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Lesson Plan For Grand Demo FINAL

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Annex 2B.1 to DepEd Order No. 42, s.

School Florita Herrera Irizari National High School Grade 9
Teacher Hannah Lorraine A. Hontanosas Learning TLE Cookery 9
Teaching Date April 24, 2023 Time 9:45 – 10:45 am

I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
a. Identify the four basic cutting techniquess;
b. Perform the four basic cutting techniques; and
c. Appreciate the importance of four basic cutting techniques in enhancing food appearance and palatability
of food.
A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding preparing and cooking vegetable dishes,

B. Performance The learners independently prepare and cook vegetable dishes.

C. Learning Prepare variety of vegetable dishes (TLE_HECK9-12-VD-IIa-9)
Competencies with
LC code
II. CONTENT Basic Cutting Skills
A. References

1. Textbook pages K to 12 Home Economics Curriculum Guide May 2016 pages 17-18

B. Other Learning

Resources %20important,Build%20hand%20and%20finger%20strength
3 Min Countdown Flip Clock Timer / Simple Beeps
millionreason - YouTube
C. Materials TV, laptop, pentel pen, manila paper, pictures, wifi modem, cellphones, colored paper, paper tape, glue,
scissors, folder, vegetables, plate, chopping board, hairnet, apron, knife, rag, garbage bag.

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Routinary Activities

Opening Prayer
Let us start our day us we meditate in a prayer. (The students will lead the prayer)
Everyone, let’s bow down our heads and feel
the presence of God.
Classroom Management
Earlier, I let you pick pieces of printed
vegetables. There is cucumber, carrots, red bell (The students who got the cucumber will raise their
pepper and garlic. May I know those who got hands)

Those who got cucumber, will be the group A.

Please occupy to the first row.
Follow those who got carrots you will be the
Group B you will proceed to second row.
The same to those who got red bell pepper, you
will be the Group C. You will proceed to this row (The students are transferring to their respective
and those who got garlic will be the Group D group)
you will proceed to last row.
At the count of 5 kindly proceed to your
respective group. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
That will serve as your group to our entire
activities in this lesson. Is it clear? - “Yes ma’am.”
Now, before you take your sit. Kindly arrange
your chairs and pick up some piece of trash. (The students will arrange their chairs and pick up
some trash)
By the way, kindly keep that printed vegetables
because once you can answer you will submit it
and this will serve as your token for you to
receive a points.

- “Good morning Mrs. Hontanosas!’
Good morning class!
- “We’re fine ma’am.”
How are you today?
That’s good!
Checking of Attendance/Health Check
Secretary: “None ma’am.”
Ms. Secretary, who are absent today?
Good to hear that all of you are present today.
Secretary: “Ma’am all of us has a normal
Secretary, kindly tell us your report.
temperature and our hands are now clean.”
Thank you Ms. Secretary so you wash your
hands upon entering the room and everybody
has a normal temperature.
Classroom Norms
Kindly read our classroom norms.
Classroom Norms:
Arrange the chairs.
Do not answer in chorus, just raise your hands if
you want to answer/ask a question.
Ask permission when going out.
Participate in class activities.
Listen when there are presentations.
I hope that you will follow our classroom norms
so that we will have a smooth discussion.

Before we proceed to our lesson, let us have

first a recap.
A. Reviewing previous REVIEW/RECALL
lesson or presenting
the new lesson Activity 1: CABBAGE RELAY

Now. Let us have a recap about our previous

topic in a form of activity. Let us see if you still
have remembered our last topic, all about? - “It is all about Kitchen utensils ma’am.”
Okay very good!
Kindly read the instruction. - “Instruction: Using an improvised cabbage,
while the music is playing pass the cabbage to
the person next to you. When the music stop,
the one who holds the cabbage will peel one
strip and will identify the kitchen utensils.”
Is my instruction clear? - “Yes ma’am.”
Are you ready? - “Yes ma’am.”

(The students will perform the cabbage relay)



- “None ma’am.”
Okay very good! I’m glad that you’ve still
remember our previous lesson. It seems that
you really internalized our previous topic. Is
there any clarification?
Okay. Let’s proceed.
B. Establishing a
purpose for the Activity 2: PICTURE ANALYSIS
lesson Now, I will flash some pictures of vegetables
and all you have to do is to analyze what is the
picture all about or what can you say about the

(The students will raise their hands)

- “Ma’am the vegetables have a different shape.”

- “Ma’am the cucumber is cut into round shape, carrots

are cut into cubes, red bell pepper are cut into thinly
Yes, Mr. _____ and garlic is cut into small pieces.”
Very good! It has different shapes.
(The students will clap their hands)

What have you observed on the different shape

of vegetables? - “Ma’am. I think our topic for today is all about cuts of
Yes, Ms. _____ vegetables.”

