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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 81 (2018) 3186–3214

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Review of hydrogen production using chemical-looping technology MARK

a,⁎ a b a a a a
Ming Luo , Yang Yi , Shuzhong Wang , Zhuliang Wang , Min Du , Jianfeng Pan , Qian Wang
School of Energy and Power Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, China
Key Laboratory of Thermo-Fluid Science and Engineering of MOE, School of Energy and Power Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049,


Keywords: Hydrogen is an attractive energy carrier due to its potentially high energy efficiency and low generation of
Hydrogen pollutants, which can be used for transportation and stationary power generation. However, hydrogen is not
Chemical-looping readily available in sufficient quantities and the production cost is still high. Steam methane reforming (SMR)
CO2 capture process is now the most widely used technology for H2 production, but this process is complex and cannot get
Oxygen carrier
thorough carbon capture. Hydrogen production using chemical looping technology has received a great deal of
attention in recent years because it can produce hydrogen with higher process efficiency and can capture carbon
dioxide. Many researchers have carried out intensive research work on the hydrogen production processes using
chemical looping technology. Based on the previous studies stated in the literature, the authors try to give an
overview on the recent advances of two categories, chemical looping reforming (CLR) and chemical looping
hydrogen production (CLH) processes. Besides, the characteristics of the processes are pointed out based on the
comparison with the conventional SMR process. The existing technical problems and the aspects of future
research of each approach are also summarized.

1. Introduction pollutants and greenhouse gases. The amount of energy produced

during hydrogen combustion is higher than that of any other fuel on a
With an increasing expansion of the vehicle population, the mass basis, such as methane, gasoline or coal, respectively. Therefore,
reduction of carbon dioxide and the pollutants emission during the the research activities on H2 production increase rapidly in many
combustion process has become the focus of attention around the countries. However, for hydrogen to become a major energy source, it
world. In 2014, transport was the second-largest sector to emit carbon must be produced in an efficient and sustainable manner.
dioxide, which represented 23% of global CO2 emissions [1]. There are a few different approaches for hydrogen transportation
Meanwhile, the pollutant emissions from the vehicles have become and storage, but steam methane reforming (SMR) is now the most
the main resource in the urban areas, especially for China [2,3]. It is widely used technology for H2 production in the industrial scale [5].
found that the contribution rate of mobile sources are greater than 80% However, due to the superior characteristics of system simplification
and 40% respectively for the total emissions of CO and NOx in Beijing and/or carbon capture inherently compared to the SMR method,
[3]. Global demand for transport appears unlikely to decrease in the hydrogen production using chemical-looping technology has attracted
foreseeable future. The WEO 2010 projects that transport fuel demand great attention and has been widely investigated recently. Although
will grow more than 20% by 2035 [4]. Therefore, to decrease the there have been some reviews related, those published literature only
emissions in the transport sector is one of the urgent problems. contain part of this technology [6–10], or even only focus on the
For vehicle pollutants reduction, this can be achieved by tightening oxygen carrier materials [11–14]. The aim of this present paper is to
the vehicle emission standards and improving the quality of fuel for introduce the recent findings published and give an extensive review of
vehicle. For the carbon reduction, each transport sector only releases a this technology. The SMR technology is firstly described only for
relatively small amount of CO2, thus it is not feasible to capture CO2 comparison, and then the development of hydrogen production using
from each vehicle and hence, to reduce emissions from the transport chemical looping technology is discussed. The principles, character-
sector a change to electricity or renewable fuels is necessary. istics, the development of oxygen carrier materials, the progress in
Hydrogen appears to be one of the most promising energy carriers reactor equipment and the system simulation are all summarized and
as it is considered to be environmentally friendly. It emits only water analyzed in this paper.
vapor during the combustion process, which can reduce the emission of

Corresponding author.
Received 5 April 2017; Received in revised form 4 June 2017; Accepted 4 July 2017
Available online 09 July 2017
1364-0321/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Luo et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 81 (2018) 3186–3214

Fig. 1. Simplified flow diagram of conventional SMR process [24].

2. Steam methane reforming process than 22% if carbon capture and storage (CCS) system is added [23].
Therefore, although it is wildly used in hydrogen generation, SMR
The SMR process consists of feed stock purification, steam reform- process is a complex process that involves many complex catalytic
ing, a high-temperature shift reactor, a low-temperature shift reactor steps. Additional energy and equipment is needed to separate CO2 from
followed by a pressure swing adsorption apparatus for purification of the exhaust gas, and this process cannot achieve a 100% CO2 capture
the produced hydrogen. The schematic diagram of the SMR process is rate. In addition, the heat transfer coefficient of the internal tube in
shown in Fig. 1. reformer is the rate-limiting parameter, which needs to be increased.
The methane needs to be firstly desulfurized since small amounts of
sulfur are enough to poison the catalyst. Desulfurized methane is then 3. Hydrogen production using chemical looping technology
catalytically reformed at the temperature range of 970–1100 K to
produce synthetic gas (syngas) with a mixture of CO and H2 [15]: Chemical looping technology has received great attention in recent
years. A typical process is chemical looping combustion (CLC). This
CH4+H2O = CO+3H2-206·3 kJ/mol (1)
process is different from conventional combustion process, which is
Syngas is cooled and then shifted in the water-gas shift (WGS) accomplished by using two reactors and a circulating metal oxide, see
reactors, where the WGS reaction happens to increase the H2 yield and Fig. 2. The oxygen carrier constantly circulates between the fuel reactor
to decrease the CO concentration [16–18]. (FR) and air reactor (AR). In the FR, the particles are reduced by the
fuels, and the fuels are oxidized to CO2 and H2O through reaction 6. In
CO+H2O = CO2+H2+41·0 kJ/mol (2) the AR, they are oxidized to its initial state with O2 through reaction 7.
As a final stage, the gases including CO2, water, methane, and CO Due to the fact that the fuel and air are separated in CLC, the
need to be removed from the flue gas, and the total reaction of SMR combustion products of CO2 and H2O are not diluted with nitrogen.
process is as follows: This means that by condensing the H2O, it is possible to obtain almost
pure CO2 without expending any extra energy needed for separation.
CH4+2H2O = CO2+4H2-165·3 kJ/mol (3) Other benefits include a large elimination of NOx emission [25–29] and
high thermal efficiency [27].
The SMR reaction (Eq. (1)) is highly endothermic and usually runs
at high temperature above 1073 K. In order to sustain this endothermic (2n + m)MxOy+CnH2 m = (2n + m)MxOy-1 + mH2O+nCO2 (6)
reaction, heat is supplied to the reforming reactor by burning part of
the natural gas or the purge gas from the pressure-swing adsorption
(PSA) in a furnace. Therefore, this process also gives off carbon MxOy-1 + 1/2O2 = MxOy (7)
monoxide and carbon dioxide. Nickel is usually used as the major Chemical looping combustion is used in heat and power generation
metallic component of the SMR reaction catalysts. However, the process. Hydrogen production using chemical looping technology
catalyst loaded into the tubes of the reformer is poorly utilized as the utilize the same general principles as CLC. The difference is that the
heat transfer coefficient of the internal tube wall being the rate-limiting wanted products are not heat but H2 or/and syngas (H2 and CO).
parameter [19]. SMR process also involves the risk of carbon formation Hydrogen production using chemical looping technology can be
with Ni particles as catalyst. Generally, the methane decomposition summarized into two categories, chemical looping reforming (CLR)
(Eq. (4)) and the Boudouard reaction (Eq. (5)) may occur during the and chemical looping hydrogen production (CLH). Other new pro-
process [20,21]. Carbon formation may lead to degradation of catalysts cesses coupled the chemical looping to produce H2, such as methane
and other severe operational trouble, which must be eliminated. cracking thermally coupled with a CLC process [31], or the methane
CH4 = C+2H2 (4) direct thermocatalytic decomposition by using an activated carbon as a
catalyst [32] have also been proposed and investigated, but they are not
2CO = C+CO2 (5) contained in this paper and can be found elsewhere.

The WGS reaction (Eq. (2)) involved a complex system. This is 3.1. Chemical looping reforming
traditionally carried out in two fixed bed adiabatic reactors, connected
in series with a cooler between them [16]. The first reactor operates at The concept of CLR was originally proposed by Mattisson and
higher temperatures and employs a Fe/Cr catalyst. The second reactor Lyngfelt et al. [33] in 2001. Based on the principle and characteristics,
with a Cu/Zn/Al catalyst operates at lower temperatures in order to
increase the possible equilibrium conversion of CO as the WGS
reaction is exothermic.
PSA and amine absorption technology can be used to capture CO2
and purify H2 produced in the SMR process. In older plants, CO2 is
subsequently removed by means of a chemical absorption unit. Modern
hydrogen plants apply PSA to separate hydrogen from the other
components, which produces higher quality hydrogen (99.999%
against 95–98% for scrubbing systems) at feedstock pressure (circa
25 bar) [22]. However, these processes increase the total investment
costs and decrease the thermal efficiency of the SMR process. It is
estimated that the cost of hydrogen generation will increase by more Fig. 2. The schematic diagram of chemical-looping combustion process [30].

M. Luo et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 81 (2018) 3186–3214

N2, O2 H2O, CO2 H2O. To achieve a pure hydrogen stream, this reformer-gas should be
converted in a WGS reactor to maximize hydrogen production and
finally CO2 and H2 could be separated with pressure swing adsorption
or absorption with suitable amine solvent. The basic principles of
AR FR CLR(a) are illustrated in Fig. 5.

Steam If the fuel is methane and NiO is selected as an oxygen carrier, the
Fuel & Steam
MyOx-1 main reactions in the FR are:
Direct partial oxidation with metal oxide:

CH4+NiO = CO+2H2+Ni-211·9 kJ/mol (8)

Air PSA offgas Heterogeneously catalyzed steam reforming and CO shift reaction:
(H2, CH4, CO2, CO)
CH4+H2O = CO+3H2- 225·5 kJ/mol (9)
Reformer gas
(H2O, H2, CO2, CH4, CO)
CO+H2O = CO2+H2+33·6 kJ/mol (10)
Fig. 3. Schematic description of CLR(s).
Internal combustion:
it can be classified into three approaches: i) Steam reforming using
CO+NiO = CO2+Ni+47·2 kJ/mol (11)
chemical looping combustion, CLR(s), which is also called “Steam
reforming integrated with chemical looping combustion (SR-CLC)” in
H2+NiO = H2O+Ni+13·6 kJ/mol (12)
many literatures, ii) Autothermal chemical looping reforming, CLR(a),
and iii) Chemical looping reforming of methane, CLRM, which is also
CH4+4NiO = CO2+2H2O+4Ni-137·7 kJ/mol (13)
called “Chemical looping steam methane reforming (CL-SMR)” or
“Two-step steam methane reforming”. In the AR the metal oxide will be oxidized by air according to:

Ni+1/2O2 = NiO+469·9 kJ/mol (14)

3.1.1. Chemical looping reforming processes
The total reaction of the CLR(a) process is: CLR(s). The schematic description of CLR(s) is shown in
CH4+H2O+1/2O2=CO2+H2 (15)
Fig. 3. In this process, the steam reforming part does not differ from
the conventional steam reforming process in the way that the reactions CLR(a) in its most basic form could be described as a combination
take place inside tubes using suitable catalysts and working at elevated process of the partial oxidation and steam reforming of hydrocarbon
pressure. However, the steam reforming tubes are placed inside the FR fuels. The partial oxidation process is exothermic, but the steam
or a fluidized bed heat exchanger in a CLC unit. Hence, the reformer reforming process is highly endothermic. To keep the total process
tubes are heated by the oxygen carrier particles from the AR but not by maintaining at exothermic status, the ratio of the reforming process to
direct firing outside of the tubes. The offgas from the steam reforming the partial oxidation process should be kept at a low value. Ortiz et al.
which is a gas mixture of CH4, CO2, CO and H2 is used as the feed gas to [37] conducted the mass and heat balances to determine the auto-
the FR. The flue gas from the AR is depleted air, and the output gas thermal operating conditions that maximize H2 production in a CLR(a)
from the FR is the mixture of CO2 and H2O. Pure CO2 can be easily system when using Ni-based oxygen carriers. It was found that to reach
obtained and captured by condensing H2O. auto-thermal conditions the oxygen-to-methane molar ratio should be
higher than 1.20, which means that the maximum H2 yield is about
Compared with the SMR process, CLR(s) has some advantages 2.75 mol H2/mol CH4.
[34]: i) Almost 100% CO2 can be captured during the process only by a As can be seen, the main advantages of CLR(a) compared to SMR
separation of H2O in the flue gas of FR without expending any extra technology are [38,39]: i) No external combustion is required to
energy needed for separation because the offgas from the PSA unit is provide heat to the reforming process; ii) No CO2 emissions arise from
used as fuel in the FR; ii) Higher heat-transfer coefficient can be external combustion as all carbon involved is available in the synthesis
obtained for the outside of a tube in a fluidized bed than in a furnace gas; iii) Less steam is required and less catalyst are required per unit
due to the hot fluidized particles, so it should be relatively easy to fuel feed; iv) No limitation of the reaction rate by heat transfer as the
obtain and maintain desired reformer temperature; iii) No thermal heat transfer is very high in the fluidized bed; v) Less concern with
NOx will be formed due to the relatively low-temperature level in the respect to sulfur contaminants [40], and no thermal NOx will be formed
AR, which is similar with that of CLC process; iv) The power [27,28]. Besides the advantageous mentioned above, CLR(a) is also an
consumption for compression of produced H2 will be reduced as steam interesting alternative for production of synthesis gas for methanol
reform takes place at elevated pressure. production and for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, which are important
As shown in Fig. 4. the reformer tubes can be located either in the industrial processes where synthesis gas with a (H2/CO) ratio of 2 is
FR [34] or in the AR [35,36], but the erosion of the reformer tubes wanted. Such synthesis gas cannot be produced directly by steam
inside the reactors may become a serious problem due to the high reforming of CH4.
temperature of reformer and the harsh environment in the fluidized
bed reactor. In addition, this process also needs conventional WGS and CLRM. CLRM is a technology which could generate pure
PSA units, which also increase the investment costs and decrease the hydrogen and syngas separately and simultaneously. Similar with
efficiency of the system. CLR(a), methane is partially oxidized by the lattice oxygen of the
oxygen carrier in the FR to produce syngas, but the reduced oxygen CLR(a). CLR(a) utilizes the same basic principles as CLC. The carrier is not oxidized by air in AR but by steam to recover lattice
difference is that the aim products are not heat but H2 and CO. oxygen and simultaneously produce hydrogen in the steam reactor
Therefore, the air to fuel ratio is kept low to prevent the fuel from being (SR). Usually, an AR is added to recover the lattice oxygen completely
fully oxidized to CO2 and H2O. The gas mixture produced from the FR (Fig. 6. (b)). The reactions of CLRM process can be illustrated as
consists of mainly CO and H2 in addition to small amounts of CO2 and follows:

M. Luo et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 81 (2018) 3186–3214

(a) The reformer in the FR [31]. (b) The reformer in the AR [35].
Fig. 4. Schematic diagram of the CLR(s) system.

Depleted Air Reformer Gas Ni-ferrites [45], (Zn, Mn)-ferrites [46], Cu-ferrites [47–49], and Ce-
N2 H2, CO, H2O, CO2 based oxides [50–55] have been considered as possible oxygen carriers
for this process.

