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Applied Thermal Engineering 144 (2018) 242–247

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Applied Thermal Engineering

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Research Paper

Hydrogen and syngas production from municipal solid waste (MSW) T

gasification via reusing CO2

Xiaoyuan Zhenga, Zhi Yinga, , Bo Wanga, Chong Chenb
School of Energy and Power Engineering, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai 200093, China
Shanghai Urban Construction Design and Research Institute, Shanghai 200125, China


• MSW gasification via reusing CO in DTR has been conducted.


• The addition of CO enhanced the production of both CO and H .

2 2

• Performance of CO conversion in the MSW gasification process has been detailed.


• Boudouard reaction and water gas reaction proceed independently.


Keywords: Hydrogen and syngas production from MSW steam gasification with reusing CO2 has been conducted in this
Municipal solid waste study. Two key parameters of gasification temperature and CO2/steam ratio in ranges of 1000–1100 °C and
Steam gasification 0.5–3 are taken into consideration. The experiments reveal that increasing CO2/steam ratio in the range of 0.5
Carbon dioxide reuse and 2.5 increases both H2 and CO molar yield. At the same time, the CO2 conversion efficiency rises. It indicates
Boudouard reaction
that Boudouard reaction and water gas reaction proceed independently in the gasification process. With the
conditions of CO2/steam ratio = 2.5 and 1000 °C, the CO2 conversion efficiency augments to 50.22% and the
maximum H2 molar yield of 18.82 mol/kg-msw can be observed. Under this condition, the highest values of
63.19% for CGE, 0.95 Nm3/kg-msw for gas yield and 12.41 MJ/Nm3 for LHV are obtained. In the steam-only
atmosphere, there exist maximum values for H2 molar yield and gas yield as well. The values of both CGE and
CCE are lower than those under the steam-CO2 atmosphere. In conclusion, MSW gasification with the addition of
CO2 simultaneously has the advantages of waste-to-energy, reusing CO2 and producing hydrogen and syngas.

1. Introduction gasification is identified as the most efficient and economical way.

On the other hand, rapid economy development and subsequent
Extensive consumption of fossil fuels and subsequent concerning on improvement in living standards in China have brought about an in-
environmental pollution as well as climate change make the low-carbon creasing generation of MSW. Its annual production was as high as 191
economy with a crucial hydrogen vector inevitable in the coming years. million tons in 2015 [6]. The representative composition of MSW in
Hydrogen with its property of high energy density, rapid burning China includes food residue, plastics, textiles, wood waste, rubber and
speed, high-octane number and zero harming potential is considered as non-combustibles [7]. Therefore, thermal treatment has been con-
a first preferred fuel in the near future [1]. By far, the largest source of sidered as a promising waste-to-energy approach, which has been
hydrogen is fossil fuels, dominating approximately 97% [2]. With the adopted widely [8]. MSW incineration is used to destruct the com-
considerations of limited reserve and high carbon footprint of fossil bustible components, achieving the goals of volume reduction and en-
fuels, study on renewable alternative source of hydrogen is required ergy recovery [9]. However, problems concerning dioxins, heavy me-
[3,4]. In terms of the performance evaluation on different thermo- tals and so on may occur [10], which have adverse impacts on the
chemical hydrogen production methods containing combustion, gasi- environment and human health.
fication, electrolysis and syngas separation, the gasification/separation In recent years, gasifying MSW has emerged as a promising alter-
process can maximize the hydrogen production [5]. Therefore, native to incineration, which is a thermochemical process of converting

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (Z. Ying).
Received 12 October 2017; Received in revised form 9 June 2018; Accepted 18 August 2018
Available online 18 August 2018
1359-4311/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
X. Zheng et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 144 (2018) 242–247

Nomenclature DME Di-methyl Ether

R reaction
MSW municipal solid waste XCO2 CO2 conversion efficiency, %
CGE cold gas efficiency, % M moisture, %
CCE carbon conversion efficiency, % V volatile matter, %
LHV lower heating value, MJ/Nm3 FC fixed carbon, %
TGA-GC thermogravimetric analysis-gas chromatography A ash, %
DTR drop tube reactor C carbon, %
MFC mass flow controller H hydrogen, %
TCD thermal conductivity detector O oxygen, %
SNG synthetic natural gas N nitrogen, %
FT Fischer Tropch S sulfur, %

