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OOSE Jugar


 1 A critical ability in OO development is to skillfully assign responsibilities to

a. Software Objects.
b. Software Developers
c. Object Oriented Analysts
d. Object Oriented Designers


 2 Which software quality view is related to the amount a customer is willing to pay?

a. Product view
b. Value-based view
c. Manufacturing view
d. Transcendental view


 3 Which of the following is a challenge in developing a commercial software:

a. Developing a high cost product

b. Develop a product to serves a single purpose
c. Reducing development and maintenance cost
d. Un-scalable development


 4 Which author wrote the first paper on object oriented design (OOD) with title
"Object-Oriented Design"?

a. Grady Booch
b. Craig Larman
c. Steve Mellor
d. Peter Coad

 5 Which of the following view best describe the software quality as that you can
recognize the quality but cannot define it?

a. The transcendental view

b. The user view
c. The manufacturing view
d. The product view


 6 Which of the following is/are challenge(s) in commercial software development?

a. Customized product development in short time

b. Reduce development and maintenance cost
c. Developing reusable components
d. Scalable and distributable systems development
e. All of the above


 7 Which of the following discipline concerned with the development of software

systems by applying engineering principles with the goal of developing cost-effective
quality software systems

a. Computer Engineering
b. Software Engineering
c. Computer Science
d. None


 8 Which of the following dominate the system cost (cost on hardwares)?

a. Development
b. Software
c. Management
d. Hardware integration

True/False Questions for Introduction to Software Engineering

 1 Software Engineering doesn’t concern with customer problem. False

 2 Invalue based view the quality is related to the amount the customer is willing to
pay True

 3 The costs of software on a computer are not greater than the hardware cost False

 4 Software scope is a well-defined boundary, which encompasses all the activities

that are done to develop and deliver the software product. True

 5 SoftwareEngineering is not about designing and developing high quality

software False

 6 Software Engineering influences the robustness, maintainability, and reusability of

software components. True

 7 Software Engineering is the discipline of developing and maintaining software

systems that behave reliably and efficiently, and are affordable to develop and
maintain. True

 8 A critical ability in object oriented development is to skillfully assign responsibilities

to software objects True

 9 UML started by Booch and Rumbaugh in 1994 by combining their two methods
Booch and OMT. True

 10 Analysis and design can be summarized in the phrase "do the right thing
(analysis), and do the thing right (design)" True

 11 Glossary includes Key domain terminologies and data dictionary. True

 12 Tackle high-risk and high-value issues in early iterations is not a good practice in
UP False

 13 Agile process does not promote sustainable development False

 14 Mechanism to create new objects (child objects) based on old ones (parent object)
is called polymorphism.

 15 UML has been adopted by the majority of the industry as well as the standards
governing boards as ANSI and OMG. True

 16 Blueprints helps you plan an addition before you built it. True

 17 A
view in which you recognize software quality, but cannot define it is the
manufacturing view of software quality. False

 18 Software engineering cannot reduce the development and maintenance

costs. False

 19 Neitherencapsulation nor information hiding can minimize the effect of change in

softwares. False

 20 Software costs more to maintain it than to develop it. True

 21 Software Engineering is a discipline with the goal of developing cost-effective and
quality systems. True

 22 The skills of accurate responsibilities assignment to objects does not matter in the
"rush to code" situation. False

Fill in Blanks Questions for Introduction to Software Engineering

 1 Insoftware engineering both Product and Process are important for software

 2 The application of systematic, disciplined, quantifiable_ approach to development,

operation, and maintenance of software; that is application of engineering to

 3 Software Engineering is about designing and developing high quality software

 4 The manufacturing view of software quality is conformance to specification.

 5 Agile process promote sustainable development

 6 Themost critical ability in Object Oriented development is to assigning

resposibilites to software objects.

 7 Design emphasizes on a conceptual solution that fulfill the requirements rather

than its implementation.

 8 Analysis emphasizes on the investigation of the problem and requirements rather

than solution.
 9 The cost of software often dominates the costs of system.

 10 InUnified prcess, the system grows incrementally over time, iteration by iteration,
and thus this approach is also known as iterative and incremental development

 11 Software engineering is concerned with cost effective software development

 12 The value-based view of software quality is related to the amount the customer

is willing to pay.

 13 If
a software is providing cent percent conformance to specification then it is
the manufacturing view of software quality.

 14 Software Engineering is the discipline of developing and maintaining software

systems that behave reliably and efficiently, and are affordable to develop and

 1   What is software scope?


Software scope is a well-defined boundary, which encompasses all the activities that are done
to develop and deliver the software product.

 2   What are the different perspectives to define software quality?


1. The transcendental view - you recognize quality, but cannot define it

2. The user view - quality is fitness for purpose
3. The manufacturing view - quality is conformance to specification
4. The product view - related to product characteristics (maintainability, reliability..)
5. The value-based view - quality is related to the amount the customer is willing to
 3   List down the challenges before a software Engineer/Developer?


- Time Constraints
- Cost constraints
- Developing reusable components
- Developing scalable and distributable components
- Ethical issues

 4   Why we need to study software-engineering?


We need to study software engineering to:

1. Develop cost effective, maintainable and evolve-able software systems.

2. Develop customized products in short time
3. Develop re-usable building blocks adoptable to business process and evolving
4. Equipped our software with quality parameters e.g. scalability, performance etc.
5. Develop complex distributed, cloud software systems

 5   How the discipline of software engineering fits in computer science discipline?


Computer Science covers theoretical and functional aspects of computer. When a customer
brings any problem to be solved through computer, then its the discipline of software
engineering that uses computer science theories and functions to provide solution through
tools and technologies.

 6   What is the IEEE definition of software engineering?


IEEE defines software engineering [IEEE-93] as:

1. The application of systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approach to development,

operation, and maintenance of software; that is application of engineering to software.
2. The study of approaches as in 1.

Multiple Choice Questions for OOAD and Visual Modeling

 1 _____ combines a piece of information with the specific behavior that act upon that
a. Information hiding
b. Polymorphism
c. Encapsulation
d. Inheritance


 2 _____ emphasizes on the investigation of the problem and requirements rather

than its solution?

a. Analysis
b. Design
c. Object Oriented Analysis
d. Object Oriented Design

 3 How many Industry known visual modeling notations we have in software

a. Three
b. Two
c. Four
d. Five


 4 The ability to hide murky details of an object from the outside world is

a. Encapsulation
b. Information Hiding
c. Polymorphism
d. Inheritance


 5 Insteadof traditional software analysis and designing approach, We have a better

visual modeling language to express the analysis and designing of a software called

a. Unified Modeling Language

b. Visual Modeling
c. Object Modeling Technology
d. None


 6 UML initially adopted by which major industry standards governing boards?

a. Booch and OMT

b. OMT and UML
c. ANSI and OMG
d. None


 7 Software quality from the user view is:

a. Low cost on software

b. quality is fitness for purpose
c. quality of process
d. none


 8 Perspectives of UML are:

a. Conceptual, Specification
b. Specification, Implementation
c. Implementation
d. Conceptual, Specification and Implementation


 9 If Class A owns Class B e.g. Body consist of arm, head, legs etc. Then it is:

a. Aggregation
b. Encapsulation
c. Composition
d. Association


 10 The process of taking the information from the model and displaying it graphically
using some sort of standard set of graphical elements is called:

a. TDD
b. Data Modeling
c. Object Modeling
d. Visual Modeling


 11 If Class A uses Class B (Employee uses university bus for transportation) Then it

a. Aggregation
b. Encapsulation
c. Composition
d. Association

 12 Which practice of iterative development encourage that early iterations should

focus on building, testing, and stabilizing the core architecture

a. architecture-centric
b. features-centric
c. component-centric
d. None


 13 The detailed refinement of the unified process (adopted widely) is:

a. RUP
b. UML
c. OOA/D
d. None


 14 Which of following is not characteristic of OOP

a. Encapsulation
b. Data Hiding
c. Multi Programming
d. Polymorphism


 15 A single instance of the class is is called

a. Object
b. Interface
c. State
d. none

 16 Which of the following is the benefit of iterative and evolutionary development?

a. Early visible progress

b. Manage complexity
c. Less Project Failure
d. All of Above


 17 Which of the following emphasize on defining domain objects and how they
collaborate to fulfills the requirements?

a. Analysis
b. Design
c. Object Oriented Analysis
d. Object Oriented Design


 18 Which of the following emphasize on finding and describing the objects or concepts
in the problem domain?

a. Analysis
b. Object Oriented Design
c. Object Oriented Analysis
d. Design


 19 _____ emerged as a popular iterative software development process for building

object oriented systems.

a. Waterfall
b. Visual Modeling
c. Unified process
d. UML


 20 Which of the following are perspective of UML?

a. Conceptual
b. Spectification
c. Implementation
d. All of above


 21 Which
of the following is a most famous visual language for specifying and
documenting the artifacts of the system

a. Unified Modeling Language

b. Booch
c. Object Modeling Technology
d. None


 22 Which of the following exceeds software development cost?

a. Quality Assurance
b. Software Maintenance
c. Software Deployment
d. Hardwares


 23 Which of the following strongly influences the robustness, maintainability and re-
usability of software components?

a. Attributes assignment to objects

b. Accumulating responsibilities in one object
c. Responsibilities assignment to objects
d. None


True/False Questions for OOAD and Visual Modeling

 1 Knowing UML means one can handle object-oriented analysis and design. False
 2 In
the Unified Process model requirements are determined iteratively and may span
more than one phase of the process. True

 3 Inheritance is occurrences of different forms, stages, or types False

 4 Mechanism to create new objects based on old objects is called

polymarphism. False

 5 Initerative development, each iteration has its own requirements analysis, design,
implementation, and testing activities True

 6 Conceptual diagrams are interpreted as describing things in a situation of real word

or domain of interest. True

 7 Model helps you plan a system before you built it. True

 8 Analysis emphasizes on the investigation of the problem and requirements rather

than solution. True

 9 Inheritance allows new objects to inherit the qualities of old objects. True

 10 UP is very flexible and open, and encourages including skillful practices True

 11 Information Hiding is not the ability to hide murky details of an object from the
outside world. False
 12 Aggregation is used when life of object is dependent of container object False

 13 UML is simply a standard visual modeling language, knowing its details teach you
how to think in objects False

 14 Inception phase define iteration plan only for first elaboration phase True

 15 Polymorphism, when a message is received by different objects acts same for

all. False

 16 Agile
practices such as Agile Modeling are key to applying the UML in an effective
way. True

 17 Unified Process (UP) is an iterative process. True

 18 Requirement collection is the process of taking the information from the model
and displaying it graphically using some sort of standard set of graphical
elements. False

 19 The
Unified Modeling Language is a visual language for specifying and
documenting the artifacts of the system True

Fill in Blanks Questions for OOAD and Visual Modeling

 1 Encapsulation and Information Hidinglimits the effect of change.

 2 Information Hiding Provides the same benefits as Encapsulation.

 3 Unified Process involves early programming and testing of a partial system, in
repeating cycles.

 4 Object Oriented Design Emphasize on defining domain objects and how they

collaborate to fulfills the requirements.

