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Features of the Oxidation of Multilayer
(TiAlCrSiY)N/(TiAlCr)N Nanolaminated PVD Coating during
Temperature Annealing
Anatoly Ivanovich Kovalev 1, * , Vladimir Olegovich Vakhrushev 1,2 , Egor Pavlovich Konovalov 1 ,
German Simonovich Fox-Rabinovich 3 , Dmitry Lvovich Wainstein 1 , Stanislav Alekseevich Dmitrievskii 1
and Alise Denisovna Mukhsinova 4

1 State Scientific Centre, I.P. Bardin Central Research Institute for Ferrous Metallurgy, 23/9 Bdg. 2, Radio Str.,
105005 Moscow, Russia
2 MIREA-Rusian Technological University, 78 Vernadsky Avenue, 113454 Moscow, Russia
3 Department of Mechanical Engineering (JHE-316), McMaster University, 1280 Main Street West,
Hamilton, ON L8S 4L7, Canada
4 Department of Chemistry and Technology of Crystals, Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology,
9 Miusskaya Square, 125047 Moscow, Russia
* Correspondence:

Abstract: A nano-multilayer Ti0.2 Al0.55 Cr0.2 Si0.03 Y0.02 N/Ti0.25 Al0.65 Cr0.1 N PVD coating was de-
posited on Kennametal carbide K 313 inserts. These coatings are widely used to protect cutting tools
under severe exploitation conditions. Under equilibrium conditions, it was found that the Al2 O3
oxide possessed better adhesive properties than the TiO2 . The addition of chromium further enhanced
the oxidation resistance of the coatings. Silicon significantly increased the oxidation resistance of
this type of coating. The properties of the diffusion process in this coating have not been sufficiently
investigated, despite the considerable number of articles published on this topic. For the purpose of
Citation: Kovalev, A.I.; Vakhrushev,
this study, a multilayer ion-plasma (TiAlCrSiY)N/(TiAlCr)N coating was oxidized under equilibrium
V.O.; Konovalov, E.P.; conditions; its chemical inhomogeneity was studied by time-of-flight mass spectroscopy using a TOF
Fox-Rabinovich, G.S.; Wainstein, D.L.; SIMS5-100 instrument. The data was collected from an area of 100 × 100 µ. A D-300 profilometer
Dmitrievskii, S.A.; Mukhsinova, A.D. (KLA-Tencor Corp., Milpitas, California 95035, USA) was used to determine the rate of ion etching. It
Features of the Oxidation of was found that oxidation commenced at the surface nanolayer of a TiAlCrN nitride, forming loose
Multilayer (TiAlCrSiY)N/(TiAlCr)N films of Cr2 O3 , TiO2 , and Al2 O3 oxides. This passivating film had a thickness of around 140 nm.
Nanolaminated PVD Coating during For the first time, the interlayer diffusion coefficients of Si and Y were determined in multilayer
Temperature Annealing. Coatings coatings based on Ti0.2 Al0.55 Cr0.2 Si0.03 Y0.02 N/Ti0.25 Al0.65 Cr0.1 N, under open air annealing at 700 ◦ C.
2023, 13, 287.
The physical nature of the differences in the diffusion of these elements is discussed. The diffusion
rate in the near-surface volumes was lower than in the deep layers of the multilayer coating, most
Academic Editor: Cristian Vacacela likely due to the formation of passivating oxide films on the surface.
Keywords: multilayer wear-resistant TiAlCrSiYN/TiAlCrN coatings; planar plasmon coatings;
Received: 29 December 2022
diffusion of thin layers; SIMS; oxide films
Revised: 16 January 2023
Accepted: 17 January 2023
Published: 27 January 2023

1. Introduction
Mono- and multilayer TiAlCrN-based coatings with inclusions of Si and Y have been
Copyright: © 2023 by the authors. intensively studied for machining applications. These wear-resistant coatings have high
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
hardness, wear resistance, and thermal barrier properties [1].
This article is an open access article
The oxidation of such coatings deserves attention for several reasons: The first is due to
distributed under the terms and
the need for protective, heat-resistant materials—including cutting tools that operate under
conditions of the Creative Commons
aggressive external conditions. In this case, the coatings form oxide films, which serve as
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
diffusion barriers against aggressive chemical elements that cause metal degradation [2].

Coatings 2023, 13, 287.

