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Assessment on the Level of Performance of Police Visibility in Pagadian City year 2021-



Presented to the faculty of

Criminal Justice Education Department
Western Mindanao State University - Pagadian Campus
Pagadian City, Zamboanga Del Sur

In partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree

Of Bachelor of Science in Criminology

Academia, Stephanie T.
Aronales, Androe John G.
Dugso, Dorres D.
Hulog, Bryan Cris M.
Lipuas, Hanna C.

May 2023


Police visibility is an important component that plays a critical role in preventing and

solving crimes in our society today. First and foremost, it is anticipated that public fear of crime

will decline as a result of increased police visibility. Second, it is predicted that more police

visibility will lead to decreased assessments of the potential for victimization. Lastly, improved

police-community relations are anticipated as a result of increased police visibility (Satu Salmi

etc., 2000).Police typically are responsible for maintaining public order and safety, enforcing the

law, and preventing, detecting, and investigating criminal activities. These functions are known

as policing. Police are often also entrusted with various licensing and regulatory activities

(Walsh, W.F, 2021). Under police visibility there is a term high visibility patrol tactics which

contribute to increasing citizen's awareness of police presence and help prevent crime, reduce

fear, and is therefore, an essential element of crime prevention strategy.Patrolling in its different

forms should be seen as the backbone of police visibility. In practice, the most common and

visible patrol styles in the eyes of citizens are the foot patrol and motorized patrol. (Salmi, 2004)

People were less fearful of property crime when they saw police officers more frequently

engaged in on-foot activities, such as foot patrol, conversing with the public, or disseminating

information. Both groups of people had a relationship like this, but the link between adults and

teenagers was greater (Satu Salmi, 2004). This shows the fact that Police Visibility affects crime

rate based on its patrol strategies. Moreover, it has been demonstrated that random patrolling, in

which cops monitor locations regardless of the crime rate without taking hotspot areas into
account, does not reduce crime, according to Sherman and Eck (2002). Which means that a

crime's precise geographic location becomes a crucial component in preventing it, and therefore

patrolling places or areas where crime is concentrated is crucial. Hotspot policing is advised

when taking into account the length of time that police visibility is implemented and the

closeness to the designated area of duty.

Hotspot policing can be effective at lowering crime; 62 out of 78 studies found that crime

fell or decreased in the areas where police visibility was concentrated (Braga and others, 2019).

In comparison to the control areas, the study found that crime and disorder considerably

decreased in the experimental hotspots. Additionally, the importance of foot patrol can positively

affect how the public views the police, how crimes are perceived, how safe they feel, and how

much crime is committed (Sherman and Weisburd, 1995). This indicates that fewer foot patrols

could potentially result in higher rates of crime or violence in society, as well as a decreased

sense of safety. Another important factor that can be overlooked is the sort of patrol, with the

issue of what form of patrol might be most effective in a certain location for raising police

visibility and reducing crime being brought up. For the purpose of deterring crime, upholding

law and order, and enhancing public opinion, police exposure must be carefully managed.

Researchers place weight on factors including patrol time, proximity to the area, and patrol type

in order to close the gap and increase police presence, acknowledging the neighborhood's

continual evolution as a social phenomenon.

As an assessment on the level of performance of police visibility of Pagadian City

Zamboanga Del Sur, an article was established by Agonoy (2019, May 7), stating that nineteen

people, including two policemen, were arrested while 17 assorted firearms were seized by a joint

team of military and police forces on Monday afternoon in Barangay Danlugan, PagadianCity.Lt.
Col. Marlowe Patria, the Army's 53rd Infantry Battalion commander, said government troops

received reports from village residents about the presence of armed men wearing masks riding in

two pick-up vehicles in the area. Patria said the troops consisting of soldiers from the 53IB and

the local police responded and intercepted the two vehicles, leading to the arrest of 19. This

statement shows the police visibility effectiveness.

On the other hand, recently as reported by Manila Standard(2022, November 7),

Pagadian City residents are asking for heightened police visibility in Zamboanga del Sur to

check alleged political violence in the province. The people cited in particular the recent killing

of former municipal administrator Richard Camanian Cabilan who was shot dead inside the

Department of Agriculture (DA) compound in Dumingag town. Cabilan’s murder was reportedly

the second shooting incident inside a government compound in the province in less than a month,

the first being at the Zamboanga del Sur provincial complex. The two incidents have instilled

fear among government officials and employees in the province, notably in Pagadian City. In

clarification thereof, the researchers wanted to conduct a study that could assess and improve

police visibility in Region IX specifically in Pagadian City.

The main goal of this study is to assess the level of performance of police visibility in

Region IX Pagadian City by the types of patrol used and the effect of geographical location. As a

researcher with the utmost aptitude and a hunger for knowledge, this study was conducted to

learn more about how to increase police visibility implementation and to obtain knowledge and

understanding. As a future law enforcement official who will serve and protect the citizens by

enhancing public safety, this study makes a contribution to the discipline of criminology.

The purpose of this study is to assess the level of performance of police visibility in Pagadian

City, Zamboanga Del Sur. The following questions are addressed by this study:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1. Age;

1.2. Gender;

1.3. Educational Background;

1.4. Status;

1.5. Location

2. What is the Level of Performance of Police Visibility in Pagadian City in terms of:

a. Rural

b. Urban

3. What is the level of Performance of Police Visibility when data are group in terms of type

of patrol?

a. Foot patrol

b. Mobile patrol

c. Marine patrol

d. Motorcycle patrol

4. Is there a significant relationship on the effectiveness of Police Visibility in Pagadian

City in terms of:

a. Geographical Location

b. Types of Patrol

Ho1: There is no significant relationship on the effectiveness of Police Visibility in Pagadian City

in terms of:

a. Geographical Location

b. Types of Patrol


The researchers aim to determine the knowledge gap regarding the police visibility, and its

level of performance in terms of foot, motorcycle, marine, and automobile on year 2021-2022.

Specially If there was a significant difference between geographical location and types patrol


Moreover, the researchers believe that the following entities might gain from their study:

To the PNP of Pagadian City. This study will aid law enforcement by informing them about the

effectiveness of various types of patrol techniques in reducing crime, especially in areas where

crime is more prevalent.

