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The Thirty-Sixth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-22)

Model-Based Image Signal Processors via Learnable Dictionaries

Marcos V. Conde, Steven McDonagh, Matteo Maggioni, Aleš Leonardis, Eduardo Pérez-Pellitero
Huawei Noah’s Ark Lab

Abstract perceptually pleasant RGB images, suitable for the human

visual system. However, the characteristics of RAW imagery
Digital cameras transform sensor RAW readings into RGB (e.g. linear relationship with scene irradiance, raw and un-
images by means of their Image Signal Processor (ISP). Com-
tampered signal and noise samples) are often better suited
putational photography tasks such as image denoising and
colour constancy are commonly performed in the RAW do- for the ill-posed, inverse problems that commonly arise in
main, in part due to the inherent hardware design, but also low-level vision tasks such as denoising, demosaicing, HDR,
due to the appealing simplicity of noise statistics that result super-resolution (Qian et al. 2019; Abdelhamed, Lin, and
from the direct sensor readings. Despite this, the availability Brown 2018; Wronski et al. 2019; Gharbi et al. 2016; Liu
of RAW images is limited in comparison with the abundance et al. 2020). For tasks within the ISP, this does not come as a
and diversity of available RGB data. Recent approaches have choice but rather a must, as the input domain is necessarily in
attempted to bridge this gap by estimating the RGB to RAW the RAW domain due to the camera hardware design (Buck-
mapping: handcrafted model-based methods that are inter- ler, Jayasuriya, and Sampson 2017; Ignatov et al. 2021).
pretable and controllable usually require manual parameter
fine-tuning, while end-to-end learnable neural networks re-
Unfortunately, RAW image datasets are not nearly as abun-
quire large amounts of training data, at times with complex dant and diverse as their RGB counterparts, and thus some of
training procedures, and generally lack interpretability and the performance potential of CNN-based approaches cannot
parametric control. Towards addressing these existing limita- be fully utilized. To bridge this gap, recent methods aim to
tions, we present a novel hybrid model-based and data-driven estimate the mapping from sRGB.
ISP that builds on canonical ISP operations and is both learn- The recent work of Brooks et al. introduces a generic cam-
able and interpretable. Our proposed invertible model, capable era ISP model composed of five canonical steps, each of
of bidirectional mapping between RAW and RGB domains, them approximated by an invertible, differentiable function.
employs end-to-end learning of rich parameter representations,
Their proposed ISP can be conveniently plugged-in to any
i.e. dictionaries, that are free from direct parametric supervi-
sion and additionally enable simple and plausible data augmen- RGB training pipeline to enable RAW image processing. As
tation. We evidence the value of our data generation process by each of the functions is constrained to perform a single task
extensive experiments under both RAW image reconstruction within the ISP, intermediate representations are fully inter-
and RAW image denoising tasks, obtaining state-of-the-art pretable, allowing for complete flexibility and interpretability
performance in both. Additionally, we show that our ISP can in the ISP layout. Despite successful application to image
learn meaningful mappings from few data samples, and that denoising, this approach requires manually setting the true
denoising models trained with our dictionary-based data aug- internal camera parameters, and these cannot be learnt from
mentation are competitive despite having only few or zero data. Although some DSLR cameras do provide access to
ground-truth labels. such parameters, ISP layouts and their related inner settings
are generally protected and inaccessible to the end user.
1 Introduction Alternative recent learning-based approaches (Punnappu-
rath and Brown 2020; Zamir et al. 2020; Xing, Qian, and
Advances in Convolutional Neural Networks have made Chen 2021) attempt to learn the ISP in an end-to-end man-
great strides in many computer vision applications in the last ner, in order to circumvent the noted problems. Focused on
decade, in part thanks to the proliferation of camera devices the RAW data synthesis from sRGB images, CycleISP (Za-
and the resulting availability of large-scale image datasets. mir et al. 2020) adopts cycle consistency to learn both the
The majority of these datasets contain sRGB image data, forward (RAW-to-RGB) and reverse (RGB-to-RAW) direc-
which is obtained via an in-camera Image Signal Processor tions of the ISP using 2 different networks and is trainable
(ISP) that converts the camera sensor’s RAW readings into end-to-end. The authors show that RGB data can then be
* Marcos V. Conde is now with Computer Vision Lab, Institute leveraged successfully to aid a RAW denoising task. The ISP
of Computer Science, University of Würzburg. is thus learned as a black-box, is not modular and therefore
Copyright © 2022, Association for the Advancement of Artificial lacks both interpretability for intermediate representations
Intelligence ( All rights reserved. and control of the ISP layout. However, these traits can be