Coatings 2023, 13, 287 2 of 9

Such coatings extend the cutting life of a tool due to the dynamic formation of tribo-
ceramics within the wear area at high temperatures of 700–1000 ◦ C under conditions of dry,
high-speed cutting [3].
The inclusion of several elements in the chemical composition of basic nitrides (TiN,
TiAlN, TiCrAlN) in multilayer coatings is designed to significantly increase the service
life of cutting tools. High hardness and oxidation resistance, combined with low thermal
conductivity and coefficients of friction, are the main requirements for effective coatings
applied on cutting tools that operate under extreme cutting conditions; this is why there
exist a high variety of state-of-the-art, complex, alloyed, wear-resistant coatings based on
the traditional TiCrAlN nitride. In each of these nitride coatings, oxidation plays a useful
role in the protection of cutting tools under exploitation. It has been found that a coating
with an inclusion of aluminum of up to 0.6 atomic% increases the temperature of oxide
formation by 400 ◦ C [4], compared to a TiN coating. Under equilibrium conditions, the
Al2 O3 oxide has better adhesive properties than TiO2 . The addition of chromium further
enhances the oxidation resistance of coatings [5].
Cr-rich and Cr/Al oxides appear uniformly across coating surfaces during the ox-
idation of complex, nitride-based coatings with chromium additives. They provide an
effective barrier to the inward diffusion of oxygen [1,5,6]. The oxidation of coatings con-
taining Al and Ta develops in a competitive way. At first, the formation of amorphous
Al2 O3 oxides is predominant, but once aluminum is depleted, tantalum starts to oxidize
into crystalline Ta2 O5 . Both oxides have high hardness and low thermal conductivity [7].
There have also been positive experiences using nitride-based coatings with ytterbium or
yttrium additives [8,9].
Silicon is the most effective element for increasing the oxidation resistance of such
coatings [10,11]. The formation of refractory and hard oxides that occur under severe
conditions of high-temperature friction and wear represent an area of interest for the
development of complex coatings. The depth distribution of oxides is the main focus of
studies that are concerned with the oxidation of multilayer, complex nitride coatings [12].
Despite the enormous number of research works on this issue, the physical properties
of diffusion in such coatings have not received sufficient attention. In this study, the
multilayer PVD (TiAlCrSiY)N/(TiAlCr)N coating underwent oxidation under equilibrium
conditions. The oxidation of a multicomponent multilayer system with a large number
of interfaces is a very complex physical process. In a coating based on nonequilibrium
multicomponent nitrides, diffusion occurs through the exchange mechanism and the
movement of atoms through vacancies.
During oxidation, the depth-ward drift of oxygen atoms is accompanied by interac-
tions with nitride components, as well as the formation of two-dimensional oxides and their
subsequent growth. These phase transformations are determined by the thermodynamics
of oxidation reactions [13] and depend on the diffusion permeability of the newly formed
oxides. The activation energy of boundary diffusion is usually much less than that of
bulk diffusion. Diffusing atoms are reflected from the boundaries when the interfaces are
perpendicular to the direction of diffusion; the rate of diffusion is thereby lessened.
Apart from oxygen, Si and Y are also diffused from the (TiAlCrSiY)N layer to the
(TiAlCr)N layer due to the concentration gradient as well as heating during oxidation.
A similar migration of W, Nb has been observed previously during the tribo-oxidation
of multilayer coatings [14]. Any predictions in such an oxidative process are extremely
difficult to make. An analysis of the experimental results of the interlayer distribution of Si
and Y will reveal the diffusion pattern of oxidation in this type of complex coating. It is
presumed that Si reduces the grain size, whereas yttrium inhibits grain growth at elevated
temperatures, sets apart grain boundaries, blocks diffusion paths, and increases the stability
of the fine-grained structure [14]. These elements are also believed to act in a synergistic
way. The chief aim of this study is to investigate the features of Si and Y diffusion within a
multilayer Ti0.2 Al0.55 Cr0.2 Si0.03 Y0.02 N/Ti0.25 Al0.65 Cr0.1 N PVD coating.
Coatings 2023, 13, 287 3 of 9

