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Chapter 1-5

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Under the Local Government Code, the Barangay has a role, as the

basic political unit, the barangay serves as the primary planning and

implementing unit of government policies, plans, programs, projects, and

activities in the community, and as a forum wherein the collective views of

the people may be expressed, crystalized and considered, and where disputes

may be amicably settled.

It means that the barangays has the primary duty in maintaining peace

and order in their community. The barangay chairman including other

barangay officials should be the first official of the government who should

know what is going on in their community.

The barangay chairman should supervise properly and assess the

safety of his barangay before any higher authority like Municipal police

could be able to rescue any crimes in the barangay.

Under the Revised Penal Code, the barangay Chairman or the punong

barangay including the sangguniang barangay in each barangay shall be

deemed as persons in authority in their jurisdictions, while other barangay

officials and members who may be designated by law or ordinance and

charged with the maintenance of public order, protection and security of life

and property, or the maintenance of a desirable and balanced community,

and any barangay chairman who comes to the aid of persons in authority

shall be deemed agents of persons in authority.

This study will try to find out how effective are the barangay

chairman in the implementation of crime prevention in their respective


It is understood that barangay chairman, being the executive head of

the barangay unit should be the one who must impose any ordinances that

maintain peace and order in their barangay.

Thus, the researchers are interested in conducting this study in order

to see and determine if the barangay chairman are effective in the

implementation of crime prevention.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the effectiveness of barangay chairman

in the implementation of crime prevention in five selected barangays in the

Municipality of Lavezares, Northern Samar towards their responsibility.

Specifically, it further sought to answer the following questions:

1. How may the respondents profile be described in terms of:

1.1 Age;

1.2 Gender;

1.3 civil status;

1.4 Educational attainment; and

1.5 Trainings and Seminars Attended?

2. What is the level of effectiveness of the barangay Chairman in the

implementation of crime prevention?

3. What are the legal mandates of the barangay chairman in crime


4. What are the problems encountered in the implementation of such

legal mandate?

5. What are the possible solutions offered to the above mentioned


6. How may the researchers finding be utilized towards their


Conceptual framework

Divera (2018), the local elected officials shall have the power and

authority to establish an organization that shall be responsible for the

efficient and effective implementation of their development plans, programs

objectives and priorities, to create their own revenue and to levy taxes, fees,

and charges which shall accrue exclusively for their use and disposition and

shall be retained by them, to have a just share in national taxes which shall

be automatically and directly released to them without need of any further

action, to have an equitable share in the proceeds from the utilization and

development of the national wealth and resources within their respective

territorial jurisdiction including sharing the same with inhabitants by way of

direct benefits, to acquire, develop, lease, encumber, alienate, or otherwise

dispose of real or capacity and to apply their resources and assets for

productive, developmental, or welfare purposes in the exercise or

furtherance of their governmental or proprietary powers and functions and

thereby ensure their development into self- reliant communities and active

participants in the attainment of national goals.

Bernas (2009), the structuring of local government and the allocation

of powers, responsibilities, and resources among the different local

government units and elected local officials have been placed by the

Constitution in the hands of Congress. The present structure consists of an

executive distinct from the legislative body. This is different from the form

of government under the old Commission where a commission exercised

both legislative and executive powers.

Limbona (2017), there is a decentralization of administration when the

central government delegates administrative powers to political subdivision

in order to broaden the base of government powers and in the process to

make the local government more responsive and accountable and ensure

their fullest development and social progress. At the same time it relieves

and central government of the burden of managing local affairs and enables

it to concentrate on national concerns.

For the continuation of the conceptual framework, the paradigm of the

study will be explained one by one by the researchers in order to know their

significance and relevance in the study.

The first BOX in the paradigm pinpoints the input of the study or the

dependent variables.

The respondents profile of the respondents were taken and consider by

the researchers. It is by knowing and understanding the socio- demographic

profile of the respondents that the researchers could categorically determine

their competent in answering the questionnaire.

Level of effectiveness as input. The researchers will study how

effective the barangay chairman in terms of crime prevention. The

researchers will assess the level and how they are prepared in answering the

emergency call in their barangay.

The legal mandates of every barangay chairman will also be identify

if they really abide the policy delegated to them. This will be indicators if

these barangay chairman handle their responsibility well.

Although there are legal mandates provided and being prescribed to

every barangay chairman, the question is if they really apply it to their

barangay. For this, the researchers based from the interview on the

respondents will know if the barangay chairmen are doing it well. With this,

the problems encountered will be supplied by effective and appropriate

solutions. The findings of the researchers will also be based on merit and not

by personal belief of the respondents.

The BOX II is the process. The process is in line with the input.

Screen and identify the significant profile of the respondents. The

researchers will not just select any respondents to answer the questionnaire

but they have to screen if they best fit and could fathom the questions laid

down in the questionnaire.

The level of effectiveness in the implementation of the functions of

every barangay chairman must be determined. The researchers will be able

to determine how effective the barangay chairman in crime prevention based

from the information they will be gather from the respondents.

The legal mandates of every barangay chairman as stated in the local

government code must be observed. This could be well understand that the

barangay chairman are not in liberty to imposed any policies without relying

and following the local government code. They have to be guided by the

mandate of the local government code.

The third BOX is the output. The six outputs are screened,

determined, observed, solved, applied and utilized.

Screened means that the respondents of the study are well selected

and screened if they really fit to be one of the respondents and being

included as identified in the methodology of the study of who are the


The level of effectiveness of every barangay chairman are being

determined through following the legal mandates provided in the local

government code and other barangay laws.

The problems will be solved by applying the suited solutions in every

problem encountered and in order to utilize the findings.

Paradigm of the Study


 Respondent’s Screen and identify the  Screened

Profile significant profile of
the respondents

The level of  Determined

 Level of effectiveness of the
effectiveness barangay chairman in
the implementation of
crime prevention must
be determine
 Legal mandates
The legal mandates of  Observed
 Problems every barangay
encountered chairman as stated in
the local government
code must be observed  Solved

 Possible solution Problems

encountered ,must have
a concrete and suited
solutions  Applied

 Researcher
findings Solutions offered must
be apply and
 utilized

Researchers findings
could be utilized
towards their

Assumption of the Study

1. That if, the variable and indicators that are utilized in this study are

measurable. Along this line, the respondents profile and responses are

sufficient, competent and useful to the study.

2. That if, the level of effectiveness of every chairman of the selected

five barangays are being assessed as to the effectiveness of their barangay

officials headed by the punong barangay in the securing the safety, then

there will be an orderly community.

3. That if the legal mandates of all the barangay chairman are being

observed and follow, they will become more responsible leaders and just.