considered important when training for specific intermediate balance, color correction, gamma expansion and tone map-
tasks within the ISP (e.g. colour constancy). Additionally, as ping (Brown 2016; Heide et al. 2014; Delbracio et al. 2021).
there is no model regularization, training CycleISP remains a Brooks et al. introduces a modular, differentiable ISP model
complex procedure, requiring large amounts of RAW data. where each module is an invertible function that approximates
Contemporary to our presented work, the InvISP (Xing, the aforementioned canonical operations. In this section we
Qian, and Chen 2021) proposes the camera ISP model as review that work, and introduce notation and parameter de-
an invertible ISP using a single invertible neural network tails about each operation as well as the complete function
(Kingma and Dhariwal 2018; Ho et al. 2019) to perform composition.
both the RAW-to-RGB and RGB-to-RAW mapping. This Let us initially define two images spaces: the RAW im-
normalizing-flow-based approach has the advantages of be- age domain Y and the sRGB image domain X . The trans-
ing invertible and learnable, however, as CycleISP lacks of formation done by the camera ISP can thus be defined as
interpretability and control, requires large amounts of train- f : Y → X . Intuitively, we can define a modular ISP func-
ing data and its constrained by the invertible blocks (i.e. input tion f as a composite function as follows:
and output size must be identical).
In this paper we introduce a novel hybrid approach that x = (fn ◦ · · · ◦ f2 ◦ f1 )(y, pn , . . . , p2 , p1 ), (1)
tackles the aforementioned limitations of ISP modelling and where fi is a function with related parameters pi for a compo-
retains the best of both model-based and end-to-end learnable sition of arbitrary length n. In order to recover a RAW image
approaches (Shlezinger et al. 2021). We propose a modular, y from the respective sRGB observation x (i.e. a mapping
parametric, model-driven approach with a novel parameter from X → Y) we can choose fi to be invertible and tractable
dictionary learning strategy that builds on Brooks et al. We bijective functions:
further improve this flexible, interpretable and constrained
ISP architecture with additional lens shading modelling and y = (f1−1 ◦ f2−1 ◦ · · · ◦ fn−1 )(x, p1 , p2 , . . . , pn ). (2)
a more flexible parametric tone mapping. To address the lack
of in-camera parameters, discussed previously, we design 2.1 Colour Filter Array Mosaic
an end-to-end learnable dictionary representation of inner Camera sensors use a Colour Filter Array (CFA) in order to
camera parameters. This provides a set of parameter basis capture wavelength-specific colour information. The sensor
for optimal end-to-end reconstruction, and enables unlimited is covered with a pattern of colour filters arranged in a given
data augmentation in the RAW image manifold. Our pro- spatial pattern, e.g. the well known Bayer pattern, which is a
posed method is modular, interpretable and is governed by 2 × 2 distribution of R - G - G - B colours, that effectively
well-understood camera parameters. It provides a framework produces a single colour measurement per spatial position.
to learn an end-to-end ISP and related parameters from data. In order to obtain the missing colour samples for each
Moreover, it can be learnt successfully from very few sam- spatial position, the so called demosaicing methods aim to
ples, even when corrupted by noise. Note that we focus on recover the missing pixels, commonly an ill-posed problem
the RAW reconstruction task and its downstream applications which, for the sake of simplicity, we will address as a simple
(e.g. denoising, HDR imaging). The forward pass or RAW- bilinear interpolation: f6 (y) = bic(y). The inverse of this
to-RGB processing, despite related, is a different research function, is however, a straightforward mosaicing operation.
problem (Ignatov, Van Gool, and Timofte 2020; Schwartz, It can be defined as:
Giryes, and Bronstein 2019; Liang et al. 2021).
Our main contributions can be summarized as follows: f6−1 (x5 , km ) = x5 ∗ km , (3)
(1) a modular and differentiable ISP model, composed of
where ∗ denotes a convolution with kernel km containing the
canonical camera operations and governed by interpretable
mosaicing pattern, generally strictly formed by {0, 1}.
parameters, (2) a training mechanism that, in conjunction
with our model contribution, is capable of end-to-end learn- 2.2 Lens Shading Effect
ing of rich parameter representations, i.e. dictionaries or ba-
sis and related linear decomposition decoders, that result Lens Shading Effect (LSE) is the phenomenon of the reduced
in compact ISP models, free from direct parameter supervi- amount of light captured by the photoreceptor when moving
sion, (3) extensive experimental investigation; our learned from the center of the optical axis towards the borders of the
RGB-to-RAW mappings are used to enable data augmenta- sensor, mostly caused by obstruction of elements involved in
tion towards down-stream task performance improvement, in the lens assembly. We can define this function as:
multiple data regimes of varying size and noise. f5 (x5 , M ) = x5 ⊙ M, (4)
2 Image Signal Processor where M is a mask containing per-pixel lens-shading gains.
The group of operations necessary to convert the camera sen- This can be inverted by inverting each per-pixel gain.
sor readings into natural-looking RGB images are generally
referred to as the Image Signal Processor (ISP). There is great 2.3 White Balance and Digital Gain
variability in ISP designs with varying levels of complexity The White Balance (WB) stage aims to neutralize the scene
and functionalities, however a majority of them contain at light source colour such that after correction its appearance
least a number of operations that are generally considered to matches that of an achromatic light source. In practice, this is
be a canonical representation of a basic ISP, namely white achieved by a global per-channel gain for two of the colours,