2. Materials and Methods

A multilayer Ti0.2 Al0.55 Cr0.2 Si0.03 Y0.02 N/Ti0.25 Al0.65 Cr0.1 N coating was deposited us-
ing Ti0.2 Al0.55 Cr0.2 Si0.03 Y0.02 and Ti0.25 Al0.65 Cr0.1 1 targets, correspondingly fabricated by a
powder metallurgical process on a cemented carbide cutting insert WC-Co substrate in a
R&D-type hybrid PVD coater (Kobe Steel Ltd., Onoecho Ikeda, Kakogawa, Hyogo, Japan)
using a plasma-enhanced arc source. The WC-Co samples were heated to 500 ◦ C and
cleaned by Ar-ion etching. During the PVD process, an Ar–N2 mixture gas was fed into the
chamber at a pressure of 2.7 Pa with a nitrogen partial pressure of 1.3 Pa. The arc source
was operated at 100 A on a 100 mm diameter × 16 mm-thick target. The other deposition
parameters were a bias voltage of 100 V and a substrate rotation of 5 rpm. The thickness
of the studied coating was around 3.5 µm for the film characterization. The coating had
a columnar nanocrystalline multilayered microstructure with alternating nanolayers at
every 50 nm [15,16], a hardness of 30 GPa—according to the nanoindentation at room
temperature—and 28 GPa at 500 ◦ C [17].
The multilayer ion-plasma (TiAlCrSiY)N/(TiAlCr)N coating was oxidized under
equilibrium conditions under open air annealing at 700 ◦ C for 15, 30, and 45 min.
Chemical inhomogeneity was studied by time-of-flight mass spectroscopy on a TOF
SIMS5-100 instrument with high sensitivity in the ppb range using the time-of-flight mass
spectroscopy method. This device was equipped with a time-of-flight analyzer for positive
and negative secondary ions with an EDR system for assessing low-intensity signals emitted
during intense cascade flows of secondary ions. Two ion sources, coordinated in time, were
used to study the depth distribution of the chemical elements. Ion etching was carried
out with sources of Cs+ or O+ ions (0.5 keV), and a source of Bi+ ions (25 keV) was used
to excite secondary ions from the sample. Ion etching was carried out over an area of
300 × 300 µ at different rates, depending on the material studied. The analysis was carried
out on an area of 100 × 100 µ. The profilometer D-300 device (KLA-Tencor Corp., USA) was
used to determine the rate of the ion etching profilometer calibration on standard silicon
samples, with an accuracy of up to 0.5 nm. The processing of the mass spectrometry data
for determining the atomic and mass concentrations of elements was carried out using the
SurfaceLab 7 program (IONTOF, Muenster, Germany).

3. Results
The coating had a complex structure that combined a nano-multilayered structure
with a modulating composition with a columnar structure (with a grain size of around
5–20 nm).
Figure 1a presents a HR TEM image of the TiAlCrSiYN layer. The coating had an
ultra-fine nano-grain size in as-deposited conditions. The grain size of the coating was
within 5–10 nm.
2023, 13, x FOR
13, 287 4 of 94 of 9

Coatings 2023, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 9

(a) (b)
Figure 1. TEM
Figure 1. TEMimage
the(TiAlCrSiY)N layer(a)
(TiAlCrSiY)N layer (a)and
andthethe (TiAlCr)
(TiAlCr) layer
layer (b)the
(b) of ofnanolaminate
the nanolaminate
(a) (b)
Figure 1. TEM image of the (TiAlCrSiY)N layer (a) and the (TiAlCr) layer (b) of the nanolaminate
coating. 1b presents
annealing theasamples
zero-loss in
HRTEM image
an open of the coating.
furnace, a layerThe image does
of oxides not show
appeared on the
epitaxial growth between the layers. The layers were polycrystalline and did not have a
surface of the coating, which had a porous, layered microstructure. Mass spectroscopy
preferred orientation, as can be seen in
anthe ringfurnace,
diffraction pattern.oxides appeared on the
made itAfter annealing
possible the samples
to establish the in phase open
composition a layer
of theof oxidized surface. Figure 2
surface annealing
the coating, the samples
which in
hadwere an open
a porous, furnace,
layered a layer of oxides
microstructure. appeared
Mass on the
shows that
surface of the oxide
coating, whichfilmshad a formed
porous, on
layered the sample
microstructure. surface
Mass during heat treat-
made it possible to establish the phase composition of the oxidized surface. Figure 2
were oxides of chromium phaseand titanium. of Similar phases appear under condi-
showsitthat to establish
complex oxide films the were composition
formed on the samplethe oxidized
surface surface.
during heat Figure 2
tions of
shows high-speed
that complex dry cutting
oxide films [7].
were Mullite-like
formed on (Al-Si-O)
the sample tribo-films
ment; these were oxides of chromium and titanium. Similar phases appear under condi- during with
heat a high protec-
tions were
of areoxides
also formed
high-speed ofdry
chromium[8]. The
cutting depth
[7]. titanium.distribution
(Al-Si-O) of
tribo-films elements
under and
a high phases
wasof high-speed
evaluated dry cutting
through cyclic[7]. Mullite-like
etching of the(Al-Si-O)
surface tribo-films
with Cs with
+ and
tive ability are also formed [8]. The depth distribution of chemical elements and phases Bi a high
+ ions. protective
During active
surface are also
etching with formed [8].
cesium The
of atomic of chemical elements and phases was
was evaluated through cyclic etching of the surface thickness
with Cs+ and wereBi+ sequentially removed.
ions. During active
evaluated through cyclic etching of the surface with Cs+ and Bi+ ions. During active surface
surfacewith bismuth
etching ions inions,
with cesium the static
layers mode
of atomicduring pauses
thickness were excited a flowremoved.
sequentially of scattered
etching with cesium ions, layers of atomic thickness were sequentially removed. Etching
Etching with
secondary ions,bismuth
which ions
the static mode duringspectrometer.
in a mass pauses excitedSuch a flowcomplex
of scattered
with bismuth ions in the static mode during pauses excited a flow of scattered secondary
etching made ions,
it which to
possible were analyzed
represent the indeep
a mass spectrometer.
distribution of theSuch complex
chemical surface
ions, which were analyzed in a mass spectrometer. Such complex surface etching made it
etching made it possible to represent the deep distribution of the chemical elements.
possible to represent the deep distribution of the chemical elements.