MyOx 3.1.2. Development of oxygen carriers

A key issue for the CLR development is the selection of an oxygen
carrier with suitable properties. The oxygen carriers with different
Air- Fuel- active metals, inert supports and prepared by different preparation
reactor reactor methods have been screened and selected. Table 1 shows a summary of
MyOx-1 different kinds of oxygen carriers used in the literature. Ni-based oxygen carriers. Metallic Ni is used in most

commercial steam reforming catalysts, and nickel-based oxides have
been demonstrated as one of the most promising oxygen carriers in
Air Fuel CLR processes due to the high reactivity and selectivity. Zafar et al. [73]
O2,N2 CnHm(H2O,CO2) compared the reactivity between different active metal oxides (NiO,
Fig. 5. The schematic diagram of CLR(a). CuO, Fe2O3 and Mn2O3) supported on SiO2 and methane in a
laboratory fluidized bed reactor. In general, the reactivity of active
Methane Reduction: MyOx + δ2CH4 = MyOx-δ1-δ2+ δ2(2H2+CO) (16) oxides with methane was in the order NiO > CuO > Mn2O3 > Fe2O3.
Moreover, only NiO/SiO2 showed high selectivity toward H2 during the
Steam Oxidation: MyOx-δ1-δ2 + δ2H2O = MyOx-δ1 + δ2H2 (17) later stages of reduction, while large amounts of unreacted CH4 existed
at the exit of the reactor when use other metal oxides. The high
reactivity in combination with high selectivity to H2 for NiO/SiO2
Air Oxidation: MyOx-δ1 + δ1/2O2 = MyOx (18)
makes it an interesting candidate as an oxygen carrier for CLR(a).
where MyOx is an oxygen carrier, MyOx-δ1 and MyOx-δ1-δ2 are the
corresponding reduced oxygen carrier with different reduction degree. Different inert support and the preparation method also have an
effect on the properties of the Ni-based oxygen carriers. Johansson
The CLRM process is attractive because it can produce syngas and et al. [81] compared the reactivity of two different oxygen carriers,
hydrogen simultaneously. Pure hydrogen can be obtained from the SR NiO/NiAl2O4 and NiO/MgAl2O4 in CLR(a) process. There were higher
exit by simply cooling and condensing the steam, without any addi- methane conversion, higher selectivity to reforming and lower ten-
tional gas treatments required. However, the studies of CLRM process dency for carbon formation when NiO/MgAl2O4 was used at elevated
is mainly focused on oxygen carrier screening and performance temperatures. de Diego et al. [56] found that the support (different
optimization. A proper material needs to have sufficiently high types of alumina) had an important effect on the reactivity of the
reactivity with methane to produce syngas, good performance for oxygen carriers, on the gas product distribution, and on the carbon
water splitting to produce hydrogen, and high stability during redox deposition. The reduction reactivity of the carrier of NiO on α-Al2O3
cycles. As the carbon deposited particles produced in FR will react with was higher than that on γ-Al2O3 due to the limited solid state reaction
steam in SR and contaminate the H2 generated, therefore, the oxygen between NiO and α-Al2O3. The kinetics of reduction and oxidation
carriers also need to have the ability of carbon deposition resistance. A reactions [67] and the catalytic activity [65] during CLR(a) process
serious of metal oxides such as Fe3O4 [24,41], WO3 [42,43], SnO2 [44], when using those two materials can be found elsewhere. Antzara et al.

M. Luo et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 81 (2018) 3186–3214

Fig. 6. CLRM for syngas and hydrogen production.

[83] also evaluated the performance of NiO-based oxygen carriers Ce-based oxygen carriers. The feasibility of the CeO2 on the
supported on ZrO2, TiO2, SiO2, Al2O3 and NiAl2O4 in CLRM process. It partial oxidation of methane into synthesis gas has been confirmed by
was found that the NiO/ZrO2 exhibited the best performance on CH4 Otsuka et al. [51,166] and Wei et al. [89]. Direct conversion of methane
conversion and stability in 20 redox cycles. In addition, it was observed into synthesis gas with the H2/CO ratio of 2 has been demonstrated
that the oxygen carriers prepared by a deposition-precipitation method using CeO2 as an oxidant at temperatures higher than 600 °C.
had higher tendency to increase the carbon deposition than the oxygen However, methane cracking and the decrease of reactivity was also
carriers prepared by dry impregnation [56]. observed when CeO2 was used during redox cycles [53]. Different
Despite the superior activity and the selectivity, the selectivity to materials have been added as promoters to increase the selectivity of
synthesis gas of the nickel-based oxides need to be further improved the Ce-based oxygen carriers.
[39,63]. Mattisson et al. [163] found that almost complete conversion
of CH4 into CO2 and H2O could be achieved even with a very small The mixed-metal oxides by combining another material to CeO2
amount of NiO. Therefore, the syngas yield largely depends on the could be a way to increase the reactivity, stability, and selectivity. Many
oxidation degree of the oxygen carrier. CO2 and H2O can be easily kinds of Ce-based oxides, such as Ce–Zr [94,95,101], Ce–Fe
formed by highly oxidized Ni-based oxides and CO and H2 generated by [52,86,92,96–98], Ce–Al2O3 [87,89], Ce–MgO [99], Ce–Cu, Ce–Mn
reduced particles [65,75]. Nakayama et al. [70,126] proposed the [85], Ce–Nd [93] and so on were investigated. In general, Ce–Fe mixed
reactivity of NiO–Cr2O3–MgO complex oxide as an oxidant to produce oxides exhibited good activity and stability among all the oxides. But
nitrogen-free synthesis gas or hydrogen by the partial oxidation of their selectivity for syngas generation was strongly affected by the
methane. It was found that the lattice oxygen was effectively trans- specific surface area of oxygen carriers. Moreover, the doping ratio of
ferred to CH4 to give H2 and CO in the ratio of 2–3:1 at 700 °C. The Fe to Ce should be carefully settled because the high content of Fe
oxygen carrier exhibited high and constant catalytic activities for failed to increase the CH4 conversion and inclined to decrease the CO
repeated reduction with CH4 and oxidation with air cycles without selectivity [98].
significant carbon deposition. The addition of Cr2O3 weakened the Ni– The addition of Pt [50,51,88] and Rh [88] remarkably accelerated
O bond in NiO–MgO complex oxide, and decreased the temperature of the formation rates of H2 and CO and decreased the activation energy
the reaction of CH4 with NiO [70]. of synthesis gas production. The promoters not only drastically
One of the major issues in the CLR processes of hydrocarbons using enhanced the conversion of methane, but also lowered the temperature
the nickel-based materials is the deactivation caused by carbon necessary to reduce the cerium oxide, while the promoters may also
deposition on the surface of the matierial. One possible way to serve lead to some carbon formation [88]. The reduced oxide can be fully
this problem is to add small amount of alkali metals, which could regenerated and the carbon deposited can be completely removed by
effectively reduce carbon deposition on the material surface in the high oxygen. He et al. [85] investigated the effect of additions Fe, Cu, and
temperature reforming process [164,165]. Another method is to add Mn on the reactivity of CeO2. It was revealed that the addition of
small amount of steam to the reactor to reduce or even eliminated the transition-metal oxides into cerium oxide could improve the reactivity
carbon deposition [39,75]. However, the successfully operation of of the Ce-based oxygen carrier, and the three kinds of mixed oxides
a140 kW dual circulating fluidized bed pilot plant has been implemen- showed high CO and H2 selectivity at the temperatures above 800 °C.
ted using NiO/NiAl2O4 with or without small MgO added as oxygen Among the three kinds of oxygen carriers, Ce–Fe–O presented the best
carriers and natural gas as fuel [38]. Results showed that even though performance, and methane was converted to synthesis gas at a H2/CO
no steam was added to the natural gas, no carbon formation was found molar ratio close to 2:1 at a temperature of 800–900 °C. Wei et al.[91]
for global excess air ratios larger than 0.4. Thus, the carbon deposition also explored the reactivity of Ce–Fe–O mixed oxide (Ce/Fe=7:3) in
was not a problem in a real process. Furthermore, other cheracteristics, direct partial oxidation of methane to syngas process. Approximately
such as the toxicity and the cost of nickel-based oxygen carriers may 99.4% H2 selectivity, 98.8% CO selectivity and 94.9% CH4 conversion
limit their application. were achieved at 900 °C in fixed bed experiments. The Ce–Fe–O mixed
Other than CH4, Ni-based oxygen carriers also have promising oxide as the oxygen carrier showed good methane selectivity into
properties in converting liquid and solid fuels to syngas, which will be syngas by the lattice oxygen and cycle performance in redox cycles.
reviewed in Section 3.1.3. Note that, the feasibility of the Ce-based materials is confirmed

M. Luo et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 81 (2018) 3186–3214

Table 1
Summary of the oxygen-carriers tested in different CLR units.

Oxygen carrier Fuel in reduction process Reactor References

Metal oxide Support material Preparation methoda

(i) 11 wt% NiO (i) α-Al2O3 (i)–(iii) DP n.g. TGA, bFB [56]
(ii) 16 wt% NiO (ii) θ-Al2O3 (iv)–(v) DIMP
(iii) 21 wt% NiO (iii) γ-Al2O3
(iv) 26 wt% NiO (iv) α-Al2O3
(v) 28 wt% NiO (v) γ-Al2O3
17–18.5 wt% NiO CaAl2O4 PUR CH4+H2, CH4 PB [57]
18 wt% NiO α-Al2O3 PUR Glycerol FxB [58]
18 wt% NiO α-Al2O3 PUR Waste cooking vegetable oil PB [59,60]
18 wt% NiO α-Al2O3 PUR Pyrolysis oil PB [61]
18 wt% NiO α-Al2O3 PUR Acetic acid PB [62]
(i) 18 wt% NiO (i) α-Al2O3 (i) IMP n.g. cFB [63]
(ii) 20 wt% NiO (ii) MgAl2O4 (ii) FG
(iii) 21 wt% NiO (iii) γ-Al2O3 (iii) IMP
(i) 18 wt% NiO (i) α-Al2O3 WIMP CH4 TGA, cFB [64]
(ii) 21 wt% NiO (ii) γ-Al2O3
(i) 18 wt% NiO (i) α-Al2O3 IMP CH4+H2, H2 FxB [65]
(ii) 21 wt% NiO (ii) γ-Al2O3
(i) 18 wt% NiO (i) α-Al2O3 WIMP CH4 pFB [66]
(ii) 21 wt% NiO (ii) γ-Al2O3
(i) 18 wt% NiO (i) α-Al2O3 IMP CH4, H2, CO TGA [67]
(ii) 21 wt% NiO (ii) γ-Al2O3
(i) 18 wt% NiO (i) α-Al2O3 (i) WIMP Bioethanol cFB [68]
(ii) 21 wt% NiO (ii) γ-Al2O3 (ii) HWIMP
(i) 18 wt% NiO (i)α-Al2O3 PUR Ethanol/bio-oil aqueous fraction PB [69]
(ii) 25 wt% NiO (ii)γ-Al2O3 mixture
(i)–(vii) 20 mol% NiO (i) MgO (i)–(vii) IMP CH4 FxB [70]
(viii) NiO–Cr2O3 (ii) Al2O3 (viii)–(x) EM
(ix) NiO–MgO (iii) SiO2
(x) NiO–M–MgO(M=Al2O3, CaO, Cr2O3, (iv) TiO2
Fe2O3, Co3O4), Ni/additive/Mg = (v) Y2O3
16:4:25 as a molar ratio (vi) La2O3
(vii) CeO2
(viii) MgO
(ix)–(x) None
20 wt% NiO CaAl2O4 PUR H2, CO, CH4 TG, FxB [71]
25 wt% NiO Al2O3 COP Glycerol FxB [72]
(i) 35 wt% NiO (i)–(iv) SiO2 DIMP CH4 bFB [73]
(ii) 39 wt% Fe2O3
(iii) 41 wt% CuO
(iv) 47 wt% Mn2O3
40 wt% NiO (i) α-Al2O3 SD n.g. cFB [74]
(ii) α-Al2O3–MgO
40 wt% NiO Mg–stabilized ZrO2 FG n.g. cFB [75]
40 wt%NiO (i) Al2O3 WIMP CH4 TGA, FxB [76]
(ii) ZrO2
40 wt% NiO α-Al2O3 SD Raw gas from biomass gasifier cFB [77]
40 wt% NiO (i) NiAl2O4 SD n.g. cFB [38]
(ii) 42 wt% NiAl2O4+18 wt%
40 wt% NiO (i) α-Al2O3 SD n.g. cFB [74]
(ii) α-Al2O3+MgO
40 wt% NiO MgO–ZrO2 FG Kerosene cFB [78]
(i) 40 wt% NiO (i) NiAl2O4 (i)–(iii)FG Toluene TGA, FxB [79]
(ii) 40 wt% Mn3O4 (ii) Mg–ZrO2 (iv)–
(iii) 60 wt% NiO (i) MgAl2O4
(iv) ilmenite ores (iv) None
(i) 40 wt% NiO (i) NiAl2O4 (i)–(iii)FG CH4, CO, CH4+H2O, TGA, FxB [80]
(ii) 40 wt% Mn3O4 (ii) Mg–ZrO2 (iv)– CH4+C7H8+H2O, CO+H2,
(iii) 60 wt% NiO (i) MgAl2O4(iv) None CH4+C7H8+H2O+CO+H2,
(iv) ilmenite ore CH4+C7H8+H2O+CO+H2+CO2
(i) 40 wt% NiO (i) NiAl2O4 FG CH4 bFB [81]
(ii) 60 wt% NiO (ii) MgAl2O4
42.1 wt% NiO NiAl2O4 COP Glycerol MB [82]
42.1 wt% NiO NiAl2O4 COP Glycerol FxB [72]
60 wt% NiO MgAl2O4 FG n.g. cFB [39]
(i) 100 wt% NiO (ii) ZrO2 WIMP CH4 FxB [83]
(ii)–(vi) 40 wt% NiO (iii)TiO2
(i) 100 wt% NiO (i)– Ultrasound assisted Ethanol TGA, FxB [84]
(ii) xNi (x = 10 , 20, 30 wt%) (ii)Montmorillonite cation exchange
(continued on next page)

M. Luo et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 81 (2018) 3186–3214

Table 1 (continued)

