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Maternity Leave Support Pack Irl

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Maternity Leave

Last update: 28 July 2022

We regularly update this document. Make sure you have the latest version by downloading it from the intranet.
This policy and supporting information pack is not contractual and is subject to change at NatWest Group’s discretion. It
will be reviewed from time to time to make sure it continues to meet the Group’s legal obligations and business needs.

Who’s this for?

This pack applies to employees and line managers in Republic of Ireland (excluding agency workers)

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What do we expect?
This pack tells you exactly what we expect you to do – you need to follow it to make sure you’re in line with
our policy. That means you should read it in conjunction with our Maternity Policy.
The policy outlines our principles to make sure we’re consistent in our decisions, as well as making sure we meet
our legal and regulatory obligations. We’re committed to supporting employees with balancing family care and
work. Maternity Leave supports this commitment.
If you’re dealing with a complicated case or if you need more help, you can contact HR (HR>Contact HR)

Section Information Page
1. Who to contact and when Page 3
2. Key actions checklist Page 4-7
3. Before maternity leave Page 8-9
4. Maternity leave explained Page 9-10
5. Pay during maternity leave Page 11-12
6. During maternity leave Page 13

7. Benefits during maternity leave Page 13-15

8. Returning to work after maternity leave Page 16-18
9. Supporting working parents Page 19-20
Appendix Page 21-22

1. Who to contact and when

When to speak to HR People Services
If you can’t find the answer to your question in this pack go to HR > Contact HR or call us on 0808 100 4242.

Who to speak to if you need support

You can speak to one of the consultants through our confidential Employee Assistance Programme. They can
help you with situations that you’re finding difficult or give you advice on dealing with sensitive issues.
Call them on 0808 234 5303 in the UK, 1800 938 707 in Ireland or 00 44 203 936 1239 if you’re in Gibraltar.
You can also go online. You’ll need these details:
• Employee Assistance Programme
• External access:
• Change the flag icon to choose your location
You can also download the app which will provide 24/7 access to support and information. Search for
"GuidanceResources" in your app store to install the mobile app.
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2. Key actions checklist
Before taking leave, it’s important that employees and their line manager take the time to read through this
support pack. This checklist provides a summary of key actions you should take at each stage.

Before Maternity Leave

For employees For managers Forms/documentation Completed
Read the policy and Congratulate the employee. Familiarise Employee needs to
support pack to yourself with the Maternity policy and this email the required
understand your support pack. supporting evidence to
Review the New and Expectant Mothers ~ Family Friendly
Go to Workday and submit policy and arrange a risk assessment in a Forms and upload to
your absence request timely manner. Workday (e.g. MB 1, 2
including your due date
Discuss how they are feeling health wise & 3 forms) – a copy will
and intended leave date by:
and remember in the first 3 months suffice.
At least the 4th week before (sometimes longer) nausea and tiredness
you wish to start your amongst other ailments can affect an
maternity leave Please retain the
employee. It’s worth exploring with your
original for your own
employee whether they need any support.
Gain an understanding of when the
employee anticipates their child will be
born. You will receive a letter
Confirm documentation that needs to be detailing your leave
and pay entitlements.
Remind pregnant employees who wear
corporate dress that they can order new
maternity clothes (Page 8 for detail).
All pregnant employees are protected
against unfair dismissal and detrimental
treatment on pregnancy related grounds.

Advise your line manager Discuss how you can support your
of date, time and frequency employee’s attendance at these
of ante natal appointments. appointments.

Review the employees work priorities and

identify any pieces of work which cannot
be completed before they commence
leave. Reallocate or get support to
complete work.

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For employees For managers Forms/documentation Completed
Discuss with your line Discuss how you can support your
manager how they can employee before, during and after their
support you before, during Maternity Leave.
and after your leave.
Advise your employee that our Employee
Assistance Programme have a number of
tools which can support them.

Complete your Book an appointment about 5 weeks Complete your

performance review before Maternity Leave is due to start to performance
paperwork ahead of your review their performance and complete management review.
review meeting. the performance review paperwork.
Work with your line Identify resource to cover the absence – if
manager to prepare a possible, have an overlap to support a
handover plan and if handover/training.
appropriate a return-to-
Work with your employee to prepare a
work plan.
handover plan and if appropriate a
return-to-work plan.
Ensure you understand the Ensure you understand the leave process
leave process and the and the impact on pay and benefits as
impact on pay and benefits relevant.
as relevant.
Nominate a buddy/sponsor Agree buddy/sponsor and confirm the role Provide your chosen
to keep up to date with you both see them taking. colleague with the
general news about your Buddy/Sponsor
branch or department. Support Pack (HR >
Absence >
Maternity Leave).
Consider whether you Confirm how you will keep in touch with Provide your chosen
would like to receive any your employee (i.e. booked calls, emails, colleague with the
regular standard Group text etc.) Buddy/Sponsor
communications (e.g. Identify what kind of information the Support Pack and the
Workday job alerts, employee would be interested in receiving Keeping in Touch
Workplace) e.g. prompts about when to complete checklist (see
forms or access to job opportunities/ Appendix).
learning via Workday. If they would like
this, then follow the appropriate Service
Line Express process to enable access.
There are no rules about how often you
should keep in touch with an employee on
Maternity Leave – this is very much
individual preference, and you should
work with your employee to agree the
best approach.