(a) (a) (b)

(b) (c) (c)
Figure 2. Mass spectra of secondary Cr+2O3 + (a), TiO + 2 +(b), and+ AlO (c) + ions from the
Figure2. 2.Mass
Mass spectra
spectra ofofsecondary
secondaryCr2 OCr
3 2O
(a), (a),2 + TiO
3 TiO (b),
(b),2+and AlOand (c) AlO (c)
ions+ from ionsTiAlCr-
the from the
TiAlCrSiYN/TiAlCrN coating after annealing in an open furnace for 45 min ◦ at 700 °C, obtained at
TiAlCrSiYN/TiAlCrN coating after annealing in an open furnace for 45 min at 700
SiYN/TiAlCrN coating after annealing in an open furnace for 45 min at 700 C, obtained at different °C, obtained at
different depths from the surface during ion etching.
depthsdepths from
from the the during
surface surfaceion
during ion etching.
These data
These dataprovide
basisforfora amodel
distributionofof phases
phases across
across thethe depth
depth of
of These
the datafilm,
oxide provide a basis
presented in for a model
Figure 3. Si of the
and Y distribution
were not found of phases
within theacross the depth
the oxide film, presented in Figure 3. Si and Y were not found within the equilibrium oxide
of the
After aAfter
45 min a 45 in process,
min annealing
3. Si and
the oxide theYoxide
were nothad
found within of
a thickness
a thickness
of about 140
nm. The
oxide films.
1.5 After
the 1.5 a 45
the firstmin annealing
was process,
was oxidized.
oxidized. the
ComputerComputer oxide film
processingprocessing had
of the dataof a thickness of about
the datainobtained
obtained in 140
each layer
each 1.5 ofduring
surfacetheionfirst bilayer
etching ion
madewas it oxidized.
etching madetoitComputer
possible possible toprocessing
reconstruct 3D pictureof
areconstruct the
aof3D data
thepicture obtained
of the in
of layer of
the volume the volume phases.
surface ion etching made it possible to reconstruct a 3D picture of the
distribution of the volume phases.
Coatings 2023, 13, 287 5 of 9