Oxygen carrier Fuel in reduction process Reactor References

Metal oxide Support material Preparation methoda

(iii) 20 wt% Ni (iii)Al2O3 impregnation method

CeO2 – PUR CH4 FxB [51]
CeO2 – P CH4 FxB [53]
(i) CeO2 – COP CH4 FxB [54]
(ii) Ce–ZrO2(Ce:Zr ratio of 7:3)
(i) CeO2 – COP CH4 TGA, FxB [85]
(ii) Ce–Fe–O (Ce/Fe=5:5 as mass ratio)
(iii) Ce–Cu–O (Ce/Cu=5:5 as mass ratio)
(iv) Ce–Mn–O (Ce/Mn=5:5 as mass ratio)
(iv) Ce–Fe–O (Ce/Fe=7:3 as mass ratio)
(i) CeO2 – DP Methanol FxB [86]
(ii) CeO2–Fe2O3(Ce/(Ce + Fe)=1, 0.75, 0.5,
0.25, 0)
(iii) 1 wt% Au/CeO2–Fe2O3(Ce/(Ce + Fe)
=1, 0.75, 0.5, 0.25, 0)
(iv) 3 wt% Au/CeO2–Fe2O3(Ce/(Ce + Fe)=
(v) 1 wt% Au/CeO2–Fe2O3(Ce/(Ce + Fe)=
(i) 20 wt% CeO2 γ-Al2O3 WIMP CH4 TR [87]
(ii) 0.5 wt% Pt/20 wt% CeO2
(iii) 0.5 wt% Rh/20 wt% CeO2
(i) 20 wt% CeO2 γ-Al2O3 WIMP H2 FxB [88]
(ii) 0.5 wt% Pt/20 wt% CeO2
(iii) 0.5 wt% Rh/20 wt% CeO2
xCeO2 (x = 5, 10, 20, 30, 40 wt%) γ-Al2O3 WIMP CH4 FxB [89]
xCeO2 (x = 5, 10, 20 wt%) LaFeO3 GB CH4 FxB [90]
xCeO2 (x = 10, 30, 50 wt%) ZrO2 P CH4 TPR, TR [55]
CeO2–Fe2O3 (Ce/Fe=7:3 as mass ratio) – COP CH4 FxB [52]
Ce–Fe–O (Ce/Fe=7:3 as mass ratio) – COP CH4 TGA, FxB [91]
Ce–Fe–O (Ce/Fe=7:3 as mass ratio) – COP H2 TGA [92]
CeNbO4+δ – SSM H2, CH4 FxB [93]
Ce0.8Zr0.2O2 – COP, CCTM CH4 FxB [94]
CexZr1−xO2 (x = 0, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 1) – COP CH4 FxB [95]
Ce1–xFexO2–δ (x = 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, – CP CH4 FxB [96]
0.6, 1)
Ce1−xFexO2-δ (x = 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 1) – COP H2, CH4 FxB [97]
Ce1−xFexO2-δ (x = 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, – CP H2, CH4 FxB [98]
0.6, 1)
(x)Ce–Fe–Zr–O (x = 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 wt%, MgO COP CH4 TR [99]
nCe: nFe: nZr=7:3:0.5)
40 wt% Fe–CeO2 – WIMP CH4 FxB [100]
40 wt% Ni0.02Fe0.98–CeO2
40 wt% Ni0.12Fe0.88–CeO2
40 wt% Ni0.33Fe0.67–CeO2
40 wt% Ni–CeO2
(i) 0.5% Pt/Ce1−xZrxO2, (x = 0, 0.2, and – CAM CH4 TR [101]
(ii) 0.5% Ru/Ce1−xZrxO2, (x = 0, 0.2, and
WO3 modified with CeO2–ZrO2 (nW/(nCe – UH H2 FxB [43]
+nZr+nW) = 100, 90, 80, 69, 65%, nCe:
AFeO3 (A =La, Nd, Eu) – SG CH4 FxB [102]
LaFeO3 – CCTM, SC H2, CH4 FxB [103]
LaFeO3 – SC CH4 FxB [104]
LaFeO3 – SG CH4 FxB [105]
LaFeO3 – SFEP CH4 TPR, TGA, [106]
LaFe1–xCoxO3 (x = 0.1, 0.3,0.5, 0.7, 1.0) – SC H2, CH4 FxB [107]
LaFe1−xNixO3 (x = 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.3) – SC H2, CH4 FxB [108]
La1−xSrxMO3 (M=Mn, Ni; x = 0–0.4) – SC CH4 TPR, FxB [109]
La1−xMnO3-αFeβ (β/(3-α)=0.1)
La1−xSrxFeO3 (x = 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5) – SC H2, CH4 TPR, FxB [110]
La1−xSrxFeO3 (x = 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.9) – SC H2, CH4 TPR, TGA, [111]
La1−xSrxFeO3−δ (x = 1/3, 1/2, 2/3, 1,) – SC CH4 XRD [112]
La1−xSrxFeO3 (x = 0, 0.3, 0.5, 0.9) – SC H2, CH4 TPR, TGA, [113]
LaxSr1−xFeO3-δ (x = 0.5, 0.8, 1) – GNP, SD CH4 TPR, FxB [114]
(i) 10 wt% La0.8Sr0.2FeO3 (i) ZNANO(Unimpregnated WIMP Benzene, ethylene bFB [115]
(ii) 10 wt% La0.8Sr0.2FeO3 monoclinic ZrO2 manufactured
(iii) 10 wt% LaFeO3 from)
(continued on next page)

M. Luo et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 81 (2018) 3186–3214

Table 1 (continued)

Oxygen carrier Fuel in reduction process Reactor References

Metal oxide Support material Preparation methoda

(iv) 0.668 wt% La (ii)–(vi)ZTECH(Unimpregnated

(v) 0.106 wt%Sr plasma–processed monoclinic
(vi) 1.011 wt%Fe ZrO2)
Fe2O3 – PUR CH4 TGA, FB [24]
(i) Fe2O3 – UH H2 TR [116]
(ii) 30 wt% Fe2O3–70 wt% Ce0.5Zr0.5O2
(iii) Ce0.5Zr0.5O2
(i) Fe2O3 – SSM CH4 TGA [46]
(ii) ZnFe2O4
(iii) MnFe2O4 (Jacobsite)
(iv) MnFe2O4 (Iwakiite)
(i) Fe3O4 – (i) PUR CH4 TGA, FxB [47]
(ii) CuFe2O4 (ii) COP
AFe2O4 (A = Fe, Co, Ni) – COP Ethanol IR [117]
AFe2O4 (A = Ni or Fe) – COP Ethanol FxB [118]
CoFe2O4 – COP Ethanol FxB [119,120]
Fe3O4 – COP Ethanol TPR [121]
(i) 40 wt% Fe2O3 Al2O3 MM Coal bFB [122]
(ii) 36.36 wt%Fe2O3–54.54 wt%CaO
40 wt% Fe2O3 Al2O3 SD CH4 bFB [123]
(i)–(v) 50 wt% Fe2O3 (i) LaFeO3 PEC CH4 TGA, TR [124]
(vi) 50 wt% Co3O4 (ii) La0.8Sr0.2FeO3
(vii) 50 wt% Mn2O3 (iii) La0.7Sr0.3FeO3
(iv) La0.5Sr0.5FeO3
(v) SrFeO3
(vi) La0.8Sr0.2FeO3
(vii) La0.8Sr0.2FeO3
(i)–(iv) 60 wt% Fe2O3 (i)MgAl2O4 (i)–(iv) SSM H2, CH4 DB [125]
(v) 50 wt% Fe2O3 (ii)Al2O3 (v) PEC
(i) 10 mol% Fe2O3–M (M= MgO, Al2O3, – IMP CH4 FxB [126]
TiO2, Y2O3, La2O3, CeO2, None)
(ii) xFe2O3/Y2O3 (x = 5, 10, 20, 50,
90 mmol/1 g Y2O3)
(iii) Fe2O3–M/Y2O3 (M=Rh2O3, PtO, PdO,
IrO2, RuO2) (20 mmol-additive
0.5 mmol/1 g of Y2O3)
(iv) Fe2O3–M (M=NiO, Co3O4, Cr2O3),
Fe2O3–N–Cr2O3 (N=MgO, CaO, SrO),
(v) NiO–MgO, NiO–M–MgO(M= Al2O3,
CaO, Cr2O3, Fe2O3, Co3O4, nNiO/nM/
(vi) NiO–Cr2O3–MgO (nNiO=0–80 mol%,
(i) 75 wt% Fe3O4–25 wt% La0.8Sr0.2FeO3-δ – SSM CH4 FxB [127]
(ii) 60 wt% Fe3O4–40 wt% La0.8Sr0.2FeO3-δ
(iii) La0.8Sr0.2FeO3-δ
60 wt% Fe3O4–40 wt% La0.8Sr0.2FeO3-δ – SSM CH4 FxB, bFB [128]
(i) yFe, y = 10, 15, 20, 30, 40 wt% (i)–(iv) γ-Al2O3 (i) IMP CH4 FxB [129]
(ii) yFe, y = 10, 15, 20, 30, 40 wt% (ii) COP
(iii) 15 Fe–xCa, x = 5, 10 wt% (iii) COP
(iv) 15 wt% Fe/5 wt% Ca, x = 5, 10 wt% (iv) SIMP
(i) 15 wt% Fe–xMg (x = 0, 5, 10 wt%) (i)–(ii) Al2O3 (i) CI CH4 FxB [130]
(ii) 15 wt% Fe–5 wt% Mg (ii) SIMP
15 wt% Fe–xM(x = 0, 5, 10 wt%, M = Ca or Al2O3 WIMP CH4 FxB [131]
22 wt% Fe2O3 (i) Al2O3 (i) IMP CH4 FxB [132]
(ii) MgAl2O4 (ii) SIMP
60 wt% Fe2O3 Al2O3 MM Charcoal MB [133]
(i) 70 wt% Fe2O3 Al2O3 (i) MM H2, CH4 TGA, FxB [134]
(ii) Ni–modified (i) (mass ratio of Ni was (ii) MM+IMP
0.43 wt%, 1.04 wt%, 1.72 wt%)
20 wt% CuFe2O4 (i) ZrO2 AOM CH4 TGA, FxB [49]
(ii) CeO2
(i) BaFe2O4 – COP Coal TGA, FxB [135]
(ii) CaFe2O4
(i) CuxFe3−xO4(x = 0, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 1, 1.5) (i) ZrO2 COP CH4 FxB [48]
(ii) Cu0.7Fe2.3O4 (ii) Ce–ZrO2 (nCe : nZr = 1/1, 2/1, 3/
(i) 60 wt% NixCu0.5−xFe2.5O4(x = 0, 0.1, (i) ZrO2 COP CH4 FxB [136]
(continued on next page)

M. Luo et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 81 (2018) 3186–3214

Table 1 (continued)

Oxygen carrier Fuel in reduction process Reactor References

Metal oxide Support material Preparation methoda

0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5) (ii) Ce–ZrO2

(ii) 60 wt% Cu–Fe–O(Cu/Fe ratio was set
at 0.7/2.3, Ce/Zr ratio was varied at 1/1,
2/1, and 3/1)
(i) M0.39Fe2.61O4(M = Ni , Co or Zn) (i) None (i) COP CH4 FxB [45]
(ii) 33.3 wt%Ni0.39Fe2.61O4 (ii) ZrO2 (ii) AOM
Fe–Ni–O (Fe2O3/Al2O3/NiO = 7/3/0.53 as Al2O3 WIMP Biomass cFB [137]
mass raion)
40 wt% M (M = Fe, Cu, Co, Mn) (i) Al2O3 P CH4 FxB [138]
(ii) TiO2
40 wt% M (M = Fe, Cu, Co, Mn) Al2O3 COP CH4 FxB [139]
(i) Fe2O3@La0.8Sr0.2FeO2.85(LSF) (nFe2O3: – (i) PEC CH4 TGA, TR [140]
nLSF =1:1) (ii) SG
(ii) Fe2O3:LSF(nFe2O3: nLSF =1:1)
Bauxite residual – FG Coal char bFB [141]
Hematite – – Biomass cFB [142]
Ilmenite ore – – Raw gas from biomass gasifier cFB [143]
(i) Ilmenite (i) None (i) – Raw gas from the gasifier cFB [144]
(ii) 40 wt% NiO (ii) α-Al2O3 (ii) SD
Natural hematite – – Biomass bFB [145–147]
Natural hematite – – Biomass bFB, cFB [148]
Natural olivine – – H2 TGA [149]
Iron ore – – CH4 TGA [150]
Iron ore – – Biomass cFB [151]
xNiO–iron ore(x=1.285, 6.034, 11.387 wt – IMP Biomass Char TGA, FxB [152]
BaCoO3, BaFeO3, SrCo0.8Fe0.2O3, – SG Coal FxB [153]
CuO PURALOX, bauxite, γ-Al2O3, mullite IMP Biomass gasification gas bFB [154]
xCuO (x = 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 wt%) (i) yZrO2–Al2O3(y = 10, 20, 30 wt%) IMP CH4 FxB [155]
(i) 40 wt% CuO (i) MgAl2O4 (i) SD C2H4, C6H6, C7H8 bFB [156]
(ii) 10 wt% La0.8Sr0.2FeO3 (ii) γ-Al2O3 (ii) IMP
40 wt% Mn3O4 MgZrO3 FG Raw gas from biomass gasifier cFB [157]
(i) 100 wt% CaMn0.775Mg0.10Ti0.125O3−δ (i) None (i)–(ii), (vi), (ix) SD Synthetic gasification gas bFB [158]
(ii) 40 wt% CuO (ii) MgAl2O4 (iii)–(v) FG
(iii) 40 wt% CuO (iii) ZrO2 (vii) IMP
(iv) 60 wt% Fe2O3 (iv) α-Al2O3
(v) 60 wt% Fe2O3 (v) MgAl2O4
(vi) 100 wt% La0.8Sr0.2FeO3 (vi) None
(vii) 10 wt% La0.8Sr0.2FeO3 (vii) γ-Al2O3
(viii) 37 wt% Mn3O4 (viii) ZrO2
(ix) 65.4 wt% NiO (ix) α-Al2O3
(x) quartz sand (x)–(xiii) None
(xi) bauxite
(xii) ilmenite
(xiii) LD stone
CaSO4 – PUR Coal TR [159]
CaSO4 – PUR Coal TGA [160]
Phosphogypsum – – Coal TGA [161]
Pr1−xZrxO2-δ (x = 0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9) – P CH4 FxB [162]
(i) SnO2 (i)–(vii) None (i)–(v) TD CH4 FxB [42]
(ii) In2O3 (viii) SiO2 (vi) H2–reduction
(iii) ZnO (ⅸ) Al2O3 (vii) COP
(iv) WO3 (x) ZrO2 (viii)–(x) IMP
(v) MoO3
(vi) MoO2
(vii) Fe3O4
(viii)– (x) 50 wt% WO3

n.a.: not available.

Key for preparation method: ALD: atomic layer deposition, AOM: aerial oxidation method, CAM: citric acid method, CCTM: colloidal crystal template method, CCM: citric acid
method, CI: co-impregnation, COP: coprecipitation, CP: chemical precipitation, DIMP: dry impregnation, DIS: dissolution, DP: deposition-precipitation, EM: evaporation method, FG:
freeze granulation, GB: gas-bubble-assisted method, GNP: glycine-nitrate process, HIMP: hot impregnation, HS: hydrothermal synthesis, IMP: impregnation, SIMP: Sequential
impregnation, SFEP: soap free emulsion polymerization, HWIMP: hot incipient wet impregnation MM: mechanical mixing, P: precipitation, PE: pelletizing by extrusion, PEC: pechini,
PUR: purchase, SC: solution combustion, SD: spray drying, SF: spin flash, SG: sol-gel, SP: spray pyrolysis, SSM: solid state reaction method, TD: thermal decomposition, WG: wet
granulation, WIMP: wetness impregnation, UH: urea hydrolysis method.
Key for reactor type: bFB: batch fluidized bed, cFB: continuous fluidized bed, DB: differential bed reactor, ETB: electronics thermobalance, FxB: fixed bed, MB: moving bed reactor,
MR: microreactor, PB: packed bed, pFxB: pressurized fixed bed, TGA: thermogravimetric analyzer, TEOM: tapered element oscillating microbalance, TPR: temperature programmed
reduction apparatus, TPO: temperature programmed oxidation, TR: tube reactor.