To the Citizens. The outcomes and findings of this study could help the citizens be aware of the

circumstances that their life and safeness are with their own hand, so by cooperation and

interaction with the police they can contribute in preventing crimes through effectiveness of

police visibility implementation in terms of types of patrol and geographical location.

To the City Government. The findings of this study would serve as a starting point or suggestion,

illustrating potential risks and obstacles to resolution and demonstrating how heightened police

visibility affects public perception of safety.

To the Future Researchers. This study will serve as an additional source of information and

guidance to the future researchers who will conduct a similar study.


This study is limited to (100) hundred respondents for which (40) comes from

Government Sector that covers 20 police personnel and other government employee, (20) from

Private Sectors, (20) from Unemployed, (20) from Students. The area chosen for this study is

limited within Pagadian City area only, because it is the main focused of the study for which

police visibility is assess. As a future law enforcer, it is an honor to contribute knowledge and

distinguish what is needed to improve police visibility implementation.

The Assessment on the level of Performance of Police Visibility in Pagadian City is the

primary goal of this study. It aims to determine the efficiency of police visibility when data are

grouped in terms of geographical location and patrol type. In most areas of this research, the

study relies on the perspectives of the respondents.

Excluded in this research are other municipalities outside Pagadian City, stating the fact

that the studies finding will be related to improving police visibility implementation in Pagadian


This chapter presents the review of related literature and studies which have similar

bearings with the present investigation. The information established in this study could provide

readers thorough understanding of the study's purpose and target. Furthermore, these literatures

and studies support the findings of the study. 


Local literature

Director General Nicanor A. Bartolome, Chief of the Philippine National Police

(PNP), ordered all policemen doing office work to go out and render at least four hours of

security patrols in their areas of jurisdiction. “They will now be conducting patrol before

they go to the office and before they go home,” said Bartolome. The target time will be

from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. in the morning and from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. in the

afternoon. According to Bartolome, the PNP objective is to make use of that time on

matters that need the police concerns most, which is patrolling the streets”. It was

implemented by Bartolome in Metro Manila while he was director of the National Capital

Region Police Office (NCRPO).

After the assessment that it was effective, Bartolome said he wants to implement

it across the country because aside from policemen doing office work, he said some

policemen in other units will also be required to conduct beat patrol.

He, however, clarified that only those assigned in areas where the threat of big

rebel groups like communist and Moro rebels will be tapped for patrol. “Some of those
assigned in internal security operations will be used for visibility because we all know

that it is an essential component to prevent crime,” said Bartolome.

Moreover, Abat (2013) stated that in Davao City, the police station is increasing

police visibility in communities to reduce the numbers of crimes. Most of the policemen

are outside for advocacy programs and to maximize visibility. And also, don’t let the ride

in a mobile since mostly they are on foot patrol to observe more the community safety,

this way they could easily establish connection with the community against criminal acts.

Policemen also go house-to-house in different villages in subdivision within the area of

their responsibilities to make sure that they are safe by the police force.

Hence, Rińen (2014), stated that Cebu City is further strengthening police

visibility in public areas where implemented by the police as part of their strategy to

lower street crimes in program dubbed Metro Cebu Comprehensive Deployment System

(MCCDS) which in this program they will maximize police visibility out in the streets to

prevent crimes from happening and witness more augmentation of policemen out in the

streets in beat, foot, and mobile in covert operations. “The response to street crimes is

always police presence”, apart from increasing the number of policemen in foot and

mobile patrols, other strategies that will be employed the establishment of checkpoints,

deployment of covert personnel and with all these done in random manner.

Furthermore, the Philippine National Police (PNP) reported on Thursday from

September 18 to September 19, 2022, there was a two-day national decrease I of crimes.

According to reports from the Philippine National Police Crime Research Analysis

Center, there were 34 index crimes reported nationwide on Monday, down from 83 on

Sunday. Additionally, a rapid decline in non-index crimes from 721 to just 89 incidents
was seen. Index crimes include murder, homicide, assault, rape, kidnapping, and cattle

rustling. They also include crimes against persons and crime against property. Non-index

crimes are certain laws, like illegal logging or local ordinances. The biggest drop in

illegal gambling was recognized by PNP, Chief Rodolfo Azurin Jr., who was credited

dedicated police operations for the favorable improvement. “We are doubling our efforts

to sustain the momentum and to make the public feel confident about their environment.

Life is beautiful when we live in peace and order. Your security is our responsibility,”

Azurin said. He continued by saying that the PNP is keeping a crime patterns and

persistently carrying out its responsibility to keep the nation in peace and order.

Therefore, safety is a freedom from harm or danger and the state of being safe

which every person assures in the place they were living and for their daily lives. People

need to always feel safe under any circumstances. It does not matter if you are at home, at

work, at school, travelling at social event or in desperate need of emergency assistance.

Foreign Literature

More than fifty years ago, author Alinsky made the observation that, “it is

impossible to overemphasize the enormous importance of people’s doing things

themselves.” The community mobilization he wrote about is evident today particularly in

the responses people are making in major cities and towns in the USA, Europe, Australia

and, in recent years, here in the Philippines, and other parts of Asia. These responses

have attracted a great deal of interest in what the fully realized potential of community

involvement of people doing things themselves to fight crime, might be. The potential

within communities is seen in the many groups of people, who, through concerted
efforts/action, march, collect signatures on petitions, pressure public officials, organize

neighborhood street watches, open youth recreation centers, start street children’s tutorial

programs, establish shelters for battered women, and most importantly, call the attention

of the public to the very real toll that crime exacts on the quality of both personal and

community life … becoming thus, as organized communities, powerful, constructive

forces for public safety. In recent years, Criminal Justice Systems in many parts of the

world have begun to recognize this power, and to discover the potential for working with

these communities and organized groups. (Although it is only in the Philippines I

understand, that has included officially the Community Pillar, as a Pillar of the Criminal

Justice System) The philosophy of community policing which envisions the community

as a partner in problem-solving (and crime prevention) has led not only to reinventing

this core government function but has also led the way for other criminal justice pillars or

agencies to follow suit. Prosecution in the USA, for example, are assigning prosecutors to

neighborhood-based offices and police precincts, to bring legal expertise closer to

community residents. Public defenders are exploring the potential of offering more direct

community access to legal representation. Courts are opening up their processes, creating

a new legal culture that sees crime as eroding the quality of life of the communities where

it is committed. Correctional agencies are now studying the consequences of viewing

communities as partners in the imposition of criminal sanctions. The private sector has

weighed in on a number of fronts, particularly with foundation support for anti-violence

programs. The National Institute of Justice Journal took note in several issues, of the

emerging, sustained alliances that communities are forging with the various components

of the criminal justice system as partners in responding to crime and disorder.

