Chapter 1-5
Chapter 1-5
Chapter 1-5
Under the Local Government Code, the Barangay has a role, as the
basic political unit, the barangay serves as the primary planning and
the people may be expressed, crystalized and considered, and where disputes
It means that the barangays has the primary duty in maintaining peace
barangay officials should be the first official of the government who should
safety of his barangay before any higher authority like Municipal police
Under the Revised Penal Code, the barangay Chairman or the punong
charged with the maintenance of public order, protection and security of life
and any barangay chairman who comes to the aid of persons in authority
This study will try to find out how effective are the barangay
the barangay unit should be the one who must impose any ordinances that
1.1 Age;
1.2 Gender;
legal mandate?
Conceptual framework
Divera (2018), the local elected officials shall have the power and
objectives and priorities, to create their own revenue and to levy taxes, fees,
and charges which shall accrue exclusively for their use and disposition and
shall be retained by them, to have a just share in national taxes which shall
action, to have an equitable share in the proceeds from the utilization and
dispose of real or capacity and to apply their resources and assets for
thereby ensure their development into self- reliant communities and active
government units and elected local officials have been placed by the
Constitution in the hands of Congress. The present structure consists of an
executive distinct from the legislative body. This is different from the form
make the local government more responsive and accountable and ensure
their fullest development and social progress. At the same time it relieves
and central government of the burden of managing local affairs and enables
study will be explained one by one by the researchers in order to know their
The first BOX in the paradigm pinpoints the input of the study or the
dependent variables.
Level of effectiveness as input. The researchers will study how
researchers will assess the level and how they are prepared in answering the
if they really abide the policy delegated to them. This will be indicators if
barangay. For this, the researchers based from the interview on the
respondents will know if the barangay chairmen are doing it well. With this,
solutions. The findings of the researchers will also be based on merit and not
The BOX II is the process. The process is in line with the input.
researchers will not just select any respondents to answer the questionnaire
but they have to screen if they best fit and could fathom the questions laid
The level of effectiveness in the implementation of the functions of
government code must be observed. This could be well understand that the
barangay chairman are not in liberty to imposed any policies without relying
and following the local government code. They have to be guided by the
The third BOX is the output. The six outputs are screened,
Screened means that the respondents of the study are well selected
and screened if they really fit to be one of the respondents and being
Paradigm of the Study
findings Solutions offered must
be apply and
Researchers findings
could be utilized
towards their
Assumption of the Study
1. That if, the variable and indicators that are utilized in this study are
measurable. Along this line, the respondents profile and responses are
officials headed by the punong barangay in the securing the safety, then
3. That if the legal mandates of all the barangay chairman are being
observed and follow, they will become more responsible leaders and just.
5. That if, the solutions offered to the problem may encountered some
6. That if, the researchers result of the study through the honest
barangay officials especially the chairman, then the methods that they are
Significance of the Study
Municipal Officials- This findings of this study will help all the elected
officials to foresee on what other factors they are lacking and those still
needs to be accomplish.
Provincial Officials- The study will give clear picture to the provincial
officials on how they will help the municipal leaders to have a concrete and
Community- This study will help the entire people in the community to
select the best officials during the time when their rights to suffrage is being
Youth- the findings of this study will serve to all youth as an eye opener on
how they could help the community and the entire barangay in the future in
Future Researcher-those who plan to have this kind of study, the proponent
reference for the enhancement and could help the community more
economically grow.
Scope and Delimitations
Definition of Terms
defined as used in the context of the study so as to have clear and easiest
Constituent- In concept and in operation, it means those citizens or voters
which are essential in the formation of basic local laws in the municipality.
Tanod- In layman’s term, these refers to the barangay police who has the
Local Literature
Lucnab and 3 Police Officers from the Baguio City Police Station 3. All in
Baguio City in the Philippines. The study was conducted from January 2020
until May 2020. In treating the data collected, the researcher made use of
thematic analysis. Results showed that the Police Personnel and Barangay
seminars. It also showed that they had challenges in implementing these
Crime is one of the leading universal problems this day. From time to time,
many lives and property were destroyed due to the criminal lawlessness
committed. Society sees most crimes such as robbery, rape, murder, and
assault as deviant and destructive to one's life and property. Those who want
more and need more and powerful can simply take from the less powerful.
