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CBSE Class 10 SST Notes QuestioBank Development

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Educational level of people

Development Health Status of the people
Per capita Income

Per capita Income

Human Life Expectancy
Index Literacy Rate

Gross Enrolment Ratio for

3 levels

Infant Mortaality Rate

Comparing Literacy Rate
Net attendance Ratio

Types of countries of world Bank

Rich countries : Per Developed countries rich Low-income

Capita Income 12,736$ countries including countries1045$
per Annum middle cash 1570$ per annum

Infant Mortality Rate can be dened as total number of children that die before
the age of one year our of 1000 live children born in that particular year.
Literacy rate can be dened as proportion of literate population in the age group
of 7 years & above.
Net attendance Ratio can be dened as the total number of children of 6-10 years
age group attending school out of total no. of children in the same age group.

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Per capita income = Total Income from all the sectors

Total Population
= Total National Income
Total Population

BMI- can be calculated by taping the weight of a person (kgs) & height (mtr)
then divide the weight by the square of the height of a person. If the result
is less than 18.5 then person in under nourished & if more than 25, then person
is over weight.

HDI (Human Development Index) Rank of India in the World is 136.

Key Points to Remember:

1. Development :- Development is generally defined as growth. Some
of the important goals are - seeking more income, equal treatment,
freedom, security, and respect from others.
Different people have different development goals. What may be
development for one May not be for the other. It may be destructive for
the other.
One would consider earning more income, being a common factor
among people. With this income, they buy services and goods for their
daily needs.
Per capita Income = Total National Income/Total Population
• For comparing countries, their Income is considered to be one of the
most important attributes.
National development refers to the ability of a nation to improve the lives of
its citizens. Measures of improvement may be material, such as availability of
healthcare etc.
Sustainable Development is development that meets the needs of the
present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their
own needs.
We have not inherited the world from our forefathers — we have
borrowed it from our children.
Human Development Index is a composite statistic of life expectancy,
education and per capita income indicators, which are used to rank countries
in four tires of human development.

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Very Short Answer Questions (1 Mark Each)

Q.1 Why Kerala has a low Infant mortality rate?
Q.2 Is it just right to calculate development based on average income?
Q.3 What is Life Expectancy at birth?
Q.4 What is GDP?
Q.5 How do ration shops under Public Distribution System(PDS) help
Q.6 What are Public facilities?
Q.7 Which organization publishes the Human Development Report?
Q.8 Which state in India has ranked first in Human Development Index?
Q.9 What are the Non-renewable resources?

Multiple choice question

Q.1 Which of the following is most likely to be a development goal for
landless rural labourers:

a) Highest support prices (b) High literacy rate

c) Raised Wages (d) Settle the children abroad

Q.2 Life expectancy at Birth means:

a) Average expected length of life of a person at the time of birth.

b) Average expected length of life of a person at time of death.

c) Average expected length of a child at time of birth.

d) None of above

Q.3 Which one of the following countries has the largest size of illiterate
population in the age group of 15 in the world.

a) India (b) Myanmar

c) Srilanka (d) Bangladesh

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Q.4. Kerala has low infant mortality rate what in the reason for the same?
a) It has adequate provision of basic health & educational facilities.
b) It has highest per capita income
c) It has natural resources
d) The government of Kerala is very efficient.
Q.5. Which state among the following has lowest literacy rate?
a) Punjab b) Bihar
c) Kerala d) Tamil Nadu
Answers of Multiple Choice Questions
Ans.1 (c) Ans 3. (d) Ans. 5 (b)
Ans. 2. (a) Ans. 4. (a)
Ans.1 Kerala has low infant Mortality rate because it has good prorisions
of health & Education facilities.
Ans.2 As income is not distributed equally among all the citizens. So it is
not right to calculate development based mere on average
Ans.3 It is the average expected length of a person's life at the time of birth.
Ans.4 It stands for Gross Domestic Product. It meant for monetary
measure of the market value of all final goods and services
produced in a given period of time.
Ans.5 Ration shops help by maintaining the nutritional status of the
people and making food available at lower cost.
Ans.6 Public facilities are those which are provided by the government to
satisfy the collective needs of the people. Such as — Hospital,
School and so on.
Ans. 7 United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Ans. 8 Kerala topped the table among Indian states in human
Development Index.

