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2122 2 MOR ECEW101 06 Final Paper ABARQUEZ

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A Research Project in


Presented to the Faculty of College of Engineering and Architecture

Cebu Institute of Technology – University, Cebu City, Philippines

In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirements for the Degree










March 2022

The achievement of this paper would not have been possible without the direction

and support of various professionals from CIT University's Electronics Engineering

Department and Industrial Engineering Department to the researchers. As a result, we'd

like to thank the following people for helping us conduct this research:

To Engr. Lotis Patunob PECE, our research adviser, for giving her time in guiding

us in our study and giving relevant feedback and criticism.

To our Families and Friends, for the continuous encouragement, motivation,

mental and emotional support throughout the making and the completion of this study.

To our seniors, for sparing their time in their busy schedule to help in providing

answers for the obstacles that the researchers had to encounter.

Finally, to the Almighty Father, for bestowing upon us the determination and

perseverance to carry on with our studies and this research, for protecting us every day

from any and every danger in life.


TABLE OF CONTENTS ……………………………………………………………………………… 3

LIST OF FIGURES …………………………………………………………………………………… 5

LIST OF EXHIBITS …………………………………………………………………………………... 5

LIST OF TABLES ……………………………………………………………………………………. 5

CHAPTER 1 …………………………………………………………………………………………... 6

1.1 Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………... 6

1.1.1 Rationale of the Study ………………………………………………………………… 6
1.1.2 Conceptual Framework ……………………………………………………………….. 8
1.1.3 Flow of Research Process ……………………………………………………………. 9
1.2 The Problem …………………………………………………………………………………... 10
1.2.1 The Statement of the Problem ………………………………………………………... 10
1.2.2 Statement of Assumptions ……………………………………………………………. 10
1.2.3 Significance of the Study ……………………………………………………………… 11
1.3 Methodology ………………………………………………………………………………….. 12
1.3.1 Research Environment ……………………………………………………………….. 12
1.3.2 Research Respondents ………………………………………………………………. 12
1.3.3 Research Instruments ………………………………………………………………... 12
1.3.4 Research Procedures ………………………………………………………………… 14
1.4 Definition of Terms ………………………………………………………………………..... 15
CHAPTER 2 …………………………………………………………………………………………... 17
2.1 Target User Profile ……………………………………………………………………….... 17
2.1.1 Geographic Profile …………………………………………………………………….. 17
2.1.2 Demographic Profile …………………………………………………………………... 18
2.2 Target User Needs ………………………………………………………………………..... 20
2.2.1 Value Proposition Canvas ................................................................................... 20
2.2.2 Problem Analysis ……………………………………………………………………... 21
2.2.3 Preferences on Product Design …………………………………………………...... 22
2.3 Product Concept ………………………………………………………………………….. 22
2.3.1 Name and Uses of Product …………………………………………………………. 22
2.3.2 Pictorial Sketch ……………………………………………………………………..... 24
2.3.3 Exploded Drawing ……………………………………………………………………. 24
2.3.4 Orthographic Drawing ………………………………………………………………. 26
2.3.5 Features and Benefits ……………………………………………………………… 26
2.3.6 Characteristics of the Product …………………………………………………….. 27
2.3.7 Design and Specifications ………………………………………………………… 28
CHAPTER 3 ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 31
3.1 Summary …………………………………………………………………………………. 31
3.2 Findings ………………………………………………………………………………….. 32
3.3 Recommendations ……………………………………………………………………… 33
BIBLIOGRAPHY …………………………………………………………………………………… 34
APPENDICES ……………………………………………………………………………………… 35
Research Concept Paper …………………………………………………………………… 35
Understanding the Target Users ………………………………………………………….. 45
Exploring Opportunities & Challenges …………………………………………………… 48
Generating Ideas ……………………………………………………………………………… 52
Developing and Testing ……………………………………………………………………... 54
Patent Search Report ………………………………………………………………………… 56
CURRICULUM VITAE …………………………………………………………………………….. 61
Figure 1. Conceptual Framework ……………………………………………………… 8
Figure 2. Research Flow Process …………………………………………………….. 9
Figure 3. Value Proposition Canvas …………………………………………………... 20
Figure 4. Cause and Effect Diagram ………………………………………………….. 21

Exhibit 1. Geographic Map of CIT-U ...................................................................... 17
Exhibit 2. Simulation of Product Concept ............................................................... 24
Exhibit 3. Detailed Parts of the Queueing System .................................................. 25
Exhibit 4. System Orthographic Drawing Projection ............................................... 26

Table 1. Summary of Demographic Profile ............................................................. 18
Table 2. Preferences on Product Design ................................................................ 22
Table 3. Features and Benefits ............................................................................... 26
Table 4. Design and Specifications ......................................................................... 28
Chapter 1: The Problem and Its Scope


1.1.1 Rationale of the Study

In various facilities such as The Cebu Institute of Technology-University accounting

section, long queue lines are evident and there is a need for an operating personnel when

distributing priority numbers. Facilities like these are where people usually line up for goods

and/or services. As 5G technology arises, various individuals are looking forward in making

their devices automatic and capable of wireless communication.

Visible Light Communication (VLC), also known as Optical Wireless Communication

has gained increasing attention in the field of research recently [1]. VLC is a type of data

communication achieved by using LED lights and switching them on and off at a speed

higher than what is perceptible to the human eye [2]. A photodiode is a semiconductor

device which converts light signal to electric signal and has the ability to easily recognize

the rapid on-off switching of the LEDs. In the Philippines, not many researchers focus on

this topic (VLC) which is why the researchers find this study significant as it is a step

towards innovation.