Crime has effects which are extensive as society itself. It can be as pervasive
social and political power. Individuals who go against these rules are subject
Siegel (2008), crime is a destructive phenomenon, given the various
target the various social and environmental factors that increase the risk of
occurring by creating and maintaining safe environments from a criminology
prevention was based on the concept of the crime prevention triangle: desire,
can break the crime prevention triangle to win the battle against crime.
to crime prevention and control for international and national efforts. assists
requirement for the establishment of a safe and secure society, the
criminal justice system. To ensure the success of the NCPP, the office of the
President issued Memorandum Circular Order No. 66, which directs all
The 11th United Nations (UN) Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal
its pros. In 1986, the first initiative BAC-UP was developed in Bacolod City
solid police-community links at the local level, which has continued to grow
and been sustained over 18 years. The COPS system is built on the same
top priority to ensure public security and safety but needs the community's
key and should be done to maintain safety in the community. Citizens are
claims that the type of living conditions and social environment in Baguio
instance, in urban areas, a crime such as theft, robbery, violent crime, and
especially those living in urban areas. This increase in crime has adversely
affected the "quality of life" in the community and poses a serious cause of
according to reports released by the Baguio City Police Office, the crime
to uphold the peace and order situation. The same has placed the country's
summer capital one of the most peaceful cities in the country and the
Southeast Asian region over the past years. Therefore, the city is a desirable
ensure that the program's funding aligns with and can achieve the central
include leveraging local knowledge by engaging local government and
Proclamation No. 461 dated August 31, 1994, declared every first week of
prevention. During one celebration of the crime prevention week with the
theme “Sa Crime Prevention, May Magagawa Ako” Benguet Gov. Nestor
winning the fight against crime. The roles of family and the community are
Foreign Literature
regional, and local levels. Law enforcement and criminal justice should
promote the safety and security of person and property; treatment of victims
discussion with all parties involved. In the 1970s in England & Wales, the
quite naturally, these specialist teams increasingly grew to define their role
in terms of the internal imperatives of their area of work. (Haines, 2019) The
United States governments and is prevalent among the society and the
Holloway and Bennett's (2008) research review furnishes some proof
that neighborhood watch can be efficient in reducing crime; yet, the results
of evaluations are mixed and note that some programs work well while
others seem to work less well or not at all. There are several possible
motivations for this. Some groups these reasons under three general
subjects: (1) measurement failure, (2) program failure, and (3)theory failure.
accurate program result because the research design used to evaluate it was
did not display a positive result because the program was not adequately
strong to bring about the effects sought. Theory failure indicates that the
incorrect. In their effort to assess the crime prevention activities in, revealed
that the police conducts enhanced Police Integrated Patrol Systems (PIPS),
education, health, and youth sectors appraised the crime prevention efforts
as moderately.
The crime prevention activities of the barangay, on the other hand, is
Tanod, which helps maintain the peace and order situation in their respective
places. Data also show that they received good benefits in cash and in-kind
while serving their barangay constituents. The youth, however, find the
barangay officials not fully efficient probably because they were affected by
the restrictions and were deprived of their enjoyment, especially the curfew
hours where they have to observe. While the study assesses crime prevention
perception alone.
the residents of the same place. It revealed that indigenous crime prevention
Related Studies
the theory of police omnipresence as one of the oldest but most effective
beat, especially during peak hours to implant into the minds of the people,
including would-be criminals that police are present in the vicinity. Thus,
methods into five broad categories based on the techniques underlying the
various ways: raising the effort involved in offending; growing the risk
System refers to the promotion of peace and order and public safety and
collaboration and cooperation between the local executives and citizenry, the
integrated law enforcement agencies through program or project
the PNP strategy in crime prevention, which the institution has advocated to
and the community in settling peace and order issues towards a healthy and
It is one of the implementing means of the Barangay Peace and Order
Committee (BPOC), which has the fundamental task of ensuring that peace
and order prevail in the barangay. Chapter 4 Section 391 No. 16, of the
Republic Act 7160 or the Local Government Code of 1991, mandates the
service unit as may be necessary. The Punong Barangay shall supervise the
Philippine National Police (PNP) particularly the Baguio City Police Office
identified personnel will patrol the vicinity of a place under their area of
rove around the barangay. The patrol officers will then stop for several
these identified activities. This proves that the PNP vigorously pursued its
operational programs with the implementation of LOI 63,/2010 Police
Integrated Patrol System (PIPS) dated November 27, 2012, directing all
units to enhance crime prevention and solution. The LOI calls for the pursuit
and intensification of high visibility (foot and mobile patrols) and other
barangay. These activities are held so that police and its auxiliaries can be
seen and felt by the community. Patrol is a way to employ presence, which
prone areas and usual suspects or recidivists. Hence, the conduct of patrol
Manual, 2015)
The barangay tanods conducting foot patrol at night is the initial effort of the
(Cordner, 2010). This was echoed in an experiment that found that increased
foot patrol in hot spots of crime and disorder decreased reported crime by
did not receive increased foot patrol (Ariel et al., 2016). Foot patrol, with
the barangay officials and tanods do checkpoint at the outpost inside the
ada itawag da for dragnet operations ket I set up mi nga dagus”. (We
conduct checkpoints at least twice a day. One in the morning and another in
mi nga dayo. Ag-assist kami metlng nu ada dagijay kasapulan da inside the
barangay." (At the checkpoint, we monitor those who enter the barangay.