 5 Object Oriented Analysis_ Emphasize on finding and describing the objects or

concepts in the problem domain.

 6 Inheritance is the mechanism to create new objects (child objects) based on old
ones (parent object). New objects inherit the qualities of its old object

 7 Information Hiding is the ability to hide murky details of an object from the
outside world

 8 UML is a visual language for specifying and documenting the artifacts of the

 9 Software development cost is less than its maintenance cost

 10 In waterfall life-cycle
process there is an attempt to define (in detail) all or most
of the requirements before programming.

 11 The unified process has emerged as a popular iterative software development

process for building object-oriented

 12 In
Iterative, development is organized into a series of short, fixed-length (for
example, three-week) mini-projects called Iterations
 13 Thesystem grows incrementally over time, iteration by iteration, and thus this
approach is also known as iterative and incremental development

 14 OOA is about Finding objects and OOD is about Defining Objects.

 15 The process of taking the information from the model and displaying it graphically
using some sort of standard set of graphical elements is called Visual Modeling.

 16 Havingmany forms or implementation of a particular functionality

is polymorphism in object oriented programming.

 17 Analysis emphasizes on the investigation of the problem and requirements rather

than solution.

 18 Industry
known visual modeling standards for notations are Unified Modeling
Language, Booch and Object Modeling Technology

Multiple Choice Questions for Agile Method and Unified Process
 1 Inthe transition phase of UP process includes..
a. Beta Tests
b. Deployment
c. Both A & B
d. Identification of scope


 2 TheUP (unified process) project organises the work and iterations across_______
major phases
a. two
b. three
c. four
d. five


 3 Which of the following are the two key values in Agile Manifesto ?

a. Working software
b. Early proposals
c. Responding to change
d. Prototyping


 4 Risks are identified in which phase of the unified process?

a. Eloboration
b. Inception
c. Constructuion
d. Transition


 5 Agile Unified process is applicable for which of the following?

a. Object Oriented
b. Structured
c. Data Oriented
d. None


True/False Questions for Agile Method and Unified Process

 1 Inception is a requirements phase while elaboration is designing phase False

 2 Deployment and beta tests are done in transition phase of Unified Process True
 3 Tacklehigh-risk and high-value issues in early iterations is not a good practice in
UP. False

 4 Agile process does not promote sustainable development. False

 5 The
purpose of modeling and models is primarily to support understanding and
communication, not documentation True

 6 Thepurpose of modeling (sketching UML, …) is primarily to document, not to

understand. False

 7 In Elaboration phase of UP only identification of requirements and refinement of

vision is done. False

 8 Change in the requirements is not acceptable in agile method False

 9 Best approach in Agile modeling is "Do not model alone" True

 10 Primary purpose of Agile Modeling includes documenting. False

 11 Agile process restricts change of/in requirements. False

 12 In Iterative development planning is performed only first iteration False

 13 Unified Process is very flexible and open, and encourages skillful practices. True

Fill in Blanks Questions for Agile Method and Unified Process

 1 In Unified Process we rely on short quick development steps, feedback, and

adaptation to clarify the requirements and design.

 2 Agile methods promote incremental delivery

 3 Unified Process supports building a cohesive, core architecture in early iterations.

 4 Agileis commonly combined with SCRUM to provide the needed structure and

control points in the development process

 5 Agile process provide sustainable development .

 6 The division of larger problem to manageable modules is called mini projects.

 7 The fixed size mini projects are also called Prototypes.

Short Questions for Agile Method and Unified Process

 1  Mention at least eight agile principles?


1. Satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of

valuable software.
2. Welcome changing requirements, even late in development.
3. Deliver working software frequently (shorter time scale)
4. Business people and developers must work together
5. Build projects around motivated individuals.
6. Use face-to-face conversation to convey information to and within a
development team
7. Working software is the primary measure of progress.
8. Agile process promote sustainable development
9. The sponsors, developers, and users should be able to maintain a
constant pace indefinitely
10. Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design
enhances agility
11. Simplicity—the art of maximizing the amount of work not
done—is essential
12. The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge
from self-organizing teams
13. At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become
more effective, then tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly.

 2  What are the phases of Unified Process, Briefly describe each one?


UP project organizes the work and iterations across four major phases:

Inception—approximate vision, business case, scope, vague estimates.

Elaboration—refined vision, iterative implementation of the core

architecture, resolution of high risks, identification of most requirements
and scope, more realistic estimates.

Construction—iterative implementation of the remaining lower risk and

easier elements, and preparation for deployment.

Transition—beta tests, deployment.

 3  Mention at least four best practices of Agile Unified Process.


1. Tackle high-risk and high-value issues in early iterations

2. Continuously engage users for evaluation, feedback, and
3. Build a cohesive, core architecture in early iterations
4. Continuously verify quality; test early, often, and realistically
5. Apply use cases where appropriate•Do some visual modeling (with
the UML)
6. Carefully manage requirements
7. Practice change request and configuration management

 4  Writeat least four benefits of iterative and evolutionary development.


1. Less project failure, better productivity, and lower defect rates.

Shown by research into iterative and evolutionary methods
2. Early rather than late mitigation of high risks (technical,
requirements, objectives, usability, and so forth)
3. Early visible progress
4. Early feedback, user engagement, and adaptation, leading to a
refined system that more closely meets the real needs of the
5. Managed complexity, the team is not overwhelmed by “analysis
paralysis” or very long and complex steps
6. The learning within an iteration can be methodically used to
improve the development process itself, iteration by iteration

 5  What is Risk driven and Client driven approach?


Identify and drive down the highest risks. Early iterations focus on building, testing,
and stabilizing the core architecture. For example risk of technology failure etc

Build visible features that the client cares most about. Client's interest is first
 6  What are the key points in Agile Manifesto?


• Individuals and interactions

– over processes and tools

• Working software

– over comprehensive documentation

• Customer collaboration

– over contract negotiation

• Responding to change

– over following a plan

 7  How do you manage the changing requirements in Agile UP?


Accepting change in requirement is one of the principle of Agile UP. We collect the
changed requirement then plan and implement that changes in next Iteration of
development process.

Multiple Choice Questions for Design Patterns

 1 A short statement that tells what the design pattern does is
a. Intent
b. Structure
c. Motivation
d. Applicability


 2 Which of the following is not a common designing problem:

a. Loose coupling
b. Extending functionality by sub-classing
c. Dependence on object representations or implementations.
d. Dependence on specific operations


 3 Which category of designs pattern concern with the process of object creation?

a. Creational
b. Structural
c. Behaviour
d. All Of Above


 4 Life/ existence of the objects are independent of each other, But one object is
playing the role of Owner of the other object

a. Association
b. Aggregation
c. Composition
d. none of these


 5 Observer pattern define _____________ dependency between objects:

a. many to many
b. one to many
c. One to one
d. no


 6 Which of the following category of design patterns characterizes the ways in which
classes or objects interact and distribute responsibility.

a. Creational
b. Behavioral
c. Structural
d. Hierarchical


 7 If a line points from a class to another class with an unfilled diamond then its:

a. Aggregation
b. Association
c. Composition
d. Inheritance


 8 Which one is represented by the line with filled diamond.

a. inheritance
b. Association
c. Composition
d. Interface


 9 Which of the following is represented by a line between two classes?

a. Interface
b. Association
c. Aggregation
d. Composition

 10 If a class A uses Class B for example Student uses University Bus for traveling is:

a. Dependency
b. Inheritance
c. Association
d. Composition


 11 Design patterns are valuable information, If they were undocumented then what
are its effect?

a. Designer will repeat old mistakes

b. Lake of designing skills
c. Chances of Open closed principle violation
d. All of the above


 12 What makes the system and its architecture becomes more simple, maintainable,
flexible and efficient

a. Code reuse
b. OOP Language
c. Design Patterns
d. None


True/False Questions for Design Patterns

 1 Encapsulation and Information hiding both cannot limit the effect of change. False

 2 Design patterns are different from code reuse True

 3 With
tight coupling you can't change a class without understanding and changing
many other classes True

 4 Creationalpattern abstract the objects instantiation process. They help make a

system independent of how its objects are created, composed, and
represented. True

 5 Design pattern is a solution to a problem that occurs repeatedly in a variety of

contexts. True

 6 Design patterns does not follow the concept of software reuse. False

 7 Aggregation used when life of object is dependent of container object. False

 8 Good designers solve every problem from scratch. False

 9 Design patterns identify, name and abstract common themes in object oriented
design True

 10 Particular implementation refers you to create an object by specifying a class

explicitly True

 11 You can solve the problem of Algorithmic dependency by using Abstract Factory
design pattern. False

 12 Ifwe have inheritance then its hard to modify or extend the available
functions. False
 13 Inheritance makes new implementation easy since most of the functionality is
already available. True

 14 Composition helps in black-box reuse, since internal details of contained objects

are not visible. True

 15 Design patterns may be general or application dependent. True

 16 Design patterns is same to code reuse. False

Fill in Blanks Questions for Design Patterns

 1 With the help of design patterns the software system and

its architecture becomes more simple, maintainable, flexible and efficient.

 2 Gang of Four (GoF) design patterns is based on “Favor Composition

over inheritance” object oriented principle.

 3 Onemajor object oriented principle is “Program to an interface rather than


 4 The gang of four scientist rely on the OO design principles.

 5 Program to an interface rather than implementation is a basic principle for design


 6 Design pattern names and makes explicit a higher-level structure which is not
directly supported by a Programming language.
 7 Algorithms that are likely to change should be isolated.