The photodetector at the heart of most CMOS (Complementary Metal-Oxide

Semiconductor) image sensors is a photodiode. Nearly all mobile phones available in the

market nowadays have embedded CMOS cameras allowing users to take photos and

videos [1]. Even the least expensive smartphones nowadays are equipped with high-

resolution CMOS sensor cameras [3]. This motivates the use of mobile phones in VLC

Facilities such as drugstores, schools and banks will largely benefit if this study is

successful. Moreover, the product made from this study will greatly affect customer-worker

relationship in a positive manner as it would entail patience from the customers and

generally would have positive feedback in the work environment. People line up for almost

everything which is why the management benefits if they have a way to reduce wait time

and satisfy customers without adding a significant cost.

In this paper, the researchers proposed integrating this VLC technology in a priority

number queueing system; with the system, which is built mainly using Arduino, as the

transmitter and the user’s mobile phone as the receiver. Using the phone’s camera, which

is embedded with CMOS sensors, it will be able to detect the signal that is transmitted

from the system produced every time an object is detected by the proximity sensor. Once

the proximity sensor stops detecting, the system will also stop transmitting data. Along

with this, data (priority number) will be incremented each time for the next customer’s

priority number. Hence, facilities will be able to track the number of customers per day.

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework

1.1.3 Flow of Research Process

Figure 2. Flow of Research Process

1.2 The Problem

1.2.1 Statement of the Problem 

What happens when the number of customers of a facility or service is greater than

the number of employees? In these situations, a queue is necessary to help the

employees accommodate each customer properly. Though even with the queueing

system enabled there will still be customers that will be dissatisfied because of the

inconvenience. For the customers it is hard to remain patient in this type of environment.

Moreover, the researchers want to find a way to utilize VLC technology in the

system to be produced which consists mainly of Arduino and other electrical components.

This system, as proposed, will be a part of the solution to the initial problem stated above.

1.2.2 Statement of Assumptions 

While conducting this study the following assumptions were made:

● The customers will have an easier method of acquiring a priority number.

● There will be positive feedback in the customer-worker relationship

● This technology cannot be of use to people with outdated phones (Phones w/o

CMOS sensor)

● The implementation of the product of this research would be complex at the start

yet the researchers believe that in the near future, it would be a part of the daily

lives of people as customers.

1.2.3 Significance of the Study 

Customers. People who require the facility's services will benefit from this

adjustment because it makes obtaining a priority number easier. Customers will also be

able to stay in the facility or do something else, such as errands, while waiting for their

turn as a result of the program. People who left for errands while waiting would not

know what number was now being handled unless they stayed in the facility if it was a

regular queue system.

Facility Workers. The employees would find it easier to do their tasks because it

would reduce the total effort by eliminating the requirement to use a staff person to

distribute or manage the priority numbers. Instead of workers directing clients to where

they can obtain their respective numbers, customers can now do so on their own. The

software also allows them to keep track of how many clients are acquiring priority

numbers going through with the service they lined up for.

Environment. The obvious difference between the traditional queuing system and

the product of this study is that it is automatically enabled. This means that the priority

numbers will now be accessible through our mobile phones which most of the people

nowadays acquire. Considering this, our proposed system will now be paperless which

means no excess waste to be produced.

Future Researchers. The topic that is focused in this study, specifically VLC

technology, has much more yet to offer. There are vast applications yet to be explored

within this spectrum. This research provides an adequate amount of data that are

essential for future similar research. Future researchers can also find a way to improve
the device produced in this study; add other features in the app such as allowing it to be

used online and offline.

1.3. Research Methodology

1.3.1 Research Environment

This study primarily focuses on the Philippines, covering facilities and financial

services, specifically in drugstores, schools, and banks, where long queues are evident.

Initially, waiting-line problems arise in various settings, and the Philippines' service

system, which uses a traditional queueing system, is seen as a hassle for both ends, the

worker and the customer.

1.3.2 Research Respondents

The target respondents of this study are banks and financial facilities in

the Philippines where customers take a lot of time in line while doing their banking.

Because of this long waiting line, many customers would be frustrated. Other

respondents of this study are government and public service providers; specifically,

schools, public transits, drugstores, etc. that are affected by long waiting times in some


1.3.3 Research Instruments

The study used interviews, observation, focus group discussion, and document

analysis as its research instrument.

● Observation

The researchers used the observation method to collect data from various

appendices to observe target users and feedback as potential sources of

information for the study. Moreover, this method helps improvise to understand the

setting of interest thoroughly.

● Interview

To study the respondents' experiences and views, the researchers used

interviews, a qualitative research method. Researchers come up with fixed

questions from the appendices accompanied by follow-up questions to generate

deeper detail or explanation from the respondent based on responses. Moreover,

the interview was conducted by online means.

● Focus group discussion

In this method, researchers used the focus group discussion to examine a

selected group of people for the study. The group consists of several people who

have a particular background study in electronic designs and modern technological

innovations. Although respondents' statements vary, certain specific information is

gathered and analyzed. In addition, the researchers obtain information from the

respondents, one of which includes purposes of demographic questions, namely:

(1) age and; (2) level of education. Moreover, the worksheets focused in this study

to understand the target user are the following worksheets: personas, target group,

and people shadowing. To explore the study's opportunities and challenges, the

following worksheets include problem definition, question ladder, and experience

map. For generating ideas, the worksheets include thinking hats and a fast idea

generator. Lastly, for developing and testing, in collecting useful feedback on the

proposed product at different phases, the worksheets include improvement

triggers and a prototype testing plan.

● Document Analysis

Researchers used the document analysis method in relation to patent

searching and other forms of documentary analysis; this is qualitative research in

which documents are reliable, credible, and valid after being reviewed by

professionals. Like other qualitative research methods, document analysis

necessitates repeated review, examination, and interpretation of data to gain

significance and practical knowledge of the product being studied.

1.3.4 Research Procedure

To conduct this study, the research procedure begins with focusing on a topic,

specifically VLC. Next is identifying the problem in relation to the topic, then proceeds to

review identical/existing study, data gathering procedure, and finally data analysis to

design the product.