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During Maternity Leave
For employees For managers Forms/documentation Completed
Advise your line manager if If you need to make a change to the start Contact line manager
your baby is born before date of leave, you can update this on providing the actual
your maternity leave start Workday. You should provide this as soon birth date.
date. This is the date as possible.
provided on your Maternity
Leave request on Workday.

During your employee’s leave it is

important that you review the payroll
analysis you receive in order to check that
the pay during leave is correct. This can
help to prevent overpayments that the
employee will be required to repay in the
Throughout your leave your
line manager will be able to
assist or alternatively, you
can email:

Returning to Work
For employees For managers Forms/documentation Completed
Arrange a return-to-work meeting with Update Workday with
your line manager 8 weeks before your the return-to-work date
expected return to work date. and re-enable systems
access as appropriate
through Service Line

Should you wish to consider options for Complete the Flexible

flexible working, you should speak to your Working Application Form
line manager in the first instance. There on the Intranet.
are two options, either an informal route For more information on
or a formal route. The formal route may both options, refer to the
take longer to process, and you should Flexible Working Support
apply in writing to your line manager in Pack (HR > Working here
good time prior to your return to work. > Life balance).
Submitting an application preferably 8
weeks before you return.
If you decide not to return to work after Provide confirmation of
your leave, you must provide contractual your resignation in writing
notice as outlined in your contract of to your line manager.

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For employees For managers Forms/documentation Completed

3. Before maternity leave

Illness prior to Maternity Leave
If you’re ill and unable to work, you’ll be able to take sick leave until the agreed Maternity Leave start date (you
must start Maternity Leave at least 2 weeks before the end of the week their baby is due).
You should inform your line manager of any illness, as outlined in the Sickness Absence Policy, and line
managers are entitled to ask you for evidence of the reason for your absence.
Line managers will need to close-off the absence on Workday and update the employees Maternity Leave
request with the new start date.

Performance Review
The performance review process needs to be completed before your Maternity Leave starts. We recommend
that the process is completed at least 5 weeks before leave is scheduled to start but this may not always be
Health and Safety risk assessment for new and expectant mothers

Risk assessment
The majority of employees are able to work up until the start of the Maternity Leave. The Group has a legal
responsibility for you and your child’s health and safety whilst at work. A number of factors exist that can affect a
new or expectant mother at work and potentially impact health and work performance. These include:
• Lifting heavy or awkward loads
• Night working
• Standing or prolonged sitting
• General fatigue
• Contact with chemicals
Line Managers should undertake a health and safety risk assessment with employees as detailed in the Group’s
new and expectant mothers risk assessment. This should be regularly reviewed.

Health & Safety studies have shown there is no link between VDU use and miscarriages or birth defects.

Group travel
If travel is required but you don’t wish to fly during pregnancy, other methods of transport may be used. After
28 weeks, airlines will ask for a note from a GP or midwife advising that you’re fit to fly.

Night working
If you normally work at night but have a fit note stating that this could affect your health and safety, the Group
will endeavour to find a suitable alternative role. In these cases, you should speak to your line manager who may
need to discuss your needs with HR.

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If an employee normally wears a uniform as part of their job, the Corporate Wardrobes include maternity wear.
For more information ring:
NatWest: ICW Helpline on 01675 430777 or email on
Royal Bank of Scotland: ICW Helpline on 01675 430775 or email
Corporate wardrobe information can also be found on the intranet.