are not residents. We also assist and give needed directions to visitors).
ken tanod dita outpost idi ngem medyo sinmardeng da ta dinadael diay
typhoon diay outpost ket isimsimpa da pylang." (The barangay officials and
crime, and prevent the escape of people with criminal records and intents
scheme and crime detection activity but less as a crime prevention strategy.
Fell et al. (2008) and Lacey et al. (1999) assert that checkpoints not only
result in arrests for the driving-while-intoxicated (DWI), but also yield
On the other hand, Nunn & Newby (2011) claimed in their study that
However, one may and should still inquire into the conditions under which
possible uses for them. He further suggested the nature of the checkpoint,
explains that if the police or other law enforcement officers are present in a
particular place and time, it would be more likely to eliminate the desire to
being implanted into the minds of people that make their presence .
have substantial marginal deterrent effects". Furthermore, the public believes
that the number and visibility of officers are more effective in tackling crime
than any other intervention, including addressing the root causes of crime
concept, as stipulated in the PNP PCR Manual and the CSOP System, is
being followed. Community policing is a system that links the police to the
because, at the moment, there are only three active barangay tanods who
helps in the peace and order efforts of the barangay for more than 400
households. That number cannotbe all covered even with the number of
involvement was noted. While it is true that that peace and order might not
encouraging their fellow youth to take part in building a safer community to
involves the active cooperation of residents and organizations and has a long
and social services, and the private sector (United Nations Congress, 2015).
reasons behind such as not having enough time, people naturally only give
vest, and raincoats. The above-stated challenge all goes down to the limited
being only one of them. It supports Caroll (2019) idea that community crime
become quite become problematic at times, especially concerning the
divisions. These challenges were identified not by the police officers but the
barangay tanods. Still, they are the active components in the barangay crime
Chapter III
fourteen (14) coastal barangays, which can be sub classified into 5 island
barangay and 9 barangay situated along the coast of the mainland. It has a
characterized by very rugged terrain with many steep and elevated areas
classified as undulating to hilly. Technically, there are only two hills in the
area, these are located in the southern most part of Barangays Chansvilla and
on the north- west by San Bernardino Strait, on the south and south-west by
on the north by the municipality of Biri. According to 2015 census, it has a
considering its wide natural habitat for marine products and being the main
port going to the town of Biri still it does not suffice to the populace of
Research Design
research designs help provide answers to the questions of who, what, when,
Respondents of the Study
The respondents of the study are the mostly barangay officials. The
n= N
1 + Ne2
Research Instrument
answering the questions posed in the statement of the problem. The survey
There were six survey questionnaire used. This included: Part I –
chairman. Part III. The legal mandates of the barangay chairman. Part IV.
into five such as Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral, Agree and Strongly
The data for this research was collected using a survey questionnaire.
Lavezares, Northern Samar to ask permission for the conduct of the study.
After which, this was distributed to the respondents. The researchers assured
confidentiality of their survey sheets since the identities are not important.
The researchers also gave the names of the selected respondents to their
the survey, and so, the researchers gave people the option of being
researchers collected the surveys at the same day. After which, the
for assessment. There were no incentives that were offered for participating
in the research.
using frequency counts and percentages and then it is interpreted using the
Below are the Formulas used to arrive to the computation used by the
Statistical Tool:
Formula: f x 100 %
P = -----------------
f – is the number of respondents
N – total number of respondents
Formula: _ ∑x
X = -------------
Where: X – sample mean
response to the least respondents. This will help the latter to have a clear
result study.