Banuelos, et al., (2019) agreed on Mabborang, Jayvinick, et al., (2013) that

promotion of community safety involves not only effective policing but also positive

citizenship and public policy. As regards a sense of reassurance, police and police

visibility were frequently the first factors mentioned as important; with visibility being

linked to greater police which the public expected would impact on crime and fear of

crime. Overall, it was considered that there were not enough police on the beat and the

desire was expressed for a proactive rather than reactive presence. Research shows that

there was a broad understanding of the role of the police with visibility linked to that role.

Visibility was perceived to relate to foot patrol which respondents preferred to mobile

patrol as this was seen as providing little or no opportunity for officers to interact or

deter. Police visibility was seen as a means of facilitating engagement and intervention

which, when combined, would be expected to enhance quality of life, reduce fear of

crime, fear of intimidation and reduce the incidence of crime (Banuelos et al., 2019).

According to Levinson (2004), “the patrol exercise is not only limited to crime

control but also to reduce the fear within the neighborhood”. This builds stronger

relationship between police and community and wins the resident trust. Therefore,

patrolling is one way of securing, protecting, preserving the life and property, and

assuring the safety of the people in the community.

Omaha police are stepping up their presence in two well-known neighborhoods.

The new beat patrols will hit the streets of Dundee and Benson at 5:30 p.m. each night

with the goal of keeping everyone in these busy neighborhoods safer.

Capt. Shayna Ray said with a newly graduated class, there are now more officers

on the street. It's welcome news for Megan Hunt and her business partner, who just

opened up the Hello Holiday shop in Dundee.

Definitely having cops doing a beat in the Dundee neighborhood, as well as the

Benson neighborhood, would not only make the nightlife scene a little bit safer for

everybody, but just give some peace of mind to the business owners in the whole area.

Hence, officers are to become experts in the area, they are supposed to reach out

to the community they're supposed to be out on foot patrol and bike patrol “Reyes said”.

This unique shift will allow them to focus on those demand times, as well as be a

little more proactive in the area," said City Council President Pete Festersen.

The new beat will also reach out to residential areas, where Ray says they're

trying to put a dent in burglaries.

Moreover, beat policing is based on traditional policing (late 19th century) and

utilizes the close relationship with the community members within the assigned beat to

strengthen police effectiveness and encourage cooperative efforts to make a safer

community. Beat police typically patrol on foot or bicycle which provides more

interaction between police and community members (Miller 2013).


Local Study

In the study of Mari et al. (2011), it was investigated that in a survey conducted

among their respondents, the implementation of Police Patrol Unit is effective in

addressing the peace and security in the community.

The study of Tais et al. (2012) on the status of Police Patrol Unit stated that Police

Visibility Operation is very important on the prevention of crime and suppression of


Foreign Study

Random preventive patrol strategies are based on the idea that visible police

presence in an area provides a general deterrent effect on crime and that, subsequently,

the general public’s fear of crime is reduced by those same police presence. It would be

expected, as a result, that crimes that would normally take place in fairly public areas,

such as general property offenses or street crimes, would be more significantly impacted

by preventive patrolling practices, whereas offenses typically committed in relative

seclusion would be less susceptible to the deterrence effects of preventive patrolling. The

utilization of police resources for random preventive patrol activities is, however,

ineffective at deterring crime and apprehending offenders. Research suggests that

targeted preventive activities in strategic zones where the majority of crimes occur, or

when treatments driven by specific policies or practices aimed at meeting strategically

defined goals are utilized, is far more effective in reducing crime (Sherman & Weisburd,


The first study that aimed to discern the effectiveness of preventive patrolling

practices took place in Kansas City, Missouri in 1972-1973. The Kansas City Preventive

Patrol Experiment took place within fifteen beats, and each beat was assigned to a

proactive group where preventive patrols were increased, a control group where no

changes were made to preventive patrolling practices, or a reactive group where

preventive patrolling was suspended (Kelling et al., 1974). Generalized, the findings of

the Kansas City Experiment showed no significant impact on crime deterrence, citizen

fear of crime, community attitudes toward the police, or police response time (Kelling et

al., 1974).

Another study by Satu Salmi, et al., (2004), on their research entitled "The role of

police visibility in fear of crime in Finland" disclose and presents a model for police

visibility and people's fear of crime. Survey data were collected from 3,245 adults and

977 teenagers in two typical Finnish neighborhoods. A four‐factor model including two

visibility factors (patrol‐car‐related activities and police‐on‐foot activities) and two fears

of crime factors (crimes against property and crimes against persons) was constructed by

structural equation modeling. Respondents who perceived the police more often in on‐

foot activities were less fearful of crimes against property. In the teenagers' group, the

same effect was found in relation to crimes against persons. In both groups, seeing the

police more in patrol‐car‐related activities resulted in increased fear of crimes against

persons and property. Our results indicate that a simple act for the police, such as

stepping out of the car every now and then, i.e., not only in crime‐related situations, has a

positive impact on the fear of crime as expressed by the public.

Synthesis of the Reviewed and Related Studies

The literature and studies reviewed and presented provided the researchers

understanding on how to go about the present study. Though, there were limited
resources for both related literature and studies. It is hoped that the conduct of this study

will paved the way for more studies.

As stated by Manwong (2008), the patrol operations provide continuous police

service and high visibility of law enforcement and it is the most vital component of police

work. In fact, in organizing the police organization, patrol is considered the skeletal

foundation. It is the backbone of the department.

Some of the study focuses on police visibility just like, Rińen (2014), statement

that Cebu City is further strengthening police visibility in public areas where

implemented by the police as part of their strategy to lower street crimes in program

dubbed Metro Cebu Comprehensive Deployment System (MCCDS) which in this

program they will maximize police visibility out in the streets to prevent crimes from

happening and witness more augmentation of policemen out in the streets in beat, foot,

and mobile in covert operations. “The response to street crimes is always police

presence”, apart from increasing the number of policemen in foot and mobile patrols,

other strategies that will be employed the establishment of checkpoints, deployment of

covert personnel and with all these done in random manner.