Antenatal appointments
All pregnant employees, regardless of hours worked or length of service, are entitled to a reasonable amount of
paid time off for ante-natal care. Time off will be paid at your normal rate of pay. If appointments are arranged
during normal working hours, you should inform your line manager. With the exception of the first appointment,
you should be ready to provide proof that you’re pregnant (e.g. certificate from your doctor or midwife). You
should inform your line manager of dates of other ante-natal appointments booked, giving as much notice as
possible so that arrangements can be made to cover absence. Where arrangements cannot be made for you to
attend outside working hours, consideration will be given to a reasonable amount of paid time off for other types of
ante-natal care such as relaxation and parent-craft classes.
Do fathers/expectant parents get time off to attend antenatal appointments?
Fathers/expectant parents are entitled to paid time off to attend a minimum of 2 antenatal appointments per
pregnancy. However, if further time off is requested to attend appointments, this will also be paid but is subject to
line manager approval. Line managers should consider individual circumstances when considering such requests.
The expectant parent should inform their line manager of the dates in question and give as much notice in
advance so that their request can be considered arrangements made to cover their absence if appropriate.

Will I get time off for antenatal classes?

This entitlement covers one set of classes to cover all pregnancies, other than the last 3 in the set (these 3
happen after the birth). If for any reason an employee can’t attend some classes due to reasons beyond their
control (i.e. premature birth, illness, miscarriage, stillbirth), they can carry over the entitlement to paid time off to
attend any untaken classes to subsequent pregnancies.
In order to take time off, employees will need to tell their line manager no later than two weeks before the classes
start, providing the dates and times of the classes. The Group may request written evidence of the classes.
Provided they haven’t exercised their right during a previous pregnancy, an expectant father/parent is entitled to
paid time off work to attend the last 2 ante-natal classes in a set of classes attended by the expectant mother
before the birth of their child.

4. Maternity leave explained

All pregnant employees (permanent or temporary, i.e. fixed term) are entitled to take up to 42 weeks
Maternity Leave regardless of how many hours you work or how long you have worked for the Group.
The first 27 weeks is known as Maternity Leave.
The next 15 weeks is known as Additional Unpaid Maternity Leave.

When can Maternity Leave start?

Maternity Leave must start at least two weeks before the end of the week the baby is due. It should not end
earlier than four weeks after that date or the date on which the baby is born, whichever is earlier.

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Mary’s baby is due on 30 April. Mary would like to stop work six weeks prior to her baby being born and agrees
with her line manager that she will take eight days annual leave prior to the commencement of her Maternity
Leave therefore Mary’s last working day will be 19 March but her Maternity Pay will begin from Thursday 31st

1 2 3 4 5 6
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The 19th March is six weeks before due date.

1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30
The 31st March is the actual Maternity Leave date after holiday entitlement deducted.
The 30th April is the due date.

Notice of intention to take Maternity Leave

Go to Workday and submit your absence request, uploading any supporting documentation (MB 1, 2 & 3), at
least four weeks before your baby is due - the Maternity Leave request should contain the following details:
• That you are pregnant
• The week you expect your baby to be born
• When you intend to start your Maternity Leave
You should also email a copy of the forms to ~ Family Friendly Forms

If you change your mind about when maternity leave starts

You need to notify your line manager and contact HR to confirm the change at least 28 days or as soon as
reasonably practicable, before you wish to begin your Maternity Leave.

5. Pay during maternity leave

The amount of maternity pay depends on your length of service. The tables below explain the maternity pay
you’ll be paid based on your length of service by the 6th week before the baby is due.

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The guidance uses the following key terms and abbreviations:
State Maternity Benefit: Weekly payment from the Department of Social Protection during maternity leave.
Occupational Maternity Pay (OMP): Maternity pay paid by the Group for those who are eligible.
Less than 26 weeks – pay and State Maternity Benefit

Length of service Amount

Less than 26 week’s Week 1 – 2
continuous service 100% of current salary element less any State Maternity Benefit Pension
funding and benefit funding (where applicable) will continue Week 3 - 42
State Maternity Benefit may be available from your local benefits agency.
Information relating to the State Maternity Benefit is available at the website:
No salary, pension funding and if applicable no benefit funding. For further
information on the treatment of your pension and benefit elections please see
Part 7 Benefits during maternity leave.

You should claim State Maternity Benefit six weeks before your Maternity Leave is due to begin.
The necessary MB 1, 2 & 3 forms can be obtained from any local office of the Department of Social Welfare or
direct from the: Department of Social Protection, Maternity Benefit Section, McCarter’s Road, Ardaravan,
Buncrana, Donegal, Ireland.
Tel: (01) 471 5898/Local: 1890 690 690.

