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KKDK Aquinobete Finals

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Background of the Study

Arrests for drugs increased after the Philippine government launched a war on

illegal substances. Between July 2016 and November 2019, the Philippine Drug

Enforcement Agency reported 220,728 arrests. Prison overcrowding increased 612%,

resulting in illness and fatalities.

For small drug offenses, the Supreme Court opened the door to plea

negotiations in 2017. Those who were accepted could participate in community-based

drug rehabilitation (CBDR) for six months rather of going to jail. Unfortunately, many

local government units lacked CBDR programs due to the absence of a CBDR history

in the nation.

PDL who were permitted to enter into plea negotiations under AM and who had

a history of using illegal drugs or a substance use disorder Drug counseling is offered

utilizing the “Katatagan Kontra Droga sa Komunidad” (KKDK) method to No. 18-03-

16 SC. The KKDK is a twenty-four (24) module psycho-educational drug counseling

program. Eighteen (18) of the modules must be completed by PDLs in small groups

with other PDLs, and six (6) of the modules must be completed by the PDL's family.

The four (4) month maximum period of the drug counseling.

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The KKDK modular intervention is not a stand-alone drug rehabilitation

program, considering that it focuses only on the psychological and emotional aspects

of the person with substance use disorder. Hence, it can only be effectively

implemented as supplementary to an existing rehabilitation program. In essence,

KKDK modular intervention became part of the psychological/emotional component

of the TCMP which will be specifically provide only to select PDL who qualifies for

the KKDK program.   

Tanauan City Jail, a correctional facility under the Bureau of Jail Management

and Penology, is a known jail unit that implements “Katatagan Kontra Droga sa

Komunidad” (KKDK) method in order to bring holistic reformation and rehabilitation

of Persons Deprived of Liberty under drug-related cases. Our research study would like

to assess the effectivity of “Katatagan Kontra Droga sa Komunidad” (KKDK) in

selected Person Deprived of Liberty of BJMP Tanauan City Jail, Tanauan City,

Batangas and how the method helps them to resist drug addiction.

Significance of the Study

This research study entitled, Assessment on the “Katatagan Kontra Droga sa

Komunidad” (KKDK) Program of Persons Deprived of Liberty (PDLs) in the Bureau

of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) Tanauan City Jail, Tanauan City, Batangas

it is the findings of the study would be beneficial to the following:

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To the Respondents. This study beneficial to the PDL’s to provide their life

better and for them to start a new life. The study also beneficial of focuses and learn

those PDL to be better and positive scoping skills to handle their life difficulties

without resorting to drug use.

To the Future Researchers. This study will benefit the future researchers for

them to have references as related literature and study for their future study.

Theoretical Framework

In conducting this study, in order to understand the current issue and

occurrence, several theoretical models have been proposed.

According to the Cognitive Behavioral Theory of Aaron Beck (1960),

thoughts and feelings influence behavior. By educating people about fresh information

and questioning their preconceived notions about drug use, drug usage can be

unlearned since it is a learned behavior. The user must first recognize problematic

behavior and attitudes for the procedure to be effective. The goal of CBT is to improve

a person's capacity to comprehend the factors that lead to drug use and how to control

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Am J Addict. 2009. In his study of Theories of Addiction:

Methamphetamine Users’ Explanations for Continuing Drug Use and Relapse

explained the following theories that is deemed useful and correlated to this study

stating that One of the earliest theoretical justifications for addictive behavior was

negative reinforcement. The fundamental tenet is that drug use lessens dysphoric

withdrawal symptoms. The opponent process theory of emotional regulation refers to a

more modern and sophisticated application of this paradigm that emphasizes the

cumulative harm caused by repeated cycles of intoxication and withdrawal.

The most widely known preclinical model of addiction is arguably positive

reinforcement, which is based on classical learning theory. Simply put, this hypothesis

contends that users will claim they use drugs because they find them enjoyable.

The concept of drug desire is condensed from the Incentive Salience model's

linkages between motivation and the sensitivity of specific brain systems.

According to this view, exposure to misused drugs increases the attribution of

incentive salience to drug-related cues. As a result, the Incentive Salience theory

suggests that craving is the cause of drug usage.

According to the stimulus response learning model, habit formation is the key

to comprehending addiction. According to the classical learning theory, outcomes are

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linked to stimuli and responses, and the likelihood that the reaction will arise after the

stimulus in the future is based on the outcome. The outcome is less significant in

stimulus response learning, and the stimulus itself causes a habitual reaction.