4. That if, the problems encountered will be given solutions that is in

line to every problems met it should be given priority.

5. That if, the solutions offered to the problem may encountered some

or few lapses it must be apply on any circumstances.

6. That if, the researchers result of the study through the honest

responses of the respondents on the effectiveness and actions of every

barangay officials especially the chairman, then the methods that they are

using can be utilized by other barangay officials.

Significance of the Study

The findings of this study are beneficial to the following:

Municipal Officials- This findings of this study will help all the elected

officials to foresee on what other factors they are lacking and those still

needs to be accomplish.

Provincial Officials- The study will give clear picture to the provincial

officials on how they will help the municipal leaders to have a concrete and

established plans for the welfare of their constituent.

Community- This study will help the entire people in the community to

select the best officials during the time when their rights to suffrage is being

call and evaluate those who have selfless interest.

Youth- the findings of this study will serve to all youth as an eye opener on

how they could help the community and the entire barangay in the future in

order the economy grow.

Future Researcher-those who plan to have this kind of study, the proponent

of this study strongly recommend to use and make this research as a

reference for the enhancement and could help the community more

economically grow.

Scope and Delimitations

This study is delimited to the effectiveness of barangay chairman in

the implementation of crime prevention in five selected barangays in the

Municipality of Lavezares, Northern Samar towards their responsibility.

The respondents of this study will be the barangay officials,

Elected municipal officials, and other community people.

The study is delimited also to the following municipalities,

municipality of San Jose, Rosario, Lavezares, San Isidro and Allen.

The time frame of this study is on the month of October 2022 to

December 2022, academic year 2022-2023.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are herein defined conceptually and operationally

defined as used in the context of the study so as to have clear and easiest

understanding into it, to wit:

Barangay Patrol- This means the guarding or rounding of the barangay

officials to see to it that there will be peace and order in their respective
jurisdiction. Further, these are the common functions of the tanod as the
barangay police to rescue or secure the life and liberty of the constituent

Context- Both conceptionally and operationally, it means the framework or

perspective by the local officials so that those demand by the public will be

Constituent- In concept and in operation, it means those citizens or voters

which are essential in the formation of basic local laws in the municipality.

Fathom- it means how the respondents understand or comprehend the

questions in every item in the survey questionnaire.

Tanod- In layman’s term, these refers to the barangay police who has the

primary obligation of maintaining peace and order in their barangay.



Local Literature

Crime prevention is usually not the concern of everyone. Crime

prevention is a series of strategies done by the national government to the

local government units to combat crimes. These strategies may include

mobile or foot patrol, imposing curfew hours, information dissemination,

and others.Additionally, the primary aim of crime prevention is to ensure the

safety of the community. This study focused on crime prevention of a

barangay utilizing qualitative analysis. It determined the crime prevention

activities that the Philippine National Police and barangay officials

implemented and discovered the challenges encountered in the

implementation of the crime prevention activities. The study involved 9

participants composed of 3 barangay officials, three residents of Barangay

Lucnab and 3 Police Officers from the Baguio City Police Station 3. All in

Baguio City in the Philippines. The study was conducted from January 2020

until May 2020. In treating the data collected, the researcher made use of

thematic analysis. Results showed that the Police Personnel and Barangay

Officials are regularly conducting the following activities: regular patrolling

(foot and mobile patrol), routine checkpoints, and crime prevention

seminars. It also showed that they had challenges in implementing these

crime prevention programs such as having depleted personnel, inadequate

crime prevention equipment, and instances of unreported cases.

Crime is one of the leading universal problems this day. From time to time,

many lives and property were destroyed due to the criminal lawlessness

committed. Society sees most crimes such as robbery, rape, murder, and

assault as deviant and destructive to one's life and property. Those who want

more and need more and powerful can simply take from the less powerful.

Crime has effects which are extensive as society itself. It can be as pervasive

to development and debasing to the quality of life as personally dangerous,

socially damaging, or politically embarrassing. It quiet erosion of national

achievement and long term influence on motivation can be far more

detrimental to a society that is currently recognized.Crime permeates all

aspects of society and, as such, is a form of warfare waged on a worldwide

scale, with non-combatants on the losing side(UIA, 2019). Crime is a

violation of rules of behavior as interpreted and expressed by the law, which

reflects opinions, traditional values, and the viewpoint of people having

social and political power. Individuals who go against these rules are subject

to sanctions by state authority, social stigma, and loss of status.

Siegel (2008), crime is a destructive phenomenon, given the various

effects that are evident in various literature. It ranges from physical

disability, emotional crisis, psychological trauma, and economic crisis to

mention a few, law enforcement agencies are challenged to design and

implement effective crime prevention activities. Crime prevention refers to

the various strategies that are devised and enforced by communities,

businesses, non-government organizations and all levels of government to

target the various social and environmental factors that increase the risk of

crime, disorder and victimization .

Waard (1991), Crime prevention activities vary from place to place in

such that different places adapt to varied activities anchored in various

theories of crime prevention. Understanding crime as a product of an

environment naturally suggests that crime may be prevented and controlled.

He compared this idea to immunology and public health. Primary prevention

aims to prevent the impact of disease or injury from occurring by

maintaining a healthier population and avoiding unhealthy behavior.

Secondary crime prevention aims to reduce the impact of a disease or injury

by treating it as soon as possible, and tertiary crime prevention aims to

soften the impact of an ongoing illness or injury through rehabilitation and

livelihood support. Primary crime prevention aims to prevent crime from

occurring by creating and maintaining safe environments from a criminology

perspective. Secondary crime prevention aims to address incivilities and

deviances before they lead to criminal activities, and tertiary crime

prevention seeks to rehabilitate offenders through punishments, corrections,

probation, parole, and community support. One approach to crime

prevention was based on the concept of the crime prevention triangle: desire,

ability, and opportunity.

According to Hallock (2001), as cited, taking away any of the three

elements of the crime triangle, prevents the occurrence of crime. He further

suggested that opportunity is the most natural component to control, which

can break the crime prevention triangle to win the battle against crime.