Identifying the Problem

The researchers conducted an observation approach to acquire data from

numerous appendices as prospective sources of information for the study by observing

target users and feedback.

Review of identical/existing research

The researchers conducted a literature review to summarize and synthesize

current knowledge's arguments and concepts on a certain topic without making any new

contributions. It helps the researchers in improving the topic of investigation because they

are founded on current information.

Data – Gathering procedure

The researchers used a data collection procedure to help identify issues and formulate a

strategy based on the information gathered from the target users.

1.4 Definition of Terms

Camera - embedded with sensors to receive information or data which is sent by LED

Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) - An electronic chip that

converts photons to electrons for digital processing.

Light-emitting diode (LED) - A component that glows when a voltage is applied.

Photodiode - A semiconductor diode that alters its electrical resistance or creates a

potential difference when exposed to light.

Priority Number - The data being transmitted and receive

Queueing - Is a line of people that are waiting for something

Receiver - a hardware module or device used to receive and decode signals then

transforms them into something that the machine or computer understands i.e mobile


Transmitter - An electronic device that sends data (light signals to a destination point);

The transmitter is implemented using an Arduino system

Visible Light Communication (VLC) - A technique of wireless data transmission that

uses visible light signals. VLC is a low-cost, high-speed data transmission technique.

Application - Software to apply the study conducted by the researchers.

Chapter II

Target User Profile & Product Description

2.1 Target User Profile

This segment encompasses the proposed product's potential target user.

Understanding the relationship between a product and its target customers, which

includes examining notable characteristics and identifying where, when and why.

2.1.1 Geographic Profile

Geographic profiling is a technique that attempts to provide information about the

target users' frequented locations and intended to help researchers in encapsulating who

responds positively to the proposed product and provides knowledge in order to obtain a

better portrayal of queueing system analysis in metropolitan areas.

Exhibit 1. Map of Cebu Institute of Technology – University

The Cebu Institute of Technology – University (CIT-U, and colloquially CIT) is a

private non-sectarian academic institution in Cebu City, Philippines. The university offers

basic and higher education with a general and technological foundation. The location is

advantageous to the researchers as it's relevant to the study, since it involves operational

facilities such as an accounting section, where queueing system is present.

2.1.2 Demographic Profile

Researchers used the demographic analytics to determine the target user's

background characteristics, including such age, gender, education level, social status,

and religion. It thus seeks basic information about respondents so that the researcher can

figure out where each person fits into the larger population.

Summary of Demographic Profile

Demographics Description
Age Teenagers to elderly (15 years old and above)
Gender 40% Male, 60% Female
• At least high school
• College level
Level of Education • Undergraduate
• Bachelor degree
• Graduate degree
Social Status 50% Facility worker, 30% customers/student
Religion Applied to all religions

Table 1. Summary of Demographic Profile

The table above shows summary of the demographic profile of the target users.

The target users’ range in age from teenagers to the elderly (from 15 years old and up),

with a gender divide of 40% male and 60% female. The education level is either high

school, college level, undergraduate, bachelor degree, or graduate degree. It also shows

a categorized social status between worker-customer relationships, with approximately

50% facility workers and 30% customers/students. Finally, this research is applicable to

all religions.

The target users of the study are population where respondents are involved and

related to the association of queueing systems specifically in the accounting facility of

Cebu Institute of Technology- University. This research will largely benefit the university

as it will implement innovation that will improve services and production time in the

queue management system.

2.2 Target User Needs

2.2.1 Value Proposition Canvas

Figure 3. Value Proposition Canvas

In the circle in the figure above, the researchers identified the pains, gains and

jobs of the target user/customer. Jobs refer to the work or responsibilities of the user as

a customer inside the facility of service. Pains refer to the limitations and discomforts

experienced by the users in the facility. Gains refer to the desires of the users from which

they want to experience. On the product side (square), it explains how the product can

manifest the gains for the customers and as well as removing the pains for the

2.2.2 Problem Analysis

Figure 4. Cause and Effect Diagram

The figure above presents a cause-and-effect diagram closely related to the

problem of queueing lines. There are 2 main roots of this problem, namely, ineffective

implementation of queueing system and how to utilize VLC as a new setup for a better

queueing system with automatic functionalities. Moreover, it is identified that because of

the mindset of people that are not open to change and with lack of budget for research

and development, there will always be a technology gap between the Philippines and

other developing countries.

2.2.3 Preferences on Product Design

This table presents the preferences of the target users on the product design

based on the frequently answered key points during the interviews and focused group


Main key feature of this product is that it
Accessible through mobile phones is accessible through the customer’s
phones making it convenient
Communication between system and
Fast and Reliable phone should be fast and with minimized
technical errors
System physical structure should be
Compact and Durable
durable meaning not easily broken
System not needed to be
Low Maintenance maintained/fixed daily, rather in a 2-3
monthly basis.
Physical appearance should be kept low

Table 2. Preferences on Product Design

2.3 Product Concept

2.3.1 Name and Uses of Product

The suggested product concept is designed to update the current priority number

queueing system. It is designed to be a more convenient and effective method for

distributing priority numbers in an establishment prone to long queue times. The problem

with the current queueing system is that in most situations the number of customers in an

establishment or facility outnumbers the number of employees. Because of this, each

customer cannot be accommodated properly or the customers will feel dissatisfied with

the service due to the inconvenience one may encounter in a hectic environment.

With this product it will be a hassle free and easy way for the customers to acquire

a priority number and receive the services they queued up for. With the use of their

smartphones and VLC technology they will be able to acquire a priority number without

needing the aid of a staff or employee. Also, for the employees, they will have an

automatic dispenser for the queueing numbers that will not need a staff member to

manage. The software also allows them to keep track of how many of their customers

who are acquiring priority numbers are actually going through with their services. Finally,

the proposed product name is "Queue(T)," which is a way of saying Queue as a function

of time, identical to f(x).

