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Digital Marketing Strategy and Plan Template

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Group #21

Sergio Cuenca Rubio

Gina Castellet Teva

Claudia Uroz

Maiia Synooka

Future Lions: innovative product idea
“Connect an audience of your choosing to a product or service from a global brand in a way that wasn’t possible three
years ago”.

Name of your product/service:

In a sentence or two, describe your Tinder for blind people which uses a facial recognition software promoted by
innovative product idea. Make sure to Windows an AI, which offers an image description through biometrical parameters.
mention your chosen audience, brand, and
the technology that makes it all possible.

Outline your strategy and objectives

Create a strategy
Your strategy encompasses an overarching, intended plan; a clear vision for the future. In doing so, it provides an
overview, rather than detail. It does not yet consider timing. Concretely, it should be based on a (digital) strategy model of
your choice (e.g. the social media framework (see handbook p. 234-236), McKinsey’s consumer decision journey (see
handbook p. 238-239)), including a pre-purchase, purchase, and post-purchase phase 1. Choose a strategy model that you
think will fit the online customer journey of your product/service well!

Phase Strategy model: (e.g.) the How to achieve this (i.e. what will be your strategy for this phase)?
social media framework

Pre-purchase Awareness Strategy #1:

Consideration Strategy #2: Explaining the product’s value and how it is the best in the

Purchase Conversion Strategy #3: Increasing App conversion

Post-purchase Evangelism Strategy #4: improving the app with new features or improve others every
once in a while to avoid the consumers’ possible regret.

These pre-purchase/purchase/post-purchase phases mostly get different names in every strategy model, e.g. the social media framework:
awareness, consideration, conversion, evangelism; McKinsey’s consumer decision journey: consideration, evaluation, purchase, post-purchase.

Add objectives
Objectives should be based on your strategy, and need to be SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and
Timed (see handbook p. 243-248).

Strategy #1 Strategy #2 Strategy #3 Strategy #4

Objective #1 Publicity in Social Partnership with Molly Explain the social value Improve the app.
Media such as Burke as one of the of the project.
For tinder: Increase in a
Instagram, Twitter or most important
5-10% the app’s
Facebook with direct influencers from the
downloads in 2020, and
links to Google Play or Youtube blind
consequently earning
App store. community, using her to
talk about the app not
only on youtube but
also on Spotify

Objective #2 Raise awareness

through social media of
For tinder: Position tinder
the blind community
in the top 1 of apps to meet
and how Tinder is one

people at the beginning of of the few big social
2020 → Improve brand and medias taking care of
product awareness. that community.

Objective #3 Use the app’s

popularity to introduce
For Novartis and
the technology to other
Microsoft Cognitive
businesses and hope
Services: Improve ROI
for new partnerships.
by 20% in 2020 thanks to
the popularity of the
technology developed in
the ViaOpta Hello App.

Build personas
Delve deeper into who your audience is by building personas: representations of archetypical users (see handbook p.
102-104). Personas should be based on data (that you gather through secondary or even primary research). Typically,
personas are based on three elements: demographics, psychographics and webographics. You should create at least two

Persona #1 Description Data source


27 y.o
Born in: London

Socioeconomic level: medium-wealthy

Full-time employed. Journalist and disability advocate

Psychographics Blind


Explorer's archetype: She is free, cheeky, as independent

as she can and full of boldness. She looks forward to new
adventures and new emotions, and she is not afraid. She
also gets tired of things easily, and hates whenever she
feels bored with life.

She is a millenial, and she has the habits of one of them:

She loves to listen to music or go to concerts that convey
different feelings, such as Adele concerts. She’s really loyal
and devoted to doing what she loves and inspiring others.
She workes as disability advocate and trying to help other
blinded or partially sighted people to create their life in a
more easier way, she also has her own blog where she is
sharing with others useful information and her opinion on
certain social issues. The main purpose - to help other
people with disabilities to improve their lives and to show
others that blinded people are just normal people as

everyone is. She loves to read news, articles, listen to
podcasts - she always trying to be productive.

Webographics Social Media (YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) Blind

people’s blogs. interact-with-visual-content-on-social-
She gives likes and comments on blogs. She listens to podcasts.

Persona #2 Description Data source


23 y.o
Born in: Texas
Socio-economic level: low (depends on their parents and they
are a humble family)
Studying Medicine in the University of New York.
He is a member of volunteer organisation “Volunteers of
America” since started his studies in the university.

Psychographics He likes to travel, help other people and watch movies. He also https://1z1euk35x7oy36s8we4dr6lo-
likes to read blogs on different issues, to discover new problems
in the world, to resolve them. uploads/2017/08/Tinder-profile-words.png
Friend archetype: He’s loyal, kind and caring. He is honest and
realistic. He brings ideas to his friends to help them improve their
lifestyles. He has Tinder App and sometimes use it to find new tinder-statistics/
friends. He doesn’t look for a girlfriend in Tinder, he uploaded it
just for the interest about popular App which is commonly used in
US. He uses it 3-4 times a week, mostly in the evening to relax
his mind after full day of studies.
He watches TV series on weekends, mostly kind of
documentaries. On Instagram and YouTube he follows well-
known people among medicine/volunteers/UN organization
communities, also as an entertainment he follows few bloggers
on YouTube (including our blogger Molly Burke) - he loves it
because it’s something completely different and he is interested

how people with disabilities organize their lives (also it is very
useful in terms of the volunteer organisation he is a part of). He
likes to watch TEDx Talks as it’s very useful in his area of
Webographics Social Media (YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) and https://1z1euk35x7oy36s8we4dr6lo-
Video games. Streaming platforms (such as Netflix)

Add tools and tactics, finalizing your digital marketing plan

The last step in creating your digital marketing plan is to connect your strategy, objectives and personas to digital
marketing tools (e.g. a blog) and tactics (e.g. writing a blog post about X; see handbook p. 253-255 for an example of a
digital marketing plan).

Strategy: pre-purchase, purchase and post-purchase

Digital toolbox element2 Objective being Tactic(s) to reach: Tactic(s) to reach:

Persona #1 Persona #2

Podcasts Objective 1,2,3 Advertisement on Advertisement on

Spotify podcasts Spotify podcasts

Website Objective 1,3 Publicity in tinder’s Publicity in tinder’s

You only need to sum up the tools that you will actually use. This list contains some of the tools that we saw in class. There are more, and of
course, you do not need to use them all (only those that seem relevant to you)!

website website

Social media Objective 1 Spotify advertisement, Instagram stories,

advertising twitter and Facebook twitter and Facebook

Blogs Objective 1 Posts on influencers’ Posts on influencers’

blogs blogs

Influencers Objective 1,2,3 Posts on their social Posts on their social

profiles, videos on profiles, videos on
Youtube and Instagram Youtube and Instagram
stories stories


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