Impulsivity and conditioned reinforcement are important aspects of this paradigm.

According to this concept, users will define their drug use as compulsive or habitual.

According to the hypothesis of dysfunctional inhibitory control, impulsivity

is a contributing factor to addiction. Drug-related impairments in new learning and

perseverance, as well as appetitive approach systems, have all been linked to

impulsivity. Therefore, models incorporating impaired inhibitory control predict that

users will blame their drug use on impulsivity or persistence.

This chapter reviews different works of literature and studies conducted by the

researchers to enrich this study. It also includes its synthesis and relevance study to

help the researchers to obtain its goal.

In July 2016, the government launched its campaign against illegal drugs

dubbed as Oplan Tokhang. As part of this, community officials and the local police

went to the homes of known drug users and asked them to voluntarily surrender

(Sadongdong, 2018). The Dangerous Drugs Board of the Philippines (DDB) declared

that majority of those who surrendered was low- to mild-risk users who could undergo
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rehabilitation in their communities (Cepeda, 2016). Unfortunately, drug treatment in

the Philippines has typically been conducted in inpatient rehabilitation centers or

through the criminal justice system, and the country does not have a robust tradition of

community based drug recovery (CBDR). In response to this, the Psychological

Association of the Philippines (PAP) created the “Katatagan Kontra Droga sa

Komunidad” or KKDK (Resilience Against Drugs in the Community), an evidence-

informed and culturally-adapted treatment program for mild-risk drug users

(Hechanova, Alianan, et al., 2018). This paper evaluates the training of community

facilitators and the pilot implementation of KKDK. Given the dearth of literature on

substance use recovery and treatment in the Philippines, it contributes to both

knowledge and practice by highlighting initial outcomes as well as challenges in

implementing community-based drug treatment.

In addition, Skewes & Gonzales, 2013 drug use has been viewed in many ways.

The moral perspective views drug us as a sin and drug dependents as morally weak.

The enlightenment perspective, on the other hand, views drug use as a result of an

existential vacuum or spiritual. Alternatively, the medical model suggests that drug use

has biological predispositions such as comorbid disorders and genetic predispositions.

Psychological theories present substance use as a problematic behavior driven by

negative emotions, faulty cognitions, and/or their interaction (Skewes & Gonzales,

2013). In addition, a number of socioecological theories suggest that drug use is

socially learned through the family, environment (Stanton, 1980) or influenced by

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culture (Lukof, 1980). However, today, the most current perspective brings together

these different models and suggests that drug use as a multifaceted health problem with

biological, psychological, personality, cognitive, social, cultural, and environmental

roots. Given this, treatment for drug use has also become increasingly multifaceted and

there is evidence that a combination of treatments is superior to just one type of

treatment. Skewes and Gonzalez’s (2013) review of drug treatments reported that the

most successful treatment programs incorporate strategies that enhance individuals’

ability to reduce cravings, manage triggers, and prevent relapse. In addition, the ability

to manage difficult emotions, cope with negative life circumstances, promote social

support for sobriety, and establish a healthy lifestyle are critical to long-term recovery.

The view of drug use as a complex issue has also shifted the management of

drug use from a punitive to a reformative perspective. The United Nations Office on

Drugs and Crime (UNODC; 2014) advocates that people who use drugs (PWUDs)

should be treated in the health care system using a holistic bio psychosocial approach

rather than through the criminal justice system. Because institutionalized drug

treatment programs are expensive and often inaccessible to the poor, greater attention

has been given to the role of community-based drug treatment and recovery support.

Community-based Drug Recovery (CBDR) support involves providing holistic care

ranging from prevention and health promotion, screening and assessment, treatment

and rehabilitation, education, skills training, livelihood opportunities, and other

relevant social services closest to where the people are. Compared to inpatient
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programs, community-based interventions are less disruptive because recovering users

are not taken away from their sources of support and livelihood while they are seeking

treatment (UNODC, 2014). In fact, there is evidence that implementing community-

based interventions are not only less costly, they also bring about significant decreases

in emergency room visits, hospital stay, and criminality (UNODC, 2014). However,

not all community-based interventions are equally efficacious. The UNODC (2014)

guidelines for CBDR advocate the importance of using evidence-based treatments that

are appropriate to the culture of clients. There is evidence that culturally-adapted

substance use interventions are more effective than non-adapted interventions in Latin

America (Robles, Maynard, Salas-Wright, & Todic, 2018) and among racial minorities

(Hodge, Jackson, & Vaugh, 2012).

