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Taeachers Teaching in Hinterlands

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Republic of the Philippines


College of Teacher Education
Cauayan Campus








Republic of the Philippines
College of Teacher Education
Cauayan Campus


Background of the Study

Schooling is very vital for a person's success in life. It can give a huge impact on human

opportunities in continuing their life quality. With good education can generate better life and can

contribute literally to become a good citizen in the eyes of the society which can bring economic

wealth, social prosperity, and political stability. Financial and social stability depends on

education acquired by individuals since education gives access to individual capability in

managing quality of life. The right education coupled with excellent facilities and a champion for

child-friendly school can help one’s individual eagerness to learn especially in the hinterlands.

Quality education is vital in these rural areas particularly in the far-flung areas where vulnerable

and deprived individuals are situated in that particular place. To help them out and to escape from

deep poverty, build up harmony, democracy, and likewise peaceable society then education is the

key. Education is additionally capable to offer power for them to voice out their views, expose to

their real potential, lead them to become a far better person, and widen their views in certain

areas. (Fazilah Idris et al, 2011).

For decades, teachers are contributing greatly to shaping our future through harmony,

wisdom, and intellectual adventure. A teachers' role in society is to help our youth grow and

supplant their understandings of the principles of life may it be in low land or upland areas.

Equipped with skills and their passion to serve and touch the lives of their pupils, teachers are

always ready to give their best in the love of teaching even though, some are struggling in remote

areas. Furthermore, it is more important to teach young learners to develop a reliable compass

and navigation tools to find their own way in a world that is progressively more complex,

unpredictable, and unreliable (Schleicher, 2019).

Republic of the Philippines
College of Teacher Education
Cauayan Campus

In these spectacular times on the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic teachers and

students are struggling to combat this worldwide health phenomenon. The cancellation of face-to-

face classes is a great challenge especially for those who are livingin the hinterlands where

electricity and the cause of living are limited. If the suspension of face-to-face classes will

continue to soar, then the major loser in the context is the learners. Learners must be given due

attention to how to improve their ability, knowledge, and skills, especially in vulnerable and

deprived areas. In fact, Passos (2019) emphasizes that the majority of pupils show a lack of

interest, poor participation, and lack of comprehension in answering their printed modules. He

even cited that the academic performance among pupils living in both rural and urban areas is

also a problem until today. The scenario mentioned above happens due to a lack of teachers'

supervision and school support and it is a continuing gap if not given due importance and

attention in addressing all issues concerned (Passos, 2019).

This study, therefore, aims to determine the underlying lived experiences of teachers

teaching in hinterlands. The study also focuses on determining their perceived challenges, threats,

and coping strategies on how they overcome those issues despite pandemics. The researchers are

very eager also to know the commitment and compassion of teachers teaching specifically in

hinterlands. Moreover, the gaps that need to address by this study is how this teacher teaching in

hinterlands supervise their learners despite health emergencies. Likewise, how they coping up

despite all odds. These theories and assumptions are left unanswered if no research would address

this inquiry. Thus, this study is proposed.

Republic of the Philippines
College of Teacher Education
Cauayan Campus

Objective of the study

This research understanding will seek to investigate the lived experiences of teachers

teaching in hinterlands.

Specifically, this study aims to answer the underlying question:

1. To determine the lived experiences of teachers teaching in hinterlands based on their perceived

challenges, threats, and coping strategies.

Theoretical Framework

This study is supported by David Kolb's experiential learning theory or (ELT). Kolb

issued this model in 1984, getting his guidance from other great theorists including John Dewey,

Kurt Lewin, and Jean Piaget. The experiential learning theory mechanisms divided into four

stages such as concrete learning, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active

experimentation. The first two stages of the cycle involve grasping an experience, the second two

focus on transforming an experience. Kolb argues that effective learning is seen as the learner

goes through the cycle and that they can enter into the cycle at any time.

He asserted that concrete learning is when a learner gets a new experience or interprets an

experience in a new way. The reflective observation comes next, where the learner reflects on

their experience personally. They utilize their experiences and understandings to reflect on what

this experience means. Abstract conceptualization transpires as the learner forms new ideas or

adjusts their thinking based on the experience and their reflection about it.

