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A Ld Sv

Unit Composition

Weapons and Biomorphs

Special Rules

1 Dimachaeron

Sickle claws
Grasping talons
Thorax spine-maw
Adrenal glands*

Instinctive Behaviour

Unit Type
Monstrous Creature

Movement phase: If a Leaping model Leaps during

the Movement phase, it can move up to 6.
Assault phase: If a Leaping model Leaps during the
Assault phase, it gains the Hammer of Wrath special
rules if it did not alredy possess it, and all Hammer
of Wrath attacks are resolved at +1 Strength and gain
the Strikedown special rule.
Grasping Talons
Mounted on the Dimachaerons lower torso, these
stocky spike-like limbs are covered in fine hairs and
tendrils, and are used by the beast to immobilise its
prey and drag it into the spine-maw in its chest.

Grasping Talons

10 3+

A Dimachaeron is a Fast Attack

choice for a Codex: Tyranids

*See Codex: Tyranids

Monstrous Creature (Leaper)

Leaper is a sub-type, and as such does not appear as a
separate category on its own, but only when paired
with another unit type. Models with the leaper subtype may choose to use their Leaping ability in either
the Movement phase or Assault phase (they may also
choose not to use it in either phase if they wish), but
may not use it in both phase. When not using their
Leaping ability, a unit of this sub-type moves normally
for a model of its base type. When using Leaper
(whether moving ot charging), the model can move
over all other models and terrain freely. If the model
begins or ends its move in dicult terrain, it must take
a Dangerous Terrain test. Leaping models cannot end
their move on top of other models or in impassable








Melee, Spinemaw Strike

Spine-maw Strike: When an attack with this special

rule result in least one 6 To Hit, it may make a single
additional Spine-maw attack in initiative step 1 (see
rules below).
Thorax Spine-maw
When locked in combat the Dimachaeron will pluck
an unfortunate prey-beast from the battleeld, hinge
open its chest cavity and impale the still living prey on
the spine-maw lurking inside it. Once pinned in place,
the rib-jaws snap

shut and the spine-maw drains the prey of its vitality,

leaving its desiccated corpse clasped to its chest as it used
the nutrients it has stolten to add to its ferocity as it tears
apart the preys allies.
The spine-maw may only be used to attack during
initiative step 1 of any close combat in which the
Dimachaeron attacks with its grasping talons and results
in at least one 6 To Hit. The spine-maw makes a single
attack using the prole listed below this is an addition
to any other attacks the Dimachaeron make an
automatically hits. A spine-maw attack may target any
infantry models that do not have the Extremely Bulky
special rule, and no more than one spine-maw attack
may be made in a single phase by any one model.





Thorax spine-maw

Instant Death,
Digestion Spine,

Digestion Spine: When a spine-maw removes a model

as a casuality, the Dimachaeron gains a number of Plasm
tokens equal to the number of Wounds on the prole of
the model removed (regardless of the number it
possessed when it was removed). At the end of each of its
following turns, the Dimachaerons controlling player
removes one these Plasm tokens. Whilst the
Dimachaeron has at least one Plasm token, it gains the
Feel no Pain (4+) special rule.
Sickle Claws
Each of the Dimachaerons upper limbs bears a pair of
these vicious claws, which in combat scissor through
their prey, shearing through armoured torsos and
cleaving the heads from lesser organisms.
Sickle Claws





Sickle Strike

Sickle Strike: On a roll of a 4+ to Wound, an attack

inicted by a sickle claws has the Instant Death special

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