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Sap Functionality For Accounting of Prepaid Expenses

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A prepaid expense is an expense that is paid in advance, such as f) Post the clearing document using transaction code
rent or insurance. When a company pays for a prepaid expense, FB01. Enter the document number and select the
the payment is recorded as an asset on the balance sheet. The posting period. Save the document.
expense is not recognized as an expense until it is used or
consumed, which is typically over a period of time. To The illustrative example is as follows:-
recognize the expense over the period of time, accruals and
deferrals are used. Suppose a company has a prepaid expense for rent for the next
six months, starting from January 1, 2023. The prepaid expense
There are several alternatives available for accounting of prepaid is $12,000, which is paid upfront on January 1, 2023. The
expenses in SAP. Here are three common methods: company wants to use recurring documents to record this
prepaid expense.

a) Recurring Documents: This method involves 1. Create a Purchase Order (PO) for the prepaid expense
creating a recurring document to automatically post using transaction code ME21N. Enter the vendor, material,
the prepaid expense each month. The recurring quantity, and amount details for the prepaid expense in the
document can be set up to post the same amount each PO.
month, or it can be set up to post varying amounts
based on a defined pattern or formula. This method is Account Entry:
also automated but may be less flexible than the
Debit: Prepaid Expenses (Asset) - $12,000
Accrual Engine method.
Credit: Bank Account (Liability) - $12,000
b) Accrual Engine: This method involves creating an
accrual object and using it to record the prepaid 2. Create a recurring document using transaction code FBD1
expense. The Accrual Engine calculates and posts the for the prepaid expense. Enter the relevant details for the
accrual amounts each month based on the posting recurring document, such as the account assignment,
rules defined for the object. This method provides a posting frequency, and the amount to be posted each
more automated and streamlined approach to month. In this case, we will create a recurring document
recording and managing prepaid expenses. for $2,000 to be posted each month for the next six
c) Manual Entries: This method involves manually
posting the prepaid expense each month using Account Entry:
journal entries. This method provides the most
flexibility, but also requires more manual effort and Debit: Rent Expense (Expense) - $2,000
is more prone to errors.
Credit: Prepaid Expenses (Asset) - $2,000
Ultimately, the method chosen will depend on the specific needs
3. Post the recurring document using transaction code F.14
and preferences of the company. The Accrual Engine is often
for the first month, January. Select the recurring document
the preferred method due to its automation and flexibility, but it
and the posting period for January. The recurring
may require more setup and configuration compared to the other
document will post the prepaid expense for January
methods. Recurring documents can be a good option for simpler
prepaid expenses that require less flexibility, while manual
entries may be the best choice for companies with unique Account Entry:
requirements or for one-time prepaid expenses
Debit: Rent Expense (Expense) - $2,000
Credit: Prepaid Expenses (Asset) - $2,000
a) Create a Purchase Order (PO) for the prepaid
expense using transaction code ME21N. Enter the 4. Create an amortization document for the prepaid expense
vendor, material, quantity, and amount details for the for January using transaction code F-02. Enter the account
prepaid expense in the PO. information for the prepaid expense and the amount to be
b) Create a GL account for prepaid expenses using amortized, which is $2,000. Select the posting period for
transaction code FS00. Enter the account group, January.
description, and other relevant details for the GL
Account Entry:
account. Save the GL account.
c) Create a recurring document for the prepaid expense Debit: Rent Expense (Expense) - $2,000
using transaction code FBD1. Enter the recurring
document details, such as the account codes, Credit: Prepaid Expenses (Asset) - $2,000
amounts, and frequency of posting. Save the
recurring document. 5. Post the amortization document for January using
d) Set up the recurring entry run using transaction code transaction code FB03. Enter the document number and
F.14. Enter the posting date range and the recurring select the posting period for January. Save the document.
document number. Run the recurring entry.
e) At the end of the prepaid expense period, create a Account Entry:
clearing document to clear the prepaid expenses
Debit: Rent Expense (Expense) - $2,000
account. Use transaction code F.13 to create the
clearing document. Enter the account codes and Credit: Prepaid Expenses (Asset) - $2,000
amounts for the prepaid expenses account.
6. Repeat steps 3-5 for the remaining months, February to engine will automatically create the journal entries for the
June, to record the prepaid expense for each month. amortization.
7. At the end of June, the prepaid expense should be fully
amortized and there should be no remaining balance in the Step 3: Monthly Amortization
Prepaid Expenses account.
At the end of each month, the accrual engine calculates the
amount of the rent expense that should be recognized for the
month and creates the journal entries. The following entries are
Recording prepaid expenses in SAP S/4HANA is done using the posted at the end of the first month (January 31, 2023):
accrual engine. The accrual engine allows you to create accrual
Debit Rent Expense Account for $1,000
objects that will be used to record prepaid expenses. Here are the
steps to record prepaid expenses in SAP S/4HANA using the Credit Prepaid Rent Account for $1,000