 8 The GoF patterns rely on OO Design Principle favor composition over Inheritance

 9 Design patterns are not directly supported by the programming languages.

 10 Creational patterns category of design patterns provide a solution, as they

abstract the instantiation process

 11 Structural category of design patterns deal with the composition of classes or


 12 Classesthat are tightly coupled are hard to reuse in isolation, since they depend

on each other

 13 Design patterns capture the intent behind a design by identifying objects,

collaborations and distribution of responsibilities

 14 Composition is good but the end/resulting system tend to have more objects.

 15 A composition is used where each part may belong to only one whole at a time

 16 Aggregation used when life of object is independent of container object But still

container object owns the aggregated object.
 17 Association is used when one object wants another object to perform a service
for it and is represented by a line in class diagram.

 18 Program to an interface, not to an implementation is a OO principle for GoF


 19 One major OO principle says that favor Composition over Inheritance

 20 A recurring solution to the problem of design is also known as Design pattern

 21 Design patterns identify, name and abstract common themes in object oriented

design. They capture the intent behind a design by identifying objects, collaborations
and distribution of responsibilities.

Short Questions for Design Patterns

 1  Discuss the advantages/disadvantages of Inheritance



o New implementation is easy

o Easy to modify or extend the existing implementation


o Breaks encapsulation
o White box reuse
o Subclasses may have to be changed if the implementation of super class
o Implementation inheritance from super classes cannot be changed at run
 2  Discuss design patterns categories with at least two examples in each category?


o Creational patterns concern the process of object creation. Your program

gains more flexibility in deciding which objects need to be created for a given
case. Provide a solution, as they "abstract the instantiation process. They help
make a system independent of how its objects are created, composed, and
represented“. Examples:

 Abstract Factory
 Building
 Factory Method
 Prototype
 Singleton

o Structural patterns deal with the composition of classes or objects. This

category utilizes "inheritance to distribute behavior between classes". They
help you compose groups of objects into larger structures, to perform a
complex function. Examples:
 Adapter
 Bridge
 Composite
 Decorator
 Facade
 Flyweight
 Proxy
o Behavioral patterns characterize the ways in which classes or objects
interact and distribute responsibility. They help you define the communication
between objects in your system as well as the flow of control in a complex
program. Examples:
 Chain of Responsibility
 Command
 Interpreter
 Iterator
 Mediator
 Memento
 Observer
 State
 Strategy
 Template Method
 Visitor

 3  Briefly
describe these designing problems of object oriented systems: "Tight
coupling", "Extending functionality by subclassing" and "Inability to alter classes

o Tight coupling. Classes that are tightly coupled are hard to reuse in isolation,
since they depend on each other. Tight coupling leads to monolithic systems,
where you can't change or remove a class without understanding and
changing many other classes. Loose coupling increases the probability that a
class can be reused by itself and that a system can be learned, ported,
modified, and extended more easily.
 Design patterns: Abstract Factory, Bridge, Chain of
Responsibility, Command, Facade, Mediator, Observer.
o Extending functionality by subclassing. Subclassing has its disadvantages. We
should favor composition, but heavy use of object composition can make
designs harder to understand. Many design patterns produce designs in which
you can introduce customized functionality just by defining one subclass and
composing its instances with existing ones.
 Design patterns: Bridge, Chain of Responsibility, Composite,
Decorator, Observer, Strategy.
o Inability to alter classes conveniently. Sometimes you have to modify a class
that can't be modified conveniently. Perhaps you need the source code and
don't have it (as may be the case with a commercial class library). Or maybe
any change would require modifying lots of existing subclasses. Design
patterns offer ways to modify classes in such circumstances.
 Design patterns: Adapter, Decorator, Visitor.

 4  Describe common known designing problems and suggest respective designing



o Creating an object by specifying a class explicitly. Specifying a class name

when you create an object commits you to a particular implementation
instead of a particular interface. This commitment can complicate future
 Design patterns: Abstract Factory , Factory Method , Prototype.
o Dependence on specific operations. When you specify a particular operation,
you commit to one way of satisfying a request. By avoiding hard-coded
requests, you make it easier to change the way a request gets satisfied both
at compile-time and at run-time.
 Design patterns: Chain of Responsibility, Command
o Dependence on hardware and software platform. External operating system
interfaces and application programming interfaces (APIs) are different on
different hardware and software platforms. Software that depends on a
particular platform will be harder to port to other platforms. It may even be
difficult to keep it up to date on its native platform. It's important therefore to
design your system to limit its platform dependencies.
 Design patterns: Abstract Factory, Bridge.
o Dependence on object representations or implementations. Clients that know
how an object is represented, stored, located, or implemented might need to
be changed when the object changes. Hiding this information from clients
keeps changes from cascading.
 Design patterns: Abstract Factory, Bridge, Memento, Proxy.
o Algorithmic dependencies. Algorithms are often extended, optimized, and
replaced during development and reuse. Objects that depend on an algorithm
will have to change when the algorithm changes. Therefore algorithms that
are likely to change should be isolated.
 Design patterns: Builder, Iterator, Strategy, Template Method,

 5  How are observe pattern participants?


There are four participants:

o Subject
o Observer
o Concrete Subject
o Concrete observer

 6  Define Aggregation?


There are some following points:

o Class A contains Class B , Or Class A has instance of Class B.

o Used when life of object is independent of container object But still container
object owns the aggregated object.
o Represented by the line with diamond.
o Life /existence of the aggregated objects are independent of each other, But
one object is playing the role of Owner of the other object.

 7  Define Association?


o In association Class A uses Class B.

o Used when one object wants another object to perform a service for it.
o Represented by just the line (no diamond)
o Life / existence of the associated objects are independent of each other, They
just provide some kind of service to each other
 8  Who is good designer?


Good designers do not solve every problem from scratch.They reuse solutions.

o This is different from code reuse.

o We need a way to record experience in software design such that others can
reuse these experiences

 9  What are the benefits of design patterns?


o Enable reuse of software design

o Explicitly capture expert knowledge and design trade offs
o Help improve developer communication
o Enhance the understanding of the design/implementation
o Add flexibility and modularity to the code
o Facilitate restructuring (re-factoring) the software

 10  List some common known designing problems?


o Creating an object by specifying a class explicitly

o Dependency on a specific operation
o Creating an object by specifying a class explicitly
o Dependence on hardware and software platform
o Dependence on object representations or implementations
o Algorithmic dependencies
o Tight coupling
o Extending functionality by subclassing
o Inability to alter classes conveniently

 11  Briefly describe Open/Closed principle?

This principles enforces developers to develop software in such a way that the code
remains open for extension But closed for modification. If we allow adding new
modules and classes this will add scalability to our product, But if we allow
modification in existing code then we may broke the existing functionality.

 12  How a dependency on a specific operation is a designing problem?


When you specify a particular operation, you commit to one way of satisfying a
request. By avoiding hard-coded requests, you make it easier to change the way a
request gets satisfied both at compile-time and at run-time.

 13  Creating
an object by specifying a class explicitly is a designing problem. Justify
your answer with Yes Or No?


Yes, Its a designing problem. Specifying a class name when you create an object
commits you to a particular implementation instead of a particular interface. This
commitment can complicate future changes in the class.

 14  TheGoF's (Gange of Four scientist) design patterns rely on which OO Design


They rely on two major OO design principles which are below:

o Favor Composition over Inheritance

o Program to an interface, not to an implementation.

 15  What are design patterns?


o A design pattern systematically names, explains and evaluates an important

and recurring design problem and its solution.
o They names and makes explicit a higher-level structure which is not directly
supported by a programming language
o Its a way to reuse solutions for common known problems instead of solving
them from scratch.
o They are not like code reuse and record experiences in software design.

Multiple Choice Questions for Inception Phase and Requirements in UP
 1 Which artifact has customized unified process steps and artifacts for the project?
a. Use Case Model
b. Vision and Business Case
c. Development Case
d. Feasibility Report
e. None

 2 Which of the following attribute focus on frequency of failures, recoverability and

predictability of the system

a. Usability
b. Reliability
c. Performance
d. Supportability


 3 Which artifact have customized unified process steps and artifacts for the project.

a. Use Case Model

b. Vision and Business Case
c. Development Case
d. None


 4 Which artifact of inception phase covers high level goals and constraints, business
cases, and executive summary?

a. Glossary
b. Use Case Model
c. Vision and Business Case
d. Iteration Plan


 5 Buy or build decision for the components of the system are made in which phase of

a. Inception
b. Elaboration
c. Construction
d. Transition

 6 Inception phase should have detailed use cases _____ %.

a. 10
b. 20
c. 50
d. 100


 7 Business case is usually considered a:

a. functional requirment
b. major module
c. rough estimate
d. non functional requirment


 8 In which phase of the unified process we prepare for deployment.

a. Elaboration
b. Inception
c. Transition
d. Construction


 9 Which of the following is a misconception in inception phase?

a. Risk List and Risk Management Plan

b. Use Case Model
c. Iteration Plan
d. Defining the architecture


 10 The ideal duration for iteration is _______ weeks according to unified process.
a. 1-6
b. 2-6
c. 3-8
d. 4-10

True/False Questions for Inception Phase and Requirements in UP

 1 Move quickly to construction phase when you find that the project is feasible, worth
serious investigation in elaboration phase and you finalize that the project will be
definitely done. False

 2 Requirements
are the capabilities and conditions to which the software under
development may or may not fulfills. False

 3 Inceptionis a discipline in unified process in which Requirements are

gathered False

 4 Key domain terminologies and data dictionary include in glossary. True

 5 Adaptability,maintainability, internationalization and configurability requirements

are categories of Supportability. True

 6 Adaptability,maintainability, internationalization and configurability requirements

are categorized in Reliability category of FURPS+ False

 7 UnifiedProcess starts producing quality production code in the beginning of

construction phase. False

 8 All
use cases are not written in details for the first iteration during inception
phase. True
 9 Inception phase has no business case or vision artifact. False

 10 Most of the requirements are defined in inception phase. False

 11 Glossary is a functional requirement. False

 12 Use case model (Analysis) mostly depend on functional requirement True

 13 The major success factor of the Unified Process is that it embraces change in
requirements True

 14 InInception, we believe that the proper sequence of work is requirements then

design the architecture and then implementation. False

Fill in Blanks Questions for Inception Phase and Requirements in UP

 1 Requirements are the capabilities and conditions to which the system must


 2 InTypes and Categorization Requirements FURPS F are Functional and URPS

are Non-Functional .

