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Tugas Uts Syntax

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Supporting Lecturer:
Anwar Ismail S.Pd., M.Hum.

Nama : Della Zalfia Angraini

NPM : 03062111029
Class/sem : 3/A



A. Definition of phrases

Phrases are groups of words that are related but do not contain a subject or a verb. By
understanding how form and function will make it easier for a writer to make variations in an

B. Types of phrases

1. Noun PhraseS

2. Adverbial phraseS



5. Exocentric phraseS

6. Endocentic phraseS

7. Prepositional phraseS

C. history of phrases

According to Ramlan (1985), a phrase is a grammatical unit consisting of two or more

words that does not exceed the functional boundaries of the basic clause. The elements of S,
P, O, supplements, and information that do not go beyond the elements of the clause.

On the other hand, according to Kridalaksana (1984), a phrase is an unexpected

combination of two or more words. The combination is solid and perhaps rare. For example,
Takayama is an expression because it has an unexpected structure.

From the two opinions above, we can conclude that the main features of this clause are:

○ A combination of two or more words

○ Combined words in phrases are unpredictable.

Phrases are not limited by the number of words or units of length. A phrase can consist of
two, three, four, five, six words, and so on.

A. Definition of Endocentric Phrases

According to Ramlan (1987: 155) Endocentric phrases are phrases that have the same
distribution as their elements, either all or one of the elements. The elements are equivalent
and their meaning refers to the same reference.

B. Pattern and Examples of Endocentric Phrases

Endocentric phrases have the basic pattern of consisting of a main word followed by one
or more additional words that provide additional details or information about the main word.
Here are some common patterns of endocentric phrases:

1. Noun + noun

This pattern consists of two nouns joined together, where the main word provides the main
meaning and the auxiliary word provides additional information.

Examples: Coffee mug

2. Adjective + noun

This pattern consists of an adjective followed by a noun, where the adjective provides
information about the noun.

Examples: red appleVerb + noun

This pattern consists of a verb followed by a noun, where the verb provides information
about the action performed on the noun.

Examples: swimming pool

3. Preposition + noun

This pattern consists of a preposition followed by a noun, where the preposition provides
information about the relationship between the two words.

Examples: in-law.

5. Adverb + adjective
This pattern consists of an adverb followed by an adjective, where the adverb provides
additional information about the adjective.

Examples: highly anticipated

These patterns are only a general guide and do not always follow the same pattern. Some
endocentric phrases can have more complex and varied structures depending on the context
and usage. Creativity in choosing related words and their use according to the context is
essential in forming appropriate and meaningful endocentric phrases. There are several types
of endocentric phrases, as follows.

1. Attributive Endocentric Phrases

Attributive endocentric phrases are phrases that consist of a central element where the
element is the most important element, while the other elements are attributes. This class of
phrases consists of unequal elements. For Examples:

• We met him yesterday afternoon. (Central element: Yesterday, Attributive: afternoon)

2. Appositive endocentric phrases

According to Chaer (2012: 228) Appositive endocentric phrases are coordinative phrases
whose two components refer to each other, and therefore, the order of the components is
interchangeable. For Examples:

• Kaesang, the son of President Jokowi, has a funny nature.


A. What is noun clause ?

A noun clause is a dependent clause that takes the place of any noun in the sentence, whether
they are subjects, objects, or subject complements.
B. The types of noun clause
1. Object Noun Clause
If the object is located behind the independent clause, then the noun clause is of the object
type (Morley, 2000).example :
Thalia is always insecure about what people say about her goal.
2. Subject Noun Clause
This subject noun clause is more difficult to recognize than the object noun clause. Example:
When he will come back is still unsure.
3. Complement Noun Clause
In the complement type, the noun clause is deliberately added in order to provide further
information or definition about the independent clause.example :
His hope is whatever’s best for his family.
4. Object Of Preposition Noun Clause The object of a preposition is the object of the
preposition of or for in the noun clause. Example:
. For crying, I wouldn’t be happy with him.


A. what are noun phrases

Ba‟dulu (2008: 41) states that noun phrase is a word group with noun as its head. A
noun phrase may consist of determiner slot filled by an article, a possessive pronoun, a
numeral, or a demonstrative, and a head slot filled by a noun. According to Jackson (1985),
the English noun phrase (NP) is potentially constructed by a pre-modifier, a head, and a post-

B. the function of noun phrases

the syntactic functions that they fulfill are those of the arguments of the main clause
predicate, particularly those of subject, object and predicative expression. They also function
as arguments in such constructs as participial phrases and prepositional phrases. For example:

For us the news is a concern. – the news is the subject argument

Have you heard the news? – the news is the object argument

That is the news. – the news is the predicative expression following the copula is

They are talking about the news. – the news is the argument in the

prepositional phrase about the news

C. The structure of noun phrase

1. Pre-modifiers in noun phrase

a. Identifiers as pre-modifiers

b. Numerals/quantifiers as pre-modifiers

c. Adjective as pre-modifiers

d. Noun as modifiers

2. head in noun phrases

According to Jackson (1982: 67), the most usual kind of head of a noun phrase is a
noun, such as car. Alternatively, the head may be a pronoun of some kind, very commonly a
personal pronoun. For example: He is there. Other kinds of pronoun functioning as head of a
noun phrase include: indefinite pronoun, example: someone called.

