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DBMS & Tba

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Database Management System and Build Architecture

Ayesha Ikram (10225)

Government College University, Faisalabad

Department of Geography
Discipline of Remote Sensing & GIS


We live in a world of data. Data is the backbone of any organization. Whether used to make decisions or
deliver services, data plays a critical role in the success of any business. It can provide insight into
customer behavior, which products are most popular, and where adjustments need to be made to
improve your business. In a way, data is the foundation upon which an organization is built. Data
architecture is often overlooked as a critical component of a successful data system, but data systems
tend to fail without a solid and well-designed architecture.

Low-level users interact with the database through a web interface or API. Next-level users interact with
the database through application programming interfaces (APIs). Finally, top-level users interact with
the database through thick clients. This tier separation streamlines access to data and ensures high
availability in the event of a web tier failure. It provides an overview of DBMS architecture and each
type, as well as some advanced techniques. We also discussed the proposed cloud DBMS architecture
here. This white paper provides an overview of databases that have been developed so far and some
traditional database applications.

Keywords: data management system, 1-tier, 2-tier, 3-tier architecture, data architecture.

Today, every enterprise lies on the foundation of data architecture. Data architecture is responsible for
enhancing an organization's ability to move globally. Databases and database technology have a great
impact on the use of computers. Since it is widely used, we should first define what a database is. The
term "database" is used to describe a collection. First, the definition is very broad. We use the term
"data" to mean known facts in digital form that can be used for decision-making, can be documented,
and include phone numbers and addresses. This information is now publicly available. Mobile phones
with database software are often used to store data. This information can also be saved to your hard
drive or entered into an indexed address book. Drive to your computer and applications such as
Microsoft Office. A database is a collection of data stored and managed by a software program or
hardware system. Database architects are responsible for designing, creating, and maintaining

Database architecture he divided into three levels. Most modern databases are based on the ANSISPARC
database architecture. Physical level, conceptual level, and external level are the three levels in this
architecture. A database is a structure for data storage, organization, protection, and deliver
A database management system (DBMS) is the end product of decades of research and
development in both academia and industry. They are a common and integral part of modern
computers. Historically, DBMSs were among the first multi-user server systems created,
resulting in a number of system design strategies to improve scalability and reliability that are in
use today in a variety of contexts. I was. While many of the algorithms and abstractions used in
DBMSs are straight from textbooks, system design considerations for creating DBMSs receive
little attention in the literature. They are used in a wide variety of applications, from large
databases holding records of millions of people to smaller databases used to keep track of single
collections. When we talk about databases, we usually think of large, complex systems used by
large organizations such as banks and governments. However, databases come in all shapes and
sizes and can be used without much technical expertise. Data is the most important resource in
today's economy. The ability to access and process data gives individuals and organizations a
competitive advantage. Data recorded in databases is valuable because it takes a lot of time and
effort to collect, enter, and maintain data in systems. Data must be available for a long time to
justify the cost of data entry. Unexpected new changes to your application can occur during the
lifetime of your data. If a file requires modification, file-oriented programs tend to require
modification in all programs that access that file. A database management system separates data
processing from data storage, confining changes to the directly affected application. File-oriented
systems make it difficult to make the same data available to multiple applications or integrate
data from disparate sources. This is because there are more dependencies between programs and
files, and the cost of adapting programs to changing needs increases. The usual simple file
structures that support special application programs are not suitable for these scenarios.

Types of Data Architecture

This type of DBMS system is also called a traditional system.
The concept of data architecture describes the organization of physical data within a data
management system. A data management system is a common data storage layer between
databases and applications. A three-tier architecture is a popular choice because it supports a
large number of applications, provides high availability, and is scalable.