 3 Analysis of non-functional requirements is carried out in Inception phase.

 4 Requirements of response time, throughput, accuracy, availability and resource

usage covered in Performance category of FURPS+.
 5 The usability typeof requirements focus on human factors, help manuals and
documentation of the system.

 6 According to a survey by Thomas, 25% requirements change during project life

cycle before deployment.

 7 According to RUP requirements management is a systematic approach to

finding, documenting, organizing and tracking the changing requirements of a

 8 Requirements are the capabilities and conditions to which the system must


 9 Inception phase of UP, establish common vision and basic scope of the project.

 10 According to a survey by Thomas, 82 % projects failure reasons were by the use

for waterfall SDLC model

 11 Inception phase should include planning for iteration-1 only

 12 The inception phase document Glossary contains key domain terminologies and

data dictionary.

Short Questions for Inception Phase and Requirements in UP

 1  What are the phases of Unified Process, Briefly describe each one?


UP project organizes the work and iterations across four major phases:

1. Inception: Approximate vision, business case, scope, vague estimates.

2. Elaboration: Refined vision, iterative implementation of the core
architecture, resolution of high risks, identification of most requirements and
scope, more realistic estimates.
3. Construction: Iterative implementation of the remaining lower risk and
easier elements, and preparation for deployment.
4. Transition: Beta tests, deployment.

 2  What is FURPS+?


1. Functional: Features, Capabilities, security

2. Usability: human factors, help, documentation
3. Reliability: Frequency of failures, recoverability, predictability
4. Performance: Response time, throughput, accuracy, availability, resource
5. Supportability: Adaptability, maintainability, internationalization,
6. The “+” indicate sub-factors such as:
 Implementation: Resource limitation, language and tools, hardware
 Interface: constraints imposed by external systems
 Operations: system management and its operational settings
 Packaging: Physical box, CD Setup etc
 Legal: Licensing and so forth

 3  What is an itration?


An iteration is a set period of time within a project in which you produce a stable, executable version of the product,
together with any other supporting documentation.Each iteration builds upon the results of previous iteration, and will
produce a product increment one step closer to the final product. Iterations are timeboxed, meaning the schedule for an
iteration should be regarded as fixed, and the scope of the iteration's content actively managed to meet that schedule.

 4

Define Inception - Duration?


There are some important points

1. Should be very brief

2. Not more than a week
3. Should include planning for iteration-1 only
4. Move quickly to elaboration iff

1. It is feasible.
2. Worth serious investigation in elaboration phase.
3. Finalized that the project will be definitely done.

 5  What model Unified process suggest to categorize software requirements?


Unified Process uses FURPS+ model

1. Functional: Features, Capabilities, security

2. Usability: human factors, help, documentation
3. Reliability: Frequency of failures, recoverability, predictability
4. Performance: Response time, throughput, accuracy, availability, resource
5. Supportability: Adaptability, maintainability, internationalization,
6. The “+” indicate sub-factors such as:
 Implementation: Resource limitation, language and tools, hardware
 Interface: constraints imposed by external systems
 Operations: system management and its operational settings
 Packaging: Physical box, CD Setup etc
 Legal: Licensing and so forth

 6  List some requirements elicitation techniques that UP suggest.


1. Writing use cases with customers

2. Requirements workshop
3. Focus group with proxy customer
4. Demo of each iteration for feedback
5. UP Embrace any good techniques e.g. XP “story card”

 7  Define Requirements?

Requirements are capabilities and conditions to which the system must confirm.

According to Rational Unified Process, Requirements Management is a systematic

approach to finding, documenting, organizing and tracking the changing
requirements of a system.

 8  What ensures that you don't understand inception phase?


If any of the following is true then inception phase is not understood:

1. Its duration is more than “a few” week long

2. Define most of the requirements.
3. Estimates or plans are expected to be reliable.
4. Defining the software architecture.
5. Believe that the proper sequence of work is requirements then design the
architecture and then implementation.
6. No business case or vision artifact.
7. Use cases were written in detail.
8. None of the use cases were written in detail,10-20% should be written in

 9  Whatshould be the duration of inception phase? When should we move to

elaboration phase.


Inception phase should be very brief. Its duration should not be more than one
week. Move quickly to elaboration iff:

1. It is feasible
2. Worth serious investigation in elaboration phase
3. Finalized that the project will be definitely done

 10  What is inception phase?


Its the first phase of Unified Process in which common vision and basic scope of the
project is established. It mainly includes:
1. 10% Use cases
2. Analysis of non-functional requirements
3. Creation of business cases
4. Development environment preparation
5. Feasibility is determined.
6. Buy or Build decision are made.
7. Rough cost range is estimated and
8. A final decision to proceed or stop is made.

 11  List some artifacts of Inception phase.


1. Vision and Business Case

 High level goals and constraints, business cases, and executive
2. Use Case Model
 Describe Functional Requirements
 10% will be analyzed in details
3. Glossary
 Key domain terminologies and data dictionary
4. Risk List and Risk Management Plan
 Related to Business, Technical, Resource, Schedule
5. Prototype and Proof of Concepts
6. Iteration Plan
 Only for first elaboration phase
7. Phase Plan and Software Development Plan
 With low precision in duration and efforts estimation
8. Development Case
 Customized UP steps and artifacts for this project

Multiple Choice Questions for Use Cases

 1 Which style writing use cases keep the user interface out and focus on actor intent
a. Concrete
b. Essential
c. Terseuse
d. None

 2 Inwhich section of the fully dressed use case, we should add all conditional and
branching statements?

a. Main success scenario

b. Levle
c. Supplementary Specificaiton
d. Extensions


 3 Which format of use case is terse one-paragraph summary that focus on usually
the main success scenario.

a. Brief
b. Casual
c. Fully Dressed
d. None


 4 _____ actor provides a service to the system under development.

a. Primary
b. Supporting
c. Offstage
d. Organizational


 5 Use-case modeling is primarily an act of:

a. Writing text
b. Drawing diagrams
c. Preparing bluprints
d. None

 6 Which of the following is NOT correct for a use case?

a. It is shown by UML diagram

b. Set of stories for one goal
c. Collection of Scenarios
d. Yield observable result


 7 Accordingto a survey conducted in 1982 ___________ model caused a failure of

82% project due to ceased requirements.

a. RAD
b. V-Shape
c. Waterfall


 8 Something with behavior is known as

a. System event
b. Scenario of system
c. Actor


 9 To ensure a use case is valid, which of the following test(s) are used?

a. Boss
b. Elementary Business Process
c. Size
d. All of above


 10 ___ bounds the system under design.

a. level
b. scope
c. actor
d. none


 11 Which of the following summarize the customization of unified process for the

a. Development Case
b. Iteration Plan
c. Prototype and Proof of Concepts
d. None


 12 Which style of the use case focus on user’s intentions and is free of technology

a. Concrete Style
b. Essential Style
c. Casual Style
d. None


 13 Something with behavior e.g. Person, Computer System, cashier etc is:

a. Scenario
b. Hardware Objects
c. Use Case
d. Actor


 14 Ause case that includes other use case(s), or that is extended or specialized by
another use case is called a:

a. Base use case

b. Addition use case
c. Abstract use case
d. Concrete use case


 15 All steps and variations are written in detail in _____ format of the use case.

a. Brief
b. Casual
c. Fully Dressed
d. Any


 16 The_____ section of fully dressed use cases focus on "Who cares about this use
case and what do they want?"

a. Scope
b. Stakeholders and Interests
c. Exceptions
d. Level


 17 Which actor clarify the external interfaces and protocols.

a. Offstage Actor
b. Supporting Actor
c. Primary Actor
d. All Of Above
e. None of Above

True/False Questions for Use Cases

 1 Concrete style of use cases focus on the user interface and do not focus on actor
intent. True

 2 Use cases do not emphasize on the user goals and perspective. False

 3 The Use-Case Diagram is the only requirement artifact in the Unified Process. False

 4 The Unified Process defines the Use-Case Model within the Requirements
discipline. True

 5 UML use case diagram shows collection of related success and failure scenarios that
describe an actor using a system to support a single goal. False

 6 Thecasual format of use case has informal paragraphs with focus of each
paragraph on specific scenario. True

 7 Thebrief level use case format has informal paragraphs with focus of each
paragraph on specific scenario. False

 8 Casualformat of use cases has informal paragraph format where multiple

paragraphs cover various scenarios True

 9 Briefformat of use cases has informal paragraph format where multiple paragraphs
cover various scenarios False

 10 An abstract use case is never instantiated by itself; it is a sub function use case
that is part of another use case. True

 11 A concrete use case is initiated by an actor and performs the entire behavior
desired by the actor. True

 12 Primary actor calls the system services to fulfill a goal. True

 13 Sub function level describe the sub steps required to support a user goal. True

 14 Specialrequirements record non functional requirements, quality attribute, or

constraints in this section True

 15 Fullydressed Use cases covers one paragraph summary and cover mainly success
scenario False

Fill in Blanks Questions for Use Cases

 1 An actor is
something with behavior, such as a person (identified by role),
computer system, or organization

 2 use case is a set of related success and failure scenarios that describe an actor
using a system to support a goal.

 3 A scenario is a specific sequence of actions and interactions between actors and

the system.

 4 Use case is a textual story for a specific goal of the primary actor that he want to
fulfill from the system.

 5 A scenario is a sequence of actions and interaction between user and the system

 6 Offstage actor has interest in the behavior of the use case e.g. Government Tax

 7 RUP Stands for Relational Unified Process

 8 Successful Guranteen focus on what must be true after the use case ends.

 9 Stake holder and interest list suggest and bound what the system do.

 10 If
use case also describe how it is used by its customers and partners the with
broader scope they are called Business use cases .

 11 Scope bounds the system under design.

 12 Sub functionlevel describe the sub steps required to support a user goal.

 13 Primary Actorcalls on the system to deliver its services

 14 Actors are roles played by person, organization, software, and machines.

 15 InOOA an actor is something with behavior e.g. Person, Computer System,

cashier etc.