Under United Nations standards and norms on crime prevention, contributes

to crime prevention and control for international and national efforts. assists

member states in enhancing the ability of primary crime prevention actors

and systems to be more productive with particular attention to weaker

groups. It also focuses on creating specialized tools and manuals in support

of policymaking and the delivery of technical assistance. Addressing the UN

Security Council, The United Nations Secretary-General observed that in

matters of justice, prevention is worth better than a cure. Prevention is the

first imperative of justice o, the prevention of crime is the keystone

requirement for the establishment of a safe and secure society, the

achievement of which is a prerequisite for healthy economic growth through

continuing business investment as well as community wellbeing cohesion

(Homel, 2009). In the Philippines, Republic Act 6975 or the "Department of

Interior and Local Government (DILG ) Act of 1990", as amended directs

the National Police Commission to recommend to the President, through the

Secretary of the DILG a national crime prevention program. The

NAPOLCOM developed the 2019 National Crime Prevention Program

(NCPP) through its Technical Committee on Crime Prevention and Criminal

Justice, an ad-hoc interdisciplinary body composed of acknowledged experts

from government agencies and non-government agencies involved in the

criminal justice system. To ensure the success of the NCPP, the office of the

President issued Memorandum Circular Order No. 66, which directs all

government agencies and local government units to support the same.

The 11th United Nations (UN) Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal

Justice in 2005 provides an account of the development of the Community

Oriented Policing System (COPS) adopted in the Philippines in 1994. It is a

part of the national anti-crime strategy, which is now included in the

National Crime Prevention Program adopted in 2004. Accordingly, the

COPS program is 'people-powered' and utilizes the first projects to explain

its pros. In 1986, the first initiative BAC-UP was developed in Bacolod City

modeled on the Japanese 'Koban' system. It displayed decentralized

community-based police stations at the local level. The project developed

solid police-community links at the local level, which has continued to grow

and been sustained over 18 years. The COPS system is built on the same

principles of utmost integrity, trust, participation, and civic-mindedness of

both officials and citizens.

Braga (2001), the punong barangay said crime prevention remains a

top priority to ensure public security and safety but needs the community's

active support and cooperation. Cooperation stakeholders are the primary

key and should be done to maintain safety in the community. Citizens are

encouraged to report and become volunteers by informing the PNP about

suspicious movement of persons such as modus operandi in their area.

claims that the type of living conditions and social environment in Baguio

City accompanied by urbanization has also affected crime trends. For

instance, in urban areas, a crime such as theft, robbery, violent crime, and

drug-related crime has drastically increased. Simultaneously, the type of

offenses executed by organized criminals, juveniles, and foreigners become

more grave. This event generates "feelings of insecurity" in many people,

especially those living in urban areas. This increase in crime has adversely

affected the "quality of life" in the community and poses a serious cause of

hindrance to the sustainable growth of a country Recently, however,

according to reports released by the Baguio City Police Office, the crime

rate in Baguio City continuous to decrease. This decline is due to the

implementation of different programs, and interventions by the police force

to uphold the peace and order situation. The same has placed the country's

summer capital one of the most peaceful cities in the country and the

Southeast Asian region over the past years. Therefore, the city is a desirable

place to study crime prevention activities.

Carroll (2019) emphasized that effective crime prevention requires

individuals, communities, businesses, and all levels of government to work

cohesively in a coordinated way to develop and implement effective

strategies to address the causes of crime. Also, community crime prevention

programs need appropriate and sufficient funding. Resources should be

structured under subsidiary principles, which demand that resources and

responsibilities be given and assigned at the lowest level of government

feasible. An engaged approach to funding with clear parameters will help to

ensure that the program's funding aligns with and can achieve the central

government's strategic plan. The benefits of the contractual arrangement

include leveraging local knowledge by engaging local government and

community organizations and empowering communities.

With the involvement of the community, crime prevention has

become everybody's business. To further strengthen the awareness and

participation of the community on crime prevention, a Presidential

Proclamation No. 461 dated August 31, 1994, declared every first week of

September annually as a national crime prevention week. Everybody is

advised to be involved in implementing the programs and activities on crime

prevention. During one celebration of the crime prevention week with the

theme “Sa Crime Prevention, May Magagawa Ako” Benguet Gov. Nestor

Fongwan capitalized on the importance of peace and love, starting in the

family, which eventually spread to the community as an instrument in

winning the fight against crime. The roles of family and the community are

critical in crime prevention.

Foreign Literature

Zvekic (1993), as cited in Dasayon (2013), states that crime

prevention strategy should include several aspects in his theory on Citizens'

Experience with Crime Prevention. It should promote active crime

prevention policies and the development of long-term plans. There is also a

need to improve coordination of crime prevention activities at the national,

regional, and local levels. Law enforcement and criminal justice should

promote the safety and security of person and property; treatment of victims

with respect and understanding of their needs; regular monitoring of crime

prevention programs, based on reliable information, analysis and public

discussion with all parties involved. In the 1970s in England & Wales, the

mainstream of social welfare services was generally provided through

generic service delivery structures. Teams of social workers were organized

to be close to the communities and served to provide those communities

with a wide range of services - largely in response to the expressed needs of

these communities. As we moved into the 1980s, however, these generically

organized teams began to separate into several discrete specialisms. New

team structures were developed to provide specialist services to specific

client groups, largely within the government's policy agenda and a

rearticulated professional philosophy couched in preventative terms. And,

quite naturally, these specialist teams increasingly grew to define their role

in terms of the internal imperatives of their area of work. (Haines, 2019) The

neighborhood watch has often been characterized as one of the most

widespread means of decreasing crime. It is recommended by the UK and

United States governments and is prevalent among the society and the


Holloway and Bennett's (2008) research review furnishes some proof

that neighborhood watch can be efficient in reducing crime; yet, the results

of evaluations are mixed and note that some programs work well while

others seem to work less well or not at all. There are several possible

motivations for this. Some groups these reasons under three general

subjects: (1) measurement failure, (2) program failure, and (3)theory failure.

Measurement failure indicates that the evaluation missed measuring the

accurate program result because the research design used to evaluate it was

inadequate. Program failure means that the Neighborhood watch program

did not display a positive result because the program was not adequately

strong to bring about the effects sought. Theory failure indicates that the

principles on which neighborhood watch is based are incorrect—that the

offered device by which neighborhood watch is supposed to prevent crime is

incorrect. In their effort to assess the crime prevention activities in, revealed

that the police conducts enhanced Police Integrated Patrol Systems (PIPS),

deploys Tactical Motorized Riders on perceived crime-prone areas,

saturation drives among others. The respondents from the business,

education, health, and youth sectors appraised the crime prevention efforts

as moderately.

The crime prevention activities of the barangay, on the other hand, is

assessed as effective. All the barangays have organized a group of Barangay

Tanod, which helps maintain the peace and order situation in their respective

places. Data also show that they received good benefits in cash and in-kind

while serving their barangay constituents. The youth, however, find the

barangay officials not fully efficient probably because they were affected by

the restrictions and were deprived of their enjoyment, especially the curfew

hours where they have to observe. While the study assesses crime prevention

activities based on the perception of the endreceivers, which is rational,

comprehensive assessment of activities should be based on results and not

perception alone.

