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Eat up

Food 3   Label the pictures of food and drink.

Student’s Book p58

1   Match the fruit and vegetables with the


1 C tomato A a long, orange vegetable that

2 banana grows in gardens
B a small green or red fruit that’s
3 grape
got sweet juice
4 lettuce 1  2  3 
C a red fruit that we often use in
5 orange green salads
6 carrot D a round, orange fruit that
grows on trees
E a green vegetable that we use
to make salad
F a long, yellow fruit that grows
on trees.
4  5  6 
2   Complete the words in the dialogue.
Sven What do you have for breakfast?
Amy I usually have 1 c e r e a l with

m .
Sven Do you ever have 3 e for breakfast?
That’s typical in Britain.
Amy Sometimes, at weekends. What do people
have for breakfast in Sweden? 7  8  9 
Sven I usually have some 4 b with meat
and  ch

. I like tomatoes, too. 4   Complete the sentences about food and drink.
Amy Is that all you have? Write sentences that are true for you.
Sven No, I often have some 6 y For breakfast, I usually drink orange juice or milk. 
with fruit, too. For breakfast, I often eat 
Amy That’s healthy. And what do you drink? 
Sven I usually have some orange j 7 
. For lunch, I usually have
And you? 
Amy I always have 8 c with milk and For dinner, I sometimes have
lots of 9 s .

Sven That’s not very good for you.
My two favourite fruits are
Amy I’m joking. You know I never drink coffee!

Unit 5  Eat up

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EXTRA Parts of a menu 7   Match the two parts to make complete sentences.
There are two letters that you do not need to use.
Student’s Book p57 1 C Some people don’t sleep well
2 I want to be healthy, so I eat lots of fruit and
5   Label the pictures with the words below.
vegetables, and I avoid
desserts ​ dishes ​
drinks main  sides 3 S
 ome people don’t like dark green vegetables like
spinach and broccoli because
4 J apanese people use the word ‘umami’ to
describe savoury foods
5 I ’m not into Mexican dishes that have got chilli
peppers because
6 A
 fter meals, people often eat sweet foods
A they can be quite spicy.
B such as meat, fish and cheese.
1  2 
C after drinking a lot of coffee.
D delicious, but unhealthy.
E they’ve got a bitter taste.
F like ice cream and chocolate.
G because it’s very crunchy.
H unhealthy things, like greasy chips.

8   Complete the sentences.

1 Your taste buds are bumps on your tongue. They let
3  4  you taste the delicious flavours of food.
2 S things have got a lot of sugar in them.
Adjectives for food 3 Dark chocolate without sugar in it is b .
Student’s Book p62 4 Many s foods taste good and we need some
salt to stay healthy.
6   Choose the correct words.
5 Some foods are s , like meat and cheese.
1 I prefer cheese to chocolate. I like food that is … .
6 You can’t taste fat, but your tongue can feel when
A  savoury B  crunchy
food is g .
2 Are there chilli peppers in this dish? It’s hot and … !
unhealthy B  spicy 9   A friend wants to make dinner for you. Write two
3 Coffee without sugar is a … drink. or three sentences about the foods you like and don’t
A  bitter B  sweet like. Use some of the adjectives below.
4 I like fresh carrots. They’re sweet and … . bitter ​crunchy ​greasy ​healthy ​salty ​
A  crunchy B  greasy savoury ​ spicy sweet unhealthy
5 Don’t eat a lot of chips. They can be very … .
I like / don’t like bitter foods, like spinach.
healthy B  salty

6 My dad makes great burgers. They’re … .
sweet B  delicious

Eat up  Unit 5

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Countable and uncountable nouns; 4   Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences
with some, any, a lot of, much or many. More than one
some, any, much, many, a lot of answer may be possible.
Student’s Book p59
1 2 3
1   Choose the correct sentence.
1 A I’m having any grapes for a snack. I like them.
B I’m having some grapes for a snack. I like them.
2 A My parents don’t eat much meat. They prefer fish.
My parents don’t eat many meat. They prefer fish.
3 A There’s a lot of salt on these chips. I can’t eat them. 4 5 6
B There’s much salt on these chips. I can’t eat them.
4 A There aren’t some food stalls. There are only two.
There aren’t many food stalls. There are only two.
5 A Zoe never drinks many coffee. She doesn’t like it.
Zoe never drinks any coffee. She doesn’t like it.