M. Luo et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 81 (2018) 3186–3214

almost in a fixed bed reactor or a pulse apparatus. As the most likely

setup is circulating fluidized bed, the performance of these Ce-based
materials needs further investigation. Perovskite-type oxygen carriers. Perovskite-type oxides

(ABO3, where A and B are usually rare earth and transition metal
cations, respectively) represent an alternative class of reducible oxides
with potential as partial oxidation catalysts. The transition metals serve
as both lattice oxygen carriers and catalysts for activating
hydrocarbons. They usually exhibit excellent redox properties, high
oxygen mobility, and thermal stability, good oxygen suppliers, and the
high selectivity to synthesis gas instead to CO2 and H2O, therefore, they
are quite effective for catalytic oxidation reactions including
hydrogenation, CO oxidation, and catalytic combustion [167]. The
perovskite-type particles are interesting for many applications, such as
oxygen permeable membranes [13]. Moreover, they are also found
Fig. 7. Schematic of the core-shell redox oxygen carrier [125].
suitable for the CLR processes.
to confirm the feasibility in a real industrial process.
Due to the relatively high capacity of reversible oxygen storage, high
activity, high structural stability and high selectivity to synthesis gas, Other oxygen carriers. Except for the oxygen carriers
LaFeO3 was attractive as a catalyst and oxygen carrier for methane mentioned above, other kinds of oxygen carriers, such as Fe-based,
partial oxidation [104–106]. Dai et al.[102] investigated the selective Cu-based [154–156], Mn-based [157] Pr-based [162] and even Ca-
reactivity of a series of perovskite AFeO3 oxides (A =La, Nd, Eu) in the based [159–161] matierials were also prepared and investigated.
methane partial oxidation to synthesis gas in a fixed-bed reactor. The Among those materials, iron oxide is an attractive oxygen carrier for
results showed that methane could be converted selectively to synthesis the application of CLR of methane because of its abundance, high
gas, and the LaFeO3 sample exhibited the best performance for melting point and low price. Forutan et al. [139] used iron, copper,
synthesis gas production. The LaFeO3 oxide maintained high catalytic magnesium and cobalt metal oxides supported on alumina in CLR(a)
activity and structural stability in redox atmospheres, and carbon process. The iron-based material had the highest resistance against
deposits did not occur in sequential redox cycles. Recently, the sintering and the highest capacity for oxygen adsorption among the
synergistic effect between the CeO2 and LaFeO3 materials has been four carriers. The reactivity of iron supported on Al2O3 was better than
observed by Zheng et al [90]. They found that the coexistence of the that on TiO2 [138]. However, the iron-based oxygen carriers often
Ce3+ and Fe2+ irons induces higher oxygen vacancies in the CeO2/ restricted for the lower reactivity rate, low oxygen transport capacity,
LaFeO3, and the material shows higher oxygen storage capacity and and low selective to syngas. The materials of with the addition of
reactivity for methane oxidation. promoters, such as Fe2O3–Rh2O3/Y2O3, Fe2O3–Cr2O3–MgO [126] and
To find an oxygen carrier with a better reactivity, selectivity, Fe2O3–CuO [136], were proved to be selective to syngas. Hafizi and the
stability, and a good resistance to carbon deposition, a series of defect co-operators added Mg [130], Ca [129,131] or Ce [131] as promoters
perovskite oxides, such as La1−xSrxMO3 (M=Mn, Ni; x=0–0.4) and in the iron-based oxygen carrier in the CLR(a) process of methane.
La1−xSrxFeO3 [109–111], La0.3Sr0.7Fe0.8M0.2O3-δ (M= Ga, Al) and High H2 production capacity and stability in redox cycles was
LaxSr1−xFeO3-δ perovskites [114], LaFe1−xNixO3 [108] and confirmed with those materials. The methane conversion reached to
LaFe1−xCoxO3 [107] were also be confirmed well suited for syngas 100% and the hydrogen production yield reached to 83% at 700 °C
generation due to the high selectivity towards CO/H2. when using 15 wt% Fe–5 wt%Ca/γ-Al2O3 as an oxygen carrier [129].
He and Li [127,128] reported a perovskite La0.8Sr0.2FeO3-δ pro- Different Ca-based sorbents including industrial CaO, synthesized CaO
moted Fe3O4 as a redox catalyst for partial oxidation of methane and and CaO–CeO2 (Ce/Ca = 0.2) were also added in the CLR(a) process
water-splitting reaction. Using the Fe3O4–LSF oxygen carrier coupled [132]. The addition of sorbents not only can produce high purity
with a layered reverse-flow reactor, up to 77% steam to hydrogen hydrogen, but also can enhance the reaction of partial oxidation of
conversion was achieved at 930 oC, which exceeds the thermodynamic methane. The H2/CO molar ratio of 16.7 was obtained when using
limit for the FeOx–H2O–H2 ternary system by 15% [127]. Neal et al. Fe2O3/MgAl2O4 oxygen carrier and synthesized Ce/Ca = 0.2 sorbent at
[124,125,140] investigated the feasibility of core-shell oxygen carriers 600 °C. Moreover, the low cost materials, such as the red mud prepared
(MeOx @ LaySr1−yFeO3) that combines a transition metal oxide core from Bauxite residual was used as the oxygen carrier in CLR(a) of coal
with a mixed ionic-electronic conductive perovskite shell for CLRM of char for syngas production. It was found that, the material showed a
methane. The results indicated that core-shell catalyst Fe2O3@LSF is strong catalytic function for char gasification and syngas reforming
more active, stable and selective than that of Fe2O3 : LSF composite [141]. The natural hematite has also been used for CLR(a) process of
catalyst [140]. Compared to Mn or Co oxide cores, Fe2O3 @ biomass in a 25 kWth interconnected fluidized bed reactor [142,148].
LaySr1−yFeO3 were found to be more effective for CLR applications
[124]. They proposed that the iron oxide core serves as the primary
source of lattice oxygen, whereas the LSF shell provides an active
surface and facilitates O2- and electron conductions (Fig. 7). 3.1.3. Chemical looping reforming using solid and liquid fuels
In general, the perovskites-type oxygen carriers can be used in the Higher hydrocarbons than CH4, such as the liquid fuels and even
CLR process. However, the reduction rate of perovskites for synthesis the solid fuels have also been explored in the CLR processes to produce
production needs to be increased because reduction rate is much lower H2 and CO.
than that of oxidation rate [104]. In addition, the carbonaceous Moldenhauer et al. [78] investigated the feasibility of liquid fuel in
deposits was reported in some literature [105,113]. Moreover, the CLR(a) process in a 300 W chemical looping reactor with continuous
oxygen storage capacity of perovskites-type oxygen carriers tend to be particle circulating for 20 h. Kerosene was used as a liquid fuel and
low, limiting their practical application in a real operation process, and NiO/MgO–ZrO2 as an oxygen carrier. The experimental results showed
long-term tests in a fluidized bed reactor are also needs to be conducted that nearly all hydrocarbon could be reformed into synthesis gas with
concentrations of hydrocarbons as low as 0.01%, which indicated that

M. Luo et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 81 (2018) 3186–3214

the liquid fuel can have the similar performance with that of gaseous
fuels in a continuous CLR(a) process. Ortiz et al. [168] investigated the
reaction conditions at for a high Syngas-H2 production in the CLR(a)
system with ethanol as fuel based on the thermodynamic equilibrium
state. The feasibility of CLR(a) using bioethanol was demonstrated in a
1 kWth circulated fluidized bed reactor during more than 50 h [68]. A
syngas composed of ≈ 61 vol% H2, ≈ 32 vol% CO, ≈ 5 vol% CO2 and ≈
2 vol% CH4 was obtained.
Mendiara et al. [79,80] selected toluene (C7H8) as model compound
of biomass tar and evaluated the feasibility of CLR(a) process as a
technology for biomass tar cleaning. The performance of four oxygen
carriers (60% NiO/MgAl2O4 (Ni60), 40% NiO/NiAl2O4 (Ni40), 40%
Mn3O4/Mg–ZrO2 (Mn40) and FeTiO3 (Fe)) were tested under alter-
nating redox cycles and the conditions to minimize the carbon
deposition have also been investigated. It was found that Ni40 and
Mn40 showed stable reactivity to C7H8 after a few cycles. Ni40 showed
a high tendency to carbon deposition, but this could be completely
avoided by adding water with a H2O/C7H8 molar ratio of 26.4. Fig. 9. Ethanol adsorption and transformation over CoFe2O4 (A), NiFe2O4 (B), and
However, the deposition could not be completely avoided in spite of Fe3O4 (C) [117].
the high H2O/CxHy molar when CH4 and C7H8 were mixed when using
Ni40 as oxygen carrier [80]. Lea-Langton et al. [61] studied the common to all spinels and corresponds to a dehydrogenation to
feasibility of pine oil and palm empty fruit bunches (EFB) oil with acetaldehyde. However, the following pathways depended on the
Ni/Al2O3 as a catalyst and an oxygen transfer in a packed bed at spinel. Acetaldehyde could be either oxidized to acetates (NiFe2O4),
600 °C. The results were remarkable with the maximum averaged fuel mainly decomposed to CO and methane (CoFe2O4), or completely
conversions of pine oil and EFB oil ~ 97% and 89% when the steam/ oxidized (Fe3O4) (see Fig. 9).
carbon ratios of 2.3 and 2.6 respectively during the reduction process. Jiang and the co-operators [84] in Dalian University of Technology
The yield efficiency of H2 produced were approximately 60% and 80% investigated the reactivity of synthesized NiO supported on montmor-
with little CH4 as by-product. However, the H2 yield and the rate of illonite using ethanol as fuel in a fixed-bed reactor. It was found that
reduction decreased during redox cycles. 20Ni–MMT exhibited high H2 selectivity (above 70%) and ethanol
The researchers in university of Leeds have investigated the CLR(a) conversion. The ethanol conversion maintained almost 80% even after
processes using different liquid materials, such as acetic acid [62], 20 cycles. They also investigated the CLR(a) process of glycerol using
sunflower oil [169], glycerol [58] and waste vegetable cooking oil Ni-based oxygen carriers supported on NiAl2O4 [72,82] and Al2O3-
[59,60] to determine the suitability of liquid fuels to maintain steam Montmorillonite with or without Ce promoter [170] as oxygen carriers.
reforming activity under chemical looping reforming conditions. It is The authors found that the CeNi/Al–M–41 displayed the superior
worth noting that when waste cooking oil was used, high purity reactivity and excellent stability due to the strengthened anti-sintering
hydrogen ( > 95%) was produced at 600 °C and 1 atm with the molar and coke capability [170]. The H2 concentration of 90% of the
steam to carbon ratio of 4. The fuel and steam conversion were higher equilibrium value was achieved at 600 °C, and glycerol conversion
when the sorbent material was added. was up to 99% [72]. When CaO was added as a sorbent to remove the
In CLRM process, the modified ferrospinels MFe2O4 (M = Fe, Co or CO2, high-purity H2 of 94.6% is obtained when steam to carbon (S/C)
Ni) were employed as oxygen carrier materials, and they showed was 3 at the initial temperature of 600 °C [82].
promising features for hydrogen production using ethanol or methanol CLR technology can also be used for tar elimination (cleaning) in
as the reducing agent [117–121]. The chemical looping process for biomass-derived gasification gas [143]. In the FR, the oxygen carriers
ethanol reforming over the modified ferrospinels is shown in Fig. 8. not only acts as an oxygen carrier, but also acts as a catalyst for tar
The sintering of magnetite and carbon deposition during redox cycles reforming. The reforming of tars has been tested with the natural ore
[121], the reaction routes and the related reaction mechanism [117] ilmenite [115,143,157,158], synthetic Mn3O4 supported on ZrO2 [157]
together with the reactivity of the mixed ferrospinels [118] during the and NiO supported on α-Al2O3 [77,144] as oxygen carriers. Ni-based
processes of ethanol anaerobic decomposition and oxidation were also materials showed the best catalytic performance with the overall tar
studied. According to the obtained results it can be concluded that, conversion more than 95% at 880 oC [77,144], while the corresponding
compared with magnetite, the Ni ferrite showed a higher activity in value for ilmenite catalyst was 60% at 850 °C [144]. Even though the
ethanol anaerobic oxidation and decomposition [118]. For Co-ferrite, a superior reactivity to convert hydrocarbons, Ni-based materials suffer
complete re-oxidation of CoFe2O4 to its original oxidation state was not from the characteristics of toxic and high price. The alternative
possible using only water as the oxidant; therefore, an extra oxidation materials such as supported Cu-based materials and perovskite
of the material with air was needed [119]. The reaction routes of the La0.8Sr0.2FeO3 were identified as promising bed materials for CLR
anaerobic oxidation of ethanol followed over each material were with C2H4 as a tar surrogate [158]. However, it was found that Cu-
investigated by using in situ DRIFTS-MS method [117]. Results based materials unable to convert aromatics and C2H4 with the
showed that the first step in ethanol transformation appeared to be presence of monoaromatic compounds, while La0.8Sr0.2FeO3 perovskite
supported on γ-Al2O3 achieved high conversion of all tar surrogates
investigated [156].
Different from CLC, the target products in FR of CLR processes are
syngas, therefore, it would be recommended if the oxygen carrier can
react with the solid fuels but not further with the synthesis gas
produced to produce CO2 and water, therefore, it is hard to control
the reaction selectivity to produce syngas. Only few investigations
reported in the literature about the CLR processes using coal as fuel to
produce syngas [122,153,159,160]. Liu et al. [159] investigated coal
Fig. 8. The CLRM of ethanol over modified ferrospinels. A= Fe, Co, Ni or Cu [118].