Patalinghug (2017) cited that the crime prevention strategies of four

(4) municipalities in Salug Valley, Zamboanga del Sur were “much

effective” to include Integrated Patrol System, Barangay Peace Keeping

Operations, Anti- Criminality Operations, Integrated Area Community

Public Safety Services, Bantay Turista and School Safety Project in

connection to the responses of 158 participants. In a study in the

Municipality of Bontoc in Mountain Province, Vicente (2019) focused on

the domestic crime prevention programs, the implementation of police and

public officials' crime prevention efforts, and the extent of participation of

the residents of the same place. It revealed that indigenous crime prevention

practices in Bontoc. These practices were used as a means of crime

prevention and indigenous prosecution that is primarily grounded in their


This shows that crime prevention activities can be as unique and

needy as it can get. Continuous studies on crime prevention activities and

programs of different places, especially those deemed effective, are then

significant in trying to develop programs that can be adapted. Other than

assessing the effectiveness of these crime prevention activities, which can be

delved into is the perspective of what makes these activities effective. It is

equally important to identify if certain crime prevention activities, if adopted

by other local governments, can be as effective in other places considering

culture, geographical location, population, and others.

Related Studies

In his book "Police Field Operations," Thomas F. Adams identified

the theory of police omnipresence as one of the oldest but most effective

ways of preventing crimes. Police omnipresence is associated with the police

visibility principle. It requires physically uniformed personnel to patrol their

beat, especially during peak hours to implant into the minds of the people,

including would-be criminals that police are present in the vicinity. Thus,

this strategy is effective in eliminating the desire to commit crimes.

Adams (2010), when implemented, this theory will eliminate

intent/motive, opportunity, and instrumentality as necessary in the

commission of a crime. The environmental approach maintains to change the

specific attributes of the environment that possibly cause criminal events to

transpire. This includes situational strategies and Situational crime

prevention interventions encompass activities such as improved security by

strengthening locks and enhancing surveillance.

Cornish and Clarke (2015), classified situational crime prevention

methods into five broad categories based on the techniques underlying the

various ways: raising the effort involved in offending; growing the risk

related with offending; diminishing the rewards of committing a crime;

reducing situational circumstances that affect the propensity of a person to

offend; and eliminating excuses for offending behavior as the foundation of

community oriented policing and crime prevention strategy. The CSOP

System refers to the promotion of peace and order and public safety and

strengthening of local government capability aimed towards the effective

delivery of essential services to the citizenry. It shall be undertaken through

collaboration and cooperation between the local executives and citizenry, the

integrated law enforcement agencies through program or project

implementation, and sharing funds and logistics.

According to the PNP Managing Patrol Operations Manual (2015),

the PNP strategy in crime prevention, which the institution has advocated to

be complete and holistic, is composed of three mechanisms, namely police

visibility, law enforcement, and police-community partnership. Police

presence is done by deploying various activities such as area patrol,

community engagement, and other related policing activities to respond to

situations that warrant police assistance or intervention. Law enforcement, as

one mechanism, is the implementation of laws and ordinances through

police operations, investigation, apprehension of suspects, or convicted

offenders. Police community partnership applies the philosophy of

community policing, which emphasizes the collaboration between the police

and the community in settling peace and order issues towards a healthy and

harmonious society. The point of peace in order is seen as a shared

responsibility. The community becomes the force multiplier of the police.

Barangay Tanods.This is equivalent to civilian police in the place. The

barangay tanod brigade plays an essential role in the development of the


It is one of the implementing means of the Barangay Peace and Order

Committee (BPOC), which has the fundamental task of ensuring that peace

and order prevail in the barangay. Chapter 4 Section 391 No. 16, of the

Republic Act 7160 or the Local Government Code of 1991, mandates the

Sangguniang Barangay, as the legislative body of the barangay, to provide

for the organization of community brigade, barangay tanod or community

service unit as may be necessary. The Punong Barangay shall supervise the

barangay tanod. The results of this study would be beneficial to the

Philippine National Police (PNP) particularly the Baguio City Police Office

(BCPO) and to the community of Baragay Lucnab, Baguio City, Philippines

because the findings may be used to design crime prevention intervention

programs in the barangay.

For the police, routine patrolling is conducted based on a schedule.

Accordingly, BCPO Sation 3 has a deployment scheme or plan wherein

identified personnel will patrol the vicinity of a place under their area of

responsibility on specified dates. Automobile patrol is commonly used to

rove around the barangay. The patrol officers will then stop for several

minutes at some locations, such as points of convergence, to ensure safety

and develop police omnipresence. The community informants confirmed

these identified activities. This proves that the PNP vigorously pursued its

operational programs with the implementation of LOI 63,/2010 Police

Integrated Patrol System (PIPS) dated November 27, 2012, directing all

units to enhance crime prevention and solution. The LOI calls for the pursuit

and intensification of high visibility (foot and mobile patrols) and other

police interventions. Patrol activities are considered as the primary activity

conducted by the implementers in the effort of preventing crimes in the

barangay. These activities are held so that police and its auxiliaries can be

seen and felt by the community. Patrol is a way to employ presence, which

is a significant crime deterrent to reduce if not eliminate the opportunity to

commit a crime. Patrol officers, daily, acquire first-hand information and

experience on the situation in the community, particularly identifying crime-

prone areas and usual suspects or recidivists. Hence, the conduct of patrol

and the appropriate deployment of patrol officers to reduce crimes is an

indispensable component of policing (PNP Managing Patrol Operations

Manual, 2015)

The barangay tanods conducting foot patrol at night is the initial effort of the

barangay. While early evaluations of foot patrol indicated that it was

similarly ineffective at reducing crime, community-policing advocates

asserted that foot patrol resulted in other benefits, namely, producing

approachability, familiarity, and trust between officers and residents

(Cordner, 2010). This was echoed in an experiment that found that increased

foot patrol in hot spots of crime and disorder decreased reported crime by

39% and emergency calls-forservice by 20% when compared to areas that

did not receive increased foot patrol (Ariel et al., 2016). Foot patrol, with

adequate dosage, can be used effectively for crime reduction. Establishment

of Checkpoints.Aside from patrol operations, the informants also noted the

conduct of checkpoints in strategic places by both the police and barangay

officials as part of their crime prevention efforts. According to E,

"Agcheckcheckpoint dagidyay police station three intersection jay ngato

tapos dagidyay barangay officials met idyay outpost." (Station 3 personnel

conducts checkpoint at the intersection (going down to Lucnab proper) while

the barangay officials and tanods do checkpoint at the outpost inside the

barangay where most resident pass). Similarly, according to C, “Ti

minimum mi dita ket twice as day. Morning ken afternoon. Nu mamingsan

ada itawag da for dragnet operations ket I set up mi nga dagus”. (We

conduct checkpoints at least twice a day. One in the morning and another in

the afternoon. Sometimes, if there's a dragnet operation, we set the

checkpoint immediately.) F also noted that “Ijay checkpoint ket kititan mi

dagijay sumsumerek barangay. Damagen mi nu apanan da karo nu makita

mi nga dayo. Ag-assist kami metlng nu ada dagijay kasapulan da inside the

barangay." (At the checkpoint, we monitor those who enter the barangay.