Occupational Maternity Pay (OMP)

Here’s how OMP is calculated:

Length of service Amount

26 weeks continuous The Group may pay up to a maximum of 27 weeks occupational pay as OMP to an
service eligible Group employee taking Maternity Leave (subject to eligibility criteria).
Weeks 1 to 27
100% of current salary element less State Maternity Benefit
Pension funding and benefit funding (where applicable) will continue
Weeks 28 to 42
Your salary, pension funding and benefit funding (where applicable) stops
You may be eligible for State Maternity Benefit from the Department of Social
How are payments for Maternity Leave paid?
• OMP is calculated on a weekly basis, paid on the normal salary date
• Maternity Pay is only paid in completed weeks; however it is paid on the number of calendar days in the
month. Therefore payments can differ on a month-to-month basis, depending on the number of calendar
days in the month. For example – if you go on Maternity Leave on the 29th of January 2017, you will see your
salary up to and including the 28th January and three days of Maternity pay

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• When you’re paid on the 18th your salary covers two weeks in arrears and two weeks in advance e.g. pay
received on 18th January is for 1st – 31st January

What happens if you receive a pay rise before their Maternity Leave?
Any pay rise will be taken into account and reflected in your Maternity pay.

What happens if you receive a pay rise during Maternity Leave?

Any pay rise made during Maternity Leave will be taken into account and reflected in your Maternity

How to access pay slips whilst on Maternity Leave?

Paper pay slips will be sent to your home address whilst on maternity leave. Pay slips remain available

What happens if you get less than the standard rate of State Maternity Benefit?
You should advise HR People Services of the rate of State Maternity Benefit to be paid along with copy of the
confirmation received. HR People Services will then change the deduction of State Maternity Benefit from your
Occupational Maternity Pay to match with the amount you are to be paid.

What happens to maternity pay if the baby arrives early?

• If your baby arrives early, maternity pay will start from the day of your baby’s birth, but Maternity Leave will
be effective from the date of the baby’s birth.
• You should inform your line manager of the date that your baby was born as soon as possible, they will
then update Workday with the new Maternity Leave start date.
• If your baby’s born more than 2 weeks before the end of your expected week of childbirth, you might be
eligible for extra maternity leave and Maternity Benefit. You’ll need to contact your local Welfare Office to
confirm any entitlement. If they confirm you meet the criteria, contact for further
support and to let them know if you choose to take extra leave.

What happens if your baby is born before your Maternity Leave start date?
• If you are still working and your baby is born early, your Maternity Leave will automatically start from the day
your baby is born
• Let your line manager know the date your baby was born as quickly as you can. They will then update
Workday with this information.
• If you haven’t already done so by this time, you will also need to upload your medical certificate and MB 1, 2
& 3 forms, stating the expected date of birth and the actual date your baby was born. You should also email a
copy of the MB1, 2 & 3 forms to ~ Family Friendly Forms

6. During maternity leave

Keeping in touch
• It’s important to remember that you’re part of the team whilst you’re on leave. You’ll need to agree the level
of contact you have with your line manager and this will vary from person to person.
• You should agree with your line manager what level of systems access (if any) that you want to retain while
you’re on maternity leave. Your manager can arrange this using the usual ServiceLine Express process
• The role of the Buddy/Sponsor is to make sure that you’re kept up to date with any major developments in
the branch or department and the team

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• Your line manager may also agree to regular calls, e-mails, texts etc. with you
• If you’re an employee going on maternity, remember that your colleagues will be eager to hear your
news. Keeping in touch with other members of the team also helps you to adjust back into working life at the
end of the leave. Your line manager will also be keen to hear how you are getting on and about your plans for
returning to work
• Your line managers will keep you informed of any re-organisation or changes in structure to the area. If there
are changes while you’re away, you’ll be sent all the communications and will be treated as if you’re still

Buddy/Sponsor role
• In order to keep up to date with news about your branch, business unit or division while you’re on leave,
you should nominate a buddy/sponsor who can do this while you are away from work.
• You may wish to ask your line manager or one of your colleagues to act as your buddy/sponsor. There is
a Support Pack designed to assist your buddy/sponsor and it’s recommended that you give this to them.

7. Benefits during maternity leave

Pension and Benefit Funding
Your Pension Funding and any Benefit Funding you get in Value Account will be paid to you whilst your paid
OMP. Once OMP is no longer paid your Pension and Benefit Funding will stop too.

RBSelect during Maternity Leave

• All RBSelect benefits will continue during Maternity Leave or 12 months, whichever is the shortest
• During Maternity Leave, you can reduce or cancel many of your elections via RBSelect Anytime

RBSelect charges
If you’re receiving OMP:
• We’ll continue to pay your Pension Funding and any Benefit Funding you get in addition to your OMP
• The charge for your RBSelect benefits will be made against your pay
• If you don’t receive enough pay to cover the cost of your RBSelect charges the Group will pay the shortfall

If you’re receiving SMP or no pay:

• If you don’t receive other elements of pay but receive SMP, the Group will fund your RBSelect benefit charges
• We’ll not pass any charges against your statutory pay

If you’re not eligible for OMP:

• The Group will fund the charge for your RBSelect benefits.