The family modules of KKDK are based on family systems theory (e.g.,

Minuchin, 1974) and consist of three sessions. The first and second session aims to

help family members reflect on their dynamics and how it may influence drug use and

recovery. In the third session, family members are asked to plan on how to better

support the recovering user (PAP, 2017). Beyond the use of evidence-based

approaches to substance use, the design of KKDK considered Philippine cultural

values and contextual factors. Given low literacy rates, physical and creative activities

are used instead of worksheets when possible. The manual is written in Filipino and in

simple language. Skills practice and homework is used to reinforce learning and

repetition. Spirituality plays a large role in the lives of Filipino recovering users. A
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study reports that spiritualty functions as social support for recovering users. When

they have problems, experience cravings, stress or negative emotions, recovering users

turned to prayer or consulting spiritual advisers (Tuliao & Liwag, 2011). In recognition

of the value of spirituality among Filipinos, ecumenical prayers are incorporated in

some modules and opportunity for prayers were included in the closing of the modules.

The framework for holistic health also includes the element of spirituality. Another

important cultural adaptation is the manner of delivery. The MIOP and UNODC

modules focus on individuals. However, KKDK is designed as a small group

intervention because of the Philippines’ collectivist culture (Church & Katigbak, 2002)

and following the results of studies that show group-based interventions are a good

venue of healing among Filipinos (Hechanova & Waelde, 2017). In addition,

recognizing the important role of the family for Filipinos, KKDK includes modules on

rebuilding relationships and family modules to help significant others understand the

nature of drug use how to provide support during recovery. Each session requires

homework that involves interaction with family members to encourage dialogue and

connection with family.

The International Narcotics Control Board in its report for the year 2000 (INCB

2001) noted that the abuse of licit manufactured narcotics and psychotropic substances

like codeine-based cough syrups and benzodiazepines had been observed in India. The

growing abuse of pharmaceuticals contributed to polydrug abuse in South Asia. The

board also warned that smuggling of amphetamines tablets might contribute towards
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abuse of amphetamine type stimulants in India. The World Drug Report for 2000

(UNODCCP 2000) noted that most countries in the world including India showed

minor increases in cannabis abuse. The report further noted that in India there had been

some increase in the abuse of heroin and other opiates in 1998. Almost two-thirds of all

users of opiates were found in Asia. The largest number of opiate users in absolute

terms was found in India, though the prevalence was less than 0.5 percent of the

population aged 15 years and above (UNODCCP 2000 and UNODCCP 2001a).

Iran also, due to its specific human and geographic features, has a relatively

high degree of contamination. The World Health Organization's report in 2005 shows

that there are about 200 million opiate addicts in the world, reporting the highest

prevalence in Iran and the most frequency in the 25–35 year-age group. The onset of

drug use is often rooted in adolescence, and studies show that substance abuse is often

related to cigarette and alcohol consumption in adolescence. Results of studies indicate

that age, being male, high-risk behaviors, and the existence of a cigarette smoker in the

family or among friends, the experience of substance abuse, inclination and positive

thoughts about smoking have relationship with adolescent cigarette smoking. Studies

also confirm that the chance of becoming a cigarette smoker among males and females

is almost equal (11.2%); however, the prevalence of regular alcohol consumption in

males (22.4%) is slightly higher than in females (19.3%). Few studies have been

conducted in Iran on adolescents’ patterns of substance abuse, producing various data

on the prevalence and the type of consumed drugs, but there is currently no known

specific pattern of substance abuse in this age group; therefore, this review study has
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studied drug consumption prevalence in the student population of the country by

collecting various data.

Conceptual Framework

The study was conceptualized to assess the Impact of “Katatagan Kontra Droga
sa Komunidad” (KKDK) Program in Tanauan City Jail, Tanauan City, Batangas. To
show the relationship of the variables, a graphical illustration was presented as follows:

INPUT (Demographic Profile) OUTPUT

b) Gender a) Review of Related Literature
a) Conclusion
c) Criminal Case b) Survey Questionnaires
b) Recommendation
d) No of Weeks undergoing c) Interviews
KKDK Program d) Statistical Treatment of Data
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Statement of the Problem

This study focuses on the Assessment on the “Katatagan Kontra Droga sa

Komunidad” (KKDK) Program of Persons Deprived of Liberty (PDLs) in the Bureau

of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) Tanauan City Jail, Tanauan City, Batangas