feedstocks into a mixture of combustible and non-combustible gas or 2.2. Experimental apparatus and procedure
chemical feedstock streams (e.g., H2, CO, or CH4) in a gasifier [11–13].
Gasification consists of three major steps: drying, devolatilization As shown in Fig. 1, a drop tube reactor (DTR) was used with quartz
(pyrolysis), and gasification. Steam gasification process enables to get tube, which was made of 1.8 m long, 25.4 mm outer diameter and
enhanced H2 production in comparison with air gasification. Most of 19 mm inner diameter. An insulation collar at the top and bottom of the
studies focused on H2 or syngas generation from either MSW or its furnace was assembled in order to block heat transfer from the exposed
components using steam as the gasifying agent [14–20]. Ahmed et al. end potions and to secure the quartz tube. Experimental temperatures
investigated syngas production from the gasification of cardboard as were achieved using a split-hinged vertical furnace. The MSW sample
well as the pyrolysis and steam gasification of paper [21,22]. They was continuously introduced into the DTR using a screw feeder with
found that increasing steam flow rate had a positive influence on hy- feeding rate of 0.78 g/min for all experiments in this study. Due to the
drogen yield and the gasification of paper was mainly attributed to char limitation of the screw feeder, the inert quartz sand was added into the
gasification process. What’s more, Ahmed et al. determined the syngas sample at the mass ratio of sample to quartz sand of 1:7 in order to
chemical composition and yield from CO2-gasification of cardboard and alleviate the adhesiveness of pure sample and maintain continuous
paper and concluded that it was important to study CO2 as a gasifying feeding.
agent for gasification of wastes [23]. Castaldi et al. assessed the gasi- All gases used in this study were of ultrahigh purity and supplied
fication performance of coal by recycling CO2 into a gasifier and re- from the cylinders. Their flow rates were controlled using mass flow
ported that up to 25% of CO2 recycled into the gasifier resulted in 15% controllers (MFC). The flow rate of steam was set by the syringe pump
more hydrogen production [24]. However, Butterman et al. in- based on the saturation value into the steam generator to ensure that
vestigated the impacts of CO2 to steam ratio on biomass gasification via the water entered the line flow as gaseous steam. During the experi-
thermogravimetric analysis-gas chromatography (TGA-GC) and ob- ments, the flow rate of the produced gas could be controlled through a
served that addition of CO2 significantly enhanced the CO evolution set of a flow meter and a vacuum pump. After the system achieved its
above 700 °C and depress the H2 concentration above 600 °C [25,26]. stability, the main gas composition (H2, CH4, CO, CO2) was analyzed
Previous investigations on steam gasification with the addition of CO2 online using a micro gas chromatography (micro-GC) which functioned
have been conducted using conventional feedstocks, such as coal and based on a thermal conductivity detector (TCD) with TDX-01 columns.
biomass. Due to the heterogenous nature of MSW matrix, less in- The temperatures of the injector, oven, and detector were set at 200 °C,
formation on the interaction of MSW, steam and CO2 in the high tem- 85 °C and 90 °C, respectively. Argon was used as the carrier gas. The
perature environment is available even though the gasification process standard gas mixtures were applied for quantitative calibration. An
for MSW or its component under single atmosphere (i.e. steam, air, analysis was conducted every 2 min. The lower limit of quantification
CO2) has been extensively investigated. was 0.01% for each gas. All the experiment conditions were repeated
CO2 is a major constituent of flue gases from many industries. It is a for three times. The average values of the results were presented. The
major cause of global warming. Hence, MSW gasification with reusing error bars in the figures represented standard error.
CO2 has dual purpose of converting CO2 and MSW to clean fuel and thus
mitigating the greenhouse effect. In the present study, MSW steam
gasification by reusing CO2 in a drop tube reactor was conducted. The
steam gasification of MSW under different steam/MSW ratios was stu-
died to understand the fundamental basis. Then the injection of CO2
into the steam gasification was performed at different CO2/steam ratios
and gasification temperatures to determine the characteristics of hy- Table 1
drogen and syngas formation. Particularly, the performance of CO2 Properties of MSW.
conversion in the steam gasification process was discussed in detail. Items Values

Proximate analysis (ad, %)

