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Seeing Auras and Telekinesis

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Seeing Auras

Contrary to popular belief, one does not have to be born with the talent to be
able to see auras. The technique to learn how to see auras only takes one
minute to learn. However, it may take years to see auras well enough
physically to glean all the information they can offer.

Aura reading, as with most things psychic, is a lesson in patience. You may
see auras right away, or within a few days of practice. You may not. You
may see them initially, and then have a period of time where you don't seem
to see anything. Although some people see colors almost immediately,
others may practice for several months before colors start to appear.
Keeping your chakras clean, especially your third eye, should aid in seeing

As with any psychic work, DON'T STRAIN YOURSELF! Practice initially

only a few minutes per day; as your eyes get used to refocusing, you may
look at the aura for a longer period of time. If you feel any strain on your
chakras, STOP. If your chakras begin to hurt, STOP, close them up, and don't practice anything for a
few days. This goes for any time you overstrain your chakras.

To See Auras:
Get a partner or stand in front of a mirror. The background (wall, etc) should be blank and preferably
white. Rooms that aren't too bright usually seem to work better. Have the subject (or yourself) stand
approximately 18 inches from the wall.
To see the aura, look at the wall behind the person and a couple inches away from their body.
Remember the 3-D stereogram pictures that were popular a few years ago, where the trick was to look
a few inches into the "noise" to see the 3-D image? The trick to seeing auras uses the same concept.
Look beyond where the person is standing. Ignore the person's body; if you look at them you'll lose the
aura image. You should see an area around the person where the background wall may look lighter
than the rest. If you can, try to see the color. If you had to pick any color (besides white) to describe
this area, what would it be? Also, different areas of a person's aura may be different colors. The color
you pick for one area may be different than another area.
Once you think you see it, have them sway from side to side. The energy field you see should move
with their movement. An after-image would not move with the person, it would only move as your
own eyes moved. Also, after-images are the exact opposite color of what you were looking at; auras
may be any color.

You can also practice seeing the various colors, however, by looking at after-images. Cut out several
circles, each approximately 3-4 inches in diameter, from colored construction paper, or color them in
with markers. You should end up having red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink, white and black
circles. Place one on a white piece of paper, and stare at it approx 30 seconds. Remove the circle and
look at the white paper. You should see an afterimage, the exact opposite color of the circle you stared
at. Bring the color into focus, and you may find your eyes refocusing a few inches deeper than the
surface of the paper, just like looking at auras. Practice with each circle.

Most people have little problem seeing the whitish area around people.
A few months of practice, and you may notice that this whitish area
separates into light yellows and blues and pinks. More practice, and
these colors will separate further; oranges may be found where you once
saw yellows, greens may be seen instead of light blue. An electric blue
or purple area may also be seen close to the body, and this is the etheric
body. The etheric body is quite vivid, and may be seen within a few
months of practice, even while no specific colors are visible in the rest
of the person's energy. Eventually, you may see the person's chakras,
which may look like brighter energy areas, energy vortices, etc.

If you are in school, try seeing the aura around your teachers and classmates. At work, look at the
auras of your colleagues as they talk to you. Practice on your friends! But remember, while you may
be looking at auras, others may think you're staring, so be discreet ;)

Auras tend to have a base color, which determines the person's overall personality. Also, several other
colors may be shown at various places around the body. These other colors may describe the person's
current state of mind, as well as any ailments. Illnesses may be seen in the aura which have not yet
manifested themselves physically.
Although certain colors have a general meaning, these colors may mean something totally different to
you. You will have to learn what each color (or combination of colors) means to you. For example,
some people see pain as a red inflammation, while others may see it as a black splotch. Pink may mean
love to one person, and shyness to another. While seeing the aura, feel it emotionally. Describe the
color that you see in the way it feels to you.
Listed below are the basic Aura Colors, these may vary depending on your sight.

Red is the first of the primary colors and in ancient symbolism it represented the body, the earth,
and hell, all three of which meant the same thing in the old mystery religions.
As to the meaning of red, it indicates force, vigor and energy. Its interpretation depends upon the
shade, and as with all colors, upon the relationship of the other colors.
Dark red indicates a high temper, and it is a symbol of nervous turmoil. A person with dark red
in his aura may not be weak outwardly, but is suffering in some way, and it is reflected in his
nervous system. Such a person is apt to be domineering and quick to act.
If the shade of red is light it indicates a nervous, impulsive, very active person, one who is
probably self-centered.
Scarlet indicates an overdose of ego.
Pink or coral, is the color of immaturity. It is usually in young people, and if it shows up in the
aura of one who is grown it indicates delayed adolescence, a childish concern with self.
In all cases of red there is a tendency to nervous troubles, and such people ought to take time to
be quiet and to get outside themselves. Red may also indicate pain or an inflammation of some
Orange is the color of the sun. It is vital and a good color generally, indicating thoughtfulness and
consideration of others. Again however it is a matter of shade.
Golden Orange is vital and indicates self-control and creativity.
Brownish Orange shows a lack of ambition and a don't-care attitude. Such people may be
repressed, but usually they are just lazy.
In the early church orange signified glory, virtue, and the fruits of the earth, all of these being
connected naturally with the sun.

Yellow is the second primary color.
When it is golden yellow it indicates health and well-being. Such people take good care of
themselves, don't worry, and learn easily; good mentality is natural in them. They are happy,
friendly, and helpful. They may think a lot.
If the yellow is ruddy, they are timid. They are thus apt often to be indecisive and weak in will,
inclined to let others lead them.