We sometimes ask questions to passers-by, especially if we know that they

are not residents. We also assist and give needed directions to visitors).

Meanwhile, according to H, "Agcheckcheckpoint piman dagidyay opisyal

ken tanod dita outpost idi ngem medyo sinmardeng da ta dinadael diay

typhoon diay outpost ket isimsimpa da pylang." (The barangay officials and

tanods conducted checkpoints at the outpost regularly. However, since the

typhoon destroyed the outpost, and is still under reconstruction, these

checkpoints are not already observed.)

A checkpoint is a place where the police check vehicular/ pedestrian traffic

to enforce circulation control measures and other laws, orders, and

regulations. Checkpoints are established to enforce circulation control

measures, rules, orders, and regulations, and when there is a necessity to

arrest a criminal or fugitive from justice. Furthermore, fixed checkpoints are

also administered to deny the proliferation and transfer of instruments of

crime, and prevent the escape of people with criminal records and intents

(Revised Philippine National Police Operational Procedures, 2013).

However, most literature examines checkpoints as a traffic enforcement

scheme and crime detection activity but less as a crime prevention strategy.

Fell et al. (2008) and Lacey et al. (1999) assert that checkpoints not only

result in arrests for the driving-while-intoxicated (DWI), but also yield

apprehensions for stolen vehicles, illegal firearms, outstanding warrants, and

drug violations. The strategy of using high-visibility traffic enforcement,

where many drivers experience or see the enforcement activity.

On the other hand, Nunn & Newby (2011) claimed in their study that

it is no longer necessary to ask checkpoints have deterrent potential.

However, one may and should still inquire into the conditions under which

they work well, resulting in a steep and long-term decline in fatalities, or

poorly, possibly representing a waste of resources compared with other

possible uses for them. He further suggested the nature of the checkpoint,

frequency of the checkpoint, and publicity, of checkpoints as points of

inquiry. PNP police visibility activities such as checkpoints and patrolling

are grounded on the theory and psychology of police omnipresence. This

explains that if the police or other law enforcement officers are present in a

particular place and time, it would be more likely to eliminate the desire to

commit a crime. If police are always in a specific location or area, it is now

being implanted into the minds of people that make their presence .

(Clarke & Weisburd, 1994).Increasing the presence of the police by

employing more officers and by allocating existing officers in a manner that

heightens the perceived possibility of apprehension consistently seem to

have substantial marginal deterrent effects". Furthermore, the public believes

that the number and visibility of officers are more effective in tackling crime

than any other intervention, including addressing the root causes of crime

(Wakefield, 2006). The acknowledged partnership of both the police and

barangay officials and auxiliaries revealed that the community policing

concept, as stipulated in the PNP PCR Manual and the CSOP System, is

being followed. Community policing is a system that links the police to the

community and creates a more positive and cohesive community interaction.

Community policing can be achieved through three (3) types of activities:

patrol activities, organizational work, and community interactions.

(Revised Police Community Relations Manual, 2012). The first and

third type of activity is evident in Barangay to the end of barangay officials,

they encounter a lack of civilian volunteers conducting crime prevention

activities such as patrolling and disaster-preparedness activities. This is

because, at the moment, there are only three active barangay tanods who

helps in the peace and order efforts of the barangay for more than 400

households. That number cannotbe all covered even with the number of

tanods and officials combined. Further, inactive Sangguniang Kabataan

involvement was noted. While it is true that that peace and order might not

be at the top of their concerns, their participation would be beneficial in

encouraging their fellow youth to take part in building a safer community to

live. Community participation in crime prevention and criminal justice

involves the active cooperation of residents and organizations and has a long

history of accomplishments in many countries around the world. Community

involvement has become an essential component of crime prevention in all

kinds of partnerships involving municipalities, the police, schools, health

and social services, and the private sector (United Nations Congress, 2015).

The problem of lack of community volunteers accordingly may have various

reasons behind such as not having enough time, people naturally only give

when they have.

Lack of equipment for the implementers, specifically the barangay

tanods, were also included as identified challenges. There is a noted

inadequacy of equipment such as a baton, flashlight, whistle, reflectorized

vest, and raincoats. The above-stated challenge all goes down to the limited

funds of the barangay to be allocated to various sectors, peace and order

being only one of them. It supports Caroll (2019) idea that community crime

prevention programs need appropriate and sufficient funding. Resources

should be structured under subsidiary principles, which demand that

resources and responsibilities be given and assigned at the lowest level of

government feasible. According to Tengpongsthorn (2016), work conditions

become quite become problematic at times, especially concerning the

scarcity of modern equipment and work tools. It is an obstacle in all police

divisions. These challenges were identified not by the police officers but the

barangay tanods. Still, they are the active components in the barangay crime

prevention activities, especially at night.

Chapter III


Locale of the Study

This study will be conducted in five barangays of Lavezares, Northern

Samar. This includes the barangay Libertad, Mc Arthur, San Miguel,

Barobaybay and barangay Urdaneta, Lavezares, Northern Samar.

The municipality of Lavezares is politically subdivided into 26

barangays. Thwelve (12) of which are considered inland barangays and

fourteen (14) coastal barangays, which can be sub classified into 5 island

barangay and 9 barangay situated along the coast of the mainland. It has a

land area of 11, 950 hectares, with a topography that is generally

characterized by very rugged terrain with many steep and elevated areas

classified as undulating to hilly. Technically, there are only two hills in the

area, these are located in the southern most part of Barangays Chansvilla and

Toog. No mountain can be found in the area.

Lavezares is a fourth class municipalities in the province of Northern

Samar Philippines. It is bounded on the west by the municipality of Allen,

on the north- west by San Bernardino Strait, on the south and south-west by

the municipality of Victoria, on the east by the municipality of Rosario and

on the north by the municipality of Biri. According to 2015 census, it has a

population of 28,770 people.