 16 Ause case is a collection of related success and failure scenarios that describe an

actor using a system to support a goal

 17 Inobject oriented analysis use cases are used to discover and record

 18 Actor which provide support/functionality to software is
called supporting/secondary actor

Short Questions for Use Cases

 1  Write steps for use case model?


There are some important points:

o UC Diagram
o US Cases (Brief,Casual.Fully dresssed)
o SSD ( System Sequence Diagram )
o Contract

 2  Write use case guide lines?


There are some important guidelines

o New and Improved

o Essential style
o Concrete style
o Write terse use case
o write black-box use case
o Take an actor and actor good perspective
o How to find use case

 3  How to append to the use case without modifying its original text?


The extend relationship provides an answer. The idea is to create an extending or

addition use case, and within it, describe where and under what condition it extends
the behavior of some base use case.

 4  Where we Factor out sub function use cases and use the include relationship?

Factor out sub function use cases and use the include relationship when:

o They are duplicated in other use cases.

o A use case is very complex and long, and separating it into sub units aids

 5  What are main points for precondition and success guarantees in use case?


o Avoid useless noise to the requirements.

o Only focus on what must always be true before the use case starts.
o Successful Guarantees focus on what must be true after the use case end.

 6  Write steps for use case selection detail?


There are nine main Steps:

o Scope
o Level
o Primary Actor
o Stakeholder and interest list
o Precondition and success guarantees (Post condition)
o Main Success Scenarios and Steps ( Basis flow )
o Extension or Alternative flow
o Special Requirements
o Technology and data variations

 7  Briefly explain formats of use cases?


o Brief: One-paragraph summary, usually of the main success scenario.

o Casual: Consist of more that one paragraph and each paragraph covers one
scenario of the use case.
o Fully dressed: This covers detailed requirements of the use case in different
section, each section focus on different aspect of the use case such as
preconditions and success guarantees.
 8  Whyshould we follow use cases for capturing requirements? Discuss some


o Keep the user of the system involved in finalizing its requirements. Use cases
are based on the user interaction with system and facilitate it very well.
o Use cases are simple. Its story communicate the requirements with less
confusion and easy understanding among the stakeholders and development
o Emphasize on the user goals and perspective by asking them about the
system users, scenarios and goals.
o Provides layers of sophistication e.g. novice use case, use case diagram, use
cases relationships and use case packages etc.

 9  What are Use Cases?


Use Case:

o Text stories to discover and record requirements

o Use case name should start with a verb
o Use cases are not diagrams, they are text
o A use case is a collection of related success and failure scenarios that describe
an actor using a system to support a goal
o A Set of use case instances, where each instance is a sequence of actions a
system performs that yields an observable result of value to a particular actor

 10  Define actor and what are its types?


Actor: Something with behavior e.g. Person, Computer System, cashier etc.

Actors are divided into the following categories:

Primary Actor

o Has user goals fulfilled through using services of the SuD e.g. Cashier
o This type of actor drives a use case

Supporting Actor

o Provides a service to the System under Development e.g. Automated

payment authorization service
o These actors clarify the external interfaces and protocols

Offstage Actor

o This actor has interest in the behavior of the use case e.g. Government Tax
o These are identified to ensure that all necessary interests are identified and

 11  Mention tests for checking use cases?


There are type of tests for use case:

o Boss test : For example Login all the day and boss is not happy fails it
o Elementary Business Process Test: Focus on use cases that reflect
Elementary Business Process
o Size Test: Is a use case a single step?


Multiple Choice Questions for Non Functional Requirements in UP

 1 Other requirements during inception can be stored on ______ of a company.

a. Glossary
b. Wiki Web site
c. User Manual
d. Sticky note


 2 It is better to analyze for _____ and ____ during inception.

a. performance
b. reliability
c. Both a and b
d. None


 3 Which one of the following is an elaboration phase artifact

a. Suplimentary specification
b. Glossary
c. Vision
d. Software architecture document


 4 Which one is not artifact of OTHER Requirements

a. Glossary
b. Vision Statement
c. Supplementry
d. System Sequence Diagram


 5 Supplementary specification doesn't include

a. uence Diagram
b. Use Case Diagram
c. Data flow Diagram
d. All of above


 6 _____ Risks are identified and mitigated in elaboration phase.

a. Major
b. Minor
c. All risks
d. None of these
True/False Questions for Non Functional Requirements in UP

 1 purchasediscount rules can be mentioned in legal issues as other

requirements. False

 2 Use case specific requirements could be written under Special Requirements

section True

 3 Licensing information is not a part of Supplementary Specifications. False

 4 Other requirement are essential but not mandatory. True

Fill in Blanks Questions for Non Functional Requirements in UP

 1 Requirements of response time, throughput, accuracy, availability and resource

usage covered in Performance category of FURPS+.

 2 Choosing Bar code laser scanner for the user interaction may be categorize under
the section Hardware Interace of supplementary specifications.

 3 Adabtibility promotes that Plug-gable business rules should be allowed.

 4 Non- Functional Requirement__ are good but not mandatory for OOA/D .

 5 Better to analyze for Performance____ and Reliablity____ during inception .

Short Questions for Non Functional Requirements in UP

 1  List the options includes under the section support-ability.

o Adaptability
o Configurability
o Implementation Constraints
o Purchased Components.

 2  List elements of supplementary specifications?


o Reports
o Hardware and Software Constraints
o Development constraints
o Design and implementation constraints
o Internationalization Concerns
o Documentation, User manual, installation instruction etc.
o Licensing information
o Packaging
o Standards (coding standards, safety, quality etc)
o Physical Environment concerns
o Operational concerns (Error handling, backup activities)
o Application specific domain rules

 3  List the artifacts of other Requirements?


o Supplementary Specifications
o Glossary
o Business rules
o Vision


Multiple Choice Questions for Elaboration Phase of Unified Process

 1 Which of the following is a visualization of the domain concepts.
a. Domain Model
b. Design Model
c. Software Architecture Document
d. Data Model

 2 Planning and project management organize requirements and iterations by

a. risk
b. coverage
c. ooa
d. a &b


 3 _______ Implies that all major parts of the system are at least touched once in
early iterations.

a. Criticality
b. Risk
c. Coverage
d. all of above


 4 Key understanding in iterative lifecycle methods are

a. UP
b. XP
c. Scrum
d. All Of Above


 5 In elaboration, the core, risky software architecture is ____ and tested.

a. designed
b. programmed
c. defined
d. refined

 6 In _____ phase the majority of requirements are discovered and stabilized.

a. Inception
b. Elaboration
c. Construction
d. Transition


 7 Not an elaboration phase practice

a. Short Time Boxing

b. Estimated Testing
c. Early Programming
d. Implement Risky Part


 8 Inaddition to the refinement of inception phase artifacts we add the following

during elaboration phase:

a. Software Architecture Document

b. Design Mode
c. Domain Model
d. a&b
e. a&c
f. a, b & c


 9 In Elaboration Phase each iteration time period is

a. 1-2
b. 2-5
c. 2-6
d. only one week


 10 Supplementary Specifications include

a. Reliability
b. Performance
c. Usability
d. All of them

True/False Questions for Elaboration Phase of Unified Process

 1 TheData Model includes the database schemas, and the mapping strategies
between object and non-object representations. True

 2 Elaboration phase includes long time-boxed and client-driven iterations. False

 3 Remember that do not lead yourself to waterfall thinking (elaboration is

design) True

 4 Misconception of Elaboration phase may lead to agile method. False

 5 Architecture is theoretically finalized before programming False

 6 Elaboration Phase has only one iteration. False

Fill in Blanks Questions for Elaboration Phase of Unified Process

 1 Design Model is the set of diagrams that describes the logical design. This
includes software class diagrams, object interaction diagrams, package diagrams,
and so forth

 2 Data model map strategies between object__ and non-object___


 3 Software Architecture document focuses on Key Architecture __.

 4 One of the key understanding in iterative lifecycle methods is SCRUM/XP/UP

 5 Design Model is a set of diagram that describe the logical design.

 6 Elaboration phase may lead to Waterfall thinking__.

 7 iteration 1is a subset of the complete requirements or use cases

 8 Itis not important to refine Other Requirements during inception, however they

are useful.

Short Questions for Elaboration Phase of Unified Process

 1  How Unified Process organizes the requirements?


Organize requirements and iterations by risk, coverage, and criticality. Risk includes
both technical complexity and other factors, such as uncertainty of effort or usability.
Coverage implies that all major parts of the system are at least touched on in early
iterationsperhaps a "wide and shallow" implementation across many components.
Criticality refers to functions the client considers of high business value

 2

Define Planning and Ranking factors for Iterations?


Planning and project management organize requirements and iterations by risk,

coverage and criticality.

1. Risk Include both technical complexity and other factors, such as ambiguities
about efforts and usability.
2. Coverage Implies that all major parts of the system are at least touched on in
early iterations.
3. Criticality Functions the client considers of high business value.
4. These criteria are used to rank work across iterations. Logging mechanism
5. Ranking is done before iteration-1
6. Ranking order could be changed at every new iteration
7. Ranking could be High, Medium and Low

 3  Make a domain model diagram of your own choice.


As per user.

 4  What are Elaboration phase practices?


1. Do Short timeboxed risk-driven iterations

2. Start programming early
3. Adaptively design, implement and test the core and risky parts of the
4. Test early, often realistically
5. Adapt based on feedback from tests, users, developers
6. Write most of the use cases and other requirements in detail through a series
of workshop, once per elaboration iteration

Chapter.9 Domain Model

Multiple Choice Questions for Domain Model

 1 Whichof the following is not a domain model guideline?
a. Think like a mapmaker.
b. Maintain domain model in a tool.
c. Linguistic analysis

d. Model with description classes.