Levinson (2004), stated that “the patrol exercise is not only limited to crime

control but also to reduce the fear within the neighborhood”. This builds stronger

relationship between police and community and wins the resident trust. Therefore,

patrolling is one way of securing, protecting, preserving the life and property and

assuring the safety of the people in the community.

Reviewed studies and literature are all commonly concerned about the patrol

programs held in order to prevent crime and to strengthen the relationship between the

community and the law enforcers because of police visibility.

The primary concern of patrol program is to reduce offending behaviors and

victimization or violent crimes, reduced crime rates, and has provided safer


Theoretical Framework

This study is based on Community Policing Theory (1989) developed by Joseph

D. McNamara which promises that closer alliances between the police and the

community will help reduce citizen fear of crime, improve police community relations,

and facilitate more effective responses to community problems. However, there are also

drawbacks associated with community policing: (1) hostility between the police and

neighborhood residents can hinder productive partnerships; (2) increases in officers'

decision-making autonomy can lead to greater opportunities for police corruption;(3) and

resistance within the police organization can hamper community policing's successful


Throughout the ages people started practicing the utilization of workers and

equipment in order to protect his well- being and property thus, the civilized man adopts

security measures to have adequate protection against unsecured environment. According

to Peckley & Fontanos (2008), the theoretical foundation for security is based on several

assumptions. First, individuals choose pleasure over pain and often make inappropriate

decisions in search of gratification. Second, individuals commit crime when conditions

exist that promotes suitable targets of opportunity for crime and the influence of social

control is lacking. Third, the opportunity for the crime can be reduced through

manipulation of the environment (American Society for Industrial Security, 2000).

Fourth, in the occurrence of appropriate prevention and intervention strategies are not

implemented (Hess & Wrobleski, 2011).

The Rational Choice Theory in Criminology, developed by Clarke and Cornish in

1986, also lends credence to this study, which is originally developed by Cesare Beccaria

in the 18th century. He believed that humans are by nature self-seeking and motivated to

gain all they can from one another. If society is to endure, as system of punishment is

necessary to keep people from breaking the rules. Rational Choice Theory refers to a set

of ideas about the relationship between people’s preferences and the choices they make

and Rational choice theory is subject to a number of criticisms. Even though all assume

that crime is the outcome of choice, they differ in their concept of what constitutes a

“rational” choice (Paternoster & Bachman, 2001).

Human needs arise out of a person’s biological or psychological makeup. They

can be biological (biogenic) needs which are the needs of the body which exist for the

maintenance of health and protection of the body against physical injuries.

These are influenced primarily by the kind of society in which the individuals are

raised. Psychological motives are those related to the individual happiness and well

being, but not for survival, unlike the biological motives that focuses on basic needs – the

primary motives.
Accordingly, there is a hierarchy of needs ascending from the basic biological

needs present at birth to the more complex psychological needs that become important

only after the more basic needs have been satisfied.

According to Maslow’s, the level that commands the individual’s attention and

effort is ordinarily the lowest one on which there is an unmet need. For example, unless

needs for safety is reasonably well-met behavior will be dominated by these needs and

higher motives are of little significance. With their gratification, however, the individual

is free to devote time and effort to meet on the highest levels. In other words, one level

must be at least partially satisfied before those at the next level become determiners of


“Practice theory” is a theory of how social beings, with their diverse motives and

their diverse intentions, make and transform the world in which they live. It is dialectic

between structure and human action working back and forth in a dynamic

relationship. Practice theory, as outlined by Sherry Ortner, "seeks to explain the

relationship(s) that obtain between human action, on the one hand, and some global entity

which we call 'the system' on the other." The approach seeks to resolve the antinomy

between traditional structuralism approaches and approaches such as methodological

individualism which attempted to explain all social phenomena in terms of individual


Safety is often seen as one of a group of related disciplines: quality, reliability,

availability, maintainability and safety. These issues tend to determine the value of any

work, and deficits in any of these areas are considered to result in a cost, beyond the cost
of addressing the area in the first place; good management is then expected to minimize

total cost.

However, Community/stakeholders need to be active partners in the deployment

of foot patrol. Training community members, businesses, and other stakeholders in crime

prevention, environmental issues, neighborhood watch strategies, being effective

witnesses, and problem solving will assist in reducing crime.

Stakeholders can contribute by taking action in the form of citizen patrols, graffiti

eradication, youth programs, and trash removal. Other municipal agencies can assist with

enforcing codes, developing youth programs, enhancing lighting, and removing visual


Officers assigned to foot patrols must have the training, resources, and support to

develop and implement programs that address the specific needs of the beat area.
Conceptual Framework

Conceptually, the researcher had come to terms with this framework in order to

conduct a deeper investigation into the relationship between the independent variable and the

dependent variable of the aforementioned study, which aims to determine the perception on the

effectiveness of police visibility in Pagadian City.

Conceptual Paradigm

Independent Variables Dependent Variables

Assessment on the level of

Performance of Police visibility in

Pagadian City year 2021 – 2022.

a. Foot patrol

b. Mobile patrol
c. Marine patrol

d. Motorcycle patrol

Geographical location
a. Rural
b. Urban

Intervening Variables

Figure 1: Paradigm of the Study

Figure 1, Presents the conceptual framework of the study. The input contains the variables that

cause the problem, phenomenon, issue, or subject in the study. The process contains the method

by which the researcher collected the variables to be synthesized. And in the output, it contains

the problem or what the researchers wanted to study.

Figure 1, the Assessment on the Level of Performance of Police Visibility in Pagadian city in the

year 2021-2022 are the main objectives of the researcher. They conducted this study to

determine how types of patrol affect the level of performance of police visibility. Variables

under types of patrol as shown in the diagram above are foot patrol, mobile patrol, marine patrol,

and motorcycle patrol. These types of patrol are used as determining factors to assess the level of

performance of police visibility in Pagadian City. The geographical location has been put as the

moderator variable which gives also a significant effect to the result of this study. This variable

aims to determine the level of performance of police visibility as well when types of patrol are

assigned in certain location, in urban or rural area of Pagadian City.