The economic condition of the municipality of Lavezares as it is

observed today needs an improvement in terms of its commercial and

agricultural aspects. Though, the town has an abundant aquatic resources

considering its wide natural habitat for marine products and being the main

port going to the town of Biri still it does not suffice to the populace of

Lavezares so that everyone will have a good standard of living.

Research Design

This study generally aimed at determining the effectiveness of

barangay chairman in the implementation of crime prevention towards their


The researchers employed a descriptive design in answering the

specific questions laid down in the Statement of the Problem. Descriptive

research designs help provide answers to the questions of who, what, when,

where, and how associated with a particular research problem; a descriptive

study cannot conclusively ascertain answers to why. Descriptive research is

used to obtain information concerning the current status of the phenomena

and to describe "what exists" with respect to variables or conditions in a


Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study are the mostly barangay officials. The

researchers include the community as part of the respondents to balance the

idea on how effective the punong barangay in terms of crime prevention.

There will be a total of 100 respondents in five municipalities.

Population and Sampling

This study utilized a random sampling technique. Among the

numerous population, 100 will be elected using random sampling.

To arrive at the desired samples, the researchers used the following


n= N
1 + Ne2

Research Instrument

The researchers used a survey questionnaire to gather data relevant to

answering the questions posed in the statement of the problem. The survey

questionnaire was distributed to the selected samples as discussed in the

Respondents of the Study.

There were six survey questionnaire used. This included: Part I –

Personal Information, Part II – The level of effectiveness of barangay

chairman. Part III. The legal mandates of the barangay chairman. Part IV.

Problems encountered. Part V. Solutions to the Problem. Part VI.

Researchers Findings. The responses of the respondents were categorized

into five such as Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral, Agree and Strongly

Agree. Lastly, Part III was accomplished by the respondents’ respective


Data Gathering Procedures

The data for this research was collected using a survey questionnaire.

The survey questionnaire consisted of basic question on the respondents’

profile, effectiveness of punong barangay in crime prevention. It also

contained statements modified from related research and individual

questions formed by the researchers. There are 6 statements regarding the

conditions and/or circumstances that may lead to the respondents’ awareness

on the study problem.

The survey questionnaire was validated by the researcher’s thesis

adviser. After validating, a letter was sent to five mentioned barangay of

Lavezares, Northern Samar to ask permission for the conduct of the study.

After which, this was distributed to the respondents. The researchers assured

confidentiality of their survey sheets since the identities are not important.

The researchers also gave the names of the selected respondents to their

respective concern. The researchers also understood that people’s

consciousness may also affect their honesty and effectiveness in answering

the survey, and so, the researchers gave people the option of being

anonymous. Respondents were given time to respond and then the

researchers collected the surveys at the same day. After which, the

researchers gave the questionnaire to the respondents’ respective residents

for assessment. There were no incentives that were offered for participating

in the research.

Statistical treatment of Data

The profile of the respondents will be presented in a statistical table

using frequency counts and percentages and then it is interpreted using the

data that was gathered.

Below are the Formulas used to arrive to the computation used by the

Statistical Tool:

1. Frequency and Percentage

Formula: f x 100 %
P = -----------------

Where: P – is the percentage (%)

f – is the number of respondents
N – total number of respondents

2. Weighted mean and frequencies

Weighted mean and weighted frequencies were computed to present

data to the profile of the respondents

Formula: _ ∑x
X = -------------
Where: X – sample mean

∑x – summation of the sample observation

N – the sample size

3. Ranking- the researchers used ranking method to identify orderly the

results as to the computation of mean to merely identify the highest

response to the least respondents. This will help the latter to have a clear

result study.



I. On the Personal Profile

Table 1.1
Distribution of Respondents Responses as to Age
Age(years) Frequency Percentage Ranking
20-below 24 24% 2
21-30 26 26% 1
31-40 13 13% 5
41-50 21 21% 3
51 –above 16 16% 4
Total 100 100%

Table 1.1 presents the age distribution of the respondents, out of 100

respondents, 24 or 24% are at the age bracket of 20 years old and below, 26

or 26% are at the age bracket of 21-30 years old, 13 or 13% are at the age

bracket 31-40 years old, 41-50 years old has a frequency of 21 or 21% and

51 years old above has a frequency of 16 or 16%.

It signifies that respondents are mostly 21- 30 years old and below.

Table 1.2
Distribution of Respondents Responses as to Gender
Gender Frequency Percentage Ranking
Male 46 46% 2
Female 54 54% 1
Total 100 100%

The table 1b presents the gender of the respondents. It shows that

female has the most participated in the study with a frequency of 54 or 54%

and male has a frequency of 46 or 46%. The preponderant of the respondents

are female.

Table 1.3
Distribution of Respondents Responses as to Civil Status
Civil Status Frequency Percentage Ranking
Single 52 52% 1
Married 44 44% 2
Separated 2 2% 2.5
Widow 2 2% 2.5
Total 100 100%

Table 1c shows the distribution of the respondents as to civil status. It

shows that single has a frequency of 52 or 52%, married has frequency of 44

or 44%, separated has a frequency of 2 or 2% and widow has a frequency of

2 or 2%.

Table 1.4
Distribution of Respondents Responses as to their Educational
Educational Frequency Percentage Ranking
Elementary Level 8 8% 5
Elementary 6 6% 6
High school Level 20 20% 3
High school 24 24% 2
College Level 27 27% 1
College Graduate 15 15% 4
Total 100 100%

As shown in the table, the educational attainment of the respondents

are 8 or 8% are elementary level, 6 or 6% are elementary graduate, 20 or

20% are high school level, 24 or 24% are high school graduate, 27 or 27%

are College level and 15 or 15% are College graduate.

Table 1.5
Distribution of Respondents Responses as to
trainings/seminars attended
Trainings/seminars Frequency Percentage Ranking
In Service Training 25 25% 3
Pre Service 8 8% 4
Supervisory training 1 1% 5
Leadership training 36 36% 1
None 30 30 2
Total 100 100%

As shown in the table, respondents have attended trainings, there are

25 or 25% attended In Service training, 8 or 8% have attended pre service

training, only 1 out of 100 respondents have supervisory training, 36% have

leadership training and there are 30 or 30% which have no trainings.