- “Basic Cutting Techniques”

Excellent! Let us give a round of applause to
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able
Based on the pictures presented, what do you
think is our topic for today?
a. Identify the four basic cutting techniques;
b. Perform the four basic cutting techniques; and
Very good! To be exact, our topic is all about? c. Appreciate the importance of four basic cutting
For us to be guided, kindly read our learning techniques in enhancing the food appearance
objectives. and palatability of food.

Our topic for today is all about Basic Cutting

As we go on with our discussion you will identify
the four basic cutting techniques, you will also
perform the four basic cutting techniques. In
performing this activity, you will know the steps  Julienne – vegetables are cut into long thin strips.
in cutting the vegetables and you will also  Rondelle – vegetables are cut into round in
appreciate the importance of four basic cutting shape.”
techniques where you are going to apply this in
a real life situation.

 Unlocking Difficulties
Before we go on with our lesson kindly take
note of those words because as we go on
with our topic we will be using this,

C. Presenting examples/ Leader One who leads the group

Instances of the new Secretary One who writes the answers of the
lesson group
Reporter One who reports the output to the
Timekeeper One who monitors the time
Members Will cooperate and participate in
constructing ideas

Each group will be given a folder which contains

different activity sheet. Write each on your folder
the name of your leader, secretary, reporter,
timekeeper and members. You will be given 1
minutes to assign roles of your members.
Are you done?
- “Yes ma’am”
Now let’s proceed to the instruction of each group

Group A kindly read your instruction.

“Group A – Activity: Spot It!
Instruction: Given the different recipe try to identify
what are the basic cutting techniques are present.”
In your activity sheet, there are different recipe
and all you have to do is to identify what basic
cutting techniques did you find on that recipe.
Next. Group B kindly read your instruction.

“Group B – Activity: Name It!

Instructions: Among the four basic cutting techniques.
Give one example of a recipe where these basic
The same with the first group you will have your
cutting techniques be applied.”
activity sheet, there are pictures of four basic
cutting skills and all you have to do is to give an
example of a recipe where these cutting
techniques be applied.

Group C, kindly read your instruction.

“Group C – Activity: Define Me!
Instruction: Given the different pictures, define each
picture of cutting techniques.”

Group C, all you have to do is to define the

given pictures of cutting techniques.

Lastly, the Group D. read your instruction.

“Group D – Activity: Perform Me!
Instructions: Using the art materials, perform the four
basic cutting techniques.”

Last group, you will be given art materials. All

you have to do is to perform the four basic
cutting techniques.

I will give another 3 minutes to each group to

present your output and make a group yell.
But before you start, everyone kindly read our
Each group, am I clear? Any
- “Yes ma’am.”
Criteria 5 points 4 points 3 points

All answers are One-two Four or more

correct mistakes mistakes

The group The group

The group
presented the presented the
presented the
Promptness output one output 2
output on/before
minute after the minutes after
the time
time the time

Two or more
All members of One member of
members of the
Cooperation the group the group did
group did not
cooperate not cooperate

(The first group will present their output)

Group _, kindly present your output. (The second group will present their output)
Very good! Group _.

Next, let us hear from Group _.

(The third group will present their output)
Excellent! Group _.

Group _, it is your time to shine.

Very good! Group _. (The last group will present their output)

Let us move on to Group _.

Good job! Group _.

Everybody did a great job. Let us give a NICE
clap to everyone.
D. Discussing new  How did you find the activity? - “It was great ma’am.”
concepts and  Have you tried preparing food at home? - “Yes ma’am.”
practicing new skills  What recipe you love the most? - “Afritada ma’am, chopsuey, pancit, menudo.”
#1  When you are preparing food at home what are - “Thin strips like sticks, crushed garlic, round
the common basic cutting techniques did you cut.”
apply? - “During breakfast or every meal ma’am.”
 When will be the vegetables serve? - “It’s Cube, Mince, Julienne and Rondelle
 What are the basic cutting techniques? ma’am.”
 Cite a specific recipe where you can apply those - “Afritada, saute garlic, salad, pancit.”
cuts. - “It enhance the beautification of the food, it
 How these basic cutting techniques contribute tastes and it will cook evenly.”
to our food? - “The appearance is not good, and it has a
 What are the disadvantages if we will not use possibility that the other ingredients are not cook
the appropriate cuts in preparing foods? evenly.”
 What nutrients can we get by eating - “Dietary fiber, vitamin A and vitamin B.”

E. Continuation of  What is Cutting Techniques? - “a technique where the ingredients are cut into
discussion of new uniform pieces to cook evenly and in the same
concepts leading to amount of time. Not only cook more easily, but
formative also taste better.”
 The Four Basic Cutting Techniques:
1. Mince
- the finest level of chopping, and is frequently
done using a food processor, or a sharp knife.