Furthermore, active experimentation is where the learner applies the new ideas to the

world around them, to see if there are any modifications to be made. This process can happen
Republic of the Philippines
College of Teacher Education
Cauayan Campus

over a short period of time, or over a long span of time. Kolb pass on to explain that learners will

have their own preferences on how they enter the cycle of experiential learning and that these

preferences link to a learning cycle. Kolb’s ELT theory is timely in these pandemic times where

learners can greatly experience a self-learning approach by doing their daily tasks in answering

printed modules, listening to radios, watching academic scenes, and even connecting to the

internet just to complement the academic trends this time of health emergencies. As such, it is

also applicable to teachers as learners specifically in these pandemic times. Furthermore, teachers

in hinterlands can adopt also by utilizing this Kolb’s theory considering that they are still learning

using their individual experiences in their local environment or assigned area where drastic and

abrupt changes in terms of physical set-ups are unstable, peaceful, and safe environment is still in

question, and even financial support while assigned in the far-flung areas are still not enough.

Scope and Limitation

This study primarily focuses to investigate the lived experiences of teachers teaching in

hinterlands and by knowing also their perceived challenges, threats, and coping strategies while

assigned in the area.

This study utilizes a qualitative approach by identifying thematic insights coming from

participants' saturated pieces of information.

Pre-planned interviews directed with guide questions will be used in this study.

The participants of this study will be the teachers teaching in hinterlands with the

following criteria: teaching at least 5 years of experience in hinterlands, elementary teacher,

he/she was deployed in a school qualified for hazard pay to be considered hinterlands, could be

single or married. Furthermore, this research is gender-diverse meaning no gender restrictions.

Republic of the Philippines
College of Teacher Education
Cauayan Campus

Significance of the Study

This study provides significance to the following:

Department of Education. The study can provide information that may be used as a

basis for further policy formulation and for the improvement of the academic curriculum. This

can also help in identifying the appropriate qualifications and the level of competency of the

teachers to be assigned in the hinterlands.

School Administrator. The data to be gathered in the study will enable the school

administrators to provide appropriate steps that will lead to the improvement of the teachers’

enhancement in preparing learning resources in order to have better learning outcomes.

Furthermore, the level of competence of teachers on the various knowledge concepts and skills

needed in teaching can serve as the basis for the administrators in planning courses, school

learning action cells, and in-service training programs. Priorities are directed towards the current

needs of teachers assigned in the far-flung areas.

Hinterland Teachers. This study can give in-depth understanding and information of the

teachers assigned in the rural and hinterlands area of their role and behavior that influence the

pupils’ success. The results of this investigation will contribute to the improvement of the

subjects taught specifically modular-based instructions. The study could also give information on

the process by which the teachers select and identify practices that helps to promote subjects’

improvement and pupil’s academic performance.

Republic of the Philippines
College of Teacher Education
Cauayan Campus

Definition of Terms

Hinterland. Upper portion of the land or an area that is not close to any cities or towns: a

remote region in general.

Hinterland Teacher. A teacher who is assigned in a mountainous area.

Far-Flung. Remote area or far from the town or cities.

Lived Experiences. In qualitative phenomenological research, lived experience refers to

a representation of the experiences and choices of a given person, and the knowledge that they

gain from these experiences and choices, (Given 2008) and (Chandler & Munday, 2011). While

Marshall and Rossman (2011) defined it as the category of qualitative research together with

those that focus on society and culture and those that focus on language and communication.

In this study, this term refers to the lived experiences of the teachers teaching in

hinterlands are the main subject of this study. Furthermore, the goal of this research is not only to

understand individuals' lived experiences as facts, but to determine the understandable meaning

of such experiences in general.

Review of Related Literature

This review presents theoretical knowledge to back up the information needed in this

investigation. They are presented using the thematic approach.

Republic of the Philippines
College of Teacher Education
Cauayan Campus

Lived Experiences of Teachers Teaching In Hinterlands

Based on the study of Bukidnon State University- Cagayan de Oro City External studies

show that teaching strategies are the main objective to attain academic success specifically in

teaching hinterlands learners. Their study focuses on determining the different difficulties

encountered by the teachers teaching in the hinterland. Random sampling was used in their study

utilizing the different schools located in different locations and reliably classified as the

hinterland schools. Other research findings tell that teacher were worried about the safety of their

local environment. Great sacrifices were endured by the teachers who were assigned in the far-

flung areas. Personal money was also sacrificed since the hazard pay was not given on time

instead, they receive it yearly. Nevertheless, living away from home especially teachers who had

a family is in great sacrifice and a great doomed for them in which the school was supposed and

must look into, but it was ignored due to some academic reasons. Hinterland teachers were

veterans in going toss to and fro despite calamities and unexpected disasters for the call of service

just to serve the quality of education to the young learners in the far-flung areas.