The process contains the methods that shall guide and to be applied by the researchers in

the level of performance of police visibility in Pagadian City. The quantitative approach or

method shall be the basis of using descriptive survey as the research requires the data to be

obtained in such manner to interpret the study. The conceptual framework illustrates the steps of

attaining the result of the study.

Definition of Terms:
To give a better understanding of its purpose,some terms that are used in this study are hereby

Police Visibility- it is refers to a crime prevention strategy of Pagadian City which deters crime
and enhance peace.

Geographical location - refers to the place of Police Visibility where the police of Pagadian City
is being designated.

Patrol Time- refers to the time invested by the police officer in their designated area.

Foot Patrol- this refers to a type of patrol strategies where the police of Pagadian City is
walking around through their area of responsibility.

Types of Patrol- this pertains to the method used in enhancing police visibility.It covers foot
patrol,motorcycle patrol and automobile patrol.

Motorcycle Patrol- this primarily used for traffic control and enforcement in Pagadian City,
there speed and maneuverability make them indespensable police vehicles.

Automobile Patrol- it is the most effective means of transportation in all wheather condition
for police.


This chapter presents the methods and procedures used in this study which include the

research design, research locale, research participants, research instruments, data gathering

procedures, statistical treatment, and the ethical considerations in doing research.

Research Design

This research used a quantitative type of research design. Descriptive correlational

research design will be utilized in study to predict the significant relationship between the

response of the PNP Pagadian and civilian citizens as to their perception towards the level of

performance of police visibility in Pagadian City in terms of geographical location and types of

patrol. The study used a descriptive correlational research design because the data gathered were

done through a questionnaire. Descriptive correlational studies describe the variables and the

relationships that occur naturally between and among them.

Research Locale

The study will be conducted within Pagadian City area only, in the province of

Zamboanga del Sur. The area covers in our study are Police personnel in Pagadian City,

Maritime Police Station, and places in Pagadian City where we gather data from citizens coming

from Government sector, Private sector, unemployed and students of urban and rural areas in
Pagadian City as an assessment to the level of performance of police visibility to determine the

significant relationship of geographical location and types of patrol used.

Research Participants

Respondents of this study will be the police personnel of Pagadian City, Maritime Police

Station which is considered as part of Government sector, and the citizens coming from

Government sector, Private sector, unemployed and students of rural and urban areas in Pagadian

City will be given a questioner-checklist to determine their response on the level of performance

of police visibility in Pagadian city for the year of 2021-2022.

Table 1 Respondents of the Study

Respondents Frequency Percentage

Government Sector 40 40%

Private Sector 20 20%

Unemployed 20 20%

Students 20 20%

Total 100 100%

Research Instrumentation

The research Instrument that researchers will be utilizing is a self-administered

questionnaire. The questionnaires consist of two (2) sets or parts which are, (1) profiling of

respondents that covers their ages, gender, employment status, educational background, and
location which is urban and rural, (2) Statement on the “Assessment on the Level of Performance

of Police Visibility” in terms of types of patrol. There are (3) problems that are raised in the

study. Out of 3, 2 are identified as primary data which is the geographical location and types of

patrol that are indicated in profile of respondents, while the other is secondary data including

ages, gender, employment status, and educational background. The instrument will be composed

of the following parts:

Part I will be the profile of the respondents:

Part II will deal on the Assessment on The Level of Performance of Police Visibility in

Pagadian city. The given rating scale was used:

Weight Range of Value Verbal Category

5 4.20 – 5 Strongly Agree

4 3.40 – 4.19 Agree

3 2.60 – 3.39 Uncertain

2 1.8 – 2.59 Disagree

1 1.00 – 1.79 Strongly Disagree

Data Gathering Procedures

The following tasks are listed in this section as part of the instrument's preparation. With

the assistance of our advisor, the researchers will thoroughly read, study, and conduct multiple

searches in any references to create a comprehensive and relevant questionnaire checklist that

will be based on the variables provided. The thesis advisor will assess the study's questionnaire

before it is presented to the panel committee for additional review and validation. The researcher

prepares a letter of permission to conduct survey to every respondent and police personnel of

Pagadian City, together with the adviser for the thesis and the instructor's consent, a permit to

conduct the study will be obtained. The permit will also be used as authorization to access and

retrieve information regarding the response of respondents towards Perception on the

effectiveness of Police Visibility of Pagadian City for year 2021–2022.

Statistical Treatment

Since the study is all about the Assessment on the Level of Performance of Police

Visibility in Pagadian City year 2021 – 2022 it is a test between the two variable which are

geographical location and types of patrol, the statistical treatment to be use; is the Spearman’s


The data that will be taken from the responses of the respondents will be presented

through table as basis for analysis, presentation and interpretation of data. To obtain an extensive

understanding of the data, the following statistical tools were used as follows:
1. The demographic profile of the respondents will be presented and analyzed through

frequency and percentage.

2. Descriptive statistics such as percentage and weighted mean will be employed to determine

the rate of crime committed during pandemic in terms of crimes against person and crime

against property.

 Weighted Mean. This will be obtained by getting the summation of the product of the

frequency and the assigned weight divided by the total number of respondents, the

formula is given:

X = ∑fw


X= weighted arithmetic mean

∑ = summation sign

F = the frequency of each weight

W = the weight assigned i.e 4, 3, 2, 1

N = sum of all respondents

 Ranking will be use to rate the responses of the respondents especially on the intervention
program implemented by the LGU of Pagadian City to reduce criminality which is
related to police visibility.
Ethical Considerations in Doing Research

The protection of human subjects through application of appropriate ethical principles is

important in this study.

Asking Permission. Before the researchers conduct and collect the needed data from the

respondents, it is needed to ask permission from the school so that the researchers are guided and

permitted to conduct data gathering.

Objectivity. Researchers will avoid the biases from the data gathering to the data

interpretations from the respondent’s data in order to not affect the results of the study.

Respect. The researchers of the study will ensure that all the participants are catered and

will feel free to decline or accept weather they wanted to be a part of the research or not. The

researchers will respect the decision of the students.

Honesty. All of the data and findings of this study shall be input and reported honestly

and without adding some biased and unethical findings.