2.3.2 Pictorial Sketch

Exhibit 2. Simulation of Product Concept

2.3.3 Exploded Drawing

This exploded drawing of our proposed product illustrates the components inside

the box. This section provides details on every connection and attachment, as well as

where and how the components are connected to one another.

Exhibit 3. Detailed Parts of the System
2.3.4 Orthographic Drawing

Exhibit 4. System Orthographic Drawing Projection

2.3.5 Features and Benefits

Automatic Queueing system

Features: Benefits:
VLC based data communication cannot
be intercepted by any one from the
Implementation of VLC
another room. VLC also provides secured
communication unlike RF communication
Anybody that has knowledge about using
Easy to Operate a smartphone will easily be able to use
this proposed application.
People using this will be saving a lot of
Time efficient time for themselves and for the workers
of the facility.

Table 3. Features and Benefits

2.3.6 Characteristics of the Product

The product characteristics are determined based on the needs and product

design preferences of the target users.

• Occupy Customers in the Queue

Boredom in line can lead to longer than necessary wait times. Queue solutions can

provide a distraction for people waiting in lines and allow them to shop while they wait,

reducing frustration.

• Design an Environment to welcome queues

Queue anxiety' is the most common problem in queues. A well-designed queueing space

can aid in the organization of waiting lines, the elimination of "queue jumpers," and the

overall management of client flow.

• Reliability

multiple customers can be handled, and they are fast and flexibility unlike old queuing


• Call-Forward Queuing

Customers are directed to the next available service station using visual and audible

queues available in the mobile app.

2.3.7 Design and Specifications

Materials Pictures Description

For Transmitter

Is a programmable open-

source microcontroller

board that may be used in

a wide range of electronic

Arduino UNO
applications. As an output,

this board can operate

relays, LEDs, servos, and

motors and can be

interfaced with other

Arduino boards, Arduino

shields, and Raspberry Pi


a semiconductor device

that emits infrared or

visible light when charged

with an electric current.

A type of photodetector

capable of

converting light into
Photo Diode
either current or voltage,

depending upon the mode

of operation.

A non-contact sensor
IR Proximity
which detects an object
within proximity
Supplies power for the
Power Supply
Arduino board.

For receiver

Used as a receiver in this setup

Mobile Phone wherein it receives the data and

(Mobile App) displays the priority numbers in

the phone’s screen.

Table 4. Design and Specifications



3.1 Summary

In various facilities such as The Cebu Institute of Technology-University

accounting section, long queue lines are evident and there is a need for a person-in-

charge for distribution of priority numbers. Facilities like these are where people usually

line up for goods and/or services. In situations when the customers of a certain facility

exceed the number of employees a queue system is necessary for the staff to be able to

accommodate each customer suitably. Though even with the queueing system enabled

there will still be customers that will be dissatisfied because of the inconvenience. For the

customers it is hard to remain patient in these types of environments.

For the researchers to aid in regards to the problem, the researchers aim to

develop a device that will allow the customers to use their smartphones that has a CMOS

sensor inside the camera to acquire a priority number through VLC technology. The

proposed product is a two-part device which includes a queue system as well as a mobile

application for hassle-free waiting. First, the queuing system used in facilities is primarily

made up of Arduino and LEDs that serve as a transmitter. The mobile app makes use of

the CMOS sensors built in the phone's camera as mentioned before, which is primarily

comprised of photodiodes that transform light impulses into electrical signals. The priority

number for the consumers in line is to be displayed on the mobile app for the customer

to monitor and for them not needed to be in the facility where it tends to get hectic due to
the long lines and crowds of people. The product can also help the employees in tracking

the number of customers that went through with their services.

3.2 Findings

The survey results show that 96% of the respondents seem to have a high value

on priority number queueing systems. Figure 9 shows the differences between facilities

having a priority number queueing system and not in terms of the listed aspects. All

respondents agreed on efficiency as the main aspect differed followed by queue time,

customer satisfaction and convenience; there is least significant difference in terms of


Figure 5. Different aspects observed in facilities

When asked about VLC, 64% of the respondents answered that they have little to

no knowledge about the topic. Hence, it incites curiosity as the researchers introduced

VLC to be implemented in priority queueing systems. All respondents agreed that they

want a better priority number queueing system and that it would be accessible through
mobile phones – which is one of the features of the product. This suggests and justifies

the need to make the product.

Although some of the respondents that were interviewed have a lot of questions

about the product, it’s cost and how significantly different it is compared to the existing

queueing system, majority still shows interest on the product; they want to see it work in


3.3 Recommendations

After a thorough analysis of the findings of the study, the following

recommendations are to be considered:

1.) Target users to be surveyed must not only be the customers that will be queueing,

instead, future researchers must include the employees and managers in a

different survey perspective.

2.) More features could be added to the product concept such as allowing both the

system and phone to act as transceivers to attain a 2-way communication for

defined automation.

3.) The mobile application still has plenty of room for improvement. Features such as

alarm notification (buzz or sound), mini games, trivia and many more.

[1] C.-W. Chow, C.-Y. Chen, and S.-H. Chen, “Visible light communication using mobile-

phone camera with data rate higher than frame rate,” Optics Express, vol. 23, pp. 26080–

26085, September 2015. Publisher: Optica Publishing Group.

[2] P. Goswami and M. K. Shukla, “Design of a li-fi transceiver,” Wireless Engineering and

Technology, vol. 8, pp. 71–86, October 2017.

[3] T.-H. Do and M. Yoo, “Performance analysis of visible light communication using cmos

sensors,” Journal on Sensors, vol. 16, p. 309, March 2016. Number: 3.

[4] Dahri, F. A., Umrani, F. A., Baqai, A., & Mangrio, H. B. (2019, December 18).

Design and implementation of LED–led indoor visible light communication system.

Physical Communication. Retrieved June 29, 2022, from

[5] Louro, P., Silva, V., Rodrigues, I., Vieira, M. A., & Vieira, M. (2016, February 25).