M. Luo et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 81 (2018) 3186–3214

gasification using calcium sulfate (CaSO4) in a fixed-bed reactor. It was the H2 to CO equaled to about 2:1. The carbon formation was reduced
found that the CaSO4/C molar ratio should be higher than 0.2 to reach or eliminated by adding 25–30 vol% steam to the natural gas. Except
auto-thermal balance and the corresponding syngas yield is about 1.2 the common gaseous fuels, a liquid fuel, sulfur-free kerosene, has been
moles per mole carbon, respectively. They also observed that the total used for H2 production in this continuous unit with NiO/(MgO–ZrO2)
syngas yield decreased with the present of oxygen carrier due to the as an oxygen carrier [78]. During the experiments lasted for 20 h,
reaction of syngas generated with CaSO4. They also found that CO2 can nearly all hydrocarbon could be reformed into a synthesis gas. In the
promote the reaction between coal and CaSO4 [160]. Guo et al. [122] best case, only 0.01% of the fuel carbon remained as hydrocarbon.
assessed the reactivity of Ca-decorated iron based oxygen carriers with de Diego et al. and the co-operators in Institute of Carboquímica
coal in a batch fluidized-bed reactor for synthesis gas generation. They presented the experimental results obtained in a circulating fluidized
found that when Fe2O3 was used as the oxygen carrier, the volume bed reactor using methane [64] and bioethanol [68] as fuel. The
concentration of the synthesis gas was lower than that without the schematic diagram of the facility is shown in Fig. 10(b). NiO21–γ-
oxygen carrier since iron oxide reacts with the synthesis gas produced Al2O3 and NiO18–α-Al2O3 were used during more than 50 h of
by coal-steam gasification. However, the H2 volume concentration and operation respectively. It was found that in all operating conditions
carbon conversion increased when CaO was added due to the catalytic almost full conversion of CH4 or the bioethanol was achieved, and
effects of CaO. Recently, Siriwardane et al. [135] confirmed that carbon formation was easily avoided. The auto-thermal conditions
BaFe2O4 and CaFe2O4 were excellent for CLR(a) of coal as those two could be obtained by adjust in the NiO to fuel molar ratio. When using
materials had high reactivity with coal but low reactivity with synthesis bioethanol as fuel, a syngas composed of ≈ 61 vol% H2, ≈ 32 vol% CO,
gas. The synergetic effect between steam and the oxygen carriers was ≈ 5 vol% CO2 and ≈ 2 vol% CH4 was reached at auto-thermal
observed. The investigations of hydrogen-enriched gas production from conditions for both materials [68]. A pilot plant up to 140 kW (see
steam gasification using CaO-based materials as a catalyst and oxygen Fig. 10(c)) has been successfully constructed and operated in Vienna
carrier transfer in the chemical looping gasification process has been University of Technology for the CLR(a) of natural gas [38]. Two
reviewed by Udomsirichakorn et al [171]. nickel-based oxygen carriers, NiO/NiAl2O4 with or without small MgO
Considering the biomass, Wang et al. [172] conducted the thermo- added were used as bed materials. Results showed that the FR exhaust
dynamic analysis of syngas generation from biomass based on the gas approached thermodynamic equilibrium. Even though no steam
method of Gibbs free energy minimization with Mn2O3 as an oxygen was added to the natural gas feed no carbon formation was found for
carrier, and the results showed that the total dry concentration of CO global excess air ratios larger than 0.4.
and H2 could reach to 98.8%. García-Díez et al. [173] also conducted As mentioned in Section 3.1.3, CLR technology has also been
the mass and heat balances to determine the auto-thermal conditions proposed for tar elimination (cleaning) in biomass-derived gasification
that maximize H2 production using three different types of bioethanol gas. The researchers in Chalmers University of Technology tested the
as fuel. Results showed that when diluted ethanol (~52 vol%) was used, reforming of tars in a circulated continuous unit (see Fig. 10(d)) with
4.62 mol of H2 per mol of ethanol was obtained and the system could the natural ore ilmenite [143], synthetic Mn3O4 supported on ZrO2
reach the auto thermal state. The CLR(a) process of biomass has been [157] and NiO supported on α-Al2O3 [77,144] as bed materials. It was
demonstrated in TGA [149,152], small batch fixed-bed reactor [152], found that the tar removal efficiency is high than 95% when using Ni-
tube reactor [159], or fluidized-bed reactor [145–147]. It was found based materials, and the matierials maintained the oxygen transfer and
that the iron oxide not only act as a catalyst for biomass tar cracking catalystic properties during the test [77,157].
[149] but also as an oxygen carrier to transfer oxygen. Nevertheless, the Solid fuels such as biomass has been investigated in different
reactivity of lattice oxygen in hematite particles is slightly lower than circulated units. Ge et al. [142,148] investigated the performance of
that of steam [145]. Steam introduction can promote the reforming syngas production process using natural hematite as an oxygen carrier
reactions [147]. A 25 kWth prototype in Southeast University was and biomass as fuel in a 25 kWth interconnected fluidized bed reactor
constructed to investigate the performance of biomass direct CLR(a) (Fig. 10(e)). It was found that when the hematite mass percentages
using hematite as an oxygen carrier [142]. The maximum syngas yield was higher than 40 wt%, the system could reach auto thermal station.
reached to 0.74 Nm3 kg−1 when the gasification temperature was set to The experimental results also showed that 860 °C was the optimal
be 860 °C. Ge et al. [148] carried out the CLR(a) of biomass in a gasification temperature corresponding to higher carbon conversion
25 kWth continuous reactor using natural hematite as an oxygen efficiency and maximal syngas yield (0.74 Nm3 kg−1). The CLR(a) of
carrier. The syngas yield in the continuous reactor reached the biomass was also performed in a 10 kWth interconnected fluidized bed
maximum value of 0.64 Nm3 kg−1 at 850 °C. rector (see Fig. 10(f)) with Fe–Ni bimetallic oxygen carrier in
Guangzhou Institute of Energy Conversion [137]. The composition of
3.1.4. Continuous operation experience of the circulating reactors CO and H2 as well as the gasification efficiency of biomass increased
To investigate the industrial operation of CLR, the different when using Fe–Ni bimetallic oxygen carrier than that using the Fe2O3/
research groups of Sweden, Spain Australia, and China have investi- Al2O3 oxygen carrier. The optimal value of the gasification efficiency
gated the process in different continuous reactors. Chemical-looping reached to 70.48% when the biomass feeding rate was 1.6 kg/h.
processes could be designed in several ways but circulating fluidized Recently, Zeng et al. [151] proposed and investigated a novel chemical
beds are likely to have an advantage over other alternatives since this looping gasification process to generate syngas with high H2/CO ratio.
design provides good contact between gas and solids and allows a As shown in Fig. 10(g), H2 is generated by steam-iron process in the
smooth flow of oxygen-carrier particles between the reactors. The CLR SR, and CO is produced by biomass gasification process in the FR,
processes have been demonstrated at atmospheric pressure not only at therefore, the ratio of can be adjusted. When sawdust was used as fuel
a laboratory scale, but also in continuous units up to 140 kWth pilot and iron ore as an oxygen carrier, the cold gas efficiency of 77.21% and
plant. The summary of CLR circulating reactors are listed in Table 2, the H2 yield of 0.279 Nm3 kg-1 were obtained at the optimized
and the corresponding CLR facilities are shown in Fig. 10. conditions.
Rydén et al. [39] described the continuous chemical-looping
reforming of natural gas in a laboratory reactor. The reactor consisted 3.1.5. System integration and economic analysis
of two interconnected fluidized beds, which is shown in Fig. 10(a). The economic analysis of CLR(a) process has been conducted at
NiO-based oxygen carriers supported on NiO/MgAl2O4 [39], Al2O3(α- atmospheric and pressurized conditions [174–176]. The calculation
Al2O3 or γ-Al2O3) [63] NiO/Mg–ZrO2 [75] were used as oxygen results showed that pressurized CLR(a) potentially has very high
carriers. Complete conversion of natural gas was achieved in the FR efficiency. The efficiency could be at least 4% higher than that for the
and the selectivity towards H2 and CO was high and the mole ratio of conventional steam reforming with CO2 capture by amine scrubbing.

M. Luo et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 81 (2018) 3186–3214

Table 2
Summary of CLR circulating reactors.

Location Unite size Configuration Fuel Oxygen careers Operation time References
(kW) (h)

Chalmers University of Technology, Chalmers, 0.1–0.3 AR-fluidized bed n.g. NiO/MgAl2O4 41 [39]
Sweden FR-fluidized bed NiO/Mg–ZrO2 24 [75]
NiO/MgAl2O4, NiO/α-Al2O3, 160 [63]
kerosene NiO/(MgO–ZrO2) 20 [78]
Institute of Carboquímica, ICB–CSIC, Spain 0.9–1 AR-bubbling CH4 NiO/γ-Al2O3, > 50 [64]
fluidized bed Bioethanol NiO/α-Al2O3 > 50 [68]
fluidized bed
Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, 120–140 AR-fast fluidized bed n.g. NiO/α-Al2O3, NiO/(α-Al2O3– > 90 [38,74]
Austria FR-turbulent MgO)
fluidized bed
Chalmers University of Technology, Chalmers, n.a. AR-circulating Raw gas from Ilmenite ore n.a. [143]
Sweden fluidized bed biomass gasifier Mn3O4/MgZrO3 n.a. [157]
FR-bubbling NiO/α-Al2O3 7 [77]
fluidized bed Ilmenite, NiO/α-Al2O3 8 [144]
Southeast University, Nanjing, China 25 AR-high velocity Rice husk Natural hematite n.a. [142,148]
fluidized bed
fluidized bed
Guangzhou Institute of Energy Conversion, 10 AR-fast fluidized bed Sawdust of pine Fe–Ni bimetallic (Fe2O3/ n.a. [137]
Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS), FR- bubbling Al2O3/NiO = 7/3/0.53 as mass
Guangzhou, China fluidized bed raion)
Southeast University, Nanjing, China n.a. FR-fast fluidized bed Pine sawdust Iron ore n.a. [151]
SR- bubbling
fluidized bed

n.a.: not available.

The reformer efficiency above 81% is possible if the oxygen carrier the conventional fired tubular reforming (FTR) with CO2 capture
particles have high stability at the temperature as high as 1200 °C. The technology (MDEA absorption method). The cost of H2 production
reactivity of two Ni-based oxygen carriers under pressurized conditions also reduced from 0.28 €/Nm3H2 to 0.19 €/Nm3H2.
during the CLR(a) process was confirmed by Ortiz et al [66]. It was He et al. [128,179] proposed a hybrid solar-redox scheme (Fig. 11).
found that at all operating pressures the CH4 conversion was very high Both the liquid fuel and hydrogen are produced from methane and
( > 98%) and no carbon formation was detected. integrated solar energy in two redox steps based on CLRM process. In
Note that the CLR(a) under pressure conditions also face some the Reducer, methane is partial oxidized by the material (Fe3O4–LSF)
problems before this can be realized. Firstly, the fuel conversion is into CO and H2, which is then converted into naphtha and diesel in the
thermodynamically hampered by pressure so the FR temperatures of Fischer–Tropsch (F–T) reactors. In the Oxidizer, steam oxidizes the
1000 °C or higher will be required to obtain sufficient conversion of the reduced material from the previous step, producing concentrated H2.
fuel [174]. Integration with a gas turbine is indispensable in order to The overall process efficiency is estimated to be 67.5% (HHV), which is
obtain high efficiency. Otherwise there would be a large efficiency 7.7% (HHV) more efficient than SMR based co-production processes.
penalty for air compression. Secondly, the pressurized circulating The methane to fuel efficiency from the hybrid solar-redox process is
fluidized beds are not conventional technology. Hence the pressurized estimated to be 99.4% on an HHV basis [179].
CLR(a) technology needs further development to be used in industrial There are few investigations about the CLR(s) process. Pans et al.
process. [36] conducted the evaluation of the two configurations using iron-
da Silva et al. [177] analyzed the performance of a PEMFC (proton based oxygen carriers based on the mass and enthalpy balances. The
exchange membrane fuel cell) system integrated with a biogas CLR(a) results showed that a H2 yield value of 2.45 mol H2 per mol of CH4 can
processor. Compared with conventional process, the results showed be obtained with the reformer tubes located inside the AR. This
that CLR(a) process can achieve high advantages when integrated with corresponds to a CH4 to H2 conversion of 74.2%, which is similar to
a PEMFC system. CLR(a) can be seen as an advantageous reforming state-of-the-art H2 production technologies, but with inherent CO2
technology, not only because it allows that the global process can be capture in this process. Rydén et al. [175,176] evaluated the economy
operated under auto-thermal conditions but also due to that it allows of CLR(s) process. It was found that CLR(s) process also seems well
the PEMFC stack to achieve values of voltage and power closer to those suited for large scale production of high purity H2 with CO2 capture.
obtained when SR fuel processors are used. The global efficiency This concept utilizes conventional technology and moderate tempera-
obtained for fuel processors based on CLR(a) technology is close to ture and pressure, and may be easier to put into practice than CLR(a).
those achieved by conventional fuel processors. At low loads, efficiency An overall efficiency in the order of 80% seems possible.
is around 45%, whereas, at higher power demands, efficiencies around
25% are calculated for all the fuel processors.
Spallina et al. [178] proposed a membrane assisted chemical 3.2. Chemical looping hydrogen production
looping reforming (MA-CLR) system for pure H2 production. In this
system, the natural gas is converted in the FR by reaction with steam Fuel cell technology can convert chemical energy into electrical
and an oxygen carrier, and the produced H2 permeates through the energy with high efficient without emissions of environmental pollu-
membranes for separation. Techno-economic assessment of the con- tants, which makes fuel cells one of the most promising sources for
cept showed promising results. The H2 production efficiency of the future power generation. The carbon monoxide level in the gas has to
MA–CLR system was above 90%, which was 30% higher than that of be reduced to a level below 20 ppm in order to avoid poisoning of the
catalyst at the fuel cell electrodes [180–182]. Therefore, high-purity

M. Luo et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 81 (2018) 3186–3214

(a) 100W CLR for natural gas, (b) 900W CLR for CH4,
Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden [39]. Institute of Carboquímica, Spain [64].

(c) 140kW CLR for natural gas, (d) CLR for raw gas from biomass gasifier,
Vienna University of Technology, Austria [38]. Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden

(e) 25kW CLR for biomass, (f) 10kWth CLR for biomass,
Southeast University, China [142]. Southeast University, China [137].

(g) CLR for biomass,

Southeast University, China [151].
Fig. 10. CLR facilities of different fuels in interconnected fluidized beds.

hydrogen is required in the fuel cells, such as polymer electrolyte fuel Iron has long been known to produce H2 when reacted with steam.
cells (PEFCs). At present, more attention is paid to the steam-iron In 1910, Messerschmitt [187] patented the steam-iron process for
process because it can produce hydrogen with high purity [183–186]. producing hydrogen using the Fe3O4 to Fe0.947O transition. In recent
The high purity hydrogen with the concentration of CO lower than years, the steam-iron process again gets attention because of the
5 ppm can be produced using CLH process [186]. potential to produce H2 with inherent CO2 separation.

M. Luo et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 81 (2018) 3186–3214

Fig. 11. Simplified schematic of the hybrid solar-redox process [128].

Fig. 12. The schematic diagram of the chemical looping hydrogen production.

The schematic of CLH process is shown in Fig. 12. In the FR, the low conversions for both reducing gas and steam are limited by the
reducing gases reduce the metal oxide (MO) to the metal form (M) thermodynamic property of the FeO and Fe3O4 phases. The two-reactor
according to reaction 19, releasing water vapor and carbon dioxide: steam-iron arrangement can be modified by adding an AR [188,190].
The schematic diagram of the three-reactor CLH system is shown in
MO + CO/H2 = M + CO2/H2O (19)
Fig. 12(b). In the third reactor AR, Fe3O4 is subsequently regenerated
The reduced metal particles are transported to the steam oxidation to Fe2O3 by oxidizing oxygen in air. Final oxidation in air has the
reactor and react with steam according to reaction 20, producing potential to oxidize any contaminants, e.g. carbon or sulfur, deposited
hydrogen and metal oxide particles. The regenerated metal oxide can on the particles, and the produced Fe2O3 can increase the conversion of
be used in another redox cycle. reducing fuels.
The possible reactions in the three reactors when coupling the
M + H2O = MO + H2 (20) gasification process are listed as follows [186]:
If the fuel can be fully converted, the flue gas from the FR will be Under the CO2 conditions, the coal gasification occurs as
CO2 and H2O. The exhaust gas form the steam oxidation reactor is only C+CO2 = 2CO-172·4 kJ/mol (21)
the mixture of H2 and water vapor. Almost pure CO2 and H2 can be
obtained from the outlet of the FR and the SR only with water The reductions of Fe2O3 with CO, a major component in syngas,
condensed. In general, the advantages of the CLH process can be occur by
classified as follows:
3Fe2O3+CO = 2Fe3O4+CO2+43·2 kJ/mol (22)

1) No water gas shift reactor and CO2 separation process are needed;
0·947Fe3O4+0·788CO = 3Fe0·947O+0·788CO2-37·3 kJ/mol (23)
2) Only one kind of oxygen carrier is required compared to the
complex solid catalysts in SMR process; Fe0·947O+CO = 0·947Fe+CO2+16·7 kJ/mol (24)
3) No further hydrogen purification process is needed due to the
highly concentrated of hydrogen. The produced Fe or Fe0.947O can be oxidized by steam to generate
CLH process is also called “Chemical Looping Steam Reforming
0·947Fe+H2O = Fe0·947O+H2+23·8 kJ/mol (25)
(CLSR)”, “Chemical looping water splitting (CLWS) process” or
“Chemical storage of hydrogen process” in some literature.
3Fe0·947O+0·788H2O=0·947Fe3O4+0·788H2+69·2 kJ/mol (26)
The traditional steam-iron process mainly focused on hydrogen
production and could only partially convert the reducing gas [189]. The In the air reactor, Fe3O4 can be reoxidized to Fe2O3