2022-2023. Specifically, this study aims to answer the following questions:

1. What is demographic profile of respondents in terms of:

1.1. age;

1.2. gender;

1.3. criminal case; and

1.4. No. of Weeks undergoing KKDK Program

2. To what extent is the rehabilitation brought by “Katatagan Kontra Droga sa

Komunidad” (KKDK) Program to Persons Deprived of Liberty (PDLs) in the

Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) Tanauan City Jail, Tanauan

City, Batangas specifically in;

2.1. Drug Recovery Skills

2.2. Life Skills

2.3. Family Support;

3. Is there any significant difference between the improvements in recovery skills, life

skills, and psychological wellbeing of participants and behavioral drug treatment

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by conducting KKDK program in Bereau of Jail Management and Penelogy in

Tanauan City, Batangas?

Null Hypothesis

The null hypotheses to be proven in the study were:

Ha: that “Katatagan Kontra Droga sa Komunidad” (KKDK) Program has a significant

effect to Persons Deprived of Liberty (PDLs) of Bureau of Jail Management and

Penology (BJMP) Tanauan City Jail

H1: that “Katatagan Kontra Droga sa Komunidad” (KKDK) Program has no significant

effect to Persons Deprived of Liberty (PDLs) of Bureau of Jail Management and

Penology (BJMP) Tanauan City Jail

Definition of Terms

The following terms are herein defined operationally and conceptually to

facilitate the readers clearer understanding of this study.

Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) - is mandated to direct,

supervise and control the administration and operation of all district, city and
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municipal jails nationwide with pronged tasks of safekeeping and development of


Community-Based Drug Rehabilitation (CBDR) – is an integrated model for

helping persons who use drugs with the low to mild severity of use.

Incentive Salience - Wanting, also known as incentive salience refers to the

motivating and attention-grabbing properties of rewards and its embedded cue.

“Katatagan Kontra Droga sa Komunidad” (KKDK) – The “Katatagan

Kontra Droga sa Komunidad” (KKDK) program is a psycho- educational modular drug

intervention program developed by the Psychological. Association of the

Philippines (PAP) which is now becoming a mainstream program both. In institution-

based and out-patient and community-based drug rehabilitation.

Negative Reinforcement – involves the removal of something negative to

strengthen a behavior. With negative reinforcement, something uncomfortable or

otherwise unpleasant is taken away in response to a stimulus.

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Person Deprived of Liberty (PDL) – are now called “Inmates” means a

person who has been arrested, held. In lawful custody, detained, or imprisoned in

execution of a lawful sentence.

Positive Reinforcement – refers to the delivery of something positive, it also

refers to the introduction of a desirable or pleasant stimulus after a behavior.

Stimulus - something that causes something else to happen, develops, or

become more active.


The significant elements is presented and discussed in this. The researchers conducted

their own research. It talks about the study as well, design, location, sampling strategy,

study participants, and research equipment, data collection methods, and data

processing using statistics. The methods involved range from the survey which

describes the status, the correlation study which investigates the relationship between

variables, to developmental studies that seek to determine changes over time.

Research Design

The data for this study was gathered using a variety of methods, including

questionnaires; focus groups, participant observation, field recordings, documents, and

Page 16

case studies. In this study, a case study was used specifically. An in-depth analysis of a

specific subject, such as a person, organization, location, event, business, or

phenomenon, is known as a case study. It will make it possible for the researchers to

look into the case's key characteristics, importance, and ramifications as well as gain

more in-depth, specific information about the chosen issue.

Population and Sampling Techniques

The population of the study are the Persons Deprived of Liberty (PDLs) in the

Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) Tanauan City Jail, Tanauan City,

Batangas. The researchers will select their respondents by random sampling. Random

sampling makes sure that the findings you get from your sample should be close to

what you would have gotten if you measured the complete population (Shadish et al.,

2002). The aim is to improve the generalizability of the results. By choosing the

sample at random from a larger population, the goal is to make it more likely to be

representative of the larger group and less likely to be biased.

Table 1

Distribution of Respondents According to Gender

Respondents Sample

Female PDLs 10

Male PDLs 20

Total 30
Page 17

Table 1 shows the equal distribution of respondents from the three Barangays.