M 5.06
2. Experimental section
V 59.34
FC 8.36
2.1. Materials A 27.24
Ultimate analysis (ad, %)
C 48.61
The MSW sample used in this study was collected from a local city in
H 6.01
China. Its physical component included waste paper, plastics, woods, O 12.49
textiles, rubbers, food residue and so on. Its properties are listed in N 3.87
Table 1. The sample was dried, crushed, milled and sieved to the size in S 0.33
the range of less than 0.110 in.. Lower heating value/(ad, MJ·kg−1) 18.59

X. Zheng et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 144 (2018) 242–247

while the gas yield firstly increases from 0.61 to 0.74 Nm3/kg-msw and
then decreases from 0.74 to 0.37 Nm3/kg-msw. The changes in the LHV
and the gas yield are related with the change in the syngas composition
and yield. The maximum gas yield of 0.74 Nm3/kg-msw is achieved at
steam/MSW ratio of 0.5.
Three different efficiency indicators are shown in Fig. 4 as the
function of steam/MSW ratio.

(1) The carbon conversion efficiency (CCE) (Eq. (1)) gives an indication
on gasification efficiency.

Carboninsyngas (mol /h)−InputcarboninCO2 (mol/h)

InputcarboninMSW (mol/ h) (1)

(2) The H2/CO ratio can be adjusted before the synthesis step, de-
pending on the final product. The target value is about 3 for syn-
thetic natural gas (SNG), 2 for Fischer Tropch (FT) diesel and 1 for
Di-methyl Ether (DME) in case of one-step conversion [34].
(3) The cold gas efficiency (CGE) is calculated here for CO, H2 and CH4
(Eq. (2), in which Vsyngas is the syngas flow rate in Nm3/h, Mmsw is
the MSW mass flow rate in kg/h and LHVsyngas and LHVmsw is the
lower heating value of syngas and MSW in MJ/Nm3 and MJ/kg,
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the gasification system. respectively). The CGE is the ratio between the energy in useful gas
species and energy in MSW.
3. Results and discussion Vsyngas LHVsyngas
Mmsw LHVmsw (2)
3.1. Effect of steam/MSW ratio
As shown in Fig. 4, The H2/CO ratio decreases from 1.73 to 1.45 as
Fig. 2 presents the syngas composition under different steam/MSW the steam/MSW ratio increases, which is suitable for FT synthesis. Both
ratios without CO2 injection at 1000 °C. The steam/MSW ratio is de- CCE and CGE show the values as high as 51.56% and 41.57% at the
fined as the steam mass flow rate divided by the MSW mass flow rate in steam/MSW ratio of 0.5. To further increase the CGE, the heat loss
dry basis. It varies by changing the steam mass flow rate from 0.4 g/min should be minimized. The sensible and latent heat of unreacted steam
to 1.0 g/min in 0.2 g/min intervals while keeping the MSW flow rate and unreacted char are the dominant heat loss [31]. Therefore, repla-
constant at 0.78 g/min. cing part of the steam by the injection of CO2 is favorable to increase
MSW gasification is a complex process. The main gasification re- the CGE and CCE via the reactions R1 [27].
actions involved in this process are listed in Table 2 [27,28]. They occur
at the same time and usually compete with each other.
3.2. Effect of CO2 injection under steam atmosphere
Under all the experimental conditions, the H2 fraction of over 45 vol
% is obtained. As the steam/MSW ratio increases from 0.25 to 0.5, the
The effect of CO2 injection on syngas composition at 1000 °C is
molar yields of H2, CO and CO2 initially rise from 13.96 to 16.35 mol/
shown in Fig. 5. N2 and steam flow rates are kept constant at 1 L/min
kg-msw, from 8.09 to 10.14 mol/kg-msw and from 1.29 to 3.1 mol/kg-
and 0.2 g/min, respectively while the flow rate of CO2 varies from
msw, respectively. The molar yield of CH4 hardly changes. These
0.05 L/min to 0.3 L/min in 0.05 L/min intervals to manipulate the CO2/
changes can attribute to the water gas reaction R2. While the R2 pro-
steam ratio by mass.
ceeds, the produced CO may also react with steam to form CO2 and H2
As the CO2/steam ratio rises from 0.5 to 2.5, the molar yield of CO
via the water gas shift reaction R4.
increases significantly from 6.21 to 12.10 mol/kg-msw. At high tem-
When the steam/MSW ratio further augments from 0.5 to 1.25, the
perature above 700 °C, Boudouard reaction (R1) in which CO2 reacts
molar yields of H2, CH4 and CO decline significantly from 16.35 to
7.35 mol/kg-msw, from 3.44 to 1.26 mol/kg-msw, from 10.14 to
5.08 mol/kg-msw, respectively. Yet the molar yield of CO2 hardly
changes. Higher steam/MSW ratio means more heat required to achieve
the gasification temperature for the introduced steam, which will
otherwise be used by the endothermic reactions [29]. It will cause a
decrease in gasifier temperature, which is not conducive to the en-
dothermic reactions such as R2. Bulk et al. observed that the reaction
temperature decreased about 25 °C with the moisture content of bio-
mass increasing by every 10% [30]. As mentioned above, a drop in
molar yields of H2 and CO is observed as steam/MSW ratio increases.
Umeki et al., Luo et al. and Chen et al. have reported a decrease in
hydrogen production during the steam gasification of woody biomass
and MSW components [31–33]. Therefore, there exists an optimum
steam/MSW ratio of 0.5, where the highest molar yield of H2, CH4 and
CO can be obtained.
Fig. 3 shows the lower heating value (LHV) and gas yield as the
function of steam/MSW ratio. Its LHV is more than 10 MJ/Nm3, which
is higher than that of air gasification [20]. The LHV declines slightly
from 13.05 to 11.57 MJ/Nm3 with the increasing steam/MSW ratio, Fig. 2. Effect of steam/MSW ratio on syngas composition.