M. Luo et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 81 (2018) 3186–3214

2Fe3O4+1/2O2 = 3Fe2O3+239·7 kJ/mol (27) Table 3

Comparisons of the key properties of different metal oxide candidates [193].
The total process is
Fe2O3 NiO CuO Mn3O4 CoO
C+1·25H2O+0·375O2 = CO2+1·25H2 +90·6 kJ/mol (28)
Cost +a – ≈ – –
CLH process can be described as a combination process of the Oxygen capacity (wt%)b 30 21 20 20 21
partial oxidation and steam gasification of solid fuels, and the total thermodynamics: syngas Fe2O3/ NiO /Ni CuO/ Mn3O4/ CoO/Co
process is exothermic. In the FR, reduction to Fe would be advanta- conversionc Fe3O4 Cu2O MnO
geous, since the capacity for producing hydrogen over the Fe3O4 to Fe
100/83.2/ 99.3 100/ 100/0 96.3
transition is approximately four times greater than that for the Fe3O4 to 42.5 100
Fe0.947O transition, but the production of H2 declines less sharply Thermodynamics: steam Fe/FeO/ – – – Co
during the redox processes. After ten cycles, H2 production at all three conversiond Fe3O4
55.9/15.8/ 3.5
temperatures is unsatisfactorily low [186]. Also, Fe acts as a catalyst for
the reverse Boudard reaction, which can promote the carbon deposi- Reduction kinetics/ ≈ + + ≈ –
tion process [191], decreasing the purity of the hydrogen. Therefore, to reactivitye
prevent the decomposition of methane, the reduction of iron oxide Melting pointsf 1275 1452 1026 1260 1480
should be limited to Fe0.947O [192]. Strength + – – ≈ ≈
Environmental and ≈ – ≈ – –
health impacts
3.2.1. Development of oxygen carriers
The oxygen carriers that can be utilized in the CLH process requires +, positive; -, negative; ≈, neutral.
a number of characteristics in order to make the process feasible [191]: Maximum possible oxygen carrying capacity by weight percent, pure basis; achiev-
able using excess fuel (actual).
(i) High reactivity with syngas and favorable thermodynamics regard- c
Maximum theoretical conversion of a syngas (66.6% CO and 33.3% H2) to CO2 and
ing the fuel conversion to CO2 and H2O; (ii) High stability during redox H2O with the presence of the given metal oxide at 850 °C (calculated by Aspen Plus).
cycles and maintained for a number of redox cycles for favorable d
Maximum theoretical conversion of steam with the presence of the given metal oxide
economics; (iii) Good regenerable of the reduced form of the metal at different oxidation states at 850 °C (calculated by Aspen Plus).
oxide and high steam-to-hydrogen conversion; (iv) High resistance to Reactivity refers to the rates of the reactions between metal oxides and syngas (CO
and H2).
agglomeration and sintering. f
Lowest melting points of the metal/metal oxides under various oxidation states (°C);
Many researchers have evaluated the hydrogen production property Co3O4 and Co2O3 are not considered in this case since they are difficult to be oxidized.
of many metal oxides. It was found that Fe2O3 provided the best
conversion of syngas to combustion products CO2 and H2O along with reactivity of Fe2O3/Al2O3 was also confirmed by Li et al. [193] for more
a high conversion of steam to hydrogen [191,194,195]. Solunke et al. than 100 reduction-oxidation (redox) cycles in a TGA. Kierzkowska
[196] compared the thermodynamic reactivity combined with cost and et al. [204] also confirmed the stable yields of H2 over 40 cycles when
toxicity of the metal oxides in the process and found that iron oxides is using 60 wt% Fe2O3/40 wt% Al2O3 as an oxygen carrier produced by
most suitable for CLH process. Li et al. [193] screened the properties of sol-gel method in a packed bed reactor. Iron oxide supported on Al2O3
different metal oxide particles considering overall properties including can also be used at the elevated system pressures. Voitic et al.
oxygen carrying capacity, thermodynamic properties, reaction kinetics, [227,228] found the hydrogen production was not influenced by the
physical strength, melting points, and environmental effects. The elevated system pressure using 90 wt% Fe2O3/10 wt% Al2O3 as an
comparisons of the key properties of different metal oxide candidates oxygen carrier. The hydrogen produced with the reformer steam iron
is shown in Table 3. It was found that iron oxide is determined to be a process was obtained at a very high purity off 99.93% with only CO2 as
desired oxygen carrier for hydrogen production. impurity [227]. They [230] also investigated the effect of elevated
Iron-based oxygen carriers have been found to be the best system pressure on the hydrogen production property and carbon
candidates for hydrogen production. The reactivity and the stability contamination using Fe2O3/Al2O3/CeO2 as an oxygen carrier with
during the redox have been investigated in different reactor type. synthesis gas as fuel at the range of 36.0–49.8 bar. The hydrogen
Table 4 shows a summary of the iron containing particles investigated purity was within the range of 99.958–99.999% with CO as the main
by different authors and the testing conditions to evaluate their impurity. The amount of contaminations due to the oxidation of the
feasibility for use as oxygen carriers in a CLH system published after carbon deposition is not influenced by the elevated system pressure.
2000. Dueso et al. [207] embedded the iron oxide within a stable matrix
La0.7Sr0.3FeO3-δ, and a synergetic effect was observed between the iron Supported iron-based oxygen carriers. As mentioned above, oxide and the lanthanum strontium ferrite (LSF) as the composite
iron oxide are the best active metal oxide, but the pure iron oxide oxygen carrier with 30 wt% iron oxide showed high stability during 25
without inert or additives deactivated quickly for the redox reaction redox cycles. Galinsky et al. [220] also prepared the oxygen carrier
due to sintering [185,193,204,207,242,251], so the properly containing 60 wt% iron oxide supported on LSF(La0.8Sr0.2FeO3) as the
maintenance and stability of the materials during multi-cycles are the inert support. Reactivity tests performed in a TGA showed that the
key factors of the industrial process. support LSF enhanced the reactivity of the oxygen carrier by 5–70
times compared than that with conventional TiO2-, Al2O3- or YSZ
Inert supports are always used to increase the reactivity and the support.
stability of the oxygen carriers. Kang et al. [195] found that MgAl2O4
and ZrO2 were favorable support from thermal stability, chemical Modified iron-based oxygen carriers. Small amount of
stability and specific heat capacity aspects. The reactivity and the additives or promoters added in the iron-based oxygen carriers may
stability of Fe-based oxygen carriers when supported with Al2O3 have a synergetic effect on the stability and reactivity. Bohn et al. [237]
[193,204,215,219,223] and TiO2 [223] were also investigated experi- investigated the addition of Al, Cr, Mg and Si on the stability of iron
mentally. It was found that the oxygen carriers supported with Al2O3 oxide in the CLH process. Results showed that stable H2 yields over 10
had superior reactivity than that with TiO2, and the Fe2O3 with 60 wt% cycles were achieved for the sample with 30 mol%Cr. Otsuka et al.
Al2O3 as support showed the highest hydrogen yield, the best reactivity, [184] found that the additives such as Al, Cr, Zr, Ga and V were the
and no deterioration over the multi-cycle experiments at 900 °C in a effective elements for iron oxide, because they can promote the
fluidized bed during the multiple cycles [223]. The high maintenance of

M. Luo et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 81 (2018) 3186–3214

Table 4
Summary of the oxygen-carriers tested in different CLH processes.

Oxygen Carrier Fuel in Reduction Reactor References

Process type
Metal oxide Support material Preparation

Fe2O3 – MM CO PB [186]
Fe2O3 – MM Syngas produced form PB [197]
in situ coal/coal char
Fe2O3 – WG H2, CO bFB [198]
Fe2O3 – MM Char, K–char, Ca–char bFB [199]
Fe2O3 – MM H2, CO PB [200]
Fe2O3 – MM CO TGA [201]
(i) Fe2O3 – CAM H2, CH4 ETB [202]
(ii) NiFe2O4
(iii) CuFe2O4
(i) Fe2O3 – (i)–(ii) UH H2+CO CT [203]
(ii) Fe2O3–M(M= CeO2, La2O3, Ce0.5Zr0.5O2) (iii) UH+IMP
(iii) M–( Fe2O3–Ce0.5Zr0.5O2), M=Cu, Mg, Cr, Mo, M/(
Fe2O3–Ce0.5Zr0.5O2+M)=0.02, 0.05 as the weight ratio
(i) Fe2O3 (i) None (i) MM CO PB [204]
(ii) Fe2O3(x = 60, 80, 90 wt%) (ii) Al2O3 (ii) SG
(i) Fe2O3 – (i) PUR H2,H2+CH4 TGA, FxB [205]
(ii) 98 wt% Fe2O3–1.90 wt% Al2O3–0.10 wt% MoO3 (ii)–(v) SG
(iii) 98 wt% Fe2O3–1.75 wt% Al2O3–0.25 wt% MoO3 (vi) WIMP
(iv) 98 wt% Fe2O3–1.50 wt% Al2O3–0.50 wt% MoO3
(v) 98 wt% Fe2O3–1.75 wt% Al2O3–0.25 wt% CeO2
(vi)97.79 wt% Fe2O3–1.75 wt% Al2O3–0.20 wt% MoO3–
0.25 wt% CeO2
(i) Fe2O3 (i)None SG CO+H2 TGA, FxB [206]
(ii) 60 wt% Fe2O3 (ii)–(iii)Al2O3
(iii) xFe2O3–5 wt% CeO2(x = 45, 55, 65 wt%)
(i) Fe2O3 – (i)–(ii) MM CO TGA, MR [207]
(ii) La0.7Sr0.3FeO3–δ(LSF731) (iii)–(iv) MM
(iii) LSF731–xFe2O3 (x = 11, 30 wt%) +PEC
(i) Fe2O3, – (i) WG H2, CO TGA, bFB [208]
(ii) xCaO–Fe2O3, nFe2O3/nCaO=50, 57.3% and 66.7% (ii) WG+MM
(Fe2O3)1–x–(Ce0.5Zr0.5O2)x (x = 0, 0.5, 0.7, 1.0) – COP Syngas produced form two-layer [209]
in situ methane partial reactor
(i) 15 wt% Fe2O3 LaNiO3 CAM, IMP CH4 FxB [210]
(ii) 15 wt% Fe2O3–5 wt% CeO2
20 wt%Fe2O3 ZrO2 COP CH4 MB [211]
20 wt% Fe2O3 ZrO2 COP CH4 cFB [212]
30 wt% Fe2O3 Al1.42Mg0.58O2.7 MM CH4 TGA [213]
(i) 40 wt% Fe2O3 (i) ZrO2 PEC CO PB [214]
(ii) Ca2Fe2O5 (ii) None
xFe2O3 (x = 50, 60, 75, 80, 90, 100 wt%) α-Al2O3 COP H2, CO TGA [215]
50 wt% Fe2O3 MgAl2O4 SG CH4, CO FxB [216]
xFe2O3 (x = 60, 70, 80, 90 wt%) α-Al2O3 COP H2 TGA [217]
60 wt% Fe2O3 Al2O3 MM CO PB [218]
60 wt% Fe2O3 Al2O3 MM CO TGA [219]
60 wt% Fe2O3 (i)TiO2 (i)–(ii) SSM H2, CH4, CO TGA [220]
60 wt% Fe2O3 (i)Al2O3 SSM char TGA [221]
(ii)13 wt% CuO–Al2O3
(i) 60 wt% Fe2O3 Bentonite MM H2, CO bFB [222]
(ii) 60 wt% NiO
(iii) 30 wt% NiO–30 wt% Fe2O3
(i) xFe2O3 (x = 60, 90 wt%) (i) Al2O3 MM CO TGA, bFB [223]
(ii) 60 wt% Fe2O3 (ii) TiO2
70 wt% Fe2O3 Al2O3 SG H2, Syngas, CH4 TGA, FxB, [193,224,225]
85 wt% Fe2O3 xSiO2+ yCaO +5 wt% Al2O3 (x+y = MM H2 CT [226]
10 wt%, x=0, 2.5, 5, 6.5, 7.5, 8.5,
10 wt%)
90 wt% Fe2O3 Al2O3 MM H2, syngas TGA, pFxB [227]
90 wt% Fe2O3 Al2O3 MM H2 pFxB [228]
90 wt% Fe2O3 Al2O3 PUR CO bFB [229]
90 wt% Fe2O3–5 wt% Al2O3–5 wt% CeO2 – COP H2+CO pFxB [230]
98 wt% Fe2O3–1.75 wt% Al2O3–0.25 wt% CeO2 – SG Bio-fuels FxB [231]
Mo–(80 wt% Fe2O3–20 wt% Ce0.5Zr0.5O2), x = 1–5 wt% – UH+IMP H2 TGA, MR [232]
Mo–(80 wt% Fe2O3–20 wt% Ce0.5Zr0.5O2), x = 1–5 wt% – UH+IMP H2 MR [233]
98 wt%Fe2O3+1.75 wt%Al2O3+0.25 wt% CeO2 – SG Methanol FxB [234]
N–M, N= Fe2O3, Fe, M = Al, Cr, Ni, Co, Zr, Mo, M/(Fe+ M) – IMP H2 FxB [235]
= 0.05 as mole ratio
(continued on next page)

M. Luo et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 81 (2018) 3186–3214

Table 4 (continued)

Oxygen Carrier Fuel in Reduction Reactor References

Process type
Metal oxide Support material Preparation

Fe2O3–Mo, Mo/(Mo + Fe) = 0.00, 0.05, 0.08, 0.10 as mole – HS H2 FxB [236]
Fe3O4b M=Al2O3, Cr2O3, MgO, SiO2, nM/( WIMP CO PB [237]
nM+nFe)=0.01, 0.1, 0.3
(i) – (i) P H2 FxB [184]
(ii)M– Fe3O4b(M= Al, Cr, Zn, Ga, V, Ti, Zr, Mg, Ca, Mn, Co, (ii) COP
Ni, Cu, Y, Nb, Mo, Ce), molar ratio: M/( M+Fe) =0.03
(i) Fe3O4b – (i) P H2 FxB [183]
(ii)M– Fe3O4b(M= Al, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Y, Zr, Mo, Ce, Mn, Co, (ii) COP
Ni, Cu、Zn, Ru, Rh, Pd, Ag, Ir, Re, Ta, W, Pt, Ga, Nb),
molar ratio: M/( M+Fe) =0.03
(i) Fe3O4 (i)None COP H2 FxB [238]
(ii) 60 wt% Fe3O4 −10 wt% CeO2 (ii)–(ix)ZrO2
(iii) 1 wt% Rh – 59 wt% Fe3O4 −10 wt%CeO2
(iv) 1 wt% Cu – 59 wt% Fe3O4 −10 wt%CeO2
(v) 3 wt% Cu – 57 wt% Fe3O4 −10 wt%CeO2
(vi) 5 wt% Cu – 55 wt% Fe3O4 −10 wt%CeO2
(vii) 3 wt% Cu – 57 wt% Fe3O4 −20 wt%CeO2
(viii) 3 wt% Cu – 57 wt% Fe3O4 −30 wt%CeO2
(ix) 10 wt% Cu – 50 wt% Fe3O4 −10 wt%CeO2
(i) 37 wt% Fe3O4b ZrO2 ALD Synthesis gas SFR [239]
(ii) 37 wt% CoxFe3−xO4
40 wt% Fe3O4b (40 wt% Fe–BHA) Barium hexaaluminate(BHA) SG Synthesis Gas FxB [240]
60 wt% Fe3O4b MgAl2O4 FG CO, Synthesis gas cFB [241]
(i) (0.045–0.45 mol%)Pd– Fe3O4b – IMP H2 TEOM [242]
(ii) (0.0065–0.38 mol%)Zr– Fe3O4b
(ii) Pd–Zr –Fe3O4b ( content of (Pd+Zr) is 0.23 mol%).)
(i) FeOx – (i) P CH4 FxB [185]
(ii) 5 mol% M–FeOx(M= Cr, Ni) (ii)–(iv) COP
(iii)5 mol%M–5 mol% Cr–FeOx(M=Co, Ni, Cu, Rh, Pd, Ir,
(iv) 5 mol% Ni–5 mol% M–FeOx(M=Al, Ti, V, Cr, Zr)
(i) M–FeOx (M= Rh, Mo), M/(M+Fe) =0.05 as mole ratio – COP H2 FxB [243]
(ii) Rh–Mo–FeOx, Rh/(Rh+Mo+Fe)=Mo/(Rh+Mo+Fe)
=0.05 as mole ratio
(i) M–FeOx(M=Cr, Cu), (M/(M+Fe) =0.05 as mole ratio) – COP H2, synthesis gas, PB [244]
(ii) M–Cr–FeOx(M=Co, Ni, Rh, Cu), M/(M+Cr+Fe) =0.05 methane
as mole ratio
(iii) Ni–M–FeOx(M=Al, Cr, Zr, Mo) M/(M+Ni+Fe) =0.05
as mole ratio
NiFeAlO4 – SSM CO, H2 TGA, FxB [245]
NiFe2O4 – (i) SC CO, H2+CO TGA, FxB [246]
(ii) COP
(iii) HS
(iv) SG
Laboratory iron ore – MM H2, CO TGA [247]
Ilmenite and three iron ores – – Heavy fraction of bio-oil TGA, FxB [248]
Austrian MAC iron ore – – Bio-oil cFB [249]
xKNO3–iron ore(x = 0, 3, 6, and 10 wt%) – IMP CO bFB [250]

