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Emerging Applications of Intermetallics

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Intermetallics 8 (2000) 1313±1320

Emerging applications of intermetallics

N.S. Stolo€ a,*, C.T. Liu b, S.C. Deevi c
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 110 8th Street, Troy, NY 12180-3590, USA
Metals and Ceramics Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN 37380, USA
Research Center, Philip Morris Inc, Richmond, VA 23234, USA

Received 1 March 2000; accepted 31 May 2000

Many intermetallic compounds display an attractive combination of physical and mechanical properties, including high melting
point, low density and good oxidation or corrosion resistance. This has led to their utilization in many non-structural applications,
but success in structural applications has, to date, been limited. This paper reviews the current status of intermetallic applications,
with emphasis on new uses that are in place or pending. Most of the paper deals with aluminides and silicides, but there are several
more complex intermetallics that are being employed in battery and magnetic applications. Research on improved processing and
studies of the role of environment in mechanical behavior are shown to be key to developing practical alloys. # 2000 Elsevier
Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: A. iron aluminides (based on Fe3Al); A. Magnetic intermetallics; A. Nickel aluminides, based on Ni3Al; A. Molybdenum silicides;
B. Superplastic behavior

1. Introduction utilize in structural applications. In recent years it has

been found that brittleness in several aluminides and
Intensive studies of the mechanical and physical silicides arises from an extrinsic environmental e€ect
properties of intermetallic compounds have led to many which can be overcome by alloying, microstructural
suggestions for potential structural and non-structural control or coating. Examples of such compounds that
applications. These include high temperature gas tur- are adversely a€ected by moist environments are FeAl,
bine hardware, corrosion resistant materials, heat treat- Fe3Al, Ni3Al and Ni3Si. Intermetallics, which are of
ment ®xtures, magnetic materials and hydrogen storage interest for elevated temperature applications, such as
materials. It is the objective of this paper to describe in the titanium aluminides, MoSi2 and several Laves pha-
detail these and other applications, and to point out ses, often display inadequate creep resistance. In some
research that needs to be done to insure improved cases such resistance has been improved by alloying or
mechanical and/or physical properties. compositing. Other key issues for many intermetallics
are the ability to process them in a cost-e€ective manner
and the provision of adequate corrosion or oxidation
2. Characteristics of intermetallics resistance. Finally, for most compounds an insucient
database exists for designers to have con®dence in
For at least the past four decades research on inter- replacing existing materials with intermetallics.
metallic compounds has largely focussed upon mechan- Other compounds have been studied for their inter-
ical properties, especially involving low temperature esting physical properties, such as superconductivity,
ductility and high temperature strength. Unfortunately, hydrogen storage capability or magnetic properties.
many intermetallics are brittle or semi-brittle at room Examples of intermetallics in each of these categories,
temperature, rendering them dicult to fabricate or together with their prospects for industrial application,
will be discussed in subsequent sections of this paper.
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-518-276-6436; fax: +1-518-276-
An overall summary of applications for intermetallics
8554. appears in Table 1.
E-mail address: (N.S. Stolo€).

0966-9795/00/$ - see front matter # 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S0966-9795(00)00077-7
1314 N.S. Stolo€ et al. / Intermetallics 8 (2000) 1313±1320

