Group 4 Chapters 1 3 June 16 1
Group 4 Chapters 1 3 June 16 1
Group 4 Chapters 1 3 June 16 1
In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirement for the Degree
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering
Cindy A. Alcantara
Ana Lorraine P. Casal
Darren P. Dino
Joreen Ann C. Sanchez
Kathleen Mae E. Vista
June 2021
Chapter I
everyday life; however, some people are abusing the use of electricity by
electricity without lawfully paying for it. This could range from bypassing the
One kind of electricity theft is direct hooking from the line wherein the
customer connects to a power wire that runs some distance before the
without. Another one is known as bypassing the energy meter. In this kind
of theft, the energy meter's input and output terminals are connected,
correct unless the remote is turned on, this type of change can avoid
element. To prevent the disc from freely moving, foreign material is inserted
inside the meter. A slower revolving disk indicates that less energy is being
consumed. Last of the kinds of electricity theft is the ESD attack on electric
electric providers that it costs them as much as $96 billion annually. One of
of Manila where the utility’s dedication to eradicate these thefts have been
quite costly but inadequate. Those who were caught stealing electricity
draw readings. This allows for the gathering of important details about the
electricity theft, such as hooking and meter tampering. It may also be a
way for consumers and authorities to be alerted if their electricity line has
been tampered with, as well as a way for linemen to be aware of the form
of theft.
theft is very rampant, and commonly done either at the consumer end
through meter tampering or at the line through illegal hooking. There are
due to poverty, which is why the owner is unaware of their electrical line.
Three residents of Pasay City got caught by the police and personnel
electricity using telecom wires around 11:00 am, Friday, April 5. Another
who were arrested in Ilo-ilo for unlawfully selling power connections. The
suspects were held in custody until the filing of charges under the Anti-
Pilferage of Electricity Act and the Theft of Electric Transmission Lines and
Consequently, the Department of the Interior and Local Government
(DILG) has recently just ordered the cops and local government units to
identify and arrest individuals who commit electricity theft. In this study, the
study will also show the success rate, sensitivity, and specificity of the theft
recognition mechanism.
line end. The consumer will also be notified once hooking has been
for the prevention system which disconnects all legal consumers once theft
is detected, then immediately sends a high voltage pulse to make all illegal
consumers nonoperational.
Objective of the Study
General Objective
Specific Objectives
electricity theft.
tapping transformer.
Significance of the Study
loss due to electricity theft. The distribution utility has dedicated resources
– from the distribution line or the consumer itself would be made easier. This
study is intended to bring an impact and positive change not only to the
areas around the Philippines. Even within the poorest slums, electricity is
stolen. With this study, it is possible to detect which electricity in the area is
pilfered. After sending a high voltage pulse, illegal loads in this area will be
power outages, system failures, the possibility of fire, injuries, and even
through hooking on their lines is one of the aims of this study. With this
the utility can be possible. Also, it will be helpful for this sector in providing a