C. Post – Modifiers in Noun phrases

1. Single word post-modifiers

Example: the room above us, the man before this one, etc.

2. Prepositional phrases as post-modifiers


-The pen on the table,

3. Clauses as post-modifiers

a. Relative clauses (finite clauses) as post-modifiers


-The teacher who teaches me English.

b. Non-finite clauses as post-modifiers


-Infinitive clause: The students to be watched during the examination


A. what is adjeective phrase?

Adjective phrase is a phrase that’s headed by an adjective and provides context, clarity, or
details that support that adjective.

B. types of adjective phrases

1. predicative adjective phrase

A predicative adjective phrase is placed after a linking verb such as is, are, was, where,
become, seem feel. And describes the subject of the sentence. It functions as the predicate of
the sentences

For example :

the soup is too salty

2. attributive adjective phrases

An attributive phrase is placed before the noun or pronoun it modifies and provides additional
information about it. It functions as a modifier of the noun or pronoun.

For example :

the black cat crossed the street


A. what is verb and phrases ?

• A verb is a word that describes what the subject of a sentence is doing. Verbs can
indicate (physical or mental) actions, occurrences, and states of being.
• Phrases are comprised of one or more words that form a meaningful grammatical unit.
Phrases can consist of a single word or a complete sentence.

B. what is verb phrases ?

A verb phrase is a segment of a sentence that is comprised of a verb and the verb's
dependents. These dependents can be linking verbs, auxiliary verbs, modals and sometimes

A phrase is comprised of:

1. one head (also called headword)

2. two or more modifiers

The head of the phrase determines the grammatical nature of the unit, for example, a phrase
whose head is a verb is called a verb phrase. The remaining words in a phrase are called the
dependents of the head.

C. the types of verb phrases

1. helping verbs

The function of helping verbs is to tell the type of tense used while adding meaning. We have
two type of helping verbs, auxiliary verbs and modal verbs.

Example : “ i have eaten the watermelon”

2. main verbs

• Eat
• Study
• Play
• Read and so on

D. patterns verb phrases

1. main verb only

• He stayed at home during the holiday

2. auxiliary verb + main verb
• I know the mean kids are talking about the new students nehind his back
3. modal + main verb
• They will win the game because they have trained so hard
4. modal + auxiliary verb+ main verb
• You would have won the game if you had worked harder


A. What is adverb?

An adverb is a word that modifies (describes) a verb (he sings loudly), an adjective (very
tall), another adverb (ended too quickly), or even a whole sentence (Fortunately, I had
brought an umbrella). Adverbs often end in –ly, but some (such as fast) look exactly the
same as their adjective counterparts.

B. What is adverb phrase?

An adverb phrase (or adverbial phrase) is any phrase that acts as an adverb in a sentence. It
provides more information about the verb, adjective, or adverb that it modifies by
answering how, where, when, why, or to what degree an action has occurred.

C. How is the adverb phrase form?

An adverb phrase consists of one or more words. The adverb is the head of the phrase and
can appear alone or it can be modified by other words. Adverbs are one of the four major
word classes, along with nouns, verbs and adjectives.

Some example of adverb phrase in sentence:

• We usually go on holiday in August.

• Time goes very quickly.
• The day passed quickly enough.
D. Adverb phrase function

1. Adverb phrase + verbs

2. Adverb phrase + be

3. Adverb phrase + adj/adv

E. Kinds of adverbial phrase

1. Adverbs with qualifiers

2. Prepositional phrase
3. manner

4. Place

5. Frequency

6. Purpose

8. Prepositional phrases

A. what is prepositional phrases ?

In English grammar, a prepositional phrase is a group of words made up of

a preposition (such as to, with, or across), its object (a noun or pronoun), and any of the
object's modifiers (an article and/or an adjective).

It is only a portion of a sentence and cannot stand on its own as a complete thought.
Prepositional phrases often tell where something happened, when it happened, or help define
a specific person or thing. Because of these functions, they're often essential to understanding
a sentence.

b. how to form prepositional phrases?

1. Preposition + bare noun

For example:

At home

-I am at home

2. Preposition + noun phrase

noun phrase adalah kelompok kata yang terdiri dari minimal sebuah adjective and noun

For example:

During the storm

-I am so worried. He insisted to go during the storm.

. Preposition + object pronoun

object pronoun adalah kata ganti yang berfungsi sebagai orang : him, them, her …..


Beside me

-she always wants to stay beside me

4. Preposition + gerund ( verb ing )

Gerund : kata kerja yang di tambah ing yang berfungsi sebagai naoun


After reading the book

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