Key for preparation method: ALD: atomic layer deposition; CAM: citric acid method, COP: coprecipitation, DP: deposition-precipitation, DIS: dissolution, FG: freeze granulation,
HIMP: hot impregnation, HS: hydrothermal synthesis, IMP: impregnation, MM: mechanical mixing, P: precipitation, PE: pelletizing by extrusion, PEC: Pechini, SC: solution
combustion, SD: spray drying, SF: spin flash, SG: sol-gel, SP: spray pyrolysis, SSM: solid state method; WG: wet granulation, WIMP: wet impregnation, UH: urea hydeolysis.
The initial state was Fe2O3 in the fresh iron oxide samples, but the second and subsequent redox reactions were performed between Fe3O4 and iron metal.
Key for reactor type: FxB: fixed bed, pFxB: pressurized fixed bed, TGA: thermogravimetric analyzer, bFB: batch fluidized bed, cFB: continuous fluidized bed, TEOM: Tapered
element oscillating microbalance, ETB: Electronics thermobalance, PB: packed bed, MR: microreactor, CT: ceramic-tube, MB: moving bed reactor. SFR: stagnation flow reactor.

reduction performance of the iron oxide with H2 and also the could suppress the sintering, and increase the reactivity of the
reoxidation performance of the reduced iron oxide with water at low materials during the redox reactions, and the property of inhibiting
temperatures ( < 400 °C). The additives moderated the sintering of iron the carbon deposition has also been confirmed [206]. Liang et al.[210]
oxide markedly with repeated redox cycles. After that, they [183] found that the addition of CeO2 in Fe2O3/LaNiO3 promoted the
examined the effects of 26 metal additives in the iron-steam process at stability of the oxygen carrier for H2 production during the 100
a temperature range of 373–873 K. Among the 26 metal elements successive cycles.
examined as additives, Al, Mo and Ce could effectively enhance the
stability and reactivity of Fe/Fe3O4 material during the repeated cycles. The inclusion of 7.5 wt% SiO2, 5 wt% Al2O3 and less than 2.5 wt%
Co-addition of Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, and Zn worsen the reoxidation CaO was found to hinder the sintering to a large extent [226]. Rihko-
performance from the first cycle, while the addition of Ru, Rh, Pd, Struckmann et al. [203,232,233] found the Mo species improved the
Ag, Ir, and Rt could enhanced the rate of reoxidation at the first cycle stability of Fe2O3–Ce0.5Zr0.5O2 during the redox cycles. The materials
but unable to prevent the deactivation after that. Galvita et al. showed superior stability compared to those doped with Cu or Mg
[209,252] also found that when Ce was added to the iron oxide, it

M. Luo et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 81 (2018) 3186–3214

additives [203]. The positive effect of Mo has been confirmed by Wang adding small amount of promoters. As mentioned above, it is advanta-
et al. [235,236]. They found the addition of Mo not only decreased the geous to improve the hydrogen production capacity if the iron-based
temperature of water decomposition significantly, but also improved oxygen carrier is reduced to Fe0.947O or Fe, therefore, achieving deep
the stability of the samples during repeated redox cycles. A clear reduction of the oxygen carrier is a challenge for the CLH process. Liu
decrease in the activation energy was also concluded for the steam et al. [250] modified the iron ore using KNO3 and found that the K-
oxidation process when using iron oxide samples containing Mo. decorated iron ore not only could promote the reduction rate and
Romero et al. [205] also found out, that for a mixed oxide with the hydrogen production, but could weak the carbon deposition when
composition of 98 wt% Fe2O3–1.75 wt% Al2O3–0.25 wt% MoO3 main- using CO as fuel. Mixed oxides can also be used to increase the fraction
tained a slightly better hydrogen production rates than that of the of steam to hydrogen and promote the corresponding hydrogen yield,
cerium sample. such as Ca–Fe–O system [214,255] and the perovskite La0.8Sr0.2FeO3-δ
The temperature of the reaction needs to be higher than 1023 K (LSF) [127]. It was found that the equilibrium conversion of steam to
when methane is used as reducing agent. To increase the reactivity of hydrogen reached to 75% when using Ca2Fe2O5 at 1123 K, which is
the oxygen carrier with methane at relatively lower temperatures and higher than the theoretically achievable value of 62% when using iron
increase the stability of the material during the cyclic processes, oxide [214]. LSF–promoted iron oxide is shown to be capable of
Takenaka et al. [185] modified iron oxide with both Ni and Cr species. converting over 77.2% steam into H2 during redox processes [127].
Addition of Ni to iron oxides enhanced the reduction with methane and
the subsequent oxidation with water vapor at low temperatures, but Ni Iron ore with iron oxide contained. Most of the work in the
species promoted the sintering of iron species. Addition of Cr cations to literature on oxygen carrier development of CLH process has focused
iron oxides prevented the sintering of iron species. In contrast, the iron on finding synthetically produced particles. Compared to synthetic
oxides containing both Ni and Cr species (denoted as Ni–Cr–FeOx) oxygen carrier particles, the use of natural minerals can decrease the
with the amount of each metal adjusted to 5 mol%, they found that cost of the operation. Kindermann et al. [247] investigated the
pure hydrogen could be generated repeatedly and the modified feasibility of the industrial iron ore in the reformer sponge iron cycle
material maintained the reactivity during the redox cycles at tempera- (RESC) process. They found that the porosity of the particles decreased
tures < 923 K. Urasaki et al. [242] tested the performance of the iron with the operation of the process, but the porosity would keep stable
oxide modified with very small amounts of Pd and/or Zr in the steam- during 5 redox cycles when the amount of SiO2 was high. Xiao et al.
iron reaction at the temperature of 723 K. Results showed that the [248] compared the reactivity and the ability to inhibit or minimize
addition of Pd or Zr with only 0.23 mol% in the iron oxide suppressed carbon deposition of four iron-based oxygen carriers including an
the sintering of iron oxide during the cyclic process. Palladium ilmenite and three iron ores in TGA and fixed bed reactor. Results
accelerated both the reduction and oxidation rates of partially reduced showed that the ilmenite had superior reactivity to minimize the
iron oxide, while zirconia increased only the oxidation rate. Addition of carbon deposition or Fe3C formation in the reduction process.
both palladium and zirconia together to the iron oxide resulted in However, the reactivity and H2 production capacity of ilmenite also
marked enhancement of both reduction and oxidation. decreased during 15 cycles. Recently, the Australian MAC iron ore was
Takenaka et al. [243] modified the iron oxide using Mo and/or Rh used as an oxygen carrier for hydrogen generation from nonaqueous
species. It was found that the addition of Rh species to iron oxides bio-oil in a dual circulated fluidized bed [249]. It was found that the
decreased the apparent activation energy of the hydrogen production hydrogen yield and purity declined with the cycling time, but adding
process and enhanced the formation of hydrogen at low temperatures some steam in FR was a promising approach to mitigate the oxygen
through the oxidation of iron metal with water vapor. However, Rh carrier deactivation.
species in iron oxides promoted sintering of iron species during the
redox. The addition of Mo cations to Rh–FeOx prevented the sintering
of iron species during the redox. The Rh–Mo–FeOx achieved high
stability and could produce hydrogen repeatedly through the redox. 3.2.2. Chemical looping hydrogen production using solid and liquid
They [244] also modified the iron oxides containing Cr cations. fuels
Addition of Cu, Ni or Rh to iron oxides containing Cr cations enhanced As shown in Table 3, CO, H2, syngas or natural gas (mainly CH4) is
the formation rate of hydrogen through the oxidation with water vapor commonly used as a reducing agent in CLH process, and only few
at 573 K. Ni–Cr–FeOx and Cu–Cr–FeOx as well as Rh–Cr–FeOx are investigations use solid fuels. Because the gas fuel supply cannot fully
promising oxygen carriers for pure hydrogen repeatedly through the support the energy needs of the electricity demand of the country for
redox. the long-term, it would be highly advantageous if the CLH process
Peña et al. [202] conducted the kinetic study of different metallic could be adapted for solid fuels. There are basically two approaches to
oxides, either alone (Fe2O3) or as mixed oxides (NiFe2O4, CuFe2O4) in the application of the CLH technology with solid fuel. The first one is to
a TGA system. The experimental results showed that the addition of a gasify the solid fuel firstly in a gasifier unit with pure O2 to produce
second metal to form double oxides exhibit greater reaction rates. Liu syngas, and then it can be used in a CLH process with gaseous fuel. The
et al. [246] and Kuo et al. [245] also found the self-supported NiFe2O4 second one is to add the solid fuel directly to the FR with the
oxygen carrier showed a good hydrogen production capacity and a high gasification agents, where the gasification and the combustion pro-
recovery degree of lattice oxygen. Jin et al. [222] found that when NiO cesses occur simultaneously.
was added into the Fe2O3/Bentonite particles, the (NiO: Fe2O3)/ Müller et al. [197] conducted the experiments to produce hydrogen
bentonite particle represented better reduction reactivity and stable from three representative coals - a Russian bituminous, a German
water splitting reactivity up to 7th cycle. He et al. [221] also found that lignite and a UK sub-bituminous coal. When German lignite was used,
adding a small amount of CuO to an iron-based oxygen carrier pure H2 with CO < 50 ppm could be obtained from the proposed
improved the reactivity of the oxygen carrier for solid fuel conversion. process. Stable quantities of H2 were produced over five cycles for all
Other bi-metallic systems have also been studied where cobalt, three coals investigated. Independent of the fuel, the produced H2 was
manganese or zinc were mixed together with iron [253,254]. These not contaminated with SO2. It was demonstrated that the CLH process
systems were found to be active at high temperature ( > 2000 °C) and may be an attractive approach to upgrade crude syngas produced by
consequently, but they present little interest when dealing with classic the gasification of low-rank coals to pure H2 while simultaneous
process conditions. capturing CO2.
Besides the stability and the reactivity of the CLH process, the Yang et al. [199] confirmed the feasibility of the hydrogen produc-
hydrogen generation capacity of the material can also be improved by tion using direct CLH process with coal char as fuel in a fluidized-bed

M. Luo et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 81 (2018) 3186–3214

reactor. The reduction of Fe2O3 by K–10–char at 1073 K was desirable low attrition and absence of defluidization were achieved during the
from the perspective of the carbon conversion rate and high concen- operation process, and it is estimated that the process can be success-
tration of CO2. The carbon in char was completely converted to CO2 fully obtained in a continuous three-reactor system.
when the mass ratio of Fe2O3/K–10–char was increased to 10/0.3. The A 25 kWth subpilot CLH unit (see Fig. 14) using syngas as fuel has
oxidation rate of K–10–char by Fe2O3 without a gasifying agent was been constructed and operated in the OSU using synthetic iron-based
comparable to the K–10–char steam gasification rate. The H2 yield oxygen carriers [224,225]. The H2 purity higher than 99.99% with
equaled to 1000 mL/g K–10–char could be obtained when 3 g of Fe2O3 100% syngas conversion has been achieved in this sub-pilot unit.
and 0.5 g of K–10–char was added. A 300 Wth three reactor CLH unit with CH4 as fuel was constructed
The development of solid fuel direct CLH process may be limited. and successfully operated for 13 h using 20 wt% Fe2O3/ZrO2 as an
This is because the lower reactivity between the oxygen carrier and the oxygen carrier [212]. Both of the FR and SR operated at the moving
solid fuel due to the low solid-solid contact efficiency. In the FR of CLC, bed state with the riser operated as an entrained flow reactor. In the
steam or CO2 cannot added as the gasifying agent to promote the FR, the average conversion of CH4 was 94.15% and the almost pure
reaction rate and inhibit the carbon deposition. However, in the CLH hydrogen (99.95%) was obtained in the SR.
process, this is not recommended. The reduced oxygen carrier may be Recently, hydrogen was also successfully produced from nonaqu-
partially oxidized by the gasifying agent, therefore the capacity of eous bio-oil in a dual circulated fluidized bed (see Fig. 15) using iron
producing H2 will be diminished. The conversion of the reducing ore as an oxygen carrier in Southeast University [249]. The operation
agents will also be affected, which has been verified by Yang et al. [199] results showed that the hydrogen purity remained not desirable due to
and Zeng et al.[249]. the low carbon conversion of the oil. Adding steam in FR could enhance
Up to now, there is few report on CLH process using liquid fuel. The the hydrogen purity by eliminating the solid carbon, but it also
biofuels with the advantage of being renewable feedstock are evaluated suppressed the hydrogen yield simultaneously. When the steam to oil
as possible candidates. The light [231] or heavy [248] fraction of bio-oil ratio was set to be 1.5 and the temperature of FR was 950 °C, the
has been used as fuels for hydrogen production in CLH process. hydrogen purity reached to 96% with the yield of 635 mL/mL oil.
Hydrogen was also successfully produced from nonaqueous bio-oil in
a dual circulated fluidized bed using Australian MAC iron ore as an 3.2.4. System integration and economic analysis
oxygen carrier [249]. When the steam to oil ratio was set to be 1.5, the The system integration and economic analysis are also the focus of
hydrogen purity reached to 96% with the yield of 635 mL/mL oil. Other the CLH process. Different systems for hydrogen production or/and
liquid fuels as mentioned in CLR(a) can also be used as reducing power generation has been proposed using the gaseous fuels, such as
agents, which needs to be further investigated. CH4 [213], nature gas [272,273], and even the ventilation air methane
[270]. Simulation results showed that the cold gas efficiency, the
effective thermal efficiency, and the carbon capture efficiency was
3.2.3. Continuous operation experience of the circulating reactors much higher than that of the conventional SMR process [272].
Up to now, only limited amount of studies on the continuous Considering the three streams of N2, H2 and CO2 produces in chemical
operation of CLH process have been reported. Reed [256] developed a looping process, Edrisi et al. [273] recently proposed a novel and green
process with interconnected fluidized beds for circulating iron oxides. plant configuration for urea production using the CLH process to
This enabled continuous production of H2. Rydén et al. [241] examined provide the feedstock of urea synthesis loop. The schematic figure of
the steam-iron reaction in a continuously circulated two-reactor the proposed plant and conventional process is shown in Fig. 16. In
fluidized-bed reactor. The schematic description of the reactor is this process, CLH process is used to produce the pure steams of H2 and
similar to that shown in Fig. 10(a). Fe3O4/MgAl2O4 was used as the N2 for ammonia production and CO2 for urea synthesis. The system is
oxygen carrier with carbon monoxide or synthesis gas as fuels. The simplified and therefore the economic has promising advantage than
process operated for 12 h with 9 h involved H2 generation. They that of the conventional process. Economic evaluation of the proposed
demonstrated that the conversion of gaseous fuel was at the range of plant showed a considerable rate of return (IRR) and financial interest.
60–80% with the H2 production rate of 0.33–0.58 L/min depending on The proposed plant had an IRR above 28%, whereas the corresponding
the fuel added and the reaction temperature. H2 was produced value of conventional plants was about 20%.
continuously as is shown in Fig. 13 when syngas was used as reducing There are also two ways of system integration with CLH process
fuel. It should be noted that despite reduction of the oxygen carrier to using solid fuels. One is to couple with fuel gasification process,
FeO, de-fluidization or stops in the solid circulation were not experi- another way is to direct use solid fuels.
enced, which is not as the case in CLC process [257]. Stable operation, Coal gasification process is a promising technology for clean coal
power generation process. The integrated hydrogen and power tech-
nology by firstly gasify the coal to syngas not only can increase the
power generation efficiency, but also can solve the problem of NOx and
SOx emission. This technology can also separate the carbon dioxide
when combined with CLH process. The basic schematic figure of the
CLH process combine the solid fuel gasification is shown in Fig. 17
[259]. The CLH processes in conjunction with solid fuel gasification
process using different gasification agents, such as steam [258], O2
[191], O2 and CO2 mixture [262], O2 and steam mixture [260,261,265],
and even the hydrogen produced [266,267] has been proposed and
simulated. As shown in Table 5, the system performance including the
energy efficiency, the total exergy efficiency, and the carbon capture
efficiency compare favorably with to those achieved by hydrogen
production via steam reformation of methane.
CLH process also has been integrated with other new technologies
for power generation and/or hydrogen generation. Chen et al. [265]
proposed a system which integrated the coal gasification, CLH process,
Fig. 13. Dry-gas concentration from the steam reactor with synthesis gas as fuel at and solid oxide fuel cell/gas turbine (SOFC/GT) cycle. The produced
900 °C [241]. hydrogen from the CLH process is fueled to SOFC for power genera-

M. Luo et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 81 (2018) 3186–3214

Fig. 14. Schematic diagram of the SCL process in mechanical (a) and non-mechanical (b) valve configuration [225].