The 3D distribution of the titanium, chromium, and aluminum oxides in Figure 4

shows that during annealing, multilayer protective films were formed on the surface of the
material. Cr2 O3 was formed first, followed by TiO2 , and, finally, Al2 O3 . Further studies on
the redistribution of Si and Y were carried out on an equilibrium oxide film. The surface
oxide was completely removed from the sample by ion etching to avoid the implantation
of oxygen into the sample. Figure 5 shows the depth distributions of Si and Y in the
initial state and after annealing for 45 min. The zero point on the depth axis in Figure 5
Coatings 2023, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW corresponds to a true distance of 140 nm from the sample surface. 5 of 9
Figure 5 shows the change in the depth distribution of silicon and yttrium before
and after annealing in the atmosphere at a temperature of 700 ◦ C. It can be seen that
after prolonged annealing, the thickness of the layers enriched with silicon and yttrium
increased. In addition, silicon—being more mobile and having a smaller atomic radius
than yttrium—had a longer diffusion path. The difference in the half-width of the depth
distribution peaks (FWHM) is presented in Figure 5. The features of the elemental depth
distribution were directly related to interlayer diffusion under surface oxidation. The
change in this characteristic was evaluated in all depth profiles after heating to 700 ◦ C for
15, 30, and 45 min in air; this made it possible to calculate the diffusion rate in a multilayer
Coatings 2023, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW
coating. Table 1 presents the results, which enabled the diffusion characterization 5 ofof
9 Si and

Y in a multilayer coating.

(a) (b)
Figure 3. Depth profile of phase distribution in the oxide film on the TiAlCrSiYN/TiAlCrN coating
after 45 min of annealing at a temperature of 700 °C (a). SEM image of the oxide surface (b).

The 3D distribution of the titanium, chromium, and aluminum oxides in Figure 4

shows that during annealing, multilayer protective films were formed on the surface of
the material. Cr2O3 was formed first, followed by TiO2, and, finally, Al2O3. Further studies
on the redistribution of Si and Y were carried out on an equilibrium oxide film. The sur-
face oxide was completely removed from the sample by ion etching to avoid the im-
(a) (b)
plantation of oxygen into the sample. Figure 5 shows the depth distributions of Si and Y
in Figure 3. Depth
the initial profile
state andof phaseannealing
in the oxide film onzero
the TiAlCrSiYN/TiAlCrN coating
Figure 3. Depth profile ofafter
phase distribution in45the
oxideThefilm point
on the on the depth
TiAlCrSiYN/TiAlCrN axis coating
after 45 min of annealing at a temperature of
Figure 5 corresponds to a true distance of 140 nm 700 °C (a). SEM image of the oxide surface (b).
◦ from the sample surface.
after 45 min of annealing at a temperature of 700 C (a). SEM image of the oxide surface (b).
The 3D distribution of the titanium, chromium, and aluminum oxides in Figure 4
shows that during annealing, multilayer protective films were formed on the surface of
the material. Cr2O3 was formed first, followed by TiO2, and, finally, Al2O3. Further studies
on the redistribution of Si and Y were carried out on an equilibrium oxide film. The sur-
face oxide was completely removed from the sample by ion etching to avoid the im-
plantation of oxygen into the sample. Figure 5 shows the depth distributions of Si and Y
in the initial state and after annealing for 45 min. The zero point on the depth axis in
Figure 5 corresponds to a true distance of 140 nm from the sample surface.

Figure 4.4.AAreconstructed
reconstructed3D3Dmodel of the
model TiAlCrSiYN/TiAlCrN
of the TiAlCrSiYN/TiAlCrN coating for surface
coating oxides after
for surface 45 after
min of annealing at 700 °C. (length
◦ of the X and Y axes is 50 µm, length of the Z axis is 670 nm).
45 min of annealing at 700 C. (length of the X and Y axes is 50 µm, length of the Z axis is 670 nm).
Coatings 2023, 13, 287 6 of 9

Table 1. The change in the depth penetration, ∆X, of silicon and yttrium in the layers at the initial
stage and after annealing at a temperature of 700 ◦ C for Ti0.2 Al0.55 Cr0.2 Si0.03 Y0.02 N/Ti0.25 Al0.65 Cr0.1. .

Y Si
Time N Peak
X, nm ∆X, nm X, nm ∆X, nm
1 35 0 35 0
0 min, RT 2 29 0 28 0
3 35 0 36 0
1 43 8 44 9
15 min 2 37 8 36 8
3 42 7 44 8
1 48 13 51 16
30 min 2 40 11 42 14
3 44 9 49 13
1 51 16 60 25
Coatings 2023, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 45 min 2 44 15 57 29 6 of 9

(a) (b)
Figure 5.5. Depth
Figure Depth distribution
distribution ofof silicon
silicon (a)
(a) and
and (b)
(b) yttrium
yttrium onon the surface of
the surface of aa
Ti0.2Al0.55Cr0.2Si0.03Y0.02N/Ti0.25Al0.65Cr0.1N coating before and after annealing at 700 °C for ◦ 45 min.
Ti0.2 Al0.55 Cr0.2 Si0.03 Y0.02 N/Ti0.25 Al0.65 Cr0.1 N coating before and after annealing at 700 C for 45 min.