2   Complete the sentence with some or any. 1 There isn’t any lettuce on the table.
1 I can see some bananas on the table. 2 We need carrots to make soup.
2 There isn’t cereal for breakfast. 3 There isn’t cheese on the plate.
3 I think there’s milk in the fridge. 4 We haven’t got bananas.
4 I’ve got snacks in my school bag. 5 There is orange juice in the glass.
5 There aren’t oranges to make juice. 6 There aren’t apples on the table.
6 There isn’t ice cream for dessert.
5   Answer the questions with two or three
3   Correct the mistakes in the text. More than one sentences. Use some, any, much, many and a lot of.
answer may be possible. What do you drink for breakfast?
I often drink some orange juice for breakfast.
What are your favourite snacks? I often have
I sometimes have some milk, too. I don’t drink any coffee.

fruit, like an apple or a banana because
What do you drink during the day?
they’re healthy. I don’t usually eat

greasy things, like chips or pizza. 
I don’t drink juice or other sweet drinks. I prefer water. 
I always drink 3 any water – about one or 
two litres every day. In the evening, I don’t eat What snacks do you eat?

snacks, but I sometimes have 

yoghurt with fruit. I prefer natural 
yoghurt because it’s healthier. It hasn’t got 

extra sugar in it.
What foods do you avoid?

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can / can’t, must / mustn’t 9   Write sentences using the information in the table
and the correct form of can and must. More than one
Student’s Book p61
answer may be possible.
6   Choose the correct answers. Name Milk Eggs Nuts
1 We’ve got some lemons, so we … make lemonade. Bryan   
can’t B  can C  must
Clara   
2 You … wash the lettuce before you make the salad.
A  must B  can’t C  mustn’t Tom   
3 Daniela … have any yoghurt. She’s allergic to milk.
1 Bryan must avoid milk.
can B  must C  can’t
2 Bryan eat eggs and nuts.
4 Do you like Thai food? We … order some for lunch.
mustn’t B  can C  can’t 3 Clara eat eggs.
5 Students … eat any snacks in the library. 4 Clara have milk and nuts.
can B  must C  mustn’t 5 Tom avoid nuts.
6 Vegans … avoid eating animal products. 6 Tom have milk and eggs.
A  must B  mustn’t C  can
  Write questions with can. Write answers that are
7   Complete the sentences with the affirmative or true for you.
negative form of can or must and the verbs below. 1 students / eat snacks / in your classroom?
clean ​
cook ​ go ​
eat ​ put taste ​ Can students eat snacks in your classroom?
Yes, they can. / No, they can’t.
1 I mustn’t eat bananas. I’m allergic to them. 2 you / eat / dairy products?
2 My brother very well. He wants to take 
some lessons this year.

3 We the food stall every day and keep it
3 your parents / make / ice cream?
very tidy.

4 There’s some salmon in this salad. I it.

5 You hot food into the fridge. Wait until
the food is cold. 4 you / name / three types of pasta?
6 People shopping for fresh fruit and 
vegetables at the market. 
5 your best friend / make / a pizza?
8   Correct the mistakes in the dialogue.

Kevin I’m making curry for the party this evening.
Must you 1 Can you help me? 

Paula Of course, but you know that I mustn’t cook 11

  Imagine that you open a restaurant. Make rules

very well. for the people who go there. Write five sentences with
That’s OK. First you mustn’t wash can, can’t, must and mustn’t.

these potatoes. They’re not People mustn’t shout in the restaurant.
very clean. 
OK! I can’t do 4  that now. 
Thanks! Must you wash 5 

those carrots, too? 
Sure. I must use 6  this soap. 
Kevin No, you must 7  do that. You only
use water.
Eat up  Unit 5

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When Every
Bite Matters
Life can be difficult for teens, especially when
they’ve got dangerous food allergies. People
with allergies mustn’t eat certain foods or they
become sick.
Olivier Deldicque is a young American writer
who knows a lot about allergies. 1  In his book,
When Every Bite Matters, Olivier talks about his
life, and gives advice to other teens who
have allergies.
Olivier is allergic to peanuts and a lot of other nuts.
He’s also allergic to eggs, milk, dairy products and
some types of fish. 2  Olivier must have allergy
medicines with him all the time for emergencies.
About 10% of Americans have got a food allergy.