X. Zheng et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 144 (2018) 242–247

Table 2
Main MSW gasification reactions.
Nos. Reaction name Reaction chemistry ΔH (MJ/kmol)

R1 Boudouard C + CO2 ↔ 2CO 172.5

R2 Water gas C + H2 O ↔ CO + H2 131.3
R3 Dry reforming CH4 + CO2 ↔ 2CO + 2H2 247.0
R4 Water gas shift CO + H2 O ↔ H2 + CO2 −41.1
R5 CO methanation CO + 3H2 ↔ CH4 + H2 O −205.8
R6 CO2 methanation CO2 + 4H2 ↔ CH4 + 2H2 O −165.0
R7 Combustion 1
C + O2 → CO −110.5

Fig. 5. Effect of CO2/steam ratio on syngas composition.

high CO2/steam ratio appears to result from a reverse shift in the highly
endothermic steam-gasification reaction. It can be driven by the high
concentrations of CO, which is produced by a cluster of reactions in-
cluding Boudouard reaction R1, char-burnout reaction R7 due to
oxygen evolution from the MSW structure and O adsorption by the
highly reactive char as well as CO desorption from the char at high
gasification temperature [26]. At high temperature, the reverse water
Fig. 3. Effect of steam/MSW ratio on gas yield and LHV. gas shift reaction R4 is favored as well. At the end, a resultant decline in
H2 concentration is observed at higher CO2/steam ratio.
The molar yield of CH4 increases from 1.79 to 4.69 mol/kg-msw
when the CO2/steam ratio increases from 0.5 to 2.5. It indicates that the
methanation reaction occurs as well [28]. Its yield is much lower than
those of CO and H2. The methanation reaction takes place by the re-
action of H2 with CO (R5) and CO2 (R6). But its yield decreases to
3.15 mol/kg-msw when the CO2/steam ratio increase to 3.0. The re-
actions R5 and R6 reflect that the methanation reaction is highly af-
fected by the partial pressure of H2 [35,36]. This is the reason that the
yield of CH4 in Fig. 5 resembles that of H2.
As shown in Fig. 6, When the CO2/steam ratio increases, the gas
yield initially increases from 0.51 to 0.95 Nm3/kg-msw and then de-
creases to 0.77 Nm3/kg-msw. The same tendency is observed for LHV.
Therefore, the maximum gas yield of 0.95 Nm3/kg-msw and LHV of
12.41 MJ/Nm3 are obtained at CO2/steam ratio of 2.5.
Fig. 7 presents the values of CGE and CCE as the function of CO2/
steam ratio. Under the range between 0.5 and 3.0, the highest values of
63.19% and 58.13% are observed at CO2/steam ratio of 2.5. They are
Fig. 4. Effect of steam/MSW ratio on CGE, CCE and H2/CO ratio. higher than those under steam-only atmosphere, indicating that the
injection of CO2 can enhance the carbon conversion and the production
with the solid carbon in the char enhances the CO production [25].
During pyrolysis, any available oxygen in the gasifier, from H2O, CO2 or
CO evolving from the MSW structure itself, can be adsorbed by highly
reactive char. These sources of oxygen react with the carbon char at
pyrolytic temperatures to produce surface-bound CO. This char-ad-
sorbed CO is continuously released by subsequent heating, which is
responsible for its increasing yield. In addition, some O2 release from
the decomposition of oxygenated substances in MSW brings about the
oxidation reaction R7. While the CO2/steam ratio further increases to
3.0, its molar yield declines to 9.86 mol/kg-msw. It results from the lack
of carbon to participate in the reaction R1.
The molar yield of H2 shows an increasing tendency with the rising
CO2/steam ratio. Its value ranges from 10.59 to 18.82 mol/kg-msw. The
water gas reaction R2 results in its increasing yield. Additionally, be-
tween 700 and 1100 °C, H radical combination gives rise to the for-
mation of molecular H2. However, as the CO2/steam ratio rises to 3.0,
the molar yield of H2 declines to 14.73 mol/kg-msw. Its drop caused by
Fig. 6. Effect of CO2/steam ratio on gas yield and LHV.