The pronouncement of Quejada (2018) towards the remote schools in the Philippines

were still facing scarcity of teaching resources and teachers are continuously challenged in

delivering quality education.

On the study of rural indigenous teachers' lived experiences in mother tongue education

in the Philippines: Counter-stories of resistance by Ekid, A. F. et. al. (2019), shows that the lived

experiences of indigenous, rural teachers in implementing a mother tongue-based multilingual

education (MTB-MLE) policy in the Philippines. Qualitative data from interviews, classroom

observations, and focus group interviews were obtained from ten teachers from three school

districts considered suburban and rural contexts in the northern region of the

Philippines. Phenomenological methods of data analysis were employed to obtain collective

Republic of the Philippines
College of Teacher Education
Cauayan Campus

composite stories from the teachers' experiences. Framed as composite counter-stories, teachers'

narratives revealed deeply embedded pedagogical challenges that they encountered, resulting

from the policy implementation in their classrooms. Specifically, their counter-stories

demonstrated resistance towards the top-down policy that complicated learning for their

students. As their stories disrupt majoritarian narratives on MTB-MLE, implications for

reconsidering the policy are offered.

A Life Testimony of the Teacher Assigned in the Hinterlands

It entails a lot of sacrifices and efforts to become a teacher assigned in the mountain

barangays. To lighten the matter, people would generally say that even being a hinterland teacher

is a fortunate circumstance because she would still get the chance to avail of salary  loans from

any bank in the country, for as long as she has a permanent work appointment. But financial

benefits aside, the world is not really aware of how it feels to be a hinterland teacher.

A hinterland teacher is that person who wakes up as early as 3 in the morning on

Mondays to prepare her materials to be brought to school. Materials like the lesson plans

prepared on weekends, their personal things like uniforms and other clothes stacked neatly in a

backpack, and not to forget their food supplies for the entire week of stay in their station -- the

mountain barangay where their school is located. A hinterland teacher is that person who rides

the motorcycle called habal-habal on a very rough road for almost two hours or even more,

depending on weather conditions just to reach the school on time. Experiencing flat tires is not

uncommon. An average of 400 pesos per day for fare only not including foods and other personal

necessities. But these circumstances during travel alone never lessens the will and drive of a

hinterland teacher to share their skills and knowledge to pupils who really need their attention and
Republic of the Philippines
College of Teacher Education
Cauayan Campus

care so that they will become productive citizens in the future.

A hinterland teacher is that person who will temporarily leave their spouse and children

behind to live in their station (the school) for an entire week. It goes without saying, they will be

homesick, will be missing their own children, and the only means of communication is their

mobile phone that many times, barely gets signal, especially during bad weather conditions.

And yet, while at their station in school, the hinterland teacher thinks of nothing but their

duties to the pupils and the DepEd. Duties like giving the pupils the right approach so that they

can easily learn, even extending so much time in the afternoons for remediation just to make sure

that indeed, “no child is left behind”.

This is the life of a hinterland teacher, indeed a most fortunate situation as they always

get the chance to be at the forefront of helping improve the lives of children living in the

hinterlands. These little sacrifices by the hinterland teacher are always rewarded when they see

the smiles of her pupils as they greet her back when they yell at them, “Good morning, children

of God!” their heart goes out relatedly experienced by all their fellow teachers assigned in the

hinterlands. They are hoping that someday, their dedicated service will not have gone for naught

(Quibal, n.d.).


There are several types of research that surrounds and can grasp immediately both in

local and foreign literature, but the researchers decide to utilize the related reviews mentioned

above considering that they are locally related that can match the situation in the local area where
Republic of the Philippines
College of Teacher Education
Cauayan Campus

their participants reside and considering the locale of their study.


This section includes the descriptions of the research methodology, participants of the

study, research instruments, data gathering procedure, and ethical considerations.

Research Design

This study utilizes a qualitative phenomenological research design. The

phenomenological design describes the interpretations of the participants from their experiences.

Qualitative research is also described as a clarifying model that occurs in a natural setting that

enables the researcher to develop a level of detail from high involvement in the actual

experiences (Creswell, 1994). Furthermore, to generate valid and reliable information, the

participants will be required to respond to the questions that will be asked face-to-face by the

researchers. Follow-up questions will be asked also for clarification and to give clear meanings

and detailed responses from the participants. At the end of this study, themes and common

patterns will be extracted from their responses (Jamon&Cabanes, 2019).

