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CRJU101 Assessment 1

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CRJU101 Introduction to Criminal Justice

Assessment 1
Due date: 12pm Monday 3 April 2023

Craft a 1500-word essay that encompasses the following components:

1. A description of the career or careers you are considering, and how studying CRJU101
Introduction to Criminal Justice will enhance your preparation for those career paths.

2. A detailed explanation of your decision to enrol in the CRJU101 Introduction to Criminal

Justice course, including a clear portrayal of how it will benefit your career progression.

3. A comprehensive discussion of the importance of comprehending criminal justice, its

implications for society, and how that knowledge will contribute to your personal growth
and development.

4. The identification of three critical categories of professional development that are

imperative to complete before graduation, with specific examples of each.

By adhering to these components, your essay will present a well-rounded perspective on the
significance of criminal justice education, its practical applications in your chosen career, and the
requisite skills and knowledge needed for professional success.
Marking rubric

Criteria Excellent (4) Good (3) Fair (2) Poor (1) Score

Career goals The essay clearly The essay The essay The essay does
identifies the identifies the mentions the not clearly
career or careers career or careers career or careers identify the
the student is the student is the student is career or careers
considering and considering and considering and the student is
demonstrates a explains how explains in a considering or
strong criminal justice general way how does not explain
understanding of education is criminal justice how criminal
the role of criminal relevant, but with education might justice education
justice education less detail or clarity be helpful, but is relevant.
in these fields. than an excellent with significant
essay. gaps in

Explanation The essay provides The essay explains The essay The essay does
of CRJU101 a clear and why the student mentions why the not provide a
detailed enrolled in the student enrolled in clear or relevant
explanation of CRJU101 course the CRJU101 explanation of
why the student and how it will course and how it why the student
enrolled in the benefit their might be helpful, enrolled in the
CRJU101 course career, but with but with significant CRJU101 course
and how it will less detail, gaps in or how it might
benefit their relevance, or understanding or be beneficial.
career. The clarity than an relevance.
explanation is excellent essay.
specific, relevant,
and compelling.

Significance The essay The essay The essay The essay does
of criminal demonstrates a acknowledges the mentions the not demonstrate
justice strong importance of importance of a clear
understanding of criminal justice criminal justice understanding of
the importance of education and its education and its the importance of
criminal justice relevance to relevance to criminal justice
education and its society, but with society, but with education or its
relevance to less detail or clarity significant gaps in relevance to
society, and than an excellent understanding or society, or does
explains how this essay. It also relevance. It does not explain how
knowledge will mentions how this not explain how this knowledge
contribute to the knowledge might this knowledge might contribute
student's personal contribute to the might contribute to the student's
student's personal to the student's
Criteria Excellent (4) Good (3) Fair (2) Poor (1) Score
growth and growth and personal growth personal growth
development. development, but and development. and development.
without sufficient
explanation or

Professional The essay The essay The essay The essay does
development identifies and identifies and mentions three not identify or
explains three explains three categories of explain three
categories of categories of professional categories of
professional professional development professional
development development essential for development
essential for essential for success in the essential for
success in the success in the student's chosen success in the
student's chosen student's chosen career, but with student's chosen
career, with career, with some significant gaps in career, or the
specific examples examples that are understanding or categories and
of each. The relevant and relevance, or examples are
categories and specific, but with without specific irrelevant,
examples are less detail or clarity examples. unclear, or not
relevant, specific, than an excellent compelling.
and compelling. essay.

Writing The essay is well- The essay is The essay has The essay has
quality written, with clear generally well- significant issues major issues
and effective written, but with related to clarity, related to clarity,
communication of some issues organization, tone organization,
ideas, appropriate related to clarity, and style, tone and style,
tone and style, organization, tone grammar and grammar and
correct grammar and style, grammar spelling, or use of spelling,
and spelling, and and spelling, or use evidence and
effective use of of evidence and examples that
evidence and examples. detract from its
examples. effectiveness.

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