About 5.6 million of them are children and
teenagers. Olivier wants to help those young
people understand their allergies and live longer,
healthier lives.
In his book, Olivier gives information about
allergies and tips for everyday situations, such as
eating in restaurants. For example, he tells people
with allergies to ask questions about the dishes
they want to eat. 4  Olivier’s book also gives
good advice about eating at parties and checking
the ingredients of food in shops. It’s a great book
for teens who have allergies.

A book review 2   Read the text. Then complete the text with the
sentences below. There are two sentences that you do
Before you read a text, look at the photos. They can not need to use.
UP! help you understand the topic of a text. A That’s more than 32 million people.
B Many people have allergies that aren’t dangerous.
1   Read the Skill UP! Then look at the photo and the C That’s because he’s allergic to many foods.
title of the text. What do you think the text is about? D He says they can also check the menu online before
A A book about American food. they go to a new restaurant.
B A book about teenagers. E There aren’t any vegetarian dishes on the menu.
C A book about allergies. F As a result, there are a lot of dishes he can’t eat.
Unit 5  Eat up

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3   Read the text again and correct the information in 5   Read the text. Find words that mean the same as
the sentences. the words below.
1 Olivier’s book is for adults with allergies. 1 hard difficult
teenagers / teens / young people 2 not safe d
2 Olivier must avoid nuts, eggs, milk, dairy products and 3 helpful tips a
all types of fish. 4 kinds t
 5 meals d
3 Olivier doesn’t always have allergy medicine with him. 6 looking at c

6   A friend wants to make dinner for you. Write four
4 About 5.6 million children and adults in the USA have
or five sentences about the foods you like and don’t like.
got a food allergy. Use some of the adjectives below.

bitter ​crunchy ​delicious greasy ​
healthy ​
5 In restaurants, people with allergies can read the book salty ​savoury ​spicy ​sweet ​unhealthy
and ask questions about the dishes.
 I like / don’t like bitter foods, like spinach.
6 Olivier’s book gives advice about checking the prices of 
food in shops. 

4   Read the text. Choose the correct answers to
complete the sentences. 
1 People who have food allergies … 
can eat foods that are dangerous.
7   Read the text message and write a reply.
B must be careful about what they eat. Tell Joanna about Olivier’s book.
can’t eat anything that contains nuts.
2 Olivier Deldicque can’t eat …
any animal products.
fruit or vegetables. I’m looking for a book about food allergies.
It’s for my friend Lucy. She’s allergic to nuts.
yoghurt or cheese. Can you help me?

3 In the United States …

some people have food allergies. 
teens don’t understand allergies.

most people are allergic to nuts.

4 Olivier gives some tips … 
for people who work in restaurants.
about choosing dishes that are safe.
for finding restaurants and cafés.

5 Olivier’s book can help young people …

who want to eat healthier food.
give advice at shops and parties.
with allergies to live longer.

Eat up  Unit 5

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ION •  Exercise 1: Oxford Test of English for Schools Reading Part 1

•  Exercise 2: Cambridge English Key for Schools Reading and Writing Part 4
•  Exercise 3: Cambridge English Key for Schools Reading and Writing Part 5
1 Read each text and choose the correct answer (A, B or C). 2 Choose the correct words to complete the text.
Hi, Alex! Are you excited about your birthday tomorrow?
Hi, Cassie. I want to make chicken curry for dinner, It’s a special day, so we 1  celebrate! Have
but we haven’t got any chicken. Can you stop at the you got 2 
plans for lunch? There are
market? What do you want for dessert? I can make
some brownies. Adam

nice restaurants on Martin Street, like
Thai Garden. It’s my favourite! The food is great and
1 What does the text message say? they’ve got a 4  of dishes for vegetarians.
A Adam wants to buy something for dessert. We 5 
invite Emma and Nathan, too. They
Adam wants some chicken from the market. love Thai food, but we 6  order anything
Adam wants Cassie to make some brownies. with nuts. Emma’s allergic to them. Call me later!

1 A  mustn’t B  can’t C  must

From: Marisa 2 A  lot B  any C  much
To: Jason 3 A  some B  much C  any
4 A  much B  lot C  many
Let’s order Chinese food for the party, but not from that
restaurant on Third Street. Their food is really salty. 5 A  have B  mustn’t C  can
Do you know any other good places? Call me. 6 A  mustn’t B  can C  must

2 Why is Marisa writing an email to Jason? 3 Complete the text. Write one word for each gap.
A She wants some advice about food for the party.
She wants to go to a restaurant.
She wants Jason to make better food.