The sample respondents of the study were chosen using non-probability

sampling design, specifically purposive random sampling. Under this scheme,

sampling technique is selected subjectively by the researcher, who attempts to obtain a

sample that appears to be representative of the population. The total sample population

of the study consists of PDL’s of Tanauan Municipality. The researchers chose the

respondents of the study purposively to gather information about the Assessment on

the “Katatagan Kontra Droga sa Komunidad” (KKDK) Program of Persons Deprived

of Liberty (PDLs) in the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) Tanauan

City Jail, Tanauan City, Batangas.

Research Instrument

The major instrument used in gathering the data of this study is the

questionnaire that will be distributed to Persons Deprived of Liberty (PDLs) in the

Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) Tanauan City Jail, Tanauan City,

Batangas. The researchers adapted the research instrument from “Katatagan Kontra

Droga sa Komunidad” (KKDK) method to No. 18-03-16 SC.

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The Instrument is divided into two parts. The first part concerns the

Demographic Profile of the respondents in terms of Age, Gender, Criminal Case, and

No. of Weeks undergoing KKDK Program. The second part contains statements about

KKDK Program to assess the progress of respondents about Drug Recovery Skills,

Life Skills, and Family Support.

The respondents were asked to mark how much they agreed or disagreed with

each item that related to their response. The respondents were asked to rate each item

on the researcher's questionnaire using a Likert scale in order to assess how well they

were doing in terms of life skills, family support, and drug recovery skills. The Likert

scale, which allows respondents to express varying degrees of opinions or a lack of

opinion rather than just responding "yes" or "no," is the most widely used psychometric

tool in social and educational research (Joshi et al., 2015; Likert, 1932). This type of

measure was chosen to examine levels of confidence in the scale.

Numerical Value Mean Ranges Verbal Interpretation

5 4.20 - 5.00 Completely Confident

4 3.40 - 4.19 Fairly Confident

3 2.60 - 3.39 Somewhat Confident

2 1.80 - 2.59 Slightly Confident

1 1.00 - 1.79 Not Confident at All

Page 19

Data Gathering Procedures

Following topic approval, the researchers used Google Scholar to compile

helpful data and factual information. They also used the internet to access published

articles, journals, and theses. Finally, they visited Tanauan City Library to review and

cite relevant books. By adapting the Katatagan Kontra Droga sa Komunidad

(KKDK) method's research instrument for No. 18-03-16 SC, the researchers will create

a survey questionnaire.

The researchers will seek approval and guidance from their professor, the Jail

Warden of Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) Tanauan City Jail, and to

the KKDK Program Implementor of Tanaun City Jail to conduct interviews and

surveys to randomly selected respondents. After conducting the survey, researchers

will immediately record the given data, then tally and create its tabulation.

Statistical Tools

By clarity and understanding of the data gathered, the following statistical tool

will be used by the researchers: Percentage, Frequency, Weighted Mean and Pearson

Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient.

Page 20

Percentage. To determine the answers to the profile of the respondents the

following formula was used:


Where: P: Percentage

F: Frequency

N: Number of Respondents

Weighted Mean. This was used to determine the awareness of randomly

selected respondents on Republic Act 9262.


Where: x : Weighted Mean

∑ x : Summation of Values of each item

N: Number of Respondents

In order to test the relationship between the awareness of Women and Children

and the Demographic Profile of the respondents, we use the Pearson Product-Moment

Correlation Coefficient.
Page 21

Where:n: Number of Questionnaire items

∑x: Sum of x Scores

∑y: Sum of y Scores

∑xy: Sum of x and y scores

∑x2: Sum of squared x scores

∑y2: Sum of squared y scores

Ethnical Consideration

Prior to the conduct of this study, the researchers sought permission to the

Chief of the BJMP for gathering of the pertinent data and the distribution of

questionnaire to the targeted respondents.

The researchers provided explanation of the questionnaire for them to be

guided in answering it. The participation of the respondents on this study is entirely

voluntary and the 30 data gathered was treated with confidentiality at all times, and
Page 22

shall be used for this research alone and would not be revealed to any other party who

carries out similar research study.

The researchers are the only one who will have the access on the records and

information gathered. If the respondents wish not to participate anymore, they can

inform the researchers without your job being affected.

At the end of this research, the researchers prepared the final report that the

respondents and the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology Tanauan City, Batanags

where the participants are affiliated can access the result of the study and the

recommendation on the betterment of services offered to the public. Also, the

researchers give a copy of this study to the Tanauan Institute Library for ready

reference for future researches.

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