 2 Optional information of role among the concepts in domain model has:

a. Multiplicity expression
b. Name
c. Navigability

d. All of these


 3 Which of the following is represented by a line in domain model?

a. Interface

b. Association

c. Aggregation
d. Composition


 4 UML format for attributes in domain model is:

a. Visibility name : type multiplicity = default [property string]

b. type :Visibility name multiplicity = default [property string]

c. Visibility name : type [property string] = default multiplicity [property string]
d. None


 5 Exploringassociation using categorization approach, what is the best example for

the category "A is an organizational subunit of B"
a. Item – Sale
b. Sale – Register
c. Customer - Payment
d. Department - Store


 6 In domain model, If A is a line item of transaction B (e.g. Sales line item – Sale).
Its a categorization approach to find which one of the following:

a. Attributes

b. Associations

c. Concepts
d. Category


 7 Whichartifact in the following lower the gap between software representation and
our mental model of the domain

a. Package diagram
b. Domain Model
c. System sequence diagram
d. Operation contract


 8 In domain model draw diagrams as a _____ but without _____

a. ER Diagram, Methods

b. UML Class diagram, operations

c. SSD, package.
d. rough sketch, relation

 9 The total number of conceptual classes in a domain model are many
possible association can be drawn among these conceptual classes?

a. 1225

b. 1125
c. 1256
d. Infinite


 10 "Think like a mapmaker" is

a. Misconception of domain model

b. Guideline for domain model

c. Artifact for domain model

d. Attribute of domain model


 11 The item that we pick for the processing is known as

a. Sale item

b. Line item

c. Product item
d. All of the above


 12 Which one of the following is the easiest approch of finding conceptual classes

a. Modify existing classes

b. Use a category list

c. Identify noun phrases
d. None of the above

 13 When we draw domain model,we focus on the requirements of

a. Current itration
b. First tow itrations
c. Over all system
d. All of the above


 14 Domain model represent

a. Concepts
b. Attributes
c. Association

d. All


 15 Domain Model also called

a. Domain Diagram
b. Object Model
c. Business Model

d. Conceptual Model


 16 Domain model doesn't work

a. Practically

b. Theoratically

c. Both
d. None

True/False Questions for Domain Model

 1 UML enforce VerbPhrase-ClassName-VerbPhrase format for presenting association

in the domain model. False

 2 Description class contains information that describe something else. i.e. Product
Description [price, picture, textual description of item] True

 3 Conceptual classes are usually started with verbs. False

 4 According to UML notation Domain Model is represented as ER Diagram. False

 5 Textual form is much better then domain model. False

 6 Domain model is also call Conceptual Model True

Fill in Blanks Questions for Domain Model

 1 Domain Model lower the gap between software representation and our mental
model of the system

 2 Description class contains information that describe something else. i.e. Product

Description [price, picture, textual description of item]

 3 To avoid visual noise using n(n-1)/2 association where n is number of conceptual

 4 In domain model association is a semantic relationship between two or more
classifiers that involve connections among their instances

 5 Each concept in Domain Model doesn't have Methods/Responsiblites__


 6 Domain Models alternative Textual form___.

 7 According
to UML notation Domain Model is represented with the help of Class
Diagram___ in starUML CASE tool.

 8 Domain model is very important model in OO Analysis

Short Questions for Domain Model

 1  Mentionat least five categories to find conceptual classes in domain model using
the categorization technique.


1. Business Transactions e.g. Sale, Payment, Reservation

2. Transaction line items e.g. Sales Line Item
3. Product or service related to a transaction or transaction line item
4. Where is the transaction recorded e.g. Register, Ledger
5. Roles of people or organization e.g. Cashier, Customer, Store
6. Place of transaction e.g. Store
7. Noteworthy events with time and place e.g. Sale, Payment
8. Physical objects e.g. Item, Register

 2  Writethe names with example of at least seven categories through which we can
find concepts in domain model.


TODO: Coming soon

 3  Write the guidelines for domain model?


1. Keeping the bottom and right sides of the class boxes open to easily grow the
class on attributes
2. Maintain domain model in a tool
3. Report objects
 Receipt
 Help in return process
4. Think like a mapmaker
 Use existing names in the territory
 Exclude out of scope features
 Do not add things that are not there
5. For unreal work listen carefully to the core vocabulary and concepts that are
used by the domain experts
 Telecommunications
 Avoid making attribute while it should be a conceptual class
6. If X is not a number or text in the real world then X could be conceptual class
not an attribute
7. Model with description classes
 Description class contains information that describe something else.
i.e. Product Description [price, picture, textual description of item]

 4   Briefly define elaboration phase.


Build the core architecture, resolve the high risk elements, define most
requirements and estimate the overall schedule and resources.

 5  What is a domain model?


Domain model is also called conceptual model. It is a visual representation of

domain Concepts in a Domain , Attributes of concepts and the association of
concepts. It doesn't include the responsibilities of concepts.
Chapter. 10 SSD

Multiple Choice Questions for System Sequence Diagram (SSD)

 1 Inthe process sale use case, when cashier scan the items which is the best
possible name for this event?
a. scan(ItemId)

b. enterItem(itemId)

c. recordItem(ItemId)
d. None


 2 A description of what a system does, without explaining how it does it is:

a. System Design
b. System State

c. System Behavior

d. None


 3 Which of the following is not a System Sequence diagrams objective?

a. System events identification

b. Illustrate input and output events

c. Create SSDs for Use Cases

d. Create SSDs for Use Case scenarios


 4 Which diagram emphasis the events that cross the system boundary from actors to
a. Domain Model
b. Use Case Diagram
c. Operation Contract

d. System Sequence Diagram

True/False Questions for System Sequence Diagram (SSD)

 1 In unified process most of the SSDs are created during elaboration phase. True

 2 In unified process, SSDs are NOT usually motivated in inception phase. True

 3 SSDsare useful to understand the interface and collaborations of existing

systems. True

 4 Don'tcreate SSDs for all scenarios, unless you are using an estimation
technique. True

 5 Synchronousmessage is shown with a filled arrow from actor to the system in

system sequence diagram. True

 6 Asynchronousmessage is shown with a filled arrow from actor to the system in

system sequence diagram. False

 7 SSDs are derived from use cases and show multiple scenarios of a use case in one
diagram False

 8 One objective of SSD is to illustrate input and output events related to the
systems True

Fill in Blanks Questions for System Sequence Diagram (SSD)

 1 Filled
arrow to the System for a system event shows that it is synchronous in
system sequence diagram.

 2 SSDs diagram will be clearer if the name of a system event starts with a verb.

 3 Tocapture each scenario in a single diagram we should draw its System

sequence diagram.

 4 Software
system reacts to external events from actor, timer events and faults or

 5 SSDs are derived from use cases section of fully dressed use cases.

 6 System Sequence DiagramHelps in identifying the messages that go into one

software object.

 7 The UML includes sequence diagrams as a notation that can illustrate actor

interactions and the operations initiated by them

Short Questions for System Sequence Diagram (SSD)

 1  What is a system sequence diagram?


SSD is a picture that shows, for one particular scenario of a use case, the events that
external actors generate, their order, and inter-system events.

The emphasis of the diagram is events that cross the system boundary from actors
to systems.
 2  What are the objectives of the system sequence diagram?


o Identify system events.

o Illustrates input and output events related to the systems
o Create system sequence diagrams for use case scenarios.


Multiple Choice Questions for Operation Contracts

 1 Whichsection of operation contract link it to its use case?
a. Operation

b. Cross Reference

c. Preconditions
d. Postconditions


 2 Which section of operation contracts records the state changes in objects after
completion of the system operation.

a. Operation
b. Cross Reference
c. Preconditions

d. Postconditions


 3 Which of the following is NOT an object of operation contacts??

a. Define system operations

b. Create contracts for system operations
c. Writing contracts for system events
d. Writing contracts for SSDs


 4 Which change is not captured by the operation contract?

a. Instance creation
b. association formed/broken
c. Attributes changes

d. Operation logic/behavior


 5 If a new object X was created in a post condition then it will belong to which of the
following category?

a. Object created or destroyed

b. Association formed or broken
c. Attributes state change
d. None


 6 PostConditions of operation in operation contract fall into which of the following


a. Instance creation and deletion

b. Attribute change of value
c. Associations formed and broken
d. All of the above


 7 Which of the following are the events or I/O messages relative to the system,
identified during sketching SSDs.

a. System interfaces
b. System events
c. Operation contract
d. All of the above


 8 Which section of operation contract describes the parameters details which are
utilized in the operation.

a. Contract ID
b. Operation
c. Pre Condition
d. Post Condition


 9 Which section of the operation contract describes the state of objects after
completion of the operation.

a. Operation
b. Pre-Condition
c. Post Condition
d. Cross References


 10 Which of the following serves as input to the object design?

a. Class diagram
b. State diagram

c. Operation contracts

d. Interaction diagrams


 11 Which of the following are the prime inputs to the operation contracts?

a. Use Cases
b. Use Case Scenarios
c. System Operations

d. System Sequence Diagrams

True/False Questions for Operation Contracts

 1 Pre-conditions is the most critical part in operation contract. False

 2 Usingattributes, Javadoc tags, or pre-compilers pre-conditions and post conditions

can be provided in Java and C#. True

 3 InInception phase of UP, Contracts are not motivated since they are too
detailed. True

 4 If
developers easily understand what to do without operation contracts, then
operation contracts can be skipped True

 5 Operation contracts are useful in situations where the details and complexity of
required state changes are awkward or too detailed to capture in use cases. True

 6 Initerative and evolutionary methods, all analysis and design artifacts are
considered partial and imperfect, and evolve in response to new discoveries. True

 7 UML operation specification can not show an algorithm or solution, but only the
state changes or effects of the operation True

 8 Write operation contracts in a declarative, present tense form. False

 9 Write operation contracts in a declarative, passive past tense form. True

 10 One common mistake in operation contract is "Forgetting to include the forming of
associations when new instances are created". True

 11 If
object X establish a relationship with another object Y in a post condition of the
operation contract then it will belong to "Association formed or broken"
category. True

 12 If
object X establish a relationship with another object Y in a post condition of the
operation contract then it will belong to "Attribute change State" category. False

 13 Post
conditions are observations about the domain model objects that are true
when the operation has finished after the smoke has cleared. True

 14 Postconditions are NOT actions to be performed during the operation of an

operation contract True

 15 Thepost condition section of operation contract state changes include instances

created, associations formed or broken, and attributes changed. True

 16 A single operation contract CANNOT have more than one operation contract. True

 17 Asingle system operation of SSD can have more than one operation
contracts. False

 18 Operation contracts are defined against the system operations which were
identified in system sequence diagrams. True
 19 Noteworthy assumptions about the state of the system or objects is recorded in
pre-condition section of operation contract. True

 20 Noteworthy assumptions about the state of the system or objects is recorded in

post condition section of operation contract. False

 21 InOperation Contract artifact the "Cross References" section describes the name
and parameters of the system operation. False

Fill in Blanks Questions for Operation Contracts

 1 Objectives of the operation contract are defining system operations and creating

contracts for system operations.

 2 Mostoperation contracts are written during elaboration phase of the unified


 3 The UP encourages avoiding creating an artifact unless it addresses a risk or

solves a real problem.