Figure 5 shows
Formula theused
(1) was change in the depth
to calculate distribution
the diffusion of silicon
rate and path forandtheyttrium
studied before
and after annealing
layer samples [18]: in the atmosphere at a temperature of 700 °C. It can be seen that after
prolonged annealing, the thicknessC0of the hlayers − x enriched h + xwith silicon and yttrium in-
C ( x, t )
creased. In addition, silicon—being more= er f √
mobile + er f √ (1)
2 2 Dt and having2 Dta smaller atomic radius than
yttrium—had a longer diffusion path. The difference in the half-width of the depth dis-
where C0 is the initial concentration of elements in the layer, t is the diffusion annealing
tribution peaks (FWHM) is presented in Figure 5. The features of the elemental depth
time, h is the thickness of the initial layer, and ∆x is the diffusion path during annealing.
distribution were directly related to interlayer diffusion under surface oxidation. The
This expression was used to determine the main characteristics of the interlayer
change in this characteristic was evaluated in all depth profiles after heating to 700 °C for
diffusion of silicon and yttrium.
15, 30, and 45 min in air; this made it possible to calculate the diffusion rate in a multi-
Table 2 shows that the diffusion rate in a multilayer coating depends on the number
layer coating. Table 1 presents the results, which enabled the diffusion characterization of
of bilayers. The fewer there are, the higher is the diffusion rate—which may be related
Si and Y in a multilayer coating.
to the mechanism of the process itself. The coatings have a nanometer thickness, which
predetermines the excess surface energy of the nanomaterial. Therefore, according to
Table 1. The change in the depth penetration, ΔX, of silicon and yttrium in the layers at the initial
thermodynamic principles, it is difficult to contain a large number of vacancies and other
stage and after annealing at a temperature of 700 °C for Ti0.2Al0.55Cr0.2Si0.03Y0.02N/Ti0.25Al0.65Cr0.1.

Y Si
Time N Peak
X, nm ΔX, nm X, nm ΔX, nm
1 35 0 35 0
Coatings 2023, 13, 287 7 of 9

defects within the volume of the nanomaterial. Such nanolaminate coatings differ from
other, thicker ones obtained by magnetron sputtering on a micrometer scale [19].

Table 2. The relationship between silicon and yttrium diffusion rates in the layers and its effect on
annealing time at a temperature of 700 ◦ C in a multilayer [20]: coating.

Y Si
Time N Peak
D, m2 /s D Average, m2 /s D, m2 /s D Average, m2 /s
1 8.4 × 10−20 1.3 × 10−19
15 2 1.0 × 10−19 8.9 × 10−20 1.0 × 10−19 1.1 × 10−19
3 7.9 × 10−20 1.0 × 10−19
1 1.4 × 10−19 2.1 × 10−19
30 2 9.8 × 10−20 1.0 × 10−19 1.6 × 10−19 1.7 × 10−19
3 6.5 × 10−20 1.4 × 10−19
1 1.4 × 10−19 3.4 × 10−19
45 1.3 × 10−19 3.9 × 10−19
2 1.2 × 10−19 4.5 × 10−19

The scheme of Figure 6 helps us to understand in which directions silicon and

yttrium are diffused. Oxidation begins from the surface nanolayer of a TiAlCrN nitride
and forms a loose film of Cr2 O3 , TiO2 , and Al2 O3 oxides. This passivating film has a
thickness of around 140 nm; its role is to inhibit the further-depth penetration of oxygen
into the multilayer nitride coating. Oxygen blocks the boundaries of columnar crystals
in the lower bilayer and affects diffusion. Following deposition, the coating structure is
columnar. Due to this, silicon and yttrium diffusion can proceed both over the grain volume
and along the grain boundaries [14]. Grain boundary diffusion should accelerate mass
transfer; however, the diffusion rate is lower in the bilayer underneath the oxide, increasing
at greater depths. From this, it can be concluded that the boundaries of columnar crystals in
the first bilayers are deactivated by oxygen penetrating into the depths of the coating layer.
In the lower layers of the coating, the diffusion of Si and Y depends on the crystal structure
of both nitrides. The difference between the diffusion rates of Si and Y in these volumes
indicates that diffusion does not depend on the improper orientation of the grains [19], but
is determined only by the size of the atoms of these elements.
Coatings 2023,13,
Coatings2023, 13,287
of 99