i.e. red and blue gains, namely gr and gb respectively, which 3 Learning Parameter Representations
we arrange in a three colour vector gwb = [ gr 1 gb ].
In the previous section we introduced a modular and paramet-
This scene illuminant is generally estimated heuristically,
ric ISP model, however that model alone does not allow for
although more sophisticated approaches have also been ex-
end-to-end training. In this section we introduce a strategy to
plored (Gijsenij, Gevers, and Lucassen 2009; Barron and
enable end-to-end training for the presented ISP model. To
Tsai 2017; Hernandez-Juarez et al. 2020).
the best of our knowledge, our method is the first data-driven,
WB is normally applied in conjunction with a scalar digital
model-based approach to tackle the reverse ISP problem.
gain gd , which is applied globally to all three channels, and
In Figure 1 we show an overview of our proposed ap-
scales the image intensities as desired. This process can be
proach, formed by a 6-stage ISP model (in blue colour) and
conveniently described as a convolution:
separate networks that learn parameter dictionaries and feed
f4 (x4 , gwb , g) = x4 ∗ (gd gwb ). (5) parameters to the model (in green colour).
To obtain the inverse function f4−1 , we just invert each of
the gains individually, but instead of using the naive division 3.1 Parameter Dictionaries
1/g , we follow the highlight-preserving cubic transformation
Color Correction Modern smartphone cameras typically
of Brooks et al. use different CCMs depending on specific light conditions
and capture modes, so any method that assumes a single
2.4 Color Correction
CCM mode might struggle to cope with colour variability.
The ISP converts the sensor color space into the output color Additionally, an ISP model might be trained to reconstruct
space. This step is often necessary as the CFA colour spectral RAW images captured with different cameras and thus also
sensitivity does not necessarily match the output color stan- different ISP and CCMs. As previously discussed, these ma-
dard, e.g. sRGB (Brown 2016; Afifi et al. 2021). A global trices are generally not accessible to the end user. In order
change in the color space can be achieved with a 3 × 3 Color to learn the color space transformation done by the ISP, we
Correction Matrix (CCM): create a dictionary Dccm ∈ RN ×3×3 of size N , where each
f3 (x3 , Cm ) = X3 Cm , (6) atom is a CCM. To preserve the significance and physical
where Cm denotes a CCM parameter and X3 denotes x3 meaning of these matrices, and avoid learning non-realistic
reshaped for convenience as a matrix, i.e. X3 ∈ Rhw×3 . parameters, we constrain the learnt atoms in the dictionary
Similarly to f3 , we can obtain f3−1 by using Cm pseudo- by column-normalizing each matrix following the ℓ1 norm,
inverse. as this is one of the most representative properties of realistic
CCMs (Brooks et al. 2019; Koskinen, Yang, and Kämäräinen
2.5 Gamma Correction 2019). We perform the color correction as a convolution oper-
The camera sensor readings are linearly proportional to the ation, where the convolutional kernels are the atoms of Dccm
light received, however the human visual system does not and the input is the intermediate representation from the
naturally perceive light linearly, but rather is more sensitive previous function in the ISP model. As the result of this op-
to darker regions. Thus it is common practice to adapt the eration we obtain Iccm ∈ RN ×H×W ×3 , which represents N
linear sensor readings with a gamma logarithmic function: RGB images, each one the result of applying each atom to the
input image. This representation Iccm passes through a CNN
f2 (x2 , γ) = max(x2 , ϵ)1/γ , (7) encoder Eccm that produces a vector of weights wccm ∈ RN .
where γ is a parameter regulating the amount of compres- The resultant color transformed sRGB image is obtained as a
sion/expansion, generally with values around γ = 2.2. The linear combination of Iccm and wccm , which is equivalent to
inverse function can be defined as follows: linearly combining the atoms in the dictionary, and applying
f2−1 (x1 , γ) = max(x1 , ϵ)γ . (8) the resultant CCM to the image. As illustrated in Figure 2,
the model simultaneously learns Dccm and Eccm . This novel
2.6 Tone Mapping dictionary representation of the camera parameters can allow
learning the CCMs of various cameras at once. Note that the
Tone Mapping Operators (TMOs) have been generally used
encoder Erccm used during the reverse pass is different from
to adapt images to their final display device, the most com-
mon case being the TMO applied to High Dynamic Range the Efccm used in the forward pass as we show in Figure 1,
Images (HDRI) on typical Low Dynamic Range display de- however, both encoders have the same functionality.
vices. As opposed to using an S-shaped polynomial function Digital Gain and White Balance Similarly to the CCM
as proposed by (Reinhard et al. 2002; Brooks et al. 2019), we dictionaries, we define Dwb ∈ RN ×3 as a dictionary of N
can use instead a parametric piece-wise linear function that white balance and digital gains, thus, each atom is a triplet of
we model as a shallow convolutional neural network (Pun- scalars (gd gr gb ). We apply each atom g from the dictionary
nappurath and Brown 2020) composed only by 1 × 1 kernels as described by Brooks et al. and obtain Iwb ∈ RN ×H×W ×3 ,
and ReLU activations: which represents a linear decomposition of the results from
applying each gi to the input image. An encoder Ewb pro-
f1 (x1 , θf ) = ϕt (x1 , θf ), (9) duces a set of weights wwb ∈ RN from such representation.
where ϕ is a shallow CNN with learnable parameters θf Note that this encoder is different from the Eccm used in
for the forward pass. A different set of weights θr can be the color correction step. The encoder and dictionary are
optimized for the reverse pass. learned jointly in the optimization. The linear combination