 4 Operation Contracts serves as input to the object design.

 5 Initerative and evolutionary methods, all analysis and design artifacts are
considered partial and imperfect, and evolve in response to new discoveries.

 6 OCL defines an official format for specifying pre- and postconditions for operations
 7 Object Constraint Language (OCL) can be used to express constraints of UML

 8 UML method is the implementation of an operation. It specifies the algorithm or

procedure associated with an operation.

 9 UML operation is a specification of a transformation or query that an object may

be called to execute.

 10 Write operation contracts in a declarative, passive past tense form.

 11 The entire set of system operations, across all use cases, defines the
public system interface, viewing the system as a single component or class.

 12 Theimportant assumptions which should be told to the reader are mentioned

under pre-condition section of operation contract.

 13 The most important section of operation contract is Post Conditions.

 14 The brief name of the system operation is describe by the Contract ID section of

operation contract.

Short Questions for Operation Contracts

 1  How to Create and Write Contracts?


Create Contract

o Identify system operations from the SSDs.

o For system operations that are complex, or which are not clear in the use
case, construct a contract.
o To describe the post-conditions, use its categorization

Writing Contracts

o As mentioned, write in a declarative, passive past tense form (was …)

o Remember to establish an association between existing objects or those
newly created.
 The SalesLineItem was associated with the Sale (association formed).

 2  Describe some guideline for writing a post condition in operation contract?


o Express them in the past tense to emphasize on observations about state

changes e.g. "A Sales LineItem was created" Rather than "Create
o It is not important to write all post-conditions for all system operations.
o Write contracts for the most complex and subtle system operations
o Treat their creation as an initial best guess
o When new conceptual classes, attributes, or associations are discovered then
update the domain model accordingly.
o Enhance it as you make new discoveries while thinking through operation
o Avoid common mistakes:
 Forgetting to include the forming of associations when new instances
are created,
 it is very likely that associations to several objects need be established

 3  Whatare the categories in which the post conditions of operation contract are


The post condition of an operation will belongs to one of the following category:

o Instance creation and deletion.

o Attribute change of value.
o Associations (to be precise, UML links) formed and broken.
 4  Write the operation contract for the  enterItem  system operation of  Process
Sale  use case of NextGen POST System.


o Contract ID: enterItem
o Operation: enterItem(itemID: ItemID, quantity: integer)
o Cross References: Use Cases: Process Sale
o Pre-Condition: There is a sale underway.
o Post Conditions:
 A SalesLineItem (SLI) instance was created (instance creation).
 SLI was associated with the current Sale (association formed).
 SLI quantity became quantity (attribute modification).
 SLI was associated with a ProductDescription, based on itemID match
(association formed).

 5  What are the sections of operation contract? Describe each briefly.


Following are the main sections:

o Contract ID: A Brief Name of the contract

o Operation: Name of operation, and parameters
o Cross References:Name of use cases in which this operation can occur
o Pre-conditions: Noteworthy assumptions about the state of the system or
objects in the Domain Model before execution of the operation. These are
non-trivial assumptions the reader should be told.
o Post-conditions:This is the most important section. This section describes
the state changes of objects, their association and construction/destruction.

 6  What are the main objectives of operation contracts?


o Define system operations.

o Create contracts for system operations.

Chapter .12

Multiple Choice Questions for Requirements to Design

 1 _____ iterations will spend relatively more time on analysis activities.

a. Early

b. Later
c. Both a & b
d. None


 2 Which of the following helps in stabilizing 80% of the requirements in early

iteration of elaboration phase?

a. result of feedback
b. early programming
c. early testing

d. All of Above


 3 Which of the following clarify the purpose of the design work for every iteration:

a. discovery of changing specifications

b. discovery of specifications
c. Specifications
d. Coding Guidelines


 4 In iterative development which of the following provokes changes in early iteration?

a. Early programming

b. Embrace Change

c. Feedback
d. None of above


True/False Questions for Requirements to Design

 1 Changing specifications will refine the requirements understanding for future
iterations if done in first iteration True

 2 Embrace change is the key of iterative development to provoke change in later

iteration False

 3 Embrace change is the key of iterative development to provoke change in early

iteration True

Fill in Blanks Questions for Requirements to Design

 1 Early iterations of elaboration phase will spend relatively more time on analysis


 2 By the end of elaboration phase, perhaps 80% of the requirements are reliably

 3 A layer isa very coarse-grained grouping of classes, packages, or subsystems that

has cohesive responsibility for a major aspect of the system.

 4 According
to RUP requirements gathering is a systematic approach to finding,
documenting, organizing and tracking the changing requirements of a system

Short Questions for Requirements to Design

 1  Compare forward engineering with reverse engineering.


Forward engineering means the generation of code from diagrams

Reverse engineering means generation of diagrams from code.

Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) tools are used to perform both
automatically and synchronize the code with UML diagrams and vice versa.
 2  List
some time consuming preparation activities when you shift from
requirements to design in early iteration?


When analysis is complete and we start with design the following activities still need

o Proof of concept programming

o Finding resources e.g. people, software etc.
o Planning
o Setting up the environment

 3  How can we provoke changes in early iteration than later iteration?


We should always provoke early change in software than at later stage to minimize
their fixing efforts and resources consumed at later iteration. Early change execution
can be done by:

o Discover and change requirements during the design and implementation

o Embrace change is the key of iterative development to provoke change in
early iteration.
o Early programming, tests, and demos help provoke the inevitable changes
early on.
o Changing specifications will clarify the purpose of the design work of this
iteration and also refine the requirements understanding for future iterations
o During early elaboration iterations, the requirements should stabilized, refined
up to 80% as a result of feedback, early programming and testing.


Multiple Choice Questions for Logical Architecture and UML Package

 1 Lower layers in layered architecture contain _____ functions.
a. Reusable
b. Usable
c. both a & b
d. none of above


2 Which of the following cannot generate system events?

a. Actors
b. Timer Events
c. Faults and Exceptions
d. None


 3 In domain model, If A is a line item of transaction B (e.g. Sales line item – Sale).
It’s a categorization approach to find which one of the following:

a. Attributes
b. Associations
c. Concepts
d. Category


 4 If a layer only calls upon the services of the layer directly below it then it is:

a. Mixed layered architecture

b. Relaxed layered architecture
c. Strict layered architecture
d. None


 5 The
large-scale organization of the software classes into packages (or
namespaces), subsystems, and layers is:

a. Sequence Diagram
b. Logical Architecture
c. Analysis Model
d. Partition

 6 If
packages in the top layer directly depends only on the packages below its layer
then it will be which style of layered architecture?

a. strict architecture
b. relaxed architecture
c. open architecture
d. None


 7 If a package have no nested packages then its name will be written on:

a. Top-Left small box

b. Main Box
c. Below It
d. Above It


 8 Which of the following UML artifact represents the logical architecture?

a. Domain Model
b. System Sequnce Diagram
c. Package Diagram
d. Class Diagram


True/False Questions for Logical Architecture and UML Package Diagrams

 1 The
package name is always placed on the tab even if the package not shows inner
members. False

 2 When logical architecture is represented by a layered architecture, the lower layers

contain reusable functions True

Fill in Blanks Questions for Logical Architecture and UML Package Diagrams

 1 Inpackage diagram Partition represents a horizontal division of relatively parallel

subsystem or layer
 2 The logicalarchitecture is the large-scale organization of the software classes
into packages (or namespaces), subsystems, and layers

Short Questions for Logical Architecture and UML Package Diagrams

 1  Discuss the notations of UML package diagram with the help of a simple


Image to be added soon from text book figure 13.3

 2  Differentiate between the strict and relaxed type of layered architecture.


In a strict layered architecture, a layer only calls upon the services of the layer
directly below it. This design is common in network protocol stacks, but not in
information systems.

In relaxed layered architecture a higher layer calls upon several lower layers. For
example, the UI layer may call upon its directly subordinate application logic layer,
and also upon elements of a lower technical service layer, for logging and so forth.

 3  Whatis logical architecture. Does this include any decisions about the
deployment of the software?


The large-scale organization of the software classes into packages (or namespaces),
subsystems, and layers is called logical architecture. 

 No, In package diagram there are no decision about how these elements are
deployed across different operating system processes or across physical computers
in a network .

 4  Describe Layers and Partitions?

The layers of an architecture are said to represent the vertical slices and support
separation of concenrs at larg scale. While Partitions represent a horizontal division
of relatively parallel subsystems of a layer.

 5  What is Software Architecture?


An architecture is: 

o the set of significant decisions about the organization of a software

o the selection of the structural elements and their interfaces by which
the system is composed, together with their behavior as specified in the
collaborations among those elements,
o the composition of these structural and behavioral elements into
progressively larger subsystems, and 
o the architectural style that guides this organization these elements and
their interfaces, their collaborations, and their composition.


Multiple Choice Questions for Object Designing

 1 During dynamic modeling, Which of the folloiwng are used?
a. responsibility-driven design
b. GRASP principles
c. Both a & b
d. None


 2 Whichtype of modeling help in designing the logic, the behavior of the code or the
method bodies?

a. Static
b. Dynamic
c. Both a & b
d. None

 3 Which of the following helps in design the definition of packages, class names,
attributes, and method signatures (but not method bodies)

a. Dynamic models
b. Static Models
c. Both a & b
d. None


 4 Toachieve high cohesion, we should assign a responsibility so that cohesion

remains _____

a. high
b. low
c. medium
d. none


 5 Objects with which of the following property are hard to maintain?

a. Low Cohesive
b. Low Coupled
c. High Cohesive
d. High Coupled


 6 First covering dynamic modeling with interaction diagrams helps in identifying the

a. Dynamic Object Modeling

b. static object modeling
c. Dynamic models
d. Static models

 7 Ways of developers design objects are:

a. Code.
b. Draw, then code.
c. Only draw.
d. Above all


 8 In CRC cards,each card represents:

a. one object
b. one class
c. two or more objects
d. two or more classes


 9 Doing responsibilities of an object does NOT include:

a. creating an object or doing a calculation

b. initiating action in other objects
c. knowing about related objects
d. controlling activities in other objects

True/False Questions for Object Designing

 1 Responsibilitiesare implemented by means of methods that either act alone or

collaborate with other methods and objects. True

 2 knowing about related objects is a doing responsibility of software object. False

 3 Controllingand coordinating activities in other objects is the doing responsibility of

software object. True

 4 knowing about private encapsulated data is a doing responsibility of the software

object. False
 5 Fundamental object design requires knowledge of principles of responsibility
assignment. True

 6 Static
models help design the definition of packages, class names, attributes, and
method signatures. True

 7 Class Responsibility Collaboration (CRC) card represents two classes. False

 8 Drawing UML is not a reflection of making decisions about the objects

designing. False

 9 Agile modeling also includes, Creating several models in parallel. True

 10 The most common static object modeling is with UML class diagrams True

 11 Indynamic object modeling, spend significant time doing interaction diagrams

(sequence or communication diagrams), not just class diagrams. True

 12 The most common static object modeling is with UML interaction diagrams. False

 13 Dynamicmodeling help in designing the logic, the behavior of the code or the
method bodies True

 14 Static
modeling help in designing the logic, the behavior of the code or the method
bodies False
Fill in Blanks Questions for Object Designing

 1 Understanding how to apply GRASP for object design is a key goal of object

oriented designing.