Transmission of signals using white leds for VLC applications. Materials Today:

Proceedings. Retrieved June 29, 2022, from


Course Title IE366 DESIGN PROJECT Team Code ECEW101



Proponents Abarquez, Miles D. Chiu, Shaun Branndon R.

Alcuizar, Mark Francis A. Mozo, Hanah Ge H.

Camarillo, John Jefferson D.

Cluster | Sem. A.Y. C1 | 2nd Sem. A.Y. 2021-2022 Duration February – May 2022


Visible Light Communication (VLC), also known as Optical Wireless Communication has gained increasing
attention in the field of research recently. VLC is a type of data communication achieved by using LED lights
and switching them on and off at a speed higher than what is perceptible to the human eye.

In the Philippines, not many researchers focus on this topic (VLC) which is why the researchers find this study
significant as it is a step towards innovation. The researchers proposed integrating this VLC technology in a
priority queueing system which, as proposed, will have two-way communication between the system and the
user’s mobile phone. Using the phone’s camera and flashlight, it will send a signal to the system that there is a
customer. As feedback, the system will send data, specifically the priority number of the customer, through the
LED which is received through the camera of the phone that contains CMOS sensors; data will be incremented
each time the system receives data from the user’s phone for the next customer’s number. Considering this,
facilities will be able to track the number of customers per day.

Facilities such as drugstores, schools and banks will largely benefit if this study will be successful as queueing
lines are evident in these facilities. Moreover, the product made from this study will greatly affect customer-
worker relationship in a positive manner as it would entail patience from the customers and generally would
have positive feedback in the work environment.


The main objective of this research is to implement an automatic queueing system using Visible Light
Below are the specific objectives of the study:

● To lessen the workload of the staff in facilities that have hectic queue times
● To provide a convenient queuing system and additionally help track the number of customers per day
for the managers of facilities that are prone to long lines
● To give the customers an easier way of queueing for their desired service
Product Concept

The product of this research consists of a queuing system and a mobile application for hassle free waiting. First,
the queuing system that is implemented in facilities consists mainly of Arduino and LEDs which acts as a
transceiver. The mobile app makes use of CMOS sensors embedded in the phone’s camera which is mainly
made of photodiodes that convert light signals into electrical signals. The mobile app displays the priority
number for the customers in line.

Target Users

Geographic Segmentation

● This study proposes an innovative design and implementation of Automatic priority queueing system
by means of Visible light communication, which will be helpful and beneficial in facilities and financial
services such as schools, banks, and drugstores. The geographic segment of this study focuses on the
Philippines, where the service system of queue lines is noticeable

Demographic Segmentation

The study segments the following:

● Age: Teenager to old age (15 years old and above)

● Gender: Consumers can be either male or female
● Income: Focusing on facilities that are middle class to upper class
● Religion: Applied to all religions
● Level of Education: At least High School


Respondents / Statistical Treatment Tabular / Graphical

Needed Data Instrument
Remarks / Analytical Tool Presentation

Profile of Target Users

Target Users Measures of Central Personas
● Age X X X
(Customers) Tendency (Mean), Worksheet,
● Level of
Possible Investors X Managers of Facility Descriptive Statistics Histogram

Needs, Preferences and Challenges of Target Users

Problems with
existing design:

● Needs
personnel Problem
for it to be X Research Team
● Still uses
paper or
plastic when
Target Users -
Level of interest on
X X X (customers and Descriptive Statistics Pie Chart
product design
workers in facilities)

Proposed Product Design


Product features
X Research Team, Web
and benefits
Product material Patent


Name Designation Date

Proposed Miles D. Abarquez Team CEO

Endorsed - Technical Design Adviser

Endorsed - Human Centered Design Adviser

Approved Engr. Lotis Patunob MOR Instructor


Course Title ECE362 Methods of Research Team Code ECEW101

Proponents Miles D. Abarquez

Mark Francis A. Alcuizar

John Jefferson D. Camarillo

Shaun Branndon R. Chiu

Hanah Ge H. Mozo

Project Concept Implementation of Visible Light Communication for Automatic Priority Queueing

Project Manager/CEO Miles D. Abarquez

Element Activity Preceding Activity No. of Days

A Identifying the 3Ps (Problem, People, Product) 2

B Brainstorming ideas with the group to come A 3

up with an initial topic

C Making of Appendices B 4

D Making of Research Proposal C 1

E Consult and Check for Research Topic D 3

Approval with MOR adviser

F Making Research Concept Paper (Partial) E 1

G Consult and Check for Research Concept E,D 1
Paper (Partial) with MOR adviser

H Making Patent Search G 1

I Consult and check for approval for

Appendices with our MOR adviser

J Checking for Approval of Research Concept

Paper (RCP)

Total No. of Days


Oral validation Expenses

Oral validation Payment 3 panelist Php500/person Php 1,500.00
Food/Token Expenses 5 people Php100/person Php 500.00

Material Needed for VLC System (PARTIAL)

Arduino UNO Php 300.00
LED (2pcs) Php 21.00
Proximity Sensor Php 100.00

Total Researcher Expenses Php 2421.00

Expenses for each member Php 484.20


Role Chief Executive Officer

Contact Information 0966 780 2383

Primary Responsibilities 1.Endorses the Research Proposal

2. Assign individuals tasks to members in the group

3. Supervises group works and activities assigned by the MOR adviser

4. Finalizes and proofreads the Chapters of the research paper

5. Set the core vision for the study and define the overall strategy from launch to scale of the proposed

Inputs Outputs Deadline

Understanding the target users, Observation People Shadowing (Appendices) March 7, 2022

Understanding the target users, Personas (Appendices) March 11, 2022

Understanding the target users Target People (Appendices) March 11, 2022

Product concept, Brainstorm possible questions Question Ladder (Appendices) March 14, 2022

Exploring challenges of target users Problem Definition (Appendices) March 14, 2022

Brainstorm with research team on different povs Thinking Hats (Appendices) March 21, 2022

Problem Identification, Related Studies Research, Rationale of Research Concept Paper March 28, 2022
Research Concept Paper(RCP),


Role Liaison Officer

Contact Information 0995 713 5752

Primary Responsibilities 1. Identifying Review of Related Literatures

2.Plan material requirements and execution Throughout the research phase.