3. Intermetallics for structural, heat-resistant and cor- applications. This is because oxidation and carburiza-
rosion-resistant applications tion resistance is high, as are resistance to wear and
cavitation-erosion. A summary of current and potential
The most widely studied intermetallics in this class applications appears in Table 3. These applications
include aluminides of titanium, nickel, iron and niobium, range from furnace rolls and radiant burner tubes for
silicides of nickel, molybdenum and niobium and Laves steel production to heat treating ®xtures, forging dies
phases such as Cr2Nb. The physical properties of these and corrosion-resistant ®xtures for chemical industries.
compounds are summarized in Table 2. Many of these A photograph of various sizes of heavy wall, cen-
compounds have excellent corrosion and oxidation trifugally cast tubes of Ni3Al alloy IC±221M (Ni±
properties because of the high content of elements that 8wt.%Al±7.7 Cr-1.43Mo±1.7Zr±0.008B) appears in Fig.
form protective oxides. Therefore, applications for these 1 [1]. Other applications for this alloy include radiant
compounds sometimes extend far beyond their strength burner tubes, center posts for pit-carburizing furnaces
and ductility. and guide rolls for continuous casters. A stronger, more
creep resistant Ni3Al alloy, IC-438, (Ni±8.1wt.%Al±
3.1. Ni3Al 5.23Cr±7.02Mo±0.13Zr±0.005B) has been identi®ed;
this alloy allows potential users to extend the maximum
This compound has been the object of much research use temperature of 1100 C for IC-221M to 1250±
to understand the factors controlling low temperature
ductility. It is now known that the brittleness of unal-
Table 3
loyed Ni3Al stems from an environmental e€ect, and Applications of Ni3Al
boron serves to suppress the embrittlement. Numerous
alloys based upon Ni3Al have been developed with the Steel
As furnace rolls
aim of improving high temperature creep resistance.
Casting rolls
Although the mechanical properties are attractive, most Radiant burner tubes
current usage is mainly in corrosion-related structural
Heat treating
Fixtures for carburizing, furnaces, and air
Table 1 Link belts for heating treating furnaces
Applications of intermetallics Furnace mu‚es
Radiant burner tubes
automotive Chemical
aerospace Reaction vessels for higher temperatures
Magnetic Tube hangers
Energy storage Pallet tips for phosphate ore calcination
batteries Pump impellers for slurries
hydrogen storage Forging
Heating elements Forging dies
Tools and dies Die repair as weld overlay
Furnace hardware
Corrosion-resistant Chemical
piping for chemical industries For ethylene crackers
cladding Air de¯ectors for burning of high sulfur fuel
Electronic devices

Table 2
Properties of high temperature intermetallics

Compound Structure Tm  E25 C Comment

K g/cc GPa

Cr3Si A15 2043 6.5 357 Solubility range

MoSi2 C11 2303 6.24 425 Line compound
Cr2Nb C15 2043 7.7 218 C14 above 1858 K;
line compound
Nb3Al A15 2233 7.29 ± Line compound
TiAl L10 1723 3.9 173 Solubility range
Ti3Al DO19 1873 4.2 147 Solubility range
Nb5Si3 D8 2793 7.16 ± Line compound
Nb3Si L12 2153 7.4 ± Limited range of stability Fig. 1. Photograph of various sizes of heavy-wall centrifugally cast
tubes of IC-221 M [1].
N.S. Stolo€ et al. / Intermetallics 8 (2000) 1313±1320 1315

1300 C for IC-438. Creep rupture strengths of the two of alloying elements such as Cr for Fe3Al and B for
alloys, based upon the Larson±Miller parameter, are FeAl, and the application of oxide or copper coatings
compared in Fig. 2 [1,2]. [4]. These developments, combined with improved creep
and impact resistance provided by alloying, have
3.2. NiAl improved the likelihood that monolithic iron aluminides
may be utilized for structural applications. Alter-
Much e€ort has been invested in attempts to utilize natively, the excellent corrosion and oxidation resis-
NiAl alloys for gas turbine hardware. Unfortunately, tance of iron aluminides suggests their possible
while NiAl single crystals were developed with creep usefulness as coatings. For example, steels have been
strengths comparable to those of Ni-base superalloy successfully coated by (Fe,Cr)3Al by a two-step pack
single crystals, other mechanical properties of NiAl cementation process, as shown in Fig. 3 [5].
were found to be inadequate. Ductility and fracture Another development that favors the near-term utili-
surfaces remain low. In addition, Walston and Darolia zation of iron aluminides is the development of the Exo-
[3] showed in 1997 that impact resistance of high MeltTM process, see Fig. 4 [6]. This low cost, easily
strength single crystals is inadequate for turbine blades, controllable process is useful also for nickel aluminides,
but might be sucient for stationary parts such as vanes as it exploits the exothermic heat of reaction between
and combustor liners. A directionally solidi®ed NiAl aluminum and other elements to reduce the need for
alloy was more resistant to impact. Physical vapor external power during melting.
deposited thermal barrier coatings did not improve
impact resistance. It appears unlikely that these short-
comings can be overcome in the near future.