Feed params. Conv + ReLU (32)
RED Feed Conv (3)
Invertible op Conv + Sigm. (1)


Reverse pass

Tone Color Color White Lens Shading Mosaic

Mapping Rendering Correction Balance Effect Demosaic


Forward pass

Figure 1: A visualization of our proposed model using as backbone (blue) the classical ISP operations described in Section 2,
and additional learning component (green) described in Section 3. RAW images are visualized through bilinear demosaicing.

of Iwb and wwb produce our white balanced image. To en-

sure we keep the physical meaning and interpretability of the
learnt WB gains, we found sufficient to initialize the atoms in
Dwb using a uniform distribution U (1, 2) that encourages ap-
propriate behaviour on the learnt gain vectors: non-negative
and a reasonable range for pixel gains (i.e. approximately
[1, 2]) (Brooks et al. 2019). As we show in Figure 1, the re-
verse pass encoder Erwb is different from the forward pass
encoder Efwb , however, both work in the same way.
Dictionary Augmentations Two learnt dictionaries, i.e.
Figure 2: Dictionary-based Color Space Transformation. Dur-
Dccm and Dwb , can be interpreted as a set of basis describ-
ing training, Dccm and Eccm are learned together and gener-
ing the parameter space. For a given RGB input, encoders
ate a single output. At inference time, dictionary augmenta-
find the combination of atoms in the dictionary that optimize
tions are used to generate k samples from a single RGB input.
the RAW image reconstruction, represented as a vector of
The rk represent the random perturbations added to wccm .
weights w. We can further exploit this representation to gen-
erate unlimited RAW images by adding small perturbations to
the optimal weights wccm and wwb , by e.g. adding Gaussian
noise. These dictionaries represent a convex hull of plausible intensity values more than mid-intensity values. A tone map
parameters, and thus any variation within that space is likely is usually designed as a 1D lookup table (LUT) that is applied
to result in useful data for downstream tasks. Figure 2 shows per color channel to adjust the tonal values of the image, or
this process. Once the dictionaries are learnt, it is possible to as a “smoothstep” S-curve. To reconstruct RAW data tones
remove the related encoders (0.5M parameters) and sample from sRGB is challenging, especially at the over-exposed
convex combinations of the elements in the dictionary, reduc- regions and high-dynamic range images require more sophis-
ing considerable the complexity of our model, and allowing ticated tone mapping. We propose a piecewise linear CNN
to process high resolution images with low-latency. as a learnable tone map (Punnappurath and Brown 2020).
In the forward pass, tone mapping is performed using f1 .
At the reverse pass, we perform the inverse tone mapping
3.2 Piecewise Linear Tone Mapping
using f −1 . Both functions are shallow CNNs implemented
Tone mapping (Mantiuk et al. 2009) is a technique used by using pixel-wise convolutional blocks to constraint the pos-
the camera to map one set of colors to adjust the image’s sible transformations and easily control the network, and
aesthetic appeal by compressing the high-intensity and low- representing by its definition piecewise linear models.