X. Zheng et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 144 (2018) 242–247

Fig. 9. Effect of temperature on CGE, CCE and LHV.

Fig. 7. Effect of CO2/steam ratio on CGE, CCE and H2/CO ratio.

of CO, H2 and CH4. With the injection of CO2 into steam, the H2/CO
ratio declines. Its value ranges from 1.70 to 1.49, which is suitable for
FT synthesis.

3.3. Effect of temperature with CO2 injection

The effect of temperature on syngas composition at CO2/steam ratio

of 2.0 is presented in Fig. 8. The molar yields of both H2 and CO in-
crease whereas the opposite trend for the molar yields of CH4 and CO2
is observed. The occurrence of endothermic reactions such as R1-R3 are
responsible for these changes of syngas composition, which are favored
by the increasing temperature. In addition, between 700 and 1100 °C,
combination of H radicals leads to molecular H2 formation. The LHV of
syngas hardly changes. It is 11.90 MJ/Nm3 and 11.45 MJ/Nm3 at
1000 °C and 1100 °C.
As shown in Fig. 9, higher temperature increases the CGE and CCE.
It slightly decreases the H2/CO ratio from 1.56 to 1.52. The gas yield Fig. 10. Effect of CO2/steam ratio on CO2 conversion efficiency XCO2 .
rises slightly from 0.78 to 0.83 Nm3/kg-msw.
molesofCO2 ingasifyingagent −molesofCO2 inproducedgas
XCO2 =
molesofCO2 ingasifyingagent (3)
3.4. Performance of CO2 conversion
Negative value of XCO2 implies net production of CO2 in the gasifi-
The CO2 conversion efficiency (XCO2) at various temperatures and
cation process while positive one means that the CO2 consumed from
CO2/steam ratios is presented in Fig. 10. The CO2 conversion efficiency
the input stream is higher than that generated from the gasification
is defined as follows.
It is noted that the CO2 conversion efficiency constantly increases
from −39.13% to 56.27% at 1000 °C and from −29.11% to 69.44% at
1100 °C with increasing CO2/steam ratio. This indicates that the reac-
tion R2 has no impact on the occurrence of R1. For the case under single
CO2 atmosphere, which is not reported in this study, the CO2 conver-
sion efficiency is 16.85% at 1000 °C and it is 26.28% at 1100 °C. This
implies that 9.43% of CO2 can take part in the reaction once the tem-
perature is as high as 1100 °C. It is worthy to note that the value of CO2
conversion efficiency is negative at CO2/steam ratio of 0.5 and 1000 °C.
It becomes positive as the CO2/steam ratio rises. The molar yield of CO
in Fig. 5 is 6.21 mol/kg-msw. This reveals that the addition of CO2 has
no impact on the reaction R2 and both R1 and R2 can proceed in-
dependently. Previous study has shown that reaction R2 was in-
dependent on reaction R1 while reaction R1 was inhibited by reaction
R2 [37]. H2O could be preferentially adsorbed on the surface of the
char due to the lower active energy of H2O adsorption than CO2 ad-
sorption. Furthermore, these two reactions were not likely to occur at
completely separate active sites, and they should partly occur at the
same sites. In the study of Chen et al., gasification of activated carbon
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sphere. ficiency at 950 °C with steam/CO2 molar ratio of 1.0 is around 25.00%

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