Fig. 17. Simplified schematic of the syngas chemical looping process for hydrogen
production from coal [259].
Fig. 15. The schematic of the experimental set-up [249].

Fig. 16. Scheme of the proposed plant and conventional process for urea production from natural gas [273].

Table 5
Summary of systems integration with CLH process.
M. Luo et al.

System Fuel Oxygen Carrier System Description Major Remarks Reference

Chemical-looping and gasification system Coal Fe2O3 CLH in conjunction with a steam-coal gasification process. The peak exergetic efficiencies of the fully heat-integrated [258]
systems reached to 48.4% and 58.3% at 1 atmosphere and
10 atmospheres respectively, and the values could reach to
53.7% and 59.7% respectively when a bottoming steam
turbine cycle was set for waste heat utilization.
Syngas chemical looping process for hydrogen Coal Fe2O3 Integration of the syngas redox (SGR) process into the coal The overall efficiency of the process was 64% (HHV) with [191,259]
production from coal gasification train to produce high purity hydrogen. 100% carbon capture as compared to 57% (HHV) for state-
of-the-art coal-to-hydrogen process.
Syngas chemical looping process for hydrogen Coal Fe2O3 The SCL process is used for hydrogen production and When the hydrogen capacity was 100%, the process [260]
and electricity coproduction electricity generation at various ratios through the utilization efficiency was 67.6% (1.5% in electricity and 66.1% in
of CLG and CLC concepts. hydrogen). When electricity was the only product, the
process efficiency was 34.9%.
IGCC scheme for co-generation of hydrogen Coal Fe3O4 Hydrogen and electricity co-production process based on When the hydrogen output increased from 0 to 150 MW, [261]
and electricity with carbon capture and gasification process with iron oxides chemical looping system the net electrical efficiency decreased from 38.82% to
storage using an iron based chemical used for carbon capture. 31.38%, but the cumulative efficiency increased from
looping system 38.82% to 44.44%. The carbon capture rate was 99.51%.
Chemical looping-based hydrogen and Coal NiO/NiAl2O4, CLC process (Ni-based oxygen carriers) with the steam-iron The process simulation results showed that at the [262]
electricity plant Fe2O3 process. conditions of Fe-SR 815 °C, Fe-FR 815 °C, Ni-FR 900 °C,
Ni-AR 1050 °C, and the supplementary firing temperature
of 1350 °C, the net power efficiency, hydrogen efficiency
and the equivalent efficiency were 27.47%, 23.39% and
70.75%, respectively; the CO2 emission was 365.36 g/
Syngas-fueled chemical looping systems for Coal Fe2O3 Two SCL systems with different reactor configurations The H2 production efficiency of the SCL-MB system [263]
H2 and electricity production (moving bed reactor and fluidized bed reactor mode) for H2 (55.1%) was higher than that of the SCL-FB system

and electricity production. (44.0%). Both the two systems has a carbon capture
efficiency higher than 99.0%.
O2/CO2 blown UCG integrated CLH based Coal Fe2O3 Pure hydrogen is produced by using the CLH process with The net efficiency of O2/CO2 based UCG integrated with [264]
PEMFC cycle power plant the underground coal gasification (UCG) gas. Then the pure CLH-PEMFC system reaches to 43.6% with carbon capture
hydrogen is used to generate electric power in a proton and storage (CCS), while the corresponding value of the
exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) system. conventional reforming based system is 37.95%.
CLHG-SOFC/GT hybrid plant Coal Fe2O3 CLH integrates the SOFC/GT (solid oxide fuel cell/gas The simulation showed that when the system pressure was [265]
turbine) cycle and coal gasification. set to be 20 bar and the cell temperature was 900 °C, the
net power efficiency of the CLHG-SOFC/GT plant reached
to 43.53% and zero carbon emission achieved.
Chemical looping zero emission coal (CL-ZEC) Coal and biomass Fe2O3 The system is based on the coal/biomass co- The energy and exergy of the system operation results were [266]
system (wheat straw) hydrogasification and the CLH technologies. analyzed. The total energy efficiency (ηte), the total exergy
efficiency (ηtex), and the carbon capture efficiency (ηcc) of
the system were found to be 43.6%, 41.2% and 99.1%,
Integrated gasification chemical looping Coal Fe2O3 This process uses a three-step chemical loop for the The proposed system achieved an electricity efficiency of [267]
combustion (IGCLC) process production of hydrogen, combustion of gaseous fuels, and 49.5% at steam/hydrogen to carbon ratio of 2 and feed
regeneration of metal oxides. temperature of 1100 K, which was 80% higher than a
conventional coal-fired power station with CCS measures.
The carbon capture efficiency was 100%.
CDCL process Coal Fe2O3 Coal direct chemical looping hydrogen process. Simulation showed that the energy conversion efficiency of [189,259]
the CDCL process was higher 80% (HHV) for hydrogen
production and over 50% for electricity generation with
zero carbon emissions.
Integrated system for energy efficient co- Coal Fe2O3 The system integrates coal drying, coal direct chemical The H2 production efficiency and the power generation [268]
production of H2 and power looping, combined cycle and hydrogenation for H2 efficiency could reach to 71.4% and 19.9%, respectively at
production and power generation. the given conditions.
BDCL process Biomass(hybrid Fe2O3 Biomass direct chemical looping process. The BDCL process could coproduce hydrogen and [269]
poplar) electricity with a combined efficiency (ηH2 + ηE) as high as
(continued on next page)
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 81 (2018) 3186–3214
Table 5 (continued)

System Fuel Oxygen Carrier System Description Major Remarks Reference

M. Luo et al.

67.15%. The concentrated CO2 produced made this

process carbon negative.
One-Step Hydrogen (OSH) process CH4 30% Fe2O3 supported on an Using CLH as an OSH process with CH4 as fuel for hydrogen The hydrogen efficiency ηH2 was related to the excess [213]
Mg-Al2O3 spinel generation. oxygen in the loop. The maximum value of ηH2 reached to
83.75% with the corresponding global efficiency ηH2 of
78.96% and the CO2 capture rate of 100%.
Dual-loop CLC process for reforming VAM Ventilation Air Cu2O/CuO = 1:4, Fe2O3/ A Cu-based CLAS unit is used to remove the oxygen content It was found that the proposed system was able to produce [270]
Methane(VAM) Fe3O4/Fe0.947O supported by in the VAM stream, and an Fe-based three-reactor CLHG high-purity hydrogen from VAM. If O2 was not set as a
70 wt% Al2O3 process is incorporated to oxidize the methane content in product, 0.021 kWh of energy can be produced per cubic
oxygen-depleted VAM as well as to produce high purity meter of VAM with a hydrogen efficiency of 40.4%. With
hydrogen. pure O2 as a final product, the energy demand from
external was 0.32 kWh/m3 O2.
BDCL process Biomass (sawdust) Ilmenite Biomass direct chemical looping for hydrogen and power co- The overall energy efficiency of BDCL concept (~42% net [271]
generation efficiency) was significantly higher compared to the
benchmark cases (5.7% higher than the physical gas-liquid
absorption design and 4.5% higher than syngas-based
chemical looping design). The carbon capture rate of BDCL
concept was almost total ( > 99%) in comparison with gas-
liquid absorption option (90%). The carbon capture energy
penalty for BDCL system was significantly lower (about 3.5
net electricity percentage points) than that for the
benchmark options: Selexol®-based gas-liquid absorption
(about 9.2 points) and syngas-based chemical looping
(about 8 points).
Full-scale chemical looping system for Nature gas Fe2O3 The hydrogen production process from nature gas using an The cold gas efficiency of the chemical looping process [272]
hydrogen generation iron-based chemical looping process technology. reached to 77.6% (HHV basis) which was 5% higher than

the conventional SMR case. For the same amount of H2
production the effective thermal efficiency was about 75%,
which was 6% higher than the baseline case. Moreover, the
carbon capture efficiency of the system was greater than
Urea production plant Nature gas Fe2O3 CLH process is used to produce the pure steams of H2 and N2 Economic evaluation of the proposed plant showed a [273]
for ammonia production and CO2 for urea synthesis. considerable rate of return and financial interest. In the
different production rate, the proposed plant had a rate of
return (IRR) above 28%, while the IRR of conventional
plants was almost near 20%.
Three reactor chemical looping hydrogen Nature gas Fe2O3/MgAl2O4 (30/70 wt%) A chemical looping hydrogen plant for hydrogen and power When CO2 is captured, the cost of H2 production is 1.679 [274]
production (TRCLH) plant co-generation. $/kg, which is much lower than the conventional SMR
method (~ 2.39 $/kg), while if CO2 is not captured, the
cost of H2 production is 1.404 $/kg, which is comparable
with the SMR technology.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 81 (2018) 3186–3214
M. Luo et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 81 (2018) 3186–3214

The concept is illustrated using an ilmenite-based system to produce

400–500 MW net power with flexible hydrogen output (up to 200
MWth). The system showed the superiority not only at the energy
efficiencies but also at the carbon capture efficiency. The overall energy
efficiency of BDCL concept (~42% net efficiency) was significantly
higher compared to the benchmark cases (5.7% higher than the
physical gas-liquid absorption design and 4.5% higher than syngas-
based chemical looping design). The carbon capture rate of BDCL
concept was almost total ( > 99%) in comparison with gas-liquid
absorption option (90%). The carbon capture energy penalty for
BDCL system was significantly lower (about 3.5 net electricity percen-
tage points) than that for the benchmark options: Selexol®-based gas-
liquid absorption (about 9.2 points) and syngas-based chemical looping
(about 8 points).

4. Conclusions

Hydrogen production using chemical looping technology can

Fig. 18. Schematic diagram of the coal-direct chemical looping process [189].
achieve high energy conversion efficiency and/or separate CO2 inher-
ently. The advantageous and the disadvantageous of CLR and CLH are
tion. The simulation showed that at a system pressure of 20 bar and a
analyzed and the advances of those two categories are summarized.
cell temperature of 900 °C, the CLHG-SOFC/GT plant had a net power
CLR(s) process combines the chemical looping process and the
efficiency of 43.53% with no CO2 emissions. Yan et al. [266] developed
steam reforming process. It has good prospects for industrial applica-
a CL-ZEC (chemical looping zero emission coal) system based on the
tions but there are still many challenges to be solved. For example, the
coal/biomass co-hydrogasification, the SOFC technology, and the CLH
potential erosion of the reformer tubes by the oxygen carriers and the
process. Results showed that the energy and exergy efficiencies of this
heat balance between the FR and AR need to be considered. In
system was high while the carbon discharge was very low and could
addition, the gaseous from the fuel reactor contains CH4, CO and H2.
even be negative.
Compared to CO and H2, the conversion of CH4 is much more difficult.
The coal gasification process in the system will cause the decrease of
The development of the oxygen carrier with high selectivity, high
the exergy efficiency, therefore coal direct chemical looping hydrogen
stability and high reactivity with methane and high resistance of carbon
(CDCL) process was proposed by Fan et al [189,259]. The schematic
deposition is the key aspect for the successful operation of CLR(a) and
diagram of the CDCL process is shown in Fig. 18. In this process,
CLRM processes.
composite Fe2O3 particles are introduced into the reducer to react with
CLH process has aroused great attention because it can produce
pulverized coal, where coal is gasified in situ and reacted with Fe2O3
ultra-pure hydrogen without further purification steps. The CLH
particles. Thus, a mixture of Fe and FeO is produced along with a flue
process should be developed for use under high temperature and high
gas stream composed of CO2 and H2O. A portion of the reduced Fe/
pressurized conditions. The hydrogen production will increase with the
FeO particle from the reducer will enter the oxidizer to react with steam
increase of the temperature, but Fe2O3 may sinter at high temperature.
to form hydrogen. The resulting Fe3O4 exiting the oxidizer along with
High pressure also promotes the carbon deposition reactions, which
the remaining portion of the reduced Fe/FeO particle will be com-
has negative effect on the hydrogen purity. Therefore, increasing the
busted with air in the entrained flow combustor. The combustor
stability of the oxygen carriers at high temperature and high pressure
conveys the particle back to the reducer pneumatically while regener-
and the ability of resistance against carbon deposition are the key
ating the particle to its original oxidized form. Part of the heat released
factors in the industrial operation process. Only a very limited number
in the combustor will be carried to the reducer by the oxygen carriers to
of papers have presented investigations concerning naturally occurring
compensate the endothermic heat required in the reducer. The
minerals, ores or industrial by-products with the active composition of
remaining heat released in the combustor heats up the exhaust gas,
Fe2O3 in CLH process. Comparison to synthetic materials, these kinds
which can be used for steam or electricity generation.
of materials have the advantageous of lower cost and lower environ-
The researchers in the OSU found that the counter-current moving
mental impact. Because solid coal is considerably more abundant than
bed reactor was the optimal choice for the CLH process from nature gas
natural gas, it would be highly advantageous if the CLH process could
using iron-based materials [272,275]. They also conducted the CDCL
be adapted for solid fuels. Therefore, the design of proper reactor and
process tests in a 2.5 kW bench scale moving bed unit. Different
the coupled system, and the development of oxygen carriers with low
feedstock such as coal volatiles (simulated), lignite coal char, bitumi-
price and excellent property under high temperature and pressure will
nous coal char, and anthracite coal have been tested. The conversion of
be the main focus of the study.
coal/coal char can reach to 95.5%, and the CO2 concentration in the
exhaust stream was higher than 97% (dry basis) in all cases. Moreover,
the reactivity of the particles was maintained after three redox cycles in
which coal was used as the reducing agent. ASPEN Plus® simulation
This work was supported by the Supported by National Natural
showed that the energy conversion efficiency of the CDCL process was
Science Foundation of China (51606087), Start-Up Foundation of
higher 80% (HHV) for hydrogen production and over 50% for
Jiangsu University (15JDG157), National Science and Technology
electricity generation with zero carbon emissions. Li et al. [269]
Supporting Program of China (2011BAK06B04) and the Program for
performed the simulation based on this process using biomass as fuel.
New Century Excellent Talents in University of Chinese Education
It was found that the biomass direct chemical looping (BDCL) process
Ministry (NCET-07-0678).
can coproduce hydrogen and electricity with a combined efficiency (ηH2
+ ηE) as high as 67.15%. The concentrated CO2 produced was readily
sequesterable, making this process carbon negative.
Recently, Cormos et al. [271] assessed the techno-economic
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