better service for the end-users with the ability to prevent further theft by
sending high voltage pulse to all illegal consumers and by predicting further
electricity than legitimate consumers and be wasteful in the way they use
that they are paying for the right amount of electricity that they are
to reduce payable bills. Legal consumers will also be notified of the theft. In
this way, they can be aware of the profile and location of the thief. These
To the Future Researcher. This study is developed with the idea of bringing
Definition of Terms
The terms listed below are described for the future readers’ further
versus time that power producers use to plan how much electricity should
Electricity. It is a type of energy that powers motors and other devices that
legally. This can include taking power directly from someone’s network,
Energy Meter. It is a device that calculates how much electricity a
Hooking. It is an unlawful activity of direct tapping from the wire. The user
plugs into a power line from a position ahead of the energy meter. This
something, such as machines, per unit of time. The watts and kilowatts are
transformer such that the secondary voltage remains constant. Taps on the
primary of large power transformers are used to compensate for any input
voltages that are too high or too low. The minimal line voltage is usually set
system will be using amperage draw readings from the current sensor in the
distribution box and in the individual electric meter to recognize theft. The
authorities and legal consumers will both have access to the mobile
meter and notifies them of the theft. A tapping transformer will also be used
to send a high voltage pulse to all illegal consumers. The proposed system
is limited only in detecting the two most common kinds of theft which are
Conceptual Framework
1. Commercial
Electric Meter
2. Current Sensor Design the
3. Microcontroller structure and OUTPUT
4. GSM/GPRS schematic Automated
Module diagram for the Electricity Theft
5. Tapping construction of the Detection,
Transformer prototype. Notification, And
w/Relay Construct based Prevention System
Software: on the design to
1. Global Website produce a
2. Web-based prototype.
Mobile Application
3. Database
For the input, much work is needed to be done for both the hardware
and the software. The system can detect electricity theft through the
hardware which includes the customized electric meter and distributor box
and the software which includes the development of the global website,
mobile application, and database. The tapping transformer with relay will
For the process, the researchers will initially acquire all the materials
needed and check for their functionality. All circuit diagrams will be
designed before the whole fabrication process. The PCB designs of all the
Chapter II
Electricity Theft
the power grid. It combines the flow with the energy flow, and the smart
grid can solve the issue of electricity theft by using the vast data produced
by the smart grid. Based on their research, the smart grid is useful in
the current system has a low detection accuracy. Overall, their research
concluded that the methods and models they developed would achieve
the meter. This method is widespread in poor residential areas in South Asian
countries, where those who seek power may not have lines assigned to
them and may not be able to pay if they are connected. In Pakistan, this
cable used for such connections in raids over the course of six months
(Campbell, 1999).
remotely, and a mechanism for curbing electricity theft. The study claimed
electrical current observed from the consumer and distribution side is used.
Similarly, the smart power theft detection system by Mucheli et. al.
power theft. Current is measured in both the distributor box and the electric
meter and then posted to a server database using GSM/GPRS module. The
proposed system is hidden such that exceeding the threshold value set for
meter and distributor box while the software included a website and a
On the other hand, the Internet of Things (IoT) has been widely used
connect the loads to the distribution network. The IoT Analytic platform is
also utilized for the creation of a webpage. This platform is used for the
technology but instead of using Arduino, they designed a real time system
with a fixed threshold voltage and current set at the Raspberry Pi. Whenever
the voltage level increases, then power theft is detected. This system is also
transmission and receiving techniques. IoT can be used for various
prototype was utilized as input and ZigBee protocol was used for wireless
specificity, and success rate. The system was also found to have excellent
energy meters are utilized, this device is employed. The IR LED illuminates a
photodiode on the shaft of the rotating disk on the meter. The photodiode's
output normally sends a logic low signal to the microcontroller. In case that
the energy meter is damaged, either the power source to the organization
electronic energy meter on the load side and sending the meter readings
proposed a method to secure against theft using Zigbee module. This study
parameters are above or below the formerly measured levels, the system
will automatically operate the circuit breaker. The second subsystem is the
one responsible for distinguishing theft if any occurred along the distribution
measured. Also, the system will detect theft occurrence if the total units of
any consumer bypass its energy meter in a certain area. This system
However, in the report of Chen et al. (2018), they said that current
two novel data mining techniques that can help identify electrical thieves
more easily. They claim that electricity theft by tampering and smart meters
it difficult to track. The first technique is the maximum information coefficient
(MIC), which detects thieves that appear average in shape. The second
performs well.
industrialization is continuing to grow, but the state is raising the tariff rate to
anywhere during that time. The AMI is the device that keeps track of real-
hooking theft.