Integrity. Be consistent on the vowed promised right from the agreements between the


Carefulness. In doing research, be responsible and avoid careless actions. Double check

your works and be vigilant in all aspects and in all parts of you research works.
Openness. Be open to all of your peers in order to gain more suggestions and

recommendations for the betterment of the paper works.

Confidentiality. The anonymity and the confidentiality of the respondent's response will

perceive by not revealing the personal data and identity during and after the data gathering and

data interpretations and analysis of the data.



This chapter presents the analysis and interpretation of data gathered from the foregoing

study which aimed to determine the Assessment on the level of Performance of Police Visibility

in Pagadian City in year 2021 – 2022. The data found in this chapter were arrange according to

the problems treated in the study.


Level of Performance of Police Visibility in Urban

Types of patrol TWP WM AE R

Foot 220.8 4.42 SA 3RD
Automobile 223 4.46 SA 2ND
Marine 218.8 4.38 SA 4TH
Motorcycle 226.8 4.54 SA 1ST
Average Mean 222.34 4.45 SA


Numerical Scale Adjectival Equivalent TWP – Total Weighted Points

4.20 – 5 Strongly Agree

3.40 – 4.19 Agree

2.60 – 3.39 Undecided

1.8 – 2.59 Disagree

1 – 1.79 Strongly Disagree

Table 1.1. Presented the data gathered to measure the level of performance of police visibility in

urban areas of Pagadian City, whereas types of patrol are being used as variable to determine and

assess the level of performance of police visibility. In rank number 1, which is motorcycle patrol,

obtained a weighted mean of 4.54 with an adjectival equivalent of Strongly Agree. This means

that the level of performance of police visibility in Pagadian City in urban areas by motorcycle

patrol is Very Satisfactory, as they have response with a weighted mean that has an adjectival

equivalent of Strongly Agree for every 5-statement stated therein in motorcycle patrol which

indicates that they are Very Satisfied by their Performance.

In rank number 2, which is automobile patrol, obtained a weighted mean of 4.46 with an

adjectival equivalent of Strongly Agree. This means that the level of performance of police

visibility in Pagadian City in urban areas by automobile patrol is Very Satisfactory, as they have

a response with a weighted mean that has an adjectival equivalent of Strongly Agree for every 5-

statement stated therein in automobile patrol which indicates that they are Very Satisfied by their


In rank number 3, which is foot patrol, obtained a weighted mean of 4.42 with an

adjectival equivalent of Strongly Agree. This means that the level of performance of police

visibility in Pagadian City in urban areas by foot patrol is Very Satisfactory, as they have a

response with a weighted mean that has an adjectival equivalent of Strongly Agree for every 5-

statement stated therein in foot patrol which indicates that they are Very Satisfied by their


In rank number 4, which is marine patrol, obtained a weighted mean of 4.38 with an

adjectival equivalent of Strongly Agree. This means that the level of performance of police

visibility in Pagadian City in urban areas by marine patrol is Very Satisfactory, as they have a
response with a weighted mean that has an adjectival equivalent of Strongly Agree for every

statement stated therein in marine patrol which indicates that they are Very Satisfied by their


This table has an average mean of 4.45 with an adjectival equivalent of Strongly Agree.

This showed that the level of performance of police visibility in Pagadian City in urban areas is

Very Satisfactory, as they have a response with a weighted mean that has an adjectival

equivalent of Strongly Agree for every statement stated therein which indicated that they are

Very Satisfied by their performance.


Level of Performance of Police Visibility in Rural

Types of patrol TWP WM AE R

Foot 218.4 4.37 SA 4th
Automobile 219.6 4.43 SA 1ST
Marine 221.2 4.42 SA 2nd
Motorcycle 221.2 4.42 SA 2nd
Average Mean 220.05 4.41 SA


Numerical Scale Adjectival Equivalent TWP – Total Weighted Points

4.20 – 5 Strongly Agree

3.40 – 4.19 Agree

2.60 – 3.39 Undecided

1.8 – 2.59 Disagree

1 – 1.79 Strongly Disagree

Table 1.2. Presented the data gathered to measure the level of performance of police visibility

rural areas of Pagadian City, whereas types of patrol are being used as variable to determine and

assess the level of performance of police visibility. In rank number 1, which is automobile patrol,

is Very Satisfactory, as they have response with a weighted mean 4.43 that has an adjectival

equivalent of Strongly Agree for every 5-statement stated therein in motorcycle patrol which

indicates that they are Very Satisfied by their performance.

In rank number 2, which is marine and motorcycle patrol, obtained a weighted mean 4.42

with an adjectival equivalent of Strongly Agree. This means that the level of performance of

police visibility in Pagadian City in rural areas by marine and motorcycle patrol is Very

Satisfactory, as they have a response with a weighted mean that has an adjectival of Strongly

Agree for every 5-statement stated therein in automobile patrol which indicates that they are

Very Satisfied by their performance.

In rank number 4, which is foot patrol, obtained a weighted mean 4.37 with an adjectival

equivalent of Strongly Agree. This mean that the level of performance of police visibility in

Pagadian City in rural areas by foot patrol is Very Satisfactory, as they have response with a

weighted a weighted mean that has an adjectival of Strongly Agree for every 5-statement stated

therein in foot patrol which indicated that they are Very Satisfied by their performance.

This table has an average mean of 4.41 with an adjectival equivalent of Strongly

Agree. This showed that the level of performance of police visibility in Pagadian City in rural

areas is Very Satisfactory, as they have a response with an average mean that has an adjectival

equivalent of Strongly Agree for every statement stated therein which indicated that they are

Very Satisfied by their performance.


Level of Performance of Police Visibility in terms of;

Location TWP WM AE R
Urban 222.35 4.45 SA 1st
Rural 220.05 4.41 SA 2ND
Average Mean 221.2 4.43 SA


Numerical Scale Adjectival Equivalent TWP – Total Weighted Points

4.20 – 5 Strongly Agree

3.40 – 4.19 Agree

2.60 – 3.39 Undecided

1.8 – 2.59 Disagree

1 – 1.79 Strongly Disagree

Table 1.3 Presented the data gathered to measure the level of performance of police visibility in

terms of Urban and Rural geographical location of Pagadian City, whereas types of patrol are

being used as variable to determine and assess the level of performance of police visibility. In

rank number 1, which is Urban obtained a weighted mean of 4.45 with an adjectival equivalent

of Strongly Agree. This means that the level of performance of police visibility in Pagadian City

in Urban areas is Very Satisfactory, as they have response with a weighted mean that has an
adjectival equivalent of Strongly Agree for every statement stated therein in Urban which

indicates that they are Very Satisfied by their performance.