3.3 Lens Shading Modelling Method PSNRr W 25% B 25% PSNRd Par. (M)
Due to sensor optics, the amount of light hitting the sensor UPI 36.84 14.87 57.10 49.30 0.0
falls off radially towards the edges and produces a vignetting CycleISP 37.62 15.90 51.65 49.77 3.1
effect; known as lens shading. A typically early ISP stage U-Net 39.84 20.27 49.61 49.69 11.7
constitutes Lens Shading Correction (LSC) (Young 2000) and Ours 45.21 21.58 66.33 50.02 0.6
is used to correct the effects of uneven light hitting the sensor,
towards providing a uniform light response. This is done by Table 1: Quantitative RAW reconstruction results on SIDD.
applying a mask, typically pre-calibrated by the manufacturer, The reconstruction PSNRr (dB), the Best (B) and Worst (W)
to correct for non-uniform light fallout effects (Delbracio et al. 25% percentile are shown for each baseline method. We also
2021). Modelling of the ISP therefore requires a method to show quantitative RAW denoising results in terms of PSNRd
add or correct the Lens Shading Effect (LSE) by modelling to measure the impact of the synthetic data. We include the
such a mask. We propose to model this mask as a pixel-wise number of parameters (Par.) for each model (in millions).
gain map:
1. Gaussian mask Gmask (x, y) ∼ N2 (µ µ, Σ ) fitted from fil-
tered sensor readings, assigns more or less intensity de- quantitative evaluation defining 2 variants: PSNRr for RAW
pending on the pixel position (x, y). Its two parameters µ reconstruction and PSNRd for denoising.
and Σ are further optimized together with the end-to-end
ISP model. 4.1 Datasets
2. Attention-guided mask Amask using a CNN attention SIDD (Abdelhamed, Lin, and Brown 2018; Abdelhamed,
block, as was illustrated in Figure 1. These shallow blocks Timofte, and Brown 2019). Due to the small aperture and sen-
have constrained capacity to ensure the Lens Shading sor, high-resolution smartphone images have notably more
block only corrects per-pixel gains, and thus, we maintain noise than those from DSLRs. This dataset provides real
the interpretability of the entire pipeline. noisy images with their ground-truth, in both raw sensor
data (raw-RGB) and sRGB color spaces. The images are
Both masks are in the space RH×W . During the reverse captured using five different smartphone cameras under dif-
pass, we apply both masks to the image using an element- ferent lighting conditions, poses and ISO levels. There are
wise multiplication (per-pixel gain), recreating the sensor’s 320 ultra-high-resolution image pairs available for training
lens shading effect. To reverse this transformation or correct (e.g. 5328×3000). Validation set consist of 1280 image pairs.
the LSE, we apply the LSC mask: (i) the inverse of Gmask MIT-Adobe FiveK dataset (Bychkovsky et al. 2011). We
(element-wise divide) and (ii) A−1
mask estimated by the atten- use the train-test sets proposed by InvISP (Xing, Qian, and
tion block in the forward pass. Chen 2021) for the Canon EOS 5D and the Nikon D700,
and the same processing using the LibRaw library to render
3.4 Training ground-truth sRGB images from the RAW images.
The complete pipeline is end-to-end trainable and we can use
a simple ℓ2 distance between the training RAW image y and 4.2 RAW Image Reconstruction
the estimated RAW image ŷ. To ensure the complete pipeline