Algorithm-Based Systems
country experiencing power losses due to electricity theft, there are also
plenty of serious issues that have risen because of the theft, including
stability. The researchers’ algorithm detects electricity theft in the consumer
line, also known as meter tampering, and distribution line, also known as
hooking, using consumer load profiling. When they discovered the fraud
and disconnected all legal consumers, thus sending a high voltage pulse
On the other hand, Khan et. al. (2020) presented a system based on
data are fed into a Visual Geometry Group (VGG-16) module to detect
models in terms of handling the large time series data and accurate
with the analysis of losses in power systems. Their paper discussed the
varied types of theft practices, methodology for detection of theft,
method and communicating these data from the buyer premises to the
Non-Technical Loss
The smart meter-based approach of Depuru et. al. (2011) stressed out
a major problem in developing countries and it has been very difficult for
the utility companies to detect and fight the people answerable for theft.
Electricity theft forms a serious chunk of NTL. These losses affect quality of
supply, increase load on the generating station, and affect tariff imposed
on genuine customers. This paper discussed the factors that influence the
consumers to steal electricity. In sight of those ill effects, various methods for
detection and estimation of the theft are discussed. This paper proposed
generator, and filter circuit. Motivation of this work was to detect illegal
introducing additional harmonic component for destroying appliances of
Islam et. al. (2008) also mentioned in their paper that power
distribution loss costs our country a serious amount in annual revenues. This
technical also as non-technical losses. There are ways to calculate and fix
and meter reading technique are going to be utilized in the lowest possible
cost to determine the tapped electrical line and notify the respective
that because the value of tapped load is increased in any phase, the
amount. To forestall this, state governments should draw plans to
schemes for incentive awards to utilities who are ready to reduce T&D
higher or lower figure than the accurate figure. Over time, the inadvertent
lower number on the meter than what is displayed. There are several
employees who are one having dirty job in the company wherein they
moved the decimal points of the total bill that should have been paid.
in the United States appears to be that theft costs between 0.5 percent and
3.5 percent of annual gross profits. That may seem insignificant until you
remember that US electricity revenues in 1998 were in the $280 billion level.
As a result, between $1 and $10 billion in electricity has been taken. (Nesbit,
All these research and new knowledge about electricity theft and
principles. All these related literature and studies are necessarily used to
Chapter III
mainly generated into journal for others to take advantages and improve
as upcoming studies.
They studied at how sensors and other industrial monitoring devices are
used and how they work. The data and information they obtained after
of these concepts. They identified the materials that might be used and
Research Design
qualify the relationships between those variables which may affect the
System Design
distribution box and the meter installed in the house. The current from the
sensor will be fed into a micro-controller and the data will be sent to the
authorized database through the GSM/GPRS module. The data will then be
compared and if the difference is more than the provided threshold, meter
tampering will be detected, and the authorities will be notified of the
draw readings from the distribution box and the electric meter, hooking will
be detected, and both the authorities and legal consumers will be notified.
legal consumers and send a high voltage pulse to the illegal consumers
Design Procedure
Step 1: Brainstorming, Planning and Discussion of Ideas to come-up
with the significant title. Defining a problem and deriving a definite solution
Idea. Providing additional ideas to support and strengthen main idea for
this study. Designing of the actual prototype and its schematic diagram
and program flow chart. Also, to canvas for the materials needed in the
The design stage shows the gradual process in preparing the design
Hardware Components
measure current without disrupting the
System Flow Chart
Figure 3.3 shows the flowchart of the system. It also shows how the
abnormalities in the readings, the system will go back to reading the data
from the distribution box and the electric meter. Once theft is detected, the
authorities and/or the legal consumer will be notified of the location of the
theft and the system will proceed to the prevention part where the tapping
Research Instrument
questionnaires with (3) parts. Part 1 will ask for the profile of consumer. The
tool for profile was made by the researcher, it will determine the name,
company, gathers profile such as their name, gender, age, civil status,
sheet with its questions about their experience regarding the theft
Performance Testing
amperage draw readings from the current sensor in the distribution box and
the electric meter. A decision matrix for testing of the theft recognition
check if the notification part of the system is working well. Lastly, the
tapping transformer will be tested for the prevention part if it accurately
operating hardware diagram of the project. The figure displays that each
consumer transmits calculated amperage draw reading. The reading
of the reading in the distribution box. After comparing the two values, the
theft will then be detected as well as the theft's location. For prevention,