Farm Fresh Café G re encrest

Food Market
All of our food is healthy and vegetarian.
We also have dishes for vegan customers and Every Saturday, the Greencrest Food Market takes
some ingredients in the other dishes are place in Talbot Street next to Moreland Park. There
optional, like cheese. Please ask your server for 1 
many farmers who sell fresh fruit and
more information.
vegetables there. You 2  buy eggs, and some
dairy products, like cheese.
You can also buy lunch at the market. 3  are
3 What does the café notice say? stalls with hot and cold dishes, as well as sweet
A Cheese is the only optional ingredient. things, 4  ice cream. There aren’t places to
All the food is healthy and vegan. sit down, but a 5 
of people take their food to
There is food on the menu for vegans. the park. It’s a nice place for a picnic, but you mustn’t
leave 6  rubbish in the park. Keep it clean!

Unit 5  Eat up

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Food can / can’t, must / mustn’t
Student’s Book p58 Student’s Book p61

bananas juice Affirmative I / You / He / can go out on Friday.

beef lemonade She / It / We / cook very well.
bread lettuce They
carrots milk Negative I / You / He / can’t eat sweets.
cereal oranges She / It / We / speak French.
cheese pasta
chicken rice Questions Can I / you / go out? Yes, I / you / he /
he / she / she / it / we / they
chips salmon it / we / can.
coffee salt they No, I / you / he /
eggs sugar she / it / we / they
grapes tomatoes can’t.
ice cream yoghurt
Affirmative I / You / He / She / must go now.
It / We / They
Adjectives to describe food
Negative I / You / He / She / mustn’t play football
Student’s Book p62 It / We / They near the road.
bitter salty
crunchy savoury Countable and uncountable nouns; some, any,
delicious spicy much, many, a lot of
greasy sweet Student’s Book p59
healthy unhealthy
Countable nouns Uncountable nouns
EXTRA Parts of a menu
Affirmative There are some / There’s some / a lot
Student’s Book p57 a lot of desserts. of water.
Negative There aren’t any / There isn’t any /
desserts main dishes many oranges. much rice.
drinks sides
Questions How many sweets How much chocolate
are there? is there?
Are there any Is there any fruit?
Short answers Yes, there are. Yes, there is.
No, there aren’t. No, there isn’t.

Active Learning Kit Unit 5

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A restaurant review A restaurant review gives facts and opinions about a café, food stall,
restaurant or other place to eat.

1 Read the text. What is the reviewer’s favourite dish?

• Express your feelings and

• Give some facts about
the place.
• Recommend things to eat
and drink.
I’m a fan of Japanese food, so I love going to Tombo. It’s a Japanese café near the • Use adjectives to give
Natural History Museum. information.
Tombo has traditional dishes, like sushi and spicy noodles, but my favourite is
their teriyaki chicken. For a hot drink, I recommend their green tea. It’s very good
and it’s also organic. Do you like desserts? Try Tombo’s vegan cheesecake with ice
cream. It’s fantastic!
Tombo is a brilliant place to relax with friends. It has a bright, modern style,
delicious food, and good prices. Why not try it?

2 Write a review for a café or restaurant you know. Follow the steps in the Writing builder
and use the example text to help you.


Opinions and reactions
1 PLAN YOUR REVIEW I love (Indian food) and my favourite
Choose a café or restaurant you know. Think about these topics (restaurant) is …
and make notes for your review. I love going there to (hang out) with my
•  the type of place •  where it is •  things you recommend (friends).
It isn’t expensive, and the food is
•  things on the menu •  your general opinion •  the style of the place excellent.
Giving basic information
It’s a (Thai restaurant) near (High Park).
Paragraph 1 Making recommendations
•  Start with an opinion or a reaction. They have (main dishes) like …
•  Give some helpful information about the place. If you like …, they have …
Paragraph 2 Try their (chocolate cake). It’s yummy!
•  Mention some things from the menu and name your favourites. Making suggestions
•  You can make suggestions and ask questions. Go there for lunch. It’s a great place.
Why not try it for your next birthday?
Paragraph 3
•  Give additional facts and your general opinion.
•  End with a final opinion or suggestion. TIPS!
• Give information that is useful for
3 READ AND CHECK everyone: name of the place, location,
style of food, good dishes, etc.
 spelling of words for food and drink • Say what you think about the food
 expressions for likes and dislikes and the place. This makes your review

Writing Workshop   5

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