It shows that most of the respondents have leadership seminar or


II. On the level of effectiveness of the barangay Chairman in
the implementation of crime prevention
Table 2
Distribution of Respondent’s Responses as to the level of efectiveness
Indicators Responses Total WM Ranking

5 4 3 2 1
1. The visibility of the barangay 32 48 9 6 5 100 3.96 1
tanod in every corner of the
2. The CCTV being installed by 24 49 9 10 8 100 3.71 2.5
the barangay in respected areas
where most people stay
3. The passing and implementation 24 34 19 18 5 100 3.53 6
of barangay ordinance against any
violence and crime
4. The barangay captain including 21 50 10 17 2 100 3.71 2.5
its councillors are active in
personal visit with their constituent
in the barangay
5. The barangay captain is active 33 24 18 16 9 100 3.56 5
in promoting mediation between
conflicting parties in his barangay
6. The barangay captain is serious 32 25 25 10 8 100 3.63 4
in the implementation of the Local
Government Code in his barangay
7. The barangay Chairman and all 24 26 23 18 19 100 3.48 7
other officials cooperates with the
PNP and Municipal officials in
addressing the crime in his

Legend: 1.00-1.79- Strongly Disagree 4.20-5.0- Agree

2.60-3.39-Fairly Agree
3.40-4.19- Agree

Table 2 presents the level of effectiveness of the barangay Chairman in the

implementation of crime prevention.

It is observed that the first in rank among the implementation of

punong barangay in crime prevention is t.he visibility of the barangay tanod

in every corner of the barangay. Also, The CCTV being installed by the

barangay in respected areas where most people stay and The barangay

captain including its councillors are active in personal visit with their

constituent in the barangay.

Other responses are the passing and implementation of barangay

ordinance against any violence and crime, the barangay captain is active in

promoting mediation between conflicting parties in his barangay, the

barangay captain is serious in the implementation of the Local Government

Code in his barangay and The barangay Chairman and all other officials

cooperates with the PNP and Municipal officials in addressing the crime in

his barangay with a mean of 3.53,3.56, 3.63, and 3.40 respectively.

III-On the legal mandates of the barangay chairman in crime prevention

Table 3
Distribution of Respondents Responses as to legal mandates

Indicators Responses Total WM Ranking

5 4 3 2 1
1. Under the Revised Penal Code, 13 25 27 17 18 100 2.98 6
the barangay Chairman in each
barangay shall be deemed as
person in authority in their
2. The Barangay Chairman under 25 21 28 16 10 100 3.35 3
the Local Government Code are in
charged with the maintenance of
public order
3. The barangay chairman are in 27 24 26 19 9 100 3.56 1
charged with the protection and
security of life and property
4. Section 389 of LGC the 21 32 18 18 11 100 2.34 4
barangay chairman has the power
to enforce the laws and ordinances
which are applicable within the
5. Barangay Chairman has the 23 27 24 12 14 100 3.33 5
power to negotiate, enter into
contract in behalf of the barangay
upon authorization of the
Sanguniang barangay
6 He is mandated to organize and 20 37 .16 16 11 100 3.39 2
lead an emergency group whenever
the same may be necessary
7. Exercise such other powers and 12 28 33 12 15 100 3.10 7
perform such other duties and
functions as may be prescribed by
law or ordinance

Table III shows the distribution of respondents’ responses on legal

mandates of the barangay chairman in crime prevention. As observed, the

primary mandate is The barangay chairman are in charged with the

protection and security of life and property, followed by he is mandated to

organize and lead an emergency group whenever the same may be necessary

and The Barangay Chairman under the Local Government Code are in

charged with the maintenance of public order.

Other legal mandates are Under the Revised Penal Code, the barangay

Chairman in each barangay shall be deemed as person in authority in their

jurisdiction, Section 389 of LGC the barangay chairman has the power to

enforce the laws and ordinances which are applicable, within the barangay

Barangay Chairman has the power to negotiate, enter into contract in behalf

of the barangay upon authorization of the Sanguniang barangay, Barangay

Chairman has the power to negotiate, enter into contract in behalf of the

barangay upon authorization of the Sanguniang barangay, Exercise such

other powers and perform such other duties and functions as may be

prescribed by law or ordinance with a mean 2.98, 2.34, 3.33 and 3.10


IV. On the problems encountered in the implementation of such legal

Table 4
Distribution of Respondent’s Responses as to the problems encountered
Indicators Responses Total Weighted Ranking
5 4 3 2 1 Mean

1. Some barangay chairman 20 21 21 16 22 100 3.01 7

abuse his authority and exceeds
his power as mandated in RPC
2. The Barangay Chairman 21 20 25 18 16 100 3.57 1
cannot handle the peace and
order in his barangay
3. The barangay chairman 23 17 28 13 19 100 3.12 4
cannot ensure security in his
4. Some barangay officials has 20 24 25 12 19 100 3.14 3.5
low level of education earned
and does not know how to
construct ordinance
5. Barangay Chairman entered a 26 20 28 12 14 100 3.32 2
negotiation only for personal
convenience and reason
6. There is no emergency 25 14 30 12 19 100 3.14 3.4
program being made by the
barangay chairman in his
7. The barangay chairman fails 20 13 26 16 25 100 2.87 6
to perform his duties and
functions to his barangay

Legend: 1.00-1.79- Never Encountered

1.80-2.59-Seldom Encountered
2.60-3.39-Sometimes Encountered
3.40-4.19- Almost Always Encountered
4.20-5.0- Always Encountered

Table 4 is on the Respondent’s Responses as to problems encountered

in the implementation of such legal mandate. As to the problems

encountered, they agreed on the Barangay Chairman cannot handle the peace

and order in his barangay followed by Barangay Chairman entered a

negotiation only for personal convenience and reason and There is no

emergency program being made by the barangay chairman in his barangay.

Other problems being encountered as to the legal mandates are Some

barangay chairman abuse his authority and exceeds his power as mandated

in RPC, The barangay chairman cannot ensure security in his barangay, The

barangay chairman fails to perform his duties and functions to his barangay

with a mean of 3.01, 3.12 and 2.87 respectively.

V- On the Solutions Offered to the Above Mentioned Problem

Table 5
Distribution of Respondent’s Responses as to the solutions offered
Indicators Responses Total Weighted Ranking
5 4 3 2 1 Mean
1. Barangay chairman should 13 23 35 10 19 100 2.69 7
perform his duties within the
bounds of his authority an
mandated by law
2. The Barangay Chairman 28 29 17 20 6 100 3.39 6
should maintain peace and order
in his barangay through the
tanod assigned
3. The barangay chairman 20 26 34 13 7 100 4.02 1
should ensure security as to the
life and property of his
4. Barangay officials should 21 28 26 18 7 100 4.01 2
pursue more trainings and
seminars for the enhancement of
his learning’s and education
5. The paramount consideration 33 26 24 11 6 100 3.69 3.5
of all Barangay Chairman in
entering a contract must be the
welfare of his barangay
6. There must be emergency 34 28 19 11 8 100 3.69 3.5
program conducted by the
barangay chairman
7. The barangay chairman must 24 32 22 10 12 100 3.46
always perform his duties and 5
functions to his barangay

Table V presents the distribution of respondents responses on the solutions

offered to the above mentioned problem. The suited solutions to the

problems is mostly agreed by the respondents are the barangay chairman

should ensure security as to the life and property of his constituent followed

by Barangay officials should pursue more trainings and seminars for the

enhancement of his learning’s and education and There must be emergency

program conducted by the barangay chairman.

