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4 Cheese Pizza Case Study Answers v2

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Vulnerability Assessment

Case Study for Training

4 Cheese Pizza Company

Case Study Answer

Issue: v1 Page 1 of 9
1. Raw Material Annual spend and quantities.

Quantity Value
Material and packaging Per/year Per/Year
Buffalo Mozzarella 120 tons £1.2 million
Mozzarella 800 tons £1.6 million
The Extra Virgin Olive Oil 5000 litres £120,000.00
San Mazano Tomato Sauce 500 tons £1.75 million
Pizza Boxes 50,000.00 £5500.00
PVC Shrink Wrap Rolls per year 76 Rolls £2432.00

2. Cost of substitution
Subsitution of 1% 5% 10% 15% 20%
Mozzarella for
Mozzarella £9600.00 £48000.00 £96000.00 £144000.00 £192000.00

Cost per ton

Buffalo Mozzarella 10,000.00

Mozzarella 2000.00

Issue: v1 Page 2 of 9
3. Vulnerability Assessment

3.1. Priority Risk Numbers risk assessment criteria

Rating Likelihood of Occurrence (O) Likelihood of detection (D) Profitability (P)

1 Very unlikely or none Certain Very low

2 Unlikely or minor High Low

3 Moderate or significant Fairly unlikely Moderate or significant

4 High Unlikely or remote High

5 Very high Very unlikely Very high

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3.2. Priority Risk Numbers risk assessment action levels

Level Score Action

Low 1 – 25 - No immediate action required
- On-going monitor through horizon scanning.
Medium 26 – 50 - Details reviewed and where appropriate implement
mitigation action.
- On-going monitor through horizon scanning.
High 51 -125 - Determine if raw materials or packaging purchased
has been substituted or adulterated and take
appropriate action e.g. identification of material
and quarantine.
- Determine if supplier of raw material/packaging
needs to be suspended and new supplier
- On-going monitor through horizon scanning.

Issue: Page 4 of 9
3.3. 4 Cheese Pizza Company Vulnerability Risk Assessment
Likelihood Likelihood Profitability/
of of potential
Hazard occurrence detection gain Rating Actions
Raw Material
The 00 Flour Substitution 2 1 3 6
Adulteration 2 1 3 6

Semolina Substitution 1 1 1 1
Adulteration 1 1 1 1

Dried Yeast Substitution 1 1 1 1

Adulteration 1 1 1 1

The Extra Virgin Olive Oil Substitution 2 4 3 24

Adulteration 1 4 3 12

San Mazano Tomato Sauce Substitution 3 3 4 34

Adulteration 1 3 4 12

Buffalo Mozzarella Substitution 4 4 5 80

Adulteration 3 4 4 32

Mozzarella Substitution 3 4 3 24
Adulteration 2 4 4 32

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Likelihood Likelihood Profitability/
of of potential
Hazard occurrence detection gain Rating Actions
Parmesan Substitution 2 3 4 24
Adulteration 3 3 4 36

Gorgonzola Piccante Substitution 2 3 3 18

Adulteration 2 3 3 18

Ricotta Substitution 2 3 3 18
Adulteration 2 3 3 18

Pizza Boxes Substitution 1 4 3 12
Adulteration 1 4 3 12

Pizza Circles Substitution 1 4 2 8

Adulteration 2 4 2 16

Shrink wrap film Substitution 3 3 3 18

Adulteration 3 3 3 18

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3.4. Vulnerability Assessment Rational

Raw Material/Packaging Hazard Rating Rational

Raw Material

The 00 Flour Substitution 6 No known incidents identified through horizon scanning.

Adulteration 6 No known incidents identified through horizon scanning.

Semolina Substitution 1 No known incidents identified through horizon scanning.

Adulteration 1 No known incidents identified through horizon scanning.

Dried Yeast Substitution 1 No known incidents identified through horizon scanning.

Adulteration 1 No known incidents identified through horizon scanning.

The Extra Virgin Olive Oil Substitution 24 Large number of incidents identified through horizon.

Justification for low risk:

- Short supply chain
- Sealed vehicles
- Manufacturer BRCGS approved
- Company are RSPO approved
- Long-time supply with excellent reputation
- Annual supplier audits

- Certificate of Analysis received with each batch

Adulteration 12 As above

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Raw Material/Packaging Hazard Rating Rational

34 No known incidents identified through horizon scanning.

Justification for medium risk:

- The tomatoes have a variety claim and therefore susceptible to
San Mazano Tomato Sauce Substitution substitution.
- Potentiality high profitability.
Adulteration 12 No known incidents identified through horizon scanning.

Buffalo Mozzarella 80 Justification for high risk:

- Incidents associated with Mozzarella identified through
horizon scanning.
- High value product
- Product being repackaged.
Substitution - Company not registered to a BRCGS or GFSI standard.
- No supply or audits being undertaken
Adulteration 60 As above

Mozzarella Substitution 25 No known incidents identified through horizon scanning.

Adulteration 32 Justification for medium risk

- Incidents identified through horizon scanning such
as: Adulteration of Mozzarella (Salerno Italy)

Large amount of curd originating from Eastern Europe found at

cheese factory. The presence of chemicals including citric acid
and sodium hypochlorite suggested the dairy products were
being treated to give it the appearance of fresh mozzarella.

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Raw Material/Packaging Hazard Rating Rational

The mozzarella was then being smoked in the back of a van, with
rubbish being burned as one of the heat sources.

Parmesan Substitution 24 No known incidents identified through horizon scanning.

Adulteration 24 No known incidents identified through horizon scanning.

Gorgonzola Piccante Substitution 18 No known incidents identified through horizon scanning.

Adulteration 18 No known incidents identified through horizon scanning.

Ricotta Substitution 18 No known incidents identified through horizon scanning.

Adulteration 18 No known incidents identified through horizon scanning.


Pizza Boxes Substitution 12 No known incidents identified through horizon scanning.

Adulteration 12 No known incidents identified through horizon scanning.

Pizza Circles Substitution 8 No known incidents identified through horizon scanning.

Adulteration 16 No known incidents identified through horizon scanning.

Shrink wrap film Substitution 18 No known incidents identified through horizon scanning

Adulteration 18 No known incidents identified through horizon scanning

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