3. Provide technical guidance context to the whole team.

4. identify trends and patterns related to study.

5.Prepares the clear product intention through thinking hats.

Inputs Outputs Deadline

Understanding the target users, Observation People Shadowing March 7, 2022

Understanding the target users, Personas (Appendices) March 11, 2022

Understanding the target users Target People (Appendices) March 11, 2022
Product concept, Brainstorm possible questions Question Ladder (Appendices) March 14, 20220

Exploring challenges of target users Problem Definition (Appendices) March 14, 2022

Brainstorm with research team on different povs Thinking Hats (Appendices) March 21, 2022

Problem Identification, Related Studies Research, Rationale of Research Concept Paper March 28, 2022
Research Concept Paper(RCP),


Role Finance Officer

Contact Information +639563370901

Primary Responsibilities 1.Provides assistance in preparing experience map and thinking hats

2.Contribution to research concept paper

Inputs Outputs Deadline

Appendices Experience Map (Appendices) March 14, 2022

Appendices Thinking Hats (Appendices) March 21, 2022

Research Concept Paper (RCP) Target Users of Research Concept Paper March 28, 2022


Role Documentation Administrator

Contact Information 0921 883 3601

Primary Responsi 1. Prepare appendices - People Shadowing, Target People, Personas, Question Ladder, etc.

bilities 2. Write contents for the research paper.

3. Works on contents for Research Concept Paper

4. Identified the objectives of Research paper

5. Work with the CEO and his demands.

Inputs Outputs Deadline

Understanding the target users, Observation People Shadowing (Appendices) March 7, 2022

Understanding the target users Personas (Appendices) March 11, 2022

Understanding the target users Target People (Appendices) March 11, 2022

Exploring challenges of target users Problem Definition (Appendices) March 14, 2022

Product Concept, Brainstormed possible questions Question Ladder (Appendices) March 14, 2022

Brainstorm with research team on different POV’s Thinking Hats (Appendices) March 21, 2022

Problem Identification Objectives of Research Concept Paper March 28, 2022


Role HCD Specialist

Contact Information +639669960592

Primary Responsibilities 1.Provides assistance in preparing experience map and thinking hats

2.Contribution to research concept paper

Inputs Outputs Deadline

Appendices Experience Map (Appendices) March 14, 2022

Appendices Thinking Hats (Appendices) March 21, 2022

Research Concept Paper (RCP) Target Users of Research Concept Paper March 28, 2022
Guide Questions for Questionnaire and Online Survey

The Guide questions for this study were conducted through informal interviews and an
online survey form employed in Google Forms. The following questions were formulated by the
researchers to gather information about the Target Users profile and preferences.

Survey Questions

Do you value having a priority number in facilities with long queue times(Banks, School
Accounting, Payment Centers,)

o Yes
o No
How much do you value having a priority number system?

Do you think there is a difference between facilities with and without priority number
queueing systems? In terms of:

o Efficiency
o Sales
o Customer Satisfaction
o Convenience
o Queue Time (waiting time)
Do you prefer facilities with priority number queueing systems?

o Yes
o No
Have you heard of VLC?

o Yes
o No
How much do you know about VLC?

Would you want a better priority number queueing system?

o Yes
o No
Do you want priority numbers to be accessed through your smartphones?

o Yes
o No
Overall, how interested are you in observing VLC implemented in priority number queueing
system, and how it works?
Understanding the Target Users
People Shadowing
Exploring Opportunities & Challenges


Implementation Of Visible Light Communication
for Automatic Priority Queueing System

This study is an application of Visible Light Communication in queueing systems. Standard LED is used to
transmit data that are encoded using Arduino. Through the use of the camera built-in our mobile phones which
contains CMOS sensors, it serves as the receiver of the light signal. The researchers will create an app that will
convert the light signals into electric signals usable for the device which then are decoded into the information
perceivable by humans e.g., numbers and words. The phone, in return, sends signal back to the system to
confirm the priority slot. Through this, the system can increment the information to be transmitted for the next
user. This can be integrated in facilities especially in the Philippines where queue lines are evident such as
universities (accounting office), drugstores, banks and etc. Furthermore, the facilities can also track how many
customers have queued inside the facility.
H04B10/00-Transmission systems employing • Visible Light Communication
electromagnetic waves other than radio-waves, e.g. • Light signal, Light indicator, Optical signal,
infrared, visible or ultraviolet light, or employing Luminous signal
corpuscular radiation, e.g. quantum communication • Electric signal, Electric impulse
• Sensors, Alarm, Trigger, Detector, Actuator
H01L31/02024- Position sensitive and lateral effect • LED
photodetectors; Quadrant photodiodes • Mobile phone, Cellphone, Digital phone,
Smart phone
G01D5/00-Mechanical means for transferring the output • Queue line, Waiting line
of a sensing member; Mean for converting the output of
• Application, Software, Program
a sensing member to another variable where the form or
nature of the sensing member does not constrain the
mean for converting

G06F8/20- Software design

H01L31/162-The light source being a semiconductor

device with at least one potential-jump barrier or surface
barrier, e.g. a light emitting diode