Other responses are The barangay chairman must always perform

his duties and functions to his barangay, The Barangay Chairman should

maintain peace and order in his barangay through the tanod assigned and

Barangay chairman should perform his duties within the bounds of his

authority an mandated by law with respective means.

VI- On the researcher’s findings be utilized towards their responsibility
Table 6
Distribution of Respondent’s Responses as to the Researcher’s Findings
Indicators Responses Total WM Ranking
5 4 3 2 1
1. It will be a basis for all 30 29 14 10 17 100 3.45 3
barangay chairman in
performing his duty
2. It will guide to all 21 33 26 9 11 100 3.44 4
barangay chairman in
policy making
3. Result of the study will 21 29 28 12 10 100 3.39 6
enhance the capability of
the barangay chairman
4 Finding could lead the 24 26 33 9 8 100 3.49 5
barangay chairman in
maintaining peace and
5. It will develop the ability 21 25 34 11 9 100 3.38 7
of the barangay chairman to
6. There will be more 30 24 22 18 6 100 3.54 2
harmony and reconciliation
among residents in the
7. It will be a framework to 31 25 26 11 7 100 3.62 1
all other barangay officials
and people in the

Table VI presents the Distribution of Respondents Responses on the

researcher’s findings be utilized towards their responsibility. They agreed on

It will be a framework to all other barangay officials and people in the

community, followed by There will be more harmony and reconciliation

among residents in the barangay and It will be a basis for all barangay

chairman in performing his duty.

Other responses are It will guide to all barangay chairman in policy

making, Result of the study will enhance the capability of the barangay

chairman, Finding could lead the barangay chairman in maintaining peace

and order and It will develop the ability of the barangay chairman to lead.




This chapter presents the summary of the findings, conclusions and

recommendations based on the effectiveness of barangay chairman in the

implementation of crime prevention towards their responsibility.

Summary of Findings

The findings of the study revealed the following:

1. As to the respondent profile:

1.1 out of 100 respondents, 24 or 24% are at the age bracket of 20

years old and below, 26 or 26% are at the age bracket of 21-30 years old, 13

or 13% are at the age bracket 31-40 years old, 41-50 years old has a

frequency of 21 or 21% and 51 years old above has a frequency of 16 or


1.2 the gender of the respondents. It shows that female has the most

participated in the study with a frequency of 54 or 54% and male has a

frequency of 46 or 46%. The preponderant of the respondents are female.

1.3 As to civil status, single has a frequency of 52 or 52%, married

has frequency of 44 or 44%, separated has a frequency of 2 or 2% and

widow has a frequency of 2 or 2%.

1.4 The educational attainment of the respondents are 8 or 8% are

elementary level, 6 or 6% are elementary graduate, 20 or 20% are high

school level, 24 or 24% are high school graduate, 27 or 27% are College

level and 15 or 15% are College graduate

1.5 as to attended trainings, there are 25 or 25% attended In Service

training, 8 or 8% have attended pre service training, only 1 out of 100

respondents have supervisory training, 36% have leadership training and

there are 30 or 30% which have no trainings.

2. The level of effectiveness of the barangay Chairman in the

implementation of crime prevention are the implementation of

punong barangay in crime prevention and the visibility of the

barangay tanod in every corner of the barangay.

3. The legal mandates of the barangay chairman in crime prevention

are the barangay chairman are in charged with the protection and

security of life and property, and also he is mandated to organize

and lead an emergency group whenever the same may be necessary

and the Barangay Chairman under the Local Government Code.

4. The problems encountered in the implementation of such legal

mandate. As to the problems encountered, they agreed on the

Barangay Chairman cannot handle the peace and order in his

barangay followed by Barangay Chairman entered a negotiation

only for personal convenience and reason and there is no

emergency program being made by the barangay chairman in his


5. The suited solutions to the problems is mostly agreed by the

respondents are the barangay chairman should ensure security as to

the life and property of his constituent followed by Barangay

officials should pursue more trainings and seminars for the

enhancement of his learning’s and education and There must be

emergency program conducted by the barangay chairman.

6. The researcher’s findings be utilized towards their responsibility.

They agreed on it will be a framework to all other barangay

officials and people in the community, followed by There will be

more harmony and reconciliation among residents in the barangay

and It will be a basis for all barangay chairman in performing his



The following conclusions are the following:

1. The findings revealed that respondents are at the age bracket 31-40

years old, female, single , 27 or 27% are College level and 36% have

leadership training.

2. The level of effectiveness of the barangay Chairman in the

implementation of crime prevention are the implementation of punong

barangay in crime prevention and the visibility of the barangay tanod

in every corner of the barangay.

3. The legal mandates of the barangay chairman in crime prevention are

the barangay chairman are in charged with the protection and security

of life and property, and also he is mandated to organize and lead an

emergency group whenever the same may be necessary

4. The problems encountered in the implementation of such legal

mandate are the Barangay Chairman cannot handle the peace and

order in his barangay followed by Barangay Chairman entered a

negotiation only for personal convenience and reason and there is no

emergency program being made by the barangay chairman in his


5. As to the solutions to the problems are the barangay chairman should

ensure security as to the life and property of his constituent followed

by Barangay officials should pursue more trainings and seminars for

the enhancement of his learning’s and education and there must be

emergency program conducted by the barangay chairman.

6. The researcher’s findings be utilized towards their responsibility.

They agreed on it will be a framework to all other barangay officials

and people in the community and there will be more harmony and

reconciliation among residents in the barangay.


From the findings and conclusions of the study, the following

recommendations are herein formulated:

1. The respondents especially the residents of every barangay are aware

of the responsibility of their barangay chairman but they did not

complain. The researchers recommends that they should attend

barangay forum to address their concern.

2. All barangay officials especially the punong barangay should be

active in maintaining peace and order in their barangay by initiating

actions to it.

3. There must be person assigned to observe the demeanor of the people

through the CCTV being installed in the barangay.

4. The barangay officials should follow the legal mandates particularly

the Local government code so that they will know the laws in the


5. Every problem being encountered by the barangay must have a public

consultation from the residents for appropriate solutions.

6. The findings of the researchers is recommended for better approval

and validation by conducting the same type of study by the future



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