 2 UML class diagram is static model.

 3 During
dynamic modeling that we apply responsibility-driven design and
the GRASP principles.

 4 Dynamic models help to design the logic, the behavior of the code or the method

 5 Thepurpose of modeling (sketching UML, …) is primarily to understand, not

to document.

 6 A use-case realization describes how a particular use case is realized within the

Design Model, in terms of collaborating objects

Short Questions for Object Designing

 1  Low cohesive objects suffer from which problems?


Low cohesive objects suffer from the following problems: hard to comprehend hard
to reuse hard to maintain delicate; constantly affected by change Low cohesion
classes often represent a very "large grain" of abstraction or have taken on
responsibilities that should have been delegated to other objects.

 2  Describe what includes in the knowing and doing responsibilities of software


Doing responsibilities of an object includes: 

o doing something itself, such as creating an object or doing a calculation 

o initiating action in other objects 
o controlling and coordinating activities in other objects 

 Knowing responsibilities of an object includes: 

o  knowing about private encapsulated data 

o  knowing about related objects 
o  knowing about things it can derive or calculate

Chap 14
Multiple Choice Questions for Logical Architecture and UML Package

 1 Lower layers in layered architecture contain _____ functions.

a. Reusable
b. Usable
c. both a & b
d. none of above


o 2 Which of the following cannot generate system events?

a. Actors
b. Timer Events
c. Faults and Exceptions
d. None


o 3 In domain model, If A is a line item of transaction B (e.g. Sales

line item – Sale). It’s a categorization approach to find which one of
the following:
a. Attributes
b. Associations
c. Concepts
d. Category


o 4 Ifa layer only calls upon the services of the layer directly below it
then it is:

a. Mixed layered architecture

b. Relaxed layered architecture
c. Strict layered architecture
d. None


o 5 The large-scale organization of the software classes into packages

(or namespaces), subsystems, and layers is:

a. Sequence Diagram
b. Logical Architecture
c. Analysis Model
d. Partition


o 6 Ifpackages in the top layer directly depends only on the packages

below its layer then it will be which style of layered architecture?

a. strict architecture
b. relaxed architecture
c. open architecture
d. None

o 7 Ifa package have no nested packages then its name will be
written on:

a. Top-Left small box

b. Main Box
c. Below It
d. Above It


o 8 Which of the following UML artifact represents the logical


a. Domain Model
b. System Sequnce Diagram
c. Package Diagram
d. Class Diagram


True/False Questions for Logical Architecture and UML Package Diagrams

 1 Thepackage name is always placed on the tab even if the package not
shows inner members. False

 2 When logical architecture is represented by a layered architecture, the

lower layers contain reusable functions True

Fill in Blanks Questions for Logical Architecture and UML Package Diagrams

 1 In package diagram Partition represents a horizontal division of

relatively parallel subsystem or layer

 2 The logical architecture is the large-scale organization of the software

classes into packages (or namespaces), subsystems, and layers

Short Questions for Logical Architecture and UML Package Diagrams

 1  Discuss
the notations of UML package diagram with the help of a
simple diagram.

Image to be added soon from text book figure 13.3

 2  Differentiate between the strict and relaxed type of layered


In a strict layered architecture, a layer only calls upon the services of
the layer directly below it. This design is common in network protocol
stacks, but not in information systems.

In relaxed layered architecture a higher layer calls upon several lower

layers. For example, the UI layer may call upon its directly subordinate
application logic layer, and also upon elements of a lower technical
service layer, for logging and so forth.

 3  Whatis logical architecture. Does this include any decisions about the
deployment of the software?

The large-scale organization of the software classes into packages (or
namespaces), subsystems, and layers is called logical architecture. 

 No, In package diagram there are no decision about how these elements
are deployed across different operating system processes or across
physical computers in a network .

 4  Describe Layers and Partitions?

The layers of an architecture are said to represent the vertical slices and
support separation of concenrs at larg scale. While Partitions represent a
horizontal division of relatively parallel subsystems of a layer.
 5  What is Software Architecture?

An architecture is: 

o the set of significant decisions about the organization of a

software system, 
o the selection of the structural elements and their
interfaces by which the system is composed, together with their
behavior as specified in the collaborations among those elements,
o the composition of these structural and behavioral
elements into progressively larger subsystems, and 
o the architectural style that guides this organization these
elements and their interfaces, their collaborations, and their

Multiple Choice Questions for Use Cases

 1 Which style writing use cases keep the user interface out and focus on
actor intent only?
a. Concrete
b. Essential
c. Terse
d. None


o 2 Inwhich section of the fully dressed use case, we should add all
conditional and branching statements?

a. Main success scenario

b. Levle
c. Supplementary Specificaiton
d. Extensions

o 3 Which format of use case is terse one-paragraph summary that
focus on usually the main success scenario.

a. Brief
b. Casual
c. Fully Dressed
d. None


o 4 _____ actor provides a service to the system under development.

a. Primary
b. Supporting
c. Offstage
d. Organizational


o 5 Use-case modeling is primarily an act of:

a. Writing text
b. Drawing diagrams
c. Preparing bluprints
d. None


o 6 Which of the following is NOT correct for a use case?

a. It is shown by UML diagram

b. Set of stories for one goal
c. Collection of Scenarios
d. Yield observable result

o 7 According to a survey conducted in 1982 ___________ model
caused a failure of 82% project due to ceased requirements.

a. RAD
b. V-Shape
c. Waterfall

a. View Answer

o 8 Something with behavior is known as

a. System event
b. Scenario of system
c. Actor


o 9 Toensure a use case is valid, which of the following test(s) are


a. Boss
b. Elementary Business Process
c. Size
d. All of above


o 10 ___ bounds the system under design.

a. level
b. scope
c. actor
d. none

o 11 Which of the following summarize the customization of unified
process for the project?

a. Development Case
b. Iteration Plan
c. Prototype and Proof of Concepts
d. None


o 12 Which style of the use case focus on user’s intentions and is free
of technology details?

a. Concrete Style
b. Essential Style
c. Casual Style
d. None


o 13 Something with behavior e.g. Person, Computer System, cashier

etc is:

a. Scenario
b. Hardware Objects
c. Use Case
d. Actor


o 14 Ause case that includes other use case(s), or that is extended or

specialized by another use case is called a:

a. Base use case

b. Addition use case
c. Abstract use case
d. Concrete use case

o 15 Allsteps and variations are written in detail in _____ format of
the use case.

a. Brief
b. Casual
c. Fully Dressed
d. Any


o 16 The _____ section of fully dressed use cases focus on "Who

cares about this use case and what do they want?"

a. Scope
b. Stakeholders and Interests
c. Exceptions
d. Level


o 17 Which actor clarify the external interfaces and protocols.

a. Offstage Actor
b. Supporting Actor
c. Primary Actor
d. All Of Above
e. None of Above

True/False Questions for Use Cases

 1 Concrete style of use cases focus on the user interface and do not focus
on actor intent. True

 2 Use cases do not emphasize on the user goals and perspective. False

 3 The Use-Case Diagram is the only requirement artifact in the Unified
Process. False

 4 The Unified Process defines the Use-Case Model within the

Requirements discipline. True

 5 UML use case diagram shows collection of related success and failure
scenarios that describe an actor using a system to support a single
goal. False

 6 The casual format of use case has informal paragraphs with focus of
each paragraph on specific scenario. True

 7 The brief level use case format has informal paragraphs with focus of
each paragraph on specific scenario. False

 8 Casual format of use cases has informal paragraph format where

multiple paragraphs cover various scenarios True

 9 Brief
format of use cases has informal paragraph format where multiple
paragraphs cover various scenarios False

 10 An abstract use case is never instantiated by itself; it is a sub function

use case that is part of another use case. True

 11 Aconcrete use case is initiated by an actor and performs the entire

behavior desired by the actor. True
 12 Primary actor calls the system services to fulfill a goal. True

 13 Sub function level describe the sub steps required to support a user
goal. True

 14 Special requirements record non functional requirements, quality

attribute, or constraints in this section True

 15 Fullydressed Use cases covers one paragraph summary and cover

mainly success scenario False

Fill in Blanks Questions for Use Cases

 1 An actor issomething with behavior, such as a person (identified by

role), computer system, or organization

 2 use case is a set of related success and failure scenarios that describe
an actor using a system to support a goal.

 3 A scenario is a specific sequence of actions and interactions between

actors and the system.

 4 Usecase is a textual story for a specific goal of the primary actor that
he want to fulfill from the system.

 5 A scenario is a sequence of actions and interaction between user and

the system
 6 Offstage actor
has interest in the behavior of the use case e.g.
Government Tax Agency

 7 RUP Stands for Relational Unified Process

 8 Successful Guranteen focus on what must be true after the use case


 9 Stake holder and interest list suggest and bound what the system

 10 Ifuse case also describe how it is used by its customers and partners
the with broader scope they are called Business use cases .

 11 Scope bounds the system under design.

 12 Sub functionlevel describe the sub steps required to support a user


 13 Primary Actorcalls on the system to deliver its services

 14 Actors are roles played by person, organization, software, and

 15 InOOA an actor is something with behavior e.g. Person, Computer
System, cashier etc.

 16 Ause case is a collection of related success and failure scenarios that

describe an actor using a system to support a goal

 17 Inobject oriented analysis use cases are used to discover and record


 18 Actor which provide support/functionality to software is

called supporting/secondary actor

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