In rank number 2, which is Rural obtained a weighted mean of 4.41 with an adjectival

equivalent of Strongly Agree. This means that the level of performance of police visibility in

Pagadian City in Rural areas is Very Satisfactory, as they have response with a weighted mean

that has an adjectival equivalent of Strongly Agree for every statement stated therein in Rural

which indicates that they are Very Satisfied by their performance.

This table has an average mean of 4.43 with an adjectival equivalent of Strongly Agree.

This showed that the Level of Performance of Police Visibility in terms of Urban and Rural

geographical location of Pagadian City is Very Satisfactory, as they have response with an

average mean that has an adjectival equivalent of Strongly Agree for every statement stated

therein in Urban and Rural which indicates that they are Very Satisfied by their performance.

Level of Performance of Police Visibility in Types of Patrol;

Types of patrol TWP WM AE R

Foot 437.4 4.37 SA 4th
Automobile 445 4.45 SA 2ND
Marine 439.2 4.39 SA 3rd
Motorcycle 448 4.48 SA 1ST
Average Mean 442.4 4.42 SA


Numerical Scale Adjectival Equivalent TWP – Total Weighted Points

4.20 – 5 Strongly Agree

3.40 – 4.19 Agree

2.60 – 3.39 Undecided

1.8 – 2.59 Disagree

1 – 1.79 Strongly Disagree

Table 2. Presented the data gathered to measure the level of performance of police visibility in

terms of Types of Patrol of Pagadian City, whereas types of patrol are being used as variable to

determine and assess the level of performance of police visibility. In rank number 1, which is

Motorcycle patrol obtained a weighted mean of 4.48 with an adjectival equivalent of Strongly

Agree. This means that the level of performance of police visibility in Pagadian City in

Motorcycle patrol is Very Satisfactory, as they have response with a weighted mean that has an
adjectival equivalent of Strongly Agree for every statement stated therein in Motorcycle patrol

which indicates that they are Very Satisfied by their performance.

In rank number 2, which is Automobile Patrol obtained a weighted mean of 4.45 with an

adjectival equivalent of Strongly Agree. This means that the level of performance of police

visibility in Pagadian City in Automobile Patrol is Very Satisfactory, as they have response with

a weighted mean that has an adjectival equivalent of Strongly Agree for every statement stated

therein in Automobile patrol which indicates that they are Very Satisfied by their performance.

In rank number 3, which is Marine Patrol obtained a weighted mean of 4.39 with an

adjectival equivalent of Strongly Agree. This means that the level of performance of police

visibility in Pagadian City in Marine Patrol is Very Satisfactory, as they have response with a

weighted mean that has an adjectival equivalent of Strongly Agree for every statement stated

therein in Marine patrol which indicates that they are Very Satisfied by their performance.

In rank number 4, which is Foot Patrol obtained a weighted mean of 4.37 with an

adjectival equivalent of Strongly Agree. This means that the level of performance of police

visibility in Pagadian City in Foot Patrol is Very Satisfactory, as they have response with a

weighted mean that has an adjectival equivalent of Strongly Agree for every statement stated

therein in Foot patrol which indicates that they are Very Satisfied by their performance.

This table has an average mean of 4.42 with an adjectival equivalent of Strongly Agree.

This showed that the Level of Performance of Police Visibility in terms of Types of Patrol of

Pagadian City is Very Satisfactory, as they have response with an average mean that has an

adjectival equivalent of Strongly Agree for every statement stated therein in types of patrol

which indicates that they are Very Satisfied by their performance.


Level of Performance of Police Visibility in terms of Geographical location and Types of Patrol

Correlation Sig. (2- N

Coefficient tailed)
Foot Patrol
1. Conducts foot patrol both day and night -.55 .586 100
2. Inspects suspicious persons while covering beats. 0.84 .408 100
3. Conducts foot patrol in business and shopping centers. 0.16 .871 100
4. Conduct foot patrol in barangays with the cooperation of the CVOs. 0.77 .444 100
5. Conducts foot patrol in crime prone areas. 0.030 .770 100
Automobile patrol
a. Provides faster response to public calls 0.38 .707 100
b. Conduct Mobile Patrol both day and night .063 .530 100
c. Conducts mobile patrol in crime prone areas -.057 .576 100
d. Avails transportation in all weather conditions for police patrol .096 .341 100
e. Provides efficient means of transportation under average operating .045 .657 100
Marine Patrol
2. Uses water vehicle in apprehending violators at sea. .041 .682 100
3. Rescues victims of piracy, smuggling, and other crimes at the sea .085 .401 100
4. Uses motorboats in conducting water surveillance. -.030 .765 100
5. Inspects suspicious persons and cargoes that come in and out of their -.056 .580 100
area of responsibility boarding a water vehicle.
6. Provides protection to fishermen and passengers on board water vehicle -.024 .815 100
against piracy and other forms of crimes
Motorcycle Patrol
1. Police officers use the motorcycle patrol to round or make inspection .093 .355 100
within the municipality.
2. Police officers visits every barangay to monitor compliance on .125 .214 100
curfew hours.
3. Conducts motorcycle patrol to areas that cannot be reached by -.007 .942 100
4. Control traffic to motorists and pedestrians .085 .398 100
5. Conducts motorcycle patrol during special occasions .037 .712 100

Based on table No. 3, it shows the correlation matrix between the location and the types

of patrol. Using spearman rho, it resulted with a p-value that is greater than the significance level

of 0.05. Thus, we have to accept the null hypothesis that there is no significant relationship

between the geographical location and the types of patrol.


Summary of Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendation

This study attempted to determine the assessment on the level of performance on police

visibility in Pagadian City in the year 2021-2022.

Summary of Findings

The researchers conducted this study to assess the level of performance of police

visibility in Pagadian City, Zamboanga Del Sur. And to determine if there is a significant

relationship between geographical location and types of patrol used.