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An's. 9 These resources will get exhausted after some time and are not
regenerated by the nature. For example, crude oil and so on.
Long Answer Type Questions (3 or 5 Marks Each)
Q.1 Why do different persons have different notions of development?
Q.2 In what respect is the criterion used by the UNDP for measuring
development different from the one used by ,the World Bank?
Q.3 Why is literacy essential for the economic development? Explain.
Q.4 Money in your pocket cannot buy all the goods and services that you
may need to live well. Is it true? Elucidate.
Q.5 "Girls in India in the rural sector are sometimes not able to get
secondary level education". Give three reasons for this.
Q.6 Briefly define the following terms.
A. Infant Mortality Rate

B. Net Attendances Ratio

C. Literacy Rate

Ans.1 Different people has different notion for development because:

• It is because the life situations of persons are different.

• People seek things that are most important for them or that
which can fulfill their aspirations or desire.

• What may be development for one may not be for the other. It
may even be destructive for the other.

• For example: The developmental goals of a boy from a rich

urban family would be to get admission in a reputed college,
whereas the developmental goals of a girl from a rich urban
family would be to get as much freedom as her brother.

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Ans. 2
UNDP World Bank
Has taken education, health and It uses per capita income as its
per capita income as the base. base for comparison.

Countries have been ranked. It is considered as a narrow

concept of development.

It is also considered as a broader Under this concept countries

concept of development. have been divided into three
categories — rich, middle and
Ans. 3 Literacy is an essential element for the economic development
• Education gives us vast knowledge.
• A literate person is eligible to get suitable employment.
• Education develops the ability to implement modern technology.
• Literate people understand the importance of remaining healthy
and stay away from the deadly disease.
Ans. 4 Money cannot buy all the goods and services that you may need to
live well.
• Money cannot buy us pollution-free environment.
• Money cannot buy us a disease-free life and might not be able to
get protection from infectious disease.
• Beside money, people also like to have equal treatment in the
society, freedom, dignity and honor in their lives, which money
cannot buy them.
Ans. 5
• Gender Discrimination
• 'Poverty
• Distance

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Ans. 6
A. Infant mortality rate is number of deaths under one year of age
occurring among the live births in given geographical area during a
given year.
• B. Net Attendance ratio is defined as the ratio of the number of people
in the official age-group attending any educational institution in a
particular class-group to the total number of people in the age-
C. Literacy rate is the total percentage of the population of an area at a
particular time aged seven years or above who can read and write
with understanding.
Develop the answers of following questions using the key points you can add
other points as well.
Q.1 What is National Development? What are the aspects covered
under the National development? (CBSE 2010)
• Comprehensive term including education, living, standard, PCI,
• Just & fair use of resources
• Projects & policies affecting large number of people.
• Focus is on social infrastructure

Q.2 “The Earth has enough resources to meet the need of all but not enough
to satisfy the greed of even one person.” Explain in light of sustainable
• Ground water as renewable resources but over use lowering water
• Judicious use & sustainable development
• Resource use without harming the environment
• Reduce, reuse & recycle & alternate sources of energy.

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Q.3. Development goals of one may be conficting or destructive for other or

what may be development for one may be destruction for other (2013,
2014, 2015 & 2016)
Ans. 3. Different notions of development
Construction of dam may produce electricity but destruct habitats.
More habitation may lead to houses for many but destruction in natural
Q.5 Study the given data & Answer the questions:-

State Infant Mortality Literacy Net attendance Per capita

Rate Ratio income
Maharastra 24 82 64 11,7,091
Kerala 13 94 78 10,3,820
Bihar 48 62 35 31,199

(I) Which state has highest per capita income?

(ii) Which state has highest literacy rate what could be the possible
resource for this?
(iii) Which has highest infant mortality rate & what could be the reason
according to you for this?
Ans. (i) Maharastra
(ii) Kerala. Highest N.A.R.
(iii) Bihar. Low literacy

Class X - Social Science 176

Source: EDUDEL

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