Single-tier DBMS architectures:

A single-tier architecture is a software design in which most of the application code and data
are contained in a single file or application package. In a single-tier architecture, all application
logic is contained in one file and all data is contained in one database table or collection of
database tables. In a single-tier architecture, all processing of application logic is performed by
application code and data. The main advantage of single-tier architecture is that it is easy to
understand and test. Figure (1) shows a layered architecture.
Fig1.(1-tier architecture)

The architecture of a Two-Tier Database Management System

Two-tier architecture is a common architectural design pattern used in web applications where
he separates the functionality of the application into two logical tiers. The first level typically
deals with presentation, business logic, and data. The second tier typically handles application
logic, storage, and data. This pattern is often used to separate business logic from the data
being processed, improving the maintainability and extensibility of an application. A two-tier
architecture is a software architectural style in which an application has two levels of
abstraction. Application logic is implemented at the lowest level. At the top level, business logic
is implemented. The lowest level application logic is exposed to the user interface through APIs.
It is a software architecture in which each component exists as a separate entity with its
responsibilities and actions, but shares common interfaces and services with other
components. This shared interface allows components to be plugged and unplugged as needed.
This modularity allows each component to have minimal impact on the others and still provide
the expected functionality when connected to the system. Figure (2) shows the functionality of
the two-tier architecture. This is also useful for testing and design, as it makes it easier to swap
components for testing or change their behavior without changing the logic of the system.

Fig2. (2-tier architecture)

The architecture of a 3-tier DBMS

It supports various user views and program data independence, with the goal of separating user
applications from the physical database. There are three tiers defined in this architecture.
Internal level:
This layer consists of an internal schema that describes how data is physically stored.
Conceptual level:
This level consists of conceptual schemas that describe the overall structure of the user group
database. Hide the details of the actual data store when describing entities, relationships, user
interactions, and other constraints. The individual layers of the three-tier architecture are shown
in Figure (4). Three-tier architecture is a software design pattern that is becoming more popular.
This allows you to organize your application so that it scales incrementally from small to large
teams by adding "tiers" without changing the application code. The 3-tier architecture is also a
way of organizing the application so that it can be scaled incrementally from his one machine to
many by adding "data centers" without changing the application code.
The 3-tier architecture consists of his two main parts, the front end and the back end. The front
end consists of a web application and all related code, databases, views, etc. The backend
consists of code that handles user requests, manages databases, and processes data. The
intermediary between frontend and backend is the data layer.

Fig3.(3-tier architecture)

The architecture of an N-tier DBMS

The N-Tier is the middle tier of the 3-tier architecture where most of the application logic runs.
The N-plane is sometimes referred to as the "glue" that binds the three planes together to provide
common interfaces and services across applications. This is also where most of the business
logic and data access takes place. N-tier architecture is a common web application architecture
pattern (see Figure (4)). The N-Tier architecture pattern is typically used for applications that
need to handle large amounts of complex requirements and can take advantage of scale-out
capabilities. The N-Tier architectural pattern is often the first architectural pattern that web
application developers learn. An n-tier architecture is a software architecture style that separates
objects into three distinct layers. The first level handles business logic and data. The second level
deals with presentation and infrastructure code. The third level handles user-oriented code and
services required by the interface. Solution architecture.
Figure 4. (N-tier architecture)

Fig4. (N-tier architecture)

Advanced Methods
In recent years, techniques have been developed to better support technical applications. They
are integrated into the DBMS, as opposed to the traditional way that application technical
support is built on top of the DBMS.
Manufacturer-optimized DBMS:
DBMS vendors are beginning to integrate more and more data types into their systems to meet
the growing demand for better support for technical applications. They are accessible via a query
language and often support indexes. Using this technique, you can implement actions such as
retrieving rectangular subimages and supporting the base data type "raster image". However,
there are many raster image formats that vary by application. Not all can be supported as base
database types without costly formatting changes.
Scalable database system:
As a result of the above problems, commercial products using extensible database systems have
started to emerge. Allows users to extend the system by adding custom code to the DBMS
kernel. These user extensions, sometimes called "data blades", allow subimages to be assembled
in a server environment. This prevents additional data from being copied into your application.

