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Anjuman Polytechnic: Micro-Project Report

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Data Communication and Computer Network
Circuit Switching

Name of Students::-
Chaitanya Namdeo
Roll no:- 18
Enrollment no:- 2000760027

Vidit Wanjari
Roll no:- 43
Enrollment no:- 2000760052

Piyush Kapse
Roll No:- 11
Enroll No:- 2000760020

Branch:- CO
Subject Teacher:-Mrs. Parveen Mam
Academic Year:- 2021-2022

This is to certify that Chaitanya Namdeo(18), Vidit

Wanjari(43), Piyush Kapse(11)they completed their seminar
work during Diploma and the report embodies the result of
work. It is therefore recommended for submission .

Name and signature of guide

Department of computer
What is Circuit Switching?

Circuit switching is a type of network configuration in which a physical

path is obtained and dedicated to a single connection between two
endpoints in the network for the duration of a dedicated connection.
Ordinary voice phone service uses circuit switching. This reserved circuit
is used for the duration of a call. As long as the call lasts, the circuit
cannot be used for anything else.

In circuit switching, the bandwidth and data transmission rate are fixed.

Circuit switching is connection-oriented meaning a physical connection
between hosts is required for it to work.

What is circuit switching used for?

Examples of where circuit switching is used include the following:

 Continuous connections. Circuit switching is used for

connections that must be continuous for long periods of time, such
as long-distance communication. Traditional telephone systems --
i.e., landlines -- are an example of a technology that uses circuit

 Dial-up network connections. When computers connect to the

internet via a dial-up service, it uses the public switched network.
With dial-up, Internet Protocol (IP) data packets are carried over a
circuit-switched telephone network.

 Optical circuit switching. Data center networks also use circuit

switching. Optical circuit switching is used to scale traditional data
centers and meet growing bandwidth requirements.
What are the phases of circuit switching?
These are the three main phases of circuit switching:

1. Connection establishment. Also called call setup, this phase

establishes a dedicated circuit between two
communicating endpoints. The parties send a message back and
forth acknowledging the established connection. There are usually
intermediate links or switches between the two parties.

2. Data transfer. Data -- usually voice -- is transmitted from the

source to the destination. The connection remains intact for the
length of the interaction.

3. Connection relinquishment. This is also called the teardown

phase. At the end of the interaction, one of the two endpoints
sends a message initiating a disconnection. The communication
path, including the intermediate links, is terminated.
What are the advantages of circuit-switched networks?
The advantages of circuit-switched networks include the following:

 Dedicated channel. Circuit-switched networks reserve a dedicated

communications channel circuit that only the two endpoints can access.

 Reliable. A dedicated circuit between two hosts for the duration of that
connection decreases the potential for data loss or other reliability

 Security. Circuit-switched networks are more secure than packet-

switched networks due to having only two communicating parties on a
dedicated circuit.

 Quality. Once a connection is established, this type of network generally

has a consistent connection quality without delays in data flow.

What are the disadvantages of circuit-switching?

The drawbacks of using a circuit-switched network include the following:

 Limited use. Circuit-switched networks can only be used for voice

communication and aren't available for other types of connections.

 Inefficient. When a circuit is continuously reserved even when it's not in

use, network bandwidth is wasted.

 Inflexible. A dedicated channel can only be used for circuit-switched

network traffic and nothing else. And, if there aren't enough dedicated
channels, calls can fail.

 Higher cost. A dedicated channel costs more per use.

 Latency. Extra time is required to establish a connection before data is


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