3.3. FeAl and Fe3Al

The iron aluminides, FeAl and Fe3Al, are notable for

their low cost, ease of fabrication and corrosion and
oxidation resistance. In addition, FeAl is characterized
by good resistance to catalytic coking, carburization,
sul®dation and wear. As a result, FeAl has seen appli-
cation as transfer rolls for hot rolled steel strip, ethylene
crackers and air de¯ector for burning high sulfur coal. Fig. 3. Schematic of two-step pack cementation coating process.
Structural applications for these compounds have been Longer arrows correspond to higher vapour pressures. The darkend
area represents a zone of carbon enrichment in austenite. Micro-
limited by low ambient ductility, due largely to embrit-
structure of T11 steel coated in a pack with 2AI-18Cr, 2CrCI2 at
tlement by moisture in air. However, several methods to 925 C for 4 h then at 1150 C for 3 h [5].
combat environmental embrittlement have been devel-
oped. These include control of grain size and shape, use

Fig. 2. Comparison of creep-rupture strength of IC-438 with the data Fig. 4. Furnace-loading scheme of the EXO-MeltTM process for
for IC-221M [1]. melting of iron and nickel aluminides [6].
1316 N.S. Stolo€ et al. / Intermetallics 8 (2000) 1313±1320

Yet another promising processing technique for iron appears in Table 5. The most important use to date is as
aluminides is the use of superplastic forming. Li et al. [7] heating elements (Kanthal). Recent work by Akinc et al.
and Lin et al. [8] have demonstrated superplasticity for [14] has shown that improvements in electrical resisivity
FeAl and Fe3Al alloys, respectively. However, no of MoSi2 can be achieved by alloying with B-containing
applications utilizing this technique have been reported. phases, see Fig. 6. An important advantage of this
compound is the ability to utilize a wide range of pro-
3.4. TiAl cessing techniques to synthesize. One of the most pro-
mising of these techniques is powder processing to
One of the most promising intermetallics for turbine produce an alloy or a functionally gradient material
applications is TiAl. This compound has a higher melting (FGM) between MoSi2 and ceramics such as Si3N4 [15].
point, better oxidation resistance and resistance to ®res, The latter is particularly bene®cial as a solute in MoSi2
as well as lower density than conventional titanium because increased strength is accompanied by resistance
alloys, but has su€ered from low room temperature to catastrophic oxidation (pesting). A schematic draw-
ductility and fracture toughness. Nevertheless, numerous ing of a diesel energy combustion chamber, see Fig. 7
potential aircraft applications have been identi®ed, see [16] illustrates the use of MoSi2±Si3N4 glow plugs pro-
Table 4 [9]. However, the aircraft industry is extremely duced from a FGM process. Another recent application
demanding in qualifying new alloys, and the diculty in for FGM MoSi2 is in a hybrid direct energy conversion
fabricating these compounds, coupled with the lack of an system under development in Japan, as shown in Fig. 8
adequate data base of mechanical properties, have been [17] This device aims to convert solar energy into elec-
serious impediments to implementation. An advantage tricity by combining thermionic and thermoelectric con-
of TiAl is that this compound has a higher melting point version stages in a single device. The objective is increased
than competing alloys that combine the requisite ducti- energy conversion eciency. Other MoSi2-ceramic alloys
lity and creep resistance for turbine applications. One
such alloy, developed by M.Nazmy and co-workers, is
Ti±47at.%Al±2.1W±0.5Si. [10,11]. This alloy has
improved oxidation and creep resistance, such that it is
being proposed as a marine turbine alloy for a high speed
ferry. In this application, the maximum turbine inlet
temperature is 610 C. It has been successfully run in tests
to 1856 h, when it underwent its ®rst inspection (Sep-
tember, 1999). Additional uses of TiAl alloys may arise
from the ability to superplastically deform this com-
pound at relatively low temperatures [12] or to spray
form deposits on a substrate, see Fig. 5 [13]. These pro-
cessing techniques, as well as the ability to cast large
shapes, avoid the problems arising from lack of form-
ability by conventional working processes.