Patentscope FP:("Visible Light Communication" AND "Light signal") 460
FP:("Visible Light Communication" AND "Light signal" 3,521
OR "Electric signal")
Google Patents ("Mobile phone" AND "Application" ) AND H04B 10/00 248
FP:(("Light signal" AND "Electric signal") AND
Patentscope 0
Google Patents "Visible Light Communication" AND G06F8/20 2
FP:("Visible Light Communication" AND Sensors AND
Patentscope 11
Light signal)
Espacenet cl = "H01L31/02024" AND cl = "H04B10/00" 1
cl = "H04B10/00" AND ctxt = "LED" AND ctxt = 60
ctxt = "Sensors" AND ctxt = "Smart phone" AND ctxt =
Espacenet 11
"Visible Light Communication"
ctxt = "Application" AND ctxt = "Mobile phone" AND ctxt
Espacenet 32
= "Visible Light Communication"

Transceiver assembly for free space
Y US11056933B2 power transfer and data communication 2021-07-06 1,5
Intelligent Power Supply for Led Lighting
Systems, With Integrated Light and
WO2017182685 26-10-2017 1-2
A Presence Sensors, And Power Line and
Visible Light Communication
Visible Light Communication for Mobile 1,8,10,13,22
Y WO2018063448 05-04-2018
Devices ,28-30
* Special Categories of Cited Documents:

“A” document defining the general state of the art which is not considered to be of particular relevance

“X” document of particular relevance; the claimed invention cannot be considered novel or cannot be
considered to involve an inventive step when the
document is taken alone

“Y” document of particular relevance; the claimed invention cannot be considered to involve an inventive
step when the document is combined with one or
more other such documents, such combination being obvious to a person skilled in the art

Note: Further references not indicated in this search report may be cited during substantive
Title: Secure Mobile-Phone Based Visible Light Communications With Different
Noise-Ratio Light-Panel
Author:Chi-Wai Chow, Ruei-Jie Shiu, Yen-Chun Liu, Chien-Hung Yeh, Xin-Lan
Liao, Kun-Hsien Lin, Yi-Chang Wang, Yi-Yuan Chen
Publication: IEEE Photonics Journal ( Volume: 10, Issue: 2, April 2018)

Abstract: We propose and demonstrate a visible light communication (VLC) system

Y using a light-panel and a mobile-phone camera. We also propose the rolling-
shutter-effect (RSE) pattern synchronization and demodulation algorithms. By
using our developed mobile-phone application program, the RSE pattern can be
demodulated even at very low illuminance. As the light-panel will have different
advertisements on it, we also define a noise-ratio (NR) as the figure-of-merit; hence,
different VLC data rates can be adjusted according to different advertisement NR
values. Experimental bit error rate measurements at different free-space
transmission distances and different NRs are performed.
Title: Towards indoor localization using Visible Light Communication for consumer
electronic devices
Author: Ming Liu, Kejie Qiu, Fengyu Che, Shaohua Li, Babar Hussain, Liang Wu,
C. Patrick Yue
Publication: 2014 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and

Abstract: Indoor localization is the fundamental capability for indoor service robots
and indoor applications on mobile devices. To realize that, the cost of sensors is of
great concern. In order to decode the signal carried out by the LED beacons, we
A propose two reliable solutions using common sensors available on consumer
electronic devices. Firstly, we introduce a dedicated analog sensor, which can be
directly connected to the microphone input of a computer or a smart phone. It
decodes both the signal pattern and signal strength of a beacon. Secondly, we
utilize rolling-shutter cameras to decode the signal pattern, providing potential
solutions to the localization of hand-held devices with cameras. In contrast to
existing widely-applied indoor localization approaches, like vision-based and laser-
based methods, our approach reveals its advantages as low-cost, globally
consistent and it retains the potential applications using Visible Light
Communication (VLC). We also study the characteristics of the proposed solutions
under typical indoor conditions by experiments.
Title: Using a CMOS camera sensor for visible light communication
Author: Christos Danakis, Mostafa Afgani, Gordon Povey, Ian Underwood, Harald
Publication: 2012 IEEE Globecom Workshops

Abstract: In this paper, a novel scheme for data reception in a mobile phone using
Y visible light communications (VLC) is proposed. The camera of the smartphone is
used as a receiver in order to capture the continuous changes in state (on-off) of
the light, which are invisible to the human eye. The information is captured in the
camera in the form of light and dark bands which are then decoded by the
smartphone and the received message is displayed. By exploiting the rolling shutter
effect of CMOS sensors, a data rate much higher than the camera frame rate is
• Both compromising • The prior art • Photodiode
photodiode and light consists of high- substrates in mobile
emitting diode (LED) power laser beam phone’s CMOS
US11056933B2 sensors embedded
in the phone’s
camera and
• Both has presence of • The prior art relates • Function between
sensors and VLC to an intelligent Arduino and LEDS
• Sensor consisting of power supply for that act as a
a photodiode or a LED lighting transceiver,
phototransistor systems whereby the mobile
WO2017182685 • Includes elimination application built
of electrical noise further displays the
user's priority
number in the
facility's queueing
• Both relates to mobile • The prior art relates • An automatic
devices and imager alone to mobile priority number
sensors for visible devices with an generated through
light communication application of VLC VLC technology,
WO2018063448 • No implementation which will have a
of other systems two-way
between the system
and the user’s
mobile phone.
• Includes hand-held • Primarily focused • Can be able to
devices with indoor localization track the number of
Towards indoor
cameras • Prior art used a customers per day
• Consumer electronic dedicated low-cost using user’s mobile
localization using Visible
devices photonic sensor to phone that
Light Communication for
decode the signal transmits data to
consumer electronic
via microphone as be incremented in
analog input the system
• Facility localization
(indoor or outdoor)
Signature and Date: Signature and Date:

May 16, 2022

Complete Name: Complete Name:
Hanah Ge H. Mozo
John Jefferson D. Camarillo
Department: Department:
Mechanical Engineering
Industrial Engineering
Institutional Research Code:

• "Professional Life of Electronics Engineers" Webinar
• "HΩE(HohmE) Learning" Webinar
• "Online Class Resiliency" Webinar
• "Self-Branding: Leave a Mark, Change your future" Webinar