We compare our RAW image reconstruction against other
is invertible, we add ℓ2 loss terms for each intermediate image
state-of-the-art methods, namely: UPI (Brooks et al. 2019) a
and also a consistency loss in the decomposition vectors w
modular, invertible and differentiable ISP model. Requires
of the forward and reverse encoders. For more details we
parameter tuning to fit the distribution of the SIDD dataset.
refer the reader to the supplementary material, where we also
CycleISP (Zamir et al. 2020) a data-driven approach for mod-
provide other relevant information about the training process
elling camera ISP pipelines in forward and reverse directions.
e.g. GPU devices, batch sizes, network architectures.
For generating synthetic RAW images, we use their publicly
available pre-trained model, which has been fine-tuned using
4 Experimental Results the SIDD dataset. U-Net (Ronneberger, Fischer, and Brox
Throughout this section, we provide evidence that our method 2015) a popular architecture that has been previously utilized
can effectively learn the RGB to RAW mapping of real un- to learn ISP models (Ignatov, Van Gool, and Timofte 2020) as
known camera ISPs, obtaining state-of-the-art RAW recon- a naive baseline trained end-to-end without any other model
struction performance, and also validating the robustness assumptions or regularization.
of our model to operate under noisy data and data frugal- In Table 1 we show reconstruction results in terms of
ity (i.e. few-shot learning set-ups). Additionally, we conduct PSNRr on the SIDD validation. Our model performs better
experiments on a downstream task, i.e. RAW image denois- than CycleISP despite being ∼5× smaller, achieving +7.6dB
ing, in order to validate ISP modelling beyond RAW image improvement, and better than U-Net despite being ∼20×
reconstruction, and the effectiveness of our proposed data smaller. We also perform better than hand-crafted methods
augmentations. In all our experiments, we use the reverse as UPI by +8.37, which proves our capacity for learning
pass of our model (Figure 1). During the denoising experi- camera parameters. In Figure 4 we show a qualitative com-
ments, we use our ISP model as an on-line domain adaptation parison of RAW reconstruction methods. Additionally, we
from RGB to RAW, guided by the proposed dictionary aug- aim to prove that our pipeline is invertible, by doing the cy-
mentations (see Section 3.1). We use PSNR as a metric for cle mapping (sRGB to RAW and back to sRGB) our model

Method Nikon PSNRr Canon PSNRr
Luma UPI 29.30 -

Chroma CycleISP 29.40 31.71


InvGrayscale 33.34 34.21


U-Net 38.24 41.52

InvISP (w/o JPEG) 43.29 45.72

InvISP (w/ JPEG Fourier) 44.42 46.78


Ours 43.62 50.08



Table 2: Quantitative RAW Reconstruction evaluation among
Model Stages our model and baselines proposed by InvISP (Xing, Qian,
and Chen 2021; Xia, Liu, and Wong 2018; Brooks et al. 2019;
Zamir et al. 2020) using two DSLR cameras.
Figure 3: Ablation study for the proposed techniques. We
compare, in terms of PSNR, the intermediate steps xi with
the original RAW image at both RGB and YUV (luminance Y,
chrominance UV) colour domains. Results show a monotonic
PSNR evolution at RGB domain, meaning that after each
transformation the RGB moves ”closer“ to the RAW image.