3.5. MoSi2

This line compound is particularly noteworthy for its

combination of very high melting point, low density and
outstanding oxidation resistance. Unfortunately, the
Fig. 5. Schematic drawing of EIGA setup for spray forming [13].
very low ductility and fracture toughness of the pure
compound has limited usage to mostly non-structural
Table 5
applications. A list of current and proposed applications
Applications for MoSi2

Table 4 Turbine hardware

Aircraft engine applications for TiAl [9] vanes
combustor liners
Low pressure turbine blades: CF6-80C2, GE 90 Flame holders
Carbon seal supports: F414 Diesel engine glow plugs
Transition duct beams: GE 90 Igniters
Blade dampers, high pressure turbine Electronic devices
Compressor blades: Allison 14th stage Heating elements
High speed civil transport components Glass melting
Di€user casting: advanced engines Energy conversion devices
N.S. Stolo€ et al. / Intermetallics 8 (2000) 1313±1320 1317

Fig. 6. Temperature dependence of electrical resistivity for boron-

doped Mo5Si3 with commercial Kanthal1 Super MoSi2 heating ele-
ment material for comparison (T1 : Mo5Si3 , T2 : Mo5SiB2) [14]. Fig. 8. The concept and the design of HYDECS (based on [17]).

3.6. Nb3Si

Niobium silicides are among the most recent inter-

metallic alloys to be studied for possible high tempera-
ture structural applications. Bewlay and co-workers [24]
have reported outstanding mechanical properties for
such alloys, some of which are produced as directionally
solidi®ed eutectic composites. A comparison of tem-
perature capability for less than 25% mm of metal loss
in 100 hours for initial and more recent niobium silicide-
based composites is shown in Fig. 9, together with the
estimated goal [24]. Note that the present silicide com-
posites are close to advanced nickel-base superalloy
single crystals in their temperature capability.

3.7. Ni3Si

This L12 intermetallic resembles Ni3Al in that it is

ductile when tested in inert environments, but is
embrittled by contact with moisture. Both alloys are
ductilized in air by the addition of small amounts of
boron. Researchers at ORNL have demonstrated excel-
Fig. 7. Combustion chamber (Swirl chamber) for diesel engine [16].
lent mechanical properties of Ni3Si alloys [25,26] at ele-
vated temperatures. Such alloys have the potential for
fabrication of complex components for use in chemical
have been patented for use as heating elements, igniters process systems. Two phase Ni3Si±Ni alloys with excel-
and heat sensors [18,19]. lent fabricability and weldability are currently being
Because of high corrosion resistance, MoSi2 tubes developed for structural use in acid and oxidizing
have been tested in closed-circuit monitoring systems environments [27].
for glass melters [20].
Recently, research on molybdenum silicides for high
temperature applications has shifted from MoSi2-base 4. Intermetallics for electronic, magnetic, battery
to Mo5Si3-base compositions. [21]. This is because the applications
latter contain more Mo and demonstrate better creep
resistance. Oxidation resistance of Mo5Si3 is not as 4.1. Electronics and sensors
good, but can be improved substantially by the addition
of boron [22]. Considerable e€ort is now being devoted The widespread use of silicides in the electronics indus-
to study of the Mo±Si±B system [23]. try has been reviewed by Kumar [28]. These compounds
1318 N.S. Stolo€ et al. / Intermetallics 8 (2000) 1313±1320