Competitions Participated
Block 5 Lot 18 Villa Theresa
• IECEP-CSC Programming Competition 2021 (2nd Placer)
Heights Subd., Ormoc City,
• Eccentrify: The EcE Quizzers Cup
• EcE Wizard Show 2022
0966 780 2383 • CIT U Math Wizard of The Year Qualifier 2017-2019

Age: 21 years old
Date of Birth: December 22, 2000
SKILLS Place of Birth: Ormoc City
• Excellent communication skills Citizenship: Filipino
both written and oral Civil status: Single
• Time management skills Religion: Roman Catholic
• Great Interpersonal skills
• Knowledgeable in most EDUCATION
Microsoft Office Applications
• Fast Learner Tertiary Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering
• Goal-oriented and determined
on a given task Cebu Institute of Technology – University
N. Bacalso Avenue, Cebu City
• Engr. Joselito Valdezamo Secondary Cebu Institute of Technology-University
EcE Full-time Instructor Cebu
Institute of N. Bacalso Avenue, Cebu City
TechnologyUniversity 2017-2019
0923 164 4253
• Engr. Allan R. Pangan, ECT Primary Saint Paul’s School of Ormoc Foundation Inc.
EcE Full-time Instructor Cebu
Institute of Technology- Ormoc City, Leyte
University 2002-2008
0917 655 0828
8 days Immersion—Taiheiyo Cement Philippines Inc.
San Fernando, Cebu

Valencia, Carcar City, Cebu

0995 713 5752 PERSONAL INFORMATION Age: 22 years old
Date of Birth: March 22, 2000
Place of Birth: Carcar City, Cebu
Citizenship: Filipino
Civil status: Single
Religion: Roman Catholic
• Sociable and enjoys working
with people
• Multitasking EDUCATION
• Cooperative and Team player
• Eager to know about new things Tertiary Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering
in Electronics
• Adaptability Cebu Institute of Technology – University
N. Bacalso Avenue, Cebu City

CHARACTER REFERENCES Secondary St. Catherine’s College

• Engr. Joselito Valdezamo
CIT-U Instructor Senior High/School Junior
0923 164 4253 2013-2019
• Engr. Allan R. Pangan, ECT
CIT-U Instructor Primary Valencia Elementary School
0917 655 0828

• Traffic Impact Assessment (Transportation Engineering
• Drugs Prevention & Coping Seminar
518 Roosevelt Street Canduran, • Disaster Risk Reduction Seminar
Tulic, Argao, Cebu • Fire Prevention and Safeness Seminar

0956 337 0901

Age: 21 years old
Date of Birth: April 18, 2001
SKILLS Place of Birth: Cebu City
Citizenship: Filipino
• Effective verbal and written Civil status: Single
communication skills Religion: Roman Catholic
• Time management skills
• Great Interpersonal skills
• Creative and analytical thinker
• Highly collaborative team player
Goal-oriented and determined EDUCATION
on a given task
Tertiary Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering

Cebu Institute of Technology – University

CHARACTER REFERENCES N. Bacalso Avenue, Cebu City
• Engr. Bhryanthlye P. Lisondra,
Secondary Cebu Institute of Technology-University
ME Full-time Instructor Cebu
Institute of Technology-
N. Bacalso Avenue, Cebu City
• Engr. Edwin R. Torillo, PME
ME Full-time Instructor Cebu
Primary Argao Center for Science Learning inc.
Institute of Technology-
Argao, Cebu city


• MTAP Representative Grade 10
• Member of IECEP Student Chapter in CIT-U

Barangay San Roque, Ughay 1

0921 883 3601
Age: 22 years old
Date of Birth: May 15, 2000
Place of Birth: Cebu City
• Communication
Citizenship: Filipino
• Multitasking
Civil status: Single
• Flexibility
Religion: Roman Catholic
• Time management
• Critical Thinking
• Cooperative
• Hardworking
• Basic knowledge of Computer
Tertiary Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering
Programming (C++ & JAVA)
• Has experience using Scilab, XCOS,
Cebu Institute of Technology – University
LTspice, falstad
N. Bacalso Avenue, Cebu City
• Has experience using word offices
(Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
Secondary Cebu Institute of Technology-University
• Engr. Joselito Valdezamo N. Bacalso Avenue, Cebu City
EcE Full-time Instructor Cebu 2017-2019
Institute of
TechnologyUniversity Three H Redwood Academy
0923 164 4253 2013-2017
• Engr. Allan R. Pangan, ECT
EcE Full-time Instructor Cebu Primary Three H Redwood Academy
Institute of Technology- 2007-2013
0917 655 0828
• Turnitin Orientation for Students (TuOr-s)
April 04, 2022 from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM, via MSTeams

• MENTAL HEALTH WEBINAR: It's okay not to be Okay" with

the theme "Conquering the barriers of having positive and
healthy mind"
February 26, 2022, PIEE-CSC event
Santa Filomena Sangat San Competition Participated
Fernando Cebu
• Pitch Perfect Finals 2021 (Champion), Wildcats
0966 996 0592 Innovation Lab
Age: 21 years old
Date of Birth: March 06, 2001
SKILLS Place of Birth: Sangat San Fernando, Cebu
• Has background knowledge of Citizenship: Filipino
computer skills—knows how to Civil status: Single
work Microsoft excel, word, Religion: Born Again Christian
PowerPoint, and publisher
• Adaptability
• Detail-oriented EDUCATION
• Verbal and written
communication Tertiary Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering
• responsible
• creative Cebu Institute of Technology – University
N. Bacalso Avenue, Cebu City

• Engr. Erlyn Ivy O. Rago Secondary Sangat National High School

Faculty Staff, CIT-U Industrial
Engineering Sangat San Fernando Cebu
• Engr. Antoniette M. Amalden,
Primary Sangat Central Elementary School
Faculty Staff, CIT-U Industrial
Sangat San Fernando Cebu

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