achieves 37.82dB PSNR. More details about this experiment

and qualitative results are accessible in the supplement.
Moreover, we measure the impact of the synthetic data by
performing a simple denoising experiment. For a fair compar-
ison, we use the same denoiser (U-Net) and training method
as in Brooks et al. Under this setup, the only difference is the
conversion from sRGB to RAW from the compared methods. RGB RAW Ours CycleISP UPI
We use the MIR Flickr dataset (Huiskes, Thomee, and Lew
2010) as a source of sRGBs, each model transforms them Figure 4: Qualitative RAW Reconstruction comparison us-
into synthetic RAWs that are used for training the denoiser. ing SIDD. Our model reconstructs better colours, tones and
These are evaluated on the SIDD Dataset. Table 1 shows the brightness of RAW images from different cameras.
effect of our synthetic data on the denoising task, the network
trained with our data achieves an improvement of +0.7dB
PSNRd with respect to the baseline method. 4.3 Few-shot and Unsupervised Denoising
Figure 3 shows the ablation of the intermediate perfor- We aim to prove further the benefits of our approach and
mance of our method using the SIDD. The monotonic PSNR applications on downstream low-level vision tasks. In the
evolution at the RGB domain indicates that each component next experiments, we use DHDN (Park, Yu, and Jeong 2019)
in our model is contributing to improve the final reconstruc- as our denoiser. We sample shot/read noise factors as Zamir
tion. This ablation study, together with the Table 1 quanti- et al., as such, we can inject realistic noise into the images.
tative results provide strong empirical evidence supporting The mean PSNR of the noisy-clean pairs we use for training
that our pipeline and learnt parameters are realistic. The color is 41.18 dB. Our ISP model is always validated on the SIDD
correction and white balance (colour constancy) perform the validation data using PSNRr , our denoising experiments are
most significant transformation in the color space, as shown validated in the same way and are reported using PSNRd . We
by the ℓ2 distance reduction on the Chrominance space (the run two different experiments:
PSNR of UV components increases from 36.21dB to 43.34dB Few-shot experiments: In these experiments, we start with
after applying our learnt CCMs, and to 47.59dB after apply- all available 320 sRGB-RAW clean-noisy pairs for training
ing our learnt WB gains). The LSE improves the Luminance our ISP model as explained in Section 3. In Table 3 we de-
space reconstruction from 39.91dB to 51.24dB. note the baseline method without augmentations as “DHDN”,
We also test our approach using two DSLR cameras, the and the method with our ISP as on-line augmentations as
Canon EOS 5D and NikonD700. Using the train-test sets, “Ours”. We can appreciate the benefit of using our approach
loss, and patch-wise inference proposed by InvISP (Xing, to generate extra synthetic data, +0.46 dB improvement, and
Qian, and Chen 2021), our method also achieves SOTA re- overall SOTA results. We explore how decreasing the amount
sults at RAW reconstruction as we show in Table 2. Note that of clean data available for training affects RAW reconstruc-
InvISP is evaluated on the RAW with post-processed white tion performance, and thus, RAW denoising. We experiment
balance provided by camera metadata, however, we do not on three few data regimes: 184, 56, and 5 pairs available
use any information about the camera. As we have shown for training. Table 3 shows that our denoiser trained with
using the SIDD Dataset, our model is device-agnostic. More few-data (Ours-f) but using our augmentations, can achieve
qualitative comparisons are accessible in the supplement. similar performance to the baseline trained with all the data.