accrual engine:
The same entries are posted at the end of each month until the
1. Create a Purchase Order (PO) using transaction code end of the 12-month period.
ME21N for the prepaid expense. Enter the vendor,
material, quantity, and amount details for the prepaid Step 4: Final Amortization
expense in the PO.
2. Create an accrual object using transaction code FBU3. At the end of the 12-month period, the prepaid rent account
Enter the relevant details for the accrual object, such as the should be fully amortized. The following entries are posted:
company code, the posting date, and the account
assignment details. Debit Rent Expense Account for $12,000
3. Assign the PO to the accrual object by clicking on the
Credit Prepaid Rent Account for $12,000
"Assignments" tab and selecting the PO number in the
"Purchase Order" field. Both recurring documents and the accrual engine can be used to
4. Create an invoice for the prepaid expense using transaction record prepaid expenses in SAP S/4HANA, but there are some
code MIRO. Enter the vendor, PO number, and other differences in how they work and how they affect the financial
relevant details for the invoice. Save the invoice. statements.
5. Post the accrual for the prepaid expense using transaction
code F.81. Select the accrual object and the posting period Recurring documents are used to post the same document
for the accrual. Enter the amount of the prepaid expense as repeatedly over a period of time. They are typically used for
the accrued amount. transactions that occur on a regular basis, such as monthly rent
6. Post the invoice for the prepaid expense using transaction payments or utility bills. Recurring documents can be created in
code FB03. Enter the invoice number and select the advance and scheduled to post automatically, which can save
posting period for the invoice. Save the invoice. time and reduce errors.
7. Create an amortization document for the prepaid expense
using transaction code F-02. Enter the account information The accrual engine, on the other hand, is used to record
for the prepaid expense and the amount to be amortized. expenses that have been paid in advance but will be used or
Select the posting period for the amortization document. consumed over a period of time. Prepaid expenses such as
8. Post the amortization document using transaction code insurance premiums or prepaid rent can be recorded using the
FB03. Enter the document number and select the posting accrual engine. The accrual engine creates an accrual object that
period for the amortization document. Save the document. represents the prepaid expense and then posts an accrual
document to record the expense in the current period.
The illustrative example is as follows:-
Here are examples of how recurring documents and the accrual
Assume that a company pays $12,000 for rent for a warehouse engine can be used to record prepaid expenses:
for the next 12 months in advance on January 1, 2023. The
company uses the accrual engine to amortize the rent expense Example 1: Recording monthly rent payments
over the 12-month period. The monthly rent expense is $1,000
($12,000/12 months). Let's say a company pays rent of $1,000 per month. They can
record the rent payments using recurring documents or the
Step 1: Create a PO and post a GRN accrual engine.
The first step is to create a PO for the prepaid rent expense and  Using recurring documents: The company can create a
post a GR to confirm that the rent has been received. The recurring document for the rent payment and schedule it to
following entries are posted: post automatically each month. The recurring document
will post the same entry each month, which will increase
Debit Prepaid Rent Account for $12,000
the rent expense account and decrease the cash account.
Credit Cash/Bank Account for $12,000  Using the accrual engine: If the company pays rent for
three months in advance, they can use the accrual engine to
When the GR is posted, the following entries are posted: record the prepaid rent. They would create an accrual
object for the prepaid rent and post an accrual document
Debit Rent Expense Account for $12,000 for the current period. The accrual document would
increase the rent expense account and create a liability for
Credit Prepaid Rent Account for $12,000 the prepaid rent. The prepaid rent liability would be
reduced each month as the rent expense is amortized.
Step 2: Set up the Accrual Engine
Example 2: Recording annual insurance premiums
The next step is to set up the accrual engine to amortize the
prepaid rent expense over the 12-month period. The accrual
Let's say a company pays an annual insurance premium of
$12,000. They can record the insurance premium using
recurring documents or the accrual engine.

 Using recurring documents: The company can create a

recurring document for the insurance premium and
schedule it to post automatically each month. The
recurring document would post a portion of the insurance
premium each month, which would increase the insurance
expense account and decrease the cash account.
 Using the accrual engine: If the company pays the
insurance premium in advance, they can use the accrual
engine to record the prepaid insurance. They would create
an accrual object for the prepaid insurance and post an
accrual document for the current period. The accrual
document would increase the insurance expense account
and create a liability for the prepaid insurance. The prepaid
insurance liability would be reduced each month as the
insurance expense is amortized.

In general, the accrual engine is a more appropriate method for

recording prepaid expenses because it better reflects the timing
of the expense and the associated liability. Recurring documents
are better suited for transactions that occur on a regular basis,
such as rent payments or utility bills.

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