The significant findings of this study to the specific questions are as follows:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age;

1.2 Gender;

1.3 Educational Background;

1.4 Status;

1.5 Location

This study shows that the age distribution of the respondents was within the range of 18-

22, 23-59, and 60 above. This range of age brings impact on the assessment on the level of

performance of police visibility in Pagadian City as their ages represents their existence for

which they have observe and experience the level of performance of police visibility in Pagadian

City. Their Geographical location as one of the intervening variables being assessed in this study
was used as important factor on determining the level of performance of police visibility in

Pagadian City by the types of patrol being used in both urban and rural places. The following

questions stated therein answers the main goal of this study.

2. What is the Level of Performance of Police Visibility of Visibility in Pagadian City in terms of

geographical location?

Based on the result shown in Chapter 4 of Table 1.1, which has an average mean of 4.45

with an adjectival equivalent of Strongly Agree. This showed that the level of performance of

police visibility in Pagadian City in urban areas is Very Satisfactory, as they have a response

with a weighted mean that has an adjectival equivalent of Strongly Agree for every statement

stated therein which indicated that they are Very Satisfied by their performance. They conducted

motorcycle patrol, 4.54 as weighted mean; conducted automobile patrol, 4.46 as weighted mean;

conducted foot patrol, 4.42 as weighted mean; and conducted marine patrol, 4.38 as weighted


Whereas, in Table 1.2, has an average mean of 4.41 with an adjectival equivalent of

Strongly Agree. This showed that the level of performance of police visibility in Pagadian City

in rural areas is Very Satisfactory, as they have a response with an average mean that has an

adjectival equivalent of Strongly Agree for every statement stated therein which indicated that

they are Very Satisfied by their performance. They conducted automobile patrol, 4.43 as

weighted mean; conducted marine and motorcycle patrol, 4.42; conducted foot patrol, 4.37.

The total average mean of the two groups as shown in table 1.3 is 4.43 with an adjectival

equivalent of Strongly Agree. This showed that the Level of Performance of Police Visibility in

terms of Urban and Rural geographical location of Pagadian City is Very Satisfactory, as they
have response with an average mean that has an adjectival equivalent of Strongly Agree for

every statement stated therein in Urban and Rural which indicates that they are Very Satisfied by

their performance.

3. What is the level of Performance of Police Visibility when data are group in terms of type of


3.1 Foot Patrol;

3.2 Mobile Patrol;

3.3 Marine Patrol;

3.4 Motorcycle Patrol

Based on the result shown in chapter 4 of table 2, which has an average mean of 4.42

with an adjectival equivalent of Strongly Agree. This showed that the Level of Performance of

Police Visibility in terms of Types of Patrol of Pagadian City is Very Satisfactory, as they have

response with an average mean that has an adjectival equivalent of Strongly Agree for every

statement stated therein in types of patrol which indicates that they are Very Satisfied by their

performance. They conducted motorcycle having a weighted mean value of 4.48; conducted

automobile patrol, 4.45; conducted marine patrol, 4.39; conducted foot patrol, 4.37.
4. Is there a significant relationship on the effectiveness of Police Visibility in Pagadian City in

terms of:

4.1 Geographical Location

4.2 Types of Patrol

Based on the results of statistical treatment presented on table No. 3, it shows the

correlation matrix between the geographical location and the types of patrol. Using spearman

rho, it resulted with a p-value that is greater than the significance level of 0.05. Thus, we have to

accept the null hypothesis that there is no significant relationship between the geographical

location and the types of patrol.


Based on the stated findings, the following conclusions are hereby declared:

1. The Level of Performance of Police Visibility in terms of geographical location of Pagadian

City is Very Satisfactory, as they have response with an average mean of 4.43 that has an

adjectival equivalent of Strongly Agree for every statement stated therein in Urban and Rural

which indicates that they are Very Satisfied by their performance. The first on rank of being

satisfactory on the level of performance of police visibility in terms of geographical location

by types of patrol used is in urban areas which indicates that their performance are more

efficient in urban areas than the rural areas with a slight difference of response for they both

obtained a very satisfactory rating.

2. The Level of Performance of Police Visibility in terms of Types of Patrol of Pagadian City is

Very Satisfactory, as they have response with an average mean of 4.42 that has an adjectival

equivalent of Strongly Agree for every statement stated therein in types of patrol which
indicates that they are Very Satisfied by their performance. The first on rank of being very

satisfactory is the motorcycle patrol to be followed by the automobile patrol, marine, and foot

patrol. This means that the level of performance of police visibility in Pagadian City is more

inclined in motorcycle patrol and that the overall performance rating of Police Visibility in

Pagadian city in terms of types of patrol as assess by the researchers is Very Satisfactory.

3. On the significant relationship between geographical location and types of patrol as stated in

the findings, we have to accept the null hypothesis that there is no significant relationship

between the two variables. Which means that the Level of Performance of Police Visibility

as being assess by the researchers is Very Satisfactory and that they are performing well in

both urban and rural areas of Pagadian City by types of patrol used.

Based on the declared conclusions, the following recommendations are hereby made:

1. Out of the four types of patrol used in rural areas, the foot patrol ranks last, meaning that it

needs more improvement for better crime prevention and a much higher level of performance of

police visibility in Pagadian City. The researchers recommend that Police officers should

therefore increase their level of visibility in rural areas, especially when conducting foot patrols.

On the other hand, they should maintain their level of performance on the other types of patrol

especially the automobile patrol which rank first in rural areas and have an adjective equivalent

of Very Satisfactory.

2. The overall rating on the level of performance of Police Visibility in Pagadian City in terms of

types of patrol is Very Satisfactory, but among the four types of patrol used, the foot patrol rank

last and the motorcycle patrol rank first. Therefore, the researchers recommend that Police

officers should improved their level of performance of Police Visibility in foot patrol to enhance

crime prevention program and eliminate the desire and opportunity of the would-be violators in

area of responsibility where foot patrol is needed. On the other hand, they should maintain their

level of performance in motorcycle patrol to decrease crime and fight all possible violators.

3. Since there is no significant relationship between geographical location and types of patrol, the

researchers recommend that Police Officer should maintain their level of performance of Police

Visibility in both urban and rural areas of Pagadian City and their types of patrol used.

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