are used as superconductors, ohmic contacts for inte- Nd2Fe14B, which has the highest energy product of
grated circuits, for growth of epitaxial ®lms and as commercial permanent magnets [31]. Improvements in
infrared detectors and sensors. Other intermetallics are the fracture stress and toughness of these magnets
now being studied for electronic applications. For would allow greater machinability, easier handling and
example, NiAl and Ni3Al substrates are being used to use as a structural element. However, very little work
form an insulating alumina layer by oxidation in air at has been done in recent years on the mechanical prop-
temperatures between about 900 and 1200 C, prior to erties of hard magnets. Improved mechanical properties
applying conductive elements to the alumina layer [29]. are needed to fabricate electric vehicle wheel motors.
These circuit components have improved mechanical The use of improved permanent magnets in heat pump
properties and higher thermal conductivity compared to compressors and fan motors could provide substantial
alumina substrates sold in Japan and the United States. energy savings. Researchers at Oak Ridge National
The shape-memory alloys typi®ed by TiNi have been Laboratory have initiated an investigation of mechan-
examined extensively for possible use in small devices such ical properties of Nd2Fe14B [32].
as microvalves. These devices have the potential to be
used in microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) [30]. 4.3. Batteries

4.2. Magnets There is a large family of hydride-forming intermetallic

compounds that lend themselves to use in Ni-metal
Several intermetallic compounds, including FeCo and
rare earth compounds, have been used as permanent
magnets. One of the most interesting compounds is

Fig. 9. A comparison of the temperature capability for less than 25mm

of metal loss in 100 h for initial and more recent niobium silicide-based
RMICs, together with the estimated goal. The temperature capability
of an advanced single-crystal nickel based super-alloy is also presented Fig. 10. A reversible battery with LaNi5 metal hydride and NiOOH
in the ®gure for comparison [24]. electrode and KOH electrolite [33].

Table 6
Families of hydride-forming intermetallic compounds for Ni-metal hydride batteries from [33]

Family Prototype material Crystal structure type Hydride/deuteride

AB5 LaNi5 CaCu5, D2d (hP6) LaNi5H6.5

AB2 ZrMn2, TiMn2 MgZn2, C14 (hP12) Laves phases ZrMn2D3, TiMn2D3
ZrCr2, ZrV2 MgCu2, C15 (cF24) Laves phases ZrCr2H3.8, ZrV2H4.9
AB TiFe CsCl, B2 (cP2) TiFeH, TiFeH1.9
A2B Mg2Ni Mg2Ni (hP18) Mg2NiH4
Ti2Ni Ti2Ni (cF96) Ti2NiH
A2B±AB Ti2Ni±TiNi Multiphase alloy (cF96 and mP4) Ti2NiH, TiNiH
N.S. Stolo€ et al. / Intermetallics 8 (2000) 1313±1320 1319

hydride batteries, see Table 6 [33]. A schematic of a intermetallics with abundant, low-cost elements such as
reversible battery with LaNi5 metal hydride and aluminum and silicon.
NiOOH electrodes in a KOH electrolyte is shown in
Fig. 10 [34]. NiMH batteries comprise more than 30%
of a $6 billion market for rechargeable batteries used in Acknowledgements
many portable electronic devices such as cell phones
and laptop computers [34±36]. Advantages of NiMH This research was sponsored by the Division of
batteries include higher storage capacity than Pb-acid Materials Science and Engineering, U.S. Department of
and Ni-Cd batteries, less toxicity than lead and cad- Energy under contract DE-AC05-00OR22725 with UT-
mium and lower cost than Li-ion batteries. However, Battelle, LLC.
NiMH batteries have lower energy density than Li-ion
and high initial costs than Pb-acid and Ni-Cd batteries.
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