly because of differences in
intelligence and Cognitive abilities. Explain.
(b) Students differing in their learning styles need differing teaching strategies.
Que. 7 Describe Maslows Humanistic Approach towards understanding
Describe any one Indian theory with regard to Personality.
Que. 8 What do you understand by Projective Techniques of the assessment of
Personality ? Describe any one of these techniques.
Que. 9 It is very important for a teacher to study the concept and process of
adjustment of students. Such a study helps the teacher to solve many personal and
educational problems of the students. Discuss.

Time: 3 Hours

Maximum Marks: 80

The candidate shall limit their answers precisely within the answer- book (40
Pages) issued to them and no supplementary / continuation sheet will be issued.
Note: Attempt five questions in all. Select one question from each and Question
No. 1 which is compulsory .All questions carry equal marks.
Que. 1 Write the short notes on each of the following :a) Characteristics of emotional development during infancy period ( in 150
b) Influence of teacher characteristics on classroom environment (in 150
c) Concept of Values ( in 100 words)
d) Relevance of defence mechanisms for adjustment ( in 100 words)
Que. 2 (a) How and in what type of students can the classroom teacher make use
of case study ? Explain.
(b) State educational implications of Piagets theory.
Que. 3 Distinguish between Heredity and Environment. Illustrate the relative
importance of each one of them in human development.
Que. 4 Discuss the following in brief:-


Implication of Gagnes theory of Learning.


Main features of Tolmans Sign- Gestalt theory.

Que.5 Which theory of Transfer of Learning, do you think, is best and why ? How
it is useful for Teachers and Students.
Que. 6 Write the brief notes on the following:(a)

Guiding creative children


Learning styles and Teaching- Learning Process.

Que.7 What do you mean by Humanistic approach of Personality ? Discuss in this

context Maslows Theory.
Que. 8 Explain the following in two pages:(a)

Withdrawal as mechanism of adjustment


Curative aspect of mental hygiene

Que.9 What do you mean by Psychosis ? Discuss any one kind of Psychiotic

Time: 3 Hours

Maximum Marks: 80

The candidate shall limit their answers precisely within the answer- book (40
Pages) issued to them and no supplementary / continuation sheet will be issued.
Note: Attempt five questions in all. Select one question from each and Question
No. 1 which is compulsory .All questions carry equal marks.
Que. 1 Write the short notes on each of the following :a) Contribution of Education Psychology in Education.
b) How to identify and foster cognitive abilities ?
c) Group dynamics
d) Personality inventories as measure of Personality
e) Significance of transfer of learning.
Que.2 Critically examine Experimentation as a method of enquiry in Educational
Psychology in respect of procedure, design, control and limitations.
Que. 3 (i) What are the socio-economic characteristics of adolescence.
(ii) Discuss four significant problems of adolescents of Higher Secondary stage.
Que.4 Critically examine educational implications of Learning theories based on

Que. 5 What is Learning ? State various factors which affect learning.

Que. 6 (i) Discuss various features of Psycho analysis approach of Personality as
advocated by Freud.
(ii) Briefly examine any one Indian theory of Personality.
Que. 7 (i) What are the educational implications of measuring interests and
attitudes ?
(ii) Suggest measures to enhance creativity of learners.
Que. 8 Discuss the nature of Mental Health. What are the characteristics of
mentally healthy individual ? How can teacher promote mental health in the
Classroom ?
Que.9 What is the nature of Defence Mechanism ? Discuss compensation and
escape as defence mechanism.

Time: 3 Hours

Maximum Marks: 80

The candidate shall limit their answers precisely within the answer- book (40
Pages) issued to them and no supplementary / continuation sheet will be issued.
Note: Attempt five questions in all. Select one question from each and Question
No. 1 which is compulsory .All questions carry equal marks.
Que. 1 Write the short notes on each of the following :a) Main concerns of Educational Psychology.
b) General Characteristics of Intelligence.
c) Educational Implications of Thorndikes Connectionism.
d) The concept of Values and Value types.
e) Principles of Mental Hygiene.
Que. 2 Describe Piagets Cognitive Development Theory . Discuss the two main
educational implication of this theory.
Que.3 (a) Describe the four important factors which influence the process of
Human Development during Childhood and Adolesence.
( b ) Discuss the two main educational implications of Theory of Bruner.
Que. 4 (a) Explain Gestalt Theory. Describe its two main educational implications.

( b) Describe various types of Transfer of Learning. Explain the identical element

theory of Transfer of Learning.
Que.5 (a) Write a note on the importance of Interpersonal relations.
(b) Describe the influence of Teacher characteristics on the socio-emotional
climate of the Classroom.
Que.6 (a) Individual differences are mainly because of differences in
intelligence and Cognitive abilities. Explain.
(b) Students differing in their learning styles need differing teaching strategies.
Que.7 Describe Maslows Humanistic approach towards understanding
Describe any one Indian Theory of Personality.
Que. 8 What do you understand by Projective Techniques of the assessment of
Personality ? Describe any one of these techniques.
Que. 9 It is very important for a teacher to study the concept and process of
adjustment of the students. Such a study helps the teacher to solve many personal
and educational problems of the students. Discuss.

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