Pure emerald green, particularly if it has a dash of blue, is the color of healing. It is helpful,
strong, friendly. It is the color of doctors and nurses, who invariably have a lot of it in their auras.
However it is seldom a dominating color, usually being over shadowed by one of its neighbors.
As it tends toward blue it is more helpful and trustworthy.
As it tends toward yellow it is weakened. A lemony green with lots of yellow, is deceitful.
As a rule the deep, healing green is seen in small amounts, but it is good to have a little in your
In the early church it symbolized youthfulness and the fertility of nature, taking this quite
naturally from the sight of the fields in spring.

Almost any color of blue is good, but the deeper shades are the best.
Pale blue indicates little depth, but a struggle toward maturity. The person may not be talented,
but he tries. He will have many heartaches and many headaches, but he will keep going in the
right direction.
The middle blue, or aqua, belongs to a person who will work harder and get more done than the
fellow with the light blue, though there may be
little difference between them in talent.
Those with deep blue have found their work and are immersed in it. They usually are apt to be
moody and are almost always unusual persons, but they have a mission and they steadfastly go
about fulfilling it. They are spiritual-minded for the most part, and their life is usually dedicated
to an unselfish cause, such as science, art, or social service. Many sisters of mercy have dark blue,
and many writers and singers do also.
Indigo and Violet
Indigo and violet indicate seekers of all types, people who are searching for a cause or a religious
experience. As these people get settled in their
careers and in their beliefs, however, these colors usually back into a deep blue. It seems that once
the purpose is set in the right direction, blue is a natural emanation of the soul. Those who have
purple are inclined to be overbearing, for here there is an infiltration of pink. In the early church
indigo and violet meant humiliation and sorrow.

White and Other Colors

The perfect color, of course, is white, and this is what we all are striving for. If our souls were in
perfect balance then our color vibrations would
blend and we would have and aura of pure white. Christ had this aura, and it is shown in many
paintings of him, particularly those that depict Him
after the resurrection.
Although black is not a color per se, I have added it in here. A person with a black aura or no
aura is dieing or will die soon. To see a person with such an aura is not uncommon. If you ever
visit a person who is very ill you will notice there aura is dull or lacks color it does not shine. A
person who is dieing slowly loses there aura. When total black is present the person either is just
about to die or just died.
Brown: Teddy bear personality, humble, earthy, sincere, a gentle heart.
Kidney Bean: Chemical alteration.
Grey: Absence of life force. Grey appears because the body's energy has been significantly
reduced. It's like plugging your 220V electric stove into a 110V outlet. Skepticism.
Silver: Balanced life force, an appreciation for life and its offerings, universal outlook.


Telekinesis refers to the ability to move physical objects

with one's mind. There are many techniques that may be
applied to achieve this, but the fact remains - TK is hard!
Don't expect to be lifting couches and chairs with your
mind any time soon; as with anything, TK, even with
small objects, takes a while to learn, and many have
minimal success.

The easiest forms of Telekinesis occur with an already-moving object, or some event that has a chance
(however slight) to happen as you wish it to. In this way, you only need to increase the chances that the
outcome occurs the way you want.� This affecting of probability is called MicroTK.� Moving candle
flames and causing electronic equipment to work are examples of this.
MacroTK, on the other hand, involves moving a stationary physical object.� Because you are
affecting the object on a physical, tangible level, instead of merely on an energy or probability level, it
is much more difficult to get results.� I recommend practicing at least some with microTK first,
because macroTK can be frustrating if one does not see immediate results.

There are several methods that may be used; one may work well for one person, and another person
may have no results with the same technique.� Try these, but DON'T STRAIN YOURSELF!� Try
only 5 or 10 minutes per day; if your head feels like it may start hurting, STOP.
The idea behind TK is focus, not concentration.� You do not need to think hard to do TK; in fact, as
with most psychic activities, a relaxed and meditative mind usually works better.� Keeping your mind
from wandering, however, is important.
Relax, get comfortable.� Set a lighted candle in front of you; we will try PyroKinesis (moving fire)

Method 1:� Becoming One With the Object

Stare at the base of the flame (not at the flame itself, don't get retina burn, and yes, you may blink).�
Gaze at it, defocus your eyes and enter a meditative state.� Watch how the candle dances and moves.�
Imagine the flame as an extra limb, feel that you are able to move it as easily as your arm or leg.�
Keep watching, and when you feel it is a part of you, try flexing it.� See the flame grow wider, thinner,
taller, shorter, flicker, or stand still.� Do this for 5-10 minutes, then snuff the candle out.

Method 2: Visualize!
With this method, just see what you want to have happen clearly in your mind.� If you want a parking
space near the door of a crowded mall, visualize clearly an empty space right near the front door before
you leave your house.� Looking for a special something?� See it clearly, see yourself in possession of
it and happy.� To enforce the visualization, write down exactly what you want.� Be descriptive!� If
you need it, it will happen.� If not, realize there may be a reason it did not occur as you wished;
perhaps something better will come along, or it just wasn't appropriate for this thing to happen at this
time.� Always ask that it be done in the best interests of all concerned.� This also works on faulty
electronic equipment and many other things; just see the computer/vcr/car/etc working perfectly.

Method 3: Pushing With Energy

Read the beginner logs and master Energy Balls before attempting this one.
Blow up a balloon and set it on the floor (preferably a surface with very little friction; a linoleum floor
Form an energy ball, making it as dense as possible.� With the energy ball between your hand and the
balloon, push the balloon along the floor with the energy ball.� Do not touch the balloon with your

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