Noisy 37.18 0.850
EPLL (Zoran and Weiss 2011) 40.73 0.935
GLIDE (Talebi and Milanfar 2014) 41.87 0.949
TNRD (Chen and Pock 2017) 42.77 0.945
FoE (Roth and Black 2005) 43.13 0.969
MLP (Burger et al. 2012) 43.17 0.965
KSVD (Aharon et al. 2006) 43.26 0.969
DnCNN (Zhang et al. 2017) 43.30 0.965
NLM (Buades, Coll, and Morel 2005) 44.06 0.971
WNNM (Gu et al. 2014) 44.85 0.975
BM3D (Dabov et al. 2007) 45.52 0.980
Ours-u 49.90 0.982
DHDN (Park, Yu, and Jeong 2019) 52.02 0.988
Ours-f 52.05 0.986
Noisy CycleISP Ours Clean CycleISP (Zamir et al. 2020) 52.38 0.990
Ours 52.48 0.990
Figure 5: Qualitative RAW Denoising samples. Our model
removes noise while keeping textures and details. More com- Table 3: RAW denoising results on the SIDD Dataset. Few-
parisons can be found in the supplementary material. shot and unsupervised variants of our method are denoted as
“Ours-f” and “Ours-u” respectively.

Unsupervised experiments: For the last two few-shot

regimes (56 and 5 pairs), we do an additional experiment 4.4 Limitations
where clean ground-truth denoising labels are not available. Learning an approach to approximate inverse functions of
In these cases, we only use sRGB-RAW noisy pairs for train- real-world ISPs is not a trivial task for the following rea-
ing the ISP and the denoiser networks. We convert sRGBs sons: (i) The quantization of the 14-bit RAW image to the
into noisy RAWs using our augmentation strategy, and we 8-bit RGB image lead to inevitable information lost. We
add extra noise to our already noisy signals in order to have estimate this error to be 0.0022 RMSE for the SIDD. As
pseudo ground-truth pairs (Imamura, Itasaka, and Okuda previous work (Brooks et al. 2019; Zamir et al. 2020) we
2019). Our model learns how to reconstruct RAW data even considered the uniformly distributed quantization error to
if trained with few noisy data. This ablation study and de- be negligible when compared to other aspects on the RAW
noising results for the few-shot and unsupervised scenarios reconstruction problem (e.g. colour shift, brightness shift).
are available in the supplement. As we show in Table 3, our (ii) For modern camera ISP, the operations and their param-
denoiser (Ours-u) never saw ground-truth clean images, yet eters are unknown. Some operations as the value clipping
when trained using our method achieved better results than can not be accurately inverted, and we have observed that the
models trained on real data such as DnCNN (+6.6 dB). method can potentially degrade when large portions of the
SIDD Dataset: We report our denoising results in Ta- RGB image are close to overexposure. This is however not
ble 3, and compare with existing state-of-the-art methods a common phenomena, most of the images in the datasets
on the RAW data. We follow a standard self-ensemble tech- are properly exposed, and thus, the impact on performance is
nique: four flipped and rotated versions of the same image quite limited. (iii) We endeavour to model real camera ISPs,
are averaged. We use CycleISP Denoiser (Zamir et al. 2020) currently via six modules, this naturally limits performance.
publicly available weights trained on 1 million images. As Learning to model and invert additional modules (e.g. color
shown in Table 3, our models trained on our synthetic data enhancement, deblurring), will increase modelling power.
perform better than previous state-of-the-art despite being
trained with only 320 images, and are competitive even under 5 Conclusion
Few-shot and unsupervised conditions. We conjecture that In this paper we have proposed a novel modular, interpretable
this improvement owes primarily to the various and realistic and learnable hybrid ISP model, which combines the best of
synthetic data that our method is able to leverage. both model-based and end-to-end learnable approaches. Our
We also test our denoiser on the SIDD+ Dataset (Abdel- model performs a reversible sRGB to RAW domain transfor-
hamed et al. 2020) to show its generalization capability. Our mation while learning internal ISP parameters, even under
model generalizes to new scenes and conditions, i.e. we im- extreme low data regimes or noise. The approach recovers
prove 1.31 dB over CycleISP. We provide these quantitative high quality RAW data and improves previous synthetic RAW
results in the supplement. Although we have made an exhaus- reconstruction methods. By learning how to reverse a camera
tive study focused on Denoising, other low-level tasks e.g. sensor and generate realistic synthetic RAW images, we can
RAW data compression, Image retouching, HDR (Xing, Qian, improve in downstream low-level tasks, achieving state-of-
and Chen 2021) can benefit from our approach. We show a the-art performance on real camera denoising benchmarks,
potential HDR application in the supplementary material. even with an extremely small amount of training data.

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