Figure Schemeof
700◦°C in
C in
the TiAlCrSiYN/TiAlCrN multilayer coating. On the right is a diagram of the depth distribution
the TiAlCrSiYN/TiAlCrN multilayer coating. On the right is a diagram of the depth distribution of of
the diffusing elements (Si, Y). The black line indicates the depth profile before heating; the red line
the diffusing elements (Si, Y). The black line indicates the depth profile before heating; the red line
represents the depth profile (Si, Y) after annealing; ΔX is the diffusion path of atoms (Si, Y).
represents the depth profile (Si, Y) after annealing; ∆X is the diffusion path of atoms (Si, Y).

1.1. The
The coefficients
coefficients and and rates
rates ofof diffusion
diffusion of of thethechemical
chemical elements
elements of ofmultilayer
films were calculated
films calculated on on the
basisofoftheir theirdepth
distribution profiles. Secondary
profiles. Secondary ion
mass spectroscopy was used to obtain
ion mass spectroscopy was used to obtain depth profiles with a depth profiles with a high sensitivity and
sensitivity and
depth resolution.
depth resolution.
2.2. The
The effective
coefficientsofofsilicon siliconand andyttrium
yttriumwere weredetermined
determinedinina amulti-
layer nanolaminate
nanolaminate TiAl
Ti0.2 0.2Al
0.55 Cr
0.55 Cr Si0.03
0.20.2Si 0.02N/Ti
0.03Y0.02 N/Ti0.25AlAl
0.25 CrCr
0.650.65 0.1N0.1coating
N coatingafter annealing
after anneal-
at aat
ing temperature
a temperature of 700 °C in
of 700 ◦ air.
3.3. It
It had
establishedthat thatthethe diffusion
diffusion raterate
of Siofwas
Si was severalseveral times-higher
times-higher than
than that
of Y, of Y, which
which can be can be associated
associated with with a significant
a significant (about (about two times)
two times) difference
difference in thein
sizes of the
the sizes of atoms
the atoms between
betweenthesethese elements.
4.4. It
It had
foundthat thatthethediffusion
diffusion rateratein near-surface
in near-surface volumes
volumes waswas
lower thanthan
lower in the
the deeplayers of a multilayer
layers of a multilayer coating—most
coating—most likelylikely
due to due thetoformation of passivating
the formation of passiv-
oxide films on
ating oxide theon
films surface.
the surface.
5.5. An
An anomaly of of the
the preferential
preferentialdiffusion diffusionofofSiSiininat-surface
at-surface volumes
volumes hashas been
been es-
tablished; this may be due to the lower stability of metal-nitride
lished; this may be due to the lower stability of metal-nitride atomic bonds and the atomic bonds and
the greater
greater affinity
affinity of ofSi Si
forfor oxygencompared
oxygen comparedtotoY. Y. These
These assumptions
assumptions require
require their
experimental or or theoretical
theoretical verification
verificationin inthethefuture.

Author Contributions:A.I.K.—conceptualization,
A.I.K.—conceptualization, validation
validation andand methodology,
methodology, V.O.V.—formal
V.O.V.—formal anal-
analysis, investigation, E.P.K.—investigation, writing—original draft preparation,
ysis, investigation, E.P.K.—investigation, writing—original draft preparation, G.S.F.-R.—supervision,
writing—review writing—review
and editing, D.L.W.—data andcuration,
editing, D.L.W.—data
writing—review curation, writing—review
and editing, and
editing, S.A.D.—data
curation, curation,
writing—original writing—original
draft preparation, draft preparation,investigation.
A.D.M.—visualization, A.D.M.—visualization,
All authorsinves-
read All authors
and agreed to thehave read and
published agreed
version of to
thethe published version of the manuscript.
Funding: The investigation
investigation was was supported
supported by the by the Science
Russian RussianFoundation,
Science Foundation, Grant No.
Grant No. 21-79-10044.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Raw experimental data will be available on reasonable request.
Data Availability Statement: Raw experimental data will be available on reasonable request.
Coatings 2023, 13, 287 9 of 9

Acknowledgments: A critical proofreading of the manuscript by Michael Dosbaev is acknowledged.

Conflicts of Interest: The funders had no role in the design of the study; in the collection, analyses,
or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript; or in the decision to publish the results.

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