Table 1.1
Distribution of Respondents Responses as to Age
Age(years) Frequency Percentage Ranking
20-below 24 24% 2
21-30 26 26% 1
31-40 13 13% 5
41-50 21 21% 3
51 –above 16 16% 4
Total 100 100%
Table 1.1 presents the age distribution of the respondents, out of 100
respondents, 24 or 24% are at the age bracket of 20 years old and below, 26
or 26% are at the age bracket of 21-30 years old, 13 or 13% are at the age
bracket 31-40 years old, 41-50 years old has a frequency of 21 or 21% and
It signifies that respondents are mostly 21- 30 years old and below.
Table 1.2
Distribution of Respondents Responses as to Gender
Gender Frequency Percentage Ranking
Male 46 46% 2
Female 54 54% 1
Total 100 100%
The table 1b presents the gender of the respondents. It shows that
female has the most participated in the study with a frequency of 54 or 54%
are female.
Table 1.3
Distribution of Respondents Responses as to Civil Status
Civil Status Frequency Percentage Ranking
Single 52 52% 1
Married 44 44% 2
Separated 2 2% 2.5
Widow 2 2% 2.5
Total 100 100%
2 or 2%.
Table 1.4
Distribution of Respondents Responses as to their Educational
Educational Frequency Percentage Ranking
Elementary Level 8 8% 5
Elementary 6 6% 6
High school Level 20 20% 3
High school 24 24% 2
College Level 27 27% 1
College Graduate 15 15% 4
Total 100 100%
20% are high school level, 24 or 24% are high school graduate, 27 or 27%
Table 1.5
Distribution of Respondents Responses as to
trainings/seminars attended
Trainings/seminars Frequency Percentage Ranking
In Service Training 25 25% 3
Pre Service 8 8% 4
Supervisory training 1 1% 5
Leadership training 36 36% 1
None 30 30 2
Total 100 100%
training, only 1 out of 100 respondents have supervisory training, 36% have
II. On the level of effectiveness of the barangay Chairman in
the implementation of crime prevention
Table 2
Distribution of Respondent’s Responses as to the level of efectiveness
Indicators Responses Total WM Ranking
5 4 3 2 1
1. The visibility of the barangay 32 48 9 6 5 100 3.96 1
tanod in every corner of the
2. The CCTV being installed by 24 49 9 10 8 100 3.71 2.5
the barangay in respected areas
where most people stay
3. The passing and implementation 24 34 19 18 5 100 3.53 6
of barangay ordinance against any
violence and crime
4. The barangay captain including 21 50 10 17 2 100 3.71 2.5
its councillors are active in
personal visit with their constituent
in the barangay
5. The barangay captain is active 33 24 18 16 9 100 3.56 5
in promoting mediation between
conflicting parties in his barangay
6. The barangay captain is serious 32 25 25 10 8 100 3.63 4
in the implementation of the Local
Government Code in his barangay
7. The barangay Chairman and all 24 26 23 18 19 100 3.48 7
other officials cooperates with the
PNP and Municipal officials in
addressing the crime in his
Table 2 presents the level of effectiveness of the barangay Chairman in the
in every corner of the barangay. Also, The CCTV being installed by the
barangay in respected areas where most people stay and The barangay
captain including its councillors are active in personal visit with their
ordinance against any violence and crime, the barangay captain is active in
Code in his barangay and The barangay Chairman and all other officials
cooperates with the PNP and Municipal officials in addressing the crime in
III-On the legal mandates of the barangay chairman in crime prevention
Table 3
Distribution of Respondents Responses as to legal mandates
5 4 3 2 1
1. Under the Revised Penal Code, 13 25 27 17 18 100 2.98 6
the barangay Chairman in each
barangay shall be deemed as
person in authority in their
2. The Barangay Chairman under 25 21 28 16 10 100 3.35 3
the Local Government Code are in
charged with the maintenance of
public order
3. The barangay chairman are in 27 24 26 19 9 100 3.56 1
charged with the protection and
security of life and property
4. Section 389 of LGC the 21 32 18 18 11 100 2.34 4
barangay chairman has the power
to enforce the laws and ordinances
which are applicable within the
5. Barangay Chairman has the 23 27 24 12 14 100 3.33 5
power to negotiate, enter into
contract in behalf of the barangay
upon authorization of the
Sanguniang barangay
6 He is mandated to organize and 20 37 .16 16 11 100 3.39 2
lead an emergency group whenever
the same may be necessary
7. Exercise such other powers and 12 28 33 12 15 100 3.10 7
perform such other duties and
functions as may be prescribed by
law or ordinance
Table III shows the distribution of respondents’ responses on legal
organize and lead an emergency group whenever the same may be necessary
and The Barangay Chairman under the Local Government Code are in