You’ll need to pay any tax due to RBSelect benefits you get while you’re on Maternity Leave, even though you
may not be charged for them.

RBSelect - Annual Election Window

If you’re about to go or are on Maternity Leave during the RBSelect Annual Election Window (AEW) you’ll not be
able to make new or increased elections. But, you’ll be able to change some of your elections when you return
and you’ll be able to participate in the next AEW as usual.

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RBSelect - Returning to work
HR People Services will send you a return to work letter prompting you to review, and if necessary, change some
of your elections within specified timescales. You’ll receive an online confirmation statement confirming any
changes you’ve made.

Private Medical Cover

If you want to add your baby to your cover, this should be done 30 days from the birth or you’ll need to wait
until the next Annual Election Window. You can do this by asking your manager to raise a case via Contact HR on
the HR homepage. Your Private Medical Cover will continue whilst you’re on Maternity Leave.
If you have any questions or changes required for Vhi during your leave you should contact them directly to
discuss. Contact Vhi healthcare on 1850 44 44 44 or online at

Defined Benefit Pension Plan & Retirement Savings Plan

If you’re in the DB Pension Plan or making contributions to the Retirement savings plan, your membership will be
unaffected during Maternity Leave and, unless you elect otherwise your contributions will continue.

Job Need Cars

You can keep your car and continue to pay the benefit in kind tax liability but if you want to return it you
should contact Merrion Fleet Management Ltd on 0044 0353 1206 1118 to arrange collection.

Banking Benefits
All banking benefits continue during your leave. Any borrowing on special staff terms will continue, such as
mortgage, personal loans and overdrafts. It’s not possible to freeze any payments to loans or mortgages. If you’re
experiencing financial difficulty please speak to your local branch.

Taxsaver Commuter Tickets

• You’ll continue to pay for your ticket while you’re on leave and receiving pay. If you enter into a period of
unpaid leave any outstanding amount will be deducted from your final salary payment.
• If you want to, you can also cancel your ticket.

Cancelling or Amending Annual Tickets

If you need to cancel your ticket you’ll need to:
Return your ticket with the Refund Form by the 14th of the month directly to the following address: Property
Services, Taxsaver Commuter Tickets, Ground Floor, Dublin Mortgage Centre, Leopardstown, Dublin 18, Depot
code: 035. Phone 00353 1 709 2000
Purchasing and Property Operations will in turn contact Dublin Bus, Iarnrod Eireann or Bus Eireann to work out
the appropriate refund due to you if applicable.
If you want to work out the value of the refund please refer to the Dublin Bus, Iarnrod Eireann or Bus
Eireann websites for more details on when refunds are applicable.

• You’ll continue to build up contractual and Bank holiday entitlement for the current holiday year (and the
previous holiday year if your leave started in the previous holiday year)
• You can take all or part of your holiday entitlement before your leave starts or take them immediately
following the end of Maternity Leave

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• Alternatively, you may want to end your leave early and take all or part of your holiday entitlement
before returning to work. You should discuss and agree holiday arrangements with your line manager before
Maternity Leave starts
• Any holiday not taken before Maternity Leave starts will carry forward to the next leave year if
• There’s no limit on the days you can carry forward but once Maternity Leave is completed, if any leave
(including carried forward leave) is not taken, only 5 days may then be carried forward.

• Where appropriate, performance for the year should be reviewed before you go on leave
• As long as you’ve not resigned before the date of the grant, you’ll be told of any bonus due as soon as its
• If you’re eligible for a discretionary performance bonus (subject to the qualifying criteria) you’ll receive a
pro- rated bonus to reflect the period worked during the relevant performance year. Your line manager will
explain how the performance rating and the pro-rating of any bonus payment will operate.
• Where eligible, the bonus will be paid regardless of whether you’re receiving maternity leave payments at
that time
• Any bonus will be paid on the defined payment date.