2. 2. Cube
- to cut food into pieces that are even, like a

3. Rondelle
- to cut round in shape, this cut is generally used
for cutting round or oval shaped veggies.
4. Julienne
4. - in which the food is cut into long thin strips,
similar to matchsticks.
That was the four basic cutting techniques.
When we are going to prepare this, don’t forget
to wash your hands first.
Remember, that if we are going to cut the
vegetables we need to use white chopping
board but if it is not available in your home you
can use the chopping board for meat but make
sure to wash it properly to avoid contamination.
Especially in vegetables, before cutting it we
need to wash with the running water to avoid
Use also a sharp knife to cut the vegetables
properly according to the appropriate cut.
We need also to wear PPE, like apron and
hairnet if you have cough, it is necessary to
wear a mask.

Is all clear? any questions/clarifications?

Now let us proceed.

- “None ma’am.’’
The teacher will demonstrate the four basic cutting
techniques and sample of veggie art.
G. Developing Mastery Activity 4: REDEMONSTRATION
(Leads to formative
This time I will give you a chance to perform the
Assessment 3)
four basic cutting skills and select one member
to redemonstrate the basic cutting skills.
Group A – Mince
Group B – Julienne
Group C – Cube (The students will redemonstrate)
Group D – Rondelle

I am reminding everyone, be careful in handling

the knife and as you are going to cut the
vegetables don’t forget to use the proper
position of your hand.
Put the unnecessary items on a cellophane to
avoid the mess while performing.
I will give you 5 minutes to do your task. (The students perform their output)

Good job everyone! I think that you have

already know the four basic cutting skills. Let us
give a warm of applause to ourselves.

Now let is rate your different output in your

activity 3. Let see in group _.
Let us give a Very Good clap to the first
presentor. (The students will rate the output of Group _)

Now let us rate the second group.

Let us give Ang Galing, Galing ko clap to the
second presentor.
(The students will rate the output of Group _)
Let us now rate the third group.
Let us give Magaling, Magaling clap to the third
(The students will rate the output of Group _)
Last but not the least, the last group.
Let us give a Sexbomb clap to last presentor.
(The students will rate the output of Group _)
Congratulations! Keep it up my dear students.

H. Finding practical Activity 5: VEGIE ART!

applications of
concepts and skills in Now, each group will perform the four basic
daily living cutting techniques. You will be given different
vegetables and you will be provided materials
and utensils.
Kindly read the instruction. Instruction: Given the materials and utensils. Form an
art and apply unique platting using the vegetables.
Present and explain the specific art you’ve formed

I will give you 5 minutes to do your task and

another 3 minutes to present your output.
Before you start, kindly read our criteria.
Criteria 5 points 4 points 3 points
Make sure to follow the criteria for you to be
All cutting skills One-two Four or more
aware. The group who got the highest score Correctness
are correct mistakes mistakes
will receive a prize. Be creative in doing your
output. Good luck everyone!  The end
The end
The end product is
product is
product is original/imagi
Congratulations to the winning group. But still Uniqueness/ ative and its
original/imagin native but
the other group will receive a consolation prize. ative; it is the result
Creativity creativity add
presented in a distracts
Excellent job to everyone. to the content,
new /unusual from
way understandin

The group The group The group

presented the presented the presented
Promptness output output one the output 2
on/before the minute after minutes after
time the time the time

Two or more
One member
All members of members of
of the group
Cooperation the group the group did
did not
cooperate not

I. Making I have here prepared a statement; all you have to

generalizations and do is to complete the given statement.
abstraction about the
lesson  It is important to know the basic cutting skills (The students will answer the questions)
because _____________.
J. Evaluating learning Using zipgrade activity sheet answer this following

Instruction: Read each item carefully. Choose the

correct answer.
1. In which the food is cut into long thin
strips, similar to matchsticks.
a. Cube
b. Julienne
c. Mince
d. Rondelle
2. To cut food into pieces that are even, like
a square.
a. Cube
b. Julienne
c. Mince
d. Rondelle
3. To cut round in shape, this cut is
generally used for cutting round or oval
shaped veggies.
a. Cube
b. Julienne
c. Mince
d. Rondelle
4. The finest level of chopping, and is
frequently done using a food processor,
or a sharp knife.
a. Cube
b. Julienne
c. Mince
d. Rondelle
5. The skill where the ingredients are cut
into uniform pieces to cook evenly and in
the same amount of time. Not only cook
more easily, but also taste better.
a. Cutting Skills
b. Cutting Styles
c. Cutting Techniques
K. Additional Activities  Make a vegetable recipe that is good only for 5
for application or persons. Send it on group chat.


A. No. of learners who

earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. Learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked
well? Why did these
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or
supervisor can help
me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials
did I used/discover
which I wish to share
with other teachers?

Prepared by: Noted by:

Practice Teacher Teacher II

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