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Submit a maximum of 2-pages analysis on how human flourish as S & T develops.

Format for analysis paper

Font style and size: Arial or Calibri 12”

Margin: 1” for all sides
First line: Your name – e.g. Rosalie Esteban (left align)
Second line: Year and Section – e.g. BSE SCI 2A (left align)
Third line: Title of Paper – e.g. Analysis Paper No. 2
For the body of your paper, it must be Justify aligned with 1.5 spacing
For reference or citations, use single spacing and use the 7 th edition APA format

Your analysis paper will be graded using the rubric below:


5 4 3 2 COMMENTS
Introduction There is a well- Introduction Introduction Introduction
and Conclusion developed creates adequately does clearly
introduction interest. Main explains the describe the
that grabs the topic states the background background.
interest of the position and but lacks detail. Thesis is vague
reader and the conclusion Thesis states and the
continues up to effectively the topic but conclusion
the end. summarizes fundamental does not
Conclusion the topic. elements are summarize
must missing. main points.
wraps up the
importance of
the thesis.
Main Points Well-developed Three or more Three or more Less than three
main points. main points main points are main points are
Sentences relate to the present, explained and
directly relate thesis but some however, lacks are poorly
to the thesis may lack details in developed and
and supporting details. The describing the described.
examples are analysis shows event. Few
concrete and events from the descriptive
detailed. The author’s point language is
analysis is of view but used.
developed with could use more
an effective descriptive
point of view. language.
Organization Logical Logical Organization is Writing is not
progression of progression of clear. organized. The
ideas with a ideas. Transition is transitions
clear structure Transitions are present at between ideas
that enhances present times, but there are unclear or
the thesis. throughout the is very little non-existent.
Transitions are paper, but lack variation.
effective and variations.
throughout the
paragraph, not
just in the topic
Style Writing is Writing is Writing is clear, Writing is
smooth, skillful clear, but could use a confusing and
and coherent. sentences have little more hard to follow.
Sentences are varied sentence Contains
strong and structure and variation to fragments and
expressive with phrasing is make the run-on
varied consistent. writing more sentences.
structure. interesting.
Phrasing is
consistent and
words are
chosen well.
Mechanics Punctuation, Punctuation, There are 4-5 Distracting
spelling and spelling and errors in errors in
capitalization capitalization punctuation, punctuation,
are all correct. are generally spelling and spelling and
No errors. correct with 1- capitalization. capitalization.
2 errors.

From Content to Real Life Context

Submit a maximum of 2-pages reflection of your stand about good life and ways on how to
attain or experience good life.

Format for reflection paper

Font style and size: Arial or Calibri 12”

Margin: 1” for all sides
First line: Your name – e.g. Rosalie Esteban (left align)
Second line: Year and Section – e.g. BSE SCI 2A (left align)
Third line: Title of Paper – e.g. Analysis Paper No. 2
For the body of your paper, it must be Justify aligned with 1.5 spacing
For reference or citations, use single spacing and use the 7 th edition APA format
Use the rubric below as your guide to successfully finish your paper.


5 4 3 2 COMMENT
Reflective The reflection The The reflection The
Thinking explains the reflection attempts to reflection
students’ own explains the demonstrate does not
thinking and student’s thinking about address the
learning thinking learning but is student’s
processes, as about vague and/or thinking
well as the his/her own unclear about and/or
implications learning the personal learning
for future processes learning
learning process
Analysis The reflection The The reflection The
is an in-depth reflection is attempts to reflection
analysis of the an analysis of analyze the does not
learning the learning learning move
experience, the experience experience but beyond a
value of the and the value the value of the description
derived of the learning to the of the
learning to self derived student or learning
or others, and learning to others is vague experience
the self or others and/or unclear
of the student’s
for the
Making The reflection The The reflection The
Connection articulates reflection attempts to reflection
s or multiple articulates articulate does not
Cohesivene connections connections connections articulate
ss between this between this between the any
learning learning learning connection
experience and experience experience and to other
content from and content content from learning or
other courses, from other other courses, experience
past learning, courses, past past learning s.
life experience learning experiences, or
and/or future experiences, personal goals
goals and/or but the
future goals connection is
vague and/or
Lifted from:

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