Existing plans
Subject to the rules of the plan, during leave you can:
• Continue to make monthly contributions to any existing Sharesave contracts by payroll deduction; or
• If you’re not receiving pay, you’ll need to contact Computershare to continue to make monthly contributions
to any existing Sharesave contracts by an alternative method – you should contact Computershare on 0870
702 0109 if you want to set this up
• Take up any new Sharesave offers (subject to terms applying) Choose to take a twelve-month payment
holiday by contacting Computershare on the number above. If you choose to do this, you’ll need to inform HR
via an online "Sharesave Payment Suspension" form. This is available at HR > Pensions and benefits > benefits
> shares > share save
Note: Suspending contributions will delay when the savings plan finishes, as you’ll need to catch up on the
missed payments. If you miss more than twelve payments, your right to buy shares will lapse.
If you want to reinstate payment through your salary, you should contact Computershare one month before
you want the payments through payroll to re-start. Computershare will then pass this information onto HR
People Services.
Further information regarding Sharesave can be found on the Intranet under HR > Pensions and benefits >
New plans
• All Sharesave grants are subject to approval by the Board and there is no guarantee that Sharesave will
operate in any given year
• Once details of a Sharesave grant are announced, your sponsor or line manager should send a copy of
any related correspondence and an application pack to you at your home address.
What happens to benefits if the employee chooses not to return?
You’ll be treated as a leaver from the Group. Most benefits will stop from the day you leave or the end of the
month in which you leave. Full details can be found in the Leavers Benefit Guide.

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8. Returning to work after maternity leave
How much notice do you need to give when returning from Maternity Leave?
You should provide at least 28 days written notice of your intention to return to work.

When an employee is returning to work, their line manager is responsible for:

• Accommodating returners to their old job, or where this is not reasonably practicable, to an alternative job
of equivalent or greater pay or status at the same work location or within reasonable travelling distance of
the employee's existing workplace
• Giving serious consideration to flexible working requests from returners
• Discussing with their employee how they can support them after their leave and in their transition back to
• Ensuring that phase back is discussed with their employee and a full plan is agreed before they start their
return to work.

Return to work meeting

A return to work meeting between you and your line manager should be held 8 weeks before you’re due to
return to work. At the meeting the following should be discussed:
• The date you’re proposing to return to work including holiday and phase back dates
• Any arrangements to make the return to work as smooth as possible
• Any training, support or development requirements to support your return to work
• If you’re making a flexible working request, discuss hours and pattern and how this would fit with the business
• Maternity Phase back arrangements

What happens when the employee returns to work?

On your first day back in the office, your line manager will bring you up to date on anything that affects
you. Depending on the discussion before your return, your line manager may have put a training programme in
This training will be informal and will vary from job to job. It will also depend on the length of time you’ve been on
leave. It may include meeting with other team members, getting to know new products and talking about the
branch or departments progress against targets and budget.

The return to work process

Once the Return to work discussion has been completed line managers must:

• Start the return to work process in Workday

• A line manager can also update any details for their employee from the agreed start date
• Follow the flexible working application process if required for flexible working arrangements. Any change in
hours will need to be requested on Workday through Employee > Actions > Job Change > Change Job
• If appropriate follow the resignation process
There are a number of points to consider when an employee returns to work (remember to make
arrangements in good time) these include:

• Desk, PC and telephone

• E-mail accounts and systems access
• Car parking

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• Refresher training
• Team meetings and social events
• Holidays
If you’ve been unable to use your outstanding holiday entitlement before you return for any reason, you can carry
up to five days holiday forward for use in the next calendar year. In exceptional circumstances, you may carry
forward more than five days holiday if agreed by your line manager.
It’s always useful for a line manager to set some time aside on their employees first day and ask other team
members to update them on any news.
If for medical reasons, you’re unable to return to work on the day you planned you must follow the normal
sickness absence procedures as outlined in the Sickness Absence Support Pack (HR > Absence > Sickness
Meera is returning to work after maternity leave. What should she and her manager consider?
Meera and her manager should arrange a meeting 8 weeks before she’s due to return to work. Depending
on childcare and travel, they could have a call rather than meet. It’s important to have the meeting early so
that everything is organised for returning to work. The key points to discuss at the meeting include:
Meera should let her manager know what date she's planning to return to work.
If Meera has any outstanding holidays, she needs to confirm if these will all be taken at the end of her maternity
leave. If not, up to 5 days pro-rata can be carried forward into the next holiday year with her manager's
She should let her manager know if she would like phase back. The meeting's a good opportunity to discuss
phase back and agree arrangements. There's more information in the Phase Back section.
If Meera wants to make a flexible working request, she should let her manager know. There's information on
the process in the Flexible Working Support Pack.
Meera and her manager should discuss any training or updates that need to be arranged for her return to
Any other support that would help Meera's return to work. There's more information on support under Part

After the meeting, Meera's manager needs to update Workday. It's important this form is completed so the
employee is paid correctly. Meera's manager also needs to complete the actions on the Administration
Checklist which includes reactivating systems access and e-mail which will help make her return to work

