Traveller Gun Catalogue
Traveller Gun Catalogue
Traveller Gun Catalogue
40mm HEAP RAM Grenade
58mm HEAT RAM Grenade
7mm Sub-Vél Byssur SVB.980
Sacnoth Ríkisstjórn-Vopn Verksmiðju, Ohf.
Name: SVB.980
Description: 7mm Electrothermal caseless nanocarbon bullpup gyro-stabilized
Tech Level: 11 (Manufactured By 11/12 Tech Level) lyddæmper
Weight: 1.5 Kg unloaded; 2.1 Kg loaded ( silencer)
Cost: 930 Cr.
Caliber: 7mm Electrothermal Caseless
Size: 2
Length: 480mm, 560mm stock fully extended
ROF:Rapid (1,3,5,10) Damage: 4D+1
Effective Range: 180m electronic battle sight
Shots: 40 round magazines (weight: 660 grams) Cost: 100 Cr. per magazine
Recoil:1*( Base 3: Mods -3(-1 for ETC & -2, for Gyro-stabilization)
Flash: 3
Reliability: High
Accessories: Silencer (0.1Kg, 300 Cr (Range x.5)); Electronic Battle Sight (500
grams, cost 1000 Cr).
Skill: Gun Combat ( Submachine-gun)
7mm Háþróaður Bardaga Karabin HBK.981
Sacnoth Ríkisstjórn-Vopn Verksmiðju, Ohf.
Name: HBK.981
Description: 7mm Electrothermal caseless nanocarbon bullpup configured gyro-stabilized
Tech Level: 11 (Manufactured By 11/12 Tech Level)
Weight: 2.81Kg. unloaded, 3.41Kg. loaded
Cost: 1475 Cr.
Caliber: 7mm Electrothermal Caseless
Size: 3
Length: 600mm, 680mm stock fully extended
ROF: Auto (1,3,5) Damage: 4D+1 lyddæmper
Effective Range: 270m ( silencer)
Shots: 40 round magazines (weight: 660 grams) Cost: 100 Cr. per magazine
Recoil:1*( Base 3: Mods -3(-1 for ETC & -2, for Gyro-stabilization)
Flash: 2
Reliability: High
Accessories: Silencer (0.1Kg, 300 Cr (Range x.5)); Electronic Battle Sight (500 grams, cost 1000 40mm GSAO Sprengjuvarpa
Cr)**. 40mm RAM Anti-Personnel /Anti-Vehicle Grenade, Bayonet & Bipod ( 40mm APAV RAM Grenade)
Skill: Gun Combat- Carbine, Gun Combat- Combat Rifleman, Grenadier for 40mm RAM Grenades
*- with slug throwers always have a Recoil of at least 1; **- Battle sight,Bipod, Bayonet included.
7mm Háþróaður Bardaga Gevar HBG.982
Sacnoth Ríkisstjórn-Vopn Verksmiðju, Ohf.
Name: HBG.982
Description: 7mm Electrothermal caseless nanocarbon,bullpup configured gyro-stabilized rifle.
Tech Level: 11 (Manufactured By 11/12 Tech Level)
Weight: 3.1 Kg. unloaded; 3.7 Kg. loaded
Cost: 1715 Cr.
Caliber: 7mm Electrothermal Caseless lyddæmper
Size: 4
Length: 800mm, 880mm Stock fully extended ( silencer)
ROF: Auto (1,3,5) Damage: 4D+1
Effective Range: 360m
Shots: 40 round magazines (weight: 660 grams) Cost: 100 Cr. per magazine
Recoil: 1*( Base 3: Mods -3(-1 for ETC & -2, for Gyro-stabilization) 40mm GSAO Sprengjuvarpa
Flash: 2 ( 40mm APAV RAM Grenade)
Reliability: High
Accessories: Silencer (0.1Kg, 300 Cr (Range x.5)); Electronic Battle Sight
(500 grams, cost 1000 Cr)**. 40mm RAM Anti-personnel/Anti-Vehicle Grenade;
58mm RAM High explosive Anti-Tank Grenade, Bayonet** & Bipod**.
Skill: Gun Combat- Carbine, Gun Combat- Combat Rifleman,
Grenadier for 40mm/58mm RAM Grenades 58mm AFAO Sprengjuvarpa
*- with slug throwers always have a Recoil of at least 1; **- Battle sight,Bipod, Bayonet included. (58mm HEAP RAM Grenade)
7mm Háþróaður Sjálfvirk Vopn HSV.983
Sacnoth Ríkisstjórn-Vopn Verksmiðju, Ohf.
Name: HSV.983
Description: 7mm Electrothermal caseless nanocarbon,bullpup configured
gyro-stabilized Automatic rifle/Light Machine-gun
Tech Level: 11 (Manufactured By 11/12 Tech Level)
Weight: 7 Kg. unloaded; 8.3 Kg. loaded
Cost: 2115 Cr.
Caliber: 7mm Electrothermal Caseless
Size: 4
Length: 1000mm, 1100mm Stock fully extended
ROF: Rapid (1,5,10) Damage: 4D+1
Effective Range: 700m
Shots: 75 round (weight: 1.25 Kg) Cost: 155 Cr. Drum
Recoil: 1*( Base 3: Mods -3(-1 for ETC & -2, for Gyro-stabilization)
Flash: 2
Reliability: High
Accessories: Electronic Battle Sight (500 grams, cost 1000 Cr)**. 75 Round Drum & Ammo Pouches
Skill: Gun Combat- Autorifle/LMG, Combat- Combat Rifleman,
*- with slug throwers always have a Recoil of at least 1; **- battle sight & bipod included.
40mm & 58mm Sprengjuvarpa
Sacnoth Ríkisstjórn-Vopn Verksmiðju, Ohf.