Review of Cloud Base Data Management System

A cloud database management system is a database management system that offers computers as
a service rather than a product. In this work, we developed a "cloud database management
system architecture" for managing data in the cloud.
A way to manage cloud data is provided by a cloud database management system.
Cloud data is distributed across the internet and stored on remote servers monitored by another
party. Cloud data management is therefore an important issue that needs to be addressed.
Therefore, managing remotely accessible cloud data requires a well-defined architecture. [7]
Next, we discuss the role of cloud databases and the main architectures proposed. In a cloud-
based DBMS architecture, he proposed three tiers in a published article.
Data center level:
This layer embodies the actual physical location of data storage in the cloud and consists of
multiple servers supporting customer needs. As far as we know, data is stored in cloud
infrastructure data centers. This layer serves as a model for your cloud database.
Cloud service provider level:
Cloud application development and management are completed at this level. This middleware
layer consists of many distributed servers serving the needs of cloud users. These servers are
responsible for delivering all the conveniences promised to the cloud service provider's
customers. It ensures continuous availability of cloud data as well as providing multi-tenancy,
on-demand self-service, elasticity, and many other characteristics of the cloud. Contains cloud
data abstraction capabilities.
Customer level:
Client computers or cloud users configure this layer. For cloud users, this is the most obvious
level. At this level, cloud users see only the parts of the cloud database that are of interest to that
particular user. All other information about the cloud service provider and data center tier is kept
confidential to the end user.
This type of database has some advantages over traditional databases.
• User management of data provision and management. Thanks to her, users now have control
and retention of their own data.
• Helps save files in different formats such as text, images, XML files, etc., depending on the
user's needs.
• Cloud Her users can perform all operations that can be performed in common Her DBMS such
as B. Data manipulation, data storage, data retrieval, etc. • Cheaper than traditional DBMS.
• too easy
Applications in Standalone Architecture Applications in Database Architecture
A single-tier architecture was commonly used in web-based applications that only needed to
host a single web server for the user to invoke. Applying a single-tier architecture is a key
concept when designing and developing apps. This refers to the way apps are designed to be
accessible from a single layer.
2-step application
Desktop applications, games, and music players are examples of two-tier applications. A large
website on the Internet can serve as an example of a three-tier architecture. 3 tier application
Almost all web applications have a three-tier architecture. The presentation layer is your web
browser. It is a user-interactive platform for presenting and collecting data and information.
The second level is developing tools for handling dynamic websites. Examples include ASP,
JAVA, PHP, Ruby on Rails, Python, and frameworks such as Django. The database is the third
and final layer of server-level infrastructure. The third tier consists of server-level ORACLE,
MYSQL, MS SQL and other databases and operating systems. This three-tier architecture is used
by almost all dynamic websites. [9] [10]
N-tier application
The N-plane is at the heart of any microservices architecture. This is where services are defined
and deployed. The N-Tier is also the entry point for clients and other services to access the
services defined in her N-Tier. Level N is responsible for service discovery, service
configuration, and service communication. N-tier architecture is a programming architecture
commonly used in web application development. [11]

This whitepaper provides an introduction to databases, basics, and some important types. A
database is an application's storage and retrieval system. They store data, provide data structure
and data functionality, and enable scalable operation of applications. Girlfriend
It is the foundation of your application and the building blocks of data-driven applications. To
understand the database, it helps to break it down into the following parts:
A database's architecture is how data is stored, organized, and accessed. This is a critical part of
modern applications as it determines the speed at which data can be accessed and modified. This
architecture is also a fundamental part of real-time systems as it determines the speed of data
processing and output. This document also introduces some basic applications for each level. The
first approach is to learn some basic details of database management systems and how to
implement them. Then we covered some advanced methods. The article also discussed the
proposed cloud DBMS architecture. Moreover, all the theories explained and developed in this
white paper apply to decision science.

[1] Deeksha, S. M. (2022). Database Management System and Types of Build Architecture.
Mathematical Statistician and Engineering Applications, 71(4), 1380-1388.
[2] Mafra, M. T. F., Gowsiga, M., Asmone, A. S., & Dilogini, R. A. A. (2022). Applicability
of circular economy for the electronic waste minimization in Sri Lankan office buildings.
[3] T. C. S. a. W. W. Hua, "Solution Architecture for N-Tier Applications," 2006 IEEE
International Conference on Services Computing (SCC'06), pp. 349-356, 2006.
[4] Shams, M. Y., & Abohany, A. (2022). A Review on Concurrency Control Techniques in
Database Management Systems. Kafrelsheikh Journal of Information Sciences, 3(1), 1-10.
[5] H.-J. S. Lukas Relly, "Physical Database Design for Raster Images in," Institute of
Information Systems, ETH Zentrum, 8092 Z•urich, Switzerland, pp. 259-279, 1997.
Three-Tier Architectures," Microsoft Corporation- Industry .

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