Phase back
Following a long period of leave, it can be hard coming back to work, and this can be helped by phasing back.
You’re entitled to 12 weeks phase back; working agreed reduced hours over a set period and you’ll receive full
pay and benefits. Phase back to work can’t exceed the 12 weeks and there’s no set programme of return as
each request needs to be considered on an individual basis. However, a line manager must make sure that all
requests are treated with consistency. A phase back might involve a buildup of hours each day or the number of
days in a week. Where you’re phasing back to a part-time work pattern it’s likely you’ll do this sooner than
someone phasing back to full- time.
Two examples are set out below:
Example 1 – Return to full time hours
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If an employee takes their full phase back entitlement of 12 weeks they might work the first 3 weeks as 1 day
a week, weeks 4 - 6 as 2 days a week, weeks 7 – 9 as 3 days a week and weeks 10 and 12 as 4 days a week
before returning full time. Pay and benefits will be paid for their full contractual hours, not just the hours
Example 2 – Return to part time hours e.g. 20 hours per week
If an employee takes their full phase back entitlement of 12 weeks they might work the first 4 weeks as 1 day
a week for 5 hours, weeks 5-8 as 2 days a week for 5 hours, weeks 9 – 12 as 3 days a week for 5 hours before
returning to 20 hours hour per week. Pay and benefits will be paid for their full contractual hours, not just the
hours worked.

If you’re breastfeeding and you return to work within 26 weeks of the date of your baby’s birth, you’re entitled
to either a break of 1 hour where suitable facilities are provided in the workplace or a reduction in working hours.
This entitlement lasts up to 26 weeks after the date of birth.

What if the employee is reducing their hours when they return from Maternity
If you’re reducing your hours, a change in hours request will be required by your line manager.
Example An employee works 5 days per week, 35 hours, prior to going on maternity leave. The employee then
takes 9 months maternity leave, followed by 25 days holiday. The Line Manager must update Workday with the
date they are ending Maternity and commencing holidays to ensure the employee is returned to payroll. During
this time, the employee and line manager agree the employee will return 3 days per week, 21 hours. Following
the holidays, a change in hours needs to be submitted via Employee > Actions > Job Change > Change Job on
Workday. The employee will then start their phase back, building up to 21 hours per week.

What if there is no job to return to?

This may arise as a result of a restructure. If you’re on Maternity Leave, you’ll be included in the consultation
process. Where possible, you’ll be told of the business change at the same time as others in your team, but this
will depend on your personal circumstances. This will be done face to face where possible, and may involve a
manager visiting your home or in a mutually convenient place. If you can’t attend in person, you’ll need to tell your
manager how to contact you.

What if the employee can’t return to work?

If for medical reasons, you’re unable to return to work on the day planned, you need to follow the normal
sickness absence procedures as outlined in the Sickness Absence Support Pack. Your line manager will return
you to work and then start the sickness absence process in Workday.

What if childcare problems arise?

No matter how well organised you are, you may well encounter childcare problems. Your child or carer could fall
sick, or childcare arrangements could simply fall through. If you have such problems, you may be entitled to
Special Leave. The Leave Support Pack provides further details.

If a child has a prolonged illness, the employee should discuss with their line manager the possibility of taking
some unpaid Parental Leave or reorganising their work to allow them to make some other arrangements. Please
see the Parental Leave Policy and Holiday & Other Leave Support Pack for more information (HR > Absence).

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What if the employee doesn’t want to return to work?
If an employee decides not to return to work they need to give the Group proper contractual notice by writing to
their line manager. The line manager will need to return them to work from maternity and start the resignation
process in Workday.
Line managers must then update Workday to start the resignation process (Employee > Actions > Job Change >
Terminate Employee).
Further information on what happens to pay and benefits if you resign is detailed in the Resignation section on
the HR pages (HR > Working here > Leaving the bank).

9. Supporting working parents

At the Group, we understand the challenges that parents face on returning to work after a period of maternity
leave and are committed to making the return as easy as possible for both yourself and your new child. We offer a
number of policies and products which provide support for working parents.
The decision about returning to work will be influenced by a whole range of factors, such as family commitments,
career, income and the hours you’d like to work. You should think these things through before the return to work
discussion with your line manager. Some of the support available is outlined below.

Moments that Matter

Having a baby is one of the biggest moments that matter you’ll experience. The Group provide the following ‘life
moment’ support to customers on our website which is equally applicable to you in helping you manage your
affairs when having a baby (NatWest Group > Personal > Life moments > Having a baby).

Childcare is one of the most important matters to consider when deciding about returning to work. Everyone’s
circumstances are unique. You should start looking at childcare options early on as places may be scarce and
some nurseries allocate places far in advance.
Our Employee Assistance Programme offers advice, information and support on a wide range of issues, including
childcare and parenting.