Other legal mandates are Under the Revised Penal Code, the barangay
jurisdiction, Section 389 of LGC the barangay chairman has the power to
enforce the laws and ordinances which are applicable, within the barangay
Barangay Chairman has the power to negotiate, enter into contract in behalf
Chairman has the power to negotiate, enter into contract in behalf of the
other powers and perform such other duties and functions as may be
prescribed by law or ordinance with a mean 2.98, 2.34, 3.33 and 3.10
IV. On the problems encountered in the implementation of such legal
Table 4
Distribution of Respondent’s Responses as to the problems encountered
Indicators Responses Total Weighted Ranking
5 4 3 2 1 Mean
Table 4 is on the Respondent’s Responses as to problems encountered
encountered, they agreed on the Barangay Chairman cannot handle the peace
barangay chairman abuse his authority and exceeds his power as mandated
in RPC, The barangay chairman cannot ensure security in his barangay, The
barangay chairman fails to perform his duties and functions to his barangay
V- On the Solutions Offered to the Above Mentioned Problem
Table 5
Distribution of Respondent’s Responses as to the solutions offered
Indicators Responses Total Weighted Ranking
5 4 3 2 1 Mean
1. Barangay chairman should 13 23 35 10 19 100 2.69 7
perform his duties within the
bounds of his authority an
mandated by law
2. The Barangay Chairman 28 29 17 20 6 100 3.39 6
should maintain peace and order
in his barangay through the
tanod assigned
3. The barangay chairman 20 26 34 13 7 100 4.02 1
should ensure security as to the
life and property of his
4. Barangay officials should 21 28 26 18 7 100 4.01 2
pursue more trainings and
seminars for the enhancement of
his learning’s and education
5. The paramount consideration 33 26 24 11 6 100 3.69 3.5
of all Barangay Chairman in
entering a contract must be the
welfare of his barangay
6. There must be emergency 34 28 19 11 8 100 3.69 3.5
program conducted by the
barangay chairman
7. The barangay chairman must 24 32 22 10 12 100 3.46
always perform his duties and 5
functions to his barangay
Table V presents the distribution of respondents responses on the solutions
should ensure security as to the life and property of his constituent followed
by Barangay officials should pursue more trainings and seminars for the
his duties and functions to his barangay, The Barangay Chairman should
maintain peace and order in his barangay through the tanod assigned and
Barangay chairman should perform his duties within the bounds of his
VI- On the researcher’s findings be utilized towards their responsibility
Table 6
Distribution of Respondent’s Responses as to the Researcher’s Findings
Indicators Responses Total WM Ranking
5 4 3 2 1
1. It will be a basis for all 30 29 14 10 17 100 3.45 3
barangay chairman in
performing his duty
2. It will guide to all 21 33 26 9 11 100 3.44 4
barangay chairman in
policy making
3. Result of the study will 21 29 28 12 10 100 3.39 6
enhance the capability of
the barangay chairman
4 Finding could lead the 24 26 33 9 8 100 3.49 5
barangay chairman in
maintaining peace and
5. It will develop the ability 21 25 34 11 9 100 3.38 7
of the barangay chairman to
6. There will be more 30 24 22 18 6 100 3.54 2
harmony and reconciliation
among residents in the
7. It will be a framework to 31 25 26 11 7 100 3.62 1
all other barangay officials
and people in the
among residents in the barangay and It will be a basis for all barangay
making, Result of the study will enhance the capability of the barangay
and order and It will develop the ability of the barangay chairman to lead.
Summary of Findings
years old and below, 26 or 26% are at the age bracket of 21-30 years old, 13
or 13% are at the age bracket 31-40 years old, 41-50 years old has a
1.2 the gender of the respondents. It shows that female has the most
school level, 24 or 24% are high school graduate, 27 or 27% are College
are the barangay chairman are in charged with the protection and
Barangay Chairman cannot handle the peace and order in his
1. The findings revealed that respondents are at the age bracket 31-40
years old, female, single , 27 or 27% are College level and 36% have
leadership training.
the barangay chairman are in charged with the protection and security
mandate are the Barangay Chairman cannot handle the peace and
5. As to the solutions to the problems are the barangay chairman should
and people in the community and there will be more harmony and
actions to it.
3. There must be person assigned to observe the demeanor of the people
the Local government code so that they will know the laws in the