Participants of the Study

The participants of this study will be the teachers teaching in hinterlands with the

following criteria: teaching at least 5 years of experience in hinterlands, elementary teacher,

he/she was deployed in a school qualified for hazard pay to be considered hinterlands, could be
Republic of the Philippines
College of Teacher Education
Cauayan Campus

single or married. Furthermore, this research is gender-diverse meaning no gender restrictions.

On the other hand, teachers who will not be considered participants if they are less than 5

years in teaching in the hinterland and those who are teaching in urban/nearest

cities/municipalities. As such, teachers with no hazard pay, non-teaching personnel, private

schools’ teachers, and public-private secondary, and tertiary teachers will be excluded in this

study. Thus, the selection of participants will be stopped if there is a saturation of information

base on the responses of the participants.

Research Instrument

To collect the data the researchers will prepare guide questions to elicit valid and reliable

information from the participants. Follow-up questions will be asked to obtain clearer and

meaningful answers depending on the responses of the participants.

In order to generate consistent transcription, all information will be carefully recorded

with permission from the participants using audiotapes or smartphones (Creswell, 2012).

Data Gathering Procedures

The researchers will send a formal letter to the subject professor by asking permission to

conduct the study. Communication letters will be prepared also for the participants indicating
Republic of the Philippines
College of Teacher Education
Cauayan Campus

their available schedule and venue for their most convenient time and mood. Prior to the conduct

of the study, all necessary health protocols will be strictly observed and followed by the

researchers to avoid the massive spread of Corona Virus Disease or the COVID-19 virus.

Data Analysis Procedure

The qualitative data will be taken through the data collection process that will be guided

by the qualitative content analysis scheme of Creswell (2012). All the data will be transcribed

honestly and ensure no omission of the responses from the participants. Multiple readings of the

responses must be observed by the researchers to easily grasp the information given. Related text

segments will be assigned thru a code label. The codes will be categorized and studied to draw

patterns and conclusions among them.

Ethical Consideration

The researchers will ensure the total privacy protection of the information. As such,

confidentiality, anonymity, and voluntary participation of the participants will be strictly

observed and secured. The participants will be encouraged to express their responses freely

without imposing any harm, demand, persistence, indulges political views, and conflict of

Republic of the Philippines
College of Teacher Education
Cauayan Campus


Chandler, Daniel; Munday, Rod (2011). "Lived experience". A Dictionary of Media and

Communication. Oxford University

Press. doi:10.1093/acref/9780199568758.001.0001. ISBN 9780199568758. Retrieved 2018-04-


Creswell, J. W. (2012). Educational Research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative

and qualitative research. Boston: Pearson Education.

Ekid, A. F. et. al. (2019). Rural Indigenous Teachers' Lived Experiences in Mother Tongue

Education in the Philippines: Counter-Stories of Resistance. Journal for Critical Education Policy

Studies, v17 n3 p132-169 Dec 2019.

Fazilah Idris et al. (2011). Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 59 (2012) 443 – 450

2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer reviewed under responsibility of the UKM

Teaching and Learning Congress 2011 Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.

Given, Lisa, ed. (2008). "Lived Experience". The SAGE Encyclopedia of Qualitative Research

Methods. SAGE Publications. Retrieved 2018-04-02.

Marshall, Catherine; Rossman, Gretchen B. (2011). Designing Qualitative Research, Fifth

Edition. Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE. p. 92. ISBN 9781412970440

Republic of the Philippines
College of Teacher Education
Cauayan Campus

OECD (2019), Trend Shaping Education, OECD Publishing.

Passos A. F. J. 2019. Teacher Competence and Its Effect on Pupil Performance in Upper Primary


Schleicher, A. (2018), World Class,

Schleicher, A. (2019), Presentation at the Forum on Transforming Education, Global Peace

Convention, Seoul, South Korea.

Teaching & Education (2021). Kolb’s experiential learning theory. Experiential learning theory.

2021 Western Governors University – WGU. All Rights Reserved. June 8, 2020.

Quibal, V.L. (n.d.). Life of teachers in the hinterlands. Ponglo Elementary School, Tanjay,

Negros Oriental.

196.htm. Date retrieved October 2, 2021

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