Parental Leave
You'll usually need at least one year's continuous employment with the Group to be entitled to unpaid Parental
Leave. However, if you have more than three months' continuous service, and the child is approaching 18, you
can take one week's leave for every full month of continuous employment with the Group.
You can take up to 26 weeks leave in total until your child’s 18th birthday, which you can choose to take as a
continuous block of 26 weeks. However, if you qualify for Parental Leave for more than one child, you can't take
more than 26 weeks' Parental Leave in any 12-month period.
In the case of children in receipt of disability living allowance, there’s more flexibility when Parental Leave can
be taken - this can be one day at a time or in longer periods if you wish.
You may be able to add Parental Leave to the end of Maternity Leave and should you provide your line manager
with three weeks’ notice.

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Parent’s Leave
You can take 7 weeks leave during your child’s first 2 years (or for children who are adopted, within 2 years of
the placement of the child). This leave is unpaid however you’re able to claim Parents Benefit from the
Parents leave increased from 5 weeks to 7 weeks on 1 July 2022. If you’ve already taken 5 weeks of Parent’s
Leave you can claim the additional 2 weeks if your child was under 2 on 1 July 2022 or your adopted child was
placed with you less than two years on 1 July 2022.
Parent’s Leave must be taken in minimum 1-week blocks prior to your child’s second birthday, or in the case of
adoption within two years of the child being placed with the family. Requests for Parent’s Leave should be
submitted on Workday at least 6 weeks before the requested start date. Line Managers may ask to postpone
Parent’s Leave for up to 12 weeks if it can’t be accommodated, for example because there are too many others
in the team on leave or it is a peak time.

Flexible working
You have the right to apply to work flexibly and this request will be considered by your line manager. The Group
has a range of different working practices detailed in the Flexible Working Support Pack. Alternatively, you can
contact HR or speak to your line manager. The support pack gives guidance on the flexible working application

Employment breaks
The Group offers unpaid employment breaks to allow you time away from work to focus on other things in your
life. You can request a break of between 8 and 52 weeks to focus on personal interests. Further details can be
found in the Holiday and Other Leave Support Pack.

Special Leave
We understand that sometimes things happen in life out with your control. To support you during these times you
can take reasonable time off work, paid or unpaid, to deal with emergencies, for example those involving a
dependent. For further information, you should speak to your line manager and review the Holiday and Other
Leave Support Pack.

Employee Assistance Programme

The arrival of a child is one of life’s most exciting experiences. It can also be daunting and overwhelming at times.
Our Employee Assistance Programme can help you on the journey to parenthood, from telling a line manager and
finding antenatal classes to returning to work and parenting a growing child. It’s a free and confidential service
available to you and your immediate family members. You can call to speak with a consultant or visit online or
through the app for comprehensive information, practical advice and emotional support.

Telephone 1800 938 707

Online Employee Assistance Programme go to HR Information>Wellbeing
External access:
Change the flag icon to choose your location
App Providing 24/7 access to support and information. Search for
"GuidanceResources" in your app store to install the mobile app.

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Appendix 1. Standard communications
During your Maternity Leave you can expect to receive some standard items of communication and some
examples are detailed below for your information.

Communication When How

Pay slips Monthly Sent directly to your home address
Pay Review Communication End February/early March Sent to you by your line manager
Our View – Employee Opinion September Invited to access online by your line
Sharesave – Invitation to join the When a Sharesave option is As per your profile on Sharesave.
Group’s scheme

Basic access to work systems – On an ongoing basis Your Line Manager can request this
Insite, Workday, Workplace as through ServiceLine Express
agreed with your line manager
before you go on Maternity Leave

Both you and your line manager are responsible for agreeing the amount of contact you wish to have
during Maternity Leave.

Document Classification: Internal

Appendix 2
Keeping in touch whilst on Maternity Leave
Please complete the form and provide a copy to your line manager & buddy/sponsor.
1. Personal details

Name (in full)

Home Address Home Phone Number/s

Email Address

Employee ID

Date your baby/adoption is due (DD/MM/YY)

Probable last working day (DD/MM/YY)

2. Optional communications
Frequency of I would like to receive a copy of
communication this communication (Yes/No)
Internal jobs are advertised via Workday, If Real time
you wish to have access to internal jobs
Yes No
while you are on maternity leave your line
manager should request access for you via
the ServiceLine Express process.

Focus on staff and resources communications Monthly circulation

If you normally receive this (mainly staff with
Yes No
limited access to Insite) you can continue to
do so. It is produced weekly but weekly
copies would normally be sent out by your
line manager & buddy/sponsor once a month.
This will be available from your line manager
& buddy/sponsor.
be available from your line manager &

Document Classification: Internal

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